- X V TiF-V -fib cs-wST tt 36 Colurrins -WEEKLY- for $1.00 a YEAR. T ' f . 4. t$l 00 &r T-ar INDEPENDENT IN ALL THINGS. Single Copies, 5 Cents. '.."A. V1L. v NEW BERNE, CRAVEN COUNTY. N. C, FEBRUARY 7, 1895. FelniarilM tii Brt,M iMIM I 111 HMj ' ' t . r 0: 1 l: ? tJEOKGE SLO.EK, Pre. J. c Wx i KIXS, Se & Trea. S LOVER HARDWARE CO. DEALER IS. -v-' S I AND CEMKN i", PLASTEU and UAlU, ' PAINTS, OIL AND VttXISH, V v ,vt.V BUGGY and ART MATERIAL, -s-'Nu. .Ca-HAHN & CO., HANGING FkOM (4 And Veii-bing:; From 85Q to 1450 lbs. Eaci; Some extra fln Uvirera hj dorses also adapteU to all purpose Exceptionally fine Draft ' Horses au1 Moles. ; A full'-arjcuniplote line uf Buggies au Harnesi alwfy " on bind. , t'-V IBlue Froat Stablec, M.tIle Street, New Berne, H. O. the ;p!aco U buy j Carr;a2e,jgyor;Road Cart, Farm Wag ons and Carts,: Harness, Whips, Robes,' Eta, 1 WOETS 'THE imEY " ' -I ' FOR CA.SH OR NEGOTIABLE PAPER. . , Always has the. largest stock: carried by any dealer in Eastern iSorth Carolina to select from, and everthing strictly IQaaranteed as represented.- " . - The Great Has Beturiiei from the r chased his Stock at In Prices than ever before heard off . HIS STOCK Is :the Largest New Berne, to None in Reader let me say - ' wmsper in your ear see me before ?ou Kpeno your hard earned dollar, come down acd ex amine my stock beiore you buv. Is thankful for past favors, and wishes to 8af to the. people it will be to their interest to see him. Farming Implements, IBOv, STEEL AND NAILS. 72 MIDDLE STREET MY- . 8IS0LE COMB BRO WX LEGHORNS and '- AMERICAN DOMNIIQUES ARE of tht i best Strain in tht South. Sum Winter Layer. SEE THEM AT THE FAIR. I;iir5 mid Trios Si n for Sale. 'Eggs in Season, 91.25 for 15. V. .Write, - - - JOS. M REEL, Beelsboro, N. C. i 7 YEARS OLD, jUi'a', Horse v or'Mule, American IXorth where he Pur- OF CLOTING in the citvof and Second the State. to you safely Let me mm THE CREAMERIES QUESTION. BV (AHOU.VA DAIIIVJ1AX. f Chance for Siicccs I n leant the Best Cattle, Xmt Suited to Ihr Purpone are Vsed. Mr. C. IIali.ock. New Rerne. N. C. Mv Denr Sir: If ihi- Suite Daily Asso ciatiDii is not uoin' to be Urfly iiUnD:zed at tin? .Ktart, it is only a mutter "I time ti inure its 8utfes ie;iue tbere are a few men interested in it n hi u ill make it go. The object of the Association 19 to encourage just wlmt y.ui surest, viz: the startin! un of eo oDraiive cn-Hnieiies. for the purpose uf rei-eivim; h contribu tion of milk from eery uirnier within renchofil. I Imilt at my own expense a creamery heie costing over f.5,000.00 for the very' purpose y. u nam'', but the fanners cuM not make their milk pny nt 1 00 per 100 lb., anl I nm sure there is no money in it either to the former or opetator until there are better (Liry 'owsv nt:d a lpt:er knon ledss a to the f-eil n 11 I rnrp ul the row an i h s :m chietl v lv a coiuplhini through .m itMocia'iuo." The average butier yiehl per cow per yiar. oJ cows in the linnds of formeis I do not think is mat h over 200 lb., and 1 tun aire a cow yielding only this amount can not be made proSu-.ble, especially handled by those uufamiliar with the proper care a cow deserves. A. erianury was also started in Char lotie, one M Statesville ani auother at n pluce close to Asheville, and not one was a buccess. "Wliy? beraus-e there wvre no profitaiile cows and little or no knmvl edge existing among the larmers. I am running my own eiemery with cows that make irom 400 to 600 Ms ot butter a year, and I cannot expect to et a fail- interest upon the ca'pttiil sntil my herd of niitRers are increasd t 150 to a0 head, beennse in order to uet cows of this tyiie I had to invest larg sums of money first tducitte the people in dairy farming, ine nauihni ana b.eeding 0' ltter dairy stock, und if i his can he accomplished in connection with a co-operatie creatnerv so iniicli the Utter for the larmer. Very tw larmers in tnis Mate re able to win ter it herd of 20 auiii.a's as they should be from the produce of their faim?. Careful experiments anl records have l:een mado here etn'racinu years ol work (to prove positively ttie earning capacity ot good native ca.tle, as auainsi the thor oulibred for dairy purpos-s. and from ihese I uru nble to say that with the pres ent cattle rs ownel by the gen ml foinv-r throughout, our Sist no stitactorv re sults ii. ay be erjJec.ed ) The tirt object Of the SS:iCialion I t .ink should be to diffu-e this kn .wle- ge among ihe fiim ers, and t .isc nrse will nHtuittlly n-sult in the Iieir fumre of th- esiatlishment of the PO-per nive creamery, i.ui it piest-nt il 8U" It were 8'atte.i rin m ial faiiuie of ine nudertiking would result. Yours Faithfully, EEK B. U. I J AMBLE Y. R kwe!i. iN. C. THEY ARE BOl'.D TO COME NOl'TH. The Cotton Iadastrtc ol the Country Will Soon Center In the Sonny Home rtbeOcttcn Plant. The N. Y. Herald gives as t rung reasons why ibe cottOQ mills of New England have cot to Come South as a Southern publication can do. Tle certai.itv of the Soutluro uiovcment is l coming per lectly apparent to all n t w ili'uilv blii d Soothwutd the;,4siar of empire wends its way," in spite of everything. Nothing can stay its onr-jH. The Hird.i says: "The remarkable movement ot the cot ton mills from Nevv England to the 8 uiti which hug recently nttr.cted b i much m tteniion, continues and is like y to combi ne uf til the cott-n indus: n. softlH' C- lin try cenir as th-v should d.., in the sunny, homo of the cotton plan'. "TLe ndvantage of ibis trmsfer are ob. vions. In the first place, the chief raw niat'-tinl used is mme C'leu p'y ootiined by the Southern mill, and the s-tving in the cost ot iis transpoitation mus". alwi,- be s sevious consideration with tbu mmu fuctun r. The irii;ht Southira c imate s much nmre f ivorable to the health of operatives than the rigorous cimiute of New England. Labor in the S uth is also more steady and cheaper than .in the North. Bar there is still an jther and im pottant Coosileratioi in fjvi.r of the South as the chief sent of our cotton manufac ture?, which seems to hnve been ovei lookefl. "The statistics of the Treasury Depart ment show that 73 per cent of all cotton cloths, colored and nncolor. d, sported J from the United States go to countries sit uated south ot the 40th decree ot north latitude, or to countries whose chhf sei ports are Dearer Not folk and Charleston than Boston. The