4 , v - THE JOURNAL, j X. X.Z1XPXS, Proprietor. Locil EepcrUr. .-fcjfrTJtafcrrtf at tf- Pii Orhr, V BerntyR. a treiHttl-d-iM m.i"-r. - - '' : ;,y V : tsittosrtr ce.tenmal. Alal to be Present yf m tkla Prem t Oetasioa. Th UiTerity of Noith Carolina ; will elebrte the Centennial of ita pea lit Ob Wedtwday, Jane 1395 la tba morning, orations will tm dllTre! by Hon. A. M. Wad dell, da of 1854, on the "Ante bell an Univertity,' and A. H. Ellr,Eq class of 1885, on the ' 2Iir tTivraUy." Abadqat will be given at 2 p. ;ja.,ftt which the Alamni will sit tScther by classes, and virions . , tOMU will teeetTe suitable ree ; poatM. . At night, in Memorial Hall, will b held a grand reunion ot all the tfaaaea. The roll will be called, mad taoh class will respond bv Marching upon the rostinm. Sach til two a desire will bave ten iantes allotted for special pro crammes. It ts expected that fully one thousand Alumni will be present A at thi, the culminating festival . la the University. Let every living Alamaas immediately Bent bis Baogft aad address to President '"Winston, Chapel Hill, N. C, and signify his purpose to attend. That ArriagUa Com mil W. . "The Great Triangle, as the .' ' News and Observer calls the com mittee appointed by the Legisla ture to investigate the Pattie B Arlington caso met four minutes on the iOth of March and then Adjouned to meet noxt day 4.00 Eer minute, is pretty good pay at that is what they got for their work (?) . The News and Observer says Phillips was in his room with a cargo of anti-prohibition aboard, .- that was when the committee met and. if the secretary did his - - duty .the minutes would read about as follows: "Commission met in room 1?, Campbell in the chair; Bryan al so in chair; Phillips in bed, not - able to be in chair, Phillips, of Pitt, opensone eye and calls for Secretary. Hnuser, (draws five . dollars a day as Secretary) miss ing. End or four minutes meet iUflf adjourned to meet in Camp bell's room. No. 13, Park hotel, next day Phillips closes starboard eye, J turns over in bed, sleeps. ' Campbell Bryan forces retreat iu : moderate order. Finis.'" -.r Mrv Alex. Stronach has been --"-"retained as advisory counsel by the committee. The Hecro's Presence Kare THeiu Pleasare. , v,BO8T0S. March 22. The Com . nittee on Mercantile Affairs ef tbe Legislature adopted tbe following ia execntiT session at the State boase today. x- The undersigned, members of ... the committee on Mercantile - .Affairs, who were present with 8enator Darling daring the e visit to Richmond, take luia. ousornmuv to empnaucaiiv -veorrbborate ail that oar ebairman -- -' k.. ..Irl KH. intitpri.va nnhliahari i IM UW xxjoiou picas. it o iuuuci desire to express onrselves to tbe e3eci that the presence of ullr." -2. Tsaaaoa was in air-way resented by . o - 117 t k. - - - tkM AABiaiitLMi or nr mtmncr thereof and that bis company was ' -'-';ia every way pleasant and agreea. ",W- to' alt. Tbe committee make ' ' this a poeicive aud anal statement .r Signed. Isaac P. Hutchinson, v- l Ohas. G- Banceuft, v . - Wm. J. Dohovak, KobT. T. Teamoh, Feank Chandler, : The Hassaehasetts CaaimltteemeB Con trasiete. -BlCHVOSD, Va., March 22. In ' coaamentiag on tbe reeolation ot the Maeemchasetts Committee on Mereatile Affaire, endoraiag Beaator Oarliag7s interview re garding the relations of tbe other . eomnitteemen with Teamob, tbe Richmond Dispatch will tomorrow say: -We have tbe names of half a dosea et more of tbe best citizens ef Richmond, who are willing to testify on oath that tbey heard Mr. Darliaic and others of tbe Mas sacaasette committee say that tbey - bad been greatly annoyed and embarrassed by tbe presence of Teamob on tha trip. They never less aa opportunity while here to declare that Teamoh'u company was highly objection aole to them. Ballreae Pass d Bar to Damages. Aecording to tbe decision of a Pennsylvania court, traveling on a rai (read pass is no bar to tbe re covery ol indemnity for damages la a railroad accident. Assistant District Attorney A. J. Edwards baa aecored a verdict of l,.00 against the Pennsylvania railroad, although be was travelling upon a pass of which it was understood aad so printed on it tint persons oniag soeb could not recover dam agee in case of accident. The decision canoed coneidera bie comment, bat Edwards says if be had not been nsing the pass tbe . jury would have given htm 10,000. so tbe railroad made tbe difference c 9SjS00 aad ought to be satisfied. Msflstratts Made Out of Notbin?. n we review the roster of Mawiatyjiies which the Mongrel r .- Legislature in tne tuiiness ot its ' hMrt raw hroDer to dump upon ip-: awa osu?a v'uo-'", n " fCs not refrain from paraphrasing a gentleman of this -county, and HlQt6 his opinion, ' that where as, God made man from the dust of the earth, the North Carolina Tjegiplature has done still better bymakini Magistrates out of Bothirjc " Jacksonville Times. Bevlsr &t the lino ami Loing at the ISpiyot. When expenses were cut down by the Legislature in one place, tbey were increased in two. The salary of the superintendent of '.-"the penitentiary was reduced . ' rAA. nm AAiirf a worn pro;) tml yr that will cost more than 5".i0. Biblical Recorder. AMthsr S. A. L. Kite-Cut. Washington, March 23. The ' Seaboard Air-Lmeannouceacut ; i'a the rate from Washington to Atlanta on its vestibuled limited "from $17.50 to 14.70. WILL WE WAR WITH ENGLAND 1 HllTiin'- H.ii-h IVl N h dl .12 lid. Immediate Compliance Iinpo-ihlc This May lc hillovrl ly Sciiirc of Te rltory iu Violation of ihe C'Ujton llulwer Trea'j Serious Interuation a Problem fo- the l uiteil (invern ment to ;t'oniJer. Washing! (in, iarch Tftere is aUolute autbonty for the stat ment, notwitbstanding guarded nnd technical detail, that G'eat Britain's demand upon Nicaragua is ol sach a character as to merit very grave consideration on tbe part of tbe Government of tbe United Statee, Inspection of tbe text of Great Britaiu's demand, a j copy ot which was brought to Washington by Minister Barrios, ' tbe special agent sent to Loudon i by Nicaragua, discloses tbe fact that the conditions inposed upon , tbie feeble and impecunious re i public are harsh in the extreme. Great Britain demands jCTj.OOO smart mouey, to be paid down within seven week that is to say, Ufore April 1C h nex for tbe affront to tbe l'.ntish crowu, im plied in the alleged wrongful ex-pul.