-x-. , V fli ;X ;vl. ' " l ' . ..- , . . O I - - .,'-4 - $1.00 Per Year INDEPENDENT IN ALL THINGS. Single Oopies, 5 Gents." - VOL. XVII. NEW BERNE. CRAVEN COUNTY, N. C. AI'i.i ST 23, 1894. NO. 22 iS -ASTOUKDINQ IfER-EST-iNG NEWS You will find well as in f other parts :m : of the e m V.z. r - . -. - It v - Another Item in :;sf:Jaiiy part of the v P.per asinterest ing to the people of - this section as THE- FACT F- that we are S. ooooooooooooooooooooooooooo ooo The Leaders In LOW PRICES. oooooooooooooxkkooooooooooooo AND o m H H j? X'JVX GOING 'X HUNN &l McSORLEY'S 47-49 Mock St :;' rORA REFRESHING DRINK OF -'; ci;-'' "Pineaple Sherbet, Ice Cream - "- j-T Boda. Shaved Ice's, Co a Co'a, 1 and Soda Water on Braoght I'll also get on of their Excellent Cigars. PI, I N PROOF. That Rpy. W. L. West ofOcraeoko Was D-nnk in w Bern" A Snrprls. lug Acquittal. New Banc. N. C. Aw.:. 7. Mr. E. S. Mit't. Dear iA. : I le.irn ilia: at a recent ion .. roncc o:' ihe Northern Methodist C hurch .. Id at Hattcms, X. C. the committer ippointed to investigate tlie charges a:.-u:nt R'v. W. K. We:-', the pitor of that church at Ocraeoke, N. C. ofn'leged d "uukennoss while in New Bcnu1, divided that the eh. i; v ere la'sv Sevrral pc-)ie, mcml. ot'tirit rhureh aiuong them three of their minister - c:inie up here to investigate and get statements and did gei suiteiuents from men i l' the brf-t character who sjtw the Kev. -t in his drunkeji condirinn. Kttch of the miti islers wli . can e uj) her;' to get -t;itr-ment ' ' ' e -. i hey . :'t tl it the i i - t . ,t i: . ' ! . . . ; Ii o . w -r- su::-;K: f die tru.ii oi die siatemeiiu. Mow -t tppei: -s to me tltat those who came hen. Tor and got statements from good men and men they cannot help kjowintr to oe of h';o;h character certainly must not lu-.ve exhibiteil thoe statements to the c-n . .:rv, did not report cor-I rvctiy tht in' s;1io .;ents and if this is so the churo'i :'::d ' ; -re . people vt the chui. . cspvi...iy :it Ocrncoke have loon imjwsfd UM-.ii ;uui -.'mu'd know t ie truth w i on piouse lei me Know what state ..iis you nj-.Je to those who came to you for statements, as near as you can id regard to the allege! drunkenness of the Rev. West. Very Truly. Jas. A. Thom s. New Berne, X. C. AuU'. S. 1S94 Mr. Jas. A. Thuma.-. . Dear Sir: Yonr favor o:' the Ttii in-t. is receiTcd and noted. In reply to yo tr request tl l 1 let you know what statement I made to those who came to me for statements in regard to the alleged damkenness ot the Hev. West. I will ?av, that some t; lie in the latter part ot Februmy, or first part of i 'rch. this y. .r. I saw a n-an at the jrne of Miitdie and South F ont streets in this city in a very drunken condition leani-ig against the store occupied by Lucas and Lewis. I went close to him atid saw perfect. y well his condition. I bis man answered perfectly in every par ticular to the description given nie of the H.-f. Mf. West. At that time I did not know the man personally. I have made the abo.e statement to several who came to me for it and who I urderstoxl were investigating the matter. Subsequently, this same man came to my place of business and introduced him self as Mr. West, and askad to see me, we went into my office. lie then asked m'e if I had said that he came to my place of business drur I to'ci him no I had not se'd he came to my place drunk, but that I IiaJ said I su a man n:iswcri;i-; his de scription drunk at the corner ot Mi Die and ixmth Front streets leaniiiu a-ain-t the store of-i.iic.Ls and Lew'-, am! that when I saw lutn 1 d,.! not kimw v, ho lr was, bat after he introduce', himself I kcjw who it was. and th.r It was hlni ana he was drut k. lie ask 'd me. "Do yon say so audi stick to tiia. ti.nv' ! to'd h' a "Yes, u.o- m:::i' af.i -, a el tii.it I would sw ir t.. .t. lie then let": ir.e. 1 haT e not seen L tu s".,i - This is what i know and. '- nh eat the statements 1 have made t" several who have asked m.- diout the liiitw. Ye.v Tru'y Y- ;; - K. s. thki:t. "Biuevilis ,vro..iit by want oi tie ttLt" ;. As well as wa.it of htart. By want ol t'tou'-tht mothers adow daugntcisto 1 ceo ue frail and puny. Over Sii'ily in gir s induces uterine u i. so r jet's find weaknesses, and blights their future happiness as wives and mothers. Joined to p -oper hygienic care, Dr. Pierce's i: . or'ue Presciiptiou is a priceless re La -iy in sric i ailtnents, its value become int; even in '-ft apparent every year. Usina it, '.hew an, debilitated school girl gain er or. fit ih and spirits. lo::Dg tiiose c: rhly hejdaches, tormenting backaches. nor, dejection, and other symptoms ot iimc.iona' irregularities, and nervous deb ity. It never harms the most delicate gin. Robertsda'e. Iluntinirilon Co., l'a. World's Dispensary Medical Association: Gentlemen I cannot sufficiently ex press to you my gratitude tor the benefit your medicine hns conferred upou my daughter. Of "late. she has suffered no pain whatever. It is simply marvelous. You have just reasou to call it your 'Favorite Pijscripth l " and to stake voo- reputa tion as a physician on it. A favorite pre scription it Is. indeed, to you and to thousands in this land, and I believe will he to suffering women the world over. Four gratefully. Thomxs Thiki.ivf.ll. Asthma cured by newly discovered tpeatrreat. Ptmiphiet; testimonials and re ferences free. Address World's Dispensary Medical Association, Buffalo. X. Y. EI. X7V. tiiKr j t .x .sxmcT-i Under Gaston llojse, South Front Street, New Berne. N. C F'UIL.L. 11 IN JLdl OF General Hardware. Stoves, Carpenters Tools, Cutlery, Table Ware, Barbed Wire, GALVANIZED PIPE, PUMPS, Lime, Plaster and Cement. DEVOES PURE READY MIXED PAINTS. CP Personal attention to the prompt and correct filling ol all orders. m s Mm w. (low 73 MIDDLE STREET HARDWARE OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. 8ash, Boors and Blinds. Stoves, Lime, Plas ter and$pement. DEVOE'a READY - MIXED PAINT. SATISFACTION L.H, GUTLER a 00., "5' HATi'KMX.S OK Til K DAY, China - war 1 1 io junk departm1-;-, The i h:" tat Sept. llh and The K--Ui li.iea;. iudorsed the I'opu Mr. Wade anr ille I-! " ,1 tic, ':.!'