.S'V-3V. i T 1 .s J . I " IHir'''-1-J-'m'tHiiii',-- "r--' V . .. i, ,, if.. I" - - 7 r tr s-vsifcf 'V'?' ;ir . . .. . -."--ne'. -rv" ' -.' .s-' 1 1 ...... 5 Vv .,;;V..L '" - t' ''L 5 ,-i-;i"' v i FAIR EDITION I 1 PAGE FOUKTHFOli TO " THE NSW BERNE FAIR, ITEE GREAT NEW BEESEl . FISI9, '20, 21. 22. 28, 1885. P 1 aiV. I. A.LK AJr V J2JiX4oJuJrlAiAi2i -ISLOO Fer Year INDEPENDENT IN ALL THINGS. Single Copies, 5 Cents. .; NEW BERNE. CRAVEN COUNTY. N. C JANUARY 17, -yuL.. V LL. ,., t c iU 4 1 Pi Sew Year -Has; Come......'. We wish' you h l.jy Year. mi. i -i : are eHnji to make voo kappv giving vBEST GOODS -. r 4 In town at tlie- Lowest Prices. ; ':. '-K, AadFtOB Whiskey the same way. -: " i Come to u for evwythiog yuu an. SCHEDULE B" TAX Orrrri or Kkcistkk o LKKiti, s' "-' tvr-' w'- January 1895. " LlliTercaakTrad3rvljl00''l Keepers of Merchant, . ASCUODKII, UU Art 'inria tu Vyiun u i wha are tvqamd to list the r parclmsrs, , receiprs it iW s, as the case my be,under Schedule VB vf t Kevtnoe Lawn ot A C sre fcfcrvhy B'tl (ird IO U8C Hie tanw at 'my oSf' j.imo-j tlie first 10 .tavs in Jao- C onty, 13 3, for 8x mii enung uet 31, " J.:W. BIDOLE, . :,v!; .c; r-'-4;--. -. ";Rerister i.f IX-eds, ; -, and Ei-offiuio Clk hd. Co. Com. CAR 10 AD -OF- 3?i A- E ? S; STREEr0 . tv WEST.wUh.aw load of floe Horsea 1 ami Mules tosnitxll purpose aaea ranse :t""h frMi;4 u 7 yeare okC-ail of whicb be will . aellHtheap for CisU ur Nez"tble paper. : J ; " - Call see him. . , ' . n2I-t . . ' ' ' ; '- i -!. ' " ' .' '. , I. JL " . TB5S. SinSLS.' THE ;2TATICNAL: .v BANK Of New Bernej N.' C. f $100,000 7 Sarplu i ; oSt". 9B.168 3 r; r-f ;-' nulECTObsj G. 11. RoBERTa, ! '" , E. K. JiisHor. ; Parmers &.;llsrcliaiits Bank .. Began basuaess May, 189L.I ' Capital Stock paid in-.V-"; $75,000.00 Sarplaa, - . .- -y - - . - 7.000.00 Codivideil Pofits; -- 2,800.00 " DivideodapaUr.- v-. - - 12,760.00 w ;.;v-0FriCjBfts. ?. . -.: ; ,f4. ,,. L. H.'Ccn.B- "y J'.J&;i Prnawtent. -', -MT tvCnADWiCK.v ,, w Vw Pra. .-T.V. Dewict. ". " OiliMXi : A- EL PowiM.r.. ; Cv.- . '- i'Mier. -F. F. 11ATTHIW8 . - - -J,'-. ColkeloT. . 4).i.4V CHiHi Bi flit i-OD9erWlVc O-iHV ' , . Jr.mii an Aiefu! i iruti.-n vth- ,t ' We wiU be pleaiel l .oituoni with , those -who mayconienpli making cBuBesr "uKUJig new accounts, Tbo A. Ckmoc, Pros- C. C For, Cashier, xw Ja js w w: w. im ja, mt.oI . . ' - DO ; A. 6KKAU JS AKKISe , BCJ8ISKS3- y ' - Tb. Aecoanta Mluln. Bankers. C6nar- ' atiOB.. Fanaen, Manbut. and '-therm c. :,f TOWed on tATormble term. iwmpt aod cua 1 uunUon given to the iofcne.tM onreoa- boakd or ontacroBa. V- - Tardlaacd Ch-ieh . . j : . H. Veadowa, J. a. Meadow.. - ChM. Duffr, Jr. - James Bedmend,. Chas RetMnataiii, MaycTBahn. Thomas A.Ureen, ; C. K. ot. i ; fiMnnel W. Ipoelc' , ChM. H. Powier, -V Wiiliaia Dona, ' E. W. imaliwood, ' 6. K.ires, ; $ Boxes i)f those Cele- Vitiated ' i Choice Pale Creani Cheese to hand. v-Price Low, IT. " J 1.111 CH, !Whole8ild Grrocer. 'FARMERS, fciDa loifaita Good The Walter A.Wood v , ", ; " Tnbalar Steel Vfower taida all others 1 " la lthtiM3 of draft, weight Ot a- .4. t? cbraeaa'l ease ot' iicumgtsaeat. J " Fo' descriptive cirta la rs or iDfociBatloo Apply to L. H CUTLER L CO. To ihe Public : . HEATING S". OVES .-,- of all kinda will be Bold j AT COST iFor the Next 60 Days! . ; - Now la the time to get BARGAINS " ; .in tnia line ofStoves. Call at 99 Sdflth --. .. . Front atreet and be convinced of the fact. . y J mean to aeitihem atost. I another new fair feamei A TWO DAYS TEST FOR DAIRY COWS With the Co-operation of the N.j C, Agricultural Experiment; Station. ' OPEN' TO ALL BREEDS. TO BE EXHIBITED AT THE SEW BERNE FAIR. $25.00 to First. $15.00 to Second. $10.00. To Third Although it is well known that oowa? tupable of the largest yitda of milk, batter nd cheese, are ao highly organized that any uodne or unu-tU'il movementa excite tht m. diminib their viflda of milk and rdnce tbn oaaltty of what ibey do 5 iel); and thai the qaiet of their uaaal home BOrroaudiBga H tbe tHat Dlacn Co make tbew - teats, to do mi iovolveH considerable expense, wmle It doea ostpoaess ho much Kitoteot for vjaitora at the Fair. Therefore the t?t will te conduct rii daring, th Ftr according tu !-hw following condition. COKDITIOMS OF THE TEST. Tbe cuta reated moat be entered on I hi- regular booka of tbe S ociety ih ii:mtHia of hridn oouupetiug tor herd pnz-a, or for btBt cowa in tbetr reapeCMveclaaKea at tbe Fir, nd they must be regularly plcd on exhibition or no pnxe will be awrird. The prizes will be awarded to tbe oowa riob coo re tbe bigheat nomber of points. Tb" hight nomber of points arnd seenres the Brat prize ol 12500. i r The Heuond highest o a ruber of poiuu earned aeon red tha eecond (fruo ottl5O0."t j The 'third, bighear- namber -oil points earned 'secures tbe third prize of 110.00 . In order to hare this test con ducted, an 1 owner ot cows should rnter bis Iierd or .( indl vidnal cows j with the 8eeretry of the Fair tor be regclar ; herd or individual pri, then, request a teat, and name the eows be Wiabee to have tented. .; ' ' BULKS FOB coKDDCTllfa THE ' m TK8T. ' Tbe owner of a cow ro be tested shall lie awon . alatemenr -with th epteaentrf3 pi the Expri menr.S'aTion before tb tes' begins, .rating. v '';;Y lar. ;Tb'e lireed;. sum bar, it re g.aried. and age of 3 m years. e 2odVTboauiber of eilye be m produce, datti of iaac e living, Iitn i-t-r. to)I tferv'ie. and wbm ryM-rUrxi id cpn) in tutlk jmalu, or if mi brn o late. ' .. 3d."The rpraie kinds and ap p.oxmat swousca) of iid eaten by tbe cow m tbe last ten daj a be fure the' date of tbe test and the value of ach per too is dollars. I quality and qaaritity of food was enangtd in that , time, state bow maoh, and why. 1 " 4tb. The dtation representative will carefully inspect the pail and weigh the milk for the last milking before the test begins. 