-v ,.-: V -s iJ4 !$L - PER YEAR. - $. !n Advance. As th- ( 'iimpii in tthovt to open BtTSTN-ESS -M-BI-Nrg Sss tb Essult of idTsrtisiag in I STHE weekly journal jiOK stinuin iitiixrrilic nl oner $1.00 Per Year INDEPENDENT IN ALL THINGS. Single Copies, 5 Cents. yol. xvii. NEW BERNE. CRAVEN COUNTY, N. C, OCTOBER 18, 1894. NO. 30. 1 7c?i 1 1' 1 T T IN-TER-EST-ING NEWS You will find -IN- ADVERTISING as well as in other parts of the Another Item in any part of the :4& ii:.-Pper as interest- ing to the people '.;-; ' : of this section as : THE FACT .; -" that we are ". - oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo liThe Leaders In LOW PRICES. xoooooooooooooooooooooooooooo AND o m 47-49 Pollock St NEW GOODS ! JDST RECEIVED: New Buckwheat Small Hominy. Big Hominy. Oat Flakes, '. Oat Meal. Corned Beef. Big Park Oyster and Soda Crackers, tfce. I also keep a full line of :;: CSOXCS Mill WWl ::: A trial will c mvince yon that I will . Jkdl you goods cheaprr than any house iu ihe city. To my Country Friends would say make my place headquarters: we give you free stables and cake care of yonr team while you are :n the city. Respect I uiiy. J . li,. X'tii-lier. .Jr. UO. 77 BEOAD ST. 1 WASHIXUTOX LETTER- Major Grmhnm Daves loriiiU Sen ator Martin Married Him Day-Richmond Peanon llobsoii May io To China The Brotherhood ol St. An drew. Private Secretary Tliurber lias brought his family back to Washington. The President is expected between the loth and the 20th of this month. I am told tlmt when Captain Ilowgate is tried he can tell some very damaijinir things about Inch official who figured during tlie admiuLstration in which his ce.alcation occurret). Messrs. Josephus Ihioiels W. ". S ott. J. W- Tomlinsou and nunders . t other Da- ocrats now holding official positions in the Departments here are preparing to go home this month to remain until atter the election in November. The Fn-i. -t will find every Democrat doing hi:- luty when it coiues to voting for god govcin ment and honest politicians. The felling offin the Democratic vote in Georyij. is attributed to the zeal with which the fusionits wo: I.cd and t 1 1 v- i.ver contidci.i l- ' :' t lie I tin ra: llmi. Win. L. Wiiaou has returued from his iriD to Europe very much refreshed Be received an ovation when he reached West Virginia. Senator Camden is here and savs he re cards West Virginia as -ale for the De-. rrats. Kx-Congressman i rower is litre. ' .v: ns senatorial aspirations atv said to encou railed the 1'usionists, somewhat lie is regarded as a strong man bv the Republicans, kut I cannot imagiue how an ex-democrat can vote for him. The Whitney letter pleases all true Democrats in this city and cannot fail to have an effect on New 1 ork politics. Mr. Cleveland says he will take no per sonal pirt in the New York campaign, hut I hear he will contribute a good sized check. A recent trip to North Carolina by the Atlantic Coast Line gave me an opportu nitv to enioy one of the most beautiful scenes I have beheld since I saw the "White City- with a golden sunset for a back ground. As one leaves the X. C. Railroad for thn Washington steamer there are the Twin cities of Norfolk aud Portsmouth, the broad Elizabeth river. Fortress Monroe, the magDificient stretch of Hampton Roads with the crested waves of the Atlantic, all in full view-. Under ordinary conditions it is enough to inspiie artist or poet Bnt when the lun.inous harvest moon shines out in half orbed beauity from the eastern horizon nd the setting sun illumines the west with blending colors of crimson, yellow ard opal, it is one of the cho'-e-i iits ot scenery in America. Any one who has an opportunity lo see it, ought to do so. Major Graham Daves, of New lJeme, X. C, one of the most versati'e and ac complished of southern gentlemen is in this city for a few days returning from a trip to Boston. He says he is progressing very satisfactorily with his plan to erect a memorial to Sir Walter Kaleigh on Roa noke Island, the birth place of -nglo Saxon civilization on 1 1 is continent. At the approaching State Fair at Ralf'.i the Trustees and originators of the - -heme will meet Major Daves and lit .al arrange ments will be made as to the style of this memorial. The land is aire uiy bought and paid for. Josephus Daniels, for Xorth Carolina, about ten davs and w Esq.. left last night He will be gone ill oner actively into the canvasss. Captain Arthur Barnes has gone to Wilson on account ot the death of his brother. Senator-elect Martin of Virginia was married yesterday to Miss Lucy Day at Smithfield, Va. Senator MaFtiu succeeds to the seaiin the Senate made -vacant by the death of Hod. John Barbour. Among the guests were representatives of a cum ber of leading families in Virginia anil North Carolina. Hon. Henry D. Flood, Hon. Walter Watson, George W. Morris, Josei h But toD, Frank Wilcox and John Rutherford acted as ushers. The bride entered the church leaning on the arm of her lather. She was at tired in the conventional wedding gown of white satin, elaborately trimmed with duchfis-se lace. Her veil was caught to gether with lilies of the .valley, lastened by diamond pins. She carried bride roses, fringed with 1 i 1 lies of thje valley. The g-oora joined her at the altar, attended by his best man, his brother, Mr. Leslie Mar tin. The reception at the house, which fol fowed, was attended by many prominent people. The supper was served by a Washington caterer. The tables were decorated with hune'reds of American beutiful rosert. Among those present were Gov. and Mjs. Charles T. O'Ferrall, Juseph T. Lawless, secretary of the commonwealth; Hon. Beverly D. Munford ot Richmond; Gen. and Mrs. Hill, of Albcruiarle; Hon. J. Taylor Ellyson, S. S. P. Patterson, P. II. V. Cabell, of Richmond; Mr. and Mrs. Henry Wjckham. Judge and Mrs. Thomas Wilcox, of Norfolk; Judge Card will, ot the Court ol Appeals; Judge Horsclcy, o GEORGE 73 MIDDLE STREET - I HARDWARE OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. ' Sash, Doors and Blinds. Stoves, Lime, Plas ter and ement. PEVOE S READY2 MIXED PAINT. SATISFACTION UDclcr Gaston LTouse, South Front Street, New Berne, N. C. FULL I ITNi: OI' General JLL iix d v it i . Stoves, Carpenters Tools, Cutlery, Table Ware, Barbed Wire, GALVANIZED PIPE, PUMPS, Lime, Plaster and Cement. DEVObS PUKE READY MIXED PAINTS. ;y i i d t . bv, the g t , i niPPer-sona! attention to the prompt anil correct filling of all e-1 Norfolk. 1: is a si, . i.u-.'..