"nrmnim 36 Columns -WEEKLY- - I;' B.- 1. : it ' - Y " Fetan 18tl 'to 23rd. 1895. for $1.00 a YEAR;; - ' $1:00 Per Year INDEPENDENT IN ALL THINGS. Single Copies, SOenST.&S . VOL. XVII. mtiT ttitt 4 A r "O f '.MTVTV XT r 4 'TT i b I 1 (in N0..47.'"-' 8 - 9. V r 'I x. CE0CGCSLO;ER, Pre. J. C. WATK1NSI, Sec & Tres. SHOVER HARDWARE CO. jN- HarawaiFarming Implements, CEMEX iy'ItASTEH and UAlU, - ; .'1AINTS, OIL AND VARNISH, BUGGY Ts the Dlaee' tobuv: --J". IRO V, STEEL and NAILS. 72. MIDDLE STREET 1JJ lu, - ' ' "" r;r... - "MY- ( 7 3S.' SINGLE COMB BROWN LEGBOSNS and I' - y . V . AMERICAN DOMINI QUES ARE of the " f lest Strain in the South. Sure WiaUr I Wi: .. , J&F1 ; Layer. , Vf SEE THEM AT THE FAIR. .'V li- rr. Sinffle Birds. Pairs nl Trios for - -v -- f jrZ-f?: '- Ejrgs in Season. (or ' 'Vy -'5-i-; , . k Write, -v. -w r--- . A ' ' ; JOS.'M REEL, ' - -..., ..rff-.'.V---. . ; w Beelshoro, N. C. Cafflai:ef"Busg7ibr Road; Cart,. Farm Wag ons and Oar ts; Harness, Whips, Robes, Etc., ,- CASH OK 1TE30TIABLE PAPER. ' Altars feas thttlarffesh stoct 2Torth Carolina to aileut Ironi, and as representee. RANGING FROM 4 And Weijrhms fFrom . - . - ' t-- ' .. - - . - J . . I. ! ' :.. Some extra fine rieri in Hors also .adapted to 'all purposed Exeeptionally. fine Draft Horses and' Mnlea. ' '-i-i . V.-' .' ' -' " -"' ' : ' - A full and . compjete line of Buggies and Harness always ; pnhand. .'' C Bine Wonfc SUUleV JThii Breat Has.Eetiiriisi frpni tha f i: - chased hi3 o. In Prices than eyer before heard off IHIS STOGIC Is the Largest in the city of New Berne, and Second ! to4 None in the State. ; Saider let me say to you safely Let mei j 7hisper in yourear-see me before ou speed t ' your hard earned dollar, come-down and ex; w v . . amine mv stock blore Is. thankful fur past favors, and wishes to say to the people it will .be to their interest to gee him. AND . ART MATERIAL, vou a-Horse - or Mule, carried by any dealer . in Eastern everthiug strictiy tGnaranteed .TO 7 YELARS OLD, 850 to 1450 lbs. Each Middle Street, New Berne, N. O. Amer iGari Korth" where 'ie Pur- Stock at1" 1; -' V" OF CUTTING jou buv. III BOTH (RAZKD A IA R A I. V 7. K I. A Draiumer at ollNboro at Dcnfli'w Door as the Result of n Ar-ilental Wound Received while at Jnrkson vllle. JS. '. A special from (iuld-liuro t" ilie JlVli mond Dispu'di tells ihe t'.illowini;: "There is 1 in.' in a critical coi ilii ion in tliu Hotel Kennmi in ihisity n yuni: man by the n mie nf F. F. l'lunnncr trav elling for I he ni:'.hilnLv inn nu lacturmy 6rm of Uerry, Orion & Co . ol Fhila.lel phia. He came here Situr l.iy cvi ihult ironi Wilmin-ton a ) a i c, 1 1 v ill r.i;h . and registered t tin: 1 1 . : I an. I was sine-l to a n-om. It w notice. I that lie ii.l not come t liis nie.iN Siuula . and this morning he as ..uiul in tits r. cm lyin on his bed with his . lollies on. not even having iemove.1 his ovdvoa', and suffering ith mental abenation. "Tlie hotel proprietor imnipd ate'y spmruoned medical an.l has since i;iv en Him ev ry nteiiion. but Hits evening l umli rwent a srveie stroke ol pur ly sis Some letters cie f ini.l in liis oveiro:it piH'ket an. I opened. : in them ouc I Iro.n his it.r in Ni.i'i-. n. i.'miii. Ii -k-eins tii .t hi- i. ! i v. hi l- ni:'i i n t ci I 'i a j u-. u hi Jjckaiv;;ie, X. C for U i niing t . - a - , t ... m 9nu UM;iniei a cmou-c! oum.i a love the temple, winch gradudiy 'rought on his pres int pitiable condition. His sister and h's Phihnletphi-t h 'ti-c have le i telegmp'nd his ond.ti u to u.'glit." THF.VORLD.FASIOI H IU PASTEl R. And New Berne Member of Ihe Same Family. In a notice ol the Cosmopolitan for January, The Wilmii.gtou Messenger styles Dr. Pasteur of Paris as "The more famous Pasiur, the sie.dest living man oi science ly ull idds'." It niay be efinteiest lo y-mr readers to know thnf -severul mcnib rs cf ihiJ same Pasttor fnmily were lor many yeos residents of New'iani. Li nf. Thorn is Pasteur ferved thron-hout th- ar f the Revolution a-an officer ofthe 4th. iv..t 1st, N. C. Coniinentul Jte.-in-eot-.. Afer tbe wr he wrvfri in tlie Unite I otitis Army in which he he I eld the mt.k of Major. He and hi brother Joi.n e-ich hn a So" n one I Thnmas a ranie f iheir Hujnen. t nnceslry and t . (listinnisl) them npart one ol tbe n tiore ihuj s ub i quet, jnstl. it is said, thonoii nut flatter inaly of '"I'gly Toin." Several of ih naine, ptoimn nt citizens, livid h re until well within the memory of this writer, but the nunie is now extinct in Jiew Berne. Graham Daves. FROM THE SOXJOF THE BALBOA Grew once a rose within my room Of perfect hu-, of perfect health: Of tuen peifection und perfume It filled my poor house with its wealth. Then came the persimenk who knew Not good or grace, but overthrew My rose, an.i in the bioken pot N'.sed fiidt lor slns within the rot. He found, muml with exviltiiiy; pride l-ep in the louin a worm, a slug The wlii'e my rose-tree nied. Ah me! the pity 'tis 'tis true. The lairest r-se, the richest mould, TUe richer mould tne ranker grew teou.e louely life within its told From fitBt 10 last. Wouldt 'jreathe the ri fie. Or break the pot, and nose and nose! Say, plead not 1 lor seLi at last, 'l'he pint, I have Furvived the past; My ruined rose, my wrecked repose; Dut plead I for that coming song, The sweilcr, latrc-r rose. God is not far, nAn is not fur From he ivrn's porch, where paeans roll And yet shall speak from star to star i Ip wlem language ofthe s.