' . i,V ; . -: lina .. .- -'. - V: s 5 - - - -- C - HIT S" ;$1.00Per Year INDEPENDENT IN ALL THINGS. Single Copies, 5 OentiC 1 mi VOL. XVIII. NEW BERNE, CRAVEN COUNTY. N. C., APRIL 4, 189T,. NO. 5 n't . 0 a ia What is Castoria Is Dr. Samnel Pitcher's prescription for Infants and Children- It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Xarcotlo substance. It is a harmless substituto for Paregoric, Drops, Soothing Syrups, and Castor Oil. It Is Pleasant. Its guarantee is thirty years' use by Millions of Mothers. Castoria destroys Worms and allays feverlsJiness. Castoria prevents vomiting Sour Curd, cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic Castoria relieves teething troubles, cares constipation and flatulency. Castoria assimilates tho food, regulates the stomach and bowels, giring healthy and natural sleep. Cas toria is the Children's Panacea the Mother's Friend. Castoria. 'CMorU Im mn ezsrUcnt BVedici'no for chil- X otten h" npntadl j told ma of lu good ffct upoB Uxir ciiiUrcn.' Da. O. C Obdooo, Lowell, Xia. " CMtcrte ii tha beat remedy for children of . hkh I am acqaainted. I hopa the dy ia not kea OMthen vfll eooaider tha raol tof their children, and naa CaatorU ia- ataad of tha Tarfanaqoack nostrama which ara SMferoytef tbeh lowd oiMa, by forcing Galium, mortihiaa, aoothioc Tj rap and other hnrtfal down thHr throats, thereby arnrlirn I to premature frarea." Dm. J. F. EzscnLoa, Coara-ayt Ark. - TTa Oamteatr Ca uaai, TT H WRITE a fRiyerside KSMSLS, P0HLTBY, - ' PET STOCK TABUS, .for their immense cat a(6gue to be issued this month. It costs only a 1-stamp. . ,.. A EGGS FOB HATCHING A; SPECIALT Y Frisss ca Fowls. -a f.;e. hege & co-, NEW BERNE, - N. C. ; JWIm - LADIES DO TOTJ KSOW T -it- DrV. FCUX IX BRUN'S 5THL ES3 PEPHYEBYHl PIUS rathaOTisiBBlasMl only FKrTN'CH. aafeand re- KCara aa ta ssarasa. met uiu aeot ta taaidoaly by P..SL DUFFY, Druggist and Sole Agent. J. F. 5AUM & C0 WHOI.ESAI.K Mm Ccmisaon - Merchant, " 9K1A.AT2-. WASSET3TC2T. S. C. Solicit Consignments of Gram, Hay, Butter. Eggs. Lire nod i. Dressed I'oultry u,t I'ork. Came. Boots, Fur, Wiiol, tircen and Dneil Fruit?. Etc. . ILeter to the Citixexs Nat'l Bask. .mr30dwtC Farmers ! MONliiY WAVJEJD i - ' " IS r MONEY iMADE. BUY YOUR Plows, ; Cultivators, "arrows, and Other Farming Implements of L. h. cutua & CO. Received! A large lot of new irOBTH CAROLINA HAMS. I am also agent fr "Be-t oa Earth" . and Gold Medal Flour. Try a barrel. Satiafattion Guarar.teei or nvicev refuud- ed. " Lorillarrl and Gail and Ax Snuff a spec- "''.JSonntry Merchants will do well to aet me before buying elsewhere, as I guar antee to sell you goods cbenper for the CASH than ay bouse in the city. My tables are free to the trade. All Coods Guaranteed or money re funded. Yours Respectfully, HO. 77 BBOAD ST. Br. C C West's Nerve and Brain Treatment Si sold sader pottUie written gnarastee, by author ised ssrena oolyt to esre WeaA Memorj i Lo ot Sraln and Sue Power; Loat Manhood; C, atrknese; tlicckt tiwn; Era Bnwns' I-k ot Ckcfldence; Jtervoasaees; Lawttade; alt umfcrr.; Vom ot Power of tha (ieaeratiTa Onrana ra either sex, cawed bjr - oer-vxantoa; Taathfal Ifrrore, or Excessive TJra of Toteeso, OpiasB or UVjoor, wttieb sono lead to . M swr, Oorwiptioo, IiMumity nd Death. Br mall, $1 a box; forS; wttn written vnaraitee to cure or (Vrsal aseawy. WESTS COUGH 8VBUP. A certain Srrre tor Coatca. CokU, Aoinua, K.-oochltln, Croae, : Waoopiasi CoBfiJi, Bora Throat, pleasaat to Use. Snaatt aiaa diwuBtlnaed: okt, enn. atse, bow J5r.; old bsaasvaevfiua. auneU oalg b . F. 6 Daffy, Sola Agent, Harker Jr LIFE- Castoria. " CastorU b o well adapted t.- clii' Jren that I recommend it as superior to any prescription known to me.' II. A. Abchxr, H. D., Ill So. Oxford St., Brooklyn, N. Y. 'Our physician in tho children's depart ment have spoken highly of their experi ence in their outside practice with Castoria, and although we only have among; oar , medical supplies what ia known as repilir j products, yet we are free to confess that tha merits of Castoria has won us to look with faror upon It." CmTID HOSPITiL LTD DlsTTXSAfcT, Y Boston, Kass. Aixasc C Sarra, Pret., THE DANCER. I Skin creamy as the furled magnolia bud I Thut stal the dusky slmdows of her ' hair; , Great sthiilcl eyes, ami suddcn-pidsincr bloxl Staining her check, and throjt, and shoulder bare. (Ah! Manuelils, I'epitA iiiia List the ciclmca! P.irci! Dsincc!) Sirajinc; tho .-t.mJs, the wbile or.e roun del I arm Draws her inarjUlht's folds in shy dis gu:se. Till in the mu-irs subtle, quickening charm Her tianetd eves. soul forgets the alien Fades the swift flush, save from the rose soft mouth. And all the glamoured memories of Spin, Fling wi le tier veil; the vintage ot tne South Lcs in ber heart, and laughs through every vein'. (Ah! Mantielita. Star of Cordova, l'asion and innocence. Dance! Dance!) Godc from her gaz the stage, the mim- icry. Yon painted scene? It is Cordova's walls! The eager trumpets ring to reveiry The banderillero cries the toro fal si The vision thrills to heart, to c to lipj, Iler castanets click out in cocscious pride; Carved throat, arcbel foot, Dd lisiomc, swnying hip?. The music swetps her iu lis swiriiDg tide. Love and denial, mockery and desire, A fountain tosin in its niocdy play. Tempest of sunshine, cloud, and dew, and fi-e, Iancin ia joyauce to the jocund diiy' (Ah! Manuel i Pi. Ti 1 1 the Mioon swoops in mist. Till the stars dim and die, Dance! Dance' ) Sofi! through the music steals a yea t Din: strain Now distant viols grieve down the drow fry night- Her fluttering feet are poised,- then again, Liviug in languor, djeiming with bght. (Ah! Mann-lit i. Witch of the winged feci. L-ad on to dream or death! 1 Htnce! 1) tnce! i rift le- Hushed in her heart alarms; are rapttins an Failing, r.s wafer falls, to her knees. She spread- the drilled foam-wreath her arms; Thetuusic dies in whispered ecstasies. E-lnah I'rrctor Clarke. v, Wiea.my filtle girl was e month old, she It kept spread v eovcred f m had a sralj form oti h?r faee. iag until sh w as e :n; 1 :eiJ to fooL Then she ha.l Lati. M-.e had fo-P on her head at rne l:me, and rrare on h;r !kv-!v. When six months el 1 she did not weigh sjven p-iunds, apoar.