. - t- -- -:-- -A; - w .-t?. ,r . . 5. -- --.. -.-., v.v'CA "U- - '" ' - ' M2i2LU!s2J. Ll-?s&&l! iLfftLts' AafA f.? .--.-. . INDEPENDENT IN ALL THINGS. $1.00 Per Year Sickle Copies, 5 Cents. NEW BERNE, CRAVEN COUNTY, N. C., AUliUST 2, 1894. ViVOL. XVII. NO. 19 oV;x,,r a! ACCUMULATED w dcciMatel E AccMilatei .V- 'w 1 A w .: E A" E :; a I a I l I- II I H -H Is the result of. Is the result of - Saving small . things as . well as f large : SaYingsmall things as weu as, large r, . OOOOOGOQ0OOAKHKM)OOOOOOOOOOOOO IS THE BESDLT OF SA.V1NCI ;? IN SMALL THINGS AS , fj3LL AS LARGE. oooooeooeooooooooooooooooooooo IS THE RESULT OP SAVING 1 IK SMALL THINGS AS WELL AS LARGE. oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo t t -:''-' O O O :;J:c 'v.x. J- E- Eh -rf:-r ' Q S -v-'-.v--.-- 'C3 g. t- V,-..v p o p vv",-'-:;:'' j Pm , Pm W 5 g t , -v-.-. : oo 55 5,3 pq pq W . w w td e-i eh E- ra co 2 a g - o o o y:-'"- o o ' -fV C5 o o r V W 1 g3 . s o g ?73 ?r d: O -rt rt . 2 tX3 And You Will And You Will Save Money, 'i i AM) TOO WILL SAT HOMY XJI GOIINGTO HUHN & MCSORLEY'S FOR A REFEESIIINGI DRINK OF . Fiiwaple Sherbet, Ice Cream ' .Soda, Shaved Ice's, Coca Cola, ? 7 : and Soda Water on Draught. Xlf also get one of their Excellent Cigars. Money HAPPEXISGS OF THE DAY. Somelxxly once said that that the two principal desires of a rich man were to get into swell bociety and to get elected to office. A third will soon have to be added to escape income tax. Recent Ggures show that the total value of the matches made sud consumed every year tbroaizhout the world is hut little if any thing snort ol :w,w,uw. Advices from 8t. Petersburg on the 25th, tell of the arrest of thirty-eight ad ditional NioilLsts within the last tvveuty four hours. The Hickory I'ress-Carolinhiu says threstiiog is progrtsnin" but it is very doubtful it one-third of an aveiage crop of wheat i lieing threshed. Ex-tueen Liliuo Kalaui protests tgainst certain Senate resolutions, and requests the Uuited States not to reiog uize the Hawaiian Repuhlie. The Knox exprei warehouse in Washington City was burnrd yesterday uiiiniini;, July 2.1th, and 15U horses wns roasted to ileal h. The loss is about U a quarter of a million dollars. John Cash, white, tad Andrew Thorn ay, colored, were fatally crushed under a derrick in Dinwiddie county, Va. Both men were employed in construction of the bh r -ad of the A. C. L., around the (ity of I'eteraburg. Work lias been resumetl at Uie West Milwaukee shops of the St. Paul com pany, girinsr employment to 800 men The Illinois steel plant at Milwaukee h:w resumed with 1,000 men and t&e tuner- Wairen itove works with 400 men. The reports of correspondents of the Weekly Weather Crop Bulletin, lssiit! bv the North Carolina State Weather Seiyijce, indicate that over the greater part of the s. late the weather conditions have been very favorable kr crops. ""A special to the News and Observer from Wake Korea says: Near Forest ilie on Mr. D. F. Fort's plantation, Kin- koi iirodie anil "Judge iggins got into a disDUie about killinir a dor. Bro- die thot Visiiins throu"h the heart, kill ing him instantly, lirodie was arnstc.l. The Senate committee on Territories ordered a Aworable report on the admis sion into Uie Union of the Territories of Arizona and New Mexico. The bill is drawn on the same general liues a that of thtf admission of Utah. Frank Uonboo. 25 vears of aire, pro- oerpi manager at the Auditorium, Jsal- timore, was killed on the night of the 2:iil by coming m contact with an electric wire. He was watering flowers on the roof garden, and striking one wire with his head, lie was thrown across two others. According to Treasury experts the re sult of the income tax will be that the reyenue from private incomes will be small, and will hardly cover the co3:. of collection: and tltt the revenue from cor porations may reach as high as fit, 000.000, lait it is more likely to be ne:ir $12,000,000. Director Prestoe is informed that the San Francisco mint on the 25ih day began the coinage ol standard silver dollars, striking off that day $ 30,000. The same number wets struck otT at New Orleans, bringing up the total coinage since it was renewed a week ajo, to $175,000. The coinage will be continued in the discretion of secretary Carlisle. The gold reserves in the United States Treasury is now at the lowest point it has ever reached. On Thursday the Treas ury lost day $2,300,000 in gold 2,000, 000 at New York for European export, $100,000 at Boston ior European export and $300,000 at New York for shipment to Canada. This reduces the gold reserve to $58,050,000, the lowest point ever reached. All the gtfld taken will be shipped on Satnrday. The Christian Advocate gives the fol lowing: '-Two native Chaldeans have been in Raleigh from Mesopotamia, in Asia. They come highly recommended by several prominent ministers, and are soliciting subscriptions for a mission school in Mesopotamia. They called upon State oncials and others, and met with good success in theh work.'' The Ljxiugton Dispatch says the fol lowing: ''Gerge Wagoner has been pro ducing big crops of tine potatoes every year, and has not bought seed potatoes iu 25 years just used his own potatoes for seed, and bos succeeded in raising r.s fine tubors as cny of bis neighbors wfro use northern seed. " The Salisbury Herald tells the follow ing: "Mr V.S. Lusk and W.G. Chand ler have sold to Geo. W. Vanderliilt a trhct of land io Buncombe, lleuderso i and Traosylviania counties comprising 6,400 acres, which adjoins his vast estate near Asheville. The price paid is under stood to lie between $30,000 and $40,000. The Hickory Press Carolinian speaks as follows concerning white washing tlnde trees: What a pity to have dese crated the shade trees in the beautiful cemetery with white wash. It was djs- Under Gaston House, South Front Street, New Berne, N. C. ft J IjL i i rvii: of General XTaxcl5Xie. Stoves, Carpenters Tools, Cutlery, Table Ware, Barbed Wire, GALVANIZED PIPE, PUMPS, Lime, Plaster and Cement. DEVOES PURE READY MIXED PAINTS. Personal attention to the orders. GEORGE 73 MIDDLE STREET HARDWARE OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. Sash, Doors and Blinds. Stoves, Lime, Plas ter andiement. DEVOE'3 BEADY2 MIXED PAINT. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED." miiwm ESTABLISHED 1809. PALMER. RIVENBURG & CO., Successor to G. SIPALMER, Wholesale Commission Merchants FOE TILE SALE OFJ SOUTHERN FHITITS & TRUCK. Berries, Peaches, Grapes. Melons and Vegetables. l"Watermelons& Btawberries J Specialty 166 READE STREET, PRW YORK. REFERENCES : Track Shippers. -Chatham National Bank, covered bv actual experiment 544 yea it ago that it is a mistake to white wash shade trees, dust watch and see how they will look about next February. The Goldsboro Headlight tells t the death of Elder Janws It. Parker iiiivn ncTp.l niiieiv years. ITe d of Mt. eil of paralysis. The Charlotte New tells that mi the night of the iid 1-e.lbettcr's cotton null, near Rockiusjhani, Kichinou l county, wa st ruck by lihtning and coiijpletch de stroyed. The residence of Mr. .' i'k McNeill, candidate for the ...T-itie nomination for Congross in that d:tra-i ws struck bv lightning the -anie and Mrs. McNeifwas con-i-le t' ' - a iKe l The building 'was not greatly il .nnged. The Southern Tobacco Journal say.-; "Col. .1. S. Carr carries the tnui-t lite insuraiue of any one in the tobacco trade. His policies amount to 6 4 .',.5 00 oil 1 1 1 own life and uirnilx r- of his family are insured for $'2)j,tH)0. Mr. l'ieire Loril lartl senior, is iiiMired ior ?:51ti.f0O and each' of his tour children lor b)0,!)00 Mr. Kdwurd A. McAlpin pa premiums on dtX),000. An Oregon man claims to be the lirst person to go deer hunting on a bicycle. Tli inrlat.l tire on his wheel allovvc.l of his tiaveling swiftly and noiselessly over the grouud strewn with pine needles and before ho pedaled m.iiiy miles he came upou an unsusjHii-litig deer ipiielly browsiug just ahead of him. He killed the aninuil and returned to the hotel with it slung oyer his shoulders. An exfiir-ion party of itv men was descending the mine in west Pittston, Pa. Tluirsilay when the cage fell to the bot tom. Col. A. ( '. Masou, siieriiiteii(leiit of the I.elii-'h Valley company was in stunt ly killed ami limn otlu.rs are b -liey- eil to be fatally in)tired as follows: I ik fessor Jos. Borreli, of Iehigli l."ni,ersity, Wui. Smith, ol'the lehigli Valley Coal Company's work.-, an I Fie lerick Mer- -ur. At the.Pilt county Diiuociatie Cviivep tion held in Greeneyille Thursday deletjati-s were apiointe to the State 'oiigi'essional and Judicial conventions. The indications are said to be that Battle will Ik' nomina ted for judue. Resolutions l-ivoring the election of J Foiled States Senators by popular vote in luture, ;;nu lor primaries now were liiianiinotily adopted. A gf od . -.1 T . , . crown was present, i no iinoci,iis are enthusiastic The convcnUon ,, nominate county candidates yv;is called for Septem ber 13th. A special from Birmingham, Ala., says "John Colliij', a gardener, residing in the outskirts of Cunningham, ihom-l.t he heard thieves in his garden and with his daughter, Maggie, 16 years old, arose and went out to investigate. The closing of the door awoke Mrs. Collins, who aroused her son Willie, telling him burg lars were trying to get in. The b,y got a Winchester and g ing out mistook his father and sister lor burglars in the dark ness ami shoe tliem ootli. 1 lie lather was killed inslanth; the sister will die. The Raleigh correspondent on the Wilmington Messenger says that Mr. Mac Mackin supervisor of roads, returned on the 25tb, from road convention at Chape! Hill and says seven comities are represen ted, from Greensboro to GoULsboro. The interest is great, and tlie practical opera tion of the machinery was watched cjosely. It is said that a conference ol the same character M to to be lielil in Kaleigli later. The Wilkesboro Chronicle says: Meredy Billiugs has lived in Wilkes over 40 years, within 15 or 30 miles of Wilkesboro, but Saturday was the first time he ever put his feet inside the county seat of this great "State of Wilkes.'' Not only this, but it was the first time he had been in a town of any kind, except that he did pass through Sparta one rainy night when it was impossible to see his hand be to re him. Ije said we had a mighty heap of people scattered around here mighty close together." The Senate Sugar committee had a brief session July 24th and examined Ed ward J. Levy, the representative of Wheeler & Co, on the fljur of the New York Stock Exchange, lvygaveto the Cu m i r i l tee a photograph of what was said to le an order Cor sugar stirck, drawn ly Senator Camden, of West V'a. Senator Camden denies that he tvei gave such an order and tliat if such a rcpteten tation was made to the committee it was a forgery. A special to the Times Union from Luraviile, i'la say- About one o'clock this morning a mob ol negroes, led by a negro preacher named Marshall, went to the house of a negro named Jack Thomas to lynch him for committing rape on a negro girl. As the mob approached Thomas opened tire with a Winchester. His first shot killed Marshall, the preach er. Thomas continued tiring, shooting down six other members of the mob, four of whictt are thought to be mortally wounded. The mob tired at Thomas without efltct, and filially fled. Thomas ha surrendered to the authorities. prompt and correct flllin"; ot n i. S Mm w,dow all S LOVER, NEW BERNE, N C. N. Y., Coiumereial Agencies ami allPrincIp:U SENATOR HILL'S SPEECH. His Remarkable Defenco of Clovoland Better Outlook for the Turin" Bill. A caiicu- of lhi3 Democratic St nalor was held Toe-lav afternoon I -r the pur ay aftel iriiiLi to pose of end 'M c each -one airee 1 1 m the final p.i. Xo eoiiclii-ion had emeu- adjourned inent which vvotil. 1 re-i sage of the t u ill bi:i. been reached hen the ' after three In. in- il.-iu ion. but it wa ; fell that the o'.ll.ook for the bill was ljet ' ter than it had lm-ii tor set,r;;l day-.. There i- sud io 1jc ground for believ ing that a compromise can be reached on ' the lines of the lo cent duty on coal, with a proviso allowing free importation from j any country that n eiprocatos iu like la.