.,;. v r- - "J-..-.-., r $1.00 Per Year INDEPENDENT IN ALL THINGS. Gents. ;OL. XVIL NEW BERNE. CRAVEN COUNTY. N. C., SEPTEMBER 13, 1894. , ' WAR IX HEAYEX, MRS. J ROWLEY. Our Bible tells us ol a great battle Sought , By angelic hosts in a region sorne- ! where,- i One angel. to Jiin ill the pwir, bad . sought i Li the seraph's own home; W as there-:- No not there. (iOOD KOADS MOV EM EXT. HAPPEN! V.S OK THE 1VY. imp t! Sftsotrfefy .V o.etra 4 of trtr bktnn powder liiirittMt ( ill in lea re oing strength. j Latest Cxitbd Statu Go-tkrhmbnt Tto Rstokt. i Rotai Bakxms Powdbb Co., ;i0 Wan i 8t . N. Y ! The JofRNU an cj j 1 1. rt unit ' the i in 2 ' u--a nee i ; roads. At :h- j tediou- ox t-j t mniir.ng ; need in tl : r pe t - - ! subject up iiu.un and l glad to see tli.it inb rr-t :- : Dul claliiiiLX of arms, re-echoing afar. . "ii -timed ;n he .van Cause silence in heaven: It could not Mecklenburg, nanny 1.' on Away, far away star. That p"l tluough th k i, not.where. lone. heaven to vi Vnd the Approaching Meeting in Charlotte, September lvMi. never willaiglv m:--es r. ' i n thf country I b. lug somewhat -.- w ho n alie our !. ,w brought the ag iin, and we arc Tile colon. 1 ll 014 in,d .1 b--ii:, An Indiana a 11 cuolliir vr W :P 11 have i.l ii-! mi : .1 hot! 111 -ell'iP 1 !e nevi ay H1MI A-b The 11 Democrat Vermont iorit v. A:. in- ,- tli: 1! iv:u h oO.noO. publican ina- 1 UlllL ,ll-ei liavc been there. tile 11 Ouue brilliant, comet through space. Well keeping its course liward suu's intense glare. With ail of its speed, conhl not shu J isc race Ot evil to come; Not there. ic there. ep: 1 of talking h:- ! 1 several year scientifically bud ed iiietln-.U aft -he h An , en-:- -fViinty teeii Mr;. oi-.l -tivc II ivr ,moti I'uiinniir lie-tween i!taine.l a pcc.l of ho'ir. li .hew Hiir 1: - I wo wrme counterfeiters ' hve been ar- Ot evil to come: Not there, i, '. not rested in Charleston, S. C . and other ar- i rears are expei-lr-l to lx- maiie. Seven molds fw ai.-vkins Vnominatiuiis oni a r'ar 1 ! '' : -'" ;' ' Dkikle ti a ,!w!!jr li.i-e l.een lomuT. " A legion nt cr reached by Uie iunliglil ' - . T or air. - BANKS Did angels there meet, but could never 1 ayree. And war was declared: Wa- it there; not tnere. We're to d ,i k 111 the .oni Out Father created nil thini; fair; i made cur vast sun give hi below. Was it on that va-t not there. I? 'h. n, Then 1 una, Farmers L Merchants Bank Bean business May, 1891. CapiUl Stock, paid h), . 75,000.00 SorphH, - - 6.000.(10 Umfivided PofiU, - 0 " Dividends pawl, . . OFFICERS : L. II. Cctleh. President. W. S. Chadwick, . . : Vice Pres. T. W. Dbwky, Cashier. A. IL IIowclC , . Teller. F. h Matthews, - - Collector. . WUh well establubeO connections Una Bank fa prepared to oMer all accommo- datiuns coosisti-m with conservative bank iog. "N- Prjrntlt and m.ehll attention oiven to CoHectkma. ' On a great tract ot land that '- We will be plea.-el to coi respond with ! nameet earth, those ho n..y contemplate making! A garden he plan ted with rfianges or opi nt" new accounts. I and rare; ' j All things pure and holy, no "I. A.S27AU. TE3S. BAITTELS. ! death: ight the her. m.l ! eniu it'u i night. Did warrior choose rlict preparer With Michael's two-thirds of t rue to 6-ht. The dragon's one-third; n ' they meet there. 10111; I acd here t n as .-:' the if e.1- d.d not n ilitiini. n it wot k i-i 1 .111; r.'iiii- . ... . " hav::i' given earelul studv to the ! e-t method- of pro.a dure, and the re-u':t i- th- :- m 1- ot that county arc uttraetin-; even national attention, and our State is ni.ikin-- '.lie Mecklenburg a:; ..:.,: . -.-0:1 for the - er por-0,1-. A ...a : ;:: - be ln hi there next week which we tiojw will give ' a forward impetus to the good roads 1 movement all .... : liie State and epe-ial-iv do wc h.oi.e for i;- r. - t" be le!t :n Craven and the ;!' si'tioii. of th- appro. -I do not ak 00 not 1 icave thai ) l.rai-e.l. I remain in my wmk. it is true, bu: lH'hind me a thread which -!i..n-1 our-: ha- n. be. 1 :n vain A -ouiewh .i r. 111 u'l; ib'c . ; t. 1 1 11 ..;' the .I.ip.mo-e-t'liine-e la . i ::i I'.'iiu i that wliiio the ChiiKse went to war with Japan to yrotc. t ('ma. ('oieaha- joined hip in in Ice li-!i! a-Ti.-t ( llill i. "I ; a- lie u. 1 . : . " ! -- . is.' . o!iilii;-.oli ,t .-jio ; - .1.; v w 11. 1. thev llcr- lected to ast; Sir mtve that p o- to ( It is vi.. i Mi v. ;l. F-ma'.e nr- a! M" tl . t 1 -a v .- Psldsat, Vies Pres. . ' i . S. S. BCSS3TS, CasMsr. -THE NATIONAL BANK ' Of New Berne, N. C. Incorporated i860. In Eden's fvir bowers; No. not there. W; C.l had I'm;'- rich :t iliere: The Ch.. had this to ment an 1 -The n North Car progre-s uublic-spir cd and e:i! interest 1 held recent ! Aslieviile, mo 12th and Id;!. I luproveineut State road . on! ! -ia-! oftc Kal North ( e: t Au-ust -'Mil, e;,.od roads hinvc-.l-.ii.s; micting: r go.jj road- :a r.e to -lay. and i' .0 a-,i-;';iig to 1 L?.rgely alt- a i al i ncet in- in t he hw ays h . i e I ,, 1 n at- l"n. .er-iry. at ;-h a i-i on viit. A-sc rtnic a'.ohm wid 1 trlotte. id lion K. dd ix : m- 1 Capital. Surplus Profits, In the day, or tue second g: I the seven. ! God made the va-t firmament, gion of a;r ! Thst surrounds our glolio. and He sioo.ooo i . t'r OD 1CQ1 In eit'h s upper region; n a yO.IOO . , It ww there. pi l-:o I the ll then": DLRECTtJRS: ,The ansel.s nut theie, and one th.r-tinc Jas. A. Bbva.v. Tiios. Damel-s. for power Chas. BhVan, .1. H. HACwrx, j Did tight, and his angels, but 'iouM Jan. Dtrss, L. harvky, -I only withstand G. II Roberts. E. K. BrsHOP. Tlie mighty krehan gel's -u-,.ug host otie . : " ' ! half hour; Then yielded, were pr.s. a-. r-. ;t nialig. naut liand. yates aie . x in ;. : I r 11, a, l port am- 01 the Sttte. The r.j.i'i 1 . 