THE JOURNAL. - , : Proprietor LcI importer. not depart from him; but, there is ital jity, only I is hope that madness will spend its ! Executive ' " f..v in h t,..!W1:i ..t iMH-i audi ," l" Etntz, 2K. aW tlott matter. jj rit of patii ntsni. THE PABTlXtt OF THE WITS, , We Are not tar-prised that aDero ccJitio Baouor an declwed in the C:;ite tht wrVbave come to the tartinf of tie. wej.r Tie WiwUIngtofl Ioet, of Janu try .S0;Vajx The debto In tbe Srtiate jeeterdej demonstrated tejbnd the auadow of doubt that tbe Preeldeat canot rely upon the cajority of; hie party to aid him is V the ; vv emergency which confront tbe eoaatry. They are c:t with Ma. They have come, f Ur. Vest dramatically exclaimed, U vae parting of the way a. ' That the?reident and the Dem. cerate in GoBRrtas are at variance c-oa qaeationa of pnblio policy ha? las; been known, bnt it ia only re cently that be baa been openly at tacked, and not nntil within a week that he has had' no defender 1 a the Senate. " Heretofore Sena tor Gray and Vila, if bo others, hare atood ready to break a lance 1n defence of the Preeident, bnt not a voice man been raised in the Sen. : ate In reply " to the hot words vot Senator Veet. 'We wonld not mialead, and agaiB we give the word of the Seuator from iliaaonri in the order in which they wero uttered. It con eluding hi remarka Mr.-Vet said : i ,'Sir, it fa not pleasant to d ffer with the bead o! my party, t hv for months remained- sileat, en that it coald not be said that I had added to the diaconl which haa ex Uted for eo long in tbe great party o( which I am a bumble membt-r. Eat we have come to the parting of the waja. ; I will not go with the Presideo.t-of the United States in perpetaation of Ue aiujsle gold ctaadard, and la fatten iag the nationarbaak ejatem aa banks of circulation on the . people of the United State:; HA ; , IThe Cabinet ia aleo' nader? jflrp. For moot ha Secretary Carliale--d roetmaster General Bi-eell have been the uhjctt fir-publican aiid Democratic animadvereion, bat it is only within (be ' laat few days that a 9emoettieacaJp1nff kaife baa been need on Secretary Greah m. BatjOalWednoVday tbe Way that Vest waaon hie ineitle, h a claasic brow was "BcircIed by Ihtw. ocratie ateeL Ad did not lony Made leapCrom their seaboard to aveege the wrong f So, verily. '5Tot a 8enator roee in b seat to defend tbe Secretary of State from tbe attaeka made upon bm policy.1 ,.' Jitter mu n aduninutrut Wc in wei a piigot ! Often trbaa U-en th atafortune n President to f summer was t h u ii alter 1. 1 g " t t- ui' r- I ri ; In r.annrv i-i hi in ; -1 1 1 " iii'i h-ii. him be g m. and th' the p:H" of opm- am HAllfne(, , lor ,D ,(.,r, ion will be humbled in tbe presence mill a-y company was sratinneii of nifiiuun add eubdaed by the on kimu! tli.-i' ).i-n!u-r woalil I., , t - . . I . 1 ... ,,,.1 ... I,:,I rtM - i , ir-i fkj nr i'' ii:' lil ' '.l ', I ll'U" ' btli r v that t' n-'s i ubli atiio!i. ' ,,M , , , Office is a public trust, tQd neither , an th President ntT C ongress Ctu es- ( ami i' i'n oi the judgment of tue people. ; done uood Tm Rnnhlicnn5 in .nnemiK , B- ti( J(. hdve been loldiug siina and j )ri,,,. looking ou with seteuity and com-j thed." ulacwocj, excutiug tbemselves witb i ir no m i the plea that tht is Democratic , country t;i n,i ve S r iiutidn ki:s-. St He a;.,)' tip; , 0 Ml ) mT nl her S'A'e !lirc)ri-'s OUR mn COAL DEPOSITS. ANORTE CAROLINIAN IN OHIO AMERICANS SiIZiDEYOHy I hat tafo and I his. Kcu It nt a I ! ri mi r. c DiiK VlK i 0 TilN 1'F S! i in - KOIiL'K OlMi 0 HI SI'mM)? JftE. H.Vl'T, I'll V1IIA11 ( IMV i I t S . i i Tnr !i ji) ; i; ;i i- x t m i n rlt ll)ll a I .i 1 i'Hr 11)' :: ::l . Time S i (i ii irii h i" ' 1 u ilU h e ir i ' 'i i'io i l.-.-!l c 1 iifll u p'iu t " rr pr- et t b:ood - a.i Fui,vMh (liicriit .inf. I'n i;u:; Kx',)iinii:jr I ' SimiMi Amt-ri V 1 in nit; on Adviintniff 1" H('is Fn r1 nvr i r t li. Tlin W I mutton M,'--ciiir-r t;ivr A ffrntit'v: ii u t ipi'l and illeDti'Hi u' Ml-' itica'.ile lit" e''(imHi,t n 'in il ji thi- ot mde-the administration tor whicU the aro , not responnible. Bat, this is nil wrong. islat've Department is pendent department Qoveromenr, and no Congressman Cikn shirk his duty and Oe blame. less. It is true that the Democratic majority in OongreBs ought to have settled the question loug ago, but if from folly, madness, or the pr nt itie KsJVlit cunl flt-rrts lis C"!iar ham onunty. Kiom tin; ari.cle " takti ;be tullo w i n f : Work is going s''i on i be docks and cial which the Cape Fear an ! Valley railway is having n ii n i ir i h n . TLe Leg- Glllird. A, , Yulk.n id.i rue- led at their Pol ni IMei lei ui ii. ue, acrosn the haroor. A diedtje is now at work c'ij"iiiig the i.ocks into Hie rice lit Id. Thev w iM in a 1 e .M.-saachnsetts , puaiuieQLly Ipoa ami (le ) enough annually 'ji i's' 210.(,i1. i'. ii.- I-aii'.v s;2(),0OO, ; tl) hold vessels ot the deques; dratr. 