''IvXv-J.-.'-. m f - .- r , i It; . A HftBitai Xmorit WIadow Pre. Mtt4 fUImfemt to Ct liege by the ClaVistf 1894. r. WlXSTOH. N. O., Feb. 14 A fceitmrul." memorial window in honor of North Grotiaa'ii Undented antor,Zebaloi B. Vance, was placed ib Salem Female college to day. Tlie window is 3!) feet and is made.i!:roaf hoot of opal glass. The pattaro is known as a Lily design, ' beiBg - ft group tall Easter lilies, with UUea ottbe Tallej clastering at the base of the group. Over this g dove appears as if descend v ins from the sky. The prevailing color Of this central portion is blue. Belsw the central portion is a scroll oa which' appears these word, - "Senator Vance Memorial, present- -d pj the Class of 1894." Around the entire pictnre is a border of the richest design the prevailing color . being ruby red, and the entire ' window is set with bright jewels t tsroanoat. .! 'Tb:. window will be formally presented to the college by the class at the : annnal commencement in 1 SLEItfHIStt IlTsEW ORLEANS. Kine Inches of Soow is That City '? deneral Fall ml Snow in Louisiana, - Texas muA Mississippi. : KSW ; OELBANs, Feb. 14. A special to the States from Sau Antenio- Texn says. The heavies fait of aaow ever known here has .tees falling, and there is lour and two handiedtha inches recorded and it is till snowing. la Hew Urleans this morning roofs and window sills and fences vaa lawns were covered witn a this coating of snow, bat the full Altogether did not average more thaa half an inch. Advices from different sections wt Loaistaaa and Mississippi were to the effect that snow had fallen all aronnd. . To-day at .11 o'clock it began sowing heavily and continued srithoat intermission aatil 7 o'clock this. rening deveral improvised leighs made their appearance dar ing the afternoon. There was a beary enow here ia 1SS1 and pre teas to that in bat it is thoaght this is the heaviest on record. At least 9 inches of snow have fallen. Street cats were aban doaad oa all the roads all over the city to-night, and not a car is mov- ; Touch and Go. "-j TbucK the spot in the hack, chest, limbs or side, where the pain is, with an Allcock's Porous Plaster and the lameness, soreness, stiffness, congestion, will go at once, leaving comfort, Lcalth and strength behind. latlcatlaa r friable. Therrfora at- aaaa having tka jaine AtxcociCs Aaockm Shields. v;AllcCk;3 Bunion Shields, If aa;iia1aa a rcHf aaai cure for ; . . - aad aaaiooa. . - v. Brandreth's Pills ar jamrradons specific for oases of Wlio-wnsCTiaini indigestion. N 0VELT1ES ! - TT" HAVE tlTST RECEIVED - the Biotst complete mid handsom . -et asMiuaent ol ook-usi have ever ' (bent able to pltce lfre mv customers. iThe VHjckiCrt3(lKth -Snatch uud Eng . 3)4h Novelties, and re to tie obtained ex ; lnaely -of me. You will lie profited . ; bv an esamkntiou of tliese "no!.. There .viww'beingD TariiT on Imported AVool- tens. I am eaablfd to make exceptionally r ' -low prices on t be best poods. ; "im -... . M. GASKILL. mmimKi Stan EorroK Pleane inform your read- eaa that lhare a positive -remedy for the ahrrm iiaamrrt rtincanr By its timely- use 1 rtbooaaBda Of Wpctca cases hare been per. wiaaen Ur cared. I shall he glad to send itmof feottlesof my remedy fre to any of yrmr , ili.il w who haTeoasnoiptioB if tber Till aaaBaBethei axprefw and post office-address, "Otespeetfnuy, T. A. Slomm. M. C. . !. MS raarl acratf. ,iew J. OCX. LADIES PO TOD KNOW 4 '-- tD,FEUX tE BRUN'S steediii mmwi PILLS ilr FRENCH, safs and ra sa tke Karkat. Pric 11.00-. sent bi . waaaaae aota oaij oy : F. S. DUFFY, Druggist and Sole Agent. ELECTRIC TELEPHONE alty. Vtllaa m Caantrr. Nic in mrmrr haaaaal awd mtkm. GfMtwt cdhtm mm, a4 bat, Ml ir tm Mill . IHIIW ftiatllHTI !' ' t ia a ?iiWwc mmmtm a m! to all th aatguaf . f im iintinwi it un. mrk- aiwWl. IV aMUnrr. GMptt. rand, for aaa aa aJtwa. Caj b ait a, h, an, no. aaarart at wit"r, rwMiriite'. ' - a lifa 1 tl rrHtM. moat, m.r.r W ri'r m. r. Marrtna 4 Ca.. Clerk 10. Calumbu, 0 1 i laaitllnalTT aad luaaaaiea. vaed for jm In ' aad tor aver thirty 7an by tlM EvcrT alasle SperiOe m aaaaed. (draoiac panrtnc rw rdtM-tB Bdavatn fart aad dctl taa tea. crvica 1 ut taa W aria. ' 1 Vtrrara, CaascaUuaa. Iailiaamtlm. . .43 - AI TTliai. Warm Ferr. Warm t olir i.l J Tafctaa CoHr. Crrtoc Wakeftdaaaa .'ii 4-urka, vt Caildrea or AOola .Ji Mfki, Cokto. Broacaltta .Ji MlMialtla, Taotkacka. Faceache. sii t n tUiara. Back Headache. Vertiao.. M jaiala. Ullliaaaiaa, Coattlpatloa. .ii 1 1 tminma or Tmimtmi rerlaaa .'