- . t V THE JOURNAL. S. JC.2ASPX5, froprfatot, Loulltpwt C.r.gASag.,- ; -f'"' the Poh Gff&x utKmt ' :8TA2CD PAST. " " -oanty is opoa tto . of Craven i Eaturday Jotr alert. Oa last lrgtowo th.. an unusually ; execut " ip meeting elected an ; -f r 4 . committee, and at Bight ; different wards of New Berne . nut IftVCnl falnilin et ? " " "uuf V WUU fcj W SUV WUUHJ - wumuu kui meets, as tne ooart houWoa next Saturday, July the . " : . m. - - :. xcaae meetiags were more ani- 'V- maffWi than haa hAAn nnnmil m oca occasions, xnere was some aharp shooting on the lines, but no ' body waa dangeroualy woun ded. , 1 Tha indications are that the vpraest county officials will be re- nomiiated bot whether they are or .V molthe party muet be united and - - stand firm. : vj CrATea county hos a right to be '.proud ot her county officials. Where can truer or better men 7. ; be found than William B. Lane, v : James. WBiddle William M. Wat - son, Thomas Daniels and Robert Primrose? They are competent, . : attentive to business and true as steel.. -r - It la admitted by all that James A. Bryan the Cbairm of the ' Board v ot Commissions is the leader of the - - Craven county Democracy, and no - party ever had a bolder or. more 'soocessfnl leader. His presence is always the assu rmaoe of vktory. :;The JotrEWAi.is not given to man worship bat in view of the " past, the present and the fatnre, it gives its unqualified endorsement ''-' to the Beard of County Commis- sioners under the admirable leader ' snip of James A.Bryan. - We trust that the approaching ' county convention will be barmo- : aloes as we know it will be patriot- ; - Delegates are to be elected to ' the State, Congressional, Judicial V and Senatorial conventions. There " : may U sharp contest over the election of these delegates, but , whoever t may be elected, and " whatever may be the action of fhe " eonvention, "every Democrat most 5 accept the situation, and stand by ckla colors. - - -V IX SUSPENSE. .Theoouatry is in paiafal sus- - - pense as to the eoaditio of affairs 'Tn tfcia wittn. Hfniut,v mnnlif. . nothing haa been beard from the : great metropolis of tad West slsce last Saturday. .' We nope that the strife has en- - " . i 1 : i - lieu, uub & w to y ri j uukb uu uvyiu& ' against hope.. -t T Ia speaking of the necessity for V Federal interposition a few days v ago, the Jottkhal said what the -people the good, law abiding peo-V-J; pie of Illinois did not repose that ; degree of confidence in their Gov ernor as to make them feel secure fw Ufa. IltMFtr and nrAiMrtv. Th f ' Waahlnirtnn Pwt bops fnthftr ud "C accuses the Governor of Illinois and ' . ,- the Major of Chicago with being - la sympathy with the revolation- ' witjt. md MflArtn that th obIt bona . of deliverance from ruin, absolute i f k of tae strong arm of the Federal -. c . ; AS is lonnnate m tne present "if emergaacy, that we have a Pjesi i'j dent of honesty, ability and cour ' .-V age.; " - r vVj- We do not know what has hap- 1- mm. a' m . . 4l i. jijjpeaed at Chaoago, bnt we have ue iaiiesc connaence tnat law ana ---ji ArdAP will h rAAtnt A Infc thA nnat be what It may. - , mj a tiAriA f.h&r. JnaftM fdmnAr1 - ; , - - 1 " r a-',. UV . ftS.V .UU WUV VUV laborer will receive just recom pense lor bis laor, and we are MuaQy desiroas that the rights of property shall be preserved and every man be secure in his possess ions. -' Any conflict of authority is to be regretted. Any seeming invasion of the rights of the States by the Gen eral Government is deplorable, bnt eves this i better than the rale of the mob and the triamp of birbah rism. TWO Ji EG ROES fl AXEI. James Allea Executed at Marlboro and William Jadk.son at Centernlle. Marlboro, Md., July 6. James Allen, colored, who com mitted a felonious assult od little Cora tiimson, a twelve-Tear-old schoolgirl, last Febru ary, was hanged in the yard of the iail here this morning. The drop fell at and toe man's . neck: was pronounced broken, dead He was in fifteen minutes. Centerville, Md.. July 6. William Jackson, a sixty-year-old negro, was hanged to-day for the murder of George J. Leager, a farmer for whom Jackson worked. The fellow Yijut ft.hu sfrl Mrs. Loafer, and fearing punishment aawtultedJ ana Jailed Air. imager wnn a hatchet and pistol. His stepson, Nathan Crossleyr was also dan geroasly wounded. After con viction Jackson acknowledged that several years ago he killed a colored man in Virginia. Edward Atkinson writing for the Forum says that there are within the United States 4,564,641 seper . ate - farms averaging about 137 acres each, of which, in the Eas tern, Middle, Western, and Pacific filates, 80 per cent are occupied and managed by their owners. For aore than one-half these farms are - free of any mortgage whatever: the . rest are mortgage for far lees than f-:ftte:rvalne.