'7 , ' - i irininrfUmmrff a THE WEEKLY JOURNAL 1 4 $i. - PER YEAR. - $j ; In Advance. i As the Campaign in about In opens Siou xhouhl KubKcrihr at oner. $ vMasssisasssssiniasww., .... ... ... ... ... ..asfi a Tj-n sTTCcassirrii j business mze-jntS Ses t:s Result of iktimt ia j fTHE WEEKLY JOURNAL INDEPENDENT IN ALL THINGS. $1.00 Per Year Single Copies, 5 Cents. NEW BERNE. CRAVEN COUNTY. N. C, OCTOBER 25, 1891, VOL. XVII. NO. 31 ...; i f H r WW c2d ' . v.". is.. f ! t AMINE 3sr 1N-TER-EST-ING 1 1 j a I I - I I I fZg) NEWS You will find IN ADVERTISING as well as in other parts of the IS Another Item in any part of the Pper as interest ing to the people of this section as THE FACT that we are OOOWOiwoooooc i . . . . The Leaders In LOW PRICES." OOOOOOOOOOOclOOOOOOOOOOOOi'vuXUW a: AND O r m H H 47-49 Pollock St NEW GOODS ! . JL'ST HF.CF.IVED: New Buckwheat Smail Hominy. P,ig Hoiuinv. Oat Flakes, Oat Meal, d-ned Bui'. B'g 1'irk Oyster and S-id.i Cracker-, -iv. I -i-so keep a tuil line i t' WUWiiM Ml iv 1 A trial will lint I -a ill 1 :i ihe e'ty. To my I' -' ': F. a is I w ouh 1 s.iy inuke ;i; 1 a , lic.i.iijuarti :-: e ::- : tree .to ecs 1 :.il c -, ( - ; your : cam w ' a "i -ire .t: the , i- v. Resps-t till iy . -I. li. I'arkor, I r. NO. 77 BROAD ST. PAIII.UI) l'lH.IIHV Third Parly Convention K'iti I1 ion n rontentlon-,SpeUlnir iy .eieril Battle- Also by Brunch mid Skinner -Skinner Hklnned. A Pamlico col respondent wr:'e- m a follows: . , , . . I Tlif Third party held their ention on tli'? 13th, at Bavtxiro and tin- following i nominations were made: For tho legisla ture. J. 'I n 1. Martin; Sherdi. jost-pn fnwn.. . . ..t C .iiirl I l. kiill hrinonn ... lvw..t. V.l.ir Sivtin Cironer' Mr. l'hiui)-; Surveyor. Walter Mrinsoii. One week no the Kepub'.i. nn held their convent i' n and noiiuna'c il 1H AhlK-itt tor the- Islnture and Aii xander Lee for Uegi"ter cf Deeds and storied at that, and on Fridiy Ixd'ore the Tops held tbeir convention Dr. Abl ott threw up the spouse: this nuts a new face on the i (nneral Battle f New Bene ad' lusscd r ...... i. ti,o Lilt; CiUMTUS C'l I'm C.C'"li '"-'.' political is-ues ot the day ami told t lie IK-moer its to l? vigilant and U up ;m.l ,l,,h . ;,u 1 .!.cn't v.m t' 'rsii-t tliey do il..,, H i 1-1 Uraiic'u and Hdirv Ml.;-. m o larcrp rrnwil nffiti- ".""'".jr,.".. ,k ii&ii ,.r zens on me i i tn. uuucu n"c c m. i his opponent. a , . , t-. i . : : .i. Skmner :inl the Pop ( li.tirai;ui with .-s IJ...,i; nt,- I.IUllllti"lIl -tllil OIK' Xew Heme H. publican had a secret can- cus alter the SLH-akinir at Bavhoro to-da v ... i ii i ; ;.- ,1..,- ..... ,, , m,. v, i . al c I l.o Ullliac neo .HA. jititiiii.Ji... . ... o ...,,;.. ... ,1, D.i.nliliicn. iuc iu:lik3ciiciii'c; l" cut f .... ...... j It would nlease a few Pods and Bcmubli- c cans and displease aureat many Pops and the rreter nnjjriiy of the Rep?. BLEI(.lli C.4R-WIIKE1. IA(TIIR. I It Start, on the 20th. With a Cnpllal Of: l.Wl.CMMl Southern Material Through. out Will l Ii-Tho Sooth w arcl Tendency of Mnureluriu)f. The News and Observer gives an item about the new plant the car-wheel factory jiisf established there which gives an in dication of the gratifying advance that is being made in ro.3.nula4;turing in the south and especially in oyr own (Jtate which we copy below: 'This car-wheel facto ry will be i ithci an extension of the Xortli Carolina Car Faetorv which has been in operation since 1882. 'The whole plant will be situated ju-t lieyonil the round house on the Raleigh and Uaston mad. The twenty-four acres of ground it includes straddle the railroad, there being fourteen acres on one side and en on the other, thus giyn all ttie transportation facilities tlesirai. Some ot this ground will later be !t to other plains, tli us ensuring in the near future a manufacturing suburban town like the little brass-working communities near Water'. urv or Hart ton!. "Everything fashioned Irom wood or iron, or from both, will be made there and the material to be ue l wi'l b- Southe rn coke. Southern iron. South, rn c al mi I j Southern operat- vc s. "lyeuiw company -t irts ott a i-p c iouslv wall a capital oi K'0.0O0, and. f-.r the tune being, will le in char' "t .Mr. Koberl C. Tolmie. win, is tly? -spent-need manager of the Lobdell C ar uetl w orks, of Wilmington, Dele ware. Mr. Tolmie will be h: ic for several weeks., and will leave men here thorough ly competant to supervise the perfect rc-pi-.XUCtion of the l""bh'i wheel whieh has beeu use.1 in the South inc-i before t he war. "Conipet'tion is --harper now rontin uecl Mr. Tolmie, "and we find ourselves compelled to get further Couth in order to hold our old ground, and I know no bjttter State and jown than this. Most of our output will be sold in the South, but we can place cur stuff successfully as (al as the Potomac river." 'Mr. Ashley leiuarkcd that 'he Dela ware niotJier-pl:nt turneel out 7''0 wheels a dav, each one weiglrnu lino peiin.ls, which means a ladling ot" 210 tons.it iron a day. "In theRale'srh works forty win-els will be turned out a el ay and forlv hands em ployed. 'The iron will e ome Irom West Vir ion:.!. Alalmmi and oilier pine. ...cuth Mason s unci Dixon's line, an-1 the uh'.e establishment will prove that this section can sustain itself, of itself", from mine to manufactnre." I Exhibit in Ihr Ntt Museum. I "Carpets are lieiim put down in the j State museum. Ttou-and of visitors will ! have the pleasure of seeing there next week the finest collection south of Wash, ingtou. It is even finer than the exhibit made at the World's lair. No visitor to Raleign should miss seeing it. ' The aliove item appears in the liaieigh i correspondence of the Wilmington Me 1 sencer. We are glad to copy it. it is a I pleasure to know that so admirable a representative collection ot the resources of tbe 6tate ;ire b,r,,uht to-'e-her in on- place as can now b- treelv viewed bv anv one at its capitol. Visitors to the Fair hou!d by all means visit the museum also. GEORGE 73 MIDDLE STREET . HARDWARE OF EVERY DE.CRIPTION. Sash, Doors and Plinds. Stoves, Lime. Plas- te and dement. DEVOE'S READY2 SATISFACTION Under Gaston House, South Front Street. New Berne. N. ('. i " I ' i i i . i 1 : or General Hardware. Stoves, Carpenters Tools, Cutlery, Table Ware, Barbed Wire, GALVANIZED PIPE, PUMPS, Lime, Piaster and Cement. DEVOES PURE READY MIXED PAINTS. JfPeisoiuiI attention to the nlers. L .H. CUTLER & CO., a; uxs i ; am it i.i x. v i r vi its Viricinii. l.oes Not (ouiite.iail II--- Neither is il I iiliclil Here This l nusi' Should l'ri'Miil ll . r w here. '. gn.d Virg ll - comnu aided 'orth. be I- ;i 'i;iht lihj- .ill 1 g in ng mist I -i - Before the Fair ..pen- 1 . licit abroad in m:;-.