5fb. The Station representative abair n Interfere with the usual liur 0 trying and milkiog cows xfcrpc ti -rts that "24 fall bourc, and no outre, miv allowed for a ere. him ii iml Kttch day, and t aa auve i'0 f "f he w-iguf ot all be loiitl stiveti t uv ooWM ooder 'ftt-r. He nbouM tueHnare or weigh the waiter diafik, if coavenient, without diiatbitg tlte oow audergoing the tesu' .r.; "'6cb. He will weigh and jnapeet tbe milk pail betore each miiftisgj da toe day ot tbe teat, ajd weigh ind take so mocb of the milk as will inBoreau ample amoant for epecLflo - gravit7 V sod fat deter minations. A' 7th. He will proceed with the test without delay,, and may pres ent tbe owner of each tested oow a copy .of what, be finds upon request, and report the same to tbe Seer. -taryoftae fir promptly on oon pletion, in order-tbat public an noaoeement nay be made while tbeeowaare jefc to beeeo a the Fair. ' The records eotleuted by the. Station tepreeentativ will remain tbe' property oftbu Experiment Station for iatn-e nse. 8tb. The Que van ne Laetometer forspeotfie gravity and Baocock Tei(-r for the per eeot. of fat frb-.ll tie naed to determine the valuable cont.it0ents pf tbe milk. deb. t$ah aow will be credited with as many points as her pro duets, periods, of 5 Jactation, and gestation can reaea on rtie foljpwing ee-le: For every 20 days lactation I point. For every 20 days gestation 1 point. For every two ounces of solids, not fit jielded'in 21 hours 1 poiot. For every ounce ot butter fat yielded in 24 honrs 2 points. If Breeders' Associations or in dividual owners of pure bred cattle wish to offer similar prizes for their respective breed, they will be seeepted and ''be teats made under tne above barms for all such entries of cows owned in tfoifh Carolina as may be exhibited at the Fair. If either pnz i awaidnrt to a cow registered id any of ibe ( are breed Aoeoeia'ion records, -b e"i a different ecla ol points bv been adopted, tbe results can recalculated to cod farm to saeb cale if desTed. Kxpll,ea. every poiaoD and impurity your blood, Dy ur. riens vxuiaeu jfny'i Discovery. Then there's a cler skm ao'.l a clean system. Tetter, ay.Tiliuuw, Eczema. Erysipelas, Boils, Cai-biHlegj Enl.irj:ed Glands. Tumors and Ssnellipgs, and all Blood, Skin, and Scalp Disea., from a common botch or eruption to tli worst scrofula these are perfectly and permanently cured by it. In building up needed flesh and strength ot pale, puny, scrofulous children, noth ing can eual i. Delicate diseases ot oitrver sex, however Induced, epeedily and railiosilly cured. Address, in confidence, World's Dipen sarj Medical Association, Buffalo, X, Y- advantages of our state, Tends ro make hat rv liim;. The Best Watered State in the Union and the On'v One That Can Fill out the Entire List of Prod ucts in the Cen sus Blanks. Extraordinary Fruit Uountry-Iis Mines F.irests, Meadow and Oyster Gar densIts Citizens. The Southern and we cut n Sti!8 hhvn this, lu-re b tMie we think it true: In varied and fertile soiln, iu di verbify of orop, l-tigtti ol groing xeaaoti, in health! ulne-. in deliyh -fol climate, ibeSouib in pre-i-uji-nent. And u t only catt ruore itiODy be made i.i the Sonet? i.. farm in g, in ft uit gniwiug, in g-ixii uiDg. in stock rainiug, d.uryiug, tliu can be made in other p-iriw of he'eouu try tiar. the cost of living lt-t ud life is lufinl el; bettet woith liv lug. 'It Is tbe 'Laud of Goshen' in tbe United States. Whit ih irue i-f ihe South is epe'i..lly tru of orth (JroluiA. N State iu the Uuion preieuts co utuch vanetv of noil, climate and productiveness. TbiM let Due an exaggerated statement, bat 'words of sotieiuesa and truth.'' It in as far from tbe eud of Ouriituck i-oauov to thn ena ot Uherosee county as it is iroro Currituck to the middle of Obmpl.iin, in New York State. Tet it with a stnug for yourself. No State it- as well watered with rivers, Miuuda, baya and large creeks aa North Carolina, Some oi its creeks are larger than the rirers of other States, and there are nearly ninety known rivers. North Carolina once filled out ..be entire Itsc f products in the census scheonle, and oo other 8'ate could do L. Ir, not only prodace tbe very best tobacco gro-vn on tbf Amerioao continent, nt it make th- bent wheat, corn, tye, oats, potatoes, rice, cotton ud ao on. its truck tarmefs eul any in tbis cono'ry. A mnch money to tbe acre ban tteeii made and can be mule here as in any State m the Uniou. MAs a fr'oir St.ate it offers extra oidiuary advautagec More thto ordinary advotager. More tbD thirty ears ago a C'Swell farmer hd 200 varie'Ki of me pear. Iu the i erj sweetest, most lua OlOQH, U)(t"t NUjfa'' pear we have HVer seen ir ta'ei ern r 'wu in Granville; wnn'T by tbe late Dr. James Kucfce-I. Ah in apple they are unexceij d either an id size, variety or pei feution oi tantH. I'be old seedling, wiueraps, aud tteen nkius equal "y apple ever grown. The native grape are tbe best. Tbe noopperuoDg has no rival when growno perfection as in Halifax, vVarren. Franklin, Wke, Fance, Qran villa and other conn ties, as an eating grape. It ca-awba, concord and other grapes indigenous and excellent, can be made a soaroe of revenue to an experienced vine dresser. Bur to tell N rth Garo Una prodOR'a would require an esay iuxieil of a bi i editorial its rich tumea auil ft rests, itn flibne, ifa oya'r tie da, its grz log Hi-lda, for ahep, it" oaiuili ties for nfock rHi-nig. iis climate, its great codevelopi d wealth, all appeal to tbe m..u ot urerpne, toe man of vise investment, the. m . of muscle aud industry, and intelli gence. Aliei.dy it ledr the South in the number of its cwmod mills and i hey are steadily increasing in number and size. It is a good State to invest in, to li ve in, to serve Grod in. f here are as many church goiog people and as many cbarch build ings and a much genuine piefv acoordiog to population a- yoa will find in any nation, in any State, among any people on tbe globe. THE OYSIER LAW RECOMME.NDED. G 'V. Crr, with be eirnet (le s re to stimulate and promote 1 be oyster industry, recommends the jenactmen 01 adredgiug law with f,bf 1'ollow.ing restrictions and pro visions. J ft. should be confined strictly to North C-iToJiui ns and permitted only 111 the deep waters ol Pamlico sound 2. Pi ml 100 sound should be divi ded as nearly as possible into t equal sections equl in respect to the acres ot natural or publ c grounds; and dredging peruiitteii in alternate yearn upon one of the-'e sections, and prohibited opon tbe o4;her, and no dredging allowed at any time within two miles of tne bore Hue at any poiot. 3 AH persons employ ed in work of any description whatever on a boat engaged in or licensed should be reqaired to have license such a is now required ot t'ugs men 4. Every boat before engagiug in dredging should be required to take out a dredging license and pay therefor a tax those under . ustom house tonnage a specific amount per ton. This tax should be Sufficiently large to raise ample revenue to strictly enforce the lw and protect 'tie State's interest arid thiitof the to. jia men 9. 