-::V'r:,f--t:"-' RRESIDE3T CLEVELAND i v- ERXOB ALTtf" tt0V" There is a confl''' "L'1 the state of J1' of authority in OOQDDlalB' .ttnois. The Governor prot' to the President and ' .dis against tae employment Federal troops in Chicago, on j the ground that the local and state authorities are able to preserve order. The President makes the following reply: Executive Mansion. July 5th 1S94. Hon. John P. Altgeld, Governor Of Illinois. Federal troops were eent to Chi cago in strict accordance with the Constitution and laws of the Uni ted States upon the demand of the Post-office Department, that the obstruction of the mails should be removed, and upon the representa tions of judicial officers of the Uni ted States that process of the Fed eral courts could not be executed through the ordinary means, and upon abundant proof that conspir acies existed ngainst commerce be tween the states. To meet these conditions, which are dearly within the province of Federal authority, the presence of Federal troops in too City of Chi cago was deemed not only proper but necessary, and there has been no intention of thereby interfering with the plain duty of local au thorities to preserve the peace of the city. (8igned.) Groyer Cleveland. The Governor ia right as to the primary duty of too State, but if the State refuses, or neglects, to act the President must see to it that the mandates of the Federal courts are obeyed, and that there is no obstruction to commerce be tween the States. Governor Altgeld is not above suspicion himself. There are many who believe that he is band in glov with the revolutionists. Some months ago he pardoned anar chists who had been convicted in the courts, and there are not a few good citizens who believe he is none too good to- be hung. The law abiding citizens of Illinois feel none the safer because John, P. Altgeld, as Governor, is comman der in chief of the Illinois mali tia. In speaking of the action of the Department of Juatioe, Attorney General Oloey expressed himself in the following vigorous and straight forward manner: "We have been brought to the ragged edge of anarchy, and it is time to see whether the law is suffi ciently strong to prevent this con. dition of affairs. It not, the sooner we know it the better, that it may be changed." Oa this the Post remarks: "There is nothing in the above utterance to which honesty American citizens can take the least exception. If the high-hapded action of the striking railway employee is not in conflict with the law, then, as Mr. Olney suggests, the sooner we ascertain the face and amend our laws the better it will be for all concerned. If it be true that our statutes are so loosely construed as to encour age anarobyand oar laws are in the nature of invitations to the an archists of Europe to come over and exploit their detestable theories, then it is high time for a change." i&egrer.ting tne necessity lor me Interposition of Federal authority, we have no hesitation in indorsing the action of the Administra tion. NOTES AT RANDOM. A Norway, Me., farmer is in the habit of putting his cattle into a different pasture every seventh morning. He says they have learn ed to take the right course on toe morning of the change without any guidance. Governor Greenhalge of Massa chusetts, who was for several years president of the Lowell Humane society, tried to buy a horse in Boston the other day, but was told at every place he visited that it was next to impossible to obtain an animal with an "undocked71 tai 1. "Then." said the eovernor, "I will walk." It would seem that the ambition of several men in several states to occupy a seat in the U. S. Senate is raisin g.-tots of these fellows will be sorry later on. A Buddhist priest in Siam re cently deluded many of his people into the belief that he could make them vulnerable by tattooing One of the victims gave a test of his charm by placing the mnzzle of a loaded gun in his month and pulling the trigger with his toe. Usual result. A Brooklyn physician, Dr. He Dry E. Schelling, has been lound guilty of assault for vacoinating a siok man, who was confined to hia bed and objected to the operation. The defense was that tne doctor was acting under instructions of the Department of Health, bat the oouit held that under the dream stances the act constituted an as sanlt. An idea is prevalent in some Quarters that as soon as a man becomes a member of the U. S Snate he becomes superior to all who have not been appointed with Senatorial incense. Either that idea or the Senate will have to go America isn't big enough for both to exist. Will tne Senate make the ehoiee, or compel the people to do itf Swansboro's Need. Editor. JotjrnaL: Oh, for Railroad to Swansboro, from some place. We have often written artic les needing a Bailroad here, we are not heeded. but Let some moneyed men come and view our place and do what nature has lei t for man to do here We hear of a Railroad going tolth "Bullock" place this county, about 10 miles from here, what an idea soma people have, bot the influen tial ones wanted it there and tried to get it there and we suppose suc ceeded. Why cant we do so here, we could if we tried to right. RIOTERS RAMFAVi i. CHICAGO IN THH HAM'S Ul: A l'RENZlUD Mull ! Hundreds of Fre'ght Curs and O lier Pioperly Burned Six Strike, s Killed