.iain -oi'i ' ' countv. have ' it'll and sentenced to 1 a i A iTaimcniep.t - hue 'no trrand reunion nt' K-l i r,ft eili on Wedncsuav "t ; Oito'tx-'r 24ti. Tin- ma. .ic thotisand i'l littetid. An i chan'e - iy ''.i- " daring.' Ye- a:nl. ti'i .c- t III l' t new - i fll". to is doctored. ( hi do,; ,n ;n the ruJerj;ccs arc iui United Etates. ,;loid !o iinii Thev were inteiceptr near Snn Fran; ico The cruiser Char; md uarne l off. ston iii- 1'icn rdcre to the seat id war. She satie 1 I'l'mn S.iii Kraneisea i'ii the l;hh ! join the A-;au-s luadron un del Coin aui -lore t'arpeiiter. A fill, Slate ticket i- like'y l. li - none.- iiated hv the S. C. com .-litem, notwitli-i standing Tii'inati i-ai:;i.-t :t. Hti-. Tlioari- l)ioii, of New Yolk, i to lecture m vi Tu -il.iv nitrt in Kalciitli on Hie (ia' -- '( Ile-iveu and Hell"' in ' motlern J : J ' i. Some pei'; do not :ipj whichjinay a count foi i 1 f "Cyclone Jim" Murshu Conirressman. by his i ot:- teeiate cvclor.es, i- turiiiiitj down U the Viririnta tilllenl-. (enic.ii navnl in-port which -e killed l.v Here is a. .pie o fiieer on i o:i r I ; tVes a B:rtih tla: Ion: It a . hine-e ! : as a vu- the Japan. - . w i - -:i' 1 'o 1 1 u I i Fo ii r pri rs were or de.-e-pcditlcal arrested at 1 tidianapol:- Sunday elating the Saobath I'v nuikiii sjiceches. The Xorth ( 'arolina delegation voted solidly in the House caucus for the re solution proposin: in accept separate amendments to the tarlV 'd.!'. The Senate bill docs not irenera'.Iy stii: the deloitation. !nt they realized that ii" tariff legislation was possible uiiie the Il 'iise we led from its p .-Ition. Another illustration of the siin' that "there ss nothing new undei the suu." is found in the assertion that the Coreans used an iroii-lad ship in their war with Japan in 16119. This turtle back ran into and punched holes in the Japa nese wooden ships and sank them. She is still in existence at Yonj; Yi n;' The Xew York Herald prints the Japanese-Chinese war news in Japanese and Chinese for its Chinese and Japanese readers It is said to look like a combina tion of tire-cracker hdici amid tea box a-r. that Ameri- gets there even iter.-1 tare. It shows, howe can n-wspap.-r enterprise if it has to tackle liivivg'yph.c An executive reward ot '0 for Andrew Oxenuinc. a notu attin. who burned Bute s i!ev Atlantic Coast Line. Ovendi" jail bit! but c-.i ape 1 1 . n. 1 : n. - s c lb red ous (".--. mi tlie v:n in : ; I,. - aei : I ; .-a x s i.i.vendaie ma.le i-a :'. ".Is man. the cannot be nrres threats and is a vc sheriff says. The defeat ol toe I' .pulist-KepuMi-can fu.-ion in Tcnue.-j.-ce and Alabama by decisive mtijorllies is one of iiie mo-t im portant political resii is i-f modern times. Had the contest bee'i c . in either of those States, hope would have urvived for the Popmiats and their allies but they they are dehaied in Tennessee by oyer 15,00" in a ligir yo,c. ami the ma jority against them . Alabama is not only overwhelming, but it comes ft"-m every section oi the Mate ami Ironi every ass aim condition o. voters the while ( count n - ati. I the ick belt united in giv- (Ja.ts for (Tovernor. ing majorities for mill iiietv ca.i no future battles fought bv the op-.l isitioti TcnneSs e. Ex. r Aui'iaiiia or Senator hansom, s tys: The tariff bll bill at all. It might t .North Carolina. - fa: I letter than no still be improved. but we sould not torget taxation and raises su tit' meet the neid.s of the does not carry out the I that it reduces ; 1 nt revenue to j ( lovernment. It I -ea of free raw j materials, which an .mportant )art o the Democratic doctrine, out much may I le dotic hercalt.-r to remedy these def ects." Pri si. lent Cat not ol the French Ixepub lic is avenged. His murderer Saulo Cas erio the anarchist, was guillotined at live o'clock Weenesday morning the 15th in-t. A detachment ot soldiers .rn-iriled the execution gr--tin ,ls. Caserio xvas led j v from his cell to the guillotine with his j arms tirmiy bound behind him. When h; xvas seized to be laid under the knife he struggled fiercely to get tree but ot course unavailing! y and at live precisely the knife fell ami his head robed in the basket. He shmi ed at the last. Courage, com mits long live anarehv." SL NEW BERNF, N C. GUARANTEED. miusm SHEP PARC'S t.00K STOVES MADE FROM PURE PIG IRON. Not one pound of Scrap Imn is ever used in these gooda. DURABLE, CONVENIENT and ECONOMICAL. All Modern Improvements to Lighten Housekeeping Cares. Twenty different eizes and kinds. Every Stove Warranted Against Defects. Prices not much Jaieher at this time than on commoner kinds of Stox'ea. Call on or address New Sersie, H. G. OVER. LIST (! I'KKMIl'S Awarded al 'he ! -'if:h Annual lixlnhit of Ihe Oric-. t iii Iniliis'nal stuck. Fruit and A lti 'cm tural Fair As sociation. Held in New Hern, ,.!nh I :'l r itci tor ic. spi-l'la: :r..-er. 1 it. v needle )' Mark- cY iver jiiated :.-in.. M 11 die I II -, .rk . -pei -ii. drv t:o ds. lea-poon-. Ml- Fthcl II Ch 1' t h u.irk ijiiilt. -1 Mr- Co; rt.'e F M.l Mrs Ciara Calcui Mrs I ; : i i: Ik-.-t I Uli . Im-I ):a:n ntcr ic-t 1 quiit. an Mrs Su-an date- of II :! i i.e 1 ..aid. " m .- dt.:d.. il . . tcrpui, Toe mis (ieor-e Ka liaidi-oli. hearth rur. "in.- X c . L 1 1 '1111- -et home made Mr- Mil i y A ( -t pan 1 socks, home ma. le. ",-i" Mis M ir A ( if. en. be-t pa h Mile ma. le. -Y 1 Mrs Tie .mas Tax lor. bet .-hams, J-le Mi's ( b'. O'-'e 1' M . '. lor. be-t -t' 'cki ML'S, i - t specimen ot hnen home braiding. 'Jc Mrs am e 1 'op. . 1 : -pe made stitching. 'J'h MI'S Catoloie !-'e best -p. made lace. -Vic ir Mlia a lie: i. lie.-t robe. "l'c ,xii- lLittie llarget. be-t haiiderkerchief. 125 c 's imjn home embroidered embroidered embroidered Mis- Rosa A l'i-lier. b tao'e cover. 50c Miss Xamle .1 ..a. -. cut or rai-e'd work, 5ic m.-s Y f. I.assif r. carriage rode, 50c Mis llet'.ic I-'i-lur. est spec men st embroidered I'l-'.ur. best fancy toilet I'ciiiu r. last wall Jiro- set, 25c xrss K lector. '-' e- mi- M.it y Spencer, bc-t made apron, '25c M's- Miry S Thur'Dcr. best specimen ol button hole in cloth. 