51 x N j mm . hi. , $1.00 Per Year INDEPENDENT IN ALL THINGS. Single Copies, 5 Cents. VOL. XVIII. NEW BERNE, CRAVEN COUNTY, N. C MARCH 1895. NO. 1 - -I. j V J r -. 4' i " - j 0' k- . VO. v S SS 1 -X-VV CsOig - C - - I for Infants tTY yo.arV obxirvmtton of million, of pgron, permit It st nnqng.tiona.'bly th txt wmedy for Infant, aai Child-sen tlf world ha. vtr kmyyiiIt 1 hrmIgfcChAldrin llie It. It g them health. It will m-ra their live.. In It Mother, have etethiay which 1. eh.olately ml and practically perfect a. a child'', medicine. Catorla drli-uy Worm. Cartoria allay. Fe-rerlahe.a, Caatoria prevent, vomiting Soor C-nrd. Caateria enre. Diarrho3a and Wind Colic. Caatorla relieve. Teething Trenhlea. Caatoria onre. Contipation and FlatnlencT. Caatoria nxntraliae. the effecta of carhonio acid ga or poiaonona air. Caatoria doea not contain morphine, opium, or other-narcotic property. Caator in aeatwrtlatea the food, regnlate. the .tomaca and howela, ytvtng healthy and natnral aleen. Cajteria la pnt np In one-alae hottlea only. It sU not aold In hnlk. Pont allow any one to aall yon anything elae on the plea or promise jjj"Jt a. good " and "will anawer every parpoae." See that yen ret OA-S-T-O-R-I-A . The fac-rimile algnatnre of Children Cry for WRITE evss Jtrrerside KEHNELS, POULTRY, PET STOCK YARDS, for their immense cat alogue to be issued this month. It costs only a stamp. EG(iS FOR HATCHING .A. SPECIALTY -Sp:j& Fricss ea Fowls. F. E. HKCiE ct CO-, NEW BERNE, - N. C. 7 JIO Jm J.A. Jones, SAL,E, LIVERY AND BOARDING STABLES. Fine Carrinea, liit;ji&s ard Tuinii and Ten3 lor hire at reason. d 'it rales. Besl attention to ' ardi'o; h' t-t -. Horsi-s and Uu'ies .n s..ic l-r c.i.-u or negotiable p-qwr. South Front Street, Ne-v B- me, N. C. Opposite ( :-to.i !' )Use. Farmers ! MONliY SAVED is - MONEY MADE. -BL'Y YOUR Plows, Cultivators, Harrows, and Other Farming Implements , L.H. CUfLa&COJ COTTOIT Por QrozoLd. 1 have a Hiuited -upoly of Coit ui (iu ano that I will m A TON FOR A Fori: IH'N-r DIEJ mi'XD HALE OF riTro". The cotton to be delivi r'i! on or Lea re November l--. 1 ?'.'". Also a full line of T:u k Fertiiiiwr K't'isit. Aei !. I'll. :i .'e. ee.. . n hand and for sal- o.j n,.-- n i' I t nn-. Jy-S-.-e me ief'ie . u i.j ,. Yours Trrilv. J. C. Whitty. Dr. E. C West's Hfie and Brain Treatment ft w!palteT poitle wnlten trv-arnte. by avuh- r Ue a9tlia only, to cure WVaSc MeTnory; Letfn of Braio and KerTe l ower: Lot ..tir.hi-Hxl: Quii-tnes-: IXIItht Loaxes; Evil 3ran;: las k cf C..ntti!.aoe: KarTousne-; Ti-'-itc.le: at: Dran;.--; I.,i of Fewer at tha Generative Crar.. iu eith r .-'-x. cau-f.1 by ow-rtioli: VoatHfal Errors, or Exe--lve t'-e of TotMfeo, Opium or Liquor, which lea.l to Miaer, Crastunptiim, Its-amtj- nd Death. By mail. 11 box; 6 for $d; wiih written iraf.rait to cure or rvftmd morjey. WrsT's ctn-l.rll'cVKt P. .vcfrt.e,a MTw tat CoukSu, tsoi.'s, A-thtim, Broncllli, Cnnr. tKbmptaff CoueS. 8or Threat. Pieanant totaA. 9Txtt da dl9contiiiTil : o.d. S siz. maw 2r-. ; old V.fKa,BJo. UU'UtAaKES issued only by F, S Duffy, Solo Berne, N. V Agent, New ------- Nvx.iXXXKXNXNv - . ' ' and Children. Catorjjtwlth the ptrongo of n t ipak of It without ia on every Pitcher's Castorla. SIMiKTV. I looked and saw a splendid piuieantry Ol Ltaut ful women and of lordly men. Takin' the i r pleasure in a fi werv p..in, here p"ppies and the red anemone, And many another leuf f f cr.nuoisy, Fiiekend ntut their feet and gave their stain To be Is ol' iron or satin, and the prain Of silken gmnents, floating far imd free. As ir. the dance they wove themselves, or strayed By twos together, or lightly smiled and bowed. Or curts-ved to each other, or else plav e f At games of mirth and pastime, una traid In their delight; and all so high and proud. They sitiDed scarce of the earth whereon they tro l. I looked again nnd saw that flowery space S(in"ing. os it alive, beneath the tread That r sied now upon an old n-an's h- a.). And in. w upon a faby's yr.ijping fine. Or mother's basoin, or the roundel grace Of a sirl's throat: and what bad seerned t be red Of flowers was blood, in gouts and gushes shed From heaats Lhut broke undi r that frolic p iee. And now and then from out the dreadtul floor An arm or brow was lifted from the rest, As if to strike in madness, or imp'ore For mercv; anl aeon some suftering brei.st' Llearcd from the miss and sank; and as before The revelers above them thronged and prest. William Pean IIowclls in Harper's Magazine. BATH Cuticura Soap And a single application of CUTI CURA, the great skin cure, v.i'.! aitoid instant relief, permit rest and sleep, and point to a speedy, economical, and permanent cure of the most distressing; ot itching", turning, bleedinc, scaly, and crusted skin and scalp diseases, after phy sicians, hospitals, and all else fail. Cuticura Remedies Exert a peculiar, purifying action on the skin, and through it upon the blood. In the treatment of di-tressine httinor the v are specdv, permanent, and economical, and in their action are pure, sweet, gentle, and effective. Mothers and chil dren are their wannest friends. Sold ehroe.cHoeit rhr wt.. CllHM Cohr-. .-.i Pi;, .hoist Biby"s -M.i, -ai, t. F otter Duct, ind - . I', --.an -A.I :-g Hi.r," nvace. 'art. If tl reel , Och I nff , nei-A-oo. moCli cra Lnf l ,e ra-aVrt, tircr.c'.H, aaj . i- r yiniui n i.u,,iui.i i Mi,-r, iney I Z" yg, wau'.j nrvcr U; vir.hout tlicjii. Ia " v cver-y av ehc iwfc'e anil bst. ... .. ... - K'r .nn i '- 3-J-biy to.it-. -ailing ' i 4. v ;i. . g : t. r- 1I.1RI, Hague. Se-i v Ve-nillgen, Antw i rp. lii u-s is. Par:.-, Veisaid, .-. I. -in. Ion. Y'ork, Edinbir-gh and (.iiasgow. Ail expc n-es pa-J 25 oilier tou's. Send for -'Claik's Teuirist Gazette." W V. VAN WK K1.K. I Pn. ave . Wasliinirtim IvC In wrluni; enclose t ! 1 1 s mlv. "D01XU" El ROPE FOR $195. LADIES d i"ou know DR. FELIX LE BRUN'8 STEEL Hi PEIYBOYBL PILLS are tbe pyigstaal and only FRENCH, safe and re liable car on the market. Price $1.00; sent bj , iPAilr Genuine sold only by F. S. DUFFY, Druggist, and Sole Agent. Bradbury Pianos. t ncxceileet for uce in schools anil Colleges. 