foHSSrLSHST" 2SHHS2S25aSHSHSHSH5HSH5HHS 8 TFF LiJOURM 8 $1. - PER YEAR. - S I J iN Advance. re Camvaian is about to oiicnnJ tJTlJHrW KD BTTSIJN"ES3 MEN 22 to bit of Ai,5rtisiag in HE WEEKLY JOURNAL nio should Subscribe at oner. Ri SHHSSSHSSSTdaHSHSSSHSHSHSSHa INDEPENDENT IN ALL THINGS. Single Copies, 5 Cents. $1.00 Per Ydar NEW BERNE, CRAVEN COUNTY. N. C, OCTOBER 4, 1894. NO. 28. vol. xvn. raft , j. CslfM ft . j w i k - v ii a, ri i .rsv mi v, ran a -; i w a. i ss& eii&iv -wir in -ASTOUND IN B. T T IN-TER-EST-ING -iMEWS; i X You will find IN ADVERTISING t as well as in other parts of the 'o Another Item in any part of the Puper as interest - ing to the people of this section as THE FACT that we are i I , ! OOOOOOOOOOOOOOt'OOOOOOOOOOOOOOO The Leaders In LOW PRiCEsT OOOOOOOOOOO. OOti. i o " .iv Hi.HXioOOO i AND O m PollockS1!. CHEESE! CHEESE Cheese !!! I have Just RccciTexJ XS,000 ITos Of ihe b-.s-: Ch-si' t.Jt on r mule its xppoi.anee in tins marker, wlech I am off. rug low down for Ca-h. I can wll it to you at vo.u j it will now cost vou in t'ne "r&i. NEW YORK MARKET S T.. Ta,3rlor - mzsi.M i . . K , ; ,i i i i - :- ()!. i i .. ; 1 .. '. VN'. !!.a f ' Is Tt..' g'-o 1 -A Ii- - i : . . '..c-u . p respect. vc U. o ;i:iJ eoi ova'. V .tz-ir.tiii To preserving in his ttfo:!5 t Willi ;i:e rinnip'.oa hi-iV-un t::..- " t r..j:"ia:,ns a ;jct r. no.-: ::v a . '- h K. is ' i nil;' :' t r- ''i!(i.i t.i . ;.i.k thn: 11 A li,ill i. i:,-.V? ; O ' p: ji e li " ; ii-;-. 1" a J'a- po-. Willi CorN . i . e'oir.para. . y iu.i:i:ni: v Crreion lv i'i- n-ucra' pit tiie viiilotN i '-a . -t . I..-u -in their n ' L t :ie a: . now r. i ' I l.miu'h i Wh-n ui.- :.i--'i i ;'. e.v i ; g:eat nn;e t i'.:-.aimo s I irruid.iblc. H w a ri:-" . I but i or ;he '. e- O' p ' ' . . . v.-as OS wli.:r .-- a b-.b.'s. , ' i.u iler a l e.-es v . n I. - s . - a i s cuo:-iii..--i-i pa w':!i i;. r.jrmw v . ana u'p w.1- v-: v ,-ir .v j in'. 11. ' "t-'. "til- - u ei." w '-r ! coverct! with hiuius r.ius- i'- thai puv I every iiiu'.c n.t on of ti.'.ib.c J.-v' ai.i I .spte.l. H: eve. movetiieut in '.tig ws !;k- that o.'u pjt.tlii-r w;it.-'.:..' h: j ptvy aa-J tea-., to t,:'t; : u;o:i j C i c--i : :i s.i - J uiu i -U'V- i-r ; looll. anil ' tie '..ties i hi- syir.iii- i a '. l.oiy ;ml.:'-.i s.rc-n- h an i ex. e.ien; I cof'.ht'on. Ki.zbii mi .-cthinu' i.i l.ei-ht I a ad rtfteh. bt'.i tis he s:oo-l wiii !e-J ifur.iur apa : to in Cc lo:i. i: wx? r.ot y n. i-kocl a- it tr..-ht ii.ive -in. At 0:15 .-:-K.i :hf. Were ; -fo! a' 'y 5,000 spcotii tuts presint. aaiphi thc.itre was br'I'snt y '.'.tea. Cnedou iv'is he ilt t- ui'er the ii:;,'. coo y t'o'.lov, e'. ijv V :z. Creeilon -Ac Ltiieii 1S pouoils t,a. i .! 155i. Alter the usuni irs;.-iu:i - ii,- men advancetl to the ceoi-e o! h fight was on. Round 1 Boia men f for an F.iZ '. ho were r, bet e lor" ' ; '. a. a ha ' I : li-Ul " . Cr. c-iioa si-o.-. i! a Ii i: . . moment later I lee-' a i the cb'U, ar..i one. two, iutt The IT.CQ liail lO llj sep. lcferee. Creed on du. -t'- : 1 . t ht aimed :!" a td die her h-'M . ; w s H'-'-: :i I. R.'U.kI . ' -waij tor ti e j o a the boo- . r : ri,li!- end '. I a lieivy i g o " i l iiule l a la ' i ui men i i.i reci . d l w ; t. . a ' or .- l' Tae w i l e '. - . - j a a. .i.-d lilt ' : ' ..- . u-liv I IT Ml: V I e e.- f - ' ! 11 A' ic lev i),00- I " g 1 I II 1 1 C 3. ; ;'.l--! bl'. - i e I ... I . e; . eh R . IV r.ev l , 1 : w : .; v- '. . soa's M.-.gnei 11 w te; ml and cxto i: : : -I.' 0 ct. size -5 cl s. E3, W. SMALiLWOOD I'lol'-T fi.isto'a J! so. o;:i!j Front Street, New Bt-nio. N. C. flJL.JL I 12 OF Stoves, Carpenters Tools, Cutlery, Table Ware, Barbed Wire, GALVAN5ZED PIPE, PUMPS, riasrcr ami Couhmit. DEVOES PURE READY MIXED PAINTS. lYr-sOiia' ;;: '.on", ion to the orders 73 MIDDLE STREET NEW BERSE. N- C. HARDWARE OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. Sash, Doors and Klindg. Stoved, Lime, Pla&- and ement OSVOE'B READY2 MIXED PAINT. SATISFACTION iL.H. GUTLEP. fi GO., I ,gli: i line p the :. . a .rded ! el: 1" U:es K.v- i n : i : ' 1 - with : . , .. : c.i 1 1 I v ruber ! i I'.'lN'U must a . . in three days .o.p .-::-h:p to . ' ' -..!- ,,tv K.i.' i : inanity from TL'IH I . What is he .i tighter i a clever fakir i m ' pmg "'U A ! ' --r re- I a- . oiei tit j '..van at the B i"ii Theatre alter it's performance i :: .t - p..' from Cor : u pie i he burly ex , .j ,.! hi - tinner at but h a . be' :.' said he. is un ; - !-,-. -a i - in eha"ee of en-- r.'piilat. on by meetin-i ; hat I .. vc Fitzsim h :;i ! I believe a a . -: i v. h p a Lt'iod little man - i i:e i v -weight and Kit-. '.i -w eih: . -i, I Miiliv-iu. "knocked tne ., . ii idy i-.m'ul knock me out e. ', th- r'ei- at that i line, i-.. iff CVUl.l.J ,-,..Ae.r i.i. ' n. n an .1 :':n; .i;;i:i.:i- .: "Coi be' t. ' - w ben I lie : l'oi le-.t e . I -Tlie iv.i I. 1 a tt. v. ;.. a v; i ..' the matter I- taat C. "I' ll li 'liter, lias ;i i -and." fu ll a. '. I n.o la O. mi 1 inii1. he v be ic. .1. w . ai'd e . r . ome otf. . Iiierta-ii' A.'.eutioii to K.irnge Crops, 'fi... ... -,,; ,, Vie n'ngton Heview sp-.-.iK- a t p lie li , Ul-l taken to the iate' -.r of : -e S'.a'e aid he till' ef die re ;.ur'.ab',y i'v .r..e- He found everywhere. After spcai; clc ot cotton and com he has this to s.,y i :' y : Not inn a iiiot.ty will leave North C.troii'i.i iii - e.if i'o; Yankee "nay be-j c..u e r.ot o..'v i- the crop of fodder enol-j mo'.!