5c Mrs. eorgc F. Mi b st croquette .an! kali xvork. 50e. t iirlosnics. W m I. u-ao. 1 nn-rte . and Itjn years old. 5ie. stlCU M rs. Francis veil' s old. 50c. Mrs. Francis 1 vears old. 50. MssMainie.b old. 50,;. Mrs. Carrie i ). old 30c. Mrs Marv p. old, 50c. Charles t 'dii 50c. Timothy iloxv old, 50c. I :ra- plate . i . 1 bottle bible 75 u-hions 1 1 1 years 4 plates Ion years dress 100 years ig W years old. 1 blddv 125 vears ;f. 1 mention head r-! r. 1 bur. Mrs. Ja'aa-, Mis. Laura Miss Nancy a .. da x Hi. -..a over, id. lace apron. Director. ::a-ital work Class (;. Edxv.-l: I'aintings. dra cc. .Mrs. tieorge lxest tlraxving. Wu -pi -;-oti, ( i oaf- mi .- al premium liquor dealer, .e-i ncti and in . N. C. y J. D. 1. I Dinkins, who; i John Dudley. : ink sketch Sm-allwooi!. ; special ))'.'emituii i -I grocer, 201b officii I Joseph Iliyne-. c- .1. W. -. b -t d by boy, ,: Co drv pecial pi en u ru ox ;.. . Inii goo.b 1 set gk:s-x. are. Jose Gibl-. best man dra.x Ing b bay W. Smali- or girl, special premium ox i. wood, dealer In hardware 1 set of tea- spoons (silver niclali. Mr3. Georgie Richardson. I.cst ing other than portrait, il. 1 paint Mrs Eliabilh 'Hal , desth..lintin on j silk, satin or pin.-h. si. ! Charley Go.ilev. i.. nc Iraxving, 1. ed photograph Mrs. Mal'sbad. ': st i . j eiilaigeU. i . Isaac Wooten, la -t specimen of orna- irental penmanship representing animals, I drds or fancv xx r. ting, si. Fl. ultc.re. Flowers in bloom. Mrs. Siqihia Fentn r. bcs. , d.lcction of. distinct xariet.e- ol green house jiaints not less than 10 variet it. -. 1. Mis Dolly A llo it, b,-; collection of geraniums, 75c. Mrs Annie E Green, han 1-omest display blooming plants, si Mrs Cora J t-.innioi varied display, fl. Mrs Susan liar lison. varied xlisplay. 5ic. Mrs Maggie Taylor, .. best and most tid iiest and most 3d best ami most varied, 50c. H Peter Kicbardsoii. Director. IIoisCs. Maris and Colts, l'etc-r Richarxlson, best brood mare colt by her side. $5. Noah Powell, best colt :J years old and under 4 vears, $2. John ,1 .Mosley. best mule 3 yrs old and over raised in S" C, $2. It (i Mosley, best cow for dairy pur i pose, $2. Walter S Fuicher ec Bro., Iiest yearling . bull. $1. , Noah Powell, best yearling heifer, i. ; Chas. Collins, best thoroughbred boar, any breed. $2. -lames Dudley, b st n u thoroughbred i boar. $1. i Chas. Collins, best pen cd' lilt begs, $1. Mills Hall, be-t p;L.s under lb month ;old. $1. i Frank Vail. U-:-l fat hog not less than j ISOOlbs. s-:. j Wm Lewis. Iiest t mined goat. $1. Uase bad tames, l.-t best club. Bed Stockings, of Nor- i folk. Va.. 40. ! 2 1 be-t ciuo. Excelsiors, of Nexv Berne. IN. C.s'25. j Ail persons to whom the above prcm I iunis have been axxarded can obtain the j same by applying to the Secretary, W. I W. Law rence's nflice. No. 81 George St.. i any time af er Fi i.iay. August 10th, 194. Fourth District Congressional Conven- vention. The ( "at: res-ion d convention for the Fourth district, held in Kaieigb on the I5th iii-i. xa- a large and enthusiastic body, en rv c. unity in the district being j fully re) i re.sc-n led. 1 ii i-i 1 .. . ii .- is.. .. i.i : ' nun, v i in i ics ai i ..OKI-. " r K.iit ' , . o nj-.rx l i , , ,, ii Her displacement is 2.0o0 tons and her m oounlx. c-iu-iKi r of the Hoil-e. xvas1 . ,. ' . . umiiiiniousiv all other call' lore I he ci mvi This distra the past six i telegram fro . ;i i , t v acclamatr ' xxith' I t.ifii ni. e- Il 1- a i net. .1- i a ' I. i epre-eii ti d lor ;." i b n. IJ 1 1 Ibinn. A . I'.iinti xx.as read lie fore --1 j mj hi- u arm stip- ea inf. Mr: t'levi- ami's name in led. -V re-o'.ution was itng that the Senate li - i;:t cod, -tiirar. I xx ;-i- n the free the con vi nth n. port to the ta n : The mention . xvas wildiv app d adopttd. demar stay in -' a d iron or,- an i liuckleir T,.e bi-t - dx A riiica Sj've. ii. tie- world for cuts, ccis. salt rheum, fever ipjic 1 hands, chilblains, . bruises, sor, -. sore-, tetti r. co-ns. and ad -1 ly cures pile-. " i tiuarantei. d i o money rel'uulei Forsiile bv F. C. .a imp; ions, a ml positive o .-;iv reipuirid. It is iert'ect satisfaction or !': ce 25 cents per box Duifv. ,Nexv -!eiiic, N. inlti l'Jm. : Men and women waste half their i time commenting on each ottier's I comments. ANNUAL CRUISE. .Naval Reserves in Their (i.ory Naval reserves arc now full in 1 1 1 f their annual cruise at Soiuh- Thi. T:i M-; nrl. MOM'AV ON THK MONITOR. Ij.i Monday all bands on the monitor xxete e.dle.l at 0 o'clock a. in. IJruakf it. was s. a ve l at 7:30 o'clock a.m. And at. if breakfast tile Reserves wen t to xvork -v-t. niatically to get the ship in the ltt possiMe condition. Tin- Chariotte Division arrived aboard at 11.55 o'clock a. in, Lieut, Coin. Wilkes a command. The men of both divisions wi re stationed for working tin--hip and for quarters, tire drill and ollnr xxoik. )n Monday alteiiioon the lug A n i xai'der Jones came along-side xxith a vaw 1 containing the auiunilion for the eruls.'. consisting of twelve rounds for the ; turret gnus, thirty rounds for the hoxv- Iters and seventy live blank cartridges i .I'.ih.w. tiiinme.: tin- sh.-l!