" If r " ; JU8T THINK Jf. PS-OolioslS .3 b tl3'.L-iVcf' A!7?rtis:gh ITHE WEEKLY JOURNAL Her WEEK, Fr tl.OO Per TEAK. TKICTIr Ml AATAKCE. v $1.00 Per' Year INDEPENDENT IN ALL THINGS. Single Copies', 5' Cents. NO. 4:j' OL. XVII. NEW BERNE, CRAVEN COUNTY, N. C, DECEMBER 27, 1894. f' '.. .. i- kfAft SKiii f SKIP A i J f 7; r L : : 'A V ice-Reduced ! FOR THE s holiday Trade. Braipery Silks, - From 75c- per yd. To 5flc4 4 . o- AJso a full line ol -Ladies Dress Goods vbich if will pay you t ) see before purchas ing elsewhere. lB;Duffy. 63 POLLOCK ST. - Oar stock for the Fall and Win ter trade ia now complete in all 1'epartments. uur A80 tmeot of DEKS3 GOODS is especially Large and carefully selected from the Latest Stylea;- We inrite especial atten tion to oar line of BLACK DaESS GOODS It wlltrepayytoeiamla them and fret our prices before parchas -' We are agents for the R. & G. ThomsonstlloveFittiBjfDr. War per'a Health, and various makes fif Oorseta. . We carry a fall line of the Har risbarg Shoes which we gaaran tee tiongr Wearers. A ' Qhoe jovl can depend upon to give yoa. entire satisfaction every time. - gall line of Carpeta, Oil Cloths, 'Mattings, Rass, Art Squares in . latest and attractive design s. .Qtrr prices we guarantee to be . ,.slo s von can obtain any where for FIRST-CLASS goods, ". and we are lft'4rt tfl h Uadsrsoli. s When in the City yoa are invit- - ed to make yoarself at home in - , oar store and examine oar Stock. Ker .TfcaWfi to Stow Ms - - tySampIes sent upon applies . To 73. & MJiSTA MS. STAkBARU EXTRACTS, f'- . For tie HANDKERCHIEF. , , . egnlarlf sold at 50c Per ounce, ..".IwiUsntb. .'Santa Glaus" "; for 30 cents per ounce. X-ii Tina Quality and plenty ol it, bring - " yur bottles to be fille t. at -ye ry. . L(jw Price. - ' d?s iM " r.:o::sY LoAriEo, .. ."fcd.Ljnctitira Haiti .'. Chit Svstem flbrdg an opportunity to - borrow on either personal of real estate laecoritT. Tt pi is superior io Bui 1.1- in ael tHan Associationa. The amount ; D--iTowtd -mj be retaraed in monthly pTraenr without bona a, with interest t 5 per cent, per annam; it aff.rtls ab- tolnte eeenrity io investors, with a reason kble gtuurwntee nl anannud divi'enl of frnv to 10 per cent. ' We desire m eeenre the services of en pretic, iepre?eotiUive men in every coramunity jp act, as l-ocal Secretaries. 1 be position will he sufficiently remnner v ative to amply compensate for service. If -V yoa possess the abor? qu di'fi.-tions, ri te . for particulars. Full information regard- 'mg our system of making loans aa well its - inTeatments and geot ics will be furnish l ed bf addresang . Kobebtsos, Presi- ilent, 1183 Walnut Gat, Puiindelphia. ' til 4 d&vito JUST- Aiww lineoi E. P. REED'S latest Shoes, prices lower than ever fa all the lutcst style. ' Abn a full line, of Misses and Cbillreu' Shoes, and a lull dine of all other goods. - For anything you want see our Stock before buying; we will tve yoo money.... J.J.BAXTER A WARM BATHp WITH yf Culicura Soap And a single application of CUTI CURA, the great skin cure, will afford instant relief, permit rest and sleep, and point to a speedy, economical, and permanent cure of the most distressing of itching, burning, bleeding, scaly, and crusted skin and scalp diseases, after phy sicians, hospitals, and all else fail. Cuticura Remedies ' Exert a peculiar, purifying action on the skin, and through it upon the blood. In the treatment of distressing humors they are speedy, permanent, and economical, and in their action are pure, sweet, gentle, and effective. Mothers and chil d en are their warmest friends. Sold throughout the world. Pottos Dbug and Chmm. Coif., Sole Props., Boston. "All boot Baby's Skin, Scalp, and Hair," mailed free. If tired, a.chrnft, ncrroni mot ti er knew the comfort, strength, and vitality in Caltcnra Plastcra, they would never be without them. In every way the nrcctest and best. Nuts, Raisins, Crapes, Bananas, Oranges, Apples, Citron, &c. BUY A NICE Briar Pipe, Cigar or Cigar rette Holder. Prettiest line of Cigars in the City for Christinas. NUNN & McSORLEY. HERE WE ARE ! At 97 Middle St. With the largest and best Se lected Stick of Diamonds, Watches. Gold Ring-, Sleeve Buttons, StucU. Scaif Pids, Solid Silver and Plaied Ware, Silver Novelties of all kind and in fact a fall line of all kinds of good to fce found in a EIBST-CLASS JEWELRY STORE CALL AND SEE ME Don't forget the Number, 97, Opposite Baptitt church. Sam K. Eaton. Just Received ! 20 bbls. Apples, 25 bxs. Fla. Oranges, Direct from Flordia. I also have a full line of Candies. Nuts, &c. Yon will find my prices lower than the lowest for CASH. Loriilard and Gail & Ax Snuff a Specialty. To my Country Friends I would say n.y stables are free; come in and have your team taken care ot fee of cost. Respectfully, J. R. PARKER JR. NO. 77 BROAD ST. STOP and THINK! "DELAYS ABE DANGEROUS." The best Christmas, New Years, or Bridal Present ia a Policy of Life Insurance Protection. Poverty next to Drunkeness is the greatest source of Crime. It Will Pat Yon to Talk With before you Insure your Jife elsewhere. Annual Dividends. Cash and Paid up Values. Call on or address?, a. j. Ftspe & CO. General Insurance Agents. Office: Corner Broad and Middle streets. d202w New Bebjte:. N. C. REMOVAL of W.F. HILL I am now in mv own new store, in that convenient lot at ion on SQuth iToqt at., near the foot of the railroad. With my usual good line of r amity Groceries and Gentral Merchandise at lowest prices. I have every facility for serving my patrons and they get the benefit of it, also of the 20 per Mior.th atore rent s-aved and of my past 10 year's successful experience in the business. FREE STABLES & CART-HOUSE. I am adding fifty stables and a commo dious