3i-n,l lor ilai-trateil cataloijiie. I- eler, i,v per mi Kinn. to Mis., c. . V. llai a i'. l.Vi; M.'nvp., Wa.-liiiigtoii. 11. ( ,, w ho lia- used one ot our Piano- to,- 1-2 yearn. In or. lei ins inc!oethi3 ft' 1 veri isenn-iu . Addicss, I-. G. SMITH. 1225 Pa. ave., N. W. ujmrlltf Washim.ton, 1). C. WARM '" . situ FROM THl: ATIO.AI. CAPITAL. A IH.IIiijciiiolie.l VUUor-SciiHlor Ran. .m hikI John K. Horri il llie White HniKf-A Joke on Kniioom. Siiecial con'e5j)onilein-c W ASHiNfrroN. 1). I'.. Mii'fii 2 Kli. (ieneral W(le 1 lan-. -t..n h -nv i n Fin tfltrVi lie f:ere It Vi!i ! I In- iMK't i 1 H'Hi. W'liail 'M iliein loi in.' mk-. F.'i rmiti' In- .'. -i;ik :il lii nl' i:n ii.. . N. ( '. t'il. Wli ;r:mi ( I ii i ii -1 I very untly ri mi ml' i'l lu r- w Ik ro lie a mo-t I'Opui ii- 1 1 1 r nr hi- '. 'iniuiv-siniiiil term. in nienihiT t' i ik deli irnsioii u iLiileil uiorr ii lliunci.- '.Ikiii (".!. (inn. Mr-. !ii-n ; 1 1 . Us nanv si ii n lc Incinls ii iv. A ili-iinui-h-.il N"i;h ( 'nnmir'H ii I t in,.- e'er ':y : "We m:-4li; to be vor i iii'il a; Hi ,"iil tin- I'li'-nnirl Liir i, M ile eyiUi n. Tli'- sl ii, ,- I, i'liii in ;.i, I onl in H roiiln en'!:il wiiv, ami -he "ilht t,, -i n I the I , -I r.'pii -ent her litre tor have lelt the iu-eess.lv 1 1 111;'. 111 11 --;!.. e t' Mil i of l! i U. I 1 1 reft ' e in1! I - llllt'T Rl'l- .- peiU'e-iiiak U, v;. ,. Y. -t- r.i ' : ;:. m : - Ill lo see M oin ! ie;U loi - m!1 i'ivi' i i iii nee ' o t IV lis lii ik 1 b I evn I . r.iilemuhi a-ul ''"'!'! -in ! orsWil , I .. , i ii r ,: K.n. pveiand in the in U rest of 1 trip id oi'-Mr. Mm ri- ho uiuit i Mr. Morris told M '. t'level.in.l a a pi i ik.- i-e. on Mi r.-;er Ii insnni in ih: j Cabinet Otlieirs and Cli Ii.li made the ne .v Mini a a- il'i.n l ill- old d irk i v iill . our.: v w in', w hrn In I - d r t had iini oiiii.-d I i n -e 1 11 III -ler lee of the v Ik-pew blu.-ii. It in Xorlhaii'p heard tint t lie em in! K 'ii, in i ii an d : t ui "ml Raii .'p (iin'ral erot I'hev n v inakiii '-' 'ateard he'll -e knowd de : Irs invsviit p. - lion i m I 1 V Pre-ntent -on) a minister. I'.-e i'!ad i i b. bill I que lion- de p h:ni a pre ieh. r. In fan' 1 - n d ihe Cc ehiiH h. I (iiu'iiil longer' n Mr. Cleveland h kno.v- iii- a bad appintment " Mr Clevela'id lujhed Inariih eril ei-ni i f hi; ottieial "eiioa. , and I at this .N tHK !' BRIEF. H-v. Uaeeal . Juue. Hon Sennn, . Th uieate . Di i n lernn u a; Will K oa jireiich the Co'ilene iu .Ino. - Inih F ms Brawn, oovpi nor of the fai been i.rd lined as a Hap:i-t minist. r. liround wa- l r. .ken in Charlotte. Mon day, f.i the Trcshy tei iati Orphanage. Mr. H. 1!. Aiex-.in ler not only gave the lot to the 1'rcsbyU rinn churches ot the city, but will build the orp'minaoe him. self. It will be a building ot ten rooms. The Norfolk & Southern Rabo.id Company has die'ared u quarterly divi dend of one per cent., payable Apiil 1. For the second we- k ot M.in h. the Com pany earned, gr, .;, li9S; increase 13,5o7. A negro woman named Harriet Taylor was ha: g. d hy a mob near 1'etersburg, LiDcln couMly. 1'enn , Wedrjes.lay ni.hi. he was r.ccu-e I ot' burning a hoint be longini: to a Mr. Ilyles-, a few months ago. Fred DuiiL'biss "i-eform" c.--ts four cems on the S1O0 more tl an Democratic "extrnvagiince." Official fid vices from Havana state that the insurgents n Coble are- much de pressed owing lo the lack of funds and men lo cairy on the revolution. Nothing has been accomplished townrel the settlement of the lab r troubles at New Orleans, and colored nun continu lo loud vessels under military guard. Itoanok-. V i , wa- g.vrn another tom b ol winter U Klne-' lav. A regular blizzard laaed during the lorenoon, and snow con tinued to fall i.ll the afternoon and even ing. Ralph Wilkes, wi'h a record of 2.06J, the fastest horse in New England, (lied at the Maph hurst Farm, in South lmcas'er. Mass., alter an illness of le.-s than twelve hours. The Durham Sun tells of a colored wo man being arrested and j died for stealing from another colored woman an obi, worn-out garment of about cne cent's value ami says that the case will cost the tax pnyeis of the county S-k). The North Carolina fusion, reform" legislature voted down an amendment to a proposed election law providing that the mauageis of the i lection shall be mm ot good mol d elurncttr. There's reform lor you. -Danville Register. The New York and Fioi'ida sjtecial over the I'laiit system a in I Atlantic Coast Line will slurtin its sche lule going North two hours alter this week, leaving Jacksonville nt 12:25 p. m. and arriving iv. New York at 5:lM the next afternoon. Tha Secreta.y t S:ate is advi-ed y the diplomatic iepi a sentati ve of the Cnited Stites in the City of Mexico 'hat between s ven and tinht hundre t negro f.miilios have recently arrived from the I'niud St iti - at Iiahualda. Iur. ngo, Mexico, as toloin-ts under a Feeleral concession giantel to W. II. Ellis, an Ameriean citi zen. l'ei-traster Lin.-'ev of Sioux Falls, S. I) . has been loea'el as one et lb- heirs to a f utur.e o' S2(a0.nn0 left by a cousin, j who died in Kentucky -ouv; time ago.; The discovery w i- the resibt of publicity! given the p-'-turns er ly ihe liitter tight! wlrcli has hern male against his Cuntir- 1 u.a'ii n by enator I'ef.i-reu . 1 At the instance of Mr. H. A. Da bu gue, i Dr. L. 1'. IV-ranpre and Dr. 1'. EcciiettJ of Fall Uiver. M.iss.. and Judge Clio- qm te. of Providence. Mgr.; Salolli, the: I'apal ablegate, has l.-sued a deci-ee tt-m- j p.'i-aiily sus)endinL.r the edict ot Pojie j I. co relating to Catholic: nieinhcrship in j the Knighis :f 1'hythin.s. Secietary (iressliam has if ceive-l a uole from Ser or Muruaguj, the Spanisli Mir-i l-ier. asking that :ose wntrh be kept (in a lot of aim- st Fei i aaalina, 1 'la. backed up ne.r ftva: s the a i ins red iii a warehouse, al A freight car has been I I he vv areliou-e ami lie n av be sent to Cuban ' rebe.s. rhe-e arms, it is s.dd, was in-; te; de i for the Lagotieia or Amaelis. the tivo ve-se-ls rec'iuly suspected ol intend-j ing to land arm.