-orders. iliSlim w.dow well-somidieg n mu- wioej. m. -i, tind fan It w ;t ii IV-nii-, the h.n! .- L .H. CUTLER & CO., Mr, Alfred Thorn. Mr. and .Mrs .1. S. Barbour Tli.mip-on. Dr. and Mrs leor-e Hen .Johnston, of Hakinion ; Mii- May Jones of Rii htnaii.l: Siu- Yaletnati and Virginia -lorilan of Norlolk ; M Kliza beth Claike. Charles Nchn-, and Irwin Tucker, of New Port News; Frank Tay lor and Turner Battle, of Norfolk, and others. UiLTiets wire received liotn Vice President and -Mrs. Stevenson. Senator and Mrs. 1 i-aniel. Her. Senator Davi ciiator and -M rs. 1- aulk- B. 11 an Itepre- : T !e" ientatives Swtuisonand 1' Car. of Virginia. At midnight the bride . lor Asheville via Old 1 t'ne winter they will sail N travel abroad until the si Congress, wlien Mr. Martii l-oc: :.. pe ami ; lie 11. Xl ake. hi- seat in the Senate. There is a plan on foot to -er.d Nav.ii Constructor Rii liinond Pi;ir-on Hob-.m to China to Study Chinese war mi'di 'd-. He will lo remembered as the gibe I grandson ol the late Chief Justice R h mond I arson. He graduated at Airia polis with such high honors that the Government sent him to the Fianeh Naval S. h ol ceil- Pat'- t ' .uars. He is one ot the most pi'. m.-.:.g young ( tH- cers iu the U. S. Navy and his North Car olina kin, o1' a 1,0111 he has many, ought to be proud of him. The Brotherhood of St. Andrew s ol the Episcopal Church met here to-day tit the Church of the Epiphany. Rev. RoU. Strange, of Wilmington. Mr. Henry S. Nash, ot Tarboro. aud othir prominent members are aire eiy heie, others are ex pected to-night. thi: not n worn. It Proen'sN anil Kxeellenre Tlie Roads Should be Improved nil Oter the t'onnt.v. The work on Neuse road i- rogres-ing . very satisfactory. Supervisor Wad-worth j has a large force at work at the end mar- ; est the city and a -mall one at the otlr r end. Toe former have now gone a fir. as the poor bouse and tl latter about a . quarter of a mile wit.i the work. j The work is being done well. the: railroad plow and hor-c scoops loaned by j the W X cc N Railroad aie doing good i service at this end. As we noticed in a former article 'In ' road has been straightened between t.u city and the canal which cros.-e- the road, : by being moved iu a portion of its course I a little nearer the W. II. Bray firm; t he j road is well graded and is provided with good drainage, and through a portion oi l the way it has been widened old ditches being filled up and new ones dug. A splendid piece of work has bien rone bv tilling in the low bottom near the ail road and iu making u good one where lbe road was quite uneven. The people are getting the worth ot their money in the rend and we feel it will be but the entering wedge for improved roads oyer the county. The ioad which Messrs. Ilackburn it Willett have mac ulamized from their farin to the government macadamized road is nearly finished, and the change is urprise to those w aw lvineniher its old sandy con 1 1 1 ion and now travel over it for the first time since the improviiiellt It is a delight for one on a p'ea-ure drive, for a bicyclist or anyone else to take a trip over it. Y e hope to see the good work now ta:r- ly started go steadily forward. (inm inir Ten In on li rt r 11 n a. A statement Irom Fayetteville. X. C, savs that some fine sjiecimens of American tea have been sent from there to Northern markets this season, and the result from the sales were most gratifying, indicating that there is a tield lor a new and profit able industry iu this country and experi ments looking to the growing of tea on a more extensive ca!e are being made. The tea sent to market from the Smith farm at Fayetteville brought eighty cents a pound, and some from the Suniii.erville gardens in South Carolina brought us high as $1 a pouud. lTolessor Massev. ot the .North Caro lina State Agricultural college, says that the finest tea lie ever tasted wa- grown in the Southern States, and he looks forward to the time when the plant will be one of the important products ot the Carolinas. A Mr. Jackson, an expert tea grower from Assam, who had charge of the Sum mervil'e plantation under General Le Due. savs that with negro labor lie can rahe tea more cheaply than is done w ith coolie labor m India, because ot its greater reliability. The amendments to the Georgia tae constitution votul upon at the late elec tion fared as follow-: The amendment increasing the number ot judges of the Supreme court from three to five was de feated hy less than 2.000 voles. The amendment changing the siss;. us of the Legwhitnie from the fall to toe summer was also defeated, evidently ni the hlta that thr Legislature has the right to name its own pates without constitutional ac tion. The amendment allowing the leg islature to pension indigent Confederate veterans w as adopted. SLOVER, NEW BERNF, N C GUARANTEED. t 5 HEP PARC'S MADE FROM PURE PIG IRON. Not one ixjnnd of Scrap Iron is ever used in the ouiU- DURABLE, CONVENIENT and ECONOMICAL. All Modern Improvements to Lighten Housekeeping ( ares. Twenty different sizes and kinds. Every Stove Warranted Against Defects. jPrJcoe not much higher at this time tb ud commoner kinds of Stoves. Call on or adJre New Berne, N. C. VeUon .Tiiil 'i- Portloi k. of Norfolk; ii A im'K t .s oi' tiii: i i . The uin 1 dur'.f. :h 'i'i 1 1 .;: at ii i ! port 1 1 r. an 4M to - mi mi ii :r. : The dd Fellow- hail v. o m do-A i The Cieot-i a Med:. ( :;m -niio . :..-w i sitting at A!: ii'.tn, I. - ;'. o . .: for diM-u-ion th. p i'op. .-.t ; - : i : . ;: rate sil i''i i a i o v; ii h.n : : ! , . : u,, rape instead ot 1; if j'ti .'. i .)dd Fe'.lou-h'j. p.; :.. :h ' k. need v. the w:.i - . : i " 1 1, i.tn- 1 1 io: t ht. t, s 1 1 i.i ion i v. rv twenty -four I nan - - t - th. i .impulsion tiiid A nteiU-uit OH F. '.r. It w a- a Br-.':!. Ind., I irti.er th'- ' . i.i v.l,. i put i-i in an "'d -ti.v- ..; : wa- hi- wife who lit the th- ho. : .ei. I;,. diana certainly -hoii'. 1 be i pi n i . I. In t he th:id Colii. oteh ;)i-t!i. t Louisiana. .iy the Mate-, the !.m . t i and Krice and prin.-iph- i g..i! : w n 1 against liountv and U!:;n '. The Japs are very .v .:i;u i.i .' .- u'ei's of w art i : i'. They !:. ! ..vei i body what they are j .!!.: '. .;.. They 1 and do it i: they . , n . j X. IS. --mhh. u.n . nt; ,.;, :' Mr hey, : ;: of on- r i i z -iti ' o " : i'i . -x . - i cent -tamps from tne biueau. The chief the bureau of -talistte- re ports that the i xperts nt ctton ;'ro n the i L'nited St in- dur;nr the month of.