-ul; Yon etarstrewn iskies be but a town. With ansels passing up and down ''I leave my p2ce witti you ' Lo! these, His seven oumi9the Piei 'des ierce heaven's porcb. But resting lhe-e The new moon rock? the Chi d Curist in Her silver rocking-ch-jir. Boys in the Mr Parade. All boys under 15 years of aie who bave ponies, are lequestel to join in the p-imUj Tuesday murniug, Ft bruary 19th. J895. jtiiJN.u. will be I'umislied by Chus. Reizenstein, S-creiar7 i-'air Asco cit4Qn. M. R. IIowaki'. Chid Marshal. ffm. K. VanderWH. Cwsmwdoie E. D Morgan aud C Oliver Iselin, ot the Jifew York Club, have decided to mild a yacht to defend tlie AniencAs's cup in the com inn yacht Hers between tie New York Y.e.nt Ctnh niid ihellovn1 Br.t sa flu .d ion. Mr Iselin will be placed in charge i f the cup de lender. Mexican Mustang inimcnt for Burns, Caked & inflamed L'dders. Piles, Rheumatic Pains, Bruises and Strains. Running Sores, Inflammations, Stiff joints, Harness & Saddle Sores, Sciatica, Lumbago, Scalds, Blisters, Insect Bites, All Cattle Ailments, All Horse Ailments. All Sheep Ailments, Penetrates Muscle, Membrane and Tissue Quickly to the Very Seat of Pain and Ousts it in a Jiffy. Rub in Vigorously. Mustang Liniment conquers lain, Makes nan or Beast weii qgaia. IMKtl'OSI II KPIIV 11. Ol id'. lo That the Superior ( omi May le vote its Kulire Time (o Hie titil uses sn That Neither Need lie le lay eil . Tlnv who :irc I '.miliar I of our courts are a w arc .1 II which should b 1 1 1 1 -ki) m''. i fro in one term of o -u 1 1. to sometimes take two . r H i' .I I' n t i n r and war- lime before thev re em 1 hi co in 1 i i o : i ol lite to tile fact affairs is s.id to l.e l'.l'e I that tne crimina1 caes ti t me t hat tlc i'e ;- n r a U v .nil the i i si Iv ;'ke :n Ih - much ' ch !:- I 'the I ! I. Mtf to n.iv:;. c 111!- !!' 11 h i t..e ' e a '.III- :'or .soaic 1 1 ii i is c iiiM'-l 1 1 I .ar ot icity.t ' seriou.'ly c.-ii-idcr w hat w n (1 ! rcni.-.lv. i.n.l the i st.-c ! -':in t of a c inal court is the . n tii .t lais av-iincii t e !jisrttest proni'HP'ice. A !i il ha- be n drt wn to app! only to Crave i cnnaty for the estalilisliment ('t' sttch a curt. Tin movers in the in .t ef aie nor imo. del I y a desire prinnirily fo1 such :i c-. it: i u: a a nu ans of in c-inplisiiiiii; die end Miuylit in. re t nie for the civil docket. Tic- a e -ii r 'in or o -ma . add.; ioaal ur to Hie countv. : i ... ki '1 u hi - c i:.- Ii ;. . me Ti-ri We now have u U t'i t. - ' I i H iw court t.oi-e ! times a year F. b uai. Mayan i Aovem lr anil t hat if e .:(. :.r He the cl iini'.a i i Caes troai tin- iwl and h .v.- a .l.stdict! purely criminal court hoid nir ! ttr tm e-; h year ns is piMpose I it wi 1 make an ex pense tlia' sh mid bs avo d d. unless it1 an I e shown to t.ef.r lue v. ry lust in- terests ot the p.-ople. The advocates of the mesuro, li nvever. do not look at it that way. They see the j plain need ih-re is tor some measure tl-a : tlie;? believe will accomplis!i what they are aimiiifT at and b iieve this is the b. s , plan for it; possibly with sonie n.oilitica-i tions. . The addi! innl expense is not expected I to be as luru'e as miht at first blush lie j suppose. i. Of course the tak'ni; away f t he crimina' iiies woul I or,..,tlv shoiteiij tne ti-ne of holding of he Snn l'ior co.irt. and sei-.'iioly the office's ol the :iiininal c..ui t lieinjr !o al anif heini: paal simply for i he tone t"cy te d'y sen e.i i lie1 r sal a- i res '.MU'd b.; comparatively small. Mil lastly wh it s .v no in jad i. i-se loin! the i.iore fn (l'.ient ho dint; of tlie ciimindi court it is urff. d is al-o 10 be Cutisodere.! in Us l'.ivor so that j really, the a locate- of the bill lu'iev.' ii will in i he lon-x run cost I ur httie, ii . uuy more to have the betti r si-iem e. A bill has bee n prepared, bat has not ; yet U-eii presented to t lie 1'u'slature. ami 'roni the wiiy unit til's lo ksDQw. w:th tlie leeislaiure prop, sini; to at.o ib all in let ior nd criminal cur -s as seen in the i Leirts'ative proee. d nus. it tniy be, j'jst s well lor both sides interested j that it has not b.jcu presi jted. SEWS IX BRIEF. Signor Celli. Attorney (lenerul of the province of Moan, It i v, was sta'i'iel to de tt.li in his office on 17th. The as sassin, who was ctptureJ by a p I'i' einan on guard at the door, is an an arcliUt. Lord Randolph Churchill's physicians have issued a oulletoi announ intr that the r patient is in an a H a need sa:e oi general paralri. A..y clmnvie in h;s Con dition can oniy be sliutit and temporary. Speaker Crisp is to visit Ashvd'e immc a:ely for his heaitli. lie ims bj n under a physicians re fir sever d weeks fr a nervous dise ise which seems t 1 11 ct his heart He believes that even a we k s rest will be bsactical to him. Heigholi Hark!! Whoopee!!! Way ud in Connecticut a black brute attemnteii i.. rape "a young lines-.' tempt onlv. but strl tin- lis was at p.ople "'up there'' are eairer to hiiivjf him. Huni ni nature is very like every where. Wil. Mt ssenger. Tbe fight between Billy McMd'au and Mike Ready Thuis iay msrnt. near Wasli ington, resulte'i in a victoiv i ot MoMi'lnn in i he sixteenth round. The fi 4 it was bloody and vicious througm lit. Raiaiy's seconds threw up the spo aainsi Raedy's protest. Oxford Orphans' Fritnd s ys: 'Dunni they.