Y ? JUST THINK !T A TsTX BT70C38ST9Xi THE WEEKLY JOURNALf S Per WF.FK, For ll.M Pr TEAS.., STRICTLY l ADVAKCT. i - $1.00 .IV Year INDEPENDENT IN ALL THINGS. Single Copies, 5 Cents. i VOL. XVII. NEW BERNE. CRAVEN COUNTY. N. C. JANUARY :., 1895. NO. 44 Ji. Bt-UmMti -. i lit n AYCV i .- ii it . i iir i t i i J 'i I t . i " i i 1r - ' h W ft m RflABiHiflOTH ' Jurniture -:-Emporium ?THIS FIXE KA.TTAN Suter's . Af8 the L;jrge Hattan Advertised elsewhere at $2 50 for $1.75. PUKCHASED STRAIGHT NO JOB LOT. I LVKOEst BEST Ol) KINEST STOCK OF FCBSIlTJBE : 7 , K-er br.Ui;lit t. Eistern North Carol na. and at KOCK BOTTOM Prices. .1. Suter. M- i Uuiler Oaston Ho se, Soath Front Street, New Berne, N. C. Oor Tjil Hardware. Stoves. Carpenters Tools, Cutlery. Table Ware. Barbed Wire. GALVANIZED PIPE. PUMPS, 11 Lime, Piaster and Cement. DEVOES PURE READY MIXED PAINTS. P;rsoua attention to the prompt and correct filling ot all order. mg3ai ,dow I Lave jast retnrned from tlie HOESES arca. in the State. Oood Workers. Capital Drivers. None better or Cheap- '-ercan be fonnd anvwhere. My prices are in harmony with Cotton. and will sell lower than ever, tor CASH or One and Two Years time Witt approved security. Finest Livery Turnouts in theCity. Carriages, Ruggies. KoUos. Whips, and everything pertaining to 1 a Firtt class Sales and Livery Stables always on hand. Be snre to call ami examine my stock before pu-chasiug el6e- Wttere. It win s.ive vou money. A. Kespeetfnlly. JT. "7U STEWART. 50- -aEAD HORSES AND MULES" 50 RANGING FROM And Weighing From Some extra tine Drivers in Horses also adapted to Exceptionally tine Pratt Horses ami Mules. A full and complete line of Buggies ami Harness always on hand. """ ROCKING CHAIK. for $.1.50. Ahead I West with the finest lot of 4 TO 7 YEARS oLd, 850 to U50 lbs. Kacti all purposes THE KlNti IS IV1(. Fool, stand buck; ihe king is dying; Give him what httle an- remains. See'si tin u not how his pulse is thing.' Hearst tlnin tint Iimi he gn-ps ,n'l strains To catch cno oilier -u rioiou- : r. :ith. God! how lie labors' Yc. this i- deal,' i'ow up the fin - his f et :av foW: Ale. i holly h On'- briefest u His hour ha Withered and g:av. The kin-, hires Light the taper a king, he cannot I in ment with all hr- gold, tome. 1 1 i 1 lie must die. wrinkled anil "hi a ut t lie: 'ti 'I. till! .-.l a'mii-: . pa- the iU'c a . ! Stir, thou I' .1. To rower an 1 cr fawn The tiling ! i tig er: Hencetorth ilm lips Being up thy gho-t r" ihf kins; I ;i t H U I). mib I Ab-olve h:s ,v I Mumble and I inn: j Yet, metlnnks. ': nee. I ei -j i rink 'e : here . . 1 1 1 .'h. (io.I ilO ilr, iMt. J a I. lot. I Hiiieoasiy loul. Nor pnrtiel qml" Cflti relieve ' 1 fate ih'tpi le I Ii shriving, nor pillows ot lace j.nlt in tin- Lrriui old Sot'l! stand hack il i- hi- '-u-t. Get hence, thy priestly craft i l'oi him the i imp of th world i er, i mst- The kin-.' ti.at a- i5 kinj no more. Let ihe llis he ninr. let the iiihs be saic I, And the kiivj'-; heir know that the kins; is dead. J.JI5. Kenvon. Mexican ustang niment for Burn, Cakci; v r.i Piles, Rht-umatii Bruises an- nteci L'dders. Pains, Strains. cunr.inv LTCS, inflan. nations. Stiff joints Harness 5c Siiildle Sores, Sciatica. Lun,.'.' is;i Seal.!, Blisters, nsect Bites, '.II Cattle Ailments, i Horse Ailments. Sheep Ailments, Penetrates JViuscIe, Membrane and Tissue Quickly to the Very Seat of Pain and Ousts it in a Jiffy in Vigorously. Mustang; Liniment conquer iain, Makes nan or Beast well CAR LOAD -OT- orses E. S. STREETS lust ar- riveel Irom the WEST w ith a t ar loul of tine Horses and Mules to suit all purpo-es- Be3 ranize from 4 '. 7 years nld, nil of wh'cb he will sell cheap lb i C sli m Negotiable paper Call ;m 1 see him. (n21-ti mi mm to town mmn that little three -toiy b ar ling house o( 20 roon s. It i- nicely furnished and has everyi h'.i'Lr couinU te lor transients or r ulars, ou Criveu trect opp.i-he the Court Hon'. (118 dw lw STOP and THINK! "DELAYS ARE DANGEROUS." , The best Chris-mi N't w Years or Bridal j Present is a Po'icy l Lite It.sutance I'r 'teciioii. Poverty next Dntiki-mss is the ' er atest sour, e ot" t'ri e. It Will Pay Yt to Talk With beioie vou I- your l.fc elsevvheri Annual Ya ue-. 1) V I '-. ( :ls, a. ,1 Paid up a or a. hires-, . .1. I-' INC II .V CO. reilel . 1 1 11 s u I a nee Agllts. Bro .d in I Mull le stit-eis Office: C o202w N k w Bf.u ne. N. C AT &IC IKH$. f V L? M ALL IRmN SAFE for sale J t. ;. ap. BIG IKE. 500 PRS Ch id en s Id cent per pair. BOYS SUITS. 75 cents pet Sua. Rubber Shoes BIG IKE, 2 50 d wn BIG IKE 250 STEAMER FOR SALE A small Freight an.l Passenger er for sale cln ap. For Fart it ulai-, ad I ress, Capt. C. H. FENTON, d27dw lw Washing. on. N. C OLD Papers for sale at this office, ' JUDGE f'LMi'k i LYNCH L TIIK THl i: RKMI'.DT PROPOI NDF.D The Law Should be so t liange.t That L-ki1 Skill Cannot Nmc the Guilty Trial and Due Punishment Ktaonld Speedily Follow Lynching Vol the Result or Lawlessness. But of a sire to Enforce Justice. 