'v - . r TEE WEEKLY JODML V-.' .7 " STTSiTES MSN" $. -PERYM-$. The WEEKLY JOURNALI In Advance. INDEPENDENT IN ALL THINGS. k.$1.00 Per Year: Single Copies, 5 Gents. vol. xvi r. NEW BERNE. CRAVEN COUNTY. N. C., NOVEMBER 21), L8)4. NO. 39 ; - i I: EXPECT ABOUT January 1st, 1895 And are coutinoing - : to soli goods at re 's". " marfcabl'- low prices between uow and that Vbf0 '?tWBktit'. ' ' ' - WE CAN SAVE YOU MONEY, A Trial will Convihck You. WE ." x . Keupect.olly, H- B, DUFFY, . "M Gcotls, Si02s, Carpetinis, Etc. 63 POLLOCK SI . - v "- ' ". ' - On r stock for the Fall and Win ter Trade is now complete in all 1 apartments. - " (inr Asso tiqcnt of DBE$S . - f8p?cirily Large and -.ear'efallj ftcJetd rohi the Latest! ' " i 6ijleI - J VVe invite especial a(ten - tieu to oar line of DLflCIC DoESS GOODS It will repay to examine them and get oar prices before parchas 'y are snt for the R. G. . , Xttoson8 (llore Fittirig,Dr. War 1 -; ner!s Health, and rations makes ' ' ;-. of Corsets. ! "v.We carry a fall line of the liar . 7 risbarg Shoes which we gnaran . ''''i-? .-JLjOngf Wearers. A ,jf ghoe yoa can depend upon to give , - toil entire fcatisfactiori t?very tfnie. - - oll' line ot Carpets, Oil Cloths, - Mattings, Bags, Art Squares in I latest and attractive designs. - r jOar'ptices we guarantee to be . ' as low as von can obtain any- Vr. where for FIBST-CLASS goods, ;'--and we are ' " .- - ' 1 . When in the City yon are invit- ed to make, yonrself at home in onr store and examine our Stock. !Hj.MMe to SkO Goods - . . -(Samples sent npon applica. :.:.;.;.'. ! FIMAXCIAL HOUSES - T ' ,-."'L'""'1 " J. E2TAST, ' THOS. SA2RELS, . Q. TL BC2Z3TS. Ctslder. - 'EIlE irATIOHAL BANE v OJeW Dern6f N. C. - , Incobpobated 1865. Capital, Surplus Profits, $100,000 98,168 ''. ... DIRECTORS: ' Vi: itsi. Bya?,: . Tnos. psif:w, - ' JMO.-DOKK, . (.. HlBVKV, t Rotpbts, JC K. Hjshop. -:.;- s Farmers L lerchants Bank -" Began basiness May, 1801. . OapiUl Stock, pakl in, - $75,000.00 7.000.00 - ' UodifTdcr Podts, .;--lavc' ! pi-FiCKS: 2.800.00 l'J.750.00 ; i 1. H. CVTLKR, President. Vii-e Prs. Cashier. Teller. Collector. - V '4 Cbidwh'K, -. T. W. Dwkv. , ' A. IL Powtu V F. F. Matthkws, With well established count ctions this Bnk is ireirr.l to offer all .n rommo- ln.rt8 COOS1M. ni wild ton-, rviitive Oiiuk Iw?.' - - , - - jPf.ut sn, i aieiVt! attention trireo b rt-- " -t,Vrill pleas.1 lo i-oirpon.l will. ' i- tW wha lu.iy CMiteiuplate making emplate making TlB-jea 0p uiug new acxounls. " :- v. Twm. A. GlttX,rn. C. K. For, Cashier, "Jl, ,J"ia.IHJ!i, Vice-Pres. H. M.Gboves, Teller --'"" . T CITIZEN'S BANK OB XTSTW BEHNE, 1ST C pO A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS. f.--..- . , .. . ..w; ."c " Mfcwi. rrmers. Merchants nJ qthra re- - c p'tchI on lTorb tenns. Prompt n.t care 2 ul tUUinLkiB siveu to the Intel est of our cud- L!fil . boakd or DIRECTOIIS. rnlinmKd ITlrleb. K. H. Meadow-., - J. A. Meadows. Chs. imflN . Jr Cha. Iiuffv. Jr. Jumen Ro.luion.1, Cbiu KoUoiislein, Mayor Harm, Tbomaa A. Green, C. K. Eov- - Rmi,biI W Innrii Jarues lus.uionn, Chart. U. Fowier, wiuiara imm, K- W. Smallwoo.1. plliy ATI! SALE " - A numbrr of Mcles, 1 lull Comple Beut of valnble Farming Utensils, . " sal s 'HUBBfA Uakness. Apply to P. S. COX, " ,:. ' B2D-Uw-tfI . New Beroe, N. C. FLOw OX. FAIR CATAWBA. Flow oo, fair CMawhw. tby lieanty flow on. a i . v...- u.' l ...!. i;. ,.!. ,. , -T-.s Ul 1,111 illll.1 113 Slll It 1111 in I IIC 1.1.5 Ul tbe dawn Are thy rippling ivavi? o'er rock ami o'er shoal; Mom? lovely art tliou than the miser's bright sold, Tlie boughs that ham; o'er thy soft vcr- ..- Kecline n tliv howm with kisses ,...f hant. I hank-; For thy rippling waves which lovingly rlow Round 'oeath the houghs where the water oaks "row. Vlr.iv n tr I'nt -. ...V... . , ,-t , i I . .1 . . ,. v. I v.r, ..... delight Wa-s to gaze on thy waves hy the sum's goldea lis? hi ; No waters I we'en are so fair as th ...n That ripple along o'er ssnil and o'er stone; To mine ear thy low niurniurinjs aie a sonlliiiiir and sweet As the wliL-perings of love which the an gels repeat To "the infant whose pillow its golden head pressed of Smother who watches its ot its motner who watcties s In dreams rest Flow od, fair Catawba, in the mooDlight's lt beams A girdl of silver, the loveliest of streams, Wiio!: clsp fair Nature her hand hath undone To rest ii the moonbeanjs ami sport in the sun. Murmuring tlie while in tills suit and low, My Uuny .Teeo hanks by thee as I flo.-. I'll sing thee a lullahy to charm thee to rest, Whilst tb,ou lean thus in love upon my fond breast. Flow on, fair Catawba; the ocean, the Could oe'er win tbis love I've cherished for thee. From childhood's bright hours I aaz-d on thy stream As graciously lovely as young love's first dream, As a child in its play curving in and about, Sjporting first with a perch and theu with a trout; With tiie sunoeams coquetting whilst gurgling with mirth. Ah, uiy pwn ponny jvater-. the fairest of enroll Flow on, fair Catawba; in thv Ix-auty and grace O'er my heart in f..ni token r. 1.1 inbr-mru has traced r i.; ii.,. .... i,, All .... . iui . m. 1.1, n 1. mini.. .. M ulu glorious in aunals of historic fame. Flow on in thv lauty of rippling de light. Till death shall deprive my lond eyes of their sight In loving devotion on th -e they shall lu. 11 As long as iTfe's lamp s'.all cnn'inue to linru. Marie A. i lover. BAEGA1MS IN MILLINERY. Selling at tost for Cash for Net 80 J)AYS. A-1 persons indebted to me are request ed to come forward and settl" their ac counts at 'once. Respectfully. MRS. B. B. LANE. 101 Middle Street. n2-2-dw-lra AVK yow seen tlie Boheminn Cut Glaxs Toilet l"t- 1 ties at CORNER DRUG STORE t a-Saioke 7-204 Cigar, 10 cents. BARGAINS IH BLUBBT 1IB8 1 WAIT TO has len oivine; I5ar HUi fi. HWtkl eains for 60 days, and will continue to do so for the next 30 I yv ps . 78 Pollock St., 2d Store f.om Middle. n24-dw iw) Valuable Land for Rent in number of acres to suit panies, or as a whole farm of 420 acres.. Fine for truck r other farms. Apply 1 1 MRS. y. HARRISON, Agent. BOARD! WILMINGTON, X. f. By Day or Week. I Five minutes from all trains Fine view of all parades & river. Street Car Tine Terms Reasonable. , , .. itwto n, Klulherry apd Walnut. u-li dw-tf FARMERS, Do Yon Want a Good TUe M'nUei' A.V (hm1 Tubular St-el Mower leads all others in ligtltness ofdiaft. weight ol urn- chine and ease of uianagciiient. j For descriptive circulars or iefnimat ion 1 . A. ml to , , , U A -.U 1 LitiK St wU, J 1 o i-piwvr t i I n. 4 I tt.AV eii. v 14 A. I .mi. a i r. .i r. , DEALER IS Lime, Otiient, Terra Cotta Yi)e for drain and Sewers1 all sizes in stork. Also I .. ... .i flltintra Be sure to buy a burre! of ls "V 1 -"t- ' KL' ror aanitarv.t'uri)0ses 1 j; . . Ar ,aw : r 'ui . " r' t I rT-Vrioo anArnt44l. . A KM I I 1 0 I . W U W I W ESTABLISHED 1865. FAMILY GROCERIES AND General Merchandise, VM,iaVUV. Cart-boc8k Accomodations. 