) . , '- $1.00 Per Year INDEPENDENT IN ALL THINGS. Single Copies, 5 Cents; VOL. XVIII. NEW BERNE. CRAVEN COUNTY. N. C. APRIL is, 1895. NO. 7 IJ jgj 1 wi i: iir h c .'3 for Infants lfzTY y r mb rrmtioM 1 " MPtoM t ywwii, prH n to .peak of it irithont yoking. Mff tlMMtMy tho Ut r dy for InffcnU And CHldrtm 't Wll fc wr howi. It is kmrmloM. CUldna It. It r it Kk. It wffl mt thair lr . Ia it Mother. hTe thfatg tUA 1 fcolmtly A amd praetieally perfect m. Cajtori J troy Wm, ": CMtrU Pmy TrfrfA . Cuttri wr la t iltfag gw Cmrd. C tola or PUrffc d Wind Colic ' Owtffat filer Teetletmg TropnJom. - C trim ej C Hpatloa amd FItnIaoy. Caataria- traTlw fhm afceta af eajaoaia add gaa or palaonona air. CatorIa da mo ootala atoryaima, aplam. or other narcotie propei t j . Caitirj terTUtee tk food, ragnlataa tao rtomach and Well, KMm aaaKay ad mataapal alaop. CWarfa ia pat ta aa-mtaa Vottlaa oaJy. It In not aold la balk. t allow ay to aall ywn tkat ft fa mjmm mm good" mm Soo tkat yom rat O-A-g-T-O-R-I-A . Tao tme-nimSlm atgaatara of Children Cry for WRITE Riverside tlHHItS, POULTRY, .. PET STOCK YABBS, for their immense cat ,alogue to be issued this month. It costs only a stamp. r-'.i - , ; "EGGS FOK HATCHING . -A SPECIALTY ; F. E. HEGE & CO-, NEW BERNE, - N. C. - JMtm f ' , ' er v."ty ' -- aUADIES PO IO0 KHOW i-r na trill 1 ftBUM'ft ISIHLBBFElfflYEOYIlLPIllS V -. are Unoriginal and only FRENCH, safe and r aaotoonra on taa market. Prioe Uto sent by ' ami . tieonM aoM oalj bj P. S. DUFFY, Druggist and Sole Agent. Truck : Barrels. will make a mistake if you buy your " i . Barrels before yon see "frLiu i mim co. Tbey bare for tale the PATENT WIRE BARREL manufactured by V Jonea & Co, of this city. - TTheaa 'barrela were used lat Season by Hewn. Hack burn ,A Willett, and many .tbar kre trackers. By tmyinx this barrel you encourage bofae iodaslry and get tlte beat Truck - Baml on tbe maiket. Prices Low. 'KfJ' Yr Truly, v' pitra ' JONES & CO. OfiH Sail ad Stylet at Ihe Sign of the V BIC SHOE. ALSO Rie -5- Barrels of BiicMeat 3ct8.PerPound, the best of SYRUP to go with the -i Cakes. V.- T.-HT1. Ta,3rlor. i IFarmers ! : MOISliiY 8AVED IS MONEY MADE. -BUY YOUR- Plows. Cultivators. . Harrows, and Other Farming Implements L H. CUfLa&CO. Or. Cfc Hnfi Hm aw Brain TrMUaent uki wadar potira wrlttm gnarasuw, b auUaor atd atanat only, to aura Weak If amorr; Loss of Braia and Sarrs Power: Lout Maiinood: QoiRkiieae; Xlaht Loaaea; Kvfi Snamt: 15 of Conadenoe; S.i in i ua; LaaaMada; all Dratni; Loaa of Powar af ha Oanaiaara Organa in aithsr aez, eanaed bj Wm ainieai; YoatafiUgrroCT,crgtaalPaai . Tobacco, Opina ar Uqnor. which aoon lead to UawAUaamptioa,IiiaaaiawlI)enta. Byaiail, fa a box; tor SB; with written Knarantaa to ear or (Wand BMaar. WESTS OODGH 8YBUP. A oertaln ra tor Clongaa, Cotda, irtkna, Broncaitis, Croap, Wbooptaa Ooaaa. 8cm Throat. Pleasant to take. Imtt ate dlaasBtaraad; old, cue. an. aowSBo.; old fa, umstrnw mm. UUAJOJilijta lanad only by FS IafFjr. Sole Ajfent, New Berne, U. mm ,new. cLI FD and Children. of CWorU with th patronmg, of aayOiiag ala o tag plaa or promlie "wffl every purpoee. toOTory Pitcher's Castoria. SEWS IH BKIEr. The Municipal Council of Paris is con sideriDg a grand scheme for building a national theatre The first signs of the soda water and ice cream habits are beginning to make 1 tbeir appearance in the eyes bf the girls Two electricians at Urals, Austria, claim lo have invented an arrangement by which a newspaper can be printed by tele graph in any number of places at the same time. JSenator John M. Palmer has declared his intention of fighting the proposed scheme of committing the Dlinoia Demo cracy to free silver. The bodies of Miss Skill aud Mr. Alan ion, who were drowned while boating Suuday, were fouud floating in the Indian river near TitusvifJe, Fla. The steamship Sr. Paul was guccess-fjlly launched at Philadelphia in the presence of almost as great a throng as gathered at the abortive attempt on March 25th. Grant Griffin, colored, was hanged at Gainesville, Fla., Wednesday, for the murder of Wm. Tibbe, also colored. Griffin's neck as broken by tbo full and be died without a straggle. Ordnance Sergeant Seymour, at Key West, Fla., was terribly injured by an ex plosion. He was engaged in assort big condemned munitions of vr, when a dynamite fuse txploded. Mrs. Jefferson Davis and Miss Winnie Davis arrived in Richmond, Va., Wednes day, for the purpose of being present at the reinterment in the Davis section in Hollywood Oemetery of the remains of yoong Jeflersou Davis, who died in Mem- phis some years ago ot yellow fevr. Official advices from the Colombian , Government leceived in W&suingion announce the complete subjection of the rebellion, and the restoration of A nor mal condition of peace in af! the depart ments of the Confederation. The Central News' correspondent in Shimonoseki says there was a two hour's conference between the Chinese and Japanese negotiators on the 11. Li Buns; ChaDtc was present with all the other members of the Chinese Mission. The London Times' correspondent in Hong Kong says that Chinese robbers are plundering Formosa, and several foreign ers have gons ashore at Tiawah to help the Chinese officers punish them. At a meeting Thursday ot the lKiard of ditectors of the Jefferson Davis Monu ment Association in Richmond. Va., it was decided to lay the corner-stone ot the monument in the spring of 1896. A dispatch from Spimonski says J,i Hoog Chang, the Chinese envoy, lias ccwnplelr recovered from his injuriis. and personally resumed negotiations with the Japanese plenipotentiaries Thursdny. In the British Bouse of Commons Air. Sydney Buxton. Under Colonial Scre tary, has announced that one-half of the troops in British Honduras woujd lie withdrawn on April 30th and the reanain - der at the end of Julv. BRILLIANTS. If I culd have my elearcst wish ful filled, And take my choice of all earth's treas ures, too; And asked from heaven whatso'er 1 willed, I'd ask for yon. Anon. His words are bonds his oath are ora- cles; His love sincere, his thoughts imniacu- late; ! His tears, pure messengers sent from his: heart; ! Pis htart ns lar from fraud as heaven fiom j earth. ; Shakespeare. , There's not a strain i f joy the birds coukl i sing I I could