- bat :. ..rat deal u! nay and clover lin. i'Cen i v. . I'll. .re have len as ruaoy as ;a:.-e (.ops o: gra.-s mt from some tie d . and we understand that the people are celling iuto the way of making more ai.d more h iy every year. The eccour aaemenl of big crop- of feed this year wi" 'nave a woii'lerl ui iy stimulating eflect on ad kinds of iann htbor next rear and we may yt l hope to see the day when our people' will re-u'any. year atler year, ex port corn and hay in.-tead of importing them." Aioitnd Xew Berne the growing ten deeev to taise hav and other home sup pfes is p.jiulv d --craibie. Whole fields win :i a lea e.ti- .go wouiu nave wen ! lie vo.. slim a: vc-".. a 1 i I., i..", n w , h scarcely a biaoe ot j ! -.1 n .an now be seen in the j ; '..e . i.verol witu a luxuriant i .: "f o ne kind of foraire crop re . : ihe f .rmi i's, not only raise . : s i .a ; have ha v to ! I i l . n;a '.e; neat bales that .in ii. 'v ;ii'V imported. There i . ', ; .m i-.-wever to -top im- i- net ,. a -.. ' .'.- o.u'ti i-al work and a -,v i ui iv s, this result .-..,: a... . . m i.' col -ee us sjnding iv -I . i.i - a a a ;. iv -oaietimea sup- ; a-. Z 1 ' i - :: ie i-on it should ti ' ei of imjirored . v ir-. inaugurated it j r in .to ; tc market such ' ii..w i tendency to en- i w,!.. "pe air ! p.e a-i'. e, ...i the ioV- ol I , I -. h, peace, and j . . ' i ('. - r p.'tenee counts for j -'eh. and peace is elistur- ! - uj -ei. c ) that the pott !i ii -. To have g. od j .. .-. e ; I.-. ', -lood. From -. , :e- nil Its mate- e ; :.;i..-. f he lest blood r. - - 1 1 iden Medical ii - w. u i. i-. uned and sold - a si eri tgn remedy for i ,mj . , er;-hcd or im- j . ai-umoting; bronchit is, ' ,ai. oi i -ii: es. sk 1 n dis- ; ed : i.i. ..'.-. ; -i- of i ither -ex. however i : ; thoioiighlv and per- 1 1. 111. i h-. i . e.. . i - d. end lOcelitS ill stamps a-.- intge l.iu -trated treatise, sent securely -ca'ad in plain eu'clupe. Address, Wo.-'.!'.- I Kspcns.u v .Medicai Association, t'.oi Main si,Ve B-'uflilo, N. Y. pionipt and correct tiHing ot all in s :5m w.dow SLOVER, GUARANTEED. "a miaiim SHEPPARD'S OKSTOVeP MADE FROM PURE PIG IRON. Not one -.oumi of Scrap Iron i.- ever uso:l in theso DURABLE, CONVENIENT and ECONOMICAL. All Modern Improvement? to Lighten llousekeepluj; Caren. Twt-ntj- ditTe-reiit sizc-s and kinds. Every Stove Warranted Against Defects. Prices not mueh liicher at this time than on commoner kinds of Stoves. C at. -a jr a'.'.r-:m to i ) i Kew Bsrne, N. C. HAlTEM.MiS OK Til K WW. Or. W. :ui(l broke on tln 2ti The recent teacher w as a i mg idea by exan.p Mr. Yarr-.w 1,.,- . hospital t'ur n Bro.-ulstair-. Eng. !1 A: ? l-'u. MID ;, ' -1 ' f ! I '. IS ! ill' hi.. I ion. at tin- leal ha Yarrow t cil poh ' b '.lb. A SwainpsCott, Ma ., i aught a shark in h; niackcre c-ntlv, eight feet in length. ni i.utidrcd pounds; with six rowi Wc have not vet been ah'e b any disposition mi tlie part nt ; crats of Georgia : condemn lie trillion of Pre-ident Cleveland v iiikd exchange 1 1 1 u A'litita ' ' lli't iv- iiU' live i.-.-ih- . ViT IV- rn . The Navy Dep.. rt na. .. i h .- ..i:'h ni.d the -i'ioii 1 i .i :ia":t "ii L.ri::!'".! N"-. s and '.i. i .ui' !.: N '' : Tt -'ew -. ... am. -unt ii. : ; - - ' -'' a . a' China .-eem- to b" a sort ot .1 ilin-l.-i- i doin z its tigluinu ill ivan wa v. lit obabiv - 11 ! i-t 1 1 lit itlLT i n ' i :1 1 i'T W'hl-keV. For a man wlu wa- about to be read out o; his partv a le'A week-? a-u Senator Hid .-eenis to be d"inr i.rte weii ;n ion-trollin- the party inaeimie: v. Tiie Democratic n. ani'iees tor the Legi lature from Koekin-ham county are both pronounced auti-Kan-oin men. Breckenrid-e men in Kentucky threat en to vote tor .Iud'e' 1). uuy, ( lw publican opponent. Rev. Dr. Minneirerode, loimeily pastor of Hon. .letl'er-'ii Davis, i- neaiing his end at Alexandria. 'a. Forsyth comity R -publicane say they are Republicans -t:ll and they do not know how to take hold of an out-sidcr and alhliate with the pops. Vance county Republicans abo put out a straight ticket. A northern paper says the pleasure boating people have taken the last rows of summer, but not a blooming one on them is left alone. One of the signs of the revival of busi ness in the country is the heavy demand for small bills. The New York SulMrcn.-'- ury lias been taxed for some days to -up-1 ply this demand. i Mr. Mancherjee Merwanjec Dhownup- j gree, the l'arsee who is about to seek I Parliamentary honors of an Entrlish con- stitueucv a i I'nionist. ;s well in; London, lie sii u' 1 a, a w.i.i 'es. : Ever death is not a sure escape from the ; breach ot promise fiend. A Massa chusetts maiden is slicing the estate of her i lover for $150,000. because death prevent ed his marrying her. The white boy, Wliitely. on trial in j Richmond Superior court for the murder I of a colored boy, was acquitted. lie claimed that the shooting was acciden tal. Congressman Wilson, muy discover that a binquet given by the London Chambei of Commerce is not 1 he surest way to make votes in a West Virginia Congres sional distrct. A Washington editor who 1ms no lear ot the ?reafier advices Co! Breckinridge to