development of our export tra le in cotton piece goods must for many years be looked for chiefly in il markets of Mexico. Central uud South America the West Indies, Africa and China. And these foreign markets can be more easily reached from the seaports of tiie South than fiotn any seaport of New Entland. If American cottons are to compete in foreign markets with those of Europe they must utilize all these advan tages." WASHINGTON LETTER. i A Trusted Leaner Needed. Testimo nial to Joaepba. Daniel. Board of Trade and Bankers Like the Presi dents Financial Policy but no one Else Does. The Presidents message and the Sprin ger loll are absorlun topic, of onver-' sition. The party leaders do Dot stem to know what to .00 The p".ny needs a safe and trustil leader at this moment more tlmn it has in ma iv venrs. i The Charlotte Mint Park lull hitherto ! outlined in this correspon le ce becomes j a law us soon as il receivis the Presidents ! signature, which wi'l probably be this I aftertiOon. j Mrs. Joseplms D.mii-ls showed me to-' day a uio-t l.niiit'al t. st'tuonial prese ted , to Mi. Uaiii Is by the la. orn s in ins . th.:e , in the Interior L'epartiiie;i!. It is a . x ' of cherry hand-m . e'v . in .n ent.-I witu bras and ined wito wii te-an... It , . n tams a complete et of s. It i -liver sp.-o ,-, folks, laoles, auo two exiiiitsit. ly cii s. d impkin nigs. Ad lie p..- t in -;.r Mr. D uiels monora u Tiie elegant present ouglit to bec 'iiip a treasured heirloom ia Mr. Danieis family No contiiiiuti.ui to it as so lcite i. Eki c ti' w.sao!u'-' taiy mbote t . his .opu anty. Ihe Sen ate has bo n in ex cutive e.Oll ou a ior etgn i reai all day. Ihebill appr p ia'iag $70,000 lb;- light house on the lower C.pj F.a', an i $3,000 tor a range light was sen; to t.-e Secretary of tiie tn lu-iu' t. - i y foi ht approv d. Tie bill ill pi. Uiblv p-ir-s as i the Secntaiy is known t . be in fior ol it. ! Capt. Alexander h is anotiiet lv.ll before I Congress looking to tt.e i i n ; .rovetio nt of j the quai ters of ti.e codectoi' oi . i he pon t S uthport. A small ;.pp oprcition ol 6.500 is asked for. The b aids f ta e and b.it.ke's are in favor of the Presi. e t's tin metal p.. l ey. No'iody else seeo.s to be. Senator Ve-t made a short out violent speech against it just nftir the Journal u..s r ad. sjecator Pr'nchiito ami To n Settle went to the theatre logethti. 'J'liey ae evi dently making up. WANTED. 5000 Custom rs at War-! sek's Cafe to sample FieUch WafH- s. , 02. win; KEEP OXI.Y THE BEST COWS. Is ThoQAd vice of a 'orth Carolina Dairymen to Those (ontcniplntintjr EstablUhlnv Batter and heese Ear torleie We "he this iiiornin'' a li tier to Mr. Chas Hallock f.om Mr. S 15. C. Haml'- 'ev'I proprietor of the Rockwell stock Farm sit. tided on the Yadkio i:iilro;id ; near Salisi ury. ITe emphasizes the im i portance of havinc d cows of the ; breeds bet tid ipted to Ho; sp c'oil Hir- pose for which they tire di sinol. Mr. j Ilambley's specialty is choice Je sev l creamery butter made exclusively front the yield of a herd of thoroughbred cows. consequently he speaks Irom exper ience. It will I noticed however that though Mr. Hatnbley dwells upon the f lly of at 'empting the busintss with common cows he speaks confidently .if the future profitable advancement cf the industry. He merely emphasiz-s the lact that the tst cows are hhsoltualy essential to run ninj the business at a n od ))fntit and that ta oa rs rtr-t i.f all sti'.uld turn tin ir at tention to unproved stock. This is good advice even lor those who are not con templatini; specially the going into the manufacture of butter and cheese. NEWS IN BRIEF. Thirtv States ate represented in the Woman's Suffrage Convention nt At lanta, (in. Thore is good news from the income tax. It will bring in about $50,1100,000 it is noiv thought. The war spirit is running very high in Mexico. Mexico has about ten times the population of little Guatemala. Perhaps this may account for Mexico being so fu I of fight and hard to hold. The Shanghai Mercury-, in an xtra edition, says that all of the mainland and island forts end Wai-Hai-Vei and the entire Chinese fleet have I ecu captured by the Japanese. At Laurena, S. C, J. Walter Gray, jr., Ihe young sou of ' Walter Grav, while playing witli'p5UM it was acci rlenta'ly exploded, killing a nine-year-uld coloieJ boy who was near bv. Susan Anthon is still blowing for woman suffrage. Thus far two States only allow it. Next Friday evening Mr?. Lily Dever eux Biake, of New York, is to address the Senate, on the vonians suffrage ques tion . E iison is now at woik with a plan to grease the shies ol ships so that they will slip thr..uh the water more readily. He says the friction of silt water ana its con s itnents is much more t:-an is g.-reraily believed and if he can only do wnat he is trying to do tiie Campania can uo fr.nn Ne York to Ltveipool in lour days. We len'n from th Jacksonville Times that on Sunday, the 28ih ins .. Deputy, U. S iar-hll J irman, of th. p. ace. ar rested Benj. Futre'l and Robt. Aillian.s tor illicit disiill'Do and retain eg. They were carried io Wihuingi-.n tor .. heating befce Coinmissioner 1J. H. Btiftbio. Wnh t he improv. ments going on in the way of pr- p -tlttig bicyi les oe ma shortlv tide wiihoui wo king his jj issage I'hey are rnm.ing some of tnetn wun Jdtle nap t ha engmes now, -o a. I one has to do is sit on deck mid steer. For tear.-, ii is claimed Japan has hd a ci.rps of spies covering over Ciruia; some even cla m that it has been done t.s long as titieen years insysiematic order A bio v ha been given De .s and his friends by the decision of Ju.lue Crossccp that if tliey issued orders to s op i rains they enyaged'ui a conspire y Sccietary Herleit received a te'egram front Adinital Carpenter at Ch e Foo. slating tint the b nnba rd.neot of Wui-Hti-Wei h ul iKgan and hat te cas dis patched the cruiser Yorktov.