cart and buggy-house lor the use of my country friends free ot charge. WOOD YARD. I will keep a W.nd Yard with a large stock alwnys i n hand. It will give coun try people a hxI chance to sell their wood and town people a good plnee to buy. SHINGLE YARD. A lull line and large stock uf shingles hand-made und sawed of all qualities and prices, and in uny quantities. FREE WHARF PRIVILEGES. Also a fne dock and wharf at the ier of this business. fJ?Give us a call; well treat vpu well. "diJO tf. BARGAINS IN MILLINERY. Selling at Cost for Cash for Next 30 JDAYS. All persons indebted to me are request ed to come forward and settle their ac coaots at once. Respectfully. MRS. B. B. LANE. 101 Middle Street. n22-dw-lrol MT STAR. Thou art my bright, my guiding star, That shines down from its dizzy height "With cold, yet calm and holy light. Something to worship from afar. When all my skies are oveicast, And other slars forget to shine, 1 follow this fair star of mine. My guiding star while life shall last. Shine on me still, tho' from afar I still must worship, still adore. Thy kindly guidance I implore, Shine on me s'ill. my star, my star! Florence Jones. APPOMATTOX, XOTSI RRFVDK Read that once more, believe! my bov; I Mv ears are bad. Perhaps de- ceive. "Appomattox is no more The name Annomattox no nion? the same I Old Appomasto.x, near the spot where j we Laid down our arms, and with our I.e.- Gave up the cause for which our comrades died? Appomattox! Where .oursoliljw pride on that 1 Melted away in tears like i.nu. When "Mars " Robert, staudmg plain. Told the boys ihe end had come, fr'adly sent them back to home, Praised their bravery, thsnked them well Blessed them even dow their bosoms swell To recall that sorrowful scene. Though long years have come between. Appomattox's name is changed, Ah me! Time brings ranges great. The apple tree. The conrt-lujuse gone. The farm its If Has late been sold fur Yankee pelf. It makes the old man sad. Y.u know That was our graveyard. '1 Ijere the foe Surrounded us on every side, and tlure we laid Aside our muskets old, and there we made A grave for the hope of four Inog years. Xo wonder that the bitter pist, anil fears For the future ol the South, with such a weight Of desolate homes and hearts and poverty great, Broke Lee's true heart. Bead on I I want to know What they will call that place ot wsvoe. Surrender! Surrendei! Mv blood grows hot 11 God, will the old wounds e'er be for got' Shall they be opened at the passing of each train. While ia our eais, again and again. We hear that dreaded word. "Surren der'? I once ran on that road, and well do I remember, Though war and its sorrows were o'er, th e frequeot emotion Displayed by travellers in heart-felt devo tion To the Lost Cause and its soldiers brave, (Some on this side, and some beyond the grave), As the b'akemen called oit: "Appomat tox, the next!'' And now, oh, now, His right to be vex ed. 'Tis naught bnt an insult, unwarranted underservedl young people, for the sake of those who served Neath that old blue flag, with its single star. Rise up in arms, a!l of you, near and afar! With your pens and your voices loudly prptest To the Postmaster-Geneial, to Congjess, if best. Ask for the old name, historic and drear; Plead for recall of that ' Surrender,'' so drear. I cannot do much, for I'm poor and I'm old. You, with your courage undaunted and hold, May, perhape, make the Government un derstand What a bitter insult it is to oar land. Don't stop till ' Surrender'' no longer ex ists, And old '-Appomattox" is back on the lists. C. C. X. The Greenville Reflector has this item: We have always thought that Greenville was a gold mine, if properly worked, but had no idea that the shining metal itself was hid beneath the soil of our hustling little town. But it seems to be so. Mr. G. W. Hodges, of Hyde county, wes sink ing an artesian well on the premises of Mnj. r. C. Latham, and when at a depth of "J47 feet shining particles like gold came out with the earth and water. Mr. Hodges gathered up samples of the metal and will send them to an asaver for ex amination. Mexican Mustang Liniment for Burns, Caked & i -.flamed Udders. Piles, Rheumatic Pains, Bruises and Strains. Running Sores, Inflammations, Stiff joints, Harness x Saddle Sores, Sciatica, Lumbago, Scalds, Blisters, Insect Bites, All Cattle Ailments, A.11 Horse Ailments, All Sheep Ailments, Penetrates Muscle, Membrane and Tissue Quickly to the Very Seat of Pain and Ousts it in a Jiffy Rub in Vigorously. Mustang Liniment conquer! Pain, Makes flan or Beast well XEARXE.HN OF TUE FAIR. Anil RenmrkH I'pon Both lln- I'nl nnd the CointiiK Exhibition. Monday. February Carolina Fish, Oyster trial Association begin exhibition in this city. A, 1SU5. tlie Ka-l (Jnnie and Indus its eighth annual It ends n Sa'ui will be ;i LI ' a i ii 1 rt souro s . f day, February. 24th. It exposition of the East Carolina and in seme whole State, and there measure.of i li ill be tin ( - hibits also from other States. Gradually manufacturers in many piri of the State are realizing that it pay to Have an exhibit, representative ot" t hoi : business at these exhibitions. Col. Ju'i:)'i S. Carr of Durham, had a notable exhib.: from his famous tobacco factory and also from his Oconeecliee farm, bth of live stock and field products. Also, cotton nd woolen factories and knitting mi'ls made large! v through the ( fibr:. of Mr. W. II. Oliver, have made ciy crcddable x hi bits, which servitl in no saiall deiire to draw attention to them, and poultrv and live stock and otlur exhibits came from all parts of North Carolina, ami from several other Slat, s -and superb ex hibits they were too, ami th s will bo the case again in even increased degree. This