Massing' Fcder.l nul State Troops The Strike Fxtend d to Btrminff liani. ew 0r!eans and Spokane the end not yet. Chicago July, t. The crowd bas barned 200 cars this afternoon at Kensingtou and Bjrnbide. A com pany of the Thirteelh regular iu fantry is now at Keusington and the First regiment Illinois National Guards started ot 6 o'clock p. m. from its armory down town l'ur the scene ot the trouble. Acting in pnrriuaDCi with orders issued by Governor Altgeld at I o'clock tu-ilay Urig Gen. Wheeler, of the First brigade, Illinois Nt ional Gu:rJs, reported at the oflice ot Mayor Hopkins al 1:15 o'clock. The mayor, with bis advisers aDd legal staff immediately went into t conference with Gen. Wheeler. The orders are to call out the entire first brigade consisting of three regiments of infantry, one troop oi cavalry and battery- The outside troops are expected to arrive here by G o'clock. While the conference was in progress information was received at the mayoi's office that the mob in the lawless district was con stantly increasing and that most of the rioters were armed. A bloody conflict to night between the mili tia and the mob seems inevita ble. Chicago, Jaly 6. Six dead and an indefinite number of injured is the record of casualties in tne strike coLfliots in Chicago to day. The trick of scaring the crew from a train, cutting the engine loose and running it up the track, opening the throttle and letting it run full tilt back upon tne stand ing train was a new one and of a character likely to be imitated. The assaults of the mobs, how ever, were not met with the passive reistance which characterized the course pursued yesterday. On two occasions at least their attacks were met with accurately aimed lead, revolting in the death of six strikers and the wounding of a number oi' others. A uew and grave feature of the situation this afternoon when a meeting of represeutatives of all bodies of organized labor in the city, after a protracted discussion in which a general sj mpatby strike was favored, appointed a commit tee of three with full power to act and at the same time called a meet ing of all organized labor for next Sunday tJ ratify their action. Of the situation in general the strike may be said to have streng gthened its grip. Its most signifi cant figure is the carrying the strike east to Cleveland, tying up all the connections of the Seaboard Trunk lines there, with the prom ise that by to morrow it will reach the trnnk lines themselves and so practically reach tha Atlantic Sea board by tying up the railroads at Buffalo. Thus the great strike would be extended from ocean to ocean. The day in Chicago has been one of constant alarms and calling for police, deputy marshals and sold iers here, there and everywhere throughout a wide stretch of ter ritory in the southern part of the city. Riot has been running rampant throughout the day; cars have been overturned, switches broken and tracks obstructed in numerous ways; the torch was applied in many instance' to cats, switun towers aud the like, not to mention an attempt to nre a part oi tne Armour packing plant; in faot at one time the incendiary blazes fol lowed each other in such quick succession that the fire department was put to straits to care for all of them. To add to the gravity of the situation, it was found that the strikers were interfering with the police, railroad and fire alarm tele graph system and in one or two in stances policemen who were using the police telephone call? were stoned. THE STRIKE SPREADING. Nashvile. Tenn, July G. At 6:30 o'clock this evening 135 switch men of the Nashville, Chattanooga and St. Lonis went on strike. Only members of the American Railway union are out. Birmingham, Ala., July G. The Kansas City, Memphis and Birm ingham railroad Is tied up from end to end. This was effected to night. Louisville and Nashville dardmen went oat at 10 o'clock and it is understood that all trains will be tied up at midnight The situa tion is growing hourly more ser ious. New Orleans, July G. A lodge of the Aoierictu Railway anion was organized here and after a stormy meeting, lasting until 1 o'clock this morning, decided to in augurate a strike on the Illinois Central here to-day. The Louisville and Nashville will be the next road tackled. The Amalgamated Council of labor unions here has agreed to assist the strikers, and with pres tige there is likely to be trouble when the aff.iir develops. The po'ice are on t he ulert. Spokane, July ti. Stiikers here have commeuced tearing np North ern Pacific tracks east of the city. Nearly l.OC'O men are removing the rails and scattering the ties. The deputies seem powerless to act. The sympathy ot the mob is with the strikers and the city it in a perfect turmoil. There is a rumor on the streets that the Great North ern men will join the strikers to night. Two hundred and twenty-five freight cars on the Panhandle track between Fortv ti thaod Fury ninth streets, a distance of about oue mile, were to'Hily destroyed by fire between the hours of G and IS o'clock to niebr. B ortly jf'tr o'clock immense crowds of men, women and boys were seen coming from the stock yards towards the net work ot tracks at the crossing of Forty-seventh street. The mob was augmented every minute by a seemingly never-ending string of the strikers and symphathizers, and about 6 o'clock fully 4.000 people were massed along the tracks from Forty -fifth street south. They were the stock yajds crowd and intent . upon a repetition of last nights' Jeatriictioi rom;)i!ie1 on ilui v r- n ' 1 1-1 1 v d 1 1 1 !)" U III) I powerless. Tim-n '.vere i tn I lit ti iUt- !'