."v, rjtf ,-N.r & -.-.- f - ..V . ' -'O - v $1.00 Per Year INDEPENDENT IN ALL THINGS. Single Copies, 5 Cents. iX VOL. XVIII. NEW BERNE, CRAVEN COUNTY. N. C., MAY ), 189:). NO. .0 MY n K AT MVNASSVS. Ill lsiill In IsHJ. kikI in IsTg. ATI UK'S WAT Kit r'lLTKKS. TAKING . . "VSI :ks a si:mi-am III t 11)1 l. A SI P KIMO K KM KT TANfiLK. UifVr.'HI.'M r i 1 '; i :li". t' 1 x v v f for Infants and Children. ThlKTT yaavrV o baa nrat loll ef Caatoria with the patrong of MLvn of yTMlli, permit a ta apaak of it without gneaatng. It lm MtqnartioBmMy taa beat wwlj for Infant, and Children ' th world haa tt known. It 1. Wmlwi. Chll dram like it. It art-raa thorn naaita. It will tT thalr llv . In It Mothara h t 'fcm- which i. aVaolataly aafa and practically parfaot aa n child' maAhrfma. Caatorta daatroya "W orm Caatarta ajjaja fwriAiMi. Caataria ymnti t ltic Somr Card. Caataria rorw Diarr-ataa and Wind CaUa. Caataria wlfaw Taatalag Tr Mea. Caataria awrea Caaitipatioa and Flatnlgney. Caataria maatraliaaa the agaota af car aoalo acid ft-aa ar poiaancma air. Caalaria daaa not oontain morpVbaa, epinm. or other nareotio prvperty. Ckaaarfaa aarinrftatoe the food, raylat the atomach and bowel., gjrtmg healthy mmA natajal .leap. Caataria la pat p in ene-alne battlaa anly. It i. not .old In hoik. allow any am a to aall yaw tny't el.e on the plae orpromi.e that It la "Jnt a. good and wiU anwar eyary pwpo..." Sa that rn rat C-A-S-T-O-R-I-A. The fac-minUla atmatnra af Children Cry for "-ToTj-xself I ' THESE WARM DAYS. BT nfUNKISU nl'K XrCE, COOL UUAGHT BEER. Xew and ezpensiTe fivilraulic Pump wllli all ertaritmrnf Ju I put hi. Ve otn r.irMiii aa 0oo4 BJ-H aa is rvt.I lu any New Turk We alao carry a f all Ioe of Mrtrc mwt VasaelUnued I.iaarH... Suita'.lo toe M.sllenl use. HKADSfUAUTCli r)R Patterson's Pare Vancboro torn Whiskey. ervK cs a call . Reapcetiully. The Globe Saloon, Saw 7 Mla4le St. ap-is .IwBin IIARhrTT DOCK'. ii.; 17 ,18 ,19 i 20 1 21 I 22 t 23 !S4 I -' WRITE Riverside imm, POULTRY, PET STOCK-YASDSf J for their immeuse cat-!; alogue to be issued this month. It costs only a stamp. EGGS FOR HATCHING A. SPECIALTY -Sped-l ?ri3 on Fowls, F. E. HEGE & CO-, NEW BERNE, - N. C. JMSnt Farmers ! MONli-Y SAVED IS MON ICV MADE. -BUY YOUK- Plows, Cultivators, Harrows, and Other - Farming Implements l. h. cu-rua & CO. Just Received! A larne lot of new VQBTU CAROLINA HAMS. I am also agnt f..r 'TV -l on Karth'' and Gold 1elal Flour. Try a Inirreh Satisfaction (iuarar.tt;. l or ni tiev refund ed. Lor il lard ami (iail nml Av Snuff a, KC ialty. JCofliitry Merchants will do well to gee nre lfore buyi. - el-e vheie. as I -car-ftlltee to Sell von goods . h.-nper for llie CASH than any house in tlie city. My stables sre free to the trade. All Coods (iuar.inteotl r money n -furxled. Yours Respectfully, t. n . NO. 77 BBOAD ST. (AM IT. S. Jrsi a MmUdnt-i PraCW.B.?acke,wao make s rpeeialtj of EpUejny, ta aftaoat doubt treated and cared nore cues thin anylrring Ptiraclaa ; bn neee lotiihinn. We iTsWatilof nun nflft pan 'irttr't'-r l 1 kT ban. Bpabliahearainable work on Ihi diseaee which he mmmi wiUl a larg bottle of bia abaolnte enre, free to aar aaflerer who but lend their P.O. and Express d il ,m We advbw iDjone wisbinfr a cure to addresa. Prut W. H. j-KKKJv, V.D..4 Cedar St, hew Yjrk. tLtCTKIU TELEPHONE Hold ontrlrt. c rK. no foj,.r. . a.tp. jlaOiCT. Vlll.r at C..rT 11 ! "n taaa aaca, mam me rri w... Mac mmm immi mei&r on Mtnn. aifll Mae nmm 9- w ' i.N suae I ,W la & immImc mill a Ml to ail th aaiabori. Flna lraBieiiCft. no wjk work- J MIIIWI But IMinM. uonpiwi. rwmar mmm wmmm. ah.pca. l'l h put op by ny t K MWMllI fwv. . rpartax. a Ufa iim W.naiil. A Maav mAmr Wrii W. P. Hwrtaw A Ca Ctark 10. CataaiB, 0 M CUKUD f3 -v -v "v. x -v wxwwwxw "v v v a, ii'' a-naaaw m Anl .TI.1T wrapper. Pitcher's Castoria. WFAT1IEK KF.CORD. Temaei-af n re and Rainfall ar rw Berne O.rl.f Ihe Monlh r.tirll. HV V. B. BOND, OltSKRVKlt. TKMI'KKATl'KK. M l I M tM MINIM I'M. i- -i :i 4- - 5 i ti ; 8-: io ! H-- 12 13-- 14 1 70.0 7o a .'.2... Dil.ll 70. 0 74.0 72 iWi o M 0 73.0 6.5.. - 68 72 5 fii.5 rt." .Vi I) 5x.O iKi.O 7 0 82 o 8-i.f) 78.5 7" 5- 81.5 79 o 81.0 77 0 68. 0 72.0 47 ." Ili 0 44. a 36 o 3 7.5 43 5 55 0 6 I .:. .52. 5 47.0 .52.5 4-!.o 47.0 45.5 43 .5 H ; 45 0 45.0 39 0 42.0 47.0 53.0 50 5 55 5 57.5 60 0 62.0 64.0 58.5 f.3.5 22. 5 io. " 18. 0 24. 0 32. .5 30. 5 17. 5 . 0 15. li 16. 0 13. 0 2 5 5 2-. 5 20. n 23. 0 2 1 0 10. O H 0 27. o 3.6. O 35 0 :52. n 22. o 23 ii 24. 0 h). 5 19. 0 13. o 2ti - I 29- Av'-e 71 i.L'luv. .lnrai.r mnnlli- nril 1 i :,i , i, t , 1 1 1 11 .-..l o on ia n in. wil. i ra. 1.4.1. I 1 OH- 17. 1.80; 18, 0.40; 28, 1 20; 241,2.10: : Ami then eonfaM-:-.- t.ie d.ik - one 30ih. 1.80. TnUI rainlail .luiinpr monlli He fore me w.th what I d be n. of Apri', 10.20. Tbe tola! during the i Aim, zed. ' ea il h iwh and .Ii-mv-s . . month ..:' March was 4.10, n-t as much I oam- a wav with a- a,h - ..roa-t. by one inch as fell In the last tluee tlayoj 1 ' ;! V:lv v ,I'"m '-''-';-:'- aione. id Aurii. The average dully through (An-l who .