- TEE WEEKLY JOOBNk sVld MUOOBS33mi !j $1. - PER TEAR. --$1, &rtb.Eenlt of l&Tttm in 1 "" v ' ITh E WEEKLY JOURNAL! In Advance. INDEPENDENT IN ALL THINGS. Sl.00.Per Tear Single Copies, 5 dents. NEW BERNE. CRAVEN COUNTY, N. C. NOVEMBER 22, 1894. VOL. XVII. NO. 35 HiiH G 1 k nUKv lift. AXMif wvfl lam 4 GrcatTomptation IT WOULD BE A Great Temp tation to - some folks had Ihey 33UCh lot i DRY GOODS, Boots &Shoes BGT2 STAPLS fASTIY; Hardware . W00DEH & WILLOW Glass Ware and Tin Ware. OUR : : PRICES CAN NOT BR BEA.TEN. nnaanni COMPETITION CalI and examine and be convinced. Come and see our SAMPLE CLOAKS They are Beauties and Very Cheap, V Bespectfally, Hackburn & Willett. 25,000 Heart Shingles, LOW FOR CjVSU? CALIFORNIA PEACHES, 3-ft cans at 20 and 25c Bpqxu Cobs, Dbjxd Peachbs, - . ))EIEJ ASPLE8, Fl?rB PBUXES, . Elegant Corded Beef, Fixe BUTT EE, ajxd Cheese to beat THX WOBLp. Big Drives jn TOBACCQ, . ow for Csh. Dome and see me and get Hnappj." WAJHISGTO- LETTER. The B laane InculUbleXni. Cleveland Christens the St. Luls- -The Counter Committee Won't o to California to e Which of two Little Hrbn Heed reepenina;--May v iJiter- Th CoimIb ( K(rM 4aaUn A rrlTlHS Capt. John B. H aey Enlo;ie Mary Ann Home Rich Flim for th Victors In X. ('. Let th Plow Horses Him the Hpoila AlrarUn Dtatrihntion of Patron are One Canoe ofOnr Defeat -Honml Oentoerala Mnnhhed for Personal Favorite and Flunkeys. A bond issue is considered a necessity by Mr. Cleveland. He has decided on it, I heur, because of the pressing exigtncits of the Treasury. For the past two months the out go bas excieded the in come of the Treasury at the rate ot fio 000,000 (ten million dollars) a montk u does not take a business man to a this won't do. For over two years I have done my level best to show i he people that economy right here in the I". S. Capitol k the storting pomt Iroin which u aUjiut jeckleav expenditures. Start witb the Senate, Then cut off ueetess clerks in 'House and Senate, Dispense with consrreesional wake. Aboiiali th ainecnres at the Capitol. Dismiss Depar: ment clerks who say thev won t work cause their "Influence'' keeps them in a way. These are mostly women, but the: are Hi 'ie men in the lot. Anathematise Congressional junkets. Do all these thinas, gentlemen of the incoming Con- -tsji and then do as much more in the same direction and you will take their strongest weapon out of the hands of the victorious Popocrats. Fil to do it. an. you will be compelled to aaree to more than one bond issue to supply funds lor all sorts of extra vagiot expenditures. The tax payers spoke Hov, jjth,. They will speak again. They will not allow their servanU to have so much more than they1 can honestly afford to eDjoy. Xov., Mrs. Cleveland christened the St. Louii", the largest vessel ever built in America, at the ship yard of the Cramps in Philadelphia. She was accompanied by the Preilept, Jbe members of the CabiDetand their families Senator fUnaom may have ix defer the trans-continental tour. He was here on time, but the other members of the Com. merce committee have not reported. Suppose the money appropriated for this junket be turned over to the depleted .Treasury anj jt tiu uamornia delegation does not know which little harbor needs deepening, let "Timoand Te'' settle the abstruse and costly problem fr tbein ( Alexanoxut 1 anxious tvr iue jaih ui i Durham to settle there. Capt John B. HusKy who lecciyi dal $2,100 Chiefs place in the Treasury trom Senator Ransom during Cleveland's firs. Administration, euloiiises our Mary Ann in th-j last issue of the Evening htar. this citv. I would like to quote it, hut it is too long It is interesting however, and shows that Capt Husaey is going t be one of the plowJiorses of the late rich harvest in N. C, to get his share oftlu fdder. He has earned it I hear my quondam friend, S. Otho lison, hq . i lo he tbe next secretary ot tht- nate. lie has earned that too. He will cimtrol over two Duoarva nice p'ac s some oi tbem worth 3,000 and 300 Tbe republicans will filibuster, and make a re-orsamzation of the Senate n& -esry after March 4th. The short session of Congress wuicli convenes in loss man tnree weeks win ov; mint notable one. I am making, ar rangements 10 give nty papers I call them mine because I feel a warm per sonal and inendlv interest in all of them II the news. After that adjourns we will all have to sharpen our pencils and write Senators Butler nnd Molt (ur Ewart) Mr. Secretary Otho V llsoo, and perhaps Sergea nt-at-arms Hussey ! IT the democrats ever get in power again let tuecn send senators ana mem bers here wno recognize piow-norses also. SEWS IX BRIEf. And now tbe State of Ohio is working itself up into a bond issuing mood. The Chinese army seems to be engaged in one immense unorganized flight. The Mugwump newspapers arc engaged in writing nice little obituary notices for David B. Hill. Woman like, Brooklyn declaring she woald never consent, finally decided to cast ber lot with New York. In a few days Gov. McKinley will get over his present awkwardness and buckle down to the work of ruining the State of Ohio. The Washington Post says North Caro lina seems to be on the high road to town ship currency. These be great days lor Captain Buck KTitchin. Benjamin Harrison may not be a can didate for the Presidency, but he is not going to allow the people to forget his post-offioe address. Mayor-elect Strong is the recipient of a Presidential mention. This is not a new thing for reform Mayors. Tbe U. S Treasury is still losing its gold. The reserve is decreasing daily. There was a net loss of $50,000 in one day, the 14th. It is as yet impossible to tell the exact number of Popnlists and Republicans in the Legislature but as near as can be fig ured out There wilt be 12 Democrats 19 Kpublieans and 22 Populists in the Ben ate and in the House there will he 47 Democrats, Some 3'2 Republicans and 41 Populists. Cincinnati has reversed her Republican majority of 24T0O0 and given a Democratic majority of over 3,000; but it was done in tbe interest of a pure judiciary, and shows that tbe people are not to be driven to unclean government by the party lash. The next state legislature will probably be memorialized to make a sufficient ap propriation to defray the expenses of col lecting the material and publishing a his torical account of North Carolina's troops io the late war. This is an excellent idea and ought by all means to be done. It is due from the state to bergallaut sons who wore tbe gray. 2s i ! UJ " a g t o H S3 o g S fj o 5 & S3 j eo fit m 5 31! THE "BLVE" AXD THE "(JR.4Y." PKOLOtiVE. The nether hell is big with F:ite And brings f. rth Fury. Ifcincor. Hate; Then Arrogance and pompoii Pride Xo longer cjvu their venom t i 1 ; j They tir;- the 'Mine" ! and IlmiI the van. i First cuvalier, then puritan. While furies, satyr?, demons -.nido , And fill with rai;e each rampuiit side. Belial "jatdnnt." eyes aMaze. j Otxiding with 2iles. tnr munl'rous cruze, , While prone lie Mercy. Iove and l'e n', Their very heart-beaLs seem to ei-e. And o'er their forms there rul i - ,i d A vandal horde, forgot ot G. il. Exultant! licensed, raving mad, The vilest cohort Satan LaH. INVOCATION. The dogs of war, (J God 1 hurl hack ! '. Xor let thy works., by that wild pack Of raging fiends, to shreds be torn, Thine iimge of a w oman born. Let thy stern edict bid t hem hence, In terror shrinks all inuoceuce. With eager claws and horrid nia Envenomed tangs and dnppint; j.is. With fieroes. rush they c mc pell mell," Their brazen throats aive ueuzied yell, Their thews ot'eteel resistless swet p. And horrors Ihri 1 ! auti many neej). Our dream of peace is rudely rent; The gauntlet tbrowu, the ehfillauge sent ! And paraivzed, the sections glare While seething discord stirs the air. The tocsin sounds ! the strife's heun ! And Sumter's is the sigDal gun; The tide of war sweeps o'er our Lam From western sloje. to eastern strand. CANTO. Electrified ! ! aghast ! : ! the w,,rld Sees muss on mass t battle hurh d, And angry lathers, brothers, son Against each other turn the r i:u k. From fierce mad charge and f.H' iian s steel. In plosed-ui) rajjjes, battailiotis reel; Prom shriekins shell an I itisMig Jyajl By seriexi lines in dead) they tall. The Charging squadron lie?' 1 and buck O'er wounded, iltad, make g ry track. N'eath iron heel lov'd f rms are crush'd, Anrl every groan and moan is Iiuh'u'iI God's image bruised neatli ma ldtiiM feet. Lov'd ones at horut no more to meet. Both Rachael and Jfiobe niouni, With droopinc: be.ijj and mein forlorn, The murky air with sulph'rous smoke Hangs like a pall o'er this fell stroke, And veils trom sight the hoav-'n's blue And shuts them in, with hyssop, rue. The living remnant scorns to yield. Nor to tbe foeman i;ives the held; Kept through and through, they close again With blood and fire, all poinn disdain With ha'tle flag? nil shot to lags. And weary too lie hunted slugs. All smoke-begrimed, in tatters phid. A sight to make all hearts gFow sinl, Yet, steadfast all, through courage raiT, O it' times so wan, trom meager fine, They scarcely can their duty do, Yet nobly bear themselves and true. 1 I. Some go to rest, bv comrades borne. In roffia drap'd with banners torj, With muffled diiin.s. with solemn tread. And mournful nma li to their last lie.i; Reversed urms the usual round;" Tbe volley fired, they leave the ground. The last sad rites at set of sun Proclaim the soldier's labor done. While scatter'd wide through our South land. Xeatb the wild waves, neuth plains of sand. On fallow field, in fetid fen In piney waste and inountaiu glen, N'eath moss draped trees in sylvan dell Are countless graves where many fell; While soughing breezes sigh o'er ihetn. And humming bees sing letjuiem. II 1. The "unknown dead," in trenches deep, In countless heaps together sleep; N'o mark, no ttone, nor coffin's plate, Gives ought of age, or Dame, or dale. O ! woe ! ! un woe ! '. ! and widow's wail. When friends and kinsmen thus, assail. When war, dread Moloch, hastes to kill, And nnmark'd graves, with dead to fill. Some mothers mourn a missing so'i, Whose manhood, yet, has scarce begun; Fot.d wives await a husband's clasp, Who-e form lies in the trench's grasp. Our pnthel'V eye has seen them fall. Prom sabre's strike, or minnie Jul!; Trust Him. to smooth your drear pathway To meet them all on His great clay. IV. Of kindred blood the 'Blue'' and ' Grav.' Who fought and struggled in the I ray, Ot tcpial darinir. pluck and nerve. With each a rherish'd aim to serve. At honor s l eek, at du.y's call Thev risk'd tln ir lives, their lortunes. all: They fought and bled, their lives laid down, Nor sought, nor thought, to win renown. V. A nation's heart should them en-dirine. Ami round their mem'ries, temlrils twine,' Their deeds of valor stand sublime, On hist'ry's page till end of time. Then oft' with flow'rs their gr.ive-S be strew. Let loving eyes shed sorrow's dew, And friend greet friend, in friendship fast. O'er all our country grand and vast. KPILOGL'E. A prcsp'rous r ra has begun. Wrought out by battles. l"St and won. And North and South, progressing ta t Shall e.lagp the hand as friends, at hvst. Why t'rllle ha bu Beloetn. Prom a Washington telegram in the Philadelphia Record we clip the follow ing: Secretary Co. le has been reluctant to issue bonds unld absolutely forced to do so. because ol the tear that the necessi ties of the (rov in merit wouM Ik." Uiken advantage of to drain the Treasury of gold every few months, and compel a new issue of bonds. IJe will make a strong argument, in urging it banking currt ncy upon Congress, ngiinst compelling the Government to constantly r- deem anil re issue the legal-tender notes with ait the power to protect the reserve, or to put a stop to withdrawals of gold lor purely speculative purposes. The Secretary has a statement submitted to him daily by the United Stales Treasurer, showing the redemptions of legal tenjli t notes of the oid eri s, ami tlu new Sherman notes, and th;s stateinoi.t has h 1 nil y tailed to show redemptions for a day di;ri"g Nov ember anil recent month.-. N)nopi' or Apportionment Fur Year. 'I'M State Auditor J-'urman n turned this! mora ing from Asheville. He gives the fol.j I "wing figures as to the pensioners and j their pensions this year. There are tifi tiist ttlass pension, rs u ho receive tisj yearly ; 41 second class, who get S1; 3o third 1 class, w ho gi $rt4. and lA'Ji of the fourth class, who get $17. There are 12.71:5 widows, also of the fourth ehi-vs. who act $17. The decrease is 111 of ;iie second. 14 of the third and til of the widows, while the ineie-.k-e of the soldier- ot the fourth class is 134. There is 1J4. There is a small increase in the a uouiit of pen sion to each cla-s. Ral. Cor. Wil. Mes senger. Triplet in Wilmington. ' The wife of Win. Spicer, colored, w ho ( resides on Eighth street, between Hanover and Campljell streets, gave birth to trip- 1 lets on Saturday evening.. Two of them 1 are girls and one is a boy. All three ol 1 the children, as well us the mother, nre getting along linelv. Wil. Messenger. THE uo A I) lMl'KO YEMENI'S. The (ioverniueni Koad---Haokbiirn and Nt'iise .Maratlaiiiized ,V Witlrtl's Knatl. The Umdine. elc. 1 Hie I.l-r I in lahed ' Wniiiiitf the ArrUnl i' the Itofk riiihcr lor nacatliniiiz- nif. The dillereiue the ''Overnn,cnl'. lu tween the A. bet een t in- u rt ion 'I niaeail in ir-.d toad ly llu .V X. C. I!. II.. ui. I the National C-metery j the other side is m dilionnl four jncli. ' with which Messr- in. I that p.r: ion . .11 i- mal'ke I. Tl.i- a I ul shell rock 111 ui II irKbu .11 iV W'ilh tt under Government eontr;u t J uliiiost the entire lefrt h h i e co vi -iv iil'-l aillMi makes a e hope ri tit change I ( I he 1 the government wi tt ! . and He the litiol). whole road put in the same The whole roail im .kU the alt thin toll-hivei' H l:ji II w it til : 1 : t .. : 1 1 1 n. the i- i-i 'Ccr was tirsl built, a settle I that the. exposed and 1 it iialu'l for the lockjj u iiell the load few years na-, has so elges ot niii'i.v of them are liei:;nainur t,i mak vehich.s. The work in piogre comniei. the railroa : and In- 11 - 1. early i-' tae cemetery, and the leine'.erv tlicmbblriK will ieie-,e - i 1 1 1 i i . , 1 tion. The road improvement work t I e. 11 done nceiith and th a i-n prooress neur th i ci ; i - a m it tef o -latuiation. We alln le to that wir have just spoken ot, to that .11 ihe i road, the extension of : hi-one w hich d at lehe.l valk- itteh . 