-.l and a half less than at birth. Then her skin .started to dry up and got si bid she could not shut her eyes to sleep, but laid with them half open. About this time, at ths earnest request of friends, I started using the Cc'TiciTiA Rememi:s, and iJ o:u month 7Jtis eomfletdy LitreJ. The doctor and dru hilto were over atie hun dred doliars, the Curieur lill was not more than Jive dollar'. My child is now two years old, strong, healthy and large as any child of her a-je (see photo.) and it is all owing to CuTlCti'ltA. Yours with a Mother' Blessing, MRS. GEO. Ii. TUCKER. Jr., J35 Greenfield Avenae, Milwaokee, 'Wis. Said throafhoot the world, fui IBs Dupe and Cwjrif . Cor., snle propriesers,. Boston. M ailed f.-r-c, AH about tha Blood, Skin. Scalp, and Hut." i'jjJl r s il ; v I ft 1" i. ft IS.! .4. Baby Blanrlahfla, aatliaa; kaada Bcarantaa aad etiraa bv Cn" -i r , w . Jt a 5 ' and red. lotiffh icvra Soaa, 'L CONDITION (IT . TIIF. Ol'TI.OOK l AKI'III K SOI I'll. I. nlo Reports From Sn t 11 11 11 a li nil t liurlcsloii. r . a :'. I i.. - wli.it . rn i I tho fa. king 1 :i- t. I r. i. the ; I:-M-p. c:-. p..' con.'it ion and i- : of tin- lor.ii i Tops a!o tlii' f.P ts ab. that will c -111'' im 1 i n w i t li I horn. hoe! 1 ; ih nil WI " I ,,i- New B nif aii' 1- si k-. Willi ''.!ii' f , :ii !., 1. 1 1 ' -". " tlii'lY li'i 1 iiiugement. W e ' far:' i r S-.tli. 'J in' i .mi i. ah X' a in.: t h.ii ii mi ' Uiiiy t li h! a y. rv ih-inr:uiri I Hi'1 pr spec1 a!n ;ii! o! ! !. i i;lt I :he hav,' lad. 'I ho -e e: c win ior w I lev dp i a ' Lilies ha- ' ..ay il iv - t r. -in ( : i r ill 111 li t ail. Ii ! her a lin h h. it'i i 'incwliat -:-. "lii I lii1. have tlii. fi flK"li an oalii'r I For this ri-nnii the tiurkrr ilal m , '11 anv cai!y naiviry uilii wlia 1: t.i . jvirt ti'T t ho: r iri".i; '. ititut'. ail' i nve ha I in ;n (In.iii int'i ili'T p" :o-. ; -it IV ill til. v k,:- .vii I ilr i w i .ii 1 1 1 -1 :- re- l vo .u t i .- ar: the li ill in iiii:r. 'fa Ivy in wit!', fhi'iv wii'. im ra' re wii . 'Ia la- jo ia tai- nt- ia a' t.i: if 1 ! or, iv. ei :vs te aiiii' wi at w a of .1: t 10 I. Hill edition minor k F ..-t in .1. eii woe i I ri v l'Ops WI, n ii ;' 1 ai the s r ule. The Spiinir i ter i art ot Fe lie cold wanii pre t nn , tuo -illy I n.tiiiH lu.a i ii ri!ar w ei n Ike ior had na--i 1. Ha id upftthpr i- in tl e .ei'y dama-liii; eineiit. tile heavy lain- wh.eh p:v- viii.l aioi'.ir alio ut pimliUT time ami , i j in-t nt'ierw.ii'd. have done a 51'. at ileal I'. a I the delay and destruction of crops. I Tl e potatoes are r.ow ab-ve ground in ! mai'V p aces, but the crap ni'l liar. liv be I Tatl e:eal this ye-ir until al ut two weeks I alter ihe nsu.l tim '. It i- e-',im .led tl a' j ab 'tit '-,3 per cent. ' f the -cod p la'oc-. i have b en if stroked in the r. uo,d ;'...m ,' the rot caused by heavy and loiitnund! r.dr.s. and in many places, the trucker- i are tindinT it nece-s;try to replant intiie- crop--. E-ci.illy is tliis true where the I pol.il'ies were pbmte. 1 in th:' lowlands. j Deans will probably be gathered from Mav 1 to Ji. which is some liter thin usm.i. The first l.latitin is just ab .ve nr.., in.!" wild.. tlie -ei lill.l :o:,l ihilil plantinos have not vet shown up. The I Sen-tors. be-an crop willpiobably be a luite one, Fro in a business standpoint, it would but hardly ,-o vilua;.le us it has lvii in pay Spain to trade Cuhi off for a yellow some years pa-t. don and then kill the d",r. It is said that Green peas is the giat early crop of, the lieiiuuit ln.-urre. dons in lliat island the Savannah tiuckc s. and in some ye ir- have o. ?t Sjiain th'' 1 1 vt s of s.OOti o fliers, they have -hipped tliem Xoi th as eari y : 2i0.0 JP private s ihliers and $'200. (HM. ns March 20, w here li.tv brought as hiitii ; UU1. as 4 a crate. Hut this . ar the tru. k--r- will do ttcai if ihev have them in the Biarket lj April 'li. The crop, however, is a good one. ami has .-uifereel nogieali damage from the elements. Cucunibeis are not vet ib"Ve t lit? ground, and this crop, too, will Tater than usual The tomato nU' ci op IS 1 always a smail one here, though some truckers di vote co'si-lend 'le atuntion to it. The ricent cool spdl did not do : y it--'i .! .1 .a a . 1 j e h it f . - d many a doi.bt and tear in the :::i: ds oJ the planters. M im ot them kept tin ir cri'j- coiered lor two days and nights. I.iii- iinoovp-ed them on Siturdav. Ti,.n iivo vo. v ,;..,, I ,.,, loo tlioe tvnrn I, o t foil V ' 1 1 o I mil t O , lest 111 V any" ot the v. getabh . Ktfingham county repori ibat the 1'iosttlal some little ilanuioe there, but it was not large in extent. The worst recent ramiitc suffered has lieen fiom the rains, wiihh hae rotted a large portion of the seed potatoes in the ground, and this ha? been heavier than at tir.-t supposed, as has been found by recent investigation. I -New l ork deaiers are (piettng r !ori"a ; sav; Turee convicls were brought in strawberries, lair to good, at 75 cents to j fr"n Carteiet county and one honi" ILm (1 a ijuart and fancy Mrawberrii. nt j d0lph vestcrdav. One old colored woman 1.25 io 1..'.0 a quart. Fancy Florida I jyom HV-rtfoj-d county was put in for life, loma'oes aie .selling there at to $4 , i,e j8 n(nv sity-tive "ynirs old. In a lit per crate, line I tie sniai ler oues oi ,ng from 75 cents f $1 25. Honda uear.. are selling at ?12 to I5 per box ami cabbage at f:5 to $t per rate. 1 his is an example of what the cold weatlier has doue in tins line, and those ot the truck er? who hive any early stud' me exceed ingly lortun do. I The reports from the Charleston sec tion are aimo-t identical with tho-e from Sivjunah. Editor Stak.J BE A I' FORT'S E W FIRE E X (I I X E. X. IS. Vance the Xriiic tiitcn if A Company Organized. A Trial Eire. The tire engine recently purchased by Beaufort arrived there Monday the 21st. The Herald siys it is a very hm .Uome one. Across the front in gold letters is the name . li. Viitice," A numbt r of ihe ci: i.er.s met in Dints Hall tie night aft-r the arm d of :h - en gine and organized a large company ot the best, ino.