; f .if" :. "". . -i - - ' ' . -! . w c .V . k is 7, I ;- . a .iswdjsa s?. nil if . 1 's,,jr.x- - $1.00 Per Tear INDEPENDENT IN ALL THINGS. Single Copies, 5 Cents.- VOL. XVII. NEW BERNE. CRAVEN COUNTY. N. C i KBi.UARY :1, I8!.k. NO.-51- - V -T WRITE E3S3 liyerside Iffi-RlOM.. STOCK -TABUS, far ;th irjrameiise cat alogue to be issued this month. It costs only a : stamps J' r'i ,'. - EX1.1S FOR HATCHING A. SlSrvIA'LTY- NEW, BERN - " N. C. f A. tZliS ' TSCS. SASZSLS, ; , ' fwsiiaat, ' . Vie fro. Q. E." ECSZSI5, , Cuiler.' THE i- A -1 HAL ' BAlIE Of New Berne, N. C. IjTCOBPOBTED 1865. rapital. - ; - - 8100.00C EarpiiuProfit-. - 88,168 'f'-'i'piSECTOKSrr -.. Jas. A. BaYA-v li.T-aoa. Dasikl, CHAS. & KBTA5' J.1L IlACaBTJBS, jNDCXTVf-: L.BAHTEY, ti. II. Roberts, ' E. K. Bishop. . ;tue ' '' -rarnsrs i Hsrchants Bank t Bfrn btLslnes May 1891. Capital StocJc, phl in, - 75.000.00 -"8urpU, - . 7.000.00 t'ni.vkfcl Pofita, - 2,o00.00 TIX?utemJspaHU ' - - 12,750.00 . OFFICZllS: " L. IT. Crn-KB. . " . " " rrraulent. W. 8L Chadwick, .' . Vice PrvK XT, W. DarwKT.v . . . Casliier. IL Fowu: , . Teller. jP. F. Matthews, , . - - Collector. ; t WiiU well established" connections Uii ' jB-tnk prekred ,io offer all accowmo- lation coosisttm witti conservative bunk : iri Prttm.pt ao J careful attention given to wv IT 1 a . - m m . rjliose .who way contemplate making . VbS0 Pr opening new accoom?. .Taos. A.GKBXy.Pres. C. B. foT, Cashier, sVin. Dm, Vtee-Fres. L if. GaoTTts, Teller. j CIT J Z EN?S Vb ANK OS KTCWBERNI!, N.'O. AGEHEKAI BAXEIXO BUSINESS. Tbe Aecounts ot Caaka, Bankers, Corpora-Ion, KariMra, Mereimuts anfl others re tirl on iavoraokr terma: . rompt and car ru I atteaiioa alTea to the iott est ot oar cus tomers. ..4 . .- -s . ... - .V ' BOAKD Or CUtCCTOBS. ' ,. , renlinacd CMchc x' E. H. Meadows, J. A. Men. Iowa, - ' Cbas. DnflV, Jr. S niuel W. I pocV, 5 -" James aVdinond; Chaa. H. Fowler, ' T "Cbas Keismistein, , W illiam Daun. - Mayer Uahn, K. VV. .-iniaUwoo!, .'v Tbomaa A, feraen. H. irea , . . . ' - O. JC Fov- . Dir. E, H. GOLDBERG STJiiQ ,0-0 Ali DE1TTIST; . Office Uonry Baildingr. JlkTTe atrctrt,l-ttreeu Brrui4 dI Pollock - Sunb piacial cliorcb yartl New H erne' N : CRANCH OFFICE Jacksonville, Onslow Conncy N O DR 6. BA3BY. SURGONx DENTIST. Oder: I d.li rr.et, opposite Baptist Cbaicb i - ' -j- r, , -fiV B RNE, N. C. D i eJlD Cr-AHK. . -.; SEW BEBJiE,N. C. Office on Craven Siicet, tviween Pollock and Broad. . ' 'j;-tiffin Bat JSl DENTIST; -:-NEW - BERNLV N. C-: O3oc-: 99 Mi.l.lle St 2d Floor. Wii: Estrartwi ViKwDt Pia vj the ns pfXitrt:3 Qsi'le Gas,: P. IX. PELLETIEE, --t forner'::y:At - Iaw. ; .. :tre3, First room above Farm et's & JJerchant Bank. ! ' - o-tiee la tlie Counties ot Craven, ones, Ooslow and Pamlico. U btatea Coart at Kew Berne and i- srtirt o the state. 7 7-VT CLAKllE, " r"t,T3Sfitifl:0t street oj, .' ' ' ' 1 o'slt'e 'Qastork Honse. lOBHEY AT LAW AND Kc.il Estate Agent. ' New Br-ne, N. C. Connection. Neiv Y rk ""; liostoix and Canada. Timber lands 1 ;Farm lands. Track lands, T .'V, Town lot: -JJo 70a want to buy 1 - v -. ' WKITE, Do 70a waat to bU f WBITJfi. 8PROIAL. - ' 100,000 Acres of Land io hand for dis- - posal. . . - 1,500 Acmt, Treut road, ft raiitg of city - Timber and Track. e as Foe trrnrs trx. m iimi LE BHUIf Sa2-iiwSayrf f mm m p Salt of ar A3 A PREVENTIVE tr tStmr-trrU H terpanjinya wak 8 mm i. 0.w w ru r pi lakafbaaiaii. t ' J li F. S.DUFFY,: Solo Agent, ;Dniggist and LARGE SORES ON FACE boat Use of Hand fro aa Blood Poison ln(. Fbyslclana and Remedies No Benefit. Cured by Cuticara Remedies. I hava ued ytmr Crrncua.v Rexedits, and a truthfully say that Uiey are ereryihiiiK and more man too represent mem. Last apnm g I was rreatly to blood poisoning troubled with blood poi caused by Diphtheria. Large aorea made their appearance on my face, and my bands were in such a condition that I could not nee them. After trying numerous physicians and remedies and receiving no benefit therefrom, I was ad rised to try the Ccric c a RiLUEniRft. mnA liiil Ml. Ami f am nowfree from aJi niv kin trouble. I cannot peak praise enough for Tour remedies. SAMCfeL J. KEELKR, 33 F&lnnount Avenuo, Baltimore, Md. BABY SEVERELY AFFLICTED ily baby was aererelv afflicted with some sreadfnl skin disease, lea head, face and ham's for awhile were aearlr one solid sore. I ha. I doctors prescribe for ic trie 1 several roracl;.-s but all seemed to io no rood. I saw an a h r tisement of the frnrriii RFMniiK, and eluded to try them. I i mch - .1 (,nr ) and beenn ujinfe. and en m l;alut'ri t 1 . to he eoarHetely cured. -, . GEO. V. TtBiE, Teacher, feryan, Texas. CUTICURA WORKS WONDERS Since a staple cake of Ctticuba Si ap, cot Ina; is snrncient to lest the r ue-' f tin area ennuirea, there is now no r- n : , thousands should fro tbrongh life torn roii, !:"' figured and humiliated by blood ani .!;in ii'. eases, which are speedily cored bytheCi'TicLRA SxJtzoiBs at a trifling cost. Bold throqehoot the trorM. Price, f'rrirrrA, Oe.; Boar, jc.; KEsoi.r- st. '. I'orvi. i linuo A1IB CSC. Coap., tfole I'toprir'.o.r, Uo. -o 1. How to Cure bkii IHsca-,' tr. it fr.f. pillPLKS, blKkhcid, rr.1. ioi:ch. eh... fd, ( 1 1 oily skin cured by i ticcba .ah. WJME FULL Of PAINS Find in Catlrnra Antl-Pnln T'I ter instant and grateful relief. It is the first and only paiu-killing, acrengthenisg plaster. 5,000 Dashfls Cboite Hjde Co. RustPrcof OaU for stttl, S?eed Kyu and Crimion Cover, atCHA.S. a HILL'S, East Side Market Dock, New Beme,N.C Old Rip Tobacco! I liave jnst receivtvl One Hundred 1 oxes of OLD RIP Tobscco which I will ofl r for the next 30 days at Considerably kssthan Manuinctnr ers cost. The boxts con, sin from 6 to 25 lbs. ench. Colors Mahogany & Black Sha-es: 6 in. 6's," 8 in. fl's and 9 in 5'. 1 will sell any of tbe above at 2oc bythel.ox, "or Sqt. retail, until trcb 1st, 1893. Respectlully, J.T.USSK "'SStSSx.c. ' i .