'life was held la-t week re-o!utions eonc mating : "Wliereus. 'Ice Improvement A-s.via! ain eer.tly been . :-;:ui:e 1. is. literature .11 the subject branch a-.- c a:', 'n.s in eve; -tat-, an. I m otnei aroust' - ri a'i 1 an ! e-t i.l tie . 1 ! 1 "' 1 hiahways. 'Resolved, That this con.erence appi ciates and coliunt nd-tins important work of the North Carolaii Koad Improve ment A-socia; ..p, and that it asks the county couuni-sione:-- of every county, and the mayors if tie -ever.il cities and towns, the boards of H ide, the State and county aszricuHui-.i': societies, and all otter industrial association- in the State cxpe I.itti l- 4 120, IN Ml . States or. ';. But the Kr and they a lhe Rai ( ' 0 o! 111a--Kockv M JoJIOo -1 Odeli'- In Toe Wi Mr. John other day for sjaciiub. A -:u u in. North M a V- r- ; : .; Ka'.e-h which pled the toliou in-; the Ch i".o:te Carolina locid w hich ha.- -i .l:-tr:ruti::-bv oriianiir couaiv of the in ieavur: n: to '.ci'i-ent inter the public ii ide of the -irret tired twice at Mr. Swan, be lad e'- coming near him. Mr, Swan m n . - down stairs to net a better op to use nis weapon and wnen lie men seized the opportunity mid escape. I. They appeared to be negi'oe-. The (ir.uid Lodge, K of P.. have voted against having their ritual used in the. I'lii ed Stales ill any except the English language The vote was taken on account ol 1...I-1- made up of Hermans wanting a ritual in their language. One lodge in Biruiin-hani, Ala., ha- surrendered its charter on that account. ddie Progressive Fanner endorse- co operation or fusion with great heartine. It attacks Senator Ransom, and says that tor twenty-one years N'orth Carolina has had only one Senator. It trusts ti e nioveii ! ,t will give two Senator- in touch with the people (Marion Butler and Jeter ( '. Phitchard. ) d'h-re is a serious bolt in the Democra tic partv of Louisiana. Wealthy and prominent sugar planters have held a convention o( 30U representative men in New Orlems. decided to affiliate with the Kepub icins and nominate protectionist oainl: !atc- for Congress. They don't iik. tin- legi-'.ation on -agar and they are jrgc Pullman why he i planning to collect this year sugar AVnght. ; bounty. Norfolk advices to the Richmond IXs 1 patch siy thrtt the Cruiser Raleigh is now leadv to drop down from the yard at any , moment and that she will attract great af- Inl- l're.-ident lent ion as she--team- down lhe harbor and makes her first dash into the sea. The first guns ot the battery of the battle ship Texas, now on the wharf ready to be mounted, weigh over 100.0t.l0 pound ea. -a. and will throw a projectile twelve in-it-- w.th 42") pounds of powder. The surgeon (ieneral is di.-pjsed to ie gHi'd the ease of supposed cholera from which an immigrant died in Maryland as only one of the many isolated cases re-j -cmbling cholera w hich occurs from lime j to time, had it been true Asiatic cholera it : i- extremely i 1 probable that the victim could have been Afforded temporary relief 1 so as to enable him to pas-quarantine, as; the report stales. The Charlotte New- savs that Col. A. j way L. Smith's report of the big crops ou the' t(.,,(j State bniis is more than verified by Gov. ; Carr. ho has-just returned from a visit to three of the farms. State Treasurer Tate was with him. They are delighted with what they saw there, and their e-ti-111 ites ot the crops are 25 per cent higher than tho-e made by Superintendent Lea y.w. 1 a one farm tliey estimated the corn crop at TajOO" bushels. HOTEL (HATIAWKV. Door Thrown Open t 1 the Pub Brilliant Reception. llourr- in baskets and pots and will lur-ni-h a delightful place for suieiurf re- is primarily O.VVS ADRHT." for whle It A very iarge numi were at the opening . tawka and 1 pn -id prise at the . . 1 i'en! hotel i- 1 . 'j i f The banipi-i w a 111 elaborate -tele, brilliant! v i 1 1 u 1 1 1 . ! : 1 ' orchestra uin-n w , ta'ent. Mr-. W. B. Hill w. 1 y.n ndere, 1 - nne .(' 1 n the great jilea-ur. !' miri r-. The ClriMaw k i (ia-ton IIoiisC I '. i store bri.-k bu-dliig, air ( itizeur Il-le! Chat hglPed -ur-ll which tile .. '."n-iin. at 01 e -iTV.-d i n:erl:'.:u';ng : by home r, : and k ind- tions to I'uvi'.ju- ad- i i ;u e aniiai, over iateil three eeii- ininn. loner e w .rk tury a-rcinod-i ami nil all his it. it irovid I r-i il d i: r ii the Bapti jh is now in -ring. ic 1. -in, div: two an I, he leg I'nited g her'- SaO.OuO. polite pi'ople . ith'li. ay- that North a in - are at .-1. Each ha- ( '. aicord iriill- aii. in t hi- in iii : - - i" .nth:- market the 1 i , . frmn thirty iuti making ij"200 an acre. a! Ki.iiviice i. e. S ('., -teal- through the place, fell under wlieu he -taib l to iiufiii oft and his body was -round to pieces. A hundr. d and titty thoii.-and dollar brewery lia- been . barten d to have it main other ;n Norfolk ana to he operated and run by Nor-dk people. S '.0(10 f lhe stock ;s oane i in 1 lailimoic, 2,0(, in ( hicago. There Bioiherho I a i ', o i - in U.ono ii. Brooklyn T.o Probably policy ever n i itte 'i-operty of ta Company. It wa n: l'ire 'I I. 'U-.h and take- a pui-earrv. n: a ':; i..'