. .25 Waixaa. Taa Fiatwm Paraaoa 23 ia-CW. Iaryaaltlav. BoaraM . . .34 14 U Una, fcratpela. Eroptluaa . .i 1 haaaatlai. Khenmatle Pains tti MalarVav. ChflM. rmr aad Atrue 33 IMUfri. aateraxa. Cold In taa Had. .Ji at-WttaaltlCMct -ii 5IT-4a.MawySlaaa.aaa) ai VS-Karraas Debility !. Erlun Weakaeaa .Ji CTkraa' jaln. j. l ianaaaa Throat .Ji HTTaXr H RKTI9' WITCH HAZIL 011.. - rta rUa MaMaaaaaC. "-Trial 8-ae. X a-'ta. .U a rcalft vi ata, ua Maa. VITAL TO MANHOQO. Dm. E. C. WEST SFKTK AUD BRAIN TREAT H aak ataaataaaaa aliaaii !. rM, ) iuu. . BKavaaanaraamxav, ill aitaaraa a., u CFEGIFICS HI.VI, a a pact Ac tor Hyateria, DizziiMM, Fit. Nu iaJS)a, Haa dacha. Srrmw PmatratkHO raaad by aaaoaMMarateaacaov Wakaralaeaa, Mental Dprewk.o. - Sortaainc otf Braia, caaama: iaaanity. mtoery, tleca , aaath. rmmataia OU Aa, Bananpeaa, Iaa nt ' Taaai la alihea mmx. Iaiaot gy, LeocorrhCTa aad all Taaaala Weaknaaaaa, Inwolantary Lt miaa, Sperma Innhiaa caaaad by orar-axartioa o braia. Self abaaa. artrar-lndalreBca. A aaoDth tram linear, si, for K, araaaui. With aaeh order fnr boxaa, with ' -aawtaaaatdwrittaatgaaiaalaatorefoiKl If ant cared. Uaaiaana taa aad by aceatt. WESTH LTVEB PILLS . earaa 8icfe Haadacha, BtUoaamara, Llaar OocBpiaint, aiami gaoaaaca, Dyip ip rta and OooatlpatiOQ. -, VAMASia haana aaiy by :J'T. S. DUFFY, . Dniiigist and Sole Agentr --i.- ;-: ;. JOURNAL. M 0 N V. V . Money ! Dai you say Moue .' Well, really, there is nothing ho oniversally popular as renney Everybody is in favor of money, dad it is remarkable that tin-re i- a kind of money, as old as the lulls and hoDOrable through all the aget, that is now the object of violent and persistent assault. 'With sil ver, "To be, or not to be, th at's the question.'' There ia no natural antagonism horwPttn p-nld uml silrpr. ("r-xi. lu THE His intiaite wisdom and goodneee, u'li 1,11 Sl placed them in monutaiDs aiid men v,. ci plains to cherish His children and uiocr.it s beautify His footstool; and in His put n I' ' word they are as twin sisters, going cr.it m - band in hand on missions of utility not s v ih and blessedness. 'he v i Why the war upon silver '. A' hat A:it:!.e! evil has it doae " It is the poor stand toy man's friend, and has not until re- sec ins to t) cently ben offensive to the rich. It is the daty of Government to provide for its subject?, and since money is necessary to personal comfort the Government is recreant of it fails to supply a snrticieucy of it for all the people. It is no p.irt of the dutv of Government to till the pockets of individuals, but with well regulated laws, industry, prudence and economy w,ll keep the wolf from the door. It is not lawfal lor individuals to coin money, and if the Government fails to do it, one of the objects for which Governments are instituted is defeated. Gold and silver is the money ol the Constitution, and from the be ginning of the Government to a late period they joarneyed on. h..H in han.1 wit.hniiK nither lieinE? jealous of the other, and during tbe The Deti.oar.its are splendid in periodof their harmonious coin pan-! '-he formuli'.i -n of platform, bat ionship the coantry was in the en 1 have icceatiy been absolute failures joyment of its greatest prosperity. , in carrying ilu-nr, on', simply be Tbo paper currency is affected cause there is i..-. m ister spu if to by the gold and silver controversy, ! ""horn ai! vi-Id c-n-lidence and obe and there cannot be a sound andjdieDce. stable currency until it is settled. It ii not to be expected that there c he a perfect agreement, bat is iniambent upon Congress to atrrce uooa society in 2 r.hat will give a msasure of relief Lo ibe,ynunAm and enter tbe lecture countr? . r;e!d, we may soar into the bine ThVrar. fnit. i with the Ii. i ?'-here ji , weigii tin planets and ocratic msjority. liepublicaus are standing aloof, and nothing would be more pleasing to them than tbe atter failure of t'je Democratic party to meet the financial situa tion. The truth is, the principles of the Democratic party are .sound to the core, and -now it is that Democratic Administration fionnderj in the mire of lispubliean theories is inex plicable. Tbe utter failure of tlie Democratic party in Congress to meet the financial situation will canse the restoration of the Kepubli canparty,but it will give no relief to tbe coantry. While the Democrat ic party has failed to provide ade quate currency, tbe Republican party is at war witti the principles in which the republic was founded. THE Dft'FEREXCE. There are many points of differ ence between the Republican and Democratic parties. Difference in principles has been widely dis cussed; but today we are to consid er the difference in methods. The Republican party stands for its. own ao all times and nnder all circumstances. Tbe texo o-f the Civil Service law is not in its way. Republicans take tbe broad posi tion that Republicanism is right, and that a Democrat in oflice is positive hioderance to national properity as well as an impudent intrusion upon the rights of a better man who is justly entitled to the place, lhe