1 1 IS w 1:1 . oll- a we . vate 1 li-e S . . to and thr 'Uijh Me-i.-. IJ-a.-kbur Willetl's ll.ik's iiu 111 and on lo road near Ihe Ni ll-e 1. ad -.lid A v .' R. U eri ulT, a'l'i ' die w-i Neuse road liom ice 1 j-. 1 1 1 r t 1 In city. Messrs. Hackburn V 'A'ideu. nave at a cost j.0 ti)fellselvis ol a thoiiMlid il llar acd with the assistance 01 a leov i..t;,crs. greatly improved their 1 o;e I, st raighl. nin,' a id tiradjug it to i-oine extent and then building it up with hard clay and a tup layer of several inches ol Ihe same shell rock marl which they are ti-inu on mc government road. The livery .:ub:v ot the city extended some assistance in the way ol luriiishing team- tor the ( oii-trncr-ion work. Some ot those liavini ini'ai- noar bv aieled somewhat and Mes.-rs, A. liryan and M. 11. Suit ill of the la-. eit . IS It. I " X 1 Cv each give c.sh conti'ib but the -re ir bii K f th' peuse was t.o. . 1 , V. illett then.-ei 'e-. an 1 themselves and then 1 as hand-omely a, til v loli- l iw ai' bll .... 0, - il.i ,, ! 10 ilo mi: lit 1 ibute oid to tb cadamizLuu: ot Neu-.- road i mistukable evidence ol the e,, Uloti.e I . liter Ui--ll- 11. (I publii: spird th. y p This load is a private 1 1 but . it to continue so'r We have lie stated that it was for awhile prior : war a public read atal it s- in- 10 should be so now. It i- true it 1 tmvelleel by country jmopie to '.hue that other highways h adujo into ti" are, ijecause it is only a s.iort road neciiniT with the 111 1: 1 r " id and lei r.to Ihe city at another point 'ml w mfo'ineel that it h is lu-ret" ore be. 11 by some of the farnu is coming to tin because, altiuiugli a lit'oc laither, 1 - II a cif. cn'-l i-iino ; a '.' I l-ed I lla- been a bei ter road '.hah Neu-i. r. w here it coiu.e-.-t.- w ith it. ,1 Neuse roael is now how lmnruyed thai there is n.. vt r u 1 ilkeiv need for this to occur agii'ii, i..n ....n should the road not be travelled at ol in th isebevond where it connects with N-.u-e r. ad, it is travelled etnaign 1 the city and visitors for p,. a: been so in the past and wit more in the future, because ; the three roads of which v IV pi 00 ui!' i. 1 I h' so I I drive , e have speaking will make a complete ci from and back to the cuy i t the driveways around hen-. A- nun h a road is used by the public it rh.u made a public road. Tin- .ouimis.-. would be sustained in ele. la ing it and providing for it- continuance. The improvement of Neu- road . I sill I i best j - : 1 e I i.l b ; at" - : .-Ul a ' ,- th, ; ty - tin J . all- ! . the ; met , 2 1-4 mills of it- 1. ng'h limits to the A. Jt N C. has been pushed with ail work was begun. As we nounced the two forces w opiiosito ends leiwards floe, the II r.,,ci- vigor siiu-i pre l' ti- ; 'i king t'roa e ch nth. 1 bout two Weeks ago and then the larger force c.iiiimence. I working ihe .mire space over again, getting it m Lcticr-bape than could b.-d-'tle with me 111"-1 gra They have now finished up, 1-avin ro id ready for the next -'e . the a ; ti n of the crush el ro. k. f ". on in. "g. the e.l Uio I h- ol its superiority it ha- b en w i- i cided to use a roc.c fouiuiaii. ;i. In -.toil 11) ply the marl as w:is tii'-i pioji Then when the w an k i- , inivM tne wili be substantial lor wars all' 1 v en s to come. There will now be a co work for probably ubou 3" is to i-.au lor tne rock cm meantime investigations wpl dual o hi i.v-. Th - r. lu th b m . i s to obtaining the supply ro id construction com 1 p(dnted Mr. W. W. CI on the rock crusher, an E.lis and W. C. Willett the rock. ot rock Too 1 ;ce have ..p U'K a eonim 'tea Me-.-rs Win. a comiiii: i : in A bed of the sl.iTi r Farm will l-ee .mined Ck Oil the io- lay :.y ak' 1 "a-t-1 ..ei'- ing out some of the lower n nunc its hardness thee .1 ecce in the rock at iiiff in the rock there is ioiiiul to o, eo it will be v stly to th- a building to use it Pecans... . , to the work. k to v.is: .i.ller-place-. il in. I i- -v ant a 'vaut ge 11. , ir- in an.s.- that ha- '.v. n The preparatory work done as our reader- know, eons straighten ing i-s near as it could l of widening, grilling and lmprovin drainage. The in: d ha- !een ! f; only two b nds -n :t. . lie o f;ee the canal near Mr. W. 1". fro-, ki it -denee, and the other ch-v t" ti e ra; Tais givis two fairly long, pe straight lengths and o n- suor. one. ami the . dh - at C ' 1 V I'll.- road is thirty fe-et wide t iroiigho- 1 r k-iioth, properly r. muled and when ih crushi-d sli'-ll rock ami top .ht.s in : . finer material is appli d it w ill b" a o;: 10 be proud of nnrion Butler l Assist lti- EC'pobli 4'll 11s. A special lo the Xc v V01 k lis . Po-t from H:ieigh, N. C . M irion l!l(lh r, lip- pfe-P aeit ol' in X i li"r,;p F..ruie-1's iilll iiiie. who 1 1 I K iCCeed Se a'or Kan-oai in ti-e I' .a-i Males e' 1 p Tted ate hav aiier lug s .March talc I Ih lib v ith the Republican- : n t h o! the iieM S.-iiate. 1 1 1 h, pubi i. ;pis ( jn 1 1 'lint oil l o '1 oliua's votes in the i . 1 1 1 Senate, a- the o'iier S nami in January 1 ' ne l.i -' ,p.i Senator Jarv ; - vv .1 ,1. Meitt. ex c: ; can Slate I'oniin 1 lead ! ui' dial po.-n a lp pub'i Ih. Exchanges tel. . ol Lenoir countv , b ft' 'Ul his palling ere i 1.210 an avt-i-ig.- .. show shis ga 1 ' 1 bu.-. ing fine sp ck in -tea II 11 i. ;i- won success am I .1 -erve- it. her-. set a vvoriby exaiui out on new dup. ai. lor V -p.. irihi. llnl'V is(iittiiiK' Tec 111. 15 sure and use that old and vv.-'i remedy, Mrs. Winslovv's S .nlhing Ipr children teething. It sooihe ohild, softens the gums, allay- all cures wind colic and is the I t- l'e for iliarrhoca. Twentv.fi ve cents a 11. Y t- tk niilyr. 1 I111 V I IOV AI1DRF.SSKS. TIk' I tiii'iilii4t4r.y KemnrkH of 4 o I . I lim hikI Aillre4K by Inpl. ICiillrirk rI (tie Coiiecticui M oiiuiiieiif EoreiHe4. 1 or.. ( II VS. T.. t'l'HAM's AHIIRF.SS. ( una..-- and I'niniK: We are gath- if. I hfe to-lav to dedicate t" the iiieiieey ol our foniier comrades thir. iiHH.ineent. the gilt of our beloved com monwealth, and lor a brief loriiid to re ea I lli'- incidents aad H.