1. (From "American :t l . I St. Louis. Lnw Review o Bostci la the United States by the St-if otli i ial reports for 1892, the last which have tieeti compiled, there wi re 6,791 hoiiii eidpj. In thai year for homicides an i ah other capital offences (number nl latter not jjiven) ttiere weie 107 ciecmi .us by prucess ol l:tw.inl 23(5 by lyndoui:. Ttik iiiir the reports (. r ten yum lss3-lsi; tl.e average his been mop- th ill r.v.i exi'iiud by lynching lor .'in e.icutd by law. Notwithstanding tin- u.iry new laws pssett aaut lynchitm- and the etl'ns ot t he ii ions executiv. - r.nd the lUlmtUMticlls o tll.i pie-- u 1 1 -t -'.nol)- l iw" the ratio of'yii' Iiiiit to the numb r ot" legal ee. ui ions shows a decided ano steaoy inciease. New laws to re ress lynching have had, and can have, no ei fect. It has alw'ii s been niuroer to take the life, even of a criminal, without war rant ol law, and no new law c ,u nia':e it any greater orl'ence. The remedy must be sought in t'.iis east-jn-t i- a Dhysici.iu. or a maehini-t seek the ri'niel in a case entrusted to thetn. the tif?t step l- to a-certaiu the cau-e ot the trouble. That being know u the remedy can oe intelh gent ly applied. The cause of lyuchiir' is not a spirit of lawlessness. As a nne the men who p r ttcipate in it wish ardently to enfoice jus tice. The tru.h is so ii ly feels that it uiusc protect itself. Wheuevir sofiety has lost confidence in the promptness und cer tainty of puuishtueut by ' ' e courts, tin n whenever an otl'ence suhicientiy ilagian. is committed s .eiety will roie. t itself ' y a lynching. There is tee w hole story . It is the case ot the Yigilau e Committees oi San Fiancisco over aain. They i leare- out the murderers and lelons font that I city w hen the law showed itself in. tl'eci ual ! tor their punish mtnt. The ouuv-er ol i homicides in 1H92 being 0,791 the other capital felonh s committed would doubt-h-ss raise the total to 10,000 or over. That ; lor tins number of offeaces only 107 wciv le :allv eouvicte.l and executed is signifi cant. Its signitican e is deep. ned by the fact that society despairing of a due execu tion of the law hung 236 o hers without process ol 1 1 w. now many o'h r- ot' the 10,000 we li gMt'tv antl ye e -i-tl just aiid merited ini incut b ,ii m law :1:1a I'Unc'mng cau uesir be known. It is safe to Sav that it was no ineuiisiiieraoie num ber. ' The remedy lor lynching is to restore the confidence ot society iu the jus:, prompt and efficient trial and pumsu meut of criminals. Courts i.re ery ex pensive to the people. Yet in mo-t case. if a criminal can piocure the servid.-s oi able and skilful njuo-el the a iv.iutages grauted to the prison, r iu a ir al lb' a c-Hpiial case are Midi lhat a verdic. f.-r the Si ate is almost possioh- no .natter how flagrant the otf uce Or if 1 veroict is hud. o numerous are th'- tecnuica ii ie ihat it is very difficult lor tnc trial Ju g to so conduct the iriai that a reversal t 1 not be had on appeal. The ir.ai of a c ou 'al case when the pii-oaer is nuiUy. ii u eiahv is not so much an invt s; igat n u o. the truth of tne real lualtcr at issue as a disolav 01 lesral skdl on the pan ol cn'jii- sti which is usually sufficient. 10 pu-ve o th-execution of the ju-t sentence 01 the law. Let the trial be spee ly an I the punish ment, if there is a convici .ou, lie pi'oinpi and certain. Remove t ie teciica tUe w hich render so many trials a ii .v sty. Abolish tne deays and continuances which baffle justice and which make punishment at the end of u long chixj, take 011 the app arance of revei ge ra her ihanjdstice. D thi se ihings ana m t only Inchings will disnpp-ar but the grand annual total of over lO.OiJO capi at i.flericcs will shrink wouoei luby. Take an ordinary trial lor mu'iler. Th first step is delay. Tne s. con 1 s'ep is delay and then as m my more delays at. possible. The clearer the iuiu 01 llv- e leiidant, the moi e zea ou- ids cou .s. 1 is, of course, for all the delay he ca . get. Wit nesses may die or leave he country, or their memories "f t he trmsa tio.i oe. o ce h ss exai t and the pubi c senti ent n favor of the execution of ihe law b Corne ll ope less and isoudcd. The leandy t.u th s is to require the trial to be at 'he term at winch the moict nent is . u 1. Or, ii lor any reason, a cnut niio ce is necessary , t '6 lerm of he 1 ollr saoal I oe aojourned. aiter ihe tra .sac. 101 ..1 ot e business, to a dny cameo in the contin uance which sha.l le ihe earlies d y 1 r .c ticaljlc 1 hen we cine to the trial. The e every possible adv-im ige is uivi n t 'he de.endant and every possii.le disadvai tage is imposed on the pr isecut o .1 i'ne prisoner iu most 01 nil- s,;lies ,8 ..nowe imiiT more chahensr -s than t 'e t te. In North Caiolmi he is evea all w. .1 23; whi e ihe S' itte ha-ouU 4. 'ill prisoner".-j uailt must be ghov n oey nd a re ..'on able doubt. I webe jurors must concur mi duding him gu It y He has the ore d a I vantaoe tiiai erroneous tu ins ot ihe p e t sidins; judue in Ids f.vor cannot 'e c .1 rrde while a s ngle eriom-ous iiilini against him vittati s t ne w hole proceeding ! The sympathy of the j.iry in f.vor of 1 lei-j low being in jeop-.r.iy '. ui- l ie is e isil. ! appealed to ami r a 1 y evok d Tc h n 1 ca tties surr umi the 1 rial f 111 start t ; finish and are quick ly ava 1I..1I oi by skill-1 tin counsel, if one i- vio ate . No won-; derthat unoer t lies - cin u.nsiances tmi I victmn and pun shment f r a cap; al ; otb nee are almost impo-s.be wlcai t e ' prisomr or his fiiceds can pr cu e abie j counsel and that soci. ty. f cl ng oiiira"! 