- . Notice of Seizure. aSew Berne, X. C.Keb. 2, li393. Notice w htfciY pven of the seizure of the following property for the violation of tlM Internal Revenue lavys. S.i led at the oflk-o of the Snuthcrn Ex press Company, at Jacksonville. . . January 16t'i, 1895, one keg t l" Corn Wtusker, maiKtMi, VY. t. re, and one keit Cxm Whiskey, marked, J. A. Sapp. supposed to cn'ain four uml oae halt gallons. S--1Z6 1 at tu offieo ot the a tthrn Kx- rrcs Company in New Berne, X. C , n the 22t day of January, 1895, one ke' of Cora Whiskey, aiHrke-, Jl T. Nonh,aod one keg of Crn Whiskey,' oiarfee t, N E. Soa.h,TuprVed to contain Lqr aad' one nun KauoBs. Any person clairning any of said prop- eriy U bereoy notitie to appear within 8tl data Iron the dit' licreot and ninko such claim in f -rm and m.inaer pre-criled by law rib-aid pr .,ieny will be ror ittcd to ihe Uniti-d States F. M.SiMiioNg. Collector, By W.T. Caho, De;Ju.y Collector. n4 w4t i895 A EAPHOT TEAS 10 ALL 1895 - Ti onr Inendb wh" have so lilrally Patroniz rl us in tbe past, and whose bc coums giand bdaucf a' the b'-gin iuifr of tnisXew Year. we wish to ex-eiitt a hearty happy Xew Years Gr etm, and 10 sty that we me still at tne corner 01 craven and Sooth. Fruut rea;y to attend to your wants. To t'" se w.io owe us ani have pnid no afteaiio to our apyo's we wish now to aay th." you wi.l be re-ni relinavrry short lime by not ce r teived from our Lawyer Ihtt --ur account meat e pronip'-ly attennfri 'o or a re&ort o ti e Court-" Will la- prompt V rn:.d , f r we '.re DliTJS4illit,L IU tUhLttT WrlAI 13 DUK and if ya wish to save trouble and exiense v-u will c..iue lor-wa.-d and attend to the setHemeni of your note or account. Kes-p. citudy, J.C. WHITTY&CO. ND ifO GOOD'- WILL BE - BOLD DURISO 1S95 EX CEPT FOR CASH OR APPROVED SECURITY. Reduced Prices ! L To roaXa room for Spring Stock soon to wnve, I mu closing out my entire west ern stock ot I SHOES, j HATS, i CLOTHING, do. at greatly reduced Piicts. I am sellins the celebrated Rockland band sewed, t slfSkin. Men's Sh 'C, wirth 1 00, for 3.00 in all rtyles y0u c.'.n't equal it rUehere. A full line of E. P. REED'S Shoes at .1 redaction. Don't fjil to see. them before purchasing, and aL-o the " other goods in our line. .T. .T. 13AXTEH. Or, E. C West's Nerve and Brain Treatment s snld tmder positive written fmarantee, bj aathor lzel Sfronts only, to cure Wen k Memory; Loss of Brain and Bene Power; Lost Miushood; -Quloknet-s; Slsltt Looses; Evil Breams; ot CoDtldenew; Serroossnoso; Lt-jaitnile; all Orolns; Loss of Power if tha Generative Omns hi aitasr sex. caused by I over-exertion; Youtaful Krrars, or ExceaHive Use of Tobacco, unium or uquor, wntcu toon iea to r, . jure (or Cooatu -Colil Athtna, pfrmchitK Croup, Wnoonitur onjtn,' Bora Throat. Pleasant tottke. srwll size 0i--oit1nnel-. bid. GOe. sfze, now JSc.; r cisasaotrWc OCASAJfTEpa issued only br now Sc.; old F S Duffy, Sole Agent, Xew Berne, N. O. Monej liide Mj as. Rapidly. SSA3 TSI3 TEINS IT 0VE2 1 U'e want 100 men ho have energy and grit. We will give ine .i a fcituntinn in which they cau n-ake money rapidly the lbor iK-in;.' light and euip oyu.ent the year round. Beqair. s no capital or great education. S'rfif 'f- fur best snlesmeri lire uonutry hoys. Yang men or cd will do. Remuneration .9 quick aad sure. We tiave need tor 100 man wiih.n the Belt 90 days. Do not wast t me, but write at once to U. C. UCDGINo & CO. Publisbert, AtJaoti, Gs. BEFORE AFTCRv MORE C;OOI ATdlKS OF FI SH. Reported In onr Carteret County Co temporary MI.OOO Wortli ill One Day. The BeJiufiirc Heral 1 tl;at Me-5iN. Jno. Russell nn K.I. tfimp-on canaht 8162 woith of fih nt Hue haul last week. J uetn'np; them $81 tacli. The M.-rehcad cnrrpsp..mient i f the Hernkl cives these fisliin;; itnn: I "1 he 'kjv have b.'en pickii s up frozen fish on the shoies lor several iinys. .len wings Strrm found one wi iaiiini: 11 pounds and sohl in tli',3 mnrket lor GG ; CenH ' "Several of our tisl i'n j trews mule, some eood catches recently, .les-is vv . l. rnlfortl and .las. (WivnIuhI catiaht titty dollars wortli Tlmr iny. M --si-. Will Wade. Eli mvl Timot y Mizzrl, j (,p0 Lookout, enoant sixty t'oll.iri wort', two las l is: 'Omiiii; ;he . s io . ., we-k. C'apt. John Lewis cm.'iii two a sailli .i ih nuc; i;.. boat loads or sdioui 4 ions. This was iat .M.iixhe id Ci; to :n the largest catch of all." iuivrn.i. 'The .Moieliea l anil Pe iU'ort fi-ilu r ;an j -'as ii1Lre i- no i i caught ulioiit $1,09 wonh 1'tidi in X w i l.jr:,. ;a b.- ... t., :: i ooit r.vi r mar here !a: I h ir-ii y. '''- lit. 0 W. L. .Vrt.. . , . : ; . .i. . i oil. 1,1 i .nii, . i' : large qnaniiiy - j will r-c Us!., c a . ?. t to . , saili g on ,1 iL-t "s i5 iv THE SOI TH IX FEEL. Br johx talmax. sr. r.4Ui. minx. The frost hd s)ius us wi b o' cliains Across Nebraska's- wintered p a n-. And standi in U-niue Willi t'.ni.nr lth u i i t While Death tre.ids on ihe h el.-of Waul, Wee warmth coiitr.-.str. I i h t e inn Tl at d. 'tli the iui-cr b "Soni n I When the Xorili lnars W..es aful ci i s A-ce n I to inauspicious skies Behold the So.iili! Here sto e is ?csut Y'et lintens she her in.ie to r.iut; To whilom f.es, now doukli irieiula, Iu lurn the olive-bmnci. ext. -.(!-: Beneath her January snow Tne Janes ot ceneroiis fieiing uln'v. And we'd with act and impure ooi-d The ties of closer brotherhoo I. O cenerous South! The immortelle Fursjkes the diut whereon ir fi ll T drapo tte tomti of the Lost Ci ue When pity st.l!ed the world's applause It fills a worthier niissi- n now; To thine uncloudiness of brow Arisen, 'ti transformed tj thy Insini i of nobility! O cmMem of the irulr pri.it; Tjpe of love's conquest over hair; Badge of the lirond. iidvmcing mind No limits stctiomil can b "d; That leaps resentment's black abys, That scales the walls of pujudice, That quits conservatism's tir Mive-. Thst fhames mean, ltt:e sou.s m.d proves With what a avmpuhv divin.- The Palm can so ihe the sine ken Pint! Sale of Valuable Lands in Craven autl Carteret Counties, Ninth Carolina. Bv virtue of a mort'-inc rxeru; d me by William T. Maik-e. J. hn IMarkee and , Heurv Drake, datcl the lOih d. iv o: Nov-! einbi r 189.1, and repistentl in the office of' the R-pister of Deeds of said i.'iave 1 ! county, in book 112. f lios ill 7 to 2IW,, inclusive, .and in 1 tic ofTicv of be 1!.