1 -s. - . t f '.;-..rr-'-s,''taw.v J . - ', ' - - ' - i f ' ' i- n i u' n ' - .r-.JLjt,ti,-f r-..-jt mr.A-rrmnni r-iirifl-.l nrl nil r. h.h.i.. . , A - I 5 ,- ' ' ir .;.'" : V As ',S7ll i.. 8;3 Columns: -WEEKLY- v for $' 00 a YEAR. Fctrnsrj 18t5 15 23rtf. 1895. i $1.00 Per Year INDEPENDENT IN ALL THINGS. Single Copies, 5 Cents.1 VOL. XVII. NEW BERNE. GRAVEN COUNTY. N. C. JANUARY :M. 189. NO. 48 7 ei . - .- . - . . ,. , - i -v: . . -. ' . 1 tsinml j 1 f5 " 1 (JEORUE SLOt EK, Pre. SliOVER HARDWARE CO. -DEA1EM IX. )) Haraware and Farming Implements, CE31ENT, PJLASTKU and H AIR, '- -:r-TAINTS, OIL and VAUNISH, : : , BUGGY AND UAKT M ATEEIAIj, IRONr, STEEL and NAILS. 72 MIDDLE STREET r ) Is the place tu buy y : u a Horse or Mule, CarrlaiejBucrgy or Road Carfc, Farm Wa ODaS arid Carts, Harness, Whips, Robes, Etc., ', F0a;CASH ii'1 Always has th'e largest stock carried by any dealer in Eastern Xorth Carolina to select ftom, and everthing strictly 10 nar an teed 3 represented. ; " " ' " itm!' 5 0 "HEAD HOHBES RANGING FROM 4 TO 7 YEARS OLD, AnU Weighing Fr6m 850 to 1450 lbs. Each. Some extra fine. Drivers, iu Horse.s also adapted to all purposes Exceptionally line, DrartalTorses and Mnles. -- '"- ''1. ' ' y.-iM - - -tS- t i'i -, ?A?full aud complete line of Buggies and Harness always on hand IMC. ; OEIJESCjNr a OO. '. I. . - - Woe Front Stablei, Middle Street, New Berne, N. C. lieTli pireat Has Eeturced from the North where he Pir , chased his Stock at I Id Prices than ever before heard off HIS STOCK OF CLOTING is the Largest in the citv of New Berne, arid Second to None in the State. : - Header let me say to you safely Let me whisper in your ear see me hefore you Kpend .ourhard earned dollar, norne down arid ex - amine my stock betore you buv. I" -'T -"i Is thankful lor past say to the people it to see" -him. t r HMaMa3 J. C. WA1K1XS, 8f c & Tres. SIXGLE COMB BROWN LEGHORXS and AMERICAN' DOXXIIQUEK ARE of the best StratJis in the Antth. Sure Winter flayers. SEE THEM AT TE1E FAIR. i -Single I5inli, Pairs ami Trios lor Sale. . I Ei?s 'n St'asoTi. 1.L'." lor . Vrite, I JOS. M REEL, Reel8boro, N. C. OR NEGOTIABLE PAPER. AND MULES 5 0 American favors, aod wishes will be to their intereh jClM ATTKA(TIX(J WIli: ATTENTION. NotifPN ol (lnr fair ami olllic 5Ni.ii aylvnnln Fine Mlork F.xliibi I !( suits ShOH iuj. The exhibit from lie IJ minjo;- X 1 1 1 -series C re mi' ry an.l Sh c'. F.irm nf W -nut p irt, P.i , wliich i 'o '- "down at r1)u K;is'. Otrol'ii;! Y,r H'c iviu ; vi iy fiivomh e lnentio.) in Nortaj in agricultur.il :iers, J (MriiculaiK- '" iliose el li nnsvivan :i. .nv lurk, Marylxnl, A aalnnvt"ii D. C; Olii.i aud Illiii' is in whicb Mr. Uennimrt-r. the proprietor. idieitise-i. We ropy tin: lolloping not in? which U uoin llie rounds m thoe n.ipi rs. A SHTPMEFT OF FINE I! I ,OOD K I STOCK FOR THE NEW JiKUNK, N. C. KA1K. itlxer. t lit- no C'T tnck Urcder of Walnutnot Pa. v.i I im.ke a spicial exhibit of the f-O.m in- oded u.ad?i, the most la!. nU.l l)..v I cut ktiev sja'fu.y. ts .-I M-rii.tuiv. A'.-yana -stnekat tho K.ist C.n.liiii, Fish, U..r, a b ,Tator. ll.it al ,s ! T-r h.s ' '"" i hi aurii.i; u v .' S,, , ;l ( .,,1 - Game ami Indusir al As .cation Now IJerne X. C. Feb. 18 to 28. 185. viz. Ti.o fiiim us Fieni Ii i ach hor-c. Kefl'.s ''Th-. cliampion b.c 1 .and pr.z- wijinini: ll.d-teiii F'-iesian bull Sn .1 ure an I a :u!! heid of Ho'.-ti a a Fr ll ,i k ot' liuii- bi , I iaiw i. -no l.,-r :th a a I do'Ui - ,'ep n.e HiKlu-atioiH arc. il.at the .New oerue la'r win uj one i tne gr.niuesi ex- "b J r 111. . i- .1 J i hihinon iii it'e country, especially t ''e jjailie, nsli, oystf, poUiliy :.la aim. fish, c.yst.r, pouitiy :.ial tlo -lis-j hi(11 otic Fii'lav and ivinaia until lb. ,). seiuo i-f.e wo oiu i ..i-i..ii .. plv. ! lowing Mod .v. The mare. 1 ai.pr.. .ehcl I - '' "V, :''' ! 'They a e oflernz very lib. ml ire.Jmv ,i, -tiuatioii, i ho more iii-iv.ui I ; an. : (l''b- '.' -:4 ' , pla QilDins it) a. I U- ft. pa'ti mints ami are . miikint; spiei .l i tl'orls to make it a s:i, ! cess. "This will ive our Xoithern people a I pifiiutl opp.irtuiiily to fee one of the jramieit mire and at the same tiiue visit tile p'easuiit.soiiili.espo.ial'y at tins season of Hie y.a'r." I x ue aixne is :t saiie t. in:iiy ioiies thi ihe Fair is re.eiviiij J.he niaiontv ol i hem appiar in Nonh Car dioa. Sui.tii Ciirol na and Virginia papei-s. but as t an I ieeei th te'ntorv lrmn winch utten- lion is drawn to our Mio-w inter Kspo.-i- i tit.n (tor it is really an Kxpo-:ti ii) is wni eninu' .-very war. The Tint' I'n hi ;:nd Eurin lias nearly a three coluni'i i iticle on ii. One t vent leads t- another, and one nnr..ediaie r. suit tiont this prominent Northern sto.-k larm txhih't in ' th" attraction of visitors who oiherwise wouai not have rome. Mr. B-'Uniiijior wrote to ad his som hern corr.-pondeiits as soon as lie hatl t on. Blened Ins urraniremi uts tor the t-xbihit and he is now rereiviLg almost daily, ltt'ers declariu!' tueir intiinion ol coming io the Fair. Ii ny one has tine ?iock, a good iuvea tin n, a serviceable mm haie, or anv.hin else to which lie wishes to draw the greater attention rf the public a m.od way to accomplish the object is to place it mi 1 exhibition at thb Eas C'oMlina Fair in thi8 city lrom .Monday Feb'y 18 I to Satnnlay Feb'y. 23 inclusive. EWi IX BR I I F. Evanoelist W. F. Fife is now coiiduc tini iiieUnj;8 in Kentucky.- The steiinier Chicago founder. .1 in an awful gale on L.ke Michigan; January 23d and every one aboard, twemv-six in a. I, perUhcd. ETani?elist.!J.Person is holding very cn- flmsiHstic meetings 10 the university chapel at Cliapel Hill. Services will be held h. ie tor about lea days. Peler Jaek&Oii . ha.