- w . llcat w.Mild !.- :i-l:r.::t.- Tli : :v"' carl i if ; he- , lull' - i 1 : 'lk, n- cill.miltcV- ai' "il I tion- pas-el. 1 ! e latter i .leniinc-ritioii i har. icier, 1 1 : ' s lilf.x I test 111 a- l -list Ml. Il a ."lll-c- a 1 1 1 I f 1 ' -' ' : tlut Ilvtlli!!:.' .-hi'ctiolia-'lo ; - in ir:.d. This was a i;o. d and pr-p.-:' -. i "t meetinu' the iu.-. the pc pie wlio pi"-- ,dtheeour-e t mk the matter in ha-'..I-- thev did not wait l..r Mme on- e!- t.i tkdit the I ml !'... neither did tie y t.p , uh -.nip e la k-l ,.; ... ud , I i uianiici. Asiiai.ci cuc.ci-i made anvwhc re. at any titr.e wit . -eiy reason ali 1'eoph !j.lllr a'', asMi ranee -av t d sU .- -a i: t .inii :!; - ' non '. :. ,.; p--:..c .u: n0 -,n v. tliey iuO'1 not expect tonet wh.ttiKV want. - ... , ri. , t . i ,,, Miiiiiittoe ' ,. , , ,, w accoin 1 1 isiic-' i w 1 1 a i ac- -1 n . . ii ( the r- "!ir.i"ii-. The conmiiit I".11"'' !ll, ' ' , " lht-'m- , fhev sta.eo i i e; ih-j Fair ia accr.! Iililj'.tt- e that thev were air' U' 1 v ai tnii- t h at u a Tl.i y e c II went sci tai a. to st; We 1. ive ec in I- ed what Wc .,)' I a. oa-i:h..n. led timi '-ii t ie h-'.'k ol " Olllil, entru-s an) l .in wli.ea ;,.u c- .a tc ' l.1 -u-blil 0 Will r seind our ac. ion .11 a ' - ; t i n or it." Notlr ims moi''' -. oiih 1 i) . .n.i. i Tin- lem . I k.d.le IL :. alt- -i-ilir th. Kat Caiolina Fair hell hit. vcinler v y n,,nle u liu,. ,,, ., .i,,,.;..,. , ,, , part ol" its ..rrieia's in , . 'u.i.ne: ' iin'-!: and tiikiis. 'th.iiio. . f tb-.s c li.iracier not build Uli a Fair .a i i i " -..t i-m th La,-.. ., t. ,,, ,.,..e 1.. ", ,. . , I Oil I llir Fair lus receive, l". - v .rn. . -a: .,1, 1,, la-i..n for this feature a- i.-r am eo::;..-i-d with it. Mav the llillll st ae la I'd it l.a. i I e . 11 ever bemuintain .1. The ministers ,m, I g.mil people u. in'. lv of North t arc ma might we.. .f. the example the IFa hmoiid inini-i. in enteni,ir . leii.n pro(. -t a -.t.i.n .. the' a i- mission i.it uainb.i n' ,nn i-.n- ' any lair m i the State. Tie- praci'uv is rcce,' - oizeil ai at) evil a id ha- ni ioierat.-d niailllv for the leVellUe (hat d y.clds. Ii is a shame and a .ii-giaec and should le-. ceive the emnliatic ee'iidemnat.'.-ii ot goo i people everywhere. TH AT OH III I V VI II I M.. Wome ol ttiv l.sssons That l.a w-Makcr. and 1'onrtn Shoiil.l l.earu. Al.outall the d (li-ivn c we see hetween that Ohio lyinchtu- pit :v told of in a - other column and a Soiiiheni o-ie of lh. : character is that the S .uthem n.oli ac- c-oniplisht-s what it -eis out t" do. and tie- Uino one r.iM .-me oiiei.ee was in- . s-anie- and the ch f-.r -wifi an 1 .'.u-l ie- tribution wis ile- ..nu-. The .1-to protect the purity o; wives. .....theis and sisteis is the -ame the world ot r, and In who trangn-sses in this direction inu-t tal e ihe ilire cons;-,juenc es. and !...! a in i man will appro-e. We do ti l sir .ion Ivncli 'a. wc rder to ' pose i: in ev-.-vv instance but that proteelio-i which the people cleuiiud , for some crimes, nothing les-than the criminals life, aa I that I ik n spee-I.iy. will atone. The si ir.eiu e of st.iipS 'went y. ar :ri the penitentiary agrairst tiiis w.u h l.u, . two weeks I eiorc outiageda respcctiibie lady at her home on a firm, was enough to arouse 1 he I r. n.y ot' the iii"b. It liasoiiiv beena'-ov -ck- e the same penalty jir.u'.ounce t ad- a s-.:, lar inme ill a ne ign i" u 1 ng .-s ,m- we ite -"ivi think it w is Wi .t Yirginii. A , iy wiih such a t:av- sty on ju-tice. . I1.1V. Car:'- w ay of iird. VMS a sjhcI ii term of court a. was eleie 111 Ine e .' "t the t"n n.l la)1) Madkin- and a -p--edy i-.- cutioh aff. r the triai is better ihan tltner tae Us'lal dei n s o i' 1 1 1 e 1 , w or 111 o ' ' 1 a w . . , -, -o , - - - a-.d :t w ud'e.-ti.i better il provision- , , 1 , wen- made h r p. e-ly alt. ul.eli to -a. h cases whenever th,.- iu :me ;s c mimill.Mh . . . i.i Otlur Mates e .in look lo good oh I c on- .Pre dve North ( 'a I , , ! i tl:l and ha I'll .,. Il P w !joi. ...ue- e-s. us. The He.Hoerul lo Ciunty anass. Tiie cHiatv Democratic canvass h now begun in ing was ;l: Me: rncsf. The tits; speak-: n"s .tote on Wednesday ! the 17th i-.t. by Messrs. Bl.l-!le& Lane candida'.s sh.-.-.t; :ml K.-g.ster ol Deeds and on tin next av. I liiii'-'l.iv ine isth there was n g.-o 1 D -mo. ering at 1 liver.la'e. Speeches at the .'alter tr. c atle gatll ; dig w . r, Iliaele bv I a lit. SWlll l i ill low a . CO.. Ia 1 ; for the Jenate. Me-.-rs. .1. A. liruni. I R. Thomas. W. D. Mcl vet. a'l i the coin. ty candidate-. The next eeiiuty appointment i- at Dovcf. to-da v. SLOVER, NEW BERNT. N C. MIXED PAINT. ' GUARANTEED. n.n;:;.n ' prompt and correct tilling ot ail Ills'olll W.ltoW SHEPPAJRD'S SSSB& MADE FROM PURE PIG IRON. Nlnt one pound of Scrap Iron ir ever Used iu lhe-se pi... Is. DURABLE, CONVENIENT and ECONOMICAL. All Modern Improvements to Lighten Ho uK-keep Ins ( are. Twenty different sizes and kin. Is. Every Stove Warranted Against Defects. Prirpe not mneh -hipher nl this tdno tfia un et.mmouer kiuelii of sun es. Call on or oiijriw New Berne, N. C. I sin r.iti 1 i . Vc rni' h ! i . ; i -n I. c!".i l, .'.;'- !- r Tlx- u 11 ill- .1: Ti "",r' A. W,,r tnkii i tin- New V tin fa r a i '. a : i ':.-. . 'v I Lam -i at ' luir-l- ': M. K s-ate. T , , . ur ,( K r . 1 1 1 th -ccr t i in 1 ll at ,lJn nt- m .r - ill - :n-. i; W. (. a ter at Asii, three or 'o i .-son an I 1 a I a i i-i n on !.. .1 on e ;,. ; ,, a ,,- A : -.;: oo . w:i--f Frin. T. lit: . i.a- : -ot ii.. 1 .in i n a .:.. i apt i v i ty . Houston. T. i .