-ar 1894 th' ie was oo'y o ie case m serious illness and not a single death al tlie asylii'ii. What b essoins tius- have been and how thiekfu. our hearts s'.i ul 1 be " A farmer living in Tyred p p ts th d beats have 1 een exceedingly nj . er as and trouhieson.e this w int. r llesiyshe has IiikI eigiitem calves devoure 1 by iiiitu within two weeks. K' Advices fr in Miss .nri, say that a 1 u n ber of theatre g. ers there me prepaiiig n lull making it a mis-fe m-anor ior woni -u to wear hih iiats u the itrcs. The 1 1 1 W cei'iii picparea in iioou i.-uiti ana: its passage will be de i.audel of t.ie L g- j islaiure, j The Noifolk Viruinian. Rale ni c.rrrs. j pondent sta es thai, o u; li t the surprise: of the pu' -ln- gi cer iUy the l,i State la r ! leil slmit 4.0U0 in payi. g txi.ens . 'the j land is m-otoa-e , m d tin- n ter st is fan j year oeh nd, an 1 the e -pie ol : He e;tv and Sta e ai'e "Skid to sfow public sun ii enough to raise the in rtg ige, ot h rwie ihe grounds, ec, w.ll I c sold tins spline;. Capt. J. II. Tillman, a nepho w ofthe ex-Goveraor, ami sou if ix Goio.r. ssa-en Ge rge I). Tionian had a pis'ol tight with fjulard l Kvans. a bi' d er of tin- pies.-nt Governor, iin ti,.- l.b. l ach died th c times at 1 l e . tii -r, Uoth w re v.ouii.o--. but neither (laa.ero isly. T ie opute was i.vtr a peio mi urie a.a e tl'.s.'. i.r.vi a year ago at a GeniWii. Gov. Pattison. of Penr.yivani-i. iu his message ta tint in the t'-ki i; ttuii S ate last vein- the stnkrr- io-l in w;i:i - ! $1,395,823 .vin e the employer" los: . n y $131350. ..no that ..u;' ot 111- 1 wn'' ; seven s'rikes whicli look place only thte. ! allCCieded. Ol.ll IJOAI. IHOS. C. BADUAM. l;l)t;XTON. -N. I'. ' Kni tile -I'll ::aI.. J Tlie day wns clear an 1 cri-p ard c'ul. 1 The sporsmen s'loim ;m 1 t:ee. 1 I'U'' ''.Q-9 ue c 11 ano ;drh b ..1 !. : Wh le Bob W nite u . !- : r. c.-..: i.,i' d ' The liakl- .-o u;i it;K . tJiii Roam w .s at 1. - t 1 ai :!;'. y. 1 ( )n r .ii- u o th r -ii. He iOO! .a Ii !i I I ci- . i. u lie vv iy Tne wiiul blew up - w it - . ! I d- ;a : And nt v er .inc. I, in. w la 'i. And who s ; pr . i. t 11 c tell. A . 04 so 1 1 ui v ; : ii -. That ii 1 i.iid r lied es 'eil lla'f mi': fr an . .mcnt- ..I 1 he -be",. IIA1 brinj leu -tia ,-lr, t.. y.ot. His stmd i like the s.. id rock (id r 1 liar's uninove. I place. n inale ' 'i 'd . .r -jat ni t t d ;1. 1 k. i No running t!nli .-r i 1 t 1 11 shock. Call n ake Lnn 1. 's hi- !... -c I ' v e se, n h i in hold w 1 ii-n f 1 lea I ' . 1 1 1 . L i v ll aitei in- nea 1 ' When eaiur d in-f is -t- w !.''". wo; Would drive Illii-' dos lo tj ,-k- un And i ow'i'iii- -o aw i . One tru k oi' hi- I'd n ; foie' ; 'I bi-,-e i in.. - Ii t i.l;. -a p ic. Wii li biid in ntor.tli ai.o: er -.. Ret t levin p . ! I .i 'to I i mir in I . While R i. lea 1 w e ail embrace. Then oiw to him all honor ,lt.-, Far n ore than to most men. His skill, his heart i: ah f.r yon, i H 8 coura-e. love and seivice too Hu is vour l'althtvil lritud. LlJilM. T1 II IMMK KKlil N(,S. Th Cliiiiii!,'!' New l!fi'iii''s t'harit'r, li'iii-ip:il Ilills I of r! uccil i'i liol ish St;it. (;uni'il illitl !V:!ta3 E'e-si'i--s lo A liolisti all 1 11 ti'i'hi!' oiiE 4 riiiiiii.tl 4 lii-: . I'ai l isan i rick ii I v i 11 1 i iix. Sjie-ia! to Tin; Jot UN t.. Ma i.kii . 11 X. ( '.. -I:i n H'.. Th pr'.!. cipa! ip-w !d: in 1 lie S -1 ate w. ia : T. 1 n I - .nu ii'oe. ling- i a 1 r.niiit il ml o'--; o pievi 11! tin- i tie o: free -a-e- ! 1 --wav-; to tneorpotat - a S unit in n: ;i n-f.ctuicr.-' li'c in-i: r.-o.ce c. mho my: t--aiin ial tin- Cm s i lit': m by H I'.i . in; a lL' d ami trust law; i loibi I the ,--11 1.: pissi.-to r-oipitv fliciaN; t awa.'t : pll'.lic jn .nfii-J to 1 .W.-t ijiod. 1. a-ld p:i ido g 1 hat he n.U-t b - a r. -l-.c.il !' I- -S ate and a .r 1. ta ;e pi'.nii r. In 'be I rou-e -cs.-i , the .riiei;.d 11 v. I.ilis we e: !' a a -I li tlf oiii.-e of .- 11 1 1 j 1 1 :n ; id -a' of pu'.lic i'i-t-icl; : n a 11 1 t o i ; - ill" o-c- !aw -: io : 1 ' v on.-: ' o :o .cm- I,.!' 1. on : . n : ...... :i-.soe'at ion i;..;n laXilloll, : ; 1 1 . i lo lo I. I th- tiiv.nir ot lie- p ir.se- l.y railway -n 1 S.. a-ll-h'p . . eo'tll H-i Jouii W Ij.o in. ot (i r .nv. 1 e. 1 liilor ol :i l'..i;iiist p iper w.-.s c ecicd euro: mv; , c ei k of tlie L ei-latute. (lefe itinr J. K. , Culbertsiin, Deni.-crat. lleuiv !''. lliown w -s nim 1 the tut in:-' 11)011- lep.ii'i of the -oinniiitec and I c' u. an 'minis o;eol 1 lie ileiis- uai.'n .: -.at as the inciiib. r from .lone- coittpy. IJaleigii, X". ( '.. Jan. 17.- -In il.e Senate the principal iv I il - wi re: To prohibit the printing and ilisti-.lini io'i ol llllse and frauduleiu 1 lection Inllo;-: to ii-p. al th - Act in regard 10 lav ol . iYtiultts by railway-; to pt-oto.-t Iniycis auaitist adiiltera'e i lard am! butler: '"; .-1 1 1 . 1 1 ! s 1 1 County li. mis of ediH'.lt.oii ano' re luce the sal l'H.so' county suiielinleiiil-etiis,- to incorporate tne Pie iiuoi t .'in-:, ill-llialiee coinpiiny : to co lipid al. r 1 1 i Was t . piy t..Ne-; 10 pi ovule io; con-' pipsoiy . dm-..tin. 1 of b'i-id ciiiio;' 1; I'.k 1 itci 1 e 1 1 i ds . n I reduce 1 ci r r pen ;-. to eX.'eed the time fov b uini t',' work on ; the Cajie Fear ai d Norther 1 railway. No impo 1 t-.ni 1. ills wire j as-, d 'f'-c chief in w bills in p.e Hmi-e wn ie: To allow ciunty officer- to i;io L.