-h-j ion for American coal; a 45 per cent ail valorem duly on all -m-.irs. willi ihe dil- lerciitial stricken out, and with the iron ore rale-s. like the coal, rem lining un changed. The ea'.ir ii- wa- prci-cd-d by -i ompar ii lively brief -c-ioii of tho S;iiale, in which Mr.lldi piavi-d a iuo-t c, .lis j !. u-m-;i5 well a a nio-i icinok dde part. Pres ident Cleveland eon In not have askeij from bis mo-,1 d,Mi-. (l liiend and admirer a more aident, eunesl, and even lulsonie delttliee than w.i- delivered Tuesday by (he senior Senaloi lion( New iork. Tll0.-pe(( h u,i- the pric al tcahil'c ill the day, and, although not equaling iu dramatic intensity the powerful arraign ment of Mr. Cleveland to which Senator Gorman nave llltci-.ince hwt Monday, was neverthele-s .,f -iiili. 'a ill '.ntcia -t lo hold theunabatel attention ol' the immense crowds whiih uga'u thronge I the gal leries and the ll ior ol Uie Senate. Coining, u it did, from a man whose jiolitieal enuiity with the Prc-ident has pased into a pr,..vei i, ami wijo, pcrhap-., more than any one nroi has been, m turn. tl targt-l 'or the a uiil-of the I'le.-'r h ut and the friends of the adnoni-l ration, the speech was a u ni ipn' exhibition. Those in done relations lo the President were hiking occasion la-l night to re hearse its telling points and were rejoicing that aome one h i 1 the temerity to break a lance yith Mr. Gorman, eyen though the champion of the President wa an arch-enemy ill a new pile, MR. H1I.IS Rl:vi AUK A ii I.i: SPKK-. Mr. Hill seemed to h(te smrihel tlirough every comer of bis mind for muteiial with which to buttress the President again-t the assault- to which 1 the Chiel 1-xociiu e has be.jn recently subjected. Xo lawyer pleading at the bar for a client could have nt:n more ex plicit in I is arguments or apparently more pleased when they struck a respon tive chord in the hearts of his auditors. He asserted that the much-discussed letter, being privnl and unotlicial. was not uncoos.'. ittition-.l. He gnve the Presi dent credit for 1111 honest effort to cany out the policies and theories of the Itemn cratic pnrtyj he eulogized Cleveland's la mous tarifl' message of lsn? as a grand measure for industrial rebel; and, in short, made such a gallant defense of the President, who, to use his own words, had been unjustly attacked, that one of his close-l friends iu the Senate, aftej vainly endeavoring to stein the current of his amazement, lef the chamber. As if to make the cmtrast o' these enconiuna- all tie- -nungee. Senator Hill undertook to deliver a characteristic re buke to the Sjnatois who complained of executive intcrfcr. n. e when by their own confession they had ken ieieat-diy to the White House to learn just what the President would approve and what would meet with his objection. This point, which was very vigorously preseuted, was emphasjed bv advice to : tay away from the While House, as hu had dor.e; white the conclusion ol his speech, where in he likened Senatots Gorman. Vest, Joneu, and Harris to the conspirators who stabbed Caesar; evidenced a keen sense of appreciation for the value ol historical parallel. Mr. CatTery, who followed Senator Hill, created something of a sensation by the plain truths which he told regarding the framiug of the sugar schedule, an i by his declaration, in response to a question by Senator Teller, that he wuiild not help enact into law any bill that contained a provision lor the free entry of sugar. UII.L HTAYS AWAY l'KOM T 1 1 1 ; ( A l' ITS After all thi- came the caucus. Its purport and its lack of result hav.i al ready lieell told. Three members were conspicuously absent. They were Sena tors Hill, 1 1 1 iy, and Murphy, all three ol whom are now placed iu the category ol opposition to the bill. Mr. Hill was invited by Mr. Gorman to be present, but frankly repped that as he was trying to h li-at the bill with its ob jectionable-income fi, he did llol believe he ought to participate in a i otilerence which had for its obi I the lllcmei.t of threatening ditlicultiec. Mr. .lills regar ding whose position there is some interest, left his committee room to be present, but listened wilb ev idenl ind'tU rem e to the proceedings, and freipicutlv let'1 the room and wandered about the c iiiidor. All". Gorman, tin chairnnr. ol'the cau cus, called his collea-.ii s o order but made no "pvrli, ontauting biinsell' with the mere anncnii' em. nt that he would be glad to hear sugge-tions as the Senators present saw tit to make. Mr. .larvis, of Xor'h Carolina, atforded a. text for the speeches by the prtsentalion of a resolu tion that the bill be sent hu k to cooler ence without instructions of any soil to the conlerees. V bile no vote was taken upon this proposition, the remarks which followed during the three hour- of the session wore decidedly iu favor of affirma tive action. Waddngt' in I 'o-t. Solid for Jarvis. pun. lent of Ihe Wilmington gives the following : k held her convention. The A corrc Messenger ( urriliii issue sipiarelv m: against Huisoin. Senatorial e. invent i am Mr. W. II. darvis, vv as nouiiii; Caniilcn ha- hai the delegates arc ti possible n 11 1 lo ri I v sijuarely made II aguinst Hansom. I'uHjiiotank's n a si d ii I S-nai o.-i.il le there was .larvi I'he ik-legales t,, the -n are solid for Jarv is alloii, a -upiiorter of ted for the ll..u-e. her convention and r .1 nyis. with a small for Ibm-oiii. Is-uc lie ai-o w as !arv: . t.t 11 V. 1)1 loll on for seni Is Jarvis. .I ll is lainsl . The ovef- lei j The vote in convent : and 12 for 11 nisom. i Ransom of a most pi I senliment of t In-se ! whelniingl v for -I ii' i ii u as -J.' I', ir I--ue. -I .r i- : mi. unci d t v i ill II t le- a re Death of Tims. Siit'on, ( )n Tuesday . July 21th. m Muckleshci'ry . o 1 : lo Sutton depurtei 1 lb- lib', ment of live w.-eks fr, m Aged about Ii- p. :.r- He was a In igbi Ma-oa. bor and a useful man t.. ; .Successful in vcrldly alfi nf la-iinir C . It lli- I I -b i, 1 , l; . 111 'r. 