- h 1 the iiiiirniii if ; i pi -i.-e: - of i harity r- - i 11 Udditaill 1" the . !.. A : : u i.ooa t! ! to -i. i lent. Senator 1 1 . . . ii storm, in N ' ortl n-rn New V .-111 1 el " Oi l. a ,ai.a ; hanjin- 1 -av :iy . m h . 1 :aii :, 11,111 ''' :' " ''.'!: 'flic fiiTllt ill H,l i i la ' ' I M tr anguhi r one il. ti.r. pole- 1 t ii k' i!" an:. on:.' e 1 ha i t r II ..i's n one ' hea I i;, kc-l :n New V. rk. -p),,. , ,,,u ., - - . . pt. W. II "in:: linn Ujr the State . '.r- ir-a. Ii ... ... con i,t . CilarioK. I a - Ii , !... V . . re now i-,uii ,., ... oN i a-tiiiooa. Th,- 1 Ill'-t message wetlt oel i'a ,:i,eoll tie- I ".th j inst at 11 o eh c . lion. Don -M. 1 ' . ti-'ti has ia .. -..; left Mic h; -.in tor tie- p1 a , -,' ot :- .: n liiiiiseit' in the eaiiei.i,-::: - --.eew i :-k cnmpaiLtn. , . .. dev. i ana-: n- markabie !ii. t Fer w o,naii ; !:.. !:::- n-'istereci a b-.rn .n the- y.-.ir ii.-l. M:: Kiusi "id etiotuli to ..te and u ..y.,-r. -jv.. ,,,, i!;,v,. i,.!U .,r j,,,,,,,., , , , .u.,, , j, i :., r. . -, ,1 -I -I in i the 1; (.iianta o. The cruiser Ch o h - -, h - h :: : r k,.li"ira. She will I" !..; wci U the De roil and Maahi is. Al man who wa- :i--a;!;i-l in N.-v V'oik 1,. i' . a 1 -a - t. 'a;a- leconl.-'l lor h,:,r ru rf . Tiie I.i x-w hiv-..i;i- g Xe.v York a-.- bra-igiag t i tin' police- ia. a.d.v. u. a i emeii a rie-ti ng inti- a-ei : a- .Is iitik- ii pal-tie-, iak- ! i : : g W 1 I i - k V ,ng lii'iln s h.r pr..tcti.:a' sea: t pri -one" . s ! i.ng "pr:v . t-e-. 'I'he ( "u .:'., :: (I'.sere r t, . tL.,,:,; -,, r, , .K. ,,, ; ;. Atianta to ti, ,: ,-:-v. Tn- v , , . , . ;loI1 ,.ao, p., , ,. :j f w ,i i I ie 1:1 a h- t ' I A ti oil! y oil ng n..:i i i el'.orlisiug t, d - '- " 1 ill .i ie.' W . . Ii a 1 Ii --' ,, ,. .. . iniiirii ' tlic -a !; . u v a , ,d.i, . " '.. . .oi 'p.- under l he . ii . Tile h"., IsboiM . inj of the de.a.i ii.'.Iy .,: a s .mon Fa s ti. '.y th - :.. -c-als, hule in t hat eity . il iir.nossi bit1 :'..r tii .- train l ll - and the 'ao-ist invi ':g . w , . i made. p, (lgg' ll g the : .in lit i ., )... .. ,u a, he e hureh -1 -: . -t-i a ..:,. .1, i ieii. . ' lately, a beautiful Masoaie pa e:n-nt w, ei.i overed whah nr.:, sine! tw. iry-. r.. feet bv t hirt'. on an 1 i-oiit-.iiie 1 an Ar:i -nian ;n: cript ion . Ftnlerne ilh was a ' aa rn in whic h 'a en- I. i:n I ! 1 - gia.s v a-. .. A fieigh: mill 'i the Cl: -a'.ai..- a. Ohio and Soiit'a w e-ti-rn 1 u'.i. a.i, g -l::g ca.-t. w:i- wricked tw,. ia':'e- w.-st . 1 Newbi-ni Tenll. al 1 a. lil. .Ui ,! :th. inst. Fiigineer Ml'ain--. Fiiemaii K i-o h and a man named '..',. we-ia dang, rotisly injured. 'I'he train was w:e. h- 1 l.y :::'. unknown penon wh- pla-.a-d a th' . 11 tie trestle. There are at least 100 tramp, iu lh..' railroad yards he-re and -it-pl. ': puhds to them a,- the otlen ier-. A hi- charge :it "I'liititiotl is or--Ugh; against the Kepubliian t ant'.:! iie uilv,- Committee bv Wil'iiiin 1 ka k- 1 -h. tV lie S; vernor on the hollers populist tleae-. 'I'he Iif- insurance agent- --t' do- sia'e and South. Caroliisa nn-t 111 lia'.- :gii on the Hit h. and . rgalfe.l a-: a--o. al:-.u. Tia-i.-li is be. n all as.eieiat:i.iu 1 -f gene: a 1 age'g. and soiieaid .. Angi- g ihe g. rg. 1 :, .- ? ,r:s:'-v ' 'i 'u' :'i"li1.1' ' I ). ( h 11 rcli ol (. har! ott,.. an, 1 . .1 . 1 1". a 1 v ot Hock 11 i.i. Cant. Buck Kitchin i. 1 1 said at Monroe lhal he was.t the pn si nl .lem of . fiiirtv g . that the '-'. a-o : the Thiid' pad fuse iii I la!:: .x a- .imt y w a- t : n.-t a .fi' ' wh a,- 1 1 pu'-!h a w tii :i'i-1 ; :; : : h. y . i : : : t . .. i"il ig w i; h th- la-g ;... s. ; ,j 11 io hi.,- the lu.!on ta k t f. wa. .he .1 I" 1 h - ec- lid fiircli- -. At Moir.d-yi!'e W I 1. .a ;i, i"!-r IT lie new Moa.l .lvr;l-l,it-- v a n'o'hai. -ll ik! . 1 - : W , W try. i. be 1. V. d I responsible : 1 .11 rat ue. wit 1 1 . I f W 11 It bin 11 . ternlerv. i , . r Vi'.uab.-'. s-Ue air.' li. o; notice-. 'I'l" 1 .n the territory The New - ".a -Tl e K- p'.b , w : ra.; e an 'i'he l'op.a.e a tl : 1 the K'-p. du air: K.ps. 1 a. .- r w Ah a ..lit :t he ge - a . hat. 1 c. a'l -jut i -; u 1, n g, ! t la i 1 est nu 11 iu 1 1 p 11 rt ic- d'- . i : tli 11: i-'-r ih. 1-1 ni 1 ii-i. .;ii-; ... W Cit' S.X Weeks 111. . t!,- thing wo-uM 1 p.; ,,, .. , , i.'Lti.Ulles-," YES ,:,8 ALL THIS IN OHIO. i i;i'f t .l,Ki ill T III 'llllli! I N I . ItO It Vl'l I I I N l. s. t. i.c! l"i imiiis Itillc-cl fincl h llllilM'r cit i-l i. i- on nclc-d 1 I Ii 4- l i I i l i:i in It v : ii i it I lie I'risoiM'i- li-oin a Moll. I In I iiIi-Ii mil in i 1 1 c Mill Vow I n rsl a I I Ii i '..ii: ; SI di. .1 .1 ; U .Mr-. u a 1' 11 ! a 11 1 V a i t "! a l a.i" ly lie '' ' a- in t v, n and t In- -In ritl' 'ate in ; ' ! t i a tlit 10 A -i i- I ' !!!.'. t t . . i ".. i.i'h J .1 .y u a., r. .. i hi- lr'-a'. a'l l s. lHeuc. 1 prompt v. The ci unit v offic:-r.- t I to .pia Wa-hh.' !:e m .1. (',a;i - O". sn. ih,t (,, lid ir;e ! In. ilia . take ) ehv. the I'eint. ntiarv. hut oot i .. ..--.e-,u ,,t' in chug-d. k 1 i i 11 g I :i 1 r, . ap'uiang :h - .iis !;. iuirn-.l '--i.iK to th. -.si ivl'..r tin- F:i - -ii.-ii-.- im ni. n- V-i-'T- nil C II C. II. ! 1 .ii) " '.. ''j 'lM; :1':,n'.V y'Jj . ' '' , ' Tu,.1." : lV "' . .to - ' i . 1 ia - . n v ,- 1,-e ,vi, ae-cr was aroused'. -; i r. C i. ., ..,. . ,. 1 - - :n ia and J..rcihle. II t,,l i ' i. it t he off- in c, The ei'-u il lil close: I ' the c-'lirt , , , , , Im , - ! ii ir do tL' t ! jo I :i I k - d. C.c. (T.ita'hlre.s, th, m. .:,..,.l -a .I-, so lad 1 1,,..- . : ii. la . Ii g w : 1 U a 1 1 I : u . lie . 1 1 o 1 1 i e ' l a -. ' i r. n r i t g : . I- ' 1 " . 1 . : ,i, ,j..r , ... w.i." a llasli and a r : i , thil r,,d Hie n.ol, ,. Id iii ' -K. 1 ! Favel le c ount V. tea : ... 11. Il. we as foiio.vs: 'The rtl- Tin-, e have li.-eii kh ed to,, w-oiiml.-d " I he i .... iie-1 a Littering ram and i 1 -i-i I.. ":.. at down the do, ,1-. .Not a i,t .i;,. f-,-! , t ie- so'a :ic I'- unii! the d cf ;, .:. .'. a-1. la.- 1 1, uis hi, -I tin- vie, y. I he ti'st fright vhi" da-, aw a v the i. j ,, ui.a.g " n .ii-i.- I " -U'i oiis iiml 1 ., .tinning ;, i 1 1 (. t . .