':.).', , ' - , -. . : . ' - . r. . : ;. . : . . ' i, V V .-'-- - - . -.'' - -, --.: -sv - my "-' , V v $1.00 Per Year INDEPENDENT IN ALL THINGS. Single Copies, 5 Cents. VOL. XVII. NEW BERNE, CRAVEN COUNTY, N. C, AUGUST 1(. 1894. NO. 21 -ASTOUNDING T T IN-TER-EST-ING NEWS You Will find -IN ADVERTISING as well -as in other parts : of the ; y-as Another Item in - ;ny part; of the - Pper as interest ' ing to the people , . of this section as . , v. .... THE FACT that we are - ooooooooooooobo .-, f Jhe Leaders In LOW PRICES. oooooooooooxooooooooxooooooo 03 m Ti 8 4749 Pallock St KTroriloninsh School. VyTLL BEGIN SEPT 3d, 1394. -'J ; ; pard at J per month. The princ-i-. prtl yiU Ijoarvl a limited number of girls. -Hrdncetl rates in clubs not't-xcoetling l-l -.' per "month. English Tuition from i 1.50 : tp $2-(X- Languages 1.00 per n.Qnth - jHifionftL - " - JSor farther Inonnotion address princi s pa VV'. A. RHODES, : j'lldr2in Trenton, N. C. WM. LORCH r ESTABLISHED 1865. -.- -- FAL1ILY:GR0CERIS 11 -T T " . - ' -Vj " '.'" j" - -. " , a I - - 9 - :a Km general Mefchandise, ' ;BCart-hotsb Accomodations. TRAVELLING SOTES Obserrtlons by Oar Canvassing Agent at fckridsboro, Halelgh and Durham. Editor Journal: Leaving the city of Eiras this moi"nii)f, and makincr a short stay in Goliisboro, string the famil iar faces of those I used to know, and partaking ofasumptous dinner at the Mood House kept by that most estimable christian huiy (Mrs. Mattie Hood, we arrived here at 5 o'clock in the afternoon, and soon found ourselves cared for in princely style at the Carrolina Hotel, the floes t hotel in the State, and surpassed by few in the South. The inside work is very artistio. All hand painted, rich and perfectly beautiful. The furniture is of the lattst dej-igns, and very costly, the earpetting corres ponding with the finish of each room. As I was the guest of the proprietor I was given one ot the best rooms in the hotel, and dined with the family, and had every attention shown n... 1 he proprietor. Jtr. Howell l obi', i- :i horn lioteliit. .Say he !!. eves in keep ing a clean house, as cleanliness is next to Godliness and providing a good meal for bis guests, lie , has do time to crack joke with his guest, bat sees that they have all the attention from his servants tbatos due. Ami he is meeting with suc cess, lie attends personally to market ing and is ever od the alert tor anyth ug that comes into tlie market. 1 have never witnessed such discipline there is. Xo Iricton there, every one has his duty to perform and it is done. It is a model Hotel and kept by a model hotel man. I have had a very pleasant call from our old friend Hatchctt of the IXiihaiu Times, and a visit to his ofll-'e satisfied Qie that he is well equipped with all the paiaphemilia necessary to conduct a good live newspaper. HU i-uc this week is like the others ttiat I have seen, neat and spiccy, and I wish h"!m abundant success. He will please accept my politest tow tor his attention and kindnesses shown me. To Mr. Walker, purchasing agent of the Durham Bull tobacco company, I am also indebted lor courtesea. lie kindly took took rne through the entire factory, ex plaining everything and how it is done. They have near ten million pounds of smoking tobacco now on hand, besides the mammoth amount of leaf on hand. Durham is truly a manufacturing town. leaving Durham this morning at six o'clock we were soon in RaleigU where we rrxjnd the Democrats jcrQ'Iant over the proceedings of the State convention. We paid our townsmen Simmons and Koberts a call at the revenue office and it was pleasant to be with them, and only regret trvat it was cot goo roi'tune t,. -be orb of the ediploy&a in the ofllo?. H. I HAPPESINS Of THE DAT. Atp-."m neii; Lincoln resulual in the death o seven people, five of vyhom were burned t death . Tne negro convict who was slml by guards and dangerously wounded at States vdle is reported in a critical condition and not expected to live. The Q?eaperRnc-i Bu.h iiiOeiin at PotcellTflle, i a., as struck by a cyclone Thursday. The great tent blew down on two' hondred people. One niah was kill ed instantly and about fifty others seriously injured some of them fatally. "Pluusdiy morning uen. V. G Leui, CoL Thomas S. Kenan and Col. S MeD. TatO left ltale gh for Gettysburg, to meet the members f the National Battle Ground commission. The makeis of the n'tions occupied by all the North C'aro licops there will be Iccated. TLe Tarifi deadlock continues; the Dempcratic conferees are still unable tp agre. TJe situation is in no wi; im. proyed. and the feeling over it is intensi fied. The duty on coal and free iron ore is the stumbling block. The Raleitrh correspondence of the Wilmington Tessecer says that the S'a'c Fniyersity trustees, in session' Thursday. Qqverncr Carr presiding, elected Profes sor J. C. Boljertaon to fill the chair, of 3rk until the return from Greece of Professor Eiea Alexander, now Minister there. Professor Robertson is a native of Virginia a graduate of Johns Hopkins and a son (jen. Robertson, ot Virginia, wb- during the Oivil vyar conimandtd a Confederate cavalry brigade. The Pjin'ce qf "Wales has accepted Mr. Qohld's proposition for three, match ratjes, the best two oui of three to win, over an open course for 85.000. .The first of these races will be sailed Monday outside the Needles, over a course of thirty miles, fifteen to windward or leeward and re turn. Mr, Gould has also challenged the nnc fvr the pape My cup. which must tie sailed for. according to the c n- dition?, within fifteen days of the receipt 01 me cnauenge. oic v,iioc waa won bv the" Geneatii her defeat by the Ptjriuiii. The chooiiur Dauntless as easily defeated; The Navahoe tried to recapture the trophy hut year but failed. The British course in the Cape May cup race is from the Isle of Wright, past the Nwdlea. to Cherbourg and return, a dis- of 122 miles. a..'