. V I II I nt ' ''H v. . not :C-(1 t ll.lf ! ' nt i be ui 1 1 a fie in j.-au ioivu:- nern. The 350 cars iu the yards completely destroyed, ami the mob readied the Htock thev divided nt into small wori In n pangs and seperated among the big ing biases. On its return march the set tire to tour cars standing ot Giand trunk tracks iastwei. Ashland avenue. The tireman iu this district responded to nearly sixty calls iter i t iu !i had da ring the past twenty-four hour and as they reached the '.racks they were received with jeer, and curses by a mob ol H dion ; ins, Poles, and Italians. The cars were sooa n . need to ashes. U is feared that he big packing house of Armour, Mitf and Morris and others will 1'ah a prey to mob violence during the uight. WAlt CLOl'DS LOWERING. More Mood-Shod it Cliicairo. Indica tions ,'Omlnious Troops Ordered t F re Whenever Neressarv. Chicago, July 8. "And it h farther ordered that if an act oi hostility be committed, such as tir ing upon railroad trains, or assaul ting traiomen, marshals or soldieis by throwing at them rocks, pieces of iron or other missiles, those as saults shall be repelled by the use of fire arms." So wrote Gen. Nelson A. Miles, in bis order issued this afternoon detailiug, Federal troops to assist U. 8. Marshals in preventing ob struction to the movement of mail and inter State commerce ti aius. It was, in short, notice to all rioters that temporizing with them had ceased, and that hereafter the policy of the Government would be to put an end to thii rioiing. ar son and pillage by shooting to kill whenever and wherever necessary. As chance would have it; however, it did not fall to the lot of the Nat ional troops to be the first to crry out the spii it of this order. Com pany 0, Second Regiment I. N. U , had that distinction. The stoiy of the eucoanter between the thirty seven young militia men of this company and the vicious mob at Forty-seventh and Loomia S'treets is told tbere. A FIGHT WITH RjOTEC. Tho mob had been growing ugiy for some time and Capt. Maher concluded it was about time to beat a retreat His company, ac companied by six policemen and 20 deputies, began to move slowly off guarding the train. Jiieut. Reed was struck down, aud eaddenly Yardm aster McKee, of the Grand Trunk, was compelled to fire at sev- 1 n , ' m , ! ,. r-,.l, ,,r I Otai 111 e .1 TT 11 1. UJCSMO (. i -ii ivy. him. This opened hostilities, and the militia, deputies and pol.ee i 1 ; . . i ! . u - .- r . . poiireu leau iuiu mo mvu nn iaot oo they could pnU tnggers. The sold - iers fired anywere from two to mix rounds apiece, and the others emptied their revolvers. .'o firiDg was done until second Liient. Kecu had been struck twice on the tem ple with stones. He is believed to be dangerously wounded. The troops alter the fight were unable to cope with the mob, and took a train back tothecit. They have arrived in a Dadly demor d znd condition, many of them being badly battered and bruised. , Four of the rioters will die troml their wounds; others are b.idly wounded. AXOXUEE CONFLICT. Chicago July 7. Police guard- log the rsorthwesten tracKS ar Sixteenth street and Asbland avenue, at 8.30 o'clock to-night had a cnnflict with rioters. In at temnting to drive them away the police shot over their heads and a young lady named Martha Bach, who was watching the anair irom the roof of a near-by house, was billed. A little boy was shot and one policeman injured by a rock. A number of freight cars were fired. 0VEK 1,200 CAES BURNED. Chicago, July 7. The number of cars on the Panhandle road be tween Fifty-fifth and Sixty-third streets destroyed by fire last night is estimated to have been from 1,200 to l,5o0. The total loss is said to be not less than 1, 000, 000. It is estimated that besides the loss of rolling stock, at least teu or twelve miles of track is ruioeJ. The yard branches out iu a fan shape, and at the south end it is about twenty tracks wide. All the rails on which burning cars stood are ruined and on many of the tracks the ties are entirely burned. It is impossible now to place anj value on the freight destroyed by the fire. Whole coal trains had been sidetracked in the yard and they were entirely destroyed. INDUSTRIAL WORKS ( LOSE DO"W Chicago, July 7. An exhaustive can vass of the industrial concerns of the citv yesterday reveals an anpalhug state of affairs and war rants the statement that to-night 7o vercent of them will stop :heir machinery and keep it o until tl.ejgla; embargo traffic is