-. tori Ilie lurret guns ana me lautvs ei poxxuei i proved to be exceedingly heavy the sh.p" i crew wwe kept busy in striking it hit- i the inagarane and shell room, the bovs worked as litithlul as if they were going lo gel immense pay lor it. and they were 1 accordingly commended Dy the otlicers. Tuesday's operations, i in Tuesday after quarters, a gig's, crew xvere taken out in the harbor anil wi re j interestingly instructed in boat ('rids l.y Lieut. Tyler, United States navy. The olher imn were given leave of absence i till 12.45 p. m. unless sooner called upon sight of the cruise Montgomery. THK NEWBEHN DIVISION. I Th Xewbern Division arrived in Wil mington at noon yesterday and ttiken by the steamer Clarence to Carolina Beach. The steamer Wilmington left nl i Southiiort for the Beach atnl landed the i Xewbern boxsat Soutlllort shorllv be - I fore 4 o'clock i. m. The monitor's gig i came over to the the city and carried the the . nexv arrivals aboard at 4 o clock p. m Wil. Messenger of 15th iust. FCN ON THE NANTUCKET. On Board Nantucket. Aug. 14 1 About two-thirds of the Nantucket's crew j last night allowed "'shore leave'' and their J merry songs and yells could be heard! oxer the entire town. The fair maidens! began a-seinbling at the Garrison, and as the Heserves marched up in charge of selected Coxswaiua Williams of Wilming ton and Bray of Charlotte, the girls gave three rousing cheers which were respond ed to in a thunderous way by about thirty Reserve seamen. Tlie night, until 10 30 o'clock, was spent walking by moonlight with the lo vely Southport girls. The boys, after a night's rest, xvere awakened this morning by the bugle call at live o'clock. After two hours' hard xvork the mens squads was formed on deck, and one of those tine meals that only Joe Hinton can serve wis placed be fore them. They took advantage of his kindness, and ate as only seamen can after scrubbing the deck and placing canvas, and doing many duties uhijll you can only realize if vmi were on broad. Wi'. star. .ieii. Cameron Arrive (iov Carr and Enthusiasm over ' In Nantucket From the Wilmington Star and Messen ger we gather the following abou t the Naval Reserves at Southport: Governor Elias Carr and party arrived in tne city v ecmesciay evening ai o:oi p. ni. by. way of the Wilmington and AVel clou railroad and were met at the depot by Col. W. R. Kenan and Col. Walker Taylor, and, the Wilmington Light In lantry, under command of Capt. W. N. Harriss. In the party xvere Governor Carr; Mrs. Carr. Misses Eleanor and Bruce Carr, Mr. and Mrs. W. K. Carr, Dr. John 13. Carr. Col. J. II. Holt, Jr., Maj. W. B. Grimes, Maj. S. F. Telfair, military sec retary to the Governor, Adji. Gen. F. II. Cameron. Alter a fine night's rest the Naval Ke- . ,,.vn ..nllci ,.,h .ClneL- W,.flllO. j ;,av nlonli T when the reveille was souml- ,..i i ,,i.i,., v:., -.,.. Lot ,i HI Kill I'l'tllU LIU, I III J 11 1 L ' 1 illUU ucn-xji, wlieh thev archiving their annual cruise at Southport. ri-i- i..pi , ..... 1 . ,a ...m.. 1 1 .i ii'iia, I iiie j.'uiiu .'in ui aic ouit nt,iui.v. beautifully with a cletr sky and a cool breeze. Everybody awoke from a night ofijuiet slumber, contented an tl ready to put iu a full day of hard work. Not a single complaint has been made since the cruise began. ";enty to int. a portion ol the time at hbaiv, ami comfortable sleeping quarters. After tin- routine w.uk of theia i c dl. the Reserves were on the eve of going t breakfast, when the stately Montgomery, one of the latest, anil newest warships ol ' ic United Stater, came in and anchored, about one hundred aids from the Nan tucket. While the Litter's crew stood watching her, numerous were the compli ments paid the "thing of beauty.'" and she was considered far ahead of the obi Kearsarge of last year. At O.oOo clock Commander F. Win slow and Lieut. F. T. Tyler. U. S. N., went to the Montgomery to pay an offi cial visit to the officers. The crack crew ol the Nantuckot manned the Captain's gig in performing this duty. Boat drills were the order of the morn ing, and were followed up by the same ex ercise in the early afternoon. The crews were picked from the green men and a few blisters have been started, but fun is expected to begin. ou the Mont gomery to-morrow. Later the Reserves xvere taken over to the Montgomery and xvere instructal as j to the process of firing the guns ot the ; ciuiser. It was e.xpecle I that the cruiser j xvill take the bovs out lo sea next (lav I and give them a practical test of firing her rapid shooting guns. Upon arriving at Southport, a i porter of the Messenger took a sailboat and went over to the cruiser and was cour teously admitted on board. The Mont gomery is a new steel cruiser, built tit the Columbian iron works. Baltimore. Md. She is a twin screw vessel, and is 257 feet of keel and 37 leet of Ije.im. Her draft forward is 14 feet, and aft U1J fixe inch rapid lire guns, her ndary l attery ot six six-pounueis an. t two one pounders. She has a ciexv of eighben marines and 211 men a total of 247 men. The officers are a tine set of men. indicated horse power is 5.40n. ORDER OF THK DAY. The following is the order of the day on the Nantucket: Kevielie otinj a. m. t'offee od-iO a. in. Turn to 0.4.5 a. ni. Drill undl 7:45 a. m. Breakfast MIO a. m. Turn to, bright xvork at 8:45 a. ui. Sick call :45 a. in. Quarter and inspection 10:00 a. in. Dinner 1 :00 p. in. Supper 'i:"0 p. in. Kveiiiiic: parade stiialoxvn Tans " 10:00 l. m 1 - Navv officer Lieut. Tyler is high in his, praise ot the Naval Reserves on board tor fail hfulncss and efficiency considerim: their short term of experience. The feed is excellent and caterer Hin ton says the boys shall not want tor fish or fresh meats while iu the. cruise. To bear out this statement he gave a dinner alter two hours liberty that made the boy's hair stand icecream and dough nuts for desert 1 A dance was had on board the Nan tucket after dinner. After boat drills . ; ox s xyere at e 'i- usual. 1 1 1 X ' I s I o N . 1'oin mie Darnel -. : day inn- divi- . 1 : iie Nantucket l ac. i - a ' I. id;:.' e. : We do not , I N'-xy IJenu- i '. Mi . .l..!on Jlolto lli. .' , like I .'liver - - . weal I roin - ee In e. e- s..f N.-xvBciiiiaiis thai MasU-r-at- i olieeoed to be ,,;.,.lt ti,j h - severe exer - A- he. with a wot lav seamen, n d.o. Ih.-y bi-i-'-nt and xxere nioi : i-i.i:.;;i .;; "Id- b rn i - . -.! Met a I liiV ac i ludly enough to paddle against the .rxvinl -tt'oke was le-;. Ald-r arriv eriiii'y -.'ck" and tttaily xv MS frighten. i take an oar am I rv i . tide, am! x ith eve: v carnc ic ing aboat'i x as tak n KEFOKM NEEDED. The Expenses of the biverninent and Some of the Ways in AYhich They Sh-nild be Cut Down. Kpitor Jori'.N.Mj Much has been -aid and is mux being said about relorin in the alldiis' of this government, to bring tit rebel to the people ot tins country. Democratic midoritv in Congress i should carry out th people in bv',i'2. T pledges made to the . should curtail the -in-nciit beginning , expense-.