. . . v-, - ' - ' . .a v .'-. : 1 . , '. ' . .. ;. " .' . v. ? ' .. .v.- t . , i- '' , S; a:.'.";-- -rf : . .... ! - cy . - , .--H '..i -a pr a,.,'. a .7 a 1 -.a,,. - . , a.-., .a fiili iij mnr.Vi.ili i mil i1n ii -f-- -j in, . ii ' , i'nf- i ui,,u 'fi-'ss- - $1.00 Fe: Year INDEPENDENT IN ALL THINGS. Single Copies, 5 Cents. VOL. XVIII. NEW BERNE, CRAVEN COUNTY, N. C., MARCH 14, 189,1 NO. 2 V 5 ! : c" W "l i 0- TETTER FORj 5 YEARS On Face And Scalp. Physicians Pre scriptions ami Kennedies Fail. Lost All Hope of Cure. Thought Himself DISFIGURED FOR LIFE Cuttcnra Removed Crusts at Once. ' Disease Entirely Gone in One Month. Now No Trace. Skin Smooth. For more than liftee.a ... I was clTc ;e.l with running Tetter o.-i ui idee and sjlp. Various prescriptions ami t:,j.iiv remedies were i Iurntsneo. DelBiI iucirwru. ircate.i u many physician, and all to uo aiail. I bail lost all kop of ever beinjr cured, and runt luUctl that 1 wu disflsured for life. A friend iicr-caded me to giva the Cptrte a Rem edi a trail, which I Uu iathis way: Taking the tiTkiiLi Kesol teist two teaspoonfula after cseb hhdI. bathed the effectwl pans in warm water with Cnii'i ELi Soap, and applied the cticura freely until the cnut. were all removed. In one month my face and scalp were iierfeeUy sujooih. 1 cive this cheerful testimony i'tt the benefit of alfwho aro thus afflicted. T. J. (.'AJ'.AMSS. D. I., Colutnbiaiu, ALl- TETTER 0 S m HAND Hi Used Crncf:: . :: .iri'i:". f..r Tetter on the Cain. They 1-f t lilc "I --.. I ;. atif.; h.ii Eietna ni ,i : L't OA lvi-x;-::-i - Tlait Dry Tc;rrr oi rv h.vi l'. T""" l several rciuedicj wi.liouc r. :. ( i ciia KemkliIE-i entirely cure. 1 uv-. 1 - !..i - :!r.4 muoo.1i and toft. 1 . I'. WAI.KI.lt, Oakland, Ua. THE TORTURED, OiSFiGURED And hamiliateil. o . cr.v. ksrr ClTTCtR-V TlElIF.il ; : care for every tUa-as- .m.i !:.i to scrofula, from i:ifa:icv : iil tintl in thn . ! )i:oHiu'a! , 1 rx-La I'liiijsie Sod throaehont th wnrM. Trico, Cxmcm.M AXD Oxxn. CoRr., b-.-. . riviors, Boston. -M ITow to i'urc Skir. ri-ca-cn, rnai'. J free. ' LOVE LIK3T, Vbitt, Varrt Skn rod Softest s:ar breath, Chost Pain, S- rt? ifs-. Weakness. Aiihma.Ileur:s ,a:itl I'l'JaiumatH'u J rpl Ipvrd in mi tnrnnlH hv th Cuiitaia Acti-l ain Pluter. I Did You Ever See ANY TOBACCO? j If yon never did, go to J. F. j TAYLOR'S, w here you can get aj twelve-inch pin? for five eonts gooil sonnd, solid tobaooo be sides twenty-five other d llerent varieties, from th? best to the cheapest. Another lot of good Shoes at rook bottom prices. I A thousand pounds more of i those nice Ten cent Hams, and j lots of other goods too mini ronsj t3 mention. l)on"t tail to come : anl see me when you come to towD, if you do you'll get left. j Just Received ! THE LARGEST I.IN-E OF TVegrligoe Ssliir-tt-a ever brought to the city all slyles and colors ALSO. A NIC F r.IN'K tF ljatlies' CJliemisettes n.rcl Pliirt Waists Pon t fail to see our lin of (ients, Iise .Sc Boys CAI'JS. OFR LINt: OF Clothing" unci SSlioess is C Complete . -I. J. UAXTEH. vni. BTO, Frrsideut. ice-l'ies. B. S. Ses. 4 Tres. OFFICE -. iq GRIFFITH. ST. oooo&jVooo 3-TeTX7- Berne ICE CO. Mannfactnrers of Pnre Crystal Ice FROM DISTILLED W.VTEU. CAPACITY: 20 Tens per day Daily delivery (except Sunday) by wagdii from 6 a. in. to i p. n. Scnday (retrl o.dy , tr.-.n 7 a. m. to 12 noon. Car Load lot- .!;, iu ' ..r-Vr- rid. l prompt ly. For prices and other .. a-iui .1 on. Address, B. S. GUION gSdwtf M v n id :'. k. CAR LOAD -OF jfl orse EQ C-TD TT'IT'T ''as ja-t ar . felKEiUll rive,! Inin the WEST with a iar load of tine Horses and Mules to sn tall purpo-e ais range from 4 u 7 years old, ai 1 of wlrch he ill sell cheap for C sn or Negotiable inp r Call ;.nd see him. in- ' -ti Boxes of those Cele brated Choice Pale Cream Cheese to hand. Price Low. 1 :i.ItI(JII, V liolojui lo i- r ocoi-. LE BUSH'S for r"nrr: -ft. . '''..' -' j-L' niary Or i .;w i.j rh.iji of dni or i. t i-" p-'i-ncji i-V tr--ev lo Le ttn mterulij. Iik-a "as a phevemtive by cifh- it i iniptwirWe toewnlr(-t Mtt t lerxrimX tXmmmm . ImiE to tlM mm ot thoa J i -l y V wrc- Ti. t A numo with C triii rh.1- ! Xt. wm fixxc t- A en '". Price y aiAil. posUf p, (1 ixr box, or 0 txxes for . F.S.DUFFY, Druggist and Sole Agent. I!sVENTUJATli ((tWHITTlK. From the Humaehnsf lt I,ejrilatnro Cominz South to Look lulot otlon M niilMCiiiriii lliit Willi Whal Hef.-n: 1 v i . ' te :i tir w s . ;,t. il 1 y ! I o i ;h A.c t .lemenis uf :t i-oinn-il : n- . f M-i tic'" iiiwii foiion iniil nu n Im Ii ),. n . n, :i' e . f I.ojri Valine oinh i: -t .t i'. i i i'! i' It):: tlio te n . i.mjM 'i::. i Uj Kin -In e i 1 1 ; eiv iiitri .1 -i t" l f eu: l he r 1iii;iu.". Tin lit ra. :i' 111 ;ii Llllilit-Ut ia' o;" i i iv w I ir!i 1 l.e nil nii.ii a .i u in I K 'H, 'I'lie M is5;:cliiiscl'S Li-il-' ure Ins nmv sippi'inted ;i furn ni i ti e t-. come S nth lo nvi 3' .in itu" i lie coniliiion -f c-t:on in n-u-t'jfturt is in North mil J-ou Ii (aioin.., prinvinly u I pro'sib'y in ulln-r s.nits in uriler tn acei t iia ilie relut ve a iviinliue aii'l dis.tilvantae.'i "t the iwn se-'pn s. Tiie tonimitte is Wnsliiniiti n i u ill b oWeil t.i an im- i.i 9th en loire to t Lo S,)ll!ll. T. . ineiiL;-le is the ihiic" it I lit? i" mi: l' but In w!i t ni'i .i '; i Mir ni- . . I, I I .1 i iiiiiu.l'e- ol inauufn turet-, but a U iii-ht- ; t.e rfinn.it ie--, w In -e utenst it wou'.ili 'eio kitp mar. ut .ctiui rs fioin lenim: tin ir 0 II t .te. Tlrs iKlDg ?o li il ie i : o i la . .v i t i ii, n I lie i iixir. ' 1 1 i ii 'i inn i ti.'ii -iiiil put lli. m in j i - ni otVii'r wli'c'i livotil ! :n inilt-ty I e ; lc :r i-h I., u as lar .- pusi-ible t. iLm u u' iu i a tin i ti.an i.. m ninas tin- remonil uf my M i.ssiu. liii-e: ts mills anil tue bui'iiinu' it' inaniit'ai'ttiring ent-rpi"i-e- by any , tneai's in the Sctilli 'r Tlic Ci'icniiitee, as i iti r-. sli.uiUl bf we'comeil and ir. a'nl ocli w lii-re i-i-iV ihey y, hut at tnc niiu time it !