- aoceple I " C'nariic Mitchell's cliallenge od condnjon that ihe fiht wiUUuke place :it th National Spoi ling C!upL.'iidon, and thf stake hi 1, 000 ponmls a stde. Zx-Secrptaiy of War Elkins was on the 23. elected U. S. S-nator for West Vir ginia, to succted J. N. Cauid.n, the Demociatic incumbent. Ti.e Mine old story. The man who in a til of childishness iesi;nel the Freoch presidency now tries to pin the blame on his wile. A Savannah, Ga , Baptist church claims the iV-iest mem erslrp f any church in tl e United Slates. It is 107 ytarsj old and ha- 5.000 c.nniuoioirits. Ge. 2. St. John, a well known t.usi ness m iu of Port Clinton, Ohio, coovieiad of securing money ty lal-e preTe'.ces. aud lod'jed in jail, shot himself through the licgd, dying instanth". The Kenttfc Stanly Co., a latge manu facturing corporation at Piovidenee. K. I., has nnm.unceil piesent inability to meat maiming payments and asked for an - tension , of time . The concern is cap- I I adzed for $500,000. ! Two well deti'ied cases of leprosv have! been ilisc-overed within a f-w mites of Zi-D.svil'e. Ohio. The viclims are tlmigh- I Ifirs of f rs Ci'ev ihe widow of (ieo. Care', an ex-sohber. It is announced from Li Gr.ing., (ia., that a Pi tsburg syndic de w dl huild a large coti on mill there. A land company ami a brick inai'uf.tctiirmg company. i which are to be adjuncts of til. cotton majority ..1.1 nor. exec. . a mm ue... a. .1 , rcqii'iv 1 u.u a wa.a. i.in ".u sr. I mill, were crganiz-.d at La Giange. he said il they ban gone "tl lh 1 ough I he j b a h men and woaie,- u ore bapt . I . c.iinpiiigti he (Mangu 11 ) would have been 'And bo commando. I Ihe oh inot to stead The Greenville Reflector letifns that i.adly bealeii. -till a id thev went down both :n:o liie ! R-v. J. X. II. Sumrell ol Tail)..... has (,, r,-i uiniug l n'd- in tho--goo ! nf ! 1 w:lteh. both P'ut'.ip and l! euiiu.'h. en I iacct-plc.l tl call to Anderson. S. t'., Mr. ..j ' j ,,. b,i,iied him. And w ion the wen- ; Su.i.rt-11 has be. n pastor !' tlx T.irl..r. j 1 t(l;k like the people ofOiang. tliatlconu up out oft..." vral -r the Spir.t".. v e I Presbyterian t hiirch ever smce ils ..igani- , X(ilh Caiobna ne.cr pn "lueed a greater ' Lord caught away Philip that th. final h I z'ltii'n. . 1 nTaii tl an Senator Meiigitm. 1 saw him no more, and he won! on h',.- The Iiwson Power of li:ni..val bill! piiss-d the New V.-rk AsMm.blv witjont ; amentlnieiil. ami 'oei 10 the Senate for 1 I concurrence. I'r.d. r 11 the Mavor litis ! four inouihs Iran Januirv 1 to'iemov. - the h. ads of all New Vork c'u v d.', ai t- I mcniw 10. a oau 1 1 u 11. 1 1. 10 1 , i 1 1 1 ,rt. a. u. i. .,.,.,' T ; 1 ..!. ! oil ... . . - I . LT III 11 rs. IMV linri I ll.r -l I. (,11, .11 His tleiith whs peacefu I and paiide--. Di- l....- 1 I.'..'.... ...1 ..II . ,w.-.. ... III. ISC lll'll .1.1 11 .11.11 .111 1,1c .in ,,,i-i. ,,, , .,t. 1 1 l.., ti .1 . 1. 1 lo.a iulu loi'iu - liiiiini urn .0 11, s H .i side. Lonl Hantlnlph was uncoi.st ,,,11 for thirl v hours. Mr. M. B. Urown. ok Washinsjtf.11. N. ! ciple s!o:k tu tiatlo w a - a bit I !i 111 1 itdel-. ',; ,!oirp in!" the wd'-r. being l,nri 1 C, presented i be King's Daughters o! 1 Ie t web i nii iv-ilt d. and 'tiia-d it;., 'itnl "' -.7 "," 't t'f I his State her home. Th" olac. i a hat d- However, on 10, e . ce isi. 01 he deien Vd ,r,tn r. What 'in -l. ' mi. li' :i;l - 1 ' :p sonit: one. Tiie L'gislatuie is to b tiske i a man on trod f u hi- bfo ;m I tia oil nam ihoi and fill Hi II tho-e r ( atnaiiaals Now t: appropriate 4.003 annually to:' the presetit stiti I that n -tl ii mi ecb h 1. 1 t a r I have not giv 11 mi mv.'jnaoti in '.h. ina'nten.ime of a King Daughters' orphan- 1 e.n made ii no "1.1 II dish.. r court tn dter. neither hue I given ,.;,:. v agi for imbecile chddrca. O. tnes. there house a .ung Ma-gum utile ilea . ..th-f man's opmitm; bu I.-iv. j.-wn u.c ure 4,00d. ' tlav. ' plain letcifng- of G .d's word. - fn t The North Carolina Baptist savs that '. The man w .s : cqiwtte.1. ami he Vt , your foil, seottld not M;um! in the wi-l .i theie isa hea'tliv, strong tivaitv lietw.-en the court h"Us. ho v as met at Un- d or bv iieoi. but 111 the power . 1 001 1. the Tabeanacle 'Mimtiv -cLi.ioi; Ki'eigh. Mr. Cain w 1 t I i him th d after ban!-' and the Snnc'av .!.. ot the Fiist I ap. that speech b frce'y g.ve h-n ht- da a:!.- Br!.I.vn' Serious s,(i-;!.e Miiuntion. tist cluireh. sAshsiiile. P.. h . ne ll ,s let's bate I. W . Ik I.. 'fin- vr I.e -'tunnm n, ll,'.. k;a ,- nearlv 1.000 aii.nd .u s. ...11 1 - re pnld-g growing worse h to is aim .-i a ; ;n to leach that not; h. Th . Tah.-ruat Ie yet Kheiimnlisi.i 'u :-etl in n Day. ,,: uttiicn-, ihef.' T '' s .oot- s.i t;, v.i has l lie banner. " 'Mvsiie Cute" fn' Kaoutii Hisin at.! w tin mobs an. i 1 is; i:ng wi. !i ' a n.tt. t -. Three North Car. I'm bins have, venpied ' Neut.dgia roiedly am - in 1 to 3 di. There are !ivMne.,t conflicts beiweeu . .... n..: 1 ..... Its ti.o. eii ,.. thos'.-aan 1- loirai ka 1 00 Lie III b- oil .u- side "l I t ! 1 , s , 1. a, as 1 ti , I lue positions 01 i le.-ioeni. pioiein, 1 111 U U Sen ne Two of tiic-e 'ureN : iM'iCon and Ma't Han'.m. ooth natiic- of ! c.,.r .,i. -...i r,.l.i,v,f vv.,vr .. nriiinlv .Till ivfilpil 'I he other mis Will , I'. Mangum, of (J rung i.. eoti'.l v. Th'iatt U. i,U,t .1. 01 on.-., ,.'.. 0-..',,. i.,,- "1 1842. to March 4. loia ... V irciua miuie a net prom aisr u-.i; o. '. $34, "2:59 out of her pi is.ni cotivn t-. Tm ; Superintendent has leoomni- od tl t' at die . short ti rm prisom i'j b eiup ovi d on tna public 10 nls. n exchange con men! HI rt on this conditio ) am! r. oon.iiiendat on ; well savs. that Unit's wh ae I'vy all ought '. to be worketl. Tne 1? 3 4 . J Iif) the St .to made out of thein is iionle at the . Xo. iw of oiler labor ugatn-t wb.h the side si.ould not eomr'r.te. K vangelist C.a'es, ot' ( I r a rtsbo.". i. ; s io .v i holding a 'en .'ays' n.e ii .g tit Af.-eas, (;.i.. With en.'ou aging prosper s. A di.. I patch in the AHanla .lotttnal sis; Hc I openi d his union meetings u' dh tl power- tjbero. rmon. r.vaugeitst ir:iii- is a mm of the Epi-copal church, ami has b wonder.Uliy taesslul in meetings lend in wind eolK'.aml i- die best re.i.e.ly tot- .have your incia V Lack. Nei voii ji.--other I lac. s. The mu-ic was exception- iliarrh'ea.'r-.veiity-:ivc cents a but'... titition ami debility are cojupiered by ally fine." ntJlyr. I it. kemimsi i:si:s or i n ; i m. - TIIF. (iltKAT OUT II C.UIIII,IM1 " P. J k: I. - . If WoUi is )H l2alills 1 1 A ri I Ity Nlioi ill . U I.aiic.H lu-.-'SiiIc "1 liin Hon. Si i i article : in Uir N.'.. a: d Ol' ..mm- :.t. ., ni'k'd l-orjo't.-n M.li'"'ii!.)i. as ajiplieu to Wylir I. Mrmi.in. l.rins to innnorv a verv p'iMsaiit vi-il I m: .! t' his lup't iMc I h1 in r ni- 1 :i!'t- i hi- i tir. in n: !i n : it . and lrmn I v;i t . ha : nine a M.l-iciil :ii Mini 1,'iivi'll, lion a Il..urliinz -M-hiinl. -itu-.tid i:;lit ir tin 1. 1 1 It'- li'niii tin- v natni i 1k)mh'. til- . .nl v Mill. iUi.iih I'li-um , -,s ..'.v . mat,., an.i I wis!, I ,tn 1... !, ,1 l..M'M l,t V, lll,.r i, I V Oti .: I j 8 ,,0s.sd. Kt.c-. at th'o ii:s; hattl.- ol Mn.,.w t.-.,,. ti,,- win. Ins r,i!.,,,, I tho ; . allant Fisiu r ..t th" fh .N. C. re -.nu iir. ! : t a i a to our -i liool s Wi1-1 j.' .,,1 t : tj,,. 1 - . n v.o.l hot. . .-. at, e-iuoon in lv.i.aia until Moaoav .'noiu- ; in.r ml Mticr irttiueiit invitations tioin " .... ,. ,jm :,nrl v0, acromplishod -i-( I Mt-s Pattie 1 ei'iiMa'deii l. o home wi,h or Wa a youiu, uiisopliistie ..!e I I o. . ' ;ln. W:, jn v; pri-ene cf tic-; ulVat .I.idoe.Mariuai. of whos- L.'n ai i e.