1 ' TV VC , T, r,, $1.00 "Per Year' INDEPENDENT IN ALL .THINGS. Single Copies, 5 Cents. NEW BERNE, CRAVEN COUNTY, N. C, JULY 12, 1894. vol: xvii. NO. 16 THE-:-BIG-:-IF! -tftti-o-itttt- IF IF rcon.WAST THKBEST . i Til nn ll " r . V .v IF 1 FlTon Want tte; CiEapesaEF .-T ! J-'- ITra Waal ffie Law - ;- IF fclYEiYOil THE KIND 11 IF TIIAT teess all.Tte-QijALIFtClfIDNS-9 3F IF -o o- IF--IF--IF YOu Want x BEAUTIFUL IF I PICTURH 30V A J F IF POUND IF -SEA F04K laid we will irivc jou one. IF SEASONABLE HELPS " FOR Household Use. :Kcfrigreators, Ice Cream Freezers, Water Coolers, .Wire Cloth, Window Screens And Doors v at L. E CUTLER & GO'S. WE g HACKBDRN & WILLETT lv' 47 49 Tollock StreeV MOB RULE SUPREME. CHICAGO STRIKERS IN CON TROL OF THE CITY TROOPS HOOTED AT AND DEFIED, Cars Overturned and Railway Buildings Burned Ohicago, July 5. Changes in tbe railroad strikes situation are rapid, and to-night certain dia triota iu the city are in complete ooutxdl of mob of desperate men. It is now believed that before the struggle is ended a conflict be. twsen the ntrikera and troops is inevitable. i The first sign of the expected battle came this afternoon, when a railroad official, surrounded by a bowling mob, drew bis revolvor and fired, injuring one man sev erely, probably fatally, and wound ing another. Both victims were striking switchmen, nud the those on the engine bad a narrow escape from being mobbed, but away was made clear, ard the engine back op toward tbe city. TRAILS AND BTJILDINQS BURNED. The mob then set Are to several trains of cars and burned several railroad bnildinga in the vicinity. Blood must Sow Ireely, many be lieve, before the seeneA of violence cease. Home or tbe city omcials believe to-night than an attempt will be made to barn tbe city if some sort of an agreement is not soon reached. There are over 100, 000 idle men in Chioago to-day, and every one of them is in sym pathy with the efforts of tbe Amer ican Railway Union to induce Pall man to settle the demands of bis employes. They are even ready to take a hand in any act of violence started; and the wild scenes at the stock' yards this afternoon, daring which the regular troops were powerless to act and the complete victory of the strikers at Thirty-ninth street at 4 o'clock over the United State troops, shows that tbe condition .of wfiaira is indeed critical, and that tt will require thousands of soldiers to preserve order. The city authorities regard the aitimttoa serious. A coiittrvt with ha Ubited troops aod rioter", he fraid, was probable, and the citizen were wanted to keep to their homes. Along the Bock Island tracks this evening there were crowds of desperate men, and overturned ears and wrecked trains showed ho completely the mob was in control. The same condition of things exoisted on the Lake Shore and other routes, and at no time during the afternoon and evening were the troops in the city, the United-States marsballs, aid the deputy sheriffs and police able to preserve order. The order for the troops to fire, and fire to kill, it is expected, will be given to .day The troops were powerlesD. Unles large reinforce ments are secured the cannot cope with the mob. Capt. Kitchin Not at Host The Weldon correspondent of the Richmond Dispatch says: "Captain W. H. Kitchin was hero Monday 1m route to Louis burg to take part in a Third par ty meeting. Whon asked what he would do should the Third party put up a candidate for Congress in this district who . favored govern ment ownership of railroads, 8ub-Treasury and other wild Populistic fdas, ho said ho would see him in the infernal regions before he would vote for him The truth of the matter is Captain Kitchin is as good a Democrat to day as he ever was, but he is trying to delude him solf with the idea that ho is a Popueist. X7V. Under Gaston Uoase, Sonth Front Street, Now Borne, N. C. full, iirv i: i General Hardware. Stoves, Carpenters Tools, Cutlery, Table Ware, Barbed Wire, GALVANIZED PIPE, PUMPS, Lime, Plaster and Cement. DEVOES PURE READY MIXED PAINTS. I'Personal attention to the orders. GEORGE 73 MIDDLE ST iEET HARDWARE OF EVEUY DESCRIPTION. 8ashf Doors and Blinds. 'Stoves, Lime, Plas ter and pement. OSVOE'8 READY SATISFACTION ESTABLISHED 18G9. PALMER, RIVENBURG & CO., Successor to G. SI PALMER, Wholesale Commission Merchants FOR THE SALE OF, SOUTHERN FRUITS tfc TRUCK, Berries, Fetidies, Vegetables. lWaterrmelons Sc. Htawberrie.s n pecitilty 16G READE STREET, 5EW YOKK. REFERENCES -Chatham National liauk, Track Shippers. ON KIT1LF0R1 BATTLE-GROUND Vice-President Stevenson Celebrates the Day, Speaks, aud Shakes Hands. Greensboro', N. C, July 4. (Special-) Vice-President Stev enson, his two daughters, and his niece, Miss Scott, arrived at 7 o'clock this morning, and were met at the depot by a committee of our citizons mvl escorted to the Ben bow !lu,d. At 0:30 the party nvus t;iki-n out to Guilford battle gronr.H in carriages. At 11 o'HoH- iho ceromonies of the du were formally opened. Mayor Boyd then introduced Professor Edwin A. Alderman, of Chapel Hill, as orator of the day, Professor