raised. The effect will be to throw into idleness upwards of 100,000 woikers. THE STRIKE EXTENDING EAST. B-iluuore, July 7. Telegrams wera received from President Debs, of the A. K. U. requesting 1 ihor leaders in BaLimore to order out every railroad and other ecuphoe within reach of the organization influence. Thin means n eli'ort extend the Htr ke ro M;e !'e nsylvania and 15-sitim ire aud Urno wyttera in the eaf. The Baltimore and Ohio ofiiciale were in their - Mice at mid-inght. Ill K I ; It E A T STIUKK W A I St.. Railway Traffic Oiiened up in Many Cities Heretofore Ti. d up Attempt to Bring Out all Trades I'taons Deferred. Chicago, July P. At CidieLV hall last nighr. was held a monster meeting of delegates from all trades ; anions in the city, to take action , on the Pullman boycott aud strike j Nearly 100 anions were represent ed locally, and in addition were the chiefs of seven national orgauiza- tlons, President Debs, ot the Amer ican Railway union, McDonnell, of the Machinists, Soverien of the , Knights of Labor, Prescott, of the ; Typographical onion. McBride of the Coal Miners, McMahon of the I Iv Pa; TV.it a i o r tx i 1 Mr 1; .tses o f i 'I; Mipointcd ri" "i an ike TlilH :ie' .ii ill e- Uf.'-MlS et t hi to lf! A . attonip' fail!.'!;.', ! Oiicat'o ji, he 'o a; I a'ten ,u . Aslii-c,; ; ' ' ck-imii.. patch irum ! a tan j' con a r i n lie :e thru Vel ,U :.'ei 1 1 1 the iHHh'. were killed m w re cap. an u : :i : ured. iVc: eti.r our i ijo e n f i irdiud, C a!, noting :u it A .mm i N quiet lien Mel 'CI : c ii .i ' . ro a;'.i an r ' a; l: II"' this or I:' a: V, reii .re !g Is .Mi! lie. I DC eit'.'-itfi of lla-iiiuorid awe t hemselves snrit-Ui.ded I hild ol' the 'line (re S: ite. Al! the r irk- tu a ot the railroad ti ; Mdewalks ai.d -. - : Citizen soldiers .Stock Vakic- . ! ; y , ke i by O t.l. Oil i he i oi nit . e i 1 w; n .1 '.I eom i ol Tills in or; ' u t he ! t ck pans .-'..!! .i i negroi s in t v tow road f i"!ri IVent;' 1 sOUt li . A i r,; .V d ol eXe iZ .-i r in i ei.1 ari'.liid ! a a' tae (hll'erei! r street ' treatened to n! ' he thej did not lease towt l.-l ar do rig t lie ; 0 c ' rei i e . i .- ' i i k t- r s .a Inures e. i nei s aud neerees ll cr houses. A oohce is now : strong deiaenni'.nt ot oa duty aloti- (he 'racks and no person is aiiosedto a;ee-eli i h towei foon-t-s. A I neon a mob w as vainly tr.sin.; to ieaio the ouildu.gs when a comp!i ut troop- arii'.ed and diHperse'.i the crow os. The recent action ol tho Amer ican ll.tilwa.s union in voting to ex chide colored men from their ranks has eaii-ed considerable hard feel ing among tiegrors and it is said they will fill the portions vacated by the i-inker;. whenever possi ble. Vain i imrn forrespoudeiier. Mr. II. S. Lee. of Morehead City, delivered a very interest ing" Mason i'. a ddress here last Wednsday. Mr JoTiathan Havens, and M'r. I.. 1). Nixon, u- a short v i Chief A. Carolina" I for W.i,!!! of dt 1. S. ft t your cut;, i-t Satur' pan iv i iatlin. of iiudav evei Ntr ing on n . N C. business. Work ;; here on a new ja; "sharp" Miss L;;e shortly for i; .tii. spend a n-w w among her many Mr. W. 1'.. Sum Commence bovs look v lute, here oks. leaves she will visiting i riends. m- returned i last week f rom .is't fr om near i Cove. N. C Mr. K. A. evnress. wa , I'.iO ; in of Maple- l'lage last i verv fine I - I'll , SatUTllaV He re'iol't - ' .; -j!;, vilintv Tlie d'-me,era t o primary of township No. County. : was !,. on Saturday tie mooting wa order bv -V. M. one. Craven 1 at Yanceboro, :th. lust.. Tlie e:,lled to Wiiiiatus. Esq Mr. W. C. cha'rman secretary. 'William: Bivwer, v. as elected and Hugh Lancaster, On motion of A. M. . Messrs. G. F. -Tis- dale, G.J. Du Joseph iiarv :. i. and lh E. ick. A. .'xecutivo committee of i he tow, the ensue ing two s ears. Cleve, Jr. B J. Smdh, Williams. H. C N. 15. I pock. (j. F. Augustus Mc( 'aility. Gaskins, O. 1. Lewi up forjler m. A. M. Cleve, Tisdale, ( ! eorge . G. J. Dudley, and J. elected delegates Convention, to Bern, on the : ;t! ; Miller, were o the County held in New im.o.. Mr. G. J Dudley upon to address the s as cauect eon vention. heard Mr. All who have ever Dudley, speak know t full justice to the cause of Demoreraoy. iat lie did grand old and white surpremacy. L. b I NEW U1VER ( ,'OKKK.Sl OMIEM E Earininir, Matliino'.iial. 1'iTM'iiiil Ami Oilier Nev Showery: and toe some places. Mr. E. B. Fonve: ripe watermtl ins in He also has the best !i in . the iirrt Lins section, eott'iii and cabbages. Messrs- Thos Mc-iee and W. Co Forlong were down at Marines week survey iug the position fci the wharf at Marines. We learn thatwoik w;h beiu at once. Mr. J. L. Am oi andi Miss Annie Gillette, daughter of L Gillette were married at tee residence oi the brides paieuis u 27th June, Dr. W. .1 P. olliidnting. W'e jou Jack iu wiiont; . ble lady for a wit'--. both much succ;?s i Mr. ,1 I'.. Gave ice Hod Packing i;c:ir Wednesday Moot fort j. COti Tf O n!:0 -; .-.'i e ! . 'ii I V,';.-tl OU building for L. M an i iue an 1 Co i Mr. J. A :k- about we alt t !:c- thi in i fifty vouu - P : n tU SI'e tie. 1 I ee.