4 4 I RK FOR IUPIITIIF.KIA. I ..... .- . , .- i .i ... , wl K""""' ' r" " ''"' Found Suooeoforiil. ,, , r i i A t lit' IITS .'. g I 1 I I'C UNA I , Jill' l I 1 S I 1 tl 1 iadintlu sn al Hi., m-liwi and w I.e.. n, casa.n IV quired used it an. I t'. ili .. . that it w.iked iron r.i.I llniniiiir. to perfet tion. 'I'll.' icimdy is 'illiam T. Walt.r-, otic : : In simple, eisi y procured an 1 la-tlv ii-ed : wt..,it,i,.t :md I -ktr nvn c'liz n- . : and lie think it should le more Ui ih f il ly i wr.. r . I' I In- li ;i. ituuvtu. li. .s si.iini. in. ...r...- of in" from burning oumd nails . f tat ami I---. 1 , ... mi- J turpentine in the room in wind, the p ." l ' js. The ori" inal it. in eded .. m- i . .- case in which it had lie used and we r. -pium-n nic ;m- !t it: ... 1 wL .. .....I . ....... .1, ... I " " " ' ". " I liecanic violeiitlV HI " ith .lit H.I.. i.a was so weak Unit it uas .Iceineit dilluei- iOVl.,i ..;t.,. ,,f y;,-. H. ,c W il- oiis to try tr.icheoti.niy. orcutunU' open mil,,rl,,., ,,lt.hent ,.rt. Atlantic -a t the windpipe. A day or two lielotv ll.e ,i(je (()l11.lnv ,. m-iic liii.iM tal doctor was called he received a copy "' . lt..l .lM, n.tl.;. ,,f the ltu al - -le n. and the Paris Fiym: which contaiiicd a report ; ,(t.(..lnl0 j,,tl.,,..;i :m, iv rutiwnt a! in it made to the Fieneh Academy ot Mc 'i.ine . - ,,r k'i;.i l.ili- I.y Pr. Prlthil. Dr. Pelthil -aid t . f t 11' vapors of liipiul tar and tuiie ni .. woiil.l dissolve tilt: nuriUJiise.Mi.i.u.iiis which choke up the throat in or.. up and diph- theria. Dr. IVlthil's process was tie.- He pom - e.p.al pari s ot turpe.i.it.e ul)(1 a liqllltl t tr ,, :l lln , ruj, and seisnreio me m xrure. .v ..ei.se - nous snioKe arises, wnien oiiscines in.- an 1 of the room. "The patient." Pr Delti.il says, immediately seems to . xperience rebel; '.he elioki:ig I'll I ami rati I' stop: tiie patient tails a siuintiei an.i -tein- to inhale the smoke with pleasure. The fibrinous m. nibranc s. .etoin.s ,1,.. tacheil, and th- p. tie.it coughs up micro - bicieles. The-c. when c ..iiL'ht '111 a gla-s. niav be seen to dis-olve ill the smok Ihp rnnixi. nl lb roe dav- a 1 1 if vv.a 1 .1- tie - - patients entirely recovers." "The doctor trie.) this experiment - cesslully with little Kulh I., ckwood. She 1, mg n'ni, ci o.c .... ........... ..- ited her. First pniirinur al.niit two table spoonfuls ot liipiitt tar nil ;i 1 1 iro.i pan he poured as muih tnrpeiit u.e over it an. I set iconnre. i tie ricn. re--tin,u.--moKe w n''" rose to the cell. n- was I.y I e tns tin - pleasant. As it tilleil the room the child - breathlns became natural, acd as i be smoke grew dense she tell asleep.' ";W", '"' The Setiaie ol Vermont pi.ss. d the I. ill incorporal ine; the N iiitr ..'Uit anal coin- pany. f. ' . . . , , . Twr limm ra ri-vtm' 4 I III 1 . es n American cotton, tin: hrst ot the season, entered the Manchester ship canal, en route for Manchester, XoveniLer 'Jl-t. President Ilolladav. of the Agricultural '" i an I Mechanical College, is sifl'eiin.' from a broken collar bone. The Cat arms Cotton Mill Company lias nearly completed new milli : 1 1 Con cord. Having failed to secure a compromise, there is nothing left for China. Let her proceed to throw up the sponge. It would seem that the Jap.- su-cted Mr Cleveland and China of l;a vite' j.cne I bauds f..r i he pui-po-e of w.n k inj a panel !..llie Oil ll.eiu , . . ,,. . , ., , ... , 1 ne una lto .i ... tieu .- v ... 1 1 i ;i- l: . a - lin" alonff famou.dy with its equal riidits' .l..i ..lil ,.r.1..r...l ......I.. .. , , i , , plication lor ineaibershii). c 1 i lie most liorr.tiie icaiuics ., im.i .ir- meniau niessacre seem to have happened in the columns ot the newspapers. The piizefijhter appears to lie more dangerous on the .,tae than in the ring, if it be fair to judge from the murder ol Con Riordon by Bob Fitzs'mmons. The W. C T. I . is old oikiiiIi to vote, but it does lietier than vote. It influence thousauds of votes. An easy way to make the Chinese go j would be to get a lew -laps to come over and chase them away. Election surprises continue to turn hp. The. majority in Kausas against the wo man suffrage ((institutional amendment exceeds 30,0. hi. Rev Sam -Jones has become associated with Hev. B. F. Hay ties as editor of the Tennessee Methodist, published nt Nash ville as the orgoi of the Tennessee Con ference. John,!. Infills, of Kansas, anno inces that he is in Ihe hands of his friiii ls (r.ml enough His enemies hive been having fun w ith htm lonsf enough. K.-i ini.atcn i.t t he .a .t ton cron mane on the Charleston, S. C. Kxchar.L'e vary from 9.000.090 to 10,000.000 bales. U i expictcd that Charlestons receipts this year will be fully 400.000 hiles. ol which .188,782 bales have been so lar received. Ad soon as the other fellows get the offic. s Tammany will begin to preach re lorui. No better recipe for making a political reformer has ever been found tlian turning an office holder out. Ida Wells continues to preach against Ivtich.ng in the South, de-pile the fact ih it nearly all of the remit lynching; have occurred ip Ohio; Iiiiiinu, Kansas, 3ih) Iowa,- - The great State of Ohio has reason to tie ashamed ot the state of affairs iu Favette county, wiu-re au officer who did his plain duty in preventing a lynching cannot testify liefore a coroner except at the risk of his .if.-. The rain of l.-.st Sunday in New Gr leans was the cause ol a disastrous inc. A car load of bine in the Emiisville .,d Nnslnillefreig bp sheij lgllHui Horn thu " d.mpness,nnd destmyed llie sir d ami a notniec 4ifl.mdeilc.rs. . puriMs in tne in m, eii.ng ,,i . . . , ., ,., : -lock, he imported a numb, r "1 b.e Itni-t ,- ri.it, Gen. Lew Wal'a. e says that he wrote 1 Miednuars nl stallions and ni:.r- in l'o. ; I " ' ' 1 lM ' - " ' '" ' 1 ',, , ,,. , , "The Fan God ' b lore be bad ,ut iwti ,, lw.v 0(w,. ,f blue blooded pedi :rc. . 'I '.-"".' .-I. " I Hid l'c 1 v-i.fe.it to in Mexico, and "lira Bui' befoie he had ' came in for a share of his alU-i.l'.oii. and ' '". V', 'i ' 1"' " , '" i ever seen ihe Holy Land, and he thicks ,,;,a ,rl,,,t ,., iut,.,t in ..