commit suicide, alleging that to be the only thing let t for luni to do. This :s the time to pay ol 1 debts by mentioning your creditors as promising camutlates tor offices about ten tiun too big for them. John 1). Rockfcller has daughters that they will heiresses, as he intend: to informed his not be great give the bulk of his fortune to public institutions. Emperor William is credited with the desire to buy the $!.00n.000 diamond the largest ever known which is in the Bank of England for - ife keeping, to place in his new ciow n. The Soldiecs Home. Ra'eigb. iv i ived ?2'2 from the Durban Light Infantry, proceeds of the Kelle l?u d lecture in Durham. The Raleijh Visitor tells that there tire over "2,000 pupil- in the ti vo public schools in that township. At the open ing there were 41'.' at the ( entennial and 416 at the Murphey. Tso-Fung. one of the Chinese generals, that was killed in the recent heavy en gagement with the .Japaia -o. is reported to have died bravely. The latest reports state that though he wn "- un led severe ly he continued t ' lead his nien until shot elead. Uv order of Secretary llerl' a t the Naval Observatory at Washington :- to be reor ganized, Prof. William Harkness being placed in full charge of ail the astronomic work of the institution. It Is understood that the reorganization does not contem plate any change in the present working foice. A New Orleans correspondent of the Richmond, V a., Dispatch say that papers outside of Louisiana attach too much im portance to the sugar planters' bolt, that not more than one-fourth of them, num bering not more than 000. have bolted and that the other? will stick to and fight tor Democracy, as usual. Iesha Breckinridge's attempt to intro duce a knife to ihe vital parts ot' oue of his fathers opponents was decidedly bad taste. In polite society it is permissable to give the cold shoulder to objectionable parties, but the use of cold steel no longer meets the approral of fastidious folk. The Capture of Niagara, one of the greatest of man's industrial achievements, and the enforcement of it to the manu facture ol immense quantities of electrical power to be used hundreds of miles away will be the subject of an i'lu.-trated de scriptive article by E. -lay Edwards, in McClure s Magazine tor Uctober. The Weldon News says a strange and fatal disease has attacked horses and caiws in Halifax. Northampton and other sec tions of the S'.ate. . Several prominent citizens of Garvsburg have recent lv lost ; ualuable horses, and in Halifax county : some of the farmers have lost both horses 1 and cows. The Fifty-third Congress on Mar. h 3d passed the Agricultural bill w hich coutain- ed the foliowiug clause: "To enable the 1 Secretary of Agiiculture to make inquir 1 iis in regard to the system of road niaii i agement throughout the I'nited St a ' e-, to j make iuve-tigations in regard to tee be-t method of road-making, to prepare publi cations on this -ll 1 jeet suitable lor , i i-t ri liulion, and t- enable bi n t . a-s st li e l agricultural eolleg. oel exp limental : stations in dis.-emin itmg inhumation on i this subject, ten tin u-and dollars." ! The big stalli-.i, r -o j England "Trot '.ing Ib i elation offered a purs. which brought togetln 1 r which the- .V w I!n fill's as-o- f -10. OiH) and re. t'l.n. Anon I and Nelson, was i rolled or i'u. Mystic park, in the pro-ence of i 000 peop'e, ami Dim", urn won 'straight heat-. Directum "as h at fully 20.- in three inh' 1 1 e 1 i . Ir. I in I he se no a on irter of a mil lor -l 1 1 10 , rU by be o-i. a neck. Directum w . .mnounce.i t. w mm t" "! Iir-t monev. o.uoii; a (1 1 .""i. ud uir I. 1.- O'lll. Died. Wedn. sd.i night. Sept. 25th. alter an iliness of a lew das. Herbert, sou of Mr. J. H. aud M's. Harriet Crabtre- . in the fifth year ot his age. The luneral will be : from the house this afternoon at 3:30 j o'clock. ' Raleigh papers please copy. : muting cor nt y com- Ml -SIGNERS. A iipi apriatioii Ordered for Macadamiz ing Netise Road Convicts Ordered to Work in Ihe Construction. A: i i ; i i meeting ealleil pursuant tola.. '''. the ehainnaii of the JJoanl liehl in New Berne. Sept ii in . the follow in'' ool' r wa- p nt. in-: iiiiiiii-v-ioiiers .Tas, SV. Sinullwootl. A. Bi van aua I. A. Wi. :.' i.-. It is in contemplation i r , , ,"".i- of slid county to macada-aii'- . u-e Till ! 1 1- road in said coun'y Kr.l -ireer, city ot New Berne, as fir Is the A. A: N. C. R. R-. H'O-sing and w'hei'- i- a considerable sum of money has : e i -nt)-. rdx'd voluntarily by the ciu :i- ui 'he county for said purpose and A h. a. .- ihl- B"ard so far ns is consistent w::h the !i rmcial condition ol tin- c-mnty :-i. i: aiding such an enteiprisi : tin- -ai-i public r ad leadinti into the city . o; New I?erne, the same, lieing for the j public benefit. ; He.-olvi 1. Tuat whenever active work j is begun towards macadamizing said i road, that the convicts now in Craven . ..ii'ity j iii sentenced to said jail and those j hereafter sentenced to the penitentiary for : the term ot one year or lu-realler senten-j eed to said ountyjail be worked upon the s-d.l public road, and other puidic ' roads of tne countv. flom time to time as nee 'ed. d until the further order ol tlie i i Bo nd nur-uaut lo chapter 270 of the laws ! of 1T!C And it is, ' Ordered. Thai the chairvnan of this 1 Boird be and he hereby is empowered to make -m.