1 j at the useless expi m iture for it- courts, s 1 j otten executes justice wdiout tcesanct'on 1 ot law. In vain do the exnll ive a d iegisLuive departments sti ive ! less ti t trowing evil. As long as the JuPcid department fails, o: is piev.ntei I'r 'in piompiiy and ju-ny tl v and m-tiy inv. t gat.n j. 1 1 charge and denouncing si nem e up.u ihe guilty so long wib ih:s ir:eu!.r -pec- e oi justice s;row aud ab uu l more au i , I more. Wheihcr cap tal puni-huie it . j saould e iJ'"ii-h d or not. rests widi the; I ;eo. d'- of any st t. , at tuig th ough rheir I accii dited rt pie-eiitat ; v ts. Hut as 1 ug a- tue pen i liv -i e th is pu-cr. b- i-y tn statu. o it s .ould be b ir ae in mind ihat a trial i. r a capita, off. ru e is a si'e.nn. : -erious procee ii' g. winch society Ice decreed as n'-ces.sa.y for it-, well b. uig -m I I Silfety. P is not to oe appi cache i from1 its sentimental si l-. Ihe -o e obj-c should le the colo iuipa t al ;.?c rti" ment ot tlie fat Ls perlan a g to th t n a Tlie enormous disadv ant ges at wlrcii th- State is plm oil .11 siien trial- an 1 di -uumerous ti t tiiiica tu-s .f which tii pr s oner c m avail h ins. b were 111. it 0 v the humanii V 'I ti:,. , oil r; - .1 a tint when 1 1 he ori-00 r was ue i lu i a! .ow e 1 1 he b 11 - '.fit of counsel nor to cross-ex uniue the jif ; witnesses ug.dnst hi n 1 01 to h v wi tic.--- es summoned iu his own beb df imlp.- he : could lav for tin m. Th s slate oi t.du s having long since cease 1 to ex st t n- ciis atlvatpages t Iu n imp 'se. I up m the S'ate ' should also cease 1 1 will lie a sufficient protection for die inuoitnt to ret a. 11 the ,m- lequi i-ment tha' Ids eiidt mu-t be shown lieyond 1 nasonablc doubt and tnattie verdict of guilty can omy be pro iounced bv the uuatiimous ver cct of a jury The sympathy of th jmy for a ft-l'ow being on tr.al lor his hie wi 1 always be stronger than the desire 10 vinoicaie :he outrage upon socieiy, mid such svmpa hy caD always be readily appealed to by eloquent counsel. But beyoad these Uiings, :lUy fur her t::iilvant iges upon the State are not in favor of the innocent but ot ihe guilt v. The number of per emptory .ailcngcs should 1): reduced and an e.iiai number, a six. alloue 1 the State ..nd the delcn laut. Tl.i- ha alreadv ban done in a lew State-: Illinois. : Xcn Yoik. Connecticut. Rhode Islam'. . Florid 1 aii.i Colorado, while in Massa ; chus -it-iiie Siale has more challenges ; than he lieieudant. Where, as in Nin th jCaioliua. die Siate has only hair pu--; suiptory . halleages while the prisoner ha j 23 iu adiiit.on to nil challenges for c iu-e, jit iruial!y auunnts to the jirisoner s ; iiciing the jury to tr hiuiself. He can juRiia'iy git at least enough friends r.n the jury to prevent the requisite unanimity. ' I I it'll tl; l:te sh uld be allowed to e- ' copt to . t r 'ii ous rulings of the judge as wilt a- ' I ' 1 ei 1 ( la nt ainl ti) appe il iio a a erdict o 1101 guilty obtained by -urh ' rroneou- luiings. '1 ni- w'as fonui-rly tin: iaw iu North Caro'iua and elsi-wh. n-. 1 It is. f 1 pot. nt reason-, necessary i.i re ! turn 10 ii. As '.. 1 1 u- liiiinei'ons technic. ilitii -. wh.cli .0 -o sure o e evoked lor the plisota-r prop-, course is the one pointe I .-ii! in the re-mint ion aJoptid tit I the ia-Tn. etiug oi ; 1 1 e s-ate Bar Assot iu- I tl oil ol litorgia, whica Acs in effect I 1 hat on all appeals in criminal as well I as civil cases, the appellate court shall : not grant a new irial for any error in the : insi ructions to the jury, or iu the allow ance or disallowance of cha'lenges. or in rulings upon evidence or in other rulings ! of th piesiding judge, unhss it shall ap pear to tin- satisfaction of the appellate' j court that such error probably and reas- I ..n..li!r artm-tud tho moilt .ilvorculr to thf. , w ....... ...v ..t.i. ; appealing party. in a common s-Dso vuw "! 't '-clear that there slioulil j n"',. ,I,L' ex,:t T 1,1 Jllc1' c 1 IlR' ' I"'111 't'solutions adopted at tne si.e tnie are -o iil.ictl 10 me poini that the are copa-l entm : -Our law , .00 techtn.al and h s been c,rr.ed to- tar , on the subject ot incriminating evidence. ; Any evnh lice obtaine . in good faith from 1 11-acks. e tching, p, rs ,nal marks or pe-, cula.nties. papers, weapons or other j things h iiml o hispeisjn iy conipuls .,y ! exammations made in ok1 tmtu by the arn sung officer, or p -rson having a pris- oner mi us. ocly or ob.ained under order and iinec ion oi tne Cour:. should, upon principles emmon sense reason and justice headlined to go to lbs jury; such; ev.di nce to be we ghed and coi sidere l I icir what the same may bn worth uimer j all the ctrcu.usu.nces and facts ot the l , . . . . .. , ... I -In the administration of the criminal aw the dead man or victim oi the burg- 1 f t :i 11 hiiorv 1 ria 1 1 .1 irrin r 1 n j rnno ,v I - - vf lotherinme. miu it at kan to be put on , I in equality with the criminal and the ; gu.,ix. i ne law anu our ,ori..s oi juui-, c al procedure ought to be so changed as : i" allow tie State the same number ot challenges . is the Drisoner. and to move! lor a m w trial, and to hav a writ ol er-1 i or. We have n me loo .ar n the dinc-i don o; throwing kgal protection around j , In- prisoner. Tuere is too niuch crime in the hind, nd it. 1- greatly to be feared, that if we of ; i ue legd or iiession search our own hearts ! an I coasider us to whether we have none j m Ididn'i know w hat 1 w - d.intf. our w uoie duty iu at le ist indenvoring to j I Its entr.