--:s.j;r of Dcetls of saul Carter, t co.ioty 111 b ok R R pages 454 et rer., to which reference is made and the powers c.mterrd on me by said mortgage. The uud rsi -,i.ed will sell at public auction, I'm cash, at the court house in the city of New B-rne, in said Craven conntv, on Sdur lav tin- lOih day of March.' A. D 1895, at 12 o'clock mid day, 'the inllowing lamis: 1; Ad that certain tuu t o1 land sitn qtcirlrj Cinven touuty i-n the S-uth ji fe of Neuse river and est sid of Adorns creek, containiiii: 100 acres in. ire or itss, and knonn us the IrcMud la- -is, funv dc senb. d in said iiiortuuue. 2. Ano'her par. el of land sdua ed in sa d Crtveu county on tbe 11 h side of Nell-o river, on 1 ho east side and ni the rai nth of Adam's eie- k, mb m ijg sever al ir.icis containing SoO acies, more r ev, known as the 'Wintl op P ce" e-xt:epliu therefrom tw.lvi and J ;,cies sob. by John S. Wtuihip u John H. Nelson 3. Ani'the.' parcel ol Ian; situated on the east side of S 'lith livera d mi Neuse river anil Brown's cr ek, .ml Beard's creek, containing Two Th usand aa.i tieven acr- s more !e-s, an kn wn as the "Groto T.aci" 0 u ' ih- land- ic- Hjribtd in t-ahi m-rtsia cm i-r the i;u ,;- i The smii n' an:e .ar.pwl 1 ber of pirctls a-i number 3, a .1 co.ii-t-n ' "'-Vhy, this v.-id never no: ..f the h-ur tracts I'uily -:isc b.--. as .so. 3 The ma- won d be 1 b y a jn saiel mortgage. j An I 1)0 a l itre , :. o! 4 Anotli. r p.ncol f and -ouated mi . id so I n''!!"'-- r --"i- tile Sou:., Si.l0nl.N0 '0 llVe UU nl. tile 'J' lie h, U-Cho d V.-,'t':i' t"" : s-'U'ti sine oi tusua s i re i o nam u?, 1 137 acres, more or ies-, know-i na .lie Casnel! E-tW.trcs P.te-u T. it-.. 5. An- tht-r tract s mate 1 side of Nruse river und ..as; river kno.vu as the Wilds iua 437 acres, more ..r kss .1 1 uo So a lb .:e o S -u h ud. couta;n Aiso a, - act ot land a ijoining tbo lands t heirs, containing lUO aere-. ! icing lands former-y o-.vi e Pitimau. 6. An.-thcr parce! of 1 n s 'tith sine of N'tise iivi-r a n South r ver Mnd north side . 1 containing 82U acre, moie m part ol the (J. H. E wjrds . 1 iiiics known as the lluck cr . k v Si C Ivny; on isl"-;..f ..I Uek 1 .i-tk. e;s b tu iua. a-'. id land Ai:0 ntiact of land tying nu the sou li -i ele oi Xeusu river binp:i'toi the land con-! veyerl bv Susan F. Hnd E?t ei E Stan y ; tu Caswell EdvariU, cmtaiii iii; 250 acres ' more orhss licine; th. 11 known as luc C. y. Edwards lm.l and .i..e:iinis as the St&nly land. i 7. Anntucr paieel of lm.l on the s n.h side of Nouse river nan e .st side ol Snath river, containinf; 175 acres, ir.oie or less being the tract forirnrh owned by John Edwards. 8 Ani'ther tract of laud lvinjt on the south ni-.le of Neue river und v- si -i.ie f Tui'nagain Bay, c-.n amin-; 5dd.i ;ieres more or lc;s, kuown us ilv.- Vh;:ehu;-t and Howard lands Another tract lyia-i on th si. e of Neusc- river and north .a t s.de nl So"lk river and CofT.e itrqek, conai.iini. o aervs, more or lpsS, known "as thu C th 0 cv-ek tract. 10. All of those tiacts ol 1 del l.n on the south ol Ntuse liver aod both sines of Adam's c;ei k, ku--wa as the McLin lands, contiliiuug 7UU acies. more or ics. 11. Another parrel of laud on the south sid of NtUso liter Hitd east side of lie; main Branch Garlnion cie. k, containing 270 ac.es. more or less, kuowu as th. l-eppei. patent. 12. Ar-other pared ..f i-md lyint'na the smith tide of Neuse liter lIwnn b nU. river .id ftaibm chi creek, known ;ts ihe Carney laiH, cnniainm.. 4-U apn-s, mu,c or i.-ss. 1 n 4 . 1, .. . t ..1" 1 .-. .1 . , ; f, .- wi. 't i rivor heiwe. n Dismi reek mil Lk . House creek, couiamin-; .0 a r.s, more ..r . USS. known as the I.e..', an laud. j 14 Another parcel of am I on the SOUtll sn e of Neuse. ni. r ai.t! C-t sale of South river, eonta 10111; Ik-- a is. more or less, kn wn as ihe Dm.n Ian '. 15. AU"ther par- el ot la. id on tl;e east side of South river and .norm aide of Ean cieek arni south, side f Coll- creek, cbn ta'ning 70 acres, im iv or h ss, known as the East crei-k ir.tct, AH '- which lands are lull d sciihtd iu sd" m .rtgaei- u which reference is .1 ade. This Ft-brunry lath, 1893. WALTER P, BURKLS. Mortga-ee. By Simmons, Gil)bs & Pear-ail, AU'y'-- BAPTIST SII VSIDI. II I T V I H I I . To be Held nl Suit run I'illeen Mill -. From .forcriend Tiii Similiter fit 0111 i 11 a 1 Cost. From priiTip'-iMi'MV-:' ifi t : 1 c P. : 1 a 1 litj-orili r we fake the I.iiIowihl: "A mnVL-aietit is 0.1 t nii ID ' j r,'.7..: : suuinur scliool for t ; 1 i- liupii-i Su-idav school tcjcht is nnd u; In It n,jy tvi-fi to h ive a wtck "f protit un.l pkaurc. 'Most t if 11s air so f if nw .y 1h.1t ii U ' too fxpen-ive to t" M;. "rn. m Spriuif to om' S:.:ti' C haut iiirii:i. mnl tiiereiorc. wo pnri'o-r o; u u t'liaiuan qil;i at &n,vni:l ;il i.t liu- .a-! ol'-Tuiic 01 1 he last, vl' J111 y -prol..li y ,iu-t nt'ti f the Ti nclicrs" A-e. !." :it Mirchiinl Citv. i "Snivrna i- a ii;ilo 11 t'oi : i .'in Biuu-jn-t iimth of ! sund til'teen mi 1 nn It is n 1 1 W; ma . ( ': I 111 anlauoir.i i 'II tr. In 11 U l 1 s to nr. 1 ...id i.i .ibund ince. Core ou:i : n-ii my; : tup ev rv a' liccli: in ei-n..-ani .i Liluhon c and Lit' . a- ih-j.-.i : a .pe :ics I. ok s! :0 l.r- a. r !' P " a', .n lis .. r.i i ban pet p at . hu Iiilj i oe n L .okou: ; plenty I w on the banks opposite S.ny r. a u : nil -r" a re.'ii olf ahoiit i til . he , . :;i il he-t lake a look at the n a' d mavb lar p ny peaninp "li en c-'iin-s ihai time, u hicii ii m a one ' wonh a .rip li'oni Ka'tirh l c- ' of ull a rich spiritual o I li- n in the i est me t In d- with m-truc-' n.blc Miidv ' ar.d lenrhipg. The litini' er ihat : . n b.' entei laiurd ts l.miied. S -me have alnndv spoken fr j e-tri'tHinnienr. Tin- people of Stryrna ag ee t. enteit un us fnr .lie acui.il com 1 of the entei'tainnieiit. Tin: r ii!rnd I a re j wii he iinaoiinccil I iter, as will a -o li.r ! program. The table fa re n d lod;;in I wl.l n it be hotel I ac nor hoo-1 price. I The people ohe us their i:oiiie: and their I siiib -ats at cost. j ''The whole eo-t fr.mi Mon-head to I Smj'rna anil re; urn, with a week spint there, two ti ips to the ocean, an h urs sail on three afternoons and a trip to the lUh house, nil include 1. will b." only $3.50, Here are some ( ihe item-: Mnrehead toSmvina and return, nl!.