-.- lnti lu.unl so niucli. for indeed id- own. :,ud the ailjoiniiiu coiuitii s idoli.od him. .,,,,1 neu r ' i.di. ved thai he ever had a ! jXor as st ttesiiv.n. orat-r ..r .'i.ll. nui-i ! However, -Miss Patltcaad the ''o. ial old I j u ire soon .ll.-pe .--. I nil in y 1. t V li-nt -s : wrth lad thai iiiii-i 1. innate at.d rot a-umed. 1 have olh n ti'.oiiLtht ita o. how he iiiusr liau; felt ii l.i .in:.t ctmntrv ! ..ne ai er h.ivir.,' spent i.e ..riy i a'i a ' century in V..s:,!nut.n -oil. w ''"'"-.'tl,,. )'ti,i. !,,;v Saitii." tti - , pan'oiiship of I no -:iea:it men if ,Z,t-n I'.oei' still in th. :..;.-... I ( .:- n.e uie:inI men .1, ' Aiin rici. Hi. pnr;rnir. painted when he was i,,riy i ,hi . sh,iU , , (1 Wu ii fa-. year-oi l huiiu iii t he lat o r a nl : ii.ov. d , ,( ,.( lv Spirit a Weil a wa '.- him io have i.teii a v.-iy hand-oae man. j An(1 u ,MI.l, ,i,,,' t;,0m t.. b: I : A :'. I Oa the wall opposite was a li' M.e p -I- j in ,,,p .,. , ,. i,.,! (. els III;' 7.4 s. , tiait ol .l..hu K;m hd,h. the of" 1' Thc-e commands enahh- 11s to di-tani.-h inH stales. nan, in skull ca ami knet ,i( (v ,, , i -i;:U1 b ti.tt-m tied 1 he ' tip oreeches, said to be en excellent likeness i Ui Ua, H,,v (;llo;. 'j'iie lath r ''..i i ut anylliin,' but preposs-fssu..'. . . , 1 ( .jiu-nlf.' th.-pow.-r oft;..! The .lude was au a.imi:-..b!e .-.lkt-r- ,..(e.tain oi'lus .Iwcip-es, wln.-n ua-ftp!-'ull ot fun and at tiaies eieii play Hi'. !iii;ed in their ministry ( . Acts 1: 4. . lie "ave me a . 'e-cniVon ot Ins tirst r-.ce for CoiigTes. with Jos an Crudup. a Baptist preacher, as his ojipoiKnt. ile ai'l Mr. Crmlup, "I have h'-ard ad the distinguished men f America speak an 1 some foieimn-rs, but I never in ard Jos.ah Crudup equalled as an oiator Ue liad more caoueitv titan anv man I ev.r met in debate, wits matchless on, the stump anil swayed 'he multitude. So i:liat was ills manelism with men he could have r-.L-pn ttio orn.l from m at ;.I1V till! had i. W. ... ..i-...w..,i ilw o I .." v . 1 ad an ! iiii..inlii,piii ihp:iil to oreae'i Sundavs S n,.d n... ,i'.,m,l whi.-!. came iutt i.i ii,ai ! him Iookd like a mass meeting. And such sei minis! 1 have never listened to be fore or since. 1 wi.ul'i be earned away bv Ins mate hies j e'ooueuee until 1 would liinL- "lu- is mak-in" hundreds of Votes." I then I would be t"..., uueasy lo enjoy it I further. The only advantage 1 had ot .W. Crudup was. he had m vr -tu.ii, d Xa .iotial politi'S iilld I would a; k I, i.n keen ly questions that irritated turn an I broke the thr. ad of his eloque a. ." 1 do not, lememoer that he tol 1 uk what cnuiiiie. compos.. I the t-'oiigies- sional d sttict. but it was the eu-lom m . L tlcse davs when they 1 meed ihe oaiiv. ss to continue to tin end wi'lmut leturning ho ne. The .Tu lite s lid: "We were approaching tt terntorv strongly Democratic, and I keen.- t' tlt Cmdap was getting very li'e I of ihe c m vass for he had laielv marm-d a be iiniful wife anil I knew lie was more anxious t I see her every day, so 1 snd. Crudup, I baptiz: you unit water Unto rep aoanoe. am getting very tired ot 'his canva-s. lets . but ha t hat couieth :.f:e- me is mightier 1 draw up all a '1v.jt1.ent not to attend j tnan 1. whose shoes I alii ll"t w-u t hy to another public meeting or make atmiher b -Jti u- shall liapiize you with the li.dy public speech uii'it after the el ction." i Gho-t and with lire.'' ilere we l-aiai that ! Next .lav wit wi re to sp ak at M- baiie's wab r is the element us-il. ( i'tiat thr j rind I told my bieiuts di ut the oiler I I baptiziag with the Holy Ghost and llr I hull made to wit draw, told them to ap- j was a piom se lion. 1 he Lord, with w i.i -h pour quite indignant and say that 1 wa- 111.111 had 11. .thing t 1 do.) j putting my election in petil. etc . and j In the 1-jt li rs we leal I hi-: Atn I ; u.at day I !t very careful not to ask a 1 Je-us atis-.vet ittg 'unto h;iN sail' r it t.. h; single question io iiritato him. and he so now; for tints it beco uetli u - to full li i was in one of his h 1 pni-st mooi Is. alt rightcousro-s." From this we Irani : ,fier iliener he came t 1 me a id said he XM t oneiudetl to accede to my pioposi- ton and that la; tvou'ul get M r. Mob me and give 110 Ihe pi ivih-ge of choosing ' sonic one and the t wa should dt aw 11 p the agreement. 1 ictus:.. I to sign il .Me'iane hud an vi hiug 1 0 do witii il. so ho selected some one els and ihe agre '.neiil was drawn up. We signed it anil lvliin ed to our l.oiuei to a.iait the iv-irl ot the tle.tion." It I remember corrioii.-. .Maiiguin's .. . i.. . He was m the etitite witn 1 a-y, 1 tit- H'un and Webster, bus 11 ' man oi t.is -lay was his superior. An old gentleman once I told me that hr 1 1 1 1; native elotpienco he ; 'a.1 never heard hi-n urp:ise I and he; ' he.rtl lie; g feat i I nry 1 la'. . I I have oil. II h. ar 1 I i.e -lory n ho.vllie ' t.. 1 ... ..... it .,,,1 ,,t' l,e ,, ti;.a .,1 ' l.'lge o 1 in. v.'...-ini. ,.1 - 11. - . . . . . , , i t. 1 1 1 a r r v her b ll s o loi 1 ' i" nee and w it h he atis a .Mi-s (Iharitv Call! wh , . , weahhv, I cmg a Itirge r.-.i, i slate owiir. a-ide bo n m ning iliany negro n I oi'i 'i t. il to :,n a'.liaticc "i I.i- daughter t with the risi ;g v.img l..vvtr. wh, -e in in- and nivsteraHH. It r.m..v.s at ,ti ,e the cause to, i tm dis. a e iatua d ttle'y di-ap- flflit-'e' -i-iMI , liauii s .. cents. r So d bv , N. V'.. ool 1 's Pi tt' inae v. N. ,011 lo.u-o luillo ittj B.-r.-. large t o- ., , .. . ... " ' . 1 no t. liu' otto ( ) i-ota 1 r - : .- 1 1 ia! .,,,.,,,.,,,,,, ,,,,. hod Coil 1 tboo.se at S..i ,by S it.it. i i tlev si- plans for the b tti.l ng I' Col ton mill, 1 o) I he 00 1 e 1 1 it 1 1 e ' 1 me.it plan. Judge T D. 1. . t in. d a Ml-'a made eh:,iiaiai;i wit i, 1-. l . V. . i. as secieiarv. Speeche- " ' r. i-;'. V bv . v- ettll eitvens in advooeov oi th" po'i. A "oiiiniittee of live wa-npp'iif' d I" eatr- resiiond with no, i met', lo'.h , g 'o li,,- i- .-l ol . 7. s and c 1 1 i l l . 1 1 1 el 1 1 .it i - Jo. . a 1 1 i mill. - - Ifttie Rahy is ( tiiliii; 'F't eili. B ' Mire -H I use that ol I ami u e: I ; no ! reined V. Ml s. V.'insl ,u " Soot hi og Smttp - for eathiron te-'tu-ng. it -notiies the v-uhii. en softens Hie gums, til'a.s ail i;i;n. i lit W1IA1' !S A ISri'! Inti'iilcut ol (I;i' fl' i-m:: ri v by l. A. KriisJ. Th!rxl:iy Al('l-ll04n I K' Wain. ! !i- i- 1 HM i , i -, :. 1 1' v (i t !:!)!( . ! ! . i - iim r, i - . i , ii t !:! ). . ! . v,-i 1 ! :n;i.