-:.!i! between the .1 and the Knight- of Labor New York. There are now ut N". tin, s ml V' c k an 1 m DEMOCRvTS 1XJ0XES. l re-iu-unince covering lhe Fc lltiilw.iy iy the l'iioe i 17. (Mil.). OHO 170, 000 to A ne :ro buig.ar ii, cued Ed Daves, V. to em i Tnos. A. Gun, Pres. Win. IH'KS, Vice- I'r- C. E. For, Cashier. H. M. liROTES, Teller. CITIZENVS BANK DO A GENT-IRA L BAXKIXG BCSINI-sS. "TIM AocoaaUot Banks, Bankers Conr tlons. Farmers, Merchants and others re oivel on favorable terras. Prompt ami care fl attention gira to thm intex est ot our cus tomers. BOAKD or DIUCTOU. FtsrUinaid tTlrich, K. II. Mea.low-, J. A. Meadows. Cbaa. DnlTy, Jr. H.tniiMl W. I pock, James Beamoml, C has. U. Itrwier, Chas Relzensteln, William Dunn, Mayer Hahn, t W. 8matiwool, T bom as A. Green, ireo. X. Ives, C. K. Fny. The conflict w a- II). le d. 'Ill -cm phs 1' -apt e . i : . T .Ire THE COLDBBUN DBTHESITY WASHINGTON, D. C. s The Preparatory School opens Sept 24. -Tboroogh preparation for the College, for tbe Scientific School, ior the Xaval and Military Academies, sod for busine-s - Tb College opens Sept 24 Full classical and scientific courses. The Col- )e is open to students of both sexes. Entrance exminstions on Sept. 21 and 22 The Cbraorna Scientific School opens . Oct 2. t'orty-seTen professors and in- I ; stractors; twenty-three full department-: ! twelve fuUconrsef ol stadv . Speul siail- eats admitted. The Law echool opens Oct. 3. TweWe professor?,xincJadinpt two Associate Just ices of tbe TJnited States Supreme Court. The Medical School opens (Xt. 1. Tbe coarse is loo r years. Thirty professors and assistants. The Dental School opeos Oct. 1. Sev- tteea professors. Ln usual facilities. The course is three years. Tbe Graduate School opens Oct. 4. Courses ol silenced instruction are of fered, leading to M. A, M. S., C. E.. E. ., and Ph. D. For catalogues descriptive of these sev ral schools. Address, 71m Robkkt H. Mabtts, Sect y. The fiends .- h realm of air: Then nature's : . : here below . To earth '..- a .-r c wr.ttn : ! -; d. Kejoico O v iv ii ...it w h lar.d Where too ,-iat- : bin 'ii ever w her-. V c w'.sh tliev !i i.i i . strand. And a deep, t'a-i v -ea. had them all i here. But no. they ;.:e here and cunul -ret away; Their leader, 'he pi inee ot the power of the ai r. Still hopes yotto conquer, hut he'll stum ble some day. Into a lake deep and burning and ever stav there. Kit 'ther consumed On w hich side, gentle raider, then belong. When his hosts, in number, of the sea ' Shall compasa the city, when seraph throng Will see them burned up, a der nulst le. sil.Hll As tile ile ir -and of the associ ( harlotte. n t. It i- ep ten dance at i jprescnla'. : mountains, from all m. o! tlietn Ch i vieud a I-..-them th" : M-:' pro., -re here on tive of the delegati ition t Si p '. e a , . e - li: .1 .- 'Ll the annua', uici ting - held in the citv of -r V-f.h -.nl Kith th etc a i I, :r..-d the liUIl e c.i 'i-,s, s mi' trom -oine trom the-cashuri-' and Ml- N orth ( 'ai o.aia. To all il.c.ie and Mecklenburg will .'.il "me, .U'd iv. 1. .-how e ,v road- o; u 1: : . h t la ar !. T::- i tiHTi. r Icp-- ;. that occasion the reiresetl!a '1'ess. the m igi-trate-. eountv Kd, King, has I een niptured in Wilming ton. A jii-to! aij.i arfcl-s of priveiry -uipos-, to have been sioKn were found on hi- person. Though only -ivtcen year old, the Star -ays lie ha- a I reedy served a two year- term m the penitentiary. The Countr Nominating Convention and Its Work. i The delegates from the variou- tovvn j -hips m Jones county convention in the j court ro on at Trenton. Saturday, Sept. 1. i Thos. C. Whitaker. chairman of the IS County Kxecutive committee, invited II. i;ng w i . .- r 'in. . or nn U'e r- o n- 1 the long I. in the lea been rai-ed from stories, and at the ! side a thr-e -t"ry b, e:, made. The-e iinprov i-me: mak- the bote', ai r , . comf irtable, 1 1 ha- ii mints ,m 1 aecomm ' pie. On -p.cia! o -. special (.rovi-ion doip i be eared for. The Imilding Iroiii feet. Near tin- e-nir- leading on .. i '.ear on to Tr n! p ,rt o; the hotel v -; taken up 1 y tine- n.i.'i ed -lore-, eight y-li e ie-)i e: iveiy b- 1-1 V wan : J Suter, fun-.!; 'in ter. whole-ale gnu . r. To the ("(-' of in Iidie- Knlei-'ii'-e an! the office, and !i,-y....i littrd room, which i jiool tables and a b;di . Entianee to tin; of directlv from the s' r,.,.i I.I- lo r, cognize ,v" had the :- ',o throw large oni : pi -ide ha- ' or v to two ill - we-! ern :'..) (in h c- 11 i inidilioii . .mm ulioiis 1 1 -'c-epiiig apart a--- f..r 1 ai i pei i ii- '.y a I hi- m.ii.be :tta 'il t he .-( reet 1 :i j i- an arched drive j ; in- yard which ex- -ri i ','. The hover i f tin- d ri li' w a vis: i v and well-tini-h-iii.'t deep, occupied Sn aiiuoii I. hard- 1 .and ' ' - i follis I ur c- u ay is tlie ,:!- ag -ide of that th- office the bil--uppiied with two d ! . i - g i '. 