- in v"eibn. Ti 0 ong anil st u! boiTi tight between . ;he (V. il Serv ice Coir.miss ion and Post-, ina-ii-r W ai fleiel, ot Bali i more, ove-r ihe' IVJiiovals and app,.inMm-n:j. made b- the! po- n.a-ter in ins oftn e. comm. --i. ai to have lieen i- i!;- I by Attorney Gene vv a- ca'!t"d up' n 'or an iW. lb ilei-ieled that tl c laimed by i he illegal. Ins beer, ml ( )h ey w bo opinion m the e removals anil appo'e imei.t- mule by Mr. 'egal. A spec-i.il to the At'aid Wai field wa re Constitution trom Hutherlordtow n, N. t '.. s v. ii' y-live colhge boys went i Wedn.s iay to meet a prei e-sor returning When he st. ppc-i says th ' t he trait who uu If tiie Uits give the old rel'fl ye. I Depevv, who was, on the Ciiaunci'V M. train, thought. the boys vveie idle-ring bill), cu" on ihe p'a tor .11 ai d 111 d, po',i led spee'-h. 'flu- iron and Dr. 1). pew in ver saw the lie s rpxil , tne I nvs a, niovtd off joke. w tvfn Twibr w.iq siei.-. -n-- (-.ive herC'atnrta. V"hen sin- vva.s a e'liii.l, s!ie crie.1 for Cascotna. NVla-n shi- ! -ame Miss, -he elist, to Oa-toria. When tg.. had e'lii'.J.-eu, she -ao-iVm Caatori. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castorla. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria. MONl'MKNT. rerenmnies Attendin veiling. l n- ! ... I The Conle.lerate DeetUof Thirty YrarM Ak W hich II ommeii.ornf-Be ol the 4ieuernl lInntlonie( in the Sonlb i I IInnlton the OraLor. BKXTON'SVILLE J Jav by iliiv, in swuii, wild Mo'.ver- f,nh Krmn the old:.bor sjic-.-ial of the '20th s fail ami new ones bud nnd hloom. i ml to the Xews I (bserver nvin" nn ae- I I b-erver giving nn e Uiiiir on that day of the eon nt ot the ii n v Confedem'e nionilini-iU nt lion ton.-vi lie we take the follow ir.a : Thirty year- aiM yeslc nl;i v t here lay dead ii'id dvi:K', on the field at Ilentons illp, m ar tni- iity. whii h was fought the day before lietwfen the lift winu ol ' Sherman"- army ami the reinuunt offv t i m nil .To'j .lohnson's iiaJluut troops, H-ver.i't huiKlreJ of the. imnjoi'tul berees ot the (;ray. Among the dead was the; vour.j - n r-t iienera) llnrdcc who saw j his lirst -erviee in that fmlit. having I ifached the eoiiiniaDd of (ieneral Ilump- I ton, to whiih he luel lx-e:i a-siirnpil on j enli-tin. on'iv tun liours before the I "'J'iiis information "was received from i (ieneiiti IIami)t..n ypienlav. who was prt-eiit -it thi- nieiimraU e battle. "ilipnnan's route. 1 tVures were driven for refuge into tins c'rlv, while Johnston made only a feint at following them, j drawing off his troops in the opposite i direction toward (ireetn-boro. hoping to I join and reinforce Gen. Iee in Virginia, but bu was cut off bv superior numbeis of thu pdpiiiv, and smueiiciered near Dur ham. N. C "To-day. tliii tv yen r after the chivairic spu'it of the. South that never dies nor forgets. made itsulT aiunife&t on ihe sitmp field by unveiling ttieic a Ivsiutilnl shaft of imperishable marble deeply im liedded in the earth that oMs the sacred du-t of th deathless hereess whose fame it eon-,memnrats, and xsintiug heaven ward whence their immortal spirits have tl a ij, and telling to the je.sing gener ation "till the last syllable of recorded lime,'' that the Southern poopie honor the heroes, of the Gray and the cause tar which they went to battle und to death, "The moc-uineot was unveiled about 10 o'clock tbis morning under the ui-pice ot the tioldisboro Kitles, and General Wade Hampton was the orator of the hallowed occasion. ''The (ioldsboro Kifles, Captain T. II. Bain commander, were pi- seut witlt Iheir two spiemlid batteries and in uniform of gray, together with thirteeu young laelits ot this city, representing tlie SSuii.tij ern States, in military dress, who wtae an especial escort oi Honor totre'neral Ilanijitwu. and who unveileii the mornj meiit, which is of white burnished mar ble, appropriately iuscribecl. of broad slanting octagon base, bearing the names of 360 of thos who died on the field, and standing fifteen feet high, with a marble cannon ball cap. "The General's address w as one of the finest of all the war orations, in spleodid spiiit, true to the Sou.h. true to history, tine to the et-a I and jus: to the living, without rec-iMiir.a'ion. His tribute to the women of the South was sublime. His pledge of the South's lenity to the res tered I nion should biiug ihe blush of shame to her nialignens everywhere. It was eloquent, it was able, it wi lull of pathos and feeling, it thrilled with in spiration aid fire. THE MOStM ENT AND srKROU'MHI SCIS. From tlx- account iu the. G oldslioro Argus we Lake ihe following: The Goidsboro Kifles are ever in tlie foiefront they were iu war. thev have been Hgressdve in peace; and so they had taken lime by the torelock and ljetaken themselves in full ranks, in uniform of gr-jy. artillery, batteries, orator, escort of young Indies, veterans and alL, to the fiehl of action" the day before, where hundreds of visitors from the surrounding country had gathered for the b illowed occasion; consequently, although the lay of the juveiling opened vvitu a hevy down-pour of rain, everything was in pei fect readiness lor tlie unveihu-7, and the unveiling came oil"; and but tor th1; weather it is estiauited that five tWousand sjttcLitors would have witnessed. Cle sceue aud listened to the splendid omtioa of General Hampton, who saw libs last ser vice: in arms ..u that field. The services opened with fervent and pathetic prayer by Kev. J. W. Hirper, of Kin-tou, a son of Mr. and Mrss. JkjIui Harper, who as a young lad was an eve witce-s of the gruat battle and w ho aiooell his venerable pan-nts in ministering lo (the wounded and dy ing that were cared for in their home fifty-six in all. thirty three of whom were nursed back to lite and hea'.th agisiD. Altev the prayer our townsman Dr. YV II. IL Cobb, w ho saw service all through the w.ir, aud was, atone time Cairta'm F the Goidsboro l.tiflos, of w hich be is stiil an honorary uicmbcr, in terse but tlo- quetit terms. Inu'oduced General Hamp ton who was received with round ajier round of applaiese. The thirteen young 1 ulie-s representing the Southern. States, who in military dress, as an especial escort ot honor, to gether witlL i ne committee of veterans, accompanied General Hampton to Ben-ton-sville on Tuesday, unveiled the monu ment, which bejrs on the four sides ot its main sha.fr. respectively, the following explanatory inscriptions: In Memory of THE CONFEDERATE DEAD, Erected under the auspices of Th-i Goidsboro Uiftes, March 20, 1895. 