-li arrangements as may be ne eess.irv for the working of said prisoners on slid and to employ such guirds as may be necessary for their sale keeping. ink-red. Further, that the sum ot two hundred and fijty dollars 1)6 anel the same is hereby appropriated from the general land of the county as a subscription on the part of said county to aid in macada mizing the said Neuse Public road, the said sum 1 1 be; expended under the direc tion of Commissioner. J. A. Meadows. LIST OF SI BSCRIBERS. To The Fund For MacadamUin? a Portion of Neuse Road. We agree to give the sums o iposite our respective names for macadamizing the Neu-e Road from Entl Street to the cros-ing ot the A. & N. C. Riilroadt Hackburu and Willett All the Marl $ ao.oo 200 00 .1 A Meaiiows Enoch Wa Isworth J W Stewart M Halin a id Co. E II and J A Meadows Co. The National I3ank of Newbern -J A Jones The Farmers and Merchants Bank The Citizens Bank R P Williams A B Da ivson E S Street J. .1 M .1 C Wlnr. v E K li'-ie p Ceorg - i ;en I. Ii ( ir b i- and Co. C T Watson Joseph L Ilahn Widiam Dunn Clark and Clark Chirk Lumber Co. M W Cannon V II Pelletier U Maiks and Son I .ucas and Lewis W I) M elver T W Dewey John Dunn Gitiham Richards -.n Charles lieizeiistein John Sater L Schultz and Co William Ellis .1 F Taylor S li Lane .1 D Duikins W T Caho W K Slvron W R Harrington B niamin Gui F S Dutl'v John II. 'Ellis in'orge N. Ives W li E'iis Matt Manlv J II I lack burn J i' Rheni Leinsier Duffy N II Street U L Ciibbs M I e W Sieven.-on J W inigui.l I. J T.' lor I' M Cearsaii Roberts Bros Robirt Hancock i 11 (iuinn Thomas Daniels A .1 Smith B ; Credle J U Parker, Jr W G Brinson John W Smallwood J J Tolson Hotel Albert James W Biddle E W Carpenter C M Benton C aud F Dutl'v R radii un and Brock Ll E Harper C R Thomas R S Primrose 1) F Jar vis J M Howard J J Baxter Sol Cohen M II Sultan Jimmy" ( ic-oi ge' Shiver K It Jones W B Lane S II Sett Rudolph ririch Ferdinand 1'lrii h Hugh I.ovick T Bowden C S Ilollisier C 15 Foy .1 E Latham James W Waters Mark Dissoway James Redmond T 1" M.'-'ailhv R.inli Gray Nunn aud McSorlev S U Bad Mi'an Howard W T McCarthy T C Daniels J R Pigott Holli-ter and Cox H Daiinenlnirg C M Gilpin W II Oliver W E ( lark J S Manix A E Ilibhard W ii iiuion S R Street Mrs John Dunn B B Davenport George II White Win T Bovd 100.00 100.00 50 00 50.00 50.00 25 00 25.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 10.00 10.00 10 00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10 00 10.00 10 00 In. Oil 25.0D 10.00 10.00 5 50 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5 0i 1 5.00 5.00 5. CM) 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5 11 ) 5.00 5.00 5.00 0.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5 (Hi 5.0' 1 5 1 '( ) 5 no 5. I'O 5 00 5 00 5 00 5 ' 5 00 5 00 5 00 5 00 5 00 5 00 5 00 5 00 10 0o 5 00 5 Oi l 10 00 5 DO 5 00 5 (0 t 00 5 00 5 00 5 00 5 00 5 00 5 00 5 00 5 00 5 00 5 00 5 00 5 00 5 00 5 00 5 00 5 00 5 00 5 00 5 00 5 00 3 oe 2 50 i 2 5 1 : 2 50 2 50 2 50 2 50 2 50 2 50 2 50 2 00 2 00 2 00 5 00 2 00 1 00 1 00 1 O0 1 00 111 00 1 00 Big Ral y al Seveu Springs. There will be a big Democratic rally at Seven Springs on Friday, October 12th. The following well-known speak- . -:i 1 ... . -1 l.i;. II .... T1., T er- w.o a..o,i-.-s ,,,e pi.-me- ou . uos .,. .1 ;i I is, ion. e , l. ? ii aeiu, uiiii, l ll 'S. W. Mason and Hon. Lee S. Overman. T'lls is a big array of fine orato rical talent, and those who attend have a treat in store. Everybody is invited to attend anel heir the views of the campaign hou estly and fairly discussed. Kiaston Free ress. ' Si'Kt 1 V ' HILL NOMINATED GOVERNOR A Kmisinw Speech l.iy the Sen ator Cheer Alter Cheer Greets Him. Cleveland's Administration Eudorsed and the D wufall of McKiuleyism rroclaiuied. Special to JoVKNAI-.l Wasu 1 notom. D. C. Sept, 20th. At New York convention presided over bv him-elf. Hill was nnmina'.ed unnni uiouslv. again-t hi- protest for governor Jar vis. The State of New York held Its Demo crat c convention Tuesd iy to nominate Governor, Lieut. Gov. and Court of ap peals Judge. After the meeting hud bee n called to order, Senator Hill w is made chairman and immediately cries long and loud rang out for a speech, He arose amidst thunderous applause and made what is announced one of the grandest crf-uts ol his life. He lauded Cleveland's adminis tration and appealed with all his strength for harmony in support of Democratic measures. He told that McKinley ism was at an end, and the existing tariff law, though not perfect, was vast improve ment over it. It should be borne in mind said he, that the financial panic of 1803 was a Repub lican panic Republican in its concep tion, continuance, and disastrous effects a situation largely ineluceet by the re sults, then existing and f .impending, Of that Republican legislation, which a Dem ocratic administration had no lot or par cel in enacting, sanctioning, or condoning, but which it only inherited Irom its pre decessors, ' The people recollect that it was under a national Democratic administration that the Sherman law was repealed, not as promptly as some of us desired, it is true, but nevertheless unconditionally repealed within eight months after our advent to power. 