-ve;..po,g I" ' ' H. . .ml ,t -d-.-pa, .... n ...iploye.- j the 'ICK-.il color' in tach of the-' ian,-'.- as ; accurate as it woul i i aive bee-n if he had I ,.,o,l .. I..,,r I.,..,.,. 1, ..I ,1 I u i. t., -u. .. i Logan Meadows wl.,, killed j.ilci I: iv- i at,-1,, i.r. ..,,.,,,. I .si ."! ,,,, .cv i.i-., I,..: .rt.illu Jr. ..vlr in" II, t. -eo.i.l ."l.... .,,,,1 gets a sentence of twoi.ty-live y.-:u in the peuitentiary. 4 r.-il iii.anY ( '.iii.'ie--itieii are i-n j jed in tolling their cr.n-litu.nl- what ' tht-y will do h. n ibe i-.-m li Wa-hing- . 1. .11 i.'ll I .. 1 a 11' I II a -w 1 1 1-1 1 1 1. Ill t, .rm-ill v nlic, d inn I. r I he direction i .f M r it;... , . ti, . ., .it i... much ,-ur . i i-e I . . i et 1 1 n I ' n i m c n- 1 1 , tl g- tlm '.vill t'ail h " . "mb'.sli i ' t'l'l'.aguan- h.ld.lltly in. an by-ines. l hicitgUiins tuidtiitlv nu. ni Imi Tle c-olnlllit ee nil i ledum IlalM- I "'l civic itneiainm )H laising a guanini.e t ivic lti!eiatiim i laising a guanint.e : " ' '" prosi-cute vu.latm.is ..t the ehctiniis law at the recent el.ctn.n. Over fno.non is advniy subs, rib . I. L.-i .. Jibr, a Dem-iat, head- tin- li.-t with $'.Ooo.; and the m-xt highest -nbsmUT 4 a lino ' .! tl... i... t l.i.li,.-. also is a democrat. The gubernatorial el.-i -tion in T. pi e ee is -(Ml uiis-tiled Tin -e is delay in ; "'i'""'r t". . ,. , ........ potilM-rineiit nf Judge t . .iV I hat t lie elec- tun ..I t: Ilrnitu lean, wt.ul.l m-ver conceded until election fraud- charged agaipst ihe R-publi.-an- had be.-n thor- . . , . i , i ., oughly inv. -tig ,ted. ha-, -x.at d the Be- publicans. The Riilnein- who-, i.!..rit, w I t t.l bv Cnite.l St.,,- ii.e.,.- - I - the recent yv a! strike are lew ..-king tl Government kto pay Im the tia n.-n. u t -tion if lbe Very sildiei- lor whom thev applie I and who. chit f .hit it was to keep the lailroad line.- open and guard their pro pel ty. Nothing was s;tid about pay when the troops weie asked for. Tbe War Department opposes paving the charges ana raises tlie point that a- tlie i rdilriittdt so1u-1,t ,lR'. T''ou'cti"n .,f ,l,e tr00pStU.y ly,, r,nt J,-, re,Mr,l thl 111 I as passengers. nt i. Urnlh l Will i I.. Will! !.. i.e- ., ., ... .... AllHiilic ..! Line Some I Ii i " i; "I 111m I.ilo himI A1U iiim I -M I - liolimro. I" Ii i la ll 1 11 ro . -1 - nriV:lU V,. ' . . 1 col livtion in the ci hi hi ry . I'll ur lav moniii).' at hi limnc I In meiiiate cause cl Ins de itli n a- oar i of the -toillach. M r. Wall. 1 - w i- Ti.th vcar. and a : I w. f. 1 1 .l.mhter an 1 one -m. From exchan.'os we . nil lie : ...... , UlCt O I 1 IS e Veil t I II 1 a l . 1 - 11,1 , - I . I The lamented Mr. W alter- w li ' nru'.i niz ili. Hi in 1 "ii- c.l.nection lie i- -aid to l..i c . I. 'In- in. li I . . 1 ... 1 ... v ... 1. ...... 1 ; .... . 1 .?.!,... m.n am, jn ,,,..,, olir Sl:ill. f.t,u :1, 9lI!S(.lins a ,-, ,,. e a v. ap- ... ..L.v .. .... - pruachali'e eutleuiaii ol 1 he ' 'I. I d mi .1, I , , , ,ui.p n.-wa-a ir hi- nil autl ami t ill man win wind was li'- -in.i i . 1 1 r : li.. c,.-t nl -jn-at ati!!- it i- nii.l 11 -'. .r .ci, .11 s -1 in 1 .-t'l.'i III i-ill'r ill.' I n- 1,..' .?.:,. o .... ..- in i.i'Tii.i;,, . I ( ' j)p n),t,r jfj,.,.,, , js 'a : r ,rl , 11 I 1 ' 1 1 . 1 -..11. I r ii I W;l -1VII1 u hu h nn.h.1 1 1 1 1 Ni.rf 1 :n. I II f:i I W I t' wa. ,he 1;,.L,,.,t ,!, I ,,!, r in the Cit-l T f ,,i,i..i, il... Vil..iin.l,.n .V WVI.I, n . ; S.ite ,,. j,ivial ..r-ani .- , ,iin W:ls lN .v,il!.nt ,,iil :,i,....t a ..,'.,, ,.,.., i,w.,,,, ,- 11 v:,l,,.,- stuiee.ieil llllll as ii- ai.in. in ...i- imii ... . , - . : . ... .... ...... ... ticceeded him as it- In ad. lie was ihtu , inane n e pi . -n ieni 1 a 1 ic- - - n 1.1. . i . ! nttice whirl. Mr. II. W ail, a- f. rim rlv ! ,., " I In' the death of Mr. ,,t- r- IJaW. ........ joses ,,.r oreiim-t citiea in 1 . 1 1 . 1 1 . -pi! and (-uterpn-e. He had Iwn identilie.1 w itii develoDuii'llt sin. e 171. Ml Southern illlels n aniza- : ,llk ., ;l,.tive i,lter.-t p, th. I (M f (lie Snutliern Investment ( ui- : ulil.h , ;l (lnn,. ,,.,, ,,, , t i., t tli ,t st, ti..ii. He own.il !-.r.' , tra,.H t,r kUl,l i the Sautli. mi l a in . res en in several ot nie wcaauie-: cniei- . , , . . p-isesm Minima, the Cirolinas. ..ca-.i,. .M d.aina and other Southern sute-. a i K.y N i si. ii K it i:. For a iwj time he 'leMevel in the pmljlable (iracticahilily nf UnitiiiLT the! ui.. . .... i .1 mi.,-.,.' i ... , ., , t i.mir.i.1 miu cm. ...n- .........u ..i- in a- OI 1 ill 11 (J.I. i, Ol -' I I I a ' 1 1 l it' . i I C 's nrades. east 1 l . . .! i.--: a he purchased utir in mi:. "f innti- . n.'l tributary souiliern i .. 1 1 n:i. I . ci-ini si i.e; in t wo year- Inr llm proper; v . . . i ! j.",lH)0.IHHi. Mr. Walteis was p re- i ' ut nl the 1 ir -t steamship line est iblt-l.ed ' ! Wei u I'.aiti- more and Savannah, ami .. .it !. Inii time to time in every I an e.-; .. I,, t -hcl from Baltimore to the South. At the clo-e of the war In- in-Ved .... the advantae;,. of immedia'e'i ii-c-:.l- ; n- i-him; all southern line- nf -tinnier-. aide t I hem i u many w ays, am I a I-. u ee, 1 ! and aided t he oraui n i.ui of 1 iier in - I He was pn-i.lellt of the lir-1 -le.n-l.ip ) line lietw ei n I !al 1 1 more ;i n 1 1 S;i aim 1 1 1 i la I . . . . a (It recini in t e I one ii-i.inii-uoi i ic- t ween Baltimore ami the Snirh. lie wa- i he mo-t act i w- ot id I i iv n in t . -c-t I. . , , !l.' -nlllilcl II Conilnlllllcilla e. ,;, i,.s l cnneiicl with n. nv other in.-titutinn-. he w-ii- pre-idfit ..!' tin Peabodv Institute, t in-lee of t he ( '.a .- i m Art Gallery, at Wa-hiiiejina. and .:. - -dent of the Safe Deposit and Tiu-t .an pany of i'.altinioie His est. te is i -t'.n.aled ' to be worth about liMlOn.nnn. A lltlKMi nl' .u:l'. Williafi. T. Wii'lif wa- Lynn. I .11 question lialtimnre's fnivmo-t. ,- ral, and innst . list ri mi nat ip" fi :e"d nl ail. His ulv fondness for art induced M.. Walters to devote part nl the pmliN ol his first year in business to the purchase ot hue Dictures. h:ieli vear he a. H h) tnis lot. until now tb.- world know- thas William T. Waiters had on- I Hi- tine-t (irivate colieetions .1 paiin. - and Itric-a-bac. in existence. He I. m-l.t t lie lamous peach-blow va-e, it will 1 !" in an I ered, for sla.OnO. t was in art that Mr. W.-dlei'- lii-:e w.i-i particularly prominent. He w-.. iti- Ultltely know 11 to 1 he In -t Aliittvin I ,n- ropean artists. ..ml bis lift; in l l.n ap.. a.mi lsliil to 1 S;. brought him into 1 1 m t .n 1 w ilh thd most celebrab d painter- l In re. T-.o ...,lur,i inr.... .1 l..