holding ol Demo - cratic sentiments is held to be sufficient reason for expulsion from office accompanied with social os tracism. This is a strong cord to bold the Republican party together. Every Republican knows with absolute certainty that the success of Ins party means the turning out ot every Democrat, arid the induction of a Republican into every oftiee. Hence every man in their ranks fights for bis bread and batter. Look at North Carolina and New York. In these states it is not enough for Republicans to be elec ted to offices in which vacancies exist because of the expiration of tbe time for which an incnmtient was elected, bat offices are abol ished in order to oust Democrats, and reestablished to furnish places for hungry Republicans. i Tbe Washington Post iu its col umn of "Capitol Chat," says. "Senator Hill's democratic soul in stirred at the slaughter of Ins brethren in New ork by tbe new Uepublican administration in that State. Diogones with his lantern never searched more diligently lor an honest man thau the New York Republicans are searching tor Democratic officeholders. And wben the latter are found wh-z ! tbe ax falls, and another head drops into the basket. "In contrast to this and a sad and mournful cootrast. thiuks Mr. Hill is the action of tbe adminis tration in the matter of appointing postmasters in the Empire State. To make this contrast a matter of official record, be secured the adoption in the Senate yes terday of a resolution calling upon the Postmaster General to give tht number of postollic.es iu the State of New York: the number of postmasters appointed by Presi- dnr. Harrison, and allowed hv President Cleveland to serve out theirfnll terms: the number re. moved for cause before the expira bond i..easnr, and that he will at lion of their terms; the number of once order i p. r ceu' com bonds postmasters in appointed by Pres- .printed and delivered to he syndi ident Harrison whose terms have cate Aneady about 10,0o0,(K,0 expired, bat whose successors j 111 old has beeu )m1 by the syndi have not been nominated; and cate. lourtii t -I n t r 1 1 1 S.-n;i'C luil . :t. ' ha": the ha ret in. d a lo'.ir.in cflice t ast between reform ae-8 of ii administra--, i-erv stribine ,1 F .'.1ci.il lir.Y rn 1 1 '; ; ' v t hoiiltT-. I i th' a. :: i- : the i.c a l: tinii in New is ro;i: ;i ! i for-c.uc ;. er.il a 1 1 : 1 1 ". : i ; There i -1 )e:nnL'! i ' . ldlcuiion l The in iiJM-H the' removal- freserit it 1, 1 telMUg What the y has lost by the K.;;ub'.itM08 in trnce. h i e never aCt'euted ,:!::; Mr. Cleveland the ;t I wi-on were the early r ' ti e national I)e- 1'..'. l li 'V voted to . ..I I.U hamn v i'.i . : r.d they are i . !i the working tf ' ha-n'aiu'. ;ei;.'e. K e mi bl icans v ,v .,, nf thm i an v attention to the ('..-Mi their le.td -r. as an niio n llepubhean !: of it irisl atioo bat 1 'A 0 1 1 , -i ible liiiltT 1 be regarded t-in for any f tbe House to take ii s e , . 1 led. Every wtion 0, th, , . h:s le-idership, This being a la. " r : i'leiice the parly is . ble to presume t h ir : !: i j-cfiiiu phalanx. all'jrd to raise ti: .; and blandfr-IPe,01 , l,v " Ceded, the i It'M on . rant on to the - better rj,.t.8 :u w. ,. , of its o ject. The Cut are ? and the st-n- h.'.s li; leadei; no ,' reducing the aeie ig" ( to am of t h.Tll " ' , a s a c j'.i - rs com Pact as Tnere ;s ;.-" U in T, tn t i ' in t. accomplish: Democratic organ . itio on o: ic':- nothing Tfieri .m r.ver.v nd the man is his . i partr does 1 n:;iny foo'.i in the Kpub:i 'an r t::- in C ingress as i more corn, u.o e z there are ( u the Leaieeratic side of produce and mo;e n . . ...kinds, lii'i.fl, itit-r.-the House.out t lo y are m.tde to hold ! thjDgg ,h(. - their tongues, atoi o-t rveea pp! for their: and at his command they i live, move and hav their being. SI NS AMI PI. VNKTS. We d ) not lnrt-r.d to wiite a des sertatin on A-I mcotj, When the tune comes tor us to renounce he ii.t:tne, diameter and cireumk-ience of --the arm- of ied stars l h it 'sentinel the helos of illimitable sp ic;.'' Our tt-riiiory ;s the world politi cal, ami he ei.q-.iry that throws its ad venturou-i gleam iipm our men tal hotizon is. II iv e we any fied stars in our poa':cil heavens, or are our jreat.-s' luminaries planets revolving around tome central sun. There was a time when Cleveland was I H'kcii upon as a fixed star in ti:a ienu -ft at ic firmament. The most powc: tijeseope could not detect the .-1 git test csjuii-Utjoo, The error was tViniainental. The Democratic pan is no man wor shipper. 'Pr.ncipie.-, not men'' ia I inscribed on all i'.s banners, and according as it has oeen laithiui to its baptism .! vows has been its glory and it s l :me. The Ccnti.ir ...ii is the Central Sun ot .iio. 1 ican Democracy. AroaDd if pl.tueis revolve, and when the b'igli'es'-of I hem wanders from its crbi' it ttecomes a lost pleiad. or a tnai gnant comet scat tering desolation in in path. The liepu;il;e;,u party is differ ently org in-.