not 3ct to words that I've been dn aminp; But when I wake, ala-! they all take wine; And leave of music but the empty seeming. Believe me, Ixve, 1 sins to you in .sleep. Songs that if voiced woulu waken you lo pleasure; Would you could he?ar them in jour, el; earns, an t keep Their inner meaning, though you miss ed the mea-ure. Anon. Is there a home whetc hmvy earth Melts to bright air that breathes no pain, Where water leaves no tbirrt again And springing fire in Love's new birth? If faith long bound to one true goal May there at length its hope beget. My seal that hour shall draw your soul Forever nearer yet. Dante Rosetti. I hold him great who for love's sake Can give with generous, earnest will; Tet be who takts for love's sweet sake, I think I hold more generous still. I bow before the noble mind That freely some great wrong for gives; Yet nobler is the one forgiven. Who bears that burden well and lives. ABOUT THE NEW OYSTER LAW APPROVE ITS Clllin 1KATIRF.S Antl i(vo the Whole I.hu n FlllrTnl Before R inlei-iiin Adverse Judg ment. Editor Jovunai,: Voul cm res pondent noticeil an editorial piua grfiph iu a iiccnt iniinlxH' i i he Kcnnoinist-FiOcon. wliii-li sound like the wail of some disappointed and dismem bered limint ((' mi(niL;lit daikness, ;is he chants a direful cli"ius in a : n i n r strain. As we do uot have the pape r to hand, we will try :.nd i;ivu the siiiistanee ot this niasterpuce of timely information :is bet we caD. 1. Tlie editorial c;ives a plarinu' de scription of tlie bountiful anil hi-toiie little city, commonly known as "KMz detl, City," which, for accuracy in detail, must mio t the approv-d ot who have ever ;. 1 tii - h.M:tal!e town. In I;ivt, a we retd the graphic and glow ins: descrip tion, we felt like we were in a inea-ure uili y of the sin of envy, lint imagine our surprise when we came to the second s'anza of this melodic chant, viz : a dis solution upon the oyter laws of the past lirr'Si-nt o u-.. r.;,l,..I it oh ..'I il.o ir.,iil.l wit',1 repaid to stagnation o the oyster industry is but a h i:i:iii.a:e result i f the pasge ot the acc ot known as th- I.ucas Act ' This act having as its main featuie the prohibition (.f liiedini; as a n.cans to procure oy.-ters. It is not my pnrjiose to vindicate or condemn the men or motives which j prompted and promoted the pa-ilsje of 1 this law. Cha'ity won d demand ot me, at least, a concession of Inn, e-ty of pur pose reard!e.s ol l lie oanejui resuii which followed Again, mistakes of others are olten the last guidc3 we have to arrive at th.d which is ri-rlit and proper. I 3 Our attention is next r al'ed to the Xfukwtv not li eh. Iiail it rpmainpii un repealed, would of i'silf have semr, (1 iirosnprii v etc to K i7-d)eth f 'it V and those of all clasps interested in the ovster business. 4. The present law, passed by n hat is known as the Fusion Legislature is en tirely ignore I. and the ricale of the tong is a lamentation over the presumed idea that wheieas ihe Makely -law was repeal led, no more lnosperily is, as lar as it te- gards the ovster nidustrv, prospective. norIn Om nvtor iil.lllwtl Now for the b nelit of ihe eilitor of the Economist-Falcon, I would ask if it would not be well while publishing thc wrooir ti.ir.gs (V) that the fusion legisla ture did, to publish a chapter of gonl things, and thus enlighten the minds ol his readers rather than misrepresent the general make up of that body':' For ihe information ot a'l, at d especial ly the Kconoiniit-Falcon, I submit the following: 1. Whatever mav I e the di feet 5 ol the present law aud it lias vet t I e tested, i in the language of the Uovi rnor, t.ny law is better than l lie "'Lucas" law. 2. Thfi new law lvnea's eutirelv the laws of 1893 and 1891. Tlie Make! v la w which meets with the approval of the! Economist-Falcon, is thus revived mid ilsj principal feature, the prohibition of car rying N. C. oysters out of the State in the shell i now as fullv operative :! b-fore ' the passage of the "Lucas ' law. Veiy respectiuliy, etc., J. B. Parsons. MALARIA IX IWPIRK MATER And Sot Ho Much in the Air a is Com monly Supposed All Trncrt of it Banished by Artesian Wells. The question ns to the effects eif the drinking water used is entering largely into publ:c discussion aDd the jirevailing expression of opinion among those who have studied the subject most closely, is that the trouble is eiue. conlrjrv to what seems to I e the generd impres-ion, more to impure water than to impure air. The Charleston News and Courier re cently ncied the great attention that is now leing paid lo this subject in both North and Souih Carolina and if elec'ares that the testimony is all one way the way we have stated. In a letter to the Si uthem Slates Maga zine Mr. R. K. Rockwell writes that pure water has etadieated malarial fever Irom the town of Vinelanel, X. C. that the water question has been receiving atten tion "all over the country ,'- and that gootl water is co-v to be had 'almost any where." He add.-: "The theory that. bad w;:t r and not bad air is the cause of so much ehsiase. and especially of what we Call ma'aria. bus Ixeu proven true in eveiy iiiSiai ee where a t&t has been maele. "Lniil reci ntiy the people in this sic-; tiou used only surtace water. Malaria was prevalent and was attributed by phy- sici.ins and all alike to impure1 air. Quin- ine was prescribed, and it was mo,- i;n - pOl'HLil. 111.11 LI. C lll-'lUOl 00; UI IJIOHIIIC shouhl not be missed th in it was to i at bi-eeiktast. The sale of this attiede had ' become so larte that it w is made a 'lead-1 c r' in man)- stores, a very low price put on I it to attiact attention, and when the eus- ! tonu r tame after quinine ethe r goods would be s dd to him. But this slate of thin-'S has el anted; there is no more sale fir epiinine in any quantity. lion. '"u: e w ater has elor.e the work. Here1 While about fn'tee'i mih s tV ni 1'. rt--in our town we have an Ai tesiau well, nuun h oil' Ucracke, durin.; th rilei,f All traces of malaria have elisappeareil. j the fi.st of the we ek a t e rendoi - v ae I he change in the appearance r.n l feelings dashed over In r taking i If ali lo-r - .'- ex of the inhabitants is marveil, u ' eei)t the fore-sail. It ;.!- i .i:r.i-i .