-ion of the British pro-Cooeul, . Hatch, from Blaeflelds. This is an imperative demand. There is no i suggestion of arbitration or loop ; bole offered lor compromise or de I lay. Next, Great Britain insists that I tbe claims ot Ha cU and other I British subject?, for damages alleged to have been sustained, J shall be submitted to a mixed com I mission of ibree one to be ap ' pointed by Nicaragua, one by Great BritaiD, and the the tbird to be selected by them bat not to be a citizen of any American re public." UNITED STATES F. Xt'Lt'DED This, fetipulatiOD, as originally given ont by the Nicaraguan re presentatives, was "not to be a citizen of the Tinted States." This statement gave opportunity for a technical denial ou tbe part of tbe I that no such undiplomatic and insnlting discrimination bad been made against tbe I'nited States, but that Mexico, Chile, Venezenla, ! Brz 1, and other American re publics are included with tbe i United States in tbe embargo does not render the fact that the United States is 6hot out from participa tion in a matter of this great tra portance to the integrity of the American continent any the lees serioas. Our interests in Nicaragua, especially in regard to tbe problem of a traneisthmi n canal, aie so great that the presentation of ex cessive deraard, impossible ol immediate compliance, to be f ol lowed perhaps by tbe seizure ol territory as a guarantee of pay ment, have brought the United States face to lad) with a compli cation, which, taken in connection with the t Venezenla boundary question, assnmej importance of tbe first magnitude. Tbe immediate question that may contront tbe administration relates to tbe extent to which Great Britain shall go in enforcing tbe prompt payment ol tbis money, knowing that Nicaragua can spare no sncb sum from its Treasury, wbicb, like those of most of tbe Latin-American nation, barely suffices to meet enrrent expenses. It remains to be learned whether Nicaragua cao make the pecuniary apology reqaired or give auy satis factory assurances of its future pay ment. Little doubt is expressed that Great Britain will seize some thing as security in case of a de fault, and under tbe terms of 'be Clayton Bolwer' treaty, the United States will bave a right to know in advance just what Great Britain proposes to do. No sueh serious international problem has been presented to a recent administration as tbe pres ent one. NO MOKE NORTH CAROLINA. Why so Many Drummers Don't Resrif ter 1 hat Way Now A Jrummer wcilked into a vVeat Jack-on establishment yesterdav afternoon, and by way of intro duction banded the merchant a card on wbicb was printed tbe name of bis firm, and wbicb is located in a North Carolina town. The merchant read tbe card and banded it back with tbe remaxk: "i won't buy anything fiom your bouse until 1 know whether or not tbey endorse the action of the North Carolina Legislature in mak ing such a fool to do about Fred Douglass." The drummer protest fC tfcey did nor, "cussed" bis Legislature rouadly on bis owa book and finally sold asmall bill. Jackson, Miss., Clarion Ledger. The Legislature is no more, but tbe Fred Doaglass resolution still lives and stings. North Carolina is said to have 1,14S citizens traveling in some commercial capacity. Tbese men are men of acuteness, business sense, popularity and inrtaence. As a class they are as gooc as tbej make "em. Before tbe Legislature of 189o they were proud of the O d North State, and deligbied to put "Noth Carolina' alter their names on tbe hotel register. Since the shade of darkness Jell over tbe land in tbe shape of the Douglas resolution North Carolina's name has been conspicuously absent from the rosters of the inns. Its I place has been taken by New York, Baltimore, Philadelphia, Kalamo ; zoo and .Mugcuunk. j In fact, a traveler told a reporter I Saturday that t be North Carolina I drummers had resolved that out- side of the State they woald not acknowledge tbey were from North Carolina except under promise of 1 tbe profoandest secrecy. Another noticeable fact is that ! along at the beginning ot tbe se& isiou members ol that body passing through always registered as '-Sen-ator' or "Representative." Since the Douglass matter they have dropped all sucb. Even Chairman Hokon, who, after the election, registered from '-N. C.r hs come down to plain "Yadkin ville." Twin LVv Datlv Sentinel. ' Maine Tackles the Theatre Hat. Augusta, Maine. March 'S2. A bill was introduced in the House today, making it a misdemeanor, punishable by fine or imprison ment, for women to wear large, hats at places of puolic amuse , ment. I HACIIFL n COKKFSl'ON DKNCK. Farming, Industrial and Personal ltniKoflhe e ehbnrhof.rt, ('apt. Harris and f.im ly ol Washington. N. C. etme orer Sat urday, M iii'b It' b on a Gsir In their fn:-nd ot tbis place. They came on tin- ("team tug Bdie, bur only stayc.l hbort while. They have returni d home, and Mins Cora H adder ol tbi place rrt urned hijic with them to visit trieuils at B.i'h Miss MatiMa Daw ot this pUce has gone to Leechvilie to isit friends and telatuis there. We were all sorry to ( M - Pa leave and hope he and Miss H id der will soon r. turn. We bave had much rain Us' week; it has kept the farmers from doing much in regard to planting their crops but some are through planting though, atd some are just planting while there are some farmers with us who are nearly ready to pick peas. There lias been a very large crop of Irish pc'atoes planted with us tbisspilng. We boe tbe farmers will have good luc-fc. Mr. J H. Hudson will soon start , his mill; he has been putting in a band saw. The Bay. Bush School. Oar public school under the trim agement of Mis Lla Lancaster of Vanceboro closed on Friday tbe lolh insf. Tbe clever teacher, always anxiou fir something to ; please