i ! i - ixii w 'ji tj $1.00 Per Year INDEPENDENT IN ALL THINGS. SiDgle Copies, 5 Cents. .. VOL. XVII. NEW BERNE. CRAVEN COUNTY, N. C, AUdUST 30, 1894. NO. 23 'mam- T T 1N-TER-EST-ING NEWS You will find IN ADVERTISING as well as in of the O Another Item in -any part of the IPiipei as interest ing to the people of this section as that we are ioooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo The Leaders In LOVPRICES. . oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo AND O m H ; XJX GOING T J riUNN & MCSORLEY'S FOR A KFRWIIISG DRINK OF 1 Finertple Bfcerii, ce Cream ' 1 " Soda. Shaved Ice's. Cca Cfla, and Soda Water on Pravgbl. lUaho get one of.lhoir Excellent Cigars J. - jrz rr- : -. other parts mwwA st WASHINGTON LETTER The Tariff Hill Will Become a Law WithoBt ( leveland'g Signature Ail- jurnnient. Income tax. Ree ' mmendation to Remove the Xegro Taylor. It is unquestionably Mr. Cieveiaii I s present intention to permit the tariff bill to become a law without hN signature. There is no danger of his vetoing the bill, though he would probably like to eb so if the business condition of the country would admit of his doing so. It is evi dent however, that be docs not aut the bill to go to the .archives of the State- De partment with his signature attached. It would be somewhat of a humiliation for him to approve the measure -.. ;.:ch be has already so roumliy denounced, and by withholding bis signature he- can maintain his attitude of disapproval. Speaker Crisp told mOmlfrs nf the Hoilso who Wa re all xieUs to get :iw:v t!ia: be thi tight the so-- on w.uiM ia-t until next Tuesday. Chairman Wilson is expected back from I W, V to-day but be was Dot about the House during the session. Another olis-tacle presents itself to the tariff tinkcrcrs. The Senate bill includes the income tax wh'ch will yield the Gov ernn.nit about $15,000,000 The machin ery for collecting the tax has not lieen n; plied however, and the Secretary- of i i.ie .treasury atc lor gaiiu.uw with which he can employ the necessarv tax collectors. liev. Ilezekiah Gudger wlio was appli cant for the Collectorship 6 of the wes tern I. U. district basibeen riven a position in the department of Justice by Senator Itansom, worth about 2400. Next time we will probably he informed that Sena tor Ransom lias secured a big foreign ap pointment for Maj E.T Hale who has been here and filed additional endorsements. Tho President returned last night at S.40 from Gray Gables. The Senate adjourned early today lc cause there Wits no quorum. Sxu af'.er the hour Fur meeting, the President sent Mr. Pruden with a batch of nominations bat he had to return without announcing them. Very.little was done in the House. The Civil Service commission rcccom rr.ends that tbe negro Taylor recently ap- F Dinted commissioner of deeds by the resident shall be removed for soliciting sut8criptions from office holders. Taylor called ac the White House to seethe Pres ident about it this morning biU failed to have an audience. There will lie a meeting of the South ern States Association this evening at 8 o'clock at parlor 10 Willards Hotel. Short speeches will be made by promi nent men on the line ofsouthern devolop meot. Tbe Eolb Meetings Didn't Materialize. Advices, from Alabama say that the Kolb meetings which were called for eTery county in the State to pass indigna tion resolutions over the result and cou dactoftbe recmt SLate elec'ion. dM not materialize to any great exteut. 1 ,1 many counties, not a man appeared at the ap pointed place. In others the attendance was slim, and no life or eiilhusiiusm was manifested. BILLS ALLOWED. By County Commissioners, At Au rust Heeting. Phillips i Keikr. buildicu and furnish ing material for poor-house keepers house, $375.tX. R G Mose'.ey, house rent C Smithwiek, 2.50; Fannie Williams. keeper poor house. 112.50; Irene Cooley, poor house cook. 3.00; Brad ham & Bnvk, medicine0, to poor tor July fib..w: Dr. Leinster Dcffy. services to poor and Supt. Health, June and July. $33 So; Ben McFrater. burying Morris Wright., $3.50; barying C Brock, pauper, $3.50; do, burying Elias Jackson, and Percilla Carlton, paupers, 9.00; W C Brewer, pr diem, &c , us commissioner, $11.40; .fas. W Biddle, per diem, and fees as clerk. Board of commissioners, "I53.15; do., deed books for office. $13.30: C li Thomas, salary as county attorney. June. July and August, $50.00; W B Lane, slientt; hoard ofprisioners for July, $47.00; do., turn key fees, for July, $4.80; do , work of Sandy Barham, cleaning iai'-yard, water- closet twelve timts, $3.00 E E Harper, advertising proceedings for July, $12.50; Geo. J. Uudlev. taking tax list town ship No. 1, 40". 00. - The New Tariff Law. All dealers and manufacturers of Play ing cards, are hereby notified to make re turn to roc under oath ol all playing cards on band on the day the new Tariff' law goes into effect, under penalty ol the law, for failure to so do mercluints atd others in the counties of Beanlort, Cart eret, Craven, Hyde, Pamlico and Pitt will take dae notice and govern themselves ac cordingly. W. T. Caho. Deputy Collector, 2ew Berne, N. I . The sixth District Democratic Congres sional convention was the largest ever held in the Shite, inllv 1,500 people le- ing present, and all were iB good humor. GEORGE 73 MIDDLE STREET HARDWARE OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. Sash, Doors and Blinds. Stoves, Lime, Plas ter andbement DEVOE'S READY2 MIXED PAINT. SATISFACTION Under Gaston LTonse, South Front Street, New Berne, N. C. FUII, J I TV 11 OF General Hardware. Stoves, Carpenters Tools, Cutlery, Table Ware, Barbed Wire, GALVANIZED PIPE, PUMPS, Limp, Plaster and Ccnient. DEVOES PURE READY MIXED PAINTS. Persona' attention to. the prompt and correct filling ot all orders. ui.S 3m w,(low ;jjC L 11 . CUTLER fi CO., REV. W. E. WEST'S TRIAL. The Evidence Gathered Was Presented to the Committee Mr. Street's j Was No: Obtained, KdituJ! ,ler i. n i : - 1 in your Daily ot August Isth. 1 S'.U.tirf: jcle headed -Plain Pnoi" then- wTSSme ministers re tern- I in - procuring evi dence or statement- in I'.c case "t the Rev. W. E. Wot's lni; drunk. Tnerc - em to be some doubt a.