annual gathering afford a magnifi cent opportunity for the presentation ol any article or implement to the notice of the public, especially of the firming popu lation for they gather at the Fair from all the country round. The time is short, every one should sec that he is propirly represented at the Fair, that he contributes well to its suc cess and that he re.eiveS the full enjoy ment of its benefits. And n one -dioual miss atteuding. JiEWS I' BRIEF. The bank oflic. r who starts out to rich in a hurry seems 10 e taking a q route to the penitentiary. get ' lick i recovering Reubcu Kolb is grn. in ly from the manifesto hal it. Another fertilizer factory is established at WiliT.iugton by .1. F. rett. be The Citv Council of Victor. Col. h:i removed Mavcr Berster and suspended 'he ! City Marshal" on charges nf mis ipprojiria-! tion ol the city's funds. It is believed by many that if the ques- i tion of the income tux ever ireis b lore the ; Supreme Court ot the Uuited Siaies it will he declared unconstitutional. It is announced that an increase in tl e ; Russian duty on cotton imports lias l.e-ii ' approved ly the Imperial Council of Hus-! sin, in order t protect native s;r v. is. ; South Cadi ' ..- -enat- h.i- ki.ie.l the 'Jim Crow c.ir oill. uhicii pissid tl.el House alter a hard tight. Fire at Napoleonville, L., destroyid seven blocks, including mi st of ihe busi ness portion of the town; loss, 125,000. Thomas Toonie and Mrs. Lizzie South worth were married at L0114 Lick. Ky., Thursday. It was the biide's seventh wedding and the groom's second. As the result of wearing red hose, Miss Eva Dooley of Boston whs poisoned an I Lad to have both lower limbs amputated. Recovery is doubtful. There is a rumor 'Jiat t'.ie Seaboard Air Line has become the property ol lur Southern Hail road. An unknown colored man at Ashevilh forged the name of County Treasurer Courtney to a check and tried to cash it at Battery Park Bank. The forgery was discovered but the man escaped. Mrs. Nellie Jefferson, w ho died in New York on Monday, at the alleged age of one hundred and nine years, ilnmed to have been a servant in the lamiiy of President Jeflernoti at Clmii ttsville. Future ntticles of agreement between prize lighters should include a clause pro viding for the coroner's fee. Arguments were heiird on the afternoon of tbe 18th, iast. in the ra.se ot Carnegie against the Richmond anel Danville company for $125,000 for steel rails fur nished. The court les'.Tved its decis ion. The Ti 11m suites in the South Carolina legislature set a precedent that is not likely to be extensively followed, when they reduced their own salaries. The Chinese Emperor has ordered his troops to protect the churches in Peking. Information has been received from Honduras to the effect tnat that country will not be represented at the Atlanta Ex position on account ot provable war j there. The Board of Directors of the Baltimore j and Ohio railway re-elected Clu rles F I Mayer president of the c inpany for the! seventh consecut;ve lerui. j R. R. Odell, attorney for Claus Ulixt. j the Ging murderer, declared that Dhxt had Dcvcr made a coulession. all state-! ments to the contrary notwithstanding. j The Democratic mem! ers ol" the House j Conimitlee on Rules met informally and the understanding seems to nave been reached that a vote w ill be taken on the; Carlisle bill Tuesday following the reas-! seuibliug afte. the holiday recess, which ' will be January 8th. A special tax of $2.3 on whohsa'e de il- j ers in cig.irrettes was impo-ed some time ago on the merchants Oi Greensboro by 1 tiie board of aldermen. As the merchant.- ! were already paying a tax they decided to , carry ihe matter to" the courts. Ju 'ge ' Hoke has. decided that the tax is inieoa-i stitutional. j In the Superior court at Atlr.nta Jude j Bichard H. Clark senttncid Alexander1 Carr and Wilt Myers to be hang. - t on j February 8th. Carr kill. d Capt. II. U. ; King in Atlanta about three months ago and Myers was recently convicted as toe. assassin of Forest Crowley. Carr is 27: vears of age and Mwrs is but Is c.ir- ! bid. " Secretary Ilerb.Tt has decided to build the submarine boat authorized by Con-1 gres several yeais ago and lias mde re '. i the contract to be drawn at once, in order j that the vessel may be completed and . ready for ex perimi ut before the end ol ' next year. The design of John P. Hol land, of Newark, N. J., lias bet n di finite ly adopted, and it is expected t! at il.e vessel will b? Ijiiiil at Newpott News. Ya. As showing the value of the Jewish regulations with regard to the nnima s slaughtered lor their ford the cnief rah : of New Zealand states that amongst the 20H cancer eases treated in ihe Welling ton Hospital during the l.Tst Clgllt e:ls: there has not been a single Jewish p iii, iu ! Outof the 5.707 deaths legist' Zealand during ls:i3 tin in red New Wi r. 1 ' IU 1 hi- di : pie- causjd by cancer and ' easis two ailmeris whirl valent among calt le. Senator Daniel lias l, he thought the prospeet lib i en W . I s wh. U sage uf the X nmuj e a he thought it w ul i pas support the ineasiiie. II' mation however, n- tn win likely to be t u ken. but i m; lie a : h " a'1 led il it i ould From nf the ante. I ed u.l tie reached before the 1 wha; he had Ijoen told bv io lidavs. metir ers House, he said, lie took it for gi that the bill would be lavor i 'lv act in that body. Fire destroyed the gin In uso. t ngoie. 4,000 bushels o! ctt n seed, pies- and about 50 cords of wood, belonging to Mr. Noah House, two and a half mile IromLat riauge Monday night. The loss is estimated at" $2,(MK).' with 600 insurance. The actual insurance re coverable, however, was $425, ns ?1T5.U0 was on lint auel seed cotton, and there was none lost. VV IMIIX.IOV LETTER. a rl ;t ! 