- ! Ti h.i ;'. M-. '1 April was .34. l -'i ottier r. cords of ihe mouth ore as f. .1- . lows: A li-ht frost on tlie 4di. had nn the 13lh. and also a tlmuder storm on the 13th. THE Rt'lXED I ITII1IIR41. M At AO. I HI.VA. AT . . . . Ilemnants of what have once been mighty o i m . tCellHUd hall-. ; W heie tr.nl The mri.".d minist. r and wor-hipp, is of I,...). Ol -olden portals and immortal -piles ; And al'ars lit bv evi r burn in- lire-. : What are you uow, sloui i saend aud sul- I lime. ' ' Hut a loose p ige torn from the b ok of tim i .- ' , , , . N . er ar'n sf all nave and transept Iitau theitiain , Of the "Mgni!i'"aN" ghnl retrain. Nor risi upon the even in- I .rei The vespers' spirit inelo.h.s. WUe-e oote they rose in air The p.vgi'.n tonitoin9 blare. An.l in the place ot Lalin pniy. r and -or- Arc heird die In .aiu u . .ui.'; iinmi Thy hills are fHled with sjiecters shadow y orav Ry nil'lll uiul illiv. Tne Jistiit fa her "general, sweet an.'. ,.l, The dc.tlhlcs poet of tile I.usiipl. Bishops and brothers, prilKe, padn-. pet r-. S..1.IK rs ill arnmr. ner hm:-. I u. a in ers Throng every spot, ( .intrusting vvliat hi- be.n with what is not. Vet. O itlthedi il. though ihv davs are lle.1 And tli' ll alt hut a ph ii to il fi' iin the dead. Th V w i irk shall liv e ire ll the li n.d .'ay A n-1 g row a vt i,y , la wi-er niriiMin- l i nil the p :-: h i w roughl. In bet'er manner-, ud'hr law- and i bought, The years p, v-, Llil. thine ,p t.ph .-'::. ill rind 111 the in w rice of gol.lsf hum ,11- k'nh M -.1 gli-.'i i:a Ai'.ina II.iii'.iu. KOTHIM. Ill T Nl.li V. X F..H. Nothing but sieii '. In- v.'ii'i..' mi ci p grieves p (Her a prospei 1 dim. List night io his dear one lie trii.l to propose. P.ut tlie wa.nls so sweet on his wlntf ' - lroze. For ah! she seerre l to him Nothing Imt sleeves. Notliing but sleeves; the. youir: , . riot man -troiig I ,i... . i,:. i. 1 r wtei a uiigiue.i n le Tiiough Ins love mav l paint, iv i , . - i . alio l.l.-l - Warranted lor six inniiths to h,-t How can lie ba.ve a wit.- -W. Nothing but si. eves? A i I - !). e lite!'. -'. 'I'l l' portion r iat.;iu ' ihi: ilii: t l.o ".111 i si,'.' Well' p 11 ' 1 1 1 s 1 e , I 1 1 io v,-r-, i esr.tril to i b7 J w i iv ; r:n o 1 ; a :i 'I'll: :ir.' "1' ojt i i.e l ii : i! ' tic'. I :.i , ..!e of ; 'if1 A i a'l'.ii'. :i Nf w jifiiif t';rt mim.mi ; Ii : o n i i i: ' na : -m n both ' ' ' '1 ! 1 1 . t l i liatricOl :i ill J - liiiill t-f .;- ii:ii.il-o.iii' .It .i- .1 w::tt r I ll !i"-t ,ij.ui..r !: 'if. : - : t . n- .i y. ' I'u I . P o -ki. W'lli LI An. I -!M ' lal til-.- :a M iv. a Ii : 'y ,.! -- ,: iir':::!it tV li.-'.-l w n- i:;iy -, .in-. 1 nl'f rri a - :.n 1 bi-i a.r In ,:- :' ii o i Iioitv t'ie-: . 1 1 ni i: . roi-n-. u o,., ana no V - -uni't w i ; Ii ,.;' a rnal llow- ino rilO f'aalliilU UiV'-fl I -illlVlHI M'.l, That May oa at Mai: An l tl.K'k- aii.l hi'i.l- :n pa-ia-f- mvoti, Knli v.-i f.l of .11 ! w a ! I i if -v f in . Au.i 1 o-i II i I ; oi i. ': . ' 1 1 aia. St. m ! , . a - i i I f 1 -' a k ' ' l ' ' - an ' i : ' an ; A-It- I n ar thf ' , e, 'an nna ! tie" tie. : ; ni" in -ii n li..- -h : ai !" - a' ,:, p: ay.ii for-.-.', hi if-. .t M.n. .-.st- n Th .; M A ! fin.i ii e.' -in 1- .1 o . f'-n I aim. 1'f a-.' i. .jiail ..', i' Pie ' on:, n'e I ! , n. I . An. I iium-1 w- If. -. in- -' -) " I 1 1. t' a o I I. . - I'.-i l.l.l lie. I ! r.'ll'.el' - p 11 .1 ol'. A- nn the tmoa-li lo hr. , . - P. i:if, W.i- h, ant the lni: in' ...mi. r horn .' Ai,l .!:vi k-i i il 1 e .n'.i. - -mil. .1 iili.i'. i .tiil uni. e.1 th.0 li'i-pi! .li e s . re, 'I'h t Mav ii iv :.t M ina-.-as h.V iiiii-ini: tin re a-mi a ..ri- iin. , On tt., f,..v -t.-:.- '!."' wn, i-pi..n. ; On-lp. M'-'lifr-- pra-:,..l a'"-:-. j - , . ., i Povv n 1 o n the h:l . a na rrv Of e. enllV 1 efes and l'U-lle kllihl-. . Ai d n -isv with itn aV di ' uh s, TiiC i s ar; s o a - room unit l.ii.le. . Oinll thf.r m ill aff moin i,f in ie. '1 P. M ,v .lav d ManasKis. 1H',2. Vet oia . a 'ain I pl-stn! lha' w iv. In the iii nun f ft another May; Cut what an awf.i! chaii'v wa- liuiv. AM'eetinu even thelifht and siu! Are thos tvaliti. si They se m The honors ol a lo lemis ,''.a:n. Ti:iU M .v tl ty at Maiui!K:i Vo he!.!-of who It 1 in' pi, t.ii'f f.a.e'l. Their v,rv lan imarks L.f , tfan. 1; No tUicks or In :d-. no I'H.P ol -rain, W. leviable on hill or iiiain; Ti.o .,ii- i-.,l..iih;- a. 1.1 inanv a inoiind. Where the I ones ot men in 'the shallow ; .,rolln i ! I av I uVi.Hl from the lia-th - to'.', j l'arttv win:. nn- in the Th ,t M v d.v at Man.as.-as. ' I Where I h id r iaiiie 1 in frauiatit w o.hls I mt ovp'o'. d In - film! s ' ( In t iie I, iil- anl by lie' w ..t. i side. 1 In disnal vi!h;. i.rnw id. 'Til by lie ir odors do .1 -m yivl. j And S'ek.nod w'r.h a - ts , f Par j Ot dendlv p. -tilence so near, j TI at M iv day at Mana sa- ' And the c:i dati n- 1 1 the sun Fi-aii h'l'S'-. with th .r t mi nre-s done.' A: ,1 from th. -e di-:nal cubit s. P o. Where the sinhuht wore a sick'y hue. , nd from tl at -Lastly een'ral Losi, j Where the refuse fa warlike ho-i. ; Still -iii"u!.leri.l and fet'nn n!.