4-HiWorj'.'1 shopld vie vested in tbefQVtfruoi .j suspend dredging by proclamation whenever and for as long a time hh Qe may deem it necessary. 6. There should be an appropria tion from tbe State tteasur- of a sum not less than $5,000 per annum, to be used for tbe enforcement 01 tbe la, bot to be dt rived ttotn 'h. I dredging tax and ot her souices. 1 jf The peoalties lor violation ol I tbe la should be. severe aud every viola' ion sbonld work a forfeiture of license and of the boat and ap paratus used, These aro tbe recommendations of tbe bord, I he'tilv eudor-e them, but do not recommend f" enactmeut of this law uule-s tne provisions lor carriug ic out in tbe shape ot $5,000 appropriation be a,de. the programme of imi liiiliit' lli'iulri;il NEW HE km:. N. I. Li;i !)lll t.i I !!!)") A K X HUI SI'S. ! I .(Mill. I III t I'ii II l'- 4 rill. ; I'ikst 'I'ui'Mlav, FlIuuiU'v l't IfJI.'i l o'clock, p. in. . I Troltins to hnrncss 3: C is- I'nf -c ' S300. Mile- lit nt-; lic-t three in five. 2 Hunninic nice, purse $100. S mile; btst three in ti e. 3 Trotting to luinicss 2:3" ('!;! l'ursi; $400. " Mile htnit?; lies: tliiic in five. Second Day. Wednesday. l-Vi .rnary in. I o'cioek p. II.. 4 Trotting to h .rue.- 2:40 ("a l'urfe $400. " Mile li .ife: test tiuee in rive, o Runni.ig mo ; pnr-c $200 5 mile. l)est three in five. 6 Trotting to h.im.'ss; 2:30 ('Ins. Mil.' heats; best three in five. Purse $400. Third Day, Thursday, Febninry 21 1 o'clock, p. m. 7 TrottiuETin harness 2:50 Cla 1'nrse $300. Mile heats: ist tinee in rive 8 Free for all; tiot.inir to harness; purse $400. Milt? heats; bes' tlii.-e in rive. 9 Running .ace; purse $150 S mile: best three in five. , Fourth Day, Friday, F bniary 22. 1 o'clock, p. 111 10 Consolation race tro'ting toha.n&ss; purs.- $200. Mile lie jt; best thiee in five Only lor hors.s ihat have not won first or -econd money in any race. 11 Running race; purse $150. ij mile; best three in rive. COXDITIOXS. EotianceFee. ten :ercent oi purse. At lenst fiye horses to eater and three to start. Money divided; 50 per cent to first horse, 25 per cent to second. 15 per cent to third, and 10 percent to fourth. Entries for all raees close at 11 o'clock, p. in. February 2. One-half of en trance mon.-y payable on February 2, aud oee-l.alf by or before 1 1 o'clock p. m., February 14' h. No atluition paid to eirtrijs unless accompanied by lee. In fnteilng hor-es, (lie name, age. sex and 'Olor of tlie annual must he giv en, with name of sue and dam, if known; also name and owner, aci oinpatiied iy ment, hv ur beluie 1 1 tvs d' i ce tin las: p '"I'llK'N p. I. February 14, 1805. Records nia e a;tcr January tire no bat t" lli' se races. The Society r. serves the change the pr. 'gramme to casualties of tin- weather, 1, 1S95, right to meet ti e Should the weather b- so inclement on any day of the Fidr w.ek as to prevent the Director f'iO;ii sta ting tae races, s.icb racas at the option of the Ex ecutive ' omnntte,', mdy bi declared l 'off," and the entrance m irtev fm them refunded. Heats in e.ich Oa.i 's I tacismiy Cfine if)' i:tei":.! ly. a.'-' cording t the .ders oi I) red "t. j The Xationd Trotting Associ .ti ui ; Rules will govern fil trotting tri i's, except that no hoK: s'lall be entitle I to more of the purse than is offered by tlie Society for the pLace he obttiuS. No premiums paid to oistauced or rule'd-out horses. Premiums will b& paid pd Saturday of Fair week, by Secretary, on certificate of i he judges, and counter signed by theDiiector of Department in trials of speed. Cjjas. REiaEssTEtN, tkc'y, New Berne, N. C. Tbe Sooth Is Dstiiie? to Become a 6rent i'ott.n .1 Hnnfitetarins; Cen tre. The New Y k prospeet f r c ttou 1 South: "The fact that tw. ton companies, us Hw: dd s ,y., of iauu adur iiu in i..e 1 the New F inland ct til'l in y.-sterdav's tieialo have decided to build la.ge nulls in the Sviutn, U giniric mt ieC' g ntion 01 ihe advantage o. n anuf c unng ita s aph producl'of tueS 'Utinrii S-tes, where it ;s grown. "In the recent prosiess of the South nothing is more striking than the develop ment of its Cotton manufacturing indus try. Within tne lsst four y-r-ars the num ber of mills has increased born two hund'ed and fifty to four hundred, and be capital investe I from six'y-one to ninety seven million do1 lars. This rapid deyeloprn.'-nl lias been due chiefly to Southern enterprise, but now that New England ruanuoict .lam Lave emered tha fleid-their le 'tl wiii'ioiib h-s lie followed by others 'The Herald long po uted ou:. t at th? ft uth was destined to be.- 'ii e agred cotton luiiDuficturing ci in iv, and events are rapidly ioufirm.ng that view." The continued and growing recognition of the advantages that S .uiiiern Cott 'ii Mills have over all others slioul I satisfy all people of the good opp .rtunuit s for investment which the establish ment 0 gych indusliies offer. WHY THE ARE CQJf I.G St TH. Six Uood Reasons for tbe Removal of so JIany Cotton mills to Southern Soil, anil tlie Local Development of the Industry. i 1 The Jot'RXAr. reproduces from ihe. Uirrr.ingham Age the following ar.iclei showing the advantag. s oicott ui n ami faclu'ing iu the South: First, the New England mariu acturers baye realized thetaet ih .t th- nod mas; 1j6 near tt)e cotton tielo aid thus s;ye iiL freight o 5 a bale. 'Second. choiipcr labor c in 'e obtained in the South. The wot kiu:" cla-s s can live more economically iu the South time in the North, because the. weather i, milder aort not so much fuel and cloth ing is necessary. The day- are longer and more wrk can be done by daylight, thus saving the expense ol lighting the mill. Third, the New England cotton mid export, a large amount ol their coitou goods to the w.i rm count rii s sout h of us, and by locating in the Souih they g-t nearer their market. : Fourtlr tl e climatic con 'Hons of tl..' South rive a fin.-r texture to the ploth. 