-s(K-iatioiis of t-M-s y- a rs now lung past, which bound ur-in'y common pfivaiions -,iih com n.iei dan jers c 111 bind niell together. 'I I. r 15 h re ini'-nt was one .it" t h first emu r i orgatiizi'd by our Stnte. llieie.ii! -v as a J0e.1l irilc and interest not f iiu I in rcg iiaei's wh ite memtjeri cainelioin wide'v seixMlited loculi'ie.-t. Its ia iis w ei'e tilled by a superior hodv of me ', a-'il tod iy, as we st-md on familiar oT.pitnii, hoiv te! lie: iiieiiiiiiitH apii'evived 01 'choice -piriis, our a-: ociutes and tent in l'e-. w ,,o-e absence we mourn and w - In 'in w e are here to honor, lb-re we chose to place our memorial, for the re is .n that (his. locality is indeli bly impress d upon pur memories. Here in the summer and fall of 1 864. we faced and ' oii'rbt a foe more terrible than any anued with musket-, whose attacks eould not in- airieipatod, but whose assaults w. re borne with rju (t endurance. How severely the regiiiient suffered the death rod will diselnse. Near by was the lar '..e..t I.. in action of anv battle in which v e hjMidr. I 1 y aiiier ma y ol "Ur 1 0111 1 e h prop' i.re ..i. :' -11:011V we (piiet ceii)etery lie To-il iy with ap ledicat" this mop- etij-i lie w'lieiu they aciion h-is shown iinen all d Com bv it :. ( lir St lliplec i alio te ir loyalty. We can virtue-, their coip-- 10 heir Hi i'i v . I i j P r lea., M. X. KL t t'h( K'S ADUltE.SS. . ' 'I'lm-'i'lt . ";(.. mi'! Fi lhxc Citizen: j I; i- with leelinosoi unalloyed atisfac tion. that a lew of tho-e who composed lee lath, Keiui' nt ( ' inn. Vols, are per : mined to i-t visit tuin Dieasimt l. ityofjfew j Heme, a city (he recollections of which, I will have a jeace in our memory, as long I a- mcmorv u-elf shall eixi; a citv, where 1:1 the many I many of ig ago, we experienced astire, as well as many, lllVf P f sorrow and sadnesJ. but while it i-a satisfaction, and a pleasure, to walk i.iiee more thiiUgh thn plpasant - liet- 01 tiiis h -auiiful southern city, and it- iuteie-lieg surrotiiHliiigs, yet- we must 11 t Ids sight of the principal object of our vi-it to tips city. As is weill known, we coine here to do lioaie a monument to tin- ini-a ore ot tho-e of our comrades win., i, iortuaute than we, were not pcr 'i it ed to return to tucir northern Imines, b..; lias- i- in un- are re-ting from a t ; ir.ai I . and strife, from all toil, and care. 111 til o 1.. t Aaiioaal t'enietery. ! I In eomrad. s hit their homes, their j en..-. -. ih,-ir 11 iet tel-. as -ve left thein. i liih.i w I . w cit we Oe ieved IQ be a holy' I patriot c peirpo- -, tin y lie1 ieve. 1, as wehe- la ve.l. ui it tile ad to "Ulty, .IS heard jn - "i ihj. was not to tt.- miaiiu - ei- oc li.-i.a d to without r'Sjpons . ail was re-ponded to. and they, entered P. In the service of the SIoo Thi, 1 i o erii - - ii tua:.- ' by tie- o.ie purp. se -u-ia .ng t:je . e t. ill it- etlorts t pre-rve i uiiite.1 I t States. .:id 'a .i le All '11-,, lrtij'2, tho 15 h. New I lav mi. ( '0:111. to piriotm a '. " var. lie 11 in Hill opera were 11. ore e.o:ilid..lit. I. one were vi. rain 1110 e enihusiastic, thnu t l.-tive it 111' I shim e. 1 ni. ales vviiu to-niav, sir bt'iie.'th this, Lo us, most lltlv er s.l. led -Oil. We, my com fades passed saloiy through a!! 'a. ige-rs. W--1 scaped ihe d-'adiy nfle ba 1. the s'.irie'viug, oursting shell, the ai :ou- disea-es incident to camp life; and iv c e- .pud thai terrible scourge, the Fel low Fever that dread visitant, who ciaim e 1 as viol in)-, ilea i , one huncjred of our 1 o'nr.nle-, ho since the autumn if 1864. h -ve .iiieiiv r. posed in their btu-ial piace-s d New lie: ne. Thirty 't-ars have passed, vo.i.and I, my c.imra.fes, have grown iil.lri, iiinl ii'v mnv fast pa-sing the de cline o; i.j'e, and ill a f.rw years mare, WB t. o. will be numbered with those "who ma-.- were, but to-.iay'are not."' But up 1 :'-e of time will Over feufjice. t ' cu-e US 'o o'g a th;-.t teiTib'e experience, of Sept. t . 1. a i t Nov. 1S04. Do you reca.i that morning in S ;i' -ber. win 11 the light ot lite went out from Sergeant Kogers ol Co. B. and we were .-iiiiiii upon to mourn hi 11 as dead? Do you retail t.-ut feeling 't' anxiety, that p -rvade I the entire cnnp. when a few days fcer, it was generanv known that he lad ia 1' 11 as ever and th ' :u i h- c "ever, wa- e the fust victim ot yellow t 11 ' fen tiler attempts would i e - .1 the laet that Yeilovv i enuc ia N.-vv 1! Til: .' l)o -u 1 ' e . : 1 1 those iitllc gaihel'iitgs in the ck-. nnd on the parade gr. nil '. tin- -.illation was gr i e ly liisi n-se. i, .i.viniK ,ii"'.v thoiigiitfu1. Up: whole cm had become, ilu-y, w ho )revious l.i e,i -o ,-: r, h ss, nail in ico n ce r r, t' ' . .-e; ion- y co-'si teiing the prob eai. at i he tip urn might have in store, v. hen day afier day, cull. rude after 1 11- was tiiM'ii from his qaiirte'-, to gi 1 : tai hospital, an !, day at'te oniiade after comrade, was borne t ot a And com: tne r fee bu il place, to rile music of miifrl d folow.d iy seri'iis, anxous drums, m .urni a. tli;-- o-lVs.' K.-g o on the : g eoinra. le.-'r 1 o you 'emernir Will we ' vi t ioiget ih- se drea ilul nellts 1 -k.r ei-h N e) i V- v- met oi,in s-e,g regiments ' i'-e. 11 I PX. h illge. I liieir Of illllskei'-v; 11 giae n s d. ail . ia v 1 le. in l.i. - i ck ' f : '(dip I Kittle,- ih.gon. nts i.a-, cl'.argp... breastwork-, b: a-' beg -with o p -mg h.yonets; Regi ments, have :i-Miii;:e 1 bath ries, belching Ion h -h t an I sh II. grapt and canister, an 1 in : II the mail' en vers- of the battle tiel I. ivgi - e. ts l a-.e met .lea h in all li s v ried an, ns. Put in these cases, the ehair'e. rie assault . : he bat: le is soon over, ami ...nitig it-conP-aia ce. the sokl.er is -o i.ii.'ve 1 un by excitc-ni' nt that he scai-i-a. re-iiizcs -h i: .ieith is ail ah ait him. liui how .! ileo-nr vvuli 11- ilpr ng til se .re " to h, :s bll-V l ie. I ... fag' in o tell Ill'il.tl-. Tile ir le'rraeks, nigh: victims from our g hl i ilei I C Ilo 11 d most unl ades, lidillg nil' -p-iai- g: ' on. h was on day; week u Ur 'V.T was busy In 1 we were daily v ir; i ins in the si ot'gluoiu and sor 'i any f xpi r-ein e I up 'fin -' - 1 1 as ir-ei th. -I hav 1 unl O 1 avs w the t ;r ta field, i ' -a . to ii , how ic lair city of Xe - of the air pco It-r, pie vv.'ie wr . .en vv til :he ir'Udlu! fever. 11 and e 1 . : l .ng i-t of untimely de .el. Without proper medical attendance, many "i tie in vv ittioiit t ie n.-v-es-arie-i o life, deserted by all, or ne-'ily all, v li- Could lj'id 1 he iiiean-o! leaving tee s rick e i c. v. these i."U people were depelideu; :. ui -neb sl'ght aid as couli b ;.-d .-. 1 by the ti. ops ii.ea ou provosi p tin : .lav of lo041 .' New P.. -rm-, sear be s. etl save the "!i. -ts p. rfoi mieg at 1 ight. blazing - : vv !ien k' pt bit. 