-Ill- in s cnriiy co npauRs; in almli-h the "-'late -uar I ami b .tali, ti of n iv;d ic-cims: p. ; piovj.le tor a Supreiiij court rapm ter: to nbi ish a 1 inferior and cihnieal court-' and 10 estab ish coti 1 is nf ( )yer and Term iner, to equalize fa as-essmenis in th 1 . S a'e to 1 rovid - tor tie esec, 0:1 "f ii-' ln.niuatin' oi . to ; ur--1" physician- pay ' lor 1 heir set ices. 1 There were t w o -lo-ig politicil 'isru--; sions in the llo'isc. i.e f the Intls t , ! require the Co.n lfiss; nei-s of P.t' County ; to reduce tie- Sin riff's bom'. j Dining this deb ne tie; Fusi. test at-; ticked the county government sy-icu ami j give notice 'hev woul I ab dish il. Tia' : t.'ill pass d. i Tlie other :h hate was tn the bill to! allow public printing proposals to l.i j returned to tne bidder., the law l quiring j the bids and award to he givi 11 to the: lowest ladder having le u reoeded th'-, very day !' n the openiuer as requiieil. Tii.- chaise made hi IX-im-caU was1 that 'the Fusionists oppo.ed lb-' bills 1 i.eiuij i psned so tjait ihe iove-t led could j be seen, because tl ey wanti il, ua,.erthej new act to awaid the p' ini'mir to a p 1 1 tis ,n i irre? cctive of the lotestbd. ihe b li finally passed j Williams of Craven introduced a lull to amends the charier of Xew B ran. Il j prop ses to repeal the provision a- to the j election of associates, ine reuses the nu u-j t er of poiici inen, amend the prov ision as to salaries and change the license tax. The Bill to chungis the time dfiioldin courts in Craven and Bertie Coiiinif-s passed i 1 s finai reading in Senate. O. Raleigh, X. C , January IS. In the Senate the principal new bills wer. to abolish th- Geological s-irvey, to amend the C nis'itutioa by .forbidding laiiways and telegraph companies from yivin free p isses or fianks, to reduce h ime-tead ex emptions fro n a thou-and to five hundce i on real property, ano 01 pe;sonal prop-r- iv fiinii five huiulr-id to two I un re-l ."o'-i lars. t I'-' Uce marriarre license see $1 5-. j Ther was a long d bate on the liou-e; lull to requne tin- Commis-ioi.evs of Piti j count v to r.-duce ihe she lffsb.uid ta six y : th u--n:l dol ars i t c S. n ite d a ided not to observe n' holday tomorrow L-c"s iirt- 'ay. by adjouinina t-d iy until M n .y. but o i mee'Sai fen ..'.-iock aud wi 1 w uk unt 1 ; noon. T ;e Populists vo ed :i-a'ns' - d-; joiini i.enr m -tioi.s and refuse i loco cu. , in t ,e h u-e r s. .lutioi o a:lj urn. j '1'he II -u-e s.-si.,n was ve'V l-.i -T To Th ' i :ai'v coif.ind.tee r poiteil a "dmI it had i pre, rir 'b iai-ii g the a tie "t con-ent to. t v.-.vi y--irs. Thf c-iif m-w bills wer : ! lo ele-l the iiui oi -he ill's to .iclt : :..Xe-; to TOt ci I f- and life in tl' ' c i 'onq.aui - by in .ko g a judgment a l.e . on ail i.n tr iea: and p. rsun.il piopii'ty in Xoi th far-ii' a j By a v. te ot 07 to S3 the Hons- adopt ed tin- najoii.'v report of th- K . ct . 'oinnittLc st-iiui- R. W. Cr-"mi fioiu' rend-.-. V. I'.VrtTIIillS JtO.IHE Sl'i'PI.lKS. Jletillfuliievs 4i' I4rU, 44:e., ii fill tiiiarli rs ol tiie Stale, Moi'e lar-e os have been kille- in tl.'ls coiia; v ' ,:a:i ever l . fof.' in one s m oii. Mi-.r.. Sli i -3 Woden, Aiba't Tii anpsja ;i;,. D o c Su-l;.- h. iv - l', .uuy kl !- I .-'ine wiighi..-: il'.',)' ill1',! p oilld , :.eli She: iff .McP.i.iul iia on-r tV.il w i i w --!i a out -400 v. hen fi ; M''. A. .1. S a'es lias three tiiat a c estimated al 1, 2(io p -unils ,-f pork; Mr. F . a.nici Bar -oi t. ot B .euc lowns dp. kd e I o i n w, t -k thai wci i.ed 30U poiltal- nfir the iiead was take i it'. It w s oniy ' -o ye ms old. Via-, '...nd cone.-poa. i m e Wil li in-- n St r. T' e Ki z bj'di c'ly F.l-.'ti K oiiomis! leii.-oi aa IS! n.on'h-oid r-- r.li-cd by . V," v'oo; e . v.-'ai 1: .i e-.- d o 'il p ti:) W" he.-.:' , : w . "i el.:-: -;.y a f:-w : i i. .- ,: .;: .t; l-y e c i. : o' e. ail i . - - . '- .- I p. . s ,1 c' e." ,1 - ,j.t. .. I c: o , i s; nidi. M ore o li y o - . - f e , a I ;v ..' to ni', . v. ' ;:h tii :. j,e:'!i ' -ever be oi,.. 1 , :,oi-', ,. ,r j.-- : , v ; v iy of e . t'i v r i a I: ,: -,- ii I ion or .- It : i v ar : c;--! a r - (' ,i- !-: . B a :-. 1 he a: -. v . . ; a:- . her sample oi : i , ite i.s Ih-.t c at u:i ' to appe ir ni th ; a-p- r- ,,' tin- S at.-. I' r v al- a .eiy -r ll 1'. in- eoeiblioil "I aiV.if.-. To Iir-aclifv Ihe Complexion do ma lakeilie eos.netie-. pun's nil,! j.ow, r- e. ill' Ii l .io','- 1 he sin. I -ut take i iie e - e-t v. av lo l: , .a a 1 1.'. i I. . eo'or il a w ic 'ie- tin; -t i'. II oi a .-tii- -reao -: i; nidi .T. Tlie in '.ill - to b a ul : , r. ci . h,!', an-1 In' i til for ',v on.e:: llr i'i'".'i e'- I':i ; l'r. notion i'l:-!, cv es. -a .o w or v. r ul; i-d one, an I ti.o-c 1.IUS oi ' C b. ee-.-."' Il A (.' t h'-l I' I!-,- lii Ul i iei dl ciiellts j - - -11 1 1 a !' to w , mi, 11. 'Fav.hiie IVcnptioii" will bn.i t u; -, H. tl.e.i. : d ;tivi :!; lie. ivmy ";:: , down'' -I' d - icate w om . ii by ten! .lil'.g and assist::!- all the nalUt'.d function. To cure constipation, bil!iousnes. indi ge-i iou, si -k head iciic, talsc Dr. Pieive's Pellets. Ohe a dose, ' l) Vi l! I ItliJ I .I I'I(. (i S. In! The !T. I! 11 rr.t'r. !!-. .i-.lt I'o 11 imI a I'arll Head in Hell v 'I'liriicil Oli Mr. Ii. !- ! eh h nl I. ci, n, II il-e I r . m r -a nan it .1 -. il ,. f.r. e li H I, tu - ell , ; .-!;-.- ii t h nl in . a i:tv tw i -: , w. nl to a 0! ,, i a i an and ll-ed ill , !. : .ie I'.: c 1 I Mr. 1 in.