'filth, the la-vsof ihe Southern Stat-a are more favorable to uiaiiu'acuireis, "Sixth, coal is cluap. r !u the miller il belt of the South." These solid fads are pi s-nteil iu u short ano pointe 1 inatim r. Com- to the East Carolina Fair and see what op nings there are ill this S:..le fir uch : a .11 nit s. The So;:, hern Cotton Glower- Conven tion winch met at Jackson, Mississippi to take ipto consideration what would be effective measures to brimr about better pr.fes li; cp.top, recommended as a lead ing ntca-ute the estabq-hiipap of mapy small mills at convenient lucalilks, LT utilizing the coiton grown in their vicini ty. The meeting condemueii gambling in futures, and asked Congress to pass the i Hatch bill or some similar measure. KIN NTI L tl KSTION. ' l i'si il! :l I i'lM. i nd''!li'lli l' 1 I'lan lr4H.4'l Ihtil Will itll hii-n-ns4k tli' Mn in 'irnl;lf ion. Injure f lio . iuitb l Silver l( the 1'iiH AiiioiiiiI lt'tiiifl iiihI Afloril mi Aliiiilaiil Sii)il ot .oll in tlie I !ll 1 iK Jul till- i II i t : I T i r 1 1 1 i the litli Id liii- l: t. t,-:i.. ,1 lu . 11 - to -p.', ;.i:i . ill ll: itl-!II0-. i ncn . tlie fanker-.'' to di-cuss the ipic the Currency now updating the c mil ol countrv: of l.'Vli'V ami belii ving it to Ije the duty ; man hn bus the weil'ne and 1 p;o-penty i.-t as far as ol the ciiuiitry at heart, to can, in tin: -o.'.uion oi tue litianciai t ronbles w hiili it piv-nit h.sit thf Cov ernmenr, 1 submit the followuif -114-: gestiutis in rerai'd to tli" renrganiatioii t.i our ir.onetai'v s stern, hoping that oilier-, with a wider know ledge of finance Hum 1 possess, ami lue elo;'e, more competent to .-.peak upon such matters, may tlureoy be uiouced to give jmblicity to their view also. Iu this way pcihaps, the busine-s tin 11 o the country, men not in public liie but equally itiicnsted in the ictlenient of ihe nit at piohlem. and in whose ranks are oftentimes lound financiers of liiuh order, may bn able t. evolve some plan by which the wiil"ly divergent views ol those in control oi our finances may be hai-nmnized ail' 1 our monetdty system placed upon a basis that shall be sound and satisfactorv to all. My suggestions are as lollows: The Government to cane 1. and distroy all notes and certificates if every descrip tion now constiiu in the paper cuncacv of the I'nited States at this time in n-pos-ess'on and which it mav iieroiiu-r receive from all sources whatsoever, as rapidly as its monetary nee ;s will permit, of which the Secretary of the Treasury shall be the judge. B 'nds of the denominations of $25, $50, $75 and 100 he amount of each to be left to the discretion of the Secretary of the Treasury bearing interest at the rae of. not to cxcoeil 3 p.-r cent per annum, and running not lonyer than Twenty years, but redeemable after five years, at the pleasure of the Government, shall be issued to an amoitut sufficient to redeem a' I notes aud certificates mentioned in the preceding paragraph, except Silver cer tificates, which shall be ledeemcd in legal tender silver coio of the I'nited states Said Bonds shall be soi l at not les- i than limit par value and shall be paid fori n leg il feeder notes or uold co:n of the j lTuiti Stiies, j All gold coin received in payment for ' -ai. I bonds shall beset as;, le and used ex- j clu-ive y for. the redemption of leal ten- ' del- notes rs rapidly- as posiiolc which j saiil notes, together with those received in I payment for slid Bonds, slvdi b ctinceih il and destroyed immediately upon thuir re- deoiption, Tlie GoverniiK nt shall at once b.'giu the purchase of silver bullion at such prices as mtiy be agiw I upon bv the ! Secretary of'the Treasury, and shall coin annually not less than sixty millions o; dollars, until the silver coinage of the United States, iticlq-luitr that now in ex istence; shall have reaped the sum of Oae Th.iu-and Millions . f 1). liars. -id piirch'i-e co ii'if e .f ui vc ul- lion shall c ase. ' Thy bulli .'i pur. ii .s d a- above 111 11 tioued, logetll r will any and ail u : coin -.t silver bullion wloch mav be in the Tuasury, to be ci-nd at ihe rate of llj to 1 intq coins not 10 exceed one dollar in value, as the Stletaiv ol the Treasurv may decide. All silver coin of the United States of the vaiu.-of one dollar shall be a full leg-if tender for the payment of all debts, both pubbc and private, except import duties; which shall, in all cases b? paid in g Id ! All Nafioaal and. S'ate Banks shall i permitted tgissiie .calculating nqtes to thej full amount of tlitfir M 1 .iiiij i've I capital Upon depositing .U.i tile Seiuet-ry of the j ire.fcury Trnited States Bonds equal in; anionm, at the pa: value to 40 i .r ' ceut of the notes issued, which shall cmJ Stit U e a guarame - fie d t. r ihe ik i:.,i-; tion o -aid ciiciiialmj 11 ''a. All Bank iii time; of strincn y. 'f w hich each Bank si alb- ts oi n judu . , i sb. ll have the right t is-ne ukhtion v ; ( iivulating uotes, 10 an amount not to x- : ceel 25 nor cent of their u.inip .11. d ap: tal, which said istue of 25 per ceui sh di ! be known as ' The Kmeriieucy Issu.-." ;io; -halt be taxe1 bv the government at the : rate ol 4 per cent per annum during the lime it is outstanding. j The bills of said Banks shall be a titsi lie 1 upon said guarantee furnt, upon the j entire assets of said Banks, and upon all other individual propeiiy belonging tm the shareholders to auam.unt equal in a-h valU" 10 the par value of their indi vidual stock. 1 The bills of a!i Bmks shall be ui.fom, I in color an. 1 sh .11 tv pnn ed on too sn c qua ! 11 v pane . I It1 b ils of S:,T e I! ,iikr T a'l h iVe th nanie o, (be Stat-? 111 will, h th ' Bank i- ocrv.d pfia'c.l 0- tnoir fice-, AH d tads ol h sijn 0U. "I said bll sshall be leti to the discteti n and ai pnnal of lb.-r-eor tary of the T.e.sm v. No bills shall he issued ol a denomination u ss than five dollars: All not' S of both National and State l!a ,ki shall be furnished b. the S cteiary ol the Tieasury. who shall at all tunes Keep 0.1 hand an extra supply of the b!a 1. n .ies of each Bank as he may deem 1 cc eSsii v and make imui'diate issue ol tueiii up n applictioii propefij made. The est of paper, printing, and ai! matters pert-iiiunl; tq the fur msliiiiL; of circaliiiing notes shall b.; boine by the IJ.niksi'cspaiTtivelv, All Panks shall re leoni their own bills' at their own Bank im.; nouses, or at tiie Baiikine; H"ii-es of their torresp.'ndeats as they may select, subject to the appioval of the Secre ary ol he Treasury, 111 h-oah l-nd r coin o1 the I 'niietl States. National and S ate Banks snail be nuni-. be red as National Banks nnw are. A seperde legistry shall l)e kept of'eicli. AH Caiiks of s. ne .