-.: b a fl and UHlini;. per.l.iy. -IO. .; in the oce-.D and return. Io,-.; ;o rikthous; :;nd n.turn. 2"ie ; saoine;. per hoar. " : li-h-ing lor iwo hour- or more, f . per hour. The hoals n-e 1 will lie sh thosj usel at, Moreiu ad, many ore owned by our Dapl.-t e.i-;crn Carteret. H u w -li iile.se drop me a no-ia1 M ike 1 roie- of wide li 1 reil.ren in i lo a;;eiii .- 1 iier.'' B. W, Sl'lLLMix. Kin-ton. X. ('. TIIK OI II MVN DKItMS. I tli;, for an hour oi yon hi 11 1 j. '. I (..ive b n k my t en l a 1 li sp-ki-. I I I'd rather huiob. a k;a-':;-'.: on.:! '. ! Tiian rcipn a -r ay-h i red k'l. : Oft' ivitli the spoils of wrinkle.! Awnv wi'k l.-ainin 's cr. '. ni Tt;ir out lilc-s VVi.s,lom-wni;cn And dash i-s tr. p'ii' s , ou : ' One momrnt let niv nle I From hoy hoed :v.- in,- . ei i 1 i t)i life, all love , lout of tl inn in 1 lam . Mv listening ane;i i hear i the r.r.ivcr And, ealimy sindi-ej. -n d: "If I 'nit toxica iby ri'.ve.ed iiair Thy hr.s y wish hath -pe 1. ''But is there nothing in ihy track To iid lice fondly siay. While the sW'ft kCJsons 1 liny hack To find the wishidnor d . Ah! truest soul of-w-nnvinkind! Without thee what were lif. r One Idiss I cannot leave Ink m : I'll take ni v precious wife! The angel took r. t-apphire pen And wrote in r.'iinb'.w d w: 'The niitn w..uld be a o again All' 1 be a husband, ! 'And is there nothing y t unsaid Belotv the Ciane appcns; Rcmemb r, all .!.e:r jiii- have lie 1 Vith those dis-o! vir.'-T vmr-; ' "Whv v f: Mv fon 1 I e -u icl no. Tli tak - for ni 111 nr p 'leu al j' y bear t . 1,1 -;v -.i. Is - u 011 Id p c ill Aad wr te mv (ir ,t ;i :ni bi To pie ise tne a:ay-!l .iic-.l O iv'ir Vend-. Uoinu.- 1 lion's This! Wo oiler One flnndrr l D diais r. vvavd or any ease of Cniarrh that cannoi hr cur d bv Han's c.'at 1 r 1 ("urn. F. .1. CHENEY & i:u , To!, do, 0. Wc, the 1111 Icisiuec , have k o.vn E. .1 , Chen' y for the last 1j te: 1 bin pei feci ly h ii 'i .b'i tiJinsadions ai d lidinc a is, an, 1 k; eve in ...I business, y aide to cai ry kv t'nc r lit m. out anv oiiiL'aa..ns m m 1 WEST c TKUA.V. WllOhsalO U IlitCletS . TntttH., I') Wnnivn Kivvo-.v titi. vi.v. Wholesale Di ugaists. Toledo. O. Hail's Calanh Core is taken inteinady actieg directly ujion the kiood .and mu Co as s 11 rt.' s 01 the ys'em. T -nimoni-d- en fiee. Price 7oc. per bottle. Sohl k ail Dnia-iisl.-. Bunl Erllh in Session. The Hebrew hem-vUi.t ,e-'ii Bnd B'ith ism.w in annual C mv ai Mianta with many prr niincnt lb present. r'"iie h leaics are i.eir lt 1 enter aim d lay tiie pe ip e f A 1 hiut.i. MllOU on; ion brews ovnllv , Geii : Kleli- til. ;i well as-11. 1 dir..; th-m u In ar: The fjl o in' i i.s ailed : J u .ins .1 o'-11-0111". 1; ore 1 tint; L r.-s S h;; ihtr - cr i-f IJdii- inri-e, hrsi vice pre-i en 1) iilui. of M icon. I. A s"a president; S s. s- c e ai : -V t:i-.isurer. and c ton, N". C , seaiL' 1 ikllio. rl 1 1 i ' 1 1 1 " , Ol '. w'cii . . dit-:d-11 111-. The foliowiiio w sent tne lo '20. at tli veit oa to be held : ost!,: Si a V"i; lo ( 1 C L e. te Il-l li :' W,r reiirc-('m-Apr.; ui; C ' il 1 ar j. . d''.:i- ll.-nrv Cohen, o! (.'":.;:- S I' Marviall'd So!. C '.'.'ei '. .;' N il l ( na; j. Iieeh'. ot r-,n. i. am; T. ! deeai 01 Soutli Car,.'. . . .1. 5I.-1-- l OlUftll-ll.l'Xi hab in C-'.vn s.i.. oi k n 1 I'arcc's Fa'.'.iilte T.s 1 everv wmiaQ who is -iim--:. wcrkel, every v. oarT.i w'.i 1 Dr. And 1 t ; n . r o ei --n!f r- from wtaktif-n, ', d. eve y er ii:-'n.i u ive tonie, a any female compact' or reed-jusi 1 iiat remeiiy. Wi'h tlioturnae.ce. irrc-:ilar :y. -.n.l o' can b- perm. in- ml y ceieo. Il's an in t iyr n .1! n U, 1'est i.i - i: soothing and s;-i -i;- :.e:iin ne the oa'y me.'icire 1 " '- oine . s sur.- that it c n be ua: 1 deed. vine, a id 1 s ne. aini I 1 ei io - ical pain, dr-p.aerm ut-, wck l-;v ! bcai in.ii- iqivii srnsiiti 'Us, an-1 c-vt-ry kin dred adnv ut, ii it fails ,-q lienclii or cure, you have vuur m n -y buk. Is anythinir that isn'. sol i in this way like .o ' c 'just as noo'iir-' Dr. Pierce's Pellets cure constipation ; liver-dls, indigestion, diSpepsui, .iles and: hoadaches. ST!)( ON M.W ltll It. IIM.IIH J TV. tVtmt it is lCEtimit r t iik as in : in I'ossiliilil ies ol I lux lieioii nx :i II:i.t . Hi t I am! Kuiier oiinlrs N i II mm r a i I ii i mis ol I ol I Ii e "oii ii I ry . i. Slo, I, V K' ,IU. A I I ! Kl'IToR .InniXAI.:-Sto.-k Farrti. OAii'd an I 1 1. I.I 'I'll.' Thus Y oik -ilnW i 11:1 . -V. .Mrhnvie. K- I' lilo X- l; I ..Hire :io-S o; I .rl) : I'. lew r, X" l.or.rtd o X ill :v I :: n . Ii. in Hi .il ly I;, nl. a ru r.s ij ;. . , I-l ol" ..- 1 is a i.v iil; o ( i tii-.C-' d ar I l I,- i. il . i ITS i ei oi J N ! 1 d 1').. - ir. r li: . I: is run ol hilt I e- i.t Ti-.- low lo he r lUrl.: A'.;ea. iy li." M .' i. i u!i urn i L. pari, in n with oi li.'r adv. met .1 ;i -I'-iu : th o-p -i i .1 -tin. ilia au t'.os. i.i is .li t ;;i( I ;.n sar'iiii i-i -;.;!e.s v,!i r., '1' e i;rt ir.edi a M,-i-a- wl-i. :, a fi.s ry 1 1. nil's rm: d I IIP ',:!. j iv. lit lne 1 1 1 v . -tor. '. l m h as I i -en t es aoiisiancnt f c lac'.oiMS i l'ler the and V. rmon f, and i an cue pii't. r.i o ir.'Li'e-sisa nil .Mi' pn Hie pjse t o r p at In i. in Ni ado r' h U. CC-seS I 1 , est;,l.;is'n n ; 'i and c.ain' !oi Id- s. th m I'nrpu s rahl y. in. 1 i Lave idll ds ii lor.e piai par; 'i i lie i an- ha ve dor.e piai-: oi i arliievemcius in i.iiC-a maKaij;. , h -;t--r 114 the oiade ni' Inn lei : '.u! pi t'airie- do not hem-lit roaiiiuim I ie- ik no .I eo-ojieiat ive cre-i nier.e-. world ss,ndi).(i;'!ii n v. I alone. N vei l..el, s. li.a leli saaa- a o M; ura so the p,d.:v r. tin- l " ii . k s:i ,. na- lea iv a-:d wi.iilio t . ;i, i n il: uneia; ivu industia s i c.a nonii-:s an- o:i'eriir; 1 in m, mu. k p -.- i ll.-.-r lllissioiUII V W' lk has lo be .i.. ( ;; ' prep .l'inrr the way and inakin-: ih . hid i. 11 I patlis 11 ain. And or ihis reason 1 ;i 1- vai.ee. 1 effort of mic!i -h wd li i.im-i r- .jr. .Meintyre Ii.iiiiiui m v.-i lua 1 ,!. !,.'a-- y iiispinn eoiiini.aiia', mnl -tmiu-tnc;;reit w.nk of rei ujieraii"!! a .1 ilia ! sei l-s lister, a 111 0. , itil ill, IMtor- liki ll ' nr. : t I. i 11 wining to p till' 'a :.;i r si 1 mallei from I lu iuvestii;:-.:!