-'.). Loot ing upon every tiiMg on this aublunary sphere as 1 1 .in.-;i oty, it is cgsen tiaiiy a pirty ot measures, with men as i:s m i naries, each period ot i,:r,irv h i iM; central sun. 1. 'old was its sup, I t us ere ; p 1 with S ton in The e'.V.it . gre i :c in !, . aase a-ieta.ry tt t ie; Holt and 8'an vstem. st :c ii wi h the ' Kepnb r.y t jday is, who is i.giit, .McKinley or ate very different 1 a hundred Repub s are watching them tiu. gr ' Ueeil T;.i e.s. I u ;n : n lican tciesei. to see w hie.', around wa:. vo'ving. A both at- :;: are appreao collision. p: matter ,i ..d bn' we i'.o l anticipation centri! a tl eanisi)-. w..: courses ol and d ; a ,v .. supreme ! reaches the IS.iS '! ar c-U -s. II .ii steadier light; tha plauats re Ion exists thai -orno star-gaz?rs -. e t hat t here will be eric o) the wreck ol ic crush of worlds, ridu.ge in such an rue centripetal and 1-ier.ccs of Republi i est rain the liery e po!:iiei heavens ; -s-.-i- .-tars to the iry whos'i light H: ih of Uepub- r;a" i.n.il campaign ; -.r:y will emblazon i I i e i ii t 1 1 ! Iu ;h-' the lie; '.; a nam" : 1st Hid ; j public in ilees ;1, w. II r c a c ' peri-a . ' B'.t can d r. stem, lie iven -vol."-' a:c d nkiiess. to; i ' '! "mmc pa; ty wu ; i-'.e. if the Ue-1 t i c :ufs eratic and ' ii- hole herd : : i -op pi , ice and ' - i 1 heir sun ' darkness ; - disaster I Vino-ratio a e'erual jn the 1 - : ' inets nillat TP- j o: go out id utter I ; ' i P ( Hif nil Xt'ir ( i ;i V, i 1 !. , li S vnilic lie. , ... Feb. 1 I. The - I '; e.-;deii r t o formally i- 1'ingi-nt agreement time rati!;, with M i P.-lr Imont svndi- cafe to i ,n ; . 1: t-.' gold b." Sr- bug if ,si;;. H(io,oo() in MiJ,ooo,000 in I per cent. '' yens bonds on a ."..' .', percent interest basis, does not expire until February ltftb. The opinion is However, express-. ed to-night .n financial circles that j the 1 res o sen r u i ., regaru me action i ."ivue oi 'ts purpose nor to pass any gold i .... tt ....... t .-..t:. -ri i I! .i i - h,t it ( :iri U" bar (; .1 Hone . We eiminei.;! clipping Irom lot N to t he c.irctul mv-. agricuiluial rea.lt r ! The question ut 1 1 H i all -r.i: 1. 1 oar ;o be a: pnt in cotton t h c.r m i e.viving a trood iiem im ;i : e;: ii:i. ,11111 111 order to r-e"iire a- iHurimn in acreage of the ic.i: per cent, . f . seas,..,, the president of the A niei lean Cmtoo Grower's Association making a tour of the cotton States, and it is t0 bd boJ,ei ,,tjlU 11 will be , crow neu win mm . Messrs..) (. 1 ( 'o. , of f ;i itiil.ir on the ,r IS1."). of de- New Vork, have i'it under dite ol l-'cb. ( 8 U b j C t 0 f CO ! 1 1 '. I) ai'M'l :i Thev rea'ize t Uw d I..' termioing the a v.-; COJt of prodll. i it; e :' : reason that the ,ncv, tions widely diller sections Of I he e ' est i rn a ted t h i ' t hi Atlantic States is .tiv i.w i 'i cents per i him, Texas, 0 j i b ) t - t x;'tcd any 1 v. ies' ion a- Ai kans-is and 1 1 M: torn lands it is s :A no' , i cents, or, .m iuh.i.. i Kid nrtt m irn I n i :i . n ; -h cm a" the . it-, ir cou -, !i .; are ...-I in Cie .. ,s in I ; 1 r the" ! h ere is luc Ir,""uu ' " i t reduction in t!i-- a,"e ... is the farmer to :o; is what land he may derive a hvir g .' j Tbe answer to th: thai would be lar i.io to him than bv 1 !! g )t and devoting ad cotton raising. T.ie the South is wi Jiiu 1 ing. Let the far mts cotton acreage f ia put the s:jr a acre:! odUMi.H t the :i spch growth and pio things as he w m arket far. '1 1 i !.:.! a s if.-: ng le t Iv done, their independence is ;: lhe benefit thereirorn w spread, MWVKK V. I. I Vl s ;;ied. and "he wide! I i i !:( il I-. I I'ilizdis of Aslii iille !.nn:!i to i!, lioce Thai Hp Has lt Tramlcil Anume. AsnEVii.i.K, N. C. J. Lv man, arrested in '. yesterday, i s a well ami knon citizen o. : in- e he has Jived lor t he lis' tjfteen juars. JJe has 1 : ,1 i-w ork fivorabU ty, where t veU e or c-ii socially li business nt ol pro. prominent we!: a;i and holds a 1 ir ge an.o perfy here. The communii v will t, . to believe M r. L man lias ally delrandid or dtceivt.l That bis judgment in the making loans h.ts m.; tti c best is thought here i.tr-e He is a son ol t he late- P. man, of the J):o a" ot N lina, and has a ia:i , . ci y loath 1 1 1 y o i e . matter o ;i n the posi !ie. -hop Ly , 1 1 Caro. OTF.S A 1 It iMHi.l. Rimanism has niof- logic thgin trutl : Protestnn ism more froth than logo . t 'hi lstiaLity both truth and logic icm t'lrs on;- id' our exebanges. A pbysu-iac i:i author.! v lor the statement that tue o::tinHt.l use of liquor will talc the coat frota a man's stomach. We Wcie al ready aware t hat is no: infrequently took the coat on" his back. Mr. Joseph Knltin, who iies near Tarboro, on liity acs. s ol laud, with hree horses made lifty-turee large bales of c tton, J". . barrels corn, .'loO bushels potatoes, I'.OO bushels ot peanuts u-,d f-iiougli long feed to I ist Ins team months, in addi'lon t eighteen i thai he toik, and hog and ) has filled duoo pound-, of eonataeutiy , is enong: hominy to .p .rt. Mr. .loel I'. Va !r, ol contnbutcs to tiii : . : ;: an ar ticle en' i" 1-1 Experiment, with I'opn ( 'io; id iiy J-.'rum ' aiorado's lii-'ti," in I'.ipUllSt ,i as purely !. .'