-.l were The pirtunies , I s isi'.-on'.i a.r. That M iv dav at Manass.i: And the -my -tone hrnl-e in ruins 1-iy, An.l its hr;. 1.1 ur.uip lad pa--'. I away; Al'.tl doWll t lc lo.d all '! UO' t 1 1 1 1 1 -T . With SablTf cl at to: ii'.-. d -h'd ah I) Ve". "Die in,,',' .' o! ..le '.lei' -'ay. ln Hie laith-r. v iv in- -nn . f M ,y, I i ro-sed tin -o tie.d- ..! b i;ht a d ear From the wild .avan. - ,,' w .r. An.l markid llu change. The -.a ne wa- tier. Ileliciou-...lor- li 'el I f a'': An, ,,, ... ,,,. :,', The robii s n I the pi .w i .- - n,-. T a y, l( Ma:,s-. And o'er th - 'a',- n-a-'gu:ne.l -tremn I Mil, and "I. i l".p,iy '.hen e. A captive alike, . who had made 1 1 :- le nn. -' e.e I re 1 1 ill .v. o.l I nn i'- s,ade In a i oiintry ha;-e. head ! n the loll Which it-.t.i- von i P l " i r, i 1, . Willi a Faiifix !...un at h - -i.1. . His c iplive .ii ill. :r ru. i u i"le. Th ,1 Mav .i, at Mana-si-. Ami th "i"-' v ' ' lone" and their foe- In -r.y. S iih t ne P dlic c'oilii- 1, id pas- d away; Ur.ahii- wl, . -. il.. d.-eliy .! if w ar ha I -ought , a. h :.,a'- hi, : And ma-'ei a nl - av . o f t ' mo- g ime l.y. And whiles an.l black- m m , :i higli. A - 1"' , eon u -too I i", : d. I -at.-. on i ,, lt, ' i . t g- ..i : .'. . a, .ti l. ..XI I nai -vi .v nav ai .tiau,i-sa F..r ih Strai--'- ee.i :i. wlivli h id tlow In triumph ov. r ii,o-e h: 1- wa- gone, And Ilm gi in) I'eili-nlos w hich tin re ha Invn. Wi re ra I or e'. :h ,i : i v , i .1 , in g r, en. Aid the old ll.ig e. v a f -ii' ne in re fiir 'l'l. an in i's g,o: v il.ut.i - ihcr- Hill', e Dot pla.O. I..W.U1M":: and . 11 -;lv : Li onb. ir :ne 1 .: .1. l-. ... , 1,. .,, ., Wa-hin-toi Mai.-'. 1-"- A lr'I ty Kiit-p ph-.-ha' londi- i- t' e rr-ii:! ol ten. " 1'f a ii y '! -I V '1 1" : tl'O IV' all Wl 'Ilk H.a'th iivva-. A In nth , ,tf D--clor .' .-' Il's a in. :, 1: i -k n ,!,, p" vet it ..I -. i . ,r i "ii.'!i vioti. - .'f hollow i lea k -. !! ng- vv a.'li of biauty. tie - -loin c.nni s with Fa v 1 1 ; m e I'. esiT' pt i 'II. hum ate I tor vv .nn. ill's a. an lit- -;: , ur.-s t 1 ,. -, . iera ng,-m, n's ;u .1 weiklli-rs w li eh 111 ,ke W on, all's life in: , ra'.i!.-. A wo.n n vv h . ing'e.t- !" :ako proper . e!c -o i- pa it n; i:i.' pr- p.- to oy.es-ive . , ,ne-tio:), . ha 1 t . n. This '!' -I'- ! a singgi-lii iicii- In l:me w e adv i-e the "l'r - : :pt. "i. ' la fi. .i. r.ingem. nl- alio h.-pliiei ., en - ft' I'm -pet nai organ- which :'e.-u .1 t o h:: s "i ' oa a, ii i.iuii. in ea- tt "I" "' 'a; 'in-ill- -ir ng ::r g'i,..r:ti, - '" 1 t.-'' ..rthe ine-1 1- . ey will In 0 M I ' tutii' h - "i; i r- . l llaveih,:'. i'ass. I'la - 10 Mi 12 Cents per live a, I v a: I' ih h gle r ees ol ,:h- r. liliekh ll s Arnica Salve, 'flii' 1''-! m'v,- :ii ih w-.ibl for Cut-, I'.ruis,-. ms-. I ia r-. sal: Kin um. Fever s,.i,s. Tetter, 'happr I hae.,1-. Chilblains. i 'or- -. and a' I Sk i ii 1'iiipMniis. anl posi- tiel cues Piles, of i.o piv ro. pi ire I. It is guarani, I to gi v e inflect satisfaction or money retuuhd. Price 2"i cents per , bo. For siiie ay F. S. Duffy, Druggist. r. v - i : -i I inpuri! it's lit'iiittved as the Water Perriilales Dmvnwanl. Pnre told Wnlor Oblaineil Wheal , Siifliotonl Ileplh i ReRchMl- Intern Water Xol a DPNirable aNllint lUrorl . f rom leep Donn In the Karlh. Pi. U.f'ha-.'l II. !. s-. , fui.,i , it tin Xonli Car. lio inl ft lIoaMi ami an- tlior i.f --prinkinL.' W ater in :t Ki-lution ; i lalail ii Pist-a-c-."' in writiiu' to .NI ,vor Kill- tvkr- to thf ilrn.kia- wati -r of Nrw It,., up in I,, ;,il on n uoial-- InHH in in iui.iiH.u wun . -If 1 uiklfi'.-t 'iiil :i n-ht ..ir wui.r .. , i la,, -uimmv is troin h noil ual,- liii) or nion- f, ., i i'ei tui nl v ili-. ii oi)iU"h to i'u below th..- 'avpr ol impoiviou marl or ! liim-r.k. lf'-o ami il is not possible for ! -iiitaot- waiir to ran ilowu besi.lu Ihe pipin", 1 -hfiilil in the lij;ht ol the analy-! si- -v'it me l.y M i . Ki-iliiion,! -ay tliat ' ... ; v I r 1 - M ' ! ' 1 I - K I K 1' t ' I .A - We naie ii-t rmni' ;ui' v an ill lieie ;n ! 'Our Wat. r Supply, ' uha h is so timely ' il.-.. n,..r,. -ill, -ai i, ai I .i-iii usual is ;ieii to ihi- sal to t that o lejn uluee it . . ii: ire: ' ,'",r i:u. s. -Me'iie.! -;inw an-1 iai wal, r are the Why arc our iiiS-paY t.eih-ti: to let ;h --,.ni,,- . f ail thf uatei i- lii. ii i- I, mini state ..! ati'rr- emitinu. : If it is impo , illni- in -pi.i- or w.i!-. Win n this 1 "il'le to s.ie Xorili Ciml na ny-t- i- ',, water r.a.h.- ihe eurta it 1- of course : ho r o n it izv n- by ', i w it , an I e . lone by pain. lb. "ever it no -fOi er -larts ilowu : the eroetion nf can. .ems whii-li w-li t.itn the s.'il than 't bfromes more or le?s I make a home market to:' them. If .-an ."int.miinat, .1 w.ili a; table mat tor am 1 Dei ies pay in other St ,t.-- an.l p..y in llp lilt'i of various kai'ls. Put tu re me lire hen oper-.te.l by otfs'aleis. w i,y wiii -, t- to H. i'k number -vskm ol remeilios. i they not pay our own people to put up i i... ,- ii. i- it na , , iloun into 1 1, i. 1 cannon, s an.l on. rate f-r ov-teis in tie he w.il. r as it lias-. .artli s i iiillieil an I lilt, re t in two or viz, 1. Mchana-al. -an. 12ml. j at other tim. s- , ( heiiiiea), ami b. a h of ihein are lorever at -work. Some ,," ihe .:eiab'e impuritie.