-t cool, determined ait-l Ci -irgelic people of the town an I el' cted orliei-is, a list of which we copy from the Her.i'd: Chief. C. V. Robinson; At cl.ie1' Jno. li. Hudgir.s; Foreman, (i. L. IIa: 1; I Nozz'emen, L. C. Howland Jr.. a mi r! Frank Roiisey. j 1st, Captain, II. C. Jones; 2 id. Cap tain. S. I . Hancock: ord. Captaiu. C. L ! Fuicler. 4'h. Captain, E. V. Brooks, Captain Il"rf, J. K. (iiblile: A-st. Cap:. W. li. Sk .i"e'": l ' i a-u i er. C. 1'. Junes; Secretary, Eric A. Aberuethy. On Thursday a teat of tue engine u;p I made. An old building was purchase. : fi'did with intl imiiiali e mat. rial "id good i baxe.-. Ate. und tlun all wa- thoroughly ; i tu rated w ith kero-ene insi ie an I out. ; the k' rosene being thrown ali over it b I means of a hand pump. The lire ti :-he i i .-di over the building tit unco whin it was I 'l iie company were on the al 0011 ;i- tiie tire was app:'.- 1 tin .a -1 t. ho-e ai'ai l.iegau w- l'K the ai""a:i'o e.. was cai'ii' d out from the I egiionng ju-t it thi v were tightii.g an .i:.1pi irv tir. Tiie etieiiie ti al ii - duty w 1 1 1 Iio 1 1 ' .a City ( '.titled "ill r.. coj l it an.ice.t ude ft.- pur -ba th I I OKI M E AT SI XSET. 1 see P I ariar '0. d by 1,' Ihe tl A! te.si A ui pu-p it. As sett llg to er. Bcautv is lid lev 11 cut d oveum ss My s. u' with iong i' i:c. Thy no. ,n j- ciaktl. I - '.ett to thee by d ., ' I tie w i: :: t. tit 1 110,111'.' is st , aie 1 v i i sh ,1 On ( , .ot ' bel I- to'-vi r. e-t il ilio. AlllI ll 'lilt - a'e I pa il.' ei li An I "in ath its raig. , sti i am. Now winged niglp eta op And lioia a tar bti.o gleam. N :hed in -oltiV , id one V( I' l'1 .cad. ileal orlt v Clu The Durham people are pio:ioun-ing maled etions on the Fusion legislature for passing sin h a bill as die one that is creatiug such u stir. now V. IISIIKK. Fortnorl.v of ov Rcrno-Tw ico in llio I.rislnf uro 'lii-r lerk of tlio Pension l ii iM'it ii 1 lulcr Two A 4l in i ii -it rut ions. A -i'tv i il li m ;t-li;iutnii v'ily ti A. W. KM: c- . It ' 1 . iara rnie I i ii.-' in 11'. : : 1 1 - 1 : ft V(! 1 I I ;-. All l!ri no. .10 I.--! o: tin- i 1 ! 11' 1 I I i ti nil t win Ca ni.l fi .:a ( ii .' I i I. l'i a'liinl an alt i -Kill in r I in'. U' H - ' t V-i 'HO Oal niii. . 11 I - .I'J l III' Mill'. IV I . ii ..:y-. u hii h inako- ill" pii-M.I atliick ni'.ii a inoro nmi.-.. a;'. I'l-lirr wa-clii: i'l li l'k nt'tlip IVn--:!! nitii o mi I' r "n'. I lii' ! Icy . riii'l ilnvim: tin- !i .-t ( "c 0: an 1 ailiiiini-ti'.itiiin ictiro l t- a iio-k in tlio . a-. Durin-r tlic H-irri--. ai -i ! ; ' n:-' r l'. in ''. 1.-1 ior a- uj in , . . ;:.. ii..i 4; .:- i i-l' I'M.U i lie l'"-i-linn i '1 I ) iininick Murphy on t tic lio iril ct IVsiew, wlii.'li i- lii pic-i'Dt pnsaian. In t' o jirii-iiai (lo;i:il'la.i at (.' .al. Fl-l. i' wa- In i'i ia Ir-li i -:oon'. aial lii-: .on a' :i is the iiise of much ic i'i I e. a son, and : ,' d -!ic--, ,1 at hi- Lire!, t 'a F.-h. r h are Lrre.P M1VS I It It I I t'. ! r .1. A. It. NVw- .iii- ia ol : an I ( Ic- iio Durham Tver tha: a i lei I in 1 );;r - and th it V tin: hlW la rrcH'erv linn h; .l just la jiutereae I a.-i !e ham w ilii the u-ual I hoe wi re te tnviv s. la iv. M T.i,- possi iitiai 1 LV-l.'U. My, e o part aw in 1 ia w a a is 's kept ;i- eo at :ta .iv as la. mined , pt f'th n il sae kept i X'.culive bail A dispatch p. that cholera h 's tin ps at Holt cases wa ! ( rep r: he London Siar :ay orokeu out amoiii; the A i th'-.r. Tnii'ty-eiiihi 1 i i o ie dav. Two colored chlhiren acil five and seyu yiars were buruul t.i dentil by the buiniiiT ol their Pith a"s h .use in the suburb.- of Mat hi on the i.L'bt of : In: l2('th. "The (iovei'nor i.f Rhode Liand ts a s:i'ary i f l.UOP a year and thou has 10 sO .in tiCtIo I-, ..m l.is ivirr. W'hal t'hev lackln sah.rv thev nrikeTtn in hon- 1 m prcsnbnir over sovereignty which COVelS l,..l) -llllill'i III e- am I runs two i ,,1V n0 com b, of Ncbrask k.i. 'as signed pure ap- the bill passe-l by the lAgis propriatum jejiit) .('(in for the purchase of seed grain and f .od tor (ire lit -striekel, 1 f inpe's ( t' 'i.-:ern Nebra-k .. The hiw i . I.tvonies imiv.Ptliatel v ooerative. - i ! Tl., Arm ,f 1..I..I-I T . O, A- ... . . 1 -. t . .1 it 1 or. . ii... iii iii I). ('., said to I e liie oldest established bra-s-foumlers in tha country, have made an assignment. Assets. 102. pop; llafeliti"-, s.'.a.poo Ina'i'pitv to make ei, ,ci Pt Us w :.- ti.e ctiis .. oi the tiiiure. St. Augustine. Flu., has had a terrible tire. Fony-s: r .-idi nee and stores n::.nv ether builuuigs ware b, lined. an I , Ia drcd ' TU3 i the -p .ce ii! lour honi- ab .ut honi- a'p n:t a bun i hi 11 1 i i i P WtlP tPndcl'Cll liOlllC j l"s w ill aggregate s2oh.0iiri. 1 ( ien. Martinez de Camp. s lias accept d j the commission to go tot hp a a', the lnad i i of the Spanish rein I. rcements which are! to t sent th- re, and has dic'arcd that the inomeDt he lands in Cuba he wiil pioceed i with operations designed to put d-.wu the ! revolt instanter. The New s and Observer of March ,'Oth 0 rJlje si,e mur, ered her aged luishand. and to pay for the crime must spend the rest of her days iu the pen. : ...... .o.. v , i 1,..., ' r: ,.,.,.-: .. i..i ,i.'.ii,nM,o,.M;.. Pr Hanson, one o f the most prominent mm- ufacturers of the South. Three vear- ngo Maj. Hanson was induced by Mr. Baco'j '.; r. l,,..l f-.,. ,w. ,.r !,,-. .'I, ni. .... .is '1 ri P iP ti .u 'u n .11,111)1 ,J. 1 the assurance that he could not possibly ; lose anything, and he was finally com I polled to pay the 614'i.upo and this is w hat he mi to recover. l-'i'Oiil the W liaiington Mo Sanger we clip the following: "It i- not .surpri-irg to : Karn that the abandonment of the State fair is nadir c 'Usideration. For a mi u ber of years if rested upon the check book of Hon. Tho;. M. Holt, who has spent more I moiier. in one way and another, withou' ! any reltpn. for the advancement of Xoith ' Carolina interests, than any except a very few p.-nple have any idea of. La-t year it co-t Col. Julian S. Carr large j motiey." Admiral JJrowt), the ranking United Slates i aval officii', at present in com mand ol the Ni.rlolk navy yard, saw Sec retary Herbert on t he 27th to urge the commissioning of the Amphitrite. the lilt of modern monitors, width he repor ted completely icady for sea and only awaiting ti complement of men to go upon a coast citilso. Her officers have already I 'ten selected Capt. Willi am (.'