. . . GEORGE SLOVER, 73 MIDDLE STREET NEW BERNE, N C. HARDWARE QF EYEJRY DEbCHIPTiON. Sash, Doors and Blinds. Stoyes, Lime, Plas ter andbement. OEVOE'S READY MIXED PAINT. SATISFACTION :E3.T7V. SMAXjTjWOOID llnder Gaston IJonse, South Front Street, New Berne, N. ('. General Hardware. Stoves, Carpenters Tools, Cutlery, Table Ware, Barbed Wire, GALVANIZED PIPE, PUMPS, Lime, iMaster and Cement. QEVQES PURE REDY MIXED PAINTS. (Personal aftention to the prompt and correct Riling ol all prdera." mS3mw,dow L .11. CUTLER & CO., KOLB ADVISES REVOLUTION'. Populists Incited to Civil War to Over Democracy. The lvolb leaders have issued an in cendiary address to the people of Alala bama charging wholesale election fraud. Here arc extracts from the address. "To the People of Alabama: "The campaign eommittee of th e P.- let 1 '- fersonian Denocracv ami party of Alabama, have bc ;- i" t . -i by a conference of our Stale e .11. 1. i:t(e. 1 the leading supporters of tha' tickei the State execulivj commiteo 'o n :m;( - gate the following: A contest law a proniied to allay and prevem a iiouuiai uuii-juli hi joj-. m ot- troken in the most shainelul manner. and the perfidy and treachery displayed was afterward? boasted of as a tine piece of legerdemain. We admonish our people not to accept promises nor pledges from thos.' who have pro,-n llmu-elves re creant to ewrv i i.::enie!:! ol to eeiy demand ul l.oai-r a:id to every ex-j a'so his iel i, n. v-to Kansoui a.ul Jarvis action of dutv. They have demonstrated j jc urged that ail matters be subordinat that they are enemies to libcrtv and ro- ed fo tl)R 0,K, ihuv oJ ,;.,.,.,,,.;, ulI cne. puuiiean lustnucioiis. "The conditions in this state have ! reached a climax. There is no doubt i that the State ticket, headed by Captain Kolb, has been e'ecte l. The alternative j Is uresemed of submission to wrong, in-j suit and rob' rv, or to u-sert the sover-' eign power b' :'oi e which thrones totter.' sceptres Clil and the outrages ot' tyrants cease. licit auernative iiiu-t meet a re sponse I iv m manhood or sihnt submis sion from those unworthy of citizenship. A liroud and chivalrous people, worthv I of freedom, cannot sldrk the responsi bilities the situation enforces A distin guished patriot has asserted that the man Who will njt tight .'or his ;li-rty is un worthy tf freedom. We do not advi.-e lighting or lawlissne-s of any kind, but the crisis has arisen that the sovereign power shall a-s rt itself to compel un worthy servant-ot its will to submit to its lower and recognize its futurity. "Your committee recognizes that it has been entrusted with cerlain duties, and that its powers are circumscribed, and it feels authorized or ly in going to the ex- tent of advising and urging those whom h represent to exercise the ;ower vested in tucm an,; to uni.i mceungs on inni - day. the 33rd of August, at the respective j courthouses, if not otherwise specified, to act upon this great crises ami to insist J that that manhood Atriotism and love of i liberty which has ev. xl prompt and de ciaivc ction irom them shall fln'l expres sion in the!r cohrse, tluit vill ' le credit able to their revolutionary sires and lur nish a precedent in history to yyhlch all ever revert with, iiride aud satisfaction, -t the. same time and place, we would urge the organization of law ana oraer leagues to unbolil the supremacy qfthat ijrcn'ctt of tll law anj povvei1 the oov er'ign will oi"a free peaplti, "I pon thejafijou nmenr or tnese miei- ings, reports ot the proceedings suouui ue furnishel lmmeiliately to W. II. Skaggs. chairman, Biriningliam. Ala. I Signed, ' W. n. M, aooj. Chairman central campaign c om m i ft oo. ' A. 1. (lUOnwjN, Chairmvn Jeffersonian ex. commitlee. -Juhn W. I'tTTfe. Chnn lleople'- parly ex. cf,inmittee.'-' A FAREWELL ODE. TJ TnK OLD "OASTOS llOL'SF.."' Farewell to thee. Home of my childhood Farewell fc tl.ee, New Lome's old xnnr Thou hast iac-ed in thy life. all its chartges "Qf success, failure, peace, and War's dici. vtJil Plague, death, birth, fire, marriages which have In turn (een allotted a space In thy history's ponderous volume, here the eras their record; Old t.a.C- And now like a vessel thou seemest. That's braved many voyages to sea. Then lacKin(j some of Science 'new prow. To the past relegated must be. Thy name in itself was a mission Prejsorying integrity e sry And t'.s sau tut -io tl.ink ill thy down ill, ' . Thai (h.Y tribute survived but a d iv. The hearts that enshrined thee most trul y, No longer witii earth's passions swell. And she, c f the few who still love thee, From a foreign clime bids thee fare well. ri.rcwc'il to tt.ee, limine of my cbildiood. ' Thou structure ol mortar and clay, Tho1 changes decree alteration. I'll cherish thy mem rv alway. JlHij. J. H. MOSTOOMEHV. Ledrav. Negras, ilex., July 3oth 1304. 9 The view- about the action of Congress on the Tariff bill are conflicting and seem to be merely all guess work. Some think a settlement near at hand, and others that the bill ull Ve defeated. GUARANTEED." lnHJ.Im SHEPPARD's MADE FROM PURE PIG IRON. Not one pound of Scrap Iroa it ever used in these goods. DURABLE, CONVENIENT and ECONOMICAL. All Modern Improvements to Lighten Housekeeping Care. Twenty different sizes and kinds. Every Stove Warranted Against Defects. Prices not mneh iifther at this timo th&n on conxmoner kinds of st'-v.. Cuu on or addreu Hen Berne, N. C. THE STATE CONTENTION. A Fine AtMiihly Ot Rfpivsciit- ati c lciii()iitt-. Old OfllciaU Kenoiiiiiiated l'latforui Adopted Free Silver Repeal of the Bank Tax -Tariff Reform The New Campaign Leaders, Kai.kioii. X. C, Augu-t s. The Deinocr.itie State Convention was called to order at noon in Metropolitan Hall, I by (. Iiairman cimnion. who iiresented .). c Buxton, of Winston. a lemnor.irv jirosulcnt. The hal! pa k. o. but few counties being uurepncnte Mr. Buxton read a vin He alluded feelingly t.i tin I the death of S nat.u- ':.ti e. nvtl's we: e :, i'v 1. ii 'UN speech. great loss in and his senli-li-i. a- sveie ; nics 0f tUe Democratic nartv; tor now there are two enemies the old-time Re publican' and thci: coadjutor-, the Pop ulists. j There wa- a great laugh when he said ! that most of the Populist leaders were i disappointed Democratic office-sea kers , Ho declared that the Democrats would ! sweep the field. He then read the good news from Alabama, and this brought I out more cheeis. He said tleit some one had said that Populism had now reached llie stage of t oxeyistn and that this was I semi-socuvistic, under vagabond direction. ; lie said we are now :it the nartin" of the I wavs- we must choose between the eom-j nitine. between the constitution and an- archy. peonle- l'here i- only one party of the the Democratic partv, He said the time had come to repel the Iiepublican insinuations against Mr. Cleveland. He showed how shameless ly the Republicans had looted the Na tional treasury, and also how iliey had endeavored to spread falsehoods. Mr. Buxton eulogized President Cleveland siying that on the main i-sue on which : fhr f li mrw i : I T i e ' nr rt ' went- mtn rowr ,,,,,:.,,.:- i, ,,,, .,, (-,,. rftm, lhL. -.,pr)rt of all Democrats. ne xhat a campa,gn on State issues mntif .,...: ...,, , ,,A .. ,,.,; 1ln .' .. ; ',;,,,,,., ..dminUtratmrT ,.. ,ht ,,.p rnx..!lr,uv ,,,: a rt r...Ali ,i, - .a ,i r,i,;- to weaken Mr. Cleveland's administration. At this there was great applause. Mr. Burton's remarks were well received. lion. li. A. Dougl.tpn yas made per n.aiient piesiilcnt. Chief Justice Jame- E. Shepard, and Associate .Tustices Waller C'iark, James C. MacRae and Armistead Hnrwell, and State Trtniiurcr S McD. Tato, were nominated hy acclamation to succeed themocl Addrefses were made by Walter Hen ry. .V. M. Wadded, Cyrus Watson and others. The three oucs'doy.s o! inteia'd. ere the silver plnnk, the 'full 'endorse ment of the A dminist ration and whether primaries should be held in the counties for I". S. Senators to succeed l.tiiom and Taryis. Tieie yy-ai great cl(eering at the tin llQUiicemelit of the domand for coinage at the rate of 10 to 1. Capt. Coke's motion was unanimously adorned that the convention adopt by a rising yote and in silence the resolution regarding Sjuator Vacce J D. Lurpl.y oiieted a resolution that in the various counties Senatorial prima ries be held, if direeted by the Demo-, critic! Executive cmmuti; of such county. i Mr. Bradshaw moved to table this resolution. On this there wa.- a vote by counties ayes. 694; noes. 21. S" tie e-oliiiion wa: tabled. The thak- of the. conven tion were tendered the officers and also V. M. Simmuns; retiring State t.hairman. -V't C;45 o'clock the convention ad journed. James H. l'ou. of Smithtield, was elected Democratic State chairman. He will himself saleet the seereta". T'.c old member: of the . entiai corntnitteic we te re-elected ' als.c the following new ones. '8. A Asiiy., W, ' W. Puller. J. 11. young, P. M. Simmon.-. E. J. Hale, IL .1. Ilerrick. The proposition for '''.ir-v.irius was laid on the table Ly a vote of O'-'d to iii5. J. P. Caldwell, chairman of the plat form committee, reported resolutions, the important planks twin l:t. V."e reamrm di "e do-; times of the )arrj' as eriunciaVHl by the Chicago Con vention of 1892, and desire to signify as follows what is the construction placoti by us upon the so tin thereof '.'elating to silver, vi. Wo hold that it is the dvity of ll,e law-making depavtmciit or the Government, now in the hands of the Democracy, to take immediate steps to restore by legislation the equal privileges of silver with gold at the mints, by the free and unlimited coinage of silver "nd "ol ; at the lati ) o! i to i such being Hie laiio ot coinage wfiich heretofore has ,le 1 rS, m- Vdl- , , i o.-caMon of a House Party in one of the 2nd. That we urge upon th0 said j . J law-making department of the Govern-! most -liarmmg aud culturod eommumties meul the abolition of the unconstitutional ' in North Carolina. and prohibitive tax of ten per cent, upon j Tne following ladies composed the the issue of Shite banks. j ty. Misg Trattie oi Xew ftirne, tith. That we adoiire the courage and i . " , --. .. . i x, 'V-.' loliv patriotism of the l'r-.alei.t aud , : of M ' aalungtqn, IXC: that y.-e i.iost hemtily commend his I Miss May Mc-Vbster, of A-shbaro, Miss pforupt aud tffective action under the I Alice Green., of Wilmington; Misses Au taw for the suppression of the efforts wf 1 M'U3ta Evans, Eliza Williams, Callie Mc alien Anarciii-tS to diotiirb by i'orce and:' t. , , T, - ,. -., , ,, , , , , ,. , i Kethan aud Kate la son, ot Fayetteville. violence the line relations ot label and J capital; his sturdy effort to secure the i The gentlemen were: Messrs. Hector Me enaotment ol tariff reform as called for in 1 Geachy, Gus Rose, John McKethan and the party platform; his prompt approval of tlie bill repealing the Keder.il election laws; the notable reduction of the ex- penses of the Government under hi-' ad-; minisiritiini. and '.Iil fi'y.-dvm tum .-eiandal : which has been stk.li a nia;ked I'eiUure oi hi- return tu Hie hem I of utlUirs. i The platform wa- adopted almost un-aniiiiou.-l v. j Edwaril Hart, Ke-Captnretl. I Kd Hint, charged with the burning oi Miss Mary Dewey'- barn near Vanceboro I about five mouths auo whom (iov.Carr had offered 11 reward of si 1 ot) was arre-ted in Washington X.C: Monday by Police man J. F. Lynn, and by or h r of line. Carr, brought to Xew I'.. r:ie, and deliv ered to .heiiff 1 ane y e-t- n'tay. M. t-lynn and Mr. McK.ie 1 liiikin-bc!n' the oi!.