-li ri 'lit : . v i i tod ' 'in . t ..ui I i.i '. .t '. ! i ' A iV V si -':itlil.Ij; "Uf i! I in- i llll.l 11 !v Hl-i' Vnil I'll! i L l : i : I : Ui V ill'' '...,'..!. I . . 1 . 11 " ' " ' ": ' ( l', h:, I' 'i'.l t 1 1 1 1 1 t ' II t!' i 1 1) ! . ll' - I I ..,,'.:,-,'' ,!,.,t ,ii, ;:. y. ,,. ' mind .- ;.'. wliv i. -I tn it; ..id ' !"d :.:i 1 - lnr vmii -i-M wli.it i- n-i itiln-I nl .i; .. ijU. 'il"ll I- e 1 i lv I iliilil it has n -c li d r "h ; i . t . " A : j : i -linn r. 1'iUiilt to a liiio cr.iiDatir only I i' i "M'i .: 1 v aii-. : ! Iiv 1 !.o hit 1 ) i i 1 1 a ii i li-nil y in nv i i ''' oh ' !' ' i . namoK: Tho 1 1; i .li . I ho daii.ui s - w;:h ; " " !l 1 Hh i hllU'Il lia'o i:0'01'od this i-u' o-"-1'""'"1 ;lw,v '"" ,i!--M- 1 "i'1"'" worn Is 1 ! L - 1 1 1 I c I : ill. I." I ' ' I a I ''anh - it m-,, r , n dt. I ; i I un I. r- t-.ll'l tho 1 1 in h ;. I), nit li i 'ti-iii. -: I'o. ill' Vl,l;i-1H''',1''1 '-(,y ' '''" : H i' ' i v' i'iii ' no i ' - i ' i ; -1 liit in-piivd wii i . - as author.; d.v : lull' ini . As a veli'-i ii- oL: ('hi l-tian ha pti-" -ii tin. i- it- i '! t !.!'. t hi th i . i j a i , - llU'llt of .le-us ( 'lir,s' 1 n t he .h-u i-h ol in ' ' J- .' ' . 1 1 -I'1'1 4 ' i:aiti.si rs v t -..m M a v I 'K Jt:-r-; -iii:ist. Te-t Lei'-ec j, il( j .,, to lie am 11" ,.' u,e.' di-cin,-' -asn. o ,, 1 t ,v 1, -d! n . ' ii- -Ti.t. v-' (.u.m d,,. n un- ot i he Fa", l .a n.,i T , , ,eS,,.. 0 ,, . j ,o S..c.t.-' iM-.l .. , ,, , i. ...... '.,, ., ,.i j tin1 Holv So i'lr o:i i lie d i v 1 I ,.:it . t ale I he I al t " , . d i v.-, one ,.. ,,, ,,...,. r.U.Kfi,ri,' t ..- ;. , xj ' , v, tj Au,:I1 l,oei. .... in ih,- i nelin-' ' n a ' v mm to. !i nol'.n-- . n a' v in in fo.h.d water tiai and 2: 1 --k) wnile ihe former is a commaed hic.li each jieiiiteat bedever mu-t itoe'li- utlv obev in order 10 have the pnani-c of tiie blessing.s coiulitioned t li -1 -11 HAI'TISU IS AN ACT OF FA I TH. Jes'is sti.l to his tli-cipliM m giving the ' commission to go and preach: -si, v. j into ad the world and pr. ach tlu' gospel to every creature. He 1 hat celt -v. -th and j is baptized shall be saved.,- Inn he din , b lieveth 'not shall I e 1 lanni. .1." t.F rk ! 1 0: 1"). 10.) A;?d :l'";;ll in Aol- :!-, d is I li. v . 1 1 . a i 1 e v o 1 ir; 1 . 11,!': preaching ihe thi on. a rn ; ng the h u iiom of t hid act I t li 11 m.' if ios.is ( . ,, 1 .a ; tiny war. baplited, b th u e a an I wo- ; ineii." Thus wo su there must bo la 11 before scripiiiril baptism. Again ' Paul says in hb. !!:!: 'Without l'tiiii it , - imp-s-ible 10 ple-.s. t'. 'tl." Tin n in I tiusfmg liiiih. let us ii.llow his otoaiiiiaai -ju-t as he has givt u t'lem to ii-. N' ov 1 he question arises. What i- h u's to .. h- , ing 011 j THE ACT Of BAPTISM 'i Are we willing to accept the plain ' teaching- of (.oil's word oa this que-tnin: 11- lung II" w nc'.er h aid ii ihe: word 'baptize" before ami vewmi it. j I'.'X inline wn.il the worn nl Ilia l.ot'd says, ai.. .tit it. 10 1. ani what Peter meant w li, a 'tia commanded them to 1 e luptiz -d in t he name of too Lord' When we 1 tune to t xa niue tin? boou, wo I'm I the ti.-t, ivf. r. 11. to '.he word 111 Mat. .'!:") anil in ; verse 11 is this Ling i.ue: "1 in that I tuitism is tin act of r-ghleoiisne . ; j "And ihere w ent 1 ir, unto him all t lo 1 land of Jude 1 and thev of -lei us ah-m. an I wee all baptize I of him in the liver of. J.iidan. coi:!e--ing their -1 its. .M I a"). 1 This tt Us u it was p.riorini.l 111 a rivr. ' ( In Luke 7:-0 ?() thus" who obeyed, '. justified (bad and those who did not . boy ! it r.j."tid lie ( tum.-cl of iod. I John I wa- also baptizing in .E iutt i,o.,r to tSdiai. b.cau-e then was much wa;. r I iheiv." John Tiiis slew's thai it 1 .1 ...... .,...... w 1. y 1 e.ioioing. .vets s:.,-..oi. ii'to.-i j clear s'tneineiit. that they boMi went .ma 11 I mlo the water and cam.; up o it "I 1,." water. in Colos. J. !.' tie apostle, ay - 1 ,0 r,e, ! will, him m ha pi t-u, wl ere ia. ab. ,. . arc :as, .i w ith htm. iSi e'ti.si Ibitn o. . a . , I r..t-., il, 1!,, t ,' , 1 , 0 r , - 1 , , u.....( -' '." '.,"- ' I" '. " , , . , ...... t ,. . . 1 1 anti-in w e ale 'bnr,e,i a; 11 la. sed 1 ViW. with lues- f..rt- bo o , no 1 a-k . 1: fulier w;s 1 as in in.-st. h ;i te1 s: Whit i- r. id's 10 10 1 -n .i 1 slat.- own"!'. ' ing on tins que-t'O 1 '- Let us siitiiin.i;''..' ,. 111 the mti't 1 : Aoo. rliog to. the s.i,p'ir. b -lre u-. b.uit.sin ret uir. s tr.it, ,. ,n vo' v. . tor: .... p..n. . ...1 the otln-r. 1 no I dh r b e ii'- ' ..nr.-I u .pi thev m ;-l 'I'"! " ! .eg", an i to ot - l a 1 , 11 01 , r d .. o.t op 11 . l I ..!) d' I ii . ,i I" j top- w li g', , Ue 1' n aa la- a n'-a in Theie i- no 1 ;a 11 no .1! the It . n.-i:-ietoi:s 4. ri. ti :. :! h it ot! s! O'd "'.1 w tttl ; o,.i!.'!l .. i ...1 '.oil, b on 1 i ie i a: e. tu: , t u lb - . .... ,t si -ill. si ..ii-um nt'.n. V..11 mus; . i. , s ,;n,o h'mg . I i'ic . er'i. v -tag. - o i Co it m p lo n.i . , if I i .. ;. ! i i - dUats that loid hi i'. Itrl'i:' I - G..;d--:i M.-d'otl I) -.-..very 1- tt ia "tia ! inO ! V. T -' 1 - -t faiili'lls a !; I . : t i I le lungs, like v ry o: hit iorai ! S : .,; t . can be cii'e.l by it. In s. v.'-.-. l.-.i.. in : Cong1!-, all Burnt hiai. T.:r..at and Lit o A tli c : io"-. ana e ' t y I e-o ,s bat! c , b reic!n d through tiie book. It is the .-a y , medic no .-a oiioem e i na: it c m jm . goat - es , ant .; I. I !' it if " -l.'l bi-ni-fit "r em o. y .11 Aft ton Seat cl 5 i-oiii hikI V .lien io' IJaiiiclw U.illi'r ?oi(i'iiarii l4Ml:kr'i F.le'll. ' . Til r .ion;v:.i.. ii : ! . X . t .. .I.n. Tli" pi in- . ".v 1 ! : i'i i ho Sona ' i' w i'!'o : 'I'o t !'! i' '- hv i- - .lvotil corponi- i'n"i':.t priz lilitlii'.'; tu va'i o i'.' . 1 1;-; h a.'al Ii hi.-: to protect the :,;:!! -! -jMli'loas l r I'osono; II liili ; May thirtieth ,i 'o-al llil'j.lnv W.'l Tie- I . I i 1 1' i' 1 1 i hi; lh mi'reiiant-i- ! i w a- taii'oil. Vit:"i"!l to litllMHl the Xow Ii ' 111 - I, n- I'.'!. d -cllssitin of tho h',!l th h - d r .tp of iii I lis , vs that leu'al ell' f ,1' s'l. h time li no I 1 1, i'i" n . ' ) ( i l r the lo: failure ot ill I i: and t hat a pel'-, ai who i r ia'i- o. n re -over t wioe ,niero-t pai. I in action h ,'H lioll IMHt h ' blOllllht ! - a i'ler i.i n'l'.i t of i lie n!v iwo votes were cast i". no It n l a' in T'i 1 1 1 ' 1' i a i 1 a ! new I fills in t ho Iotie a !'' : I',, jam',, o tlint o " '.-!' tl e lanrl. ami not sheriffs and ! ' lie lomniis-; -on-- -. -. u d m'ii.t up li-cts of jury o o. I. -: ;o i , i t i . ; . f. r a S ate exui'ot a i...