-.a ,, . , ,.1. i ; lit ' 1 ipg load h. 1. ,iiii fiars i . o - - . 1 ' rihe : -aiuiy 1 1 re-i nt'orce be-ir own counties and townships. . klv 11.111-. ' The crow-.!: There will be a large exhibit of im 1 oi inpt to ..a ure dviei- proved road machinery on the State fair :, ,1 th v w ill blow up tin ' -d'ouiid. a part ot 'which will lie oporated iiia.'H... oir.i.c: i".,;-., andiOi ine ciiiioii v:n consist m ; coUDly -r.cii-i v. il j.-ks very ev.-ient pii.,,::er wii: hi-scape 1 lie-lore ,,g i , ,-, ', ,, k ; -night A' iiu' :in t ( b in r c! Ib'Wi I n -i '. Ii: :..n o torec, . -,. Artillery at tin-: a a . . . n;. '.-age a.-n ,!:-! ! til : i .-u:: II - m: d I mCoi. A. 1J. Coit. ill I the fact that toe people of North Carn dap : loops at Washing-i lina u.-e becoming aiomc-l to the im- -. .ii c- tiie rep art of i he j :- i I . . i i Ib'-.v - - "No reinfoi'i emeiits I 1 ,rr:'-'l. We c .11 hoi. 1 t lit1 eon r t i u hours. The doors wore broken ' :'., gumis tir l , n. ii is r.-poiti-'l ; . ai t hai th 1110a has p.-, ken in-! systems to 'he found in Mecklenburg !"--pi r li"U-e .ind tal-.en the pow - I cotintv, ('"I' our own Mate) in Virginia, : die mo-t . h terui : n.-. I mob I j New Jersey and. New York. This com--v 'I'he tro. ps u-e.! 1 a r. prec'au- j initiee lias just returned from ils extended i -li.-i i tl if d .1 mige M . :..,:' 1 an- trip, and its repot t is now being publi-he I .: a ti" a. I pic. eied and !:. : . lh- Citizen, it lia done a good work iia i t-. n-ae :aley 'li-aet-i'. (.)u; :i t only lor Buroombe. but a!s 1 for the .- a : r.glit now ." j whole Suite, and its report ought to be io 1. .- so i:u on-, 1 again.-t the : widely la-ad ill every county. It is hoped - li--u liiat a -a all i 'ice would be . that many papers will copy it fro. n the g-r there. Cen. 11 -wc; is afraid : Cit ion. It i. expe ted that the con. miile-e b in li- lie-r.'. ..v. r ihe shooting will also make a report to the K-nnl Im 1 1 .-,. nviv lie 10 b'ow mi tbe nrovemc-nt Assoaiatiot. in 7?ihi-.'n lld.i- i :i n. a di i court iiou-e. 1 he ciuii-j i c't i- ii-..w in the j nl iind 1 '. : n i :e: :.'! !.'--.:' lite, e r ran i'. ' - -- r. ' 1 A di I: r " 1 C. II.. -iv-: ih ilisner-eil in all three lillllie i: '''"-' , . a. 1 . s 1 , 1 . . 1 o. .'i.ien 1 ic-.iiiic-i W'-re c 1 .a w . a-s. -w , , . 1 .1 led around the! 1-1 t.re ; the ng.- "i H e- mo'' 11 C l I (J ' 1 .g,:iHt ii-uidit.a th- ndigeauo i was eft. r : .oil- !,d v. h, alien : . 1 1 ; i.-rvac le. I 1' -. A- tl.. 1 lire passed the lie. ' 1 s'.e a(j,i ;uy. All over tiie . b teiephoic. i -V . coiriir and bv n in - new. h -d -pr. a All the t-iiug to th,- city w-i'.e filled with h :-.-:.iii-k. in w;.g"t)s and on fot Ill, I! . lUi-hi ' vv i'l: .11 th - I 1 1 .. . : ...e.u-..g Maueoice a oat - e ; Xh-inwh.. ,,- , ,. , tT u a-hiii C emrt II"Um a - ;:.) w a. -1 an 1 rms and am- la Hilt a il all 1 lol'd V 11 Olote. Sllotll s W en .... 1 .. 1 1 , ; ,'1, ,1... 1 ;. , .. p.i. .,, ". . ' . ' ", ,, , ', ,. 1 , cot:. 1 .ig w ;;lt the bank lltlld. . ,.'. , , ,, . 1 ia -e --.(; : ;: te" b V exidps. the t MJ.it- , , .. ( , . i. : a-.. ' "t 1 ' erv . .. . 1 v, ;. a' ex e iw bo I v -. - "' ' . ' . , " ' ' '. , ; ', s 1 ' iiti''i""i i,i,i(ii'i'iir'i.t.'is ' " . 1 ''' , 'j v ,.,e p, or mines di awing loads varying trom two ' ' .' , "" .'. ' I'. K.s w 1. .e to (-lve tons and on a macadam r -ad in .:- - . :. F.civ -liaet w a- tloeel.,- - . v- t 1 I c 111011 count v. New Jersey two horses '. T-- , . . : vycro known by tho writer to pull a load :-;.). vi.i-ea-tiii 1 arrviiig away the , ,- , : , , , . 1 ' , 1 1 ' 1 " 1 . "t seven tous a distance ui tw elve tunes 1 wo. 1:1 hd. Biiviiess houses and. , ., . 1 - . . daily. g !: i,oi;-e w.rc converted into 1 ,,- , , , , . , . . ,,, ., , -,,.1 leruaps the roads best adapted to 1 .. All tie- -urg-oi's 111 the citv1.. , ,. ,- i 11. . , .. , . - j North Carolina conditions, and especially i.a'l !ii:.'s. r; e. Mother, sisters ! .. . '. 1 " ' thicker 111:1, adam than was used in New stale l air study ,i.r,.,,.i ltoa.ls. J' i-ey. The cheapness of the Canan-ii-, .. , . .,. . , 1 j M, p,,,. d dgiia wo: k, its heiiii: lone not by coii- 'lineiii he :ai I W I'll I' ! S- l I i- aVepportUliitV 1 . i- :i, r. : 1 . ' a I luipr.o eineat I .y : ,-.:- 1 ' a : , , s- lvt 1 n-bd : ...:i. ng ma. hii.tiy which will bp -ui! e "i it in operation and the dis- - that --. 1 : 1 ake place. "I" thai tin- "pportu nity will be - ii by th- p. ..pie of East Caro . -:. . :a 11 v 1 ' th --e o. 1 ur o .v : 1 :a .. Stat.- I,e a- g.-t m-l 1' the st Ue R ia ; I mpro '.'( Ul' lit : upon the in id 1 xhibii, which . . . 1 . e e ii,- atteii: ii ui a a i llie.vel.- Haeliiu. d :. li a- lime -.y.th bad - Ml., 1 ii'- wa 1 e le 'ai theie . s: .!.- a-i-.ii.i- 11111.it' ill :, I.,:.,- 1 towal. A one w 1. won i'l i :!? nii'.iute-. . s- ,1,. ;i,a'iiii'a.ii.h:i) race '.la iiv F. A. F. Sehade. V. V ! f At:. 1 ih.- tegular races I . Keibertson of Washing- r the mil" record on tiie W'a-i.lll. d ' S.l. '. . la woii-1 in '-a and mule it in -J.J'i. viry iiil.-restiiig and m af.racLivc feature at the Ka-i C..:o;i,ia l- ,.:-. i l it i: v i s i o i:v v 1.1 I'ow l.-r's anil -,'i-Im-,-s Warehouses an. I onleiils Itiii-ii.-.l - Vlso a l..il ol I . ii in lie r. ( hi We Ine-sl i v. 1 'a- : V ii in-t at ll". m tin-!'- w.a-a c'ii.iii- me at MniK-wu',, ."park, final tie -nv mid cf Me--:-. I. like ii- ( ".. :n.l ,1 the warehou-'- ol Mr. ('. I.. Viiwlcr iviiii Ii va- iic ar I" it and that wan- home and also Mr. Sam'l. Fiii-.U-c '. V ... I, unied. to .nalier with tinai' i-'ii.te'it. ot u'e'ia ial in. r. liandi - a'lla'-oa coii-h leial.'e ' ,11 m: ;t v ollinn I 'or hei"Ii'irie; 1 1 ' the mil! , Mr. 1-Yulei' w ,s the lieii.-t loser. lav er t h inj liiat u in li;- al c hoiis,- w is lii-tri'Ved. 1 M r. I-'c n .1 c- sivrd "id .t f.-w LariiOs ol'tl nr. Mi FoHlcfs are i!,f..iMUHl Wit- ah' lit 4,7(1; while Mr. K. it. 1. w:i, upward ol f400. ;in.l oi.i. lsiiao i'"0' i. in i iicj iioii-es .unicent lo have run the 1. .- in n.e.i i handise up to aliotit 41.01 mi. Tiie u arehcillsi - thill- !ve- v.-r worth tw or i lift n hlindi'id dollar, apic-ce. 