1 u pi lol in I ho IiitoreMt 4 f ' ti i s. )t-;isiiro. IN'riional.- A Truoo i "Sil,v IliiyslorlhcSonlhern Hall tt n.y Kmplo.y '.. Further ;old With rtran a 1. W ish i nfst oii" Hi r I It piaii-. Scualor II ri i' Sent in Hanger. T li,; in i V get through the lb 01 - . it will ii''ei' piss the Senate, at the Capitol to-day in inter- C:,ri:-!c C-t .fit vi-it ing r Carr and his .vife are here ihe r m in. Mr. V K. Carr, whose iir w .,, one of the nio-t atti .ic .i - of W'a-hiiigtou. She was Vaa 1 !'.sv :ek and owns a hand- h tun. na tive h in .Mi- Matti liou- a well as one oi'the most ii :iv bonus around Washing ton. tin in t he ll. .11 I i.-p t lva .1 if pletion of the gold reserve sinv gives indication of nuotlier i vi n i ariier than has been an- '1 he aai ional titSilsuiy sustained ,,f s.'iIMI.IMIO of gold to-dav, ., go',1 I a'ance t. $90,91O,4:4. i ftiiC ia'-t that the President is i iilmi hunting the delegation lieipated. a fio til. ! ! le 1'le ng ! Tn -pio-in S iiith ( pulei-iii interest gl :. plied wav. I :is e. uiiin hole t; see hini in the f Walter 1. Henry. Esq., tele lln.'v u ere eo iiing on to-elav anv i Seeniarv ( In-sham has decided to leave : the -eli e;i n of a de-ign for the monu ' incut to Pe erected at Wakefield, Va., to mark the birthplace of Washington to the members of the Virginia congressional 1 delegation. The designs for this monument . are i.u neroiis aed very beautiful, con- i .del le g ; hat the i u'.i re cost of the ork is j ' lini'ie.i in jll,00H. J j It i teand In re that the defiat of'fiov-' .ii'nor Poru-r ia TinecsseL1 m iy give Sena- ! : tor 1 1 o - - s mie trouble ia getting back to j the Senate. Senator llanis would be j meatlv missed :.ere. tie i.- t ie i -est par liam ntaii in ia tin- Sen do, is hale and 1 hearty as a man of '25, has served in the Senate ab ml thirty yens and has great ' influence hi re. TIIK STATE'S SWAMP USD. 1 timl4r ol' Acres Oiviied by Ihe Stale niii InteroMtingr Fncts about Them. j Tin- v'i!niington Messenger has some ' interesting inlVrmation from Rideiuh in . r. f Tence to tl: u swamp lands of the Slate The State board of education meet at t touTnor l .i'i" s otlice Hon. t, nar.es il . Si. dm .ii a.itl Gin. W. G. Lewis were pre-eii. Tiie purpose of the meeting w to make a Kile ot s mi? of the swamp lands lu id by ti e board. There now re- in. mi b ait 3-3'l.OW :i' T,s of these lands. Ihe term swamp lands is in not a few a 111. -a -11:11 r. e :i;i.e ago it was infniiated that the di sir d to sei ure a large tract of -.u:up 1 oids for use as a convict S .1; State tiie-c f .rm. in-'oid i t cccupving leased lands. It w.,- ii 11 found that the 30,000 acres whit h weie wanted could not be had in one trac: an 1 so the idea was abandoned. At that l 111 the Wilmington, Xewbt in and Xo feok r.iilwav had an option on what u;i- eousileiid the most d( si itlh'e ! ,nd f r s: nning puriioses, this l.ieing the t? 1 ak sw.mip. "I'll" IUd: so the latier ' embracing S4.OU0 h is not taken this lvw fiS tei the Slate ; ai re ! bmd. bo Ti e S ate b .itr lor t lve moat education renewed i e option on all sw'.imp :a ds lu l l b. C harles -M. Steau 11. an, pre-. lent of ill" Real Estate Invest ment i.'ii 11:1 y. ol' Wilmington. Mi. !!. .. 15 o, 11 n tpie-ted the board to g:;,, t him an optioii on tint part of ihe Stite's lauds., u n icli :,re siiu-.teel jn ihe lakes. The bo;, id decided to extend the option givn: to ihe company repre sented by Major Stedman, said company to act as'ng, nt's f r the Slate; the State to receive f t any body or bodies of said lands that might be sJd by them, the sum of fifty cents per acre. TIIK CUI.OM7.ATIO WORK. A Corri'i'llim ol Some Wrong: Idea ill Kel'erenee lo it. Mrs. Wm. Jkard. w ho is representing tl e Intei national Colonization Company widie - to correct the ini)ressiou that some of our exchanges stem to have imbibed that the :J.000 families fir whom the com pany is ilealing are all hi lie sel fed on one single great body of land. 'J hey will. t; e .Ioi iinai. Ins said, I e in several ioiat.ns Neither will they all cnne oer at one t ine as a great compiny, but wii! c ane along ;u intervals . s suits tliem-x-lves according to the progress made both in their own c iimry for removal aid in this country firs tiling. This seems to be the most s nsible plan, the one ih it will g.ve the bis; results. The woik oi ie:noa;. hoivcvei', is de sinel jr. d expe bd to commence s njuan I I hea 1 1 mti in according to devi l pnients. I'lie : : f i n I a pi'.p".-o I c e.t' ll f icloiy at N.w 1! - is not the work ot the col Ti'Z ,ti. 11 1 .cup 111 , but 0- olheis as is also ihe planned :r ,n bridge across Trent river. M:s. JJ. ard ii forms us thai a com pany i- re.dv io bail i the br.dge an I run 1: for the to. is ii a franchise tan be ob oiiii d and it is desiied t 1 make the land 1 n the upp site sale of Trent river a manu fe luring d -,r. biliary to the city which won! I v.isih augment the profits of the 1. i -bridge. . I . TEACIIEIt'S AS.SEJf BI.Y. Executive Committee Mpcts on tbe J6lli lo Arrimst1 l'rograiiime. el-. June 21st to July 1st the lale. The rew Executive ( o umilt -e of the North Caiolina Teachei ".- Assembly will meet in Ka'eigb, IX e. -ei. to airange ihe UMgi inime for ihe se-suin next June. Tee N. C. Teacher says mat several dis lingiiishe I spi akers from abroa I have a' lealv In 1 n secured, and the programme will pi'isent a great many new features and valuable utt.a. tions. The session is xpe; ted to be a very successful one. and tie work wil' comprise th - very best that can i-e done by our very best tiachers. Toe duly wink will inelu le a "Modal PiiiiKii v ( la."' in charge o! one of die imw 1 mil e.i' iy .