- t" -Cm-: Y -ments were presented. Xmv what I have to -ay aoi-ic I went to New Borne nccoinpnn'.ed I y t' Rev. N. M. Cooper and. took -n-i e e ,i from several gont'enu n i NY.. ;h-.ii", some of whom and pernnp all are truth ful icon, the Rev. Cooper co-operating with me in this matter. Rut t onper did not go to District Conference, held at Hntt.pisis X (' I wen- anil presented to and tabled all the evidoi ,-e we secured lo the committee of in vestigai ion. Now there is one thin- I wmiM have Mr .1 A Thomas to remember and that is the day myself and the Rev. Coop. rj were in New Beine. He (Mr. Thomas) said that Mr. r.. fc. Street was not in town. Now 1 would have all those ;in - L-n,,M- tl-ni ilifM-i.lpnrenm cured bv mvself and Rev. X. M. Cooper was presented to the itivestisiatin. com- mittee at said District coulerence As to Mr. Street's evidence I procured none as he v..- not in town that day. Now I respectfully ask that this little iTticle be publish' d in your Dailt Jour- jtal and pb a- after publication accom- modate n,e by sendnur one copy to the liev- ' '' ' tM'-,.,e,lc'ul SltT-,-v'ba.-e.l upon personal feelin- rather than C; lurtliermore, n it is not aKinir m mucb of von, p!ca-e send one opv to the Rev. Mr. U. S. Crowdev. M.nslialberg, N. C, who w as the chairman of the in vestigating eomniittce. and oldigp. Verv respect fti'iy yours. Rev. C. 1". Casstkvkns. Morcbead. City. N C . Aug. 20, 1'.4. The Rac f r Senator. The is-m s involv ed in the coming elec tion in this State will lie bitterly contested and the Democratic party has need of its best men if victory is to be achieved. The complexion ol the next Senate ofibe United States is a matter of grave concern for it was in that branch of Congress I that the cause of Democracy has just :l j,00i ,ieili of- ,n0nev lately in rnacadem gone down in gloom. Two of our most j jzijr the roads, and "to protect them have prominent citizens and statesmen seem to ; liave entered the arena and stripped for the contest oetore tne suite uas neen saved. Would it not be well to bear in mind that they are not the only men in the Stjito woithy to wear the Senatorial toga? In the event that neither of these listinguished citizens can be elected the question arises, who would most fitly represent the dignity and integrity of this grand old State V There is a typical North Carolinian modest, learned, studious, upright, here in his domestic life, tried and found faith ful in public life, the Hon. II. G. Connor, of Wilson, whose name would inspire confidence, and whose election to the U. S. Senate would insure his active efforts to procure legislation in the interest of :he people. The Old North State is to be congratulated that she has such men who do not seek public positions but whose patriotism make them ready at all times to serve the State. i iKMllf'HAT. Aged and Youthful Convicts. A special from Raleigh to the Wil mington Messenger says that twelve con victs were brought to the penitentiary on the 22J. Five came from Moore county. One of these was 75 years old, one was aged only 11 years and auother 13 years. The latter two are to serve five and three and a half years respectively for man slaughter, having killed a boy of 12 veal's. No, ice of Nominations. As the 8th Township Democratic Con vention failed to make a nomination for Constable for said Township, at a meeting of tbe Democrat i Executive Committee t the Sth Township held on tbe 11th day ot August, 18!4, J. D. Lalloome was nominated for constable of said Township. (Signed) N. Tisdai.k, Cbm'n. 8th Township Dem. Ex. Com. Water Spout OfT Wrlghtsville The residents of Wrightsviile and visi tors at Ocean View saw a water spout yesterday about three miles out to sea. about opposite Queen's Inlet. It seemed to be a funnel of water that was whirling fiom tbe ocean to the clouds and appeared to be sucked up by a big black cloud. It seemed t Jje as large in eireumfeii nee as a barrel and moved rap idly in towards the shore and lifted. When over land it had the appearance of rays of dust marked out by the sun Wil. Messenger. II you don't believe that figures can lie just compare tha republican and dem ocratic statements and comparisons of appropriations made by this Congress and its immediate predecessors. SLOVER, NEW BERNE, N C. GUARANTEED. ml (in 111 SHEPPARD'S MADE FROM PURE PIG IRON. Not one pound of Scrap I ma is ever used in these good:?. DURABLE, CONVENIENT and ECONOMICAL. All Modern Improvements to Lighten Housekeeping Cares. Twenty different sizes and klnd3. Every Stove Warranted Against Defects. Prices not much liisbor at this timo than on commoner kinds of Stoves. Tan on or address tl&XI BeMGa N. C. HAPPEMXRS OK THE DAT. There were no 1 dun times. ( omg into p.Yta s oho road on whic'.i ma' bed of the raiment -f - Pineapples an- -un in Florida. nt .he -T.ri J-: . v u ,b ated Impatient ITou-c and Si iourn until nielli ' n-rs .:; a t'l'aid o: ' t i l.ir !V f the to ad bil! is . wh !";it. known. President Cleveland is cxiivct I.) aek from Gray Gabies ami in his otliee ready for business by next Tuesday . Tbe Texas countv republican eonveii tion that commended President Clev land and endorsed ex-Sneaker Reed fu nished proof 1 1 1 t the alng. extreme meet." is not meaningle . i There are a i Congre-smen w j them at ther w I were tired of im imm'oer of di-.ippointed hose eonstitiK ii . s took id- u lien th-v said thrv The Senate tarill bill would have more deltnders if President Cleveland inten- ti0ns toward it w. re better known, ' , I Nobodv should st a v a wa V Irom church i1116 :l Lemgia - rl kilk her 1 by a la 1 1 m l: i.iiio 1 1 . 