her pupils, decided to give 'hem a picni 3, which took place on :be above named dte. Tbe little picnic was quite a success. Toe forenoon was taken up in making preparations for pinner, and the evening exerc ses Dinner ar twelve after which came , tbe excellent speeches yid exciting spelling match. The paprU lecited exceedingly well. Afer quite a number of interesting recitations and tbe spelling were over tbe prizes for the different spelling clashes were awarded by tbe teach er. Mr. Cellie Wetbrington re ceived the pri. as best spaller. Miss ZaU Causey, second, Mr. K. I W. Causey, third, Miss Kva Stokes, fourth, Mr. Jesse Bland, I flltb, Mr. Joe Bland sixth. "And ! last, but not least," came what 1 pleased t'ie little ones best a candy I treat. The occasion w.is well I attended, and all seemed to enjoy j it immensely. Miss Lancaster is an excellent I teacher, and bas done her utmost i duty at this place. We can ealely say, she bas the gocd will and the good wishes of the community. A Well Wisher. I BOl'E SOUND CORRESPONDENCE. I. fin on Hunting-, FUlim? a oil Other Matter? The fishermen are catching some very nice trout tisb now, but tbej sell for a small price considering tbe scarcity, only about -43; per lb. Mr. Tom Smith and crew caught i00 last week alt trout, and negro named Hoy t caught I01 at the same time. Mr. Tom Guthrie killed a Que deer on the banks last Saturday. Tom was ducking wben be spied a deer lying down on the marsh. He crept up close and shot him, but as the shot was small, he only wound ed tbe deer, aud bad to go home for bis dogp; tbe dogs were brought and deer soon c iptured. Tbe meat was tine. Kev. Dan Ueid, our circuit preacher was cn band last Sunday at Bethlehem, and preached one ot tbe best sermons we have beard in a long time. Your tvpo made us say last week that our triend A. H. Dennis was merchant. Should bave read, "our" merchant, Mr. B. F. Sui ters, etc. Mr. Dennis is one of our good farmers only. Ye have some of tbe prettiest girls in our community, to be seen m tbe state of Noitj Carolina, we believe. ISqi'EEN VICTORIA'S END NEAR? Almost Paralyzed Arms and Limbs Useless From Rheumatism Now Her Heart is Threatened. London, March 'Ji If the re ports emanating from court circles are true, tbe long reign of Victoria Alexandrina, Queen of Great Brit ain and Empress of India, is near ing anend. These reports are to the effect that Her Majesty is in a serious condition, and likely to expire at any moment. Kbeuma tism of tbe knees, from which she bas suffered for several years, bas not only deprived her ef tbe use of her limbs, but it bis extended to ber arms and back, making it almost impossible for ber to move Tbe best medical authorities ol tbe United Kingdom do not expect Her Majesty to live more (ban another year, but the general opin ion is tbat she will not lat half that long. Tbe doctors are strap. glingto keep tbe rheumatism from her heart, but they are greatly handicapped by the royal ladj'd age, she being seventy-six years old. She was born 1819, and has been exceeded in age by only two sovereigns of Kogland, namely, George IL. who lived to be seventy seven years o'.d, anil George III, who attained the age of eighty eigbt. On June 'JO she will have occu pied the throne fifty. eight years, having succeeded to tbe throne on the death of ber unci-1, King Wi!. Ham IV., in dune, 1837. ller length of reign has been exceeded by-Kjeorge III., who was on the throne nearly sixty years. Her bus band, Prince Alber'. died on Deo. 14,1801. WOMEN VOTER". Larsre Increase in their Kirotmt ion in Knsai Motlv Eoreiirn Horn and Negroes, Topeka, Kans., March 25. The registration just closed, shows a total registration of women voters this year, ,5v0, tbe largest since W. C. T. P. fight against the Re publican candidate for mayor in lfOl. The local women's Republican organization has been active this spring, but not in the interest of any special candidate. At Leaven worth the registration tor tbe city j election, 3. 700 or two fifths of the : total number of voters, are women. There are 3C0 more with their names on tbe poll books than ever before. Most of tbese registered as foreign born and colored women. A: Winfleld, oat of a registration ol nearly 2,000, one-third of tbe voters are women. Those interested in equal suffrage bave been organ Ized and active in procuring tbe i registration of all women. Dis patches from other points show a large increase in the registration of j women. ANOTHER THROUGH LINf'.j t VI iUf Uiiw i !!. I Hit Pennsylvania ;it 1lif Hack of it: To Connect i li t lie Roanoke and Southern Road at Winston. It is believe that plans art- iiuw being matured w hum, it rarrinl mit. will result in another trunk line between the 'itli and South. Several weeks ;i','n (lie li;ilti mote Manufacturers' Kecn l re ferred tn the fact that surveys had been made fur a few miles of track in the outskirts of ("ul umbia. S. ('.. fnm the terminus of the Florida Central ,V Penin sular's Savannah iV Columbia division to the Seaboard Air Line t racks. At present the Florida Central & Penisular enter Columbia ever the Charlotte. Columbia iV Au gusta division of the Southern system. This survey in itself i not so significant, but the Mann factut ers' Record has since learn ed that a route has been laid out bv surveys from the terminus of the Florida Central Peninsular survey to Winston Salem. X. C. A route followed bv eniners , in the interest of another line several y ears aio is .akeii fr. an Columbia to Monroe. N ( '. The route then passes to Salisbury, on the main line of tin.' South em, and from Sulisbiuy to Win , ston Salem. At the latter city t he i Roanoke S: Southern, which is practically the end of a route connected with the main line of the Pennsylvania Railroad, n r minates This road, which is in the hands of a bondholders' com mittee, joins the Shenandoah ; Valley road at Roanoke, and the latter by a connection with tii; Cumberland Valley Railway at Hagerstown. Md., "forms part of : a route to Philadelphia ami New York by way of Harrisbur. Pa. A glance