'I'la-re was ... no iii.u; inc .- cell, el oil the 'u.:i:i'us.,r si.k. IIKTTIltt IM'Kl.K- KOA 1)S, l Tile .M o eiii.-nl Has I'ome t o SI ay The lEoail Meelinu in Kaleii.ll llnrlii- the Slate t'nlr lienor! From ew Jersey State Falrlteport Irom i- Jersey '"' s'loael it c- I, -i ai' . .;e . ng t u t he wi'-.t I.IWiird aidnt Mr (,ah alld Other States. 1 'Cl.eli t 1 !, , t l , ., . a": ,id , :,, I Ol- I Ii.mk ll:ill.l with 1.;. All gn-.it movements in hi-iorv h:i. sinaee.let after a large au.ou t of talk and agitation. If the agi t at on -how-s - tha the ii.ovt-iiicnt lis but little merit . - ia it. th.- pe-iple get tiie 1 '-fit imil drop t ir If 011 tho utlitjr hand. hb is the ca.-c I . willi 'tlii move befer r.iiiils. it is toll ' "f merit and of vital importance to the; o ...ill , : .: : . 1 i'e"'.e. ii win c.iiuiiiiie logiow unii i ii lias o.(o lie a part oi tile- p ill, y and jh.ic tloe ut r-verv i. MilliUinltf . " We hu vu lieeil . ' .'l.hcn on t he .a lie-1 ion of inibi i.- road im. P l'o VC : 1 1 CM t s for so long a time that it re- airc a cotisielerable amount Qt agila- - l;oii to wake us up so that ve realize the 1,"I,ll"1' liiu once aioiiseci t lie pt-OJiie m S"Hh -an be ilepemle.1 upon tu . "o i ue I'g'ii iiiniu ui die- r.yiii way i UOAll MtidlNl, IN" RAI.KK.lt IlflilN'. TIIE STATK y A I Ii. The gnat road ccmtere.i'e. held I 'I,,,,,!,,,,, ... , I i . v 'ii'"-t' ui Fnniiijt'i , ;ui"ii' :it'U 10 i 'cet again in Kaleigl. on Wf. I n s h. - ! right of the Sure fair week, at S oh lof k. ii," tl. I. .,11 ..-tl. IT , .,, Ii v.'.Fers'tives. It i, expected tluu all .f tlW- pre- but 'nhi-ont :u fh- Fbarlotte ,u-liiitr ami manv s' 1 1 o ' .... . . , - 1 ' " " o ' o . o '- w i I o o i e -se... a.- , u Iditimi d delegau-s In.in miier e, nnti.-s iri"''1 attend this mm tuaj i Baluigh on Octoher 34tli. l,very ciiien of the State 'wl.O i intl.re.tl. I in h-o-in,,- !.,., ,-r. .,.1. land ntis includes e ve 1 v 1 ' 'c 1 v t is invited to attend Among Hie .listinipstitil person- w ho will nddn-s the mctling a re o oei u r .1 , - - - 1 1 Carr, cn. Boy Stone, the tryernment ! r";"' engineer, Washington, and I Jon. S 15 Alexander, tliC hither ol the Mecklcn- "dig g0 in i yiiia iil"v emeui, ail 1 Uliier 1 1 ul'1 d'OUi'ily re ti.e last State tmot- 1 ' ' 1 v tiie Road Jiiiiiroveiiic-nt.-is.so- idiou ihis year, and we de-sire to have it 1 tiie largest. 1 ,c t evetyl'ti ly who wants betic-r r. ads cc.me. and take out in tl.i. . n.'-'. l;ug, and see the exhibits, and then gu 1 ,,,;e and s'art or pu-h the i.i"VfjUK-nt in unit u an he seen at work, tjne part . 1 I : i - . a . ! . i- . .1 .a.tltt r.i.w ii-. . i-L- ...itl. I "i'iiii- n iwi wuik. wuu prices and 'h'seiiptions of tho mtu-liine &. that every i i'd'iy can nee-just wnat a ("iintv ought to ' pcn ha.e- as ail outfit for this work. I lirxroMBE s koad Commiitkk's it f.p. . r t. fine ofil . , id,, tr- , . -o ., ' c: 'a sir it n Is o portane" of this m.iy.ni'iit lor letter . . i j ,1,.,, , i , i work in the right way is seen in the action of 1 he a u t horities of Buncombe comity in se-11. hug a committee, of citizens to carc- fullv examine the ljest roadsand road I oer -J4UI. The linc-st roa 1 seen by the committee were- in New Jersey, w here indeed the iinest roads in America are be found. ... 1 .. -. , ,,, I 1 ue-. loiiiaiiie. inaei, i...i..'ai i.:u ii(ij rock, nine to twenty-two ie t wido, and j 1 n . .- d 1 , '1 1. .11 ..... ,1, . an o. iiiean iiiivt: nt-eu u.lil. iinoei ine I Dn these I '11 Liiee- ri, .ik i- ill 1 to t rl-i 01 en 1 1 V sepo t ve- ,-0 hor-es 1 , , . , 01 euu iniaiiee-s, .wac; seen o ine . . i- - - ,, ' - x- . s-- .. ,V. . i.e. 1 . s..s--s. ...v..- ... ..-i..,.r. 1 Five members ot vour committee act- 1 ing 011 the advice of Gen. Stone, accom- - - , . . .. i '.there was found a character ot road im provement best adapted to our mean ipteci 10 our means. ; were collecting the and piling them up . s, where the county i m and hauled the 1 le.re the farmers stone otf th ir lielo 111 convenient p.ace hands crushed them and hauled the metal to the ad iacent roads. Thev sul- v o. .lie o ,i luuimiam uui tA.a..iui. o.iit : .;rt H,ul eiht t0 en iu(.llts Ul:,.k. , , , , , , , and used ihe material unscreened, prelen. , ... . 1 l i .1 a, u.iier ix 1 1 i.e3 iiiiAtia lull , . r- , . , . . , . - . mis point i.as ins.) i 1 . 1 01 il 1 uei "v eit n. Stone). T ho cost of these roads, we wen told, was irom foOO.OU to SDOO.OU tier ) ., , , ' I miie: and we drove over one which hail i . , . ,, ,. I not exceed, d the smaller figuie. 1 , - ... , - . ,, , , 1 Fvervoim with whom we talkec 1 seemed ; iiliased with the work done, and general- 1 lv rccom nu Liled a narrower road and a , o 11 i . , o . v nil. . ..... o . oe ., . . ... 1, ' 1 i ii lal a 11 eg lac citizens, en ,i. " nil i.it ii 1 1 ... ., lea ure-"I our v sit to that place. , , . ',, .1. A. I lOI.MhB. . i . - .1 r dp ( ,ei 1 o-.rwr and Si,:-. ..n- ,.t ,n-t 1 Carolina Road Improvem Ciation. t A-s 1- Other Kind Words. We , e n.a 1 iii"iii u o: .1 .11- ll"lil.UL .til- th.-r in reference lo the kind w ords trom ii thought o! saving nothing .... , , .- 1 he state-papers, but when it 1. Irom so near a neighbor as the, Beaufort llt":i!d and the Kliistoii Free Press, and th rough a .oii-ee that i-imt given t., --latly" we can appi'i ait- il in the proper .p'u it. This Iron) the ia.-t issue ol'tl. e Fi.h1 I'iii "The Nov Berne Daily .Iochnai. h.i en iniprio.-d lately l.y Ihe Mill, ui !' lll-.v 1.. pe all i a new he ..lill-g. fee Flee Pn-.s ...n-'i.-r- 'Ihe .iolKNAI. about a. uo.i'i a .ia.lv as c -Il b publish,. 1 w HI.. -lit thep:e-s i . .,t,-hc-. wliicl, -i l"-.Ii th. sic it is publi.he'l in wiil not atlo'd. The -bil'KNAI. always strongly advocates whatever is lor the be-t interest ol than in w hieh it i- published. ' rcpumiean at -xa. agii is epioied :n saying nun nision is -eating larthcr and tartlicr apart eveay ,1;,V. h- "."se. he says, the Populists want , to dictate to ttie negro on every .puestiou. V id'ominent colored rcmib'iean at',..,,,,..... v.,,,- , , . a .1! . ( I." U i:'S DKMDl i; TK i; u. , U'T.MHIK.ll llMI U lll.l Ills. ( issis mi n in ii sin in. lie t.ites I. Mini; lilouslo Itolli I lie I'oinilisl an. I IC.