- A iRi vruniRiKlsiil l. : an- taken up by the i o.n - of plant-and ! - tie.- while ollu au' ii" are i any lit by the 1 The Water mi li rt lolloi..s i 1 1 .--ill 'soil of elay-. s.uiil. ote. U hers still , w ( be over the I'Iihiw ol Htilliliii, L'ontmuo in Miiui.on on ii-'" a io ome pii-; I nii.nent water be. I. All inipm iln s , a j ve.'elal'Ie iiiluie liave a loss s p eini j,,". ,;,., uater and ure thu-kept on ; ol Kv,nta-Vly they .loo. impose ard are ' t,,,Mftl ! ,,K' X'r.ace in the l.apt, t , vapor am) to llpply phmt hie 11 I ,t were m;t h'f this lint the f rule -urlace j -o,l wiuid soon liu.llts.lt waslieil ilow u On ,..1. K v 1 ll. , li ,,f 111, we . .... 'J i an.l thus we see that nature 111- I I.,;...,,.... a, ... ...,.,, lw. .1..,,.. -itl. '"-..n, i . i . . 1. 1 O . .1... ir a o. iff . n 1 1 s ei a-e. i i e in ' ii i l iu in. . ."i .... , ... pi.,i Si,nl,i,.i,. in ord.r to mi: at uaiu.es Intend Hi.mlv I .' .... ,. . .i,.... . K- , ..... r,:,!: cent distance l.eh.w" the ,urtaee UMn. Th t ,. snenm -or bed ,,,av have inui h in - ilulioa whoh would br.- mji'.r- ious t " anin -ill li'e while the next lower i ine 1 1 . ,m ii M)en . li a - nenu lime ami m , i . i - .. . : . ... l iaain proven tint i,ilirit i caused by I 1 ... . . - . . druikin- wat.r holding Ceitain k, nils ol .Vim-table ...alter in solution. With the appliances now in u;e there is no trouble smkiii- a water prool ir-n pipe tlirougn ad v.diaoe ini,ui n.e-s ami i.iiii-iuj. up . throu-tli it by nioan" of a suitable pump ihe pu i e cold water. "A fart wliich is sometime tost slhl "1' " tlui'- absolutely pare water, i.e., water ehemica.lv pure, is not o ood or j h.althy u water impregnated wn n ci r- tain nmieral str.st.n e.s o' tainai lrom ine rth. As a matter of f u t there is no I in t.e , a: :h .-. lm a l- ' . I be j not mixed wiih mineral suhstnnees ot hen tlie evan-elist an his h, Ipois lelt auil bfothei's " 'He Jack Wiui-' The North Cai oliua Te.ulier in -peak-j turniti- home. Lie reports a j?oo.l meet , me kind ui h as sail, bine, s idiuin C.)rintli -.00 or moie pi op e eanii-1 o -ec . b v i l;,tllo, j ,:,i to ,e .(;t.0re j in- of this ieaiure of the Morehead sea- in-, lasting' about a week and a half. : m i-ne;um, sulpha-, iion an.! v irkU I tliem on.ana a juajvl set wee a liehl at vH-;.ue , t K., ,e ont t,ls t(.,t'Q. : on .as: "Fiom the nnusmil interest There were twelve or thirteen conversions. ' other tlntms. Mostol lh.se are not only j the tram." Tml ilm iiTi-oin.' h come in tlu familv.' ! alre.alv " nianifes-ed ev. rvw here throu-h ! - - harmliM but ure wtttry lo animal hie. ; Hen. e H '- til at cistern water 1 Il"l so He- i i si i able for doiinstio ".re a that taken diiiet !ro:n the enith. Il is the absence T f these mirerals which makes cistern water I flat -in l t.isteh-ss. It is a well demon-j -u-.ne . i . i imu came suppiiev, w wa.e. ' lrom cisterns win not inrive so we I sprin- or well water " First Mel at Ihe Atlantie. : Mr. tin .Mrs. i non. lasigi ua o io-1 turne from Ashevillc, N. C , and are at ihe "Si:, if ,i.l." Haltimore New 'i. . .i n :.. i -i ... 1 1 ii eao.'ve , en aaneu ,s ,e;,.,...- bei'ed bv inanv ot our b.-st citiz us. He and In- lir-t her. Mr. Allien lasigi, were at th Atbrt' duiin- the wiulrl' ot '01 I ',. , 1 - ; , i i . i ... I . i 1 1 1 . . i L. i riniiu,,',,,, ,,"' , , . ,-ni- 1 f 1 1 V","- ' i"xi"''i W i'?! 'C I I1UI ill in. .lil.iii.ll 110,1. , ...o,t,i,.m . ,1., that - line y. ar. F.X-t'ASHIF.R HOI.I.AMV'S I'RIKMIS Stan.l l.y Him in Fiery Way Poisible -815. ooo Komi Keqtiireil A SSI.OOO llllf lillfll. ' . . , .. , .... , i lhe C li .nolle oi-e.ver i u.o .,ui n, , u't., told about the blends ,.f HolUnd. the d. faulluig ex ea-h er, erow.lmg the iail to -ee him tip- in-, vious dav Holland defaulting in the sun. of $80. Ooo or more. Ho had a pre'iinin.ii'v trial on tin- iiOih. and l)is:ri.-t Attorney (ilenn rix.'d hi-Umdat fl.),0iMi. The de'uulters a-t iiiisliing popuhri'y was shown bv the tact tint a t.i'P or more of Holland's friends, among the I est citizens of Char lotte, came torward ar.d signdieil their wish to go on h s lion, I. Two si-natur. s f.l' 1 0.1 m Hi each mole than covered the am. 'lint ol u.di leuiiire.i. om wneu inose wl.0.l.-k. l it had 1.-H1 allowed to sign the bond it fooled up a grand total of1 91.1io. -The mo-t reniai ka1 ''e Uind I -aw" comn.enied I-;riet Attorney (Ho in. llootl Outlook on Wheal anil Fruit. Froin lhe Mminl Ai rv New - w e clip hm tolhiwMi"' 1 hl1 ' " llclriL-ll,n',,..ll',l tloin .ov. ',;,-l 7-dn l - Hon- ,,V . ,.,.1 times t r 1 i-'islatuiv direct, d the ipiestiou of a con- ley gar...' place- the fat .lines at one hun-1 Stricken Feople. ' Chir ci'.tzeus who were !