-., p. i tember, lvl'4. ;.iii.uii i-i t .li;:!.-i'.i'.'. and duiitu S p'.vid - r i "-"!. ?'.-1.047. i The 1'. S. t r. . -urv go'.d re-ere i I creasin'. Ir h.i- pi-el tin. t;n r l i . ; i ; m i notch, siaiuline; a! the elo.-e of hu-'.iu ! to-day al -fhil.is. Corhett and Fit-:mni -lis li ,e ,n;re ii : to tight. The en. onrti r will t ike pla. ' , under the au-pii t - of ' he Fiot iil i Athletic , Club of -I iek-an die. They put a purse ! of $41.00i t ft cure tin- ti-lit. Seven i oilier ulul - fied to e,.t th,. tight under tin i r clituge I nt wife out-hidden. It is ! not to take place mil:, alter .lii.v l-i. A New York p. .He. tr.:i had i. : i . i i ( 1 i tHc u 1 1 y in arr. -ting a large Iii-h woman She weighed ncn ly :$uo p..urt R atid re- sisted all ot his eti'oits. Craduai'y. how ever, as he advanced upon her she would kirk away, and little by ii'tle in thi- m in ner he backed her to the -'ation hou- . Coffee will he cheaper next i-ir. The world crop for 1 i- etill.:ited at P2...00,0in bag, the largest ,, iv-md. and about t2.oOd.00if btlgs in exe. -- ot the average annual consumption. The fastest time evi r made mi freight betwween Chicago and it ileigh. X. t'., has just been ;l.i nnipii-ln d by tlir s.mtli-' etn Railwav company bringing t ( ar-io id of meat !' r 'elivrv in '1 ': g 1 in four. days. This t .-: .. it -i.i- made by regit- ; lar schedule freight trains. The foot ball season of the State will be opened next Friday at Chapel 11 ill by a game between the I 'n'.vetsity and the ' Agricullural and Mechanical College, j The University eleve.i i- crippled this yetir by the loss of all exiep-. one !' the, veteran players who luottglit la-t i cttr's team up to the high standard it attaint- I. The A iV M team has also arranged f.r games with Trinity college. The proof multiplies that fu-ici won't fuse. The New-and t Db-rrvcr sty - that. Chairman Pmi ha- advices from nearly every county in the St i'.e showing that there are Republican in them ail who . will not .-uppor. fusion air! thai the salm is true of Populist in uin l eountic-. Russia's wanting to take a hand in the Eastern war is driving Japan to bring on; ne w I'i i rnit-. A . 1 i-pat . ' i , ::.:". : g- hai savs that a .hipanese army to have crossed the Yalu river and to be advancing upon Moukdeii w hich i- be':"v. .! w ill soon tall, as the Chinese are reported t he in a condition of deniorahu : i i n. A member of the Carnegie com puny states authoritatively that the steel rail pool which expire- by agreement on De cember 5. will not be dissolved, nor wi!i there be a reduction in the pi ice- of the product. The Charlotte )b-erver gi i s thi- ilea;: "J. A. Abernethy ha- puri h t-ed the Lin coln paper mills propeity and wili rivet at once a o.Ono jpin-iie mil! to produce , yarns of No. -")0 and over. Tie mill will, be built w ith the view of adding .".oi0 : additional -iiitrllr-, ati.l making lo.l'oo in all.'' Tho Mollenliauer sugar rc tiaerv. ltrook lyn. empliiying l.si.'i) men. will .-hut down for an indefinite time. The Mohetih-iuet people suylliata -jugular ieatute ifth, market is the fact that tiny hav. .-ol I syrups and nijlasses nh ail. but there i absaiutely no market tor rctined sugar. Hon. B. F. Ayeock. of Fremont. Demo-' cmtic candiUate for Hie State S. iiate In. in this district, was in the city yesterday. He is exceedingly sanguine of entire Dem ocratic success m county district and State, and as he has bien in many cam paigns he is a pretty s;lic j,; lg,. (, tl,,. prospects, lie says if every Democrat will resolve himself into a woi ier fro in now till election our majority will !e over whelming and Democrat-, should take i his advice and go to work." A man with a wondirliilly poor memory got lost in New York, and went to a small hotel. He was so absent mill- . iled that he couldn't lor the life of him remember wdu-re his home was. But he has a great head mid sent an :idverii-e-nient to a newspaper "lF-ring SoO reward ! fur Iiiuiscl.'. After two day- tne pro I priotnss.of the hotel Ipundhi- adilri on i a card in the corner of one of his pockets. and she called a hack and sent him honn . S r netpape": a,:.lUr,:,im ' tlle're- 1.JIU, Hon. John C. Set ri .! ugh. stale Superintendent of Public Instruction, in hi; address at Durham, largely devoted liU remarks to State t-iii-s He stated I that it cost the people ot .,,rth Carolina j only $34.tijO te maintain thetr State I governniei.t; that the expense- of the 111 103m ! judiciary aie but V.imh.m ;.nd the ni;re 1 cost of the Slate l.egi-laiute w.. jio.i" "i. We have the nr. st economical state go i ifiiment in the I nion. 1 ( )ne of the gun boats now i.. ing bit.', t I at Newport News is likely to hi-named I the Norlolk: and we would add i ur v. otd J of approval tlcn ot to those of the pap- r that have alriaov spoketi on the subject, i The Washington Po-t in all editorial note ; favoring il say- it should be the be-t which we also concur in. The Po-t goes' on tosav: "The Landmark i- guatlv in fivoro: the ir. pos t ion ; so i- tie- Rich IlloIlC Dispitih. if the es-ei Were to be a big til -'.-class battic-icp, the 'at'i-r would have named it ':tg.n:a. A- it is Vtrginia::.- will be s il'.siied -oei f. '. higli- c:ty po-st ss ,, coliin.e: cttii in the propriety The llciils'. tree on (ice. ir. .1, . d i-i I . ( i ih a - l. the Meadow -, ti. ' . a -in i in iimlei. :.. - ;. ground w ben : - f. ::. ; -and t: e ie:. i - p'.t . ut they di. d. An..';.': to bears the n cm- . f W'ii eiir 17:;i'. ,, ,. '.let- tll'e oak. 'file g. p.lt of lie HoVa: g'..l who -iiinua . li . " 1. .n. i Fal'h. V W'.-Il it il OIU 111" 11 a game of im'ti r. ami so e- 11 I. It ; to Woo'ij,;' ol' F n il. i n. red -'irvi'vor :n I it to W : . on lh'odiinx. th- failn r ol Dr. llioitm. It dc-i , ir h , 1 irom the iu-t named gei.l rant ti h:s ne, hew', the pre-ent oatni. An , tlice but i by h.n. F.ir'ev i .h t.-tl.e Jii. volution is -till st mding and in a g..o.l i state ol prcserwi'.ion. Ti,, -hlnga - w i re j put on with wrought naii. ii. nil il l's v vss. i . ; i i p i in- "i"ii ami i apl i :ili'l WhiTi-ii'l lie Viriil A nil iriices W, t'.r. ! ice- -pi-, i In - :'i. C . A. B at Ii- ol this t ended: of New hern, made oi hour and iluee 'file-, lav. Then The speech and d and weie gri-at-e make- a rattling ipe to have him in i an va.--- Kit. -ton . l'.l.ie. sj .e. eh o! ,". o lillgtol . tic dlU'e I h were go. ('ell. I!. lit o,d we II tl.Ilg the ,, II Mil Will ( . Tiioinj he lt d a d i-c ils-ioll . Cullen A. Batt le n, and who was a b .tl 1 I . rein irkeo : ' 1 ell you. Batt a- out talks anv !o- nk- I ever -aw." -Durham 1 ..wing co rii .