-. ,11 Nor.k uh Ik' c nuai- ' er.l, ot in iiil;' ale msiri'.-t: his hr l-m. nl. Ki.S.i 1 . 1 le. . 1 . 1 1 1 work at I ' k n.'e. p nd.tnre of ., . draw many inves 1 in- vi. ".e i : ol' N. -awmiil ,.nni n . 1 ,11 :li lit 1 I "in la ' .1 ic!; - i:n ike. li, 1:.. r,..- ..1 ' - . 1 m ; . le- 1. illV.'iv olio. I, lilileh . An die I'C. ,1 s,' it ( t o adv si no an 1 ! ; v. r led k II. IS I I . ): 1: , ao ;i: . n r : sill : r . . 1 he s :.ori-s Oi 1 ,1 1-. ke:r ii : s am I i ki : !io .s s 1 1; t vv- 1.1 i I ' pOSs, 1 t)Y2 ioll of ad nllt iL'C -:'S -j:, s j ; 1 - j 1 -; with cap. :C, mis e,.ire!i..;i '..as i.ecn ercie I at ii .ore's l.au n,-' I'.ji 1 the uc camaiodal ion of river liahic as I well as at 51 mi r.i s, .imii miles bein.v, ' I coiintetinir with ft -iiy-niilo spur of the v ilmiiv:loii, .ev. kcrn Norfolk li dl way. Jainerunt tishin-4 iuterts'.s, ;,,-.r ne-jiectt d, have been reinstate-"!, and , Oi nme.it mi p 1 ovi incats have ! (-a p is ,,..! at van- us point s. Traffic lias i;..i. 11 to pr ..portions wl.ieli comm 11 d tlic unietiiitlnin se aa s 1! several iltb'-als and a e mim idioiii pa sender sic-miei'. Whose f:e.pient enipioy-nic-nt is to convey Sunday school piciiu s, of two hundied or moie incmkcis to aesthetic f-pms, where the char.us id na- j lure arc .oaiinuiit, and tli'j Gien-te Stock F.-.i'm is aiiv.ays a hivonle okj ctive ioiat. , So a'isi ill lre.qu.-nt (iileit i 'A llien.- Crc reel y op , survi' .i-iir.'h. iosi;e :i or of wii k lad d I-n rd e1 V Cs; itc ... ; i ;i ,n 60-1 ; cr lesim a t'.h'.U-. k : nils i.ul'n . ic. 1 d Id: v. 1 'W p-;. 1 11 nu I ti- .lis. tie its :e h 0 t ;o.ni. 1. run lro.11 nysteis, . in 1 not, 1- V'-l'. ' M. Ne del', d on .h . MVr.K A , haar s .1 n:n r t; S' '.1.1 era III IV t .lev ..... 1 "w. ., h I II.:! I.' ii if - di: i ( .1. I ' ve e with . cc. si 1 .s;i..r w. lU'.l s, V, i nra'-'t-on pr no.: : ellh. d to .1; i n; . ! cni's.'in -t )' .He.:. ;-. t ' 1 d I-. - iv ii- n tlic liai .- ;, l: :al Mr ! J.d iis ! Lie 011 f Li '..',' and bi.'i.'ki-'i w." II tie -:,'d hue, ii r. r, .V 1.- Coil s "" ova. ,- l o:l is ilea thy '. Til'' i VIC re- ol the a iJ.tC-. lit s.iuli.!-: e iUiO Up to 111. with tlie -lUtilow iVo ii 1he ja d.i r ; . repl-nisne l dininaily kv tlir- .-r-ia ! which 11 w i.i iliroudi inn ina---. -' al-und.i' t fond to tweuiy kin. tvaiir li-h. si 1 ell lish and cr 1 f. di YVe.ikris.i an 1 -h: i e : L-a sons. '. n' h- r 1 ! i f..v ! moid 1 11 1 if the 1 and v.-i d turkey are ike d;-.k'.-ss turnr.l ivt.it.oas Tilt: r Tiie appo, leu the nvii ti.-iit Mamr Yi rao:i o pivny waui'si. p'e.i-lir:- :.t : i of in"! si-p; . it iuhl, and - 1 tide I ascent 111 d n .ii ike.r f-.-s; eisc. "i.inl. dc... colui. i lie aki HUlyir.-; cs;iia;; -. rise in the timber ol fiimer, 1, th lo UOuprl.s. ARM IT-KI to 'ol- 1 '" 111 e Fa'.' li.-alis - .n:.. ic . 1! Ike !'.,: . . li : ir n o pi'ocecJ- I' -k d nv; V. . ( ! ti- N, ill- or'i 1:1a ';'.;;! : I'd i -es. slali: dlis a-..; iveiv d. ieli-! , d'.-l d' so: n b IV. iill" all-acithi-i;.: acci--in-.eies' ; and kir;h p ate ni. ward 'lie v id s w w lin k raiod'y di.i's'! I'd-. 1" '; r .1 -Ir d ifi.- j or . 1 di; w hi h -pre , It s rl' e!e;.l. ,1 1 I I . I :1U teilellV l) I d ti'idi -r. d --. k.rns, i.i'i i iVi-ii op . enioiiiiii r.i I CVc: V ' II. ies e-ld:;' I'll an r 1.1 : ,1 . ' lleis. 1 " il . e e., i a-iir -in aide 'f Vl-'.li' -1 u : , !1!'' -hoi k.r y. 1 . 1 1:1 k. and -i-.!' t ' k tn , 1 . Oi in -di; . . inies :r. ; 1 v f.vi.r Id. ltev. direction d.der ii o-c-tab 'e'.mc is a L'CLV.al Guv, w no :. U the- cot; 1 sup v.f.r, ; . is under the L. A of M a Mclnt. ;e and his effn neid A. Vh-!.ntr, of Wihninvi " division o-O-se l's ol ihe. L'j pouliv-, daoy and i;eneral me .its. In tne stables a e coadju; or II. , and t'n re ,v 'se nod lai :e farm dep.dt 30 thoro.ul. bred ed'es; with Wiseman, SlSl iOil reona.it; ini orted i reuimui Jack, archi Hoistein-Fiieslauil bull, .M-.u-Kinir ; u:uv. s n.d Dorset rani.: a are chief in their : ;,1 iilleii (N ellf-llt - '"' i-ouuii ni laioe l I,. i.i 1111 p ' him ii : no i ."ui sii pntas- i t, . - a i - ral I i-Kin dnck. in n k Use is a st il tie I '. a -nidi in captured I lo I ; e manor '.join . M "N-TI1 A ill'. ,'i an I farm lias- ' i w '; Ik' - i. y , .- :;o eoiisci ui ive ! n v ki ji l miilinc of a rjren u : ; inn sei i u t rile or - r. a ei -. To Soui hei n . ! -;... '; i ds.-'i-;. who iiav.: r i .' the fuilillment of, d . i i n wii! lie pleli-iiio. ;., .' i i! as-;t an ;e nnd hope. ;.. r -:,; only Mr. .Me- -::ile I on own ...: ..;', -h- .1 I.T the loat ii!'., ai c.l. a ! in li, '-. 1 lb h.s i . :- 1 i ;;.-,: tii l - uu: i I- d ..rd . ar I 1. a' ' ..'.;;; er . cut. oi 1 r ' ii, ilea cows can lie 1 :- sd,n ur' theto is an 'I adv.- ercmeiies in ,,-.'.,- I i.a! 1 iiey will i.. r. a s , ;arr i.elor in - !...'i, I.-.-,! .,,.,1 Mr e:.i Mllia"er nf the U'il. , : .v. N rfoik K iil load, n ; i..l i-oiiipu-tion July i : ;. iidin d di-pe'i'iiii in . ..- . - - ,,r th .t i.iikoad .v .dv ,n e 1. A 'dd tbe : Xe -. i .. r.i. which s une up nl fact, the side iiv v, id -land wid . . f the (Jlenoe trm k. he an e,nied nf i he speed v . y t i . s, ,), ... ils 'IntrJl .ikllil ' , . .,' ,,,,,i,i, ,,,,ii,,.;,, I . , ' . ...a I. ..-1. in K'tfl , r r;-c l'liblis.'ed iusl : d e'.tii i -.1 ' --S iiilliern . ''. iw'i;, - th.. ii,n. ; : ir i , i I 'i'I.M: 1.1.- Illlf ill i j -iidi .. .' Iv t plit-it as to tiie i a! :r.d iiidu-tnal status nt that i u ,i:i.i:s IIai.i.ock sp . .al In lu-irii s m N. New kern. N. C. ids ii ivi: r.i:K opi;xi:d. iui a i li.r Mu- Krcciion ot ihe I .- i:.-1-11 1- pnMir itu i ll i ns.-Kobrri ii !,..!.. Kntt .ri-hiMi Thn i.onr. si. 1 lriu:s!ay, tin- Mth, ! l'lrasei v Ikparlment i ..' ii,. New Hem N i U kl. M. .lack A i ... .-.el'.- the lowest . id. v.n'i ,-n 1 in. ; , i c. : d aw a ' .In I wc hope 1 .. -.1, iii'.'L'i'i'si and the laplrli'il and in use. ! ad lidniial infni-iiiatmn : which give; the en- ; 1'. will ke noticed that i -!-. .I n k ..V Sna. the 1 - put dnw.i as bring .1.. W'e are inclined eorrii I one 11: is ihe last lb :i -di l.y the Supervising , i'.i i-nry 1 )i-pai t ment. on ad ' lie lak. r anil m".- j '.. I r. . 1 1 1 tne eeav:ition, C-Ul- i ! :.-li.,, .Liiioa-:. st,,.