! TEL ,;HEKLY JOURNAL S " PER YEAR. - $j BT7SINKS3 tbt Ses & kilt of iclTSTtissg Q y IN ADVANCE. ft In vl ip Campaign in abovt to uprnru KTTHE WEEKLY JOURNAL! Jyou should huhHcribe at oner . laH52S2SHSESESHS252SH5HS5H $1.00 Per Year INDEPENDENT IN ALL THINGS. Single Copies, 5 dents. NEW BERN K. CRAVEN COUNTY. N. ('.. SEP I KM HER. 20, 1894. VOL. XVII. NO. 2(1. rras 51 rfCI iiiiii iff wli 5 In r in CHH HMl w H!L v ill1 L. -Briar, Mcervhauui, and Apple Wood. P OBAWO, OBACCO, OBACCO, Clewing ami Smokiug. SIC A. KS, IG-ARH The Finest Line in the City. ; BP A irvnh lot Cakes ami Craekera j ust Received. ' MUNN & McSORLEY. WM. LORCH :f ESTABLISHED 1 865. FAUlLVzrBBOQEBIES General Merchandise. J rff CAKT-aOCSR AcCoMOLJ riuN. FARMERS, Bo Yea fait a M Walter A.Wood w.- ... Tubular Steel Mower leads all others - ia lightness ol draft, weight of ma chine and ene of management. For descriptiTe'cireuIars or information, Apply to L H CUTLER L CO. ' J. J. BAXTER. v - X hv jnst got ia a nice line of '.MEN'S BOYS & CH1LDRENS Clothing ' fTban was ever sold id New Berne. - Aho a new line ot late Style Hats, shoes, - Jfe-. Toa will save money by seeing me lie fore baying. " - Respect fally, - j J. HAXTER. TradeRemember r, I have.reduced the . prices on Lorillard ; 8nnft . 1- ULKI CM, "W"holesaIe Grocer. B A JS K 8 THE Parmersfc HeTchants Bank - ' Began, bosiness May, 1891. Capital Stock, paid in, - $75,000.00 Surplus, - - 6,000.00 Undivided Pofits, - - 2.500.00 'DiTideodapaid, - 12,750.00 OFFICERS : 1 H. Outxkb. rresident. W. 8. Chadwick, . . Vice Pres. T. W. Diwey, Cashier. " AiL Powwx, , . . Teller. r.F.llAITmtws, - - Collector. Tith well established connections this UanU. ia prepared to offer all accommo dation consistent with conservative bank ini Fr.anpt and careful attention given to collections. We will be pleased to coiresjond with those who may contemplate making changes or opening new accounts. . J. A. B2YA27, TSCS. SA27ISLS, FresUat, Tic Pres. 0. S- S0SS378, CuUer. THE NATIONAL BANK Of New Berne, N. C. IlTCOBPOBATED I860. Capital. Surplus Fronts, $100,000 98,168 DIRECTORS: Jas. A Bryan, Tnos. Daniels. Chas. S. Bryan. I n. Hackbttrn. Jho. Dxtth, 1 HARVEY. G. IL Roberts, E. K. Bishop. THOS. A. Ouu, Prea. C. E. For. Casliicr, Wm.Dcn, Vica-Pre. H. M. Gaorts, Teller. CITIZEN'S BANK oy n a w BBRNt, rsr a. ! DO X GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS. Tbe Aeconnts ot Banks, Bankers, Corpor ' stioas. Farmers, Merchants and otliers re ceiTeti on favorable terms. Prompt anl care lnl attention given to the tiitet est ot our eais-tomerB- BO ARD OF DIRECTOCS. ( TBrOinaad Ulrich. E. II. Me.-i.low 3, J. A. .Meadows, Chas. Duffy. Jr. fSAmoel W. Ipock, James ReJmnnil, 'baa. H. Fowier, Chas Relzeudtc'lii, William Dona, Mayer Ilahn, 1 F.. W. Small wood, Thomas A. Green, ' 4ieo- S. Ive. C. K. Fov. ATTENTION ! i3nilding Community Ttaa Pine Lumber Company having jmt np saw mUia adjoiuiiuf my pL-mini; mUU, lam now ber prepared to supply Hie tiorao tie- . mand lor building material ol every Jescrip UOD. Moulding & Ceiling A SPECIALITY. Baring an experience ot Twfty Five yean as a practical builder, I am enabled to flit orders correctly. Ordera lor Lumber dossed or In the 1-0114 h filled promptly, and at low prices. aCorreapondence solicited- a J. SCHEELKY, Bailding-Lnmber Supplies, Cor ner Atmore & Griffifth St., JfEW BERNK, N. ('. r: o-ibox. n. jitco THE COTTON OUTLOOK. Estimates of the Ciop -It 10,000,000 Bales, bat Much Less. The factors expect to do a larger busi- nes-s llii.s year than formerly, savs the Augusta Chronicle, and are sanguine that ! last year's receipts will be over-reached I if the prosed crop prospect- hold out. And ii"'1 - nie. unforeseen disaster oc curs bcuoie tne crop is gatnereii. it win exceed last year's crop by a milium or a million and a half hales. These are the figures of eon-orvative cotton men who have studied :t na tion, and who for years, haw made a business of stuJving the crop. Thev lelieve the outlook is a great deal N-ttir than at this time last year; but disag with the somewhat exaggerated r that have been sent out from annus points in the South. One r. port which gamed currency, tli t", 'ii j ' tin' press it w i- nai':i out by, - tiio t:-n firm- pl.i ! the . i:- ! 1 tins i(ar- w.-id ..t 1U.0IK 1 OaUs. 1 Ills-, conservative cotton men believe to be cx traragunt. Last year's yield reached 9eveo and a half million bales, and it was not such a bad crop. This year the be.-t estimates are that the total v : 1 . 1 in b.i'.es wilt bo between eight and nine million bales. () u rse l!u re i- a ureal deal ot ua- certiinty a tachtal to any estimate thai ; be mad.; ol lt.-j e.an'.ur crop. . .a e it is practically made, a storm or au early frost might destroy at Last half a million bales. Said a piominen". cotton tnctor yester day: '-No cotton man, no matter lmw well posted, can talk with certainly a'Kiut the cotton outlook. The possi bility aod proUibilily of rsins and early frost furnish so many wide opportuuitu s for a change in the situation that it w ill be several weeks before anything can be said with detiniteiiess. "The greatest danger which we have to fear is an early frost. Such a calamity might cu: off the crop to the extent ot a half a million bales; therefore in speakinu of it, it is nectssary to allow a wide mar gin for such occurrences. "It is just simply sues work to talk about what the crop will be. We can only tell what it is now. Speaking from the present outlook, the future will k good." 1 expect a crop of between eight and nine million bales." SPECIAL MEETING CO. COJfMISSR'S A New Keifistration to be Made iu Third Ward To JnmfKi A Tirvan. F.srr. ehairni.