-- in charge of him. Mr. Hart h.c- a .l.iugle-r living n, 1 Washington any c, there Monday j night. i Mr. Flvnu saw him and recognized him 1 j as he was going from the train, Mr Halt, it wili be reiiicuieiiiha ed J had been arre-l d diivetly , t er the burning of tin lam ami hid itjoI j the preeiuiinary trial, an I he was LttO i , brought to Ni iT Heine to be placed in ; jail until court he made his e-capj. A reward of $100 for his capture been offered. The fall of '94 will witness a fall of predictions and politicians that promise to lx; unprecedented. Fusion, coalition, cooperation,! or whatever the Hepublican-l'opulists call their combination -how did not take in Alabama. Neither will it t ike iu North Carolina. Effects of the Freshet. Neil.-.- river and its tributaries are on aj tare that does not come often, and the ef-! 'feels of the high water has done consid-! I enible lianiage. thouirh in one particular it ha- been a benefit that of enabling tiudier uieu to tloat out logs and get them ready for market. On t h.j lowlands that lie a long these atreams, crops arc seriouiy injured, some totally destroyed. In many places the water is from eighteen inches to live and six feet deep, thus completely submerg ing the cotton aQcl coming up to the top of the coi n. The bridire at Vanceboi'o is still in a precarious con litiou, but efforts are .-till being made to prevent its washing away. The ureat volume; of water rushing down is too swilt and turbulent for the boats. The steamer Carolina is still tied up, but will nrolxiblv venture out verv soon as .!. i. : - .1 l" , . i been reached. Timber men are profiting from the overflow by employing all the help they t can, to get out logs that could not be reached before for many years some say as far back as 1 8GT. It is cypres they are getting principally, which is now commanding a fairly good price. Mr. V. R. Barriugton xells us that the rains have made not only Streets' Ferry impassable but Nelson's Ferry also, which the latter was never known to bo be. fore. At (Irilton houses have been washed sirav. others .under mined and water "P inside of a great many others. The Kinston and Scotland Neck branch is suffering from a washout so that they commenced on Thursday run ning tmins on the A & N C Railroid be tween Kinston and Goldsboro. There have been washouts oa some other Railroads in the State also. The following is an extract from a pri vate letter received from Grifton last night: 'The water has covered almost every., thing has washed away nearly all the houses on the south side of the creek and carried uyay the county bridge Thursday. Last night the center arch of the fine iron bridge of the Atlantic Coast Line gave way some and we tlifhk the whole bridge will go. Ci'v.te all gone. Dead bodies were washed out of the graves at Grifton. It is perfectly awful.1' A Burglar Caoyht. Mr. H. A. Jarman, special deputy sheriff of Onslow county, came up from Jacksonville locking fm . C. t Campbell a vvhi.e mn,n who was watited for burglary at Magnolia. Duplin county, and who was also, ' supposed jo liae robj'bd a atcjVe n :,. .fackioju-ille. Atr. Jarwian ai'.v his man near the junc tion of Rroal and Queen streets and kept out of his sjeht and came on to the court house and returned with a warrant, a companied by Depnty Sheriff.!. 1). Ja Roque. found Caiy.pLfiU in a '.airoom l.nd a .i (( . him. i j heavy set ot metal kuucfcc wore found in hjs poostwslon and he was at onee put under a $S50 bond by Mag istrate Street for carrying this concealed deadly weapon, which of course he could not give and he is held in ail on tha diargv. as well aq t'e QtiyC-rs. At agnjblia he robhed t?ie itcro of .J. A. Mattbevys and ih known to have had ankles which answer the description of the things taken. This robbery was on the 3d of August. About the s;t'i. Campbell fumed up at JckvMviHe it alopecia he Iru1 come throgh the country, and on the 7th Mr. A. Reese's store near there w as burglarized,and robbed of con siderable. Circumsta.nc:'s point pretty strongly tj his guilt in this instance also Mr. Jarman bears a good reputation for successful worn in running cy-hii- nnU.Wn IT.. -..- i nnn it. wi'l u- ' en.embc'ed, she succeeded widi the aid lot those who went from New "Berne, in ferreting out an(l capturiryg thoQfc, who, robid (uy Lqne'-s stow. A Charming House-Party. Miss Hattie Lane lias returned to the city from a visit to "Ivey Berne," the home of Miss Clara Hodgej near I ayette- mUc iiany menu-, ot Miss hfoqge-s, Wtire o.j senbled there h-y invitation.it being the Ilervey Evans, oi Fayetteville; Frank M. Harper, of Athens. G-i.. iii d John C Mil! lev, o' GobKbMro Thu ten days ol uninterrupted jileasure spent ut "Tvey Heme," will always be remeinliei'exl witli the greatest pleasure by the gtte-ts of Miss Hodge, who, by her tloughtfnlncss, had arranged a most atiru?.tive programme of amusements. 8t: earns Rising Damage Resulting. The continue ! rains are causing the straims tributary to the Neuse river above New Berne to rise considerably. The water is over the bridge at' Snow' Iill and is ivyo and a halt ieet deep in the steamer ware-house and it was built, we are told, lour feet higher than water was t-.rtn expected to come. The water in Swift creek is higher t an it has been since lb77, and it con tinue.-! to rise. The Swift creek b-idge is alio it and Would u down the current, hut for the people there I iving managed so far to hold it at it aCe by making it fast at each corner and in the middle. There is no pasinL! e.sCept by boats. The U. S. mail his to be transferred from the stage coach in a boat and lerried cross the creek into the village. All of the crops ir. the lowlands are under water and it is feared they will be a total loss. Timbenr.in nu losing quantities of ihcir logs bp their breaking loose and go ing down w ith the swift current, Fears are felt that further trouble may be caused but the hope is that the waters will speedily recede. 