-h. nlii I e lxnirmbert'd tl-.at tliis i i !eikuivi'. not a inar.ufnctui 1114 i-mii-inittee ut.il juilgniei.t t-honlil lie exen iseil in lesponidni; t their inquiries. It i quite a tliticrtnt matter wht n a man is ; seeking iiifurniatiOii Incaae he wants to sttlle ar.il invest among us and when the inti ntii'ii, or at ! at tho interest of those, investigating is to prevent sr.i li from com ing fiml invcs-ing. K ti'i 1 rt -i like this on? miv have some 1 ffiit fir awhile but they will not pn-vail in the end. T;.e South bus unequalled i natural mlianiages nu I nothing will pri - , Vint tluir i-eeoi;nitioii. Mitnufuciurers ure po-ting tlieinelvis ftS to their a,.l-' vun; ig s ml m to munuraoluring move ments in all parts of the country an ! they , know tl at they and all other gootl citizens ; tre warmly welcomed tu the full 1 uj iy-. mt-nt of all die Southern advantages. I t he hulk of the factories, will in the end, I tie csiabl.sbed where the greatest advan- tages lie ami nothing can prevent it. j It Sharpen the appetite, improves digestion and re stoies health an. t vigor; VI the organs of, the b wly ure aroused to healthy action by j Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery. M. ue than all. the liver and that's the k-y to the ivhole system. You have pure ; i .lood or po souous b'oo 1, just as iar liver chooses. The blood controls the! health, tlie liver controls the blood, the ; Discovery'" controls the liver. You can escape just nbout half the ills ; that rle--h is In ir to. by being ready for j thtm. Brace the sys'em up with this j m-.dic'me. which pieieuts as well as cures For all diseases caused by a disordered ; liver or impure blood il i Sepsiii, bilious-! n ss, the most stubborn skin, scalp mid scrofulous affections, the "Discovery" is il.po ilv remedy certain and ttf-ctive tliat it do be guaranteed. It it doe-n '. benefit or cure, you have your moiny i in k. ! You piy only for the good you get. Rheumatism Cared in a Day. M vstic'Cure" for Blieumatism and Neiiral-ia ra.'ic illy cures in 1 to 3 days. It-i action up in the system is remarkable an 1 mysteriou-. It removes at once the cause and the dtsiase iinmi-diately di-ap-lears. The first dose greatly bcntri'.s 75 cenU. ) Sold by Henry's Pharmacy. New Berne N. C, old custom hou-e building. S2S3 WRITE Riverside KENNELS, POULTRY, PET STOCK YARDS, for their immeuse cat alogue to be issued this month. It costs only a stamp. F.OUS FOR HATCHING .V SPECIAL.TV -Spejiil ?rici3 oa Fowls.- V. E. HEGE & CO., NEW BERNE, - N. C jlu.iin Old Rip Tobacco ! I have just received One Hundred i boxes of OLD RIP Tobacco which: I w" .Ml' r f.T tin mst 3udiys at (':-; ,: t' ..,'--'! , n M.t'.iii'a. I u r e:s i ol. Tin- bojis contain from 6 to 25 1'-. e e!i. Colors Maiiooanv A; Black Sh:it 6 .e. ti'-. R in. 9's ind 1 m Vs. 1 wid -i i 1 .n i of i he a' ,n e at 2 V. i tie- 1 ... , . r 3 j. . r. tat'. umI.I .t rch 1-t. 1 s'J5. Res pet t ! ii 1 1 y . J, w. No. 40 Mid. I',. St. New Berne. X C. Money Mids Easily asd h::.i te:s akd TE?2 IT OVZS ! We want 1 1 " men who haie cicrL-v tad grit. V"e w e 1 give t hem a situ iti"li which tlu-y i:l i ir.-ik. money rapidly- -the 1 ibor being light an-1 emp'oyment the iear rotpi.l. Hetptir s no capital or gieat e location. S. me of our Ijest s ilesmen re co. .ut rv b. y s. Young men ir old Mil, .jo. lb n. i me rat ion :s iUick and -tire. We have teed 'or li.H' men within l In next 30 tl vs. Do nor jva-t t in.', but w rite at imce to II . C. HFIKHNS .V C . Pub! if 'at : -. At !aet i. ti .1. NEW. LIFE Dr. E. 0. West's Neme nd Brtln Treatment - -. uiKler pneitire written frmrnn'. br uih.r .z. a u-onu only, to cure Wen Memory; Los,, of 'rmniiQfl NervH I'owit: Lost Manhood; Qui.-knesp; 1 si-jlit Los.se-a Kvil Prearas; la-k of Oonnilenof ; ' S. rv.e.-ue-s; Ln.-.slta.ii; ui: Oruln; Lnwot Power 'f the cieocrftti.e Ortran. rn elth r e-x, cause. i by -v,T-.-ierUon: Voathfut Krrm-9, or Ext-ei-eive I'se wf r..tacci. Opium or U-iunr, whicb soon lea.t to Mi ry, Consutn ption. Insanity and Death. Bynifti1. tli).i;B for $5; wifh wnneo fruarnte to cure or ; -efuu.l money. KT-'ST'S Ctll llH SYRl'P. A certain ure f r C'ouk-a-,'C'oM, Athnift, lironchltl, C'r-.ui', . Wh.iopmv t'ouKh, Here. Throat. Pleasuit Uitak-'. s' all izg dt-cjutinue.l; old. Sue. Pfze, now 25c. ; old i V ilz8,nc sc. UL'AJiAN-lKyS Isaued only by F. S Duffy, Sole Agent, New t Berne, N. 0. IIKIS MI.I KR'S BODY FOIMI. Recovered Forty-Seven IIhii Alter he W its lrouiied. The liii.tv of Mr. C hris Salter of Pnil-.-111. m h iia lutin 1 mi M.ni.lay. the -Tli msr, by hi, mu le I .u ,ii at tin- . u.-tle lic it" Beacon JI-laml. .Mr. S.i! :r. it wt I ! ivuiembcr.'.l, was drowned betore Chiistma the 16th of Ii ft -inbt-r " as the .late, bv fading off tli , schooner 1'. CheMer nc tr Harb r Island I.'idit H. in-. The place where t:ic b..ly was t, mud w as about twlve mi'es awav 't'l.tii where t lie arci le: t i i-iuind and f. .1 ty-seven ilas I ad elapsed bet w tea the lime of the "evident and' the time of the i lecovci v of the Imdv. But though -iicli a hug iirerva' It id ehqi-c I, the 'id y. it-ina: k ihle us it nay aiie.tr. Wis well ireseretl not di-lijur.-d at ilh xcept s .11 e in. -n ks mi . in- 1 and a- though it had sir, 1 k against f.K-ks. ABOI T THK. I.IIX.I K TIME. Kor Holding the I'Rlr.-EiprfniilonMof Opinions in Rolereiiee to it. 1 ' . v. i . s .. ;. ui... hid :-. n t a . 1 1 - 1.1 I 1 a ; . .1. .1 .. 1 li .1 i net ci Lkx-u to mi: ..1 our Fail's, bad un.li- lit iiiT.mgeiiients 10 b at this em , a; d he te Is us i f 1111 nlier- 1 in uti I around Tivi on who had as fully th ci. 1 ei I t 1 conic as he ha I ut the we 1 til er kept them aw av. We knOrt tu::t inilal' cvp -lietice Wiis i t: t i-msi: in other suln.ns tiKi. 'lis si.l.-r- Fan. V .- 11 - at' il from 1 t 1 y in i'.ulc.l t. 1 time l- tl . but e .lie tln.se kept the I- .1 -ati-ti -.1 e tlier slopped nu fully lilty x'r c iat nt ol it t re iv ho ha. 1 p a uie-. to come away. Hail the Fair leil held two weiks time those p.op'e would have I een Hie s.-e nil we-k, f. r we all know this lc re bow uiiicklv our roads drv off. even after the oivt weather. We he-ir some of our business- mt 11 de daring theinsi-lvi 111 favor of a longer p. rmd ol tin.f an 1 epipving the opinion . it would pay them to g ve extia al-. tenth") to displaying btis'ines.-. exhibits and in ci-r:ain cases to hav - some one in j charge of them they would be nioie de- s-n.iis ol making a tine ilip'ay l'.r a pro-1 tractcd lime than tor simply one week. 1 We l ave al-o In nrd visitor-to 'In- ciiv! coiniiii nting favorab! v upon tho propose exiensionol the time of holding open. We have shown some of the good rea sons for mi extentletl time, and we doubt not that the officers and directors will take vh ttevcr encouragement is given for the advance into t on? idei'at ion and act wisely iu determining upon what they will tlo. THREE RIRULARS CAPTIRED In Elizabeth Cily M'hlle Roliblng n Store All Nearroen ool Work ol a I Colored Deteetlve. Elizabeth City has a sensation in the capture of a bind of ntgio burglars tli n ugh the coo 1 work of a colored Richmond detective. Tli ; heatl man of the gang w as a proprietor ol a fashionable coloreil boarding hou-e named Wm. Lucas. The detective, Denuis Kowe, stoped at Lin as' house and so ingra tiated liim-elf into Lucas' confidence ibat he lias admitted into the lavor ot the crowd and by representing himself as a skilled and t xpeit thief he became one i.ftheputv to break into the grocery store of E.kenghotis Bros & Co., and in . liie. r -.to . ii.mI, ..., eon -..Ie. d .1 Iat job. Howe r.otitiid the ofticeis of the law and proprietors of tin: store and nin wire placed in nailing. Lucas, the thief, stayed outside to watch, and the oth r two thieves and the detective went insale. Then the stoie lights were lurueJ ou nj.'ldeuly by those inside, revolvers lc-yclled on the burglars and cveiv one captured. They are now in jail ut Eliza Inty City awaiting their tnal, after whicli they will no doubt use their muscles for the benefit uf the State of Noith Caioli.na lor a good term of vcars. Tile Falcon-Economist givis the above f iCt s tin. 1 h peaks in strong praise of the servicts the tleteclive rentiers I. TWO HFI.t I AI. TROI T CATHEN. The Reeord Breaker In the freeze ol 1H93 n Compared With the I. ate One In Xew River. Mr. J.J. Kovdl came nplio-n Jai k-on- ville lo -pen. t s hi e lime .a .m-w rci m- ; buying tish 11 III III here a"d to Il.ake ar- ; rangetnents forliilitre b isincss. Mr. H 'Jill informs us that m.inv li-h which were kided ami s.mk in Neiv river during the recent ff. i .