'k V. ri sUrii (It ad the i eAiniinr min ; his nort. 1 bese im Stae V er iu"ii r ahuie niipropnates 1 provtments cose several tbm 1 1 i-v ui La:; r,ro ina Feir Rmiiuders of Kar'y lluiiii oiii.i Sior;s In ei--t i ii r l'nli'je Hi hatt's - Hem i ii f -ct iioi s ol an 0 d Friend of LaUransre T.'ie r ecent issue of the JOURNAL, devoti d ro ttie niulntiiiious intetesi oi the New Berue Fir. was a, f.'11'iiymji renieuibrance, of many pleat-m ealile oec:dsioUM of the past, ; ehi j, Couoord Itude i u w tiic.i 1 have had the bappiuess ' for r he pur o-e oi tn ()iirui'iMie, Judging troui the' Toey by acculei splendid, minute deliue.ttious ol man. tue Fair hi your neatly arranged ; The popnl ance ! colunjus, t;e event seems to have : and at tack-d, .-e . I lost uone !' it- attractive foatares, off the whole pait. :but rather to have gained. 1 bope rue C'.ujuia:d-r t wancKwned by the measure ot sen t an a'tiied toici J'he Viir-.lii) (' iiciril' f'fii a Nut . s A i in d - i.i ' i rl ii s ui I'n i-i..- . .. g-i'd Fate (if i lir iTi-.i.ii Unknown W i! War 1 ii.' Shanghai, F.-:-. ' A. f US JUSt Itreu IU'r.-i e i i j Chl.ia KlrtUg tiuw:g . i of officers trom the Arm i V,', :-i il Dull Vv .nil re tv- v l i -M r .ii- 11 Mexic i i'f1 ;it t'Ol ;m;i if .. i i , v i : . lu ll: I 11 lt IllKlllh K illl.ll ,l, a.d 11) iwihi-. . 'i ,i ' li v tii.; .. I; !' p, 1 K I' Wr U . t 1 1 It I I, I . . .. d K N li i M rMnai II o. he i l v p,e ;i ;ng f. 11 ' si L',-,il i 110 ..r J i.a . ' I (,t nie i-'-i ' ' ' ' reeei . r i r N I t . 1'. Hi 7 M;7 ' 1 c m nr g c ' ti - lie tu el aud ! less tlM'i N irt ti Cuo!'n, mid her ; dollars and the railroad company ; mota welcome thing to sciooruirs Hoiroiirition is .lo,00(). by . H doing it m nuticipation oi haudl. a A btranuM land. What cau take this piT-po-ie to cii.i; le th- S' ate iog 1 rge shi jimeii t- o: cal Qnatd '. I Fmionitt. couteru-;rhs Chatham coal rirlJf, template 11--vi. lntiu. and wish to Egypt, Chachaoi county. lue i .. , i .. il,. tlivomm ? .. .. i liaicv uir .si .ii ;i . no vj..,,u. . l'OU EM'OKliflli I UAL. mail we ofoutnios thev1 tuiled, then tbe ob-; rpr, , uem re.nem!i that whom t he ligation wa apon the Republicans ! god would d sticv the fir-it make and PopolisU to bring the aid o! their wisdom and moderation to tbe relief of their saffering country. The spirit tb-t woaldpermit the wreck of the couutry in order to gain a party advantage is abomin able. It is treason, and is there- fore a hand red times worse than folly and madness. Madness is precipitate ani passion-dnven-treason is deliberate, malieioas and feionioos. Tne prospect is not sssormg, but while there is life tbeie fa hope, j be so amended that tbe Legilaf ore i .. .ot- !... tKu PrAiilpnt i will make i!nuitment and Fu- Mail wc tAua'j nua v - - . - , sad Congress will accomplish some Who has been dreaming of tning'ou as a coal exporting Thar, nowever, is what t he ouiiaiog of the docks and sc!iu!e means. In the past few year the coal nnues in C ham h iv- been, ic ooened rv Al . Samuel A. Henes- '5 Tli- IJ jre .ti of L i-ioi- Stati-'-tic will !e eon o i U el with the Agnculturil IVprs'tmen' and the Acrical'ural ' iHeire. to which see no special nbp-cr.ioo. 0. The p M,;-".-r u will be en tireiyreor.n-z-a ami an p.FBiiiu n.ssnnli t lee. Within rhennMt, two mouthfi he ha as sociated with him Mr. A. L. Long forthn.eof h's own hoaseholJ hath. ' ' have or. denied the faith nd is worse than . ' , . i 1 I u unci. -7. Thd charter of the At.Uatic aud North Cir.lioa Riilway wilt succers, mat such au ezpoaitiou to . aud m ariues t rcw; t-j ; c.iucluiveiy, and adequately de-' bi Mds. serve. j Fur. her iies ; ; i ' NexLto a homefac, 1 think a affair is a i. x.u a , - . . home newspaper, is oun atnoog the The Conoid i in' v Asiatic station, t he mju i '.t beili under itie cumuun'. torn j away the heim an in our hearts T ; Art miral Chai le- C. (Jari-ci. near j The borne love iu our hearts is so ! a au unarmoted tuuboa" 'strong, that no other love can ! recompense us for the loss of the home love, torever. no force ol late cau put. it to tiigtir, no hand save ihat of deatu cau down it beuea h 'be waters of torget tuloesn. a mi' vi? ca'linadaekey. A neat, well appea-ing colored 111 -If il-,illl-'l lit I.' - ii i 1 11 If - ( t I; oi o n a i:s Xi o i I'-'v. ) r t t t K J. lie M ilr . M ' li..!- f on I II n , I Il UJ 1 1 ; v e ,1 .v . i si'ti t l to ' ' . il;.. II l'f lb" 1 )i . 1,. ( ). Uowil nl. I thr.-tiuh tbe Kail ;t it ui. ui li--. Oiiro 1 In- h i tills of . lii-ttict i.f a!i. nit 1 uvilitt ion " in- iu-i-iii Ki ivi d U ill 1( a AI T. AM A CA e.i! Li '.'lil'-l tllKIUUh t he S .U eull) '!i ii -i ' i" ' I 1 ' (; ve rn in . ui Ka ir K ti it i 4 nn r.t I. i 1 1 .1 1 I . - t Q 1 1 : 1 1 a o i, C II. lii k im i Ite, M i.i-tei- n' -S IV ;i ) a S t II'' Mi VP t I Rii-Mi .n I) ivrn nei. f tn l ; in i he ( :..t t.w, -t i.ii'l port blled lv l'uioiii." A fellow feeling makes us won drons kind lie r hat provideih i ot z -y. ot rnii.nrt.'Diit, wn. ut-vempeu i nia u c-inie to no- ome cnores aoout I them 8iiln:;lently t neinonstrate onr house leceittly, aol ot cource pitssi'iiluies. W ithiu j Much a reminder as this ot "Dixie i Coal Company with a capi lot gl,(M)0 0U0 Mr. Lingd'Mi. who is an exoeneitced. practical laud" quite "upsot nie'' as tbe old lolks use to say. do I asked. "Well ! Uocle, where are you lomV' a lonk of surprise wtirred tbe black, mobile features aud then he aD al stuck i Mwered. with mucb importance, '.Man, I was bo'u and raised in No'th Ca'hua" fill r'e were em a ad ex- tOtlM (.1 ISpl Hl-eilleil t .1' gines of 3 4'0 : her a speed ol 17 ki.o .