01 K I'UULIC 1UTLDINU. Senator Jarvis Appealed to to Procure Its Prompt ( onstniction I His Favc rable IJej)ly. .. .;-t -.ilh, JS'tJ. 1a i; v i s. New i. i in-, X. Hon. TuoiJ a- -I. ell itr ( hull.: 'rl . Wa-hiugloii. 1). C. Dear Sir: ,A!,ow me to p-.-sent for your eoii-idpration the inalter of our Public Budding. You ;,re aware that bv act ot Congress approved March 2nd'. 1839, the sum ot -event -tiw thousand loll:tr was appropriated with which to purchase a site and erect t hereon a build ing suitable for lVi-t-otHce. Cu-loiiis and Courts at Xew Berue, X. C. The site was purchased over three years ago. and net!,v live and :l half years liave elapsed since the pu--ai'e of the act. and although during th!- period manv building- have been eon-: rutted that were authorized since this one lor Xew Berne, nothing further ha.- U--n done within our 1 view toward the 1 ol t Lug. im 1 his eliiril.ile -itc. l. . .center ..f the town. d -ti: th li remains hh- I adorned, a verita! eve.-on . , j grown with gra-s and wee public health and a n p;. Is a menace to ich to olliciai doth Our people have been waiting long i and patiently tor a .iiimencciiient of the work only to have fheir hope- deleired and to see the subject for a long lime -eeuiiuglv whoiv forgotten. In regard to the matter we have had -ome coirespond- ence with our reprepivsentatives and the! oltice of the supervising architect, the only outcome of which were a !'..-w small uncertain assurances that show no indi cation to materialize to anything sul- stantial. In view of the grow tli of our city, the yearly expansion of its business and a large attendant increase in the business ot the Post-o like here, a Public Building is conceded by all now to be an absolute necessity. We are told tied l uge bodies move slowly and great undertakings require time tor consummation but there is nodi ing like a little puh. and an occasional impetus will sometimes put the wheel in motion. On behalf of our people ami in the in terest of this city and section 1 am eon strained to ask you to give us the force of your persuasive argument and influence in furtherance of the construction of the Public Building at Xew Berne, We know full " e'.l we. have a poweiful Vulcan .at the forge, and will rest satis fied if we shall be so fortunate as to enlist your sturdy co-operation m thi- matter that seems to reqiure constant and heavy hammering. Awaiting your early reply, I am, dear sir, yours very respectfully, W.f. Ei.lis. Mavor. I'xiTKn States Senate, Washington, I. C. Aug- 4lh. Is04. Hon. Wm, Ellis, Mayor, Nw Becue, . L , My Dear Sir: In reply to youv favor of the 20th of July, 1 beg to -ay, thai we are informed by "iu Architect of the TTcSi-i,iy iJepartmcnt that the cause of the delay m commencing work on the Government Building in New Bern has been attributable to the fact that the force ;n his office was insufficient to pre pare the plan- and specifications for the huge nuniljer of buildings provided by the several acts of Coi gns !La in forms me t'nat he tfuikc r.e will be uble to commence work on y our 1 ,iildi'ii bv the first of December aoct, J a)Sj luade a special visit today to see tht; Secretary of the Treasury "to urge that the work be"commcccd on the New Bern building at the very earliest possible day. From him 1 learned a'sc that ,he delay had been ca-, sc.' Ly n.e insufficient fore iu .hu Architect's off-ce, and tlmt this want of force arose from an insuffi cient appropriation with which toerriploy tho necessary draughtsman, He, how ever, promised to do what he could to expedite the matter. So I think our Ne-y Bern friends may rest icssr-cd that ihc work will be count ,en:.-t wTjiin the next few tr.onti,-, Very truly yours. Jhos. J. Jarvis. EDUCATION FOR THE BLIXD. Freely Given By The State The Ad dress of Every Blind Child Wanted. North Carclina State institution 'or he Blim' locatei1 R ,ieigh i- now n.aking special effort, tin. ugh its Princi- pal, I'rof. W. J. YuiiK io brought into camuiunxatiuu wt'.h every blind child in the tate, or lather with the parents and guardian of can h, that they all may be induce d to outer the school the State has so geticriously provided and receive without cost. that ediioatior?. which wili lit then, '...r ?c vi-.e in life and for evtrcting irofn it that euiovrnent which culture gives. T-le astonishing fact is noted that, ac cording to the United Statss census report of 1890 there were, then 731 blind child ren in North Carolina, while last yea; there were in the institi.tior. on'y "leaving over ;ov groving up in ignor- Ijy the ,j)iaplr.ttoii of the Morganton Insiiiutioii tbr the Deaf and their remov al from the Institution for the Deaf and Dumb aud the Blind at Hdeigh the lat ter Institution i- better prepared than ever ljefore to sustain and ec'ueate tne blind. The Institution is doing more effieieut work than eser liprelo 'i'l'e, :,nd '.eing anxious that ivory blind child in the State should re ceive the education freely offered, an ap- peal is made to every one knowing of a blind child to send the name, post-nflice, county, and nearest railroad station of Livery child of this class in North Caro- Una, aud also the name of the pareut or guardian of such a child. There is a chance here for manv a per- son to do u'ood service to some poor nn- fortunate child at the cost of only a lictle work by himself. The communications can be addressed directly tn the institu- tiun itself at Haleigh. or to Mr. Bryan, New Hernc, clci'nnan o Board of E.;ucai!oii Mr. Urvau K, K. 1 the will take pleasure in furiii-hing any informa tion wanted or otherwise as-Uting toward: getting any b'ind child entered into tht Institution. JteRae's Trial, John Mcltae, the o made such a dUpiay of lie-, at Deliair lee, htly S. . Street. K--;.. f; charges ol c:;;T.inj co and two for a.