1 e way to hurch. t The old idea ol a tax on bachclorsdms j ,ccn revived, just a- though the mere fact of bciuu' " tthmit a irninl wife were : u,,t a sufiicient iiiiiishnient for them. , Thp tJlrjtr s(ul),.,nulcss :lt A-as,ington , wou,d be morc ......e u- it were not any desire br the welfare of the pcojde at large. ' Tbe aveiagi' man may be half soeialis I tic in his ideas when poor, but let him 'get rich and he becomes an advocate of a strong, centralized government '"able to proiect vested rights," etc. Indian i was so hard up that she could n't raise the money to pay her militia I called out during the strike riots, but the (Jovernor came to the rescue by borrow ing the amount necessary. $45,0(Mi, on his own note. This incident is woithy of note. The authorities of Queens countv. Long isian,i are level-headed. Thev have snent ass.d an ordinance reouiring everv wag- 0n weigh ng over 2.500 j loade to have tite- i o: le-- than three inches wide. Vice President Adhii K. Stevenson Senator David B. Hill and Chief Clerk John S. McEwan of the Senate left over tbe .Southern railway at 11:1 on tbe morning ot the 21st. ior Charlottesville whTe they were the seusts of Mr. Jeffer son M. Levy of Montieello. returning to Washington eity tbe next morning. The i leal country would be that in which no man tries or expects to get ome thing for nothing; but inasmuch as '-there ain't no such place.'' the next Ijet place is where the pcnp'e are all too smart to exchange something for nothing. The latter place hasn't ut 'een located. Mr. Carlisle says that sugar must lie taxed to keep up i'ovei nueut credit. Ii appears like devilish poor management that a great country like thi should have to tax sugar 4" jvt n 'it in time of p6aec to meet its obligations. - Durham Times. The Charlotte Observer says Mr. Jabez Myers, who was recently shot there, has expressed a desire to be taken to a New York hospital, and it is more than likely that he will leave in n few day. Several friends will accompany hi id. James Lin.lsey, the pugilist who killed his opponent in a prize right in Nebraska, and Sandy Gri.-wold the sporting editor and referee have both been bound over under heavy b nds charged with murder. Lindsey's second says that Linusey in tended to kill Robbins if he could not whip him. and that Griswold understood the scheme perfectly. This would make it deliberate murder. The feeling against the two men is very bitter. The Raleigh News-Observer ( bronicle says: It looks like Tom Settle s luck has changed. Rui'us Amis, of Granville, charges that the convention that Domina ted Settle was packed. Amis will be an independent Republican candidate on a free silver platform. Settle.- record is not acceptable to tbe free silver RepubJ licans, and Amis is going to make the most of it. The Charlotte Observer tells of a suc cessful arbor meeting in Stokes county in which Mr. L. A. Coulter, V. M. C. A. State Secretary, assisted the pa.-tor, Rev. C.Miller. As a result of the ten days meeting fifty confessed Christ: twenty-niLC united with the Presbyterian church, and $600 was subscribed toward erecting a church at Asbury. All the prisoners in Pitt county jail, five in number, escaped on the 21st., be tween ore ikfast and dinner. Having the liberty of the upper corridor through the day they cut through a brick wall separ ating their cages from the passage, having gained which they went down to the fiont door, took olf the lock and depart ed. The prisoners were all colored and none of them bad committed any grave off nee. It has been but a few weeks since another set broke out ol the same jail. About 200 clerks in tbe census office received notice of dismissal Saturday. The division of homes, limns and mort gages is well nigh annihilated, a force of only twenty five being left in that division to close up the work. The population division also Mitfered 1 adly and dismis sals throughout the olllce are reported. This leaves in the census olllce but 400 cierk-. about 200 of which will be di.'S mis6ed on i lie 1st of Septenilcr, and pro bably l.r)3 will go on the 15th of Septem ber, and the work of the bureau will have then been substantially completed. The papers have begun alluding to the Texas, Sixth District Democratic Con grcssional convention as that perpetual convention."' It did not succeed in breaking the deadlock and has again ad journed alter taking two thousand two hundred and four fruitless ball'ds. It began its essiou on August UtatCani cana, and afti r four days adjourned to Dallas, and from there it adjourned on the 23d to meet again on the 2.sth at Ilillsboro. The Charlotte Observes tells that n Mr. Martin, aged bought license Saturday to marry a Mi-s Thompson, aged 2, near Wintwoith Rockingham county, she out of consideration for his age. agreeing to meet him at the house of hi- on a lew miles distant fuur her home. Sunday i k niglil all wa ieaov. luc souire present ; and supper s;.tc:i'I, tail uie lestive orntc failed to matei l i!i-. !l is -aid that the benediction with uh:. ;; tl.v. guesls were disniisr.ed by ibe di-appointed groom has never yet been us d in church. The Swi-is ge.vo' i 1 1 1 1 o 1 1 foibids all iiini rs the u-e ot' tohu eo. and boys dare not smoke in pti'nic -'. :eet.-. Tne 1'i'llcb prohibit it- list- by pub'.ie cbool students Dr. liri mer. phyYia!i to a St. Loui. lama'ic A-vhnn. uei .aves that its use by youth i- a ca:;sc ' mental, physical and moral I'etenoration. arid he attributes Cirlvsle's bad tenner lo its use. The editor of the Review of insanity and . Nervous Diseascr tiniU that idiotic and nervous children may blame tlnir bud , bmning to tobacco-using fathers. Its bid effects are not immediately noticeable, but in the long run are bound to u-li. Pai-te this in your hat. young man. or put it in youi pipe and smoke it instead of the weed that kilis. EL LO(iY OK NORTH CAROLINA. Remarks of Prof. Edward G Daves at. the Dinner of the Cincinnati Society in Boston blurtly Before Ilia Death. Mr. President: Yuu remember the familiar Latin proverb: 'Xvt f. cik- tii ,-trlfii,iiit tiilire Corinthum'' which may be freelv translated: -'It is not everv one wlio ho is luckv enough to visit tlie.c()mmis.iuli(., i Carolina, in Hfi:." " I, le outsiile quentlv ucver. am one of the fortunate Philistines privileged not luf're to sec the glories ot the modern Corinth, aiui to lint my le-s under her r hospitable mahogany. it is ueligiuuu ior n oouiiiem men to be here on occasions like this, when evervthiii'' is redolent