- . i an a j.p i-iLon; to ro'tire to lax i - - .id iaud on widt h taxes have n it I'-o'i ai, I tin throe vt a; to aboiishthe "liio,-' ol' k. i liar of I In-o'iiiitol: to pr.ivi.le lor th siipp .ri "I liio Avrricul.tiral and M.'ol I !,. a', l a nl .a ! ,i l.oi'iic 1!. .'J but! wa-. alter a loirj; and I o.ii.i... -.aiod a s inemlier from n " ia. o Ui'iii'h. Tais wasi'tine h' ! p in " ii' f 1'iii to 4'!. o .a - oa-t ' a . IMid. o . a'. I v ere Can- I nd JUltler dei'lal'ail ; v a - - ). j x. dan 2-1. In the! 1 a p.. 1 new bids wen 'a.- tnpr-'ve puhh i'o ..Is 1 f ' Dili Tt in- sue l" i'. 1 "licet iab. r. tu prevent any anil' il itf-uraiioo enmnaiiies from i '; iiiisino-s 01 this Stale, to award ib pii.niug and biialing t.. the lowest der. Bills j as e l repealing the New i.o.o.-s 11. -k 1 nv an 1 iiiooi iior.uing the batik ' f K hilt'ill. l'. ;i;io s!',r the establishment of the Sta'o ivfoi ao.i. rv for youthful criminals were r, ee e, .1 Ik tin- ILuise. V Principal livw bills were: To eqnaliz? t ..ati"l). to oLicoar ,ge the s udy ot Civil t . o '.' e i" 1 . '. 1 1 " 1 1 1 in jni'jiit: schools, to limit i.e ptinislimi iV cf petty larceny and to ab lioll etiVs of grace. 'I'heie w three urs de'atte. quite heated 1 the Gr-nivike c atnty contested ens . 'i'ii'1 Fustoiiists all voted el. otoiti eas . to Sell t ('Y: ivu t r.u- v h ii in in- ml t" . I h "ih: lor l.o,n. Ia. mi i- t'.it' to th.- linn- . Fusionit, while Demo f tvor of Lyon, the sitting vo e was: For Crews, o Crews was s.vmn in. t h Democrat uti-eatxl in O. 1 ? a 1 . 1 : r c; it . X. C. dau. 25. The prin- tpa; ell ne'.v bills tn tiie Senate today were a itii'tiu'!' to ship quail and oilier game on' of ih siat and to regulate the I., ur- of : .i'or in ;-otton mills. S ov (J rrvii of Ilablax made his appearance and wassivorn in. His seat is ( on I est, d by a negro. A bid 11 :-se I re.ptiring contestant and co ,t "tet ia a trial of title t public effioe eieli lo'.'i.ea nvo hundred dollar bund. T he.' wi- cons,, e r..i le discu-siou of the iVolUi:on 10 in Vestigato ll:e eh'irgts made bv -Mis Pattie Anuigton ..g litis" ti laitaiu proinitient attorney :..! jn-lgts. and Senator Carver t e' .iatl 11.111 a land g tn .t in ..! Jll ige civ-aied quite a senatioa by . suit in wiiic.i he was 111 S vm iurliad been intimi- tet d.it.d bv 1 VI',' lo.sl A bill -liipm-nts aymtin an t that thereby C r nc ,r v I. a f his properi v. pa-s'd regulating treiglit by reijuiring nun- jv "tsiitihi" fragitt to bo shipped iu five d.iV-and i. li"t shipped wilhill that time tin r...-.'.ay to be liable, lin twice tlie ali.ouat .,f fivi jht. P ri-!iab!e IV. tgiit must bo shipped within - days ttiid in Cas it is tl"t So siitpp. I ihe 1'tiilwtiv is liable for Twice the a!ue ol tin; Iivigbt ami a penalty of ton do lot's f.,r each day ir is so delayed. The principal n.-w bids in tiie House v.'e!' iii i'...iiti,'! Fire Insurance Conipan i - to ., iy ihe lull lave value of policies in eas - 1 if ; otal loss; to lake aw ay from the ' '. oveiai 0' a opoi 1 tmetit of Commissioners o! Lab,. 1 Statistics and place it in 1 1 10 hints.' on joint baUol. to provide protec tion of tin; ins na; asv u 11 here again -it lite, ti dio furnish 1110 equip f.r use its 11 "a f":na!r dop ii ltiient, to prevent adtl! ti't'a'.ioa ol' c.ato I v. to make i) hours a days la1.'" in 'aotoi'i.s. cnildreii under ili'ili" tl 11 t tn ll.' employed; to regulate too sal ' i.f w;a -'ev. bv requiring unit if . 1 1 - -1 i i ; 1 1 o; 'lie q'laiilied voters in a liealitv ,s tur all 1 leou.in as m wdl.'llPI' vbi- -1 1 ... I sold. Ihe 1 itn.ty oc.lior eo.n nos-.o 1. i's ar. 1 led the n.a oi p. jo niio ..f g . o 1 1 o . I .11 I tit'tler siu ii t . and I of 1 he votes is reqii'i'. d nail liiiioi sellers are lo ! !-- than one thousand O. T!3F. M.W ID5IAS OK KEF41K1I. (ii;-... (ani'riii'i.i'i.l antl EIetin I lt.;tl. t lit I'l-fjiarril mill PiiMhetl to St ti t ilie.-il ion Other ('hunKe Hint a re lo I.e H title. A -tie a! lo the Wilmington Messenger go... i.e 1, iitow ing : ' J. ne lesion-. ;s- a' ! o j ttit o iuoil- itiised a coiniidl tee ' i'i'::l N": il"!'- and thirteen lioptv-en-tatiivs. ail Populists and Republican5, which will prepare bills for coutitv gov-1 eraoieat end also a new election law. it .to-.-s C K. MooJv. Sigmon. Fulton. 1. eg. i'o.ihi. lianirick and McCaskt-v I o o 1 ! his ettai tuitiee. f 00 o laois ti'iso appointed as an ad s o y ooiiia.ii tea to tins caucus coinmit e yiesi. M..iion Kutl.-r. Harry Skin r. Pit l.uiomi Pett'-S'in. Thonitis K. Pur- ' I too! I'atfol .. Rii.'.'ll. The " aliens appointed ano'her commit- ills, it- of 1 .1- o.uciis. which will rt- ; -. p rltf.i : and appr.-ve 1. the ool oil t bo at : 'flie o , i ii 1 i-ixl iiccil anil t (ii.ii ! illl'S - I'. Alilxilt .0 o u us o .man toe tied present it I i;Ugb. b :h" Seaaie and House and see : Poeins- mop lay pnsned through inst.ed through. eaten- ir, 1 wail bi reported next T, . J leley 1- one to the lact tha on th sii' jeet above mimed are b . in b nuh- n is V" i n dent-i all the otfii -ial and I'.iiieiis iti'in- i . 'fiie llu insane ae remoie.l. niuii.s.ion will be abol l-'d. apqifrpriation will not r idwtty i toi iv-et. -i tl ' , V' sit '. t-1 Tin j'.'e i : 1 1 . a ad appropriation will be "! l ,l .ir statistics will be .'.da the Ag rieul i lira I IX t he .Vgt lenitural eotl' go. a o . . i.rv wtd bj elitiroiy it'ons iUled iv bv n :. :i !. e t Ati, 1 bo net t did mtio ami Xorth so i.Diended that t" Governor wili lusiotiists wall ie- ( )!ando K i rk m o was arrested and jail-'i'm-selay for jiasstng id .11 blrl-l! I counterfeit me l.es. mi; tnvi'Mi:i. I'l iiroiitiwn:. A 'roili'il II ot.se - The mc.il a Uranij in.hiiia lisl.tl.i! Ii'iiiui-o. IMl-asi'il. Hi lh iif v - Mla-ln i- i !:.i!'.-:ivl tioiipi- s hat I' - ,!a !oi:!o tir- ca-oi;. ' Ii -a sh-n .- ol' i hi" kind i ' v"'dd ii ilisiae ii! to h ao had a .o ii tin y had he n !u IV lie;', to :.n Utile rial ll on ol De livery lotly tin- Mvenlh 1 in Xow i a run "I' a hoii-c. loit I the eX'cl- I- k'lo'.vi). II. I'd lO its to -t iiidni- Ic-aoo ot lit. ii- ji.-i :o; in i o in-' ij'.lo liv the h' .:- V II i III ' I 111 I'll':', );!l. : an Th ell,, o pea t a heii'hi i an d elc ami .Mo st- .' h al Ah m a I I, I ill f atun b. tl. in i , Itloll i i' lliu ...i.sitleroblv W.I- . r pi'isent il n of an ideh the "...;od to -Ar, dlads. tok i I a. Tl 'r ml the i ait v, Ton Mm, we i'i on. i w ,d. A lh viell.-e I I e oi n -a o, i'ra.k hi. M'l Fun w 'S nimnia1 and .i.i.iculty ol h. 'I'lc a. .',,i).itio f for. I la t o.'- uero cute ' I lo V w era s 1-1 la ah ii and lilt v 1 a h - aol-. a.t- o the th re." Ki-x- -M-.a t i : nrl v well exe tnii! i neat.', acts re- IJllil'ill'. it rnfi-iii ' a"i i it v. Ian thev were iifoimed with nnirvell. us i a-o tin, I "I'aoo. Ueiier w ork id'ils ki. tl wa- never sei u ill New Bejne. 