- I. i , i n . .1, ,1' at , works with the first v. ar- prolit o b - business in Baltimore has grown ,n a en1- leci ion which in many re-1 -. - i- -u pet inr In anv othei" in nrivate hal.'1- an w here. N't'tjoiily are his pointings notable -i seml.lage of the greateet w oi k-of modem masters, but his Orient.il collection of i are artistic skill is the costliest and most rep reselitative of any pi ivate colii-.tion in tin wor.tl. These t reasiires Irive bit-n 1 iii ow n open to public ie'.v on cei tain .lav- '.a each Year, and all the ll'i.u.ey arising turn. admissi(4u ftys, Hiiiottnting to large sum- annuallv, have been given to lb" poor of Baltiinoie. Similar liberality ha- been extended bv hiln in otbei (lii crtiou-. A lew years ago a gift off 1 il.iliill lni.n linn enabl. d the Mctr.'linlitau Mu eiiui n! Art in New Vork to I e npeiii d na Sun- days, and he has literally athleil oiher like organization. iVT.inr.KR nv K I NT ST I.f-K STc. K. t . ouoi.iv .,. .m- ..... .......s ,"'t. rfestel m the J civile,,. ,, Im r-c- m . ri.ii.io, .na .....v.... n ,.. . .. -" -t..-k ol ,, . , . ... , , . i -... . -'' " "! ' ,- I ,,.;,. lnilk and bint, r giving rap., ill.-. ' --ie interior ..f his dairv was nf not:.- - i ,i. .,, I.. .....'. .- . .... M M Willie 111 a I I 1 e 111 i . , . 1 1 . eai a... . a . ' " r n,,l ,;,m' (l !''"' !l"-''-""; : ally tn In-, live stork and be bad -n-i i lll"sL of his .111 able aiiiina!- 'fin- "'' t,,,k l'1'1''1' almt -even y. ar- A IMI KIMIM. iti III. oi oi a e K.Tll. i'H(i. Mr. Kdw.r.l (i.-n.. k 1 Jit I" . otli. a -l.o.t ti g... a -t ,te t ii.elle , i Ni I'la C ,. Sc., la -rue, . C I let HI.. 1 ", li.-rne, N. ' I r I" HI.. pr.,l,.i l.X t jnlgit ,V liiim ll.tl. I, "Il Milan -,' ,-, l wivn I'ulluck :iinl U iii-r - . -iil.i-ipliuli gj ,-lilliu.gs a . .... I ,uii-r .- in a g.itid Mat- : pn - r .:. :l, tain- many int. r.-nn ..r . 'I'l,,. a-.-aier nail . f ihe i. iii. t,., , n,,. n.....: ; : n Mt , ;,ix,u, , - , t., n-.,m, :i Con-iinit:,. a im' ,, m ( (..-.. A .,-lo 1're-ident am I m .1 n-k . ; t.ii v nl the den ic .u I .....im ..... ! - sltiie, Masn.tchi: -m I . . ..an 1 .a' lmh, .i u- .In-n. I . ii ware, Maryland V.ig u. .. Smith Carolina and G em -gi . . i , Among the various adv. Valh ' two nrf-ring live p. mini- I. w in I I. .......... . a .1.. imi ic - a ad a I iIm-i a i n u am ther .and-, -la. k v d.o I I,.-., i .... W h. ii Mi W In t. -Ii- . a i sr.u i. i n t. u . ; i.l..i criidr-i. si ,. , i .; soi I , i I it il i:i.(iiiii:m . I. . . . I. . i l . . .1 :i I .! ll i ll . i.ll 4 .... ol Noi-l.ilK U'..-cs.i . al i i in .'u C.-iiK- Willi. III.' 4 ..III a l. . i mid Wliiil il l".ii. ... I... M - I .. I . i 'a i ' 1 1 a , I. u Iiin' ;; ! I n U .p. I" il'i. Vice l'l'. -l- c.:.. i ... r.i .1 :.i ( 'ol. .ii:.al:.ci . .: 1 1 : . i ! i. i. " a' .1 ' .' which u :i i.r , . i ;ic 1 1 '. i i - wi i k :.: in i ' I I i 1 1 1. ! .N I,- . ;!i ! ic . ' i c i : ; el' i ii I h ;i t ci I wa ll. 1 1 i - cm i - i ci the -I eat i H-f 1 '.li i.ii and. n ..' t l ! I.e 1 Illp 11 . Il l' 1 .1 1 - '.- ' t i- i i LCl I he !.- . .lid 1 1 i . -1' -led , -I the w i n k p -1 i iii :n c. mi pi 1-I1. ami . ;i. . i.' a pp a 'it 1 .1 to look 1 I I 1 kc -l"i'k fur 1 he cuin- I !, 1 n prop --li.cn ry .11 lt 1 : lie ivimin I i.c,' - lit li 1 mi - i- tin ..ii N i-hamtnii . 1 1 ti.- I 'actlic; lln pi cap 1 1 tin: . . -1 -ell l- an-1 cap- .1...IC i In.- - I , . S. .Ill C I lc.-ii'p the 1 es. ni si- . 1 1 -p 1 ta I !. . 1 1 1! ii -. and to 1 tic. iiii-:! ire -tl.. e I iliii-liiin-iit I prolilal.le iinlll-U'ic-t hat n a I .' 1 v c .1 11 p. -In - li 1 1 Vi I'v I 1' inch o I ' a -.. an. I 11. 1 Ii wlii-i-c -II. Il illdll-tl if lie i - a ! .' ,- a 1 !. Ill pt.ip. 1-1 d t. 1.1 in'.' .1.1 1. . I Ii-- th 01 I L-'aO I'an.i'ie.s .J' a ,,--1 : 1 1 . i . 1 la- ..I lliillicnalll- In li.i- c.'llil- 1 1 1 . . 1 . 1 1 1 a 11 I I . ::i w 1 I i;iia r- .1,1 . in; iii.- '. 1 ..i.c: ..1 llii- iiiiinU-r ol' 'I'll ! e 1 i'JI' 1 lit- which It Is plO- ! : jr. Hn -turd) an I thrifty ; I I' ll aln I, .. 1 A.l. If Ila.ark". '' 1 '" M '" 1 ..-. a an I ill. 1 ... it 1 1 1 .! r-c. illaii. I, men I I a e inc n.- to pay li 1 1 hinds ir I i 1 -inn 1I1-I . c- h.n e ea.i'al I. !i ; . '.i ho ne -i, aid la ' .ol er-, am I who; 1 . . ! fic.ni a-, an I d.- eh ip the e- m which Ih.-s -' Iti'- or colon- ! . Hun ( Ul' ',' A .. 1 am 1 1 e! i n ee . ! 1 be c(iiiii;niy for , IC -lie. a -- tli I U 1 1 1 . i 11 1 1 1.1 1 nf its piillis is j tin- 1 1 1 l 1 ill 11 New V. rk I. in. dm.; li neia! aueiit at Tli - is Mr- ' Kmil hi.- held the po- iieral lo Sweden, wh-i V.. 111 that cir.-inu-l ince .ml from e).er 1 m e in iiiimiurutiim w.'ik in a coniiuand 11 .. 1 n isi I n ill lelal i ve to -tk-h chiinees 01 , , v , i i i .; ., . .; i i ... e n ii a i n i i . n v ( "is n w Hi a I w i e ' :,,,,.,,. J k blu ,,, if. : , , i, UU..Jn of letters from j scttieis mdi.. North w. t who have their ee- tit:. cd inn-in '!y -i-uthwaid. Many hit i - 1!'..i.i lliose -ttiliutiie "..Id cnun- i.- , . i. . , 1 1 . i .,,.,! ; . i... : i . i: ...i-c in . mu . .... , p 1 l e i i I ! 1 1 u s 1. 1 1 1; i kc i 1 1' I i 1 1 . 1 1 , in . , I , -. K aid i- a n.it ivi- of the .-I In- j u. -. a I. .a, n hi l. a aipli.n (the kimtlv ; . ... . i ! , i .- w In n -be w a- out a ch 1 1. 1 . , i- iH.iimvj.a -, tn hi n ill allacliuieiH iind , : '. I a : : , . il i-a is -be has Ifcii en-, j.-.i-ji-.l . .-If. a I- lo. 'kin i tn .level. . piuei. t j of the Sni.il.i m State-, slm is it wider, : and no' -. it . t'i 1 'iitt- to piiblicalinns in tlii- c. nmt-v hui i-ow roiit.iliu'e also t,. f,.i'-'wo pap.r- in SwihIcii and S-i.,!..'..l. I'n i nn.! r.e- a nn nej t he cil izen- , ! unci :b- 1 1 il.i na ' i. ma 1 coloiii. n imi ! i . mi pa i n i - . i . i in, tl - . bit I t llm 1 - . Mi - 1 !.- , . .1 I. a - i.-tie, - of timi-j- u.l.n-e-1 in Mian- if - -! prominoiil 1 1 iii i . ' ; e t il i i . ' n: .late and i un- I i i , ; u a . a-. ' ' a i a . . , ' - a . - . i tl al le r w- rk .... i Unit of the, I, ( p o.y in . III ill Imtll : a 1.1 .. m-i i. a', l e-ll 1 -. W SIII4.I i.riTiit. 1 i. ... :. Is .repi. i -iii(t lo I ii;lil l.ntii 0. 111-r Amiiti. Will Thrj t'drec an 1. xlra Session ol 4'. Micros? rerMlll I al. i:.Si.il.rr Kccll llaM 4(iposi f linn.- hicdiiii' Ta .---4'i il Ser i!-(. j 1 I. It-... .1. I , ..- m a- to -.a.-- me. ts, a war "to t !,.- I, a Ic " wa.l I I .c.a.u mi ilic Adminis- I. .ti m'- litiitneial :m I talUf policy linltss i a . nt. .. ..is,- i- , H'.-. t.