of patriotic associa- ' tions, and we call to mind the enthusiasm I with which the news of Lexington was recoived at Baltimore, and the fact that Marvlanders were the first Southern J 10 -i0'"1 Washington at Cam- bridge. I nave the honor to represent, in a cer tain sense, two bodies of the Ciuciunali. j As a resident of Baltimore I am a mem-i b( v ot tbe Maryland Society, but uiy ; i hereditary claim is derived from my ! grandfather, one of the founders of the North C arolina ('mciiinati, an association long since dormant. I do not say ex tinct, for it still has a leal existence, as these was no formal vote of dissolution or distribution of its funds. Meetings sim- ply ceased to !e held, on account of the impossibility of bringing men together who were scattered widely over a purely agricultural State, very great in extent, without any metropolitan centre, and then with very impel feet means of com munication. Allow me to sa.v a word about North Carolina. presumably a fresh tonic here, i the modest, conservative old State, lacking perhaps in enterprise, lacking in expended on this account are paid for sell'-asseition. Lut always prompt at the from the appropriations made for the call of duty, and shrinking from no sacri- ! several buildings, Ctbus not causing any (ice when honor is at Stake. Trie "Tar-' additional appropriation, i the wisdom of heels" are a people singularly unpreten- I such legislation would seem to be un tious an 1 unostentatious; hardy, p itient J questionable. 1 have Irom time to time under suffering, oliedient to law divine I urgid that such action should be taken, and liumati; yet as ready to resist tyranny j but hitherto in vain. 1 might state in as loyally submissive to just authority; a this connection that had i been authorized nice of brave honest men, and pure ten-i to expend twenty-live per cent, or even der women, unsurpassed in tbe world for sterling qualities. From the time when North Carolina sounded the key-note of independence for the other colonies, to the days of our civil war, when with a population of but 600,000 she put into the field 120,000 soldiers, her military record has been unsullied, while the wis dom of her political conduct has been such tint your historian Bancroft says "il there be any who doubt man's capacity for se'f-governmcnt. let them study the history of North Carolina." Her annals are little read, yet within her b"i"ders hive happened events of su pieme interest in the history of our coun try and of our race. On Roanoke Island are the first footprints of the English peo ple on this continent, and there is the real cradle of Anglo-American life. Virginia Dare, born to one of Sir Walter Raleigh's colonists in lo8T, is the lirst natiye Anglo-i American, and the b iptisai in the same year of the friendly Indian chief, Mantoc, ! is the first Christian sacrament performed within the limit- c-f the Thirteen Colo-' Tl.a Vm-11. r'-.rolinn IJotrnl-.i rors ntTnrril ' the first armed resistance to British au thority, and at the battle of Alamance in 1771 was shed the first blood in the strug gle for liberty. At Charlotte in Mecklen burg county, on May 20, 1775, was made the first Declaration of Independence, ami when hostilities had fairly begun, North Carolina was the lirst olony to vote ex plicitly for absolute separation from the mother country on April 12. 177G. There is an interesting link of connec tion Letween the Mecklenburg Declara tion and the affair at Lexington, news of which reached Charlotte on May 19, A county convention was in session, which bad been called to consider the recent de claration in Parliament that the colonies w re in a state of actual rebellion. The tidings from Massachusetts stirred the patriots to immediate action; Ephriam Brevard (should we forget his name':) was appointed to draw up resolutions, and tbe next morning he reported his memorable charter of freedom. May I venture to read to you part of that Mecklenburg Declaration, bearing in mind the fact that it antedates by more than a year the trreat event which we celebrate today. It is brief, and some of its phrases are noteworthy. 1. "Resolved. That whosoever directly or indYictly abets, or in any way, form or manner, coumenances the unchartered and dangerous invasion of oui rights, as claimed by Great Britain, is an enemy to the country, to America, and to the in herent and inalienable rights of man. 2. Resolved, That we do hereby de clare ourselves a free and independent people, are, and of right ought lo be a sovereign and self-governing as8ociatipn, under the control of no power, other than that of our God and the general gov ernment of the Congress, to the mainten ance of which independence wp solemnly pledge to each other our mutual or opera tion, our lives our fortunes and our most sacred honour. 3. Resolved, That as we acknowledge the existence and control ol no law or legal officer, civil or military, within this country, we do hereby ordain and adopt as a rule of life, all, each and every one of our former laws, wherein nevertheless the crow n of Great Britain never can he con sidered as holding rights, privileges or authorities thetein.'' From the spirit of these resolutions the Province never wavered, and this early manifestation of patriotic enthu siasm never knew dimunition. Tbe blood of her sons reddened almost every battle fiehl from the Hudson river to the Savan nah: from Stony Point in ibe North, where my grandfather was severely wounded as a volunteer in the "torlorn hope." to the Southern limits of Georgia, at Moore's Creek, Charleston, Brandy wine, Germantown. Monmouth. Camden, King's Mountain, Cowpens. Guilford, llobkirk'.i Ifill, Eutay Springs, - Ikt heroes did splendid service, and of this last battle Gen. Greene repotted "the North Carolina b bjadc behaved nobly, and 1 am a', a loss which most to admire, the gallantry of the oflieers or tbe good conduct of their men." For the numbers engaged fe.v battles have been bloodier than Eutaw, and vic tory was wo;; at a terrible sacritiie: of Greene's small group of officers very many were wounded and twenty-one lay dead u the field. But the success was peiinianent, and the three Southernmost Provinces were freed from the presence ' Ol I lie eneiliv. xiie genius m iiieene, uie . - . r ii'. .. ... ..f ... .1.. i valor and skill of his officers, and the ,'sphiidid Conduct of the Southern tf-oops had b'MUglit the ;n o a happy close and won independence tor America. All Coruwallis' efforts were paralyzed, the Britinh power in tho colon ji yas uturly broken, and a month latei : the surrender at Ycrktowll formed the hi.