Alderman's sub ject was, "The Life of William Hooper." This speech w;is full of valuable historical facts, and was interspersed with beautiful flashes of eloquence. Dr. Charles Mclver, of the Normal and Industrial College, then read an exquisite poem, written by Mrs. H C. Morton of this citv, entitled. "The Sword of Stuart." At the close Mr. Koyd in fitting terms' introduced Vice President Stevenson, who made an exceed ingly sensible and happy speech, and at times ho was overwhelm ed with appause. Ho said that as a decendant of North Carolina, he had gladly accepted ihe invitation to come here to-day. "The history and traditions of the Old North Stato are as dear tome as they are to you," he said. "North Carolina is renowned to-day the word over from the fact that she first declared her independ ence in Mecklenburg. My voico is raised to day in behalf of those North Carolin ians who fought and struggled for constitutional liberty and American it dependence. In this struggle she played no mean fart. To North Carolina be ongs the imperishable credit for the first attempt at freedom. The heroism of North Carolina soldiers at Eutaw, Kings Moun tain, and Guilford played an important part in the success of the precious boon of liberty. "North Carolina,' said the speaker, "is just entering upon a period of wonderfull prosper ity. You have a magnificent climate, splendid mineral wealth, and, above all, you have a State noted for its good morals. Your schools, churches, and asylums attest the gener osity of your citizens. Closing, the speaker said: I congratulate you on what you have accomplished in the way of commemorating tho deods of our forefathers, and 1 congratu late you on what you are yet to accomplish." At the close of his speech Mr. Stevenson recieved a perfect ovation. Speeches were made by Judge Simonton, of South Carolina; Mr. Wilkowskie, of Charlotte; Chief Justice Shep pard and Dr. K. P. Battle. A riot Against all European Rulers. Home, Jul 5. The Popolo Kcmanio say that the police in vestigation li us established the f-icl ut Mie exmtence ot a conspir acy, 1 which Gette was the cen tre, the ohje t leing to take the lives of the heads of the varioas European countries. The Anarchist Lc.ga, in accord ance with tbix plot, was delegated to kill Premier Crispi. and Cenario wati choeu ro kill Carnot. Leg came to Koine from Cette when he made an utt.-mpt ro shoot Signor Crispi. Stabbed to Deaih Savannah, Ga , Jul. ". Rob ert Finley was stabbed through the liver by 1). Kiley this morning in a qnarrel in a saloon in this city over tbe disti ibation of some money. Finley died .soon afterwards. Finley had been a member of the tire de partment there and in Augusta. Lie was yearn old and unmar ried. Kiley was arrested. prompt and correct filling ol all inS 3ni w,dov SLOVER, NEW BEK.NF, N C. MIXED PAIST. GUARANTEED." "i3m Grapes. VTelon.s and j N. V , (ommeiri.il Agencies and alll'rincipal DUUHAM X0TES. Fourth The City as Observed The During a Short Visit. This is the tiny for the display of sopoh moric spreail-eoulu punegysics on the 'greatest country in the world'" so call ed principally for political effect, but there )9 no organized demonstration here. A good ni.in y people liotn this place went up to Burlington this morning to ..fond the race., where they can have other cxi-iiM.' for venting their pent up enthusiasm than bellowing for a country and an administration that owns such a condition of things to exit. The factories, banks, postoffiee and many other business places are closed, among them being some half dozen saloons the county commissioners refused to renew the license of in consequence of their having allowed minors to imbibe Ix'hiiMl their screens. Here in this city of tuliacco. cotton and Other factories, business appears to le good and the people cheerful. In addition to the hands, largely white, employed in the smaller industries the force of the Durham BullSmoking To bacco company, and the Duke branch of the American Tobacco company, or more properlv. the "'Tobacco Trust,' compose a full regiment of officers and privates, Nine tenths of this army of wage work ers spend their weekly earnings in the city, and what currency is here, by no means an insignificant sum, has a fre and healthy circulation. The tobacc o v,irehou-e- were the only public business places not observing the "Great 4th,' the low prices obtained by tho fanner since the inauguration of that highland devil-fish known ns the tobacco trust, not permitting to take even one day from his business. The weed sold all the way to-day from S1.50 to $25.00 per huudred pounds about one half what same grades brought when 1 last attended a sale some eighteen months tiro. There is no fruit of any description in tins entire section, excent a tew grapes. Everything else was killed bythalate frost so destructive around "New Berne. The early gardens here are just begin ning to yield potatoes, cucumbers, snaps and corn, and they arc irfuch scarcer end higher in price than with you. On the 2d. the train was crowded with teachers and