'We promised the people in our Chi cago platform that this statute, which was eating out the vitals of onr financial body politic, shoultl 4not be permitted to endure, and the promise was redeemed, despite the adverse predictions of our ad veisaries. We also declared in lavor of the repeal of that last relic ol post.hellum. partisanship the Federal election law which invaded State rights, menaced the lilierties of the citiaen, multiplied Federal officials, involved the expenditure of mil lions of money, and continued sectional animosities, and were as ill-conceived, un- j n -cessary and impotent for the preven- tiou oi fraudulent practices and the pro motion ot pure elections as they were vexatious and offensive in their enforce men t. 'Fellow-Democrats ot this Empire State, and of the country, the duty of the hour is not harsh criticism ol Democratic leaders or of Democratic measures, nor mulual recriminations nor conflicting counsels, but is a lime lor conciliation, for unity of purpose, for aggressive ae tion. J 'The common enemy now confronts us, seeking our political destruction. Bear in mind that the control of both legisla tive departments of the government is at stake in the coming elections. Internal party strife must now cease and our at tacks reserved lor the foes, who are al ready forming tbe;r lines of battle against us. The Democratic national and State administrations must alike be loyally sup ported. The American people have not changed their sentiments, and the sound and cherished principles of true Democ racy will still receive their approval, lie cause the Democratic cause is the cause of the people.'' The administration of Piesident Cleveland has been clean-handed, econo mical, painstaking, and patriotic. The various departments of the National Government have lieen conducted with success, and the Democ i'atic party as a w hole is entitled to the coufr itnce of the masses of people, whose interi sts it en deavors faithfully to serve." The Senator continued at some length with his yvords of power and burning elo quence, after which the convention wa.s adjourned till Wednesday, when he re ceived the nomination. Big: Ike Excites Attention. Mr. Hill Humphrey and bride, nee Mis. Georgia Ward of Jacksonville, who were married on the 20th inst, are now in Washington City. The Richmond Dis patch has the following special under elate of September 27th about their arriv al tnere; " well dressed, nice looking man ar rived at the Metropolitau Hotel to day, accompanied by a lady. He registered as follows: "Big Ike, Mrs. Big Ike, New Berne, N. C." None of the North Caro linians about the hotel know anything of the new arrival, who displays so much ac cent rlcity in registering his name.'' Republican Ascendency, The Aim Fusion. of What sort of political principles has this fusion party voting for Democrats, Republicans, and Populists all on the same tiekei? Now the principles.? of some one of the parties are right and ought to be maintained: from this ticket which is it: The object ol fusion is to get the oppo sition in the I )eiiiocracv in the Eastern D'strie ts all united so that tlie radical nominees for Congress can stand a better chance for election. That is all there is in it. The Eastern Populirls nnd the Eastern Republicans are made to play the fool iu oruer that Rich. Pearson and Rom Linney and Tom Settle can get Topulist support to send them to Congress, where 1 hey will voto against the principles which the People's paity advocates Tom Settle h is already voted against these princi ples and the others will elo it as sure as elected. Ex. Mr. Shaw Routs Both Opponents A special to the Wihiiing.on M sen- gcr the gives ihe following in l'.'lei'i nee to Congie ional canvas in ihis Disi- net: 'Congressional candidates Shaw, Spi an ami iiiompsoi. na 1 nien ins- jui .l meet- j . m Dunn IDli III -Lunii H I lie VJ Ll 1 Hi:?., nu'v-u iv. sullen in a complete weniocrauc vic-o.-. Shaw made 100 votes. He used 11 p botli spears anci inompson 1 ne iJeni ocrats are proud of their nominee. S'law I paralyzed the Republicans an I Populi3ls anu cast lear ana consternation in men 'camps." WILLIAM- KOONCE Ifrilliaut Marriage At Kichlands Onslow Con ii j . A brilliant wedding took place at Rich lands on the night ot 'I insd jy. '2ath inst. the contracting parlies being Mr. R. E. Williams.ol Courtland.Ya .and Miss I, "ah Koonce, daughter of Mr. F D. Koonee. The marriage was pel formed in Methodist church, of Riehlands, Rev. A. R. Raven ot Kenan-ville ollieiatiug. The church was pr..lusely and chanii ingly ornamented with Moral decor itions, and there were sixteen brides-maids and grooms-men. The brother ol the groom Mr. S. 1). Williams, of Kaleign. accom panied him to the altar, nid Prof. E. M. Koonce. of Jacksonville a c .mpanied the I bride. ! The waiters wer : li. G Wi -giti-. of Berkley, Ya. . best n aaj and Mi. K..te 15ogg.