1 1 u-.di Jlr 'ov la hi- Iali.n club .piu-o.i";- -howe l that i- tlioi'.umh m isier of ins a1 1. To excel hiai w ould be lai;.o-s, fl c sit Idon f.oin I'' ..I liid.i it Was imny little ato I un x eaiiiiinies ie. their tl tran-f uanatio!! ite-iiie I w.il is Into Ciloied Ii lies 11 w..s ;i Itv. nrpi asm as eslllj. 1 mi"" j Mr nie I ll'Tiry. ia In- t- 'l' t: -n'o-aec V I. : spieii dd l.oid v.. is superb. g!nil:al'iini d'.'i1 i was In aiitilit'. 1 losing ti'tituiv. the l'eiinseiiialinti 1 -tat 11a ' y . a Ihe w- rid I -V living bv .,11- ..I" o , lei uiu bg.it. was o! 1 ligil'V-. bv ni well "X. cut, 1 tin; 1' 'il- f e 1 'i'ii tit! It". .ml aooi onp 01 n d 1 1 V t X ila 1 Malm- bv .Ml'. H, 111' V. li id i v and a halt hours ols.ahi tan.,,., I 1 tti , , itieut. nid tl. pait-j ed well poi-ol witn IV entire perioral it"ee It wa a fee oaleia a in mcai t tlllOUgllntlt. Some 'i th" i k s wer- old. but the stage settings and cio.-lumes were ele gant, the best rvi r set u ni t in Mew Bertie stage, and . he eaiei latnuient ad in all was as jjieasing as any that ha sever liee.a here. J THE HATTER AS I. Kill 5' HO I Nil. Favornl.lt Kejiorl on the Iraetlc bility of Ils Erection on IiHmonI Shoals. Cajit. Millis, tngineir secrelary of the light house board, has re! uracil to Wash ington from an . Hiatal trip of inspection to Diamond shonis. off Cape tlatteras. X. C. He ivp"f'S as t h" results of his in-vesiigati-'iis as to ih- tbtiricter of the stintis and c nasi, teal I c f und noihing to catitige i n; opinion "f the light house b .ar.l ban. it is . n irely pr itaicable to erect a ogid house on ii,e -duals. Corigrc-s litis nnido an appiopriation of $200.0,0 f. begin the work and limited the lota! cost lo Sodn.titiO. The plans tre in an advanced sate of prepara tion. II E.tTII FVI-N EJS ,r E V I!EK E. Aln n.vx Good-Exeepl oiimlly so at This Time. A llenlth Hiitl Plenture Ro Morl. Xew Berm has always been regaided as a remarkably healthy phe e and jti-tly so, but lor m no tune past we seem to have lieen spc-eiiily bh ssed in this pai tic ulaf. 'i here is. at the pre-ent time sc lively any sickne-s of any kind in n.e city. 'I he doctors jokingly say tt is --d' dressing h.al t 1 v ' 1 hat ttiev nevr knew such a small amount ol siekne.-s. New Berne is destine I to itleivase in popularity as a health and pleasure le-mrt especially 111 the. winter season, its de lightful cl tie oiviitg largely lo its pioxi'idty to tiie gu'f sin am isa very large factor in causing this, ami die good fishing, huuling, sailing etc . at and near the city is ats.. aiding materially in bring ing it about. HOTEL AK'O.MHODATIOSM AMPLE For All Vii!or4 10 the EsiMt Carolina Fair The Increase in HotelN aud RoartliiiK' House Inri:iK' the I'asl Year. Imptirv is sometimes m ule as to the Hotel aecomuio lations I'or visitors to the Fast Carolina Fair. We can siy with all coulideiici; that they are ample. The citv has met all demands of the kind in the pasl and is better able to do so this year llu.n ever before, because, along with other impiovements two hotels have been added daring the past. Near. The elegant Chattawka and the centrally located Xeu-see. while Hotel Ailio.tt -an.l the Fullor.l II.iii-i- are 1 mining ju-t the same, as behne. B'j-ide-s 'In hotels ih. it' .arc a large number ol 'boarding hmis. s. Their num ber likewise has increased during the Year. And lastly, the citizens thems-lves stand ready on sueli o v istotis to care for the visitors. Kvetv u'tir.ii tinvtiss of the city is made andab-t uitult; up and printed of the places in tin citv hat watt take l.oartleis. how nianv c .oii p ace win nooimnio.i:nc and at wlitti pric -. Tin's; lists tin dis tributed on the traiqs ami can I"' also obat tied tit the Fair grounds up m appli cation to the Secretary mid Treasurer, Mr. Chas. Heizer.stein. lie! urn Theme Hooks. Tiie following books are ini.-sing from the V. M. C. Alibr.iry: 1 vol. Pre-cott's Reign of Philip the Second; 1 vol. liancroll's History; 1 vol. Guizot s il sr..ry of France; 1 vol. I'back arv'i X'ovels; 1 vol. Cii"bou's Home; 1 vol. David v'oppei field; d vol. Cooper's Vol-..;-- The Pilot. I tomnuard. Atlt.at aid Asi.ore; vol. 1'ti-kiii No. j an 1 N.i. li; 1 Vol. Sim Jones" S.-r lis; 1 vol. Stephen's llishny of the I'tiited Sttites; 1 vol. Le'glitiiis ilidofy of Rome; 1 vol. Me. nones' "f Robt. Lee.- I vol. Scott i-h C-liels; i vol. siv:-- Fa edv Robins.. 11; , j v,,, fiilll Br.iV. I.'s Seiniol D.IVS at 1 vol. B n Hur: 1 v. Hui: 1 vol. M lure's ! Rook; 1 vol Long- ! 1 voi. La .,.. Poem-; 1 vol ion s Poem-; j i x vol. Marie Atuoaette and her Son; 1 vol. Mark I wain's Tom S iWYt-r; 1 Vol. Xaik Twain's skeiches; 1 vol. Maik I'wt.i ,'- Iluekl ). ia v Ftii:,; 1 vol. Ivnei-i son's Ks-; 1 vol. Baco a'.s K-s i' s; 1 vol. Di-iaeiis Pi'.me Mioisni .- 1 ol. Lmie s veral vears tiytng to breed and doim sti Ksln Club: 1 ml. Bill Nye and Boom-', oat-, including" red heads, mallards and etaeg; 1 vol. Work .! tlic Wi:s; 1 i ol. ! black ducks. Mark T a urn's frm.p AbiMio; 1 vol.; The same informant also expects Johu Wi'cke.l on the B l'.nii, ai : i vol. Poe.-' ; W. Rusk, a noted poaltry fancier of Tabs II lines Falls, X. Y. and a gentleman Person- havb'g a-y of the above vol-1 r. presenting a prominent Philadelphia umes wa 1 plea-c a u.ii i hem t.l once to . house to look at Mr. Edward Bull's ex- the libnirv -r I" R U. Ill at ting Score- tar . w le ' t an be in or lt,e .lOL'llX.U. O tl i r I either at ihe itdi ; Xlesnll tit' t lie A rl ieEe in llarner'-s. T,.e Wilmington M -s'ligrr has a stale- ' incur fr m Rdeigb wliica s.iy-t "T:.e art i'-!e i.i i tie J itni.n ' nutiil er of Harper'- Magazine, oil Ninth Carolina. 1 writt deal ' qiliiv Stale Julian Rd s oo lag a g a stream of ' g i rd ing real ' g, aid. A re-it ; for iaha'nti at d a pa i tteiii; ll is ion I' li qit"sf for hand uii.iiis.sioiiiT of agri books, in! t i.i i i To-d ,V the i had a lelh r f roigltind, asKir.g for st handbook saying the writer had read the article in Harper's. iiKoi'i'ii) ii:i hiiii.f: ih xtix; Mr. A. A. Baker of Xfw Jerney Slid tleiily Fxpirew Thnrmlay ,ear .e Jierne. Mr. Adol)hus A. Baker of Dover. New .Toi-ey. went hunting Thursday over Ni u-e river (-.iiDosile New B. rne leauic j hole n'oout e'even o'clock with two yoiillc, S -in'l .Morjian mill .John Study, about' inline, n and tiiuen yers old. Din ctly alter icadiin- the oilier side,! the older o' the hos lie ng Mill in the ! . b oil. and the oilier. Master t-Unuly illi ' -Mo. B..ker a little nay tiffin the wools.; th" latter sienied to s'umble and then feli hi'lphs.