other people going to attend the opening of the Normal school at Chapel Hill. Yesterday equally as many were going to Greensboro to lie present at the Guilford Battle Ground Celebration. Chief Justice Shepherd and other distin guished men will deliver addresses there. HAPPEXIXUS OF THE DAY. The man who carries a Pullman pass in his pocket always kicks the hardest and talks the loudest against the strike. The Panama Canal rumors are always on time when the Nicaragua Canal needs a little boosting in Congress. Sen at i r Blanchard is doing a lot of kicking for a man who has, as a member of the House, already voted for free sugar. Herr Dowc wants 150,000 pounds for Ihe secret ol his bullet proof cloth. For filty years no smoker has graduat ed from Harvard College with the houora of his class. Capt. J. B. Eaves, chairman of the Re publican State executive committee, has called the State convention to meet in Raleigh, August 30. Grasshoppers have s(opjed a train in New Mexico. Perhaps their grievance is that New Mexico grass doesn't come high enough. II the government ownes the railroads there would be no strikes. A strike against Uncle Sam was never heard of. The public agrees with speaker Crisp in thinking Congress entitled to an ad journment, and doesn't care how soon it takes it; hut there is a difference of opin ion as to the congratulations which for. Crisp says it is also entitled to. Well! Well!! Well!!! so Sir George Pullman thinks the strikes demonstration of anarchy. How many American wage earners did Sir George ever know to be anarchists or to be in sympathy with an archy i .m Putting up electric fans may cool the members of the House while they remain in session, but fans will not be needed to cool some of these fellows when they get back to their constituents; their receptions will be cold enough. John F.Andrews, of Rome, N.Y., now in his ninety-first year, claims to be the oldest living ex-congressman. He re presented the Steuben district from 1837 to 1839. Tom Reed never wears a silk hat. He bought one nearly six years ago and braved public sentiment beneath it for nearly a fortnight, but he couldn't stand the pressure longer than that. At this early period Casimir Perier, the newly elected President of France, has had his life threatened by the anar chists Tho sooner Santo meets his de served fate, the better it will lie for public officials. Deal with such charac ters as the slayers ofCarnot and Carter Harrison promptly and the lest possible prevention will hive lieen adopted. From the Goldsb.no Argus we take the following: "The Third party convention that was to b: held at Princeton last Sat urday failed to materialize. W. B. Rjins, the 'chief cook and bottle washer" cried aloud, '"all who favor good govern ment, come forward," but no one came ltiiins liecoming disheartened at the out look, took down his ready-made stage and left, and that ended the convention." LOVE VERSUS WISDOM. A beautiful butterfly came one day (It was Cupid in disguise). And he flew away from a maiden's grasp As she reached for the lovely prize, And a wise old owl. who sat quite near. Whispered the-e words in the maiden's ear: Nay, lassie! Stay, las-it! Let love go. It's no use following. It will only l.rillir Voll woe. But she followed 'ver ihe grassy slopes. Where the flowers were fnir and sweet, And away where the mail was rough ind lone And the lirieis hint her '& t. While spite of sunshine ami spite ol rain The owl still cl'auttd the old relraio: Nay, lassie! Stay, lasicl Iet love go. It's no use following. It will only bring you woe. But then Cupid lit on a fiir white roso. And the maiden caught him fist. She cared not for the thorns which tore her hand. For love was hers at last, While the owl sat with solemn look And read these words from wisdom's book : Dark lassies, fair lassies All made the same, For love they'd leave a fortune And gayly laugh at tame. New York Ledger. There is never but tunity of a kind. one oppor- POPULI8T COU XT V CONVENTION Nominations Postponed Delegates . The Crowd Increases i'ersonal Meu-vt-A t stalP. Con.riflssionaL tion Iteautiful Celebration of Judiolal and Senatorial Conventions. l'ur-uant to a call of tbe tate hu u- to a call of the State Ku i tive Committee ol the Peoples' Party, the , Atlantic lloi. i. About "n visitors to eountv convention met at the court house i ninht, aiuoni' whom I notice Mr. Moro- in New Berne, July 4th, to elect dele ates to the State, Judicial, Congresion- al and Senatorial conventions. A No the County Executive Committee met and elected W. n. Smith Chairman and G. L. Ilardisou Secretary of the Peoples' Party for the ensuing two years, subject to the approval of the county convention. The convention was called to order ! W. H. Smith, chairman county ex.ccutie committee. The chairman appointed the following committee on credentials: .1. L. Taylor, H . H. Perry. B. K. William?. Chas. Sutton. J. II. Wetheringion. S. F. Hurt. Committee on Permanent Organization: C. C. Bell, (i. L. HardisoD. W. Z. Ilovd. Fred Norris, N. T. Weeks. Committee on Platform: II. II. Perry . G. D. Conner, C. L. Welherington. The committees retired to make up their reports, and E. It Dudley, (a col ored Demociat,) was called for and ad dressed the convention for one half Injur, very pleasantly and with profit, by talk ing Democratic doctrine. The following are the reports of the different committees: REPOBT COVMITTEK ON CREDENTIALS. Delegates: No. 1 township: Fred Nor ris, Chas. Sutton, C. X. Stub. B. F. Dinkins, Geo, Anderson. 