-d U-fore that time. s, n 'l"i - I lari i--1 1 -1 . :;u i " I'M oiiili.a Jones, the (i' her senators are t mil' I. "Mature. It is i'ii t i.e advantages this the nppndle parlv. i a- ! ! ..inn i ni - I .1 - id ' I in ia':.c uni" t- v l.-it evc'i patriot . -I,, m 1 I :. t me alti mpi to' promote. I'nlefs. (tb a-nn lit- :t . more I liiitin iiiious. the ;l;. iilii'. m- and 1'.. pocr.il-w ill f.rre an . v ci - -am mi th. , minp .,n I n.-itiiz both . .) and II. Fnun the pa-sent I . at i . . ... . it -e. in- -.-an-eiy pi 'bable l.i ! 1 1, m , i .t n . l ll.e aiipn ipri c i. m bi h- w .1. ( j . n-i . . a . . m-i-leiiiti. m I ft' .re tli c.ni-j ' mj. - 'a 1 1 - in i ! -e-. s n .l"f Plati I ... ... . : - I .. r.. mi In, v I .a i -it to ; N.-.v N a t b ( .n ii ai - ay- t his w il I i , be t'tc n .ill. i Judge A. ! i a a Ic 1 I X. ha- r. lurnc 1 fi .. im:- d l.elllly. I'. S :i i-;t to his nu' ive j.aiv. s.di-.n. X. ( ' j i ip.. -ii...n It in u a p.-i f . I ourre- ; ha- ,,- .- i i.. -C.ir' I!. .-i"- rec-nt -pe;.'.. i -h I p b .....i I'.-ri ap-s..in.. o T-m. 1 .i;.-.!- ...na . I- "itu r. -t. 'cut il a-- , p i at i, . - . r i . . -h ; i - ee Intii pn' in a i p..-iti.ti wh.-i. la ian wi.-lds.. much! 'p.. we! ( . : : 1 1 . . i - - i . n i . r Miller i.f the inlertnil ! rc i title bur an i- ipimt'y pet f. cling his I at i aiucineul - for the execution ofthe Im- 'l':. p . . n .-'n m- ..t i he tiiritf law, l.iit . o -ecrei is im.de nf ihe b.-li.'f thai en 1 In i i i lot cei m n t ol lh -hiw wilth -iin in .. ; .- .1.1. w nl 1 a 1 ng.- increase in the ; - - r 1 ,- i- tin I. t -i I that Sc t-';iry j" C.irb ' -w :1! a-k Cnug ss fur an imine- ! ,-ti."" apiilapnale.n d' Si. "it li I. pi M 1 for III.-; lo.tn i, l ot a I.M'loaal .i.-plllV c.ll- . . .a . a' . . , , i . a t,. .., : i , , . u . p . -f , ,u I , :,g the ;:l,. ;, ,, iu.,. ,',,. i, ,,,.. ; ,,,ai,. d ..,., Th- law i i to-, na i ...tie! .latii.iv 1 i,.-x'. .in tin ,' ; ". '.. .'"'. , ' ' '' ,' " '' 1 ' '- " ' 'i ' " '"' ' I ol 'Ci, I. . a i, 1 f I I rt II I . II I " " '' 1 1 ,.- . tn. .; - i I It" I .In a :- - si in: in iimitt. riov. Ill- I i il e I ii i-il i li I'll is W a Irom III.' West anil 111- laisl 'br.--kan 4..I .111 i-l ( I. member the recent nl I ala- limn Xe iv a. I . be all-, a ly .g -ei. i I- '- I - nil tia: u: :" . i . c. -.-o.ia, He ;,. , i I ; 1 i - I II liiel - li.cn I f -1-ll'lgton M"-i':i"i r "''- -I I-!- f i I .'a! . I.: ,; Mi I - a.il t- I il 1 1 I n . 1 1 ' I ago II. -t 1-i o M . i I. a-l, ,. , t .1.11 1 1 ill' llele ill. i i W.Mlid , ,, b ii..is-. Mr. Sto.l lar.l I I i - I lie ad nice .jilitl-.l . if il 1 N. Ira-Kai.-. it i- I- .. in I. , ' . i f t In- I !ep ,1 i met 1 c. - 'hat ' I h,s n 1 1 a e Coin Xe'.ia-ka will lln , lid ..f I,.- vear. il" di e p. i.p'e r-nlite ! he , nl IV pn dent doe 1 i.. h:i- advised lb. an : v nf g. 'i nl people IV. Hi l i !-i i i i a ne. A gent le-i- 1 1 M ei e-ti ng In t n-el f I . ..a - nil' 1 . c V w mall in If I i ' illlc I I na Mi e. Mi i- ,a - i ll dli. In . nine S il ti. . I i ! I.. V c i ! I .. . . : , 1 ui IIC mailt ie .1. , - II. H Hi C-d'el . Vt l.o i . ., - ;.. -,-l : c , - , tb it p. nple there 1 1 ,1 , id ir,!! y -Innilitrj lll.al call le t' . keep the I dler fr mi -tarving to death She w ,- , -I, ini-li' ' I id ille contrast between N..i th Cr.'lin i a- she -a w i t hist su m iii, a. w.iii it- jieeii lie'ib. and Nebraska, p:n, bed nk.- i dc-eit. The contrast was aw till Ytl ihe N. bl'a-kil J.apal'S sup pn -- mu h ..f tlii- and they vvill not pub-li-h thenan.es of peoph- who leave that bleak State to come Smith." RK. III' Tolil Many I lis! l-lll-i i ! TIlinH lion I I lie AraliH ami Kxliitiil Arlii--I.'h o! A iiiri'l A c. I'.-il hy Tliem. I!ev. I.. Mo;hal.;li;i!i u ne an entertain ing ie.allie 111 the l'tv-' .y ler'nui lecture l'limii Tl. Mr-day. throwing coiisidenil !ii;ht on thus- r.iiu' ih-c-ndar,ts 1 !' A lil'.di 1111 who stiii pri -eru- :n their pas-: total liti- iinmv n the .iistoins of the' olden Iiible time-. I Ic -ho we 1 that t he Arabic mind 1 tic:- -1 1. me the. Mill, that they ur- i)i lace to 1 1 i 1 1 we are i in lei it - , id Inr many ol 1 he -cienc sth-.t theyi li.vc If -nurcit dtavi i- into the hidden ' II I -t- 1 ics 1 .t asl r, mi 1.I1V. eiilngv. etc. He told iililn ir w f Idinu am I social cu-toin-. "I th. ir liiil.il- the ri-M'i-e ol'cleanlv, o! I heir remarkable li.le'ity to tiatenls. t-tc. The I . -si ,1 1 l,ruii;ht out I.y the lecture u a - 1 he -111a 1 1 amount of inis-h.tiarv et-t foil dine ed toward- tlii- people and die reason and need there is I n- evaii-jyliuig , 1 hem. At tin- ( urn lll-ioll ol ll.e lecture In- 1 - I liil.iliil - ime of ihe inti iiv-t 1 11 l; articles he ha- with him a -line, such as David! us: .1. w e iritig api.ar. I. ear ring's aliout 11 1 foot loin.': necklace-, made, of pieces of nioaey. the larm-st tlie gift of il woinm's hii.-li ind and the smaller the gili ol rela- j l i esai.d f'iends, one li'oni each. He ex- plained that in the p-ti'alile of ll.e piece of' lo-t moll -v which the woman - an ln-.l I tin' -o dil.aenilv. the pier.- . ablv oil' of such a ileckla. e an 1 (h sin II importance tn all e Ii d I 1 at-e her to c ill Inr le-r r.-lal li lend- 1. 1 1 1 j .ice with Inr win u foil in I. 111. ill - In and w a- M: U RMTI KK SI4IKK. Nneoil A- ( II., I'. . Howin. Mhiiki'i. W ill Soon 4 pon. The store, X... s? Pollock ioining M. K. WhilchuisL's, fr In el, fi'l 111 which Messrs. IbiP. Ilil.lurd. and t hadwiek IV- centlv moved, will "mi become a well stocked furniture stoie. Tim firm will be S ,,ed i (",.., 1', X. Ilewm. manager. It will be :i biam-li e'abli lime nt ..f the Wilmitcitou Ib.u-e of Sueed -M Co. Mirny i f the mattre-ses. liiiiiioes, etc, will lie manufactured in Wil J 1 i i 1 e; 1 1 .1) . Mr. Hewin, tbt manager, rerent !v of St. I.i.iiis. is now niakiu'j; his l.ieiiara'ions opening'. He inlniins us thai be will car-! 1'V a very select line a.- o, ;. any trade! arouiid calls for. 1 i 4'4( KK'I' AT TKKVI'OIN. ! Ill bo Hold 'I linn ksiii i "li in III I 11- i.i-t- Hiihai. i o AiiHiiooN lor tho. Ilo.io.fil ol Tin- Oxli.r.l 4 Vr fill a ii A-tylltMl. .Mis- Jen lie Windley, :is.M-te I by her blethers, willyive :i concert at Tieili.n under the auspices of the Masons ..f ..mi. l-ndec No. 1 on Thursday n uhl JlMh i i ; st .' ( riianksizivine; lhiy) lor the b- lielil of the orphan asylum at -Kim".1. Good -inuinf' and line iu-trumea a' music on various instruments is p. .isnl by the . ..annittee W llicll c llstsi- .. Mr. W. C Kin-, v. Kc '. li. I,'-, Me-s.rs. S. K. K ee, Tie's- J. Wl, M,:-i-raiid W. W. !"