at the map shows that this is oneYd' the most direct (routes between Florida and the i Xorth, although it leaves out ! Washington and Baltime.ro. As northern terminus is bv ! way of the Pennsylvania Rail : road, it is supposed that the ! scheme is being promoted in th .interest of the Peninsular Com panies. ; TALK OK ( ONSOl.in TliN. The Baltimore Sun gives tin ; piece of information : The Cape Fear it Yadkin al ley Railroad Company, of which General John Gill is receiver, is i building a number of large coal 'chutes at Point Peter, the sea port of Wilmington. X'. C, to : facilitate the shipment of eoa! ' from that port. These chutes are so arranged as to dump the coal direct from the cars to the ves sels to be loaded. It is said bv ; persons interested in the bonds .of the Cape Fear .V Yadkin Val ' ley and of the Roanoke .V South ern roads that a consolidation of these properties is among the probabilities in the reorgani.i j t ion which both wiil undergo I This would give a direct line from Roanoke, Va.. to Wilming ton. X. C, and would afford an excellent outlet to mat Southern 'seaport for coal from the Poca ! hontas fields Twin City Daily ; Sentinel. : THE DEAD LEIUSI.ATt'RE. i Some Reflections by a Correspondent of a RelieioiK Paper Closing Srpue i iHsgrrseeful Tbe SliamWfs Hriink i euness. From the North Carolina P.ap i tint's Raleigh letter iu its last issue j we take tbe following criticism ol . tbe late Legislature. Tbe strictures coming from such a source mase i them all tbe more marked: "The Legislature of 1S05 is no i more. S me good aod bad work ; was done. Much of the bad tbat ' was attempted failed lor one cause 'and another. That they left the charitable institutions practically undisturbed, is a matter for con gratnlation. Giving the State six percent inteiet, a new election law and an amended county gov ernment bill are matters that will work out their own good or evil. 'Failing to do some things they attempted was no doubt a disap pointmeDt, but it may prove for the good of tbe State. 'The closing scenes were, in many respects, disgraceful. Ex citement ran high aud 1 have no doubt it will be discovered that mi chief was done in many direc tions. 1 ' I regret to learn that whiskey ! was freely offered, and iu too many j cases accepted, and that several ol i the members were diuiik ou our i streets. Messrs. Brown of Yadkin. Phiilips of Pit?, and Campbell ol Cherokee were frequently no drank I as to be unsble to attend to their j duties, and they brought reproach 1 ufon tbe whole body. ; "There were a large number ol 'good men iu the Legislature, but ' they allowed designing, otiice seek ing politicians to lead them iu much that was done. Caucuses and not conscience ruled. "But the Legislature ol is:)."., as a body is dead. Its acts will be spread out before the people during the nex' two yeare, ami the people can judge for t hemselv s.'" SHAI.' WOMEN HOLD 01 Ml E." Jove4ior (air l.e Not Think 'II Can. Governor Car;- received a r v interesting and, for this Slat unique letter from a lady of (it nam count v. 1 lie lauv s nam i- Catherine be Yaughan. and her object in writing the Governor was to petition him to appoint her a notary public. The Gover nor. vvIipl lie came in receipt of the letter, looked up the matter in the constitution and reached the decision that the lady could not bo lawfully appointed It must have been a hard thing for the gal'ant Executive to do, but there was that obstinate oonsfi tution in the way. So Major Tel fair wrtoe the lady that it was with the greatest reerct that the Governor refused her request, hut that in this instance the stern law forbid him to do other wise. The Governor decides that the lady is not eligible to office on the ground that article o of the constitution expressly forbids women from holding office. Raleigh Visitor. "Jack the Clipper," who creeps upon victims and cuts their hair off, may serve to remind the bar-1 ber that sueh things can be ac complished noiselessly. TAX SALE. I have this U.iv levied upon the 11 following described Real Estate ro SattNty tne Taxes now due and ii'M'aid tor the yar S!M. And id sell at public outcry at the v iiurr house door in the city of New Berne, County ot Craven and i State of North Carolina at V I o'clock mid. lay ou Monday the J Nt d.'.. l April I.S'l.). a copy ot slid it-vy Iihh been tiled in the t.lliee iu the Clerk Ot the Com ; lor said Countv. Superior TowN.snir No. l . E H Anderson, L'S"i a Neune r 11 H Ad. ms. 45 i Bav Bash ll' !I7 .';: 07 87 I 07 ! Rlmnl L'T.! a Vanceboro T Bell, To a Cat Tail W P, ,r ow, l' I a Stvilt Creek E Bryan. .( a Palmetta J li a i k 5 Vanceboro .'3 KllaS 15. a ii g Bel j H Ollllt. S J B irrow, , 37 a Neuse r I a Folly Neck lln a Clark 81 S amps W Urow.i. 21 a Piny Neck E I II uiiiil, li; a Swift Creek LI 15: own, 4 a Piuey Neck I -ham B y u 23 a do M Lrvau I I X'nceboro M F I'.ryau 3o a Palmetto A A ( ' it on. 4:t a Utlln Neck 4 (50 j .". 70 0 4S ti 1 1 i 7 03 ; 10 -P! 3 07 Wui ' 'lev e J r 1 I jt ',inceboro 30 03 I' J (' leiry, 1 lot Vanceruro 7 10 II Cox s ,.c .-s ia;..l S-viltC.eek 3 31 W Coward iu a Creek Sanii ( 3.5 teab.jiu Cox. 100 Wilns Neck 3 00 A Dudley, .'IS -, L Dudlev, Pin I. E Dii.ilev. I ci vv i; )( 1'. 1' Diijkin.