- tier arm alii' Ij I ent:; inch breech;:., poundets at;i; 5 (Piicii i gUII'. The C Mic.-T.l i-i ("r:::;;;i Comniaiider J. 1 (. i i-i. Iu 1 ecen t ears f fie I'll tte Mill tn i n-jw i:r. : i. tensive operator ami socctessiul I batic by their at.seucee) he panned thing for, ihe public good before thia Oongrees dies. MLLTU.H IX TAKVU. The News and Observer, of Feb. .5, eaya : "The editor of the Progrescive Age or Aajora, Heading Clerk of the Uoase, print in his paper ihis week certain statements, preceding tbem with the declaration "Tdi information ia all official aud copies direotly Jrem the canfias coum;t- tre." Tne loHowinjr aie nis staie meets or -what the Legislature will do: 1. 3aperintendent8 of the insane aavlnm. will not be removed. . 2. The'iailway- oommisaion wui be abolished and re-created. ) 3. Tbe UniTriiity appropriation will not t' interfered with. 4. The 8tate Guard appropria tiin will be repealed. 5 Toe Knieaa of Libor- Statis tics will be consolidated with the Agricottnral College. 6. The penitentiary will be .en tirely reorganised and all positions filled by lusiooists. ?. The charter "6f the Atlantic o4 ffortb Carojna Balway will be m; amended that the,, LegulAtore xnri oot the Governor will make stonist w.ll sue.ved L)emocraf, which r-ini m:erpretpd means "we wane th spoil. D n with tbe Deramraf. dod droi 'em.'' Tbe beautiful vision ot Reform has vanished. The Arnold who rode out nl th Democratic cimp have given the Sm into the hinds of the Republican to cry liioo and let slip th" doi- of wur. business man, is the presiOent oi the campauy aud is iu charge of operations at tbe mums. Fur ears he has beeu au exrenstve ojierator in the Clearned coal dismc; in Penusj 1 iaia, and kuows e.ll about, the business. Tbe com saoy his offices both in Pennsylvania aud New lro-k. VALUABLK MINKS. from r lUte ot jau ji, appointments, and Fusiouists will JiT Ike maioritj: in Congress n.weed Democrats cppoedrTbTrp161 " irnertcHltory'wn thre a lwaident nbaolately witlioat a de fender. Tyler waa 'in a hopeless Bliaorityt ns be had brave :: friends Vb bntled defiance a kis enemies Cntt Cleeln4 j KeW WM man - tii saeb plignt. ,' .'' lt i Wbat - will '.be 1. dol' Will be - Cbrew himeelf into tbe rnie of the CepblicBs t They aroold : only receive him as capiie U Tf tbeif trinnipb.-.7V?" 5'.' What is best f v lleaJly, tre don't baov. SomeUmeswn tbm It tkat U)bertTpombeaa right when ! le j fronted, on tbe floor of : the Senate, It da-oord . reign frjver',.. We , tfeel rnolined to go witb Vest nt the parting of itne f js? il 4jetJ It not wive-, on ..occasions f dtfiieniry nd diir to be gov erned , byf U elmglb r ippa ebonM be lo tbe I j odgeaen t. He ,wbo does the ; beat - hi- -cireum-r stances , IkraeU; Wblj . , Bot fcat is beati Ab, thu , ibe ' wnb. - Perbapn it is bst ufoow Che lead .f : tbe ' President,' aince bere is bo other way to go and ' tnding stili is certaia death. The .. ,prtyaanot get '.in - worse plight i 'than it now is is, s4 tbe ry,iff the people ia DoBooit'thMig n , Weil, really, this s nice kettle of Cait. .'It tammd one of S'a'a Apostrophe ;' Which way I fly is tkAl , VLyritt am hell l" S i maeb for not fctinding by the : 1.1 Lindstarki.: ' - v ttts the nsqnestionsble daty of be President und. tbe Democratic Cagreasae9 to. baraenvzU' -' .' ' It ia high time tbe pride J)l indi 1 wMsai woiaion was aacriiiced on the Altar ol tbe coaatrv. ' Patriot, um iaata fear fa I discount when be ahis of State ia allowed to drrft : ados the reefs of faclion. God save 4hs Swte 1 ' '"V-AH saen cannot be wise. Ifo tn an Is wise at all times, bat tbe preponderiujces' wisdom is essen tia! to statesmanship. Folly, although miserable wsaklisg.otteje hss a placets ths ouneiIs of ths wise, and madness swmethnes gains the mastery of tbe inostequsbie spirits and minds of eh finest ssould. -v - Felly nay be excusable, bnt f r ns4tess there is ntither palliation - sior xcase. .- it in Miy tir every Congressman ' to bm1 Oarreney plan of i ow,-aad it is madness to op J' put m saeasare beeacse it emanates "tfrom Mr.- OJevelasd. FoUy and p-, snadaess combined can make abijv. ' : 'mne it any Government, bs ; r tieato tbeW is added the pride of i Odrridnal opiaion the sitoation is wreS'aigh bopelees. ; C fiolomoa says that i i it is ad- swisstbte to quote SUomon ia this ;:'dUjadgMeratioo thar, MIt is a : tiOBorfdr aaan to cease from i mtwitmi hateverr tool will bs medU -;: .ag-:.;,. - -V . Ia tbera any remedy ? There is : " ioireforollyforyoo may bray a mocb, ia what we call Multum in Paryo. WithoQt reference to bow this rev elation happens to eome throng a small vQt highly respectable coun try paper, instead of being fulmina ted by .the great metropolitan organ'' consider this pro gramme and, see bow much is com- pbebderl in this tittle space. -J.''The superintendents of the insane asyiums will not be re moved." 