-hull be under the : supervision an 1 c ntrol of the Govern ment the cost of sqch supervi-i'.n and cntroi shall Ire paid by ilie Bank- 10 speciively. The notes of ail Bmks, bitli State a d Nat'Oi al, ohill Ijj received by tlie G v ei Dine it in p ly'ini n: ol all taxes an d duiiis. except iui oit oiiins, which -iiai . in all.as.S, be paid iii geld. Binks may nt any it ne. upon o:inu sixty day.-iioi ce l!i : 10 tne S. ei. tai v of the Tiea-Uly. r. lire their cir culation, by depo-itiiio such portion. thereof as tiny wish to e t i 1 e . iih the Sc-riMary ot the 'fiasiiry, who. upon re ceiving such deposit, shall imuie liaieiy surrender to said Bank an amount "t the muds hi' .1 by him as iiuaraiiite inn 1 oi said Hank-equal, at their par vnlm , to 4'i per enitof the t;;i 'tbaoiig i.otes de posited, I'iovi fed, however, that no IJ-uk -i ai! relr. 111 -re than 25 per cent of 11- ciivu iatiou at any one time, and snail imce such le; iiemeiits ol circulatlou not ofu.'ii.-: than -t.ee m ,-'X months. ilanks having m' retired 1 heir ci'ci it . ng not.--sh ill be allowed tir --i-su m i. to toe i'11 i i anion' of their unimpaired capital at auy time upon depositing 1". S. lhuaU as ber.'inbef ie required with tin- Secre tary of the Tr. asary. Banks sh dl p .y r.'o tax, eithi r Siaae or National, up u their cifi Hla'i' U. i c p; a, hereinb f V p'ovideo, "ihe bomis is-ned under lllis pi. a shiii be pa cable in leual tender coin ofihe United Siates, and may be deposited by Banks with the Secreiary of the Treasury ,,',"i',,,m I : iin .ii Ka 1. 1 1 if I. iii-ni illlfi: lllllil --ft :i iii I wi ni i . in tin' iixi : !! It Nm i Ion:, i nee the ci 11 the circui Cnitc 1 Mi r " i.t. ..I I' rt of the ceiUll'Y. wii on i alio 1 oi tlie tir-t auu s;c h's Uauks averaged about 1 heir capital, the statistics oi'i'ilatu n of Banks in thi ' r if i-i j I. -s than one half h i in .in.- -e.t ion- ver -ll ON if ol tic ir much li It 1- t : 1 i 1 1 1 " -by tic 1 pel' i"l 1 tie c a- ' l':" a ci rt a :. that d 1 lefore, 111 tad . iiuliii'T the future '.oiarantee fund of 4o of ciieulatian. which I have together with the other as-et.-ks. and the iiersonal liabilitv of 1 h. ot's'ia -f ( I i I il'-fodci. will atl'oial not only ample it.v fo. tie- hill liofieis, but security i.e li'iio-ito r also, in no wise inferior ll ! to tie, I . ha h thev ."liov under the pre-- eul Xatioiiil Rankinir -v-n 111, 'fib- plan if carried . out, would 1 1 -1 1 1 1 ' tin' .oil fr of -i I ver o all amount . o uiiM ii.-uiate with the wants 1 of ihe people. -top the drain .flood :v.. :a tue Treasuiy in payment ol ' noli- that up' reissued as fast as redeuaied; : prevent the endli ss issue ot bonds; take I irom tue Government and place upon the I Hanks a I liability lor the redemption ol their circulation; remove the tax upon the 1 ci 1 cu la tioti of State Banks, provide a cir : filiating medium that will not only be j s.tie and ample for all needs, but at par in ' every section .f 1 lie country, andtausc the j funds of t he Treasury to be applied to their legitimate uses only, i The issuing of 1) nids of the denomina ! lions herein suggested would enable the ! peop'e of small means to own them and ; theieby In come directly interested in up holding the financial credit of the Gov ernment,. James A. Bryan. ST I". M SON LUMHEPt COM FAN V. 1 n I RO V E 1 E ' TS I N P KOGKF.HS. Equipping' With Latest anil Best Waehincr3r Will Run Eleven Honrs and Saw 10,000 Feet per day. The Stanson Lumber Company's mill has shut down lor about two niontlis, hut this dois not mean a backward, but a for ward move T he stoppage is for the purpose of put ting "i, new machinery of the very finest kind obtainable to an extent that will: practically make a new mill. I There will oe two. boil ei 13 put in. each ol 125 horse power eapacitv -V 25o hors: power engine will also he put in and iUso a new carriage, stCHin Iced iiud other equipm. '.us iu hu t it will be new machinery throughout except the shafting, pulleys and band-saw?, and it will be 01 the lie-t conv yor w ill a'so the slabs. 111 existence. A cable e bub to carrv awav The work of taking "in the old ma chinery is now 111 p fog 1 ess, thi.s wih take about two w eks and ihe putting in of the new will sp' e.dily follow. Tile carriage has abeadv arrive ', but ihe bulk of tli now machinery is vei to ce It is in contemplation to put in another set of s.uv s at an early date tlie p aver -Will ,be ample t' run both, but for awhile there will b -only one set as her e- toloiv. T e mili will h iwcvii' run on ntwre !m i r -"i ir tine.-: eh van hours per day ". ol e ih.- rvtd and this with the 11 ev oii.'ii will five an output of 40,000 feel per dav about SCOO! will be the capacity i .:; a 1 0 hou r tun. I f. us mill wi h i,s new and improved dry-kilns, its equipment of every available convenience, its ample yards and mam moth storage sheds, its good wharves and deep docks for water shipping, its direct railroad connection by a switch running to the mill, ic, is an important and almost a complete establishment. The orders tor shipments are "aken by the million feet feet far the Northern mar kets. Our timber is an important re sOlU'''C,uf t his region and the large busi ness ot th's and the other simi'ar esta'.-li-huieut- in and near tne city is one irretlt fid in the progress and development tna. is so noticeable. LIST OE IXVITEO Jf ARM HALS For tlie l.i;; lull Exhibition or the East Carolina Ei!i. Oyster, dlame and Industrial Association. Cuie'f .Marshal: Milan Howard, New Berne, N. C. ma rsiials: New B-.rue, N. C. Jarence Disoswav, '!", G. Hvmau. T. W. Waters, E. M. G re e 1 , J."T. Ilobister. iZ K. Bishop, J, Leo hurras, Ur. N. II. Sneer, A. tl. Powell, w. H Bishop, J. J. Di-osway, George Waters, N. C. Hugh. s.. J E. Cair.wav. Dr. J. W. Dnguid, Dr. J." L, iUi 111, 0 1) Biadham, D W Roberts, Dr (' M ll-it.u, Dr R S Primrose CM Dockham. M il .M .ply Harris Lane, George Gi'ien, Ion G Daniels, 11 C rjl)lll(, Vlex .liislii e. 1, B Neal, Dr L Dutl'v, Baij SGuion, C B Foy and Ferd M II' ih... ltdeigh J M Aver. Dr S Rogers. Jones Fiiih-r, Tins As ie. S.ier-'.ood Hi-gs, Ah x Andrews UnryM.i-er, Alt'. Wil liams, Joe Marshall, Annsiead (Jow-jud, Geo Snow a; d Thus Holt, jr. Durham- W ll Winiayd. jr, Arthur Lyon, Fred (iieen and Thos Allen. Ta'boro treo II lderr.ess. Charlo te Chase Adams and Sam'l W .Iters ire n-b t'o J M Robcr.SQa. S iiitliport V B Stevens, Chnpd ILL - J F, Mattocks and Ned Myer.