- of Ihe g I at Washington. j The present s-darie- pai-1 in 'he yariou I departments of the government are en I departments of the gov I tirelv too high lor the times. If thev 1 xvere i too 1 l'l'ope ligh ni r twenty years ago. they aie holders do not have do noxy as then, for creased many fold, i-.'iiiOO twenty years about one-third as ras o-' Iiie as the , half so much work l- their number has : and more than tln- ago would buy on , v much of the iii'ec-- j same amount il I ia. j Heforming the 1 i r : xxd-l have but little to do m bringing : while the mult:. i, ic . if i o t he people "'' 'f' '"' V a'e ! saiiping t lie ine - ..: on lrom them ni high salaries. If oar 1 iea,o.a-atic mem bers of (fongress are in i rue earnest ab nit reform and relief lor 'dm people, they should begin by redu. :ug 'heir oxvn sala Democratic mem- i true earnest about i ries and the salaries ot ail the employees I of the various departments of the goycrn j uient. to compare with t h'-salaries and i prices of the necessaries ot iife twe ity years ago, and aboo-h at icast two thirds of the otlicers and c.eiks of the goveru meul. The ..-illector.-oi i lie ports of this country, and thou-aiid- of other officers, should lie ".'cl'orme i " The collector should be givi n a eotnmd-n.ii mi the busi ness done in his office io the amount of $1200 per year, wit Take, lor msbm... ity - bare, obecior for the ho g-t- a salary itni-sioiis on the . wi ill a clerk at ! poii nl JJcaiiiur'.. N i of 11,000 a year ai 1 I'lisincss .1 me in Id- a --nary ot - , vto i .. . x . i w i xx .itch xvas not c immisirution ) -I the igovern- u .iownt nii.ler Halt s w hich makes the olli metit 1.720 ner vtar XX !l In! the goveru- ment don't realize an office. Ai.-o great lllim have Ixten tulded to thej which has proved u.-cle Is this the reform prom distressed of this laud y The annual expeu -t - d'ig I'roni the ary exiieuses saving service on the coast. d to relieve the 1 tins govern- ment tire about futir hundred and txventy tive millious of doba:'- per year. Several millions ot this anioiiL .s paid to useless. oftiee holders and clerks. The clerks in the pension bureau last year were paid salaries io the amount of '3,683,818.70. which should not 1 j tiio case. There are men that the government has to aid. for iujiuie-s received during the war, who should be put al tins xx ork and stive the amount to the people. This enormous exp.-n-e makes the high tariff and internal revenue and income tax iiece-sary. We need io make public officers public trusts, and ol arduous du- tics, with retisonab.e s,iary and no more cieiKS i an iiecessi x e;. it' l r. Ms a i - ---- ..... business matter, ar.d pay no more lor it than would be paid in any other business. When all this is done we may expect the reform piomised to be consummated and the people prosperous ami lac faith of the Democratic party restored to tile people, and tlie next election a gieal triumph to the Democratic party . If something i- not dmie to 'bring relief to t he people it wil 1 oe n - ea.-- for any of tfle prcsi lit liienibe; s (,;'( ,, i, j ess to go before tin- people for re-election. Rattlesnake Killed. The train men on the W. N. & N. pas etiger train brought up with them a huge rattlesnake which they killed 25 miles from AVilmington as the train xvas com ing to Nexv Berne. The snake was seeu crawling towards the track and three men armed themselves and made an attack up on him. Bridge bull ler Thos. MeGee got iu the first bloxv with a billet of wood, Ixtggage master John King got in the next one with an ax and engineer W. S. Kelly finished him with a coupling pen. j The snake measures ten inches around, j is six feet long an I sports eleven rattles and a button, is a beautifully will be taxide falls heir to him He is not only large but marked specimen. He mixed. Kiadneer Kelly Atitioch Church Basket i'ai-ty. The Sunday s li -ol of A ntloch Free Wil! Bap, 1st cl iu:. 1: al Askins, Mr. C. L. Gaskius, Supt.. bad a basket patty in the church grounds, Saturday morning, August llib. several otlu r schools joining in with tneii . The . :.- c'nire K.l S yi xx ue those of ' tin- -aim- de ii --di iv school, t: S S. near - i .instruct ?d i tuntlals and xv 1 1 num' .. j ing i.i I -i d people. - no rt -pel ch ! s .amis De 1 no.nmal.on. (Disciples., an ! d ... Fowler's ferry. A table 90 feet d and amply ti licit - debcacaes for tie- e. bet xv een two at: ; '. Diur-er was po -..a: from Mr. Jas. A. Hi , Among those who ers from Ucaui. r . counties. . i ixc re ami ris;t- ritt it xvas reunion good. I had the -Itch ot aei ; and does who :- it- .Justice mi Hue. Mu CO 1 the Ui - ot list as at they ! hetivv .he be-t In .in. inn tltui tl ! published in x i give E. Ilaxei, shoes and A '. r. ; ie.t i leilt for light ilreas shoe-. As I had both he ,vi atld il 111 sla-c's j,, fact the lighte-t il:e -hoc- on exhibit, were mine. The judges thci-i f .re wcie either misin formed or they have knowinrtly caused the public to be misinformed. E. Havexs, Boot and Shoe maker. and some lli-t I net . .. ,i' .erl V a-l I ha. I a ,':: I II K N i :xv i; . The iii.-. 1 1 N' t :e:i. ;s b. ial -xv.-1 : mate . : ' sion. mivliu do.. i Wednesday ex a ' Dude ::.. f. f especially a' tie knnxv x ho dudu 1 1 ' unles- i ii.asi : ;.. xxell. HI- nam -.-u than a;:', ot;; : !:-her.- The New V. r- ' i; lent -h. ii..-: and hen; are -ad, lor .; Ann- M, ( 'arthv. e. I the 'ban Isoimt a morning -ulfer-ia: tr it. in- ol !a.-i i a. u. couple o! Nexv I let': were coming aboard came una! 