15 votes. No. 2 township: 3 votes No. 3 township: C. L. WetheriiiLrton, N. F. Welherington and C. W. McCoy. 9 vote. No. 5 township: C. C. Bell, I. L. Taylor, J. L. Mathews. 7 votes. No. 6 township:B. E. Williams, . Z. Boyd, F. M. Bonds, .. R. Bonds, f, votes. No. 7 township: H. II. Perry, T II. Smith, C. Simpson. Geo. Simpson, Amos Connor, Alex. Uardison, Cha. Hardison. 7 votes. No. 8 township, outside city, 3 votes. City. Ward 1: 3 votes." " 2: 3 votes. " 3: 3 votes. 4: W. S. Phillips. :j votes. City. No. 9.- Ward 5: S. F. Hunt, ('.votes. N. T. Weeks, J. H. Wether- ington. 5 votes. II. H. Perry, Chairman. S. F. Hurtt. Secretary. REPORT COMMITTEE ON" PERMANENT ORG AZTZATION. The undersigned your committee on Permanent Organization, recommend W. H. Smith as permanent chairman and G. L. Hardison as permanent secretary and S. F. Hurtt ass't. secretary for the Peo ple's Party convention now assembled at New Berne this 4th day of July, 1x94. W. Z. Boyd. N. T. Weeks, C. C. Bell, G. I,. Hardison. i Committee on Permanent Organization. REPORT COMMITTEE ON PLATFORM AND RESOLUTIONS. We the undersigned committee on plat form and resolutions recommend the adoption by this convention ol the Omaha platform, as set fojth by the Omaha convention of 1892. We recommend the protection ot the rights of the Stale, and that each state should have a right to form its lioine government. Resolved: That we demand a fair and Lonest election and fair au honest count. C. Tj. Wetherington. Geo. D. Conner. II. H. Perry, Committee. W. H. Smith was elected chairman of the county executive committee by the county executive committee for the next two years. G. L. Hardison was elected secretary of the executive committee f-r the next two years. The executive committee also recom mend that tho convention for county officers and representative be deferred till August; call for same to be made by chairman of county executive committee aod that same delegates to this convention be authorized to attend aud act at the said county convention. The following are the delegates chosen to the several conventions: Delegates for Stale' Convention: B F Dinkins, N T Weeks, Geo. Simpson. B Williams, C C Bell, W H Su ith. '.I II Perry, S F Hurtt. G L Hardison. Congressional: WBJflorris, SF Ihtitt, N F Weeks, C L Wetherington, F M Barnes, II II Perry, A P Whitehead, A W Cannon, C B Stubbs. Judicial: Geo. Anderson, Geo. D Con nor, G A Cannon, W Z Boyd, Chas. Sutton, J L Taylor, J L Mathews, Alfred Gatlin, J W Connor. Senatorial: Alex Hardison, ,T H Weth erington, T II Smith, J C Moore. Geo. Simpson, Patrick Norris, J II Barnes, John Smith, Jolin Boyd. Mr. vV. II. Smith made a closing ad dress, then a collection to defray ex penses was taki n up and on motion the meeting adjourned. G. L. Hardison, Sec'ty. List of Letters. Remaining in the Post Office at New Berne, Craven county, N. C.,.Iune !!0th 18U4. B. Geo Barrington, caie of Barney Fulcher; Mrs Jane Bite; James Benjaniaii R Blumen field; Mrs Lizzv Bryan. C Mrs R Clark. D Dennis Dew (-) F Miss Carrie Foy, nee Bex-ton: Mrs Dinah Fendel; John Feldeu. G. Adolphus Gnhiey; Miss Mealde Green, Miss Cora Lee Green. H Miss Tincie Ilanis; Nathaniel Slade; Eliza Hoi lister. J. Mrs Sarah Join s. K. Luke Kinsey: A B Kennedy: W. B F Komcgay, L. Tom Luckt-y care ol Mis-, Bitile-; Walter G Lane, Mrs L A Lawrence Eli i beth Lewis; Miss Claudia Liucoln. M. Mrs Mary E Mas m, CC Matthew Liddie McClease; Mis C Mattock-, c ue ol Henry Bryan, Mrs Mosely. N Minnie Melson. P Henry Powell; Samuel W Pe nee care ol A. II Crumley. R P H Roberts; f is Laura A Uos.-. S Hudson Saunders, Mrs Hender Sum ers, John Stanlv, Harmon Smith. T Gray Taylor, John Travel'; Martha Tl mis. W Thos Williams care of Mr A Craw ford; Cleucy Williams, Mrs Amy Waters. Persons calling for above letters w ill please say ai".vertied and give date of list. Theegulations now require that one cent shall be collected on the delivery of each advertised letter. M. Manly. P. M. A Royal Tair. "Do you know, " , aid a drummer, as he purled a cloud of rich smoke into the air, "there is but one thing I prefer to Gen. Lew Wallace's new book, "A Prince of India?' " "I am not surprised at your observa tion,' said his companion, "but what is your preference?'' "Why a Prince ot India Cigar. "Ob, pshaw!'' was the answer; "I pre- fer two things to the book." "What are they?'' "Why, two 'Prince of India" cigars.' 