'I'h. is. tier a e. m Ii ne ly phoid lev. r. kit in ell it V. di"s- alfiirs, he has penned inn 1 'ine around him. Man nt manner to al 1 the , i)iid fiiiu only about two m ilitlls ; In- bte Seem bele fail to ed tilled with happii be one of joy and le erluln. . His remains were hud to rest Wed IK day afternoon with the family burial g voted widow and la tender our coielol Press. Masonic honors at mid. To his de . iiy connections we ; ice. Kin-ton Free Lost Hopes, There are hopes that never blossom. And our joys soon are parted Smiles that light's a person bosom, Smiles that beam too bright to last, Transient as the summer flower, Joy shines out its little hour. Then forever fades away Like the petals of a day. T. F. Simmons. The Cruising Party. We received last night the lollowin - from Mr. T.G. Hyman.who with si party. i recently left here for atrip through the sounds: 'We wish to announce for the lienefit j : o our creditors and mends the arrival j of the mammoth palatial, double- leekad ! sharpie Kmma S'" at (Jcracoke. i "Alter spending one hundred and tweii- i ty -.-i x hours sailing and flying distress I signals, we are here; but rudder and ceu- ter buifd remain on Royall Shoals, j ''The cany have existed on dry -sub cd j and clejir-ribbed sides and corn bread, and j a re. now learning u non(. n, sini; o im-ui ; j Admiral Stevenson, entitled; "She Nev- ! i er Came Back." i . jSigned.J ''Skipper" a Chew. ('apt. Soulligate is Recorerloef. ! ( 'ajitain Thomas A. Southgate. of the Did Dominion Steamship Cninpany, who i came lroin Noriolk, V'a.. ,)uly S, to have.' a difficult operation performed by Dr. .I.i 1. Tuttle, is convalescent at the Catild- ! well private hospital and sanitarium. Nm 43 and 4-5 East F01 :y-lirst street. ! The operation wavs most slii cessful and j the popular skipper expects Ins discharge lroin the iKispital in two vyeeks. N. Y. Herald. July 1!. vY'e, in common with Caiitain Sotiih gate's numerous Iriends in this city, are very glad to get this cheering news fion him . We hope to -ih him at his old post eiO long as hearty and jolly as ever. Bower and Mebane Nominated fur Con press and Judge. Vo'-th Wiikesbor.., July :,r- '1 he con gressional convention mel here today and re-nominat-d H in. W II. Bovyei. lm nit member, by acclamation. 'i'he iudiciid convention met immedi ately afterwards and W, W. Barliei, the jiieseul incumbent, was uirauimously re nominated for solicitor. There was a considerable light as to the judge-ship. .1. F. Graves, the prt sent judge; W. X. Mebane, ol Rockinghoin. and p. f,. Gaiilier, ot Davie, vy'ere nromiie'iU (audi dates. Mr. M'ebaue, of Rockingham, was nominated after a haul light, on the thirty-second ballot. L. A. Potter Compliiiicnted. Mr. Josephus Daniels, in his Wiishing tun It-tier to the Raleigh North t aro biiian, pays a compliment to our towns mill. Mr. I, A. Potter. Mr. Potter is an able in. in and deserves the notice, Mr. Daniels says: 'C. A. Putter, State Senator from Car teret, has arrived in Washington and taken his position in the Accounts Divis ion ot the Government Printing ( llliee at a salary of fl.uOu a year. Mr. Potter has made a most favorable impression upon.Mr. Benedict and in fact upon all with whom he has coine in contact. This is one ot the best appointments made by thiv administration. Beaufort Herald. N, C Corn and Cotton. The Commissioner of Agriculture dots not agree with Ihe cotton buyer here who was ipiole 1 as saying t hat the Cotton crop now giow'uig is a. per cent, better and that t lie acreage is lo per cent, better than that of last year. The commissioner say- the crop is cer tainly much lielter. but that his observa tion, as well as the reports made to him, show that there is no increase in acreage. He says he cannot recall a county which reports such an increase. There is a large increase in corn ncreige. Raleigh CotTc.ipoident Wilmington Messenger. "(ii ln Like a Cheshire Cat " "Well, well! Didn't ever hear of a "grin like a Cheshire cat' Why, you see, a man down iu Cheshire had a cat which grin ned and grinned until there was nothing left ot the cat but the grin, just as some scrofulous people, who dou't know of Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery, get a cough, and then cough and cough until there is nqthing left qf them tG erect a nionoment to but the cough." The "Golden Medical Discovery'' is the most i lf ctive, ant i-bili ous, anti-dyspeptic, st reagth-giving remedy extant. For weak lungs, lingering coughs, spitting of blood, scrofula, sores pimples ami ulcers, it is a wonderful and efficacious remedy. Its manufacturers guarantee 't 'u ''s a" that they claim, or moiiey'is retnrned. Dr. Pierce's Pellets cure constipation, piles, sick headache, and indigestion, or dyspepsia. Advices ftom Connellsville, Pa . state that a house owned by the II C. Prick Coke company, at Le seuriug Xo. 3., was blown up on thi 24th by dynamite The bomb was thrown in at a second story" vviudow. The top story ami roof was lorn away. The strikers stole over '2(0 sticks of dynamite audother explo sions are expected. For Over Fifty Years Mns. WinsloWs Soothing Svkup has been used for children teething. It soothes the child, roftens the gums, allays all pain, cures wind colic, and is the best remedy for Diarrhoea. Twenty-five cents a bottle. Sold by all druggists through out the world. jullSdwlm The Republican convention of Arkansas nominated II. L. Remmel ol Newport for (iovcrnor. resolution was introduced indorsing Robert T. Lincolu for President and Col. Fred Giant lor Vice President for 180i'i, but hundreds shouted for Mc Kmlev. and the resolution was lost in the tumult. The platform of 1S92. denounces any attem t to amend or repeal the tariff le-'islatioo ol the Republicans: which does o.H recognise protection to American, abor and industries, demands the the use of gold and silv er under such provisions as will secure and maintain the parity of value-1, and denounces the present admin istration. Bucklen's Arnica Salve. The best salve in Ihe world for cuts, bruises, son s, ulcers, salt rheum, fever sores, tottir, chapped h:mds, chilblains, co "us, and all skin eruption-, imd positive ly (tires piles, or no pay requind. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction or ! money refunded. Price 'Jo cents per box , Por sale bv P. S. Diitl'y, .New Heine. N. i C. " " niHi 12m. The improvements in progress at the State white institution for the blind lo cated in Raleigh embrace painting, plast ering of the fir-1 floor and the reconstruc tion and renovation of the second floor of both the wings. A correspotlent ol the Wilmington Messenger says the alter ations are great. New rooms and hall ways are to lie prepared, and the plumb ing, lightiii"-. etc.. of the entire building will be mo Icrn. The North Carolina car company of that city was awarded the contract for the vyoik, all of which is to be comp eted by Septendier 1st when the next terms begins. When hiihy wa.. s:.-k. we avn .he- Cnstnna, When she was a ( 'hil.L she ene.1 f. ir ('.asmria. When she nceann- Miss, sh.- clung to Oasloria. Wlu-i she ha.1 c'hil.h-f Q, she gave them Castoriiu Children Cry for Pitcher's Castorla Children Cry for Pitcher's Castorla. ChildrenCry for Pitcher's Castoria. ANOTHER POSTPONEMENT. ! - ' The New Berne Public Itiiilding j to Begin Until December. Not pecial to .lor it.v.v i.. Vash inti.ii senlat 1 ve ( J 1 ad D. .b i: I V 1 .-1 tig . . . ! ra arc Intel t o i; w I the w Willi i i ouid Wl X.-v ...-od Ijc-.u -I . lo e Decl-ln 1. 1 tic met it - b-iildihg how ever d- I,; ibe a.te- i re v New a-rn s h 0 a 1 .i ive CI; .'.ic needed '1: we . .-1, the a m.-.k- lit VVS, bnildi it wh Heed 1' it ! W L ' , 1 c V I. VVol k co illg an w ail. il j we me tlliliK o pretc'1. i-lfort it:, nt W. ir Ioiil: we iei-ll t ime and liegin to ncsinter- -ili ml: !iK our i; iliciice 1 I. Thi- li.tli,, r d il-iiiess llll h -iiol iy ahoicd not be. i 1 t ike - ime action ' )iir sci king 1' it. .- (irai.es and Other Fruit, Grape- shipp -d from Raloi-d, to Rich- I moild left Ihe latt r .! c a! half ,.,-t om- 1 j o' -lock at nigb.t and by t. ., do, .k the j in a i noil niiiL- they had -di Ikcii .at on j I the market and -old. (ju.ek w . u k, but : good early fruit docs not have to do nim h waiting for customers, neither does it ! have to seek customers the customers seek for it A Raleigh correspondent tells the Wil mington Messenger that car loads of grape- are now pa dug throi.gh there from mm :lu-t u Pines and other near place . We think more attention could lie paid to grape.- around X..u I:.: rue than is done to the great advantage of the grower-, and a- tin peir- n,. liner or i.etter flavored nie grown tlen .airs, and the raising ..! p.-c-ans and .ch rnuts :',,ngh i . . i , .. - i uuieioioi.i eaiiieu on ;! a very small way t is sumcient to prove tint tliey grow lo perfection. Figs thrive with verv little attention, and with int. is -.r nt culture adapted to the require nctits of each that is by annually he-towing the- same thoughtful care up m the l rces. and vines each season as is be-tow,- i upon the field and truck crops aimo-i every varie'v of fruit can be made to pa well. It will pay our firmer- to study up on fruit raising in its -ev. r d branches and turn their attention more Theie i no icas.i'i why ci not have its good -.foliar, ncrallv H -. titi'in shoiil ad vincviu'i atforduig fruit iu r. . ta ' i . 'ill season. 1 1 u :!! n it on -profit in iisell. bin In .a v i perhaps a smaller ptodin crops, and lead in this w.n prices, an 1 cons-, i jiie.mh en on all iroilgholll the l::vc a good dy ing make, j lion of other ! lo advanced .atiei d profits Proposed Removal of a Kox Fat-lory to New Berne. A Chattanooga firm uho-e attention was turned to New Heme as a desirable place for manufacturing has written to Mr. Ralph Gray making investigations looking to locating a factory here. We quote from the letter: 'We have a works for the inaniifacture of all styles of fruit package- and all liues of baskets. We hav e been making about 30 per cent profit every year and our timber supply is run out, hence we wish to move to a heller locality We are willing to show our books to any one that w ishes to innrosl himself ,. ith us. 'We want io retain one half the stock and get parties w here webcatc tojtakc the balance. What inducement has vour city to offer for a plant- with capacity to' employ from 200 to ;!o0 people according to t ho demand o! go. id-. We have several new . i. -Wages which we are hav'ng mlen!e l nmv." We lay this lett.-r 1 1 -I. .r. mi r readers. 1 1 any one who i- now en eigcd in mak- ing Inn k packag.- or -my e- l-.e wi b correspond with the genl lemaii ll's ev may o! it a i ii 1 1 1 I, I re.--- I n ii-. They want to hear .jiiicklv a- ih.-v are figuring ;ir .jilickly a- lb. i Te.is Party tin- material i. d Ibe c. no pany now with A- t ,r : are sutisrt i HU Mile I we ..an find no 'arolina as States be'ntg apie ir?: that belter local ion, and p, isp n well as our adjourning coir t a great trucking section, it New Heme would be a- -..od a distiibu tary jviinl as any , especially as, in addi tion to having the material in abundance for the factory and the markets for the inanutacture I products 'we have c-:l-v means of reaching both the timber and the maikets by both i.-ii! and water. We would like lo have the factory here and we hope that the gentlemen liel'.ire com- Ill ' to a till ll eoncllHI.IIl Will V isit OUr city I fo a ti and see for tin m-elves on the ground the opening there i- for the indii-try they propose. Cold Blooded Murder at Four Oaks. A htt.ir from Sheriff Ellington, of Johnston county, reached Governor Carr to- lay. giving iw news of the murder ol -N. l. i oie, by lu-rnng ' reecii, a white man. The murder occurred at Pour I Vik?. Saturday night. Cole, who was formerly a county commissioner, was walking along a public road when ( 'reech slipped up behind him and struck him a blow oil ihe head wiih a p.i'ie which i ciiislicd the -Villi. C.le died Monday. ; Creech is a ui". .n-him r and a desper ate f.-llow, who has number of friends, ; and the sheriff :iy it will be hard work j io capture him. A' the sberilf's urgent ! reouest Ihe (b.. in..r ..If. r- .-2o0 reward lor ( reecii The Ml- il on.