-, of Catherine Like: Mr. A. II, Koonce and Miss Ida llargelt, Mr. j. . Beecham, Jr., and Miss Sal he Gerock, both of Jacksonville; Mr, W. W. Mills and Miss Olivia Steed, of Riehlands: Mr. C. R. Spaight cf Jacksonville, and Mis Nannie Farrior. of Riehlands; Mr. L. F. Murrell of Jacksonville, and Miss Addie Cox, of Catherine I gike: Mr. S P. Ven ters and Miss Mamie Franck, ol Rich lauds; Mr. F. D Koonce, Jr., and M'im Mattie Henderson, Riehlands. After the ceremony all the above men tioned and a number of relatives repaired ! to the residence of i lie bride s lather and ! enjoyed an elegant reception. Thore were a number of fine liitsenta. The next day Mr. and Mis. Williams came on to New Berne via .Jacksonville, aad registered at Hotel Chattawka. Tiny leave to-lay for R ileigh to spend a couple of we.ks with relatives and will then go to Courtlaod, Vs., their lutuie home. Third Party Couuty Convention. We give in another column the official proceedings of the Populist convention held here Wednesday. The meetins; was somewhat ot a failure. The attendance was mo Icate nd there was not the i ai.-ie-- manifested one would have expected from the ann.iunce ments made. Neither of the speakers, invited for the occasion were present. Mr. Brinson seit sickness in his family as the leason why he did not come. Mr. Mew b mie was not heard from. Only one nomination was made; that was for Representative. Mr. Chas. Sut ton, of Vanceboro, wns the nominee. When the time for making nominations came Mr. R. P. William.3 a Republican of the city who was not present and who says he did not authoriza his name to go before the convention and who says further that he knew nothing of the in tention to nominate 'dm was the first one placed in nomination; Mr. W. F. Gwartner was also placed in nomination. Mr. Sutton, the nominee leceive-d 33$ votes; Mr. Williams, 20; Mr. Gvvartney, 5. After this nomination was made a mo tion was carried unanimously to adjourn without making any further nomination. Previous to this there was an attempt almost successful to adjourn without making any' nomination at all. The only attempt at an address was the opening remarks of the chair. nan. They were comparatively lengthy. As to their character we will give condensed samples of thfm audleavithe reader to judge for himself. A Democratic vote, he said was a vote for John Bull. The people of the United States are slaves to England they pay her billions of elollars more than her colonies. The reason England is so in terested in lynching in this country is that each lime a man is killed it is one less to work tor her! He accused the other parties of deceiv ing the people. "I know it is so, said the speaker, for I have been in the RING AND DO.NE IT MYSELF. We used to tell them it was t therr interest to elo so ami So w hen we knew it was wrong." The above is a charge we would not have thought of bringing against the speaker. He brings it against himseli We intended to have given his remarks in more extended form, but other matter prevents. Annual Meeting w Berne B & L The annual meeting of the Neyv Iierne Building & Loan A,ssoeiation was held last night. The report of the secretary and treasurer read and adopteel and the eight series of stock ordered to be opened October 1st. The directors elected arc: J. II. Hack burn, T. F. McCarthy, John Dunn, J. M. Howard. L. II. Cutler, G. H. Roberts, C. E. Foy ond Enoch Wadsworth. These eight directors will meet and elect the ninth director and then then the entire boarel f ill elect the officers. The following is a condensed statement of the financial repoit: Due stocxho'dei's. I 27 fno 00 1 7.U( 10 DO 3. 103 SSI Is,m02.n4 Bills Eai 11 Bills recivable De'fiel pavm't Cash 4.431.15 230 02 228 f7 4S.802.S4 The reports showed a gratifying c mi I i tion an tn the benefits to the members -. share 'of stock matures Sin a little over six years-bin there is not as large a membership, or as large a number of shares taken as there should be. The membership is about a hundred the number ot shares 1011. Efforts shoultl 1, tl l...l..r. .1,., .!.-., 1 oc utie.u 10 ijuii 1 ue uei v au i.i iniu benefits of the association directly to the not'Ce of our people anel to largely e rease the business it eloe-i. A special dispatch to the News and Observer from Washington City savs: ' Senator Stewart has been exonorated from the Glassjock affair. The Judge by having the case taken out of court, de Clares Senator Stewart innocent, and that Mrs. Glasscock's dealings with the Senator constitute a case ol black mail. Since this action ot the court she states that Iu r ilegredation is due to a certain North Carolinian wll0 holds a high place in the synagogue and who is noted for his much , sneakinfr : , ,,, ., nolitics She has this re - 1 shown sever d letters, and says soectable 1 itizeu of North Carolina sent ; to Waslnno-ton lo yet clear of hfr. 1 but before the divorce suit is ended it i (eared he will have to come up and "own 'the corn." l )LLE DAILY TRAINS Improved A. A . O. R. R. S.nice on Both Trains. Beginning with Monday. let. Nt. the A. eV- N. C. R. R., makes some additions to its service which will be greatly appro- j ciated bv Ihe public. The principal i ; change is in the mixed freight and pas-' ie 1 si tuer train. The through I ram ' f' ween llul.blj. . and Morehead City 1- 1 oiitiinf .1 en ry other day just the same as now . -i p. that in the upward run between here and Gohsboro the train leaves here an hour later than now at 2:30 instead of L.!0 p. 111., and