-atie avai'e.1 n:'",ut. Arriving I .tin.' about it-f'.ro.s looking to more j at the s, ,-tie . t t he exei d ..i they inuckiy -pee v. as well e8 ixactand just results in j hung lam to a tits- .,-,d -, ue swung sus jcrin.nil t iaU, we foulo not s.iy wall ! pen- d iu t he aii the . ... I a sure job if ! P. ul, -I ..in quit th. Ii nod of nil meu." 1 imn work by fairly rilling his h dy with I'o whicn was ad.nd a timely cauikm ot. th -ubi t of Ivnch la v. " I '1 in start! irg -tati mem has b?en made j m t ne jiubiic pi ess, and nowher denied, i that in iiii.nv goaips ol say a score ot , toii'ife- in Hie I dtci r-t,. there are, more h .mi. id. s t an in nil of Scotland, or : The guar.i who hau the prisoner in in al ol Eugian even all of Prussia j charge were Messrs. Walker and McLeary Throughout the United States we have j and one of tne sons ot Mr. Beuj. Thotn-thes.- f.ncy notions by which, when a i son. und a ,oin th man whose name we C'tiininul is on tiial, the iudge is a cipher, uid not learn. and the jury i- left inihe dark, whilst the Tin- n.urder is considi red an . utrtueous r min d is : he only man intnecourt house one and 'ii'l'gnition on acco an of it was who has any rights ihat are sacred. Our hot, ami ...h die iimLndion seems to t inltz dion basg'-u too fur and h:a over- have been cou pic . the iear that as is too d-ne itself in to. se maiters. often the case if led fir the law to take its We -'epi ore the lyuchings that occur so course justice miuht be cheated, tr-queutly and aTe growing more and! While it is to be regretted that the more ftt quent throughout the land. The I murderer met his fate in the manner he reason, or at least one great reason, why did instead ol at the hands ol the outraged ynchiugs occur 's because there is a i is- law, there is no expression of opinion trust, ami a constantly giowing distrust that he gut any nure than rightly be in promptness and t flficiem y of the law. .onged to turn. Justice is ouc- of the innate principles of There is no question that the law al th - hu i an heart, and public justice wid lows too many guilty men to escape, a-seri itself. Wneu a criminal is p.aced on trial instead You m .y fi'l your newspapers w ith ! ot the Ifjrt being made to reach justice pro I oiiati us and crowd your tnorough- aichevef wav the s.ale may rigliily turu. fir.-s w.th the shenfl"s officeis and mil lia. : he t; ial appears too i ften to be reduced mt you will never stop lyuchings until to a le-t oi skill betweju a tornrjs ot op i he pu hie is giv n to uu leistand that ihe posing sides, and through d lays, judge and jury have power to exercise technicalities etc., the guihy ale -ure a d immeiiiaie justice. In a thous- allowed to get off with hgut pun aud wavs the evils hero mentioned arc , ilanent an i s imetimes to escape scot-; roe verv gieat The remedy for them re-ani i his pro luces a feh'g tuat socie y qu res courage, as we 1 as prudence, n od-j must prouci itself. We have an i.dmir i eration i nil Wl-don,, bu1 like the evil, the i "ie aiticle ou the subject t f I'll t'tue remedy sh ual b.' radical and t omple.e Remedy for Lynch Law " irom the pen of L gd reforms can not avail without the : J u-go Walter Clark which we intend to . otdiii support .it tee ho. I f here is a ; p b ish. ue does not uphold lynching, i-' n u reiK-- i.nong 111 -m in tlie we-vs ueithtr do .-. but w lien he says the ;p ove set out ' v ih- B .r Associai mn of j cause of lynching i not a .-prit of law- tieor'ia. in wn.ie i ihe liar A-s-a littmis it; so ne "ihei Stales hae in effect concurred the. i continence wdl be restored in tic- admi istr.itiou of justice by the cau, tai cases. Tne r quisues ot courts in a u am i,eu- veroict and that i-udt must be shown i evond a rea na' de d .ubt and the n tttral b as of the jury iu fivor of the p i-oiier will givo an innocent man every certaiiitv.it au icquit a winch he now posses-es. The abolition of the other burdens now unequdlv imposed upon the xi ate 'ii such tr ale) will on v hiive tin iff ct of making n p ssibl ' to con v i. t tile gtiiltv. Let ill S' icasoi a' 1-- refuii.s b. n l'u eil and society will continue in 11 i gr.ii.t cases to dispense wit i judges, jure -and lawyers in v n i it: 1 1 ug its rig.it :o prot cuou against murderers and llio-e who commit rape The purpose in hanging a man is not to r. f : m I i n but io tl. tor others. To have taat Ml' ct the pu li.