'Nor shall you l.e forgot While lame her reconl k tey. Or Honor points the hallowed sp-t. Where valor proudly sleeps." On tb as tbtvt s -pot and In this vicinity lit the battle of BenlonsYillev March 19, 18n.. Twenty-three of those '.urieil here had' their last hours sootheel by the loving care of John Harper and his noble wife. Amy A. Harper. DESCRIPTION OF THE MOSl'WEXT. Tlie monument is of white marble. 15 i"ce; high, with a burnished marole cun tion ball cap. It has an octagonal slam ing ' .use. also of bin n L-he-d niarble, on wbiC'i are inscribea toe mimes und commands ot those w ho died in the Harner house. f toopiber with other names as couid be 'lol.iaued ol these buried there who fell on the field. I'here are 301 in all, and tlie remains i f most, of them weie gather ed together from their burial places nn the rie'd, now a w.Lierness ()f pines, by the memliers c f the G-olelslioro Rifles with thed own bunds, en 1 reverently buried in the square marked by t lie monument, generously donated by Mr. Harper, lor the purpose. The m nuaient is from the Gddshoio marble 3 ard of Mr. D. A. Grantham, and is said to be the most, uu que and one of tiie handsomest monuments iu the South. And so is that other monument, also elec ted by the Goidsboro Kines, that marks Confederate Square' in the cemetery ol tins citv, sunnounded bv a life-sized cast i ii f a Oiirifwl.-ritp sold ipr ' Such i-the work, in brief, that the Golds - ' Tjifl..!! i,..,-,. d..no in rit mar rt..o.idp hu thpir own i efforts, to the Confederate dead, besides i contributing generously to like nionu- ' n,ont. uicomimm ,n n,o soia n.i (hrnn .il i the South. And in this work too much I onimander of the Rifles. Capt. T Bain, and this testimonial to his wrth lverV menilier of tlie coni'iui wiil chrov- fully indorse. ; Hut to letHiri lo Use Jieninn-vi.ie u.ni!- ninent, stanilinix u sileal sentinel to the Tolling veins, in that fur remote spot; .-kirti d bv i-silile woixls. where valor was vnnjruLsbcri a'one by death. it is a sstudv 1,ir .1 poet! llien-ls noiUinj,' t) brink i-t silenrp. not hir.tr. linleSi it Ik; the wlnst niir o hnjipv lnn.s or the i Tou.e ol pa--iriL.r -tonn-. or the soiiulnni,' j Kit' the pirn . H is i li.msieles-i r s i e t I : - sunlight give- pluce to the shmlow of the woo Is at eventide, 'that sweep with tlir sub'e skirts" the hallowexl gravis ot tbe dead heroe-. while the wiml t((iuh the soii'ibirii; bows sjpjr p'cmul rnjiueiii to iheir ini: loitnl- -pint-. o-on;KATivi: iottco mills. lew. of a JlBiinfaclnrcr-HoB Money to HhII.I Mill nay bp Hals.-.l ley Kmall Weekly I iiMlrtliiienls. Ill a recent i-su; ol the 1 I'timore Mamitacturers" ll'cord Mr. 1. A. Tomp kins, of Charlotte, one of the m.-t ne-ce-sful cot'.on manufacturers in thai -cation, has an interesting a rude on co-operation in budding tto a mill-. Mr. Tompkins sh-iws how companies cm be ofg inied and the money raise el bv weekly payme nts f-r building cotton nulls in sin-h a way us to make the or ganization of sue h e-'iiii .iiie; le i-iblc in htinelrc-ils ot t-ivvns where it w.iuld le im possible to s .cure l .irga siibsci ipi ions. In ihe South we have few savings banks. 1 conn, red with those in the- North, and I we need enterprise that w ill c uouiag Ihe habit of saving and investing a por tion of the weekly earning of the average I c itizen. Building and loan ass ciations i supply this want to -ome extent, but ne . nee-el co-operative companies lopushin-i el 'Sinai cnterp ise? with the capital l ha 1 1 jean easily be furnished in snail weekly instalments from thousands ot our : people: Au exchange savs: The ice t, of this plan iu Ch irlotte speaks for itself. Mills; have been built near Charlotte by sub-, scriptioas payable weekly in small -urns for one, two, f ur and eight years, but the favorite plan is that of paying iO cents j per week on a share for four years. At ; this ra e 1,000 shares would make a i api-; tal of 100,000, a sum sufficient to build a I cotton mill ot about 5.000 spindles, wiih I looms enough to weave the ir pr.iduct. , Mr. Tompk ns gives the follow. ng e;ti-i mate for such a mill: I Emoloyes, men au I boys 30 j Employes, women and girls 60 Fay roll per week, ab ut 350 Bales cotton consumed per week, , sdiont I Lu North Carolina thu products of ihe different mills Vary greatly. A' Char lotte one mill makes warp yarns, another dseiu yarns doubleeranil twisted, another j rati aies bath warps and skeins, another i wkitc cloth, another ginghams, another j ooaoi.er panes and towels, another stock j ings jiacI knit goods. Those mills which make eudored goods mu-t h eve dye , works. If the subscriptions to tlie stock of an instalment null are made payable at the j rate of 50 ceatt per week per share-, ami j the capital K-k suhscribeil was $100. - 000, ihen in Ihe first year the amount i nai.l into the compHns's tieasury wouhi be about $25 000. With this money the building-t could Ie buiit and paid !or, leaving a surplus in ihe treasury. The buildings would be, a main buil ing, en gine room, boiler loom imd houses or cottages for the hands to live in. Iu s me special cases, where the factory was to be built in a city, these houses might not be built, as tlie hands could find board or bouses to rent near by the factory in the Jcity. Generally speaking, uowever, ii is Dest to put a laciory one IU ima unie-s away from a city, and let the company IWiid aDtl own the houses the employes livp in. Ia Charlotte no bouse rent is charge !. Uie tnetories furnishing lionises free ol rent. Ijaaome other places rent is chaiged at the iate oi fl per room. Considerjug that subscriptions were fieing paid regularly, and that the build ings were all. completed and paid for at the end