- , - t-.,- :, ib'.e. I: ( it no , xplc-sion ol the -as , t- cauad l.y th- batna.g j a,n-i hive he p-d Some-1 I II ii shows that. 1 11 r ! 1 ebi f 1 in v.- can be ' a t o on to kill w iihutit iu!i to make t-nition a 1 :- iv 'II l! ti-.;t t 1 -1 en r a. in M: lb, )ii:i j a i ) -a 11 1 i u i an, I an, 'a ,aib. cb ei'a-ll e 1 s of age. f N'oi fo k and a 1:11-1 l.ve . 1 1 . H mei--i; , ve lii t: -t 111. Mie I'll tor some icr Ie nil with her i'.ther. Mr. V. II. 1 -. a e a out Xor .e . .Mr. W. K. Row.'. t:ie iic-vi line Cutler ;- in .1 h i (io-: . , . o ' ft Itl ! i inn I'll air. i w 1 1 1 'c : be from tie d't. r Ep's-op i'isi: n i i i'it v . i.m;ii i noisr.. 1 'A V4-s I i; bilil.v ilieati ;rs Co li-1 4-j-iii ice Hie SIh ol ( Ii4- 011 1 e iii) la leil Si 1 e - I n- 1 siiat ii it am itishi. ; ,11 :n Wa-liin -ton give the lo! ui . ". aoiaia Mills. K-in er Se r-firy i f ainou-is, io n ,i hing only when gold and ine l-i-lit ii -ii-.- Bio.l. leil here" las; silw-r an- par. Tms is;i law many ceu-cveui.,- fur Kl z c-cth Cuv, N.C. Fro n 'itri -s old and wiiieli can never be that p in' ! w. i t ik- a light house ten- . 'ei and pi oce -i to l);amo:d Shoal-, otl' Caiic iC'i:, i.e, -m l make a p so aal in- : I- n s Ili.-. ot if 'iill tin i nns io ih t a min- it aie a s h'.fli charac- ter. t- porarv structure. Was i a ! mpo. arv loan ation to ,-it -ia :f : ! e iiaiiu ,-oi' the s .n is would n i' . ! tiie i i . ccon of a liglil house at ; d in--ron p nir. All reports re- eeiVed Ii : a'e lo :ln- i-lleet thai tlie telll p !' ay .-.l aciit t; and i:s h und itioa have wi hs;. . ,i t e- w.i-e st-niis weil aud tint it had ! c n dem : sluit d that the chiir-a-ter o: 1 1 c -i.oa .-nr.- s-urh iliata liglp- ho.l-e in ay w'-h - ii; ty b- encteil there on, 'l'he !aei ihat it is C'liMliipliiled to bui'il a li-tiiousc that will co-t several huu'.lr.d tiiciisunJ d dials iciricts it im poiiant io a-c -rlain i i a.na c - the nature ol tin- sands i.if.re puttihii up -uch il st uic lure on f iiindai .oils that ttiav be washed away at any time.'' niiCORllOFUIE (OtDSJiAP. Tlie Temperature in Xew Berne nnd in Some Other I'laecs. Vole the lif- 1'erenee. Diiiinj; the recent co'd snap the lowest tuat the : lienuo in ter registered in New Borne wa- 2 k This was during Sundny Ilioht; on Saturday night it did nut fal ; inn -vv 22. nli de dunn' toe days it went ii j j to ii.'Ji -ml 44 .J degrees above z-ro. At the same i inc. rig'it in our tieirest 'ii. te to in- northward the thermometer wa below z -io at sevi ral places. Th-hi;lie-t tie- i ln-ripnmeter went oi Saiur day right an., Sunil iv at Wytheville, V.i.. was lour d-greis above zero, the iowest el. ven b low, at Rural Retnai sixteen b.jlow and at Stiuutoii twenty b. low. Hi- southei.si.-rn parr of Viruriuia h 'd the cold -i weal - r i -corded there in 25 ye-- a-..; in itock'nidg- la-umy, it si -kI tell t two ie i -ul-ccs lielow, t ,e cold St ever known '.he:; iJVEIS MS (AKR'.S ACCEPTANCE. He Will Formerly Open the East Carolina Fair on February I9th, Matt: of orth ('a rot. i.n a, 1 XEfiTivi: Ukpartmext, Rai.kkjh X C, -Ian. 14th, 1895. ClIAS ii I'TZKN-'l'Kiy. Ksq.. "."''' -rv of tu Fi-U. Oysier, Game an.! I. d A sac at ion New Be ne, X C ll.'ir Sr: Yum tavoi- of mo 12lh, in-'an: aa-ii - n ie eiv.-d. Pieas- eccepi my t nu.-tin Ih honor co a erred, w iiich I -. ti.c- y u is ..ns: bLlpy appnc-iien I w d, ac p! y .'ii' km in v it -: i..n to ,,p( n the Fai.- on T,i--dn, Febrisarv IOih, n i una-- I -i ol be iletaim-ii i-y unf.'isten oilic nl in ie- I-w i 1 be pn s.-nt. ei y re-jiecti'ul- V V ol 1 s, I'.MAs (.'auk, Governor. THE PAMLICO COM7SISSIOXERS ( ri t i4-iz4-tl Ific-iilca-r.Si l4;- 4 A5ji,iniiiiir (he .4niiisee to tls Ottiec vll' ''l-.sil-ei-, Kpito:; Ji coin iss ' ine tpp ir -n 1 (II ' I M I V ! .. - n n a ; Ol p "he a-t'on i f the i countv ill not i n n.-tner tp the j Lie ci of con-! '. P. G-.dj. iy be cast a i in file. n w I S' n by ! h i ! ' : ' 1 a a ' l!-.- 1 ' i - 1 "- en ih y wi-iv e Democratic i i r St Ira u-. mo r.,;ir c icveipion at Day-pt- iw, Mr. Gat Iin was i' ; re -n' -.- i ut w a- nat'dy ii po is Ik the R.-piiblic-au-nii -i-. ii nl a- rhe, ire :suivi : - if b-,d ihe 1 teaiOel atic t! fo it-d We!'' (by 'heir lion-i); G-itlin. hut instead j .voti-.c. Mr. J. T. ipp -IK) 1 . v -ood m n u. no: the t lie ie pi :::- the , !e by th i-e w ii v ii nfi -W pe Ihe I e- v, . id, l--' co . . ' dk n Va:--.ore Ma u- lj d '. d'CC i tii Rait" : tile pill .:' D '' ' iv - i- .0 y : '".I ; p o 1 iii: ye - i a ,: ; lie o ed i X'.en ..'.h. nit. X CO -i ee . abi'.ty 1 1 i;i i l t iid i- r. - ill 1;- cat iiin ;s -i!4. II, s 1 r 1 i i-n- a- ili Jo cent -a pri 'teiV-i- re vet in a. iei w.:r 's :er and b a lepiYs, n nominal- I Lieut Gov 1 Seuaio.- I bvi.-c lor nu Con crao . s! i i p c i id-ja. I'll t n ce ts to said onlv of t ite Americ- iD !Vi;! i MUNI'V VAM'KS. A nil Huu ii ('iin !ic Mainliiin'1!!, 1'ria Mil i ;il I llnl.l 11 1 i 01 i 1 4(1 I niiiiii;,. ol Silver TlsiiiU llial Will Al'l'lllll' I'iii' la-oil alil- ol 4ol. illHT lll 1-1-4-11 !'., . lofliNA I.: 1 v..W in a -,.-, nt ' I, 111, r 1.1. a n icle -.11111:1 t he (liisll i SlMIIMl. I Km I'm: . -lie of nil I me present ti -mucin! 1 1 i Mie u 1; ins 00 : - i 1 i II t , 1 III, , ,i 1 he ('. i1, l-y A Ik '. 0 : Mi I -i- he ex or ss. ,s 1 boo -- 1 :, : ; , , I ie ; - w i nil, ! b, i n o 1 1 1 1 -1 ! - ie- on llic .