.ercrit .-.'lis. He in tbe ol a sl i'on t gr;iy and obbgatton ticar tne t 'olorado, : ! kely to which he sho. asfieDdanci? in C t bar r .do -, accidental and did io the great mass oi declares that nos!;: Union uwill there be t ger spirit ol business i faithlulness in u aaaci ; than among tho-e i,;i burden of tax -. : -n' " n and that Co'ora lo is n-t repeat her experiment in government . Populist One of the ; . :.:: slutting is that m ) m-" . . :. t..oral t"V people and public ird- t bar it i .'. ci n rime snppose that pnvate affairs have two ta::. is wrong to US'- an em lor private gam, public oflicer to ( and then leave tl to a deput v : that secure a privilege im. rig::5 for a Iraw Ins salary regular duties it wrong to 's He 1 1' by r ; g b I 10 am !aign i party's or on e !. bu o a i bribing a city eon subscribe mo:.ev fund to b;,y u:. - : advantagi ; or that a .i may be made iir-rw ecu ibe ami public c b at t : e i o men. The Fehrn :y ip: m '. ; Review of K'U ie w e :l fusely ibnsti al ed " : ' -de Cotton U'ati , ,.; Intel Exposition, i o.'; , . 1 Clark llowtll, . d ' !'on. ; .lilts i Vers i i In- ( 'oilStl! Ut i,)U. the llltlis'l' I Southein S'a'i s ia a . '. eomptc hensive mann-r. a:. ! s:,-t'. s tlitt the -:xp.)siti,.:i is i ;- : n i ; oi . ' hi a very nrnad sen :- r tin.- term, sena to lie This article ; a i e. 1 a ISO ' , wined : country. n editions n of about in t);0 ibbOpe.H circulates ui ever The Anient- h together ii ivt' in . i. j.,i i,li'M ::opii-s, ai ti this article will do more th. in ;m ti.ing hereto fore printed to give t' e !-. position a world-wide !.all c : . The texi is artistically iilo -'r ti -d with hand some cuts ot the dill -rent build ings and ixcebetit li .li-totie pni ti aits of t he i tiict-r-. The ('innl.a -n 1 : - l.a inl- Co;,r;.ii.i i S. (.'., Feb. 1. The governor's Guar.!. ol ti. is city, the war. the first company whose i i .4 rilisert m ,bo c,; v H Mi xa o in tnat great a-rugg drew ffom thp e, tt). nigb.t with-j Sm e volunteer troops and furled its b ittle scarred : flag, relnsing to enhct under tbe : new administration militia rule I winch reouires such niemliera to tike an oath to obey for two years any order the Governor may give. the roTTOv I KTIFK HJOn SATI0AL LAPIfAl, Ni r li ( aniliija mid Vireri nia mid Per--onaU iiicr and I'onds Outrage-' . ii- . t rayaaranee of t lie Ninnte. Pendleton King, Esq., of North Carolina was one of thirty-eipht gue-ts at a dinner given at the i'.iiiHh Knbassy by Sir Jalian I'annoefort this week. Mr. KiDg is now chief of the Bureau of Index s and Archives in the State Department. He was Seore- j tary of Legation at Constantinople during Cleveland's tirei adminis- tranori while lat Hon. S S. Cox was Minister of Tuikey. He has traveled a great deal, and is a most entertaining conversationalist, a ' fact J just f'jnud out when he was my guest at dinner. The silver senators propose to talk our the remainder of this acreage session, except such time as shall . Id.- the be devoted to passing i he appro c 'iidi- pnation bills which are aosolately il ii -rei t .necessary. They are determined j: h to th watt any legislation inimical .r in the to the white metal if talking and P'kt 1 iatnentarp techincalities can do! it. While Senator Stewart was laiKing silver yesceruay l-iucnara ; was the only Senator oa tbe; repuol'.ca side of the chamber. Car- j i I. : - . . i . j . -.-. 1 lisle aud the Ways and Meaos Com -uiittee were in conference over a compromise, financial measure ever a I hours ye ferday but nothing dttloite has yet developed except another bond issne bill which will never pass. . euo-commuiee now 1 nas it in oaarge. Mrs. Senator Pritcbard and onug William McKinley Pntohard have j nued Senator I'ritchard ail tae obitt. I learned at the Treasury ld- uartment that the income tax : to raise 1 coiiecor will oe appomtea by the :a ! more Collecor of Internal Kevenue for ;,.,! (,f nil each state. The Commissioner ol .