-n to witness ihe operutioii. to1i1 withdrawals yesterday re 'uc;m! the Tre-o nry gold res rve at the close oi i.us uiess to $42 361 9G3 The. ivithdiawms wen: At New York. $2,275,i.0O; at Chicago. $100,000. Ol the wii Imraw als nt New Y,.rk, $1.92 1,000 were for ex port. As tl'e result of an explosion of jraso line in the ct liar of Naynoi's Hotel. Chi cago. John C. Walsh was burned to death and Wm. Francis so badly burned that he nill die. Walsh was the proprietor of the hotel ai.d Francis th ninht clerlt. Theltichmoad, Va Chamber of Com merce passed risi littt ins appealing lo Congress to pass a bill embodying Presi dent Cleveland's recommendations tor relieving the financial strain upon the country and urging Virginia's Senators and Representatives in Congress to vote for such a measure. One of the Repulican Senators made a statement to the effect that the Legislature will in nil protjai i'ity adjourn by Fdiru ary 13. Other members tell there is no e round for such belief; that it is im-po.-sib e to dispose of the business by so earlv a date. It may yvith good reason b- taken lor granted that the LegisI ature wi'l remain during the full term of sixtv days. The reception to the Legislature at the Executive mansion on the 29th, was largely attended. Governor and Mrs. Cnrr received, assis od HyMts William Kcai ney Carr, Mrs S. E. Teltair, Miss Mary Ds vis and Miss Mary Hinlon. Private Set-ret try Teltair made tl.e representations. Tli ero was music, and dancing bjgin at 10 o'clock. The sugir crop of Louisana for th?s ye ir. tilthouih a large one, and made with usual economy, will not. it is said, lie profitable to the planters. But that, is no reason why th-y should ncvo a iiounty. or have any better c aim to it than the wheat-grower or cation umwjt, noither Ol wh .m has made any profit out of the crops raised this year The steamship Latin, which sailed from New York for Euiopei, Tut sday, carried 4,id'2 0O0 gold shiiiped as fol lows : Bv Ileidelbach Icketneinie'- & j Co.. 82.008.OtK): by Ijtd. nburg. t'ahlnu.u ! & io. 81,032.1.00, by Lazanl Fn-res. ! $500,000. The New York Adv the loss (hi- t., those in th.- Bio . k 1 v u s' like, venting violeive, te.. a does not include t tie otiscr figures nit lireet v ii ter?sic-i ..... ... K 4 1 I ifU! Ol III urine i ......... , loSs s in tia.ie. in wages to otriers a The strike Ins al in wages. d da.ll.ago to p i l o It V. eady lost over 81 ."0,000 It's a Vcrcl (tint rimnp ivriniiei ow. tlieii- Iteajde to Dr. Pierce's Favorite Presenptiou. The r ason ' enu'y oi fonn add face, a well a.s "fa e, ra ia'e Loin t ie common cen to. nciltli Tim l..t K...tilv eo ldit.on ipsn'tw. fiiiin ..ood fit.il trel. a i- :iiid ex- eivise, coupl d Wi ll the juoi.-iou-s Use of the "Pu senption." In inai e.i hood, woniauho-" i, and not herliood u's a sup.oortino t uic ihat' jiecu li.n ly" a hip-ted to her n.eds, regulating, strengthening, and curing, the derange, ::euts o. 'he sex. If there lie headache, paitt in the back, bc-;u ieg-down sensations, . g.-nerai debil ity, or it .heie I. iierv..us , list u rot ucesi, nervous prostrat ion, aad slo jplessues; , the Preset iption' re-.ciies ine niiin ol ttie trouble, and corn ci s it. It ihspeU aches anil paius. corn ets dispb icenicuts aud cures catarrhid inQamm-iriC'n of the lining meruliru'ies It's itU-n raottit -d t - betn tit or cure, in- the moocv paid lor it is refiui il. d. Dr. Pierce's Pellets ran indigestion. billousnt-s, uud kin. ted ailments const) pa'ioa. h eti1 laches LOCAL FACTORIES AV ANTED. CREAMERY BI TTER A-I CHEESE. Hon the EaetorieM are Operated In I he Suites Most Advaneeil in the In dustry' A I.eMMon f.r orlh t'arolina C'liikosinK the Broeils ol 4'ohk. Kditoh Joi'HXAl.: Vott have kindly placed already before your nad'-rs a pre liminary piper on pa-lurage leading up to the above important subject. I wish now to piesent some woikmg lignre lot such ol our people as may have become interested in Creameries and Cheese lac tones, as operated in Minnesota and Ver mont, where the Djiry industries are pre-eminent. Tin y "ill serve as a basis to stait on as ne'i as au approximate esti mate of expenditute una protit. VtFI.Ii PKK COW. Reckoning the number of cows in a collection distr.ct :t 100, wc calculate that for seven months each year Liny id I give an aveinge of twenty pounds per day which j., equivalent to .nwut tivo g.,ii .i,, f of milk, and a good cow will g ve twice j as much. This wou'd make two thotis- and pounds per day lot the dlstr ct, which would make 200 pounds oi cheee j per diy and would l.ring 820. , l. K.tCTOBv's OISTltlTT. ! A collection district i-s an area from which the day's milk product c;-n b com fortably gathered by a colhcior who goes the rounds of the farms w hich it eni'iraces and $20 is a big sum for a community of that small s ze to toivgo when it might as well plieed to iis credit. In a single month it would amount to $000, and in a year to 57.200. Such at ha-taiethe figures given in the ht annual statement of a cheese lactory in Ivittson cuinty. Minnesota, which had been inopeiii'ion since lfSO where no-.hing h id benipie viousiv raised Out wheat. FAVORITK I'l.AX OF OPKtt ATtN'O. The favorite plan for operating anil mainttining cheese factories is, to have a cent ial curing room in i ach county, with auxilliaty inaiichcs in each adjacent township, or wheiwef a ltl'ge enough quota of cons can be secured to furnish requisite milk: eich of these bra:. ches to be fitted witii suitable aiparatus for mak ing green cheese, which would be hauled once or twice a week to the main factory to be cured and boxed, pieparatorv io shipment for maiket. The cost o! tne-e auxilliarie- v ith outfit ought not to exceed $200 apiece. -By having oLe factory in each township or hamlet, each larmer could bring in his own milk, and as to the care of this milk and the maki ig of the cheese, t her j are plenty of boys and girls who would be quite capable of at-te-joing to it Another plan of operation is to have the firm. -re of a district all turn their cows into u :onitnon herd, and at the end of the siason. afcr all expenses lor lal or, etc., are paid, to divide the balance among the se'er d ow nil's of the Cuffs. CJ-oPERATIVE PLA y. When a c operative cheese lactory or creamery is to be stai'te I, a list is ob Hined of all those who can furnish milk, as well as of the number ol cows each person can supply milk irom; and as soon as acceptable parties have been sslected to lake charge of the branch lactones, all meet together in mid-winter to receive practical lessons every day for a month from a competent instructor, or until they all hero ce fitted to cany on the wi.rk properly. Alterwards, during the busy season, occasional visits are made by the instrui-iois to see that the work is correct Iv perform d. Encii farmer could turn in his mdk to the lactory, take a daily re ceipt lor same, mid t.t the end ol et.cll week be given a certificate somewhat as lobows: Factory No. (nifieate for week ending , 1895.' Tnis is to cert fy that John Jones has delivered in good nndiiion pounds . f milk, ihe same having been mad.