-, horn Mi; D n. 3 Piuey Neck 1 Ntuse r 2 '. acres land 2 s. 21 1 4 2 5 01 a Vance- Vanorboro J ( ) i vr Dawson 2o M 1' Dewev, 1 100 a Maul S. 0 a Nt'iifle r '2 C J I) utile; ; 730 a do 4 1 II ranis, 33 a Pint-y Nrck 0 John I'm ties 30 a Butlers Ford 0 Gt-o Falcher SI a Baaver Dam 7 1) .! Fule.aer 31 a 15-iar B-aucb 0 F Fames 30 a Bills Pocosin a S Fames, 200 a Creeping Saaip I C barbs Fornes "() a Bulls PllCOfilll 0 W H F.lbngame Jr 37A acres land Neuse River 0 W D Gwatlney 51 a Swift Cr. 7 09 10 7 34 0 S2 (i 28 0 52 ' S L Griflio 27 a Mt Pleasant 1 .1 () Go ttii 40 do . !1 B GMffin 00 a do ' Penny Gulfin SO a Mt Pleas ant 3 20 10 10 7 14 3 00 5 32 3 0(5 0 13 10 01 : W H Grdliii 110 a do !Chiistiaii v Mauling 250 do , I Gat-'V Haii iS 75 a Fishers S. ! Grauf (5 an is 5 a do !3.imut! Cons 15 a Piney ! Neck i Alton lloel1 3S a Maul S a iu j) T W lloell loo a Co EdftHid Hoell 2,S Vanceboro C J Heath 05 a Swift Creek 5 07 7 02 Prvau Hrath ."' a P.utles Ford - 70 P A Heath 10 a Cow Pens 0 43 Ctilleu Haddock 100 a Palmetto 0 11 L E Heath 25 a II ills Neck Leuard lpoik 172 a Bear Branch Lewis Ipoek S7 a Maul S amp C A I pock 51 a P.eaver Dam Frank .Ijlmsou '! a Swift Creek 5 81 0 OS 5 03 7 SO 5 4 7 Bennett Joyner 2S0 a Poplar S. 7 75 PeteJohnwou 11 a M t Pleasaut 5 10 Gt-orgo J ;ckeon 2 a do 5 80 Win KtrUm in .lrl"3 a Neuse River II 84 (V.lvin K irkman 20 ft do 3 35 R R Kittrell 150 a Maul Swanv 7 54 A A Kukraan 30 a Piney Neck 0 01 William ae 73 a Willis Neck 0 s2 F M Ktnf 220 a Grindle Creek 10 (50 Diniel King l l."i a Hill Neck 7 78 Wright Knight Sr 105 a do 1 70 I H Ken n ion 150 a Watery Bi ancb 3 57 Jesse Litlnnghoiite .50 a Will in Neck John Lithipghonse 104 a Vaucoboro Hut Godfrey Lmgly P0 a Palmetto D S Lancaster Sr 00 a Clarks Swamp Delirha Latbingbouse 1 10 a Maul Swamp I. M Morris '.! a Vanceboro R M lis 111 a Vanceboro M ALincaster 131 a do Wesley B Morris 23 a Maul Swamp W B Morris 101 acres land Piney Neck W H M orris 5 1 a do F M M irris 35 a Mt Pleasant Joseph Moi r;s 500 do Augustus McKay 50a Maul Swatop Slade Mourning 10 a Piney Xeck S A Green IS a Vanceboro fi 61 0 41 7 14 7 05 1 20 7 SO 4 03 5 03 7 01 7 00 0 05 7 98 0 03 9 03 5 20 5 1 1 2 15 5 57 2 00 0 10 Be'sy Wiggins 10 a Piney Neck M f-dlery Moore 20 VV J Moore 48 a H a do Xeck Poi u t Is a I I atrick Norris 01 5 Pocosin Andrew L meant ei ,0 a Pal- me'to William Pa'e 105 a Piney J Willis Patrick 00 a Neose r J .V Putser 11 a Vanceboro Jordan Peterson and wife 12 a Mauls Swamp John Powed. 10a Ciav Root S ( ; Purser. 2l2a N ulis Neck Henry Powell. I )a Palmetto Millie Partersticks, lb do Henry Edwards, 12 do Lydia Pollard, a do Charles SnttonJiOa Cow Pens I'.nhraiui Simpkius, 1 12 Bear branch J M Simpkins, Pu Swtlt ck J A Sutton, 1 2 Cov Pens Holland Smith, So Vance- 2 81 1 21 11 12 S 56 5 55 2 50 0 02 5 18 i 10 5 50 5 32 S 1 7 30 04 :i 10 .; 04 5 00 5 02 h.iro R W Smith, OO.i Willis neck W F Snitb, 100 Piney neck C 15 Si -ba-i, 00 i Piney neck l ;v id Car.ti-. Sr, 200 Willis N e c k W N Tiutile, 5 n Maul Swmp R E We! lienngton.55 t Neuse river W P Williams, 17a Pay hush N P Williams,' 17 Thomas Wiggins, 221a Pop- bar Swamp James Wilson, Ka Butlers Ford Louisa Wayne, soa Vance boro Stephen Whitford, 500a Bear Branch Nancy Wh'.tford, 77a Mason branch B 1 Wilhe.onj. Willis Neck N P Willis, 47a do A B Willis, 57a Bear branch Harlird Wdiif, 20 Neuse R W F Williams, 00a Palmetto Fuinev Powell, 10a do M E Dad, 31a do A P Willis, 100a Willis Neck Alex Wiggins, 77a Cow Pen C H Wiggins 100a Cow Pen B F Willis. 50a Mt Pleasant W F Warreu, 185a Poplar Swamp Mrs M E Williams, oOa Pal- metto M J wilhs, 20a do 11 70 in 24 0 S2 95 0 77 I.'. 78 7 38 7 60 0 30 0 01 1 i i 2 04 3 08 0 03 5 55 7 98 0 19 8 55 4 93 2 4G D E W hams,3i Mr, Peasant, L'jUIS WdllS, 110.1 " AunieLee. 1 lot Vanceboro McClees Wethenogtou, 80 1 Streets ferry Sy lvester Wiggins, 1 18 Pop lar Swamp Margeret Waters, l.'.iMU Pal metto township .no. 2. Alonza Avorett,2 i S iud bill Harrington Fulcder, 3U0a head Broad creek 4 2C 3 00 7 20 7 43 1 7 20 ." S7 7 1 1 n 0 50 4 04 4 4 ! 4 : 53 2 70 0 84 3 57 i . 3 57 32 55 1 24 5 71 2 Si 2 70 2 03 5 74 2 00 0.11 i (5 10 5 15 1 0 00 1 1 SL 3 82 (5 11 10 35 2 57 0 30 5 57 -lucge necton, i' . i Chest branch W. II Dunn: 0.")A Stapleford laud John E Everington,7oi Mud dy branch w B Edwaids, .Va Sand Hill F M E Jward, lai do Edgar A Fulcher,l 17 Forest do. for inkias heir." I3da do Ferdinaud r;mon, 70a Bioad creek 71 1 B arzilla liolton, K)a Flat Smp H P runstnl,40a TH aba Hearn, Lokey Cannon, MOO a Speight's Point, Aaron Hammond, .":) acres Charles branch -Jno J Ipock, .lj.i White Dak Freii F I pock, ."ilia " I,-, Saml Jones, L'Oa Muddy brnch .ack Johntiou. I'la ' Nathan Latham, 1'!j dob L vtham, lL' i " John Mctieehee,03 i Broad ck (Jeo G M arris, 13a. Shoo Fly Chas R Price. 34 Savannah Willis 1) Petcipber, 330a .1 uniper Arrington Purify, 001 a Hull Swamp Wm K Kowo, IGiei Juniper 43 01 ' 00 82 ; 30 j 04 .'50 j -'has hquires, lia Broad ck 04 s toler. lllUa r tat Swamp 3!) : Stephen Toler, 800a ' 70 ; J e U l iey , 24 k Broad Cree k 41 Bryan Wiley, 30 49: l Wayne;10Sa Shoo Fly 23 , Township NO. 3. 04 j .TftsSfl At kinson. 32 acres land 00 Oaskins land S 07 j Lestirii E Avery, 2a Dover 5 5 10 7 :;o 14 Mary Bt-eton, lOiMosely ck Ceasar Becton, 700a Poplar Swamp M W B:ddle, 100a Rose Hill Jesse Broadway, 540a White Place J J Bryan, 305 Green pUce Owen Bryan, 31 a Dover Nathan Bryau, 15 " David Bi8t,20 v Poplar Swmp Sml Crewell, 1 , Cove W7 E Clarke, 300a Dover I H Doughtery , 108a Core ck D W EuOanks, 7"i Dover 8 W Grady, Dover Joo A Ipock, 112i Core ck Emanuel Jarman, GSi Snake bole J W Jones, I S i Dover depDt Perry " i Barnwell Fred " 100a Sasannah H J " 50 1 Flat S ramp Jessie Jones, 50a Susannah Ambrose Jones, 50i ' Geo F Leibman. 1 a Core ck Rosana Mills, 20 1 Mosely ik T R Mooie, 10a Gum pocosiu Allen Murrell, !2a Barnwell C M IMtman, 1 3.5 t " Primus Rhem, 13 Moeely ck Hi-ury Ruuse, 100a McCleese laud Rosa B Smith, 427a Ft Barn well Ada Russell, OoO.i Moaely ck Lou Taj lor, 2oa Louis Rouse tract Frank Wallace,. 17a .Mosely ck Geo W Wear, 1 10a pocosin J A B rieath, 303 i Core ck Willie White, !)a Mosely ck R W Williams, 250a Carmac land B B Woolen, 150a Turkey Trap 7 00 2 71 28 5 30 5S 9 33 5 10 18 31 8 08 2 74 0 77 0 00 6 S3 0 11 7 73 3 36 5 80 3 06 1 o 20 9 78 10 62 0 77 20 30 24 01 8 15 3 20 3 04 3 25 9 67 5 56 7 41 1 (5 04 TOWNSHIP NO. . Ehzibeth Austin, 25 1 Ca- booque creek James BriggB,100a Gam Hill das Brown Sr, 10a head Club foot creek Emanual C Bell, 100a Blue Bribes Creek C C BhI! Jr, 19J N B & B rd Edward Bryant, 50a Oa booqae D M Breton, 10a Borden rd Saml Blango, 50a Mortons Mill Pond Wm Blango, 50 do Jas " 50a do James Black, 13a Clubfoot ck Amos F Carter, 140a head Kings creek Isaac H Carter, .'5! i Clab- foots Creek Geo W Carter,33a Cobooqae Martin " 47a Neuse r Elijah Carter, 15a Morton's Mill Pood Jas T Carter, 84a Mitchell's creek Jas C Carter, 7a Clabfoot ck Jao W Conner, 100a Jos E Cully, 30 Mitchells ck W U Cully, 336 a N B & B rd Uaty Cbadwick, 50a head Hancock creek Pter Chapman, 100a Adams creek Btrten Chapman, 50a Adams Creek Jas Croom, 7a Adsms creek Saml Dove, 30a Cahooque Pboeby J Dove, 50a King ck VV H Dove, 45 i Cahoque M miu T Davis, la near Craven co.