- politic lice is from c!i.. .. a Mi i ngel : I'.i.m City. N. C., Oct. : M i.ssKMiKK : ( ien. Cullen l ei l.tl app. illtlllellt to speak ii. -..her -ilii, ami t he Populists tins section had said the Demo te afraid to meet them in joint i si tin angeuiciits were made i I). Mouv-. of this county, a and known by the Populists as ,w B .v I i at or. '" an. I -o intro- t R.-v. -I. 1. B. Hoover, to meet' Wi' 1 1 1 1 CI llgl ! rat- w di-cu 1. p w et .till about t2' ti i lll'l -Oils 1 tiitiuy fiom ' 1 a Hour s ram ive speech. ! I 1 ' . till -eti-ica, ami auu i! idle followed in a one hour's n 1 coinp'et. iv eai'tui'id the ill I io to -ay that he eoniphtely ' tl ..) with Mettres and putung it mild. Ad tho-e and there were good ('.ii. Battle's -perch was for the occasion than anv- ipec up tl heard -aid aided thing "In y had ever heard. He so com- - h.r cmo alizeil Meals that in his thiri v miauti .-' nj. ruder, he could oulv -n. ik ten minutes, an 1 then in a nervous and rambling manner. Hon. F. D. Win-ton was present and wa- i died for by the audience and he niad" a spieeh ofa:i hour. Whin he wa- called Mean's gathered his docu ments am I h ft the hall in a hall run w ith ;h intention of carrying his Third party 1 1 a nil-, but they were so disgu-ted w ith linn they would not follow him. Mr. Win-ton made a tine speech and it was w. 11 lor Mcai'cs he did not hear him. Mr. M, ares say- please excuse him Iro n atn more joint discussion. lie did not know the Democrats had kept a sin gle promise. (Jin. Battle told him he wa- not re-p. .ns-djle tor his ignorance. Both Winston and Rattle's specehos have lone good here. W. P. ( Iiiathain, the negro candidate for ('oiigtess. -poke lure Friday. While he was here, lie in company with an- j I.IM other negro. Hall Kllis, held a consu'ta-1 I have just learned that the Republi tion at the house ,.;' Rev. J. T. P. Hoover j C!lus 0f Pitt county have made straight iwho ;- a candidate for the Siute Semite ; t Itcpnblicun nominations. Good for ,.n the P.ptili-t lii kiti w ith him. Jn .. D. i tilt. Republicans of Pitt. Niiar.-. and Ilnrv Williams, all white Let us kiej) the organiz ition of the Re-Po),tli-'-. WI, a ih - re-u'.t of th..- co,i- i ptiblicm party solid, and under the next ; t:it : -is wa- io.- one heie Know: la., one heie Knows. 1 lie :a -'tin pi;, n :- I were making a il.ul '.: h ( in at h on to end. :- him. The m -i 1 1 - at Rir-kv Mount to-dav will ih ill" ns'ilt wa-. D. tl ii a r I (':: I'I " ... 'l Men .. A 4 oiuity Allianee. . mi I iu th.- court ie...- i i. !::!.. r ijii.iiter!v session. Vr. 1 I th. iu 1'2 m. '1 "be Prr.-ident e'l.gted at our la-t meet ing has r, - gnid. II. II. Perry was unanimously elected P :-!. lent during the balance of this term. Mr. Pet ry accepted in a very appropriate and interesting speech. The i eporls of sit' i alliances were re ceived and while but few delegates and im mb-Ts weie present, we had not only an interesting but instructive anil profit able meeting', niter other business or the Allianee Bro. Jno. C. Thomas of River dale (who is now Employe 1 in the Gov ernment Folding Department at Wash ington Cityi was called for and made some good points which are well worth the con-id ration of our Agricultural classes. 'I'h e being no further business, The ' on e adjourned fill its uef regular !! fly session. '. L. Uaudison. Sec'y. l lll:t Y LOSE AT X'KWPORT- Vt'lnireli and Three Residenee Itlown Down Xarrou Eseae Front Heath. We h ive information Irom Newport that I'.ur h. ii- - blew dow n there, two in the v. Huge mid two imt-i le, and that or.e, if t o -mote, i.iew down nt Hancocks tirch and a colored re-i-w n in I he village and the home ot' Ml-. X w a- 'uoan I'i o r liie Ogle.-i.y ne.r there its (bun iation and the u 1 ' per poi t : oi o the house blown away ai d to picri s, -hinglr.- and rafters every tmng being -eoarated from one another and -eattcn d in an astonishing manner they were torn ap ,rt a- though some one ha I been at work knocking the house to piece- with a hammer. M i.-.-e- K izie mid Sa1 lie Ann Morton, .laughter- of Mi-. B ishi Morion, who were caught under the filling walls were kepi Irom it.-i.th simplv bv sotne -ink'tlg of the (lo. .f an. , be the ca ir of the timber- ,,i 1 e prize 1 They w n l-one- hi',. lain. d. furniture. The limber had to awav iu order to release them, i hurt to sou ..- ixtent but no en and no - vi re danger -tt . . (AIM. KITCIIIX. Sllilll We Treat Him Entirely as th 4 ami mou Fiiohiv, Great regard I- had in the Doir.ocratii party : ,r Capt. . li. Mlclnn, who ha: :u the 1 st been on. .;' its liiithfut mi 111- trl friends. We f".ir. uowever. that the captain is geiti' g f.r from ba-e. The editorial in ve-'ol'iav'- lii.-i'ivil' was4bas:.(f llpou its it a - i i r-t and i u g of his .-peeche- generally aad of hhi d;;v -pach in Charlotte, tilii dav, in i i if n to .r. Ills night speech he is far trom l lie fold, had bein w. . i'i ing mainly lubllcall party, charging it, the le-sponsibility for the ieh the country -infers night, however, he omitted t' the R.-piP Li. au puny and w ail. re to the p n t v with liio-.ed that 1 hitherto he upon the Kej iu-;ly, wiia ei :!- ti'om w h Thar- iii his criticism , ciiiilitieii his which he has hite.v atliliated. He was liiMif and uuiust. He asserted as facts tilings w inch aie not lacts. II ,pi:v Mr. Ttlieit fefutid him at , n jioin: and in the argument over-wlii-iintd him. so that, locally. Lis speech wa- wit,:. nit itfert: but the animus di 1 .ved bv (.ie,!. Kit, bin wars bad ami the win. t. nor , ! h.-sptocli wa- dis ippoinl .iig ids loiniet frauds. If- i not the iiiii in in that li.e.v have hel'e'o .t'ot'e 1 ie iioe i iiiiii to b". We f HV tnat here dU-r lr wl ,,.'. !,.- t 'eatcd a- a common i to my. ( ';, . i ! ' : i i -: ra r. me. mmsmin : i.i m:s. lull lrrilriil llri'll I Iniii ll lor I lir I - I'l'lll'Ol-K Moil-li-esiilene- . Adv: in t.lCrli mtl'h w ho f tile iccee 1 the b iro s-, th-.t In. w as ten Ii rod the ti . n-boro Female lib- Dr. Hehl. has in iv,l. giving as lus ruison in. t eoiiscirnt i.uis! y give up i" minis! I'I. f s-, - biing a lace. " Dr. very l'eaoek is mentioned itabie -election !'or the i:i. oMi: i:kk. W i I in i ill: I on I . II a i Her I ill I Icul i a I luriuu I he Week Ilea i n n i im oeill- Iter :i;t h--The Hi!lseritloiiH Snlli - 4-ienl lo Curr.v Oul Hie IMaiis. The Messenger fell.