- 1 one a captain in the Correspoinlcn A ;gh w gel . Raleigh's Arms and Colors for Raleigh. I Your -ugge-tion i I the adoption by ,r 1 our City ot Kaletgli "t the colms .vinte and red ot Sir .V alter H ih igh. i- very good and appropriate Tina- are -d-o the colors ui the Col:f ,l--i Males It w :n . x -1 null.ii nil. also I, t-iste. cojirlali t 'ajiit.d Cuv ..I .pt all! s : ; . i ! -. , :r W-ilti r, - manicd. J). the coat ill holioi First Tank Steamer in Winning on. Tiie Belgian steam-l ip his is in Udo vi and will come up to the city in a day or so lo take on naval stores lor ihe Ant werp Naval Stores company, of Antwerp, Germany, represented here and at Savan nah, Ga". by Capt. C Scliwar:,. The fris is a very large ship and is a tank ves sel, the lirst, we believe, that lias ever come to our port for naval stores. She will take all the naval stores she can get here, and will go to Savannah to com plete her cargo. Wil. Messenger. 'NEWS ADRIFT." ' "P'eked-Up" by The Journal Which Is Always In "The 8wlm " Mr. Buck I'adrick of Onslow was in Thur-ilav with a load of hsms of Irs put ting uj). Not many country hams are rm the market at this season. 'apt K. R. .Topes ha9 brigh-ttned up hi-store bj lepaiiiting. Others near need ... .1.. in- t i i iu uep appearancts in liannuuy. Mr. Wm. Dunn is; laying a beautiful and substantial brick ouMng fronting l.ii luniis on the west side ol'the macad amized road. 15.11. Biinn has withdrawn from tle congressional race. This leaves the Held iu tl.it d strict to Olin-s, M. Cooke, and Ed. Chambers Smith. The Schr. Addie Henry, Capt. Wm Mil!, just in from Elizabeth City, is on Meadows" railways for repairs. y':e will lie re-calked and painted. The family of Mr. C. J. Rhem, are about lo move hack to the ulty into the hoiiso on Broad street which they former !p occupied. Miss Jmiie Rhem is already here visiting friends, j Mr. S. II. Street chairman ot the.Craven jcouuty Democratic Executive coumittee hM cved a letter Iront M,r. .1. W. J'a"C' nonl,nL'c lor Uouse 01 V- se,Uftlives- tloclining the nomination. r?- - - Kufl'y was summoned away Thurs.lay by a telegram announcing the death ol her mother, Mrs. W. T. Core, a' '"''' '"'me in Norfolk. Mrs. Duffy left on the evening train; Mr. Duffy who was at Seven Springs joined her at La firange. Dr. J. W, Sanders, of Ocean Carteret county, has been appointed a member of the executive committee of the Insane Asylum at Raleigh in the place of Mr. L. A. Potter, resigned. Enoch Ilukens, col., and wife, near Havcloek, became engaged ;ri an affray Thursday, end the latter atubljed he.r bus!, and. We (lid not learn how serious toe wound is. Davidson county was the first in the State to send in an abstract of listed taxa ble, for 1894. They reached Raleigh, on the '20th of July. This is aa unusually early date lor the receipt of an abstract. I Prof. E. P. Mendenhall and family who ! arrived here Thursday from Rocky Mount are established in their residence, the new duelling of Mr. C. E. Slover's on Pollock street near Craven. The Republican convention of thisi Judicial district ir its session at Tar. boro Thursday, nominated R. W. Wil liamson, colored, lor solicitor. He was nominated on the lirst ballot, receiving fifteen votes. The cruising party on the Emma 8, were to Morehe i have left Ocracake Hotel for C';ty r. day or two ago. We expect they will soon le heard again. They will return home from from Morehead. The remains of Mr. Jas. A. Fulcher, who died of consumption near Blanks shingle mill, on the night of the 2J)th, were taken lo his old home in Pamlico Friday for interment. He was about 4U years old and leaves a wife and four child ren. The Aurora Progressive Age says: "At a meeting of the members of the Method ist church here held on Friday night, it was decided to build a church to c ast 82,000 to $2,50d. We suppose that work on the same will commence iu the uar future." A colored man from near Vanceboro, named John Vine, brought suit before E. G. Hill, Esq. for a peace warrant against another named Sam Hays, the lat ter being so sick with consumption that he could hardly walk. The complainant withdrew the action and was taxed with the costs, and not having (he mon ey he was sent to j dl. The success and rapid growth which has attended the Agricultural and Me chanical college sows that the Deeds of the times demand such an institution in this State. Many a young man 9ees and appreciates the advantage of such an in dustrial education as it gives and there is no question but what its usefulness will continue to increase. The New Berne young lady who tried to avoid kissing the Bible when a witness iu recent term of the Superior court on account of its untidy appearance, tray be interested in learning that the criminal Superior court of one State at least, Georgia, has discontinued the kissing of the Bible iu the administration of oaths. Judge (Mark in explaining tho order to thai etiet t said: -'Holding up the light l,.,.l U- tlm mnr.. ,-n-c-Aniont bi-m Then Ihe kissing of the book is a very nasty thing; I have heard of persons catching disease in that way." The Kinston Free Press in noticing the last dividend declared by the directors of the A. efc N. C. R. R.. speaks as follows: The directors of the A & N. C. R R, have declared anut.ier2 per cent dividend payable October 1st. This is the third div idend paid by the road, all under the pi-sent management. It speaks well for tho Jld Mullet,'' its management, and the section it passes through, tliat it is the only road in the State that paid a div idend last and this year. Not long since we spq-e ot complaints again it nawspaper carriers which in some cases were not caused by the carriers' neglect of duty. Mr. S. W. Smallwood tells us of a novel occurrence of this kind. His dog has learned to get the rooming paper when it arrives and bring it to him. One morning the dog broug.it him a paper which he supposed then wan his, but a little later he found his paper where the carrier was accustomed to leave it. The dog had evidently gone over to a neighbors and finding his aiorning paper had appropriated it and brought it over to Mr. Snmllw