- rose a 'eiv d . s ago and were piikul up by boat loads for terttlizing purpo-es. Mr. Royal, a- we haie lul.l. m.nle some large shipuini'.- ol trout, while the late frieze was in progress, bu: diiiing the freeze o I 1 f-93. he mi i pa-se. 1 anything hi ll. d at this time. '1 he entiie :iich thin was considt ralily 'arger I ban during the one this yea:-. At that time X'r. Roy.dl sent, ott the largest shipment of tivul of which we haie anv knoivledge. Iu oiu- night he pat ke I a unit a tar load and a Iiiil there ueietilleen tons ol li-h. and these, atltUd lo others which uei'e ent off immediate ly preceding made about t wen I -ti ve tons of ihe-e tine 1 1 -s I i ivltich he h til on the way north at one ti nc. Th-'sc are r. mark able tigu'is and th.rc jie- not many p'aces u hic'i can si,, ,u -in Ii ivsii I- ..s tin se. even at -po i 1 1 I . lues. n Kvt s i HRI EE. The off.-ndiiii Wiliiams whoiii : consul general Spain has order R-iinon d home Ir. in CtPM i l :i the 12 is e pectetl t. a Nt ii Yorker, b tli ti nit steamer h ai e S.i va n il 1 1 1 , da. , uii-ls , f .r Monrovia, Horn with I.ibe- 200 in ;t-o t-ol r a. The W. ( !o pleicnt t T. I". .e ng. a are trying i.-Stli'ot bquoi - on the Ex iind- there during the expi biewery has orTeit-.l vvlfiti,P0ii pos,l, siin.n i gf. hi I', u- the conce i. ground-. England'- r im iding -' ti i'in-. ci . . four -ec. selling beer on the :li il budget p t :e li v- d y t ar iiid-cla-s and rovidi's for I .III" tilSt- two third boats and c!as- i i u.st i s. t ii cut v tortH torpedo tle-lrovt I-. 1 n the New Y''ik (i. iieiai Av-tnibly l'i.iii siav Assembly m ui Blake's bill allob-li.llg capital penishment lias lo-l on ti-a', pi-.-ige by a vote of ayes 40; ntie-. tjs. The schooner (ieo. L. Dicks m has ar rived at No-folk with the rest lied ciciv of the Schr. Jen. W. Mo. ue, whom thev -tvul on Fe'i'y . Iti h, in mi l no an liom t be sin king schooner, pain is making i ig r. n- 'Ct'on t s.:p-pie.v- the Cuban rebel lma. The wai ollie.-:-liurryiiig the pit liarati. ns and there is entln.t-ia-m in military tire e at the pro p. ct of a cionpaig .. Seie-i bat t n s are uitis-enng to dep ut and on..- . rirvr wd! carry two million ca tt .dg -. The body of Ad hph Ka 11 ic nn . w ho uas a pas-ciigei on tli ' Elb -. has i een picket! up bv a ti- dug lioat ami brought toliu'd. Fug: .ti l. Mr. Kallmann w is at i ni II time M.-i-.iagt r of tin- Prague Opera lis,- and w a- oil his wav to New' York to fid an e i i li i in en t :e I iini-ose singe matia- r under Waltt r If the Riibv is utlinz Teeth. Be' -ure and u-e tint ol I and well-tried rcniedy. Mrs. Winiow Soothing Syrup' for c'tihlreti let thing. It -oodles the child, softens the gum-, al'ays ail pain, cures wind colic and is the best remedy for diarrhoea. Twenty-tin- tents a bottle. nOIyr i THE 1'REMIins Atltltllll). the Kftwt 4'Hroliiin fair, Titken in Order by Departments. UiiSTIMfcli 1 l LASS 1 t UNARY I it:l'A HTM KST A'cst 5 lbs 1 f North ' irolina butter, ( cconet lice fu' in. nillsboro, N. '., -.(K. CLASS 2: JELLIES. fes-t app'e jelly. Mi-s Mamie Wollen di ti. a.jcts.; best grape jellv. Miss M iinie Wolfeililell, 2.VN.' CLASS : PBKSKRVKS. Bt. st pieserved jieaches. Mrs. Sam Waters, 50cts.; lust preserved clierries. Mrs. Sam Waters, .50; b. st preserved quince-. Mrs .Sun Waicis. .5,- be-t pre served tomatoes. Mrs. Sam Waters, .50; best piesi rve 1 )ii e-;'.pp e, Mrs. S un Wateis, .50; tie-t preevvetl ligs. Mis. Sim Waters, .5i); lust str iw lien it s, Mrs. Knoch Wailswoi'lli. .50; bt-t presirvctl citron. Mrs. Dr. Stictt. .50; best prc-.s'-rved grap. s and peais, Mr-. I'. S M iC-'. .50 t atll; best collection display of pies iv. -. no. .riilus, Miv F. S. Ma 1 LA-- -1: : - C A X K 1 1 1 II l lis A N U VKOETA lil.KS. H st caiiii'd piaclus. Mrs. F. : .25; best canned pears, Mrs. F. : .25.- b-st canni-il toanitoes, Mrs. It 11, ,'J"i; best collection . f caline v Mace, . M .ce. gootls. 14 varieties, :!.U0. Mrs. olfenden. CLASS ti : WINK. H H AND V FKl'ITS. yest Mitppei nong nine. Mi-s Carrie liancot-K. .50; brandy piaclus, Mrs. K. H. Jones, .50; best brandy chert i. s, Mrs. Sin Waters, .50; best, c.iileetion ot br.tii.lv Iruit, t'. varietu-s. ijj.0(i. Mis. O. Marks". CLASS 7: -SWKKT I'll KI KS. 7st sivcet p'ckle Wiiternielon rind, Mis. V. S. Mace, .50; best sweet pickle peaches, Mrs. H it p h liray, .5f; best and largest display ol the above. Mis-. F. S. Mace, S2.00. CIASs 8: -SOl'K PlfKl.KS. Jest jar of cucumbers Mrs. F. S. I -Vaie .50; best artichoke tien .50; Ix'st peppiis, .lr Jrs. oilen Hobiuson .50: lust tomato catsup Mm. Sam Wateis 25; b. st cbowchoiv, Ji-s Sun Waters. 50; liest display of sour pickles, Ji s. F. S. Aace, 8 kinds, $2.00. j class 9: fiKKS a.sd iireahs, 7fest pound 'Jake, Jiss Duffy $1.00; best jelly cake, Afrs. O. Aarks, .75; best fruit" cake, Jrs. O. Marks, 2.00: best silver caKe. Mr. F S .Vace .75, best chocolate cake, Jrs O Jarks 1.00; hand sonn st decorated cake, -Vrs U S Aftice fi.OO; 2n.l best. AfisO ATarks. $2 00; best mursh mallow, Jrs t .Varks, $1,00; l. st anil latyest display of meats, Mrs Sam .I'iteet. 85. '10; lest loat of bread, Mi's Chas Ivi.s, .50; best beaten bi-cu t-s, Mrs John Hughes, .50; best risen biscuits, Mrs Pelletier, .50. CLASS 10: -CHILDREN'S DEPARTMENT. ?e-t jelly cake, miss Wyman. .25; lar gest disidav of tancv dishes. Mrs O Marks. $3 00. SPECIAL PHF.MIUMS. e-t i lisplav of meats, Mrs Sam Street, 1 tine picture framed by Mrs O Marks; for the lst orange cake, Mrs O Marks, I white fur rug by D F Jarvis; 1 barrel of Royal Crown flour lor the best bread and rolls, Mrs, J.W. Moore by Hack bum & Willett; 1 handsome lea set for best display of cakes, Jrs () Jaiks by Hack I iu ru & Willett; 1 rug tor best pound ol butler. 