- l the Wilmington Welcome Week commit toe meeting and receiving a report Irom the subscription committee to the i f)'. -i t tnat thev had greatly increased tin- amount ot subsel'ip- j lions and on morion the executive com-! mittee decided to have the Welcome j Week at the time r.eretotore n. lined the! wtvk beginning Nov a mln-r lib; h. ( 'ommithH's were -ippointid on finance,1 advertising, i !eci .rations, re. eplioii, ami in- ' formation, patade, transportation, music. ; gun sh,,ot. lire works and buvable demon- st i a cons. There i-tobp a grand inauguration parade, on Tue-dtiv night of that week, it is to be seen whether two good foot ball teams can hi induced to play a game or so during the week aud other aniu-e-ments and attractions are to be arranged for. ( l X XOT ST V X l I I "SHX And W-anlM a Republican Convention, (iilli'il in l,iio,ii ,i riilni. Isaac II. S,ith. col . ol New B'.rne has a card in the Voice, a p-ijer run by color- ci i i e in (.o . shorn ttom which v; e make the following extract: ' I wish to congratulate the Republicans i of. I Wayne county in the highest possible terms, for their manly act in coming to getln r in a Republican mass meeting and entering theii solemn protest against the white so-called Republicans endeavoring to transfer the color vote of the State to the Third party. This, Mr. Editor, on ! the part of the colored Republicans of j Wayne county, is th"! grandest, the j noblest and the most patriotic move ever j postered by colored Republicans, Tu. Ri-nublican nartv. if you please. s the party the colored man btdougi to anil shouii I he ever desire to leave it he desires to be led to another party by his own race and not by a handbill of white Republicans whose only object and pur pose of bring in the Republican party is to get office. 1 will give one penny a head 'or all the so called white Republicans in North Carolina who have never ha 1 an office, never applied for one and nevir wanted oiu ; and 1 will give live mill- for every Third patty man in the State who is hon estly trying to bring additional blessings to the colored race. The Third party caid'dale for Con gress told the colored people in his speech at Newborn they were not tit to hold oilier. Now. right in the face of these two giat big truths and in the light of the Nineteenth century, the Third party peo ple and their milk and cider white Re publican expect the colored voters to Voto them in nower national administration we wi ill be the Republicans who luuo not let't the party, and therefore will control the patronage. I move that colored speakers be sent in all the Eastern counties to enlighten the colored vote. The colored people v. i;l be told by the fusioifst-confusionists that the ticket out is a regular Republi can ticket. I move that we call a State convention of the leading Republicans at once and organise or select a fctate Re publican executive com.nittee. for the reason the Republican party w liicli contain.- about one hundred tliou- n.'d colored voter- has no Organization to-day. The last State cciicititi. n merged itself into a Third party. Now. 1 hold as a legal proposition no political convention has a right to go outside of its own party to make nomina tions. The last State so-called Republi can convention did go outside, therefore what it did does not bind Republicans." THE EAST CAROLINA FAIR. Ieelared to lie the Always the Best in State. 'I'he following notice of the Fast Caro lina Fair is copied from the last issue of the Kiiiston Free Press: 'The directors of the Ncwbern fair have fixed February 18th to 2-id, inclu sive, as the dates lor the next fair. The premiums offered for races alone aggre gate So.odO, the largest ever offereilin the State, which will draw fine race horses from uutside as well a- all over the State. I he general premium list was also ordered to be revised and increased iu many departments. The Newborn 1 iir i- ahvavs the best in the State and the next w ill '.e better than ever b.-fore. Such em rgetic and intelli gent officers, as President Dunn and Sec retary Reiensteill can't be downed." STORM DA.HAliE IX Ol'R STATE. Washouts on Several Railroads Other Harm Ione. The most of the following facts in re ferences to the storm of Tuesday 9th inst are gleaned from exchanges: Four washouts occurred on the Wil mington, Xewbern ei Norfolk Railroad between Scotts" Hill, lender county and F "lkstone, Onslow county. The largest washout was at Annaodale. Pender :ounty wlui'e there was a breech of 75 feet in the track, All the iadro ids suffered more or less by the dreadful storm of Tue-day. There was high water in all directions, and there were washouts on most all the railroads for hundreds ot miles around. ( Washouts recurred on the Cap? Fear 1 and Yadkin Valley railway, the Wilmiiig-1 ton. Xewbern and Norfolk railroad and i tl,B Atl-mtir Coast Line, r iusin.r a delay 1 to the train: The Cutoliua Central had fourteen hun dred feet of trestle washed awav at Brown Mafsh. two mi les east of Chirkton. and 1 forty miles west of Wilmington. A mill dam above the trestle gave away and caused the disaster during Tuesday night. In Southport the severest wind and rain storm of the season prevailed, the w ind blow ing in gusts of a velocity ranging be tween forty and eighty miles an hour. Shortly utter noon the frame of the Odd Fellows budding was blow n down, the loss amounting to .yf.nnij and is a total one. There w as no damage lo shipping in the harbor Heavy seas are lolling out.-ide, ( u the Clinton section the rains were the heaviest ever known in tin re. Many bridges and mills were sw. pt away in Sampson county, anil mil ii damage done to unharve.-teil crops. Three hundred bet of the Chilton Branch Bailroad was washed out at Six ?uiic and trains cannot pa. for several day-. lieii'l. i . V. Untile lliicK from (inniisv iiiii. Ccli'l. C. A. Battle who has been oil' on a lativa.-sing t"iir in the interest of the I leiiiocraiic parly ret u ned h.-nie ;i the steamer Neuse. lie -poke la-tat .lam. vil ie. tie failed to li 1 bis la-l two ap pointments owing to the -lorin. Thecanvi-s w.s carried on pleasant'', up to the pun; i'i wi.-th,!- intciriipicd 'i'he (ii-i.cial ioiind the Drmo.