-t scale in the suiigumary drama. But I must no longer tax your patience at this late hour and on this warm afier- ! noon, benefit I will conclude bv asking the m vonr aid and iivtfnpnee in mv ft'ort to ro-storo North Cai'obna to her V ace in the Cincinnati, and I oner you a coupled with the heipe that her galaxy may soon again bp resplendent with ail the thirteen stars. There are three ordinary modes of exe cution in China slicing to pieces, decap itation and strangulation. PUBLIC Rl'ILPING AGAIN. Correspondence Brmiirlu About by the ill. I lull ll till I'J Ullll Vlllllllj Commissioners - favorable Olltloak. Tie i.-ury 1). -pai iinent. Olliee of tiie Sii .ei i-: n- Archltei.t. V.siiiNCiTo.N. D. ., Aii-ust Is, j Han. Thoina i Senate. .1. .Jam-. I'nittd States Sir: In n oitl In i ! in i!v to your verbal inquiry le-oimion o; ihe Hoard t o C:aen County, North li-;:iil to the pnmre-s of work on ti( dr.iwii;-- for the United States Post Office, Court House and Cus tom House to be erected at New Heme. North Carolina, I have the honor to ad- vw,. v.ui tli-if tl.i. iv ivL-inir (li-Mviii.r. -im now ' tein- 'nrenared and That the snWiti- ation lor the work will be written a- soon a.- they are completed and I hope to lie able to adverti.-e for proposals for die work within a month . It is the de-ire and pi -n ;;e of this office to expedite a'i wrk nn ler its e ni trol and the ntie i- to take up the work ol preparation ol the ill' buildings in the order wings ior public ' I "lllll O. illllilOl izaiion of the .-amc. Auy delay that m iv lr oi same is due to the fact that the money which em be expeia employment of diaiight mra teclmical force is limited liv i-ed in the amount of led for the and other aw to two hundred thousand cbciars per annum and no additional draughtsmen can be em ployed, no matter how many buildings may U- authorized to be constructed, or how much delay may ! i. nisi d in the construction of the same by lack of a sufficient technical force Th'! only remedy for thii condition of affairs would be by Congress increasing the amount j authorized to be annually expended, or j by removing the limit altogether, thus permitting the employment of a technical i force proportionate to the number oi . buildings to be erected, and as all moneys less, over the pre-- nt mint ol two hun dred thousand dollars the elVicitncy of this office could have Oeen almost double and greater satisfaction u mild have been given to "tliecitiz n- in the several cities where buildings have b oa authorized by Congress to be ere I' d. and a saying to the Government could have been made in the past six months which would have amounted to more than the entile two hundred thousand dollors now authorized for the annual expenses of tais office, by enabling it to take advantage of the low market rates for labor and materials which have prevailed dming that period. Respectfully you is. J. O." IiofHKK, Supervising Al'chitci t. I'nited States Senate, Wasiiinotos. D. C. Auj. 2otb. I8!i4. J. W. Biddle. E-q.. Reg. of Deeds. New Berne. N. C. My Dear Sir: I lecehed in due course of mail the eert ikied copy of resolutions pissed by Board of Coin, of Craven t X w 1 Sell e. 1 called oliCO " J. Wlj an interview witn tue supervising -i.:cni-i tect and rdso went oyer pail of the diaw- ings with him and I enclose you a letter, just received from him explaining the delay. He pro mired me to have the plans i and speciUc anions complete,! at the very earliest possible day an I he thinks he will be ready to advertise for bids in about a month or so. I think Uie people of New Berne may now rest assured that the work on this building will lie c minienced at an early day. It is proper for me to say that the prac tice at the Dept. is to take up the differ ent building in the order in which tbe acts pass and that so far as I can see no blame for the delay is to be placed on the Dept. I have ibe honor to lie very truly yovirs. Tuos. j. Jarvis. JUMPED 180 FEET. The President of Piedmont Bank at Greenshoro Commits Snleide at Richni.tnd. A special to the News and Observer announces that yesterday morning. Mr- J. M. W instead. President ol the t ol the Pied- mont Bank at Greensoor cide by jumping from t eumiUeel sui" tower of the new City Halh distance of about one hundred and eighty feet. In filling he struck the iron railing around the building and was di-embow led; both legs were torn off and were left hanging only by shreds. He had on his person money and bonds amounting to about nine thousand dol lars. No papers me found giving cause of the suicide. When be approached tbe janitor he appeared to be laboring under great mental excitement. In falling he came near striking a negro boy who was passing along the strict and who looked up to seethe time of day and saw the body summersaulting in the air. Mr. Wiu-tcad arrived the previous even ing and was stopping at Ford's Hotel. lie was a prominent Methodist and of exem plary habits. The tragedy occurred about 8:15 o'clock. Mr. Winsleud first pulled off shoes and coat, threw them out. Inquest is now in progress. Waiter! Beefsteak, Ham and Kg-'s, for One. "God gave i.i- meat, but the devil sent u- cook-. : is a trite -aving. Fiom bad cooking, last citing atid oyer a ting, comes a whole tiain otMi-cascs--- indigestion dys pepsia, biliou-ncss, catarrh ofthescom iieh, headache, dizziness, and the like. God also gave u a brainy man, who compounded the "Golden Medical Dis covery," a corrective of all the ills resulting from ovi-reaiing an I bad blood. Dr. Pierce of Bull. do has l'urn;-hed in il,--"Discovery."' a gnat de-ideratum in America; where everybody are in such a ( - hurry to make monev. they have no time I '-e' i-.i i . md sea i eel v imv tune to live. It i invigoiates the liver, cleanses tin- blood I and tones up the sv-tcm. Delicate di-e i-o- o: ei induced, speedily an 1 p Book of particular- jo mailed sealed in plain e: World's IlspCIISarv Me ofi:i Mam St., Puff: u. : however cured. stamps, aires-. tallellt it- ill ho-. c A--' I'he J-iuriial a- Seen The lollowing ; Ab.oail ppr. not ice i l l "c in lime:,. , -incidentally it ma V pertn e-it to to its carrying ami mo-t a. Until the largest subscri pi i-a advertising ol any paper in C.