-ueces.-ful primary iich ei's ie, N. rtn ( "a olina, and this Mnk.it lid. W i 1 1 1 1 v wnaig rth a yi ar ol theory to be' . Heg.u 11OW to arT eve i'ii' Lie ya ur pi next Simon 11- lor ...tending the AsSein- ' e: Ira n June 21 to July 1, l.'.v and it The I'i W..i Will a sj .s n uell spent. Kxe eii-.e en ninittee will divide as ' flier i; iu-xi ssi.in "ill beat the in ii: 1 lie mount :i iil. A Hud Wri ck. institution may follow in the disordered system, due to. im- -of th'- r, t a k pure the r (i. lit t a b: sk: i i or lie dun The tin lae'li ve live I. Uoll C ill i 'tn'iei"i's. of Dr. Pierce's .Mi D.-covei'v take ail the make, a straightforward . tier to re'n n v our money if their remnly j'liu to lie.n li or cure in :'h disorders and ali'ecti"ti- die- lo impure blood or iractise livir. fbe genus ol tlisea-e ciieulate llii' ugh the i'lo'id: the liver is the tiller wlni h peiani s the germs to enter or not The !ier aenve, an I the blood pure, and voii escape di-i a-e. When you're run down, debilitated, weak, aim your weight below a healthy standard, you n g:iin beilth. strength, and wholesome tlesli. by u-ing 'be --Discov-er." It build-up tbe body faster than nau-eiting Cod livei oil or em.ilsions. Di rive's Pellets cure constipation, ;estion. or eiyspep- . biliousness, indi; ind headaches. In executive session of the Senate the Japanese treaty was favorably reported i by Mr. Morgan. THE FAIR PREMIUM LIST, .SIX TIKMSA.M) IXM.I.A KS Ot FKR Kit. Largely I ncrt-iiHol I'rriiiimiifi. Fresa I gina ii Brilliant Exposition. J The first copy of the premium list for' the Eighth Kxhibition : ihe Fast Ca'O- 1 i lino. Pish, Oyster. (Jann; and Industrial j Association which holds in this city dur-1 ing the week beginning Monday, February j lMh was brought into The Journal j office Friday by Mr. t'li is. Reizenstein, Sec'y and Treasurer. 1 1 is the large-t premium list the Fair ha-i ever is.ued. It has J2 pages includ- I ing the covers and I ho premiums amount ! to over 15.000. The race purses aggre gating3.0t0.ire the largest ever offered in ; the State. There is not a department in the Fair; but what lins htid the premiums in it con- j siderably inert over those of last ye ir : I those in the stock department have i been increased until they embrace the pagi s from 23 to 45. j A new feature added is dairy contests, j I Tluse will be made with the Co-operation of the N. C. F.xpeiimtntal Station. They; i are fully explained in the premium book, I j and will be in the Journal a little later. With such inducements as ate outlined i above every one can readily see that the prospect for the coming exhibition to j i eclipse every one of its predeces-ors is! good. If any one has friend to whom it is de- sirable to send a copy of th ptemiurn list furnish Mr. Reizenste n itu the ol dresses at once and he u d g tt 0 mail them a copy. Use discretion .n handing in ihe names however, as promiscuous distribution is not sought. The dere is to place the 2.o00 premium libt oooks i wdiere they will prove effective, i If interested in makiDg exhibits, pro i cure a list, examine it well and do yuiir best in competing for it. The valuable i premiums will be well worth workiug to secure. Be sure to attend the Fair and make an exhibit and induct; your friends to do like wise. It will be effort welt spent. RABBIG IXDISTRT Fiekett A- o.. (il orlolk. to Operate at .Horelieart The Headquarters ol Their Branch Home to be in Rerne A. J. I'hippw. Manager. Mr. A. J. Phipps, connected with M.ssrs. Pickett it Co . fish shippers of Norfolk, who has I e n down to More head City yesterday, prospecting for crabs. was in the city yesterday- be'w.eti trains, en route to Norfolk. He is perfectly satis fied with the results ol his visi'. tie re ports millions of crabs in the sound an I that they can easily be caught. In Lynnhaven Bay at the ptesent a barrel of oa' a day is as much as ean be caught by oue man, but Mr. Phipps informs us that in 1 lie test he made at Morehcad on'J mall caught four : ; ei- full in five hours, or at the rate of e.ght bjrrels per day of ten houts. The method employed is :'s foil ws: A line 430 feet in length wa - ivtched be tween two slakes iu tin -ound. This long line had 300 short o with bait on each one at mteiva - o very eighteen inche-. This b.-iug sti at. ne I u boat with on- 11 an in it at on-c 1 omuiencts going back and forth, the occupant pulling along by the line and taking in the crabs with a scoop net whenever one is seen. The first time this line was passed along, 69 crabs were taken, 1 9 the next tniK: and from 30 to 40 each lime a ter wards during the five hours in which the four barrels were caught. Mr. Phipps considers the More heal waters the best crabbing pluce on Mie coast. He ii satisfied that five barrels per day or thirty barrels per we k can be relietl upon as an average :itoi now per hand at whh h r ue go '. money can be made by the eia' bis The crabbing at this season however lias to be done a few miles fiom More head in a portion of the sound wdiere the bottom is muddy it is sandy directly around .Morehead. In the summer time the ciabs can be taken anywhere in abun dance. The crabs will not be shipped whole a packing house will be established and that work done there. Mr. Phipps, who speut several months here this spring will return the thst of lanua'y to have charge ot the firm's biaiieh luisinesj at New Berne and More lie id and will estf.b:ish himse'f 111 New Berne as a buy a'. Come to the E 1st Carolina Fair. Feb ruary 18th to 24ih. and investigate the products of East Caiolina waters as well as the land products. THE C ATTLE KXI'KRIUKXT. To Determine if Vaccination Will Vive Safety from Texan Fever How ft StniKlx .Vow. Dr. C. F. Dawson, of th: United States Department f Agiictiltute, after spending a couple of days in the city at Mr. R. P. Williams' in the interest of the Govern ment experiments to determine what will prevent Mexas lever in cattle left, return ing to "Washington City. On Tuesday and Wednesday, 18th and 1 19th inst., Dr. Dawson hud the seven j cows, all that were left alive of the thir ! teen the government had been experimen ting with killed and portions of the heirt, ' lung, etc , of each were saved for cxunii '. nation. ! As our readers know, the object of the experiments which have been ie progress ever since early spring was to see whether 1 inoculation with Texas fever virus would prevent cattle from being subject to the disease. Of course the results of the test will cot be given out yet I ut it appears that the cattle not vaccinated did take the disease and a portiou of them died from it while the vaccinated ones seemed to es cape It is true two of the latter died, but the death of one was caused by mir ing, and of the other apparently by some other disease than the fever. While the eat'.le not vaccinated seem to lave all taken the lever anel some to have died with it. The official announcement of the result of the expi riment willb for with interest. PALACE KIXU HEATER One Placed in Mr. T. iireen- Residence, Mr. T. A. Given has put into his resi dence, a Palace King hot water house heater, such as Mr. C. E. Fov has had in his residence for some little time. It is placed iu tbe cellar, and hut water circn lating through seven radiators warms ever y room and ball in the house. It can be regulated from ihe sitting room to give any temperature wanted rut it is meant to furnish a warmth of seventy degrees, which it will mnntain in any weather even t lie sevi rest. The work oi putting it in w as per formed by Mr. J. C. Green, and the heater has been examine I by the one who sold it and the workmanship pronounced as perfect as though it been put up by some one making a specially of working on that Kinel of henter. The heater gives a warmth the nearest approach to natural heat of any artificial ineuis kno-vn. ami they me giving such satis ac'ion that Mr. J. C. Gr. en intends to handle them for the home market. A dispatch from Tokio says a Japanese cruiser off Wei Ilai-Wei has captured a sailing vessel loaded with arms, ammuni tion, and provisions, consigned to Admi ral Ting of tbe Chinese fleet. COI.LEGUTE IVSTITI'TE. Tho Kiitertniiiment Highly 4 rt'tlilx ble aiitl (.really K li.j j ! . The Collegiate Institute entertainment was of a much higher order than was ex. pected from the slight announcement of it made. The recitations showed uninis- tably that Prof. Men lenhall. who givis 'his pers inal attention to the elocutionary ; instiuction in that scbo 1 considers deMa- i niation no suboihinate feature. Th i. i i tations were surprisingly rea!i.-tic. The music I oth vocal and ins: rumen- .' tal was fine. The pupils mamlcstcd a ! deliberation and confidence in peif inning I 'and a skillful de'icaey of touch that did j credit not o ily to thtr inmate abilities. b"i to the talent of Mias Elgie whose in-truc-tion letl them in the tew months ol her : stay here up to the point of excellence j exhibited Friday night. Miss Klgie herself a'-o appeared before the tunlieaie She -ang at d p ayed t-n-, irancinglv, and was warndv encored. I)tit j Prof. Mendenhall declined to have any ex ! ; tension of the programme whatever. The i entertainment closed at half past nine 'with every one delighted. Ilwany e n- gta'ulations were ext ndctl to both pupi - . I and teachers. j The following is the programme ren-' I dcred: j Chorus Sweet Nightingale. Duett from II Trova'ore, Veitli Misses Ulrich and Buitus. When the heart is vounr. Dudlev Ruck Miss Elgie. 15!ue Violet Waliz. Dudley Miss Jen nie Sulian. Recitation, B nson Lane. The Pretty Chrysantliemnm, C. F. Feast Miss Alberta Ulrch. Recitation. Charles Scott Remus Ma niac. Mabel Waltz, A. Cull Miss Emma Sultan. We'd Better Bide a Wee, Claribel Miss Lizzie Burrus. Moonlight on the Hudson Mis- dirrie Hendrt n Recitation. M.,ud Kinsey. L. Invitation a la Valse. Cul Yon Weber Miss Bessie Williams. Sing, Smile, Slumber, G.-unoud -Miss E!gie. Duett, II Corticolo, Wels Miss U il liams and Hetidren. Chorus Lightly We Sail. The next ses-"o 1 of the school opens Wednesday. Jan'y. 2d, Mid all should Ik' on hand promptly lor lb remainder of the years' work. Prof. M ndenhall in vites the parents of the students to visit the school at any time dudng the s ssion and see for themse'ves tin w rk tnat i being done, not to wait for sp eial 1 eva sion like last night. The school is a good one and de-e' ves to' command patronage from a much wider territory than the city. BICTlLISti EXTRAORDINARY. S eats ol Balaueing;, tre., That Appear Almost Impossible. Prof. Harry Kramer of Washii gton. D. C, -astonished the natives' W. T. Hill, the bicycle man included with feds on h s wheel at the corner of South Front and Midd1'- streets. He would 1 i :e to ward, backward, stand upright 1 11 ihe bicycle, stand on his head on it and most astonishing of all take oft' the hind wheel and ride with only the Iront balancing himsalf pen lectly and even riding back waul and riding in circles in lhat position. Mr. Hill says he has witnessed exhibitions by some ol the noted whi el men but Prof. Kramer beats all he ever came across. Prof. Kramer is only nineteen ears "' i and Ii;i3 been riding but two yeais, Tnis makes his skill all the more wonder. He uses the Columbia ordinary, the old high bicycle with one large and one little wheel and says he will use do other. He informs us that he has ridden down the capitol steps three timts with the whe?l he