-hnient must b prompt and tenain win never guilt is cl'-ar beyond all reasona'i'e donbt. This or ncit) e wiicn is s., oiien ignor.u o tne .. its i? the out' which in I v chi- g bs. The tinc.iwly t.Ctu is in ale i:-t pi iccip f ,1 :ight anil ptst ami courts loultl : C at once a upon d and not leave it to hi motive and of just t e. a pica fur the illegal execiui' Walteh (.lake. K F.EI AT IT! If you expect to conquer. I 1 .he b.i 1 1 of 10 dav . You a.ii liav 01 b. "V your tiumpct I 1 a ririn and steady -vay; It' y ou to a "ii tittle whistle Ami then lay asi e t.ur btlle horn. There'- no a -oul w ill ever know That such a m m was born. Tlie man 111 d owns Ins acres Is tn.- man th -o plows all day; Ano the man that ke p-a humping Is iln- man thill's heie to stay. But th-- man ill it a'lveilises vVith a s.'it o sud 'eu j tk. Is t ie 111 .11 that b. .lines the print -r, Be a use it ilidn't work. B 1 the man that .jets the busimss Uses or.iiiiy prin ei-s' ink, Not a tiaiter and a sputter. nut an a 1 thai makes you thiuk And lie pi o.s his aeh t rtisemi nts As ne pi :ns his we 1-bou.ht stock. A1 tl ihe fut'Teof las bu.iuess I- as solid as a rock Priutei's' Ii k. Tiie Anderson (O.) miners have fallen dito une and refuse to go to work "until ti ey gel more satisfaction." I uteres ing developments are expected at an eirly date, as a result of th'- strained reUtious between tbe United Spates aud Spain. I.V( IIKP MOM T 1 D 1.1 A J. F, Bergeron. Munlf-rer Ha 1 son. H u ll ii ;imi His Kiililh'il Willi oiillr lit' J. II, Hill Intfig-nnnt t itixen ThUo Kevengrc for the Foul .furder Committed on Christinas Fve A Disguised but De fermined Bod ol Men do the Work. 1 in Mop hi- munli I'eaiil'ori e la . r ua nili: v. i'ne 1 ec. 'j . ' 1 1 n 1 1 i M 1 t A ell! -1 III ci Wcdlle- 4th. 1 i at 1 mile lay nil laliii. from lit. a New ma -k 1 Iieru (I 111 unl ; -veal y-livt murderer. Tl Midp'1 the inur lered (piiet and .lames K. caivi ml t man w..- .lames H e-ti cue 1 1 it i -n : 1 W: n. Bergeron. Tha circumstances oi' the tragic affair are .-. follows : Bergeron, who lives five 01 six mill s from Aumra on the Reildiuk Bergeron lann, came to I lalia 011 ( lirist-1 mas eve drinkino. and with gun and pis tois threatened the lite of Ii. II. Thomp son oi that place, and oilier-, disputing, it seems about an account. He was arrested, his weapons takn from him anrl he 1'e . quired to give a 400 bond to keep the peace. At his reipiesl, Mr. Watson, the c.inla b'e tarte ': to Bergeron's home fr his brother-in-law Hugti Boss :.. ign tire bond. The constable and a . .1 m an were in one humry. Bergeron -no man wen- '11 another. II 1 .ion. who was sobering up had b. en "iven Imck lns: weapons, and it s,.tm wea poll-, an lie had sonic ar- triL'es n Lis p vket. 0, . lievxn r,,,d, a mile from av liou. P., i-eron.who was before Wat- .on u,,(lu,t .,,, c,me back with H uor ani, ,v;UUcd V.tt.,OI1 n lH,lmilt,,tl , lU,nk witl, l)lm. Wats dw,,ine,L XilP;1 Bst.M.im went back to the . , hii . went to Watson and (iem;ln,ill(, the u. ,UL Va(aon r(.,US0(1 , ei( llp. but ,,, :l COIUi demand with Ulrt.nt , n , him . Wlltion to,)k it ollt ()1 his kpt ;mJ ,vas jn thc nct 0- hiUldin jt to'lim when Berger(m shot him iu the ,,V!1!it Watson left out of the buggv an.l n on wen( ,.,,,, tlie buggv :.n I slu him twire on the loun,, hlm lnantlv Toln Watson, the colored man whQ w;s wjth Mr Wats()n am, Mits phigpen who was with the murderer each (est. t(, ,hese (;lL(s of the killj1 Afu r the murder had lienc committed Bergeron went home and was arrested L, the nex, mornin cchristmai.). The examin.uion wa, lu..M MoVe Jm , ticcj9 .Mavo anu jMtchneid find he whs ,aml R n ThU),)3on-s sll... und. r ijM in) , , ,',,,. nnti, h ' nlV1 . fo jail tQn which wa9 t (( on T1Urgd;iV by st. amer. ; Tn?: lvxchixij. Wednesday night near midnight about stone stventv-uv masked men went to tl overpowered the guard and took the s wed as the pitsoner along win, .,01. about halt a mile a.:iy. Deri... roil, as tlu-y went called out. "fJe-.i U men. I killed Waiso::. but you oil ot to kill I loads botii Irom uu- an i pistols, ' bo i hung there until the next dav noon and was then taken jilowu aud sent to ins wife. who was a so his cou-in he h ines no children. His victim leaves a wite and several children. les-ness bui a-a ru e an an! nt wish to en force justice we agree with hau, and the remedy is lor tii ns m be speedy ami the punishment, if theie is a c 'uviction pro i.pt and certain. Judge Clark makes recomiiieiiiiations as 10 changes iu the laws that might b ing this result about, and as we said; we iua-ud to publish ihe article. I WII.LSOT CONSOLIDATE. ! The City of New Berne Dissents From i any I lilting: ol the E. C. I.. Ritilway ( With any Corporation, or Operating it F.xeept Art'ordlng to its Charter. Aii atti mpt was made a year ago to 1 consolidate the East Carolina Land and j Railway Company and the W. N. &. N. ! R. K. uu'iei tin- ia:t r name. Thee. ty of New Berne, which owns j one-fourth of the stick of ihe former, vole i through its proxy, Mr. J, E. Latham, against the consolidation in the l.. C. L. &. Railway meeting and with drew from tin- s 1 call, d consolidated W. I N A. N. meeting, n "t r. cognizing it ' Noiice was lately served upon ti.e May I 01' and Board oi Council til the city of New Berne that a me-ting of the siock i holdeis of the W N &. N R. R. would Ije heal iu Wilmiug.on, Monday Dec. , 31st. , The board of cuucilmen thereupon lie tl a meeting vest r iav ana passed res olu. ions ret ewing tne City's dis-em from ativ consolii latiou ofin.