(-. Illi k-. The o, i. - .: ad'..is-i HI Will be I "i (tilt-, rt served .- ;tts con Is, i hihlt'cll u.nl. r 1-.'. Ill milt-. 4 liaituiiiK- in liaml Saw Mill. M- is. W. 11. Blade an I Bro. are puli bur in a band saw outfit o.filie ni-t approved kind in phu e nf the riivulai" saw mill outfit they have been us'im in tb-ii mill oppa-ite ihe city. The saw mid will cut .nil ,000 to -111.00'.) lee i pei dav. .Mr. J. L. (iardner, nf Wa-lii"-jioii X.C. a native of Xew Berne hi- arrived put in lbe in fhinei . Mi. Gardner bi ll. mi- us that Im i. as put in four :.l these band mills in the la-t three months and has several more alu ad of him. His nex t one w ill ho for Pickles Bros, al, Hnnth's cie-k. Their n'eyy nyll cit alsy have ;i capa. ity ol,' thirty or lorty thousand feet. Tlmv 'will' have a plant valued at $20. nuti. llno-Ailo For SoreThriinl anil lliti I lioria. Df. !. K. B.igby tells it- of a r.-medv for -ore throat which he has twice trieil willi -una! success an. I esteems sC lijgh'y that he w.mLs tin- public b know of its lii. iits U is to1 eat a slice ut' pine .qiple i.nd u sin.. nlul . r two of the ju c- eveiy thirty or fol'tv milHitis, as long as :s in i-ih tl. The anne I pine apple answers the purpose as well a-- the fre-li. Doctor B.igby hnm l mention of the remedy in the London I . in.- t ,' lli.it, p,aper had copied it from ll.e t 'Hi"' Medical Journal. The ty-st viiite i b doctor tried it w:s un ..ne nf his ..hildieii who had a bid rase ..1 nlct ra'ttl and granulated -ore thmat. In about iliiiay I. ours the throat was well. The next time it was n mild case and in less than twenty-lour hours a cure was effected. It is claimed tint not only is the pine-apple efficacious in simple -ue throat but that it is also a specific lor diphtheria. It has one advantage over most V-aiicdies. There w ill be lib tyouLfehi gelling the pa tient tu take 'pl-iity of it. 4'aplain Hamilton 4'. 4raham. 'I'he extract following Irmn the Mobile Register, gives us tidings of a lormer Ne- Hernial). Captain Graham w..s long a resilient here, and in 1H85 delivered the annual address before our C'onfedeiate Meinoiia! Association. During the Tile war be served in the 7th and l!jid Regi ments, and was I. idly wounded at Gaines' Mill in June, 102. He is'nov. a member of i In- Alabama ."gisratnte; C.-iutuiii II. C. (ir.iltam, of S-bna. Ihe u'de editor of the Journal of that city, ba in the November number ofthe Blue mid Ciay an article upon the subject. 'How Xmili iinilini Went Into the War." In I ;i i 1 1 it 1 1 1 ness nt tletail and graphic dtsclip-tivents- it is like a chapter out of Mr. Del, eon - "Four A'tars in Rebel Capi tals" and is a valuable cnntributimi to the records of a little known side ol the gl'eat struggle between the slates." 4 .unity Antliony liayi-t u l..ioir lioa.il Hi uriouN Will. Mr. Anthony Davis died Sunday 'C 1 lelice ill l'lllk H 'il h'lWllsiiil. at Ins ! aged : about 75 years. Mr. D;nis left an e-t de worth between s 1 1 ij li ii 1 ami if -Jn.lMKI. His will is tiiiie long-bv. Iieinu :!J pagt s i-f legal cap p..ler. which vvill be probated next Monday, lle lefi bis pioperty to the public school fil',.1. of la noir county, ev. cj.i the ii.te.riM.t nn ijl.uon which i- givi n'tn his housekeeper. 4'hr will ;jio ides thai I'm ion irs tin interest or pmlit-"til . I'mm bis pr..ji -itv -hall be il-cd lor the public schools, but if i In-re should come a time when there are nn public schools in the coiiniv then lbe beiielits from the propeily shall go p. tne goiieial count v luiid to le.-seu I axe.-, fui i i.er provi led that if a new t an n t y shall b.- establish. d be li . re the . -xpir dim! of I "0 years with his place as the county seat tneii the property -hall go lor the. Ivetil of the new eoimty,- t : I o 1 1'J 1 1 -hilt Im taken 'i'nii. ihi- 1 1 1 "t .. tii r.p.ii his cemcirry evn y li.n.e M-ai's. t tin- cxpnai imi nf 1 1 ul veil-. :f a new ...li .Iv is m.t I. .rule I the e-Iii'ein iv I h' ;'ti I the en'iie prccee.f tiiiii .Ime. to tin-ctini v . Kli-loii Fn-e I'less. Gov. ( arr appoiuts V . J. Adams. l)em ocrai, ot Moore to unly, and Charles A. Cook, Republican, of Warreu couuty, as I . nieinlie.s ofthe State Board of Canvassers. 'The other members are the Governor, Secretary of State aud Attorney Geu- j cral. ltl:V. !!. II A ! II A ITS I. KI SI'DKTS.M .VS I' I! UISK. Willi t Ii - m' al ul' ('old W eather, the Ilnniiiiii' Season Has Uenei. Vow hero I l-e 4 an ;iiiiic bo l .tuii.l in 4.reiil.-r Vnrioly ami 4(iiliul ily Minn in Klisli'rn 4'iiroliiia - I.hiiiI Ihiiiiii. Ton Tliouftml llnekn Killoil in 4tno lla 1 11 vol ia Ii- ul llii' Kn.t 4'nro lina 1'air. A -011 i.d liii.a Ih ("it v oil ii p -and I H '-ci veT . indent I. W. of the It 1 lei wt Ni w-Alb'-rl-oii. .1 1'.. writ in 111. o i v. s the lollow i in 1 1 iti -on in Is ' if N 1 count ies In ir. lerinu. it -With the (ami 1 1 lt under date of Nov. : wr.ie-up ot game th an. lira t.tnl in n 1 lie -uunds. it her lias come the sportsmen with it-.animned -tliirthc pur-uil nj' e:nne. rr.oiibjy tvv lin.- in ihe Smte cm it be n I m oienit.. variety m" quantity th;ni in I lm v,,r .1 counties 3oup.-iu lb- A I'.einarle . -tion. Fn.m ihe plainiiit. note i f Ihe I Bob While." tho rasptna .piat k"' ot J tbt w ild duck-, the souoti'iis mink" ol the "ihl unos.. imd i he hoa.se jiimwI ot j the black benr. ll.e lm :d Niu.rod may .draw the iii-pna'imi nf his calling. The timid line, llm deceitful ii'pnssiim, the i nii.i iiidin.f r na (inn, the iricky fox. and Ihe li t I -1 1 ( tl deer, ale all lo Iw found in their several haunts. 'I'he in ... with inclination and th time to spare can f i-ily nd pleasantly minify the one and j employ il.enth.r. (uail. or partridm--I as we call the n. are abundant, more i plentiful, it is -nnl. tb in for several years land may be f und in all i he counties. I t.unnel"; with dims are on their trail ( very .lav end vast n umber f them are I bcitlL' killed. "Toe- are linind moie or le.s- in evevv locality but fox-liuntine;, a,- spurt, is not what it forniefJy w.as lilt's may he found w ittiin a few miles of Kiiabeth City on wl.ut is known as the Great P..l"k estate, a trac t ol some ii.OtH) acres ul sw i.mp, ih a liiii; an 1 cleared l nitl, mid in otlier localities in Pasquotank and Per quimans counties. They are also to lie found nlonn Alliuator riv r m Dare and Hyde and Tyrrel. C"l. C'recy. through the Economist, imitle f .n o..