-, A.shc il e Thud Thrush, Benj. Jones and Pat Br.viich. .doifaiiion James Nelson, B Davis and B .rnie Douglass. (i,,ld-b. r Frank Miller, A PSlocumb, Leslie Sout'nerian.l, J; o SiZ'-r (iiiiii 1 and E B Borden, jr. OxfoiM Frnir-v I. ;:-. jr. Broddus i : - Eaveiteville Jennings l'euii erton Joc ! ! d e 1' 'M K i iiai' l Gwaluii v. ; 0:1. N. d',T.na: C. - Jim Vi41i iiiison. I Williamson and J ti I i n -b-ri 11 Ho!:, ir. Kin :ou - -F ::.v or. J A Duncan, Stanly. siiua Taylor, Dr C I' li-irvev an-1 Bei i 'asi!iiuton Dr J Jr.o ito Iiu an, Dr John IJ.ount, Joo Tay hie, Ed llyr, Frank Jordan, II. A Latham and V K JaCobson. A mora W. A l "ii.1,1 out.'tl ( .Mver-. Robert I K l ' C 'l. eu. Clr.- 1' ey Nf; . t .'ife! :heii- v. .I"ch -nvi'!-' 1 lie., o tol'1 --1 al'l 'ho'iisaa. 1. Souther!and, Frank in." Vrmoud Myers, .it'itsou. Hugh Miller, ; l'e.-chau. Harrv ns Du.iciui Morehead IL-edfi.-o. Wo.'.l.n V: .- T,- ai . 1 A Chatot; .'nv-Wi.l W e. . A J Mitchell. A ii. Couen, ) 1 ye Woo'Lrd, d :.o.i leolVe Butler Will Hal. itnl Ti M Bn " -. Id Robert x. c..i J b; D. V. Jones, or a lad Ro jcri evlerii Fair IVole,. Tin- Xewliem th 1 wid be he.-; a week, In'gi n'.ii'-v Monday, F h. lstn. If ye.u irie auyilii'ig .11 c.bie for an ex hibit -;t ii a-'do. and i.e- siu'e to -j . 1 1 1 it 1 0 tlie lair. d ue nr-n him ale liberal a.u-1 v. 1 ii ft ur li woi U:r,-s for. Tho f ir is I e,iif weii adveiiised and a1: in ..eat on- po ir to a larger number ol'i hii..i and biguci ciowils than ever be!' .re The Neubern fair will continue to he "the finest.'" Kinston Free Press. THK M:(MSLTn;i:()l((i.MZEl): Kiim'om i-n.niililinl (nmiilr'lt'h. lli CI S Equal ol Ihe Senate mill House Hlisioii Itclnoen PopullHtK mill Republicans -otliiiie.. Special to Tin-: .lor it v R I.KI..II. .lallll ll V ! met at noon and cel'V branehi - was present. I.Vutinanl Goveriio siiied over the Senate, ried on', completely in llemoei-Hls tet The la-fi ',: lllelllber of Doiighton p re Fusion w;ts car )oth l.Tiinches and i- 11-1 as 'h ni-ts divided all oOices equally, just y will divide aM committees. D.'ino -rats gel no position. ' officers of the Senate are Hill K. King, principal clerk; Spencer Blackburn, Rcadine ( 'lerk: 'J'. X. llallihurton, door keeper: .lolm liobb. assistant door keeper, 1 A. I. Wallace, engrossing clerk. I (hivern .r Can- was notified that the ; Senate was ready for busines.,. Tiie members of the House were sworn in by Judge Walter Clark. Many notices of contests were given. There are in all eighteen contests. Zuli Vance Walsi r wa? nominated for Speaker by the Fusionists. mh! J. Frank Ray by tne Democrats. Walser received seventy - tw o votes and Ray received forty three. Lnsk who was late last night beaten for the speakership by Walser, nominated the latter as well as all other Fusionist candidates. The other officers of the 1 rouse are L. P. Sattei field, principal clerk; John V. Chapin, reading clerk; J. M. McDufhe, E. I). Stanford and J. R. Hancock, assistant clerks; E. P, Hauser, engrossing clerk; A. J. Moye, dooykeeper; A. R. Middleton, colorod assistant door-kc-eper. The rules of the last House were adopted save that one which requires two thirds ma jority. Late last night fusion caucus of the House members completely overturned things and decided ou Z-b Vance Wal ser lor Speaker. Th's was a complete surprise to Lu-k and to everybody else. This rcsu t is unfavorable to Pnlchard for Senator as his barkers were also those of Lu-k. . (). BAPTIST MISSION WORK Among the Weak Churches Nrar tbe City An Enconraglug; Showing In Rev. Rose's Report. )u Thursday night. 10th ins:-, Rev J. W. Rose, ol Cove, who is carrying on mission work among (he weak Baptist churches near ihe city, made his annual report. He had ihe report arranged so as to bring in some (Lures from ihe preced ing year als .. A gratifying and very in te.esting showing was made. Mr. Rose now has mne sati.msin charge. These are Vanceb i"". Truitt s, Spring Gai Men, WiVis' Church, C'.ve, Fr endship, Gaskiti.' Scliool li.,u e, Stony Brand: .1 Dover. Last v e..r 'r. R .se held servi.-i s, 131)3, VJl. a total of 432. The vei-i.e d'-nilince at tlnse services on the &ih- ath was 100 The number of pastoral vis ts almost ta lies with the nuuvr "I service Condue (i !. li the c'lise of his labors Mr. R -e, . -q distribiitid a large amount of 1. 11 j ; .1- litera'U'e. , The travel to ai compiiu 1 he work foot eii tip 4.814 miles, a little over ha f oi it being done last year. The.e have been three churches org 1 niel during the time two last year a;.d one in 1893 The first was at Cove, the next a! Truitt's, the last at Vaoceboro. There was no Baptist church building or ..rgauiz ition on the field when he entered upon the work. Two houses of wor-hip were built, one ai Cove -oid one at Spring Garden, each ..f ihe. n adequate to ihe n quiremen'8 at this due. The first cost 250, the latter 1380.9.', a total of 858S.92. There w. re two fr e cu.urch '.s for any denomination bud: in the t'.-rt i ory dui ing the lime ami thcBipt'Sts of the localities in whi.h 1 hey were l .c.iud aud ihe New Barne Baptist c .u c i a'so contributed to. the erection o the-.-. The amount of moDjEvy raised n the field during ihe Uirj,j was 8201.74. The New B rne Baptist church con tributed for this work i: 1 893 15,00; in 1894. .$575; a total ol $1075 in, the two years, t his is a very liberal ofjvriug for the Ciiu-e. Tin te was also a Snnda.y scbt.ol orga nized a' Cove last year; the pupils num bered 0,2. It will be noli. from ihe ab:uvethat the work isga lung there is an increase in memb is- an I aho in contributions. This can reasonably be expecied to con tinue each pir until the work becomes selfsiistaiuiug. Ir is a pleasure 10 s-e a church reaching out so heartily as the Baptist church here is doing to build up other churches. It i,s the true gospel spirit and wid bless alike the giver and the receiver. UOI RI.E M KUniXJ AT COVE. JFiubanks Anil forris Inoek Arnold. and At A-bmy M. miles from Cove Rev. A. L (Jrimi E. Church, about five Si ".tion, on the 9ili inst. nd utl'uevl in holv wed- lock. Mr. B. D and Mi-s Su-an Enhank of Cove, N, C. .V. Morns. Iro.n nc.ir ' '. And with the same li F. Ipoak of Cove Yniiceb r . N ' ceremony-, .Mr. J-e aud Miss I) 11 A brides uiaidcs and .'. 1 .