'ill. 1-. l.s ... further b .liiiie- ing on the prin a jiossible aid in pi . nil ul t he- 1 Iread c,re.; 1 1 b im vetii: peslPcin ihr- leu g 11: ' . Th ;h's vino have passed terrible cvpericn.ee. vv.ll d. -:ie to have it repeat- Iiev . . Ti tbe :i, . who d ' ml -b I- near ne'i y of these of our com ic I In re of yellow fever in is,, who perished on the bat New Heme, and Kinston, we i mP -lsf'4 'ielie tc- li.v , ucdical " tins monument We hold their memory in respect aud esteem for their prompt response to duty at their country's call. Relieving as they did, that the safety of the nation depended upon the success of the I'nion army, they left, their homes an 1 ail that men hold" dear I on earth, and hurried to take their place J in the ranks of the nationsdelenders. They 1 were willing to lace the perils of the! camp, the march, and tip: battle; and in I the progress of time they surrendered their lives in detence ol'thecaqse they had so cheerfully espoused, They were self j sacrificing, brave men, and the memory of. such men, who die in defence of a prin ciple they hold def.r and snpred will never cease to lie cherished by the living who arc actuated by the same noble pur pose. These comrades, in the sacrifice of lite in defence ot principle, have left an example of patriotism for tuoceeding gen- eratpjns, and it should he our duty, wherever vve are, in whatever sphere of life we may be placed, to endeavor to em phasize that example, to endeavor to pro mote sentiments of patriotism, particu larly among the youth of our couotl'y, Q that if Go.l so wil'a te elands ot war sh;dl ayaiu oyer npi-eii4 ou,r land there may be found an ever increasing spirit of patriotism flint sh,alj cause a practically universal uprising of our whole people, in defence of the Nations honor, I am reminded that among those pres ent on this occasion there are some who during the late war were adherents of the confederate cause. My friends, we are glad to meet you; permit me to say that the hands that during the ye r- of war grasped the weapons . f war, arc tn day etQiideel to, you pi fellowship and hearty fraternal greetings. We "believe that in the eledicution ot this monument to tfie memory ol our fallen comtytles, we have your hearty gpod will, for, as old soldiers, we know that brave wen, thougli for a time they arc? separated by contrary opiniolis, vylll always respect the memory of men eipially brave. We are glad the war is over unci nils oecome a tning 01 the past, a matter of history. Though on opposing sides: during the conflict, we recognize the fact, that you, as well as we, were acting upon cqnvic tions of duty; and when a matl does that, who cau justly criticise him? Men differ in business ma' ters, they diS'ev houestiy in their opinions 011 political questions, they differ very largely in religious matters, but wdien a mun is ready to stand up in defence of his principles when convinced he is correct in his estiinate p. I duty, who has a moral right to condemn him for such action? There doubtless comes a tune, when men as they become older, an I mure ma ture, are ltd to Change their opinions and convictions; such I believe to be the case to-day ; thirty years ngo there exist ed great differences as o the policy of the government, to that extent that the coun try was divided into two gn at sections, yet to-day, after the lapse of these years, we are. I believe, united in this one grat thing, loyalty to' our undivided Sj'tion And should a foreign nation attem i ;o invade e-ur sheires, the men of Nur.ii vj-ar.s, lina. would respond to the nntiQQS call simultaneously with the nu p, of Connnec Moutj and the solid south, v dh tlu united north, would constitute tie . raudest army the world ever saw. Con federate Veterans, ve are glad to meet mil, and tiust t .. with you, as well as with us, the le v years remaining of life may be full of happiness and joy, and vyhen the last roll cad occurs, may vve ad be found on that Eternal parade gruunii where there is no mqre stnte. sorrow, qr sadness, r.nd where wo shall meet our comrades who have gone before us, Comrades, for many years at our an nual i-e-uniocs we have dicu-sed the matter of erecting a monument at Xew Bertie to the memory of the fallen ones; this has been a question of lively interest to u-. and while we have hoped this could b.- a-complished our fears were, that we should n ,1 live to sec it an estab lished fapt. Hut the, good olel Common wealth of Connecticut in her liberality, has provided a way wheteby not only the loth, but all other Conu. Rcgts. could erect and dedicate a monument to tlie memory of those comrades who sleep in National Cemeteries. For this geaerous act on the part of the State of Connec ticut, we imist espyess our profound gratituda and apprciation; the - pride we have in our native State is greatly en hanced by this generous act. To the National Government, not only die surviving comrades, but the friends au l relatives of the dead, owe their grati luce for the extraordinary care w hich has been taken to collect from the numer ous battlefields the remains of he dead soldiers and inter them in these beautiful National cemeteries, aud for the magnifi cent care and attention which is given to these cemeteries. Our comrades lie within these enclos ures, in peace aud quiet, where there can l e nothing to disturb their remains; and where they will remain undisturbed until that morning, vvhi-n the angel's bugle shall souud the ivsurictiin march. Comrades our work is dot ft, the dtsire of our hearts has I een consummated, this monument of enduring granite now marks the place where our comiades of thirty years ago sleep that s'eep which soon' r or later comes upon all uieo. You audi are still spared, but as the years goby one after another will fall by the way Let us theD, while we have life, so live that our example may be profitable to those about us. Let us so live, that when finally, we are mustered out of the ranks of the living, it may be said of us, as it has been said of our comrades whom we leave behind us in this peaceful ceme tery: v ell done, good and laithfti sei vant." A Card. Nkw Berxe, N. C, Nov. 15, '91. Mr. Editor: The veterans of the 15th Connecticut Regiment commissioned the w-nter to express to the citizens ol New Berne their high appreciation of ihe couitesy and kindness extended to them during their late visit to this city. It will ever b lememb.