5c. Oaly at Gaskill's Pharmacy. MOKKIIKAI) Cm. the Fourth. Ti ie Ir.iin wii. an hour iate to iimht. hut every train im -reuses the nutnlier of visitors to the lamou- :nnnu r re-ort. the j head ami ami L;ir daughter-, Miws Madge on. l.otln op. aud .1 isse li nn. ' on. nun - to furnish In--ilor- to the Atlantic. M. i family were among the - some otln r-. ild fi ieial .In lc Mevcnson . Kin-ion. In re a- cheerful llll Can- aM of I m New Berne . -hare ol the '. : II. Su'lan an 1 no infer. 1 ic-iilc-, I in'iii f uiir of Til!: Hotel. Gov. ( :.:t. : a few day- ago. to !ii- po-t of : day -, when he his fa m i 1 y . 'fin dance -e Our young J.ici. : leader. 1 untie ! ol' New Bcrnw I h ive each been on a i e a al e came dow n and i- expected to return Inly to-morrow for a few - .- pei ! . I to ;vi u rn with :n- l" lie W'-l! p:itoiij..,l. 1, M';ainl Howard i- still i' yiiung Mark Stevenson and voting Chas. J lullV ! ant students, r.s ihev ran : 'ie seen in ileal ty tllcinse. ves with gra I H. L. Gibh- o! on proles.-ionai Im-i Te-terday was n i ev t deporting nity . Came down and diu mi' city, to-iught. iropriatel v observed hen". A Fourth ot July oration l.v M. RoW. Stevenson, of New Bern, full'iwed ! by Joe Hobinson of the GohWh.ro Argus, , land the hunch back mule and little, j brown nigger, by Ma,. II. H. lioger-. ! The flag drill by 11 young ladie- all : drc-sed m white, led by Co! Harrell. to-I i gcther with tho skirt drill by Miss Hachct : ol'Norfilk. ad Jed greatly to the occasion, i i Fi-hers horn pipe wa- rendered by Joe i Brock quiK' a display of lire work-. It was said to be a grand affair. j I have not time to write as 1 would . like. I -imply give tin- points. I TIk- Aiemh l: I lou.-e im reased its mini- ! ber of vi-itors to-night H or 10. Among! w hom was the most exccllenl sheriff ot I Pamlico Co.. and wife, and Thonia-j Campen and w ile of P.nnhco Co. j i nc taiiie nere is -uppned oountiiuny and well prepared, and you can hear nothing but prai-c from all as to the way Mr. Perry i caring for his guests. Morehead, July atli.' II. Third Par,)- Convention Speeches. The following -pecial report of the speeches made at the Third Party con vention are furnished u- bv a gentleman 1 who was present on the oeea-ion. W. H. Smith. Chairman of the County Com., called the convention to order 1 and in a speech of thirty or forty minutes attacked the Cleveland administration. He said the administration was a combi nation of ( leveliindism and Shcrmanism. That Cleveland and his Wall street co horts were working in the interest of England to ruin this country. And if the people did not rise up in their majesty i and take tile Government out, of their ! hands it would soon be ruined. He then proceedc I to appoint a committee on credentials permanent organizations and I!( solutions: Mr. Chas. Sutton of Vanceboro moved that while the committee were out that Edward R Dudley colored lie toques cd to address the convention. The speaker said he did not know where ho was. that he had voted for '.he last flvu or six yean; (he Democratic ticket. That now he was at sea. lie believed in States rights ami went so far as to declare that the Slides had a right to secede from the general govern ment. He denounced the present admin istration said that they were so extrava gant in their expenses that this Govern ment would soon be a pauper Govern ment. The Democratic party went into power on account of the promises they made to reform the abuses of the past administra tion, thoy had been in power now tor more than a year and had done nothing towards fulfilling their promises. He was in favor office coinage of silver for two reasons, the first was it Would put more money in circulation, aud he want ed gold and silver placed upon equal foot ing Said the thousands of artisans and la boring people who are now out of work were called tramps. He denied this and stated they were looking for work, that the capitalist had closed their works and thrown them out ot employment, that if things went on as they are now going all the firms of the country would be in their hand-. Said the w hole count r wanted and needed free coinage of -:vi r except Wall street and Mr. Clevt'aml be grand mcgul of the Democratic party w:i opposed to the financial policv of his party which they promised the people lefore his election. He was now one of the shy kicks of Wall street. The history of the present administration shows that they have gone from bad to worse. Mr. Dud ley spoke for sonic time and closed with a eulogy upon the Statesmanship ot the late Senator Z. B. Vance. i Elegant Social Event. I Perhaps the most pleasurable social i event ol the season was the German given I in Lolhrop Hall. Wednesday evening, j complimentary to the visiting ladies. The 'enhancing music was much enjoyed and the pr. tty aud unique figures ef t'-e Ger , man wi re giiicelully led by Mr. N. Colin ; Hughes, in such style and courtliness; as lent additional charm to the occasion, j Among the couples prominent were , Mr N Colin Hughes and Miss Minnie S!ociinih - Mi Geo Waters and Miss Car rie Latham: Mr Carl Richardson and .Mi-s Julia Tu',1: Mr II W Bishop mid ! Mi-s Lalla Rooh Mark; Mr T C Daniels. ' .If mid Mi si, l.c ,cli; Mr II C Lumsden j and Miss Mub'e Hughe-: MrClaud Gas , kin- and Mis- Margin I Bryan. Mr John ! Daniels and Miss Kathleen Bryan, j The following gentlemen were also ! present and participated in the dance: Dr Jo?. Kheni, Mr Denarii Roberts Mr ; Jack Xeal and Mr Percy Cox. To make individual mention of the costumes of (he ladies w ould be snper lluous other than to say lliev wen- mag . n. I i . -1 n 1 1 v supttib while the gentlemen w re in r filiation evciiing'dres-. X. i lit: passim; ok ji'.ve. w. KiEi.n. As one siivs faicWell t'ore ei mole. The fiagr.