- E. L. & Rnl way Co. won the W. N A" N. R. it. or any attempted ooeaitnui 1 f ihe P2asl Cam lna Land A: lliilvvav in any m inner other than piovuled and autlioiized by its cliartti and instructing the proxy of the city of New Berne to notify the ; officials that the Ea-r Cap-una Land tfe Railway coinpanv 's all.tifs must le maii liigctl and opeia ed uu i-r tlie terms of its ' 1 barter as a separate, p. epeti' lent cor por tion, ac ouuts kept sep irate aud officers legularly eiecei as provioed tor in its charte. ana by-laws and that U' less the eoipo.a c ex stei cc ot the (omp .n.v is 1 nils Iliamlaiue 1 as pfovi. led by l w that th c ty of Ne 1 Berne will take such steps a- it may be advised to compel such a. t tm on he pari of the Ea-t Carolina Land ifc Kailwav con paiy. Annual Trip for the Fair. liev Edward Bull le t "U a tour in be half of th- K C o o'inii Ea1 r. II.- will I'm roughly t aava-s jvery part u 1 his S.ale and ills, lb Se port oil- of South Caiolina and Yuginii fro u which visitors mav be expected, and will liber ally post atlvt itisements of the Fair at! : every city, town ami villege reached by a j Shaw University, Raleigh, has con railioad, bi-s'des visiting the nenspap- r j ferred thc degree of Doctor of Divinity offices aud gfcttiuu' them interested in the ; upon Bev. Josiah Tyler, of St. Jonsbury", r..ir. " I Vt. M ltllM AM I IHIM . M r. Charlie Scot I Hndl.v t rippl- Ills Kitrht IIhikI iiikI Kpi i'I a I'aiulul Vfck HiiiiiiiI b.v III' e-Mliial fis rhariire rilis 4-tin. Mr. Charlie Scnii lie- - xu-en m o old -on of Mr. Solomon II. on met with a very seiiou- 'accident I hur- Ia . While :d ollt out after bird- w n h c h is ( vll age. hi- - up di-cll.'irged w bile In- '.'.a wall near die uppei pan inpamoi's : w a - a cii lei gelling o of tin- m n da- ui!,id road. His right ha ul a- ba dy the discha i ge. the Mr-l joint: i n j . i r. 1 1 . by of the thfe main linger- b.-in- blown tinger and thumb in jure. I wotllldei 1 : i I he ' 1 1 1 o. 1 1 shot IT and the little He was also b one oi t i.e c idih of being i be Nation d man down to I Dt- Prank iref.llb d' e-e-1 It lacked be. a tiita! aceideii (.'apt. Hyde. C'emetei y -cut te r-it v in hi , ban'- I. ke pel the pming bilge . I, Duffy .and Frank IIu 'I,. - . the wound . M i . Ml! h colt aid - i -illdiou- : In an I I.i- f. a w ide . rele . 1 1 1 I mili jifoiii'sin" have t la nds in I bis spmpathy o t rouble. IRII OF Til 1 KK. AikI . pr4''int lun IV4m Hf. J. T. I.. - on to all If in N'oh Heme Friends. En. JnriiXAi.. llK.tit Sir wd FrI km W ill y ou )le ise alio im- iq express through your paper tht t'cp, s and mo-t -incere thanks for the tokens i f friendship -lioivn me by the many dear friends in New Berne, not only m my owu church bur by many not nie-nbeis ot the Methodist church I have onlv le.pn here one veai, but I can trulv I have never liv I nob'e lit itrted I among ;i more g.-neiotis. people :ind f pray God's ' richest bles-mgs unon them now and way-. I woipil c-peoiaHv thank b ' ntig ladies foi i he hatidsoiiH' contribu, ion n a t through Mis-es Ciiattie Credle and P. ail I Powell to aid me in moving to my new j charge. 1 also leel deeply gtateful to you Mr. Editor, for your gnat kinom. in ! sending me The Daily Jot'iiN ai, w micli I has been a welcome visitor every day ' Good live and m a v p mfl vou soon. I .I.T."l.VON. j CHRISTMAS EYKIKISIS. Appropriately and Interestins-ly Ren. dered by 'ity Sunday Sfhonl. DIfC'IPLK SfNIi V s( floOI. The excrcbis h ... die Chun ii of have Chris: Tuesday night w.-te interesting and I well currie I out. There was a large gath I ering of people and all appeared lo h ive I enjoyed the program, which con-isle i m t' e rcndi.ion of " The Glorious Birthday," icpo-el of readings recitations and. P copriate and specially prepared a u ic Afterwards there was a general disirbti i tion of fruits and oiifectioneriej. CENT ilN'A K V SI N-DAY SCHOOL. This large and prosperous school had two Christmas trees at the sp icious Y M. C. A. Ha l n Wednesday night. They were nmsi , nutitully anil artist ica ly ar ranged on the stage, and being filled with presents an I brilliantly lighted with ta- His I pers, s .owed to splendid i-tlect. J he near 'view lioin tiie gallery, oveilooking the vas, throng ol happy children eagerly watching for their prese its. was ,a pretly sight, iutro lucto y to the distribution of the giits, a numler of pretty and well chosen songs and recitations were rendei-e-d. IIAN' OCK S'. M. F.. SUNDAY SCHOOL. Hancock Street M. E. Sunday S hool, Mr. S. R Ball superintendent, had a pleasmg Christmas entertainment in the hurch Tuts lay night. Thorough prepa rations hid b en made for the occasion the altar had been nicely trimmed and two trees set in front, one filled with sus pended apples, the other with oranges. Afur opening with ie ig.otis t-xer ises Santa Clans appeared draw ing his house in afur uim, well-filled with pnsenis, there being one for every scholar. These he took out and delivered, and each child then passed on and helped himself or herself to a sack of candy, an apple and an orange irom the trees. There weie special cirols used, the church was ti led