'le to -t. to pick, -d ll p d ihe THE BURULAK CAMPBELL Put Under Five Hundred Dol ar Bond Mr. Reese's (Jomls Recovered. C. C. Campbjll who was arrested in Nexv Berne under a i barge ot burglariz ing a store in I Htpbn county tin 1 also Mr. A. Ileese's store, hid a hearing Ik fore Wm. (iaidncr. Esq.. xv I io i e.oi i red him to enter into a just ilie. I I an id of live hundred j t Hollars, mid upon tiiuire to ilo so was ( Commute. I to ()a-!ov I'.llaly jail. Campbell i- also held in a case lor I)u- pijn eotuity, ami Mr. II. A. biriiiaii, who highly spoken of as an officer of the i ; law. succee le 1 in tm ling the goods ot I Mr. Re.se' xx'aich e.eie idcniitied by ! him. i From Nebraska to North bar dina. Mention is made ii the New-and ()! j server of the arrival in I taleigh i !' M I . II. ,11. Stoddard fiou: Kearney, Nebia-ka. j He came from the far distant West to en ; gage in dairying in this State, Nebraski. j having been found to i c dd for them, He expects to be followed by quite a colony from the same place to follow the time business. The next that come will be headed by a man named Chandler. It xvill lie remembered that two ladies from Nebraska visited this Stale a few months ago; Mr. George Allen being with them xvhen they were iu tnis immediate section. Their being o well pleased with what they saw is largely the etiuse of this particular importation, but it is count'il that the agency which lias worked most potently in this regard is the little buuk "The Manual or No. ill Caro lina," which is opening the exes of out siders to the manifold advantage- ol i very section of our good old State. Mr. George R. Sherwood of Kentucky has written a letter, which is now in the possession of Commissioner of Agriculture- Robinson. Mr. Sherwood ays xve have no idea how many fanners of that section ate coming South. There has I een a lailure of crops there for three years and this year the failure is complete. He savs it is hard to make the Southern people appreciate the condition there. an- there never was such a time lo i work to secure good birmers South, and that if the Western farmers could buy some of the good Southern farms on easy payments, we would lie surprised to see how large a number could be induced to come. The above may furnish some facts which the Watson k, Darnels hand Com pany of this city or other organizations can take hold of and xvork up something profitable to themselves anil benelic.ial all around JONES COUNTY DEMOCRACY. Former Financial Wreck of the County. Fine Condition Xow Uphold Those Who Hade It So, Editor Journal: I am a former citizen of Jones county. Have not had had any business relations with any of the officers of the county until recently in a long while. I notice a remarkable difference between the ay in which the finances of the county were run then and now. Then county vouchers were worth under the old "Regime'' only 40 cents ou the dollar. Now they are worth dol lar for dollar, and if the county treasurer by some mischance were to happen to be absent when an order became du; almost any one would cash it in fact the pres ent sheriff makes a practice of doing so simply for accommodation's sake. How is that for a change? Verily and truly the times have changed for the tetter. As an old citizen of Jones county, whose wellare and prosperity I shall ever desire, I am proud of her present board of eonimissioners and also of her comity officers as well. Under the old '"iron clad regime'' you had either to take forty cents on the dollar or nothing, unless you waited almost interminably for your money. Now whenever an order is ap proved the treasurer of the county sits serenely and smilingly on hand and grace fully hands over the money, dollar for dollar. Such men as I. I. Simmons, sheriff, Lafayette Dillahunt. jr , James F. White, and A. C. Haskins are the right men iu the right places. Thev cannot lie Ijought for money. They aie too pure to soil their hands or Consciences with bribes, or speculating on the necessities of the peo ple. They are too pure and honorable to rob the poor of their hard earnings so as to enable themselves to gain a little 'filthy lucre"; nor have they gone to the poor house and deprived the inmates thereof of their scanty fare and apparel. What a contrast between then and now; and the people will take a note of this, and give honor to whom honor is due xvhen the election comes off next Novem ber by re-electing them if they so desire ir, the same old set of officers who helped by their voices and acts as well to place old Jones county on her present elevated financial standing. I'lease don't forget it, and yet this 3rd part7 sometimes called the "'People's party," which is a misnomer in its in fantile and embryo state not yet off with its swad lling clothes with the Repub lican party for its "god father'' in its ignorance and simplicity has the hardi hood and the presumption to ask the peo ple to give them a lease of power in ord-r ihat they may have a pull at the "pnbb teat'' when they have not even yet ;ot shutof their milk teeth without & name and without a record. In dusky obs uritv groping their way to high places of hoin.r and renown with no pretentions or claims, save ignorance, "sote-headed-edncss and irrepressible ami inimitable cheek to urge them on, could Grant's, presumption and asinine chcex go furth er ? I think not. Now then, inasmuch as the present in cuinbeiits have done their duty so well and faithfully we believe the people of Jones county will also do theirs oy giving on next November such an overwhelm ing majority as will make 3rd partyisin wilt into the unknown and unknowable ; lrom xveence t hey sprang. Methinks now j 1 eau see them as they skulk ay to ! their obscurity, one by one, like the wild beast to his lair, and lie themselves down j to take that political sleep that knows no i awaking. j As physicians in extreme cases have to i resort for a cure to 'heroic tieai ment,'' so also jwill the 3rd party receive the , same and hence the political undertaker's services xvill be in requisition. Will they ! come again ? I think not, for they will ! lie nio-t effectually squelched, and the places that tioxv know them xvill know ihein no more forever. E. F. H. For Over Fifty Years Mrs. Winslow's Soothino Syrit j has bceu used ior children teething. It soothes the