-uit June, with r. -L- in her hair. Stood lingt i ingly in the open door And drooped her head ill silence and di -pair. No sound was there save the slow feet of Time, ( 'limbing the hill- h dawn. Ti'i-et the people Echoing like -onic melancholy rhyme A ' ter t he -iiua i '- voice and harp g' uic. , llli -li'l she 1 11 ' The miop; ;hl ! I wi-n'iil . til 'lack SI M HI wing- .Vol ri -I e.-- llighl To say July was coming and the June Turned sadly and pas-ed out into the night. We are glad to note the prog: ess the Watch-Tower, the organ of the Disciple i church is making. The paper is now an enlarged quarto, and owns its own ; building, press and types. It has its j composing aud editorial rooms on the j second floor and book, notion aud general stores in front. THE CHATT A1VK.V 1101 Kb. The Leases Made -New Iternians ihe Lessees They Will Run it Hand somely. Messrs. J. W. Siew.i't and X. Colin Hughes have les-cd the Chattawka Ho tel, heretofore known as the Gaston Hon--, and will e.piip and run it in fu-i class -tvlc. They will not only ltirnish it well and . opct it throughout, but piv for help that kirnv lhe:r !ill-:Ii 's-. Mr. Ilnghes will be .it the hotel, but. the lessees will have m ad lilinii a thor oughly coinpi 1. ntl'a! evprrh need hotel- ist a- manager. j The location ol' the hotel i- a great' thing in it.- lavor. The lot is upon the Ki er Trent, near its junction with the Ni u-e. ' and the brc .e up the 'after from the di- ' lection oi tile -ound o ne- for ni'h-1 aero its Wilier- dilet l' towalds hotel. The hotel, as oui reader know , h i- M"1 "ee "VCriiMUl rcpainted, remodel . i led, all -mall rno ih made into ' it ge additional loom- added -ueTin ; I lie to- j tal number to nine thin seventy -and a ! new and hands nnely linishel. dlniug j room and reading room built. I lie COUlIori ot llie g, ),-- iia- li.j.ni an iih;i kept very prominently in nun I throughout from the very conception of the plans upon which the hotel was re modelled. Mr. Hughes is oik of our Ih-s- kn ni y oung men, and Mr. Stew art i- a man w ho h:i- Ik'cii remark ibly successful in whatever he lm- uudert iken. We doubt not that the hot. i w II get good patronise, an 1 we wi-h it ;.i -,ic-ec---; it merits. Dea h of Judge Bryan's Brother-in-law, Mr. Andrew Synie. a brother-in-law of our townsman. Judge II. It, Bryan, died at his home in Raleigh, Thursday night, of lock .jaw, aggravated by erysiplu. He was 53 years of age and leaves a wd'e, thrcesons and one daughter. The trou ble resulting in Lis death was caused by his breaki ig his ;inn last week while ex- periinentipg with a bicycle, Mr. Symc was twice m .rried. His flrst w,fe was the daughter of Governor Bragg his second wife was Miss Annie 15.. dangh ter of lion. John II Bryan. The Fonnh in Washington City Wc take the following from a SVa.-h-ington Letter received last night: 'Senators Sherman and Jarvis. one representing the North, the ollc r the the South, dclivt red the Fourth of July orations here, yesterday. Senator Jarvis carried off the honors of the day. He was greeted -with rounds of applause when he appeared and the cheers were much louder and more sincere when he took his sent. lie is making :i line im pression here. "He is winning laurels as a presiding officer of the Senate also. He gave Ins colleagues a sample of his firmness and pnrlifttnenlrtrv HkiH-tmt Monr'ny ttTTTtnPTir ly took their breath away and that raised North Carolina in the estimate of the average Senator 20 per cent." Pamlico Third Party Convention The Populists of Pamlico county held a convention at Bayboro after the Con federate soldiers organization meeting was over, on the Fourth of July. A corres pondent writes us that it was a very tame affair, there were very few Populists in it a good many Democrats went as lookers on. We quote what follows, from the communication: "Nothing ol interest transpired. Chair man Babbitt and J. B. Martin, were the orators and their speech, s were largely personal abuse of some democrat, whom they seem to have a hatred for. It can be assured that Pamlico will remain in the Democratic columns, Chairman B ib bills prediction not withstanding. Tt seems to be an idea of destriers that everybody is just like them. During the war whenever a Confederate soldier de scried and went to the Yankees be alway reported that Lee's army were all deaett inj and no doubt caused the Yankee gen erals to make attacks, and g. t whipped hen otherwise. they might not. t!al bitt thinks that b.v iu-e he has deserted the old ship, that e.e;bodv else has. the fiict is that he has lelt the party and he don't