-s in ra in - near tb- i i ; i i : e 1 lie! ' i Airs, e -! i) as ' rt: d e v . i .- - j "ember. Thai ou I I1 1 ed . Save ll Air. Hicciei been woik;:. i.-r a J u-.ksoij vib" e- . ;,(.) Ill g.-. J hn. k'i who ha . i t. iit-r Co. horn.: last t IP- came Smith i .:'.': n . . ; Ah 1. !' bcro. al-o h b wans- i'r e!P 8 Liere. Hi. 1 1. V short vis i - to oc Alonda a-j '. returned Wediu t-d.iy . Anklets nre having good sport now. Mr. J. V Olive went out the other da and ciught ever a han dled .spots, perch tin. ; A lug hanks exclusion on s 1 mer Geo. L. Puoly ireni Jack on - '. llie .. !l . . . dd -e, it.lf I i ! ll ..O'.'d i iiiie JS.-i in Fol:T M' N The 'eractieo i hehi . with the ii.tvj et t!'elll .L-l'e til!.-- il cruise. Artillery, tn nie-ht. Annapolis, arrived evening .m their anuii Butterv I.. Foiiriii, returned to I'.aliin.ore Eiirht battc-rics at the post are hetny held in readiie-ss for held service, to reini'or-: tiie troops in the West it' it should become necessarv. ;ih i!:ey lir.u;di ! tY b hit' -Iwliein I K0L MM aTION. nt IViumiuids tin- It to; . r to !i-ii: r "n or Iti'litre :! O'clock P. .11 l ..Ia: s 1 1 v I" i in. ,1 illy 1 iu tlu.i evening, lollow pr iciamation of last i 'i '.-.-i'leli C'd lip hi niht by c issuing another of tho nor, but more K''U-'ral in icalion. Tho proclamtion same, t its app is as tcllosvs : Hy tho president of the I'nited State-, ot' Ann'-i'ica A Proehi ; motion- Whereas ',y reason ol uuhisv ihil obstruction. ooinbinati' IUS uid assemblages of persons, it ' has become impracticable, in j ihe judgment ot the I'resident, to enforce by the ordinary! course of judicial proceedings the laws of the Lnited States at certain points and places within lie States of North Dakota. Montana. Idaho, Washington, 'VYvoinincr folor.nrla . and Cali fornia, and the Territories of' Utah and New Mexico, and i 1 j especially along thr lines of such ! . railways traversing said States and Territories as are military roads and past routes and are engaged in interstate com merce, and in carrying United States mails; and. W hereas, For the purpose of enforcing the faithful exeution of the laws of tho United States, and inur protecting property to the United States it- protection, and be .ng-iiii-pro or of d.-r it v utin States ting obstue ion of I'mo-d commerce mails and between the States and Territor ies, and of securing to the United States the right guaranteed by iaw to the use of such roads for postal, military, naval and other (lovernment service, the Presi dent has employed a part of the military forces of the United States: now, therefore. 1, Grover Cleveland, I'resident of the United States, do hereby com mand all persons engaged in or in any way connected with such lawless obstruction, eombina -tions and assemblages to disperse and letire peacefully to their respective abodes on or bef oro ) o'clock in the afternoon on the Idth day of July instant. 'Tn witness whereof, etc.' dWAN-lSOiiO CORRESPONDENCE i i Local llappeQiiigs of the Mllaee and ; Neisfliliorins Country. T'ueie n plenty of rain at last 'land crops are looking better. The melon season is in full blast The first lot of Watermelons brought in by Charlie Smith from C irteret co, sold for $ 7.00 pr. huu drtd D, J. Moore buyer. Some improvements are going on now and then in the way of pain ting up. Capt. Ed. Hill has built himself a new work shop. Capt. E. Lewel ot the Schr. "Sharpir "Bessie Ellis" has just completed a new dining room to his dwelling which is itself new. Mr. Van Willis, our Boat and Sharpie builder has just finished two tine '-clinker built'' boats juni per planks, all copper fastened, 18 and 21 feet in length, me for C ipt W. Buckmaster, other, Capt. W. u. lldl lor pilotirg puipjses There ha iust cleared this week loaded with lumber froai our saw mill here Sohrs "E. li. Dyer" Ire land, aud ' G. Taulane'' Hloodgood for Biltimcre, 100 oOO fc. The saw mill iu fall blast, it only Ptops for breath once in a while, and to wait (or a raft now and then. Mea.-rs Prett rnan and Palmer are bust Our public scho.il will Ci isosoon, Prop. vV. Thompson will have a conimmencement we reckon which will be known in time for those wishing to come. Miss Lucretia Martin daughter of the late CaDt. Thoa, Martin, and neice of Capt. II. D. Heady of this pUr-o, died at 12 Midnight Friday the Lh iast, at her home here aged JO yrs. Miss Jennie Maids daughter of Joseph Maids, died at her home in Jones co. Saturday the 7th inst of malaria fever aged IS yrs. We were sorry to hear of the death of Mrs. liigdon Hewit of Jones Co. who but a week ago, lost her husband, she leaves seTeral children, a father. (Mr. Emery Hay) of Jones co., and numerous friends and relatives to mourn her death. Politics are beginning to swell powerfully. There are many candi dates for county officers. P. M. Gen'l B zzell, says no P. M. shall dabble in politios this year; what does that mean! Oan't a postmaster hold another office, or does it mqan the P. M. shall not express bis sentiments in regard t candidates, iu fact not bare