-.re m my Internal lisveuue declines to make c in raise 'he appointment 1 except on recom i prufi'able . mendatioq of the Collector. The i-;; u ; 'me i salaries of the oftoials range from hn I mil to to sl Sd and are in force as re nedv for ! long g the income : ox arnend o vn k eep- meut to the tanlF bill stands, re. luce the The proposition outlined and ear, and ! ct ndemned in my last letter to your paper to pay a Members private secretarj 1 100 a mouth for doing luoiiiiut; uuu B'K" 's uih ur uei juameto tije pay roll during the recess, vyas defeated when put to 8 yea ani pay votp. The members werei afraid of it. It is well fhey were, The taxpayer's wjll stand a good deal, hot some things are too ont- rageoas to be bornp. Jlr. (traford has never drawn one oent of thjs loU ap)iropriated, for a "private secretary" and fonght the pro position manfully, fie Renounces tbe entiie appropriation as a stupendous fraud. A nomberof wives of members liavp done tbe ' alleged'' work of a ,lpriva'e secre tary" and used the 100 for pin ai(nev; This "work" consisted in mailing a few (Jocoments and writiug a few letters- The defeat of the rpsolution meaps a savjog of something over $30,0Qf) of the people's money. T&8 (Jemocratio party wiJ never, get into power again uritjl its so calle.c leaders preach and practise eponony where Congress itself is concerned. Tbe reckless extravagance of the 8enate i proverbial and disgraceful. An elegant reception was givtp to Senator Hatris of Tennessee last night in honor of his re-election to the Senate. Wben his new term expires he will have served thirty -i years iu the I'uited States Senate. Bis parein'S went to Tennessee from Granville pounty, jjorth Carolina a few weeks before be was born. He always speaks affectionately of Iorth paroliiia as his grandmother. He is chair man of tbe democratic oaucas, is acting ex ofliice acting vice preeP dent when that offiical it. absent, aud is conceded to be lhe besi preliamentnrian in either Qousti of Congress. The cold weather has killed Francis Daulop, tbe bjggeBt crank in this city of cranks. The miny friends of Mr. Robf. E L. Ranch will be glad to hear ot bis promotion to chief clerk in the ci.roe of Mr. W. A. Tmk, Gener'al pa'sepger Agent of the Southern Railway, an this c;y. In lg.Sd, Mi. Ranch, then a mere lad went into Mr. Turk's efftee as mailing clerk. He did ihe work so well that he was soon promoted to the position of Private Secretary. .Vow ha get aootqer promotiou and a handsome salary all due to merit. He a model young man and deserving cf bis good lortune. Mr. Ranch will be sacoeftded in his place by Mr. Wm. A- Johnson ol Mabane, who has won bis way by good work in an humbler capa city. Mrs. Meredith of Virginia re ceives today assisted by a bevy of p.-etty giris. Miss Mildred Fee was one oftbe guests atftbe dinner given at the British Embassy this wee);. The family of the late General Eobt. . Lee are related to and connected with some of the noblest houses in he J'oglish peerage. Washington, 1). C., Feb. lit, '!-. Ol K MIMSTF.lt TO MEXICO nEill, s'tnf-rion - -- pn ate , Pnrnuioiila E"s Ills Fife ,ne Ibe 1 1th. 1 i nhiifj city of Mexico, Ju'iy uTJni i ted States -Minister Isaac Gray of the j arrived hero irom the Frnited us a pro ; State this morning, he was insensi- on th.'jble, having been attacked with is p ion al ! double pnenmonia. He was im- mediately removed to the Ann hosjytal and doctors Lyceago and liray t'aamicBd l,im and held a eonsulra. ion. Al .a o'cloc1 t hey pionounced his case hopeless. Mrs. Cray and Bayard Gray, her ;on, are in constant attendance upon the living man. Gieat j sy uipainy is ieu w n u i ueuj tuiuugu- 1 out the official circles and the I diplomatic corps, ' INIANAPOLTS, Ind., Feb. 1-1 ; Pien'e Gray, eon of the Minister I ..n.i : ... i - ...v. - u . A u ot Me?ico received a telegram at In o'clock to night saying that the minister had died at 7 o'clock. Intense .Feeling Against the (7ar Russia. In Br.ut.iN, Feb. 1 I The Lokal Anzeiger has this dispatch IVom St. Petersburg. 'Since making his declaration of , absolutism the Czar has received j almost daily Nihilist proclamations i and threatening letters. It is rumored that palace official has j been arrested for placing in His Majesty's ptudy printed pintures of the assassination of Alexander III. One pictnre is said to have deptcted the assassination of the present Czaa in tbe maaner in which bis grandfather was killed. GASlXPLbt::.. lYO.Mnr -i . 1. - One Man Ki'letl -Three OiIk - -Iiijinod. Meadvii.lk, Pa., I'd., gas explosion, followed ! completely wrecked there- i G. H. Cu'.ter, the lumo-, bnilding of Gutter . V,: , can; fcfl tbe dertt of (it-i and serious ii juries to li:.