-ra i ot oniv int-risted in theeltetion but .sitl--ti. d with the piospect tihead. Shiloh's Cattirt'ali Itemedv. A marvel . t lis cure tor Catarih. Dipiheria, Canker mouth, and Headache. W ith each bottle there is an ingenious nasal Injector for the more successful t.eatniont of these 1 complaints without extra charge Hlli DK.MIM I.' ATM' TIM I M I'll. 1'IM MSI ' si'i; K i:hn Mir i i r. renlon (lie Seal ol War I u l'oiil- lisls. Ira ink- and It iiiiiIOiisIiih Taekle Iteil l i u liel cl and ISn r k Iliad and nine Oul I'.a.lli W orsted. ( ,,m,i. ,.,1 , Messrs. who were w ete met 1 F. D. K. asked lor chierfully hour. Mi Bedding!!, id and Burkh bilie. i to sp ok I,, re v, a, , y Me-L. L. Fran u-' once, ot ( lllsion c. ll it w a division jiven. K.n l-i I.. Fr. w ho in i ie ,1 tone w I h w.,s to -.nek's u ,s ; a veil p I "' speee to peak iu- oo peeeh troin ,i I h-tu t u:d o ,ii w uieu appear.it to give gteat s ltislnctio to the few Pops pii-.'O uhiiweie in informed on the political :.--ues ,,i tl,,- da no doubt, but that thev i ..n-'.il. -i,.,! ,.-. :i, gunieiit uiiaiiswi ial.il. . ti.e.r , . -, . wreathed in -tnihsaiid dieir ,. . n itppeared unbounded fo tm- , . his effort. But when F. C. 1 lr d. ii i.glic d ,o.. . coinmonc. d jouimg ,ho-. n ,; , . . .... ..-.,.. c ,.,... , . . i sii.i v iii.u i i;,,ii K s 1 all 1 1 . 1 1 1 . 1 1 ' 1 1 a e , - hibited so sl-cr-fuilv an.l which ,,',.:,s . them so much, showing them tin.-n ike j deforu.ities and the f-iha. iin-m- of th i .guou-nt-. ! the gentle. mm . !' ( hi-low I even caning upoiii mm it lie .l,,l not ' even ..uoiig upon, mm ii lie , mow iii.u -lieu siairmeni- were luit as lie had stated thev were. an. I ' lieu iurndigr, proving satisfactory to svery on . ewn t., the hard-shell Pops by the ncordthat his whole argument :is lal'acioiis. We could not tell winch looked the nio-t like subjects for a first cla-s lutural, Mi Franck's or the Jones county Pops, '.,,,1, white and color, d who h "1 eh . re. 1 m I made such luiid demonstration- previous ly. Mr. I". D. Koonce arose and procce.lel to rejdv but everyone .,,. : ud uitt, ICoonce know' hiuitobi a .-iia , , d. b .t, 1 , w itty, and a wonderfully str nig ,,, t , tackle, but Beddingtieii's di--,-, tion of Franck's made the gentlein u: vmy liberal in his arguments at first and he approach ed every proposition with caution, trying to cover up every little defect and slop u;i every little track that Mi. Burkhe.nl could see through, quoted scripture mi i went back and raked lipoid lii-to.yt" sustain him. then dehed into a pbe of news papers which Irom ti.es'.-of the bundle in list have contain, d ail the pop ulistic literature of the d.t. read ihn r ,.r fur extracts fiom them wh'n h appeioed to warm him tip and lie ph. h d in io the promises iff the Deiir- rns. ti:.l . t , i i r liiilures in tverv ;ne. lolil t he gn at bless ings in store for the people slioii'd the Pops get in possession of the govi rmni nt, anil then closed by asking every lover of reform to help them in the caii-c. Mr. Burkliead then arouse and pro ceeded to address the iiudieuie, ant in! tin minutes time he had the g.-ntlein.ii completely dissected: turned all his argu-i meiiLs against linn, ami n hi tin- Demo crats al I in an uproar. Cheers continued to pile on him during his speech. Some of the pop. wo know Irom their 'mil,. won't beab'eto sinile any more lor - long j time, while poor F. D. Kocnce with a!i i his limits ol being in all parties and on all sides of every question, we could not help pitying him. He certainly felt the sledge hammer" blows of Mr. Bulk head. Why eveu some of the pops ac knowledged that Bulkhead is by far the best speaker that they ever heard. We regretted that we did noth ive cm v man in the county to heir the j unt nis- cussion here. The same speakers will ! have joint discussion again at Tuckahoe. j i A IMaln Tariff Illustration. ' The firs; nromisc was to ronrril the ! i McKmlev bill. It has been done. Iain going to talk tit rill. Itissimply an indi feet tax, laid on everything around us. Suppose a merchant in Kuiston wanted to sell hour at $3 a sack but millets just oul of town brought it in and so d it at $'2 a sack. The merchant would have to seil at $2 or not sell any. Now suppose the merchant in luces the commissioners ot Kiustou to make a law so the millers will haveto pay on inch sack of flour brought in the town. Thou the merchant would put his Hour al $ I Oo, just below what the millers outside couni afford to Sell at. Il this law was then repealed the price of flour would full from 12.9-5 to j2 a sack. H,at is the wav with the tariff. The government says we can't buy fiom other countries without paying a big tax. which is for the benefit of the manufac turers. Oue-fifteeutii of the population is thus protected; fourteen-fifieenths are not protected. Is it right or just to tax four teeu-filteeuths of the people so that fifteenth may grow richer and riche:; Extract from R. B. Glenn's speteh. STATE FAIR .XOTES. Sueeossi In Sight Aliraetioii I run I eal Feature? Road Maehinery Fx hibit Amusements. . . r , . 1- i . 1 . I Matters have crvstalized into such shape i as to assure beyond doubt the greatest j success ever attained bv the North (,'aro- 1 lina State Fair. Numerous attractions have already been mentioned of both practical and amusing character. Tuesday, which is educational day promises to be one of the most interesting of Fair week. A number ol schools will be in attendance, and an address will bo delivered by Dr. J. M. L. Curry, a great advocate of popular education. Oncol the great features of this day will he a chorus of five hundred school children to I ing "The Old North State.'' A new leatnre ot practical n.terest just added is an immense exhibit oi road Ma- chmc-n, showing every implement for making good roads, from a pick to a lteen ton steam roller. Same of the mn- thinery will be in operation. A Road Congress will be held In the city on We ' nesdav night of Fair week, to which ivi v - body interested iu this important i( ie-- ton is cordially invited, (ien. the I lilted Mill, s mail t, nguic r, . 1 Washington, will ' c present ..ml or m i a olioi't ad. lr Addresses will ai-.. be made by prac i, ai ioil worki rs w ho wil I speak from actual w ol k and i pe ii nee. The social Ieatute of the Fair pro nlsc to eclipse any g it net ing of people herci.. f ire held in -S'oi th Carolina. '1 he s, ,, i, t v element ot eyt ry low u in the -ta'c !' any size win ne largely n ; ro.-eni. n. The Cap. Club ofKa eigh wiilgiv.