-i u ll i a n I'arlies. A D.-lll el ,' : ,, 'a ,- i ;,' 'h e,r h 'ii -e To 'i : -d . . a " h: . a o -- .. i ' lie.' .11' . ". I . , : I ' e can ii la:. .; .: i orator. Mi. A iinetin'. Cai.t Ih-.aa p ( i 1 1 j In - : ;n r. .. iu. e 1 ji i '.. .a , i,-, i j. , h . .1, '. ti-! iiiii-iil a., n. u :i. '. al iiarea i . p a. n .:. . v. e .:i tiie i a m I .a . 1 . I V p 'ki- ! 1 Of i N , , 1 1 ' I i tic l nioii u-,,ar ti.e D, m.e;;ie admii We a , , !,: i . He tl en pro e , i ' I tance ol a pi.:.- n i h.t -re h ... Deu.o. ; a ., uia n I !e wc n: on t. . -:,o w :!..- wlial: icc-:I,t!v ie -i ac i . in- re i'..r the re'ief ol tin- dill l . oil- eleven months o ,i other C aiiri'e- In !', ll - cijuuuy. i '"' iio,L. i ,t pie ttoni the c heap -nhm ,,, w . .1- other aitai.. ..i ,,,11 u-e. I, ! l'ca.-on ol t he 1 . . 1 uel a ,n ; ; , l ; A , ;.r He-iiid the '-tar 1 .:' u! , ,e. pudding w ,- ''o we Ii iu- tr--. th If- pnhhcii'i parly an i kn.ov u!i,;:t!,,- ,,",.,c ,,r,os. 'Ic paid alt. i.taa. 1,, tin- I'.o.h.!-,. a- .1 I 111- I i-.ll 1 s 1 ! " i L..I l,,ii,... I I,..- .... ; ... v . - ' ,u' -1 " S"-i; in o .o .m a n .u i ua, ""in g' -"d pec p.e- a a. I c.o.i. , I Kansas, . evada. (' mm a - : j and I he f rnlel' S- ,,'e h 10 i.cai .,; la. i (-'"lll'";(-:i "1 n il w d since thatp-i c,'11':'-i- . "-;' " ' "" . ' ! ?-;t-'. 'lo ...to . I. lit l.y 'I' - s .r--.. .. ..v.. v i.' .p "c i. lii-lefe or since thy war had . u-l had dnl, I. I'"''-'; w a a h all.' it , , , in!. f'fl".lW h;"f ""' 1 -ll V.I'IIJIL'" 11 ill I III.!1' .(;.'' ! : m i , , , I V ,', - 1 ' ' ' '.V ' ' 'I'l'1' l'1--' I - ' 11 ' ' ':l ' ' 1 I' hv . 0- I nil 'lie- V ill tile W hole wor! I. -joli 1 1V,'KT a",1l ",e ,n,or , ..i,Vi-' ' t -ireth-i I :l".',,.tu,,v r1 "ni.-N ,,,! ' 1 - ii. i aai , U Mi l.,,.,, -. . .. I, . . l ... ! n'"l'Vu- U. h ,l """ ' iiii . i . . , , , 1 ,H'fl ' , !, Ul' '"; n,i:u!,.i,-,s ! dailgar "I s -V, r ,, seheu,'-. lint ha! . : " ' j iie cien d v i.d a oeaut.iu' nine id 1 1 1 1 - 1 1 : 1 11 .S( v. 'ii t. it .nu - t. . . : 1 . lit.. . ' V. ,-' ; T "Ul: "" 'sf hnli .1.,.. . .. u.;,..t up.'ti ' . h' u lV .' ; -ir..ni). 'v-'""v-""-' '-""".'.."," , ,,. ii.-e, ".. sti long as ihe- pr pie ;,iL- tin- to I ' .e :- se.ves. Cpt. ii ul. .way go. . t., M., -vi ,- ;.. h.y and then to R c hiar.ds. lie coi-shler. the pn.spec t briglit h r. ever he h is bee n an I "oon-i'h is th. , tiotiol th.- entire Democratic ticket ! Uul Tin: vrin: fa lit itv its. The rentest Trials ol' Sii-e.i in lts:j ltei'i.ril Ma ny Ki. tries of t.ooil liorses. One of the ! 1 i e-t attractions ..! the ,0 a- 1 - jm,(Y,..,t St.t'e For Oetobr .! I fl, ' . .. , i o-,r, .),-.:. ,,-,11 u ,i.,, ,,., , , .lt! trottimr and runnin-r cl.i-se-. Keitiiiv j entries h ue been made the ima rs c o.m fi 0111 all llal't. of our ow n Stale, all. I IV..III 1 Virginia. Marvlan.l. South Carolina' Feunsvlvaiiia and the Di-tnet .-t t cjliim - li-, "u i .- il : ,e 1 1 'A- ma - t i ia r.p 1 - i , s 1 , . u p. . pom the books ol the Secretary's olli.e. kack No. 1 iiihi.k MIXfTK ' h A s s. M 11- i .. ll- , i i . I, a 'i"ii':i i . i v, r . i .ae k . na e.-i i ; Uioctaw. by Aianiii'iet- 1-ar-n, ' .riiiiain: Marie l'rescoit. by .1. T. Bigg-. H-i I-! .Ul... H il .... I' 1 II , V me, i-n 'i ii..e-. oy .. .u. ue. 1 1,1,1 it.pui.ucan to see the n-'lstratloii , 'iiginia: M iv McGr.-ifor bv li. L. i b..,i.-. tc-iii. i, rr...,i ti,.,. .0..1.. Jacobs, M.n v and; Mamie II. b'. ' M Harden. Durha n: Maimiie. bv .1. Bruc.-. South Carolina; Ft in . 1 R iy. ' 1 y i Ceo. I). Be-nm tt. Cohl.l'oro, hac k no. :j 2,:j.j i-. s. Pre-'pn- C. P. A' n,t. (rrc-c-nsboro- ( ' n-n iria n . l.y A la 1 a . p ; Farm. (Irtiliani: Willu! Winnie, by .1. T ; Biggs; Reidsviiie; Lal'a A.i.leis.-n.' hv T. : M."ilewitt. Viruini-i.- Kiltie II nut. Sou- uel Hunter. lVtlllsvlv.ini..: Win-i,,-, bv , A. F. Moore, M ow land; Nellie .b-weti. bv Ceo M. Harden. f)n rha in I a ia be : -J . .M. Sm it h. .M.irylanu: Kliei-nivoit. i-y J. W. Bruce. South Carolina. race no. 4 stake ltr.NN jxi, km k. n' . , ,. , ,,- ' Wild It llPl 1'ess. I A Watson. a.; Helen S. bv li. p. w'i am-. New !, in. ; Rlas. by Alamaii.-e Farm. Gin .am; , 1 llll;h:.-.,a- i,,. v 11 i., i.iov w... '.;,.,.. ",,,'.o.-.. ...... ,,,, , ys ,. ..I. )...,. ...I 1 - 1...... 1 1 ". , 1 " ' -vii'-j vioc. v..Miii.ieiiee, ov -a j. ivi iii-. i. ic-- drew a pistol o ii row 'kes, but wais can-dil burg, a.: Maid of Siuecii l.y .1 .1 . prevented flom sltootin.' as Fowlkes Roche. Lynchburg, 'a.i 11, by W. II. ran into a store. Theie was considerable Joyncl', Galysburg. excitement, but no one was hurt, it i. hack so. 5 2.2 1 ci. ass. ' hoped that the affair will go no further. Aiice Burlew, bv Alamance Farm,' D. M. Morrison. Z. F. Long. A. M. Graham: Clipper, bv J. W. I'.-av. U-ids.- ' ,)""- ' -amermi were before II. villi; Kittv B, bv T. M. Hewitt, Vagi' all. a justice of the peace, at il o'cb" k Dutllev. l.v -I. M. Smith. .M.I.: Frank ' ou Iu'a,'c warramts. The ease was c-ontm-Russ. bv J. L. Barringer. Md. - ,lU '"'Xt. ; bond ot being reipiiiv 1 . .', of ec h defeneleu t. ha. .-. -so. . -.10 . lass. , Jim Sherr'iU, by W. C. Frah y . Sail- i,Wy; 1-rus.n'ie Isle, by ( . 1 . anstory. Greensboro: .Morton .. by W . h . Hick Kalcigh; Prmes Albert. Bennett. ( b.h l.h o 7 ,, , Tr , , '""p ' V",-, "V", . , " ' w 1 f"1'' AUlal.a . ht.-l. bv I Dull v. - u', U,I.ie: M IV 'V,',''e-,,r h' V 'vlcjbs' , M:"'-v::l'"': ' "' M'-'i" . 1;- - E. Smith, Per 11- , van 1 1 ,- Lil,, l, .!. .M j Smith. Maryland; Fannie (hud Du-i. hy ... , , ... . , , , . , . , . , . , , , - -d' .. ; m.. pee, ,y a . o . Iillll-e. -V' llelsOIi .-s. i ; i. . 1 io I , ,, , , M. Hanle-i,. Durhain. li.K t: xo. i) l- Ill.K t un M.i.. Lis-a. by Alain iiuce F.inn. binlm Mamie Wood, bv Skvlaad Fai-n. Wi: , ... ,, ,, ston; Aliss I ho up- u. bv I M. H- w 1 i , - - ,. , irginia: Bi 'oe'. i . l.y . I-.. . h . 1 1 . ., ,, lennsvlvaii a: - ... -v.. i-. i- Maryland; P - Marvhmd, I ' -. RACE NO. 10 -s-I-Ki: ldNMV.l It - 1 I. King C'a-iiiiUs. b .' F. A W i.;. m. Va-gi-:--: Bia-. bv A 'a n -n--e F ' rn . 1 .