. Wise as conimainer and Commander J aines D. Adam? as oxe utive. Th?reia gioat deal of initation in Spanish official circles over allegalions that Americans ar? supporting the Cuban insurgents by supplying tin in with money, amis, i ic. 1 h G-wi r.mient hu' wardi'd ..O.Pha.i'oO P. Cuba. The no p-l-.ipi-li-y 1 ii.g content rate I at the.r respective por of embarkation. Six urge merchant steamers have been char-t.-red lor use a- transport and will sol from Cadiz. VaN-neia. Coiunu 1 ainl Sai taa h r wnh tro ps .oil war mateiiai some lipie ljet APi'ii pri: 2nd and lsth. The B.-ton IP r. Id lakes a very lib. r .l '. le'.v of the 'i'e. nil. .li epi- ale. It -av-t hi 1 liie ( oa: inlt: 1 e uiliki.et the f clog ill ' . ' U II ot' the n.-g' tu a ' i'e go n' In. y shoaiti the 1 111' una.-' presi'.iee oi people ilesir. b 11 rli r- in t : ic vilt ot paiirr l;:.e Ibi'i'id al-o eipep tv .nnnltti p , me ! 1 i at U' a- gu- . - . 'OH p tve -an nt that 1 11- gr. ' . to rak 0:1th ra nici.. I d til. -Ill to loll "v liie ue 1 1' ihe .Nol lllei n down the s .ei al ie South bptwt ttip coiiimiiiee to login the a hill'- that tl .11 the rae, -. w as not the work. :cie is 1 pi u ag :ii.-t tne ston. nog. o as a social tijU i :n 1! V ii'i e a i Hasy Prey, w it'll voir tl' -h leducul hoio.v aiie.a'.ll.y -in:, iar. I, for Consumption and other Seiot'uleiu-an.', ihtagorous .P- is.--. A'.d it"- .or ju-t th:- condition that Dr. Pierce's (..'Men Mcoi. a- Di- ovp-y is c--pp. ; .by v ilnable. It von r-' thnii e- tha-', vim ought to be. w hetner IV 'in w i-tn.g :is -uses, 'hfe' tive tiiitritio::, or w ha'cver caiw, the "iJi.-ct.v-tey'wiil -ip.civ bring you up to the heal'.iiv stan lard. By restoring the nor mal acf on . f th" deianged organs i. n tl tiiaeti-i'is. it amuses every natural source iii.d men:- ot' noun -liinent, As astrenglb r. -to'.'tr and liesh-biithh-r, nothing Iikc tip- medicine is known to nn tbcal science, l'.ltby Coil iiver oil iphI all its disguised compound.- can't compare with it. llr riercp's Pellets cure ennstination. indigestion, or dyspepsia, biliousness and ' headaches. DEATH or (AIT. lil SINKSS-klLLINO LAW SnllktN T II Toll Il 1 LtMiislature mil Just Hrtiumlit to Unlit. M.rl;;aia-cs ami Deeds in Trust to SiM'iiro a llolit Mailo Void an to Pre viously Exislinjr Delils. I I I P 1 1. M il ill -to. All art i t tai in tho I .tiM a al'lliim (lorn-il " 1"'-u.ol'i- ai rot i Ins 1. 1 Oil i f -'-il..'- ol!i r . -1 ', v. il In lil i tar rjiio i a , j 1 1" pia l't -o. It a:-n im -in v h i i: r..p- l.y ),; s o' lie!' t'naii w-. ill! I U ' I ! U' . N.i d liv nn wn: - 1 1 o i H l'i.. : 'il 'r-: N .' Tin I, ,,. . lato t t.i r par-:- 1'iii II.' ,,, t Ii.- It r, ii 1 ' 7. i..n 1. IK A-si'.NM i: NT- .V-,, r,,,.;. a. ilil l nil. Il ! ellli. I t'ano- or decks in toil to soon iv any ti. Till whit li pi VP roiiiini' nf tin- maki v trust. lH't. prc:- Slliill u 1 1 : 1 1 : r i i a i ; ' i i ' 1 1 . p. .:o m (.Truces 1. 1 liny ere. i a i snluteiy v. a.) So '. 2. 'I li i t a! i'i as to existitiir erclitnrs la.s in contliet witl this ; li t are hi ivnv ivneali i S,e. .'I. Th it tl'iis act shall be 'lie honi at'.l ait. r i's i-.tili. -ition. Ha.'.ili. ,1 th Pith ti iv oi' Miin 1- Tiiel'P i likely 10 Us llllleh toub'c iirow in-; out of t la ilslet avis coutiary to I lie all vo, in n le siaeo llio l.'kh (lay of Miueh, for this aet was lp't known of uii: 1 1 ypster lav. Ti p aaovo is a sj)tviai ieleiil'im to '.1k Viiaiin," on Mcs-; n'. r. Tiic act it tei'S o! is jvo' aoiy the ino-t iniseliieeous t o leisirt'ss iii its t'li 'eney of any that pa-s al the lou's! .tir.e'. It ni'ki.- it s.. that the liU.l-i'ol in "iioy nr liie oei Icr i I nit IV h oi-ili-e i f any kinil oa ( ao.lit will find it ai ; must inipo--i'.'e. t.i nmki- a ilplii sei tne The law wi'I not only woik to I lie disul inia,e of th'? capitalists aol bu-ines". nun !ut it wi l iiiuke th'-ni so cautious that the boiiowers an 1 time-purchasers will ' f-c! the ( vil ' tie-'ts of the law a'u-o. : A'lH.ii other things it will in ike it so ; tiiat a pi. ce of re il es;a'e cmeot be sold j for part ea-li nii.l ) 1 11 1 oij time, ail.l a j ilee.l an d inor:ran" pi vi-n. The hc-t tliat can be dune wiiea all the cash is not attainab e will lie to nive ;i contract ol : s i'e and ivi' IiIk 1. 1 1 he deed till all i he money is paid a very un-ati-l'ic ory way ot'do- ! ini: businc-s. to say the leasi. I Hut wo are Inclined to believe that th !,iU, canm,t l:.ve l-a-lly pass:,! So manv I bills w a re reciT'ded liv the clerks passed I ivben tin y wa-r.- not. that it got he i to ask "Del the I-eg s'ature or the pass that I, :11 ; The Lenislal lire jok. lerks fade i in s., much ol its work that it tried to do. that would cause evil that we hope fuller ill ve-tigatiou u iii show that they failed in this instance also even if the aet does app ar to have taken th? usual course. It -.ems almost impossible for such a mis-ehievou- bill to have g mo through law- fully without its being i ;it,r:ie!i!i! nu'lic notiep well known and ' TIIAT TROl Itl.tSOM It KW LAW. I Wliat is lo lie Hour ov. in Order to fipoirc Oebt.H anil furry on 'relit ltiisines TrniiHitfllonM With Safety ? 1 I The new law which came so near to kiilrtg ell'ectivc scuuity for deb's is 'at tracting gr. at a teiiti ui and discu-sion atiioiie, ihe pi- pi1'. Owing lo th numer ous iiuestioiis that were being asked Mr. V. f. Melver gave the matter some serious til-night, c msi ler. ng; what would be the Lest way for the people to meet the issues the law ha- forced upon them lie r ached the f llou ing o inclusion.-: If a D'cco ot red estate is to be sold with deterred payments let a deed be made to a thir l pariy, upright and reliable, on the conditions that he i- to deed it to the h.ivi-r when t lie re in a ind er of t lip mire ha so j m-,)ev is pai,i and in case ot failure to iay it lie is lo sell ir, and pay tile expen ses, then the remainder due the original owner, and the r- matnder, if any, to the intended purchaser. It it is desired to borrow money on roil cslate Mr. Melver thiuks tiie only way left is to give a mortgage and in addition conte judgment before the Clerk of the ' Charleston paper showing thp bad condi Superior Court. This will put the per-Qf ,nlek there. While in no wav son in debt m just the same position as it ,- , , . ,. - .,, i. i...