-l.b-. 1 i.e ,:,):-., . 11 w : 1 1 :;ive me lilt : i ; I. , 1 a;t: hi this m t tint Mr. J! o, - plan 1 the Xatioii d b.iv 1 i- iibo 'l 1 he 1111 lit 1 an pur i ill .on be. I'.ry an ad octe oid w hat are tin- iir no! ,1 that Al 1 u::e- , U iie-I- lb, I'd 1 II j r v l"l iiiouey an I e in y hope th '1 Imiiks tan k i p nil the vcrv act . :' . e Co'! . 11. .".es a, I ml creati I'l-in detiionet z:?s tnem. He -avs coi What! I' wool tl'oS at a a $(',!.( Mi: 1.000 f silver per year, can t at In Ip ihe i-ou :try at lai-e' d h-i p tin s. -ever inii.iiiir inin ti du e I iin in .- an 1 1 uat i- a'l. i - 1 h- sdve c .ine I 1111 h- r 1 he el and plilc.!ll-e,l uialer the Slier- j 111 in ; ei : Then- i- I 11: on iv.it in the I known world aik-cn t-itlier -old -r silver parand tint i un,.!cr K'ee and Unlimited G'iiiii-e. It :s not Iheco'na-j cf silver thai U SO n,u b .lesrtdas the parity of the silver iiuliuni which can only li-il-ni- under five 1 1 a ' I mil tinted com ue, -o il the bullion holder an tar -d hi- pr.ee he can have it cined and a- iv-inls (he paper cilr 1 ney aovojate 1, how could it be exiect(al t ! 1 . t the saal paper currency woudcil'cu laie at par w hun mitli-r tae govern meat nor the hoiks arc to redodni il in any kind . 1' 1 air taniMu y an I at ih- same time de. man 1 -old f.r import duties; that is too tim.-ii I'.i.e a m 01 i 1 1 i n r his due bids with 'l,t aa ion- I'-at ili -v vvo'.ild not be re- ce ven hi payn.o a oh ,;. b;-. mid too. the - vern m nr ho ds the lirst t-je on l lie a-s.e ts o: all ihe banks, -aids le.ai lend.-r, lb, it simply ! W 'In 11 I I moi'H 1 As r. changed. One or the other ot thee coins 1 i-the b :-i of all v. dues depending upon I which or b .tii of the-e i-oins are the recognize i standi:,! I a couuiry. .Mr. Bryan's money sysiem could not be in force two weeks bef-re goln would -o to a preiii'uui, and ho.v that could help the people I am at a loss lo know. it is very tur- there are otlur securities b sides gold and silver, but no security is te . 1 1 v v;d d vvh. n silver is depieciaied be cause it is the money cf the world and wheiu v. r -i vet- is depreciated then rea' est it i- and other piop r.ie-i are depre ciated In our coun. ry where we have double standard of gold and silver tlietwo metals and an iquity iate of interest between borrower a: d lender are the tiu-staudnrds of value. 'This is the vital point we should aim at and alter we have this ac complished these we may look about what to do next. As fa- as can see now I do not believe in national g. ivernnient hg'slaiiou for paper currehc . ; that part belongs to the S'ates, in lividuaily. It there are any States rights left whatever it is ceitdnly in tegar to the paper currency whicli is io come io the aid ofthe lai-orirg indus tries Ir i lieu will il-mmd upon the peo ple of a lilntc whether s hey snail be pros perous or not aud one St ite will stimulate ill? other until they all become prospe rous. They want a paper cuncucy equal lo go'd and silver in eery resptct and winch is so reco-nized by the comm-rcial world, a cumncy available to the mid lie nam who now goes ;o min before he cau get aid. If the j e-ple of North Carolina have iiny other source but through ihe industry i f her people to get wealth I have not in en able to find it. At ihe s une time tlu rn is not an lntelliueut man who will not adni't tii it tlie S:au- at large could prod .ice one third more wealth with pro per ai i of a -piod sound paper currency. Let it- lock in that direction. II. S. Goudxer. HE PERISHED FROM COED. "inety-Year-01d Iavle PaijreVi Terrl tle Fate. Davit Paige, a man about ninety yerrs ol I, fiose t i 'e i tii in his cabin home, on King's Mount i u. mar Abingdon, Va., SatUitlay ln-h'. Saturday his sad condi lion vvasl arn d by :be city authorities, an-i tii y dir. cied ih it a load of coal be sent him. I he teamst r iost his way, and (1 (1 li 'i leach ti e old mail until be was d a-l. The thermometer le-istered six teen d-eie. s lielo.v zero. Sprc'al to Richmou i Dispatch. KECOKO OF TRAIN' UOIUU.UI ES Co2iuniltel I'poit Pjks cnjre.r Trains In the I nitel States During- the East lite Ye.ai's- The Exptcss tiazette of Cincinnati. O., lias co, up eted a list .'the passenger train robberies canm-fed in th- Tnitcd States Ironi the year li'W) to lSh4 inclusive. 'flu- niim a r of -hold mis' in 1890 was twelve. J801. s'xte n, 1S'.I2, sixteen; 1893. thii'i Y-" h 1 ee; 1804, t'entv--ovea. The t-'ti! ui'in er . f trams "li-ll up'' was J(I4; t'l'it' number of lives lost 27; .total nu i h r i f peo),e injured 27. This Is a stan ling showinar, and ihe in et". use in tins daring class of crime is a'aniiing, the ne re so when it is ieuiein 1 ei'ed that the train robberi.s are not any lon-er colll'ined to the spircelv set'lenl ii.ii iio is . f tie- w.-si b it an- b.-iiiL' suecess- luily perpetra'ed in rhe icdest poriiimsof the couuiry. even wiibia .-i few miles of the Nation..! capital. Their frequency d ni in is . spe.-ial laws and r. gui tiiyu.s for i I he r stippn ' it seems are lie i,-, nt- r, ICaioii'i-. v ' : 1 ... .-: 1 Uliel :-u 1 lip,,: lie '-sion. Ill- iiioivu.u il States tin- ,.-i o; " i' on, s to louk alter i ut Senator Ib.i'ler ot South .e I, ar.-i has i-oduo d an I h i I ,,e : iv l-, t si at ut- s ol the ie-, ne.kiu- to Xai lO.ial a'd j-.