of aboat oue year, and that the company's income was about $2,000 per month from regular instalment payments on subscriptions, tkea under these condi tions about 2,500 spindles and appertain ing machinery could be bought tor a good cash payment, and the remainder payable $1,000 'to $2,000 per month. In about sixteen or eighteen mouths Iroru the lime the first payments were made the mill could oe started up on ribout one-third to one-half its capacity, then the remainder W the machinery could b added and atarted up from time to time as the money ooatinued to come in by instalments. Xo dividends should be paid until the I steak is Daid in full, and the officers should I reeerre very small salaries. The mills plan, have s neai" Charlotte, built on thi: j been verv sucoessjui, anei borne ui nieui r tlie dull season have run night and durin day to fill orders for their goods. Ihe co-operative plan if fairly tried would soon make the South the cotton uianutic turing centre of the w orld. Pl'RE DRIXKIMi WATER. The Importance or Securing Much. Iw mf Contamination and Dangers That Lark in the Impure. Tlie city of New Berne is fortunate in having its chief supply of water to come ; from tike water works company's deep borod wells, the water Irom which has j stood saiistactory tests as to its purity ai;d , consequent healthful uess. But only the people ineities can have the advantage of I water works and as a rule individual fam- 1 ilies must iook out for the puiity ol the water they get for themselves. , i The relatiou of drinking water to health i should receive more 1 ouside ratien from; 5 the musses of the people than it does. Tl il ease with w hich water in wells of the. ' i shallow depth that is generally used can ; be contaminated anil Tlie disease that can be spread from these unsuspected sources. ' even though the taste may remain all right : ! Uixt half understood. I J T State Boaid of Health is endeavor-1 i ing ta bring these tiuths home to the peo p!e by iiee'"pamph,et3 furnished upon ap p'ication. Ur. K. H. Lewi-, ot Kinston, a ' phys ciaii of i)igh nttainmeius has a coni- muuication 1 ije Kinston i ree Press in ilouroval i'l i rece-IH piioi I ot & recent publication evlue.h we Copy and commend, Dr. Iewis aysc We desire to call tinti-'ii of the no- ple wlio re-ide in i,-noir ana suriouncnng coanties to some facts oelailed in the Feb- ruary number of tne Bulletin of the North Carolina Board oi Health. "In that issue of the .Bulletin, evidence is dven tnar prove-, beyond question, i hat most if not all cases of malarial diseases r-niiM? from drinking impure water. Proof i is given that tho-e who use cistern water, I or that obtained from driven pumps, never suffer froui chi.lo and fever or malarial disease. "This information should reach every dweller in our low country. ' "This information sLould reach every dwelle r in our low country. "To those who elesire to construct cis terns at a reasonable cost an 1 who e'e-sire to know all about this matter of drinking ! water as connected with malar a, we would sav that thev can obtiiua pamphlet wiih I all tins niioimaeiou ..ee, uv I tal card stating vour vvis se ii 1 1 1 n g a )ios i and giving i vour address to Dr. Rich'd II. Lewis, secretary State Board of health, at Ral eigh. N. t. "Tlie secretarv also savs that he will i forward any number of the s pamphlets to who w-ill circulate them, this is H 'an important matter and we hope our people will look into it. I :n I-,.!. Sirt I. O ()' K K Ii Ii' I, L N I) 'I' NK(ii;o. Till' (ioHM nor .Makes iiicnt. a Full Slalt Teaniolll Tlirusl into His I'resenee AtraiiiHt lliv Previont knou h-cluo a lll Wish. null lolloui.llf Wlirrr He- W:i- l lesirl Tlie 4'oiuiulllee Sulci Tliey ll.-icl Tried to .el Kiel ol II 1 ii ami A piiloit luecl lor IIK renenee J'he o ernoi-, Senli ineiilv. A lelegr mi lit out from Ila-bmond i 2lil h. -.,-: )" l-'.-i i a ', v. a - -inoe n oining the- iclegram under dat ' Mar he i ; mi ni 2 o'eh .1 k 111 from l!"-t 'ii i 'i in g tl. . . e 1 1 i 1 1 I lie i .lit' I view vv t h the I r. at merit ( . f the I.-g- Senator J larling. to. a ac.'ordtl the eo.oi, i.-lative e nniirttfe w 1 the Evei u: ive 1 1 1 a n.-i . i Senator I lariing, I 1 In: -In to ne' r o.nl.ai.i I u ver had tin -light io were 1 1 eel Vi I 1 ill li -a v - ui n t til k. iii n 1 ill the tel. gial -t in' i mat m i fp . hu nan 1 ..- iia: tv. i ing p. at a a i i.b.ied man w a- in 1 talk, y. when ; e.t.ne to IJovkiu the " Ma d with 1." one f .'in clerk Irom tin- riil UjP wit a a IllP-sige I lull a bu-ine-- e'lu-iihii-elts Legislature sd . i.-.id . fti -from Col. mitt, e of w olll r i i v. in Ki. hiiloinl net evening and th. v w ou'd be g'a-1 I replied: -Y,.rv wel1. I receive, the-n. I ihiuk it fo iii the Sou' h, to call on me . will be gl a 1 to Wouid li more coin te on- to re ceive t hein at the iiiaiiion tiian iu my office, and " id lix 2 o'clock Fii lay a- the hour' 1 had no ! u i the r communication wiih any one on tiie sli'-ject, ex apt I wa- informed that the committee had anivad. A little l lene 2 o'e lock eui Friday 1 went Irom my office to the mansion, my private secretary, Mr. Chesiermaii. accompanying me. ; Soon a carriage drove up ami -topped. Lilt- r three oiher earring s arrived. The first caniage changed position and I did' not see the occupants al ght. Pretty soon my doot man came up and notified me that the gaitlemeu Were in th- parlor. "I weiil down vvitli Mrs. O'Fe-rall and ; as we entered the pir'.or we were intio eiuce I to each menib.-r ot the committee, I winding up with th.- colored mem ie-r. Not until I rem he 1 Teamoth did I know, nor hilel I the slightest idci that one of the committee vv us a colored niau, and I w a- j greatly surpr.sed and emb.ii rasseel. but I concealed my embana.ssment as much as 1 ii isible. I was acting in my official j caput ity, an 1 the co-nmiitee were Calfng iu their otfic. .1 opacity, and I could not do otherwise than cany out the pro gramme. "Light refreshments had b.