1 : li eitiier or from the ladies entrance. In the hotel it well fipiipped to serve as temporary chairman . Haywood as temporary scene -1 dent I illl, I to - ll1 d h.l commissioners, roa J overseers, and Re presentative citizens from each county men who realize that better public high ways is perhaps just now North Caro lina's greatest economic need, and who are willing to work to bring about this great reform. Let a!! such constitute themselves ..eiegates to this convention whether appointed or not. Come anil .iee and hear and work, and before long we will have good roads all over North Oirolina. Charlotte Observer, of August 28th. H','4. Collegiate Institute Prizes. This school offers three prizes this year. One to that pupil who shall attain to the highest average grades on recita tion and examination during the scholas tic vear. One to the scholar who shall make the greatest progress in all the studies. Another to the pupil who makes the greatest progress in Elocution and Rec itation during the vear and on the Com mencement. No pupil can compete for the-e prize unless in school the tirst week and who shall be in school the entire scholastic year also mu-t sustain a good report. E. P. Mexdeshall. Married. Widnesd.iv Sentemlier .1th at .1 :. m. in the Catholic Church. Father P. F. Quinn officiating Mr. J. U. Dinkin- to Mis. Annie Angeb. The church was crowded to its utmost, every available space even ot standing room lieing taken. Aiter the ceremony the newly wedded couple n ok the steamer Neuse for a Northern tour. They will nrst spend awhile at Wilmington, lief, and then pro ceed laither North. A verv large number of their friends a-sembled at the ?teamer to ctend their congr.it u'at ions and see them started on tin ir l.appv journey. Married. At Croatan, N. C. . at the ie-idiiice of Mr. David Rowe, father of the bride, Mr. Charle- (Jaskins of Vanceboro to Miss Sarah Kowe; Beni. Williams, J. P.. otli- ciating. Thcy'.eft ilav. for Vancilmro Mort- permit the u-e of hi A cor, .Mc-;enger I -, ro n n n en -1 s-idthriei.". . -lore in i : -;...k. haw Miialiec coi 1 the insurance Terrible !' re-t !ir . consin and Minni-op amount .! proper'y h i 1 each State. Hundred- , . liomelf-ss, several villagi istence and a number j Pine City fifty peop'e are reported burn ed to death and death- have l-i -lilted at j other places also. j The two Japanese sp:e who were sur rendered to the Chinese authorities by the I I'nited States consul, under whose pro- lection they were, were promptly tried and bjheaded. In consciiuence of this -u miliary action all of the Jupaue-e re- maining in Shanghai, about t. decided to leave the c:t at once. The State univiTMty opened on the Gth : with 41J1.1 students, the greatest number present at any opening oay in ail its his- tory Filteea o! the students are married . and one tie-hinan has a wife and three children. Seven State- be-ides North Carolina are repn -en ted. The News and Ob-erver -ays that aniougjthe Congres-man who shirked the 1 duty of voting upon the iriotis roll-calls ; taken during the consideration of the j tariff bill in the House ot' Representatives I the name of Mr. Settle is prominent. He ! i dodged 2.1(5 roll call.-. ' The Republicans and PopulsL- will have to try their hand again at nominat- , : iug. Judge Conner whom thev put at their i mast-head of their lu-ion co-operation busine-s- without his consent has written i a card -fating in the most positive manner j that he is a Democrat, that he will not : ' tl.e Wilmington ')! men of local 1 ' ell on trial at .-. i mi rniug their oisuiaiice on the ., ::tted. Th- ai d .-, . :a ; ; - pa v -u, d. , ,. : ., . . ... v; , " ' ! cent its action with reference to i. .in euiu iiiou- i ,- been destroyed In f people rendered j - swept out of ex of live- lost. At i II L. T. s name and if electe pia'.ify or serve. to-ilav ( '. Fo und Ii. tan. Committee on credential-, -n resolution-, and permanent organization were appointed. Committe-ou pcim ment organization reported in favor of u akmg the tempor ary ch-.innau and secretary the perman ent officers of the convention. Two r solution- w :re i-commended by the . o;i,uiittee on lie-u ution-: Ke-olviil That wi. , the Di nio. nil- o,- Join- eountv in convention assembled endorse tie ro ceedings of the recent State convention ex- enator i nil primaries'. Resolved. That the Jones eountv con vention now- assembled do hereby request the pollholders at the next general electiou to prepare an extra box so as to allow all voters to vote for L". S. Senators, and that these votes be counted out by said poll holders and reported to the chairman of the Democratic Executive Committee of this county. The resolutions were both adopted by the convention. Chairman Foscue then announced that the convention was ready for nominations. On motion nominations for the legislature were first in order. T. C. Whitaker, S. Hudson, and J. C. Parker, were placed in nomination. The tense of the body lieing that the majority vote should lie adopted theie was no election ou the first ballot. Whitaker, who received the highest num ber of votes, tailing to secure a majority. Upon the announcement of the result ol the first vote. Mr. Hudson, in a graceful little speech, withdrew from the contest iu favor of SVhitaker. This insured the nomination of T. C. Whitaker for the Legislature. Nominal ions for county officer- were next called for Jas. F. YA hite. w is nomi nated by acclamation for clerk. So like wise A H. Haskins for Retti-ter ot Deeds. L. Dillahunt lor sheiiff. J. J. Simmons, lor treasurer.) and A. J. Fordham for Coroner. Frank Nobles received the nominal ion for surveyor. By order of the convention, the Wil mington .Messenger, Jialeijrn .News uo- is conveniently located speaking tubes eonneciing each floor and elect! ic .- ,1 room in the house. The and b;i ard room and '. pan- nt the hotel arc i ify ,- the r join- by - Tin- billiar I room 1 iioii; the re a. of the orb :- the bar, back of that n o n i o the bar. mid m ' larber shop, in whan 1 ' hers will lie kept, aia. i sample rooms ample for a arrangement is -uch th -.: partinent- c m b rea-i-' keeping with the re-t o! - a hand-oiae room and :. The i.'i i it a -id check room bv ii : there are the office wilh ; lie! I- :or cwrv x I ttiee. barroom ". n,,o-t public- i ;.-,l bv elect ri- ! . i.