- into c ;ieee and i.e'ivercd i.t the cen tral cuiino mom at Sillied, 'Jiieese Maker Factory No. Nw-, it is otivious that these certifi cates would be readily accepted by stoie kiepos in lieu of cash, f .r they are vir tually ihr same as cash, since they arc eventually redeemed ttt the F..ct .rv or Creamery treasury for tinir (ace value. Goods couid -e old quite as cheap1 as for curieuiv. and merchants and lanners would b-'th pre er this system to carrying booK accounts for a year. &.t,le;ist th s is the way it woiksin Minnesota. good rnoDUCT only from good MATERIAL. To have good butter and cheese good milk must be usid, and as Iresh as possi- b'e. It should ( ontain not, less than three per cent of butterf.it. Four per cent is accepted as the maximum. The last au nual Sta'e inspection lor Minnesota discovered au ave age percentage of 3.63 per cent which is a higoer standard ihan has been recorded lor any other State. An avetagc of 81 i cents p-r 100 pounds is paid for milk in Minnr-s .ui, and ijc, in estern Massachusetts w heie some Super lative cremerit-s are in operation. The milk is bought outright, a plan which is to some ?xteut taking th': place of the old custom of manufacturing for patrons. A cow yielding. COO gallons a year ought lo give dining the 2.S earlier weeks of her milk-flow about 470 gallons, which, at the rate of 1 pound of cheese to each gallon of mdk. would amount, after allow ing for shrinkage, to 4 cwt. olcheise. And if the milk is for the buttci dairy, the produce of 600 gallons containing 4 per cent, of fat ought to be 210 pounds ol ! butter. VALUE OF M1I.K YIELD FROM GOOD cows. Mi nthn is made in one of the M in ne- ; so.a papers f a cow belonging to G. T. j Knap p. ot Gletivtlh . wnose milk product i tor lour months was as todows: duty AO 43: Auiiu-t. $12.00; S nt.-mber $12.50; October, S13.03; a total of $48.52 eent-. Good cow : Soni native cow-, are ;is good as i thorough-biv.is ii to-y re only care I lor propirlv. tiny ing a t not', ug , i bred do snot it.ure a-iy more milk, un ! iess ..no is a goo ! ju ig.- of ln r cptilities. w.lK . 1 i .somen ooits ,oe as .0 i.;i y as poorest sc. ub T.iecostoi keeping tin a c, v oi pe.tds on now slle is ted. Jy WClg dug each kind of food used, nu I as ert imiu the cost of the same per poun .-, aii e-timate o! expens.- can be ' ... .1- .. .. II.. C , made. rXii-n ua-v on u usuaov i.e i I vv. ig is of btan mi. i corn n e .1. Willi IHO p-uin.s oi lui'i'tt seen uiwe. adoiiig ground oats sone times. Accord ing to F if ii an i Heine " the b-stme n of dev i'.ping and impr ,ving t he milking i 11 t cows are se ection and breed- ' 10'. lee II VI S Ol gl Ill Oh. II S SUOll 11 Ul presei've-l ; long as possible. St.ilistics show that ot all the animals sub elel during i he last eUht or nine years io pub i lie tt-si at inilk.iig -f.aU those which were ov.r six ye-rs oid gave from 20 to 25 pet cent richer milk than those under that age a"jd the same per cent, more milk, i COWS FOB SPECIAL TUBPOSES. i Tbeoe'son who is going to staolish a rr , . f , II. . , .1 I. dairy sin -ii d endeavor to obtain specia nui'Dose cow If he isthinkillg of selling milk tie should look tor cows that are 1 large m i lkets, and which rati b: readily NatTem-d when their yield o' milk talis below a re' oin. r.itive quantity. But if i bivter is t'e object then the quality Ol the i milk is more important tli,.n the quantity. Avi-shir s and Hoistern Friesland are 6ui). nor milkers. Jerseys are noted but- ter makeis and so are A'derneys, and 1 they latU n rapidly when they are dried, No n'aiiy should be without pigs to consu.i e the skim milk and no herd of ti iv- should carry too tntlnv dead head-. Chas. Hall ck, Aaent lor Special Industries ii North Carolina. NEW ItEKNE TAKES FIRST PRIZES Against the Whole Country' on Poul try Irom the Riverside Yards at the Hndison Square. Sen York, Poultry Shoiv The High Standing ol' Our Poultry Record at Ot her Fairs. The high standing of New Berne poultry ol every conceivable breed has lie come (irmly established. The variety a..d i xcellelice as d'splaved at the East j Lairo'iin.i Fairs hel j Berne, h is taken n I annually in New iiiv u good judge of i. o ult i v by surpiise wln-n he. view ed it 'or jiliA fust time. Oar birds" have lie-n i x 1 ii i ii lei 1 tit. the State Fail in Raleigh and j in Fairs outside of the Sta'e and have j conic off with flying colors wherever i shown. Another instance i f the kind has now h:u -pencil. Mr. F. K. Hegeol the if I". IC. l:'fge & Co , proprietors of ih.it l uge and model bus'uess establish inent, Riveiside Poultry Yards and Dog K, nnels oi tht city, is now in Ntw York attiii iing the Madison Square Poultry Show. He went primarily for the benefit be might receive from viewing the tre mendous and remarkable display of the choicest fowls from the yards of the great est bte (lei's ot the whole I nionandiiom exchanging ideas w ith the breeder them selves. Siill he took along with him a small exhibit, four Indian Games from his own y arils. A teieg'am from Mr. Hege to Mr. Win. Dunn, i. is paitner. gives the results and t hey ;ire good enough. 'The exhibit was awtnded first premium on hen, first pre mium on pnliet. and tlrrd and fourth pieiniums on cockerel. Fou prizes to tour b.rds an.i twooflhcm first prizes against the competition of the breeders of the I'ntted States is a record to lie proud of. It will be remembered also, that at the last State Fair Mr. Hege exhibited 55 c-'ps and was awarded 125 premiums. I'h. re w:is not a coop but what took a premium and some took several. Mr. Hege had the highest scoring bird out of the whol : 1.700 ou the grounds, a Brown Leghorn cock that scored 95i. Messrs. Hege & Co., breed twen ty varieties to as high a state of pefiec tton as these. Their birds are prize winners, and their phassants and pet ani mals in great variety are an exceedingly fine collection. Thev will be exhibited at the East Carolina Fair and every visitor can easily ste what they are foi him self. Mr. AY. H. Bray is aoother of our ex. tensive and well known brcede'S whose shipments from his