'This is well enough, since tbe in timate relations existing between these institutions' and Fusionist nesabsra, of ..the Lieglslatare are suffieient to, excase tbem. Wi The railway commission will be abolished and recreated.7' Correct,' fiecaose it is in mpli ance with the scriptural injunction, f"ef d:be nnpgry." . The TJuiYrsity appropria tion will not be interfered witb." ' Preeminently' eorrectj inasmuch as Fnsionist legislators are greajtiy in need ot higher education. The State Guard appropria tion will be repealed."' Wrong, utterly wrong. Fuaion ist legislators .sboold not be so sensitive. It is troe that the guard DR. rYRL'S TliOUl'tONM CONTEST So Evidence f 1 raad in ilm Elecilon of the Mou. J Im (i. Shaw, the fcne cr-ssfu.' Ipm-ie at. The iliin'on putilihs irier.poncence Kayefeville und vr hicb sa t : The tiKiug of testimony in the contested cleonou case of Ur. Cyns Tbompson against Hon. J. G. S'aaw, who bold the eeititi cate of electi.iD to i he Fifty. fourth Congress i.nm thf. tbe Third district, cotneuenced here Monday mo-ruin belore Mesrs. Cyras Mdnihy ac.l S H. Mcfctae, uotanes jiinl-. repi eseotiug tbe ivj lestant and coutestee, repeca lively There are 4f!" witnesses sobpoen aed by t Le oattsf.aut, uwarly nil ia tbe mutter involving ibe election tn Cross Creek township, wiiei eiubraees t01 city o( Fajetteville and other territory. The hearing soes on liom o'clock iu the moru- A'rii aa'i'i y-Hcii k at niRbr, recess of an 'jour ea ;b and su -'uei . 'ol. Tin). H. rttifton represents Mr. Thompson, the contestant, and Hod. Geo. M. Koe. ex-ndge R P. Bqj.uiu, fl.' L. Cok,'-Eq , and Osfiar J. Spears, Eq , represent Ur. Sbar. The evidence so far di-closes nothing important, and it is not nelieved that anything will be deve'oped sufficient to nullify the election tn thia precinct. The great majority of witnesses sabnoened are colored. Under toe roes of Congress the contestant baa forty davs to take testimony and the coutestee forry d)8 thereafter, and the contestant tea days thereafter to reply. Only about fifteen witnesses havo been examined ap to this afternoon. Tae charges of fraud are eviden'ly withoQt foundation. ireat interest is manifested in the investigation. KERSHAW CORRESPONDENCE. Before investing in ihn ;iroperty, Mr. Lai'gdoti carue to North Caro lina and made a thor.m .. h exiil ura tiou and investigation of he mines, and be al-o came to VViluuutou ro ascertain t Ii- sbiowing facilities of this port. He wvtn hiirpiipe.l at Messenger j thfi watfr f4Cilitief our city possess ed, and having seii euou;u to con vince bini the mines were vil. uable, preparatious were made at once to develop them on a 1 irge scale. In addition t the miners beretol'-r t tl' mines he ha secured a lire torce ot exoei ienceil and ei pert mines from Penusylv ania aud Tennessee, and they are now operating iu tbe original shaft and opening others on t ie seams of coal. A substan'ial town h now be ing builo up around i he mints, includiug a commodious hotel, storehouses, residences, tenement houses, etc. All the bnildiugs are being constructed of brirk aud con tain oiodera improvements. Tbese improvemeuts are on a really big scale and show that the compaoy means business. The mines are one mile from the C. F. &. Y. V. Railroad, ai.d the Luidon Heuozen Company has pot in side tracks and owns a track couuneotin g with tbeC. F. & Y. V. They have also added to their equipment and facilities one hun dred new modern cars made in Pennsylvania anj constructed specially for the coal easiness. This all looks like basiness and means business, for tne Cape Fear and Yadkin Valley railway people are also preparing on a large scale for it. with a for dinner Uarriages aud Other Jiews List week was a very disagreta ble week for work but ic was a good week for marriages we had two. Mr. Dail to M ss A"te Joidan, aud Mr. Jones to Mjss Florence Roe. The Sloop King Crab arrived at our wharl Saturday night Jaden with guano aud lii-h potatoes. Mr. h. S. Cur'is has a second at tack of hemnrrbagia fever, but is has in tbe past been mostly used getting along we l rorNTRY DANCE. Weeks, Bozue force the on,ty of have been en a. ble to emergency. Daring the time the First Regiment wu preaent in ep Berne the soldiers behaved spieu djdly, and especially to under tbe very trying circumstances of tbe snddea encampment. Four times daring thu past year, upon requisi tion of tbe c v:l aatbonties, troops have been called upon to preserve order aod prevent anticipated xio'. fool in a mortar sad his folly wiUjnr disturbance. In thie, yow cap- to suppress . the insabordinafion and lawlessness of" a race mus ters largely under be FusioDist flag, but it .may fat employed against any and ell who resist tbe authority of the Staie. Tbe litMe affair at New Berne and Jauies City ought not to so greatiy dts gr.ontle oar Fasion friends. We know tiat they do oot like Govern or Carr, fux be is patiiotic and sensible, but, nercrtheles?, the woild at large accept; h tf.e meots. In his recent li euui-i Message the Governor says : "In April 1893 1 was called on by tbe .civil authorfties of Crven county to execute a writ of tject ment of certaie citizens of James City from tbe Uui owned by James Bryan, E-q. Tbu ivil au tborities were totally ir.cp?ble of dispossessing tbem Tbe Sheriff asked for or 500 men. 1 put the First Regiment In New Heme within twelve boars, .encamping outside of the eity, and Qmpa nied tbem with aulbcient officers tit my staff to perform tbe required duties. 