(Mlt ,,;lV ,.,..lk iv.e.,ving .... reply .ci'i.;,', Tlie , m,l....k' for Hie thiil ! vr,,ti n to ' l" the jople. .Ire. I ami tel.. I able have i.,en carrying .he allhcted ; u)i(le ,V,M jga, ', and lo,l her nn- crop i- unu-ii illv promi-iii'" Ihe t anils ' T,u' P10l,,e !,t t,ie V"- pronounced with p)V in-r, i.lu -ti. n of ihe patrol w igon j people through three seasons ot putial ,.olw.us but warm: further investigation ar,' ..) id ami il Is -,nvvin- Ytpid'v ' "lull ' -re',t "'"""'''.' uga-nst a convention " : in it'- police seiv :ce New YoiK will soon lai'ure-. and have aided until tiny -0,1 t) rl(lWel tli;il s-Uo v:i- H.vul. She had evi-t'lC-r- is -c-tr,, lv anv , lan-er no v' of a i If the vole cast at (lie tin;.' lie taken Us be able to caleh up with some of the en- ! longer a ble. The S'.l'e !.:.' expended its ,,.nlv , K.M dead long. Thoeau-e 101V IS -c; I aek-ot Mann any sour. e. "Tlie danger to the fiuit is mov iirae. 11C.' ' t'C'!. 1 1 1 H 1 III 1 1 M i 1 1 1 s n jj l (, ( i L I lL I, , , , - . ,r:- t,.,o I Put crop puts thousands of,'"1, t!l;lt '''e was anvil, ng even ,e- dot la"'- nil-, lite p -tk -is 01 our larmers. it onr ag I le u lllll'l-t-. litcll in ' th. ir crops, will have in view plenlvoi hog a, ,1 hominy, there will Iv no danger tun i!i it peace and happiness will reign llM-ongliout cur inuilers to. a- other twelve mouths al lei-t. It' A K AI. I A HAS VIKI.llHll. Propones to Pay ini Dam i r .n,. ;li'al "st a Con vent ion to a 1 a in t , 1 10. It can A chiller f..r a national college tor .appeal shop d lrspn e c .nn.ionco ;mi m .. ... " ' hardly be claimed thai bv th is ote "l he t he -ons . .f Ma-.m- wil 1 be applied for m operation in this worthy cause tor -nllei ing ana i war laipn are nemoieu- r i.vr. ...... uppij .101 I.1T1-H. Managui. Niciraguti. advices state that 1'resi.hnt -l.iva and his Cabinet will agree t., pay tlie s77,"iOO smart money de mended by (ii'eit Britain, in London iibm title, u d is. but asks as a lurther eon.l'.tion that the British ships be tbst taken out ot the harbor of Coi'into. I Ins preliminary is strongly insisted. upon on account ol ihe condition ol teel- ', g, i the eounlry, w hieb otherwise niiylit render compli . nc- with the ultimatum, ev.n in its moditied lonn, impossible. Cro it Britain's answer .o the niiuest has not yd Deen given. " HO. ZEIll'EON H. VAM'E. Statesman, vet inond to triilh, ol soul -ulcere. In action lai; hlnl and in honor char. W no broke no promise, serve 1 no pi ivate ciuK Who gained no file and who lost no ft lend: Knnobled by Iiinis. 1. by all approved, Praised, w ept and honored by the men he lovid." To Olhrr Stjilo -lion Mucli I'n.v or I'roiu ior our sn.i- a,i i'.iii ? liy iiotlliiilcl Horn unniTit's unci ,lave 1Iolllo HBrU,., - (.'apt. P. Doo'v ill' ttl si 1 oi ii it l I 1' i ;.llT, lt. mv in the Citv. in i.nn- us that us lie . a- on t!u- way imc lie nut lw. ar,rc ,. r.,( j.l,., wilii nlT ji:t..:n tl,r,a!-li 1 1,0 ra-a!. Tin V w . r.- i.ar.-e- :(ii,Miiiw , siii.ii ii i- ai.,1 l.p in, I , I !. v 1 1 ., ahnf-uher alvut 1 2,01H UuUl.- There wi r.- ilnoc to aim tlifii-aml h;i-i,ol.- ill MUht on tl.o ilovk ft o:ah Tin: ha lya s '. iv of H:i! 1 1 m. at 0. : la 1 . 'lo iiin-tion llmt mis s is. 1 'm thov i'a v I ho i . i ";ixcs ..n the o-to I" l".e tasaiuc ,1a- i, , ni-- in . Ti v caiituin tills u- mori.ivi r tli.it iiIkiuI live wek ii he w in Halt inme s. : )( ,,.,, an. I iiw twenty -ihooner- !u iv hialnl.'- v ' .'' . ' ., , ,, Willi N rth Carolin.i vsi. r. II. jir L',- ll A '' '' " -N- ' -M ' '"'"'-,' 'hut 'he loiuls ol tlie-o -vhf onci s wonl.i Miiis v.a- to lay li-ui-.v-l lor one of the have nvtriffil two th ii-aml Inislio'- eaeh. w,,,, ,.,.-, , , v,,r n 1 1 1 1 i t . 1 in i hi- III1H f .1 I'M II Ml ;i ' ii I", II III 1, .1,,'t t'Q-liels. H-nn-inin r l hat t In- a- ui-l ai one tune an I llu-ll think u Ii ,t a v ,t snp- lllV ol OVstei- Illll-t L'U Il'olll Hi: 'lute in the eolirs.- ol a year In ;iipp. eanln i - m . o -tcr si ason. am! lor ti-h ami ve-a-tab: an.l F.nitaiiicer Ihe It r Life. Trent riv.r lie"an lisinii i on-i.lorahl v about Mtiy 1st. in its nppir poitiun 1 tie ,.fiVt-t of tlie li.avv and ,-ii'in'. , , h:llI Uv1P ,,.,,,, i ,. i,;i, .,, , , lrom ion- II1P o " - . ' ul v- Ui , 1 ... .. r roni oiiarter :o 1 hroe o e o. k 1 iiir-.lav a. i.-. ;, i ,,,;,,,)'., en-inns hi ,o, in ... iv i a. .i i.i.'i."". " water n A 1 .1 i....l.. .1..... ll . , .n., . , ...1 " 1 ' ' "v " . . . . , . , ,. . -. , to tit t to a stand-still. OnailtitifS Ot wood from alon- the ' . , , . , c 1 1 , , . , n, . . ..... l. . , a i . .. I n,.-. ,- aini ai.-o inaiiy sanities ii.Mii ..ii up- .ion a.,,ovc 1 !"v.l'e are Ih.at.n- !.... the. 1,Vel' I Evansellsl File a, Sii-.e in Mississippi New lime's native evangelist. W. 1'. h o. . k i,w ,n . muu,., h i-i an inn , . "" " '" """ -- - ... Memphis Appdllwe t,.ke the follow ion ! v t -f .... .' i 1 .1 .....I ,.!' (I... mn.ee o. appoiuim.-ni ,, e.e .. ,. o u v nu Its of the last . meet . Le held which wa at coi'.nt ., Miss: Latent Iheie ami ol tlie i leetinn beheld which "' '" "i, " ! " "t "' ,"; -: . . cva' i?vi.i u,. i , 1 1 lrii ii .-i'i.-.. meetings at CoHierville. l'liev are Iiltc t'ori from nth. Miss., whore there was a wondei'iul leliyions awakening. At le.