Gieen P ace Poultry Yards have gone to all pa-ts of the Ln ted Siates, ivtti to the Pacific slope. One of Mr. Brav's customers who made a pu clm-e of Brown Leghorns from him for the special purpose of exhibition at the Atlanta Poultry Show, delightedly and enthusiast-! ally informed him when the snow was held, that they swept every thing beiore them ju;t s F. E. Hege & Co"s.. did n this instance. The Oaks Poultry Farm, Mr. John Ellis, propr etr, is another larae and im portant one, which is destined to make its mark ia the poultry world. Then New rferne and the suirounding country has a nnmDer ol otner gooa yarns tbso vvh ch will be well r. East Cat'o ina Fair, an i eptes. nted at trie very Due exhibits are shown at each t xhib.tioa a'So from breeders in the central and western parts ol the State and from other States also. Tbete was a good display ast year from Ohio, and Virginia breeder were alsj well represented. If you are interested in poultry and want to f ast your eyes upon inagniticient specimens don't fail to attend the East Caro ina Fair which begins in this city on the 18th of this month. BEST PROFIT OF AXTTHIXG. Col ton Mill Dividends, Average 11)1-2 per Cent. One Reaches 48 per t ent Profit. What Better Invest in cut Inn be Found? A piacttcal mill man, W. S. Wilham, of Atlanta. Ga., recently made the follow ing statement about cotton mills: ' Most ol the capital invested came from the home people, and tlu-y draw 7 to lb per tent on the invest me it. The average net earnings of several cotton mills I s.m acquaint d w ith will run to about 14 per ceni. I i-now of no investment so profit able ;is cotton mills in the South, except stock in country town banks. I believe a cotton mill with a lair working capital we'd managed, will net from 25 to 35 per cent, net in 1891, the yiar I was interested in iis Snowing. We advance money on cotton mill stock, cotton goods and cottoii in storage at a less rate than on any other collatetal." Mr. A. L. James. President of the Lau rin bur;.'. N. C, bank, in writing to the M.mitf.cturers Record makes the follow ing seven. ent: 'Wherever cotton mills have been built in our State the benefit to the towns where they bfl e been erected has been so marked that tiie :nos; casual observer bus noted it. Tiie e-ectiou of these mills means better prices tor those farmers contiguos thereto for ihtir cotton. It. also makes a market 'or vegetables and small fruits when none existed bef.re. I- tins (Richmond) county all caoitals investe I in mi Is is local money. There are eight mills in this county, all run by : water power, ine pront auring mis year in the cotton mill business has b?en and is st til very larg'7 it is Irom 10 to 35 ! pet cent. I know of nothing in our sec : tion that pays so large a profit. Our i peop'-e here would give a hearty and sin- cere welcome to any one contemplating the erection of cot ton mills. " Yes. it is a judicious investment for tiny one All our nidls are"" running on j lei 1 1 t i in;-. Scve-al ot the. n are running : at nig d."' i. In r. vi.-vv of repe ded sh .wings like I the a .o .e, why is that New Berniaus will not become aroused on the manufacturing ; to an extent that th-v will determine that i are going to have one or move cotton mil's and an increased number of mauu fc living industries ot other kinds also. 1)IEI. In P ekskil'. N. Y.. January 27th. Mrs. Jemnet e L Pa vie. mother of the hue E. M. Pavi , ag d 79 years and 16 days. In ernii id, in Gieenwood Cemetery Brool.'yn. N. Y. M,-s !arg-ret vv ethe-ington, a po, afflicte i wo an nbont 33 years of agedi.d ' tit her home "n h.d n street yesternav S .e had been both chsea-ed and a arttal cripple, ue 1 1 1 y if not qui te, ail her life and has beet) down sick in her last attack oi ill ii ss ab itit s'. vv. eks. Wh- n a'giri sbe live i f i Severn y. ars in the lunily of Mr. Jamt s ( '. Ha. i i Sim . Thr.e yens ago si.e unite I with Cen tenary M. E Church and Ins ben living a consistent life in her humble wsy. Inrried. Mr. Lee J. Taylor and Miss Lina Willis were united in the bon is ul holy mairi tiinn , r: the tesid nee of Mr. A. E. Htbba'.'. 'n this city, Wednesday Jan. 30; ti, lH'M, by Rev. Dr. L. L.'Nash. The hippy couple lef, i'um' diately on ihe steamer NeuSe. on a bridal tup to the northern cities, followed by the congratu lations of a host ot friends. , ; j In P ney Grove cnurch, J .res Jan. 30. I8SI0, E .gar B. Emoti , Lucy iLrker. Rev. llutusloid i inS- county, to Miss ofBeim- i THE WAR FEVER lilSINO. TROOPS ON' FRONTIERS. Both Mexico anil Guatemala an1 Now Preariuic: tor I he foulest. I.IIL'IS. Mo . all. xico special ( ;iol.e- ' accord- ', lion, the t'ilv of M the Democrat says: 'We are authorized to ing to a telegram dated stale the that 21st instant md a te'egram from the same gentleman I I dated the 25th instant, the Secretary of j the I'liiterl States del laiVs that he has ex ' pre-sed no opinion regarding the advis.i f biltlv of proposing to the (Jovernnient of Mexico that it withdraw some of its de j maniis and that he has not advised Gau ; teinala that the government of the United i Stab s does not caie to ii.iervene in that question and luipo-e conditions, inas much as Mexico has a light to act as she thtnks best. "'file authoritative statement from the government in its official daily will cause much rejoicing that the northern lepubhc will keep its hands off and that Mexico and Guatemala will b - left alone to light tht1 question out between themselves so fir as the United States is concerned. WAR FEVER RISING. "Yesterday's reports Irom Guatemala of the stand taken by other central American republics against Mexico has made the fever of war pen eptibly rise in this capi tal and throughout the republic. "Both sides are mass'ng troops on the froi.tFer and nun comb d ints are leaving that section by till manner i f conveyan ces. The I'nitetl States of Mexico seems nnanimoua with President Diaz ami his policy, and will sp ire no me ins; or ex pense in the way ol arming and equipping soldiers. PRKPARIXGA NAVY. Mazatl.'N, Mkxico, Jan. 31. A large meichans vessel lying in this harbor has licen purchased by the givernnient and is being fitted up for service in the threatened war with Guatemala. If is leported that a large force ol' troops from the States ol Sinaloa and Dtirango will be transported to Ihe Guatemalan pons by this