-en prepaid and I invited the eamnnitt. e to the dining room, not thinking that riamoth would come. After the party got into the dining room I discovered Tiamoih and .Mitchell with hi n. This i nibarrasse I mes'.i 1 more but I concluded that as Teamoth was one of the ccinmittee an I Mitchell their friend I could not invite them to retire without giving affront .o ihe memb va of the com mittee, and in deference to the f. clings nt the latter and bec uise I could ivt do oth erwise without being ru le to them. I sub mitted anil Teamoth and Mitchell remain e-l and partook of the refreshments. If my embarrassment v as not apparent I sii -oeded in a re.nai kable tlegree ia conced ing it. "Mrs. 0'Ferr..ll -pake to the gentlemen after she was intiodijced to the n, but out of courtesy to Mr. Darling and the gentle- men remained and conversed with them until they lelt the parlor. "Senator Darling's statement that I told him that I knew Teamoth was m the party is absolutely untrue an 1 1 cannot think lie ever made it. If I had told him any such thing he would certainly not have spoken apologetically of Teamoih's presence at the mansion, or expressed himself as he did to me at tlie penitentiary and on our drive'. He and the other me nbers in the carriage with me expressed their embar rassment in having Teamoth with them and staled that they bad made every el foit to shuffle him off, but he would get back with them. T feel greatly aggrieved in this mat'er and that my desire to extend courtesy to a committee of another State was taken a I vant.ige of and 1 was placed in a position to which I would not have submittee! for a moment if I had not bean acting in an official capacity. Of course Mr. 0'Fer rall did not shake hands with the n gro. Whan she ncrceive 1 that Teamoth was a Colored man she bowed slightly stepped back and did not speak to him. ' I Col. IL Bo ken, passenger and freight agent of the S.-abaaid Air Line, through i w hom the reception of the Massachusetts j committee by Governor OFerrall was. arranged, said to-day in rtl'.-reace to ihe! matter: "Senator I) iiiing, as did the other mem-! bers of the committee, impressed me very I favorably and I hop ; the Governor cannot j think tiie Massachusetts Sgnator would j make the statement retirr. d to him, bat if, be did he has made an entirely false sta'e- : merit; for iu his pis:i-ee I expr.ssed re-1 grei at the negro's advent, an I he rem sir- 1 ked that he. as we'll as the other white I men on the committee, regretted it also. 1 and di'i all along tlie line regret having started out with rcauioth and hoped he was lost. As the Governor said in the interview- in this morning's Dispatch, he , was entirely ignorant oi tiie n.gro's pres ence until I was bu'ceel to present him, . after he had followe I us into tlie mansion. I I did not know myself that Teamoth 1 would be present and therefore couli riot notify the Governor."' i THE XEWLT ELECTED OFFICERS Ol the East Carolina Fish, Ojnster, Game and Industrial Association. All Old Ones Retained and O. H. Onion Added as Treasurer. President: Wiu. Dunn. New Berne N. C. Vice Presidents: K. II. Meadows, J01 1 Kiiisev. W. G. Brinson. of Cr iven County. Secretary: Chas. R.-izcnsteii New- Berne, V C. Trea-urei: O. II. Guio.i, N. C. B larel 0! Directoi-: J. A Geo. Henderson, Ralph Gray New Berne. . Meadow-, . P. II. Pe - It-tier, J. A. Brvau, fi. N. Ive-". Guion. (i. II. Robeit-. C. E. Key, Bray. T. A. Green. W. P. UuirTi Whiting. J. W. Me wait. O. w , IL II. H. A. F. K. W. . J et, R. Cro.-kett. 15. ai il of Maiuigri- M. M.inlv R Sir Wiilis, R. S. Pnuiro- P. i wiiliau.s. Finance Cointnit ec: James ; y Uiiieh. W. f). Bairinglon. Redmond. MARCH. Rude March, the roisterer, is here, The blustering oiagg nt of the year, Monarch of mocking winds that sweep BesisbcSsly o'er land and deep. Mad Mare h wiih swiriiug snows sling. Defies ti,c a i vent ot sweet Spring, Tiie fiehl flowers hide, amaze i and Before the blasts lie bh.vv- abroad. that ed, Stem M .re h with niir h Rule? with an iron wi -t range, tne cart h. eelv I'nttl the gentle smil ng f Of April drives him fiom LC h :ce. I Henry Tyson, who committed murder in 1839, and who has been in the solitaiy cell confinement in Denver, Color ulo, until he has become blind has been sen- fenced to be hanged duiing the second I .cwat- m A -s i i 1 1 week in Apr il. I VIM III II I OK WOl lll It II III. Ihe l air M oll Olli. i .-. I sulci Move 1.x peeled . e pilb'lis'l to-laV 'h' ftl'i i ii rd w, .tliee Galll - ol the dlld In ist ill-oiilia Fl tr'a! A -so iat; -h. ( IV- t' a- !:l-t Veil ' e. j, III ha- be, n ad led a- To as i- we II know n. : 1 s e i-etai vshi p Inn e I . by Mr. Ch .-. P, n tiring . a! mia-h oi M. i I- lir i- due Mr. If gr.-at - . and dir I i III IP- l Tin- - oil,-, I l:-laei - lor- 'ii ll the Fa. ,1 I''- gl Mr hi aitee 1 : 111. ill I II I . part o i lie- - lb. ' po- M. n To i , ha- n c nr. unit. 'h r l hilig- tlie 'f ae.eli lie ak- time i"g n . i era! ing. erln ot the l-".i r - the pello ! . I la ijlll'-Poll VV - ' . ,e lengih in .he imp vver i qui i e -I-. r.s lin y had a 'an khoh 'l-l -" I; e i 0 Ig ill 1:1 v or ol 11; right to be, were 1 tin ir P a- ai- lot again their t it and ad v lim it sitlolj-. If .tl this. ,0, Afo r the: dir l h I U'! coll-i liscu io I I o; s w h -ie i ere-1 c- in re -1 - ne i nn; . tcr vv a- lot t 'o n g. od ha: ds. carelndv aini Tiny will c.diiiiv. ai 0 1-1,1 r a 1 j 1 ige vv e her th" Fair io-.-.! i -n t perieiu-e ai .tl nu'-cp - ot the qualiiied it Mr th-- j r. ll - a iva 'l ie y hav a goo. I busiue-s ot' th - Fair and at heart anil they vv i'.i i ha ; I'eci-iou which vvili the Fail '.-; b.-l intere-ts. la-iglit into have it- inter Ihe Sts loulit leach I'oinoi ive of I 'p pie. we are sati-tied. are ri'uly to sustain ope'a'ivp with thpni in whatever clef- upon. and thev co ll. AM I.. ASStH I ATIOXS. C opy ol tlie Aet Whielilhe I.eislature lias l.iiHC-K-cl. A Bill t Ije F.ulitied an Act to A-iiend 7 ol the 2d Volume of ihe Chapter Code lb iting to Bui 'ding and I. "an A-socia, ion-. The tie. era! A-ssmbiv if North Ca.-olii a do en-ii t : S .ft ion I. That, chapter 7 ol the 2d volume of the Code be amended by a ld ing thereto the following sections: 2. ib ). 