-ner Harvey Feuner, 25 1 Mitchell creek John Feuner, lUOido Geo T Fenner.25 river shore Jos l'enner, 33i Mitchell ck Jacob Feuner,60i river shore Solomon Fisher, 00a Club loots cek, Edward F Fisher, 150a Han cocks creek Spencer G Fisber,50a Cahoo que Bryant Farrow, 0a Clubfoots creek 3 H Gray, 200a Adams ck John H George, Il ia Mitch ells creek 2 45 9 58 3 00 1 55 6 01 6 38 5 41 2 81 5 98 5 91 5 85 5 07 6 57 5 71 6 15 5 61 3 25 5 32 11 71 5 72 6 11 6 05 4 97 3 06 5 76 2 81 3 11 3 26 5 15 5 76 7 65 6 26 5 04 5 00 7 50 I 31 (i 15 S 40 S 40 5 50 2 SI 0 15 7 04 5 01 2 40 5 57 7 04 0 1(5 5 72 5 01 9 14 Emanuel George, 75a Club foots ereek rheouhlns Creorge,5la Mitch ells creek oideon B George, 10a do A T oeorge, 94 i river shore James c;eorge, 20a Clabfoota creek Polly iodett, 20a do Isabella oodett, 100a Cahoo que R B oodett, .'!8a Mitchell ck Jeremiah oodett, 38 a Club loots creek John C oodett, 25a do W II riDdett, 17a Blue Billies creek John H Groves. 139a Coats ck John Gaekill,35a Clubfoot ck Abner N Gooding, 25a Mor tons Mill Pond Henry Green,33a Mitchell ck James Harris, I'll Adams ck John Ives, 10a do Miles Jones, 60a do 3 23 6 13 2 81 2 20 5 25 0 33 0 41 4 62 i Edward Jones. GOa Long ck ' Abner Jones, 125a Clubfoots creek Richard Jackson, 00a Adams creek lVSCZ eLllie. 13 i Cumf-aits Creek Eliz ibeth Martin, 31 i Club foots creek John Martin, .".li Mitchell -k Rtgdon Martin, 31 Clubfoot creek Benj Martin, ,V i d' Jac b Martin ill v Mitchell ck Jno T Moor.- 25 1 H im: ck ck Zack Mitchell, o0 . Mi;cbela crr k JeHse Mircheil, 0 i d.i Jas W Miteht-ll 5,-a Kings clc Y. !en Mm u iii-iis, "in i Club- loots creek Svnj Mason, 1 ' i A 'lams k John Nowlanii, 15 i P:ue bil lies cteek Stephen Priestly, -15 i Mirch eil creek Sarah Perry, 20 1 ChPOoo's creek J P Oidett, adrnr. Edward Hnkin-, 2O0a Caho (pie ck Bt-nj Richard, Jr, 1 15 w s Mitchell creek Maria Higs.Oo.-i Long cieek David Sparrow, 10a Mortons road Geo Stampp, 10 a Morton's mill pond Nathaniel Simmons, 22A Ad ams creek Jas L T-.y lor. S70 Long rk Richard Wallace, 12 i Adams creek Alfn d W.Honghbv. M ! ' ciu-i in er vt k Susan J WilloiiKlibv. 51a do i , ; i 1 Sidney Wh'teh er t-hore C 1! Wt-.i er'y. ad. 2 )0a nv- W Waters, agt ltjo i C0-. rry ISraie h . No 0 ToWNSUIP. Jas Anderson, acrt-s II avt :- lock G'O Berry. 37:. a Slocnmbi i creek Wm II Bettner. 10 a UMock Arao- 15 -tts, in a oo ; Mrs L M Burden, 129 a Croa I tan Stephen Cavinor, 55 a Han cocks creek j Harry C 'Um an, 52 a Croatan j C C Canuon, 92 a Havelo.-k ! Alfred Dn Fore, 2.000 aCroa- tan a. Do.st.-n, 300 a do 6 3 13 02 i 7 I 58 j 55 i I 40 ; 07 I A L Heath. 120 a Prices ck D F Hardes'y, 25 a Han cocks cret k Mrs J T Ives. 5 a Crcatan VV U Ives, 135 a Gioat brnch Noai Jackson, 1,750 a Croa t in John Johnson, 50 a Sloeumbs creek J F Lackey, 25a Haveleck Tuner McCray, 40 a Han cock. ci eek Cassy Nelson, 25 a Slocumbs cteek Aaron Xelsm. 70 a do Isaac Smith, 10 a Havelock Isaac Sbaw, .50 a Havelock Martha Spai kw, t) a Han cocks creek Noah Smith. 70 a Croatan T J Toison, 115 a do E R Tolson, 00 a do R L Tolson, SI a do H'irtence White, 102 a do Mrs J I? Wateon, 10 a do E M Webber, 25 a Hancocks creek 4 14 4 82 4 04 0 OS 0 OS 5 84 4 M 5 50 No. William Pel Town v.m p. I I A acres part C nner tr-ck A D Fisber, 5 s a Riverdale Wm F Fay, 1 .Onu a East Reedy Branch Pnm us Foy, 05 a ad j Jes?e Brooks S Hackett, 200 a Beaufort rd B W Ives, - a R vt-rdale Mahala L-e, 5 a ;iJj Gruy woort L P Martin, 51.1a adj Jeaee Brooks Susan Owens, 37 a do H H Perry, no a Hancock tract C F Simpson, 183. a railroad aides Slade, 5 7 10 a adj H R Bry an Henry Spruill, 10.) a do Washington Spivey,05 a adj Jesse Brooks D I Yood, 200 a Riverdale No. 8 Township. Louis F Averv, 17 acres Bachelors creek Martin Arthur, 1 lot Scotts alley Elizabeth Banks. 1 1 West st Thomas Bryan, 1 1 Brybre alley Alfred Baker, 1 1 Cedar ft Dinah Bradey, 1 lem'tv It Mrs VV S Blount, 1 1 CVvn st Richard C Baker, 1 1 Braggs alley Lina P Broadstreet, 1 1 Geo. street Fanny Burney, 1 1 Metcall st V'rgil S Bryan, 1 1 Eden st Louisa Brice, 15 a Nense rd Louis B Bynum, 1 1 near Pol lock street Harriet Roberts, 1 1 near George street Rachel Bryan, 1 1 Trncnp ally E K Bryan, 1 1 Graves and Union Geo Bragg, 1 I vaeeii St Rebecca Bryan. 1 1 Tin cup ally A C Craigg, 1 1 Pasteur st C C Clark for A M Justice heirs I 1 East. Front St James Chase, I 1 Pavie town Basten Chapman, -1 I (ieo st Lawrnce Cotten, 1 1 Kil marnock street 28 1 10 3 8 0 5 4 0 38 16 5 7 IS 1 2 6 9 4 4 4 I 9 1 7 4 10 5 4 3 2 25 3 5 (i 27 3 3 I ' 0 5 -I Clarissa Cox, 1 I Dully Hill Theresa Cox, 1 I Pavio town Reuben Chapman, 1 1 Rtiz enstein viile Charles Collins, 1 1 Oioen t W i: Claike age, 1 i Drytioio Loraua Coley. 1 1 RetzuL- steinsville Sam"! Cook, 1 1 Pollock St, Sasau Bo wen, 1 1 Stanly st Airy Crispen, I I Scotts ally Mary .laue Calloway, 1 I t leeu street Christopher 1) xon, 1 1 Forbes 2 40 8 15 1 0 i alley Richard Dixon, 2:2 a Deep (iuliy Isaac Davenport, I 1 Jerkins land John Daniels, 1 I Burly town J J Disosway, 1 I Pollock st do ex E B Justice, 1 1 Ea.-t Front St Gambo Bardeu, O ) a Bache lors creek Malissa Dixon, 1 i jeen st Rebecca Dillabnnt, 15 5-4 a Neuse road Jonas Daniels, 1 1 George st Jas Duncan, 1 1 Broad st William Downes, 1 I Ash et John Dawson, 1 1 Pavie twn Mary Dudley, l 1 prtwe twn Jas E 1 ward.-, 1 1 do Luke Elliott, 1 1 Bryan and Crooked streets Solomon Edmondson, 8'! a near Clarks brick yard G T Eu banks. 15 a do Garrison P Ellison, 1 1 Jer- kius alley Peter Fisher, 1 1 Sott ally Laura For.-, :5i a Liues br'ch Henry Ferrancl, 1 1 Pavie Cn Lonisa Fisher, 1 1 Scotts ally Mrs Celia Fulford, 1 1 John- 0 02 9 0 5 1 5 5 20 10 1! 2 66 10 27 4 2 4 00 ! 2 00 3 5 65 7 4 2 3 2 65 60 ! 50 I 33 ! 