ve-sel as soon as war is declared. Several regiments of volunteers have already been raised in this State by pa triotic citizens, and the people are anxious lor the fighting to begin. It is also an nounced here that Guatemala is negotia ting for the purchase of several merchant vessels engaged in the Pacific coast trade with a view oi fitting out a navy to trans portlier troops to Mexico in case an in vasion of this country it decided upon. FA IK ADVERTISING TRIP. What Rev. Kdward Bnll haa Been Doing: for the Fair and the Oood New he Bring ot What the People Are Saying-. When we get back from Beaurort, where we are dovv going, we vvitl have completed our sjxth advertising circuit! in the interest ot the New Berne Fair. We have made a thorough and carelul can vass, say within a radius of a hundred miles ot New Berne, than ever beiore. Some far away points have been omitted, and a good many new places visited, so that the mileage has not been diminished, butincreased some two hundred miles or more over any other year. The weather has been more mild and pleasant than during any previous round, so that the work has been accomplished with less personal discomlott- thit evtf beiore. Except a day or two at Greens boro, when the mercury was near zero, we found no severe weather. Ac Columbia, S. C, it was mihi, although there were live or six inches of snow. At ML Airy, where 8t one time we found the thermoni eier registering fourteen degrees below z to, it was just coml'oi'toble, at Ashevide, like au In, dan summer at Charlotte, bristht and beautiful as a day in May, at Raleigh, "just speDdid " The pe. pie, always clever, seemed to lie moiv kind and helpful than ever. Nearly every station agent know s us, and one would occasionally say as we stepped off ine bain: "New R.-rne Fair," or, "I was thinking, it was about tim - lor you." or. T was is pei ting you about this time'' S1 many offered to t ike the "literature" to one place er anodicr when they wsre going, that the Fair has been advertised in that way in a scnr.t of new places. Tne newspapers have generally given very favorable aud complimentary notices about five in Wilmington, four in Col umbia, S. C, tvo in Asheville, five in Charlotte, five in Raleigh, two in Hen derson, two in Fayetievllle, three in Greensboro, two in Mt. Airy, five iu Nor folk Va , and many others. There are more people on the railroads, and in the hotels th in we have ever seen before. Eght ''traveling men' in the same lin'j of goods, went on the train with us lo Mt. Airy eighty live stopped at the "Benbow." in Greensboro, and a crowd t.t the -McAdoo," over Sunday the train troin Danville was so full many had to stand. What it means no one can exactly tell some fay they are doing bus iness, some say ihey are looking for busi ness, one suggested that they were lun niug it way from the sheriff. Perhaps they smell toe (.-)cent of a, new business boom. One thing the people know that there will be a big Fair iu New Berne the last week iu February. Many have attended our previous Fa ire, and want to come again. All the rest want lo come "just this once." If a tenth of those who have ex pressed a desire and iuiention to come, 'get i here.'' we shall have to enlarge the grounds. Among the "incidents" was this, a lit tie African had teased us. asking if we didn't want, he should carry our grip, or didn't want he should do this, or didn t want we should do that, till we told him we were the "happiest man in the world didn't want anything.''' He was a good deal taken down, but mildly suggested that the "happiest man in the world gen erally wanted a little religion." It was a "bow at a venture,'' but he never knew whether the shaft went through toe joints of the harness." In all our journey ings we have been for tunate enough to keep a day or two ahead or come in a little behind any serious ac cident, though in 72 several bundled tons of rock te 1 upon the track irom the top of the Suanannoa tunnel at its mouth, an b..ur before we came to it. and we were two hours late. We have always been ex- ' finpt ioo from siekn- s-. or any bodily lail eent for all which we ine ylad and thanklul. And so with warm appreciation of the kmdne-s and courtesy of the people and gratefu' acknowledgment ol the divine Providence, which has given us unmter rtipied health and kepr our feet from fall ing, we bow ourself out. B. VALf ABLE SPECIAL PREMU'MN. For the East Carol inn Fair Ionated by Holl and and Ronntree. Messrs. Holland & Kountree are offering very liberal special Fair premiums, both in uumber andqtidity. The list is aa i i follows: Three elegant fur rues One baby carriage robe, blue-satin-line I. One I andsome pink satin corset. Two tine white corsets. Ooepiir meu's elegant dongola kid shos. Two pairs, ladies fine shoes. One elegant silk gauze hand painted fan. One fine silk umbrella. One pair Blucner's geutleman's tanned sheas. Ore i air gents leather pumps. One handsome dtvss pattern. One ' zen window shades to lie given I in sets of tour. NEWS ADRIFT III the City ol Elms and Vicinity. Gathered In and Briefly Told. Have von purchased vour Fair season ticket yet f lletter tittend to it in time so you will be sure that you will save the iialf dollir. Mr. N. B. Foy. of Trenton.died Thurs day, the 31st ul t, of consumption. Mr. .-iv lif.fl f..f aimp timtfi Iihii in vpre .leli- ,.,. ltM,h ilt ,ii,i n, 1bl-,. his hd il a few days ago. Mr M. H. Howard, chiet marshal ol the Fair, requpsts alt boys who have j ponies and who can enter info the parade on Tuesday morning of Fair week to send in i h' ir names now. The niemliers of the New Berne Dram atic Association are getting along finely with the entertainment which they are preparing to lender one uight during the Fair week for the benefit of the Naval Reserves. A let'r from New Haven, Conn., has just arrived asking for a copy ol the i Joi'ns ai.'h Fair edition. The writer an nounces his intention of coming and says he vi ants to get posted a little more be fore doing so. We also received in the same mail another request from Con necticut and one from Toledo, Ohio. The supply of horses in the citv has just been considerably increased. Mr. J. W. Stewart who went off to secure u new supply tor his livery stables returned with two car loads, and attached to last night's passenger train wen twoe ir loads for Mr. J. A. -Jones. Both