-red as the spontaneous expressjou of tlie largest liberality and pur. st patriotism. To the Confederate Veterans they de sire to tender their wannest gratitude and the assurance of their most fraternal re gard. Had they been told before their coming that such a reception awaited the n they could not have believed it. Now that it is past, it is a revelation as beauti ful as it is wonderfiil, and one that will eivycil in their memories to the end of life, Very respectfully. A Union Vktkkan. II olio well Simmons. Our voting townsman Mr. Milton L, Hollowed was married at two o'clock riiursday to Miss Emma Simmons, daugh ter of vlr. J. J. Simmons of Oliver, Jeues county, at Lee's chapel nuar t ie home of the bride. Rev. J, 1', Lvon of Ne.v 1 Heme officiating. The church was prettily decorated with holly and ivy and the bridal couple dur ing the ceremony stood under an arch of ivy from w hich a white horse shoe was suspended in the cntre. Mendelsohn's Wedding- March was played i-y Mr. Willie Stallings of New Berne as the bridal couple entered and Oh. Promise Me.'' while the c. rem my was in progress. Am. ng the New Burniu'is present were Mf. C. ). .McSi'i'ley and Miss Annie San ders and .Mr. C. L. Spencer and Miss Saelie W hi 1 foul. Afier tbe ceremony MU umi Mis. Hol lowed drccve oyer to New Berne and a re ception was held at the home of the groom 10111 8 to 10 o'clock last niglit. Aivhdeacou Parrar contributes an ar tide 011 the child Christ to McClure's for December, illustrated by reproductions Ironi many paintings. THE DEDICATION EXERCISES ; Of The Jotli, Conn. Volunteers! Monument. I Ifol In lh onrt House Admirable AillrKse-(;ol Feelinur on Every Hand The .Monument Decoration tn the AfternoonThe Floral Trib utesThe Conneeticnt Veterans ! orate the 'onfederate Moiiuinent -The Banquet at Xijflit. On account of a light shower which lie ganjust before the time of starting Imm Hotel Chatlavv ka to the dedication ot the 15th Connecticut Vo'un'eers monument the eqercises were held in the ourt house in stead of in the National cemetery. Uur townsman, Mr. R. Berry w is chairman of the masting and introduced the speakers. Rev. C, G. Vardell. pastor of the New Berne Presbyterian church, openfd the meeting with prayer. Col. Charles L. Upham, President of the 15th Veterans Association them made introductory re marks. Ho was followed by Capt. M. A. Buttricks, 13 C. V., who made the opening address and then came the reading of the original poem, "The Blue and the GrevJ' by the author, Mr. R. Ben y, one of " New Berne's respected citizens fro 11 the North, Then Hon. O. II. Piatt, orator of the day, delivered tho oia'ion, a fine one. and ; afurvyards Major W. L.. Plmer, Iederal Veteran of New Berne, n.ade 'a brief ad dress. He talked up for New Berne like a Trojan, praising the city, the people, the streets, the rivers;; hunting, sailinr and other pleasure fichHties, &c. Ha told the visitof. if thi-y vvauted to exchange the froaen North for a warmer climate in win ter to come to rvew ticme. When Maj. I'almor sat down, Mr. Berry arose and said Major Palmer was speaking but. of ihe abundance of his. Ii-ja. 1 nt fro n selfish interest, f r lie did mil . e laml,- fi sell, liQusos. carriages 01 boats tn rent or other t lungs to gain by their cominghe he was speaking disinterestedly. Cfeii'l, C, A. Battle and Mr. Jas. A. Bryan lmg called for by the visitms made gocd, characteristic, warm-heartet, patriotic addresses, which ware icetved with enthusiasm by t$ visitor's, Tle speaking 'being ov.-r all united heartily in singing, "My Country. 'Tis of Thee.1' Then the benediction "wag pro nounced by Iiev. T. M. N. George, nctor of the Episcopal church. There was a lavish supply of fVi'al tributes trom tne ladies o 1 hu 0i ' y wnich were presgnteel on iheir behalf by Mr. Rt bt. nanc ck. chairui in of the Commit tee on Flowers. Ttie two most conspic uous resigns in tbe colh'Ctiou were a la.rge cross of white at(d yellow chrvsantheuuis frqm Ilis lienor Mayor Wm. Ellis, and a large pillow of roses and other choice d iwers with ths United States flag formed .-f immortelles in the centre, the gift of Mrs. liudclitfi! and family , The afternoon was b'-autiful ant b .th Federal and Confederate veterans and a large Dumber of private citizens visited the cemetery and decorated the moiumia-it. rrom the profusion of flowers, the Con necticut Ye'erans made beautiful selec tions an 1 inarched with them to Cedar Grove Cemetery where with words of ap preciation for the courtesies in this direc tion that had been extended, Col, Upham said, that oqt of such wbundanoe it Was but meet that they should use at least a por tion to decorate the last resting place of warriors as brave as those they had come so farjto honor, then at the word of com mand, the veterans advanced and placed tne beautiful offering around the mouu menl. Maj. Graham Daves responded ou le half of the C nfederate Veterans, and Con federate soldiers in general thanking in beh,alf of the dead as well as the living. The decorating was a giactful act and the scene an affecting one more than one on either side were moved almost to tears. This was the finale of the ex'.-rcisis. All then dispersed to their places of abode. A gian I banquet with ad that hs qame implies aud attended by over a hundred, was held at the Chattawka at night. The speeches of the occasion were not simply a display of words they were of such a character as made the occassion an intel lectual as well as a bodily feast. This closed the pleasant intercourse of the day which w as greatly enjoyed by our people, and we believe, by tho visitors likewise. The majority of the visitors leave for their homes today leaving only pleasant memoues behind, and we hope carrying none but delightlul recollections with them. OI R RESIDKXT YANKEES. Response by Mr. J. S. Msnlx to the Above Toast at tbe 15th Connecticut Volunteers Banquet, Nov. 14th. It is with feelings of more than ordinary pleasure that I respond to this summons as the time and circumstances are admirably conjoined to speak about the people among whom I have lived so long. While not a Yankee in the sense em ploye t at the North, yet I atn a good enough one for this occasion, having been bom just across Long Island Sound fiom Connecticut, in the city ol New York. While it is true, that the animadversions upon the people ot the South as to their treatment of the men from the North who have come among tbem, have in a great measure been disproved, and every fra ternal and hospitable occasion, such a,s it is our good fortune to partigipate in this evening, but emphasies this disproval, yet I feel that no opportunity should be lost ou the part of the element I repre sent and in whose name I speak to testify to the kindness, courtesy and goodness of heart 01 these people of the Sooth among whom I have lived for thirty years. Coming among them a boy and residing continuously with them all these years J am in a position to correctly speak of these people, and I say now and here, that so kintlly have I been treated, so pleasant has been my associations, so al together sanslactory is my home among them, that it would be a very great in ducement that would tempt me to change my abode, or sever the relations now ex isting. In this connection I desire to add that these conditions have involved no surrender of per.