-, . and housemaitl. There bad been lor some leak in the fuel gas supi I the t-treet, and t his moi i, ; o'clock George. H Cutter Cutter, Charles Cn"er. Cutter and W. M. . i' in: lu Iront ex am i ii i Ha t a locomot ive and eat) tos - p . ' he gas igiii: ed itoui t tie fire-box. Two de ifen:ng i tollowed completely u;..U two story rti.lt-nce vs h . it was a heap ol riiotii!i log wood. Tlie warehouse and i li: took fire iustauilv. fuc ;i added to the fire, ai.d i:; I live minn'es neailv t);e ir wa8 jn a baZ:J. Mrs. Cutter and t wr,(, w.lf ,n t .. h ,, ie H : e. u . burned and in j artd banly live. The boy Charles wis f i tbe wreck bv a hu-e rested on his leg. I : w that his leg would h-.ve 1 0 j- heroic woik t h - i given time enough t 0 c 1 fa, j 4CkSCrews and he w as I e(j' vm Cutter v-as hiii, j y tu e explosion, and -v,t (.T rtCr08H the street. ( i. , ala0 u Ult h ac uor ni,.,.s Cu'ter, who died shout expljsioa, was ba tly nan. was carried ta a neigh h u an J died in a few nnuu e. THE FIRE MYSTERY NOi Why o Many Cutlon Sterna, r Xew Orleans Have Fires in ii A Man Arrested for Pntloi. i borons iu Bales of C'titum New Orleans, Feb. l : - I Qakes, alias ();es. who wa-t a ed last evening on the b- SouAbpfiTr and is cli ng, d tho assis-ance of f wo or mo:--spirators or con federates, i: . b cit open the ends of t wo o cotton, ready to be stored o stpamer Flr'J'aD! alid s - - : therein a quanuty of , o:.i material, for the purpose o! ! ing up the vessel, or destro;, : same by. fire, was arraigned ! UommUsioner ight th;s ;; and entered a plea of nor g... tbe charges pending, Tn.- p; was placed under an ;;;..-.,: bond in tbe enni of ."i,i oo. Oakes has the appear :. . hard looking customer. 1, ? has not been in ;he c-ty m r. two months, and came he:. Savannah, He claims. ::, t not a member of any of ; . oub labor organ i. itions, hut .-. ibat he knows sowe'laii;: loading cotton on board, o' .- . The sticks taken Ittn;: ':. bates ot coftoD, wrap; t d np ; cloth aud which were li:: p ally thought co be dy nam ; c : to-day to have been r-.-;i;. phosphorus, and it w is t,.; probably the intent perpetrator not to t.b.o.r m ship or injure any oi me o ; employed iu loading the t .-, evidently to destroy the . j the vessel by f.re. The cc-x'' matter was carelqlly I, .'id o; back pf one ot the I nge b0"ks in f he marshal's i iV. night with a glass cm-i ; so that no one w i;.l i . endangered with it. TVs m it 'fas found that the i :i cealed in the wrapping Im-l fire during the night, u:, I : was nothing left but the c . remains. Por some tirne pJ.s', s'e ,;: buroing Fas been a frtq u m rence at Savannah. Lis, t- the general supposition tn man who is now under a:.. -belongs to the coaspuacy bps so long made th -.' p -: risky for vessels to p-M-:'. e c , from. However, the piooi o enstain sqeh a theory . i ; that there have teen a tuu!. : tires ou shipboard here and generally vessel-1, atter P here bare been (im ov ; . taken in connection ii-i discovery, would seen:. :. . the theory that a sb o : . gang has been at woik. DIAMOND bliOAl. Its Urgent Need niierbii i t . ffpronn Place The Fitrni : A Present placr unil Fnvorah loo).. A writer, "Iex,:' in tin- ian has this to say of th" p: Hj?ht hoasj at Cape fiat' which so much interest is I. The Diamond Shoals a flatteras off the coas; ct Carolina is regarded by m a; the most treacherous and oas point on the Anierie At far less important p-n:: houses have been bin It. . ing has been done erecting one on Di imon i ; save the attempt made t o:, ago to build a m ru." n : c however, failed. Since this failure, the ot exports have b en j thither, and la- c.-tison was taken theie a : made of t he hoi ; :.: . minder only the si:eb.-r.. i ;. remains, which serves c.s u during the day. Em officer of tbe Engineering ! meut visited the spot arid -'-a mach gratified to see ' -had stood tbe bettiugoi ti c hence the suhjecr. is no: considered The writer is p' to learn that places a-e prepared and estimates to a spiral light house, h v... the structure seen in the peake bay. The spiral s , affords ODly a small tann-i t wind andbighseas. . ) 1 , t will be well aboe the i. point waves will lik'dv Wbile 150 feet above tn--will be the largest and tno-t ; ful light ever displayed American coast. The co-: probably be a million and . dollars. 'Work will be commenced ! in tbe spring. In the race of life it isn't fast men who come out ;:!. SlIM'i'.N.sAKY FC'.NDS. i -, I !. r D-'I'aultiii? Dia- pe:i-ers. i a in , S. C, Feb. 12. Gov-. I.-, atis has commenced to :l.elw to those dispensers ii o c been found to oe default-b.- exioessed it a tew days i i.e I'HKt man among these! : - ol i tie S'ate to bud himself n ic 1-, Mr. K. O. Evans, tbe r ,-: Sr , .Matthews, in ir -.; co-ia' v. The nfli -i tl ; ! 'a b. ,-. -one mr this tils, e. ! - 1; - and finds t i'tf t here - ' a i ..g- -i ! i I .veeu -J -i O and -lio i f.v'ais says there w.v-. ; b- i tm b , m Id do Mir t o :i. i. ly, ui order to pr-terv e lie . t the ell oe maiiat!i--i t he tilpt i!Sar C -n- ,.