--.iult ni! ly weapons. W. J. Mc .1,.1'Od man who in- ll. a- litnu; ipiao tried bcloi'e "i -lerd -iv on two n.-e i!e I weapons, cillery with (Ifii-1-Soi iev and . T. McCarthy were the pms'v-uting .atc.rncys. and J. E 1 '.'Hin , -.o lured, aipt aretl for he defendant. Th!- was Mr. McSorlcy's ttiat case. Mc-Rae was reijiured to o'ivc bond in the sum ol S2o0 in one ca-1. and if lie succeedetl in this the bond would lie n ade liiiht in the others. ( )f course he can give no bond, and Hotel de I.;me has sm other boarder. ".NEWS ADRIFT." "Picked-Up" by The Journol Which Always In "The Swim." Corn i- jumping up in price five cents advance in one day. It now brings fiO snts wholesale. The Free Press reports the burning cf a barn of .J. M. Mew borne of Lenoir coun ty. Los- $ 121. The Vigilant was defeated Thmsday on a mile race; the Brittania came out little ahexid and British throats distended with halariou- shouts and all the steam yachts shrieked. Lieut. L. II. Tyler has beeu ordered by the Secretary of the X'avy to command the Naval militia of North Carolina dur ing the annual drills on the monitor Nantucket, commencing August 18. A runaway ease was Drought to light yesterday. A married man of Wilming ton, ran off with a Vouug girl- under , ,-,. . r .i vw loiecu ciis oi aCduci gallic uij Berne. done- county convention to nominate candideles lor county officers and member of the legislature will lie held at Trenton September 1st. The primaries will lie held on Aug. 25 at 3 o'clock p. in. at the several voting places of the county. Major Stanton passed through yester day morning to inspect the government improvement work near Morehead City which has lately been going 1 forward under Maj. Chadbourn, Mr. Chadb nun wetd down also. Me--rs. G. II. Waters & Son are thor oughly overhauling the omnibus which was formerly inn by Mr. J. W. Stew art. It will be made same as new, and used in connection with the Chattawka hotel as soon as it opens. The Messenger tells of the bold rob bery of two adjoining residences; those of Mrs. Rosa Bivins and Mj. John Meier. Kitchens were robbed of all provisions and from the houses some ailver ware a little money and a bran new gold watch and chain stolen. One trunk was carried out into the garden and broken open with an ax. Ur.W. T. Caho and Mr. W. H. Oliver returned from the Democratic State Con vention. We hoar Mr. Oliver's speech before the convention in advocacy of "sil ver highly spoken of, and the convention, as will be noticed, adopted a clause in tl'e platform in favor of the free, aid unlim ited coinage of silver at the ratio of 1C to 4. Attempted Infanticide. A letter informs us of a horrible aflair at Jacksonville, On the morning of the 8th inst. a white single woman named Eliza Dudley gave birth to an illegitimate child aud made three unsucssffll at tempts to murder it ty strangling it in a waf:h . pan , her idea was to conceal its bull!. She asserts Uiat a mechinist and saw yer whom she names and who now liven in Wilmington is the father. She c'ain he ravished her but she ras sd (fjm lor bastardy, The vliitd died a few hours alter it was born aud the woman is now in a critical condition. The First Water Motor F.ajt, Messrs. Nuun & McSorley have put up a fan wver their aoda fountain counter which is run by a water motor. The fiin is a good thing lor this hot weather, and will lie much appreciated by their pa trols. They are the second to utilize the water works for mechanical purposes Tj- Journal having been tho first with its press water motor. Mr. C. B. Foy, Su periniendeut, is anxious to get the motors iiAo general use in the city. The Hottest Day This Year. Plenty of our citizens declared Thurs day tD be the hottest day of the year, and the plenty of people who did so were every one mistaken. The maximum temperature yesterday, as shown by khe government thewncme'wer, was 92, the minim v.m Ofl, while on both tlie 17th of May and the I2jth ot June the thermom eter iveut up to 94. The next hottest days were the 20th and 29th of July. The temperr,',ve on those days was 92, A .Vattress Maciilne Mr. Thos. H. Gaskill who recently in vented a machine for filling mattresses is now having one of them built, and will in a few days give it a good test and have it on exhibition. Heretofore nothing has been built except the model. If the machine works as expected, i will enable two men working wih, it to j mc.i-, j-"r"i.i'j 4- mv.. .u.... vaZ per (tny, By hand it is a fair days work for a man to All ten or fifteen matresses per day. The machine will work any mater ial used in filling and may cause, tyiitb a revolution in m.ttreg making. A few days more will tell the storw. The Rnnaways. Jos. Swan alias Jos. Cumber, the latter being his true name, the former being the j one he is generally called by, it bein, his j stepfather's, was arrested yesterday on I the charge oi abducting t,ela Ward, both minrftfvn If ffilnir hiYH'.n at once that tho girl was over fouiteen the ease coui not be made out abduction and was dismissed promptly by acting . -Mayor F. Ulrich. ' This w as the runaway case we told of 1 yesterday. Mr. Frank Tisdale represent- I ed the defense. j The couple, when arrested were in a ! house on the upper part of Queen street. Miss Ward and her mother return ; home to-tfiv. j Stole Two Watches. 1- urney tspai row, a white man al,v,iV twenty-live ye n s of a:re stole a couule of watehts t'rom the stole of Render Bros , l ollksyille, Tuestlav, while those in the 1 aiore weue engogoa witn customers. It I is a moat potent reju vena tor . : lb.