- the name of "Bill Basniuht. llm bear hunter'' of Dare county. Mr. Uasnithfs Imme i- oi IV V noke Islaiitl, and he can tell nyany mar velous and hair-raising -Jo'ieii of his experiences iifS a lu,.iier. -y are lit t -o imnierous a- iunite.i 1 . but in .y -till I touiid in qiiivniit e.v to Juslil'y their puisiiiL in parts of Currituck, Dare, Hyde and perhaps ot'.pi cnuniies. " 'l'nssui.i and "coon-, like the poor, arc always witu us. The pine knot tiivs ii inativ a tie.To cabin immune the happy t re- i f '; ri 11 ti itii; darkies as Hit v roiL tfv iv . - and snitf the air redolent with ihe aroma nf cooking 'pont and taiers. For genuine, huppieas, unalloyed with cares of ili,e pyoe-nt ol" forebodinj;s I'm" the lutiue. ln.thing can compare with the Southern darkey when be may gre-.se his chops with 'possum tat. But the sport, par excellence, of tne -i cii.m i- Un- hunting of wild low l m our hi in Is an I bays. Wild geese and swan. ducks ol all suits, canvass Vfich. auil red head, plover and ttil. bjuy-k duck and coot, ail svvann iv, yjiuntless flocks. The a;r is fJled w iih their sovetnl cries, and on goad flay-, in Currituck Sum. I thede'.o naiioiis of hundreds of exploding shot gnus remind one ofthe lir.ng in any in fantry skirmish fight. I have hem. I it -tilled that on one day last week no less i fa a ten thousand ducks wire killed by gunners in Curiituck Sound. Th'sdne not include the accompanying slaughter in Roanoke and Pamlico Souids aiyl the various bays and nrps. At sve.h a rale it would stem that the wild fowl wimklsoon lie exterminated, But the same thing has beon goi'y on for eiv. and lbe binls still come, 'l'hey arc iiu'1'1. -ay tlian formerly ami do not come in such immense flocks as tlmy did twenty year.-, ago, but to the unaccustomed visilor it Wt.uld slid s.ein that they must come in millions. "The most destructive method of hunt ing is in what are c.dleJ Latteries run. trivance looking like coffins, made to bold one man lying on lu U.ck, and lVoin Ihe sides of which etetl I will;- waicll be iipcn the wiiter and keep ilie whole ia.flti.it, fipou ami around t he-e wings are placed decoys, on seeing which the flying duc ks approach and till l by tbe d zen upon the discharge ofthe hunter's gut". One man stays in the "battery,'' a most suggestive name, wliilo, aumher, in a skiff or canoe, sails aboit at a ili-.tance. fright ening tevevling birds, who, seeing the de P'.ys apparently unmolested, go to th. in and to their own destruction "Only lisident.s ol" the Slate can hunt, in this manner or in any other manner except from the land. N.ui-rasidenis are not permitted to sin . t atlmt in any i. a ner but are confined t. thr sli..i.-, ii,ii.l tbe natives are je ilou - of Iheii- V'ghl thev see to it that the layv i- obeyed by for eigners Pj-esideit Cleveland, last winter, was a UOtujaje. exception, but ot this ;ind some other inteivsting matter in the same connection 1 will write another lime."' We will only add to the above comr munication that an easy ojiportunity of making investigations in reference to the game of Eastern Carolina is ..If. red at the annuU exhibitions of the East Carolina Fish. Oyster, Game and Inilu-t rial As ciation held every winter in X. w B-Tno. The next exhibition will be '"in, ymda y. February lfstli, in ejaturdiiy, February 2.ini. inclusi've. 'I'he-e is not a variety of animal or bird aUudid to above but what lis i t. n shown at lb. se exhibitions and many have been shown too ol which the irtic'le does not speak at all such as eagles, herons and bitterns, swans, p,.n theis, wildcats, otters, beaver, ten and twelve foot alligaiois. etc. All these and many others ran still be found roaming the fo tests or abounding in the rivers, lakes, creeks and sound- of this region ; Come to the l iiir and view the variety ; V out for sport. let distant pruspei tiie visUm's tu th L silt- fenieuilier however, that the Fair j dons not by any means stop vv it h show mg the .-ports of tin- . gi-ni. I1 is an Indus trial hxposi mu : s wi II, i.nd Hi. re ti oe its chit! important e. Tlm-e contem plating lemnvai to the Smith or making investment- Ul ihe 'mith tannot do l e'l.-r I linn lo and sr. capable w iiu -i . .rend what of pr l air week illi him I- :i ..luciiig c l .New d W Mi MIlKtlHlK. THOS. AVritteti to I bring ne I:1.11AM, FIII'NTON N. . 'I'm: .1 (it ii.N vi.. colm'- m ni -.-et and gold From i In- f ..-t - to i In- trembling leav I redden b -l l i. - bv fn si t ouch of cold. .Vnd scatter -picador- as ever oi old. Wlii. 1 I , ni .till .1.. weaves. I teach her to lay In r f-nt hyile b nnl t i.t ilioopirg- braiiv h ol tbe vvillnw -An 1 .idl'iti'g rich bough wilh a g"l. leu band. Linked in t he I'i i us that ( oyer the land. And ihe wt. .d-ninss :.s her pillow. She weaves her web ..er the f.re-t green. As swift us ll.e gleam of uinining And the redd' liing le iv a - bv sunlight seen. nh their purple shade- and the gold be t w ecu, Excels a glorious dawning. And it stands, this fe:iu,tiVul forest of old, As deep a.s the fathoTil&ss sea With its! nisset plumes and borders of gold, Aud its tangled brash and wonders untold l As a world in itself to nie FWN ADRIFT. "l'i-Uoil. p" by Tho Journal W liieli 1 Alwayni in "Th Hwlin." Miss Fannie Wooten of Fort Barnwell, has opened a boarding house in the Cohen building, corner of Hancock and Pollock street. Cards are out for the marriage of Miss Mamie Heurtt. of Durham, to Mr. Chas. Felix Harvey of Kinston. 'The Pith ol I e; ember is the date. The Free Will Ji.iplist Conference which met at Black .lack, Put county, li t I a full attendance of lxth pr.-..clu-is n d delegates and the session was a very pleasant one. A Haleiyh correspondent of the Wil mingioii Messenger, quotes one of the mend rs-elect of tlie fusion legislature as .sauno ibaf one of the things it will do .:ll U to abolish the merchant's tax. Mr G. D. Bowden has moved back on Broad street. He is now located in the -t iv a I joining Dr. Ieinster Duffy's office Mi. W. E. Snelling fitted it up with shelve- adapted to Mr. Bowden'g busiuess nnl will now continue with him as clerk. Mr. W. I.. Guillandeu, auditor of the . ). S. S. company and Col. A. C. Hud tiins and Messrs. M. K. King and J. E. baMoine. general officers of the Norfolk mid Southern R. R., were in the citv yes terday. Me-srs. C. Barnum Seeley, W. Mar shall, A. Marshall and A. G. Hamilton ol N Y., a party of wealthy gentlemen mi inetr private sieam yacnt "inyra 'are in the city lw a few days on thjir way further South and were registered at The Allien yestenlay. A two and a half year old child of Christopher Hill, cob, who lives eight Hide from the city, was kicked on the lorehead by a mule