-.,-, ami brick wmk. I' u ; na . wo id il....r, eeibng nnd roof i-.i,i.ini'-i on. Ve'O:' c iv ei'ing, drainage, etc., for Ihe I'.S p os . hire, court . house, and i"i-ai:ii k-jir-e !'..: dnig ai New Be-ne, N. ( ' h e- bride; - wire as follow?: .I.s. l.). Eii'e.d. H'.ckory. N.C,f 38,150; l: :!- '.' l:,oidl.s. W. li. -.. :r .v C v. Wa-bingfoii, P. C, .-;:.',-,,. .111 1: i jn- is ,, tii- Ki'i.v; cv fdirl: r. AVashiiiii'on. D. C., sei i.Oi.i '; line 7 month t', Tn mas ec oa, Wiishiiigton, D. C. s;i.iS-l; U.iie s monil -. Geo. ." Co 1 -o t . Wri5hir.irton, D, C, s'jl.'i !'.'; ;ne i iii-i.t s. t.' :a '.'7'd t. L. ! ;.-::; 1 ec . iy iv t o., C hi.-ago, in d .. .OTV k: a ii tic Son. Chicago, 111., f4, '.V a-'c... .T-id.-o,n Mir-h ,' .. . ', . ' " 1 1 Miuneipo Vi ' I V iiUIEI' Minn., 1 :- : k-.-r.en from shore , ; C.i w 1 h fnow at ! i I j. :)'"' ii'd: in Toits-J ii idgid. j e . - Cofrespeuiio 't 'lli :l.i d C naug ha- c 11 :.:ud piaca envoy t j ".tail; is re'i "U'tc 1 Snow was tdllinrr i Id. a ir-wns fbursdav a i .'. , i..ii'd. A'a., tlispatch says i 1 ddh-'i I ,m i Cha?. J. Se.irc-y, i' 1 Crc'. k tr .in robb r, h:vc been i d; Ark.m-.is f.r robbiy I ord r.v.i.W oi 'W'ei-ITai-U'ei ' . . -.. ; , d ,., ,-,.n:,.,,l 'It u .rv. :,: I dio .rn;r;ncse agree to .- dr.- be: r.f all surre-iKlored 1 ' -. n ieii hen Vnen has 1 1 1 .-: i 1 . :. , ne 0; w iiai lam .hi , -. r , .r. ',' ,,, . ! I: ave iv-r-i-i- 1 Amir- 1 v e -dure I I eran-e one of I ddy - :,ol a ( ';im?.!imu '.vhilc j I. ... rniliw 1. ,e - 1 id- veai's in ibc New ..ar: d.ic 'at A'.hiliV. II,. ; ,. , n l.in-iv. ' ,. - '..." ., , . t... . ; a icn n.i o 1 na 1 :-...-ir- is sim-i on 1 ao.koi.t .ir- il.. s';.l s I.i I. CJ allllll-d. d , 1 --.::, ii..- . old Ike bin : . "; aid ir L pel I o her. i ... e.-i... : : ": M",i une ri'ieu fl -, ; ..i, ..:' Tt-. 1-. Drif s p. f .1.1: UI'C :dl delate I. -a i: am. lint to lldl.d.rcd. 1 -- . h-i.t ,.i the Wii- . 1 .ak. - tin- statement : .i.i -.-ir,.- .,' iVn- eastern : 1 : I 1 ( her. Ill llns Ihwcst are not- . d,, . . ..,' , : . - - Imn ihe State ol' '. - : 1 .: did,- lfork. chiefof the :: 1 .a :: ': n. w.a slhldeulV' r, n i ..;.;, r to 'he. ci t y nl 1 '1 : ii , ::-. d . -.', Willi aii ananire- ! : -,. .. -. 1; 1 I'cucvc'.i mai ; '- '; - '' 'k'.ac . oil sov,.'-a, T1, ,.,...:,.., --,,. Ward " i,;V'' ,lU'; "t'us w "' a;ivl John Wind. -i.Vj,.e.rto lln-ee years ' ' '" -' ".'' 1 etch f.r in , . :,l.. . i . in--; I. .rki.is. iwo id '-.ri : private in the 4Ttli regi- vcuri in: lii .eav. b c.uu-it pneumonia while , - .i Pro lilvn. had to lie taken 10 a Kh.-iimalism ui-etl in a l.ut. le-ai-e h-., iv,oi h: r said that it "Mys- c Cure" f.r I.' leum-tti-sm anil .;. iai'-i-da'p to rare for him ut ' Ncr.ir.iu-. i 1 I'.idir ,!; cur. - in I l..d davs. -dad le HI'.:' vvni,'1 home t he i .I--, mi ni tne preju nee ay am st 1 ai.i thai ex;s:s ill li' r ..ciirhbor- hen-l. I . n-Jd -ts, er e rs and niher dealers liava idiri-.i ! sell goo s t-. 1 er bcc-iu-e she is ili m 'tin r nl a militiaman. This is an extr.ioi' iii! ay incident of the ! strike. . ' ' ooi M fit I 1: I'isii M'R. - IhonmnMlsnndsi. 11,,, ,,.l..l l.v 1.1 kio.ii -na liclpicsH.- aiii- Man iietx , Mioi nri iii- llotii-s- ,.1. I.. - ... k l n 1 1 i m! i 1 W- !.'.: . d take 1 j- , ;; It it ! I ti l'i-.ti i ill; . "' i'-1' 1 i.i-e.l kv Ih- edd u. : 'i ...ad in from lie V. lowi.-'i i 1 i -.Mr. i. sde inn r I. . ''' '" ropy f "l- f 'die i- j in . I de. N. ' , e in.e n il si.,v,i d il li.n.l Ik, I he I : i : w . i - in- I I I I . . d I II .' 1 " We : el' -a w . ,,x '''' 7 X' ' k'-ii I'''"! j1'1'- ' ' Hi ' r 1 ii old v.edi.ei' aooii lii'iii .ml- ,:o ll.i.l.ii- mi " " e end . I I 'I ma . v :n Nee -'...: pe.., e i n I ill I ihe lne :. i ii Mi ru ami ni . , : li ia .e ' Mend y the ; i. i up I. 'Jin lar-re .-. .: .:ii' I.i lie ..!- p re; 'r):i rr- w ..! i fi-k. :A . . si li '. r t .. a .,-r,-- v. il.: men- .: ii :n ck .Me fut-: ; i jthei-- i-an up pre- ; .-i :a N w river. The ; i . ; i . 1 1 d I ro 1 1 1 b V the! , , , i , : ,, ,; is;. ... nu i' i'C' I l.v t lie ; , , ,, ' i li : .lea- - hoo s. ard : 1 1 1 .r., dn- ", ,' ' Ti, :; ..- !,.',! liuadiiil , .. . , :. . , ,i.., I ili.l.t'" .lJi!) ti.'ll- !h I ) ; ,p 1 1 l,,'"l'l load ' '' l! ' c li 14 ' :l I rue tm I tu0 ":' 1 , a"s;!l1 ' ' ' i- .11 Ilv i s dd th-m fn s- h i in e . -I . "'JYl' :ni"' In-' 11 1,0:1 i ,a r i IJU-IUCs- s ;,... 1 -lp Ud: noi hiir J-.b a ar aav .iic. - all ' 'lie li-h-1 in ' 'J'.,e i d' g -a v n.'ii- d ike l'.dnirlee ' Ec'le- na I.il.ub r e-unji n.are idle lor ':l' 'c ' ' A:! !: .- o"-:e lUhini.'. I iiii-.sn, k-'i -..nv. 1 ut it i- so'id 1 II . - .s n l l( 1 - FK.nAi.r. iii:i:iu.i:i mm ii:ty, Special!. '"" iiintii.s Kr i is.-Sam... Emtoi; .Id: i,al: The e:imecod j -pell has c iil-i' our li'.-m cieid i ii.i.s ai demand upon 1 ri : v lo meet th wants ,,f the snffe.ri.i-; n" 1- i',.- iiv. mid, t ii 1 oug 1 t 1 . 11 o t - . .1 I'ae I I-n. Clin-. C. Clark l iv a don d rii 1 -f s i 1 .(li) c -ui. r'ibiiti d bv nun vu' be :ev .eeiil 1 d .. e a.-, and a very lil-era! ('.i.trididioii of wo .d l.y Mr. I), i fongiloti wc have met the demand so lar. loii will six:, ni ti.r. tun your 1 columns 1 in: : i.ati I our snei- t v to ihose . who have c nd ri ; m ; . d to ; 1 ilnn . thill ol j hinds and w on '. an I 1 die I Ion. (.'has. ii - k '.a -da::' ana liitinii" i lldris lad ,:di , !' nr - .cielv. ! V.-ll-s Ver H -.-.i.-.lliSlv i .1 :-.i. K. M ; : A 1 inW.s. 'fret-. Iain d' 1'encvnl.nt 1 ., , if New Eci ne. Uii, I-..--.. i tii K sr.w its. 115 m Mill, it risii. I 1 l ieiiri s ns n wind Wiis l.ono bv Wat. j son. iani.-ls A Ili-li's lifiirixeniniivf ' iiiTliri-c Knyi 'i imi.. .Mr. ... 1. w : ; - v-1 -. ;, pr. s,-n.-.i mat v. 11 and 1; In an Mj-si s. 1 ,,- . I, , 1. -1 w ntson, itinii'- cv in'11 l:ic-s ns some fac.s and li runs ak..,.. his -ii. hernial V"" -"' "eiejiiso 1 01 mem acun , , . . ... ... ., count, and thev would not have averaged luck at .m.w l,i ver .v,. me co.d was , 2 euc The captain told us that he 111 prore-s. in 1 1111 i vs he got hr- : tween sixlee-i -n.d rule 11 hi.'iiMinl-iii "l nine tho.i.-and ol one sin jl-: md; ih -f.oz 1 ir, u'. I'h y mad about tw-i hun.bed hair--:-. I k- -.-cuic-l twelve ! bari.cs ,-,f nnil - 1-. 