-in of the Board ot Commissioners i t Craven countv: I hereby request that you c dl at once by.six days notice as provide I 1 y law a special meeting of the Board of Commis sioners of Craven county, for the purpose of taking necessary action lookiu:r to the registration of the voters 1 f the 31 W.cd voting precinct of the citv of New T! r : . Craven county, the rrg.stiatinn t., k 1' said precinct haviii; b eu lost. Also to take such action a- may be necessary relative to the alteration of the polling place in said precinct. E. W. Small wood. Xotice. Notice is hereby gi 1 e,a that there w ill be a special meeting of the Board ol Com missioners ol Craven ei untv in the citv of New Berne, N. C. on the 20th day of September for the purpose of taking act ion lelative to cnange the polling place in the 3d Ward YotiDg precinct of New Berne, and a new registration of fa; voters of said Ward; and such other business as may come before the Board. td .Tames A. Bryan. Chnnn. Board Com. Obituary. Died nt his home on the north side of Ncuse river in Craven county, after about twoweeks painful illness ot hemorhagic fever, Enoch Fulcher, age 62 years, 6 months and twenty days. He was bap tized by Bro. B. 11. Albritton, iu 1 1615 and since that time has beeu a very consistent member ot the Free Wi'l Baptist church. He will tic sadly missed, both in the community and in the church, but uo where more thru in the home circle now berett of his genial presence. lie leaves a widow and three children, ona son and two daught'TS to mourn their loss. May God's comforts and love lighten the sorrows of the bereaved widow and children. The funeral services were conducted by Bro. Jesse Bennett. X A. & X. C. B K. Dividend. Xewbers. N. C, Sept. 1st, 1S9 L Tiie Directors of the Atlantic and North Carolina Railroad Company have declared a dividend of two c2) per centum upon the capital stock of said cO'Upanv, payable on the first dy of October, 1x94. at the office of the Treasurer. tf K. C. RoKKRTs. Treasurer. EL -7W. SMALLWOOD Under Gaston House, South Front Street, New Berne. N. C. FULL I . i r 1: OF d3ixc3iil Hardware. Stoves, Carpenters Tools, Cutlery, Table Ware, Barbed Wire, GALVANIZED PIPE, PUMPS, Lime, Plaster and Cement. DEVOES PURE READY MIXED PAINTS. fPersonal attention to the prompt and correct tilling of all orders. 111S ;jm w,dow GEORGE 73 MIDDLE STREET HARDWARE OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. Sash, Doors and Blinds. Stoves?, Lime, Plas ter andsr'ement. OEVOE'8 HEADY MIXED PAIHT. SATISFACTION L .H. CUTLER S CO., I State Fair Notes. i Col. .1. II." Holt. Chief M.ir.li:.! May He I state Fair, h i-appointed a cup Likely ! assistants t'r.ni every mi tii .! tin f the :' lot) i Mate, ppnint- all ot Iiietlt will 1 who an 1 ' 1"'' i h a e a Ci 'ti o h:ivr notified h n: at the Fair. Among to be mi Kerry's W crmis ii. v The nio the greatest alt fact n.- engage I the K..:r r aid Mil- ai:i Itie- ai.d err. program tii mid- is Hurl .V ad n 1 vi t'U 111- more al t.-ntioi than ec attg:vi:.itc I'l, purse- offered field- of runni:i Ivttcr than anv w i' ' ' a . a!: i 11 N"I'lll I'.lI'O- t In- turf editor . In- 1 1. an eii- . r - e i I ' il l, r i.-.i.i Mr. of the i; gaged t. raci -. M. re tl W. Inn, ., t Taue--. Sl.U'tillL .lild. : n a anaient ill . ; t heir t,a Fail will he a has over co i rod ' ! i "en en t exhibi-p-. The r -uivrb. ix- -o;ne-!it L Vl rv- sp in all the depiitments. The pou'trv v hd.it this year spee-ia! f. atute. The . -cety :',ii .:r-.v and itnprnved wi; coop-, all i a' v, ha ii have aire i o des the-, a iiHUili-: tor- w , -:;p exhibit: n an i t he d:-p' thing hat w b. .d v. , ; r . , n e, i, ,vl- w ill let souk w . -e and de.i The Halteias Light House. We hilV tempt i- ar ana ai a.', d 'hit w a tl.e .t o ( rt, t i it i c will dilleri-nt 1 in i 1 o M light house at be accordiiiL' i from thus. ,n tempt was uia complete a ad have also given i ;t, an :t; .'IV v -cell :he previous at w u res u lie-1 in s ; ta - . : 1' . ;1 1 1 1 1 Hi' p. ail mion u'a.ea it i p: naeed. Our Wa-lint writes as I'lliow- now propo d t niglon coi'ri-ii! about the matter: "The en,:a-CLi- ol B;ard tell- me that it to have a 11 overfill 1 tiie Light Hmi-e i s mi .re imp .rtiUii ol; ho.- i at ttie pro- iectecl Diamond Shoals Liizht House than a light Im cause no light has yet hocu dis-1 coverni which can penetr.ae a foe; for any considerable distaace. lie also teils me that the idea now is to bund a light iron i structure instead of a solid stone one. similar to that which was wrecked. So far, the Light House Board has found only a sand bottom for the light house. 