-i . .. reached . back of that ; -.lu reception ' that i- the e ex per; 1 ar 1 roshments de-igned. The hotel, in fact, is furni.-hed comfort ably and elegantly enough for anyone. It can easily b- seen that it is in charge of men who understand what they are doing and intend to furnish money's worth to w iio. ver patronize- them. Mr. J. W. Stewart, one of New Berne's mo-t successful business men, is President; Mr. N. C. Hughes a young man of one ot the best families of the city, and who has himself held several responsible po-i-tions liefore, i- secretary and treasurer, and Mr O V Everett who has been identi fied with prominent hotels, such as The Antlers, of Colorada Springs; The Bur nett House. Canton. Ohio, and the Sandy Lake Resort, a fashionable resort near Cleveland, Ohio, is tue manager. Mr Everett came directly from the Lake Re -art to New B'rne when the Chatlaw ka Hotel Company -ecu red hi- sarvici-. New Berne is Incoming a favorite re sort tor Northern visitors and the Cliai tawka furnishes convenience, comfort and elegance to satisfy the best of them. The luct that the ho el is upon the banks ot the River Trent, only a few hundred yard- from the River Neu-e, and receives the pure and r, freshing lire, zes from both, is much in its favor. Success lo The Chattawka. CROPS YVKST AXO SOUTH. Happy Condition ol the Southern Far mer as Compared WMi the Wes tern. The Kearney, Nebraska. Daily Hub tells of crop statistics in five Western Shoe collected bv Lyman of dago, Presi 'dent f the First National Bank of (,'hi : i -ago with the co-operation ot oilier liauk ' er-. These reports are sent in by the banker- from their individual counties fur . business purposes and are inlievel lone j absolutely impartial and corie.t. Com i pared with corresponding reports in the I South they have a tendency to make the ' Southern Fanner very well satisfied with his happy c mdition of Mae crops mid abundant -upphe- even if he does n t have as much cash as thev- would like ', and beleive they ought to have. Mr. Gage's conclusion from the reports 1 i- tliat there will be suffering in Western Kan-a- and Nebraska, where the crop's ; practically liave been a total failure, anil the fanners will n quire assist, nee from ! the outside to enable them to get throngh the wini i r. In other parts where thefarniei-- man -ged to make as much as o half or .wo thirds of a crop, they arc expected to get along c 'infortably. Is Nebraska is .the .-late from which prospectors have recently visited North Carolina looking to the removal of a number of the farmers and di.u ymeii to this state we copy the rep ut from ihat State iu full. Nebraska Reports from th- northern "Pii'ked-l'p" by The .louruol I ' Always Id "The Swim "' Statements arc being ii. ,1, i men are having ran- .. I coast and ma r-hes, h li nine 1 fowl. KM t W. W. I., w i - i i 1 will preach III lhe 1 i '. I , ' 1 church on Fli-el -, ; - I I , . eight o'clock. ! A postal from ( 1 in pia I i ! : ! tion (,)" ihr killing ol r, , , . . ilhree inilet- from Fowl, i : , . . , the illy. He wa- Kilf , I ,, , , , , fal'in by means of a I i le I ..mi . I i , lllllfoll. ! A number ol our nn i b a - , i big their stock-- of go,-;.,! if, i ' -: Asa ill t- I hey a re bn i 1 1 . p i - , and wi II be amply u , p , i . , I : , in nice a line and ai a, gr i. a- call b got vi i ;,n ', h 1 Mr. M. Porter lhe brick -,;,i , l!i verdale is in the cil . H- h i of about 200.001 1 I a i, k I !i . . . 129,500 now ii'iir lb- A A . i depot, and is piepune- :,, more. The Kin-t ui Free Pros "We are fold that Mr. Loni, I' Mr. -Jesse Jackson's land, load. I 1 his ..f niolas-es Iroiu the cine : .. a tiaction le-.- lhau half an ;u ir. w , fertilizers. The molasses a , measured. This is a t reuien, !,,: i and we challenge the St :te b. bi;i' a I A private letter from Washiin.-:, ' to one of our citizens slates th 0 ."-np ing Architect O'Kouik- inhume! winter of (he letter, who N :l , ,,n! and builder thai the spceilii all. n . public building would be r, :-K , o month. This being the o- :'i to be received here in a !, u da . hope they will. 1"" , i com-s the i oiner The part of the state, north of the Platte river n. of th s - de- ' and cast i f the 98th meridian, show a hay ,-i-oi iin.loi ,ii--liilf -.1 tliA iivuMfrp nuts w :t o it enter- 1 i' " . " ' nn w heat urn e.r one-nan anu corn nnaer he eastern one.naif, gouth of the Platte river and ing any ot In r. Tin y a r L. and over them are ., o -zon of lhe new j cast of the 08th meridian, poor crop; hay rooms hist added lo the ho vi. , under one-third, oats and wheat over oni- I. i.i- , n r-. j.i The main dining room on lhe second ! aim uie com unuer one-urn . vuir, Dart oi tue state, west oi uie oui men- STRA7-:-UATTINGS ! GEORGE SLOVER, We have about 15! 