81 1 on street 1 2 21 2 52 lmanuel Fisber, 1 1 Gard ners alley 11 ' ' 2 50 Jno N Gerald, 1 I Rei'U- 2 50 fcteinsville, 1 '1 Mis S G Guthrie, 1 1 Craven 0 0, 5 si Antbonv Green, 1 1 Tiu cu i 2 50 3 10 Sonhia Green, 1 I Gao-ge arid 5 70 G leen streets 5 10 5 50 Caesar Garlum, I 1 G -urge st 7 65 R .-'laid Greii. 1 I Randolph 0 ol to. and JeikiUH alley ( -1 2 22 Aitieri Gorliam, 125 a Rocky 5 40 Run 5 3 vV 11 Hargett, 1 I ( leen st .' 81 5 00 ti V H II. 1 I Craveu st 22 01 2 81 CnaibsM Harris, 1 1 Tin cup iilley 5 6 1 2 35 Louisa Ua'cn, 1 I Scotts ally 2 81 W R HulUs, 1 1 Pavie town 3 58 S07 William Hairis, 1 I O k 6 02 Bnj Harris, 1 1 jeeu and 2 58 P.ll.ck 5 61 M P Holly, 1 1 G -orge H 10 8.5 1 51 Violett Ann Holloway, ue rs by Hetty A Whitcomb 1 I 0 50 Crooked sc 7 14 4 4 1 Charlo' tallyman, 1 1 Braggs ally 6 I 1 2 40 Josephine Henderson, 22' a between Neuse .V Trn't rd 3 00 2 10 George Ireland, I I Pavie Cu 7 14 F'rank Dawson, 50 a Bache 5 3.5 lors eret k 3 (M 15 87 E H Johnson, I 1 Whites ally 6 21 5 22 L iwrence Jennett, i I Pavie to ii 5 S(! 0 5o L tura J ickson, 1 I Tin cup 2 70 alley 2 50 Jas Jackson, 1 1 Cypress st 4 0O 1 31 Susan Jones, 1 1 rsraggs ally 5 00 ' Htnry James, 1 I Pavie two. 5 88 1 I 25 Havwood Jones, 1 Crooked 4 00 W II J ohnsec. 1 I Sianly frt 1I 10 Amos Jones, I Queen st, 4 00 2 25 , Decator Jones, 1 i Pa ie t'wn 4 60 John A'Jones, 1 I Moonshine 2 04 ; ally ' 4 60 5 40 1 Thomas Kelly, 1 I Ash st 4 00 5 72 Simon Lottiu, 1 lot Gak and Ash sts 4 43 j W U Lewis, 1 I Primrose st ; Harriet Lswis, 1 1 do 10 0 4 4 4 10 6 02 38 32 Everett Lindray, I I Jones and rooked ets James Henry Long, 1 1 Pavie town 52 80- Mrs M D Moulton, 1 1 Eist 4180; Front and Change sts 5 37 I Emauuel Meriick, lot West i Can line Mendenhall, 1 I 2 20 ; Cedar street 2 40 Chas Midyeite, 1 1 Reizen 5 00 j steiosville I Menerva Mumford, 1 1 Queen lo 98 ' street Lucy Mitchell and Anna 5 5S Jones 1 I Scot's alley 5 35: W R Moore, 1 1 New South j F.ont sts " 3 Isaiah McMillan, 100 acres j Rocky Run - os Hannah Matthews, I 1 Q leen 4 '0 I Nancy S Moore, 100 a B icb 2 i lors creek "-' 60 I Ella R Mace, 1 1 Broad and 6 12 3 7 5 3 4 8 0 2 15 3 10 5 5 4 5 4 14 4 Mt tcalf sts Redding Mcllwaine, 1 I Ash Gatsy Mcllwaine, 15 a Neuse road Geo VV McKeel, 20 a Clarks hrick yard J EO'Hara, 1 I Pavie town M les F Drum 1 I Eden St. Norma A Pbysio, 1 1 Court street Augustus Powers, 1 1 Qaeen Harriett Pool, 1 1 do 1 1 Edward Parris, 66 Spring st .'0 James Parsons, 1 1 Ronntree C E Palmer, 1 I Bt-rne st Ritty Rowe, 25 a Trent road Geo A H Richardson, 1 I Pavie town Penny Gai lm, 5 a Neuse rd J R Richardson, 1 1 Geo st John Riggs, 17 a Bachelors creek E A Richardson, 1 1 Q'n st Martha Ransom. 1 1 Duffy Id Fh rence Randolph, 1 I Queen street T B Royal, si a near Rocky Run S R Street for wife, 1 1 Pol lock street do for children. 1 1 Middle st W S Smaw, 1 1 Farmwell Mary Jane Smith, 1 1 Queen Clarence Stanly, I 1 Ran dolph and George sts Kitty C Stanly, 1 I Berne st B Swert, 1 I Broad et W 11 Starky, 1 1 Pavie town H T Scott, 1 1 R izensteins ville Matthew Simmons, 1 I Q'o st Mary A St.arkey, I I New st VV II Shepoard. 1 I Grifliti st M M Shute, 106 a Deep Gully J B Smith, 1 I Pavie town Mary Jane Smith, 1 I Q n st J A Simpson, 1 I near Bi'J Sam'l TaGor, 1 I W8f. st Nathan Tiedale, 52 a N'se id Gitsy Williams, 19 a Bache lors creek Lucy A Tncker, 1 I Berne sts Salina Tayior. 1 I Pavie t'wn S A Vail, 1 1 New So F'nt et Abraham Walker, 12 a N'ee road Thomas Williams, 1 I Pavie town Adam J O Walker, 1 1 Cr mer st William Wiggins, 1 1 Pollock street Kzekiel William?. 1 lot IteizeiiMcin- ville 01 3 2 5 3 2'' 10 36 OS 10 51 0 21 91 23 2 81 6 11 7 31 17 3 5 10 7 14 7 14 62 16 00 00 0!) 00 82 00 90 60 19 06 00 06 35 01 51 06 56 35 5 40 6 11 7 90 6 11 7 !( 10 45 5 01 5 in 12 46 409 24 64 5 10 4 00 3 0(5 8 76 2 56 3 57 7 14 4 01 I U .ac Willis, 1 lot Scott- all"V 4(5 II. C. Whitelmr-t. 1 l"t Ju en -t 57 Viri-il WinOli v I ..t Gardner 57 :'l!ey I Mrs tsirah C Woo.l. 1 lot K.len t .- j W A Wili-fix s:5 a Neuse lbv.nl ''"'l'-"11 Wll.-Mill. I let .li'lkllis 1 md '. I iiardft Williams, r lot PaMure inl " j 1 'i imr. ie s-lreef, Ito-ana Wiir.l. 1 lol Foihts alley. 16S:nitli Wavno. I lot urivwns alley 10 1 Ivbv.c.l Vilen, 1 let Pavie Town 08 I Allium West, 1 Inl Queen stivtt i Hiver White. "o nciv Trent ro.nl li 11 4 1 -5 .l J s!l .". Ill n; 2 Pi 5 '.'s ii !2 li 1 I I e'.t :. S 1 1 1"0 mi.-i - White, oil a .New mud Geo li Willis. 1 lot Fast Front t, II Hi.lv Wi)olM, 1 lot Farm ville .1 J ! W'Wi f o . TO n Neuse roail I'uppv Jane While. 1 lol .It rk i n - n - ol-uonli . ( V..(,ti ii. 1 I '..I l'..lo 1- -I. I .1 It It ii.-ii I :t "iT .Mi 'an 4 r.l ' HI M..-e- Willi. 1 lot Good -t, ( H'oCi.e o'l- n.'en. I lol r.ive" -t TI" una- P Wdsoii, 1 lot Pavie T, V-ii.. Wilkin-. 1 let White- allev. oi ; 50 ; 1 ovv n sn 1 e no. '. I 1 ' V verv 7 ! X'eiise I I tl. I 00 : V v, 1 nold. 1 11 Neu-e r md (' V li.mert, l7'-' a Harper phu-e In Charily I'.i-f.vvn, 143 a uaclilor ek ( ilv in Cliui-cldll, (i'.i .lumping Kun K..O- ( or otl. a ii icliloi's k .hum - F. ll.lirulil. TO a Baelielurs creek Mack Davis, tsH a Tu'carnra Major Dixon, Oil a Dover road W C Dav is. 2"o a Miii'v bnineh i. 1 1 60; Daniel Davis heirs. 1 JO a Dove, r 5(5 : I. I l'u-reh. Oo a Turkey 'uar'er : .1 tv A I'lvl.'.i-. oU a Dover road 00 111 ;odett, t.l a Tu-caiora ni Ili'l. sn a liacheioi- i k K T tV' -I 1" 1 pock. .) a ( "re ck K T Ipock, t7s H Tiiscarora W in M Io.ck 300 a Core creek Owen Kunieir.iy. loo Dover id 11 Mar:ha I.avvson, o a Hachelors ck Hen I.ollen. So ;i Dover road .liil.n Ann IiCvy; 23 a Tuscarnra Cuero Meoitr, 160 a Bachelor ck Win M Mitchell, a Miny IJr'cb If C Pope, r4J aTuscarora Allen Patrick, 5 a iachelors creek Monroe Ron n live heirs, 06 a Dry- moumer road Jos"ph Staten, 35 a Mirry branch I I in v s, ,. , . -j ; , , , , ., ,-, 7 .... T: ... II.,. ,. 1,.', , 7 M 1 . . . i" . . , ,. si; ' - 0 I V p. -;i i I' t . i C... M.i.i. I i.i i ni: ki ( k i tsi n.viiov. Kp U'" IIiimio iI of ( ic c li- 1 . i ( S.iv. itiT Mntioii ( ei sin ,i Ii t N n; ( -imived lor lc uv in K-k iimik the ( revv nf I lie Ni.fiiiril. W ASH I N O I f iN. !).