o. ing to say in the way of in dip ; -u one to vote, etc. Mr. B. h t ur . poind to his own on sin oh ' ter Can he does. T::eo- will be a bitr 'i.ne i !' h ernacle ch. lit. 20 21s" 22 os . !h : conference, Q i -.: ter'y m -0 eic, 10 p:-. ei er. 5 c - U li. Air. John Sabistou ane 1 , KfTie Stanton of Harloiv, were -:n r ned, pii the lS-.h of Juno. n-t, at jthe. c ureh there, Rev. P. Gieeniug i P- C, ( tiiciario(T, May the Lord j bless ou John, and our little i cousin ErVie forever. Thos. Wilha'n. and family from Wilmingfon is in ticvn. Jim N"or ; man of your 0;ty. the Singer m chine man was in town Satu I day. The big camp meeting on "H ir : k ,-rs Islan 1 c, .mmenciug July 21s' j inst will last about 8 days or m.iir i preachers of other denominations j are cordially invited. ! The .'5rd party says, She invites ah classes regardless ol color in i her conventions on the 1 1th, and ; 1 0th, inst. i w. WELCOME WORDS TO WOKEN. Manv times wnmen full on their family phy-sk-.aiis. su Hiring, us they imagine, one from dyspepsia, another from heart disease, another from liver or kidney disease, another with pain here or there, and in this way they all present to their easy-going doctor, separate diseases, for which he pre scribes, assuming them to be Buch, when, in reality, they are all only mmvtoms caused r,y some womb disorder. The suffering pa tient Bets no better, but probably worse, by reason of the delay, wrong treatment and conserjuent complications. A proper medi cine, like Dr. Pi-'roo's Favorite Prescription, directed to the cauxe would have promptly cured the disease. Mrs. IlAiinv Tappan, of Rfynotds, Jefferson Co., Neb., writes: ''For two years I was a sufferer. A part of this time had to be curried from my bed. Was racked with pain, had hvsteria, was very nervous, do 'appetite and completely discouraged. A few bottles of 'Favorite Prescription' effected a perfect cure". Sold by all dealers la mediciaes. .til ;n:i. r I Lb AM H NAM 1 I K Cms Jturncd i I'ltv II Pa. -Attempt rroci t lihnv I p a i n --tie : , t.i Take ilie Piace j ! trikets. j K Ki;s n . J 'a.. J uly l night unknown person ol s.- hast set i in to a tram oi cars on a siding at this place, and six box cars were burned. At ! o'clock this morn ing the train was fired a second time, and great damage would have resulted only fur the timely arrival of deputies, who notified the railroad ollieials at Kvorson and they by heroic work extin guished the flames. An attempt was made to blow up the Pittsburg and Lake Krie Railroad trestle, which crosses tlie oungniogiieny leaver at i Broadford. A heavy charge of dynamite was placed under one of the abut men ts. and when it exploded the report was heard five miles away. Those who placed the cartridge evidently did not understand the business as but little damage was done. The only reason assigned for this destruction of property is that tlie railroad company is hauling coke now mined by i non-union men over its road. This morning .'oo more impor ted negroes were taken to Moore wood mines to fill the places of strikers. Homicide in lloboon County Tile Si e, mil Iti the Same Han. I la .-.I I'.i.n n n, .1 uly - A white j man, l nomas nmitn, was shot and instantly kill by John li. McCormack, also white, at Mr. Murdock Smith. s residence, at Rowland, a little station Is miles from here, night before last. Both men are well respect ed, and it is a sad berevement for their friends. Both were drinking. McCormack is the same man who was tried for the killing of a mulatto man at the same place four years ago, at the house of a disreputable Croatan or half breed, buc he claimed self dedefence and was acquitted. 100 Reward 100. ulcrs of this i)Tii; i' will he nlca.- e l" d learn t hat there at least one dreaded disease that science h i lieen aWIe t" cure in all Us stare, nnd that is Catarrh. 1 1 -id".- Catarrh ( are is tte only e'TsUive ".rc kne-.vn tn the medical tra Hi'iiity. C.ilanh I einir aconstilution.il disea-e. reiiinres a constitutional treat iiiunt. Hull's Catarrh Cure is taken in ternally, .u-ciii directly upon tlie bioo 1 and mucous .surfaces of the system, there by destroying the foundation of the disease, and giving the patient strength I y 1 mi ! li ii.lt up 'he eoiHtituti in and au siting nature in doinr its work. Tiie pruprict jrs have so much faith in its curativu jiowers, tint tlcy olfor One Hiiudre I DolLtrsfor any case that it fails to cure. Send fir list of testimonials. Address. F. J. ClIKN'Er A CO.. Toledo, o. Sold l.i v Di'iin'-risls, ?re. GLASSES, I1U IliUt A Eyes! No More MITCHELL'S BYE-SALVE A Certain Si" i.-.it tttf ctive Remedy for SORE, WEAK and INFLAMED EYES, Proaurlntf Cnnrz-Sirhtedneaa, and Ileetorinff thv Siaht of the olt. Cures Tear Props, Granulation, Stye Tumors, Ked Eyes, jiatieu Eye Lashes, AND PROnUriNO QUICK RELIEF AND PERMANENT CURE. Also, eqnally eflic.irlons when used In otbor maladies, swell as I leers. Fever Sores, fnninrs, Malt Khenm, Barns, Plies, or wherever inflammation exists, HITCHELL'S SALV may be OJHHl ti advantage. , SOLD BY ALL DRUGG.vfS AT 25 CENTS, S THE FA PATENT VARIABLE FUICIION. FEED BEST SKT WORKS Hi THE WORLD. Warrant- d Bhingle Hills, Machinery, and Standard Azri . t-.firal ii.:; i. menu of Best Quality at lowest prices. I.lustrat-;d ',"i.t.lot FAROUHAR SEPARATOR LARGEST CAPACITY. Most eennnciicl. list- '-s". 