correspondingly arrives iu Goklsboro just an hour later than now. In addition to this service which we h ive had all along, a mixed freight and pa-seiii-r train will lie run between New Heine an 1 Goldsboro 011 the off-days on exactly tlie same schedule. In other words a mixed freight and passenger train will leave Goldsl oro every morn ing at 6:30 for New Berne and arrive here at 12:15. On Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays it goes no further but on the alternate days, Tuestlays, Thursdays and Saturdays it goes on through to More head and comes back from Morehead the next morning as now anil keeps 011 through leaving here at 2:30 p. 111 , and on the other days the train starts Irom heie at 2:30 p. m., instead ol coming all the way through from Morehead. Perishable merchandise, such as fish, clams, etc., will hereafter be taken on regular freight days from Morehead on the freight train and on the other days as freight on the regular passenger train. At present they are taken on the latter train only us express. A Very HIeh Tide? The tide in. New Berne Wednesday was us high as it ever gets here. It was higher than it was in the hard August storm of last year. It rose pst the electric light station and put out the fire in the boilers. It was a few inches deep over the steamer wharves no harm was done, however, as freight of every kind that could have been damaged by the wafer I had been moved into the warehouses, the floors of which are higher than the wharves. At the market wharf it rose until it was alxiut siz inches ileep in both Messrs. J. F, Taylor's and S. II. Scott's stores, both ol them had to do considerable work moving. Mr. Scott had partially pre pared for it by placing his flour on a platform. &c. Some damage was (sus tained by reason of the water, but no great amount. The water extended on up the street as far as Mr. F. M. Bowd en's store. The tide, as we said, was higher than in the storm of August, 1893, which did considerable damage while this did com paratively little saw mills lieing on the river shore fared worse than any other property. The reason the damage was greater in the other storm was that the wind was more direct, aud the waves consequently more bois:erous. Thin time the river was comparatively quiet. Mr. J. S. Basnight opposite the city whose mill is at the junction of the two rivers in a position to catch the full force of ihe storm lared worse than any one on this side did. The water stood under his mill, two and a half feet deep; it rose to the grate haw of the boiler furnaces, submerged the pulleys and belts of the mill, broke some of the pipe connections of the boilers, carried v way a portion of the log brew and pound, and badly wre-cked the wharves. About two-thirds of the logs that were in the pound were carried out and distributed along the shores fortunately however only a few were on hand. The W. & N. Work at Marines Com pleted. Mr. Thos. McGee, who for some time pasc has been engaged in building a whart an I warehouse at Marines for the steamer G. M. l'urdy, which runs on New river in connection with the W. N. & N. R. R., informs us that the work is now completed. The wharf is six feet wide simply wide enough lor a truck-car to be run on in handling freight. It projects out into the river a hundred feet, to deep water that is w here the warehouse is built. The track runs along the wharf into the ware house connecting it with the shore. The W. N. & N. road is gradually reaching out, and we hope to see it in the end with several feeders, each helping to develop the couutry and to bring business to the road. The railroad which the New river oyster company are building from a point on the W. N. & N. R. R , a few miles below Jacksonville to Stone bay near Ihe mouth of New river, is now construeied for three or four miles ol its length. Unit-d States District Court. The following named persons have been drawn to serve as jurors at the next term of the United States District Court which convenes in this city on Tuesday, (letolier 23nl, 1H05: Craven county BB Lane. A A I pock, J J Disoswp.y, Charles S Hollister. W Jl Ellis. I) S Jones, C E Foy, Daniel Lane. I) V J m is, W R Guion. J M Howard. S B Waters, R G Mostly, col , A. J. Ohestnntt, W P Burrus, C L Wethcring- to"' (ie1-,; D Conner' N 'Umc A Br-Van StePlieu i Hardy Perry . Greene county William p Grimslev, W P Onnond, 1 - , i ricK. ( ' Se Hughes, 'tt. Col., Move, .lob 11 C T Mum , 1 county E C Blount ford, Joshua Wright Smith. Pamlico county Charles Harper, W. S Simmons, col., S B Lane, Jo-hua Deau. Paul C Delamar. Hyde county J B Watson. Jones county--lames Learv. Ib niy ( Jarman. Beaufort county John W Ohapin, .1 B Bonner, F F Cherry. Lenoir county Levi A Mew bornc, Jr., W S Herbert. ! Onslow county cyrus w 1 liomp-o,,. 1 S W V enters, D b Aniau. ' Wavne countv Arnold liorden B 1 Aycock, Ernest Dewey. Carteret county M JJPhelps. Charh L Duncan. Wilson county raul Branch. "NEWS ADRIFT." Mckcd-l V Uy The Joiii na! W Inch it Always in " Tli, Nwim " J-.iltiin national Mis- 1 Cra veil e. w ill- 01 the series of Intor ' ball "nines. i. T111 kct ha- received llifl ity app liniment to Ihe folate N'oiinal and I in I list rial institute. Tin- Directors of Ihe A. i X. C. R. H. nave authorized President Ohadwick to purchase 17 more box car- f,,r the road. Theic will be no Ininge in the third ward polling place. Mr. W. S. I'hilips having e iiiHonted f .r the elocllon again to be held at his sh-.p. ysei s are seen m lira k.