-C, li'oll-h as Io v h ,t the j I li s iiieiMia. are we have p lo V 1 - . ; not ,ei Oils a i ill, So-.-Jety of Colonial Wars. Ivi. .ior ix.M.i - la a r view, in the Wiim nt a M s-i-n r of tlie'Jlh. in-t. ot 'ue : .i 'i.--aii His oral R.-isier for Jallti.-iry. it is st t, d i ha: : Wed. not kio.v th-it there i.s a so ciety f 'V ;u Ie- co, re p n iin- as to time wit. ili- 'ol"tiia Daivs.' If no,t there should be." Tie r i- -m o a sorie y. Ixsaring the n-mie " " The S cicty -t ili.i 1 Wars." e-abiishe I s e ye.iv- a-o. and havinsr cliiiliics in inany of die States witli large ni -ic'i i'-liip - bm X-i' li Carolina is n-; "f lie iiuniber Tii oi j .-( - and ;ii ai- h's Soett-ly nnd Dailies-, nbii'ship in 0. 'e -iiu 1. d the : ie tw . l i th 'V lVij . in to til! quire mu se 1 1 ' tic- C,-l, am l s ior me h l Ic -aaie. c i t v oi (,', i , mi al Wars it is i : -; r onlv a :np' v thai i li its name would nei s: or of an ap- p'ic hie lit f r '.iien.b.-i -h ii shou Id have been la 1 1," mill : a ry service oi the Colonic-, bet those whose anci-strv were active and pt'ondn-nt n civil capacity, are eligible as well, Graham Daveb, VEffS ADRIFT." "I'ickccl.l'p" by The Journal Whieli i Always In "The ttwlni." Mr. Williams of Craven lias introduced a bill in the llou-e I'm the relief of the poor o' Norm I ai'olina. I Judge IK R. Bryan left to hold (he spring term ol con 1 1 in the !)th disl riot lie be-ins in Aleximler on th- 21st inst.. ami ends in Surry, Mar' h 18th. 'Ihe change of court authorized by the I.e-is'a: ure lietween Craven anil liertie count ies makes it so that there w ill be no court here diirin- the time ofthe Fair. Mr.-. Harriet I, Fianklin of Morcheul die I on the 12lh. inst at Moreh. ad. She i w as the mother of Mrs. J. R. Jones ol Ne-.v Heine ami a highly esteemed 'lady. ' " , The Newport correspondent of the Beaufort Hera ;d says .Mr. F ). Hewili recintlv can-lit two verv large ensiles. F,x- hibit them at the Ka-t Carolina (Fair, Me. j , llcwdt. A b ally decompos j( b dy ol ac dore.l manvas fuindsome das a-" on tic ' beach ..t Shacktefoi-.l Canks. The bo iv was btir ed by tue Life saving crew. I. is j j -npp .sed to have liejn the ma;i o-t ,,n , I Lookout Shoals about, a manth ago. I j Messrs J. R. Parker and Kdward j Clai k took a hunt at Tuscarora with Mr. I Tliomas Dillon Thursday . and were : qui'e succc.-sful iu big-uig the buds. 1 I hev tepot t the nrame plentiful. Ihe rem. ins of Mr. John Chad wick who was accideutiilly crushed to dentil in the bucket of a dredge at Savannah Ga., has : e -n taken to his old ho ne at the Straits, Carteret couniy, NT. C. for in terment. The legislature proposes to a' olish Xnval Reserves and Slate Guards. This wi l nit meet with much liivor in New Berne. The people are quite proud ofthe company here, but it probably will maKo but little difference lo the Legislature. Mr. W. D. "elver states that lie is not one cf the attirtu -ys engagi d to bring suit agair.sr) Gyldsboro and Kinstou lor not I'lowing the Uncle Tom's Cabin Co., to show there. Our information was from .Mr. R. B. Nixon and Mr. Griswold, the proprietor of the troupe. The information we had in reference to the thi-entene I suit by the Uncle Tom's Caiiin Co;, against Kmston, mill GoMs boro was gi v n Tuesday night, but alter careful c nsiderntion of the matter. Mr. Griswold abandoned the idea. Both Mr. Nixon und about it. Mr. Mdver were consu ted List nights miiii brought a card from a iientli-man in R -idsvde requeatana a hall dozen ( opics of the Fair Kduion of thp W eekly JorjRNAi This is only one ol a great manv instances where the warm cordiality towards Hie New Beraj Fair bus been show n by those living away Irom the city. Rabbi Isaac Kaiser, formeilv of New Beme, is in domes'1 ic trouble at his nres- . I. . " ' . T r rt . eut uuiii', .ewarK, in. ,i. hip wtte hc cuses him of ilesertion and has introduced divorce procee lings against him. More over, the Congregation, B'nai A.irah.tin, of which he is pastor have deposed him pending the trial. Mr. Kaisers friends in New Berne will be sorry to learn the trouble his arisen. Mr. W. W. Clark, who has beeu up to Raleioh, dims down Friday night He informs us that the bill which had bei n prepared to establish a criminal curt J"r Ciuven county has not been presented, and is md likely to be for the reason thai a plan is on foot to increase ihe number oi judges, and th s, il done, will make it. si that tlie criminal cases can still le tried in the Superior court and yet ample time be lei t for full attention to the civil dock et. The Jacksonville Times tells of the death nf Mr. R. E. Sanderlin, at his home one mile from Verona on the 8th inst.. It added '-Mr. Sanderlin will he missed by the community. Ilewasan honest, up right man; liberal and conservative in his views; a pu'dic spirited, enterprising citizeu; a true ano1 affectionate husiaml, a oving and tender father, and especially kind to the poor. He leaves a wife and sven small children.'' There is such an increasing cry from all over the State fr a State lieformntory that the Legislature will probably be forced to take steps to tlip starting of such an institution. It is said th,at,tbeie re now ninety-three child convicts in the penitentiary, and these mingle dnily with the hardened criminals, anfl are fast being initiated into the ways of vice. There are fully 1,200 children convictod of crime of more or less