know who has conic to us since he has been gone." SOUTHERN COTTON MILLi. The Large Dividends they are Pay ing in Spite of flic Depressed Condition of Ihe Country. The showing of earnings el many cot ton mills of the Souch, as presented in their aeeouuts of the last six months, is a most satisfactory exhibit, not only to the stockholders, but as a demonstiation that the manufacture of cotton goods in the South is an assured success. The show ing of the earnings range from 4 to 8 per cent, for the six months in dividends, besides carrying something to surplus. Commenting upon these results the Daily Investigator, ol New York, re marks: "These earnings have been made dur ing the worst -UeprcsMon in Hie cotton business the country has ever kiiow'n. and during a time that, the cniton mills n j New England have hardly been abh to : get a new dollar for o- old one aulioii h many of them lnve not pas-,.l ihe r .iii-i dends, but paid Mem Iron their mi -plus." The future of the Soulh is bright. Good government, honest adminisl ration, public and private economy, and renew ed energy and push upon the pare of our people will place the South in a position superior to any ot her sivi i ui of the coun 1 1 v. Noi flk Virg'niaii. A good shape is in the shears mouth. Di'Tt'ii Proverb. Why is it some people's clothes never fit them only this they are not cut aright. Now if you want a suit to fit, see our line of samples and we will guaran'ee to fit you and suit you. We have made arrangements with a. first class Tailoring establishment in XT -T ..I. I ...I I. jixew i oi n ny which we ran i please ! (LOO Shoes, you. Suits to order at and $;!.. e: i. Try us f n ll;i.hs and ( Mofhing. J. M. HO A' A 1 1 . Bucklen's Arnica Salve. The best salve in the world for cuts, bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever sores, tetter, chapped lninds, chilblains, co 'ns, and all skin eruptions, and positive ly cures piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box For sale by F. S. Dully, New Berne, N. C. " m!6 12m. "XEWS AIJRIFT." , "lMcked-l'p" by The Journal Which 1 j Always In "The Swim " i Gne bright side to the recent continued rains the sale of a good many unibrel I las. ! A colored youth named Andrew Gal loway, from Gold-boro, took a ni.dit nan in fiont of one ol th eity and when he a ,, bar-rooms of :h ! c he as minus his watch. Rev. J. (i. demons of Lexington. K, a recent graduate of the Bible college Imp incepted the charge of the Christian chin-chat Kinston. Sunday the Mill inst,, is, tin- date ol his entering upon the work. The steamer Howard celebrated the Fourth by bringing down one hundred and lift y b iles of cotton to the city from I'ollocksville. It belonged to Mr. E. L. Houghton ,,i' Polbxik.-A die and he was tie- grower of all of it. That the Atlantic ifc North Carolina iiii!roid less than a hundred miles long and out of the direct line of travel should have been the only railroad in the State paid any returns to its stockholders, is one of the strong indications of tho thrift of ibis region which it traverses. Mr. M. Swindell, of Bayboro was in die i ity this week and reports that while there has been too much rain.be does not consider that there has U-u any serious damage done. He further says that corn is especially good. Two barges the Edward mid Everett E. Dale are now' lying at the W.N. & X., wharf loading with lur.iber for New York The lumber is brought to the city l y ears Ironi the Parmaiee fc Eccleson Lumber company, of Jacksonville. It is the first to leave via New Berne from the mills, The barges will take between three and lour hundred thousand feet. W litre ver we hear fiVmi the reports are very encouraging as to the crop outlook, in spite of the late start by reason of the dry spell this spring. We take the fol lowing from a Pamlico letter. It is a fair sample of a number of reports: "The past few days have brought heavy rains but no damage to crops as yet; the pros-pi-cts now seem to indicate good crops this season, which we hope will I the case. " Watermelons were more plentiful here on the Faurth of July than were ever known here life fore that early. Good ones could be fouud in all parts of the city. One dealer Mr. C. L. Spencer had 840. Being more plentiful they are also cheap er than usual for so eitr'y in the season. Farmers say the dry weather has been Very fav.