11 B Dully to ( iccouechee farm nillsboro, N C; by Jts. Kaf. r, bakt i v, 1 handsome cake to Mrs John Hughes for f fancy dish and display of wines; by Hol laud & Co., dry goo. !s. 1 gn y lur rug for pound cake, Mrs O Marks, 1 baby carriage rug for fruit cake, mis O Maiks; by Holland ii Co., 1 pair Ol shoes, Mrs Sam Street, for display of meats; 1 pair Ot haudsome bi-que. figures by John Dunn to Mrs Sam Waters for fine display of preserves; 1 silver castor by S K Eaton, Mrs U S Mace for display of pre serves; 1 silver ealt and peper. S K Eaton, Mrs V S Mace for fine display f swet and sour pickles; 50 lbs of flour by F Flrieh to ilrs. Woltenden for display of canned goods and sour pickles; one 5 lb box of candy by Duffy it Hill. New Berne Candy Factory, Mr OJarksfor collection of brandy fruits and fancy dishes; 1 book of p 'ems by K lieny, druggist, Jrs Ralph Crey, collection ot' preserves; 1 silver thim'ile by A F. ILL- Oard, .V.s. Joe Kinsi y for jelly and pre serves not entered for prtniium but wortllv of special; .,,., ' I.,- P.ra.lb-ini 1 bott le of line per cv. Biock Drug Co.. r collection ot sweet. I 3rs -VAoi-tie Jiirks, f sour biandv Iruit; 1 alarm cloc k by S K Eaton to Jrs O Jaiks lot Colleeiion ol j tine cakes; siecial nunti-.n of the New; Berne Canth Facloiy of the tine display h hit h lias a gieat creilit to ti -depart ment and worthy ot premiums, 1 clock bv W P. Jones, furniture, oil lbs of tlour bv F I' 1 1 ieh. l inf. arts. 0.1 painting, othi r than portrait, $2 0O irs .Tohn Ives; water coloreil Ian. boaiie till. Miss ood; paslelle p iintirg S2.. any subject J. .1. I i 1 ;i i i - painting in oi still life study, Jf2 ; Miss Nan Kobe' is water io'oi", Iruits or flowers, s!.; Miss Nedson; crayon dra.ving otht r than por trait tl., Mi. John Ives, crayon port;ail if 1., Miss Rountrte: decorated ua plates 2., Miss Ada Stdienck; painted panel t2. Mrs. W. S. Clary; !iiniing on silk, satin or velvet .50. Miss Roilntrec; painting on g!a-s .5". Miss Mace; painting on porce lain .50, Mis'- Mace; decorattd pbictpies .1., Miss Mace; icn and ink sketch 8 1.. Miss Ronntree; pencil drawing $1., Miss sheppard. Wairenton, 'a.; charcoal ilniw'ing 1 . Mi-s Riiuntrct". I'ant-y work in wood $2.. T. W. S arboronoi; lie-: tapestry pain'ing Miss Nan Rolieris; h.it display bv school, special, fur I ug i .y J. B. Holland ci Co , to Miss la ah Jones; largest and lie-t display by one ex hibitor, .Vi.-s Ri uutiei Dr. J. II. Benton. 2 50. SPI-.C I U.S. Spici.il tabic (over, Jrs. F. C. li b rt-. special N. 30, A. J. Smith, dry goods, 1 bode cloth. Spec al heiph nt.', Jis- Shew, pe id No. 50. F. 1 Ir'nh, wholesale groci r. 5" lbs. flour. Siiecial centre s,., s Jennie A M- Hughes, spu inl No ;", Nu-it S.U'ley, con It dinners, 1 I. -a set. Spicial lace no k. Ji -. T special No. 43. Slonr II ir. wait' set knives ami fnrk-woitb !4.5i). Special Centre Sipuare-s, Miss Bel'e Ellis, special No. 31. J. Sulci", dealer in furni ture, 1 i'ojker. Special lb-play of fancy w oi k, Jt s. M. Jarks, special "No. 21," F. S. Duffy, diuggst, an elegant book, va'ue !i 50. Sp. rial table mats. Ml . Pi nnell. special No. 11, E V. Sinail wood, dealer in hardware, I lamp. Special knitted l.ic", Jrs Sal ah Wilds, special No. 34, J. M. Howard, tlt-aUr in clothing and furnishing good-, 1 n ni' rella. Special lace work, Jrs. E. P. Hargrove. S.iow Hid. special No. 40, A. J. Smith, 1 doz. n .jikius, Special outline embroidery, Jennie Sultan, special No. 14. D. F. Jarvis. 1 pur kid gloie--, i lnlilren s d- partmeat. Citditabie work. B rtha J. (ij-kins. spici.-.l No. 10. Jrs S. H Lane, 1 pair k'ul glovis, children's department Special knitted cape, Jis. Sarah Hol lister. --pei-ial 07. W. E. Patterson, ladiis nnckinto-h. Spicial crocbeie 1 tic, Ji-s Alice Smith, sptcial No. t'."., S. K. Eitlon, souvenir spoon. Special rdtlesnnke lambrcqipn. Jrs. W. S. Kelly, Wilmiugt u, special No. 50, J. J. 1 oNon, 1 bowl and pitcher. Special tatting .Viss Kate Polierls. I it via s. F. I'll ic h, 50 11). flour. s; 11 cial liand sewing, .wissMiew. -lu-ci .1 .10 cents, .Vs. J. A. .le;tdo. Best charcoal drawing from life. Viss Hountree ol Kinstou. sie. ial premium, a dress ittcrn, given by .J. 15. Ilol'aiid A: SPECIALS. Best drawn nmp of X. C , Mash r Cecil Tail..)-. .50, by Miss Leah Jonej. 15est ielitf map ofN.C.. Mi-s Maty Joins, silk niiitller by Miss Iaali .lone-. Best drawn m ip of F. S.. I.ula Wa c.-. 1 pa-r shot s by llollantl iV Kountrec. Best relief map of F. S.. Mary .lon- s, ! silk umbrella by Mis, Iah Joins. Ht st drawn map of North America. Cecil Tay lor. .50 by Miss Ienh .1, n, s. Collection of maps. Mi-s Sadie Moore, clock by II. J. ioiit k. ; 2n ; lust lelief map of N. '.. Bessie i f'.il-sons. S)ecial No. 3;!. II. I. Hall, 1 booksel'er. aduun. I Special doilies. Miss Belle Ellis, siecial i N'n. 31, J. Sutcr. tlealer in liiniii ure, 1 j rot ker. j AKCHAKOLOO V. Best collection ol curiosity or int . rest i n ci mip ct i .11 with the histoi v 1 1 N. .rt h ai-'lina 5 . Mis Jam1! June--. j Colh ction fancy work, Mrs. Jese Ball. special lis, (J. Marks Son, 1 et tiijiie i pla ed litiile spi oris. j Special laiii-y 11.. rk, Mrs. O. M. I)ey- slier, special No. 4 1. Sol ('ohen, 1 pair j shoes. t THtos. ! l.arge-t col lei lion Mrs. hai-gUt, --x-cial : No. 10. F. II .V J. A. Meadows. lt. 2nd collection Miss .Iinnii Iltiglu j r 1 .50 bv Mark Hiso-nav. j 3nl colli ction Mis. T. I. Mitchell si 50 , bv Mark Disostva v. iter. Mrs. W. 1". 11 ie. bv ockt-tt. Mark- 1 handsome ct Son. darned pad (THK F.NIJ. I HEATH OF OK. KOY III HtKIMS Anil the Clreaiiivtaiie ew Atlendintc 3" -TheJ Reiiiniiii Hronirht to ln Berne I.hmI ixlil. The reaiainj of Dr. Dorland V. Fox of Marine, accompanied by Ids family ar- i rived in the city last nignt. Dr. Fox dieti Tuesday, the 5th, in Ma- ! lines under somewhat unu-ual circum- I tarices. j He was unfortunately, a man addictid to liquor, but he left home Tuesdav uiorn- i ing perlectly sob-r, and was found that I tifietnoon aliout live o'clock, lying on his I face on the earth's floor ol a workshop near the bsnoom at Maritus, cold ami I stiff in de tth. I He had b en "treated in the Imrioom in i the morning, and then it seems had been put in this place. Mi. Fox had sent to the l ai-oom for him about eleven o'clock hut could imt get him home, word was sent her back that he was being taken care of. Dr. Fox was a u ilivc of Canada, but has b en in this section of tip' State for a 1 number of years a portion of the .inn- I at Yanceboro and a portion of the time j on Roanoke Island where he marrie I. An inquest was held but tie have not heard the verdict.. j Mrs. Fox telegraphed to Dr. Fox's, mother in Canada Wednesday morning as ; to the disposition of his remains, anil not receiving a reply they were being taken to her old home; but at New Berne a tele- giani cauie irom his motlier ilirecliug that llnybe kept until her arrival, conscuuciit- I ly, it was elet ided to embalm the remain.