- a n; Iaiv A: . '.' b .1. II B. 'i' !.,. . (.Hle'.-n tl be hv F. II. .( a h!,., W ..-..; i ,g- ton. D. C. ,- (liiceii of Spa l. s. by T a - , . , , , - . , , ,,,, . , , , , - Voiilll... -'lllll,l, "I ... I . 11 ,IIJ - , ,, . ,- .. , - . , ,, Aslievilh; Hope (..It. l.v .1. .1. K eh, r ,, ,, , ,, I-vnchbiir-: II. bv W. II. .bo ue-r, .an . - - - ' - bur., -' HACK N'o. It TllUKK-YKAIt-ol.l. ( I.ASS. Kitty Hawk, bv ( i-.i-s iV Liuehan, Kil- pgh: i I'tii! W uul-, by J. T. Biggs, ir 1 si - , 011. - 11 1 a , .,i 1 i 1 1 -1 n . 1 1 - Durham; Rhea-H.voli. by.I.W. Bruce, soiuu 1 aiodiia. 1; . 1 so. 1 3 . .10 , . s.. Co, k K ! ' n. by W". F. Black. R ih igh ; Lookout, i y A' diianee Fani. iir.1. un; Kitty B. by :'. M Hewitt, 'irg:nia: Kitty Hurt, by S.niu-i Hunt. r. Virginia; Win". .ur,., bv A. 1'. Moore. Marvland, Dmlh y l.v .1. M. Sniti:. Maryland: Fianf; I!u-'.. by J. L. Bill 1'llger. Mdwhili.l, V. V,. It sand ,r- III -n;e. races in waaulht- eat ric- c o--e t he . 1 ;- be-iole tie- r .. e. I'l'tmltHo ISapttst ..-.. in I'm leetiiu. Ml Friday, tin- P.ith in-t about tiltv deh-giitts to the AVhitp 1 i ik Primitivi- BaoVi-t A-soeiaiioii inns,-, I thioii'di i n n to Newi..:t to attend the liieniiif T,ie ln.eih,,, b,.g;ns .saturdav and holds tlU(H. paVs. ' 'ple a's.ot; uion embraces about tw. Ae 1 ol- tif.LX.a uaties. 1 V I A I. M KI I I M.S l:M. merest lie. p I ii I o the Ins I .... ,, , I'rolessioiis 1 i iilriiiiri M. I . Meel- i iiu e l Week . 1 h '. -I o! t In- sit."- o! lie i n - - "o- :" ! 1 ty Kva- j- ,-t w. i;. i,.,;, - .. 1 e-.-e:i-:,:,, j, J 'i-e.bvt. i , ,'n ( 'hnrc h lh'- . ,ly Wi... I e'd Friday I . -hi.TI 1: , ,.,r. . :- --'l x ,tli all attc lit ll. . -aijl -ja- I'h .'ill t In- pa a ' , I , . ,' oi 'ho I -1th, ehaplll! , t.i,.,. - i, - a-iuM p.,. ,,.,.,. .. ilh "iie ac cord litan to inak..- e ha - - o! Ins reiuai k-. lh -linwel to bejlli will, ,v lillll the , , -Uses n-i. ,v I,, !l dd.-a t,. the -llpp, I- and uli 1 e nil- in ic tl.ii,.i ..: .11. h a ( I ".- lua Im I's ol I lien i were " 'l'a-e.lcd l .,, lh.it ilio een.. s de:e i hv llio.e w I,,) iun, ,.irk lr. an : ' .-ii- hi art- and lives the . , ' Ii uoiil.l not stand l !' .r.: e, n !' ""11 J- " ' 1 ill' 1 j nient and e' ilea '" ' h' -e si ; I v unr. a-, -n i1 a, . x . - t" Almi'thn ( ,,'l. 1 1 ia - le an c-.-o-ri,- .1 i c . . . i .. . i . ail aril, -t ii'ia ', , -, i ,,- t ' h r . f-What Whl v.- ih, W.th .h-i Jh- then. 1 1.1 1 he sinoill- of the lil (1 ll"'- -elli. m. ll who h oi pio'es-io.i ,,t' reho;,,,, a,,,-;, tin 1 1 1. el 1 1. s I ' 1 'U- ' "I ' , 1 u , - The alter meeting w.i. th. i.. -i 1 In- . i;-;i e series; the spirit of w , pi'-.e-at with coiivincin.r m,l ,.,,. . p .a. 1 and over a score of souls mn a. ' 1 . -.-: -.a ,11 ,,f f, it h in Christ. I In- total number ,.( pioli-.s.ioi,-. in . hahtig both conversions unci n-c hiin.u 1 lion... w us ln;. (If this number tin ' .'ea jmiiioh wen: new converts. I lie 1 1 .-. -v ; 1 1 oi !' I leg toMr.l '- was , Ul.T... Tell- c I a ; h'-el II) Hie cltv. nil I lie intern.! i. ,li,.,. li'-i- 111) ll 'I , , I , I I I id if . V 1 11 OO si lien the to,, At i I ,, li a ,t that tho w.iik "ill !. , a:rii.i uim-UM a i ! j ' . 1 1 - forward m the s,.;. s i - ir-'s that begin t-.inoiT.iw night in c n.i-i-a-y ,u. i:. i imrc Ii and -1. ' gi and. a III' -'loiaou- results lo: ,-.. uia y i I I ie. Mr. lido. !...-.,, tin.-, morneg (ir .-i.Ji. i. I. V ll Ii lll. IM. I IUN-t M ' Knlar Ie.-i,le.l l w ill m.,,.-t the street itmi.Hnu. Fpor, the c-omole-tion -l the t wo n, w ,, stori s w i..eh Dr. N. IF Street is buildim. .n ion M i. Ic Uc street, the Clark Baking Com r-.nv win .hom- ironi nieir present iiiar- tei's at the market dock into one of them. 1 i . . . 1 . . 1 1 1 . i "; o..m-iv cieparuneiu win lie 111 Mie 1 I , axvn.n', the selling room just ahove; cnleeiionanis will also be sold 111 Ihe ; ijiki'i , anil c amnecteu with it will lie 1111 . , v - ,-r rc-stauitint in winter and an ic e , -,. ,,,, p;l-()- jn sUtn,n(.r The- icmoval of the bakery is due to , ,,0 ti,.lt jt ,u,j,i,.Ss p.)S ,,ut'grown its ! ,,r. .sent cap ieitv and .piartors, Tilthou"li it has two laree ovens in use. The 11. w iloc .tion will be a very convenient, on. ..wing to being central and also in ia. ; peel to its inte rior a. i-ingemenls. i Dr Street will make the building a handsome one. It will be thr e stories in he ght besides the basement. The tint 1 floor w ill lie stores. The next oilices tor l:i. Y. is and others, while the third on.- ,, , ll. I. I , , . ' ' ' u,l-x' i-i,, a I'l'il. v rente, it tor hp tiiii-iiiis.1 1 Tl-rrnrliinr I ik II... T..i,i.-llnMr,,r . . . .. nc-iiiH.iin i llilil-rl ion ol isoolis As i . . ' -minted. 1 A special from Rockingham to the W ; , 111 ingt on Me Sse-iiger says I h at ua uk I,,,".., i.i oi ... I..- U I.i f . 1 : ,.n..ii:,i iii 'i, .a itjHui n nu.- ui mis eon n - lv I, ... lein. tin ti.e 1 Oth. amilication wa- made to Registrar M . II. Fowlkes I,-, ...... Z. F. Long, clerk ot the court and caiidi-: late for re-elec on. asked U :gi-trar Fo.vl-! kes to hi. office to see t he la w on the su j ci. Fowlkes went. Soon several other (iepnh'.icjins came and. an etii.rt was in ailo xt rt a nromise from Fou Ike-lo show - , - i i I ii , . . . 1 1100 Ks next la , 1 1 11-11 It-j rrlil-t' I. I '. M- -M ,rri"n r- him and made an . I ' Ml',kl: 1,11,1 Hili' l!l k- ' 111 l'd'ycnte 1. Fowlkes lelt. 1-d ly m xt morning Fowike. had pea. Wi,n'ln!'- ,'-a(l lor A- M '-'''' W. F 1 ' Jiornson. .1. I. 1 a.nercm. 1 on 1 itniiuei atiei 1 ue wi ns w ere serve I F.olkes was stiinding iu front of th -bank talking when he was approached lo A. .NL L.uig who struck him. D. M. Moi i n on then came 1111 and struck at Ie.10 several times with a stick, ac Ivaneiie' a. Fowlkes retreated. Finally Fowlkes .1.. . , . ,lle a pisioi iui 1 vvarnod M Ofri son ta .. . . .. stup, wlncli lie (lid. A. M- L,ig then Bnrk Kitel.i.i on rieveland. In 1S84 Capt. Buck Kitchin mac speec h in Raleigh in which he said: ..:.., 1 ', . - , , , ' es. veunemen. 111 s man urcn.