-rable lo the watermelon crop, hence the e.irliness and abundance. Prof. Jos. Kinsey, r.f Kinsey Seminary, passed through Thursday c-n route to hi home, lie has been down in Pamlico in the interest o( his school and also de livered a mas mic address while there. He feels iu good spirits over the results of the trip. Ue doubles the number of pupils for the seminary that he had last year. He holds the old ones and hak se cured as many more. lie is uiaking ar rangements for considerable improvements in the school properly also. The Colored fair Closes. Friday was the last day of tlm colored Fuir. The largest attendance during Ihe lime was on the Fourth. There were l,ft00 present then, and half that number the next day. The exhibition fnc of base ball on yesterday morning between the Wilming ton Muluals and Norfolk Red Stockings was won by the former. The score was 15 to 5. The latter club, it will be remembered we e Ihe winners in the match game of the previous day to decide which was the best dub. Yesterday afternoon the Mutuals were to have played the New Berne team to decide which was second best, but they declined to meet them and the position of second best was according ly given to the New Berne trim. A Steamer to t'ly Between Morehead and Beaufort. The Baltimore Sun gives the following: "Ciipt. J. C. Lake's auxiliary steam yacht Lake's Cruiser will leave to-day for Beaufort, N. C. She has been char teied to run passengers from Morehead City to Beaufort for the Atlantic hotel. Capt. I-ake will command the yacht." We are glad to see the putting on of this steamer. We hope it will result in the running of ODe regularly between the towns the year round. While the sail bouts are tino for pleasure and well enough at times for bu.-iness purposes, there ought to be sure and comfortable transportation at any time and in any Kind of weather between places situated a M icliead and Beaufort are. the one a iii'.n.nus of the railroad and the other Cer ited from it only about a couple of mile- by water. F. in i ih of July at Bayboro. I'ln- Fourth ol July was -i pretty bi day in B.iybom. The Henry Wyatt Ciiinp of Confederate Veterans held their am. nil leu-ion there and the Peo ple's Party held their county convention there at the same time. The latter were in the court house, the former at the gen eral speaking place, where large gather ings re expected. (Jen. Battle made the address before the veterans. He started off by briefly alluding to the days ot the Revolutionary war and the achievements of the liberty loving patriots of those days, end then came on to the great war between the States and dwelt particually upon the battle ot Spottsvylvania, and the fceroic deeds of the Confederates on that occasion The address was historic and brilliant. As one of the hearers expressed if, the only fault to find was that the fnsf and lust words were too neir togeth i r. Prof Jo?. Kinsey, of I, i Cranio, Prio aipal of Kinsey Seniin o . was called up on and made a h ippy lilt If talk; uud did not forget to interest the peoplo in be half of education. i here were six or seven mnuireel peo ple present, mauy of the number being ladies. The convict that tunneled out of the western penitentiary 12 years ago and had to steal a horse this year in order to get back, had, evidently, placed u limit ouLis patience. WAY TO SAVE MONEY ! HY HIT VI NQ YOUR1 FAMILY GROCERIES AT J. J. Tolson's. WITH Till- CASH I 'rices will surprise vim. Stables free to our Country friends. jyM. NORFOLK, NEW-BERNE ani WASHINGTON, H.' C. ALL WATER ROUTE. HI mi-. AI.UK.MABli WILL SAIL TUKSDWS & FRI DAY'S 1 P. M. NEW YORK CITY. -Delivery viaO.D. S. S.Co. Guaran teed. - No Transfer Charces. PHI LA. CI.YDK LINK, 11a I.T1 MORE OLD BAT LptK, BOSTON ntovilKN:K M. A M TRAKS.OO. ' WASHINGTON. I) (,. NORFOLK A VfABH T IN S. B ( . , , KICIIMONIl. A S ll.CO. KALI'l I GRAY. Ajrt. New Berne, N. O. jk-::-c-"-x. K A STERN CAROLINA IISPATCir, Commencing' Monday, July 2nd. this Line will deliver all Truck and perishables at Pier $9. New York City, without Extra Charge. GEO. HENDER80IT, Agent. "SUBURBAN JOBS. A Liko this whicl -. ileliglit th ey . ' and add innam t ' ' erablo comfort ' to uny home,' are Tin-nUbed at'. " '' Prices Wiftii -. Reach of aU. Cypress, Pine or . (ulvnizcd steel . Tii n k s, with ' r.-wiiful galT - f nii'd Rtael eab Hti nclnroH a speo iality. Wo fnrn i a h . ' corrugated gal- :- vanieed steel stock tanks at . very low prices, that do not leak or make mad bolus. : ' - It is the onlr i thinker and rex- liable doer." Others cannot even imitate in- J tel I i gently. Pumping, Grinding, Irrigating, Saw- . ing Wood, Shelling Corn, Furnishing Power for Machine Shops, Helping in Domestic. Work, Ac, &C Call and nee us oi write for prices. J. J. DISOSWAY & CO. 48 Cihvlii street, New Beroe, N. C, Wm. H. OLIVER Life, Fire, Marine, Accident, Fidelity, Steam Boiler Xxi surance, NICVKEUN,N. O. A Number of Time-Tried and Fire-Tested Companies Represent ed. Over f pjr,(MMi,(M0 assets repre se n ted. NOIOKAKY PUBLIC. Commissioner of Deeds for New York, Connecticut and Pensyl vauia. Ey .Agent National Board Ma rine Underwriters. Norfolk CieiEe y FOE OL'NG ladies. Largest aud best equipped College In KHMlern V'irlula. 350 STTITENTS. 23 TEACEERS. Healthlul Si i v. - v.r Old Point Comfort. Beam it.. i H.nnr. :i,mio Buildings. Steam Hem, c:i, i i. Music, Art. I I... iiIIom. M' n..erxpliy. nigb errt Course ol Mii.lv in Oie Mate. t.ljiuuse very low. i-n l en " ut:il"eiM-. PiipUt wi-liinK '" I' ,v "" " ciunen, writ J. A. I. CASSEDY, B. S., Principal. j!7 2m Norfolk, Va. The modilii -dion, small as il in, made iu tbe sugar schedule of the laiitf bill fey the Senate is a confession of weakness that should not bo lost upon the oppo nents of the sugar trust iu tbe House. IH'I IT i 1 Bk