with those attend ing, the representation of Santa Claus was considered perfect and all present seemed to have been made happy tf they had not been so belore. THE F.W METHODIST PASTORS. They and Their Families Have Ar rivedA Cordlnl Welcome Awaited Them. According to expectation Rev. A. D. Beds, the new pa-tor of Hancock Street M. E. fhuich and his wife arrive 1 last night Irom Rock 1 1. g ham circuit and the family of Rev. L. L. Nash from Wilming ton Mr. and Mrs Betts were met by Mr. S. R. Ball and temporarily placed at Moore's hoordieg house. They will soon begin h use-keeping: one of theirj daugh ters will join them here in a week or two. Tlie members of Centenary church had supo r in waiting a ine parsonage ana everything pleasant . tor Dt family and they are now insta led in their new home, was h. ld last night for the iamilv and the members to Nash and comfortably A reception pastor and become ac- quainttd. ! New beine welcome s uotli Ur. JNash i and Mr. B tis and their families. Mr. j Nash is a zeah us and successful worker and good may be expected irom his pas 1 to rate, au 1 Mr. Betts is a minister I beloved popular wherever he goes. Some j , of our people know him personally, many j by reputation, and there has been from the first news of his appointment here a general expression of '-I'm glad he's com ing" Both churches have cause for cjn gratulatinn in having; such pastors. , GOOD XIGHT. The eve whose vigil ends not when the siars, Quiv'ring as ;f disiurbM jars. Their f blet! guardianships by mund.11 e begin U er pilgraiis tin tliisnskful world of sin. Shall not :e-s guide than guar .1 th thy seip. And lib tl;.y dawns from hidden tianger. I keep; Go.'d night! then, good night! Let not the trials of the day molest j Thy snowy pidow. promising thee rest; ' Bill the n aw iy, or, heder. ca-t thy care j On Hira who wib 1 hy heaviest burden leai; 1 Then shah thy s'eep be deep, aud aud evi 11, Aud thou shall dream not, save it heaven; Go"d night! then, good night! pure, j lie of I'o ia l a-le -ti inn mds each 'lav of si life, The curtai ls meantime on the world close d'a w.i, Su-iicnde i for the nonce 'all sense of life. And only breathing softly liil the dawn This is ih bo. n so precious, -o divine. Thou -ure y vv.lt not tnrliiigly decline: Good night! then, good niuht! -iV. H. Luckeub.ich. I). I). --M. AN ADRIFT." .. I " by The Journal Whli-h is Always In -'The Swim." Mr. .1. W. Smallwooil has moved mm the store on Broad street adjoining that of Mr. .1. R. Parker, dr., An attempt at ra was charged to have been made in the city a few nights j ago. So f ir as developed it looks doubt ful if t he charge can lie sustained. The Naval Re or res weru nut Wednes day afternoon for drill and inspection b-foie Lieut. W'n - w. commanding officer of (lie State Baita. ..a. Caul- arc out for the marriagi et' Mr. 'ei. A-h, formerly ot New Bcruc, .m i Mi-s Hannah, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. llennett Melasky of AustiD, Texas. The ceremony will be performed in Temple Belli Israel, January 9lh, 1895. M'. A L. Bryan, tried his luck at Inni ting al Mill creek four miles from Pol-i iofk-ille Thursday and in addition to i j" d supply of game birds he succeeded hi bunging down a tine wild turkey. A young lady and gentleman were overturned in a buggy near the Oaks I'arm Christmas dav. The horse w.is fVightene I by the explosion of a fire i cracker near him. The first announcement of thc appoint- j men: ol A. a. Ulcaud receiver ol ther ir.it Nations! Bank of'Wilmington, N. C, was premature, but the announcemene is now authoritatively made. He takes charge t thc beginning ol" the year. R;v. J. T. Lyon and family left Thins- j uav morning ur irieir new nome ai ' kingtiam. (ajuite a number of the members of Centenary M. E. church and other ft iends being at thc train to see them off and express their good will and interest towards them iu their new home. Well Pleased. Mr. .1. I). Johnson, of the firmol Tomb. Jnl-iison & Co., of Pittsburg, Pa., who are interested in immigration to thissectiou, and Mr ( '. j. Cooper, of Pittsburg, who is inn le-ied in gold-mining left from the Chattaw ka yesterday for their home. Tiny express themselves highly pleased with this legion, with the accommoda tions they received at the Chattaw ka, and w ith our people and they both intend soon to return. An advance guard of the' Pennsylvania farmer immigrants are alsn; - on , xpected. ' I Vessel I,esft off Ocraroke. 'Ph.