1 I tiey have bored in vain tor a rocK hot-1 torn. "The iron light house will be erected on saud in twenty feet of water. It is uatural to suppose that it will be quite a shaky home for the keeper nnd Dot a very attractive place during the average storm oft Hatteias at night. In spite of this, there are p!e:ty ot -ipplic itioas on file for the positi ai. " Carteret County. Convention. The county convention of Carteret county put forth the following ticket: House of Representatives. J. J. Royall, of Moreluad City. Cherill, M. A. Hill, of Beaufort. Register of Deeds. .1. C. Davis. Treasurer, N. W. Taylor. County Surveyor, Cull Pigott. Coroner, Dr. K. M. Clark. Mr. B. L. Perry was chairman of the convention, aud Messrs. Levi T. Noe and Chas. L. Abemethy the secretaries. The Beaufort Hrrald says the court house was packed full and it was con sidered a great tlay for democracy. It calls tlie ticket a strong one anil predicts a large majority for it in November. A vl S pceia! to the Charlotte Observer t it General Ransom in his speech a v showed conclusively to every intelligent mind that the Demo it'Hick lionest. cratic party Is the oulv party since the war that recognizes the South as bring in ! the I'nion; that the present tariff law is j the . nly tariff" measure of any lienetit to I the Smith and it also givei the people by '.be Democratic party: lhat it saves iu the I store bills of about 400. (M 0 head of land j lies in North Carolina at least y'J ) to each lamiiv. allow irg annual amount of store j purchas - ,,t each family to be 100. a! saving to tin people ot this State of ten) in U lions of dollars every year: that this administration cut down the expenditure tue list ti-o-al year twnitv-eight millions. forty -one millions up to tin present time 1 duting 1 mouths power; that th" Pops j through their three Senators and seven Representatives had introduced and Hik ed to be made laws, bill-carrying appro priations, bounties and other monetary stipulations, in the amount "f oillions of dollars more monev thai now existed in ihe wot!!. SLOVER- NEW BERS'F, N C. GUARANTEED. mio:im SHEPPARD'S MADE FROM PURE PIG IRON. Not one pound of Scrap Iron is ever used in these goods. DURABLE, CONVENIENT and ECONOMICAL. All Modern Improvements to Lighten Housekeeping; Cares. Twenty different sizes anil kinds. Every Stove Warranted Against Defects. Price not mnrh higher at thi time than on commoner k i mis of Stoves. Call on or addrcta flew Berne, N. G. HO.il) 1! I 1 LIE Its COMiKESS. The Meeting in ( harlntte Fine Atten danceThe State Getting llmr ouglily Arousetl K isT'Tiie-s for Hetter Roads. The Chanott- Now- net 1 1: server in a the road C'oii i a if tin r is one a In r i m which auh! v a :a.a-, d it i- 11 dleing the p I'n. r, i :: uro-s in th it a . - 1 -'il'jvt in..:-.- l: .l til I'al'n'. ilia . road !'ii!;l:r,u Alum-i :'r,,ia t liniiu-m a , ath the -he r 'ar. .hna's name in th" statu of tin- ia . has i ,, no . .nef . tr.se i vi s t lit: A nioVLineut born t : increase t!ie coaiai lUte.a-;- nf the Slate by 1 i:iiriiaj;i n .hi; 1 K-lai and ping all, I but makiuii ;- -Are maintain. ug or go 1 over the tat,-. ra:.v..g -. i:ii a In Infill ard,..- . : tie- : :a tho meriii-ints a : aiaiie.-- uaii nl all classes. The n. iie'i: of good roads cannot be ovei'-rt:ui ,; I in the ;eo notion 0: I ei-ine-. ii.;. . . : Tie-:.,: Mecklenburg, fie pr. .gi na- : . : i : il mak.r.g .11 tl ;is State, ii'A . k. : , in a: eaa:i;o, and the nuti oiiie , : li , ., AaAoaing wa- t'ne s .'teal 1 : c '..-., . ". . w Inch ha: -U cessfii! in t lie ; ul 1 hat I .- ".. ; I- ;iil t i.r till- l a - a paee w i t ii t a , ; . : ,y . a u.t S mad building. Km m far .!! u. - a -lie ;- r-g.ir. 1 ohjeet k's- e.. : 1 wiirai ii : -:-'el 1 niav wed ! k .11 1 leara anved iv she iind is ite. in I as an antics With the ,.;,' a-' about better 10 ids N'O'th ( 'ai'olai 1 Si wa- i.rg ani? ii. T! hel' I in Raleigh ki ll. .1- Iiievai',1. may lotte. wa.- eirctei Holmes, of 1 ) range. ai No li f.r- v nf bringing 1 Carolina, the d A-sociution meeting wis (icoiber, where Dr. r 1 if the city of C'har-presid-ait, 1111 1 J. A. stale (telit. sfcrc- ta; v. During the -uaimer l:. lee distr'u t convention- have been held: mie at Raleigh, one at Chapel Hill, and an ther at Ashe- e- ville. Th' mtading no.v in se-ion in , meeting ot Charhat, is t he s,v o:e aiaia i; the iissncl.:: j a The sc'Con 1 ..1 was appointed lo be September 12 and with the call. 1oa de the citv hall to di- a: ..ssociation iu Charlotte and pursuant assembled in lie. vl LJlh, egates road -s toads an building. Addresses were made, ?on.e and an inspection of some o 1 pel's lead. tlie roads made during the day. HISTORY OK M ECKLEMllIto HO.M LAW. At the evening session Congressman S. B. Alexander stilled before the conven tion the history of the Mecklenburg road law. He told of the first 111 oveaient which gradually rrystalized into what is known as the Mecklenburg road law; of the tight lie had getting it through the Legislature. The House, he said, siemed determined that Mecklenburg should not h ive good roads, lor fear the contagion would spread over the State. Capt. Alexander stood by the movement though, and in the fice ot strong opposition fought the matter through, being assisted by Capt. W. E. Ardrev and other Representatives. "That bill." said Capt. Alexander, "was; not drawn for Mecklenburg county alone, but for every county in the State: it would fit Cherokee, Buncombe or any other county; it fills the bill for the sandy counties aud for the mountainous ones. The bill is a local one. It works the roads by town ships. Kadi county can regulate the amount of tax to suit itself. Some coun ties can keep up the mads cheaper than others. Kvery farmer is allowed to work out his lax. This svstem is important to the farmer. It is an eln-tie system ; there; is no county it will not tit' ' I "They." continued Capt. Alexander. 'confound the convict sy stem with the i Mecklenburg road law. Lach county snotild work its convicts the same as Mecklenburg. You wlil meet with delays as we did. Our work was at tir-t crude, but we keep on until we have our magnifi cent sy.