'Ir '.ueht wastes no itrai I - riail) fur mark! S.-u I f.-r . i.-.'HM A. B. FAKQl H.UUO., Ltd., VorU.Pa. LADIES DO YOU KNOW DR. FELIX LE BHUN'S STEEL 01 PEflNYROYHL PILLS are tho original and only FRENCH, safe and re liable cure on the market, i'rico fl.UO; bunt by mail. Genuine sold only by F. S. DUFFY, Druggist and Sole Agent. Wives and Daughters Often lose the benefit of life assurance, taken out for their protection, because of ill-advised investments. Again, tlie intentions of the assured sometimes fail of realizat: :i through the prodigality of a son to whom the sudden pos session of so much money proves too great a temptation. The Equitable Life lias provided against these contingencies by offering The Tontine Installment Policy. The premiums per thousand, are much less than under older forms of insurance, and theamouutispayablein2o, 25 or 30 annual payments, tints securinga comfortable income for the beneficiary. Write te W. J. RODDEY, Manager, v For tlio Carolina, ROCK HILL, S. C. NEW. LIFE n BEFORE Dr. E. C. West's Nerve and Brain Treatment rs sold under j'fsiitive written vruartintee, riy author ized ascnti? nniy. ' euro WVnk Meitmry; Iaiph of Brfiin mid Nerve I'ower; L-ost MRiihe. d; (juiknosp; Nirht I nt'S Kvil Iir'-iini; Lark of OoniidoiH-e; Nervnnie-; Latitude; alt Drains; Lo-of I'ower of the (teuerativo OruoiiH in oiltn-r h-x, ciLUsrd by over-exertlr'ii; Youthfu! Krrors, or Lxeer-dvo le (if Tobai'eu, Opium or Liquor, which hoou lend to ?Ii-ery, Consuuip'i"o, Iiwnnity and IeiUh. Hy nini!, 1 11 1m it ; ti for with wrii ten iruurnntco to cure or refund money. WKST'S COI'O H SVKri'. A certnin cure for Co'iirh, CI(N, A-ihttia, Lronchiti, Croup, Who(..in CoUtihf Hore Throat. I'ltiaant to take. Hnifill fi7,o dicominned; !d. !V, plze, nnw25..; old $1 r-izu, uuw OOc. UUAltAXTEES iddued only by F. S. Duffy, Sole Berne, N. O. Agent, New 5 VC Vedal and Highest Awqrdatth Wold' CoJ'inJ,(m Espoi:in SAW MILL & ENSIHE AFTERV GREAT CO it Ml 11 U.K ST. : lell,inur pureliax-i Lad; Sl I. in v i r . ' I A Hue I T f T i lcislat len ta.ll nl lmi I h 50 HEiiD 0RSV,8 AUD MULEb"50 RANGING FROM TO 7 YEARS OLD, And Woiiliiiio- From 850 to 1450 lbs. Each. Some evtra lini' 1 , i vers in Horsrs also adapted to all purpoHeg Exfcidioiiallv line Drali 1 1 ,.i srs and .Mules. A full and complete line of Buggies and Harness alva.vx on h:md. l'.lne Front Staldo., II. II. O. liinston, O (1 -Diseases of the Eye Yacht Sails Y in:iki- ,i specially prices ery much I" Send 6c. (stamps) for new GEO. B. 207 to 21 I So. Water Illustrated St. L.H CUTLFS 1 GO., All Organized. We take very pirat pleasure m stating tliat Maj. II. H. Kofjers, State A fit ..lor Thk I'mted Hank ING AND IriMiN; Co., ol' Kieh inoiid. Va., lias organized tliis strong board here. OFFICERS : K. K. .loNES, President. Jas. V. T.iDDLE, N ice Pres. H. M. (iliOVES, iSec'v. Tits. Wm. W. Clahk. Attv. BOARD OF DIRECTORS: Wm. Dunn, Chas. Ueizkns tkin N. II. SStkeet, Matt Mam.v, F. Duffy, P. en IIaiin. Jas. P. Dvkfv. Appraisers : N. 11. Street, Jas. W. Piddle. V. Dully. Loans granted promptly. all :lm ,.. Tent T SALE ! - AT NKW LKKNi;. .. , CNhKK HOTEL ALBERT. wrr. 1.00 and 2.00, i hut iniiHt no re l-'ic- lul.U de n. N. C 1 1 Mi NTs lioin Ml els. up. I 1 1 m urn c itiiinty ol finanriHl " mvitr :in ixiiiiliim j I V J 111 .1. hm'itii. CO., M (Idle Street, Now Rerne, N. O. IIYATT' IV. c and General Surgeiyv and Rigging: I hiKli-class Yacht Sails and Rigging at - ow those obtainable on the seaboard. Also Complete Outfits For Fishermen.' ; nd us dimensions of your boat and we will Submit sail plans and estimates on her complete outfit Fl&gS and S 'Goods. Catalogue of Sails and Marine Good. CARPENTER & CO. CHICAGO, IL.U HEPRARffS couiv o i uves' MADE FROM PURE PIC IRON. Not one pound of Scrap Iron 1 ever used In theae good. nimini i- ftnuucuicirr.trnHnainAi. All Modern Improvements to Il(h(MI ' Housekeeping ares. Twenty different bIzcs and kinds. Every Stove Warranted Against Defect. Prlrw not mneh lilchrr at tbl tlma than on commoner kinds of Btorsa. Cull mi or (Mldrao New Berne, N. G. For Sale A IH'I I em;,,:; K. C... LOT on Queen Street,' 111.- S'ntion of the A. N. U. Apply to rvi. Manly. GEO. HENDERSON (Haocessor to Roberts A HondersOn,) General Insurance Agent Representing Insuronoe 0ompny of North America of PhiladolpbU Homo liimirnnce Company of HW Yoik. Ilartrord Firo InHurauee Company of Hartford (Juei-ii IiiHiiranoo Company . of Ui.l North f 'ai ol in a II inm I oflurano Oom pa ri y ol l!.il.-it;,i ( ii.n-iiw i. li IiiHiirance Company, J of Hiooklyn. Pl.o-nlx Insiuan.-e Compftny.of BlOOk- iyn. ' n .- I illicit l iKierwrticra inhiiranoo iiinr Jinny, of A t until. Host m:i M ,u I no Iosuranoe Company, of Bo.stou. - '.,

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