-.way ThU.it ssien. is p, nim n; anls'ront testimony iu support of the bad waterl theory, and it is a fair example of the ' m iss of testimonj-. Tlie people "u-e I only surface water.'' and "malaria was prevalent." Pn vsiciaus and all others attributed it lo impure air. Much quin ine was prescribed and sold ami swallow ed; it was tlie chief article ot trade and Commerce and consumption, and still 'malaria was prevalent"' y. ar ;.f;er e r f-r possibly a hun.ir. el year-. Then there came a change. "Iu our town we have an Artesian well" at last, arel '"all traces of malaria have disappeared.'" There has been no other change but the change in the water, aral the consequent "marvel lous" change in the "appearance and fc 1-imr-'' of the inhabitants. They appear wid e aud re d ir.te:V I of piuepkoi e o'ored. They le- 1 stioig and are fresh and eae-r-getie instead ot being "nnel bid'ore break fast,"' aud d.spose I to lean up against something an t think all tlie day long, when ihey w-'ii'd like to be t work or down at the stoie talking polities. There is no more sale I't epiinine. i . any qnan titj'. There is the same edd "bad air" in the town a!l day and all night in the summer and fall. Tlie cm?!-; ;iud ihe rivers overflow, and the swamps are ree k ing with dee-UN eel and decaying n getaiion as fiefore limes lint all tii e-.-s of in.d.ir'a have dUapp- aied. "l'ute water has done the work '.'" If i he experience of thousan U of people and the testimouv of hundieils ot coinpa tent and carebal oi's-rver- count for any thing, the Mialaiinl districts'' are the healthiest regions in this coun'iv, provid ed only that their surtaie waters which bear the malarial germ- .ire not used for drinking purposes. Two American sailor are rcporb el as being iu prison in Kinston Jamaica in a , dying condition. The American consul . procured their release but thev were re-1 arrested and his further efforts have been' futile. Their oassoorts and nnoers are ' all correct and not even a pretext beyond that they are suspected is given for their imprisonment. IROH TIIK lTIOAI. AIM I AI.. JikIito ami the Cul tEuilnn. lintel Income Tax Ielsion I'm cliietMl 'onl p I ien f ions Iii.lifif tloil lo 'el Icrl o rs i-inin aiil .orllt 'arolin.i l':iiuil' in I. nek Thef t ot Postnjte Slnmiw-I'i' rson.'ils Special foivepo'.nkiH e. Washington. 1). (' . Apr''. !" This mo; nil .1 Hi lijc ( "en ill- till' 11.0 Iiitoislate Comnii ri i ( they had du id ! to all Hadway to cut its r.it- s 111,111! -s. .) tin- lli'h'- til, ot the S'ilhoiinl Air 1 ,.i.o I I.il.p ;is liic hiiioiid. Hali i -Vt'antii. (.. i. The di ci -:o i of t j!i. t'o, ie Sup: the Income lax i - u r.. s opii-.ion heje :s r hue w: ! ' by thetii'VI C'iuilT e--. t'oinnii Kr a n! the ot'ri -iaU i t th In' enue hurt n n aie fu-y end avor out whre the h e hi e fax L i ;tiiK'd by the Supremo V. in" '" A - a fu i i "y ol th - pi, ill i Ml i i Ml ,1 i -e ' : -l i llv I. i i Mi niii I , - In . V- ind n nearniu !io:e!'o:e i d t o : i -i i i . to piv-;-u n. i on the present reparation not i-e acctir.ite'v tt-t i rmt nl instructions to colli cti but di n ctii'iis to eolieet : ; lio ;i iy f ..ni.m eeed will pi oi i:ib' v be r, tomorrow. In ihe m i uraphie instruction ua- r.t t ; a h ' : the ixtv t!,ii e i oi'.e. tor- of in t' rna: v- erue. 'Hold inenne tax !;-. i ll' Aj'.i: lo. until fm tin r orde 's. Hi tai i p ,s-e.i n o' all return receivi d .Ioskimi S. Mir.i.KiT. C om i i-.-ioii, r. The L.aki s of 'a. iiud X. t.. . i; i- n -porte, 1 hi re. a: e i: -u o law , . u s I v. OnO.OOO 'vortb i f piojintv line then in the beau of Xlw l'.rk ' ly. The 'un der ol 'l o I.' ake I'm i'y un' ; ih . c iuntryfiom Iv"-.'!aml m mv thin a i en tire 1 ye is ntjo. ai.d M ltiei in New Amsterdam, now New V-'ik. Thi- i.iiui was hased I v this old Kiijl:.-liinaii for jieriod of aim ty-uine ye.-u and ihi- leise appea'S to bo jn-t exp:rm' 1 h ,;i viv.u heirs think liiev have takmi i v . i er t'1 d is I 1 'le I" 'P n (es-arv io sccum- pos.t.-io'i of the iir.ai rtv at oik e. Tho old llera'd ; huildiiv,' stands u n (Vi:c ot the uio;:r.d I claimed in Ibis riMici-v. M'.s ttiiew Leake : .lames li. Le ke. Mi James Chaiie- I. ake. o Mr. Charhs 15. Leike. 1 Pel- isli'trj, of L ilk-vide. C, a cousin i f the three I other.-, I e in nearest ki.n, will receive I0.n0(oiii). ,and the lalai ce ol the lili.iMio.(i');) is to In divided among the others. Mes-.-. M n: nim; and Heynold-are ihe ai'.orne ii r the heiis. The Post J!li e Ii p;ii'lm. tit ha- dis covered that i Ciiica.o (oneein hi-'men counterfeiting thou-ands of pi tiige stamps, 'riiirdasd-tiint l'.is-niast-T : n eral K-l r Craiir, who has sup i vi-ion ot the postage stamps, said l!i,,t :do ,t a nio'.th :i20 he receded from a jio-tm.is er in the west a two-ceut s'amp. ami Jiieai examination with a magniiyinir eli.-. he easily detected that it was .-Jim ioii.-. All the li'"es of a jenuine stamp. 1c- -inl. v, ere even and rcju'ar, but the eoloi; j; ,'e!ic- tive. All I Xp?rt, lie added. I otllll e -i tell n good euii! Irom the bel. I in n ie ' Ceiptjof thi tamp in-,ji clor, we: ,.- - t to work. Acting Clerk, W D -putv Auditor V. SJott is i:: -,,! mil Law -ton. I w Del., A b imni t del- the ill!-! altimi.i oi the I'niversitv ol " u. wi given at the Eboitt House. Apr. ter Monday, in honor of Tho:ii;is J son. Mrs. A E. Stevc-n-on. wile ot l'resii 'eat Stcven-on ninved ia lie-to-day, accompanie 1 by her sifter. M A. Stevenson, from Blooiniagton, Id E is- f Vice ci! V . C. In Distress Xear e I.nnkoul l.ilil. S)ecial to Journal ) Beaufort, N. C. April loth The steamship Croatan. Catit. Hau-oii. of the Cl3"de Liiie1, bouiiel Irom New :i!: to Wilmington, N. C. was di e iveied Idl ing at 4 p. in. on the '.);h in-t. She wa immediiite'y headed tor th shon? and is now anctioieil eat of Cap" Lookout light with 5 fe-et of water in her forward hole. The capta'n has wiivd for a-s"stane". The crew are all right and the passen gers arrived here to liiy to take the tmia for Wiln'ingtoii in the morning. We .ther gooel. Ukaufokt, N. (.'