1 hat eVeiy 1 1 II lllii rl g 11 lid is-oeiation dung bu-im-- in Mns j i,l;in State shall be aiiihoi ized to i, in- a- many classes or series siu-l kinds ol s'.oc ks, in cluding ii st diluent ami paid-up stock, as may be ptovi hd for in i's charier or by laws. c. 2-1O0 .1. Tuat an v member oi' such ll I) r;ovv from it m rede -me i bv it, shall association, who -h vvho-c stoc'; -hall be have the right at. any time lo dis harge his loan by pa ing re. e:ved ii v I. im. inc'.u ling and expense- ot making the same .-hall hav e b -c n dediu te. pay o.T and the a-nouiit the fi s's ot i ians, if the i heief-om. vvitli iutep st at ihe r, annum on the win te of 0 per c ent, per Ie sum received bv him fo I he date.' of set l leuie nt. an I ! miunis. tin s mid dues then remaii ill p'( ng mi- m a. rnoa such settlement he shall b- j bellied ith oniv tha withdrawal value, , a, Dxed by the chili tcr or by laws of -uch 'association, ol" his shares of stock, winch j ,ave not b3en trsttisfcrred or aign I to j tbe ;:s-oeii:tioii bv wav of or in !i. ll nt ltrc- miun' on the loan or ii'.iemplion. 'l b it in case ot default bv a stocknohk-r. win. lias bi rowed Irom the aasociatn.n or whose stock has baen reelee neii, and a foreclosure of his mortgage, the amount of his indebtedness io setch an associa tion shall be ascertained in the foregoing manner. Sec. 2300 UK. That in such settle ment provided for in tne foregoing section no account shall be taken of tlie premiums paid by the harrowing memler, but tlu same shall be deemed ihe consideration for his b.'ing allowed to anticipate the ultimate or pir value of his stock by bis present use and p isscssion in preference to the other stockholders. S.-c. 230b I. That every such n-soeia-tio-i shall have power to charge its share holders upon loans to the ji, or redemp tion to their stock, premiums thereon, m b.: paid in gros or by installments, or on -toek or by reqiii; ing them to c u ry ad ditional shares ot so ck as may be pro vi hd in its charter or by haws. Sac. 2300 J. Tiiat nothing herein e n taiued shall prevent an as-ociutioii trosn coiitracting with its birrowing memb rs. or shareholders h .se ;t"C'k has been pledged for loans lor the restoration or reinstatement of li s st-ck upon such terms as mav be agreed upon Sec. 2800" K. Tint all laws and clauses of laws in conflict with this a;t are Ikp by repealed only .-o liir a.- they are iu contbet therewith Sec. II. This act snail be in lorce from and after i s ratification. A REVOI.lTlOX IX PERI . The Old Government Broken I p and a Provisional Government Iuly Formed. ; There is a new regime in Lima as a I result of the thre-; days battle in Peru, i Cacares aud Pierola have been retire 1 and I Senor Caudaiuu nvnle jirovi-i mal presi I dent. ! Duiir.g the tiiree days lighting lad'bO 1 solebeis were killed and wounded and I much property destroyed. ; The provisional government was firmed 1 through the intervention of th.- diplomats ; an I the pap d nuncio. It has bi en orga nized and is already 111 0p9r.1t ton. The Provision. ii President. Canil 11110, has nameel Senor Vill.inina as minisii r of the interior; Senor Espincz 1, minister of just iee. and Sen or Maip utnia as minister o finance. The rew governtneit has i-sucd an ord.r releasing ad p ditiia1 pri- ner-. The fears that The Careen s soldi, ry vvoul I commit c'epredai ion- have vaiii-hed, P.. inks have h ane I itn-Il - V. th- It" fs have been p nil 'fhe s ree' s . 21st p a sen e R-volirionay vv tii 1 i.e ia -,e Peru!" "V,vi ihe si reels I t:opa: anthem. Ma- ve a- mail iioni-ts near u rih i- that b are st 11 Under an- the foICeS tlisbatld- ll. a on the nig), : ": f -I Ve- ill), e r o .- w lie 1 1 .terniv an,! ere- of -V :a I"' i ' -011 ,d : hr. ate plav ;e,g t.ii- to nt- igh n ,- ,il::a I" a o Cuz tr, i.- 1- r .1. d il; ill I: ' G New - .u To nursing mo le rs. Dr. Pierce'- I ai de Pres-riptioa is a piaiiess bo n, i: o.dv s'uuglh. i.s the 1110 h ' but s pi omoies an abu man: si cr, t.on i-f n hshineiit for ihe chi.d. l-".a tiai-- al to bee Hue u.olaei-. it i- even i, v d hie f"i' it ies-eii- the ptvi - iitia p d" c h il ibirth and sh .1 f a - 1 cor. Oi' deal-:s. 1. r u 1- out Ovarian, fihro d and oil w ithov.it resort to -u gie . 1 pamphlet, testimonies s, nd 10 cents (f r p sta Dispensary Medical Ao N. Y. ier t umoi - cure-' peiatioii. Fo air I 1 e!' 1 1 nee g ) to W"l Id i'ltion, Butl'a o i Three of the Beaufort burglars weie convicted and sentenced as f hleivvs : Bud Blount. 3 years in the penih utiaiy. Henry Batsou 5 years, and Albert Washington 7 years. The sentences of the tir-t two we'e much lighter on acceuit of their ' being but boys. They were all negroes. I'l III II III II DIM. VVIllll. SI tit I' Kit Co iiiiiiiI lli iiki-ii Thursday Allernoon I'-v c-a ill ion to Im- nileled in I'.IkIiI la.v . t : oiind vv .- broken lor the New Berne pul.iic i u'hlingon lue 1'1-t. Mayor Win. lei'-1..,,! dthe lii-- vv 1 ni'l-l a rrow him-' ii at il? minnli - I., two o'e look. Al t'. 1 g ! i no 1 1 1 . 1 1. e ' .f 1 1 1 1 a I bee, i gi ven :i .-' -; 'el1 1 1 ne lai-ii 1 ("' - r eili.eii- "allnrP.i 1 I !l beginning e 1 l m- w m k on 1 1 1 great I v e-ired and hmg-1 ke.l for iiiniding-. S il : lint lit ir tli Mr IviH-ltiiuer h e i Xeavalioli W. II. Sni'll o li ,ve tin- 1 ill eight da 1- sublet W o I k I " ing. Ml. Voilioa of v -. th lit 1 a, OVll-l xp I npi. 1, (IKMRIII S (.IKT. Hospital at Italeili is ii Ihi-Ivp TlMiisand Hollars. I ,1 I Me- ;er -iV tllit 1 1 1 g '. Ml. ' i eo I gi ll. I a 1 1 hoh ,mi vv 'illl. ling "ll all i n . vv hen a d ig a ad tbiew h.m - ,11 "t Ma re "I I! ,1, e- p d sidi t v ei-ii hi In I, ,1:11 lb.- wa- r. Mi dk z Mi-. taker M. lo a .1 e I 'l okr- his 1,Y ho-p tal .. . an f :i ..t o.,v. lie w pprn iat nni of beoileathei I it i . re --all how hi--pital 111 and to ia-iil h 11:- I ie 1 2 olciteel Tiie Called .. a. i:. lo Mi ii ii ea pcl is. , the acciiin r ofM ,r-lial Virginia, ll Ii. d -' dll'd ' re. t b en -oil p reach el, nr. h in Kiehnion ', ealie l to M iiini-npii'b hi- ch il'ge in Virgin:; Mar.