-iein North Carolina, the New B rae .l.rii i. has the additional pret'ge of being more largi-ly quoted by il.- exchange-!- than any i p-iper of irs section. Yet, tY-neral Battle! speaks better than he writes. THE CRUISE OVER Xhc RoservPS Coma ,Jack e,jghted The (Jood Record On 'he War Boats. The meaibers ot tbe New Rerii- Naval Reserves came back last night highly elated over their trip, and nil in the best nf spirits except Lieut. D. V. Kobeits who was somewhat ill. All the young men report the biggest kind of a time and say they would not have missed it foj anything. In addition to the pleasure they have had, the Reserves have the lienefit of the genuine exoerienee of life on board a ' 'le.-hip and though none of them allud- ed ii it they bring with them the proud consciousness nf duty well pert'onm d. -Vs tbe reports have shown they took hold of every portion of the work early or late. ,iasy or hard, in good spirit wlikh is the onlv proper way for a military man to do. The State has good i cause to be proud of her Reserve, and every encouragement .should be given ; them not only by the State and the gen eral government, but by the cities and counties in which thny are located to ever maintain a good organization and go for ward to even higher perfection. The Reserves Praised. Lieut. F. Winslow wdio stayed over a day longer at Wilmington than the other reserves returned home last night, lie pronounces the cruise a most successful and enjoyable affair ami ho is highly pleased with the warm prais - be-lowed upon th; Reserves, both by the oflieers of the Montgomery and by Lt. Tyler id the United S'atc Navy, the inspecting officer. We (juote from the Star the opinion of the latter officer: "Lieut. Tyler, U. S. N., who was s nt by the Government with the Xavnl Bat talion on their ten day cruise, was ap proached yesterday hy a Star reporter in regard to the show made by the North Carolina Naval Reserves, and he said it was "number one.'' lie als i slatedth.it nothing said in favor of the boys could do them justice, in his opinion. He was proud of the companies and they will hear from lum later. He reports having a most excellent time and will remain here a lew days." Lieut. Tyler will come up to-lay to leave by the steamer Ncuse this after noon. To Re-Surface The Macadamized Road. Notice is given from Washington that sealed proposals in duplicate subject to the usual condition will he received at the depot quitter master's office until noon of Timrsday, August 30th, 1894 for re surfacing with shell marl" the macada mized roadway leading to the National cemetery near New Berne. The work will be subject to inspection and mu-t be completed within 45 days from the date of notification of acceptance of the pro posal. Blauk proposals car. be obtained from the iNational cemetery at New Berne. Does Not "View the Movement With Favor. We give in auother column mention by our Washington correspondent ol a meet ing about to take place in that city hav ing for its subject Southern development. The Southern Exchange Association another organization, the general offices of which are in New York city, and which numbers among its members such ir.cn as Aoiam S. Hewitt and Chaunccy M. Depew, ot New York. Hamilton Disston of Philadelphia, Julian S Carr, of North Carolina, Clifton B. Breckenridge, of Arkansas, &e., has is sued a disparaging letter in reference to this new movement. . It spiaksof the one who called the meeting aj "A Mr. William Rogers'' and says he "registers in New York from Washington and in Washington stales that he is from New York. It says Mr. Rogers obtaiucd a meeting of tbe Board of trade in Washington and upon his plea, that the southerners earn estly desired the co-operation of the board of Tiade, the Board offered a room and appointed a committee of reception. The action of the board ol the representation he made is spoken of as proper. It says moreover, that the railroads having issued half-faie rates for the con vention of the Knights of Pythias, which convenes in Washington, Mr. Rogers takes advantage of it to announce that laihoa Is will issue tickets at half nvles to attend bis convention. The letter signed by the President, Hugh R. Gardner concludes by saying: T deem it proper to advise you'to gu ird your people from Ibis and other at tempts which will frequently be made to take ad vantage of the work which this Associa tion has already done, by people who have selfish interests to serve. The citi zens of Washington will always do their best, and take a conspicuous part in any work which is done, for the good of the South, and of the whole country; bin they nor the Southern people will p, rmit themselves to be iiiiposj-d upon by the machinations o) disappointed schemers and pos'tion hunters." Wo give this that people may be on their guard. Advantage should be taken of overy legitimate opening for the ad vertising or the industrial development of the South, but, at the same time caution should be exeriiise 1 that simmers do not, get in any work tor personal ends wluch lead people on by expectations tlmt could i not be realised in which, while it might i enrich the promoters would in the react I ion injure the sections in which they oper, j ated. And even hore lhe.se organ,:, uions lor '.southern Development'' is composed of the lest of men, each section should ca:e ; fully guar.) ag iiu-t permitting itself to be j made the subject of a 'boom." No "boom'' of any kind is wanted. A steady i solid gi'o Ath, such as New Berne is en joying, bi-el o:i sound principles ofie- dus'rv anilfd nulfd velopiflcut. i- ju-l what i- ; w ante I III I care should be exercised by ( the business men that new- enterp;- s,,.s ami the c.nlargejinunt, of old onus kocp pace j yith or keaep ahead of glow Lh in popula : tion, that t'nere may always be something alike fop the old residents and newcomers ' abke to do. I prosperity am If this is done continued success is assured. Mr. J. Sloat Fassett believes in :he i Texas idea of nominating young nieu for ' governors. "NEWS ADRIFT." "Picked-Up" by Tho Jonrnol Which is A'ways in "The Hv illl " I f you want t o ei - In r ' the Bu-ines- Local i ihinm ell. l:y .Ion; .NAI.. Tin The eo-t i- er days a:e - 'ttiti- tit d sh. er and more, p lea proaehing f.