-t The pe.s.M.s i, .es.. .111,.. ,,,, u,at i.e.- s bad as that MU.es.. iu.iu.es, m,ii, an . n.-tu ; Mil 1 ti 1 Bvji iv. crt i rjr" 1 ci 1 1 ii 1 mi; I'-uuiii'i.: ami milk" opened ah prayer, which w ill . - . . '"' cniiunii. o ev.ay nn ' I in I m in n.i . .ei . " " S waa aa nai a n a m. a-a av. na a aj 'a u a a a a aaaaa ' '"-.'. -" Ta ron.lltion of .his li.Htit.iiio.i w a Aery gratifying One for its Friends All Over the state. prjjeut (jlias. i). Mclver. of the a e Normal and Industrial school for v.iunjj ' : la-Ins. one of the finest educators in the -. . . l . : .. ... ..:-:, . 11' . 1 .. : t . Oia.e, lias lusi visue.1 nuiiiiuioii ." eoii-ult with Piof. M. ('. S. Noble, tlie chairman of the executive committee of ; the b-mrd ol directors with riterei.ee to ; the expenditure of this Year's appropria-, noi . ; . pl.0 vcm, ut ;lt lhe eol e.'c. . .... .. , '. .. ,.,.. u, -, i ,,. ,,, ; . hoc nil, eiue .u. -v-e ie. .'uuiino ,'nii hun some li-uivs a', out the work , f th v.,11. .v u-i.i.-i. .!.... j . v.. re ..i-ii it-in.. - e w , i - i. ,. .. . . : .. e . .. . ... , : a ; .... I ciiniiniini 10 r uia i in-i u in ion v 1 1 ,ei 1 i- a most .ir, porta-.it one We .pi-.te : 4. Or., a,, (...w U , - 1 . . . , 11!- , t ,. t t 1 1 l f-l. H I I. V. . , 1 H.I- llHH ' are now at the Normal and Iuoiistriai college. 400 voung l i.ii.-s irmii an -io-! lions of the State an i that I wa ive ..ftho.i ' are from Wilmington and New Hanover c,,n, y t n,lls. Iv rean ndieivd. to , tj1(, college has u 't b-.en opene.l but llllQO 'o nn.lni-.l-a-ll thai ., , - .1 , ... i.iuuswick i- me only omiuy ...si . Ashe that w not rep.e-eoted ... the col . ar The t ,eii Iv e, insists nt t wen V lll'il- ,. , ,.:.,' ', ,-,.,.l,.' l'ilr:,ii',,iiiP I ,.:U have lhe advantage of training in stenosjrapliy, lypewiitin-g, telegraphy, book-keo ping, setvmg, .....,.,g. in... is ..... - -' -. it 1 1 en a v .11 n g tt u nan gn, s out . i nn i u,- . . - ,r - . , ,,, ... , , , -1---1 a - dl.li.-K of life." - THE 4'OX VF.TIO OF lsi'.l. T"- Vote ,n Nor,h ''-,i " inol Etinal for an.l Ajfainst It. In an interesting sketch "f the life ol . on ,n v. (iraham. in tlie News an u- . . i :.. .1. x- l I()b - eiv,r if the 21-t u tmi'. the wr'.ler. I Mr. Daniel 1J Cioodh e. ipiotos lrom an ' ari'.cle bv the l ite ilontioul .M.'l.cliie :i- , fopows ! "The doctrir.e of see.-s;on in. t with ,:.., .... . :.. x- .... ,. ,:... . - . . I llllie 1 IV "I III .lOllll .11.111.1... 1 Of evidence of tin- sentiment of tin- i e,u ile . w ith regard to a convention, at lea-t. Nlr. l I.' .1 .. ;., .1. , .t f unanimity. ' The '- .. . ii 11.1 u ,ii:..;.,i - ' ' .. , , ... . ,: toiL null (ioiic.1, .13 .iff..'.- u. ine .nn, i,i. . "."', , . '. onvoniam. .,, , Against a Convention. r'" ' - .., M'i"i-iiy a-ain-t I'll. '1 hi.se tiguieT do not inc'udo lhe v ee o! D i vie county, which, if it I. a I bee. i ic- ceived, would" have increa-e I the majority ,- . . ,,,;, oil ,- against a convenllou. lliev were about equally divided. The" largest vote overcast by N,.r,h L .t'olina, previous y ta uiai inenuon.u. was the vote in the election in August. . istt,) (;0V- jao W'. Ellis an I Joint Fool i ,.0.i;. ioi..c -tin iit'iliui .l,x i all were p illod. Of lhe '-'O.Oon, or n.ore, votei-i wlio refrained from voting on ihe c,lnventiou .piestioti in 18(51, it is fair lo presume that tlieV were divided in about the -ame ratio as' those who did vole. too. that vote lie evidence ot the " avor ' in which the "doctrine ol secession" wa held in Xi.-rtl. Carolin i it would appear to have been accepted by at h'Hst halt her 1 tto.t..lu lor 'i- lo tins no oooboii i-vell- tnre I, Mr. (ioodlae niak. no comment upon ih.st statements of Mr. Mct.ehee. a nl a- . silen.-e on his nnrt mav imi.lv to maliv thatthev have the approval of Irs high authority, I hive taken tlie liberty of call- i ing attention in tlie rigu.e iu the case, and it possible, of correcting thereby what seems lo be a general misapprehension on a subject of much impoitance fusion- , call". ' Gkaiiam Davks, iSewbern. N. C. Tlif llnilal Waki' ( oiiii! Miinlt-r it A ii w its I'or Cruel liutrlicn oi Nit'tf Willi Ili own Life. - 1 1 1 1 -; 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ; 1 1 iliviilfli i of.! -1 i f ii! I i . a -ali'o on o:' i'i-:', ua- M.u 1 ' : i i . aii.l -!;.. i. ! S W(iKKI) TO l)K TH ' ' ""I'vi-l-.i pi ii- a,,fut !.,:., 1 . I on. nn Hi Hie Slipping ol tin. .Nuose Only A Ikiii t Forty IN I.. I,rmil to Witu-. Fxim-ii I Ionloo Stn. i n; A roil nil - Till" I r imi' I'lii- Ti'illl- The lipiiiii of the Hotly. , Th h" :r-p w pnn.L' by Sheiiit I .. at 11:1 '. in. a'i'l at 12 tin- phvsfims an- n,,in c,-. 1 M.'1- ,1, , ! '1 he b hi, anliik-n thion.-h the - he ho rr of M:li- tal her. 110:11' Ap, . A'o.a:! I'ulv ) iei' 1 ee."r. i. i'. : 'ni iiii.,: i -onii w itne--el the ive 1 1 nn. 1 Tv 1 wi re a-ei.,,,'. .! aloilMl ill. ja '. j .... , , i o Mills .'c 'v as nn: hroKea an.l the. toi - -a v m i- s 1 1 : 1 1 1 j 1 . i to (tea'.ii. - u.l- .hie to ;l:e lli. t that the Iloo-e lii knot va- iust behind his hea.l ln-lf.i 1 ot lii-i ,-ath hi- ear. fh ei-ini f r vvh'eh Mills siitf f .1 ,1,'aili w - ihf mur 1. I-of hi-voiin nicer, i lai a Wiiii'eilv, who va- in a delicate ; . on., it i in a d-.