. Aprii 11. Tiie S. Oroatau is t i ' 1 anchored l! miles from the beach with 0 f. et of water in h. r "nole. Ti e s-lii p is lyinu in an eii-v o-:tion. Captain Hanson lias ie'.s nie I -.lie e-n o. A-s'stanie whiih u.i- wired :' -r h i- no; yet arrive I. A Northeast tale a i l a vi v hiuh -e:l ; prevails, and no boat can uec to li r. J The lll0 &IVU,, station crew are on the ' , , , , . . , . ' - "l - h rt'ail-v l' ivn.ler !ifsi-tance .: nee. ted. Schooner I'o'iileii Iisii!le-!. Mr. E. L Keener, keeper ol Kova': Shoal Liuht. came up Eialiy. He in forms us that the three- nia-i -i ho, ,n r. Geo. L Fts-e ni'.e n from l'lli'ade-Iphia bound f Charleston a1: 1 !o ,e'.e 1 wiili cod I is at l'urtsmi nth i.i a di.-i.b'cd c :.d: tin1 I U.e'.at Distress signal Terrell, of the station and he w. re hoisie 1 and ('apt. 1', .risiV.ou'h li e s i vi il e l i w NVe 11! to h r tance as did aNo the pi! but the cieiv g-it in forty minutes. W'h n they c-iiine-t her in o 1 is now t here w a ing t' harbor f 'l' re pair-. ots from (X1 :i li-er lir-t l..v .-. the p ' -i : ,1; nil- I ill : be t ,wc 1 t- ,1 TIIF OYSTKK 1)1! I IM. ! N Reports Illioel to ! si t l,rast Exir!i'ornle-l-'I' lie Reason-,. Senator J. 15. Pir-ois, elepiry si. e l !i-h inp ctor. w for the oyster uroiii.d- :, ' reported dredging. If- i-se-vi r,d ! a.-o-:s t-i 1 1 ink tii I ; i r dging guiiij o i i: is not t tent :l aie indie. ,:r-d. who is i ! I -Oi ei -ok afi.-r l. t sil, h Smic ol the r, :is, n- v is that it is now too file ing. that ov-tei s if tak-m ties Wollhl -po'ii belol northern iiiiirke1.-. that made rep ,rts ami t hey w elo so l f 1 Ik re w ere tr last and most si r, ni z r- ,- ,d,V l-i for n re no !, ouh! Jlllld I'l ot' - i dre -g. pi .n;'.- r- ha n i aeaT t- it. a d dr.1 l-e,i oysti rs can b - lK ot hers by I heir Ik ii some of the -he'.is such on -lei s have I Berne and it is s Cillfll-heil !i g in bunch .- I iClng tlfok 11, ,,.( II 1 l I I-' VI ' i aid non h , So i f ill: v w (! ;.ii I at Ni. re t;il; ,r ( )e: air i it bus. at on, through Coinjoek. they went either out by ft 1 1 1 r,- Coke- no other way was op n, i not likely that manv if any v.int ; However, Mr. l'arso!,.- will. investigate facts take for. and heviiie such steps Ci i, " Iftoc Bwby ',,,,,l"sr Too,h- Be; sure and ue that o; 1 and well-trii-i remedy. M i s. Winslow's Sootlm.g Sy tup for children teething. It soothes the cliiid. softens the gums, allays all pain, ernes wind colic and is the best remedy for diarrhoea. Twenty-live cents a bottle. nGlyr PUOSI'ECTIVE 10 T TON' MILL Am! Snine Coltiin Statistics, Ilolli V.-i t i ie ml N i II h I-r n ; i I ll I In. M"-lin: Soiilli. M'e Musi W R' S;ii isiie il w i Cli inn1 A clile e e-in i-ills. Rut Musi !c eli .M ;iii u lael u riu- Also. Ail tin: -lock for the -1,0110 spindl, c '.ton mill at L a thin 1', ir. I to;i has bjen s'di-er.lv 1 ii,, ! nv. i k on the build tig- i in r.gsv -." iti ni- :ke '.lie aboee n i a eonimon now, 1- ;t not liui .for New Berne biisin.s people t , ar--use ihe n-ilves tor such man i acnr;:g when "tin r e itics and towns, -e,.e . ! th, ni e a ii - nailer than New I -tint- a ' -round -are going ahead bv i lit i r own t !':'-, :t-. mi I a s i -;ipiiali!s from tie' Notiii inv m ik ng ine e-tig ition- to go ml" ti e -aun- b,i-'.ne;. in the Souf. C it ai i. no uf.ictiiring ia the S .nth is h ng i:g g d in with prolit and sali-tac-: o :r o. ii i e !- evi-ry in.licaiio:i that 1 e - i .i a v, i i a n-i di- an: d iy I the cot ' i ii..:ni t-.-i in ; cti.ni ot t he uniop. I t.i- li ing -o u i'e-s Ni v I-me goes in a' lin-b ginn ng of t e Soutiit rn ih-velop- ine t ;.l 1 io in - j iia w itii tin- di N e I o p- -in n;. i! nv.;. Ik lii ill I that a seliou-mi-take h .- . f.i made. I he le-ouives :, i e i ;ie. iu-ie;id of iindering iw -:;'.:-li !. oil d - -I've a- ail incilltive to dev. opine .; along e very line possible. As a pi o if of - h r ii 'in that the re is for a on u n 111' a t :, i in g i l the South sia i -ti. - g-ven by Mr. !. II. ahnii:.ils. ol he M.-uni : n i ,n- 1 - lev on! m iy be cited 111 '. s'-.-NV i' w .',: eie. il'Il --S ill it should ' 'en..': I i any one. It m iy be boi'i;-' i u !i.,n i th it iir. Kehiiuuds i ravel!- ! witii the piity ol Nil Ihern mamifae t . '. i ' win, ha '. ',- nfi n a king an investiga- ing t in -ut r -in tne time they lelt mi thetiip. M . Edmunds .-ay-: -o.M!. Oil'TllX STATISTICS. "Ti"-' re are in t: e wan Id about So.f'l !(, rm i (o-; -n siiiml'ie-. I; is claimed that I foil i-th - larte-t s ng'e indusi ry in the, waiiid and tbiii it hies an aggrigate invest ! men' u;'a'.i,t two bi.--,n .lobars. 1 The Si, .th ids. - about lid p -r cent, oil tiie entire e rop of tin- world, out has onlv I -"?.' !.!.o spindle-, less th ni 4 per e-.-nt of tin -e op ritoigin the woiid. Southern' eott-.ii in i i i - at pr s-nl. r.otwithstandmg t he gr.-:'e inne :- ot recent ve.rs. eon-! -,ime"l.--- th in 1 per e eir. of the Seiuh-j o: n loliiincrop Ir is esi imated that tiie e.ai;iai ion i -le I ia tne ( I ton mills in the ! S mill iiggr- g.i'e- a litt ie over one luiiidreei ! million :. .: !ars j " i'he-e tigme- enib'e us i0 form sum'1 . oinentioii of nvIi it the development of! the c -ttori in iii-try of ti e S .uth means in i the a 'Nana meir .-t the prosperity of this j section. fhi' Southern emttcn crip now I ivir about iSoOO.O.IO.Uh'O in 'value- I while- i! in mill' etuied ai home the aggiv- gill viiii'.e w u d n over one billion elol lai -. li i- not t la- expected that the South will tor niiiuv years to come, il i ve-, nm-iiiiir iu its own mills all of its cot, m: crop, but ii the future inciea-e in j e-iit-n m iniiiiii-mriug euiii be entered in j tlieS.u:!i ii wiii ini.il! u very rapid rule! i fgro'-vtli in evei n tiling connected with ! oil r im hl-ti ia! iliie-re-l- ' ; -'lie- eeu-us ,.f issiii . 1 ,v, s that the! South h.i I ub .nt .li'MMMi tpindi'S w ith a eapifil ol .-. (Hill. 1100: by lS'.lllthis had ii crea-e I to $(51,1)011 boo "of (apital and about l.Too.hOO spindles. "A ! p :i -en ' t .-re ne. ine! a h -ft mills now u,d r coiistruition, about 3,000,000 -pin.l.es ami '-n Hie basis ol the capitali- . iiion o ab;,u' 100.000.000. The great pari f thW reiiuukable ele vvlopiiie it has been made by Southern capital. WI.e i to the work that the 'South is el., ing in building cotton mills shai M ie :,el-led mills th it New England I'eop'e will doubtless build in the South during tiie nevt f.