Wednesday and Injured so he had to Ihj brought to the city for at tentlance. The wound is not dangerous how ever. Mr. Jno. S. Simpson of Powell's PoiDt, Currituck county, came in from Wil mington last night en route to his home He has been on various vessels in manj. parts ol the world and is just oft' the British 6team,er S, S. Orafle. This is his first visit home in seven years. The fall crop of Irish potatoes seems to have Ix en good throughout this section. The Kinston Free Press tells of the crop of Mr. J. W. Grainger ot Lenoir county. He averaged about sixty barrels to the acre of very fine, large ones Tbe Free Press says the other truckers of that local ity also had good success. Senator Ranscun is eonfined to his room from inj,nries receive! by being thrown from his buggy Wednesday at his farm on Roanoke river. The cause of the acci dent was that the uorses became irigluen ed by the tongue of the double buggy breaking loose from the axle while he and his son Thomas were driving. A large dog with & tin can in which were bits of rattling metal was seen flying over the afreets yesterday with yelps of terror nt alnio.t every jump. We know jjiV't for he ran before getting rid of the can or lindinsr out that it was wasted etl'ort to run from it he w.as still going when last heard from. The punishment was not infljeted upon the dog as a jpke but as a means of making him, keep away from 11 butcher stall. THE LOCAL. EWHPAPER. Takon na lVtM-wontiH -o of t tie I.ttOArlM)' m Whlek It wm Pabllnned j-rXUt VM&et Mare Wide Kenehlnfc Ibau ajy Nappow. ""There is nothing that reflects the en ergy and enterprise of a people or com munity to the same degree as does the local newspaper. Persons who wish in formation concerning a strange locality are very apt to request a copy of the local paper, and are guided in a degree by the impression? formed by the home jour nal. Hardly a week passes but we re ceive requests for specimen copies of the Age from different sections of the country, one just received from Westport, in the far off' state of Oregon, and there is hardly a s ate north or west hut we have received such requests, in addition to the many re quests fnun the different parts oftliis- staie seeking information that would tie heneflc-ial to those seeking investimenfs or a Inline in our midst. These are only in stances of many that proves the impor tance of giving your home journal all the support and encouragement that is Lu your power,- in so doing you axe imvraving your own business, building up the com munity in which you live, and, you aid in iniM'.iving the educational advantages ol the copniy of which you are a citizen.' The abjiv paragraph is taken from the i Annua Progressive Age. It puis in a !! plana light, the effect and benefit of the local paper upon the town or village ami the section in general in which it is publi-hed. It is undeniably the fact that people do very largely look to the news papers rf any locality lor their impressions ol that p'aee. If one of our own citizens desired tor any cause to become better in formed in refereuce to any place ol which he knew- but little one of his first moves would be lo.get flic, local paper and every line of it nojuld be examined carefully. Wlyit ii t vne in reference to what a New Born inn would do about getting informa tion of another locality is true of citizens in other localities seeking information about New Berne. That is one reason why every advertisement in a newspaper is ir.t only a benefit to the advertiser but to the community at large. There is no telling where or. when &b advertisement is going to bring forth e - ul is. We have more than once been j shown letters to business men. of the city ' who were making ;mpiovements to their j si. .ivs irorn payees, ip. other, states some i .I..,, e nnitf. .tioint AitM RAf.ki n.r In .soil , ,.lu .J;, These applications were ,... Mbout by notices in Tub Journal w liat thev were doing. Again our readers, no doubt, will re .. eiiibir the many applications for seed w uh which Mr. Chas. W. Bray was sur prised when we told this summer of hv ibo.i lnatls of 00 and 75. pound, water iiii Imi-. The applications ctue from the txtr. u e western portions of the United . Si tes as well as from Nortnern and Soutti ern States, AirH n. New Berne fancy jioultry is inining into appreciative notice iu all ; par's of the country, even in the noted fancy poultry regions. This has partly ! btien accomplished by tbe views which ' delighted ami ably critical visitors have i lnd f ihe uoultry at the several exhibi tions. T the East Carolina Fair and also i partly to ihe advertising which has been done by the breeders i", the regular jkiuI i n v journals of the country', but let the dealers liaye byed w ith all the degree of rycllenve they chose, the industry would i stLl I have not come to the front it lus but for the prominence given to it in the local columns ol The Jouknal.. So we might go on and enumerate other things, but these will suffice to empha size what we have always maintained, the importance of making the home paper a goad paper, tbe paper as an alnyont cer tain rule is indicative of the place iu which it is pub lushed and is so accepted by the outside world, The. Boston Globe gives to its readers portraits of two of the three women elected to the Colorado Legislature. Oue of them looks as if nature was unkind to I her in tbe matter of both brains and beauty. The othar and the older appears to be a person whom one would hate to meet on a dark night. But perhaps the pictures do worthy ladies an, injustice. Y YOU U WILL BE LAI Unless you make your. Selections from our IMMENSE STOCK IMMEDIATELY WE rxu NOT Keep Such Bargains "t long and you can not afford under any cir cumstances to miss them. Therefore, TO 1 A ii you navu inn availed your sell of the many op portunities wehaye; offered you lately Y1ML0SS. by accepting th besti chance that has yet presented itmel t y on to buy VERV-s-CIIEaP Yours Very Trnlyr Hackburn & Willett. NEW GOODS ! JUST RECEIVED: Kcw Buckwheat Small Hominy, Big Hominy, Oat Flake, Oat Meal, Corned Beef, Big Park Oyt and Soda Crackers, &-C. I also keep a lull line of :o: CHOICE FiMILI CSOCMS ar A trial will convince you that I will sell you goods cheaper than any hoDse ln the city. To my Country Friends I would say make my plaan headquarters; we give yoy I'reejHtables and take care of your team while you are in' tike city. Respectfully, .I. It. Jbarlter,5 J r NO XI BROAD BV. RedcGni y J IX 1 . r ' i I ..f r