1 Mr. -vieis v.i- iue p.,ie nisei m me j :ltlt nnicli ol the distance was made fish I mm the bey v.di . was reiarted in ! through heavy ,ce. We did not see a the Wi diiirj on M ssinrer U) have ) single frozen trout floating about on the picked ,.p s.-l w.uiii. Mr. Wiiiis says waler during ottr whole trip of 50 miles, tlieli-u.s divan v.ere nailer the mark, j nr :), siugle. fisherman at work picking Ho pa d --.'J or ilunii. j them up. The Messenger's correspon- Iu the a-e 1 1' tin ma:: whom the -- j tlcnl who reported them floating about in eenger ..- rrcspondi --rpoMed tn have j -;n-go schools'' must have been im icceive 1 i-lli'. for wh : was pleko I up in I liihing lively in Jacksonville corn and got five hours. Mr. ,l:is i .nrrnkrates the j numerous twinkles in his eves. The 3000 i statement -.f ti, !r --c -i-er corn spondont land &.,v-, the 1,iirr-a:c .nrrer-t. Jlepiir chased 1 at l..t Mr. Sueed Rob- lDSon, t owner, h .d le ip liawiver m gath!in. the 1. ie :i 1 ii 11 j.ii-l. them all I up bv I : 'i-e f Tl: -v v. -. T.- la kc-n we are' !iufo;m 'eiw knur; .1 three it : fdur i- i : .1; S- ...1 , v a-' ei :v ..n airi nine : O'clock -a ,(!:. i.id:d. ; i-Mi; GSE.t r . i i.im k hotel. The Xi- w f unaj-faiem oi Mils Nurih Carol i.i it's I'ainoii, Sun'smt-r Ite-nii-l antl I'-.tits fiir live I. omiti St-Msoii. V; r "iiiv s:- de.l i h 1 1. I In- A 1 1 mtic j ( 'id, . !ii I k ei le.ie-d hokd, :,! . lar k .ad ''r 's'.O, la .'jr. 'in'i T.iyl-f. a noted bot.-l num r. wu-. : al piv-fit in charge nf t'10 di d.e 1 . -n r s. c. The (' in id . . N, . lion and p.rticui.o Atlautic Hotel ::t V" ite al Coklinkdl. eive- linllicr men- I a- kdi..w-: -The! i.i.a-1, N. I '.. is one l l..ii!dings in the ! 1 of the I.;-: oia-.i:-. - I Soulh. 1; ha a nt i-iada-iil ...ill room 1 , 1 . s,. is-,1 li,,ni .Inn-..-1 f0d dd-ng t to Oc.-iol.er, nlie of da- I i-i iKiiMns in i i the Soul Ii i- c Kerry MeCieery. ,11 i n r oci 1 ci idles who 1 1 fl v., .:-!.. here will lead I he ui "The-e a re tenuis le rl.-. let-- I,;, ;dlevs. . kdkard nr.ors an I . ve-1 Hung i:!s- m .1. ., ... : , . ... 1 1 ., . , ' : -r , i '1 . ," '.',,, , ,,.1,. 1 nu 1 ... il ...a-! -a. : 1 1 a- k i ve k-i 11 vast 1 v I improve.' , an I M -a I 1- ra-y nl ap- ! pv-eiim. ; I da -N orl 1 1 a i . . na M de 1 eae.ner- YS?0(Tiunii '-'.' li ni d - a 11111:1 1 -jdniu; ,J"'. 1 .... . Is I .-. ..... li,,,. m ,',.,'ml, ,V a-i,U contains ir.'in dl-l, ULaisl.C iimor.g w ,..., .iV'v'b-'r. nh-n:-.!,,l)r'"l" .',-' I'-'' i-e -o. v .-n, . U iimiii) 1 ,. . 1. : i, . M. t I!:: . . i.i. II. ShiVii a ' f he 1 uisiii ' a riTi a-jeaienls class in ceil :-el'V, I'l'i d i 1 I. 1 ,,.,1 r . r - ar 1 wi'l d" ,,. ', : : ., yj,' ' ' ' , , , 1 . 11 I.i l-ii.l. o;:iIt 1: ,:a ai .-- :sn at 1 nis n,,,r ,, T.,vl ... Their'' to an-dt. c admi laki I'. :h 11 - - Icah Mr. II. ii. ..-.!.. l TnrlMiru, A t-'a u;:: in k 1- ' a -.i- f aniioiin- 11 .ni. an I west cing the i(--"d 11 a ' 1 n- ...r .'J N. '. i-s-.1 111- rtg.is.es an-1 1 terciu mt--jiii.-. ! ,h-. II v K. N iii Ah . hold th- s? ' of tliiiskiir -';di N. ( '. Air- JS-l.Si. was In. -,., :. n--l .lalludiel of Mr. S.u.u-1 Si. 1-..I, ni';..'- .,:,. and ' th" si-:. : el Mi-. ' 1 I! Nkody :-n i.:.ti .. t.ii.-ni ia.-y , lyp'-ty Shcr if I la it'. i..ti.-, ai-lul by Ernest ( -re..'ii . !e ' ! , ! : k i ; 1 4 1 1 e 1 1 dn coioi e, 1 Clinv d d'court U ti-.o perm nt Its ucti "i ii " '. :' n: is le narkaliie .ml-'. 1: i an,,(- :, I'lae the ' and m dv, an cause an-1 1 ,e 1; sea e innin ilir.ti ly li?ap- pt-a-s. ihe lird do.-: -.-.r. a.ilv keiii-iiip. ;:, cents ilu iiy IIu uy's Pharmacy, Now Bc-rn X, C, old custom lum-e biii'iding. m:ws a iit i i f ((c Klmnntl Vleinliy 4.allir-il in nnil Krirfly Tnltl. Miss Million lladcliHi' is home to re-; : .:l r,.... .1... l.-..:.. c:l. ; ;,i. III-IIU It'll I 1 ill'-ll iiie j .111, .-ii, is ba"k from the New Imk Coll.-oe of iinisa'. ' The motion lo snt asidi1 the receives' a, . (lie sale of tha water Works )iavillr i"Cu lieiuod appial was taki n. (Joint row i, ver. j . , , - 1 . new an i dangerous coim.eiien v ver eerl i licale, serii"- o lsOsf,. W. S. , rins, register, and II. N. Nckcki r. si!'.- r, has keen pu r i nl n i i n il la: mn. d die si eret sort iee h.iss-nt . n! a uain 1. iter about it. lion ul' r(. N". ('.. pilots repaid all kuoys on the lar there out of position. Vessels i .iniiii-; in will have to take pilols. as the h;i .s are from lifly to sevenlv vanN ill . p! ice. I! v I. L. Chesdiutf. the lir-t pa-lor of lie- New I.'rne J)isc;ile hiireh, bis -. aled in I-"armvil!e ami will iel.is- w i i ni" I o oi o e - a n I a. 1 1 nn :n;i ck a: (-ii -. The Free Press speaks of Evan-relist ikcs. who is comhictinir a series of iiii'nii mi eliniis. holdino services I w ii e a j day. in tin; Christian church at K-nsinn j a- a powerful pre-icher and Ins st-nno-is ::vii',' interesting one. The attendance is declared goinl conaitlering the inclenint weather. . , ,, , , ,. . ., -Me-srs. Rrndham and Brock distnbu- , , ,r, , , , , ic.J 1 hursday according bv the plans pub- ,. . , ' . .. , ', , lisui1 IC JoritsAri, five hundred lo.ves f bread and sevin hundretl and .... t- ..... , fitly pounds of meat. 1 ive hundred ap- , , m I , in - nnil ' .tni, tita 1 1 y a. i coioreu, were me re- , .' '' , ci.dcnts of the charitv. i. .mis and 1 The St ir says the freezing we ilber lias lion aie h iv- driven large numbers of ducks and other is ti-hing. j wild fowl to the open waters around Wil i'..;i ran- . mington. One gunner in one morning bagged thirty seven brace of mallard near the city. The woods around the lown aresai.l to I fairly alive with robins, and the boys arc having line sport with ihem. A te'egram from Mr. V. E. I lege who is on the steamer New Berne tells ot haul ice around Roanoke Island where the i steamer i. fast. The thermometer was ,,,, to jo Friday night. The telegram ! was gntten here by walking on the ice I i the mainlan.j and scm!inr it by jhel -;""'-?! me saving snail. .11 via, or- . 1 "K- Mr. (ivo. N. Ive.s lei's in anolber col 11 mi; of w hat lie saw at New River during lb..- cold weather. 