-w years, the late ot ; gtowih will f;r exce d even the very. inpid progress m ih la-t tlve eirs." There are good, strong, e neon: aging j nv rd- and ei-uvim ing ligures. The South j is meiving with ''apiel st i aides in cotton! ill a ! i til" e ! il i i . I g. Our own state is m ov-1 ing more r api lly m thi- xvork than any ' t!i '. and we niut join in the march of; pi-ogr ss oi iij content to see planes less t iN oiablv situated use the advantages ! they iaive an I oil's trip us ia the rm e of uiiiuiil'i; luring ctexe'opim nt. Who is c n ;eut f r 'his to be the ease.' We suppose n i i -lie. If y-.u wish to sej manufactur ing devel'-p ill New; Heme-, con.e out to the in- eting next Tue-dav night, heir the or p.'-iti n that will b- submitted, and i-ilii y our eif rt- with the others to accompli.-, i lb - objects s ai i.t ATi'i!i'.Y (ii:Kii.n;s opimo.v : 4n Hie- Sialiis oi" J nsl ieo Failing to' (liiiiiav in Time Tlie Ollire 'ot Farlpili'il. . boa rm r ( air a.-k' d At'otney General ; e'.-':i p e ;''.: an opinion as io whether, il j he ad bt In:: d ju.-;:ees of the peace e'teced; Ii.- the State Leg sliiiur-,- finkd to qualify; o :i o: be ore Ap i: 1-t then were created : vii ancles wliaii h; had a right to Mil. ' l b1 re we e ;;.'i' su-. h j usi ices e lectei I and j he : e; s.1,1 they w t re to qualify on or 1 hef.e.'e A -rd 1--. Vov feNV of them lulNe! liiia'.h-.h " ; 1 in- .Vton;! y Ci-c-in-i.il stys mere delay i in o-.i ei v: i e!oe- in t in it-cif work a lor- ! fei' ill",' of , lii: e. He :.d,vi-es that win l'e t tins:1 eg -!itive app intees have by their 1 I.' n r.eji g rce laile I t qualify, it mat-! :t-r- not h,.w long alter Aped 1st, and still ! I'.id '" do so. the ( i ovi i neir shoual appoint i to ii:i th otii. e thus vacant. If l-el'oie his j app iut-a- qu il fy the legislative ap I po.nt es.piih'y. the h. tu r have the better ! I. tie. wh.ie i the (i-ive-rnoi's appointees j ip'iil.fy lli-a tin v hive tie ! tier t itle. If. tit- ii-i iv i:i i:;!j:ng is not due to the . i.'g igeiicc ot the legislative appointees i b creu- an y eva re n t notified m time to' .pi,.! v A; ril 1-t then the Governor ; sir n di not appo nt. i 1 i.i- case h is i,i ni-eil very great inter- : s'. 'I'h A t rney (lener.d's opinion : e- . i 1, : . : .' appainte s the inside I'. a k. Tin- I olltiii I'rosiieet. I.ithani. .i'i--N;:ii ici' ,V Co.. uiiilcr date ' of A ' t ii b ii - in : In our ei eu'.iir h tiers of Deeenilier : lo a aid I-'e'oru ii v 115: h. atte a tion w as - pe. i ,; y ea'a .i lo ihe fact ti.at the price ! ,'fc t:.-:i h d lieid-ued I.r beeoudwliat! the u of n ab , c- n b ' ioiis and h pi1' ciat ii.' i.il'ii a i e.- Nvnrant-- l. and nvi- below lb e. -t ' 1' pr - : net a ,n. "We -- .;,-,! a'-o that we1 if-,! not think ; it ii, rea-o -able tip"-. net a material ad ! vi'-r in pli;.-- lining llu next few UeU''.h-. - nee these letter NVete written bui tl' h i- gt' iit y improved and I-1M-, deneel in :.:'; the i ,.a rk- '. .- "I t he nv, rlil, and prices liiNe :aiv iu- e,! oil an average of tiil'ee- oi,;t: t- r- ot a e- ut p, r pound. il i.-r-a.-euiab.e to be ie ve that the ad vain e in pi ie, - i pel niiiuent, an I if the ' a ;: ; "ni 1 1 i ted, i nip' nvi-iih-iit in irade gener al v is ii-i!-'d much higher prices for i o ion will l'u'e. S.u h will c itiiinly be t! ie case- if the pi ,iiner j the S u;th will simply exercise to-" I bui-ine-s di-i letioii by niaterinlly iv diieuig tne'ir notion ac'vage. Nvliich is so niiindt-tiy to their interest, in order to re'icNe t: e world oi the npprelie:)ion ol . .-, i-1 u , ,. iii tion again this ear. "It would be truly unfortunate for the South if the p,:1, s-.-nt advance in prices -hould -t imu ! iite; planting beyond present e v i le.'iatlons." ('apt. Clark, of the British steamship Beiinigham, whi.li arrived at Norlolk Fuday reports that at 10 o'clock Wed nesday night his first mate sighted a burn ing ship, twenty ni'les south of Currituck I light ami midway between Currituck and i Cape Henry. MPfciriKi rd ebke k. of i Keeeiveil ly Fourteen -New BerninnN I'nnfcrrcil by tlie ;ililburn Tram Willi 1VI I in j ii u I ii n Hllll Iterne Asvlslanls Tlie Kaiiiiet. ( )n Tuesday night, 9th. hist., the am plified or long form third degree in the Order of Knights of l'y I bias was coo ferrt-d upon fourteen Xew Hermans; viz : Mcssis. George Green, Ralph G-ay, Nu ma Xiinn, .1. G. Itrin-on, II. T. Biinson, T. G. Hvman. A. .1. (ia-kins. ,1. .1. Bax-t'-r. li.iwai-d Cohen. .1. L. Moodv, W. C Biash-y. W. J. Wiitts. G. A. Bender, and W. B Siinford. The d-gree was conferred Lv the tram o! Muffin Lodge, No. (1, of' Goklsboro, anil ass -tunts belonging to tlie New Berne and Wilmington h ams. There were in all twenty-live visiting members, eighteen from '.JohlsVro ami seven from Wilmingt u among whom we re Supreme Representative Meares and Geu'l W. J. Woo bird, of the Uniform Rank "I the K. of P. The uiemliers present at the initiation di clare it a most beautiful and impiessive one -one which they will nevi r forget. Tin- initiation lasted from ts p. in. until alter twelve. About half p ist tevelve all the New Berne K. eit IVs. and the vi-itor-, a total of ab nit seventy rep died to Hotel Al bert for tlie grand banquet which had been prep-trul. It was partaken of with zest and enlivened with toasts. Kvery ihing passed off finely and to the enjoy ment of e ery one. The vi.-itors ret urne 1 home by the morning train, plea-e l with their visit and the New lii-ine Loelge delighted nt having had them with them. IMl'ROVI. WAIL F A IT 1.1 T I EH. Other Ail vniilauei That Wonld Accrue Should the Proposed Change on the W. . A X. It. K. Take IMaee. We announceel that a change of sched ule evas m contemplation on the W. N. v. N. R. Ii. which if adopted would cause the two daily trains to swap runs, that is that the regular passenger train would leave Wilmington in the morning and New Berne'in the afternoon and vice versa. We pointed out at the time ol making the announcement some of the advantages that would result from such a change if it were made and the mail changed t. the passenger Ir on under that schedule but there are other advantages still thatC'iuld be mentioned. The pa-sei gi-r train would ot course have a quicker schedule and we woulJ aecording'y get mail from Wilmington aed fro ji along the line of the road earlier in the day than we now do. More-over, a freight train crrnnot be r.