-i and tafrv in New Berre Until she arrive: THE FREE PRE.SS DIT AOAI.V. On Time Without Missing; au Issue Running- Its Job Department Also. The Kinston Free Press is out as good as ever, not having missed or been behind a single issue. Such enterprises is com mendable. For the present the paper is lieing printed in Goldsboro. but in a few Weeks Mr. Herbert expects to have a press in the place ol the one lost iu the fire. lie has already purchase I ami re ceived his neivj .bbing printing outfit and has resumed work in that line also. It is well enough lo note that this ntim l.er of the Fre Pri ss is the lieginiiing of its 14th volume. Its last issue liefole tin lire completed iO thirteenth year. The Journal extends its goml wi-hes to the Free Pre-e and congialulatiou- on iis success in bitting ngaii:-t it- mi-for-t line. T H E STATE TAXE-4 Kit HIM. l'Y. Rate of Taxation I'nder the .ew Reve nue Bill on Polls, Taxes anil Occu pations. I'ntlcr the Ri venue act the poll tax i fl 24, the State tax is 2i 2-3 cents, the schools lfi cents, on incomes and gross nrolits lioni inoneriv not tavnl 5 net I cent, and oil gross meon.es denied from i salaries :md le.-s ,j p'-r cent, on excess, over $1,000, and 1-4 percent, on txiess over $ 1 OOo, to S5.O0O, ami p r cent. In In pen ,.i,oon antt mo, iMto. The lux on cigi.rs is 5 cents per l.oilO and on cigarettes 10 cents p. r 1.0:10. The sewing machine tax i S5oo, piano organ dealers' tax $25o. The tax mi drummers is ..100. nint h shall give t xc nipt ion from all other license tax. The licen-e for iti-iir.in.-e coinpani. -s is 10C and a tax of 2 p-.-r cent, on gross re ceipts in this Slate S ate banks are to pay $5(1 on is-2i,liou of capital and -f2 lor each l.ooo over that amount. Building and loan associ it .on- pay tax acconling to paid-in capitnl. The tax on railways is 1 per c.-nt. on gross receipts; teh graph and telephone onipauies, 2 per cent. PRO-WRENS AT THESTIMSON Mil. lpttV III be Ready to Resume Running Wltli fu Onllil al an Early !. ; The Stimson Lumber Co., wfcich is al most in every particular newly equipping, the mill, is pushing the work with all dis ! li itch and aim to resume work in about 1 Ii n e weeks time. Mr. Ike Trissell, fornicily of r..rilind Maine, who is in charge of the work, will remain in charge of the mill af'ef it -tufts up ag ,in. He declare hi intent ion ot having only lir-t class machinery throughout, and of having no one in responsib'e posi tions except thoroughly competmt men a veiv gootl plan for anv business. Mr. W. F. Doubles of Noi folk 'a. who j is to be the tiler at the mill ai rived ami 1 he and his wife are for the present n-gis- p n tl at I he Albert. Mr. Huny Kl. ese. who for three years wa- head engineer for (ire.'iileai' Johnson A; i'o.. of Nortolfc is j the new engineer, He al-ohas arrived and is asisting in the pi-ei;iratory work. Four Moonsh I liens Arrested. The Jacksonville Times 1 thi- item : The revenue otli.-ei-s .f this district tie serve great credit f -r their vigilance and the energy with which thev devote them selves lo the apprehens'oii of tninsgit-s. sors of ihe revenue law-. La-t week DepulvMaishallJaru.au made lour ar rests o! nioonsliniei s; 11. J. .viarsiiout n. James Pit -fee and Fpb Brown of Onslow County: and N. II. Colitis of Jones County. There isn't much i ncoiiragcment for a po sou to engage in the illicit m-iiiu-fictiue of "while ink " as long as we have such cflicicnt otlicers. The Massachusetts House of Represen tatives defeated the Woman's Suffrage i bill by a vote ol 127 to o"7. M II li". SALLIK lilSSKLL SINK. Tt'll! Fit I lntlcr V;l!cf ill (IiTilciikt' llllt't. i Sllf uiis Koiln.l to 'M ltl'l-114' Willi I'liosphalf lor the t.. II. A .1. A. M.'fiflows t o. All a Total Loss rl-w Stlll'll. The M-i in-: s , : ; ;,. jj; ; . m ins I by a Mr. M. Mt I. ran, oi l harlt M'Ui. S. ('.. and bounil fiom that t ity to New Berne, laden ividi phosphate for the E II. ,v .1. A, . Mead ,ws ' ... is lost. ! Monday evenirg. Man h 5 h, the vi s-el was sir in led :o o. racuke inh t. Her ciew, consisting "l the t- it it a in an. 1 ton r men. wire lt-s ue 1 by tin .-e in charge ot die P. rtsin. 'it: h life -aiing -1 . 1 1 i . . 1 1 who -.-cnig the badly injure I condition ol the it'--i 1 a lii-eti lit it no one at all slay nboird ol her. and tin- next morning -In-was found -unk lner.lv f'-er tleep. She lia I sAimg around and gone down deling th.- igh:. Nothing w hatei'. r was siital Ironi tin boat end her cargo is ol'such a nature that it would in. iv be ivorth'e- all i-. a to'al Ins- The lcssell was a two in:i-t -t hooner j whose value was pr..b,My about s,;.0o(i. We hi!.- not le lined whether there was my i'i-iii-:i'r the ves-cl or not. The caigo was worth about siin in-ured l .r i: - fil'.i a ! ti- . ItlllS- .( K. till I I IS. Al till I S. This Coiiiliiiiat ion W hicli I'rint il so Di'sl rni'l i e in Iiinsl4iii '! Enlirely Alisenl Ironi ew RerneA Warn i n t-. lir attt Ilti.el li is been e iil.-d to ihe Oct that boy- of tlii- city play around -tab !t-s in the r. ai ot bu-ii ess place- and smoke ci jai i t 0 s w hie doing in opp i- , sition to what- vei ell'ort hi- b en made til Teak ii p I lie pi act ice. They on i limb fo ctaiid 1l.it- 1 1 - , pass in the fear of store- though not ilie. I ! to ke- p aw ay. The Broa I -. tr. t-t business block, pro bibly piitiaby In car, so it coutains one vacant lot, is a lavortte gathering place j I'oriheui. F.rent- should keep an eye i on I he you ngstei's. lliete in giit do harm come from their pranks, more thought le- than odurw ise of course, hut such as 'hi sccms t- have been the cause of the Kin ston fire, anil while we aie well pro'eettd along thi- lin.' there is no one who wishes to lee!, especially nl er such a tltarex p; fierce a- ha- ju-t occurred in Kin-ton, to led thit he is limning e-ien ti s ight risk in this r. spev-t. KINSTOV IMKllltSKS A SII.SBV. Through Mayor Ellis ol' .e Berne Thanks Expressed lo lliiiinnd Other w Rerniaus. Kiii-toii h is pur. hascd a thiol -'zed Sitsiiy ste.-un fitv engine- which h is just been rebuilt and warranted for ten years, t he s :me is a ue w one. Th t ngiue i a size Iat gt r 1 ban cTther ol those ii, XL.-i Berne, 'fh y a!-o piucha-cd 2,O'i0 feet ct Iak: r Fabrit-eoti o t liose, the kind pur chased 'a-t for tie city o! New Bei ne. Mayor Ei lis ol' New Bern--, re pri sent ing the Ann ru aii Fire Engine Co.. itlecici! the s.-tle. The Board of City Co un .' :i--eil ri'-n-lutioiia thank ng M iy or Kilis tor l.i k mthit s an. i courte-ies iu assi-ting th.-in at tinu S of tires and for infu in it'ou lur-nish.