1 1 seems he didn't find as many numbed fish as others sav thev if al. Did he let other dealers get aheid oi l.im :- Can it be that our enterprising townsman was not as wide-awake ns ustun sum uinn 1 "gnt mere einy cnougn tn h --in the swim"' and secure his share of the boolv 't - IB,T" v-tss n a r. s 11 1 t. r" 00- x Ives, n I,-aliii fn Rcrne Shipner Xarrnle Ills Exprrienrf n llh Ihe Xumbed m Hirer fish. JCutvoH Jotjrxai.: - That "Good and Tine Fi-h Story'' copied by you in Thurs- day's .Ioirnai.. reads very much like the wonderful stories which our friend J)r. Blackniill used to write of Morehead City, and it isjiist about its trutblul. Tiie writer r.?acli3d Jacksonville Mon- iiv, 11. 111., aijout tne lime that the sttiVllK1 - "Loui-se" returned from that ."rin down the river. We purchased that lot 1 o I -All . t l.n. C.,!n n I.-'A,.. .. iii. u-.i num wiui.u a ush-i , ijought most of them from fishermen pav n,u 8 and 9 cents each lor them. On Tuesd'iv morninir we took the trio down the river on the steamer Piuxly and wrnt tbrou - 'b 10 ila.ines. This whs the first thioiigb trip since Thursday by any boat trout "caught bv one man 'in five hours," was a little nearer the truth than the balance of the yarn, for there was p. lot of i,-,oi e night by several men ut about that time. The biy who "canaht the 400 lar-'.! ( - - nut in one hour etc.," 'v uame J Jeorgo WnilniKdiin mil ivf' i-mtiNa. --v,iil.t ..?, till a bed' Wo. bought all the trout that were for salo tai the river on Tuesday and there wero less than 209 oi them, anil 1(14 ol those were stolen before we could jei them to New Berne. Now "Ibis is no lish siorv, bii it is solid facts." We believe, that lo.OOO trout is a VtUwal fslim.ite for all ihat have been bouirhl bv a 11 the dealers at New River -luring t he pist live days and the average cost there I was ne irlv six cetvis nw 1101111.I Gko. X. Ivks. 1'. s,s -Those 12J to 18 lb., trout dis i.la,yixl by Engineer Warner to the Messenger man must have lieen weighed in their ovvn scales. WHY lUPKM. SOON 4rTHIIaF.ltKr Soul h-ru crs do Ovvn. iiotto.1- n ills A nil It 11 it Them Sneowsi nlly. 1 1. I nn Im llitne Airnii.-XovorlheloH' Welcoitie nil 4 vM'rK. Chattanooga, Tenn., Columbia, S. ('., Tennessee and Alabama towns are all working to secure the miils ,hat purpose moving to the South. A correspondent of the Charlotte Ob- , ' ... ., .,, . 1 server, auvx.-aies letting inc. mills -ro u( the Southwest, fie argues that North ' . t art.lii. a is succeeding fairly well tn ber j own account and that we do not want k nnnv new ideas and don't need anv New j K"'lii,,a l:,br; ll,ut "ur wn is good . e',n, - ' - Cclarcs that the jwople of the So.ithj might tn develoii and own ihe culton ' . . , . ., .. ,, ,, stiiiium-r kusji oss o.s the Soutli. Me ii.-r-i ificemly asks -If it is a good tiling why isn't it good for Southern people, fie is 1 .s.i 1 11 goon .or .-suiiL. lent peo. opposing iue lnvcsuneni 01 .ew j Knglaiid capital in the South, but h? j tl inks it would be better for Southern ieop!o to orcraniza the companies and in-. . , ... ,. ' , . . v i H some siifiscriptions from the North . . ' x. . , rauier uiaiiinash, .xjiiueiii jiei-.ie to come South, and invest all the iiiojh v and j own ail ihe plant. These, ttkoughts are 1 won b considering. 15.it (hough ti nVilI, with out-ide c.a)- , ilal will iusl .v.nke dividends for the home capiVdisk it will in all other respects do ' the same nood, it will give a home mar ' 'l' 1 ulc l' '' ' " 1,1 f' 4 u . 1 inlaoiu- lint 11 ln.-iKe n-a.le inl:r I I more live!'. If cue or men- ol the mnv- ing mills can ne seemi (1 il sin. uid lie ilnne, i and whethir it ( in nr not some money s'muld he invested in this linn. .. .. i -un" ina--: . Ailnni-siol l-i-. 1 The cnhlsnai. has not lieu, an enllielv ill wind to the lish shipn.-r-. Whilo ii continued thev kenl incn ki.sv "a, fun in" ' the ice from the river whi..U bad fr..(-n ' We di sir.- in -(.-i,r: ih- -erviees of en-- 7-" about thr.e intbes aiul llvy have packed nergi-fi--. reiire-cut.it. ve men in every ,' awav large uuantiiie of il. On.- lirni coniiuunitv i.. m l a- ,K-al SecuHi.ries... . . -Messrs. Watson, Daniels A Bell have The pn-mnti win l.e -n iiie.entl v rernunor.V: ' stoivtliabont a hundred tons which inav , alive lo amply compensate tor service. lf"'ti.rt- !a-.t them through the whole spring s ra- mn. . The laborers who gathered the ice, made "ood mnnev bv tne work. Thus.- : who worked diliieutl v mnd.- three and ! four dollars a day by it. They were paid I 'by the doat loads gtithere;!. I HACKBURN ' ; t- $ 1 -: V) -S I ' N I v , K-sI ' ' X i FAIR - DEALING TS 0XK or oi h Mottoes ! IrTOHTwE: 5 I ' l SJ. , I ' - J ' a ' v.1 ar' v-' .,0 OF OUR e, Competitors . f.;.i fS . ir-" i; - J.'l ' - 4 .f-a .' , v ' CAN WITHSTAND OUR STEADY 9 FIRE: 1 o" -lOOI)((Kr ' c 'i.. i . yjiy., v 0UK A M M I V1TI0 IS -1". '.- A Low Prices -AM) 1 ; l'- v Quality. -ooonniiiiiii v-. ,t 1.' ' They Retreat lefore ,rni dtb;:: All The People .ii-' it-r 'ItS's'it i r-ii A chance to Reap tho,, 'Uii Benefit. -00000000- OOaXviaZIHd I ) S;; '(,- H I T If S CIA E, Ck'-.. .-i.-.- -00000000- 47 and 49 Pollock St- .w f 1 nJ C V ' filftMCfl SSI UU tm I LUHREslll LOCil eillTSPIllll t VCS WiintPtl.' ;..-'. . ' )nr Svsh-in nll'nrds nu opportunity fyiS; ; ' u - """w uiei p. o. real esutro si. ii 1 1 1 - ' i . .1 .. , ; . ... t..;.,! . - .- ... I ' ' '- . J . ... j . a . 'tf - s' and L xi ti Associations. The amount borrow eil maybe latiirind in monthly 'tin''"' pa nietit mi limit dniins. with nitercBI ', ' at 5 per et nt. p.-r .iminm; it afl'ortls itb--' ;''id, sobile sc urdy i.. mve.-ior-. w ith a reason-. 'able guar .'.nice ol an annual dividend of... from S tn I ll i r i enl. .v"n possess the akov ipi di hcatious, write ,. fnr i.i ii iciila i -. Full i nf. una! ion regard-' ' ." mg oiirsywlein of making loans aa ell "' invesimeols and ngeiicics will be furnish ,i I-v-r ed by addressing S. S. Koiikutson, Presi . , . dent, 1 122 Walnut Street, Ph ihidelphio. .. !M d&w 3inJ " - . -1 ? - , J.J" .af , ' till,' ' Hi iirt. rl -nl -.Vi'. i . - -.,' l - : i..'f 4f.w. ': it : yyi-- ' i. ". .T '- di tft'f'' .. .' . l.i.t.,. . ' ("aS ' n. r. - j. f - -. r a- '31 r .-.''V-'ih'b'.i

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