(: ii.is (.eut, t be bond if . . ,,-n .M,,. im.n'iiiiivecl, IaEelor"Q.a,x"v 1st- , i, - at 'oi ni'V 8 at Oi Hi ge 1 - I ,. . d them to proce. d :" t-i sin,- upon the tmiid r t e nnuuiit ul !ho Hlmrt 1 a : ..) ilecob tl to h -tVe D s ' F. e- pai -ceer d 'o t he lull t ;.i- 1 i w f. r grand Fire. n . .- b . I" nest. in- my- the short. b- can aM'ertain fill- oa the coiia'y ami il.i. I a :o ! s d 'ie the S' t ' e t; i--or ot I ed ttie (X ' e t ti d i - jic ns.i ry and ' o .- -in - pei -en w bom : oi co a , 1 1 I .shall select to d -pellS'i' ; i ' ans has not yei : ,; v -.-1-jis ;t j; : i. !t any . I i - pi- n - (v s who haie , a 'o:e de'aiilieis, but In j -d . ;. iiiii c tt-s h vt couri-e . '. K! iy puisne with all oi , e. -a pi r pi ia' ion of S; ate j a ; Mi '.s c . u sed q te a ! l r : ' o i v.ji.ai' es o: the d'.epeL- ' ;;si! V ro!M!EsPOM)ENCE. It aip ninqs on Several Lines; i i c's of list Mouday's' Yon will receive highest Cash Prices. We buv out i igbt or ban " , y' zr ,nl reached here ' (Ue on Commi.ssion. '.":: Its evening at 0 o clock; ' o',-' el; the mercury stood i "(Jluick Sales anil Prompt Rolurtis." Coinmiss on for handling i'.id.iy morning it was down (goods, five per cent, jend for our Price List." : m' obi people say it has been j d.icor leather they ever saw1, i ':: iry. Mr. ,1. R. Hodges! i; s tb v the ice was a half Inch ! b. ,a bis well flatanliy morn- Ci Si -p K ing Crab went ashore Pfttii -s ,'nnti' in tne gale Thurs-j veil':'! : I Le crw were all' i .' : . Y. II. Whitt luust., of Btoi.d i !: ,i.'i down to Kershaw L.st . b oa a bnsines trip. Mm. ! ; ibt-th Smith and Mrs.: o'lti liebimarirft their homes; -' V, b .iiie.Mi iy lor yonr city and j .h,' in the inciemeucy of the! i i i iiey bdve not yec re-! ..,.!. j 'i". m s (.'urti-- is very sick yet niiii ragh'c fi-ver. I the month of -ianoary1 lain fall h s o luchisb'y meas- ItaeM. u's Arnica Salvo, I ; v. ia ibe world mi rut,,; . - . - I . -ir-. r.henm. FVvi-rl j , ' i m i.a.pc I i' n, il-. Ci.i'.bl bus, ' .., WK!". Lniptions. :.nd poM 1 . I ' ' . ' 1 ; I.' . j I 1 1 1 l U 1 I I ' 1 . IL i : ' t-, .: I" l'ieet s ti-'-iCl'lCtl - ai, i. .1, i'r oc 2') con's per - ' y lb -. I'miiy. Diaiggi-t. M 1LI.E COIIRESPONDEXCE. b it i-. (bd: ? on in and About the Vdlase. A : :, t.v storrn reached as QQ tbe ii. . io to three incites deep. T o ... ion ot hog killiog is neav p i a ' and the largest of tbe ..'i were two seventeen month -i pig-- l;; !el bv Mr. Q. A. Wbi'e, netting Idj ibs, the other i it-; W : i : h t iied iwn of a new year, village ban assumed a new and i .!- I p o.pt-rify. Even daring K'-i lin-lv cold days of the past :.-,.-: i is were often crow : : a eils'omeis, !'.".- 11 gii school, has aga;u ill u-i doors under the wise d t hi- eie.ur m '.nagement of PfOf. . !'. I.irns. Pr if. Bums is a .,'.- ia ,ti of energy and ability, ; . U: T-t ad c . z-ns will utaiid i.::.:, be will lui'dd a school of :ai we sli'Hild be jas'ly pvoud. S EL I-ler of Q ddsboro be i s ra s of .neetings in the . -!c -:!, m church Monday i. igbt. b: ", :ii:i red in the wo'k bv Widiaia Black aud Dr. W D. n. - s cxican t i j I ustane O i ininjcntj t . j vn.-intetl L'cJdsrs, cic Pains, ::nd Strains. :- Aliments, e Aiimenis. :o Ailments, "V net rates Muscle, .'bibrane and Tissue vttickiy to the Very Seat of Pain and Ousts it in a Jiffy, i Vigorously. ".ustantr Liniment conquers i'xiiii, : "i ibes Tlaa or Beast weli Cisiti. s VITIl A BPiGEK SUPPLY OF- .tjbl. faW l-al a.- Tbey wen-bought right nini.vvill be suld ruin for GASH or Nc- gotiable paer -- lbi now and get your pick of a big lot -any one of which will be woitb yniir nioiiey. "' ' " '. hip and UTHL'lt DAVIS, HILL & CO, 308 10th Street N. W. Washington, D. C- Z f JJ"mhEb.D HORSES AND MULES RANGING FROM 4 TO 7 YEARS OLD. , - ... . Ana Weijminji i?rom j Some extra fiue I ),-i cis in Horses also adapted to all purpose" - 1 Exceptionally line Draft Horses A full and complcto line of Buggies and Harness always on hand. Blue Front Stables, Middle Street, New lierue, N. O. GEORGE SLOVER, Pres J. C WATKIXS, S.c & Trean, SLOVER HARDWARE CO. DEALEKN IX. Hardware and Farming Implements, MOUSE TUMOTSItlliW CEMENT. PLASTER and HAIR, PAINTS. OIL and VARNISH, BUGGY and ART MATERIAL, IRO , STEEL and NAILS. 72 MIDDLE STREET The 6 real ESankrupt Has Returned from the North where he Pur chased his Stock at JL. Gr2TOvt:r Sacrifice Ia Prices than ever before heard off HIS STOCK OF CLOTING Is the Largest in the citv of New Berne, and Second to None in the State. Reader let nie say to you safely Let ine whisper in your ear see ine before vou spend your hard earned dollar, come down and ex ! amine mv stock betore you buv. Is thankful lor past favors, and wishes to say to the people it will be to their interest to see him. TEWAIT TH N EYPI!- Your . . PRODI IE To CO., Z Cm r, 1 , , 1 1 , , 8o0 to l-ioO lbs. iiacc. and .Mules. Ameiican !t aler 1