-t sold, m as if e did almost all not Ywe .be mailer ; oue, two, improving ill an oyster region. What -Willi Ihe o v-l ermen ' A privalM nidi i I an : g:vi:t' and three hundred dollars for county roads. Do. s not that look like we have some public spirited men. Our sislcr comity, Eenoir, is of us on road progress, but il Craven really makes up In r moid lo "pel ilieie." an all indications m.w point she will lie found in the front rank. I 1 1 ; way the improvement 18 go ing forward i, ihr correct one. Tbfl chronics have scarcely had lime lo get a good breath whereby they cmld mice ob jections. Rev. Levi Bianson is now engaged in Work upon a Stale directory. II is at present tit Moreheul and Beaufort, and will be up to New Jterne in a day or two. The circus which is lo exhibit in Wil mington on the 15th, has arranged a tour cl the Slate, reaching from Wilmington to Ashevillc and embracing eleven citie. It will hIiow in Ooldslioro on tlie 16th. New Ilcrne is given the go-by. Mr. J. W. Yernelson, represent ing the music house of Ames & Burke, Norfolk, left on the steamer Neuse. While here he made arrangements for space at the Fair and the company moan to make a finu exhibit. A Populist who attended the county convention here a few days ago now say a that he will not support any such a man as Mr. Chiis Sutton, Ihe man nominated for the legislature. It was a cold an in different meeting and look very much lik their last ellort in thix county. Ow ing to the high lax it is very seldom a circus visits North Carolina now, but one is coming lo Wilmington. It will there Oct. 15th. It it announced a.s ' Wal ter L. Mains Grandest mid Be'sl show on earth. Perlbrmsnces are given in three rings. An Onslow c irrespondcnt says a pro- traded meeting of Ion days has jilt closed al (Juceu's church. Six joined and were baptized by Rev. C. W. Smith of Ihe Wliiteville circuit. The meeting wna carried on by Revds. G. W. Starling, C. W. Smith and 1. N. Henderson. Mr. John D. Pittman's son Cbarlio ol Croat an. aged Iffeeen years had (he mis fortune to break his arm Friday morning. He was riding a mule which bec.nim frightened at ihe firing of a gun and threw him. Both bones of the arm were ' broken near the wrist. He w as brought up to the city anel (he broken bones wre set by Dr. Chas. Dully. The Beatif rt Herald stales that the Martin Wagner Company, of Baltimore, have bought the machinery belonging to the Gibbs Prese'iving Company's oysrer canning factory at that place. The fac tory has been undergoing some repair and the indications are that it will inn this winter. Ii. J. Fuller of l'ayctteville, who has been on trial at Rockingham for murder, is acquitted. The jury were out only about fifteen or twenty minutes. Thin was the second trial the supreme court having granted a new one. On the Bret trial at Fayelleville last March he was eouvirted u! Ilio murder of B. C. Parker in the first degree and sentenced to be hanged. The lolloyving hunting item is sent u from Ward's Mill, Onslow county: "There are plenty of deer around us. Your correspondent killed a large four suag buck last W ednesday night bitting in a pea field, we mean we were sitting, not the deer. He weighed litHlbs. Mr. I. Hi nes killed one a lew days atler. Mr. S. 1 Guriilo shot, and crippled one a few davs before. Mr. Riiph Bender is our besl hlllllel now."' A..V: N. C Stockholders Meeting. Stockholders meeting of the A. & N. C. Railroad Company was held at More head City on Thursday the 27th inst. Tlie following proceedings were had: I he Directors appointed by Ihe Govcr- 1 1101 on the part of I Iu- Stale, were CI1&8. Di-ivi'V. W L Kenned,. W W Carraway, Enoch Ward-worth. C E Foy. 8 W Latham. W S ( hadwic k and W T Cuho. Sloe klioldei s Directors-: .1 M Mere- head.Denipsy Wood, I, 1 1 Culler and TD Webb. Finance Committer; E B Hackbuin, Tims Daniels, Ell Meadows, SI Woolen ! and J A Sievcns. j Proxy Coiiimillee: .. Harvey, J. W. I Grainger and , rnol.l Borden. W. S. ( h.i.lwii k was re-rlrcled Presi- dent, and E. C. Koliei is. Secretary and Treasiirei. The next rum ual mretiug is t to be held at. Morehead C.l v on I lie last Thursday in S'plcmlx'r in 1 H!I5. The New Steamer Schedule. Th-' ii- w s, hedule of Ihe passenger earner- 1 'I t he 1 ons'obdalrd lines appears 111 lie- i-ir . Then will It a passenger -leinii". e lber the Neu-e or Ihe New B- riie to 1. a e hi re 5 davs in Ihe wtiek. 1 no ol the leaving times is Sunday afternoon at four o'clock. The other das ol diiiirluic are Mondays, Toes- ays. ednisda- and t inlays. I lie hour for Ic o ing on ea. h of I he e da ys is 0 1 1. 111. More Fish 1 ha 11 is Needed. 'flic Soul iipoi 1 Leader ol September nth. says: The mullet 1 ateh a n nnd here this e.11 li is been far greater than the demanel i there being absolutely no market for this fish. During the past week quantities of these fish have been salted down by many j families in Southport. There is no sale I for them iu Wilmington.'' . mi ,

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