has with him anei has also rode a mile in tbree minutes with it. II- has s mie thought of giving exhibitions oi his skill here and possibly of being lu re at the Fair, tie is now on his way to Florida. CORX CROP OF THE STATE. Eastern Counties' Surplus the Cause of their being Called tho Gran ary of Xorth Carolina. Our neighbor, the Wilmington Messenger,- in an article on the corn crop of the State, mentions that there are a number of counties in tbe State that produce much larger quantities of corn than Hyele and others of the eastern counties, re markable for their large production of that grain. This is true, but there are no counties, probably that have so large a surplu- for sale and export. Most of the counties consume at home all, or nearly all, ol their large crops, ;.r.d some ol them even have to supplement their crops by pur chase. It is not the quantity ot an article made by any community that gives it promi nence in that line, but the amount ot surplus, after supplying home wants, that it has to d spose of elsewhere. This proportion in ihe case of Hyde, Currituck, Tyrrell and other eastern counties is very large, and it is that, that has won for them the name of the "Granary of North Carolina.'' REV. E,. W. CRAWFORD. I. U. By Request he is A sain Assigned to Pastoral Work Instead of Ed a ra tional. Friends of Rev. L. W. Crawford all over tho State who love and admire him, fke 10 know of the work in which he is engaged. We copy the following from the Greensboro Record: Rev. L. W. Crawford, who was four years ago elected Professor ot Practical and Systematic Theology in Triuity Col lege, and who has for two years actted also as financial secretary of the college, was, at the recent session of fhe Western North Carolina Conference at St itesvill elected by tbe Educational Board, Sex r. -tarv of Education for the coni'erenc". lut looked j declined that position and requested the I presiding bishop t . a .sign him to a past -: nil charge. 1 Prof. Crawford, previous to his connec I tion with Trinity College, was a regular pastor, f or twenty-two years he was in legular work aud during that time served only five congregation-, te nainiiu' liieiud limit of the law at Iii lsh.ro. Sdisbury, Fayettevdle, Greensboro aud New Berne, and was tilling out a second pastorate at this place when chosin a professor, lie is now assigned to. Reidsvilie station. That congregation co isists of 450 mem bers, have just completed a tifieei. thous and dollar church and is a pleasant peo ple. If ihe Baby is Cutting Teeth. Be sure and use that old and well tried remedy, Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup for c'.Mldren teething. It soothes the child, softens the gums, allays all pain, cures win I colic and is ihe best remedy for diarrhoea. Twenty-five cents a bottle. n61yr. Previous to ihe opening ol tbe debate on tbe Nicaraguan billon the 19th, Sena tor Allen, Populist, of Nebra.sk i, offered a resolution for the appointment ofa select committee to inquire as to whether the State of Alabama has a Republican form of Government and as to the conduct of the recent election in that State. The resolution went over, Senator Allen gtat ing tha,t he would address the Senate upon it after the holiday recess. m: .i n adrift.' Iii-U p" by The Journal Whir h 1 Always In "The Swim." Mr. J. M. lines has been appointed by Collector Internal Reveuue Collector Sim mons a store keeper and gauger. Mr. J. W. Stewart is negotiating sale of the fine pair of young bays that he has recently been driving in double harness. The New Berne liverymen do not buy stock to keep. Mr. W. L, Keimedv, of Falling Creek, one of the most promi'ienl ir.rmers of the S ate, and his wife, ar eg stored at the Chattawka, also Mr. Sie ,ien W. Isler, 11 well known attorney ot Goldsboiv. A colored employee of tbe Stiinsou Lumber Co., about sixteen years old met with the accident of ban ng one of tbe lingers of his right hand sawed off Fri day. Dr. C. M. Benton dressed the wound. file North Carolina Grand Lodge Am ieut, Freeauil Accepted Masons, will n e.;t in Haleigu Jauuary 8th. The A. & N. C. R. R., gives notice of low latcs over us mad to those attending. Tbo tickets vdl be on sale January 5th to 9th and good to return until January 15th. Mr. K. N. Bell of Cedar Point, was up to i ne ci-y r noay. tie informs us that small game is pretty abundant down that way now, partridges especially wmie aoves, squirrels, etc., abound in good numbers, and ducks are also quiie plentiful m white Oak river. Two of our young townsmen, Messrs. H. L. Gibbs and C. B. Foy, returned from a hunting expedition, having each banned a fine wild turkey. They said tlu-y preferred turkeys to " the mallards w hich Presideut Cleveland Las so success fully been shootinr iu the Palmetto State. An ox with a cart attached took alarm at the incoming mail train yesterday inorniDg and took right down the track ahead of the engine scattering the light wood with which the cart was loaded as it went The ox turned up Pollock street Jien it wasreachtd and was finally overtaken by the owner and quieted down. The postmaster has received a supply of new stamps which are now on tale in place of the defective ones which have iiee i retired. For some months letters which b:re the appearance of having had a stamp upon them have bten forwarded without the usual delay in such cases. The new s .1 nps w ill slick aud letters must be fuly pai '. Mr. Hill Humphrey who is a believer in every form ot advertising and who has had a novelty out lately, the little country ox-cart, the wheels covered with white clot h and a similarly covered frame over the body alliettered to tell of the wares to be to und at "Big Ikes." lias now still fun