-lv forwai-il. strikin- Irs lace a-ainst a root with such loreo as to cause i , blood to tfiw. lie gave no signs of life and boili the ijnys woic s. on at the side I ol their fallen companion. i They believed him to he in a faint and I tiii d to iecover him bv applications ofj ".m i io i.i .-.e: uin i' ii.. OV...I. ,. ,. .,- . I. i . with illhcultv thev movetl linn lo the b at one supporting his head the other rowing thev came back to the citv so he I ' could receive l etter attention. But nothing restorative could be done: it was but a lifeless body they brought ' I nek. The spirit had left its tenement of 1 clay, si 114 1 the preparation of Ihe body j for Ilia tomb was the Kid attention they ' required. j The remains were taken I o Mr. George I Motiltoii's, a fiieud of the dteeased and stepdather of Mr. Morgan w ho was with ..Mr. linker when lie expired, and th.re ma h r.ady Icr the giavc. The le'atives ol the deceased in Dover were telegraphed the sd news and the remain will be taken there tor interment. Mr. Baker was about 60 years of ago. lie leaves several g'rowti children North. He had an attack ol pneumonia nearly a ear ago, and his health has not been right since, lie came to Xew Heine about three weeks ago lo es.ape the rigors of the Northern climate, his sister aud niece., Mrs. Emily Byriiin and Iter daughter. Miss Ilattia, arcoiupanving him to spend the remainder of the winter. At fust they visited Mr. Moulton but had taken ro uns at Mrs. Mary B. GordiAis and wen: living there. Th" b -rest ved ones have the heart felt ymptiihy o! our people in their trouble. A HA-V-UK F NCHIIOI'l.r.. On Ihe A. A X. V. Krtllroml Joei Into EHeel Alter To-dny. After to-day a slight change of schedule on the A. & X. C. Rjilroad goes into effect. The mail and passenger train leaves Morehead City a half hour later than it now does, and is correspondingly a half hour later throughout the entire length of the road. It will leave More lit a I City at 7:07 a. m., arrive at New Berne at 8:7, and leave at 8:")0, and ar rive in Goldsboro at 11:30 a. m. This is the only change n the passenger train. From Goklsboro to Morehead is just the same as before. The 1'r. ight train is a h.ilf hour later in leaving Goklsboro for Xew Berne and a half hour laler in arriving here, and this is all the change on that. Fiom New Berne to Jonrehead the schedule is the same and it is the same on the upward inn. The Ir.iin will hereafter leave Golilshor.. at 8 a. ot . and nrrive at Xew Berne at 12:45 p. n. WHARF, ETC., AT MOORE'S ID'CI. ! Just Finished by the W F'or the Use of il I. A K. R. R. Ktw River Steamer. The wharf and warehouse which Mr. Thos. McGee. of the W. N. & X. 11. R. has been at work upon at Moore's Landing. New river was finished yester day. The wharf is a spxntiid subs'iinti-il oneu 652 lent long, and the warehouse ample for every requirement. It. isj'or the use of the steamer Geo. M. Purdy as is also the one recently built at .M11 lines. The. Purdy, it will b remem bered, is the serviceable Iriiight ami passen ger steamer which belongs to and plies New river in connection with the rail road. A Wonderful Marksman. Mr. J. W. Bartlett, ot Burial.. X'. Y , representing manufacturers ol the Burgess repealing shot gun, astonished i?eveial members of the Gun Club, with his mar vellous skill in shooting at clay pigeons 011 the grounds of the club at Hilt m Park Wednesday alteruoon. The gun is a six shooter. One of his feats was breaking five clays, all thrown into the air at one time. Another was throwing a clay into the air, turning a hand-spring and taking the gun from a bystander ami hitting the object betore it reached the ground. . Another feat was shooting at and hitting one of the dav discs while standiug on his head. Wil. Star. Liquor Netznres. Mr. W. T. Caho, Deputy Collector of Internal Revenue, has made two seizures of liquor for violations of the law. The ti r -t was two packages, five gallons each, in the New Berne express office, marked I.T. North and W.K. South. The elber seizure was two package3, live gallons eiich, at Jacksonville, one marked W. E. Pate, the other J. E. Sap p. It was all from Key & Co., a (bs stidery establishment of SitiitesviUe. Siiccet-M'ul Hnnllnff. The Jsicksouville Times gives the fol lowing hunting item. Messrs. Rapleigh, Ireland and Gillespie of New York have been spending some dstys at their Lodge on Xew River a lew miles below this place. Thus lar ihey have succeeded in killing six fine deers ami large numbers of turkeys, ducks etc. Last Saturday thev entertaine 1 Dr. R. Ward and Mr. V. B. Murrill. The Doctor had a fine chunce at two bucks that stootl within a few leet of him, he fully expected to kill them both, but guns snap occasionly and that was one of the oc- Castons. We extend our sympathies. Doc tor. Some of the Prominent Visitors Com ing to the Fair. Mr. Wm. H. Edmond-, ot the South ern States Mrtgazine, Baltimore, writes Mr. Chas. Hallock. aaent in Xew Berne. fdr special industries, that he ami Mrs. Edmonds are planning to visit our Fair iu Febnnrv. Mr. Fred Mather. State Sup'c of ?ish eries at Cold Spring Haichery, X. Y., also declares his intention to be present. Among other guests he is alter live speei- t mens ot wild d.-;cks which he has been for hioi;. ot Craven county economic wo id' aud possibly, Hamilton Busboy K-tp, managing cditior of Turf Field mid Farm. New York. WuriHi the Social l liil). in Roanoke. Roanoke seems determined to rid hei st It of the social-club evil. The proprie tors arc being fined to ruch un extent in the police and hustiugs courts that most of the elubiooms have closed their doors. In the hustings court on the 20th the Belmont. Social dub was fined $110 for selling liquor without a license and on S.imhiy, titul Frederick Coojxfr, w ho is its proprietor, was au additional $120. 'Ex. ' "'-jiiij .z, i.. ,hit n - '' .f,.'i .Via"' ' ."' ,.'''i.'..'.'JMP.",'ei r.ns ADRIFT In Hie 'lly or I'.lntu nnd 'lrlnfly,;.. l.all.ot'eil in anil Itrlelly ToUl.' v - . . -vl4 j Tin New Berne Silver Cornet I?i1, .,. j l'r u. A. W. Cook, leider, and W;C. ll'hdap-. nama-or. lias started mf at'. ! ha tl x.'i.tk iiimI is in a ii'oninim wy- to ..." it n It l - n il music dm ing t lie Fair. . ' . i; '1 h r liho id hich a lare o.vuler, Cm ' : i;nv i- h 'li'tlin.', coi)iiut'no Sioni' linv, N.'i .ivcl. with tin W.X X. 'K'lil. r.'a i, i-pr.i'r. s-inir finely. It lacks only a ,i a le : un e-il' I'ein-completed. , -M s-i -. KHvard C'lark aud Dan lolv ' '" crs M.'iitnp m ar Tuscnroni yesterday a ' lilt -.tiiiLT an ' as a ro.-ult brnrrght -twic-t . foriy partiid-r-H last natflit. A KoOit. divs TSi" l.i.il.