-d them so Irt e'y. At a previinis meeting thaaks ivere ex temiid to the tin-men and a l the people ot New Bet ue and the; citizens ol Kinston declare their eagerness to assist New Berne in anv wav should occasion ever offer. Counly Commissioners I'roeeetl ing-s. The B laid of Commissioners of Cravm county met on the first Monday in Match 1S05. it b. ing H e 4th day of -aid m .nth when the following was hid ami done. Prestnt. Coniini-s oni rs, J is. A Bi van. Cbm'ii, J. A. Meadows and M. H.Carr. The thairman pr -ented lor oniieeila'ion two (haven County b ..ids, . if t he dctioni inatioti i f $5o0 nunil.t red 107 and Ion lespec tlvel v pu i clia-ed by him fur credit of the sinking fiiul. Much 1-', Mb, I n I he -iitii ol $ Vm. On motion, t . uiiiii-sioi.er Cair and MtMilov,-, were appointed a coiiimith-i ro de-toy the sime w hich t ln-y did by biirnii g the same in the pt e-enee ol the Board and lie-gi-ler ol l.c s. Ordered, that the tax valuation of . 1 . - J -city listed bv Y. A. We-hi lin j ton. town -hip No. 1. be reduce. 1 from $'.,y2,i. .i2iio on ar-co nt ol e r-'i'. Oi-dei-id, Thai the lauds as-s-'-s -d to W Ii Pat-', infant, tow nship. No. ti. ri tluetl in value liom xl.5oo to '.mio. O.'deiv.l. 'That 1 he shi a itf i el un. i to the Nalional Bulk ol New B rue, the liXe t tiil.ett .l b him for the yi ar ls03 upon the slock o1 -aid bank, -landing in the name of ( ' P L .oini-'. amounting to .-s2.41; W. .1. Jetikin-: amounting to .j I.IJ.'i; M. Clark, i: nouiiting t.. 3i.5t. and C S Bry.ti". aim tinting to ? 1 7 1. Is --a Is i iln lax collet ted In him irom -aid bink. upon the -to.-k of l he .- Hue p t rt u - to nit: ( '. I '. L'a-mts si. si: W. .1. Jenkins, $1.21; M. Clark. 21.12 and OS P.ryin 15:7. W. B. Line pre-entid hi.- official b .nd for State and count rv tin- for a ppr. ua I - - Upon motion to postpone the.r limsnl r.i- t on tint l next day commissioner Brew , r stated 'hat he will be nect s-iift ly absent to-iuorroii , that he wishes to be lecon'el to- lay iu appim ing .-aid bun I. ( )a motion lb" ho.'lid look a lee- - until the next d i at t.-n o'clock. Tm s 'ay morning March 5:li. l-ei". The Boiird of commi ionei s met pur suant to a ;1 i i n i nmeiil: Present Couiniis-iont r-. .1. A. Bryan, clun'i); J. A. Meadow-. M 11. ( 'rn ami E. W. Small iv ood. Whf tva-. bv auihoriiy of the i-oni-iii--ioiiei s ol ( f iven county, James A. Bryan, eh in imtii of s-.i. I Board, has pursuant to former resolution ;m I iu-ti net ion- of ihe Bond ex -i iitcd and ni ule a contract vviili II. A. T'uckt-r .V. Bios, of Wilming ton, N. ('., fir the coiistrm. lion o ihe eo.tl't hou-e steps and p. relic- a set out ill said la ii 1 1 1 act, It is ordered that si'd ct nil 1',. ct be ir. all roped- approved all 1 satisfied ami reeor led in the mi- lite- of thi- niPi'tiit" of the Bo ird. On mot i"ii the chairman w-i- in-ti'in te I to notify Postma-ter M. K. Maniv that by ; reason o: i oiu i it's I hereto and work being ipei'icniid llieuon, the I ridge across Baehel ir eie k at Nel- m- Fein will be . inivi-sib!e dining the rev s..'Jo d.'iv an I to r. quest him to notify the mail carriers of slid fitct. Win. B. lane appeared before the Hoard and ten. It red hi- b.nds for the !ioll.-c!ion i f the school and slale an 1 county :a es. T;:e SihoiS b aid fol $14.0011 hal ing been examined and the-iiiiv thereon found good and hi tiki'.' nt on motion it w as a- cep1 e i. ( '.un uds-io: c: s Meadow's, S.nall ood, ' at T and Bi all voting lo ac cept the one. The bond bu coKci tor iil'-lOearil county taxes wa- a'.-o examined and the surety tln i-eon being lound gootl and surticicrit, on motion b. was avcepiee). Commissioner- Sniailwo. d Ctirr and Biy.n voting to accept the same, t'nin-mi-sioner Mtadows voting in the negi tive. Five h unndved and sevenly-si.x art.'ln-tcc-ts haie eutcrul the competition for I lie preparation of plans f0r the projet?teil I Paris exhibition of 1,900. M US Allltll In the lily 0 l.lnis and Vi.-init.i. Iallii'l-i'.l in aii.l Hri.'lly Told. Tu. L. IF.! II e: d lli. . I -. . dlli'. Bel ' :.-1 ididai : r i i.ii, oi. :, hi. i .ti.':.. i- la '.- ,. The Wa-he g : o i On."!.- -in- M o. W. A. I 1! I I LI l . t . I ( In COA in IV lc- at ... .'.- -el aeolit the work "I i. i . li i i i 1 1 o h - li-l vi,.'.' w hit li w i- bul la- i M .l b 1-1. Mr. O. . M dyi ;: :' I'lieind v.a- ni lira: i on the til U to M.-, Liu , Lay hu . 1 K i n.-i on. 1 i;e" ; i r i 1 . -1 I i I In- i-tty I i lugn; nd are reg:-: el e I at Ad,, rt. A large i.iiiii'.i t of t ur c.i!eii- took adv.. lit tge i f die I h'-ap I'a is and 1 -,'ed. K'i--t"ti .-li the iitii They oec ao- it ;- a - ..I -i-ght. :t- it nri-t b -. - c s.i mii. li of i.nr neigh! t evil i' ruii.s. Mr. 1 1. W. Fug!,, i on: r. e.,r, w ... up t Ki-.-lon . -a-al .v on i ii-!iu . A'llii-t- . t II. W. s ,..; e .u d Mr. .1 J. K. ier hale ai-o '. ,.:i up o:l p . I.---. ..nd bll-.-lll, A . ar load . j Mi. A ! , y g mile l,a- -. rive I I'm t he , 11 ! ie . :- -.:.-. ( . ' ill !'e is a pr.-: ty r-ck an i tlie North ' o iti . gf . Il'ie ,s uf ii- .ua ;ty a- :- tound anvw h re. Mr. S. R. Pb bin- i- p:::i!iig i 'II! hi,e,-es of u lu-.-tt g 'oil t-hi !n Rei.i it -tein v ilie. Iron t fl'g . m Ivtn tieet. Th" cor ii' -r one I- i i o n i ..n.-il -I of. : in. I . I 1 1 1 ing- The t tl i is a:e tin , . ug-. 'I'll- t -1 i in 1 1 . ". ii the T I ti .! 1 1 1 , 1 1--1 1 t -1 ,-. nlesie I eh-- ti- II e.a-e h i- ail b- en tu ken on Dr T ii ,-on' - sidle, I I i" tub dig o rebut l-d le-i im ' ,y oa i h w iil begin oa the I ii. Ii. I), in... iat . - d, The Fit- o d-t- ar, ng h .rd to I rial. up ihe pro,."! g... .1 man igement ..I the A N . ('. R. I!. It 1- -ail tin ir p'.ut ""' ls l"eid. nt I- to pur ,,, Ol ,11' oi , ''"'1J'"" ' 1)11 ''-" '" I'.uiloil. q'hc -..ho -ner (in e it'iif Jo'i-i-oi. li,w in d: lie .- at Cap l.ookoul. -toll :n a -peci d ii It gi-mi. a-f; Wdimlngtoil M. Il l.i ha i ing put in t heie in d,-: e-- a h e;- having I , I'll on Ft'vin g Pan Sho.i! s. Her s.Vvagc and other t'h ng. s ther.- w, i-e about -s2.il hi Th Ch h'oa: i!tv w ;- i'lirn.d Ide lav. M trch 1 -I . with a l l i i a'u !,,,',.;,; in" and i le i gant Iu mi t ure. Tin re w a - n , :n-ir;ii, , i air I the loss is e-t iu ale I t 1 , I a een t, : and three th ,11-11 d do!i:,r-. Mr. J M. Moore of Tus. .ii.ra. iul -fin- illy previ iii- i xlobil .. a ihe prop .- .. ns that the ftruu" ol his li igdilj. ido. .1 ate gain in receipt- w ha h w.ii.d nc.pu--are m.t i-,t"iul.ng to i!:int any ct'i tl thi-' t ".onal u y h iw l.illtmul ''.-I n I tak. season, Tncv ;ue n nv ruhing work on ji'acc. truck crops. ' .v leiw planiisl peas Tnere is a di-pr. ,p .ft i tl b .twe. n ile al il ait- :.o iv p' ou i,,g point a-- and o: In r vol u at i i l ly add -d i p n-e ai d t he at ten truck crops and the ng.iiai lie'.d t fop- dam e. w ill follow in tlue se-is.ia. ' N i . rbe h -- t he ottie. i - and o r . t - , , . , , , - i - . l ight i i di - ua- to meet , 1 , i . .