her enlarged on the idea by dressing the driver in white ond letteriug him. Messrs. M. Hahn & Co., have received tweu.y six strong young mules in addi tion to the fourteen horses meutioned which came by steamer. This runs the new arrivals up to forty and added to those a ready in the stables make a pretty large supp.y on hand. The horses are all fine dn vers selected with great care by Mr. Benj. Hahn, who went off for the purpose out of about six hundred. The Charlotte Times says that the con clusio 1 of the meeting of the board of regents o ' tho Barium Spriegu orphans' humii Wednesday afternoon was that a new centre building is Deeded and must be had. Plans and specifications will be invited. The affairs of the home were found to be in a highly satisfactory shape. A letter from Mr. Emil Lindburg to Mr. Jas. A. Bryan, and another from President D. J. Turner to Mrs. Beard each repeat their acceptance of the invi tation extended them as agents of the International Colonization Company by. ihe citizens of New Berne. The letter indicates the possibility of their coming even eirliir than tbey anticipated when they first received this invitation. THE IFT SERVICE. A Delightful Celebration and an En tire Saceess. The Presbyterian gift service for the Orphans'jHome passed off very pleasantly. The children joined in heartily and in good time in the singing of the Christmas carols and the must by the orchestra was delightful. Each Sabbath School scholar present made a presentation in person and many of the adults did likewise. The gifts were sufficient to fill a box almost shoulder hig i and were in large variety toys, cloihing, candy, groceries, &c. It was a noble ottering and will do much towards making a merry Christmas at the Home A Huge Snot CJnn. Messrs. T. J. Hall & Bro., had at their gun-smith shop yesterday for repairs to the lock a double barrel suot-gun, of sur prisingly large size fully double the size of the guns regularly used. It weighed fourt-en pounds, was two inches across the muzzle, three inches across the breech by the tubes and with barrels thirty-five inches h'Ug. The gun belonged to a Mr. Willis of Smyrna. It is said that with guns of this character a dozen or more ducks are some times killed at a single shot when large flocks are fired into. Ntate Cbeek Received. C. C. Clark, Lieut, Commanding of the Naval Reserves has received a check for 1250, the amount they are annually enti tled to receive from the State. Tnis, in addition to tiie $25.00 monthly from Craven county, and $25.00 monthly from the city makes $850.00 annually, which at last puts the Beservcs on a very good footing financially. Capt. Ashe to Pritetlee Law. Capt. S. A. Ashe has resumed the practice of law and opened an office next door to the law office of R. H. Battle, E-rp, iu the building on corner of Fayette ville and Martin streets. Capt. Ashe is le oneil in tbe law and his many friends will wish him much success in his pro fession. He is no novice. This is only a re urn to first love. News and Ob sei ver. Another Foreign !HIMoiiftry . The liev. W. B. Le was appointed to work in the Brazil Mission at the recent session of the North Carolina Conference. He w ill he accompanied by his wife who is also to be employed in the mission work. This makes two North Carolina r ireachers in the foreign mission field, Bro. A. Wilson, having gone to Japan irom witbin the bounds ot the Western North Carolina Conference. Tnis ought to stir the hearts of North Carolina Methodists, and awaken greater enthusiasm on the subject of missions. The giving of men and women our own flesh and blood to the cause, should stimulate the of giving our money. Our campaigning on the subject of missions lias not been in vain. These young men nowj in the work, and others getting ready to go, arc some of the first sheavis in the harvest of results. There will be a har vest a thousand-fold richer when we begin to see the results of their labors in foreign lands. N. C. Christian Advocate. V ednesday, Dec. 19th, at the residence of Mr. Nelson Wbitfard, Miss Sad'13 Whitford, bis adopted daughter, to Mr. Claud Spencer, both of New Berne, Rev. J. T. Lyon, officiating. HEALTH OF THE CITV. A lew Cases of Srarlel FfcveV, but' More Talk Than Reality An KkimmI StaUmeat. V Some alarm having been expressed bo- cause there were some tases )f scarlet 1 fever in the city, Mayor Ellis intituled on official inquiry of every piiysician in ius?, cily, white and colored, as to how many caes of scarlet fever ahd lieilrmny'or German measles, each one wa ;ren?ujgat and received a lull reply from each... liiese replies show only one Case or the measles in the whole city-arid thore are only nine canes of scarlet liver aiu' Vou f these arc iu one house, leaving only five for the rest of the city amf one ofthoeei' almost well. : To mako sure that there weio casesj which were not under a physician's care, the Fourth and Fifth wards; the twO-lnr- ' gest iu the city, were etiarctujly e-inivaesetl from houfw to bouse ik! only un t-a.se of, sickm ss found in both wards. With such a showing as this the Motile can Test tat 1 1 -tied; whaX littletublu the x doubt soon le entirely over, , REGISTER With the H mam 4 - 1 . r Join the Number OF Who are daily earrv ing away irom Our Stores, Strong Values; IN EXCHANGE FOR WEAK PRICES. 1 This Months Sales WILL BE A WATERLOO 3 m for us, and a granS triumph over HARD TIMES for you J4 ft Your Ioclret Book will GROWFAT at the more mention ,& the Prices at -which-we are offering- Piist-Class Our Stock S TI1E- Most : Complete We have ever offered. - : ..3 - j a .A t 41 vr " ' a' . a I Fortunate EcDplfc- Yours Very Truly, Hackburn & Willett. is " liwifc.a " -4 - J -" ( V r .1. . V. r "a 1