-lietl upon to make its sciicelule time. Here in the citv a delay causes a little v.xa.ion but in the country it quite ofen emails positive discomfott upon the mail ageuts who have lo meet the train and lis there on schedule tune and wait until ii arrives. Son e of the post-offices, as De Bruhl's, Dixon's, S oop Point amLTopsai! Sound are fiom two tothree miles each distant from i he point on the ro.icl where '.hey get ihe mail, while Swansboro, Palo Alto',' Catha rine Lake, T.-.r Landing and Gum Branch are at siill greater distances, being as lar away even as sixteen miles And yet nil those who carry mail back and forward between t he traiu and these post-offices have to be em hand in time and wait until the train arrives and s .n.e of them meet the tiain a t places w her j theiv is not even a station and have t wait out in the weather whatever it may be, we are informed, until it arrives. We rather expect that the schedule that Nvould be ananged under the change would give those who coine to New Beiue for a brief trading trip, a lit tie more time in the city and it would give the lull proposed time, whatever it was, reliably. This would be good both for the pcple near New Berne and fur our mere! i ants. It would also work well for Wilming ton. Il would give quick and reliab'e eommunicat on between the city and those along the road. The Wilmington papers especially would feel the difference for their subscriber would then at the va rious post-offices, know just when they could get them and be all the better salis rie I thereat. l'ut one of the greatest advantages to New Berue would I e the close connection that could ther. be made at Wilmington both North and S-.uth with mail that leaves he:e in the alternoon making us almost a day nheid of w hat can be done now w ith matter mailed in the after noon This would be a great advantage es pecially in notifying of truck or other shipments and in other business trans actions wht re di-p.iie h is requited. mSA.STROlS RIVER FLOODS. Roanoke, t'ape Fear ami Other Rivers Basing Cape Fear Four Feet Above ftanser Line at Fayelleville and Mill Rising-Many Bridges Gone. The weather bureau's warning of trouble by the oveifl -Nviug of rivers is being amply verified. Fiom Raleigh corresp iivlence of the Messenger we take the following: "There is no fear of further frost now. But the floods are doing lar more damage thau frost could have d ne. in this section. At the weather bureau lo elay Mr. Von Hermann said that the rain lalls weie phe nomenal. Mort of the rain fell Sunday night. At M arven 3.17 inc hes fell, and hi Chapel Hill 4.75 inches. Reports at 8 o'clock this morning stated that the Roa noke at Weldou was 31.2 ieitor4iiet above the dang- r line, and rising rapidly, and report from the Cape Fear at Fayvtte v il le -said it was 42 fee', or 4 feet above the danger Hue, and rising rapidly. The outlook Is lor great floods. The quick ness of the rie is phenomenal. Mr. Ve n He rmann says: In tliis- county the h.ss is heavy. Back water in Ciabtiee creek earned away the bridge (the highest in the county) at the county Inline. Other bridges on Neuse river and other streams are gone. Low land i tons are b aby huit. The worst of the rain was from Ci ape! Hill northward into 'irgima. No more railway wash outs w ere ri ported to-day. A careful watch was kept last night by railway pe. pie." GREAT DISASTER I' WHEELING. A Five Story Building Collapses tar rying Ruin and Death in its Down-- fllll LONM 8dOO. 000. A live-story building in Wheeling, West Virginia, occupied by two llrm, tell without w arning at 8 o'clock on the morn ing of the 8th inst. Ten people were buried in the mins. Six were killed and others injured. Fire added to the horrors and they were still farther increased by dread of a mighty explosion from a ear load of turpentine aud oil in the building. This was averted however. The loss is over $200,000. The build ing was defective and had been con demned two yecrs ago, and it was crimi nal negligence that it had not been torn clown. Father F. H. Parke, a catholic divine was one of the victims. He was vicar j general of West Virginia diocese, and chaplain of Mount Decliantel, the Catho- I lie seminary here. A LBEM .4 R I. E I R ES H Y T ERY. Election of t'oiiim issioner.s lo Gene-nil Assembly Oilier Works The Ser mon and I'.diK'ationiil Ailel re. At the Pre-sbyte i n chinch, first li ght, a good congregation ase:iibhd. Iu t v' iiors from ether denomination- w er. found iu eo'i-i letnb'e nuui U-i -. Rev. F. D. Tin, ma-, o' R a kv M unt pre ache I a sh, rt. but f.ueibi- - im n adapted both to the m ni-teis and tie general congivgai ion from Milt, vi.2o. At the c'ose of I In- -en i ion . the bu nn-- -f the session was ealcied into ' y the-el, e tion oi office s Prof. .bis. Dinwiddle, 1 . I) . I 're-i.li nl of Peace Inst itute w i- elect d n o iei iioi. and K-v. W. T. Walk.-r and Mr. X. I . Morton, of Tow n-v il h-. Va-iee cun y weie elected temporary eh rk. Ti i- -'aie I c h rk Will be el- e- i d 1 e r. Thursday Proceeding Hlaoe and Date ofgext "le'e-linu Report I pon t he Evangelist ie Work. But lilt'.e Was dolle ill the Ull.il iol'g bus iness session of the Presbytery that would iuierest the public. The work was main ly of a routine II dure pr. parater; 'o nn hat was ahead. Among the commit tees app linre 1 was one on necrology to prepare a historic:. I sketch of the ministers, in the Pre-bytery who die d during t he ve r. The commit tee consists of Rev. W. I). M i on. I). D.. of Henderson. Rev. E. Danie l. I). I). Ra.eig, and Dr. McDonald, ot Grange. These who h i ve iliod are 1 Robt. Bui w in, of R eleigb and Rev. T . i 1 hi- lev. . N. Faucette ot Oxlorel. Dr. Morton prea -hed a go al s, runn in the inouhng fioin Mark 12:i!7. And Un common peop'e heard him gladly." At the alternoon session in a-h lit ion to work of a general c haracter, the tone and place o! the next meeting wastixid. It will bi in Greenville mi Tuesday. S1 p tember 2 I. Albemarle Pre sb te-iy. which is now holding its tet ellth semi-annual session in Ibis city, is at once itie largest in tenitorv and weakest l.unH rical ly of the e ntire six Piesbyteries, which constitute the Synod of North Carolina. It is in I'm t the mis sion Presbytery having out five sttong churches within i'S bounds. It. embraces thirty counties and the whole thirty counties have I ut thirty Presbyterian churches. In thirtei n ol the counties there is nciilii r a Presbyterian church buihliuET or organization. The counties in which ihe chur Ins are entirely becking are: Berlie, Cam h n, Chowan, Currituck, Djre, Ga'e s, Given, Hertford, Hyde, Northampton, I '-.milieu, Perquimans aud Tyrrell. The other counties composing the Pres bytery are Beaufort, Craven. Edgic niibe. Frankl n, Uranvido, Ualif.x. L-.