(', M.oeh 25. r3Uperiiite..iien; K 1 : 1 1 1 1 .1 i i has Wlill.-ll .1- f 1 1 l , . w p. Ol the i- il'lT ol ihe lite .having r.i.i ..m . (,i.,e,Ue. N. c. W'anliiniihiii. 1 (' . Muuli 25, 1895 Mr. Jame- W Howard, neeH'r ( l.'r.n: k. Lte.Sniue; Sta tion, Oci acoke, N ( Si. : I a n Hi : ee- ,. ol : i, (i ,al report o! the n. "' ig im u made Oy As-ihtani l.e-c.ir New come 111 I O CO C U til -I ' : r - - id l !.,. Hn ot Pie tiy : !. i-1 tand "i; oi the sclioo er Ku-ha d So: 11 ml. near () ra;-. ke, ei; 'lie 27.'. (.: December 1801 It o-i'iiH that t h" - .oiUM-i stran ded ill oil', 250 rfid- tionj ihe heach eaily in toe u..: !, ; n g .1 lh.it day; tna' you ai.d k. t jn-r 1". iu-iI, ol l he P- 0 '-in '.rh : ion, I o which Nil I'lr I ..; a tl en i-!igagil : li 1 vxl o(m 1 ' e 10' r . r ali.u' daik, and lu.G yooi . . w ,01 i-. ol ahoil t 8 p. 111 .. c hi -1 t 1 'I 1 x haunted biir-g 0 (jr on r ti -;j : i.e beach ajai a(u ; : Ii 1! y ,u te. el n atteojpt t ;e-f:iie Ie- . in .er II I. f men oil t he -e ;e 1 e-: . . . I - V ' !' . when you ' o .k oil h e : 1 .1 .! one seam in, 'he il-,nd ;iii..g d led fr o Jl 1 X h a U si .on ,1 1 1 1 ; 1 a ie . and the ii'iii r met . w ie- I v 1 were ' rn 1 .1 . he. won gi eat e tJ jr 1 1 e . r o . .1 ; .. e , n ,re d. 1 1 . lug ihe previous d . , The master ol 1 h m-!....i .-r 11 bisstttement aileg d ;:is' (.Ig. ment was nt.t (-oovvo e 1.. neglec'ng to shoot a i.ne iu ihem in tne nigh', tin' l! ie tool been promptly shot n;"ti your arrival, all would have got ociiore by m il night ;n:d the l ie ol the t- waul would have been s .ed. In explanation of y 0111 l.tdure to shoot a line over th" mmoo o r, you say that the ri ght was so J ul; thai no one could see t :n- ii .i ; that j en had nowhere to shoot lm, only tli space ot about t wo I. t t. iho yu were satisfied iha! it the sa.lnrs came to look tor ine li'ie .Lev (ould not Qtid i', but w.odl bo w asht d overboard as these. wrie bie.ik. ing right ov r the l.v : 1 h 11 thv bad no light by which to read the tally-board and no placo to rig 11 7) the geai; anil ihG yon were i-aiis- 33 28 43 60 80 47 Pi 46 21 06 75 (15 5 7 02 00 S7 51 00 82 80 57 06 0 ) 18 09 10 83 hed lhal bvea w. re ed in your oot shooting. vVi'h this Keei er Terrell, who was w.'ii yen, ueems to con or. Wbilo the as irta :! inspector expresses the opinion that no t lame should a '.too to y . 11 lor your lailure to trtke ae.'i.m ui) me diately upon your a-r val i,i ihe beach, and while 1 .no -illing lo admit th o then port and i!n evi dence ihdcaie. tha' the lo-s of Ihe lite of the steward pioluMy could not have beiu previii'nl by Ihe adoption ol any means in your pojeer, 1 c.t'.no' avoid the (-inclusion that you should have i iiilf iv. ored to put a line ovo r ills' wreck, and thus have ixiiiu I'd the list possible chance o! ellei l i.g a ie cue at that tone, l,ov-.evr ;ht that chance may have 1-1 run il to you. in this way voo would have averted uul.'v orahle ei itiei-in. Vour excuses that your firing might bave involved danger o those on board; that i.u w.-ie s i isbed that they could riot had the line, bnV would be washed over board in the endeavor, and (hat they had no 1-ght by which to read tbe tally boai d, all i-eein to me to be fi ivoloua and unwert iy ol you. it appears to me that you neglee.ud to make the llor simply bcmse yon bad no don't m your own mind that it wool i re.-ult in failun : Probably y our j idmeut was cor rect in this regard, loir t d )es not excuse you lor not making the at tempt. In view, however, ef - our Initio: able and efii 'lent r.c'rd mole eo occa-oous ol s.a 1 .v i ec I; heretofore, I deem it proper to rotielude the matter wnh ihe abn.o diiioiiu.on. Jvespi 1:' Icily o 11 rs .S. ! . Kim hai l. Cel. 'I ISopt. U 1.01:1: m: vi; 1 it ooiio. 00 15 00 95 92 10 04 14 57 90 A jrro li; iitnlly (lulu a While Man lo linn Ii a- (I I sr 1 i s. On las' Thursday . M 1 . J. .si ph C. Iiutlin, a ju-t ce id Ihe peace 111 Pdgecom tie cimi h 1 resides near Tarboio, had 1 ; aaiiel wi.h a negro worn in on h (aim, ihe wile of Mosses Pender. The loi-baud ol the woman became violently in censed Then he heard of it and went in search of Mi. l.'i:0i 1 wnh a club. He found I. is v 10 im in ihe Held some il stai ee fiom his homo in the atterrioon and b;;.tvllv cbib bed bim until I:.' na-i ire ensible. Supposing Mr. K .fiio to hi- dead, Ihe mnrib rer tied and since then nothing has leen heatd ot him. Alter being pi o.-trait l hou.c .17 'Jo 0' 2li 4M time Mr. Ri.lii'i revived and snc- ceeded in get tme; h one and give an account of the hiiitai assault uon him. Kvtivth!!' it, a! was possible was done lor ihe ir mrcd mau, bn' he was so badly n lured that be died soon i tt i reatdilng home. He leaves a wile ami several children. Ills life was insured (or 3,000. Adi-pa'ch re.'f ivc-d by the Mn sengt r yei-terday decni t s Mostn Pender, the murderer, as 01 o k, mx feet high, weigh' abou lb ' p ut d-, and Hgeil ilpp 1; , r; i oil o' to yeais. ills aire t i.ii.soel. Any lhlor rr, 11: ton cdt Mini; ' h" matter emi be ail d 1 e - st 1 1 n . M r . ) nn-s II. Rufliii. W hi'.akeis, N. VV 51. Messenger. A Niu tlicrn. r Cuvv lintcil In Southern Wo lie ii . VV -.ii i so . 1 1 'N. M ; i ri i i .'i -A n Alexaodri.i sp. ",al (.. t he W,is.. iiifrlnn Kvoiiin ..-w.-, s iv- i1:,t tins ni.iroioo; .Mr. H,.nr llio. -, one nf ( he Cit i .ens i d A . vau.lii i, was tried o f . 1 1 . 1 1 1 -; i . 1'iipuvv for assaulting .1. ( ' N'.e-e. ;i Pennsy Ivaniao. win., it wo-, al leged, had in .!! s oiie r. ioark derogatory t.. Voona Wt.nieii. Ho was ;ici a 1 1 1 e 1 As Wee-o, the aei lis.-r. left the court lie had In pa-s ilinuiejli ;i double line i.f vv.oin n all arineil with raw hidos who h a' linn so u n mere i fully tha' the aid of a physician had to bo called in. An attorney who appeared for him was compelled to go down on his kneese and apologize. DON'T forget that Old 1 'a p. i s can I e bought rbeap.nt lln; Jo'.'knal otiice and n any quantities. tf

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