-onal or political qpin.iQus, but is rather emphasised'hy the tact, ' that ip this latter respect I have diffrred from a large majority of ny white fellow citi 2en, and while thus differing 1 have never found that it has affected their good will, their courtesy "i- kiuuly iretit ment. Nor is my case exceptional, I but voice the experience of every northern man I know, who did not put himself beyond the pale of decent consideration bv any people. Say then for me to your people, that those of the South are ready a,Qd do wel come every good citizen to their borders, that the accident of birth, or the possession of certain religion or political opinions does not affect the character of their wel come, but good manners and honesty of purpose, in intent to unite with them for the upbuilding of their section, and a mutual interest in the general welfare, is all they ak; the-e conditions being ful filled they are a passport to hospitable homes and hearts. As yet, this is not ihe section for ihe erection of colossal fortune?, but textile seek;er of lie 'dost competence, peacef ul horn s, the re dest freedom "f politic d and religiousgbelief we offer theiu.Uest in ducement and a hearty welcome. A La Grange correspondent of the K.ustr.n Free Press sa3's Miss Bessie Rouse of that village came away from the Ral eigh fair with four premiums awarded her for her skill in art, as shown by her speci mens on exhibition. I. V : i;.JT I KOM WlSHIXtiTU.V. The t all lor Fifty Millions lu Bonds I Mined PronatnentltoinoerMls Favor the Immediate Call of a Special Ses sion of the ?T. f. Legislature to Elect a Democratic Nueeeasor to Vance It may be Donr. Special to Journal 1 Washington, D. C, Nov. 14. lion. John G. Carlisle, Secretary of the Treasury, has issut.i - a)l fir bonds t the amount of go0,dUU,000 10 bear the date of February 1st, 1804, but int. res: thereon to begin Nov. 1st. 1894. The conference of prominent Democrats here, imong whom are Raosoic, Harris i.nu iiorman, may result in a call lor an extra session of the North Carolina legis lature to elect a Democratic Senator to represent North Carolina in the United Slates S' nate in Vance's place. There ia precedent for such actioD and tic: call ot the extra session oftheStatc l-cgish-iiure) may be issued by Gov. Carr at once. NIIOTIS AFFKAY AT KINBTOX. nas. H. Brown, Attorney of That Town Shot by eo. Waters Th Wound Was Fatal. In an argument before a jury in Lenoir county Superior court Wednesday Nov.14, Mr. Chas. U. Brown of Kinston naed lan guage reflecting upon the veracity of Mr Geo. Waters of La Grange township, who nun given testimony in the cass. When court adjourned Waters told Bro wu that tlie remarks were hard upon him. Brown called him a liar. Waters retorted by calling Brown a liar, if be said so. Brown then picked up a chair and using it with both hands knocked Waters down, Waters partially breaking the f -rce ot tlie blow with uplifted hand. The force of the blow broke one of tbe rounds of the chair. Before the blow was delivered Waters called out to Brown that he would shoot if Brown struck and after he was knocked down le tired. The bull went into Brown's throat piercing the wind pipe. Mr. Brown died the next day from tbe wound. Judge Boykin immediately ordered Mr. Waters into custoday without bond until his case was acted upon by the grand jury. I'R.tSt KS AJTI KEWBORXE. The Returning Board Oeelajrea Elected aa h IWto Senators Them From This Hlstrlet. The canvassing board of this, the 8th, district at the court house at noon Fri. day ami proceeded to a canvass of the vote. Tlie result of their labors showed tin; E. L. Fraocks of Onslow, and Mr. J. M. Mewborne ol Lenoir the fusion Popu- ii.sis e oioieunes were eiect:a Dy email ma jorities, The total vote for Fraocks, fusioDist was 5,973 Mew born, fusiooist, 5,977; GallowayJDemocrat 5815; WhitakerDem ociat 5,883 Mr. Francks majority over Dr. F. A. Wbitaker of Jones, Democrat, w as 90; Mr. Mewborne's over Capt.Swift Galloway, of Greene, 126, making an av erage fusionist majority of 103. Carteret. Francks, fusion, Populist, 1,059. Mewborue, fusion, populist, 1057. Galloway. Democrat, 921;whitaker, Dem ocrat, 900. Average fusion majority, 97$. Craven county: Franks, 1,315; Mew borne, 1,814; Galloway, 1,169; Wnitaker, 1,174. Average fusion majority, 163. Green county: Franks, 756; Mewborne 789; Galloway, 857; Wbitaker, 860. Av erage Democratic majority, 91. Jones County: Franks,537; Mewborne 517; Galloway, 589; Wbitaker, 570. Av erage Democratic majority 27. Tnoir Cinintf "Franks 1 SR. Mm. borne, 1,588; Galloway, 1,896; Wnitaker, 1,313. Average fusion majority 271. Onslow County: Franks, 730; Mew borne, 734; Galloway, 1,069; Wbitaker, 1,066. Average Democratic maioritv 335. A Visit to Olenoe Stack Farm. A party of eight went down from New Berne Friday and spent a most delightful day at Glenoe stock farm, viewing tbe splendid plantation, its floe improvements and equipments, and magnificent stock blooded horses, cat He, poultry, eto. Sup't, Guy courteously showed the visitors over the farm and contributed greatly to their enjoyment. The party consisted of Mr. C. B. Foy, Mrs. C. E. Foy, Misses Agnes and Annie Foy, Miss May L. Hendreo, Mrs. C B. Goodwin, and Miss Augusta Cra pon of the city, and Miss Dopier, of South port, who is visiting Miss Crapan. Death or Sheriff Dillahunt or Jones. Our.Trenton correspondent sends news of the deal h of Mr. La Fayette Dillahunt, sheriff of Jones county at 'his home, Fri day morning Iftth, last, of hemorragic iever, aged 38 years. Mr. Dillahunt was one of the best citi zens of Jones county. Tbe esteem in which he was held can be judged from the fact that he had just served two terms ns sheriff and been re-elected to that office by the largest majority given any candidate in the county. This death will be greatly regretted, Mr. Dillahunt was not a man of family; he never had been married. .V. B. C. I. Foot Ball Team, The New Berne Collegiate Institute foot ball team has been organized to play the team recently organized by Mr, T. C. Daniels and others that maj desire a game. The team, is UjQder the instruction of Mr. McSorley, and the boys are proud of their instructor and his training and want a game with the rival team as soon as possible. Tbe following compose the team : Chas. A. Scott, Captain of Team; Willie Lane, Center Rush; Leon Hei.dren, Riht Guard; James Winfield, Left Guard; Ernest Wood, Right Tackle; John To son, Left Tackle- James. Lyon, Qi gh t End; Tomrnjc Roberts left End; Her bert Moore, Quarter Back Barry Roberts, Right Half Back; Otis Griffin, Lett Halt Back; Charlie Scott, Full Back Substitutes, Harold Whitehurst and Ben son Lane. MARRIED. Married, Wednesday Nov. 14th, at 8 p. m. at the residence of the bride. Mrs, Delia R. Coward of this city to Mr, Stephen Phillips of Baltimore, Rev. Rufus Ford officiating. We