- I' . I ! r,-v i n - lolinr-.,. m from I Ijki o . r-l ' io the Journal last night shows that our coast was not without its disasters in the storm that swept over the country this wi ek : Bkaufort, Dec. 2s. The three mast schooner Richard S. Shotfard stranded near Ocraeoke during the gale of the 27th. The vessel is a total Toss. Thos. Duncan. We Appreciate tne Courtesy. The Progressive Age, of Aurora, has hu-tled according to its name in the mat terol furnishing the news about the Idalia tragedy. It got out a special giving the account of the murder when it occurred and another telling the particulars ot the lynching when that happened, besides its regular issue on the 27th. Also one of the accounts we received of the iiflair was by letter from Dr. Cbapin, the editor, before his special was ready, which promptness we appreciate, as we de also t ie news supplied us by otlier parties. Low Rates to tbe East Carolina Fair. As early as it Is the Cape Fear and Yadkin Valley Railway have announced their low rate to the East Carolina Fair to be held Feb'y 1823. The rate is one first class tare for tne round trip plus fifty cents for one admission to the Fair grounds. The tickets will be sold from Feb'y 10 to 21st. inclusive, with Feb'y 2Gtb, as the final limit for the return. The cost from Greensboro will be $6.00 Maxton 6.65; Sanford $5.40; and Fay etteville, $4. Co. Praetleal Diaetnssion of Lynching. Although comparatively few lynchings or-cur in our own State their steady in crease in the country at large is attracting public attention And, though. North Carolina already has a special law against lynching, 'he matter is expected to receive consideration at the hands ol the coming legislature The views of the eminent jurist, Walter Clark; Associate Justice of tbe North Car olina Sugreme Court copied this morning from the American Law Review, the leading legal periodical in this, country it seems to us, is directly Tin the right line. Some step should unquestion ably be- taken to make the law more speedily snd surely effective and thus re move as far from the people as possible the temptation to mete out swift and ter rible justice when ;t is deserved, and what means will accomplish this should.be studied and discussed by our ablest men until a correct solution of this most diffi cu t question is reached. IX EVERY HEART THERE IS AN ARK In every heart there is an ark That" stems the floodtide ot despair. A raven and a dove are there. Acioss the waters dread and dark, We first send out . The raven doubt. Which, to and fro Will come and go, And fan its black wing in the air. But bring no olive leaf to cheer. We then sentl out the dove of hope, Which 1 ho' at first she find no cheer. Will come back when, at hour of prayer, The windows of the ark fly ope. Then after seven days again, She starts upon h"sr patient quest. Her weary footsole she is fain Cn yonder olive bough to rest; 15uf first back o'er the waters dark Flies with the leaf to cheer the ark. Aye, even more she there remains Yet other seven days and nighls, Till I-ove come tlown with rainbow lights, And hope is needed ne'er again. 1 1 Not so with raven doubt. He sallies Down in some boggy fen, to gnaw His c-aven wing, and croak and caw Or freezes lo some bust of Pallas. I Orelia Key Bell. Children Who Suffer from scrofalous, skin or scalp diseases, ought to be given Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery, tor purifying phe blood. For children who are puny, pale or weak, the 'Discovery" is a tonic which builds up both flesh and strength. What is said of it tor children applies equally to adults. As an appetizing, reslorative tonic, it sets at woi k all the processes of digestion aDd nutrition, rouses every organ into natural action, and brings back health and strength. In recovering from "grippe '' or in c.invalesence from pneumonia, levers, and other wasting diseases, it speedily in vigorates and buil.ls up the whole sys tem. For all diseases caused by a torpid liver or impure blood, as Dyspepsia and Bili ousness, it it doesn't cure in every case, the money is returned. The jury in the case of Kane and Thrii filey. the alleged New Orleans boodle councilmen, has been dischaiged and a mistrial entered. REGISTER;; With the J -FORMATES- Join the Number OF Fortunate People Who are daily carry ing away I roni Our Stores, Strong Values IN EXCHANGE FOR WEAK PRICES. This Months Sales Wr.L BE A WATERLOO for us, and a grand triumph over HARD TIMES for yon. Your jtocliet Honks will Ci I to W I vrr it tlie more mention ol the Pricew tit -vliicli we are oil ering- 2! CrOOIDS. -" Our Stock -IS THE Most : Complete We have ever offered. Yours Very Truly, Hackburn & Willett. ID. "n Jarvis G3 POLLOCK ST. NEW IBEI-tlSr TT, rr. ; Our stock for the Fall anil Win ter Trade is now complete in all Departments. Our Asso tment of DRE8S GOODS is especially Large and carefully selected from the Latest Styles. We invite especial atten tion to our line of BLACK DHESS GOODS It will repay to examine them aud get our prices before pnrchas ing. We are agents for tlie li. & G. Thomsons Glove Fitting. Dr. War ner's Health, and various makes of Corsets. We carry a full line of the llar risburg Shoes which we guaran tee long AVen rersi. A shoe you can depend upon to ptve you entire satisfaction every time. Full line of Carpels, Oil Cloths, Mattings, lings, Art Squares in latest and attractive designs. Our p. ices we guarantee to hp as low as vou can obtain any where for FIRST-CLASS goods, and we are Determined Not to be Undersold. When in the City you arc invit ed to make yourself at home iu our store and examine our Stock. - No Trouble to StoG ; t"Samples seanpba applied' tion. t. a tv1- . . - :--... :'-! 1 rVp --'' -V v.. -! " :- "t . " HSif '-'Vai- & ' "."'i'V .. ,"v si ' .".V , -ss K ...-1 "S'.-A - ! -I '. '.'' V II! .fj- 'a e -. - - b ;.:

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