- weak 1 was found out that he had the watches I ened and debilitated sysit -in. It drive ; hut he told that he got them from a New ol,t a!1 .V"''". all impuruy, en. i. hes lln--,,,. ,, , ' , , . blood, ami makes the old and w orn out ! Rome jeweller, which was proTen lo " fcei young and vigorous. ro, e-le-l false. didn't discover it, but Di. Pierce did. and i A trial was held and Sparrow's bond 1 he rightly named it when be called it a was fixed at s?250. While he was pre sumably trying to make up the bond he broke from the officer and escaped, and he has not been heard from since. A CHARLOTTE SHOOTINd A FIT. V A Prominent Sooiety Man. Jahey Mvrrs Possibly FalalJy Wounded by Fred Oliver. The Cluirlotte News tells ol -,i,ou-shooting affray in that, eiiv on the -iih in-t. Fred Oliver shol and h ,dh - ed Jaliez Myers, t.t Mr, M . : covery is doubtful, leu l; , favor of it. Mr. Mi v. i :- im.I, , .. -"i.oon bond. Both are men of social prominence ;nl both spent much time at M.nrhead thi yar. It is supposed that Mr. Myers, who was shot was suffering f rom aU-rr i tion of mind in fact he luid shown mk h signs ol it that his friends wi re coiisidcr ingthe tulvigability of locking him up and the proprietors ot the hoh i where he stopped were anxious for him Io move as the guests were ltc1 t i tilt 'b-tuibi.l .,, fearful of some violence. Hi- in.,-, i : i . :innmlHi u-ic tli.if ,.-.. ....... I I " .....j inn. 11 null .Mr. Oliver. (the gentleman who did the snorting i ami another man had mortally intended him. j and he made constant and vigoroii-i threats to have their hearts' blood Froi Mr. Myers' statement 1 1,. -.on-.d of offence was an occurance a( .More 'i, ,. He enlertained there in lavish style, tie crowning social event of the month 1' ing a favor German, an elaborate affair, given by him in favor of a SI. Louis j young lady, and it appears that all the trouble sprang from this German. He was paying attention to the young lady at the Time, and he cha rgiM 1 hat Mr. ieij broke up the match by telling In r I,,-, that Mr. Myers could not atroi.l to gh! such an event as the Gtrmaii w.i . ami ii was under this beliet that Mr. Mvn harbored the enmity. When Mr. Oliver returned h oine he as warned by his friends of the situation and he armed li'mself. Ashe wa- drit ing at a trot along tlie street Mr Mm i -who was on the porch of a friend's hoii-e sprung excitedly towards him, swearing and calling on him to stop. For an an swer Mr. Oliver drew his pistol and fired. Myers staggered but resume 1 the pursuit, and Oliver fired again, when Myers -!;,!, ped his hand to his shoulder and reeled off and Mr. Oliver went on Io the au thorities and surrendered. The first bullet shuck Mr. Myers squarely imbe chin, shivered lln lone, knocked four teeth out, took a downward course ami lodged in his throat, near the collar bone. It was extracted by the physicians. The other bullet shattered the right arm so that two and one-Udl inches of the bone, near the slnu.l.'ir-r, had to be removed and airjiutatimi was nar rowly escaped, Mr. CJiver is manager of tlie extrusive foil and fertilizer factory in Charlotte and is identified with other leading industries of the city. Mr. Myers is ;l traveling salesman for a large North en tirm ami makes Charlotte his ltd.piartcrs and is ii favorilP h; luiih cm-ml .on! busim-"-circles there, Mr. Oliver denies fhe charge brought against him by Mr. Myers and siy s he was not even acquainted with the huly. Mr. Myers was considered by some of the people at Morehe-ad to be ai ling c,y.like before lie left there. The latest from Mr. Myers is tlmt ri is much b tter. He is at the home of Mr. T. L. Alexander, near where he was shot. He is to be taken to the hospital at the eailiest practical moment. He has no fever and all hL symptoms are lavorable but he baa lo keep in a silling posture aa tue wound iu his throat would cause him to choke should he lie down. OYSTER FARMIISdl. Annual Meeting Eastern Carolina Pic torial Association. The Wilmington Star reports tho an nual Meeting of the EaMorn Carolina Piscatorial Ascciu,tiw,n just held at Wil mington, The reports showed the Association Iree from debt and with a balance ot cash on hand the reports ol .'.'. tin- offi cers were encouraging. The Board of Directors was elected, a-fcjl-s: W A Riaeh, J F Divine, U I) Cronly, J I) Bellamy, Jr., J S Westbool,, H P Wast and E Venter. At a suhseouent meetine; of tin- Direc tors li Porter was elected 1'resideni , V Riach Vice-President, aud F II Medman Secretary and Treasurer. A number of oysters from the ben- oi the Association were exhibitel a, tie meeting, all of which w te found to !, m fine growing condition, thosM iw . yen old Vetng large enough to m u t.-i. 'l ie liundier ol "spats" adherae.; to tin. ou ters, as well as to shells showed., that the work of wantiug was pvogn-. ; iug favorably on ihe ground- of the "m pany. Tle-rejioj-t of the I'resident -liunnl that the company now has 17:'.."so t m -; i -els of small oysters planted and thai i d were doing well showing th.it the gr nn, ! I lac would not only grow to perf cli ei oysters planted, but would ,;epb-nKli tie- supply by proha,tin, Sic reports goto prove that o-t,i culture with proper restriction and proper protection is the true solution ol tne vexed oyster question. The timo will come in tlie no distant luture, it indeed it has not already come, that the natiiia1 beds will not be adequate to the dent nid Qt the times, Encourage oyster ciulure. but da not let the business become a m i i po v or let the growers ruin the natural bed by tbe wholesale removal of oyst. i- li.cn them to their private grounds. When Ponce-de-Leon wuil'Ii! i, The fountain giving hat l lo-i It may be that be had in mind That draught which ..jji.