ood. Crisp "ew Honey. The Natioual Bank ot Wilmington ha.s received from the Comptroller of the Currency $20,000 in $5 bills, and all day yesterday they were being signed up by the president and cashier and put in cir culation. Each bill has to he signed and it consequently requires President J. S. Armstrong and Cashier L. L. Jenkins each to sign his name 4,000 times, as there are just 4,000 $5 bills in the lot. The new bills contain the profile of the lamented President James A. Garfield. Wilmington Messenger. NAVAL EE8ERVE HILL. A Favorably Report In Congress on a Bill Desired in This Slafe. Special lo Jocrnai.. Wasldngtou, D. C, July 27 The House Naval Affairs Committee have rc- ported favorably the Senate Naval serve Bill. Tbts ia the bill which cmno.w i, i;,, Naval Secretary to loan lo any of i' , States, having naval malitia. iiion their written application a vessel uut in gov ernment use. with its books, cliart-. and six men to man it. This i the Na val Reserve equipment bill go much de sired in North Carolina. New Berne's Prospects, For several weeks past wotk has been i". progress on seven new and handsome dwelling houses within a stone's throw from Mr. Edward Gerock's lot, corner Union and Graves streets. Mr. Gerock is putting up two of the houses himself, Dr. Geo. Slover's intended residence i another, and the future resi dences of Messrs. J. B. and C. L. Ive.s are two more. M,r. Milton Hollowell's resi dence i the sixth and the dwelling which Capt. A. B. Powell has just finished is the seventh, and other improvements are in progress. This is a pretty good show ing lor that neighborhood. As usual building is going on in various pai Is of the city and also just beyond. New Berne is growing steadily with every month that passes. Thin is easily observed even, by the visitors, and now with a new railroad, water works, sew erage, etc., the growth is almost sure to be more rapid than ever before. Tliat Nev Berne has a bright prospect ahead is unquestioned, hut. we are not doing a enth of what we should on inai ufacturing lines. Develepe manufai fin ing properly and then it will indeed b hard t find a place our equal in diversi fied industries that bring money in the year round. Our natural resources make it o that we have great advantage over many places which have attained prom inence through manufacturing and there is no reason why our people should not bring New Berne to the fiont rank us a manufacturing city also. Our special resources instead ol making us contented should cause us to make special efforts fo develop manufacturing to a high state of perfection. Do this and the growth of the eity will be surprising. Knights Of Harmony. Mr. A. L. Heath, of Riverdale vvho-e very unexpected dealli we chronicle in I another column was a member of Ihe Knights ol Harmony and the New Berne brethren responded promptly according to the rule of the order to see to the burial of each deceased brother and sent dowm a coffin for his interment. Within ten days the lodge will pay in surance equivalent to $1.00 for each mem ber in it it numbers now about 4()0. This is the second death the lodge has had since it was organized and the fn-si death was by accident. This makes not only a vevv good showing for the heallh fuluess of the city but a very good show ing lor the cheapness of this insurance at home where the payments are made so easy that even the poorest working man has no longer any valid excuse for not carrying at least the amount of insurance this order furnishes here at home where mere are no nign-saianea omcers to tie paid, where every cent of their money is under the supervision ot the men who pay it, and where consequently it is per fectly well known that eveTydhing is hon estly and economically administered. Judicial Convention. Th" Democratic Judicial convention of the 4th district held at Morehead City on Wednesday the 25th inst. was a very harmonious affair, and the work was quickly and easily disposed of. The convention was in session only ah mt thirty minutes. Mr. O. H. Allen, the present solicitor of the dist.ict, was renominated by accla mation. He was placed in nomination by Capt. Swift Galloway of Greene county, and the nomination was seconded by Mr. T. M. Lee of SampsoD. The Executive committee appointed consists of J. J. Royal of Carteret, G. M. Linsey of Greene, A. D. Ward of Duplin, T. M. Lee of Sampson, S. T. Bland of Pender, Hurbert McCIammy of New Hanover, Rodolph Duffy of Onslow, C. II. Koonce of Jones, M. D. Pollock of Lenoir. The chairman of tho convention was P. M. Pearsall; secretaries, L. A. Bethune and C. L. Abernethv. Lenoir County Convicts on the Roads. We learned from a gentleman who ha travelled through Lenoir county, that as far as the county has wcrked the roads. by convict labor they in tine condition j full eighteen feet wide, and thrown up I round. While they are making slow progress when once they get .-.round, ii j will be but a small job to keep tin roads . in fine condition. ! The roads are clear of stump" and root - and weeds, and cannot wash when thrown i up higher in the centre. They commi sioners are utilizing the convict labor ol the county, vi ith a small tax lo meet tin : expense. Portable houses are used f..i I the convicts. A road machine has been brought into ; requisition and the work where finished i well done and enduring, Lenoir is setting a good example to other eastern counties. Let us follow -hoi ' example. Leg Crushed by Train. A negro boy about fifteen years oi l named Alexander Tilled met with the misfortune ol having his foot so crushed by the train, taking the colored excursion p. j Wilmington that it had to be amputated a little above the ankle. Dr. R. S. Prim- rose assisted by Dr. J. L. Rhem perform ing the operation. The boy had ridden through the t t until near the limits and jumped oil. Then in attempting to get on again, he slipped with the result stated. j The boy was not a passenger, had no . right on the train, and, the trainmen hay I they at one, time had made him get off. Till: H J OHIi-ltKliAKEKS. i$0(i J I I i;;!