-noir, Martin. Nash, Pasquotank. Pitt, Vance, Wake, Warren, Washington, Wayne and Wilson. The Presbytery was formed in lfS!) Its first meeting was he Id in Goklsboro on November 20, h of that y ar. Previous to that lime almost no attention had be. n paid to ihe work ia count ry plac -s but Irom the timeofiis establishment more attention lias been paid to such evange is tic work than at any time before'. A good por ion of the tune as many or more evangelists are in the field than regular pastors. Seven are at present devoting a whole or a portion of their fun-.' to this feature ot the work. That this work is proving effective can be seen from the lact that luliy a third of "he churches in the Presbytery are new ones and another is now I cing .started at Kinston. Mr. J. J. Keller of New Berne, went up yesterday to begin the woik of erecting it. Movements are a'so in prog res for the erection of churches at other places -which will no doubt soon materialize. lie-ports upon this evangelistic wo'k were made by the evangelists at the night meeting. These reports were made plainer and more inte-re-sring by a large map oi Albemarle Presbvtery fr.inting the au dience, upon which was jio nt, d out the several churches which each evangelist se -ved, and they showed in their repoits where their homes, the distances they tiaveiled to fill each appointment, nnIi iI services were held at e ch place aud how frequently, the condition and circumstan ces atte nding the work at each place when thev entered upon it.' and the condition in which it now is and its outlook and needs. Those who heard the reports departed with better ideas o the existing eircum stai:c s in the field than iliey could have obtained as easily in any other way. The report3 were very encouraging in the showing they gave of the prog-ess that is lieing maele, and ihe in e !s which the re ports made manifest for ineieaseel efforts and a more vigorous prosecution i f the church should in-piie ad interested to ic doubled zeal along this liue t f the church NVOlk. Friday's proceedings. In the absence of the moderator. Rev. F. 1). Thomas, ol Rocky Mount presided. The mire important matters that were acted upon was the following : It was decided from ibis time forward to conduct the work of Home Missions, through a committee of five instead of through an agent. The foil owing is the committee appointed, Rev. W. D. .Morton. D. D ol Heinlei'son, chairman; R v. C. G. Vardell, of New Berne, Rev. Eugene Daniel, Raleigh, Ruling Elder J. R. Young, of Henderson, and Ruling Elder T. W.'Hewkins, of Lii tic-ton. At 11 a. m. a sermon was preached by Dr. C. M. Payne, of Washington from John, 14th chapter, 2nd and 3rd veiSes: "In mv Father's hou-e are many man sion5, etc. The first thought advanced was that the heavenly kingdom was dese rioed un der the beautiful figure of a h .me and that it was our Fathers home. Second. The permanency of the home. It is a mansion and the vvor.l in the Give k has the signification of a p -rmanenl abode:, not a changing one. Third. That the mar-ioi s are prepared ones. prepaied for those who dwell there, ant each one who reaches there would liml it was exae-tly for him that it was prepared for lorn. Fourth. The liles-edui s- of being Ine from all sin and a'l c.iie and of being pre s, nt w ith God. Il was a touching -fiimn and it hf: it impress upon the h. arer.s. 1' was decided tint Rev. ('. G. V; r 'eil. of New Berne and Mr. X. K. l.mwii, ol LaGrange be appo nied, and tm-y to se lect the lllirel man lo compose a e-,nini;l-tee to attend to the Dover church fuad. The following commissioner- wi re elected to the Gi ncr.il Ass.m'ev : Rev. ('. G. Vaidell. of New Bern.- with Rev. E -gene Daniel, ol' Rale-igh, a- deb gates, anil Mr. R. A. Bnll-ck, .4" He. dot - n. wiili ( apt. J. M. If. Hunt ;.s aheinah 'I 'n- G, neral Assembly nviII niirt a' Dallas Texas, May lfi-h. At the afternoon session tin- r.poit- ol the committee on Home Mi-cm s w, re read and adopted. It embraced the re- "When Baby was sick, -eve pave h,-r CaPtnrta. When she was a Chilel, she crieil for Cast- .ria. When she became ILss, she etune; to Ciisteria. When eho had Children, she ra c them Casturla. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria. '. ipls and x endi ' ui'es and the general earning on o( ihe wrk in tin: ev niigc hs tie If Id through the Near. 'I'h elee tion of loan-.', ll-t- too); phiee and i lie lo'jow ii g wi i,- i le, h , I to t he lie-Ids iles gna t ee I . H-v. F. II. .lohn-toii. D D . El ,b, th i I n . M ii key's Ferry and Aurora. R ' . E. D. Tiuuna-. R ekv Mount and I., i.r iti.e il v. ( '. N. W'h ii lon. W. nivalin). Lil ta : on an 1 1 1, iii'V a. liev. W. T. Walker. (,i,s-v civi k, Hieoh. ( ak IM1 and Nut Ru-h. ' 11 v. R. W. 1 1 iti- in l',it and Maitill R'-v. .1. P. Th.icker. i iford and Louis 1 w.i-.,, 1 li 'id s Tarboi . iilul e lam he- are to l FalKl ill. I and ( I ' i v. t have u r on j a- l a' will s ,,, I no leu v h ive a pastor-e l, et n the ground. Gem i.d Assembly id, touching cancli- 1 and lea! K bit to dill : Iicea-Ule. , An vert u re to t "1 and a h. I I he in, :-1 - bv le; a -. i .: , T' An ' ove rtllie Is a- I i n l paragraph oevs . so inalii- it in- e o d 1 In -.