lots were in keeping with the fine selected ones these gentle men always have. The Alabama Senate is debating the question ol exempting Irom taxation cot ton factories hereafter to be established in Alabama. A measure exempting Irom taxation for a term of years after erection such factories in this State would be a wise step, especially so, at this time when so many factories are deciding to move to the South and some of them we under stand already have their eyes turned to wards the superior advantages our owu State offers for those industries. Mr. Chas. P. Bartling. late of Delaware has moved his tonsorial parlor to the hotel Albeit storj which was iormerly occupied by Mr. Chas. Bell, jeweler. Mr. James E. Entwistle, formerly of Fall River, Mass.. is his assistant. Their new quar ters are rocmy, and are furnished very attractively. It will be remembered that recently two young men were arrested in New Berne charged with sending in a false fire alarm in Wilmington . One of them, Mr. Cooper, was acquitted at nce. The other, James E. Tynor, was bound over to Criminal court and was placed in jail, not being able to give the bond. It now develops that Tynor is an es caped lunatic from tne Mdledgeville, Ga , Insane Asylum. His father has been serching for him in every direction and learned of bis whereabouts by bearing of his being in jail in Wilmington. A BEAUFORT MABBIAOE. Mr. B. I.. Honbir, of Orrenvtll and Miaa Lena Davis, of Beaafort I nited In Matrimony. Mr. Robert L. Humber, of Greenville, N. C. audhis brideweeMisa Lena LjDyJ9jt daughter of Mr. J. D. Davis, of Beaufort passed through en route to their future home, Mr. D. J. Whichard, editor of the Refli-ctor and Mr. Wylie Brown of Green ville, who went down with Mr. Humber to be present at the ceremony were also members of the party returning home. The ceremony was performed at four o'clock that morning at the residence of the bride's father by Rev. D. H. Moore, pastor of the Beaufort Baptist church, soon a' ter which the party started on iheir journey to Greenville. The display of presents on ihe occasion was a fine and valuable one. Tin re were over sixty in Beaufort besides these at Grenville. Miss Davis was one of Beaufort's pret tiest and most lovable young ladies. Many warm wishes for a bright and happy lite follow her to her new home. NTATE GI ARII APPROPRIATION. Only the 8-3,000 Tor the Encampment to be Stopped Valne of the tiaard It Should be Supported. It is sa'.d that f he majority in the legis" lature have reconsidered the first plan of taking away all the appropriation from the State Guard and that it now appears probable that Only the $5,000 for the an nual encampment will be stricken out, leaving the remainder ot the appropria tion as it now stands. There surely should bs no cut in the appropriation to maintain the State guard. Their services may be unexpec tedly required where least looked for at any time. The companies haye in the past shown their readiness to respond to the call ol duty and would do so agaiu. If it c-ime to actual conflict their services would Im3 invaluable, aud moreover the mere knowledge that there is such a foice ready lor service at a minute's notice has, in itself a tendency towards the discour agement of any wholesale lawlessness or combined resistance to the execntion of the law, that is at once wholesome and potent. If an emergency arises in which troops are needed, it is no time then to look atier organizing them their main tenance so that they will be ready against an evil day is the proper course and no one should begrudge the little aid that encourages the organization and existence of said companies or even the appropria tion I hut gives biennially (one-liall one year, the other half the next) a few day's drill practice and recreation together in the encampment. Gov. Holt, we understand, once said he would not be Governor unless he had u good State guard at his baek. It was a sensible position to take. There should always be a proper, quickly avail able, reserve lorce for the upholding of all legal authority. VAI.TEOF SHALL I JIDFNTRIEN. Special Referenee to the Articles on Creameries and Cheese Faetorles. The articles which we are now publish ing from the gifted pen of Mr. Chas. Hal lock deserve more than usual attention. The promotion of such small industries as butter and cheese lactones and the raising of general stock and their provender to which North Carolina is so well adapted and which go hand in hand with such industries is one of the surest roads to sound and iay prosperity. Not ouly would the larnirrs quickly feel the finan cial benefit but the new order of things would soon result in marked changes for the better on everv farm practicing it. Cheese and butt-r factories would mean more stock, more stock more manure, more manure richer lands, richer lands bigger crops, at less outlay of labor. Study the subject and let results follow. Mr. Hallock outlines plans by which any community of fanners, on have a cheese and butter factory and scarcely one c-in be tound but what would find it to t Ii oi r advantage to do so. Jack Fogarty, who officiated as referee at the Lecds-McKcevar bout Saturday night in Philadelphia, and who was ar rested on the charge nf participating in an unlawful fight with gloves, was held in $900 bail for a further hearing on Thurs day, when other participants will be ar-raignnd. I NIVEKSITV APPROPRIATION. "f, " Marion Butler lor Once Strongly , . the KIkIH side-He Antagonise Ita 'l- - . ;U HllllllriKII M II 1 A wtrntim W a I v ' " A rirnes Manlnllj- for H lienor Ednrail.a, The University ol North Carolina holds " . j a ptominent place among educational in. .dilutions tf the country and its value ta.i.' ! the Shve is b, yon I estimation. By il I aid many a poor but plucky boy hasbeeu' ' I enabled io hi quire a high education who -" ' tit for the l uiversity would have berO '"; t utterly unable to do so. And, indirectly '' the cau-e of common school education v', among the masse is promoted by Ibd'' Lniversiiy through its graduates. It and. j,Jf .