- d ig i : , ui a- Mr. L.I Matthews a Mr. s K E don - ,,.v ,i;IV(. ;,: u,, v, :l, , ;il ..,', K( , ,,. .ieii'-lry store, -lioive 1 u- au .,u-tiu h . m ipl :v,, ,,,,,,,, large pe,r t:o ,, a liiCiv . ,,y-t, r v.st,r,lay l!u.y ,I;lVi. U.W,1V. . . , whicli he found, hi,,. seal , an ,,i-t, r In- : ( ; h ( was eating. .t,s:,le ,he ;, .a , u K ,, u. nm(i n- h , n ) . r, , ; : shot ami i- -J a pretty purpli-h b.ee )0(,n :,.. w . ek 1 , t-, t i,e a' b .n lane- w ti : ' I i-olor. Mr. Matthews pi-opo-e- o l"v, Vf ,M, imm(1N. , :, h.l, , ! tiie ri tu poiisii,,, ...... set to, .....,. hini-eir. Tm.' Kin-ton Fr -e Pre is advertising j Fadslik -th.se -,ll' i.l th. ir ewna-gu-! licit it wants to bm a ... o.i svond-i 01 1 ! meat for keeping ihe Fair ..p- 11 bun.,-: icylindii" pre-s that wid print a nine on- j pt 110.1. We hope to 11 .hulopa-, I 11 111 11 loiio antl 1 l'i 1 u: "st s all it- in w's riper 1 ha- hem iii'duicd 1:1 the J t'i:NU r j lit. nd- to make im-miou ol the hict. Am cently info a good an I ii'iprivtat.-d Soutn 1 one having sin h a pro is wju "ted to '. ern K. position which -hid lc a- p: -I st ml a Till description wiih hast price to poitionatelv -ut ces-bi 1, 110. id and ben, li ! W. S Herbeit. Kiiis-.on. N. C. , citl as the Fan has oe n. To do these de-ire 1 lleng- tien- ino' -H Tiiiiiin$r itnil lliimlinu: House. Mr. S. B. Parker, of ( .oitl-l ,01 o. who has Ueu milling a plumbing and ti nni ng Iitsiiit ss iii Golil-Loro for 15 dr 20 years has opened a br.ti.ch in New Berne also. with het.l.iuartets on Craven -treet joining Messrs. J. C. Whit.y ,x Co s hard- 'wire -tore. He brings witi, him sevetal i-si.-tmts Our.itizc-ns will w.-lcome them and hope to See the 11 -iv in use do wa il. 1 Earthquake Shoeks in ". C. and Va. i A distinct eaethqiiake shock lasting j several -econtls was te't in Win-l-n Tile- j day night, March 5. Buildings wen - j .-iiakeu but no damage done. : -V W yihi-ville. 'a.. spicial to the Rich - ' , ,- , , ,, ,.' ,,, lllullil Di.-pafoh tells of a la 1 v percept 1 hie eaitlitplake schoek was felt, tlnt'e. Houses -nook, door-, windows and I'ui'u it ure ! ratt eil, and ur.-t. ad.v c - quivi r. il I percept i b! v. The -a.uk there la-letl 1 1 , ' , ab. Ill lllllll -ceo:, ,s. I " Aa.Ml.'.'l.m lMvoreed. Mrs. ". K . d,n,lerbi!t has been gran- led a divorce from her husband, ihe well o 1 , ! , , known mtllionai e. she ha - In 111 gr mted ! a lib. nil allow anc and w ill I a ve 1 he t are , . ut ler thr.e cliddren. Ihe d t ree ol eoll.t allows Mrs. Villderbtll to many again but dots mil p. l'mit Mr. Y am h r I i It to do so 1 ne 1 ! 1 1 1 irce is on at t oimt .,1 tlie bu baud- illicit intimacy wi'h aiioth. 1 wo 111:11. R i i' rsiile lou 1 1 r.v tn-d's Sli i pinen 1 s. M-s-is. F. Id H.-L't- Co.. con: lime to : ' make I-irgt: shipmrnt- faun their poit'try , ir. ( "arraway and h.-r daughter jump, y ir 1-and p -t -took farm-. The'y -cut oil ! cd out. Th" lath r e-caped pi-ict it-1 ' !y a call loiiil yes'er.lnv ;t'..l al-o a ealt load imhuit. but Mr-. Cat raw. .y -tiin k .-n Ini the preid. -us 1 ia v. All Wen- eh it-kens a in I head and shoulder on a 1 11 ,1 a, la ie . i ; r dibits except one dog which went to . trivt ai.l 't can not be mid how htmhi- low a. T he ol her -hi pineuls were d 11 'i. lot I ' y i- in i 11 red. I It r ph v-iei 111 -a - -b.-b.-l w . en t he slab s of N .-iv York, Illinois. 1- ,-onip '. : ei 1 pro-i-a'.l h. the I- .r... h'.-.iigi 1, 1 Vii iisi i 1 aii ,a and N ofth j -in ck. a nd he cannot ir-,- 1 . : 1 1 e . .1 r . . ,: 1 n-. Cai obi.a. The 1 arriage -truck a p ,-l a 1 1 1 1 1 - : . 1 1 1 1 - I'll, si River-'tle Piiillry Yard- are al- er on ami was overturned -i.ii: -ir ,iige itady 1 1 it 1 1 1- pr-iiiiim lit and we look to lo -;i y, 1 ;-yo:nl a f, y br u - - and a 1 1 1 1 ,,11 see them h-eonie more and mole 110; e I . t he ht ad ol t he litll. b, the .eciipui: wilh each passing year. were not badly hint. - A special to the N . w s n 1 t 1 ... ; . 1 Home-Seekers Exeursi.m. -gi , - 1 be a 1 .0 , e lie!-, A paitV of home -el-kefs about twenty- I'rt-id ng Ivdei t':,r::ia n i- 1 ..1t.i 1 tivt: 111 luiinlier fr an . I inne-,, a . Iilinoi- o f 011 r I , , w n -111, 111 ' 1 e . D. ''. ,:n.-, and tliio. at e tioy ifosp c' ilTg in Noith . ( aiobna and irgin a. The maj iiiy ol tin- nu nl er 11nit.1l at ('olunibus. Ohm. They -. 'litre-1 rate- ot ' on,- fare for ihe rmiii I trio. R. v. Mr ( Sirauss ,,f oiuo who ariivt-.l Thursday to visit Mr. Koch o! New Peine was in tin paity. but he simply took i.diantage nl tile low i-itt s to vi-it In- I. it'll: Is. her The party h-now dnidetl. the tin- composing it. going n her,- tl e I s vela, inclination- led -o 1 tent lo N'ofioik. otic I- o Wi'iiiiiiigio i and oihni- t , pl:,C,s. New Bene "I 1 ext- nd a w.-lc 11 n'l li', i ll", eit 1 1, re 1 .1 :. ov 1 1 t li : 11. Till' Court House AA'ork Hi'ilil. Mr. R. D. Tuck, r of the lirm of H. A. 'I'-itk-r A lire, of Wi'mingtoii. who li lit- the cold I'll' I tor ill" Ivor k to be done on th" Ciait-n la.iinly e. mil hoti-c ha- .arrived and the pi epa , at ,u v work i- now : ui pi-ogres- in tin-coin' house yard. A sled is now b -ing , i'eett',1 uiu'iei w hieh be st' ui'-t life's w dl work. The p-e-ent -',, w dl b. r.p'aeelbi thlee Plight- of glullile o ,es ail I two handsome I'lick porches with gron, trinuig-. and bad- nie- will I e 1 .11 1 it Ihe ea-'t entrance was nroiid.-d with 11- p ,rch 11 hen lh lift hou-e .. ,e . f. 1 till. Mr. Tinker wdl work live -t 11. cut lers, on,, hi icksa.ith and -nun ...mm. .11 labor. Me t .ee:- to tini-h ill .boutlhr. e lip ill! li- time. On his hunting tiip in Nordt C , rot 1 11:1 water-. Fn sid -nt ( lev. -land i- ;y -. -. uup t- nied be Dr. O'Keilli . his phys.i nan. Com-, iii.tud, ( o 0. He Wdde, N.-ii.il S. .-n tary Qf the ldglp Uoiise Bottnl. an 1 Coiinnan- tl.ii Be ij. P. Lamb rtoti, ln-pe.ctor of the Light House Distiitt. 'Tiny left Wa-h- I ington un Tve-day lin 5th. Tin: i n ass Fii; tin: f iw llll lis Fllt'Ollfll n'ill2' I ' ' s 1 1 I I s l'.i't- lltti- Shonlil .loin in And Aid in VI ii i ii I a i ii i iiu And I n i-cusi i I - iti -i-ifiK-y And I 1 .1 1 n .'s-.-- I'll.- expo sition I'laii. Tie- call v.iss 1 , jig m i. ie .ti.i g .ei . .".!., i. . by the l-'.lir Dile. '.Us . -li'.e j - t ion- to del ray tie -indebted. . ,,,. j M,.n,i ,,-. .1 :i, eat ! ; 1- . . : i ti, .11 e iii-i .1 by the i-t I'emei v bad n eat 1 n : !- ;:,e. 1 1 ng w , ' li go.,, 1 : ,. .p. , , - -. - - ;.! be the C i-f. The F or c, un men - . t- d ! o i-m-i ..ly an i r s w oi th an I -d.-'r t! I tin Ir -1 , , " g -o Weil k n i. n . t aili.lr 'e - t l ,a I : I.,- lenity re-pou-i -do. ,. i b . p... i d Td,- s b- n, - I,,.