'Without the military nothing fr; . -aa hrht . was we t hi ng. t be most perfection kUai SV ma -w v v 0 parties to terms They defied the The rainv weather last we. k has stopped plowing f.r several days. Mr. Richard Foddry, of 8oatb River moytd ro Kershaw last week to farm for Mr. U-chard HoJges. A Lb Niunr U.ld Frb ft iu V. N Sou u it, The prettiest and best ailair of theseaaon in the neighborhood ef Bogue Sounii. with ths young folks, was a grand Cttilton parfyj at tne re.M.ieti'je oi air. v . n. Weeks Us: Ftidav niht. The alj'rtir was a Ir.iSnt one, notwith Btauding i)ieeiy inclement weath er, for it rained' a;J nighr, a large crowd uatheied a-.d iianciug begun at 7 o'clock p ru. ai d lasted unril 7 o'.-'o -k ii 'X - mo hi Id .roonu gents and sum" oi ler oij--h, ai d 1 1 vnnnir lut-i n r : '-t D l e i in file " ' . i dauce, ijn- e.ii t njei'iileti'. w m j tbefe for a jil . t ..I it m id bin ( f.el rjnite on u .;. our h jt waone ol tho old young ones ot ' KuigQt uf the ohlen titres " M.iss Ad. j. Dd Novella Thorn is, Arnecia Garoer, U 'ia Deunis, Lena Hum obrey, .M ce Hell, Mamie Wetks, Liura i'.u ker, a' d among tbe most conspicuous atid best dancer- j To EXPORT TO SOUTH AMERICA. The Langdon Heneezey company is operating with a view to export ing coa! iu large quantities to Soatb America and tbe Wept Indies and that is what is meant hy 'he docks and scbates here. Taey are being constructed on the same plan ot those at Newoort News, so that vessels cau run right uuder tbem and have whole car loids of coal dumped into their holdi at a timt. The facilities will bo such as to load steamships and sailing vessels in the shortest possible time. The railroad company expects lo have the docks and schutes completed in ten or lilteen days more. A NEW THING FOR WILMINGTON Wilmington's exporting coal to Sooth America is something new, and it will be a Dig thing lor our citv. -dr. Liogdon has beretofofoie exported tbe Penpsjlvauia coal to Sooth America, and be bas taEen a haud in operating the Chatham mines lor tbe reason that WilmiDg- ton is several hundred aides nearer to the South American markets Tbe fact is, tbe Chatham mines are nearer to tide water than any other mines in America, beiqg only HM miles by tbe Cape Fear and Yad kin Valley railroad froro Wilmiog ton. There is also another advant age and that is tbe vessel-i iu tak ing coal oat fsom Wilmington will avoid tbe dangers ot Hatferas, un'ike vessels sailing from ports north of Wilmirgtoa. CHATHAM COAL. The more the Chatham mines are developed the more wondei lul be come their resoaices. The coal is there in great quantties, and we learn thar. exbausi i ve aud thorough tests orove it ro he tie heir, ga COal in Ibe- marker. Jr im al-o , trie steam uOal and an e ce M i.n!it for tnj.-n hk in cr t - is hii- hi-prodii'-ed irom the-e m ij Tiie new sbifis snuk iu 'lie past ceken weeks show a vein of mperior cut.! Inur leet thick and another three and a half fett th ek. Mr. Langdon employs expert miners to take out i his coal, and he is amply sustained in bis conclusion that the Chatham mines are valuable property. Miss A. 'ii'oer of Gales Creek; BACHELOK .rORUKSPO.NDEXCE. officers of law lor over thirty days, during which time the Shentf was unable to get a posse to assist him ia ejectment. This case was a pe culiar one. and had to be dealt - . r. 11 V . ..illinnl Ihia U8 afvuio, uun ..u- , Kilhv Tolaon I yq xr tin wnn d """ " " moat. fhU '"' u"" liev. F. S Hecton preached for the youug gHDts were. 0 rirove neoole last Stindav. Jan. 27th; he preached a rtry good ser- Amon g Messrs. C C- Dennis, Claud Bell. Ljcnrcu. Hompl iy. U. J. Bender, F. D. Jlootii'e, .Ir. (the latter two trom Ouslow Co 1 and Mr. Walter Taylor a iiitnied gentleman who was oao c f the managers, the music a moment and t ieu cont.iuueo, nine miles fum Muffesboro '' Aud wheu be learned that I also was a North Caroiluiau, be ex claimed "Am dac so T" lelapsiug more eutirely as he became nioie interested, luto the c.immou voice aud dialect of the daifeey of the Soutn. Be expressed biin-ulf as mighty glad to be wakiu ag'iu fuu au ole nabor.'' Tnis last amused my husband when be leiirued that I uever .aw toe lar ey before. However as we both hailed from tbe "old North State,' we weie n. ighoors' iu oue seine oj th term. OHIO'S LAKE RESORTS. 1 am surprised to enouuterso few North Cirolinians at the Lke- .-iJe resorts, daring the bummer mouths. Some two or three jears previous to my re?idence in the Queen City ot ilie. lakes" I recall the grtpbio aud charming des criptions given me of touiiug here, oy a New Berne lady; her estimate of the scenery aud climaro ot the great lakes was no ttfa?ioa ot uudue praist: NORTH CAROLINA'S ADVANTAGES. Tee pre.