73 middle street newbeemf, n c. rolls of Straw Matting, which we wish to close HARDWARE OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. out. If you need a Matting take your pick of the lot at N.Y. Cost. "We mean this, as we -will close out the lot .and get no more. J. M. HOWARD. Sale of Valuble Lands in ' Jones County. By virtue of Judgments rendered iu the action whertiu The Nation il Bank of New Berne is plaintiff and John Mercer and others are defemlants. now peml r g in the Superior conrt of Jon- - county . N. C I will sell at public auction at the; - court boose in Trenton in said .lotu s cuaoty.on Monday the 1st day of Oetobn A. li. 1894, the following 'amis situated : -in vud Jones county, viz;- All the land described in the pleaiiing- io said action, including the tracts ot land known as the Pocosm trie', about 350 acres; the Lewis lickersoi tr.nt. about 200 acres: the Kornegay patent vtract. about 196 acres; the Jeri v Heath 'irart, sboat 25 acres: the Ten Vb:'ak-r .ttoot tract, CtO acres: the IK-r. ier-oa trart, 100 acres, and the Simm ,n- i r.u t 173 acres the said lands being in a bo,i aud lhe same ai'j'tining the land of W. II. Scott, J B. Banks, Jr. and other- and In-insf all the lands ol said John M ren in said Jones county. N C.ms staled in mortgages specitied in mi I pleioaig. Tiiue ot sale 12 o'clock midd-iy Terais of sale J Cash- to be pai l in G niouths. and in 12 months. N t. s to legmn lor deferred payments. Iariug initrest at the rate of eight per cent per annum. Title reserved until whole of purchase roorn v is paid. M. LVW. STEVENSON". Commissioner. This Aug. 4th. 1S94. owtd Sash, Doors and Blinds. 8tovea. Lime, Plas ter andfinement. OEVOE'8 READY2 MIXED PAINT. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED.- mil Dtn !H3e 'X7V. SMALLWOOD Uinlor (iiiston House, South Front Stn ct. Now Borne. N. C. fitliIj iitnk: of General iHiix'ciAjix'c. Stoves, Carpenters Tools, Cutlery, Table Ware, Barbed Wire. GALVANIZED PIPE, PUMPS, Litnc, Plaster :liiil CVmei'!. DEVOES PURE READY MIXED PAINTS. he wib in 't accept. Wlul- Virginia to-dav ;s not aide to show a -ingle well -at tested centenarian, j France claims to have a citizen who is ! 12(5 via'- , f ag. . This is Captain Sj- vain, who i- alleged to have been born in ; lTtW, who wa with Napoleon at Mos cov, and is still able to walk about. i Richmond Di-pub-li. An auction! er down .,: M :, . Ih-town. I Del., talked without rest lor eight hours the other d.iv. and hundred and l-rtv hi lei-ure in alien dame upon the -ale esti mates that tin iiiKiioneer talked eighti -two thou-atnl W..I-.1-. or enough to make . ;a print the bulk of a fair ;.ed novel. ! Hi ii the negroes who robbed the ven erable c-'frea-'.;rer John M. Worth at ' A-heboro are in jail. ne wa- captured on the alh. II- l- the man who -Pile the horse and rode away The thieves got iaoi) and some ol thi- ha- i -en recovered. The vain- i-flhe -ccuriln - th-y a!-o-ot wa- not known. 1 ! server. New Berne Journal, and Kiuston 1 Free I 'less aie requested to publish these piooeedings IL C. r 0SCUK, R. W. Haywood. Chm'n. ect v. A Scandal In Kaleitrli. corrcsiiondent give you floor at the eastern cMn-mity backward ot the building from the street. It is large, well ventilated and beautifully fin ished and finely furnished. It will scat between 7 and 10o peoph : just west of it is the ordinary or dining room for early and late meals which is similarly furni.-hed and supplied. The e'egant silverware w a- an nished by M r. I. H. Cutler. Beyond tho dining room are the ki'. chen, pastry room, fresh meat depart ment, receiving mom for all supplies and the servant.-' dining room. Every one of tlm-e places is equip;.ed in the stvle the verv be-t a 'aoted to it. The range has capacity mi for several hundred pi o oven in which all the p.. one of lhe quicke-t ;:.; every improvement n-i'ii work, while the liugi n fi a on a style not found was built especially icient to cook le.- the pastry a re cooked is o -1 both have io expedite eiator is bnilt on the niarki t. It tor the hotel accor ding to a plan which Mr. riveriit's ex perience teaches him is the be-t et found for hotel purposes. It takes l00 pouucls of ice at a time and is divided into several compartment- for the various ai'lielcs of food, it is expected to hold one for fresh meals, one for mi:kaml butter, f.iroa-tiv. vegetables, etc. The servant-' dining room i- supplied th its own c rockery nothing used there got- on the tables u-ed by the gllists. The pailor is eiiui-it : with its heavy dian. extendins from nordi to south across the shite, show nn almost totil fail ure of crops; dry, oats, wheat and corn under one-quarter of a crop. Reports from sundry counties in the western part of the state show there is little hay and almost a total failure as to oats, wheat and corn."' Our farmer- who read the above cm easily see how much better off they are than are those of their occupation in lhe west. And we can say that those good people who emigrate to North Carolina meet with a ready welcome and they w'll find no such failures as they are now assiug through. Tliere may, by some unsuitable event be a diminished yield in s.,ine par ticular crop or crops but other crops at the same time flourish and give forth their full yield. Such a thing as a general failure does not occur. Examination for Normal and Industrial Schools. If any young ladies wish to enter the Normal and Industrial s.hool at Greens boro they will please meet Dr. John S. Long at his office on Saturday of next week. 15th for final examination. The successfnl ones are uititl-d lo free tuition in the school, and the rate of board is remarkably low. It is lurnished at actual cast and so many being together reduces the cost to a very small figure, i Your correspondent give you the ! -ailent fc.itur. sofa scandal which had developed here, iu which a woman claim- j 1 ing to be Mrs. Mary Cram says she is the w I lawful wifeol llliam Cram. lhe latter; is a prominent Od.l Fellow here, and is a i cd :n that time -ix member of a firm of iron founders. The ! nicies. A man of i .....i t,.,. ,1,. velum d on account of 1 he taking I i I out of warrants at the instance of Mrs. Cram, who charges Mr. Cram and the j woman who had alwais been considered i his wile here with fornication and adul-! ul!l1 terv. Neither Mr. Cram nor his wile No. '. Heme Mii-i- House of Mr. .V. Colin. t Coldsboro to bwansboro via Richland. 