-r of the steamer lug. FlMUfcis, hiiii'ii,' to IJicn & San of 11 road o. k. w.,i. li M-ssrs. J. rt.CV.ibtres A'Co.: . . . .. . . haui b i'ii l horouyhiy over lauhniT'. tt'tif ,. . , . i lid lied and haslet the shop lo bi . re 1 1 tiie boat. . ' Mr. J. W. Chaptii . real ng cleric of (ha State Ilous'oi 1iepreeniaiives wrkts u-r that he w nl do what lie can ' (9 Kkjtti9 I.e.dsl ti n'.-io mtend the East Carolina . Fatr. '" 's-i v -' The shtul und herring tu-n ,op - is nnvf opening The lirst tuiide jlitiiti -'Oppwt' aiico iibo.it t w. fffi k. ftgOi Tlwy.-jnr'i.', however, c nc as yet nrtd .rommajdintr limy pit is A go.KI duck sntia will bring Tn c aits, a good roe $ 1.50V ' -' , M.sars i: 1 li-; lltiiicock ' and ' Will : Hlaekh d'e wa re two proud boys y)iier . dav. Thev went hiiniing and iwctdd in killing t ie 11 aefl wild turkey cobbler-: we bii v ever sen he weighed, J2l lioiiiuU. I. w is indeed a ! eanlitul Hpoci- " men. 1 I!v. Ileotl rson Cole, districi: agent for the S n er Sii.v.ng Machine, is m.i-vipg up I., the tit. from Verona, and will sfio. ill 1 - ' 1 rr ...;o . ' .' or.ea ins oiu.' lie will, boWlVC- 01 n'ltni. h fir.-j it lu re lv nr. : Mo, .'.lav. won; on the OnsloV Mi,slon Vii-iisi. Mr. Ode 'has at-- -tl. His fin.ily will f ohfd np f D.mie"8 wh.) re4"nel a'fcliicf J Ji ins Clerk i f the hit . nor J), pirtment tiuit be migbt b-iii tiiiTsiit charge ot hi paper. lh.. News and Observer w.is immediately., sitec d-d mi 1 he 23d. inst. by CiifV. Ar thur Bunts, (.'apt. Burnt has brea. for mally eais t onlidenial secretary t ..lii-, at.r lluisnm. and is sn id to le in every,' w.,v (tt, tor t10 ,,.sp ,si',le poaitliml r, K . (lftur,.r 1eH TP.. terdnv to vi-it rel.tlive in Stilem, &iuC itv liege in the a.'terooun by steamer iti) ftj tend . the M .d son square .jarden poultry show N. V. at which he will make an' e'xhibi-, tion o! bi'ds from his ynrds at NerJ3KTiie. In tms show" it costs the exhibitor ;.f 2 each lowl he euUrs. " - Mr. W. K. Patters n is back .fforo a j . bus nesi 11 10 inSuntii Carotin,' 'which . , to .k in Florence, Georgetown, i'oit Roa! at.d the co 1st seciioa generally,, lit) . finds th-; peop e greatly interested .til. tile. E't-t Cairo d ..a Fair to b.; held here ;conr. mencing Febtuary 18di, and re;i)its "l Hut the in iic oi ms are that numberV of thi- ' tors will come even f'r.im as lar , down il (.'l.tu'lcs'iin. -..fcVjra The following is found in ihe WalsVii iff- ton news of the News and Obscryfer ,Dr. P. Iia'.r.-ck, formerly of Ri'ei:jh,'Who m In re, tells me tliat te will h-uve tleict'werk ' . Pr Noitli Ciirolinu where he wilb jtlsUver , le'iurn jn the prinoipt.1 ,-towpfl, 'IJypuatis .1." He will (Jeliverttin Diit lectuie i Khz . bath City. ' ' :' ' . -j. 4trrf-'v '1 T.e baptism of Mrs. Dupre took place . . Thursday ai the foot of lltosrl'fitrtetut the appoin't'd hour b. ltwv. D, ii. jlitt' die. A 1 1 raw concourse f p.ulo. Jtitiiir- t ed .ni th 1 -i"ks of the river" lb "Utiles a the itit t eiat' n. Mr. Brindle ' delhf red ' a cone s ami f ireib e discourse ' JTiioiiV' ya . , . liou-. b ble qu . tai ions, the cnntVnti . if wh'.cli we lai'iliftu in otliJu. w-. More Special Premium. I .. Mr R. X. Sweet, uf Wjltjjilicrton, thi' iitgh Messrs. Ilackburo , t Vi) Mett, ' oilers t -n sacks of Liverpool ground alum sa't I n- :b best-packed salt fish exhibited . at the East C.-irolfn i Fair. ' v .'. , Mrs. o. MnksofTTsu handsoihe fratii-1 id pictuie for the l)eso dispU t of . ine.'ts. . ' 11 . .itm, Tnttl onnlrv Flreih.f n--'i' '- A le use on the,tiu-in of Sheriff W. B. , -1 ', ' - Ijine t'ta unied Jiy colored tcnfiius W . burned on the night of the 23d. 'It seem lo have can .'lit ''v children plavinjj'ln "llio." fire. The loss w'as about 1200-v The -hiiio night a smad .1 we'l'.lig in the same in igni orhnod that bail been occu': pied by" Mrs. S irah C. Ivey ' and fimu which sh covtd th. piTiMi ttay vas also i.un.ed It i- i.el eved to have, been ol in e'ld siry oi'jgin. , ,' ; ., - ' 1 " o '. ."r A Uriinlnc RooHter Orckutr.', 1 . - Abmit hdf a 'Zi.n new id ,low have beu secured for tiie coming Fair. Among the nove'ties tLat will .lie shown J in one ol llic n is u live rooster OftihesT .-y di-nitl? !, Imra-yard Shanghai, fMisterg ' ; that wnl play on brass and stripged ln- strunients. ' j 1 This unique band is consideitorlinne of j .v the gtiate-st rmvellies iietore tbe public- J aatliiwiil no doubt attract a great ileal ol si'te ll'ton. '' ' Xeu Res-ne I)r.i.nntlf Aaaoclnvtloa. . . 'I he homt coiupaey which temporarily org.'itfz il S'll Still'l O roc nllv tiial gave good and pi l ioimnni es in New''Ben.e, : Wilini igbin an I Kinston, haVe held a . meeting an 1 fTecieil u perniantnt or ganizit on. 'fh-v will heivtifer lie ktinwu" as the New Jls-ni's Naval KeserVe Dra matic Com -any. 1 hey intend to give A .. v fine perfoini'iuce 011 Thursday night of r- ' , ;V Fair week. al . " . .. X 'flie officers of the Association are ' President. W. T. .McCrffthy; Secrelary,, 1 W. .1. Mc.-tor!e; Treasurer, A. 11. Powell; Business M iragcr, T. C. Daniels; Direc tor and Singe Manager. C. L. Ci-iskill. n River Fishing; and Oysterlnf . . Mr. Thos. MeCee, bridge and wharf builder of the W. X. & X. R. It., who came up lust night from New River, in forms us that, the fishing there now ia quite good. He .-peaks of having Keen fifteen thousand trout on one steamer aud another I" .at yesterduv. Considerable is b ing thine nl oysteilng a'so On - shipper Mr. Uriah R. Camtdy keeps ?5 tn It I s'tnekors at work oiienini; and in 'it s huge shipments d. ii I V and there tire others d h og Itk. wise. Ileal I. ol' Mr. HrRiUoril E. Uatlin. Mr. P-ttd nd K. G ulin d.etl TliU'sday mottling January Ctth id ten oclock at bis Inline in Stonewall, Pinubco county, ot tnnoiiia, sifter an illness ol" o nv Lair "ay . 'I'ho illness begun Nun d iv morn ll.'. Mr. i;a I n wis a prosperous firmer anil out of i. to best tu piunpe.., ennntv, a de. ii ( hri.stntn, a niombur of the .Moi In. bs' o.iureh. Ho was in the 44tl vcar ol I is ,g . His wil',. and five clnl- tlr n : u t v a. New If i'i it' him. I It has two sislers in Mrs. Wi... s. (itiskins ami . Gordon. Tin y left upon Mrs. Mfo-v I! receipt I the the tun ial. new - ol Ins .I. i.tli io atp n.i Cl tier. . J, iS'ph i Pan I colored, who mur hu. weeks ago niyl preliminary trial ril Thursday give hiin- P'.nki W..S e'e I l ed ill I lie l!ir.nurd'ini. Ala.. j self up lor nmitl.r. He siid he h.ul been niat.e a pr opiiei and could not alaud the I thought of unpunished. v-v.:' I, A i ,;''';''' t I (

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