- ! truth ( hit vXtUe fable ages old. For drinking it the old m ,, v U is, indeed, a draiii;lit ot e,.M. Surpassing all by ioel- miii. The draught meant i- Dr. Golden Meilical Disi overv, ol hud I ' 'Golden Discovery. Dr. Pierce's Pellets cure permanently constipation, indigestion and bun laches. All dealers. THAT TRYI; DFI.W. (Mir I nailc (putc Po-l-nlHc" facilities He Should t h ('nnip lletl to Haii Anj Longer. I i : o :i t . i , i , i , . ,,t,r i 1 1 ni'iving !i. ci . Ilo-'c i M.,v..i .n I 1 1' of " v 1 oc , . ,, I , u.ldiiig. I I I c;-,; . ,. , V jS ilia I ol o lie bien waiiu'y com nieiited a I lie i .1 '. it wa maiiiy ltller and ll1' i ili ,'ni i- were glad to lead it. I: wa- a wise move to get laivi- iutcri-ted in the miillei. Senator He is tho ri nor f '.'line man lc :, u hen I . N..rt I and h ' .,: ".an :. v. rv ell'e : ni w orki r generally a up!. -bo- w hal he uie Ii 1 1 d.e -. I'm bilildii: dn-.:v. rr 1 lofole liei , I , i . I n e , aimot get 'minimi ,., ;i once, as w lion- i on li. I" 1. 1 than hcrp w i . I,.- , ,i,,iici iced this .1 . . C- i , I Ircelnlier. w, II 11 1' Hot I .1111 I i eo I .-hi ill this hug aliel' jMlblic b d. the apprnpria- ide w. 'I I a fi er ours 1 1 r.l! ei. I'ii hi ir bui I iMi'l.l.ng h i- Iwen , rei I - I. i w h'rh u el'. i e been only fed on Io be pi, III'. la rc no( un 'er i b y wi re un- l-Slll .1 tllHt v ; :ii i-licd as oiiiieni idg the v a ' i - I ec4m- ! H' l (hr ex i. ,! .1 d.'l-l I : ... Ill- W' -II I. 1 lie tc ii i lie w i-i Io ;.. I i,c , i bin'd-le; b" plsn ed - o l i . I c -iinpU icll-cii-i- r.ideti.t liim. tl; n-i. -l lli il colli. I l.i ide i I lial a d r ib -ai:i n Io i ir i w I In- p!.i n- of 1 1 1. u i i li 1 1. 1 i 1 1 1 1 1 no of i . i n 1 1 1 ., r- I In io i'l- b.: it is one of Ih e tl -lit of. The odld not be npared nr building when Io dr.iw I lie plana 'ulici.-. that, were ll.c.M'i ! itci .in I mIik Ij iioh sl.'iinl com Any oie. M-i lciit oi i-ilor, who ha ' C l-IOll Io IS, I oil! .0--0li, c UllllWM til !!.: ii. d loi a ail. In I hi i Id i ii..-. The il !- c'lo i;i" .ind Ihc pn-.i'iil po.st-offtl! -ic I : i i 1 1 1 I . ,o c i am ii-. 1 for I he business. doll I. II i an oulr.ii;o that re In i i, i onipclli d Io l illt Bp .i- a . Ii.ivc. I'liare ollglit III' del i V (Mil mil il iJb- - Id Willi ll not. o I I Hill' . The i unity d-i I- rcie lering a-KistiMM iii work i Io' Ihe 1 ill 1)1 K- bllllilni.'. TlkO eoonni--lionei -i passed l oiiileoiei bul slion le-ol ii 1 1. .us on (he m. .Iter Friday which are Io 1- loi v, a i led to -u r Sj-nator .ni l I!-pi' s-nlsil i . i - in Congress and of which ',,. ii line more fo say here- afl.-l Firpiiien's Ttniriiaiiient All iWe Mo. Tin' 1 ireiiii n'-t T. .ii iu.io iit is drawing nicdi Jt holib on ili.-lasl llin edays il I h is moil I Ii. Tl"' At'.anins ill in . ihl v rnliT timr eoi-ttsls llir Imrm ni l rno t.le liaoit reel do. iiinl lln ijiiiek sleaiiiin.; and long distance tlnow iiei. The h vs are pcilcetly salitOed that they will bine; home Die prize lor lliok steaming, ami hope t do likewise in the hali.l reel eonb l and jio:,-il.ly I be other. Tin y should praetit e with the baud reel widl U'lwecn now and iho lime of tbe tournament. sf lO. is the prim for that, and with it goes the champion ship belt, which is valued at .f7 New r.erne i- bi licveil to have Ihe Inn ipiii kot steam ing enifines in the world. Thi :s due Io mo, li I 1 1 ions ma le in I Item by New Ueriie iiiiiehiiiisl - ol inventive talent. I )ne enuiue goes up In the tournament one year and luiii- s ,n k Ihe prize, and the other i iiL'iii'-, tin iiel year. Tha prize is $ "iO. Now as tlie boys fil l so .sale on tlliw prize let tlii-ni show I heir inetlle HI id HO what they can do for the other there. Practice up and gel in good trim. John .UcRac Captured. John Mt Itae, lln- ooli.rcil man, who about a week ago at bis Lome a few miles from Ihe city, nnn-cn iliilly beat big wfo and womidr w'e:iioi and ',lie hand am T 'uisdav an 1 her in Hie nnn with samo also shot a colored mim in. 1 1 4-1 ran away was arrested I i- now in iad. Mi I !ae i L scon r nei'j.h '. .1 hood to , 1I lies, in liii Ii bv his niot her. II bene.' disi o , nluicd bat k to the i I io-ises-ioii of his Ifott he was asHlsted- ovei ed I led he had beon . I loot and ficll DiXOIV iii....!, am I captured hirr lu-n.ifi'ii Sin-i t's ferry an.l I l.i . .ic in loin down to around. Mo .rave iursiiit about bill u V in, boll-. Mi. 1. M '-to W. I- loi lllS ,,,, bad one of titer -I. and Mr. Street, I a ..ue. hi him on to d h nn in jail. I iTTTuc warrants i w . . . .1 a--;iul t and . , i i v 1 1 1 ! C'.neeHlett New I ' ' i' a M, II ic w l IWo - -! I M 1 1. V ..'id "''I Those Snakt i U.ll'i'.' .1 . . 1 I , ,1 I, Iii Snake-Iiitren Pojrs,. a i ,1 em a n icle ii) ibe : ol' : a. if e-illse pal a bite i, iiM-i:. oi 'b,i;s which- . 'o iialn -. Mr. F. S in t Ii- of a dog whn.h wa- twite bittea 1, 1 1 led .if. .ut I hroc years ii tic lir-l tune and tiTO '.i-i ..in ind liiii of the I'll Io, 1 1. I ill ic In . l to his 1 1 1 ' 1 lie w ; lis all Ul.l i I V 1 I . , us o l n I ru I live .I.... I 1. 1. ..It. i ' i n . pie ti) tell s, tin- tretiter i i he nil Ixling ii I :,c I : er of a I .I-., i . 1 1 lutten ; ib. - nue kintV 0 1 1 mi He 1 im ho had i.oi. l in I sayn- id io linn that I. ,,l il I: t . I le in ,i ! .ii'icanle,! in the i, I. i w 1 1. - iJni'i valions inie thai ibe iislenCO '. in.- o . I In- ii ike bile, I. ... He. l,e lilldlll Ol V, I, , l h.nl .o I,, ell bll- , .h , :. oui and med ' i i n bach that . .. 1 w ecu the two i ieei, s ,,r worm lo :.:in.:! :t seems dogn 1 I' I , I tcea- ii ua 1 1 y they ni beinos) mill that Ihey xi ,1 in ;n aiiiinal that tliel, Iho .le I. hu - nev ei' been hiUe 'file loason probabU ported as being found as in one lhat bus. that none are re in docs thai have never been bitten is Nx-.-uise ot lack of investigation oftbose'auimals. t ;

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