-I I '! te 'tion. The rooms. nelt Wel'e at tol- lows. For Mr. Eubank and Miss Morris, Mr. Covo and Miss Amy J. N. Charlton ui Morris ot aucebm-a, .Mr. G. IL Moms, of Vance b.ro and Miss Aiice Taylor, of t'.'V.', Mr. J. T. Carrawan and Miss Elsie E.ve.i, Mr. treo. S ilcox and Miss Dora Ciilliwan, ail of Vaneeboro. For Mr. Ipock and 31 iss Arnold Air. Elisna Arnold ot leileeiion A4'olored Man Accidentally Drowned. and Mi-s Vick White, 01 Fort I , T , , . .... Barnwell, Mr. W. B. Simmons, a..d Mjss ! E,uest Jon a colored youth ot the Ada Dauuheriv. ol t'erh-ction, Mr. F-- T. ; eity was drowned early Friday morn Ip ck, and Mi-" Xoia White, of Cove, Mr. 1 1"!: iu Neuse river off the point just Frank White of Ft liarnweiL and Miss ! IIa't;e While, of Cove. After the 11 arriage. Me. Eubanks took his br-de to, ,i b.oir.e at Cove where he fave in li.'itunt suppi r to a 1 irge UU'tibiV of h!s friends and relatives. Mr. Ipock an I h's '.ride repaired to her pit lie. , w here their Ir eu- Is an I relativ.s were ire.:t ! ;n a similar manner. Ma the two unions prove a happv (u tmv. ' " P. Tcurlior's Association in Onslow. ' '.ar f'om th" Jacks, nvillc 'liana mat a 1 iciiu'.s v.s.-ociation, lias oeen fumed a" -Jacksonville. The unj-uiiafg for oro 01 .ation was well ' tended and' A million dollars in gold was witb-twc.ity-nii.e joined, thi rit-aier number drawn from the New York sub-treasury l.eii. ofihislou cuu'i'.y but s 'lii. from Thursdav. nresumablv for exnort. .Tonc.-. Tli inei'i'm u a .- .,1,1. called bv Pro:. E. -M. Roonoi . Supt. I Public Instiuc- tion of ( )-islow county. The officers aiv : E. M. K. .once. Pres ident: A. Whitley. Recording Secretary; M:ss lila lhir-.fi -tt anil L. Baroer, Corres pond ng Secie a tie-; Miss Dow Javman, Trea-ur- r. Toe tii st Saturday in February is the j date for the uel meeting LE(ilSLATIVB proceedings. The (Jovernor's Messaee Read. I rand Doeament Its Feataren J Important Bills Introduced on County Government, Elections, I-e- gal Interest. Ac Chairmen of Com mittees Cen tested Keats. Special to the Journal,. Rai.eioh N. C, Jan. 10, 1895. Gov ernor Carr'a message t the Legislature is an able document and makes a grand showing for the Democratic government and management of North Carolina's a flairs. Excellent advice is given the Legisla ture to beware of the enactment of parti san legislation and of changinz the county government system and the systems of the various public institutions. An increase of the pension tax to 4J cents is recommended, as are also the equalization of taxes, the increase of school tax-es to twenty-two cents. The Atlanta Exposition is heartily en dorsed and the legislature is asked to make an appropriation for an exhtbit. Fifty thousand dollars contingent ap propriation for the penitentiary is asked for and the purchase of convict farms is recommended. The Governor says that the Shellfish Commission has been unable to enforce the oyster law, as it has no funds, and North Carolinians have defiantly violated the law by dredging for oysters. The Governor emphatically declares that the present oyster law is a failure and sug gests a new appropriation to carry it into effect. The Fusionists began active work in tbe Legislature today. Senator Mewborne introduced a bill which, under suspension of the rubs, was promptly passed, re pealing tbe act of the last Legislature which amended the charter of the Farm ers' Alliance. Grant and Patterson were sworn iu as the Senators from Wayne, Aycock and Smith, Democrats, not appearing or mak ing any claim to seats. Senate session was very short. That of the House was longer. Two more mem bers were sworn in one Twinn T)nffV of Onslow. The Governors message was read this occupying just two hours- Secretary of State Coke notified the House that he was ready to exhibit all bills for public printing under the new law. Important bills were introduced these being one by French of New Hanover to repeal present election law and replace it by one box and one ballot system. There was another by Ewart to repeal the county government law and establish county boards of trustees and boards of audit, and finance. Wmbonrnc introduced a bill to make six per cent the legal rate of interest French was made chairman of the com mittee 011 rules, Ewart of the committee I privileges and elections. Notices of five election coutests were ti ed, fhese being in Edgecombe, Grao v.de. Pamlico and Halifax. O. Ualeiqh; N. C, Jan. 11. In the sen ate to-day the principal bills introduced were to make the legal rate of interest, 5 per cenr, to allow Bertie county to work convicts on farm, to repeal tbe act of last legislature ordering the public printing to b.' .let to lowest bidder. T'.is last bill was introduced by Mew borne and was railroaded through Senate, lib. being referred to any committee al though two Democratic Senators protested against its passage on the third reading. Another quick piece of business was tbe adopt'on of an amendment to Senate rules by a resolution placing iirtbe hands of a committea the appointment of all commit tees, thus taking away from tbe president of the Senate-his prerogative to name all the committees. The- Fusionists bad made all their plans and resolution naming a Populist and Republican as members of tills committee and allowed the President to name the third member. Tbe President apppinted Senator Adams, Democrat. Adams made a protest against the resolution and Offered an amendment to it, giving the President the power to appoint all committees. He declared the change proposed by the fusionists to be the most radical on record. The Republican member of the com mittee said he did Dot know anything about constitutional questions but the Fusionists were determined to make this change in the rules. The resolution was adopted forty to five. The Fusionist showed their hands bold ly in the hause also. The chief bills introduced were to in crease t'ae public school tax from sixteen to 22 cents, by Duncan to protect Car teret county fishermen against monopo lies, to allow the Murfreesboro railway to be extended to Chowan nver or Albemarle sound, 1 a allow Greene county to levy a spec-lal tax, to extend the corporate limits of Snow Hill, by Williams of Craven to change the time for holding of Craven and Bertie courts. The act of the last legislature amending the charter of tbe Farmers Alliance in regard to the withdrawal of the business fund subscription was repealed by unani mous vote. O. below Croose creek; bay, ten miles below New Berne, At the time of the drowning Johnson had been sent back by the captain Dan Forman to another boat loaded with logs which the front one was towing, to do needed work. The careening ot this boat due to a log bavinj; fallen over caused her to sink and he went down. Ancffoit was made to take him off in time bat he seemed paralyzed with fear and made no effort te help himself. The man in the boat was not experienced or he could have saved him after ho got in the water. x Information lias been received at Wrh iiif t .n that arrangements are in progi to colonize 4,000 acres of land in Chicot, county. Ark., with Italians. 