- bp laid stoo 1 trial mid had Indrrmfinr ren : ,W, 1! ixr-dnst him in i.iirt It will m ike ..v.... . . t. t i, it ..... all the r. al estate he owns be held in security lor the paym nt of that one debt. : large or small. It will be -a hard pill to '-wall iv'' bar it' anv oao is t'orond to it be will have onlv ih ; iusion legislature to ljiau, ' ' ' Vh'en it comes to chattel mortgages which have been so lar-e'v use 1 tli --v" ati- pear to he prac'ie illy kided " To "ive Mr M Ti ers own words he siys: "In connection with t lie new law as mortgages, it might lie well to call the ') t tr-n 1 ii .n ot hnsini c mon to the fnet thai j by contes-ing judgment for the debt se cured by the mortgage anil properly I docketing the same a good security on j real estate tan b - made. The judgment wilt be a first lien over I all ex'stmg ere litors ( v ithout judgment ) The law leaves the niaitgage good except I as against existing creditors, and the mortgage will be good as a conveyance of tho homo-stcad iutcres'. T see no w ay of a g o i security 0:1 per- ' socal prop rty, however. This will be a little more expensive, , but I take it the Legislature feels under obligations to provide some employment ; for lawyers nut of which to pay the ten dollar tax."' (.1)111) X. FAKMIXi. Ei;;!! l.i -Fi ve IJiirrols Corn on Four Acres. The .Method I'nciI. ilr. Noah Biggs, of Scotland Neck 1'ai-ed 425 bushel.- (', barrels) of corn on lour acres. ' His success is ph. nouu nal. 1: even lieaU the Inn Pii.-nt 1- p, the acre raiseti hy Dr. Rob rt Patterson, of the saiiie c.-ou-.ty. on liitten . r twenty acres. It was dune by Hie h ti n-ive method tiie metho I pur.-ue I by Mr. L t1 leberry Manning m r n-ing ib.roe ba'es of cotton od oi e ace in the same county, Ilabfiix. Mr. B.ggs lites to the Democrat gni 'g h sni. thol. lie wrnes tins, an. I it may i istrtiet oilier fiirmei- how to do; My l,in I -i low, bottom land tint h id ie en used a.- a pasture for eight vea -. I put tiie ai d in g " d t onditioii i v lu faking ;t nt i P lime.- ami thorough ly iii'.i iow n:g it. I then cover, ti the land u itb horse -tai 'le i : ami re and l rose and litu ro'.M'd it again. Th. u I , 'an off my r -ws light teit ap rl, I edded the lan i. ir, ; hair.. witl it agiin. Tiien I nn my rows one loot on either side of tae centre, or Water itli.ow. making the lows tun f ot apail ami six 1-tt apart aliernat. ly. I then planted my corn 1 to 15 inches in the drib, u-ing 20l pounds ofgoml guano in the d ill. When the ecru was huge enough I b.nivd it otf" on the wide sale. chappM il "Ut and sided it up. I next 'an a cotton plow in the narrow row, spied it Up oil the W i. le side, put 21.1 I p -un ls more of'gu mo by the Coin, split the middles and itial it by when the cm whs shoulder high. 1 planted the willow corn, which maki s from 2 to j e .rs to the stalk. Me tori w is dim-gel by the wind, or i sin uid have made more."' Di. P. .lu-rseu pi iiited the ordinary corn. Good larming can be done and wil' pay in North Carolina. Tobacco once paid enormously .400 or hp re to the acre and from ioOO to SI. 200 to the hand far the best coal cureil leaf. It pays well yet. but not half what it did iron 181'J to 1S75. But iliei'e is mqney in it , w hen the land is rich, the skill is good, I the tobacco is fine. Some farmers still make $150 or more to the acre. -Wil- 1 minirton aicesenycr. MAMI'ACnitlM; l Til r. SOI Til . I( I)o loiiBont it Orfuiiity Sonic Itomarliv I ou Sliili iiii nls ! lite f avsiiflinsct Is '4nniiil Ci'. i i w i: !o: '.lie i o 1 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 ' . ' oat to invi -ti 'l(..'e'ripiii. nl -ili-t'tirt a'.t.-i.l in i 1 1 i'i; w i - a 1 lii -1 1 1 ! k ! tint al tlio liii-.i' IV. i'!i Ma-s a hi'-i U- ':irti''l :!ite .SoutlnTii iii'.ihi'lio' uriim aial pi'ij-poi t-. we cal't'il am 1" tao I a t that llio i 1- Ifiii-l;,' 1 1 . i.iuaiittro, la'il a f in naif a nr. a-, ami Uml i . in in i ? oa Inli-iliv it (nina. ;r w.if.l m .von iii'v-- ii,. i ' i havo. ai. ii h'uli t'-rin- ill ! II- i. HI 'ii ,1 I,- ila- t ' . i - i r .1 -iio tr ilj- (i.r ."it .in. s. ai i n i!i) tH't n niaiie n tliom 1 i:j mil !-. t it-ril'ha i ' in ai k -tin'-" :ii ki itliorn r: . ttiaiic nt- .a i I l'i u'e.lje in una -', ei we as ii:iie-,t". l!n i; -1 OVO'I it kci ii t .1 li.art :i s nr I ( trying in 11101! itl Hi Wiup.l, that they fife e .Ma-steliii-i tts mill liv i ih i ui ra jin j; them to In iii v that they have h il little to !i ar Il out S -i 1 1 1 1 i :i eonii etii Ion. They t dk aba;; -i : I hi '.ai m ieh:nr" y W'ii'S ,i', :.n I oip. of dale. ill' of the macliinci'y in use S apli may I o, but the balk ot it is no'. The men who have 1 1 ken ho 1 ' f cotton HiaiHificlnnnL;' in the South : iv wide-awake' ami are as a ru'e keepine; !e'hi up 10 date with every im ' provenu-r t. But as the Wib al in ton i- ar inks o ea st on lo ask. il il bp true that tl . Utlieni nrils are crU'ppe 1 witn in'erior ma chin rv. and yet have showcl their capicily not on y to compete with I he Noilhi ia miiis in .-u- h i;ooiis as the Soti'lurn mills ne.ke but lo imdetse'l them, what in .y thy ex pee t when the Soul hern mills aie equippi ii with the best machinery, which wnl be ihe ca-e in the new mil1.-. : n 1 in the old ones, as they h ive o e ision to put in additional uia ( bin rv as m ,nv of i hem are dohiui. I he p unt wh cli they d.v. ll upon to 'some extent that the South lacks hue ; machinery and ski'led labor and therefore cannot make the liner er.i.les of goods is I an old chestnut which any thoughtful ! person can see the ab-urdltv ol. Money will command both and when the South . tarns her atienliou to the manufacture of the tine noiuls, machinery and labor ; adapted to such will be in command, and the sune , lill'e: pace in the i lion in lavor of the South . o, l.inuu. - .' lo - in manu actur- I i n ir those nr ade: f'Und in m ikin will I e f .und as is now the the tpt?r grades. 