child, softens the gums, allays all pain, cures wind colic, anil is the best remedy for Diarrhoea. Twenty-five cents a bottle. Sold ty all druggists through out the world. jull8dwlm Johnson's Pleasant Compound Cod Liver Oil with hypophoshites Malt, Iron, Quinine, Potassium and Strichnia is an internal tonic, strengthening the digestive organs and tones up Ithe nerves. Pints $1.00. s "NEWS ADRIFT." "Plcked-Up" by The Journol '.. a n , Always In "Tlie Swim "' Our young townsman. M.. li.l.oi 11. Howard, has liecn nppoii.ie I ..m ol the marshalls for the Stale Fair. Mr. J. E. Patrick, of In-al me. xx i I . in charge of Hook. -non High , I n- ring the session so.. -.. ..n, n l Alb -marie Presbx a. i . , n - ! (.'raven county, is noxy In -,- ..:, t Not Bu.di church, (iranvilh; conn, v. ! Mr. W. D. Barringtott. gro. ei. tiio hi-1 in mug yesterday from 1 be -I uid -o ! occupied by Mr. C. 12. Slux. r. I ..; the sti ires on Middle street, j u -t eiecl.il by Mr. John Ilanff. The Progressive Age. pni l-h.. t Aurora, reports eonsidi itil.i. d ,m-i-, I. Ihe cropn i,j IWaufoil one; . n, ;i, Imueil xxet weather. The many friends of Hon. F. M. Snn moiis in ibis secti.m. are inoic lb ... p,. .. ed to see the com phi mm I ai m.: ..fib,- press upon his s ,.,., , ;,, tlt. ( ,,,, , ,n al eoiiventioii at Kahagh. W, In. Mr. J. J. Wolfeiideu c one m . a . . , and gave us the name ol the sii ang. n a which xve alluded as being caughl c Neuse river. It was a tarpon sometime called the silver king. The Beaufort Herald n-porls the ..io b of a million menhaddeu of "fat b n ;.- in one day last week by the fisherman ol (hal place. Messrs. W. D. Mclxer and Id II. M ni ton left on the sharpie Emu, a , 1 r an other cruise. They will go lo v.unn points in Pamlico souiiil in. biding (Via coke and Pamlico counties. On tlie 13th inst Senator Kaii-oin in ::n niinuUs, secured the pas-age of a bi ll through the (senate to build a bridge (,- r Contentnea Creek. The iiica; ur-al-,, m,.! tlie hearty support of (' Wo idard. The A. cV N. C. R. meeting xvill be held 27th. The annual the R. slock hi lder Thui'sday. Scpl. ride nf the -I ck- holders as will be seen more part icu'-n x in another column will be on the -list of August. There are four aspirants to the herill alty of Carteret county, but txx n ,f ihem Mr. M. A. Hill, the present incumbent, and Mr. Sterling R. Hancock, a live young merchant of Ik'aiifoi l . s-mn lo be So well in the lead that the race appears to be practically lietwecn them. Tin- con Ls likely to lie a pretty sharp one. Mr. J. B. Gardner, of Maple Cypres., called in to renew his subsci iption to the Journal and report that while the nous have done Jomc damage it i- nol snimi-. If we mistake not there is no iielter paid up posloffice on our books than Map'e Cypress; one name is paid up to 1 .stub Mr C. L. Abemathy of the Heauforl Herald made us a pleasant call yesterday, returning home from attending the Con gressional convention which convened in Greenvi le the 15th inst. Messrs Chad wick, Davis, Hassel, Hatsell and Webb, the other delegates, passed through re turning home. New Berne now has one ir ic demist. Dr. W. J. Ward, of Enfield, brother of Mr. R. Jj. Ward, who not long ago moved here from California has moveu in and established himself in business in the Duffy building comer of Middle and Pollock street. Nexv Heine has a ready and hearty welcome lor all such visitors. Maj. Daves left on the steuner Xoii-e to attend the meeting ol the Roanoke Co ony Memorial Association at N'a-rs !!.;..!. The ass-iciation is now in good cnmlltion financially, we are glad to say. The mon ey raised has not only been sufficient, lo pay tor all the ground lcdrcd. but then is a litlJe surplus left to beautify tin- grounds and begin the memorials. work I Monday a change of ndn into effect on the V. N. on both trains. The ln-iglii threaftcr arrive at New l'.crnc an hour later thun noxy and dllh II le soon after two o'clock. 'I In- n gi, passenger train will leave nl s :!". t minutes earlier than now. m l xiijl rive in Wilmington fifteen minnic- cad h It will get to Nexv Berne in l he afleiu, at the same time as now. A Hard Wind. The Storm of Wednesday afternoon, I 15th inst was accompanied on i In n n side ol Neuse river near Nexv Hi r.-.. . 2 Township) by a seven- x ia.l x. b swept along in two tiai-ix- about ha mile apart and about fo or 5o ,r !- a and several miles in length. The wind broke up fences, l.h-u lb fro n thirty to forty feel, xxiuu- ..tl Yto gum and pine trees measuring: 20 inctie.-, blew down fruii ir. corn somewhat bv bloxviim il ly and the roads were also b..e Ill I s , ka-l sideiably by the (alien trees. Fortunately no harm. b uy. ed so fir as we have beard houses to people, or to cattle. tin r -ti Mayer's Court. Win. McDougal, col., of I'axi iicxidi the umpire of the haseshall game of ti previous day, was tried on Thursday l lore Mayor tlricli tor carry in cealed deadly weapon, a pistol. a c and m put mi pp. na log an assault wit li it. lie xva a nun'ireu uonar iiomi .u- insappe nai- at court. Seventeen of those in the i.oU,i :,n- i him were up also before M .x . e ' a, e . the charge ol disorderly com;:: i. A I three of the esses were 1 1 i.-in - - !. Slade, Wm. Lucas ai d C' c.. 1 ', ,,u -, u , . found guilty but were let oil xxiid p is men t of COSCs, ongressional Nominations. The Demoi-ratic fmii. e. oi di. First District which in. I a i.o. 'ix !'.- on the 15th named Congressman llram o i a the first ballot as his own lu-n-s-iir. 1 135 were the n u in 1 h f of oics necessary to a choice and he r.-oeixed .'. out of the 258 cast. Hon. Chas, M. Cooke is the numiini- in the Fourth district. In the Ninth District Crawford is Ibc j man. He was renominated by acclama i tloU- The Republicans ol the Fifth District have again put forward Thos.t Settle. He was renominated by acclamation. 1 lie Umpire Fared Bad, I tmne-halel x after the colored base ball "a- In ! ,y, i n the New Berne and Um die bams was over, the umpire, Mi Donga!, of Fayeltcville, and ''. J. n-t Ilrvaii, the piliher of the NeW 11 a. i 'nb. b..