-.ll. Sciijipernong ; mt Mi. "t:i j li the leu 1 1 th appearance that ket. - 11 for 10 cents per qu o i. A spi cia! to the A-le vilie t itizen Irom Statesville. N. C. -iv- the Southern Railway company li Might the Western North Carolina riilway there on the 2s th hist., lor ij50( i,i M)0. Another supply of ,,me; fancy p ml try in rive. 1 lasl niebt ,v express from Mr. F. K I lege, oi'Sdem lor his and Mr. Win. Dunns Poullry ' farm at New Berne. Oar allenlion has hi en called to tin tiu-l that a number of the bridges ahm the public road- have lo-a injured by I be recent heavy rains an I nee. I -,mie a Men tion. Mr. .1. D. LaRoqur who i. n aniu.il. il by the Democratie: Executive ( 'onunit ti e for the position of constable ol this tow n ship, would be a capital man for the place, tie should receive a full vote- and we hope to see him in for the next, term. A 860 fire trump 'I is to U awarded at the Firemen's Tournament at Winston Salem to the nio-f popular company in the Slate. The f run pet is to he awarded liy a vote, at 10 cents a vote. Mr J T. Hall has finished pulling in the electric communications at Hotel Ciiatiawka and everything works to a charm. The furnishing of (bo hotel i going forward rapidly and the opcniiej will bj made at the earliest day possible. From the appearance of the melons coming into the market, one w ould con clude that the lust of the crop was about, in, as those that emiie in now are very small as a rule, though a few good ones are seen. A fe.v niebls ago some evil disposed but unknown person wenl aboard ol Mr. Alex C. Brinson's little schooner, the L: la M.iy. while she was lying at Rami's creek wharf and bored several holds in her. s nking her lo tbebiltom. The recent s'riker- of the Pullman works who are not now employed arc repoited in a starving l ondilion for Alt geld personally in estig ite 1 the matter and lound the slatements (me. He is seeking to obtain action for the relief. Mr Jas. Hancock ami family who ic cently moved Irom New Berne lo the op posite side of Neuse river, near Fo oler's Ferry have derided lo return. They will move bae:k Monelay and occupy the house corner "1' Criiven and Change sl.reels. Hon. (J. Shaw, Democratic nominee for Congiess in this Congressional District will begin his canvas Sept. 4th at Wolfs Crape Voting place, and is bided far that county then for several days in succes sion. Opposing Congressional candi dates are invited to participate and a division of time with them will be cheer fully granted The Raleigh corresp indent ol the Wil mington Mc-senger says that Col. A. Holladay, president of the Agricultural and Mechanical college, left Raleigh Tues day for Boston. He is to speak at Pittsfielel, (Mass., on "North Carolina's Resources,'' at thereipiest of Hie Southern Development Association. He will also speak on the same subject at Albany and may perhaps also elo so at Harllord. lie expects to ha absent eight days. The Kinston Free Press says the new Methodist church at Dover w ill be or co pied for the first time next Sunday. The pastor, Rev. Edward K'dley. will preach at 11 a. in., and Rev. F. D. Swindell at 8 p. m. Protracted services will bo con tinued during the week, the pastor being assisted by Rev. W. B. Lee, of Trenton. This weeks" Beaufort Herald announces that that town is soon lo h ive a new and beautiful cemeteiy. President W. S. Chadwiek ol the A. N. C. H. R., will donate the ground for it and the town will have it fenced in, lay il oil' in walks and set i ut shade trees. What is know n as Hie hammocks is the place Mr. Chad wick proposes to buy for t he pin ji ise. The mayor informs the 1 b-rald that the work will shortly lie-on. Mr. W. H. Ragan ol High Point h i- been in the city on a short i-it. .Mr. Ragan is a capitalist an I ii.lcresi. d in a i large furniture factoiv at HiYh l'oi.,1. i This factory places goods in .New Berne, which we are glad to know, because it i- Cmigressi.Miiil and .ludicial I iinrcntion. a North Carolina institution, but would ; 'I bo D. mo. i .. i .- o I h:.-, the lM Judicial it not be better for us, and more in k. . p- j oi.-ira t m ioae ilioii at Weldon, noon ing with true business .publication-, ifj nab-d W E. I ani I, Esq . by acclamation New Berne made iqi its own turniture ' I '1' "b' '"" - a-id supplied villages '( the adjoining towns .-md ' ( Inr lormer Imviwn Neal, of Lauri nburg, oi Mr. son of Wait, r Prof, (i II. W. Neal, was i haii nniii of ibe sixth dis trict Democratic coiigii-s.- onal ceiuvent ion which has just been held at Tin- Wilmington Messenger : addres- with which Mr. Ne; convention as a sirong one, Luinberton. illudes to the I opened Ibe and says "he is a ma; speaker Mr. Neal gill-1 IC, Hid CI was forcible and eloquent ated jicat enthusiasm." -il'ted at oratory lioin a boy. j Rev. Mr. Cas-lecii-. of BoiiiI hI ba- a , card in this issue relative lo the West ' matter that created a stir in New Berne ! H few months ago. whereby the charai ti r of Mr. West was involved. 'I'he c !i,,r ol I ibe Durham Time-, who was in . u i Berne at the time, and -t.q.pin:: ut 1 1 1 . i same hotel with Mb H . .-I. . c - ml in a ! c-ard over his own signal . iy nig po -lively that he, Wc-t. wa .Iriiiik. and that lie so lnlornie l .-oim- .