(Ii-Iii Jail to Await "." Court. i ' '"' ' ii' o. nun. A ionzo Moore j'"'1 ''b.ii i'.-h. i, w, bi.ike into and j 'oi.b d Mi. Cm .-. s,,n; ;lt Bellair :"-, s'- "'' '-edit. i. el i h.-ii .prciiniuary ex- ' ' "IM,: ,!; ;' ''-ic -- I.'. Street Esq., Fri- '- v -' a'l.ino,,.,. w. E. ( Uike repra . ni. -d ihe .Id, -n. lanis and O. H. Guion the Male. The iii igi-li-ale. :,rter hearing the evl- ' dem :g..iiis ihein, bound tin-Ill over tl ' Siip.-r.oi- . ..ui-t in il,,. sum ol $.r.o0each. ; I I" ' "Uiccr negro Alonzo Moore. COD- ' f I b tin- teal'ui.. The older one did :'" nob 'lie- l.ill.-i- appears to be a COO- " - 1 1 1 I ne. I i u iel . A 1 1 . 1 1 h r w o ianl wai iHUd V - te:iiui. :m ,,x about, ii week ago ,--v bom . b.e-l.t .b.iii.-i- of tlie BeJUir in i-dib..! I i I., ti, - charge Fisher - ..is,,und ..-..I iii (he Mini of $50 each. - 'I he day they stol tins ox they WOT supposed lo 1,-ive been at. work for 8 man " of tin nci-dil.oi hood named Ed. Hill, -whowenii.tr for tin- day. and while he j. ' was away they s,,,. flu-ox, brought llim ,v to town mi. Is. Id h',m lo John Warren, a colon-d hub-l, ei. The ox was first sold to Mr. Sw ri, but liii-ling out that cus- " ploioii, . io Hue lances w ere connected -With Pish, r h,,ing ii he ma le him take, the ox back .od icioin lo- money. :. A I'ai'iii. r of I. Il.oi was ready lo gel out a wi.iianl ag oiisl him lot stealillg a. hog 1 1 . it 1 1 him. I.ul Mr. Slreet told hiltt I there wo'ecee ci...n-.'li iigaiiist them to I hold ihcio 1 1 1 1 1 1 i i Hurl, ami it. was no use. . - I (II coll. -e l,, y v odd give B bond " ' " j and llii :o, now ui Dot I .le r.ane takingj .... la ii-i i i ihcir nighi prowlings and ."'! f '!,'l'"' '-"i : -',! 1 Bui I'.. i the '.,. i thai owing to circum- - .we sfi.n. .- no. w.i - leeping hi the store . -: I lie, l n'eji t. will. . w -.s , niiiviy contrary to cii-t.iin. .VP.., . ami I' isher would be OD li ed n.r tie ir lues. As it is they are ' simply can b lab - for Ihe peiiilentisry. v , - I'rol'. Meixlenlia'l AniveH. , - . Pi..!'. I. P. Mem leiihall, who was re-' cem iy ! -I princiMi of the New.-. Heine ob.-eiale Institute, arrived last . nigl.l w ith his laioilv . coiisisling of Wife ' -and chihl, iieiving t.r the city from Mt. .- - -Olive. They meal the Hotel Albert. Prof. Mendenhall proposes lo con.-". - nience in a business-like way and to pro ..' ciiil at one. 1 a a thorough canvass of Ibe " . li cit y and v ! iuily for )Ujils. In this ef- , fori Prof. M. ii-lciihall should have the v I'licoliragemenl and sujiliorl of all OUt:.--ciii.eiT.. New Heme needs and abouVl -sr. have a go.i.l w e' i conducted and well- . ,. pat i . mi .! s. hi.nl of Ihe high character Prof. .Mendenhall mpoM logive 118. W :. ,. will from lime lo time speiik of Ihe). school in., re part ii-iihirly. '"'.V ' Raising Good Melons. .' The .loi knai.'s si-y-si n nd a half ion n I mel, ai . pie nte. I bv Mr. ( Jhas. W. - ' I buy. was ci,. iiie.iiv al. noon aiul it .TT""" (iebghil'.b . !'.-. i d ,dl ihe sUlT and force ' ' and a- iii.i-i, . f tie- nei-'iib ll'-l IIS WOald come in. ,- ! -,- . - Mr. Hi i L!iiO io lou- us spread out at-' --. S. II. Si oil ' : hue ui ioe a prclly display. Some ol lb, io r.-ai i ,m;; m 1 1 y fi v pounds - . ill weight w.-i.l down lo Ihe Atlantic; -! -llolel, Mo.eh.sld, ye-tcr lav, ' ;':; ;.-' . Oli.itn-s- -;,l an. I iiilclligenl cutture ' i ' 1 1 1 i -1 be giM-ji oe ion- i hroiigboiit their t growing lo all, tin -ic h r( suits, but Mr. ' Bray It'll- us thai Ihe proper growing of ' seed has much lo do with it, Ihataser.ct WH'ermelon doe-s nol belong to bo pulled . at tin s.age o iiK'iuss which fits it for "": being eait n but il sli.Mihl lie allowed to remain on tie- vine :is long as it will and ... mature to the fullt sl anil tin. ll" be stored . awav '.he same as is customarily done : v with i an umbers. cnosiders that to obtain 111. best IcsullS this is essential and as he is -.. successful it WOldd aeem : 1 1 1 :i i le e, prclly good authority. ., i. s- Death ol A. 1, Heath. Mr. Allied L. llealhi.f Riverdale, died very siidenly csh-rday morning fflOfn w hat i- Mippo-ed lo have been neuralgia of the 111. H I. ' Mr. Ile.alh bad been atlending to some' . niatlers mar bis home and directly after . ' parting i l oin a neighbor and entering his , v home he wa- taken wilh a sharp pain - ' ; . and told his wife that. unless it was speedily relieve 1 he could not live. She .... administered a dose of pain-killer and -then prepared one of laudanum By that time he had only strength vnough to tell her he could nt take it. These were the last , words he spoke. Ill about five min- ' tiles from the time be was taken he was -,- . dead .Mr. I leal h I, :, Ve- :i wile and two chil- ,'; tlreii. lie was s. nie, liing oyer fifty yean of age. w a an l.li-r in the Pitisby terian cli il It 1 1 all 1 a 'i, l neighbor. The fun- ' era: will I do ) 1 ... lod.,y. He will be buried al H yen I i e .. MKMOIII VI, SEAL. S;r Wall- i li.ib i-li's o.it of Arms the Seal of Hu- Kaaimk.' Colony Memo- i oil Assneiat ion. K Mai. li . "o lii.es has shown US the seal"! iv- .: ('oh.ny Memorial A .. .: ..p Tie- s. '1 i- a very beautiful ime, -. ! i . ' Me , o:il of arms ol Sir ... Wallei i; w..rd, v : in .1 . " , i -i. muled by sufficient , . 1 1 .le oi nameiilation to i . ih. purpose of the SI I V i ' ' -Ic Id u ill. Wh: I, -It ' in ben; .1--I indiii -. and 1 i ! I arms is n red le . rmis from right to i with t he crest, a stag the -hield his rujolto I, ' lb 'fie :,!m.. ... - id.. - the coat of arm. )Vhal 1 1 is 1 ,. . , , i , 1 , e , ! I . i comj detc the seal i- il,.- I. .How ': The , laics 1585 and I -'I :p.. '.I,. ,, H,e -t;1g and tlie nam.- I.'o.-.ol.. ('.,i..i, Meinoii.d Associa t i ,n ( in : e b ii" -!. The .!:". I ,s -, ,i, ,i ,, ih.- lirst settle- nienl o' lb in.-orp,-. Vol 1 fo I,, i; i m.i I vM that of the i .( i:ii ion. . old it not 1x5 well adopt. Sir Waller in. I w bile. We be- '' b is ri ilnrs, l etl Mll : i., y s'.r,,i( y and a piopiialc than , ip ! i ily should ! !.. ' ..I' the thslin- wh t ' i !. ; i thai Nolo. ' have for P .- guishiHl man for whom it was ininieil ?. ... .v .1 -