2. if the phrase be allowable, are here From the parlor one steps into the re- i Wc hope there will 1 something els- l-e-Thev are North somewhere. Hi s firm I )lUm lllU nirni-i.-d in -pkudid -tvle i side talk. This road if it conies w ill run lias a large iron contract at Pie school lor ' . ! . . . , , . ,. , at Mor-Miton and he ha- been '" '"rpeuu .11 vv nwii civet. ; iinougn u,e nuiiesipaiL oi t-uuiy. Ah the rooms an I all Hie halls are car peted superbly the lower front hail in Another Contemplated Onslow Railroad An Onslow county correspondent has brus-cis ear let. cherry centre table, up j this to say on a matter of great interest hoi-!eipd I'lirnituie and first-cias Meii!en and importance to that county: it piano, lurnished bv tiie -New l liere is lots oi taiK oi a nu I roan iroin deaf-mutes orders. 'Personal attention to the prompt and CO I loot 11 i.S tilling ot dm w.dow all SHEPPARD'S tercel MADE FROM PURE PIG IRON. Not one pound ot Scrap Ir-n is ever used ia these .'" is. DURABLE, CONVENIENT and ECONOMICAL. All Molern Imr.r,vements to Lighten BaoKkeepliis Care. Twenty different sizes and kinds. Every Stove Warranted Against Defects. Prices not much .higher at this time than on commoner kinds of -stoves. Can on or address L.H. CUTLER CO., New Berne, ft. G. I- W. Hrook- i 1 .nvei-'ed In :b' aad then il, - r. ,;, in, value 1 ' a th, the liqm :" i r ti:-.- to tl,.- . x. --.-ned hi- .. i n-j dred peop'e w .P i , l:g i u i -r 1 -i at the salile tain Now v," ; i 1 pr-d r;e- i a ke, ! in .h-ino ,-d bv tli.' mi. 1-. an i Iran !r t i n the a- .'. in- of the e a-'. '. i. on kii-w u. t things are apj .,: P' lake ai tb- ll ,ie nevei -.a ;: ing fia-v c m- ' .f Ma i kc Tex.-- w-a-Mithodi-t church there d his -;ock : amountiii i ;-.i;-.d 'ioiiars. He ponml :i;e publn -ijuare. set ..:i. 1 b., ria 1- and a!-i , cn- - t" th- tiaui, -. Five hi, : --i dj'he i!' -:i u, ti.in.' --r.il - with -iiiging we'.e In-ill and p'a- '. ith e ei n ihe-e i on v hrou- i:. Mi -ol" Mr-. ; ve- nvi'i ing una: Win. M r. n - I lie man t n '.I'ont w :n- -tami- -e to l lie Sne lireii a. ban awakening took ; tired two -hots but to the burglar emu, a confederate of tl - e-' ., k at the ,e went p t hi er h iinl ami s i. nau-eit i'V 1 .i.-t w een tin- facings. w 1. e. and her bus! ,and he pistol and he also without effect owing tin-re looking after that matter, but left tliere la-t week. Wile No. '2 and her -on have bten away a month. During her iong ie-ideuce here some tw. nty years, she has always conducted nerself well and ha- many fiiend-. This scandal has, therefore, cans, d a great sensation. With wife No. 1 is her son a youth of lit yeais. It was expected thai lhe ease would come up for Inuring before a magistrate lo- ' 'V, bui Mr Cram ami wife No. -din not arrive in the city, nor wa- wite . No. 1 present at the I ll . - is, Tate's ofh-e. Mr. Cram and wife No. 1 are Caiiulian-. I.a-t night Mrs. Craru No. 1 sent to a niagi-trate for the warrants she had is sued and it is said wished to withdraw 1 1 1 1 i i i . The mag strate says he sent lor them, but she did not return them. To , t i v he threatened contempt proceedings and ih' ti she ut them. He says Cram a il b here in a tew days to meet the i; '..- - Hal. Cor. "il. Messenger. Married, At Maysville N. C. Wednesday Sep tember o. at the ic- d, nee of Mr. L, w is Bynum gran l-fadier of the bride. Mr. J. 1'. Rogers to Mi-s Aurora Sam tu-isill. Mr. and M i - Rogi r mak- their home for the present with Mr. 15.. mini, Itiiyiiig- Onslow Land for a Colony. Mr. D. E Sandlin, who came over ye-P-iday evening from Hichlaud-. On-low county, bring- information that parties from the North are buying large trai ls of ! land in that vicinity with a view to locating a colony. He also brings encouraging news of the We would promoters of verv hand-ome e' the back ha! handsome Bigelow Hrusv!-. the t floor front in elegant bodv Brussels. its back hall ill heavy ingrain carpet. Every room is carpe'e ! 1 a'd-w on. iug: a. i carpel .-. ; comic. I a- '.he 1' w ;:.: 1. i A i i 1 le inn I lei . 1 1 - a 1 1 i a i ; 1 1 to e i r window were W. H. A- R. S. Tin -the elegance do. - ; prominent North ( ing robb o t!o-e. Then i proposed railroad from, that cr on the other I Uoldsboro. Wil. Messenger, region to which they u , ir- p a-. i..,-o does th- tine, hall 1-oandv niture do credit to Mr New Berne who supplied ; 111 this respect. L.v, ill beautiful oak far Tin- bridal chum! in blue and -old ui-hed. T I ie read; i a. -1 n i. i- long, well liiiP i -U pplii i I '.V I i '.Wo .... I eve: ! , li lt i- b.U, r lh ,a .- o i hat "ibe boi -" w ii The flat ro if of t ed around lorui- a ing a beautiful land. It is lOOx.'V the -uinmer be i l ex li a superb ! f - -lairs are In .av velvet e li .e cil; t.dn- n d by Messrs. !' Raleigh, and r.