- every other State educational Institution - v ... should bo maintained without crippling"; -ihem in the least. W'jenever any cimnpwtjf J is made it should be along .he Jine ' elevation to make them still more use1 ful. r We are glad to pes that in this partiou-ri' , lar, Marion Butler, the leader ot'l he fu- i, sion force-1, is throwing his influence f towards preserving instead of tritlg' 1 1 wj down'. In his )iiier lie antagonizes thug ' memorial whiclt. ask. Itic the withdrawn of tiie appi-ojr.au4U e TUg Kateiglt cor , ' ' respondent of the WilmingbrtT MessenfiwrH ?' , speaks of Mr. Bu:leru8"a trustee and graduate of the University and one ofltn " most earnest friends,"' and says the tVa?, .T, fusion! t chairmen are in line on this suto 'j ject. Ch iirman Holton, Republican, tells , positively that the appropriation will hot i ' ' be reduced; Hint he opposes any curtHll J . ; ;., meat of Slate aid. and lied he lake tho .-i" high ground that the Shite, or no pollti- ; cal party in it can afford to go liackwai(Is U- : in tiie mailer of education, and says h ' A i poke with much e iruextoess and in a very, j- - , public-spirited wav in regard to this r ' ' matter. ' ' ' The Caucasian says: "A memorial iff r presented to the Legislature signed bj i i1 i committee of the B iptist Slate convetv. v' - ';V li-.n. asking that the SraUi reverse iU- ' policy of higher education and gradually,.. . withdraw all aid from 'he univerjity itniL ... ..y r the o.her hiebor ms'itutioiis. The request' - ' i' virtually is tlvd the State withdraw &m tirely Irom the field of higher education., v: This seems to us entirely impossible. North Carolina cannot confentto be tte -yr only Southern State' without a sjntcm of . i higiier nublic institutions. We uecdmoro : education and uot less. There ) Deed of e... both Church and State to work for higher education. Let the State inatitutiooS M carefu'ly insted and let any mimauHgtT .. nicnt i exposta ana correctwi. lus 1 they must uot be destroyed, for this is to"' sino tne orate in n vitui part. : i Well said. , I , ''' i , RKPVBLH'AI MANN MEETIKO., f To Ratify tbe Proposed AmeMdment . :, to the City Charter. ' ' . '. v 1 A Republican mass meeting vras 'lietvt s ". . at the court house Friday to bear 'tlid y proposed amendment to the charter of lh , . city of New Berne read and to ratify it ' 4 which was done. - .,.-.-. y ' ! .. The court house was nearly filled with t , colored people and aoout half a dozen r . .' white Republicans. There wt-re- arfcty Democratic ou-lookers at the rear 1 ,('". It. G. Mosely, col , presided at tm, ( meeting. Robert Hancock rend' tha ' amendment and made some remarks tun The amendment makes practically jj . new charter. It makes six wards and theo . ' Mayor and Couucilmen 'orn elect ad 'by ,t.; popnTaFvTiIeV ftnJ rhe city officials 'apr - pointed by the Board of Councijmeit-A," ' ' ' ' ' Clianges are made in .lalnrles;' tbe'MflV-. ' or is hereafter to be paid $900. ' A.' ptM' vision is made, that tbe poll .tax sliaU -.oatNv be over one dollar, nor the tax on prop-. ; 7 erty over 73 ceuts on the hundred ttollatu -w , . valuation. ' 1 r Thj proposed bill has , looo . tubmUtcd r i ' to the Craven county Itepresentatf vd sod- v' v. to Senator Mewboree, Poputi,vy llr, ', . Hancock, and he says it has their endorse menu and also says Mr. Mewboro tohi ,f -nim he was working also to break Up the, cou nty government system. '' -' ' " 4 The prep set! change is planned to, gUa ' ' three Repuqlican and threei Democi,M . v- " coun.-il and then on all questions in which . ' r a tie orcurs, the mayor, who of con nM wilt "U v ha a Republican is lo cast the decidtag ..; L ' J'-M,J s CORE CREEK BRIIHIE. WAMTEO.' i ' r . ' " A Meeting; Held t t'r( U OH 11m . , Matter Before tbe Coininiaaioasrs in dead Nbape and Coa vines Them 4T the Need Far Oat. ' ', .'. A number of citizens of Cove and wr. , rounding community met at the Covo ' public school house Wednesday , night, , " . Jan'y 8'Jth, 1895, lor the purpose of crafting a petition for a bridge , aero. ' : Core creek where the Core creek -tuxl Trenton road crosses said creek. . .. : : Mr. J. S. Roi'inson was elected choir- " ' 1 1 man and Mr. E. D. Avery Secretary, The needs of the bridge was discussed by . , several. Plans were drafted to get dhs , -matter before : be Comoiissioners. "t -v, - A bridge is very much needed, at thia .: . Dlace. It is frequently made impassible - witli team by high water, and in ,'reeainjt1 weather by ice. The United States ' mail -has to cross there four times every Vay tt the year except Sunday. During freescs and high water the mail earner1 bus to ' leave his b-am on the opposite sde of the cre k, aud carry it on foot for a half mile each. x The truckers on the opposite side of the i creek hive much difficulty in getting theif truck to the railroad to ship because of tbis"creek. We hope the Commissioners will con sider the petition favorable, and give at A bridge soon. 1 ; R. Nnceessfnl Burglary nt Trenton We mix- informed by letter that burglars eotere 1 the store ot F. Castetf, ot'Trenton, Thursday night by boring through aback . window and forcing the fastnings. Tbe thieves fot nearly two boxes ol t 'baeco, suga-, coffee, cigars, cartridges, shells, clothing and many other things and car ried them away. The robbers had a horse and cart and were tracked plainly some short distance on the road across the Trenton bridge. There is no clue as to who they "Were but no doubt, are the verv gantr who t ri te red the store of Mr. T. C. Whitaker a few weeks ago. WANTED. Fifty Dozen Eggi at War ner s Cafe. Sperial Ponltry Preimlnma. The Pratt Food Company, Philadel phia, Pa., oiler the following special premiums which will be on exhibition and delivered by the committee at the lime of the East, ( aiolina Fair to the winni rs ol the same: One five pound package Pratt's Poultry Food each for best pair of black breasted red game low Is, barred Plymouth. ro;k, laiigshatig fowls. light brahmas, buft' cochins, hrnnxft turkeys', silver Wvandotle fowls. American dominiquea, black breast ed red game bantams and golden duck wing bantams. W A N T ET. Fifty Tu rkey s ( ale, W AI'.NER's. at Lunch Ward Mr All inter's Death. Ward MeAllisbr, the well known so ciety leader died in New York Thursday evening id 0:30 o'clock. Who will.yBuc ceed him i Can New Berue furnish a candidate A special Irom the City of Mexico says Tuesday nigh', between 8:45 and 9 o'clock, earthquake shocks were' felt In many places in the State of Oaxaca. Tha time ol duration was three seconds. 1 . 1 j e ' n ' f I I ' ' s V 1 - .s. 1. ' "v "sr i" " wi-Titi-iijalW'lilTtfr' V , e.'--ie