-i CV Vl 'a'"1 ttel as the shenlf l a c.untv v., kw wliat u U,U1S;U1,1 ,,,, ,ha, !' '""t time the development f tl.,-1 ,,1..,,. i.i, hone-ty. his politeness, his man- ; 1 es. gentlemen. this man Grovel In- grace was so manitest'-.l thr.t he w 1- mac p .Mayor ot t he cltv ot Sulla o i;ut thl m.lD ,vas such a brilliant man. in- a a. such an holiest man, that th. v tb.l n -t li t him remain but six months and t " V made him Governor of the great si 1 p of New Nork. and before his time exp led 01 New York he is taken up by t'-p 1" oplp o the- I'nitpil States and mad. tap . ai.di.l.ite of lh- grandest party thai ' v 1 ilia d up an (hi. earth. Till- is thi ne. 11 we present 10 y nu. a nd t his i tiie in an we are here to n.tily the nomination "i 10 night. A man without spot and w . 1 le u: blemish. t.ooil OinvRHvlnit ly VV. II. Henry. A special to the W'ilniingion Me-scii-g' r from Soiithport siys that 11 crowd w. hii li tiairlv lillil the court house g i,. good attention for two hours mi the Pith, inst. attpiuooii to a smli delivered lo W . It. I lenry. Iv-cp, c t am e. f h, veas a forcible one and was internipied by freoiient aioilnusP It ., .inn. ln,.nvlilL. m,,st convincin" Di spe.e-1, over deliveiv 1 therta III . : 1 1 . I . . . i i , le.-;i;.V lll.ipe.l 111.' 1'ClllO.ratlc this KH tion. p:,!H Mr. Henry si)iks in two other plaee-; 11 Brunswick this week. I'a i r I'.il- Ir.i . I S.v. at the New Berne Fair N ill l. sights ric h and rue: 1 1 unii and Keizonsteui are a paii Who will draw many people ihere. Tin- above is the joint pro. hi. ! ,a .. a-iiet"il Battle and slipntl' Fan-- ..t Nh w h 111.-. 'fin- above is taken from Ihe Durham l'.in.s. Although the tianer 1 redils the y. re 10 two 01 .xpw lie! lies b.'st known citizens but we think it w:i triiimiod .nil hy A. Hatehelt and one imt .pidi. so,,l.;; as G. W., is either. , 'fl,,. Durlmtu Tinmc -,.i.;..t. The Durham Times which is nntivl closely i.lcutihed with New Berne Craveu county and is always eng. r m -ay 1 w anv form. either in serious ,.r light vein, a word that will Hem-tit the place. 1 I S l,u I I i." I'lckdl l , Ii, III I mil IMilrli la I u a s in I In- S nti. - ill - a 1 ' o M i e -p..ak a I,. ilk II I 'i ,riie T,- .-In.-,-, pio ,11 eer u hat ll V" ' : !: I ' of la mi 1 1 i 1 ,- . , , . ' I 'll I M UII ''' ' . iVil : -Uahoa,. , j,.,. ,. ,,).,,.,.. ,,,., ' 1 I ' ''lo "I p.-, . 1 1 . - u hieh -he ale. a Da si- ... M'. ." i, It. W ..... i . : , . .vi,, , f,; i, ,; I had a -. . r - -- f : . :; I . ,i : i , o .1 i- ,ar ,., I ' ;l ' ' -n ol "-, 1,,:,,.. a, I .. But -,li,.U ''' -'lad ', s., !,- u i , h , e. if, i'i'oe 1 , -: ,,: ,-. :, , , m i v . ' ' I p ' ,,,, ', ,. i .. sti, (. .- -I'lie i Ii- and Ilia, lions :- i In II ' A i c la y tine d'rec l from tie- Yah. ily Mill Co. H-iainl Ho..!- Ma "... in tr the till i -i. i; i1 ' I i . ( I -e: ii e. .nl ll IJioiirt' ' , a, x i,'-h! I 1, ' ' : -. - . .,e lueled F:e- U , II, ;,!,-: , bur, I. -. s.jj, j ,. ;, .':l .,,,.1 M,,i, 1'h : ' !i-' Tl.es- i !i v -,..- I., M . Henry - : . I !- - i u -. I a line I la' 1. . ,. a ..,. ,. ,-, . nl dive pound.. We had. , ; I., .. Times t hat mi Siiii-I..-. : . 1 p a ..-..in.- i,-si 'h Ii. c- o Mr. ( . I p. . , ,, I'lial-. ' 'il-I-ea e.aili'i w a - .est f, e. i i 1 l,y I Ii re a' t w o o'eha k Sinai,. lil .1 I in A i the la im 1 . w . ia a a, a I; a h an The i I. il 1 ling was in -or,-. ; ;,n ,i .inn.. Mrs. Fan. 11. e lb. bald-on. wit, ot Mr. i Win Ifeli. ; Fi, -.-. .- , ' I le I at her home at .-. m a r stone-Anil on 1 ind. she was about. i M e . tn s-M r irs ol ii j, a'al . go, ,1 inenil.er of ll.e ll-' 'le hue I, 11, , hll-ball.l unci -.'Vela i grow Ii 1 nihil' li -il:ellil. lie- I lah ,g , N'e a - and 11,11 '.cr suvfl that the. old) ai ha- oe n a-1 lo Me-srs. 'I'll h. 1 .V C, .. I 11, ,1 . l-a I, got) army blanket- l"i lh'' N il'." , 1! (,u:,i, f t,', State. I h.- 1 - lli. hi. I litm- thai s.ieli a u 11 1 '. a . - 1 ,-, 1, v. 11. p.;, h il. a. the p. , ,, ., , , .. ; pe- m-, , f,,t Stat, .Viten, , tloop ha- : 1 .1 1 Inn Id a. Imit- I ca 1 ol lie 1 p ;: rea -Much w. ia, .- in pn.gr, ai tin- State Fair groiiii b. 'I he W 1 ! m i 1, gom MeHsen ger Las a rep.n.l 'aliug lhal lln-i. will lie exhibit- fr.. 10 Iwo-thiio. ol ll.e c otmlii-s. This is a ver I ng-. 1 1 . a 1. 1 r 1 101. and is very gratilving now.. The Suite Fair should ha sii-i:i 1 in 1 hv ei ry c .-unly in the State. 'fin- for open. mt Tuesday anil holds h .1. 1 . l.. A lellor lo Key. F.iwaid Ihi'l 1'ioin Col. (his. F. Fpliain. Fr. saf id ol the O ni ne. Ill 111 Yell-ran I'MllL's ' 1. 1 i! ana I ion of Ihe ci-rtoiity "l ileai aii yd iii New B im- ol. ll.e I 'ah i..". . . .. I., jonii and lie all reply I n lb .hdhaiioti ol ilin monument on the 11;h inst Fuli par ticulars ol the arrangement for ll.e dedi cation will be sent clown when til" e.mi mittee has another meet. leg. 1 I 1- - " ' " Is mm- ii. igh-Tli.-se . re the h.it are now to i h.ir inaioi i v r...o.t,a. most 1 Ul pollil lit UP-! be propounded. The h gistrali m books . .1... O-.l. ..... ... i i.a a .. 'I'l... ,'. , "'.'-' . -" "-"r-1 - ' ' - ' ...- vietol'v .. -l a! 111'e 'o ifoer.nil t ie a,le.s , ' '" , l'o not n-t neg e. a or over c-ou u enee . "T ."."" ':r veiling. I apt. Swill l.dhiw ppi'a lv ein- ! ,1,:, ; t ,,, ne.lt., a ,. apathv" Tho ... . . .- . i , . i.i . . s..n 1 1 n iei n ,. t 1 1 n 1 1,-. . , , e a 1 1 right out K. l" If -t be foliowe I i-ciioii. n..- iiiaiemini - v.-n 1 imt. " '' 1 ''ha' la v. ka ha- added to its force as . hn l . ..ok Mr. Heni x Wilh-n brink, I'ornipih with lh'1 Ilolli ml. n ho'e'. Cleve land . I Ml io. ei ie i f 1 !n lil: ! hotel, in that i' ,.. .. lie i I li I i I i w ' a. - - led . , . 1 - - s. 1 v 1 1 e : - : ii- -' - .1 p pre .a 1 1 it as 1 - 11 1 : ' a i I I 0,1 1 ll.e ll igl 1 l.y .11 :i -. oi a ! 1 1. h 1 hey ,-l I I 'i lie I i" so c Mini throughout, an I 1 an r. tidily I. 1 com p' i aicii' 1 1 y -peak ol 11, e ther. a WWW W WWmW WW MTT T IMP W V 11 II J I M 1 I J ll T MlMUtk kikk II AT H B. DUFFY'S, CONTINUED L:i. 1 n-s ,,ii- 1 1 d il i 11 1 ly 1 11 v 1 1 i d to call iind milk.- :i t li.d t. ugh i-x- ;l miliiit lull of our Sli.rK. No Iron 1 ilc to show 01 1 t b 1 1 111 g b . i

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