'I The South is destined to he a great j manufacturing region: nothing- can keep n pom upcoming so ati't tup sooner our p.'Op'e realize thi? full t.-ntion strongly in tbi it will be f r all. r and turn th. ir at : direction the better KIVro-S EIRE COMPASY. Its Organization anil the Test and De livery ol the SI cam lire Fnstine and lloftte. M iyor Vm. F.lUs is back from Kino ton wii. io he went to ite'iver the lint 1 ai'ge Sil.sby i n.ii.e a: d laige amount of accompanying hose which that town puicha-t d tip" igh him. 'I'lh' te-t of the eeg He was a very satis factory tine. Two t in it! -.11! . I feet Of llO.-e was laid and the water w. s thrown through l his iength nv. r the Method s: church steepie. ninety leet high. A 1 1-4 inch siivmii iv.is ilii'oivn. The lioe wrs subject! d to il") pound v.a ei' pressure winch it st od pi.'iy. 13 'th the engine and ho;e ware formerly aceep eel. An organ i. .:ion of the Kin-ton fire company was eff cted with a very large membership a few (lays previously with tile follow ug officers: B. W. duaily was elected foreman; (ii'ii. H. Webb, nsM.-tint foreman; J. F. Strickiin. caii'ain of the ho-e; .Tno. L. H irt-iield, secretnr. : T. W. Mewborn. i treasurer. The age for membership was fixed at from eighteen to filty years. OI R TBl'CK PROSPECTS. Thuui'li Later than L'sual. Our Crops Are I With Those of This Season Anywhere A Satisfactory Outlook. We give elstwhere an item from a of any lihtcc. it is a matter of encourage- ment to our truckers to know that thev are up with the best, even if thev are later in the season than f irmerly. Places farther South fired worse than , e. ue. n . o ue uo.u c , m o mu e : ar.- no cai.bag.-s in the Charleston region j The' severe cold k lied same cabbages j ' 'Oiiad New Berne and injured adieis, but ; I enough are letr green and nourishing to I s-'ivc promise of a good remunerative crop. i especially when it is considered that not j toiotpy win me supply over ine coun- j j tr' ;lt ! the irge lie small, but inai small. Id cabbage, the northern I winter mi'.?, were ikstroyed.by the cold, so that there is now no matured caooage 111 the United Suites, except a few imported j at a high tirce and th it cuisenuentlv 1 - ' ii.... ;n i,pin,.i,i-u.ii-:,.,i;,.iii.,n h. .. I" a T .,.",,,... 1 ,0," ! . ' 'Tl 11.. Ii Ul 1 3 s.i 111, lst.,,C become marketable. Again, in oilier seasons when truck i t-nl I ! 1 1 ei v. ...ii 1 t-Annir leas on til,, vim - potatoes coming up.'&c. tlure is alwavs more or le dread ol a late fre.jw or In Bl which w iii iniure and cut the crop1 short befoi'e it is" .'allured. With the i lati ne;s of this season that lo ir is practi cally lemoved- Itlll Cio: be ex pected and as our truckers are in 110 way behind the season there is a good cause 10 expect sati-fitiory prices. The Dispensary Introduced i" our State. Morgan! ( ii may have been the first tow n in the State to b gin llm agitation for a li'pior (li-ppns,iiy, but Waynes vilie and Hickory wiil b' the first towns to try the new svslpm. Acts establishing tl.--pemarips in both tin so towns have passed ouring tiie pi'e-ent session. The Watn:--ville act appiLs lo the whole o! Ilay.vood county, the dipeiisiry (o l-o Incite I in the county town, an I the protils arising from the traffic to he divided tonaly betweui town and c unly. A er it ii tpiv Noi'ili where tin- iapi a qu st mi blasome o- e for .- many wii a i Ic f i ! 1 1 : i r. st the i- b.V t'.e-e 1W-, We-!. ail towns. Mo: a man Her a ia in a towns, has hct?n a iron veils Wiii wateh . yen. ui i; trie-1 N. rih Carolina A Sul-luriiie Torpedo Boat. A coutr. ct h..s been awardod lor a steel sub-aiaiine t- rpo.'o boat, the tir-t boat ol ic- kind t erc. ntr.icte-i f-U'. The French government li -s made el'f'lts in this t.iiectioii bal nevi r ,-nccee led. I; will b.- eigh'y feet 1- and lmv.- a diitlll t- 1' ol eleven feet. It- spei (1 afloat i la b: fifteen knot-; partly submirged; foiiiteen knots; a .d when lUbmet'ge 1 eight knots. I.I Hl'XG ( H AM. BETTER. His Assailant a Euunlic.- Resolutions Introduced iu the Japanese Diet Rjxreltin;; the I'niorttinatc At Ink. Sh iM0coSKKr. March 2(5 Li Hung Chang is making good progress toward recovery from the effects of the bullet wound in his face inrt-ctcd by Koyama Rokunosuki. The would-be assassin is reported as a lunatic. He has a criminal record and has served a term of imprison-; njent. Yokohama, March 25. Resolutions have been submitted to the Japanese' ODiet regretting the attack rnado upon LT flung Chang. J jroi (;ht to jtstick at last Lnv Miinlcrin Ilis Wife In Ciaii'ii (niiiiiv n Dozen f;i rs V'i. lien Hill. Itroke Out of Jail in iss.'l A Elicit ive From . I lint i'' Itvrr Since .Not ItKcot I'rt'il as n I'risoiici in ttnvlott t'onnt.t Jail. U!tiliil Trial lor laircciii . ii'ceiuiv there ha- been a colored man in ( );.siow county who at all limes acted mysteriously went constant iy armed and -reined ever in dread " I simthmir. In u", kin amoni; turpentine t ree- he ivould c.irty a loaded sua wiib ban, -ot it down carefully, take a lo ik around and then do his wank, and then pass on in the -am watchful way to another. This was a fill specimen ol ihe way It: would do w hen at o: In v work. More i vi r. be wa n d not I'm- with otb- i's, but slept in a -mall place to himself wain nts arms ever by luin. lie was ac cotinle I, somewhat of a terror by the by other colorp-1 men, and looked upirt with 1 distrust, if not dtad,i.y many ol the white p.opl". At la-t a theft wa- traced to him and a i i. .i.v..ia ia. 1,:. ....... ,Oo....i .1, i,r.,,,la . " iiii.iui I'll io- mn ,-i iiiiuiu in iiii; lumac .... t, oi....:,.. IT...J.. . t i... jot etiua mieiiu iieurs -v. .i.iiniaii, who h is been remarkably succi s i'ul in rerret- ins; "'it criminals and fearless in l)rinjing ! them to justice. Mr. Jarmau learning of the de-perate character of the man w'uh whom lie had to deal look assistance with him and sur i prised the fellow, about five o'clock one I morning at his home, lie made a fearful I striiirtxle lietore surrendering, but as he was taken unawares he had no oppor- 1 lo,. It- ..IM.