- ;'r-' : I, 1 ha ' 1 lakill ee lli ,11 o j , , j ; ... , ; ; I , Xhd il ii'll end 1 le t n t -how - how -.- !--II -1 a l n 1 II g it hi- i i en. a - n I .-' 1 1- :.iv t -" i able h is b. ell it- in. I ire. t I -.i t- ' i: M'u.iie haie la-ier In f r ! , - : i . i e. i , I ' o U to i o , 1 : ' e i . ' , to I - , I p p , 1 ! I ' - - ... i ,,, 1, ciiidi y...i ..; :. ' . Idi ,t it 1 , y - to 1 1 tie ( x i , : . . i . . 1 1 s . - . . ;. e:'i::..ii- nt ane kin I which dr.v,- a::.-::-; ; ., a .ni . r iv 1 - of v , -1 1 : - I , a . ity is in.i:-p.:t ,b. Th"- i- -o ti. t - ilgi i . v let, ,-gn :ze I tnal - I n ihe i ice .; t ic i-., ' a it . n in .ur -,- . r . .i v . - .-.i . . i" 1 re e p. n -.- i- '. 1 : i .:. l .- - ... I i. urn at a ! -.'Stg'.' j I :!. gel n-: a be i. ti : to I i a- . oiu i a. ; n t .. 1 1 g . We r g ,r. ! :i w e , ondll' ted I ' 1.1. -ileli a- . ui ' -. i- . ni i ,1 I In- , : 1 1 , 1 Mil-lie Ml it conl I be b ,, 1 -, , I- '... I. ng not c- ai d - cluing de e'opmenl . The Fai r I. a- I ., e a ,:.,! a .i I o N, , I,,,-,..,-- advance, m n : : u, t : .,- m - i tii-. ,,,.,,!,;,, ,,,,. , .., . ,k ,, , . ( ,,,., , ,- ,,,. ,., .,,, ,, ,, , ... , :, ! ;1 ...,-',11 v . not ,.!y in p-.m.pl'y iiueiui-g al! olei: ainui- '.ni i :- . i n ! , -, : t g. a "'i i -n proi .ng i ea r hy .-i r it- v be pr rly and in g 1 1 : g esc-pp. lia'!., 1 u'ge pr, m um- ami rue p::s -. Kight sni-ce-sive i xinbilioi,. law mil b.-i-n held m Nd w 11, rie- and th y i. iv. i le.-u r m imi .ly -ii. - ' , i .: an : ! a i 1 1 -tart. 'flu- almost unpr. cide it, d b. .rd a d f: , w h i, Il l III i e, I nit ! 1 pi , ",- h . I 1 1 e x . , i 1 e I " ,ll i let held ie"! inh si : l -t l - i j db'tttd the alt, ndauee. an I ill" u ten 1 1 1 1 1 1 -'offered having In en much 1 ,rg, r iiaa a' . . , ;. I . I ....k would ha ve ln-t.i lar ahe ,,1 ..f t!.e ii 1 -I. more money now in-o lie- 1- ..r tn-a-ui 1 an I no one .vho h 1- I. It it- bi in li's (. an u ! iti'de eilt 'ell lie t'etiod W'ho lo- not done C , , him fi(il' , eontfibu'e at this tune. j F-pecially sliiaild this lp th,. tnc with business people and own, r- o' red estate I to I1..111 the l,enelit Can be -ai.l to hau I been a ,. lost dir.-t t. S We hope the couimiltee will m-et with j abundant success trom every .piai'tii'. "'-'." 01 , coninnuior- win ix- p..n- lis.i, "i ill ilie ...il . . ... A S IIOER l IIISTIIIISS. I --" T,, -reenlear Johnson l.enkinic I Help Obtained. . Special to J or 11 NAT. . ! ., ,. ,. , .. 1 Bi:a 1 i-oiiT. N. ( .. M iicli ,. Dung 1 j yesterday s gale the -iliomur (.leelileal j Johns' v. (.'apt. Woodruff, laden with j umb -r and bound to N, w Y.uk. pal iu ! , ... , ,. ,,, , . , . , , , , at ' a ie book- ut lght 1 oes It a a 1 : g I :u I- 1 ly. l 1 - io-1 her , i, -C k 1 o I a 1 1 1 w ! d pro'...- ' '"ly have In !. towed. Th. . rcw 1- - he : : SI It IO I S It I A A A A II I till I. ...... ,. ... .... I Thi- AA 1 1' ol I res ill 1 11 u- Elder i nrri.iiiii : ! Hadly Injured Other "embers ol Ills I'miiily Inlhe Mishap. 1 On the aftcinooti o:' the 0:h in-l. while Mis. ',,ul J. ( 'a lia ay . ,, ( I reeli -bof. .. who-i' hll-hand i- pie-ni:ug . id. r ..: tii.o -district, and In r tlaiiglr. r. ihiiighl.-i -01- , la w and o rand son weie U-nng ihiwn 11 nt city the hois, - ran away and lur. v tbe driver oat Oct. Ill ol Robert . Hill. ( lur tow ii-man Mr. J. m 11 ( 1 1 1 ! 1 . -c. ivetl a telegram Tluiilai :,iiii,.iiih au the tleath of Ids father R. 1 . i; ,bert I Mil1, al hi- home near Snow 1 1 1 1 1 . Mr. Hill Was :l Fie Wdl B ipt,-t Mm i -h r and had leni 11 good and br 1 1 , . .: t'derale soldier, a meinber ol th,- t.'i: I , N. C n .1.1. :o d he io-t hi- h g loeii a wound nvcivcd at P. t.-i-Kurg. Mr. Mill Io-t hi- w.fc t-xa, llv ., o ar It is t w, I ve month- to the 1 1 ,L- - m, , t he, 1 -on. v. h , now 111 ,111 11- the lo - of Ins lalheis. h it N'. w P. ill .-ii Ihe - ., I u, -s on o! alt. nding his iin'tln- "- liana ,'. I 1-0111 the 11ti01111l . apiltil. sp,-, i il eorre-pondeia-i-. W ash 1 m .1 on , 1 1 1 .Mi, E-N"ialof and M:n:-lel lire ii ui I Ion. John s. II.-iiT 1-11 M-ced al, .!. di-p-'i"lnifiit- y, -t id .1, Our people in .y not km.n .'. but ihe iHim o di. v- '!)- t-"' -te- will t .nim 1,, ... nd ibe I ', ,h r d nit 1 . tiage 1- en, idimii- i-tr don I i-' -. n n . h '' " h f - .x.piioii "I S-il it'U .M .1.011 i'.n'e :..- ,- ... . ti e new . 1 . , w . I rei 1 1 1 1 1- 11 . Ill . ' Tin.,, i- -', 1 e ,- 1 ,-,,! , I , . at in In -. l'"i-.( "''" : '""' 'b'ep,is a pi 1. e 1 11 1 n- p. -I t '.nee I I.e. i I t I I ' - A 1 en 1 I . on which . :a : . ihe n w 1 '. ,-t 11. a- I.i (.mid tak, - tin- , a' a ,,j 0 lli. c. Tin a.li ,i,i iinieul ol lie -", ;; I ( .(;. 1 , will pllt 1 10 ! 11 i. - ,n I he b:u k gi oil m I t e ,, b w III Mil lis. " " "' I'l'iiil. ni iar, . Mr. If. II. I'd. t kl. -d-g.-. .h p, :-. took E. S. Mart, up to the pioh-u! i Tliurd-iy. He was couvit b tl ol burning il.e bun , of M is. Mary Dew ey, 111 ar Yaiict b. ,1 ,,. an-1 1 i- sentenced to eight year- hai I l .b.u. SUCCESS - Such as Ours is Only Attained BY erseverance II.v W WE HAVE H W0kl8 HAK I'O oF.r.MN l K l'KliSl-NT iil "si i-;ss. a : i it.ni), 1( 1 il oIA ll'M.D. IJ". IU I Ti INCREASE IT. 1 ,x w fit The way we propose to do it, is to- Still Continue to -ive the People the Best Goods (hat can le bought in the city lor the Monev. -Il.x W f kibiA '!u i jijdt. ci. itc it liidii no it .i-t in niii busi ness. Our Stock IS COMPLETE ? Only examine it and f.l be convinced. ' 1 1: - Vi i; 'I'i: 1 0. Hackburn & Willett v . f '- 47 & 49 Pollock St. MONEY LOANED. I ' ,ii Ki'iiri'M'iiliilit i'i tiiilnl. ' 1 s-, -n , : I . e - . , , p j ,,, 1 : until lo 1" u low on i- :h. 1 j 1 1 -. 1 a 1 . a ical 1 -tale so, -. 1 1 . I , e 1 ,' 1 1 1 - p. 1 n a- t ,1 Bui til ing ul I an '. : -. Tilt' IllllOlltll ln.!-,,w,, 111 il be : t 111 .1 in 111 'illlhl.V pill 111. -10- w11l1iH.1i i.oio.s. with inicrest It " pef I .11' . per llle lie; l litlords iib- -.iltite -s 1 , 1 1 . 1 lo 11m 1..1-, wtib a n-u-on ab e giiai 0 ice ..I aii am ti ,1 dm. lend of I'l "i. S to III pe, cut. W .1 - :. ;.. .,- : - ;, ., , 4 , , ,',r ,.. in i : - t a . : , 1 e - 1 1 ; t , - men in every " iiii ' " , I .... a s,, u.s. Th. p.. : . , i u , 1 .. - n lli, a lh icaiuiier- . 1 1 1 1- . i , . , . t ..in p. ii . n '.,: -ci .ee. If ion j iln- iil... , j i . , i lie., 1 1 . n - . w rile be p l ' . , e a : . I ' I , i . : 1 1, it 1 1". a i . I- 1 1 1 ; . . . l -' . io . e : i , 1 1 in.: : . , ii- a- w e!l as in-. -: 1 1 ,, : i : - nd e . ' , w I ! 1 1" 1 1 1 ri i i si i -ed i'l ,d:.--',ij s I ,' i i 111 K'l'-iiN, Pl'e-i. ih i.i. 1 122 U a, nut sn.- I, I 'liilatli'lphi i. n I I d.Y w diuj '11 ,.t:V "... t. ' ' :'Ki '; 1 i i. -L fr ''-!: ;V ' :c ;-i '

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