magnitude, every year in this State. It will be a matter -f economy on ihe purt of the State to open a State Reformatory., It is very earnesily hoped that the Legislature will make , an ap propriation lor the purpose, and ihen so many young people need not be carried out of the State, seeking, a reformatory school. i Rev. R- CI. Penrso,! t be at tbe I nlvcr mkty. We loAVO from the Charlotte News that i Ri v- R- G. Pearson, the evangelist will conduct a series of meetings lor the stu den's of the University, teginuing .Tan'y. 20ih. under the auspice of the Young Men's Christian Association. A few years ago Mr. Pearson, "under tlie auspices of thi Y. M. C. A. of New Bei ne conducted one cu the most suc cess tul revivals here that was ever held in the city. " Rapears Only One Section ol' Pension Act. There was a mistake in tbe report sent out from Raleigh as to the purpose of the bill inuoduced by Maj. H. L. Giant of Wayne countv. It was said that he in troduced a bill to repeal the Coufedetate Pension A&i, whereas his bill is simply to repeal Hunim) 8 of that act. This is" the section which debarred Confeilerate sol diers who own five hundred, dollars worth of property from drawing a pen-sior,--rpiiie a difference. We are glad to see that this is the pur port ot tlie bill instead of the lirst state ment. Fl i-e From Badly Constructed Fine. A tire occurred at Judge A. S. Sey mours at 9 o'clock Thursday morning which, had it gotten a little stronger hold b; fore discovery, would no doubt have destroyed that valuable propeity. The fire was caused by the i-uiting ol wood-work underneath the plastering which was dinctly ift contact with the crook on two sides. It semis strange that any mechanic should be willing to iibow such a dau--erous wojfk to leave his hands and yet it is po iul requcnt occurrence lor a Ihe to ur giuate IVuui such a cause. The Income Tax. We hive been lavo ed by the U. S. Government printing office with a copy m pamphlet form ot the Regulations and Law Relative t the Income Tax. 1 1 is ,s well to remember that whether L'iu-r. ss m ikes an appropriation for the exhen-e of cllectiug this tax or not, tbe bul is a law and any one who lias an income of more than $3 500 annuallv and fails to bstthe same is lit bit; to the penal ties provided. 'I he listing is to come on or before the first Monday of March in each year and to be made to the collector or deputy collector of Internal Revenue of the dis trict in which the lax payer resides. The University hM4BQ itudonwr 'sfep WRITE a: KENNELS, POULTRY, ' I y. liiyerside FET-STOCK YAEE- for their immeuse cat-':, alogue to be issued this : month. It costs onlyia p ; stamp. :"vfti." KOUS FOK lIATCIirGr Suscial Prices oa Piwlsli- i - -: NEW BERNE, - j in tm N4i C---.--''.'-.'-j. Housekeepers!!;! Sive Money by Buying f'"-'-l'j -t i ' CHAS. S. HOLLI3TER, v ' Wholesale and Eetail Srfleer : ' .-. ;: '?,; , v .;' John S. Martin's BEST BIfTTIS. . ',. 'i; Attmore's MINC&MEAT, i ' '' " r '?-'f ''i V Hocier's B0CEWHEAT, ?' 'V Pig Hams and Sreak&it . St-ii'- '; Just Socaived BQf"(;,xds deli vera I i.f auv part of, (lie , city. " .'vcir Whosale nnd R, t.il-UrWM.! l -v ' ' Sou h Front St., cu ler Hotel ChsitkV' HERE WE ARE ! Hi '.t,,'-v "': At 97NMiddl6 St - ' With the largvst tindi bust ! 'BeV let-hid .Stick ot lJUrtioadS, i J.". Watchers. G"Id Ring-'.SJowe. " frtytfa buttons. ftu.1?,' Scaif Vvt " l4Jniif Solid Silver. ! Jwd s PUttetl "i.-, Ware, Silver N.veliies of nil kind" and V fact 'n, full"', - . line of all kinds of god ti,'n lw founil ia it ,i.,-v".?.,i V i FIRST-CLASS JCTELRY STORE CALL AND SEE ME-kl,,: i ' Don't lorget the Nuralx-r. 7tJ Opposli " "Baptist church. V j '1 Sam l(. Eatonl l Farmers! MONEY HAJSIJ is- MONEY Plows, Cultivators, Farming Implements l. h. -cu -rua cV.; Geo. Henderson, - , : J & V J,.. .. ,-.7. o .y . .'i . i INSURANCE ASENCYJ 1. 1. - 4 ' ESTABLISHED 1870. DITI32: -Crarea St. ii v- ' ' , , -':!; i ' " " V-..:.' ,,'4' l'..v; BUY YOUR L- ' " v Represents the following Firttasn .l ''.; Companies: t;;,i--,'t.i'I-'','.-Insurance Company of North vAwWica. '; ? Home Isurnnce Comp.xny " of f t?e Yoik. , , ,-:-,,. e",'-;, x Hartford Fire Insurance Companj of 'i ' ' H an lord, ' "'"' ;,:'' - A - Queen Insurnnce Company Americ. s v ' Plnfiuix Insumnce Com iMijjtjr of Brook , : , lyi,. X. Y. -.v,V?-V North Carolina Home Insurant; Oom-: ' , oanv ot Raleierh. .; -.. M V Royal Insurance Company of , EjverV!'. pool, England. 'vv ','! Boton Murine Insurance CompWnJ' .of Bos,on- '..ii; -ti.t' '' f.. ' tfeyThis Agency has been in eeoce',.-' for the past 25 years, during w1ltTi''iioie:: ''VV ' all losses have been protnptlyi' settled f ' .V. -without a single contest. ; ,v; .,' .. y'i :. '"I '. All classes of desirable Inswnoi-yf' solicited. j3lmJrJ"V.i g fki-its, ; m . . ' 'v C0NFECTI0XEHS ,'f : I' AND - "'.". - 1 TOBACCONIST. S . jf .':.--. v fe-l t-H-A'A-A-C-y-.. No. 127 Middle Street, Fast side, between Pollock and Bl'osd St reds. o o Toilet Articles, Tooth Brnshes, Etc. StsB'Z'Iysf'A . PltKsriUPfJONS A SPECIALTY. ' j'J lrn Wanted !: po.M P KTi; XT PH Alt M A CI ST wiih small eapr.al wioitod lo open new Dim; Store two Sets of Fixtures We have and doublo Stock of Drugs. Chance for live man. Address, BRADUAM & BB01K DRV til CO New JBwnr, N, t, '4 c !'T 0 i .-. il'v ' ;.i.:--;:' tr-r .,-,(.- ic '.K.-;: - ' . ' '- 3 : v- . -