-a seiiesot germans and Lulls inclti ling n giaud hall complimentary to the Stale Fair Mar-lids, mi Friday nigh;. The Catolina Cot llimi ( 'lub will also give a series of eh gant germans, receptions. ,v;e. .loiiu l4i.iis-.itmH. Hon. W. A. 11. Bianch and Col. Harry Skinner Ifvniucratic and l'opulist c ,nd' (lato tor cong'Oss, from th 1-t di-trir: have appointments near In t'e a- f..'ow-: Swan (.Quarter, Hide lounty, Monday Oct. lo, ig in. Aurora. Be.i'.ifirt county, Tu. -d.iv, Oct. lc. 1 p. in. llavboi'o, l anil unty. W, unity, Mi.t; W'edll, s, dav Oct. IT 1 p. m I'm auloll, ( il'lelet cot '-'-'. li 111. A Vlll ll. 'l 1 1 eounl I ', -'4, ni Fa kl;c u, I ':: ! i nil t 2't, m. Bethel, I'itt e .uuty, 111. ' reen ville. 1 '.it count av. Oi I . 'I'hnr- 1 a v, O' t. -i'i ay. t let. - . m . W'lU'aington. B'-auIort county, M-.ndav. tlct. L".l, ni, LU Papers for sale at this office, vi w oit its s i.i: s . 1 lie Sii'iii'Mle I I plioiOs Veliou ol Ih.-Snr on liMir, .n r'rjin Ilii- Sail-. I he Supreme cur t has rni 1 i c ci-ioti in the New B in" water ease, iu tile action taken oppo-ii confirmation of the sale. Tin- - i- .1. - lolk- ing the -u picnic -llpel'io! oui . anirnis u,e action ot t u, . oiirl in conlirmi ng t he sa le. Ti.e e i-e ws ar. o d I .- M. -l.iioll and W. W. ( ..I r lav oi oi continuing air i ;.c M . I-It I W. ' M f vet ..I the city, .Mr. I r, di II M Wdmingl ,n in pel-son and Mi. Ih i- :n brief on b 1 all,,:' r, posing the confirm ilion. lor- oj One More I'orl u n a I e. Agon a New Beruiau has scoured n iewi 1 that will a.1.1 luster to our s, h,l Ici.'cie. On Wedlleslav, Oct. Kith. I -HI. Wdhatii Mitchell Roiuitree led ., th, in.. n. age altar Miss Khzahrlh Fio-t Maine, the beautiful and accomplish, ,1 daughtei of Mr. and Mr-. Malcome Main, I l'lo,,!,!n. X. V. The celemonv. Hi" iii ' s i . a u I the tl. overs were -u: ! i d t , , an ... . a-ion when a Southern gentleman wa muted in widlock lo n lad ol'th, .North. 1 miuedi p. Iv alter the welding lea-t the bridal party turned t h.i r fac - ,u ; h ward. and as the bride w.i-leav ing lr r lather's house a show ei .. pnr.-l riieleli upon lu r, expressive of ih, w i-h tha- h. r life may be a happy one in her s,,,;:,, ,n hoine. Mis. Rotintrer is the daughter ..' a P'm-ih rmn cotton men hunt of Xi w Yoik. Mr. Rountr.e is a promising oiing bu-iness man of Xew Berne, being a member of the mercantile firm of. I. B. Holland ec Co. They will arrive here on the steamer Neuse to-morrow morn ing, and all New Berne w ill give them a cordial welcome. The reception will be held next W'ed- ne- e . g ih. lav evening Oct. 17th, from half p it to half past II. at the residence gloom's parents. Mr. and Mr... W. u die,-. i-t : of i Xl'W Rtvi'r Jelly Itmpeel Ion. Maj W. II. Chadbourne, Assi-tant U. S, Engineer and Mr. U. A. Brow n. .Ir: ( nine up by rail yesterday from Xew R v. r they have been surveying ami in spi . ting the jetty just built by the ( h, iiiiiiii'iit at the ntoutli ot New River un der the supervision of Mr. Schuster. The w ork on the jetty wasliegun about two months ago; it was finished last wick. Its design is to cause the current to cut away the channel until it becomns twice us deep there as formerly. Au in-pection ol the channel was made before the work was begun, this one is made as soon as ii is finished and a third one will Ije held a few weeks Irom now. i The inspection shows the work of diep ruing has commenced. It the stibsiquent j in-ptvi ion -hows that it will, as now built, j accomplish all that is desired, no more . will Uj done, it is fiiun 1 that it does not I deepen the channel as much as is intended j it will be improved so that it w ill . . 1 s,, ,1, o o nil . I Xew Berne it ood IMaee lor Rnj in. Along with his other fall goods Dr. Geo. Slover, one of our enterprising hai d wt.i'e dealers has just received what i- j )robab!y the largest single shipment ol j stoves that ever entered the city. Their ! egjr gdo weight is twenty live thousand : pound. i That our merchant!: buy in such large j quant it ies su-tains the position which the ! JoriiNAL has always held that New i B,.i-nr is one of the best markets. I hat the 1 us-r or consumer cm find in whirl to purchase his sunnlies. The large and well tv il'ted stocks give good opportuni ties for selection, and the purchasing in large orders enables the merchant to pur-, chase at low figures and the low freight I to New Bei ne, owing to our li iving sue h j conveniences of transpoi tation as both, rail and water gives still further nilvan- j tages all of which work to the benefit ol j the final ow ner. : A Tllif mill Rarfe Fine. Mr. R. Dougherty, of Baltimore, who' carries on a verv-Jarge strain tug and barge freighting -business, is at Hotel Chattawku. Mr. Dougheity came pros pecting with a view of putting on tug-;' and barges to ruu between Xew Berne I and northern port-. Mr. Daugher'y expresses himself :. highly pleased with what he has seen rf the city. He says he had no idea of find- ing it such a place as it is. From the; tone of his remarks we expect to see souiu of Ins barges carrying aw ay cargoes ' ol timber from our mills ,11111! returning 1 loaded with merchandise. Mr. Daugh crty says he finds the people want cheap height and he is in a position to liiini-li 1 them. He owns individually nine tugsj and fourteen V rges. He has one roiiimg, now loaded w ith 3 5 0 tons of coal. I A CoiiiiiarlNiiii nl' l am ol a I oes. Capt. h.r. C urn way Creek was up to iiiarkei flolll Ad OH- with very fine sweet potatoes, -Norton yams alio iti'a a w ya ns. The latter is a kind i rw atounil here which Mr. Carr.r.vav is intro- j ductng and which he like- b etter than eithi r the Norton or the red yam. Tlr-v ' can scarcely be told in appearance tiotn the red yam but they are consul, id bit ter. They have the color and flavor : the red yam hut cook fiinur and g;. larger yields than either the t. d . r Norton yam. Capt. Carraway in dioging te-tr 1 a f. w row s of each which weie :ioo Inl.s long The N oi'inns average smnrw hat tin- largr-l in sie but Irotn six rows of the Nortons In- got only thirty bushels while th" 1'ida--aws yielded at tlie rate of f.,nv I u-in-1-to the s.x rows. Brnnltt OysIlT C,inniir,v liwl. Sometime ago we wrote that the ..y-t. r caining lactory would probably op. n up h rr again, bul we were inistakeii 'I 'hr M 1 1 1 i 1 1 Wagner Company moved tl,.- n.n- chii.ery of the lirtoiy this w.ck to 1! d i inotr. Il was cairiel mi th -totu.ii Alpha. V'(i undi rstand t hat ail thr laclor'r - m Not t h Carolina will be ni., ed. The ow n iis claim thai legislation mi nv-t.