-trl.il ilwellliiLC near Apex on the ni '!,'. of .lime Path. j t. ; u:.s am-oil next day ami put in jail heie 1 Th reals of ly n.'f it' e m-e I tli. iovernor- liu nd to In- put op liatv two nifhts and Mill- 1, nl a, i, taken to ( ioli l-lxii o. Ill cpie::i r ho wa- -.ii veil trial and ho eon ee. i ih" muo or ot in- ii'Cee. Ut 1 , , ,.- , , . . . , I said hoi a hi i . .laes vvimnriv. cau-eti - , , . ll ,.,,,, , ,- u.- ,,,,,.,: I .1,. ,' n .. , , . ,o . .. ,,,, , ... n,,,,,.., ..n, - i ;" .v-te-1 am . ai .laiiaaiy lei m ,n uie unm li -. ii a c i -, i , 1 1 M , . ,, a i . , i no n - sl i 1 o ti k- I 1 .' 1 ' bun miiM.V. Mill, ,,,.,k a,, app -a! I" the Supreme I n.,.,,- lo-l, atHia,,, ,1 Ihe sie,vn n,l a . conim,s:on i f phy in- nppointed the ( io e- no; pron IP ce.' I him sane, Cor. 1 i n . . , r., r. .' , .... I . , o.r ,.r .. . To i,i'.,. iiterl'eiv to, pre- v lt( , , , , . , v .... . v. . t ... .... - -..v.... .... ... ent the execution which occurrid t.xlav. i Yptil 16th Mills tlictate.1 to a iel- ; ,(W .J,.,.,. E Herman, wl.o wrote li,,l0wi. t'..r him. a U.iiu' coti'ission with the r,.,uo-t that it be published. The f,, 'o.vi.ni; l u li lit ! it: , Tt was some two or three month. be- fore 1 knew atij t h fi'-out it. how s!i I wan. ai d never knew until she to'.d me s.ivr; ..., U)lll lm. al)UL lt tirst 0Ul. (day) iml then I alia to! me it was ... and when sh I . .1-. .1 i,, i.. a ,..nJ,,.i i,w.,l ,, .; t t !...,.- , Pa . I, ..v.. ! in, ,,. .uiieai - ll' ni'illie i.i.-jveone, no, ov.,.- ,. ..... , I,.., f..l..l and I sue T can't, uo tliat." an.l he said i voll can." and I told him T can't' an I : -lster sav s, -I reor-e we r.;HC d )ile so mui'ii ! fur oiii. von C .11 In In us out. and i hen Jack P Kl m- tu f.t lo Pud Hatchelor's I .....I .t,.i - i ,,'n.,iii a,,,l M, ..id 'T i 1. iv e not -"t ihe m.int v, and lu savs, -1 have. and -ive me t.nc nU to et it. aud i Central Hotel Loimniiia .. .Mr. j I fi .. I . .I ..... ,r. ...... ,., -.i.i.liMr... ... '-.oo-niannouv liil' lui c-i a.; he i in. i -o. ..- oe -.nn i ,i,n ..... .u .vi,., i her oil w :: li v oil and don't br.u- her li ick , - . . - . . . . . I iere.il ive. unv more. 1 Saul '1 cant UO : it. and lie -a v - . ' v - you can. and ( I ) told hnn, 'I can'.. I on l want If t hat on If win don'l. the i account ol the -u' w.-i-l -I come on v m an you Have ! -i 't 1 1 P ' .in." ..-r,.,., i -, I on,- th.'. the killed I id t"id h.mwh it I I nt and . mi, , . I,, n e back I.... i n... ...-in. .a he 1 1 11 - ii co, ne i ...... ..... ..... ... , :...:,, I . .... n u v 1 1 , nan a 1 o ,e .ni.iinii. 1 1 f 1 c , r live in tint luiniiv that know, its tlie (,,,.. ltt -, v. .Miii I -i Ml .Ml: I t i t lnTV ..... , is I,,:, e more iu-: as muity as 1 am. i lie time is n t ifiig w nen i can mi in Heaven, an-l -ee plc'ismv. There they :, re go: :,g i r. e. an.l i !! i i-t as guilty as I 1 am. all i t ' I 1 1 i- ha rd to think. Ill it they I -go Ine and g, t me in it. Th -y Lit -I : Oil. .1,1 In 1 1 ! 1', 1' Ml HllS W,ll!ll. '", .. . , , .". .ii.. i.. . - " i.ui.k u.e -..u-.n "..". oug n pardon me Iron, lhe gahoiys .... such iv- i, hn, e a- I lie in one in Wake Cclllltv ,..,.i,,i ,,,i ; ,H il,-,. k I t,.iU- so If I he oood oe. it) e llt Wake ! eou.liy can st.iiul ihat. and the others go : tree, an I ine led out "ii lhe gallows, I will u . . o , . ., , ,. ,, , e v i;s i lilt I ef , ,. ,., VV .. . i, I I . .. , , ...... . an ei.'.-aiy i ari-ie. ,i issiaun, wn. ' i flier Ihe Ki III licky ca in pngll aOMtltlhe llath of -iiis nioiiih, ami deliver two or j more speecln s at pin ins ye I lo ue stucii u, : in tuior ol round curieti. v. A large lnunlicr ot 'he merchants of . ,.,,'. ,',,", IV1. ,. ,:..... ,,. IMl. ,; .-...- .... v. ... . - i . comp'. iling tne railroads eiueilli- ttiat c:lv to elevate their ! lacks. Ko.'c i c itpi.it h-iiie to he anything more than the M". l-tseoftlie Oriental situa- ,,,m- T o ,1 r.-.r MI... Rrootlvi. UmI. a, a.".,,. n ..... ... i ..r, .,:.; . I ,.,1 ,., ,,a vi! 1 . ..... ... , x- - Tiibnim says that two ' ' .i I I.M . ' i v i t 1 u. ill. 11 nn; 1 1 ni v, -a, i . v. . .g,;,,. ,,,. W.,ri. i'. Fair,,,, u u lay caused menu,! utiles Irtii,., t'.'.v ii Th- ('i,,.l,ii-t o'viier of a .oval li-herv at Avo.-a. iJe'tie coiintv. s.vs f ,-,, ar.d 4"i.il'io In.-iring w. r.- tikeii. The Stand ,r 1 Od Company Ii ,s started Tim s.a,nl. r I M .1 (',,, ,:mv h ,s st ai-led ;' t ro'ouin . h e.v n wan! by ni ik ing a re. hie- tiou -f H cell's in their pr ee tor Fenn - yl - vani.i rude o:h 1 I.....1 , l..l.l.. -, enre the institution. ., i',.,ri- to,,,. nl' the nil f s 1 1- Tube Mills" ami Oil Citv Boiler-Work;, h. :i.i.Hl his employees" ihat after May .. .,,i i.. .. i l,. Tne nr.v racing bill and Wild's two 1 bih- to can v out i he anti-guiliblirg pro- l-ions if llu new C'on-titllliou were nil'-rel to a llur.l reading iu the New liurk Senate lhe einnie W'.l-tie has b, en a.lOpU-.l as standaid for pa --ng. i loeomoiives on the Pennsylvania Kiilroa-l .Many oi ine engines ..re already o.iii'ppeit with ttiese winsiio. Tl.o Hi i.