- n (tr I- ; Prestiv triy Ine- p .wit. - to nceivc e ni'lidaies iind-r it- car,-, ami lo duei I 'hem in th. ii liteiaiy ai d theological edu c:o i,.n. am 1 in sin h p rait leal tr.iiung in th- i xeic'-e of the ir gifts as may in the iudgiiii n; of P,e,byti'iy b: iieei ssary to t he r i then la v in the vvoi k ol the minis try. ' At III i 1 1 1 the audi1 lie'-1 ii.ll the pleasure o: Inaring Rav. Eugenie I) mill, D. D, f Itahigh, i:eieh Horn John 111 .42. Il was mi exe.llent vrmoa. Dr. Daiml p ss. s-es tfood dfiivf-ry. tine thought and beaui.f.il ianguage. After the i-crmoii Prof. Dinwnlehe ma li the leiui-ationjl aefbess-. He showed that i rue eahic ition eonsi-ts in tin training ol body, intellect aud con-cience aright, thai t he ni'tid cjnnot do it well unless backed bv a -tr,.ng body, thai a strong liody and a strong mind i e-i-d proper e-ulluie. and ! luit all need to be yu-ldod to religion. He should moreover that a school should be one in which the influence should lead in all these directions. He (lid not be lieve in anv driving princip'e. but ia a leading oiiiward and upward. The need and duty of educating girls llioroiighlv as well as boys was strouglj emphasized and the admirable part Pence In-iitute is taking in tins work and the inllu. nces that a'e being thus exeried through the graduates upon the homc-R of the county was briefly but strongly spoken I' bv both Prof. Dinwielelie and Dr. Daniel. Pri sbytery adopted a usolutioii offered by Dr. Daniel ol appreciation of Piof. D nu iildii 's aelelie-s in which the Institute was highly commeneled to all having you ig ladie s lo eelu- ate. KVAM.I-I.IST DAVIS ARRIVES. And ICi'iciu a Serie ol' Meetiegrw nt the t'huri-h ol t'liriNt. Rev. D. SY. Davis, of Washington. Stite Evangelist, began the series of meet ings, ns formerly announced, in the Church of Christ in this city, Wednesday 10th to a large audience. Previous introductory services were held by the pa-tor,' Rev. D. A. Brindle, that we-re also well attendee!. Mr. Davis' discourse was from Malt. 7: 24. "Tiicri fore, whosoever heareth these sayings of mine, am e'loelh them, I will liken him unto a wise mau, which built Ins house upon a rock." The subject was a good one, and clearly and foicibly expounded, the practical side I eing so plainly dwelt upon that scarcely anyone could tail to comprehend the line of argument. The church was nearly filled with peo ple, but the pastor announced that there need be n i fe ar but that seats will be fur nished all who attend, as arrangements had been made to place chairs if neces sary. The Expected II It'll Lieense. Tnere are now seventeen barrooms in New Berne besides the two beer bottling establishments. The ci'y license tax on barrooms has heretofore been $30 per annum which firings into the city treas urer islj.aO. The new city charter a-.t bonzes the Hoard of City Council to make the tux -.0O. If they do this and all the bar rooms now running continue in the busi ness i". will turn into the treasury $5,100 I an e xce-s ol .f4 2a0 over the amount now j ieeeivi-d fiom thai source. : We hear th it the de ders are so confi j dent th.-advance will be made that they have establi-lied a iiuiloim price en beer t go into effec t uext week, just double I what some ol them have been selling it at. ! They no doubt inten I t make the ! drinkers foot the bill and mean to begin I iu time. A NORTH CAROLINIAN IN FLORIDA Jt'B Koonee Eho, Honor HIM ProfefM, Ion And Hi Native Stale. It is always a pleasure to us to note the j rise of any of our young men, especially those who were born and reared so near ; us as Mr. .1. C. B. Koonre. Mr. Koonce is from Jones, a neighbor .county of Ciaven, moving to Florida. lb ; recently removed from Snmptcrville to ! Gainesville, where he has resumed his ! practice of law. The Daily Sua has the ; f itlowing mention: I "Ju -'go S. L. Cailer and J. C. B. lvi-.iiie, L-q., have formed a co-paitncr-', sli p f .r the practice of law at Gainesville. Judge Carter is st ile solic itor of this cir j cuit and his long been known as one of i the bar in t his s. ction. Mr. Koonce is a young man of e onsiderable e periene e and acknowledged ability in his chosen pro ! fe-sion. and Comes lo this conimuni'-v ! with ihe va ry highest enelorseiiients as to hi- chaiaete t and legal attainments from ihe hi mil '.'lid bar w I ere he loimerly praidi' i d.'' Action lo. Annul the MortBae Law. Th Xew- and Observer says that on die Mb. Gov. C'arr eaine- in fiom the driz z y an and pre-eiihd him-cii (o Superior ( 'ourt Ch-i k D. II. Young and adds: Tne Governor ami- as private citizen, E l:i-('i:r. to present a con plauit in Uv ii i it o' Inn -e'l ; anil a 11 ether c itizens s. Oeiavius Coke. Secretary ot State of N'oit a Caiobmi. Tnere v, as a copv, too, which was put in the hands of ihe sheritl and w ill this morning l,e served upon the Seii'. larv. In the meantime, the S cre ' boy will be- enj mied ir..m publication of the ml know ti as t in A ii 1 1 - p ri fereilix law and the- cause will be hi aril before' the n i - t ti rm of the Supe i or Court . W it lion 1 In i ti ei comnit nt. t he- coin pla :nt with the ahov i' e pi ni iti-ai i- 1 od In lore the reader- of tin- News and observer as th? In rose a' tempt of the Governor to stand, a-i he p i im 1 1 ill cit . ai ot t ha St nl c, be twci ii its e :; iz ',.-and riie business revo lution into which they we ie about lo lie piling. '." 'I'h.- e .j ' i oveTiior u 1 1 1 1 1 . 'tin' imp laint li i'J by the1 iu another cad- Ite-l in Alabama. On Thursday, April 11th, at IJirming hiiui, Ala., of pneumonia, Mrs. Lucy : l'ortis, wife of J. II. l'ortis. Mr. and Mr-, l'oit s are both fiom North Carolina, j Mrs. 1'oiti- w s ihe daughter of Mr. C. C. Taylor who lived in New Heme awhile about ten years ago. Mrs l'ortis was a nienib r of the Baptist church and a most excellent woman. She haves two small chilelieii and a young brother who now lives in New Berne with our townsman, Mr. J. J. Lagsiter, THEY ALL . hold vpy y 0"0r-:- Cla-irx V, A. O MI And Point With Pride 7-7- TO THE SPOTl iind iix 'l OVERJOYED I cillltl.fttlllpniin n - . ' r TFT HT??? - Because ! Because !! Because111 THEY CET BETTER VALUE ' FOR THEIR MONEY AT OUR STORES THAN ELSEWHERE IN THE CITY -n.v-w- WE STRIVE HARD TO PLEASE, -n.vw- Hackburn & Willett. COTTOU Fox Or-CLsirx. 1 have a limited supply of Cotton Gu ano that I will sell A TON FOK A FOUR HUN DUr.I) POUND HALE OF COTTON. The cotton to be doljver.il on or bof re November Isl, 1!',5. Also a full line of Tiuek Fertilizers Kninit, Acid, l'liosplnitn. vV-c, on hand and for sale on reasonable terms. a?See me lieforo you buy. Yours Truly, J. c. Whitty 1 - -: M - i-r.--..'; ar.ir.ira-.-.-.Tr-i , 1 ! niiiwuuumw ;--sl-;?i.-J-, ''5 if. Mi

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