-s here teams witn eulo gisuc accounts of ibe desuahiiity of Vigima homes, and the exodui is immense Now, iu my bumble opiuiou, North Caroltu is far suptTior to Virginia, or any other S-Juthern Slate. Virginia cn Dever sarpass the climatic excel lence, or adaptability of the soil, ot the old North Slate, for auy purposes. AN OHIO WINTER This winter has been a season ol snow, aud snow-storms. a. sun shiny day dans occasionally upon a world ol ice bound lakes, aud ice-locked, snow clad land. And what a dazzling, blinding gloiy of white, unfolds itself before our visiou! the stlvtry jiugle, jiugle, of aleigb-b. lis has grown monotonous, and tbe skating fever has almost reached a Ireuzy of dtligbt. Tne fata! air-boles iu the ice abound, 5u t, the skaters much more abound, aud they won't be frightened away by the peril that luiks oeueatb their leec at any moment. collegiate pebates At a debating contest recen jv. between tbe students of the. Til- st tte Qjllege here, the subject of the division of North aud aoutn was logically discust-ed. There was califl, 'close reasoniug on either side and quite a displ iy ot grand! loqent oratorj ; the winners in the debate, it may be interesting to know were those who advocated the catting asunder ot the North fiom tbe South Ouce fetrollins by tie lecture hall in Oberlin, I was attracted oy tbe placarded announcement 00 the wall, ot the debate going 00 inside. "Wbo was the greatest-giueral" Lee or Grant?" As no ladies were admitted, 1 was forced to oe intensely dissipointed in not listening po phis interesting sut ieel di?scussed form a Northern point of view, by Northern students REMINISCENCE rF CHILDHOOD PAYS. I never see rare, lovely flowers without being reminded of tbac nob! soul, ftjrs. Pr. J. M. Hadley, that is gone from my old home, L Grange. N. O. When the intelligence of her laying down tbe burden of life (for life is no less a burden, be it gilded with gold, or bej-'Weled witb precious gem) reached me, one of my firsr, thoughts was, another tljwer-lovtr ia gone. My most lasting impressions of her high character is associated with the inspiration, and heautv, and in fljeuce ot flowers. How clearly 1 r. c ll hen a child, parsing along the nfer near iv lor uearly. (iie-tllv arranged tl "V 1 cis, m.d i-'t ng up "I 1 l)-ir l ivelne--1. a pIi all a 'i-':o u;'i-e(i'l, unl)0'tlbd 4 admiration for the Ueu'itql. Ah well, do, I rnmenber bow of..' a shy child I received from her hand a liower. Oo, what a kind, equitable Idemeanor was her"! what genial, generous good-wil.! what uouie patiecct! what pare, unselfish type of womanboodT The borne woman, the good woman. With the eyes of faith, I eeem to s'e her today amid perennial wers of paradise. "Jo that city that hath no need of the sou, i neither of the moon to shine ia it, for Uje glory of Qod doth lighten it, and tbe Laib is the has had hut, oue s n i tnu w.ih au n.t. i'n Ear. Ir, occurred m 1'' Oouimauder Thu n is U. inc irred the i-nm'i . t t ese by iicci tentali k;.in-g with a ith'Hice siio '1 t n ti w hi Id at t ai i'J c'- '' cc-ast of Japan, ii 'v.: court uiwr lul ti r -!:',: ' IM-ss and neglect i! -Hi ', wboLyand honoratii a.-ij I he COUtt IU June, I 'O-s now eomm.iUiler o ; ' Navv Yard. .1 . I r t i ; 1 1 p;-.-.c D-.H t. Ill . ! 1. 1 1 t;si .-rn.. U of 1 ft-.'p i'n 'ii e, T--!lll; t, t I tie' k e I i V 1 : I ' tei 11 - ti'iual Ex j ostt on w-n reeeived n p h j lav 1 iiv 'he M m-ter . . 1 K .'ci. .", t) . nr. M . Bie -kimidge illg l 1 ' r. il' Cl'lt a lute il 11 il pieN ii'.i! aNo he at gt; meiitr. .-oge-. ed li :h'S'ite D p ir.' ii.--; t I - 1 1 U -1 1 i mi an lliclase o! COIU 11. ere le-lwe. 11 the ! wo cuu ti t r len. li.r.-ret t lie S U' hero S: t hi, he f-.iw. he cause of co ton culture, iu which rheCzu is pr-moti. li interefte As li movement ot c 1'tui ri; 1 1 1 I .Mil New Htigl t- i tn th.- .S hi ti II i.j im-tfil otl 1 ulo at I -m 1 1 -n agiiti t the hi! an 1 a ye- d I lit. courstiy oer ail-i he - in the pr--duoii j nti'l .11 an u 1 1' t ; i - uf c iton. uf 'he probable ; t he Kx uoi: ton ot i he c i on S in; damage to the j imtin :-! y niteriMs Uu-sia iu an in 'IVxas in ' he I e-peotal way. :nnl ilu. nnssibi i-i Secretarv li U. W mh1. 't t ti- - i 1 1 1 . 1 1 1 1 1 c 1 1 ' ' 1 1 1 , tii,. r tin.! the :i- .tj-tanres dtinii :'!;"! it has cl used n I i .V per O-'Ut t'J s. 1 : I ! n p. rather slowly l.y ;s ;ipt lo bt; carried re;i.)iis 111 cotton li- tl, tie- l.'lf'est'.'.l fi I'N ti-'whal w.ilrly e;iaia'. 1 1 1 1 .ttiv-nt of Aizricul v. . i rn il th Sr-ate )f a h'tt.i-r written to !: spread it''hbiriii2r I of t he inject in I l-a cotton yroving ; THE VlOMKN' : it. ;:- (1,: on violins, narps, irian- Igles, bunes, etc, etc. Lverjthing I was carried on fine, no "Ked Eye" ! at all to bother, as is sometimes ;tue case in the country, tbe mana ! gers woulda-'t alldw it. The only I thing we cottc.ed tba.t didn'tJook ! quite right (to os, was the jCbhrQ I members did not seem to feno ifhv were eh nrp.h members all the time, but we guess that don't make much difference. aion. A very seiious accident oueurred on Satnrdav .lanuarv Utlth. at Mr. B. B. Brooks, bis sawder got his iigQC inereoi." band huit very had; his thumb was m torn to pieces the ' (jreat Quantity or Ice Brooks was worfeing on the govern. ! Harbur or and the small gear wheels caught j Baltimoee, Feb Dis nana; ne nas sunerea very much. Mr. Wm. Pitts, of New Berne ia dowD to the Neaie River Lumber Co's Jlill 00 a business trip. Steam barge Villiam McOabe ia loading with lumber at the Nease River Lumber Co's mill of this place bound to Snow Hill, Md. IU Ohio. Ha'tiniqre BALTIMORE. Feb. 4 JNot in years has the ice in the barbor, river and bay been so troublesome as at present, and the ccld wave which reached here today is likely to increase the obstruction to navi gation. Ice, all the way from one to six incbts, is plentifal, and a number of vessels ready for sea are still in port unable to get out. Proce. dings of l!ie Ai nn'ic Renorts of 1 oainuiin titui of I'i iiic'plc-i V i'! ?!? ' Year in Waliitiir1iin. ATLANTA , F.