-tem of to-day. We have gotten to the point where we know what good roads aie. and the time is coming when good roads will radiate cut ot C nnrlotte in every direction. This system can't be kept up very successfully by just one county: it must extend from one county to another, forming a net-work of good roads ( apt. Alexander was heartny ap plauded when he look his seat. Capt. Ardrev read a paper on "What Have Our Good Roads Done for the Far mers of Mecklenburg County" and show cd that the good roads had made marketing opeiiitiniis and oth'i' travel so much ea-ier hr the f 1 rmer and had -o enhanced the Viilu. ol ret! e-tale and the pleasures ot country lite that former strong oppo nents of the system have became the most ardent supporters of its me mires and those i to whom t lie i 10 iiv,,vpmi'ii ts have not ver . extfiide ire clamoring for them and bringing such pre-stire to bear that way: are to be devised to an 10:1-1- the work. Pigurer relating to the co-t w -re giver by city engineer Butler. The Congress nnet- next car in Hal eigh. j would seem to be vacation enough for . . anybody. Yet there aie those who want ,, , , , . . , 1 ' more and take it 3undav School Peter .lacK-oii has tiisili down In?- '1--, ..in. OOP forfeit a:.d the fight Mwecll him, lunc- and Corbctt has been diciai'e I oil". Cor-j On ti e 12th hist.. Secretary Carlisle bett has givi 11 out a statement in regard j authorized the official announcement that to .lackson's ivdisal to tight him in which , he would not pay any sugar bounty hut he says: "I have -tared emphatically all claims Unpaid when the new Li riff bill a'ong that tin- nrgr 1 does not want to j went into effect August 29th. The Secie tlght me. Alter the punching I gave hi n ; tary's refusal to pay these sugar bounty in San Francisco, where he was saved j claims will lie based upon the clause in from defeat by tlie dastardly action ol'hU i the new tariff bill repealing the sugar California club friends, you could not get him into the ring with me with a haw ser, iind no one know - it better than this -ane Peter .lack-on. He refers to the propostioii- made by tiie Sioux City Athletic Cinh. icid -ay.-: -They have agreed to allow the men to pick the referee, who mint be satisfactory to Jack sou. Now if tiiis 1 egro wants to tight. I will name the men -a: i-t'u lore to me now. The iollowing are tho aekimwl edg! d n terct s of this curai : .1. .1 . Dnno hue, of New. York: John i-lck I a -, It. ol New York.-.lohn Duffy, nt N, w irleama G corgi Silei. o! Chic .g : .'ohii K.liv. of New York: Al mith. of .'v w York. Anv nt 1 he-'- m- n He" also s -an, Jackson. I te . tight you pri :i'e i . one inont li,hv- n ., : :-J:ieti ry to me. la-ion. Mi. Pet, r ialniy that 1 w'ii I v. i il i tilt' u eek. . a' 1 hive months' otiev as you can 'li pi o)M ill llh-. I 111, 1 Uli's t tile, raise. I urge, Amei II K Ti ll' lis 1: li tirse 01 I:. 1 a h ick. .n ,-igIled in a eta1 ', on :i . ,. .ai any w here in Iamks J. Coa;- A '" Cast. "iria tion is being made, lie drank some brandy which was all right the night be fore, complained of a bitter tast iu drink- "" I jug it anil in tive hours he was dead. A Children Cry for Pitcher's CaStOrla j frog inoculated with some of the brandy died in tw o minutes. The coroner's jury Children Cru for Pitcher's CastOria. i say in the verdict that death come from ,-, P r,,, , . , I poison put in the brandy by unknown Children Cry for Pitcher's Castona. i Luuis. . .I'l'KM.VtiS OF TH K DAY, I Cotton i- being greatly damaged by ec sive mins and heivv storms whicii . h ie pievaih-d lor ten days ast in North rrn Tea-. Complaints of boll worms aie rowing hni ler and louder. It ha- h aii ollicially declared now that one oi th.; cases of sickness on board the ( Mt.-peeted vessel at Baltimore was yellow fever, tie ot her cases some other disease. . Tnere :- no: considered to lie anv danger atii'. t'lrh-a ha- rilled J. W. Brown of the K.fth disti'iet of North Carolina, proprie-1 tor of ihe (Ji-anite Springs Distilling Com pany, sgno i.ir milking false en'ries in his bonk- of whiskey production, for the pnrpo-e ot deceiving Internal Ilevi inn-ollicei-. (iabljy and Sapy are two cuinhdiite tor office in" Kansas. It strikes us that w e iilteady know these two Kansas statesmen 1 under th-: names of IVft'er and Simpson. 1 lisp, et:ve: v. -ay-the New Yoik Adver-t:- r. An artesian web it Pierre. 1)., spouta a combination of Water and gas at j the rate of four hundred gallons a minute. The water hla s for a time when a light 1 ' i- applie; I to ir. Mow to escape pay meiit of the income' tax is the most ab-oi'bing question among i the weilthy skinflints of the country, and then- is little doubt that many of them w 111 Iind a way. A ill. mist ha- . iiscoM ivd it proeess fur, solid. t ing whiskey and other liquors into tablets like chocolate. Vuii can thus eat yi'iir bao.eoi- dissolve it into ihpiid j f. a m at your pleasure. Tiie Jewish .Mes-eiiger sas. not with-: out truth: "It is remarkable that a good j many wage-earners wtio deplore tlie want ot bread Iind no difficulty in -upplving t ! it'ir 1 raving I01 beer. French physicians report, remarkable siit isl'm lory results in prompt relict of obstinate nose-bleeding by injecting leir.on juici, freshly squeezed out, into the nos tri Is. atb r first cleansing llictn with pure water. 