luesdayt Nov. 14th, at 9 p. m. Mr. Jas B Duffy to Miss Looey Trenwith. The ceremony was performed at the resi dence of Mr. P. Trenwith, father oi' the bridet Rev. Rufus Ford officiating. Alter the ceremony a reception was held at the residence of Capt. Hill, brother-in-law of the groom which will be th,ejr home. We extend congratula tions. The North Carolina Conference of the Methodist Episcopal church will hold in Durham from Disc. 5th to 12th; the Baptist state convention holds its annual meeting U Charlotte from Dec. 6th, to Uth. Tbe A. &. N. C. R. R. offers the usual reduced round trip rates to each meeting. Senator Ransom says there is no truth in the rumor of a contemplated extra ses sion of the North Carolina Legislature to elect a Democratic Senator, and no foun dation for the story. According to -the State constitution, if the Legislature were called in special session, it would be the fusion legislature just elected. It will elect both Senators. t'BAVCJV IM THE KIKCIIOX. Had the Democrats of Jbc t'-ounty Ione Their Fall Duty the Kesali Least So Far a State Senators Are Concerned Would Have Been IOer nt. f We publish this morning ihe official vote of this district for State Senator. Ii shows that Capt. Swift Galloway was de Icated by only 186,,Dr. F. A Wbitaker by only 90 votes. An examination of the registration hooks, we are informed, and a compari son of them with the vote Of 1H02, shows that fifty or more Democrat right in the city failed to vole and about three hun dred in the entire county. If these Demo- ' crats had voted, to Buy hothina' of ihoud who acted similarly in the other ounties we would to-day havo the af iff iction of knowing that Capt. Ga:l wfty knd Dr. Whitaketwoold be -our next Siatc Sena tors. But those Democrats stayed at home end Hie consequence is our candi dal es will havo to do likewise, notwith standing their gallant canvass. , Again rben' the ovnuvnsfitii floard of the county met sufficlculS wrrguliu ities to -. cause their rejection were fchyWut in two precincts that were counted w!iic)i if they ' had been thrown out woOtd havV thunge l the result. We refer to Uie.Fourth Ward of the city and Temple's nrecinct the re jection of the latfer nlone, as dmatf as the. majority has proven to be would have changed the result as it would have taken 14S votes ntf of ft he fusionist Vote. It wa .. 157 me Uemocrauc 9. it was clearly shown that at Temple's precinct the regintraiion book were oien at Martoq8-store the cond at onlay pre ceding the euction but the tlecfcB.11 was held at Temples. No tlie kWBays r!ai)lV-tbRt. at i!h dato specified above rile regiratMi books --",'.;' shall be open at the poJling place.' Jf.'i Temple's was not the polling1 race the 'i'fj- election was held at ihe "WrAir nlace 'S .: which was suflicient to invaliuWt it and '': cause-it to be thrown out. It Temnle' , was the polling place then the registration books were not opened- at the polling ' v'i. place as tbe law required, and the vote VV' should havo been rejected. Take either x" position you please, the vote 'should hve been thrown out. 1 j , v It was also brought to the ..notice of - !. the board that in tho Fourth. W.l'd of this city tbe polls were opene fso "late that , ' ' several men whom we coulli naitie, and , ' who presented themselves iu proper . -o time lost their vote some ot them went a out of city on the train at 8:30 tftn. Thi was known prior to tbe deeisioato count . ; . that ward,and alter it was decide a Re publican memlicr of the board ..stated to it t bat the books of that ward ulso were' opened, not at tho polling place but somewhere else the second Saturday be fore the election. ! The facts shown nbove ii'tely gave the right but made it tue duty of those canvassing to reject the vole from those : preciocts. In one of our city elections of no distant date, ia a contest-between Democrats the one who received the lar gest number of votes and no. one we-' nave heaitl speak of it believes' otherwise than that they were cast for hiinvin good' faith was deprived ol the . yflice to which he was elected simply iiecause of pencil marks 011 ome t tha ballots,' which were decided to be a device ami which led to the rejection of enough bal lots to change the result Democrats up-'; held the decision, which thnuuh nut according to the vote as cast wae.nccord- mg to law, and yet Democrats can be-, found that when a similar case arises be tween Democrats and their-apolitical opponents, seem to luvctr straining t he law a point in favor of their political ' adversaries. .;,. That the Republicans take whatever ad vantage of the kind they care Js too well known to saying there are suthclebt indi cations that the Populists have the will t do the same. Only yesterday ire saw iu an exchange that ia cabarrus county that tbe Populists township in Cabarra's coun ty thrown out because they etafhied one man voted there who lived jn.,$anntber county. The Populists are very ready t . take advantage of any techniality ' in the. elections, but bitterly denedoot lemocrat for tbe same thing. With tbem it, deoenda entirely on whose bull 19 gored,' We are not in favor of finy' unfair advantage being taken,. but we do believe in adhering to the law and reaping whatever advantage iQay como from so doing. Ui CARPET SALE ! We now offer the trade some of fhe liest values in CARPETS that hnveevcr been shown in the Stater One yard wide, in home made Rag Car pets, at 15c. Better grade at 25c.j Cotton Ingrain Carpets, 20 ahct'SSc. Cotton Tngrain carpets better "rjuality, for 3 and 35c ' i -i.lt I wool, 2 ply Extra Super lag rain car-' pets at 40c, Try to match thepi else where for less than 50c. All wool, 2 ply Extra 9 irper" 'ingrain Carpets at 50c. ;.aiJ All wool 8 ply Extra Super. Ingrain carpets at 75c. , TAPESTRIES An elegant line of beautiful patterns we will sell for the next few days at 4rc. worth 50 to 60c. Belter grade in many elegant ilesigne, worth 75c, now selling for5c. ' Now we come to the Line proud of: vre ... are Stinson & Higgins, extra quality, wire taps, at 70c worth 83 and fiOc. We do not like to sell these goods at such extremly lw prices, but Cp COTTON is forcing us to . do many things this season, we did not want to do. 10 VELVET CARPETS. We invite your attention to our Velvet Carpets at 75c. All size from 40c to 81.75. Linoleums and Oil Cloths, DillVr ent Widths. MATTINGS ! A few pieces of handsome Cotton Warp, reduced from 30c to 20c. Also our leader Seamless Mattings, can use Iiotb sides, 10c. per yd. Do not fail to get the benefit of this Itemoval Sale." Respect. ully, . . j H. B. DUFFY. Notice 1 We liave purchased Gaskill's Puak iiact and in future the drug trVle will find us at corner of Middle and 3Pol lock Sts..with a select stock of Perfiuues,Toilet Articles and Medic jnca. Braflliaiii & Brock Drnn; Co. '1'V a!---, iV.'-