-'-ru irv u i t , ; moi u 1 u g ser-MO!i el 1 tie 'i', .e .:. .-. Suffrage Conveution wa--. 1: order by Rev. AuL;e;:i 1 . .1 i- ahsruce o:' the i'iCHtil ;)". :.; . . d-tained at tbe hotel. 1'i-iv.: .v ,1:. offered by Mi-.s b) z.b-'ti i'.ia-, ol ; Maine. A 11 u in her oi lu'eies is:;; s'atemeuts wem stsosriir.t-d. . 1 li. B Ketohu ti gave m acr-iuot oi ', the woi k in M-ictiigan, .M;-.-. ih.a B. Colby for Nebrai-ka .m l V' .t -ii lUgtOU. Allb. AO: gal I t,.;.) r ill, aa lor the Sta'e uf Oregon, .Mi- L !;: Devereux BUke ior Ne- V..:k tn the absence of 1 he St to 'r?s ' nr. Mrs tlreenlea'; Mrs. Ite'"'! Haves for Texas, Mrs. 10 is V ill.- tor Utah, Miss Helen Morns ij-.itr-for North farohuH, and l-'l,-.- ence Huberwall for L-miKiana. The several re)orts of ihe c 1:1 mittees- indi;aied pigre- und weie received wUL ntuca intLui--iasui. Invitations w-re extended iy u. Memphis, Tenn., aod Cincin o: 1, Ohio, for th; next uitgratot v Coi. vention lo meet in those to cities respectively. Tbe nxt regular Lo'ivei:' meets iu Wahiogtoi in Is'.lti The next regular Conven 10.1 v i! be held the Jear h,;io iitg. The Convtiition l.-.i . d-iple:! a set ot resolu'ions suilwij mg a de claration of pi ini'iiih-r-. Th's paper, which might be ciiiedi.e rights ot woman, declares mar. A Government ot the peoj h, ti;e pf'ople and for the people .nu-r, bt a Government composed ij.i.iii of men and womeo, lii m i ; I to operation of tbe m-i-o.s uei'ii; e.--ru-ual alike to a happy li ' ? 1 f a refined society, a Chtiitiaa tj jurcl and a Democratic Sinie." The active co operative ,f i-.U orgaDizatious of tutu till ei ' uieti which are in sympa'by wnh iii pfinciples ot pu: 1 ticai eq-i .ii.y is requested, Congre.-s i-f;u-:i loued to grant to women i h" ligi.t, (Jt citizenship guai ant ei il in t-.eti, ander tbe CoustituLioo. H.-ut.. congratulations are tx'etul.d t.i Idaho 011 t he rec-ini action ui it Legislature in favi.r of wot .eii' eufranchisemear. The Convention expre sed i's Hpiirec-a . .ti m t in action of the men oi L'fau and ol all other men who ar a-isii-ui womeu of the e-)ii:ity wi ih 1 struggle for tbe ballot. S-utj is exteuded to tb wVun- , N -l York and Kansas for fhe:r ui""fs deferred in the tret nt can p f-gn-lor their etifiandi-i mri'. T;. act oa of the m - j h li ns 1; !!;- Spates is deplored us -i v o:f r,iy U'ojust. The dcelitratu 11 go--- o. o su : "VVe pongratulate the S; i'eo: Kentucky upon tbe b;int iiciai inttueoce of women as i-h si in the paippa'gn ot list i-ar, A w. call atteatim to the lac: that tve-n-women etjt'ra: cbisc ! stscb t; 1 n paigus would no longer oe neede.i. 'We congratulate the 'Wom-u.' Jlunicinal League ot the cit t;: New yoxk on its vnimbic' an-i tffectual wcik dutit-g the r.c campaign in theWMti-e of gun! government, and we n-cor:it;;ci..i to womeu the formation ol s et u s ior j o'i ;ioal study. "VVe congratulate M of Colorado, upon the her bill lor 11 irg t he tection from Ki 10 1-' 1 noon the fact th it t ;,. ever introduc-ii i a v.. "1 t 1 entallve in a Sta'e L-J ' 1 n -a-. for the pt:rect; it. ! fn t lie apat uy tti v i! wot Id bas received t it tie '- s ' .: Armenian massacres, r -i; C xive 1 tiou sees a new argu i; -ac i ; woman's suffrage. The sutfi agists will i'-ir.i'- Mrs. El..ibetii C td.v S u:;. birthday next November. Tih eoffragists will a vail 1 iv.-- -. the oppoituu'.ty allot -ie. I rn- H'n. man's Congress of t ::e . c Atlanta Ex positioj t " ; v 1 '' the principle". The committee ndj ii-.r-.. d '' night. The nex atinti nl Ooavvu i-u will be held in Washing'-!. At the afteruooti s-.--sio . : 1 Convention Miss Sjsau B. An-!.;. .' was re-elected tVeMii 1.' t nl "h. National Ameti tan v maa-: rage Associatioa or tue eti ue..-year- The other fii -rs e' -.t t .i wert : llev. Anna Sm ev, et a delphia, Vice-P. e-i'l'-te ; M.s-f liacbel Foster Avei.v, of I' ; 1 t '.ei phia, Ocrrespoirli ,g S.-c-c ar ; MlSS Stoue Bla;kwell, o! B).-;o.. , Mass., liecording C5ecret,ir . S'atn P. ens A --nitl a' lni. writes that. airaut- men h bae I neen ma le ni'ti rfiilroails I r n.r I -lihvte legislation is ur?ed. , .njiatioo to eotne heie in a d at.1011 which will isolate the ! during the Expo-itio'i. Allib- aud tilso the press as.etaiieu are invited ti-.f : Apphca inn was re.-- veil o li m tr. m 1 Oe, l.-lanil ol Oe'e I'-ir an xn'-. ected region I'Xicdii bordor I !!K TKE.tSUKY STATEMENT. 1 More Fie -uragiiiff Shoniuf? as to Itcci-ipts a d Exp nrti ur s-A 1 urn ihe Tide of (i..d Expurt--. W ASJUINTrTON, Fetl. 2 A 80IBP -vhat mme elicourag ug showing ii-au lor month past is made in ;iie tifiicial sratemerit of re;eipt(. -nd expeuOlt'ires tor the month ol January. T:io exiii-'iil tures for J in nary to. it op -:ii o-3 -117. aii iintrea-e ;v, r January, 1S'J-1, ol $:i OUD.OOi) a tor t'le seven moniuM ot the li-..-! .-ar am.. to $22l.47o.9J7, ur ? l.( (it). (HO ler-N tha;i tor ill" cor t e-pondi ':g ieri( (1 cf tbe last li-c-.! yi a ' . Uu February 1, 1894, t!e Treas nry exnenditur. s ex.-e-s ot r-tvints wne ."." 000 OHO on February 1. IS9-), ' i:v aie 8;'4,0.')0 (J0(l in excehs ol revenue. A urn iu th tid gold exports occurred today, and Ior the first ML OVER THE GLOBE T;-.. iii.,,,'; V!,.t, Pl KVvt ic'.'