1 It is sometimes stated that none but low c iste Hindus have accepted Chris tiiinlty. This is combated by the Rev. II. ; I., Mukeriee. who gives a list of twenty, j ; seven Indian men ot position who within ! tifteen months have adopted the Christ of the -New Testament, The Louisiana sugar planters who de cided to Hop to the RepuLlican party be- cause ike Democrats stopped the two cent bounty t lie Government had bet 11 paving them 011 the sugar they made, are called by the Philadelphia Record "the bounty jumpers Ot politics." It sceais to ue an approiinaie name. A prominent Republican leader in prominent Republican Nash County states that he will work for' the Democratic party siuce fusion has1 taken place. He can't stand the Pops. It must be a bitter pill if a Republican j can't gn :t. Washington Progress. j State Auditor Roliert M. Furmati tells; the As h 1 villc Citizen that the number of; pensioners in Nor h Carolina this year! will probably be about a "an. u:i increase j of neariv -dO over last year. The pension I warrants will be issued in December. The action of the Louisiana sugar Deni- : oertits is not looked upon as having ser ious iaginluauee at asUinyton. J he sentiment of genuine Democrats is ex pressed by Congressman Hays, of Iowa, when he declares that it would be the best thing that could happen to the party if all the alleged Democrats ivlu favor bounties and trusts would get over into the ranks of the Republicans, wiiere they belong. Louisville Courier-Journal. The Cliarlotte News says that Mr. Jabez Myers, who was shot six weeks ago by Mr. Fred Oliver, is now so far im proved that he contemplates a trip to McAdenville. The doctors on the li hist, visited him at the hospital and removed the wires from his arm. The iuter-dental splint has not yet been taken from his mouth but the doctors think it can be taken out iu a day or two. There are many .honest, well-meaning men in the ranks of the Populist pari v. i who have been deceived by men who an I looking for office. These good, honest far I mers and some of other trades have nil the while declared that tbey are as good Democrats as they ever were; but how can they say that any longer? Now that the Republicans have taken in the Popu lists how can the3e '-good Democrats" remain in the mix? Greenville Reflec tor. The ( 'bines authorities prono-ed the Aimaican Consul tit Shanghai not to tre.it i cruelly those two sapecti d Japanese 1 spies who wire turned over to theui. , They didn't treat them cruelly; thev just i choppod their heads off. "When the Chi j nese w aut to treat anybody cruelly they j only disembowel him, run hot irons J through him, cut him in pieces and take I their time about it so he may nave the full I benefit and note the methods of operation j But when they want to deal kindly and g, titly they just chop die head oft. Wil. Star. j A plausible argument is sometimes offered in favor of elosiner a church or a Sunday-school lor a season Bui if that argument fe v. did and lorceliil. and then is no good rawn fur keeping open the pLce of religious instruction why should the workers re-tune their tod '. Six days nnd twenty hours out of seven days bounty provision of the McKinley law, which concludes as follows: -And here after it shall be unlawful to issue any license to produce sugar, or to pay any bounty for the production of su-ai' of any ktnd under said act." Tlie 'Washington Progress says that Mr. J. M. Carrowan. of Pamlico county, ci'.ni up to that town to Dr. D. T. Tav 1 c. for treatment. That moniMig h was bitten by a mad cat. S mie weeks ago a dog went mad and bit several cats, and later another dog went mad aud bit a cat, but they thought they had killed the dogs and cats which had been bitten. The cat bit two children There is no sign of these persons going mad yet, but it is bard to te'l what the result will lie as it might develop several months hence. In the Pitt county convention ia solu tions instructing the legislative candidates 1.1 vote for Hon. T. J. Jarvis for United States Senator were tabled, it having been the precedent in that county for sev eral years for the 1 onycrtioiis to adopt no resolutions of instructions to candi dates, il also I iciug wel' k-'oan that the legislative ticket was compos, d of strong Jarvis men who w ould vote for him without instuictioiis to t! at effect. There was such strong belief that 11 M. Swain, the hotel pi oprietor at I lot Springs, who died a tew days ago was poisoned inteiitionably, that an investiga II CITEUAS LIMIT HOUSE. Success Expected mi Next Trial Plans Entirely Changed Work to Begin Next Soring. A -pi el:l !" th, K.iiei j'i XeWS;Uil Observer -a' - t , : 'ii" pla!,- now being drawn for the 1 iv i...n .; a glit-hou-e on flattens Shoals alloceihar different from the 11. prnpo-. ,' nif.uv. The pro position now is to 0, 0:1! ill;, work when there will be ih, h- ,-t iiouble from stoims. and rough weath, r. The work j will b.'giu some tiuier.ex; -pring. afiei i the plans have been leec.ved and up- j prove!. Calculating I'm 11 the past, it is ' emanated that th In -I we ith 1 I- in May, so work will pr. hably b -gai tin-re next May. The coll t rae'.o:'. who ;, a ie a iai.uie bi ll, re in eri' iing ihe - e.d -ton.- 1 ii;h t-h. m-e and i i-! a'.oa- s ; ai u.i , 1 ,,: I,';, owu money j i- proba' ly the l,e ,- an 1 :,i-i,H' ill the world iind never made a I'd hire before, so a new plan is 11. av !.eltigde:-d Where it ,n;,l base take .s-.-,.ii();).00u to liadd the one of , , ,, jt . .! 1 ,k; only I S p io.Oi i'l to :i;,. I the tlier. I Where it Wnllld liaVe liikei. il '. e - a V- to b,,ild the light-hoii- "a p... loiiii r plan i: will Like on ly .!: .'.i' h - a . iniihi the one now b, ing pi ;:!: d. 'fhe former wir.M i:ae had 1 onl Iila-s fa' the waves to ii a! again-t. The j one now presents but v-a-y little re-is-taii; e, being a skeleton of iron frame work which will allow tiiv wav.- toU-af; through it freely. This is ih l ew p an a-,,po-.