-da. I" the him ii-"in . i mi t-'i'i 1 1 ly de-igne 1 hir- ln ire h i -e : ij'iiii i- . a : n i-hed like to hear who i re the the -( heme and what arc , in i the prospects of it being accomplished, iid j It would unqii' stion ably be a great gain md to every portion of the country traversed as can be seen by t lie Iresu impetus given to the country along the line of the W. N. ec N. R. R.. recently finished. Tl t -loll if id. . i : , i ,q 11-. " hlnli n. 1 upp. Ali the Evidence Was Submitted. Epitoh Jouhn'ap: I noticed in iln Jot'KNAL of August 23rd, an ariicie headexl "Plain Proof," and also no:ic. d at the bottom of that article that Jas. A. Thomas had li s name attached. In his letter to a Mr. Street, he seems to doubt veiy much that the evidences procured bv the ministers (who went to New Berne uter of! to investigate the charges against Rev. W. iu. est oi aiiegeu cirunKenne8S) were ex hibited to the committee at the District conference held at Hatti ras, N. C, June "2 7 1 ! i . I believe those gentlemen (who procured the statements) are men ol high i. nd noble characters and also firmly lie-ii-ie that they placed before the coinm.it-ie- all the evidence- and statements : hev pi ocii re' l. 1 was chiirman of the investigating committee that acquitted the 11 -v. W. L. W'S! and wilh all the statements and -videndi s on. nght liefore us as a commit tee it wa- impossible to sustain Un charges brought against him. I earnestly request this to be published la the Journal. N. S. Cbowukh. Maishallbe.g, S.pt. 3d, 1894. fill sin -'V I'll I j Mr. John L. Smith. : .san . h .' Noriolk, came up from .bud. 1 terday to eanvassjin N'cwM! inc. II , j has just sold '.he I'armelee Heed , three huge bailers which w," c more than three hundred I,... , additional capacity for the ia; will now run eleven boilers m : seven as heretofore. LT. S. Commissioner E. C Hill ic dec'sion Wednesday m the . a - '.' I' Faii'iing, the colored coimlcrf, i!i r. t liefore him the previous day. Ile pi mm umier a ?0() imhhi fn- in ance ut. Feileral court, f.iilin- in which he was sent to jail. lb-,-, under which he was I 'n! ,.. aiding and abeting D.-nip.-. v Lb-'.. knowing him to be a oounli rlcilei One More County .M .viii.' for !' Roads. ( i iiilli ii , I county has f I- . e have Ik Her roads. Tin , -noi : have purchased a new i,ti n. .: trying it and a'ter aluvodi -cided (o put the conn: y eon , i, : on the roads at once, and a -u.. ; dent of the county force w a-app,, A nutnljei of prisoners have i ' : ' senteiicel lo the work. It would lie well for ( ia . ,i . .. Ink.' si nil ir decesive step. W e, ' law-breakers lie in jail in idl, a, ., i lie expense while honest nn n ... iug on the roads and ! work is done towards keepinj i An act that appeared b b' - ' point for such work in I hi - made Some time ago bv Id- . m , missioneis. but it -e m- n. ; , coupled with such i on i,i i.-i - i :, :, became elf. eli ve. KEY. WEST'S lLL-noi(.s. Some I'. rlinenl (Jiies'i.ui- l.o ih- ! holders to Answer. New Berne, N .'.. i Editor Journal: I c m n- , NAL of Sept. ol h a comiiiiii'' i -' Hev. Vr. A. drab on in wh . h i: to try to console liimsell in a i . that he has made some r ...n j lu defending Mr. West. I v. -few pointed questions w hich .. answer. The lir-t is: How and win i e. n. came invol v ed in ibis i h -p e ! : i Tlie in XI is Did he in 1 - , i alter he had beea lo -cu r d j . . . got Malemeul- that be wa -a . i, lhe man's -uill, mil thai he hd ,, how to ileal with him; An.i , not say lo me that Mr. i -i n to him that, he had iiol lou, h, : spiritous liquors, when he. '.' .1. - -investigating ah nit him mi a . h., , to thi, and t hat he. ( . i al i on. I,., , lo his satistacliou that W. -l u .- , the lirst as well as the sc. m ,1 , f , And why does he try lo mak- . .,. .. I ha( I iBi-gcd Mr. E. ' S. St re. I s n '..,. F.u ifiny memory served m-i e ! . write his statement lor him but b hi-ow n name. And in -h .in- , , l he b .-timony he can in Mr. H - ' w hy is it that the tesli m , f ' i Hilchett who was board in: g at I ., : ford 1 1 oiisc at the t ime. doi - i io ! .q- .. And why is i( that the P '. bail er W. II. Shepard, i- n-: i who sivs he knows Mr. We i. ,. West, Was in his barber -hop a o to go . ait and bu y bo b w h i-k - o -for linn and that Mr. W e- ilnni. , shop and wai so drunk thai i: : . i n his Iloor and that he -,,: o, I yetle's t rausfer and went on h .. w ilt that ran be H " ,1. And, w by is it thai iheie i said ai.out the evidence of In. bo , was a! Shepard'.- H iiber 'p wo,, that he want out and bou-ni w Mr. West an. I that Mr. W i.-I ..i : the stro, t the next lime he can, e i Berne and gave him '25c and not to say anything about wh.o ;, done for him i Mr. Graham asks the .pi- 1 1 -. West were not a N.nlh. in Vi,.1 b would this war be madi a- fui : cm will answer that question b) . if he had the cause of chri-i , n red ,l:,l ):,:: rvab iry , gi v 'ill river and . w-::: ,im- ng into a roof Pride is a universal attribute. Even the ....in ..-!,,, Ii'ia n.tliinfr Ia l.o imvmi,! iu , garden by being supp'.ic I. wilh plant- and ) doubt j)roua0f the fact. heait as he has lhe bun b presents would he III lo ,i, tional leeliug betwifn ih. . '. Il ibis iloes not -nth . : ' , follow. Now iu regard hi ni Mr. Giahani 1 lini I . ,;i . lvmember giving bin, .v.: ment but I do leiueni.. West a litter ol r-coni'i.-sei'ond time 1 met him be, a: that sectional feeling wilh Graham seems to be so llm rated, and I was charilablo , lieve that the accusabon u was mistaken, and the In, t- . Respectfully. Jas. 'A. fl I I ll': fn MP T T I EST-IMG -5EWS You will find. ri advertising! f . . coTJ"c;MiNrs : IS V'.. in E I. 5 . , ' , ' s Ji v ( . P-l .. : m in ;t;:; ; . i, uT tlie ): .; inlorcst i. i . i nu j)(H)j)le o! tins section as ACT 1 A i..!, wo arc . .. If II MIIIIHIOOO lis L''::i'ers In : r. n 'BICES. . M U f i H M M MM M MrOO 3 CO T m I Sf. ' f M I' ." r fvlUKN ds. PcSORLEY'S I ' ! ! I l OK 'l o l III , :' i i ( 'ohi, ' ' ilraughf. ; i" 1-1 eel b nt Ci-jnrs , . i-.-fi? "Si -