-h ill S r. et are him uii ai d vv ill niak uid has ic-igLcel The brethren ol rv loath to give an elfoi t to retain him. flu- ) d o li r ino-t va'u I ) iminion" w ill ible in lii-tpr- if 'p one Ir,. tiier Mo'iio 'eaves." The ab iv e is from thp Ar'ania South ern Chi i-tian. Mr. Moore is pleasantly : eiii-inbered in New lieine haviii," visih-el Ie. re a feiv year- ago in atVinlance to the S ate Com. ntion ot the Church of the Di-cip! s. I'reat Britain and Our Country. The Washington Po-t s.. s ih.d until info: ma1 ion is .inquired as lo the attitude w hich England proposes to assume to wards Nicaragua and Venezuela, every aeiioii ejl her, wi'l be clos.lv watched anil Ihe !arg" feet which is row in the South Atlantic will b- maintained there. Tiie United States will, as 'in the past, icgar I with jealou-y ;.ny attempt at e :i-c.-oachinen'. by any Euiopc-an power upon this he nUphere anil its policy will be plainly outlined. The occ asion lb d calls f,,r the vigilance is the British ele iiinii 1 upon Nicaragua for $75.(100 indem nity for its treatment ol Mr. Hatch. ilr. Jan. Manwell Orops Demi. I dipt. D: .von, of the steam, r Vane boro , telegraplu d to Mr. Jno. C. "Wlrtty Fri I d ay announcing that Mr. Jus Manvvell. t ne Pllgineer, had fallen dead in the en j gine io nn. Tne telegram gave no p.ar itie u'ais. We judge the re niiin- w ill be i bioug it to the oil v t nla v. I Mr. Manvveil was a very fme michini-i ' and w as lor ye ir- in bu-iness for hiinse'f in New Berne. A portion of the timp was a partu .r o! Mr. J. II. Crabtie : an I for a w hile by himself. ' He leaves sever d children. Orowncil Man Found. Mr. J. W. Hill and tho-e ti-hiug with him found the body of a drowned Colored nian on the shore at Myrtle Marsh. Pani lico county, twelve miles below New Berne Monday. It is supposed to be the remains of a colored man named Ernest Johnson, who was drowned three or four weeks ago bv fading froai a beat as nar- i rated in Tllf: Joi KNAL. j The body was 111 bail condition. The 1 finding of it was reported to ciliz-ns ol the neighborhood, who said they would attend to it. A Strike quickly Ended. There was a strike in New Berue Fri day. The hands excavating for the gov ernment building struck for an advance of twenty cents er day. Mr. Sneliing let tliem go. Plenty of otiicis were ready to lake their p'ac s. an 1 it was not long !" fore some of those (hat had quit work were ask in; to be r'-iri-'aled at le-s than ihe; had bean leeeiving. It is said, with hovv much truth, We do not I lir.-t. -trik iivv, that some who vve-ie not on at bbre-el intentionally to bring oil -o thev c mid get on. the .1. t". Tailor's It in Shoo. The. I o -t shoe ia town is at J F. ght in T vh'i's. ui- five leet High and e feet hug. It can be sen hanging 11 front of Mr. Taylor's -tore We can't, tell about how many sides of leather were u-'-d in m..king the shoe, be cause tin-re is no leather in it. It is simply Mr. Taylor's new siga made'' of wood and letter, d in ba kground. while on black W. " A- . 11. K. vs. OiihIom Co. The Supreme Court ha- decided the Onslow bond ca-e iu favor o'. the railroad e ompany. Tlie incoming of the railroad company is a great benefit lo Onslow county and will uipidly bring that tine fertile section to the front and we know that a great many of (he people in that county duly appn elate it. Reutonsville Monument I'liveiled. The Bentonsville monumpnt near Goidsboro, erected by ihe Goldshnro R-rl 's was unveile I Wedni s lay vvitli In an tiful, imjirp-.-ive ..n I appropriate cere monies. Geii'l Wade Ilaiiiptoti delivered a gran. I address. I The nionuiiii nt was unve iled by thir- i teen young ladies in military uniforms, repi""-i nting the Sou' h, w ho acted as an j especial e-cori of honor to Gen"! Hampton. i'uro ol' Katnit. The ih'co 111 asl seliooni r Jame- E. Shy 1'oc k, Capt. Ivisiey, is oni lading a1 1 ,rge cargo of kainit. a ,ou 1 thr-e bun 1 red , t 11-. tie E. H. cv J. A. Meadows I F.lt, 7. r Fietoiy. The rsllVlock ha-' t.eti in a I v tw , . 11,0 1 1 h- mi th way. hav ing hit New York on the Until "1 .lanu are. Dining the cold wi-a'her -he wa-froz- up in thehirb'i' at Ba It la.ore. Married. . e ..I Mr. A: t e re II. ton on l ii-ev M. ' Wi-ih-Aslilcw n, ,- lin M pie ( in-t. 1 .-.!! v . I1 I M -N . ( . "n .Mr. re-i-( v- and ' ia I.i lnu We heri'iL Iv . e.oi ei 1 In ai-' :! 11. A- if 1n al': Iv de,! at the ne-- e! Ml M 1 I ui III li. f M. n ,pp. IM il on: 'g. M Tin 11, ,ii ! 1 , at his ie P iaiek die- t, M r. N'iipo te Ag. -hue. aged 47 year-. -. 1 1 w i - a r at ; vp "f Neve el formerly I - a dry goodie- e:ty. lie I. a I Ua-n ui bad i ar or more i ait had been i- bed only a fi vv ilav -. Vv nap I Uel'Ile II Id In 1'iei'i ban' ' t t he iita f r;i y cu tine I to 1. Public School Teachers. Take Notice. Teat'liei s ot t he public school.- of t in stil -e h'.ol di.-tri. t out-i ie of th,: city of New Heme will discontinue their -i ho..s at ihe close ol the present school mouth Bv order of the committee, dliwlt Wm. M. Watson, Sec'y. SUCCESS -Sj - - - I Such as Ours is Only Attained BY perseverance. -II.V v- WE HAVE W0RKO HAlx TO OBTAIN OIR rKESF.NT 1U SIM-SS. AM) INTIiXI). TO NOT ONLY HOLD II". HIT TO INCREASE IT. -1 1 w - The .way we . propose ;': to do it, Isfoi1 Still Continue to give the People the Best Goods that can be bought in the city tor the Money. We know 4luw appreciate it trom the increase in our busi ness. Our Stock IS COMPLETE Only examine it and v be convinced. - Yol'ItK Veiiy Tri'I.y, Hackburn . & Willetti 47 Sl 49 PoljQ Did You Ever See ANY TOBACCO ? If you never cliel, go to J. V. TAYLOli'S, v'ht'ii- on can get a f-wel vc-iiich good .sound, sides twenty yarictios, f i . dug for live ceiitN solnl tobacco lie five ot her il fl'erenf in the Inst to the cheapest . Another lot rock Imt t om ji A thousiiin those nice Tc nt good Shoi h at ices. puiiiidH more of n-ei'iit Hams, and lot s of ot hot to mention oods too imtucrouH Dun"! Istil to come and .see me when von come town, if you do you'll get left, to i ,T .'.-. 1.. r" -. --r. ' . ' 'y v.,.- ' ... . . I,-"- ;, -- ...f f ;"S,--

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