275 lamilies have been engaged to occupy the land. A report bus been sent out that tbe king of Corea is dead that he has Cen assina- ted other roports say le is prost-ated by the epidemic. MORE 1 M MWi R A NTS COM iNfi. .1.1,000 Acres Land Parcjiascil. t .. -. ... 1 ' - ' f - .!;' And More Wanted The dtttlettten Will be at Newport And t ) of I or loog Island and w Jersey sr. men. 300 Families Kedj'-Tli Plans. ' f.-' :- - A company is now Uiiiig organized io bring a numliei- of Long Island and . New Jersed farmers to this section' 'The com piny lias already purchased'' ' eleveti thousand acres ol land arouud Kewporty. about midway between JSew Bernfe, and Morehead City and arc negotlajting . for -other large tracts. .;' '' '-JM--Xl ; The company now has ' abwutvltlirea hundred families ready, to come.. Thry ; :' ' propose to cut ifp" the lands into' ihirty- acre lots and hiuld a Ifrinfte, rr.,- on ViCll lot. This work will liegui t oiiceL'.o i A large muiilior of New York tapiiiilisls' ' liavc been enlisted in the movement,';,-"'" ' One of the parties t ftbe-abuve has beori for six or sevenflnoutha irve$tjit,n? 'be country Iroui Virginia to Georgia nd ha come to the conqlusion that this bhf 'tho beet country in AoiericaMhe garden epoti ' This movement is -entirely oietuict aad senemtefiom an vol' the immigration or' Colonization movements thai hive-ylii'i'eto fAre been made public. ; Theprelimiiiur.V work has been performed quietly iind the . point is at hand when tbe rt'sufti"ara to , show. d Vis. : ., t, .1 if 'ji;;' y ,? "SEWS ADRIFT.? "Mi'.fti,""' . "Plcked-I p" by The Xonraal Whirl Is ' Always in "The mmtrnk.tXl " Mr. Ii. P. Williams, Tlepraseutativft from Craven has introduced a bill, .in the leg'wlature, '-To Restore to tlie" pecple vthu right to Govern Themselvftl.T" tf Messrs. John H. CrahtriM &tfJ!Hiave two marine boilers nt their hO'pjlol,"thOi ' ough rj aa' rs They belong t tbe '"Nellie B. Dey and the Fiancis. '"f. Among the shipmenls 'that panSid through yesterday ' lnm?- Miireheart 'dty were 450 gallons of oyuis,ilrM Mtasri. D. Bell & Co. 400 gallons .thegy were opened by50shuckerfl'irione'dny.il '.' ' ' The newspaper men hold'offices 111 the present North Carolina IfetelatumTThey are J. W. Chapin f tha Aurom Progiess ive Age, Reiuling clerk of the House- and J. M. McDuffie, of Ibe Solid 'South,.; Fay- . etteville, assistant to the -Principal clerk. -and lastly John Babb, asialant doorkeeper of the Senate. ,. ' " '-,' A special frbm Rileigh to tbe Cliatjot 'e Observer suys thai Mr. Ewart lias 'alrcmly prepared acounty government --biH. ' lie diew one in 188?, which .Wii taid to be constitutional. It gave counijr govern ment to seven eastern cotintied, Vhile in nil llieothers the people elected ' magis trates, &e. . .... ,, ;&&UJU-. The Jackainville Tuwa tolls ;f,a"ct tingaffray ef Verona between two brother Harvey and Iva Cox In whkli," thtforiin t was seriously woundl;VIa". JV- for parts unknown. T.h"ei dispute satins t.v bave grown out, of trilling 'arguiueut as to which was the' best man. iX . s. Gov. Omit's message t .t 'Yiegibfattire was an admirable ut B'i exceedingly long on4 It tmtiftcbjut; a8,0t)i," words and makes 7tt paves of type writer -copy. It would bike about ' twenty ''coK umnsof'the JooKSAt "jtj.'.jolwl'typa t' boldiL :lijr,: An exchange aayit iA'''i'nnn man who started a frog ranch a few, months ago with 2,000 frogs liasrnow h' slock of . 1,000,000, ' ia making lotn of moocy mud isn't doing any.rokmghiroj(elL''ies8rs. F. E. Hegc & Co's frog ; lapa at JSTcw Berne will soon be ia';bpefarioniitocked with frogs from-the farm of tbut .tiibC'r nia man that is coining much, .cash out of tlie business v 1 '".''.',' a;.' ' 1 ' ' ' . ',T ?J ".',.- '-' RAIUROAD RATEK T IHB J'AIII- TO THB. If i.. One Flrst-t'lass rare lor Bnnd Trlpj Pins 50 cents for Admission. ' A-tlantic and North CarulinvilaUroact, ' , Passenger Deprtment,h.Tw,'ai' i-i New Bero, O.Jan. 9ihi lgSS., To the Public: . , ;V V;Vi ' I dm authorized bjf tlieCAmmtsBiotrr of the Associated Uailway'vto'uBnie ilie following first-class rate to EasT Carolina Oyster, Fish, Game aadlndustriai Fair a.t New Bern, N. C. .. 'r.r't ii.wW. r-.' Hates of one first-class far for.: the, round trip plus 50 cents for one admission -to the fair grounds a;e hereby "authorized to New' Bern, N. Cind-tetural from points, within the State east of find in cluding Greensboro, Salisbury and O.hai lotte, also from Richmond,' Norfolk, and intermediate points hi Virginia Mccount of the above. ..'.,- ',.;; -: ,v - ' Ti;keis to be sold February " lGth to 21,st inplusive, final limit to vreturn Feb ruary 36th, 1895, continuwiui paisage in. each direction, - . Tbe-following rates wiU oSovem .i'rorn : tcompetitive ana junction points. , From Charlotte, N. C ' FauptterillA " i.'f VI . .. I Greensboro, u Maxtoq, " Pembroke, " Raleigh, Sajiford, Suffolk, Va., , Wilmington, - " Durham, " Franklin, Va., Henderson, " Norlolk, Va., Petersburg, Va., Richmond, " Selma, N..C. Weldon. " , 6.63 te.oo irM 15.65 - 7.1B0 ' ; 8.20 - 3.1 t i 4.95' Via Qoldsboro, Kinston and A.&N.CJtlt.' S. L. DilIj, G. P. A. WRITE- KENNELS, POULTRY, ; PET -STOCK-YARDS,;' for their immeuse cat- -, Kiyersitte alogue to be issued this ;i V month. It costs only stamp. EGGS FOR HATCHING ' A. SlrJrCJIAlVTY Special Prices on Fowls. r. E. HEGE & CO-, NEW BERNE, - N. C. J108m . TAXES MUST BE PAID. We have endeavored to give all public notice to Delinquents, aud na There are still some who have not rauKateiL we are compelled to institut cdihgs tor the collection of samr he re-' auiretrents of our official uuv W. B. LANErUrv.-. 'VV' i :-""l4 .v ; c 0 ill rt '.linirflla avrf , r"'i. a ' .-.iir t '

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