-d which j hits not yit 1; oil c-iiiplctcd. It has not lieen submltt' d to the Hghi-house board for approvid yet. co;i-e,piently it will be some time la fore il e contractor-, for cx cculiag the pl.oi-. w ,11 take 1 1 large. The irmi Irainc work will be supported screwing the if . a piling, six by four teen im he- in -ly. . ai the ami. which' Mill 1 j -unk Ion : ci :n tie- b t orn, and i will tower about ltm ;' rt a'.uve the j waves. The kteiai-' iiuarter- wlil b-j verv small ai cnuip ,r:-,:i '... ;;,,;: ar-jvided in ; the stoiie stiuclme. Since the last arrang -at- iisii'ted in a hiilure there has rjeeti uaothcr -urvey ot i the coast and another place h is bjen i selected for the erection 01 the light-house j now under c iiisidera'ioii. It i5 not so far out, vet iii a more dangerous place, for the shoals are never very far under the waters and the continued breaking of the waves over them m ike that place very dangerous. But a r 1 id foundation can bo naehe 1. This w.u not the case in the old location. It was doubtful from the beginning whether the light-hou-e proposed before could bj erected. It i- alan st Certain that this one will be a stiec.ss il a short ' time ot' favorable weather can be obtained I in uh'ih -,1'iie to ,:v the foundation. PEOPLES PARTY CONVENTION. J F. Rriiisoii and .f M. Xevvborne the Nominees Fil l Proceedings, The p. i.,;t'i Party - 1 at riul conven tion of the Stii Di-tri' l met in Ciaven county courthouse at mini Sept. 12th. It was called to order by O. L. Hardisoii. Chairman. (' A Conner w ;- appointed Secretary. The Chairmiin announced the follow ing: Committee on permanent o"ganizations W" C Heirington. John Mercer, T II Saiith, Cv Thompson, Itatibr-n Hood, II II Perry. " Committee on credentials: Capt. Lewis, ST Smith. JC Moore, Jno. A Huffman, M Pulley. Chas. Sutton. Committee on platform and resolutions. E T Carrawav. W J P.-rrv, J II U',.'her ington. K L'l-'rancks. M Bnllcy. W II Smith. The tomaiittie on ere lenti is agree that the following counties an ei tilled to number of votes here in mentioned: Craven county, '.) vote-; J.un- county, 9 votes; Onslow county, 11 M t-s: Carteret county, 6 votes; Len ir county, 14 voter. Greene county not repr. -1 ailed . Committee on pcrma aent t'g anizations: Reported: John A .firksni. ;a perman cut chairman. And O L Hardisan. Sec'y. and John Metcer, A-s't. Sect'y. H II Perry, chiiirman. Report of committee on platlorm: lie solved, that we the repiv-ciitauves of the Peoples Party of tlie sth senatorial district hereby reaffirm our allegiance to the principle seti'orth iu the Omaha plat form -of the 4th of July l0'g. and ex-pre-s our endorsement ot' State platform, enunciated bv the Peoples Party in Ral eigh Aug. IM. 1S1I4. II L Kranck's, chairman. Tlie chairman announced the nomina tion for senator in order: E L Francks put in jjtaiuiination J F Brinson, of Car teret county. Dr. Cyrus Thompson put in nomination. J M Mowhorne, of Le noir county. M Pulley move 1 lhat the nominuions be made by i.cjiauiation: The nomination of J V Br'm-011 and J M Mcwborne was made unanimous. G L llatdison was elected chairman ol the Peoples Party Executive Committee of lie Sili senatorial convention, and G A Conner wa- elected Secretary lor the next I two years. j Dr. Thompson moved that in case of vacancy ot candidates that the nomi nating power rest with Executive com mittee. Second an I carried. W II Smith chairman o! Craven couuty Executive committee announced that the county convention would convene on Wednesday. Sept. 2Sth at 12 o'clock. Mr. II I. Fianoks m On-1 .w- county was cdhd for ;ia. I iv-non ad a: a K0 minute imi h "ii iii - :-;:, - . ;' t he i 1 v. Ib- was followed bv II r-iiiit.. a: .1' Dr. Cvnis Thnao, U A It TE R L X C 0 1 ERE C E . New Berne Di-ti icr, 4th Mound. F. F. 1). Swiudell, I'. E. New Bertie District. 4th round Swindell. P. K. Straits circ't, Stimmei iieid, S, pt. Beaufort stati. 11. St. Paul's. Gnld-born. Griftnn ciicuit. Edur ;'- ( rold?b'rn c't. 1 ho II p-o , 's Oct. LaGrangc cuv't. Ti in" . Hancock Si. Nee. Be ir-. ( 'elite: ill . New Ben e. JO, U s e t'. So 1 - , GlMVe. Pa a.'i .1 c :e';. iw.'i . N- . C a- .-.,i,-;,i. M ,,,,,'-. Moiehcad Cay. Carteret circuit. II irlowe. ML Olive circ't. Mt. Olive Craven circ't. Lane's. Snow Hill c't. Snow Hill. Dec. 1-V 10. Hi. g:L 2li- 0- la- :i 1. -14. P.) :J-4 si 10-17-:!4-1 1 1. The Monroe Empt'ivr - ; s tin- arms worm is making its appearance intha county lor the first time in twenty years Not much damage lias been done et but fears are entertained that there will !e be tween now and frost. Distillery Burned. About 9:30 a. in. Wednesday the 12th, the distillery belonging to Mrs. K. B. Ellis, w as discovered to be on lire. Two buildings were burned the distillery it se'd, and the storage house. Mr. John Ellis, book-keeper and mana ger of the business roughly estimates the damage at a thousand dollars. There wa- no insiirioice. Seven or t ight streams ot water from the water works played on the buildings. The fire was a remarkably quick one, owing to the strong east wind which pre vailedbut the linemen worked well, as thev always do. and all the property on the opposite side of the street was saved, though it seinied impossible at one time to do so. A little loss was suffered by the people moving out and the residence of Mr. Bisnight caught, but was txtin-gui-hed. The water did some damage. A visitor to the city said he never saw volunteer tiremen work as "ours" did yes terday. They worked as hard as the occasion demanded, but we have seen them work just as faithfully when much more ardent and risky seivice