-r- in I hi- State is t be cause. I'watil rt lbti'd. .Inllor Ikilf Itai'linill. i-4l.. IkrlNil. I'aie I hi rh am, col., jailor for Crawi county, died Th Ul'silay morn i ng alicr4b. ' ing ill nearly two months Irom an ab-re-o! the liver. The deceit.- d had held th. p -ition of ia'loi under both 1'rpiibko.u and Democratic county ndministrai i.r . is years, ten Veal's under Sheritl' 1 1 ubb l two under Sheriff Stiniron and -: i aid the jiresent sheritl', V. B. I. me. I'., mule a good. jailor. II". w.i- attrotiw n kind to the ris uirls. mi.i steady in ' ! forming whatevi r duty .1. ..'.- I n him. .'a-loll4, ltl'lIW -In A cyel'ine went thr. , about half w ay bet w e n It -.on i ill.-. ugh i ,. .1 ,, k-oi:i :p, -toriu. Il-f.-rt Wide, tw I-tr I , 11 a vi.ail "',. Wmi iit v - Wilmington during tm wa- about ti hundred nio-t of the tiei - wer went. Here and h ft. A stable i, b'own down. A ifagniiin of tin was niakng hi ' tram apiuoachin Ibro :' Mi. w ,v N i; u. way along !,-:, the wash,,, n caught in it and he mv- In mill -him-elf from being blown awavb, .i down and holding on to our : the r. I of the road. " i VV s l Il I I I ' ' ! ' i il a I Hhirkli I it :,i - in - Su in,.- '' " i ' i.. pun hnse an- ' " '" ' . '': h ui.-i win no fierce 1 1 1. . i ' . : .. .do in.,., ii i h ,l the mail l, ,1 im ! I he t rain. fie i.-i :i Tusca t. i h it section i - he could note to p ' e i . : 1 1 . . i ' damage. I ';: V Hill, the new candy d ' I'Hii . hud the f'ulh -t and pret ' -t'biv : i In : '. m.iki s .,1 e:!m- ' - '' ' '!. v.-l ...ad. It met " i ..! ,' .. :.,-., ,'1 u,,, s:llv ,1. T! - . A ge i-onics to w loch makcii tei i linn before, i nt. I -I - ;oluinn . . i hi leading So. h mi one as .lie- Mould i State -p,;,i,, I I ll, .!). .1 t , v -d ii i". : .. i . Tar i , 1 n -.n - i- ..p. ii ng lairly well, ud i -p . , , ' - . n-i I, ting the very lo a (.;., .- . f. ..;..,,. When u ill ,,ur far-iii'1'- let I nudum, iii.ii attention I :: . !- . I- aad -t... k .V c. h", , .-. . '.'ii. li'iiim iu I he city v ' ' ti th it I .. a "d, ,, ntimlist. Ii oaai.i Mi tm ry .-: I hat -e .1. r. - 1 n,,". in l be peniten- ' i v I a five years ,-. ii now and eleC i . . i ii nest ie,rse- i ' i the prrprtun- II . '! . i,. vrii.nee u ,; tion ,,r .;,,, A sprrinl 1 1 - j . t I, -, t giro a rat tling accum o lb,. Democratic and Popul.-i ...in'. at al Tiviilon. We hear fr ' 1 1 "'In '- also that it was one of tlio t the Bigg.-; dis f . Democracy that this section Ii.,- -i en lor a long time. v i " I.--e- 1! ulah Wil-oii. of Morganton, X. . one field- ,,f Kinston, N. C; and l.u I' i h.r, , , Catherine Lake, N. ' ' : a :e :, 1 !,, Allioil. M isKcs Wi Ison and ... ' ' Fail- o-. p, ing through to visit Mins f a) nt and - lie c o,,r up M -ter. lay lo meet them. , ;. ..loir 'it 1 1 ,t an i s takes im to task in 1 ' n l! . ',.; upon the d, lay- , f the courts, w 1 I, . . ing ma ir 1 1 1.1 .11, to the Mills- . miiid.i c,-e.il Kdoigh. Our idea was to v i in pi', ,-s t he 1 1 . 1 poi ti, .,ee 1 ,1' speedy jutttico -'" ." in e ,s, s wlier- - rh.iK crime h:i been coin 111 i t to I tind 1 -ii, h ii cln.rictor iu to ",. ai'i.il e an 1 in. en-e Ih, people. .. Mr. CI1.1-. l. .-'on. . a young lawyer of .,'-., Xoitolk. who , . out la-t. week expect- . ing to in ike -imply the round trip for" t plea-me on the steimer Neuse, found the . city so plcisinl that hr has prolonged his . 1 .' visit He inlet:. 1- to omaiii until next week making a1. nit two weeks RpcnL "jr, He is ., I ,11-br. the. oi Mr. .1. W. Nichol- . - ' son ol the -' e 1 1 1 1 ; Xeii sc. llverv Ik-iix i :ut -hould see in time that , bei- prop -:. 1 gl-:ried and iinprvM the i) ( 1 1 of hi- in ig bb. ,1- doing the sain upon tbe'c, 11... in-., o. -urr lo turn out on ilc in I . i: I ..:.-. fa over confl- -T. J. nee -i: d . ..,1 . - -i.t neglei t lies the ' hi. f . I ; 1 1 1 . r . Ai ond to registration in ' ti in 1 . . The Bcaiifiul Ibiahlhas news from Xew port t. 'oing ,. considerable damage hy . 1 In- -torin. 'flu re were two houses and a . chutih that were blown down. A Mr. "' Moiton and ! of his daughters were . -v- callgh: on del h :- hulls,. s i W118 blovTO ' '.- lo a n. Tie " r. 1 i ed injuries but are not ' ' i i.nsi. let 1. 1 lo i ., , laiigeroiisly hurt. In pa in a1 n .n our streets Tester- - C-r. day we . riicai'd n remark from il , coup' i.ngci- "I hy have a very pi, fly I ' ::e le u: h. rr, clean KtrveU and ..' heaittlful -bide'." Wr agree with yon, .-:. and be-; .1 ..I d is oupioi ing iu looks -'.-. lapid'.i, auo - '.eb'v growing all the tune. A drunken whit man fell over board in dien w iir at tiiai In t w barf Wednes- ,--V d.i 1 1 1 . 1 : 1 1 1 1 Th .ugh b.fli before aud J al'l : I ring pa'l. d .ml he did not SeOtu '- to I: ive -ee-r , u 11 h h it l'.r anything lie " knew enough while he was ill the Water - 1 to hang co 1 ir . ( el v t, . a ost till A rope wa-lhto.i, !.,:., ,;..) I':. 111 to cling to that till he w - pu :. i up. It seems -X man' :'-' " has to i.r p'.ip. lar gone bel'oi-e he loues . . the 1 1 i-i 1 1 ,. I . ; . : ,1 a -, r alion. ,. Mr. Kol ;. I'. ( , , - k 1 1 -. one of tle crew !' -1 h e n : '. 111 T. Baki r, was up to - r.--the city 1 .-1 . id . v and h it on another "" v sl im ,,,, 1 im hi- ii ,u,r at Ifuteras. The Baker, t , wic. h h. 1. longe I is the vessel . which in th -toian In fore the hist one we 1 r 11 ol ' d a- in h -1 re - ne a r Betud'ort withi : hrrnia-t- .1 .101 .con andnoaily all her sol- g"i a . s 1. u w a. Wilmington for -v . n-i.'iirs. 'V.- REMOVAL. ; I 111! ll"l 111. it": ah gohh", I I l ( ss (roods i li, i ainlv niiss a Y ... . n i . i io not come . - ii - -.. hi as you can '(" a t nipt to i numerate all we o -iii ; on i , ii would re- I.e. 1 col W e ow n ill Tins I- .Inn; -. i . i that wo i in only give from t . wiek n 1 al a liuir, but ll'you imp or I he pi ii . - w it li t hose charged i . o 1 1 p . 1 1 i - i . 1 1 will see at a w " e II t'.r lead. : i : j ( jl'irt I'lcnrb S.itli -rns. in Beautiful De signs. I'J.l.c. is indi I'do' Srigr ,,(ic, former pi ice. s-.. Silk Wiiip 1 1 in i ic ti as, Black, 0o Im inn lil irr Tor. All Wool 1 1 .-in ti'ttiis. Flack, 50c, fi inn i i h i ci . T.V. All w..nl 1 1, in nt fa-. I'dack, 40c, tni'inci pi ire. I ill, . v i large anil ,t a, lo our "Berring Line for I.nlies. Ladies Jackets! '.' '.- M d. l'i: a pe, ci! -al- of a lot . : i.iiii .iii.i ne .Hum .wa ights iii !-.". t: cn. 1 : - I I I e i n . (iii! - I. : I ( 'oine at. once w ti : - II I . llll s. . in . ounirv receive B. DUFFY. 67 POLLOCK ST.

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