-..., r w..o....n oU.. I.io i - - pn , , llBn nn', there. Since he was takeD on the charge mentioned he has been in Onslow county j,il. lint Mr. .Turman did not rest satisfied w ith what he bad accompli-hed an I went to work to see what was the past event in the man's career that cau-ed him to seem in suoli constant apprehension. Mr. Jarmau s investigations at lust led i hi!n t() su t that the man was Ben Hill, a ne ro who in 1883 escaped with t wo other prisoners from Craven cunty jail one was recaptured but Hill and the other succeided in makoig tfood then' es cape Hill, it seems, was in South Caro lina the last heard from. He was in jail here lor killing his wife. His home was in James Otv, but they had been off to work in the country. He choked her to death and threw her bi dv under Bachelor creek b idge. 'i he earoner's jury thought at first she was drowned but ihe marks were found on her throat, the truth discovered and Hill jailed. Mr. Jarniiin on Thursday, the 38th, had Mr. R. B, Blackle Ige. who still lomembers and felt sure he could identity Hill to come and se- if th - man in jtil was he. A telegram announces that Mr. ISlaekledt'e says the man is Ben Hill sure. So. ulu-r the lapse of many years. Hill is likely soon to be on trial for the greiler crime an I may at last an swer lor it with his life. Hilh when living near Xew Berne, j before committing the murder, is said to have Peon a very violent tempered man j and that the other colored people would have very little to do with him. ' - J. A. PARIS A- CO. An Exclusively Wholesale Firm to Open Alio 11 1 the Grocery First ol April. This recently formed firm, consisting of Messrs. J. A. Talis and E. K. Bishop will open about the first oi April in the brick store an South Front street, which was occupied by Mr. C S. Hollister pievious to his removal to his present handsome and roomy stand. Mr. Bishop is now North buying goods for the house and they are now ar riving. Ir. Paris who lias been off visi ting returned last night and the work preliminary to opening will begin today. Mr. Wyatt Ward will be the salesman of the firm, and he and Mr. Paris will travel as needed, soliciting frade Ir. mi tho stores near, as well as in the city. In Mr. Bishop Mr. Paris has a good partner. Though still only a young man he hns well established himself on a sue-ee-sful business career. It is a good, ftroug (inn. I'I 1.1 ; TO BE DRIVEN In Order (o Secure a Firm Foundation lor the (iorernmrnl Building:. United Ctates Goverument Engineer ciark ami Mr. Kuettinger, superintendent for the contractors left Friday morning I f.o- U".,cl,i,,r,ro Pill.- an unexpected in the erection tin'.-, having developed 01 ' " Puullc 11 ,'8 u,al. c . 1 i 1 1 . T, ! .. .1. l ....i.l. B-lu" '" ,JV " .. mv 1 . a i-- .1.., 1 .n t ,1 tloa 15 1 tang uiatae tui Liie uiisuiucu i aim will necessitate the driving of piling to simoon the foundations. It is in refer I eiice to this work that the trip to Wash i ington is made. It wall have to be done by special contiMct which will necessitate temporary ct-Ssaii'.n ot the work. Tue piling will be driven entirely around i he ouilding 2) feet deep, as wade as the foundation itself, as thick together as they .an be driven and they wi 1 tnen I be cemented over. Quite a job after the contract is awarded before the regnlar construction work can move forward again. But everythinjr will b? p,,.. ued forward as fist as it can be done. Mr. John Wal ters, the foreman, remains in New Berne looking after matters here Now that the w ork is started it is to the inler&st ol every one to press it to completion. The Bad Law Will Stand. The News inal Obsei ver h is an edi torial iu response to a question whether ; the new moi'iirace law is not invalidated bee. i use no "i.e seems to know of its hav ing been nadaiiil tiie law requires each act to In: read taree times. 'I he (b s rvci' in iop y ciies decisions which chow that there .is no gcvng "b iiiiiil the rei urns' that thec'pv of a bill properly at tt d and tiied is conclusive pro.. oi its enitc mi tu and that siijn au attested copv cannot I e contra. lifted even by the legislative j 'urna's or in any other manner. In ' ti.er words no one has the right t i- ok l ehind the law as it i s. Lined aad depo-i ed umooy; the public a rch Ives. Th sign cures of the presiding officers of the two houses affixed dining the s s. n ..f ; h" Gci'orul A-sem ly is a finish ing and pel iecling not of legislation an i I 'oconies the final expression of the L g-i.-I ative w id. Where the Su rplust Has Clone. All ind'cation as to where the Treasury sui p'.us i f six vt-a's ago h is gone is fur- r.ished by the statement made Thins 'ay. The expenditures lor tlio first eighteen days of March were $18,18!), U00 a mil lion a day and of this one half, or $9. 022.000, was , the peusioes. New York World. . There was an am tetir minstrel show in Raleigii on the night of the 20th for the benefit of the Odd Fellows Orphan's! Home. The News A: Observer's notice of it.says that the last picture was a rep re- sentation. of the Arriuittou Investigating , Committee, Campbell of Cherokee on one . sidp, Bryan of Chatham on the other and in tlfe' centrej too drunk to stand, Phillips of Pitt, Kll the triangle drvmk tis loMs, This provoKed wag una Wac applause. XF.WH ADRIFT In Cho City Unlhrrrd A rnloroil of Klmit and Vicinity, in and Briefly Told. man col nno fool burllv n nslioil Thnrsilav bile ('(iiiplin oars for loi; Iniin ol the rnilroa'l near Jackson- vilie. -rr. W. 