-I Ihe . ooin-i-lg ( o in mitt ee'. who w . i v no oi -1. : -. Onslow County (Out ent ion. 1 ho I leinoenits ol (lii-f.,, ,onnI held their convent ion and i. t i iiia.'e d old tie ke-t c.ei!it S. W. culi-r- for h-.vc s-iuie Leg- islature- Ru.loljih Dully i- ai hi- place. The ticket is R. Dull'v, Li-gi-lalnr, : I W. Harget. Sheriff; ( '. -G.-,-.., k. :. , i, Jno. F. Cox, Treasure;-, an 1 ( ". C. M.. i.. Register of I eeds. No man in Cone skill in placing his Speaker Reed. .1:-; lll-il 1-iV m or. an cx- adve Republican C ongresRioiial Convention. The Republicans nithe Eighih Con-. gi - inii.l1 district nrl at M'ilkosliorO Thin -day and nominated R. Z. Linney, i of A h andi a county, for Cougref". In I only required one ballot to nominate. I -i - ion: TI I 'op II 1 n enl ion at toe l'.r-e I Liniiev for A Stowiway. , I-a ac Water.-, a colored shoemaker of .'.'. the oily, was arrcsfed near (he lime for ' tho s!e ainer Newbcrne to- le-HVe ycHlorday up mi u warrant got ton out by I sjiic Smith, .' . oi . . cb irging him wit h obtaining money .1 under fdse pretences. ' .' '" Il alio -ars he ;':iic a morl"H"e with ' II e. . lo- wile'- ii one alla. b - l which bis wife ."' -a - -be . I i. I in il i--n . W hen found. 1 a e had s-eiel-d him- -11 ina far ..If pari ol lie -I e unci ' hold. The CIS.- Will (' I,. ,. I I. .,r." W. G. '; Ifiin-on, Esq., Iuda. T" ' r Aii Kxh hit for New Item- Fair. ''. i ' 'api. A. P. I'l.nr. of . Mir. head city ' v b oiighl up lo N'c.v Bcnie Fi i.luy Ihir ' , teen specimen- of his laxldorniy which will U display . d at I lit- New Borne Fair by Mr. G.o . I yi -. f,,r whom lie"? brought 1 hem up. ' J ' lh ..il.-. boa i-.iii-is. of a beautiful - ' lawn aid -e. ii .,ri,la. ..(' sea birds ' " royal tern. W.l-.n te:n. laree laughing i gull, Ac. Il will make a pivtly and interest- ' ': ; ing group. We nr.: gls.l lo s.-c interest iii.iiiifi-Htinj; ifclf so iniiuisl-.kaMy thus early even be- .;'.'- I o i j ihe date ot (lie Fair is fixed. It ' presages iinotbcl gi.-uid exhibition. A Hei ions Accident. Mr. David 1 1, n bison, of Slump Sound, Oils'. iw county, -oi on tie wrong train at. Jacksonville- on the 21s. inst, and find' ing hi- mistake, stepped off when the train was about a half a mile from thd village, and going at, a pretty rppid rate, without even taking the precaution to hold on as he iiimned. i ;. The r. -ult was that he was thrown ' ' ; down, his arm broken in 1 wo plaoei, ud his shoulder crushed aLso -lx-nidps severe bruises ol herw i-c. o l" Mr. Henderson is seventy four yearn of ; age which in ikes (he accident all the,, ,', harder, bill a 'ter being taken t .1 ackson- V ville-a-id cared fir.be seems to 1 lm " proving, we are :;hul to say. - - ? Public Scho il Tcat-hcis. The public school commit tec of this ' township lias a pi loinle I the same teacher - i hat w i re at e u h -cbool I isl session. They arc as follow -: . .' -. x. New Berne Academy : Misses, Rachel ' ' C. Brookfield, Annie D. ChndwicW, Emily Ferrebee and Mary Brown, and . Jennie Battle, Mrs. Mary William. !'VtV.' H.ichc.lor (.'reek: Miss Comic Wil- . COX. ' ..'..'.;'." " B llair: Daniel Lane. . '.' ,' The New Berne Academy will open . ,; Sept 3rd. the lir-l Monday in the month. y. The colored teachers will bo appointed -e , later. - ; .Vr ' A Lady Kills a :-Fout Hawk Wilk . Stick. :;;!: .'-.. Mrs. Sarah J. Willis, w ife of Mr. Joe i ' . P. Willis of J laird's Creiks, has the honor i of killing a large hawk with a stick. Tbe '. - . haw k was after one ot her pigeons and '( 1' ' the pigeon Hew through the open door of the- house and the hawk followed alter , him. Mrs. Willis quickly closed the door, 'j and with a stick, presumably the brooms-':'" handle, woman's natural weapon, dis- ',!". , patched lb h iw k. .. ."' Tbe hawk measured three lief from tip c-." to tip. ' ''';J.J i , ' Lltllcton Female College Littleton Female college ic-opeiis Bept -., .lib lS'.M. " ' This Meibodi t school for young Indict i -has thirty-two acres of land atlached to ! v and surrounding il within the corporate ' ' liinifs of tbe healthy and pleasant town of " Littleton. lis course of instruction em- brace- all tlx- English branches, ordinari- ;; ly l.itight in Feinale i olVgesi, with Latin;'; . Gn-i-k, Freni h and German, vocal and - inst in nent ul in n si , drawing and paint--" ing, book-keeping and type-writing, tele-, v' giaphy and plioiiogiali, in met afford-, -ing young ladic- who desire it, ample' ,: facilities lo! a praclii .d and thorough . litera' v or bii iiic-s e. In. i.bon. i;.o. .1 M Rbod.-s. A M. is I lie President. lh; laialogiif l the. school shows well f ii ihe aib-nd nn e l.i-t year and it will y . b - as good oi better duilag Hie tprtll SOOD to ooe n. M "'. Daniel is spoken of as a man well titlid tor the position, lie ha beeD in the pin lice of law fourteen years, baa ben iitbrnev f r the countv COinnliS-' js'o.ni- and the Board of Aldermen of We idem lor four yeais auel bus given en 1 1 re j tbe .'ii-iaclion I - h's constituents and e.qde at huge just such a man at we need for solicit, j The conitiitii.il i ho e the following committee: Dr. I. E. , b .ii man; Paul Jones, R. unlaw, of Bertiej uiiplon; C. Jt. Tbom- Judicial Executive il'cen, of Ha I ifax, of F.i Igecoill I c; I I. B. S. Ga of Nmil a: , of ( I 1 I II, 'I b - I Iciii.m M..I. Haw kins, of Warren, r.il- of the 2nd ( 'oiiressioD- d M. ii,,, lie ; met lii i sda iivenlion at Rocky I?- 1 inst., and re Wediies ( 'oiigre- man Woodard. Tho iv . iy enthusiastic and l".a ail.-d. Ir'. Woodard 0 I tic nomination, predicted ft li:oe..iie i. toiy for (be I leBIOCratiC I i.i 1 I at 1 In- 1 1 1 I elect ion. Ti I tion -ion Democialic Conirieosion;.l onven '1 Ihe Sixth district, went into ses al l.iunoci'on mi Ihe '"2d. 123 .1- had b. ell I lk. ll ip b half past live .,', result, lead, oppo, . i iiioiiiiiig without mv w as well in the .-'i s and liis, nearest las. A. Lockhart 1 1 lb 1 1 B I I. a. I lo 1. Ii. I: ession: d c-onven-cl, held at Clin m iled Oscar J.. i'ly on Ihe lil'tli down on with a 1 dl-. 1 1 lo- A Chester cent a loaf. tPa. baker sells bitSid at I

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