wa9 re ipiired. Our tiremen are rightly the pride of our city. The Speaking at the Populist Con vention After the buaniss of the People's Party convention was transacted there weie three addresses made. The first was by Mr. E. L. Franck ol hislow. He gave a condensed history of linanci d legislation since 1 lie war. He said -onie people declined you could not legislate money into the pockets of the people but that the Republicans had leg islated it out and that it it could be legis lated out it could be legislated back into thorn. He found fault with the financial actiou of the Democrats, and attacked appointments that had been made by Cleveland and confirmed by the senate, and also the Tariff legislation. In the main the speech was a good, sensible one, with very little to which a Democrat would object, except that if Mr Franck could draw off enough voles it would result in placing the Republicans back in power with all the evils we en dure 1 when they had the reins ot Gov ernment. But there were a few things which Mr. Franck did not tell. lie failed to say that the Democratic majority in the Sen ate was so small the defection of two or three from a measure would ensure its defeat and that it was owing to one or two in the Senate that the bill was not better than it was, and he failed to say anything of how much lower the tariff had been made on many articles in com mon use. Mr. W. II. Smith made a very brief address. Dr. Cyrus Thompson, the Third party candidate lor Congress, spoke at consider able length. One of the leading leatures in his speech was talking about Demo cratic majorities in negro counties in Alabama and elsewhere, and charging the Democrats with fraud. He also advised the colored people not to le led off by what Isaac Smith or anybody else might sa v. Rev. J W. Rose's Home Mission Work, According to appointment Rev. J. W. Hose addressed the congregation at the Baptist church Thursday night, making a report of his work. Usually he makes such a report every three months, but the regular order having been interrupted his report last night covered tive months worK. Daring that time Mr. Rose has preach ed 122 sermons, an average of 24 per month. He conducted the services at eight different points, and in journeying to and fro between them he travelled 900 miles, distributed 2,230 pages of tracts and made 118 religious visits. Wheal Mr. Rose, under the charge of the New Berne Bipiist church entered upon this work 21 months ago there was not a church of his denomination at any of the places he is serving. Now there is a church at Cove with 21 members, (when it was organized there were only seven) and a building which was erected a year ago, and which it has beeu wor shipped in every since,though some work still remains to be done upon it when means permit. This was the first church built. There is also a house of worship being erected at Spring Garden, and an orga nization will be effected there upon its completion which will be the first of next month. At Truitt's free church an organiza tion has been effected ard a portion of the money which went to build the church which is as its name applits for any denomination was raised through the efforts of Mr. Rose and his co-laborers. This church has 13 members, eleven of whom were baptized about a month ago as a result of the meetings held the fir-t of August which were conducted by Mr. Rose. The work is mainly carried on by the New Berne church which undertook it in addition to its own support and the other objects to which it contributed, but there has been 8100 raised in the field for church building and $40 for other pur-po-cs; while the New Berne church has, in addition to what it has paid Mr. Rose, raised $160 far :hurch building. Results a iv coming and it is be lieved that it will only be a question of a lew months vihen their will be four churches in operation, which are likely to become nearer self-sustaining all the time until they become wholly sc. This is the true spirit of missions. Pass nn to others as opportunity permits those blessdigs you have received, and make ihe su ritice that may be necessary. The reward will come. N'otice Notice is hereby given that the Board 1 Commissioners of Craven County, at th. ir meeting on the 1st Monday in Sept., 1N94, passed an order changing the poll ing place at Fulcher's No. 2 Township in said county to Truitt's school house in said Township. Aud also an order changing the polling place at Conner's in No. 7 Township in said county to River dale; said polling places will here after be known as Truitt's School House voting Precinct and Riverdale voting Precinct, By order of Bd. Comm. of Craven Co. sol m James W. Bjddle, Clerk. "NEWS ADRIFT. "Plcked-Up" by The Joiirnol Which is Always in "The Swim " When the fire was raging at the bin nine still, and near-by residents wen moving out their household affairs, Ada Basnight, four years old. was solicitous that her doll be sav. d fim fl ames. The waterworks proved of valuable ser vice on the 1 2th for the tiremen. 