. : y Known. TLcv are iV v -..'"' fnr more effective in ;a!?-a-i5' ft.' the liver to V I ,jh4Ikl action than the old-fash- V ' r& ii.n.d tuthMtic pills, calo aiJ' r.icl ur otlier preparations, ( r.r,' ;ire purely vegetable and fi prfoctly barniless ui any con ditiou of the system. No care :s rrmiirci vJiiio using tiiom. T1... - cur? hiUotisnitBi, sick lieadacte, cos-tl-. tt:.-. . soih- sto::iacli, windy belchings, !: -'. -i-i;,- pain i;d distress after eating, o!!.l kiviired dcracgemcnts of the liver, Llomaca cind towels. M:ri!;o-.nerv. Orange Co., IV. Y. Tin. Pierce: 1ear Sir I suffered untold misery --vi::i lilecdiiKf 7iles. I could Bet no ;-. ti. I :i:t:t or d:'.y. nntil I ooinmeneed usiDff year " I'l.-usant Pellets." nnd now for two :.r- or rrore. I not been troubled with ; it ir.v lio-.velr, pet in a constipated e-:.;i:f. .:. I tj..'.' a dose of Dr. Pierce's Fleas cnl i-;: -t. and the trouble is all dispelled by n, i t .iuy. f I on m Tills! W: iilVef 'tie llimluei l-!!ar: r wind t"i-r ;inv itise 'I C,"..t:1iili liiit ami;. .t h.-en:- il liv Hi' '- :i t li' 'il.''. F. .I CIIENKV ( O .To'iili'.fV We. the un . i'.-w- k o.-.n F. .1 Chonev for ih" hi--t la w:i.-. nnd I el eve him i. I.'lvtl.V h' llolilie ll):l,l busine. ti:inn i;..ii- ti il li tt'ii-ia lv ;:'.;( In rtrry nut iinv 1t1ii .fr j, a s ni nie oy H:.e r lirm. Uest .V Tma.v. W'linl aic Du.ri-!1, Tn'.ell '. ). W AlLiINO. Kixnam & Mak vin, WI10K-.I- 1' .r'-i-!-. Tne i. Unit's Cnttinh C1.1v 1- t:.k-n intein i'lv. acting iliu-cttv t in- I1I00.I met inn (n. i Mirf c sot the -vs-eiu. T. s im') duls -f i-.t iVoe. Pi cc ' ail Duigi'ist. p. r botile. So d t'V Feni v CourU i'.i.l mvl Mr-'. Ar.n Lnv. r v, ho'h u-liite Te .struck by ;i Seal ornJ A';r I.'n e nti.ii at Atl enti J .. Stitur y. Both ihe 111 ill snnl Hie v.ii nnn will -tie. Thev were v;. in on tie I rack ..'tug v;i ilppro I'llMlU .m I lie a (1 'hei rl 1 ii"i h'-ar llio truin which ca an-up "ii them Iran De limit. . home. A ! rat a.i j''i',:ng iri.e!' I ne l n i. S 11 ,0 pe.ip e. Imfll (I . 1 I ' ' 1. 1 .. li ual ' I rell, HI 6 h- iui-1 1.1 ' . .0. 1. a e tun f. 1 lleV line t b"g-. hU(lllti. . h I'keim an-i 1 11 ke . O il Ne-ll D'fuir. 1 lie fntMernf he A II l Uui. l v r low ie , mil eXp C ell U lllr llMlg M . P'goit In euds g Hi g to NeW Brine lu a tew ds ui c i ry -one tat iuikeM and chickens. Mi-s 1 an 1 Smdei-. itaomrr uf ,11. ii.e: itli.ili' li.-ie ( LJ K S Uil'f".) uas e() t.. L 11 au g. P-LkllU 1 J.-. . v. e 1 ti i k 1 o M-hiiol Jlih ) y J men 111 Wilmington S. l' . 1- 1 n in g tier p-reU's, Mr. 1 l. ltu - - e 11 lir e. h- is ibe Wife 1 ( ' 1 it . It .'it .1 ui - , hut- o Su nun, imw ol Wilmiugt u N. U. Mis. E li Wireks, OUe of OUr iu ntii lutt. Ueie, ljdd vrif niir. e-C 1 pi- t' 1191 deitttl ll-t WeeK. i-,1- placing ai'i his young b r e nr. 11 itie auimal turned aud kn ke 1 111 ibe st-imch. A In ti- in. ne ir. 1 .nd tue k Ck w u1d mve o.en laial. a II ., El j.o .i, lai'l up lor r. n r tor Meek. Kev N. VV. L-wiM. Kie- Wui Bdiiilft, piea.-h d at 1 hleiu DB iitir.-h, la-' S'ii'd a ver lrw iiigu-gart.ii; 1' th' appnut- iu-nr n K-v. F. It id our encuit .1 e ieli -r Oil' tie tailed IO O'ltnit, d rr.t, aei L-wiM took Qis pliOt Hid .'.a-he'l 111 ex ell'i.t SrrmoB frDl M ft. iS:IS ( K vd- John and Geo. W. Cona j ivai, n o tieisamt li:-l p.ecti-r-Ihei'- preacu hvhij S't)ath Olght i iu our sit i ml h'tu-.e bei 5 r. t-y w 'a iT .inl C Ml terlwr ate S 'Idler- Id 'le 24 h N (l. li g. (Jo. I iu tin Ute llei e. li tl St en. ' A giea' in an here nb' K"lng IO , fl" K II, if ll W- a h ' IITIIJI , j vetiiiii rhe went - 1 ih be g' d fu we jiidg- ib' 1 I tin ih- iM-ff Ki I b ' t 1 . m vet.glVed I u N- Be'Oe, lei 11 - all g . t ' "', j Our nuo er. Mi .I 'hb LJI 0 ( :B J'le lit .1- I- he O-n llUO'er' at t-r hi. t Oo. He k'll'd i" ' week, 44 I rg rac non-, li giOp, ! re-lle- Caleb -ig I" ol fl-h. NIKl ki'img some 40 50 1 -ck. Duck sell lot 2b d mo f r n d . li.-a.d-, Mal'id a. d B ark nni-k l ''roll' 10.) 15i elj 'V- elf. 25 I 5J.t fiusi.el, clams 30o bu. ; It ;S Ft.itCil BH.i.i-..fIire.Uv ilmt the out- ' 1 I. ink Coi-p are hei ween nxica an'1 6u .. tenm a is ie in peim tlmn ever. Gunle mala having in tin? iienn a r eo lo M-xicn' oeina"l I he geiierAr ophiKA iow i9 there wid be no war. HEPPARD'S OKSTOVEl1 MADE FROM PURE PIG IRON, Not one pound of Scrap Iron "- " ia ever used 1 these goods. DURABLE, CONVENIENT ai EQOHQWCAL AU Modern ImproyementB to 4akto Bonwkef pine Careii Twenty different Bizea nA Wndi, . v . Every Stove Warranted Agalffifc Defect. Prtoa not mnch hifeber M tn ttm than on commoner kind ol Btovaa, ' Call on or addrtu I, H. GUTLEB S 00., Hew 8erno, N. C. AMD SALE is. lil.n M!.'.te,-.S age 1 I j ;.ra -. 1; , few f . W P": ItiLSJe!!! .' . -wS C SC:, H..-.'V t-- -. -1- -T mm ? ...... .t m kv . .- - - . --. -a -,v, ffi'-.-jri'i'- vvzzzr . Zr- - - m A 111c Italian Africa has square miles, or about Alaska and California. ijiial tu lot of DRIVING ct FAH1I Horses for Liire, ISale or Excbangc. Farm and Wagon Mnleg ency for the Celebrated Piedmont Aim CAIi'l. Prices how for Cash or Negotiable paper. A. JONES, South Front Street, Opposite Gaston House, New Berne, N. O. WAGON & Also for liaiulolph aud Long's light Uu. r-' - 4 '-. ...

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