'I'. McCarthy, Chief Petty llicer Ship ButaHion Naval Reserves, h it lor Biaufort lo look into organizing a I )ivision at that l'ort. The I'eaufort llendd says the sehoonei .lolm II. l Mootp was sold at auction thereon the 24th. B. I,. .1 ones & Son bought her for 1 1.500. The Ciifton items of the Kinston Free 1'ie-s teds of a pel i ileal slone crab taken from a in ail hole by .1. J. Cox. It is re- poiied almost, as perlect as in life. Mr. A. R. Dennison's wounded hand wb a h was caught in the cotton Boeder roll al his giu and badly lacerated a few d is ago, beginning to improve thouah it I- spll ijoitp trouhiesome. Fortunately no banes were broken. Mr. li. D, Wetherington of Tuscaroia, is starting to open livery slables at Cove. The stables will be at the station, and w ill be simply for hiring teams to take any one wherever they wish to go and for feed stables for auy traveller who may happen along. Mr. Beiii. Jiroek, of Comfort, .Tones county. N. C, tailed in to renew his sul scription to Tin: Joi r.nai,. He was in for his regular trading in the city. Mr. Brock is a good substantial farmer of which his county may well be proud. The belled buzzard has been heard from again. This time he is at Comfort, lie has been there three or lour days. It is probably the same one which Mr. F. S. Ernul caught and belled two or three years ago. I .MTKI) STATES t'OI'BT. I List ol' Jurors Tor Spring Term. Beg-in- nine Monday April 32. Federal Court will convene iu thisci'y, Mondry, April 22, Judge A. S. Seymour, presiding. C. B. Ayeock of Goldsboro, District attorney, Sol. C. Weil, of Wil mington, assistant District attorney, O. Judd Carroll of Raleigh and Geo. Green of New Berne, Clerksjbeing the other officer. Craven Connty: Wm. Lorch, J. W. Small wood, John Allen Jackson, W. C. Brewer, A. J. Yeoman. John Suter, Ed ward Wadsworth, C. B. Stubbs," John E. Morr s, col., J. T. House, Wallace White hurst, J. W. Lane, J. F. Ciark, W. F. Crockett, W. R. Waters, J. J. Wolfenden and J. C. (ireen. Beaufort County: J. D. Myers, Alex ander Cuttrell, John (ijskill and Jas. Potter. Wilson County: W. II. Applewhite. Wayne County: Clias. Dewey, Benj Birne, col., C. H. Brogden, Pinkney S. Wynne, W. H. Smith, A. B. Freeman, Henry Weil, E. J. Martin. Jones County :-J. II. Bell, ani E. W. Kinsev, col., Carteret County: B. F. Taylor, Ralph Howland, Silas Lupton. John S. Morton, Joseph Pigott, C. S. Wallace, and T. D. Webb. Pamlico County: Sam'l Campen, Jesse F. Saw yer. Benj. Brinson, and B. F. Perkins. Ouslow County. Bryan Koonce. Hyde County: A. J. Smith Lenoir County: Peter Borden, col., Pitt Bounty: J. L. Suggs, llhs R. imams. (Jreene County: John Patrick. Edgecombe County: J. W. Powell The Town Clock. As tlier6 is such a general concensus of opinion as to the desirableness of a town clock will it nDt be well for a petition for one to be drawn, duly signed and for warded to the proper authorities ? Will it not be well lor the board of city council to take action setting forth the need and desire of the citizens for this improve ment to the public building? The ap propriation is not likely to be exhausted in the construction so there is no reason why any modification of the roof that may le necessary should not be made aod the clock put in upon the completion of the buildiug. Dui; Into Bnrial Vault... In digging to make the basement ot the public building two old brick vaults were lound each of which contained a few human bones that had almost crumbled away from age. Of course no one knows anything about them. It will be remembered that about two years ago while the street hands were grading Broad street, a human skelleton was unearthed in the middle of the street nearly opposite the residence of Mrs. John Hughes. This was only about eighteen inches below the top of the earth. It will be noticed that the skeletons just found were less than a block away from where the first one was found. Progress of Confederate Monument. The Confederate monument has been completed as far as the main shaft. A scaffold is being built around the monu ment to aid in getting the imnieose shaft in place. The derricks have been strength ened prepamtory to the great strain that will be put upon them. This of course is the most difficult and dangerous part of the whole work of const rucl ion. The contractor hopes to have the shaft in place by Saturday night. It is -aid no cement will be necessary as the immense weight of the stone will keep it in place. Ril. Correspondent Wil. Messenger. Xew Settlers. Mr. J. J. Wolfenden, real estate broktr, has this week sold a small farm up Treut river to two very intelligent Fiulanders 'm iitvo at once begun to build a dwel ling house and prtp ire the laud for a crop. The deed was made to Mr. Carl R. Sulandt. This gentleman speaks En glish. Gernmu ami ti e Scandinavian lan guages fluently, and will maKe a very desirable citizen. New Berne would welcome more of the same sort. BiiNincNN Men Indignant. A special to the News and Observer says ihe business men of Greensboro are very indignant over the new mortgage law. They declare it will work many hard ships on a 1 classes. It cites the instance of a bank president who had $6. 000 from a Iridid iu another state had sent him to in vest t here, but he will now send it bat K at occe. A Mockery to Farmer. The Fusion Legislature passed a 6 per cent interest bill claiming that it was for the benefit of the "poor farmer," und then, as if to mock him with l.lse hoes, turned around and passed a law prevent ing him from borrowing money at any price. That is flic (ff -ct of the law iu rega d to mortgages, bought through by lob'y- ists employed by the Baltimore Board of Commerce. News & Observer. The steamer City of Para, with about forty passengers aboard, from New York for Colon, lost lu-r nmrwdior MorM. oit ahout. 500 miles out Shortly afterwn'-'i the steamer Prince. William the Fourth Came along and took the Para in tow, rriving Monday afternoon at- Fort Mon roe, Va, 4, - , THEY ALL HOLD UP -v" Cna.r-:- Cle-isaa Point Pride flmllllfrXIl lItlil TO THE SE&Jtf OVERJOYED ! ,,p Because ! Because ltd , Because THEY GET BETTER VALEtf FOR THEIR MONEY AT OUR STORES THAN ELSEWHERE IN THE CITY. WE STRIVE BAUD TO PLEASE, -HAW- Hackburn & Willeti COTTOIT ' 1 have a limited supply of Cotton Go ano that I will sell A TON FOR A FOUR HUN DRED POUND BALB OT COTTON. Tho cotton to be delivered on or befont' November 1st, 1895. ' Also a full line of Truck Fertiliser Kninit, Acid, Phosphate. Ac., on hand ' and for sale on reasonable terms. a&"See me before vu buy. , ,- j f Yours Truly, . ,f. J. C. a ' rt i e. ai; 41 1 . y. With . ft . '. Pi' -T""i;il B.r.y Wii I'. '! 1 i" i ' vM ' t hi -''-'-.', 1 w K Xt i wnmu ',?i?'i:' a -v... ! 1 j s .'V i- n --r p. i ' . aassassswsswsrf f - A -

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