-caine engaged in a friendly , oxei a mil. cub one claiming it. . ih.y xm ic thus engaged nomeont' , cd lb.- cry of "n light!" and im e liate vn swarm of boys and yontlia -war, mil oyer (he fair ground fence and i- niug xvilli otliers inside, rushed toward Mel). i gal with bricks, sticks, cluhe, etc. xvi re estimated to have been a d .1 a hundred and twenty-five iflei him. I le partially held I hem at bar will. p! ;.. and under Jin lection of thtf ee m i ! - ..f t he e,v Henii! club he got . 'ir e, -h the ;-ab- and a sipiare or tWO . i lie ch hi- ass.-iilanlH were right .1 i nun. lb- anally b.ijk lefuge in a .....red oiuim's bouse, under a bed, d The croxvd was at length dispersed, 'blioii -al was arriMcd nd tried lefor In- Ilo. .oi Mayor Ulrich, on lliecfiarge' - .id. i ' x i ..ii. hid and let off xvilli th ' I . . ....... ,,i , ..si- As many ol Ibove wb x- . 1 h.m as can l gotten tip wttb ' b. I 1 I I . ' , 11 ail season Nearly Over. . i .1. -eason in practically over. aiili- II .lei. Murelicnd CitV. nOW T T has something less iban H hundred gUeila and xx ill close on Ihe first of next month. . The season has lieen a f'arly good and profitable one. The season did not iMt , pi. li-a- lale as il. Ins some years, but it " , be.ein earlier, and in July the crowd WM d lh. laiaiesl they ever hud. ' .,'? ... Mr. I Very, in I he management of thA 'i al. 1 this season, has added to the repB-Y-J lab. .n he already possessed as a tl ne hotel-"1 : - i . i. ami hi-success was lo a largo extent bie to Ihe -ton, I assislanls he had in th...' pel-mi- oi Ills brother, Mr. F. L. Perff,..',. Mr- i -. i l. G. Smith and O. 8. Brown? ofj','--. Kalei'di, and ii portion of the time, Mr, ',...'' W. T YhCiiiliy. in addition, wh. were t he i li-rfs. ' ... ; .- Tie eay pleasure season of 1894 wilt'' soon ir numbered with the past, but the . ol. siand by hoiel,the New Berne flonse, "ro Mr. I. il. Mann, proprietor, stands Open 'I and reai'ly at every season the yenr round ' ' -lo giv good rooms and the best of table fare to all who come, ami in the. front rank ol boarding houses stand the Aren dell House and the well known. Sea ) 1 b . i ze House, kept by the whole Souled I i ana a coniiiioiiaiing oki gentleman, wr. . j.l. T. Eaton and his estimable wife. We d! I do. di Ibrgct the Indies lor what place can f. "! so home-like as where a lad ia tlie I pre-.i liiej eeniu-. . fl d.. 1 The st i ii kholdt rs tmiii w ill probably jcaii x a great many to Morehead next ! Tin -dav as il marly always does and that : is b-,i Iv lo be the last bic day of the jcar.-' Employees or Uncle Sam Strike. 1 The pooplc of Vnuceboro are conaid- . erab'v exercised about their mail facili ties and nol without cause. The reason -s Ihat the contractors for carrying the niai lo that town have struck, not fuT high r x ii-;e.s but to recover back pay. d -. Wm. Adams litis the contract Ib-r i owing il I io! ween Vanrclx.ro and New . tleiii'-and Mr. John Allen 'Jackson lor-' i- - li ving it between Vancebnro . and. W.. -nii'gton. Their pay belongs ro come ipiail'-ily but their services hove not been pa a for for ten and n half months past,,' ano i.oi l aving as much dish aa Uncle . S.on tiny refuse to serve him any more until be ponies up. ' Tins aeiioii of the mail carriers not. o . x bu s oil' (he Vanoebore post office, 'a. o ilie offices along the route SO ibai N. iv Heme, .about, twenty miles dur tanl. is the near -si office to the VancebOrO people. They got the last mail from Ne.x Hi me Tuesday and have to send to ! Nc-.x llcriii- if they wish to mail anything. ' i a uk Ihe slnkeis m this instance Will .- What the reason is that the pay ha- .oi been forthcoming seems not to be i ai all iindeisioiiil. but the people are not 1 io .In xxitboiit l.n-ir mails. In lact ' - no. a 1 1 a nt'- n.cii t has linen entered toto-..-b xx'.o.b the service is to be resumed Moo lax. We hope everything will be -ai i-ia. t.n ilv adjusted and no more 1 1 1 1 I H - - (Mini. Protest Against Substitutes for BeffOlar ' IJacinir. Iii, ino-kiig Manufacturing com p .;, . aei li I teen ot le r lea- ling cotton maa i .nil n: firms of New England have ii- i a m i x positive utterance in a cir . ni. o in id. iVcsi.ieiit of the New Yob. . ,io. n Hm bange upou the Subject of ii-ii, l: unsuitable bagging us IbeCOVer a .- lor bale- ol eoiion. Il reads thus: i I n asi n et s of Cotton Manufao' lining io. iip mies in New England, hereby , .!!' pi 'le i against ihe use of sugar - a i. in ill. ravel ing of cotton bales in th.- ,ie- grow ing cotton, for On reason , mj . losi i 1 1 1 n 1 1 the ordinary -Jute a . ii i a is x 1 1 it ipiic'ier, sbsorbes -'; '- a longer, mid stains and i ..il.. ii imiiiediatey next the h more than the jute. Any the mills from the sack cot eau-e ns o reject any cotton . i - 1 e i ml l-Xll I I" - i ring xvo uii thlls loXelld. ; I-al an I - xv on h I a box e Ha I- in in i l e I .1. In bear the A t ampin: A iiinip Party. party is noxx at. Barker's ii.l o .a lh. s, houl house for their , io a iii i -. h r. mg divided the building , .riafi- i.l.i a pal I uients adapted to purp. i W. : Mi -ia I he campers are cx-post-II. Luke and hnnily. his T. I'. ( I. nke of Flint, Mich., he -isi, i Mrs. Moulton, Miss .xi i bni ..I Mori'hcad City, Mr. -k of Nexv Berne, and Mr. ne of Nexv York. I lo I III' r ii. l.- n M. T I I ' ' ey h II New Berne on Saturday the in t.. mi t In-Keiia B , arrived at their ial ii ui on t lu ll ic- I inn-. io I dux and are hav- l i - A Beautiful Home-Made Surry. A ne!., t Ii lee scaled surry of Mr. J. W. Mexvaii's ai I i u C attention for its hsndj. ii -s. It is a home built one a pio'lii. I ol the factory of Messrs. G. II. Wat- i iV Son. Mr. Stewart pronounces a a Ih-l-elass vehicle, and be is a good judge in Mich mallei's. 1 1 is a pleasure to see New Berne-made articles o( any kind equalling or surpus. I ing. those that arc imported, and Messrs. I Waters &, Bon deserve credit for such work.

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