1" hydrants were brought into service w hn h enabled the firemen to easily apply water from any direction. The time is drawing nigh tor Evangelist W. It. Gales to held the scries of pro tracted meetings in New Berne which h ive been announced for some months. The 7th of Octolxrr is the time for Die meetings to Legin. Tlie steamer Neuse, now on the ways at Berkeley, Va., for her annual over hauling, is expected back the first of next month. The steamer New Berne in the meantime is filling her place. A good and well attended meeting was held at Fort Barnwell, Thursday. Mes-rs Shaw and Thompson engaged in a cusslon of the issues of the campaign with good profit to the cause of Democracy. The fire had one interested spectator yesterday, Sing Lee, the Chinaman. When it broke out he mounted to his house top and from his high perch. a-strad die of the root and leaning against the chimney took in a full observation. Mr. C. W. Keel, of Grant sboro. who has teen attending the medical depart ment of the University and also studying under Dr. F. P. Gates of Pam lico, left by steamer to enter the medical college of Virginia located at Richmond. The Goldsboro Headlight says the army worms are playing sad havoc with the rice crop throughout that section. In many places they have cut the heads off after eating every blade off the stalk. They are reported also as very destructive to hay and fodder. A. correspondent writes us that the Free Will Baptists are having a protract ed meeting at Trent, conducted by Elder Wardon W. Lewis and Elder Britton, and that the Methodist are having a pro tracted meeting at Mill Pond, near Alli ance. There were twenty penitants at the altar Thursday nighL The services are conducted by the pastor of said church, Mr. Jones. Emerson Walker, col., was placed in jail under a hundred dollars bond for stealing chicken from Mr. Benj. Carrawav. He stole twice but the last time Mr. Cai ro way detected, and with the assistance of Others run him down aod captured him. He got back his own chickens and iils-o two others, one alive and one dead stolen from some one else. The Southern Christian, published at Atlanta, Ga, has a flattering notice of Mr. B. II. Melton, who has just finished a successful meeting at Mount Olive, Ky. Mr. Melton is quite a young man, from our neighbor county, Jones, and has al ready given abundant evidence that, be is an honor to his calling, and a worthy sou of North Carolina. R'gularly every fall a shipment of Portsmouth, N. C, corned mullets travels across the whole United States from this city to Oakland, Cal. Thev go o Hon. John A, Stanly, a native of NV Berne who lias never forgotten their de liciousness, though he has resided in Cali fornia for many years. Mr. C. T. Watson has just shiped Mr. Stanly a barrel of tin finest. Joint Discussion, Only an address by Hon. H.G. Shaw . Democratic nominee for Congress, was announced for last night, but Dr. Cyrus Thompson, Third Party candidate for the same office, being in the city 1 la speaking was turned into a joint discus sion. The discussion was opened by Mr. Shaw. He showed up the absurdities ol the Third party very strongly and defied any one to show any good done by any populist in Congress. He showed that on the other hand they bad introduced bills which would have called tor 35 bil lions not millions,but billions of dollars; showed also that Pfefer wanted all taxes upon real estate, a pretty strong reason against any farmer's wanting such a party in power. Mr. Thompson talked on many Ime and covered as much ground as any speaker could have done in the same length of time. He said among things that he had been asked if he would vote for a negro if nominated and that the purpose of the question was to drive off whits men if he said yes, and colored voters if he said no, but he said lie would tell it honestly, that he did not believe the colored men wanted him to vote for them, that with rare exceptions he did not think they were fit to hold office and that for these reasons he would not. As in the daytime before the congres sional convention, Dr. Thompson charg ed elections frauds upon Democrats and predicted revolution unloss thev were stopped. His spoech abounded in wit and was enjoyed even by those who did not agree with him at all. Each speaker ably championed his party, show ing up its merits and the de merits of the other. They were speeches from which voters could learn, but then there were more personalities indulged in by each speaker than we liked to see. A broad discussion of the issues upon a high plane is preferable. Democrats have much to gain from these discussions. Thev bring out ihe truth and present it forcibly to the voter, and with a proper understanding of what the Democratic party is accomplishing in ! the lace ot maniiold obstacles, the victory I that will be achieved in November will 1 be all the more grand and glorious. Not Correctly (Quoted. Ed. Journal: The communication in your paper on September 8th relating to Rev. W. E. West, misquotes me some what. I did not say he was drunk in my barbr shop or that he got drunk there but simply that I bought whiskey nnd beer lor him and put them in a back room for him. I said he threw up but del not say it was Decuuse he was drunk, I hope the writer will slew- on my name and elucidate on somebody else's name. W. II. Siiki'akp. I a 1 1.. ASTOUNDING 2nT INTERESTING NEWS You will find IN ADVERTISING as well as in other parts of the THEE Another Item in iny part of the Piper as interest ing to the people of tliis section as THE FACT that we arc OOOOOI 0 II IOI )(()( II M M (()( M MM1IKMNMIOOO The Leaders In LOW PRICES. IIIIIIOIIIIOIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHIIIIHMIIIIIIIIIIIOIKMI rr m 5 AND r 1 111 m o 47-49 Pollock St STRAW-:4UTTIIiGS! We have about 15 rolls of Straw Matting, which we wish to close jout. Tf you need a VI I 1J 3 I I Matting take your pick of the lot at N.Y. Cost. We mean this, ay we will close out the lot and get no more. J. M. HOWARD.

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