-inl T ,.Am-r ..it-oa file I'.ill.y-Aiin One ol the old red-hot Tinrditcs of Fish- ing i reek, latking to one o if his neighbors in llvlini mi 1 ue-.lav. aid he could not ',.,,,1 iiionev at t', o r cent thai hn would invest it in land rather than lake that low rate ot inter, st. Hi neighbor told him he must be a pretty fellow-. Did nut ! voui' Fusion Legislature p is that law and were you not in favor ot it.'" He answered "vis. but I will not lend out my money for that low per ceut," a:d this man has money to letul. l Tlircc l' r cm li laicil h lli l'ilriiii'-s A l.rc-liiiiits n.inU. Til' Iif. ..: t', F Moor- a .1 Mr.--Ii I? mk M !: i. .jii'ur A' no ,': II).-. lill.' on Tu "a h:!i. A: .1 ill 1,. all. V ivvA i-'U 'li v,..i 1; nf ;!i- lnri'. ' mitli yt'.ir. jia.- f -t- ii -oil' i-aim a . urn. mill ',' ' -u 1 1' i - n i u 1 1 1 i V f 'a iv. 1 a Tii -i.hi . -.' . it- : i . 1 1 . . ' - :i..i:-. !--! ;i i'ir M',r- o a 1 f ii rii!- '.' - n! ; ; f !,m. it h i- n -t onl h .il ill..- mil i nnti'lc. nl the efiiio. lull it- liu-ii v-7 MiV.iir- Iiiim Ih( !1 -n f i i:i' 1 U, ! i il a- ' i ,ll 1 .t J. f.l'. -all-tit, lam lii ;:- iia i n- :.!! i i 'i- j !(!.. f..i,.:a'lv Ml.,. i: ,M' I n-aa1-- .'i-ani--tl,i'' uuli i! fh .n.ii I.-. cio:a!l;. wl... h.- I n-'ao-- .'fnini . thi'-u.li i;s ,-h ti n is. l,-,l'r a.-., uhah w ,- al...in i - '..io ..(' Ihi- p o,;.- - ii.. I that u:. - . a- .-ru; :mn-nr I'm hank- thivu jh"nt i he f o a nt i y, i wa - t lie i ) !e i-n i e "f I ho ivr'.tcr I . I it; I I I f ' I I ' Mi I I I" l I , . II ' 'II' -.1. 1," . .: 1 if a : , . 1 1 1 . e , : . 1 1 , i, v : - l i. i,-,,.r, l,,k exanmn a lhf -la', u-ent that tin.- .NwU-rn hirU werenot ulv veil iuiin.it.- ' e.l. imt th al-n l;a, a name 'hat r tlei - 1 inl ihe lii-.l.i-t ' re. lit upon the;!' oiri-.-r- ,,,, l 1 1... , a , ;., H,. ., '. ., !- lep '' ' ... A It lc If I. ki.oi K soi.l. ' Ihe Stores on Ihe Site ol IheOI.I Mur- tonnc'l 11' am knoMiii-r anvlliinu iHMiiu il -. ., , . ....... .... win i e a n the o i pi ion- "I Ihe 1 a u - have not b, en Make Flue 1'laees ol I hem I lie Work lEeirilll. ... )r. I-. vi . IliiL'lie- i. a- par. na-e I ir nn the D im-.- c-ta'e the i n! br. k bio. k , il . II JIV t II ,i-l. -rn -ml tin 1 1 a dozen -: , , n -. vv h a 1 1 sle of ihe ohl mat ket . n i he ol' Ilia I'nol of Mill, he -In-, I 4. , , pv r j Woltenileil. re il . slat aeiu. J'". Himhe-i plans ens:, n r., ti . in.prov- nicni in Hie sior, s am I pi ompi :y sianoo the W"i-K v s:er.t iv u-iiier enai-e "l tnai . v, rv etlieient hail. lor. Mr. .1. if Lam-. in f lie store- win b v, i hau'e I . and pui in U"o I -hape .nay wav. New ,1 hifl'ier Hoot's will li.- put in ai 1 . a- h -'.fiv will be eei If I in L'ood slvlo. i I A'so ineria'C'l 1 i -; . t and venlil .l ion ..-ill I... i.r..vi.l. .1 f.n- ..t i:.. i.r nn , , ... , ..... :.. 'n.. I) iin isiuiio nonis. win ue nn in. i n . r.. .... .. ;n ,. .. : i :.. . i:.,i . 1.1..1 i IU'1113 "l.l U l .,1 Ml I I . .1 I I ' I,.. IO l.f ' , . . , , . , tiian thov aie now and hnished with ml niz-d eorni-. an.l la-llv. sidewalk im- .-...in... i ,' .. . , - ... prov ononis w in nm , loi-.me.. m u,e , L'eiu-r.U caanir.-. VVhen . he w ork is romph'ed t he stnr, s wlH r"k "ellwi'l, anvoih.r- in the and de-ir.ible piece of propeily. THE ATl.ASirK IIOTF.I. OpeuH Jnne 1st The M anasreinen I Preparal ioiiN Teaehers'n AsNemhly ; jsili A l.iinil Otillook. In le than a n.orih from now the , Morc-rietid bnisan will beuia - the Ia.uoiij Atlantic Uotel, the elite resort o the S"Uth. opens June 1st, and the -feat! K lutioii d fralliermir. the North Carolina , , Te ichers As.oeiai ion. b,-i.,s ,ls,w annual .-e-siuu on June 18 h. The teac eis u ill have the same ovv rates ol boa.d o o. o.i , .... ..... ....... ..v een ac - I. .1 il., i., ...... v..-,., i lie State, we mav iu'l-e'that the season I his sroiimer wid le the -fiiakrt and most li Jay:. Die 01 ail. The li del tills -easi n will be run by tli it prominent Southern hot. hst. Mr. W.nt.- Tavlor who has made an admira-i ble r. putation -s pr .i it ..in ielor of the Cram! . .- -. ..v, .... ... .-.v... .... has vo one connected with liini. The . . . . i : l .. : .... I lOdOWin- ior corps oi ;i.-M-iauis: 1 book-keeper; j i; L. II. I'luin- ll. .M . 'sum--, ca-nnr mil Han v Smith, nom c'eik; iner. i'i-ht ci. rk. and lvlward S. Kl . aid . r 1 ej jr. Pile Ol me ronce oe ...on ami now m me (t ilt it, u-c, steward. Already prepa i at :ous a:e in piogre-s to eiisuie the lii-he-i C'lnlbit and pleas- nre lo i he irreal IT.-W.1-5 will a 11 I'll 1 1 1 V -- I recicatiou at this cool an I . f 1 . ... ..... ( .l.-li-htful n-sori. T ae indiclions for a -- , . ., ,, a v.u ,,.- , o, or to- ,00 -1 1 1 V-' P 11 1 1 1 1 1 I rt-M' t t ' 1 S : I I V - III . I .1 1 1 '7 I ! V I 11" - - . joyaUie -ea-"n m eve: le -pi ci is uue. . i To Sail lar Hos.on Oiro.-t. j 1 Ii. .ch.-0!ier . W .irivn Man, dipt. K. lliil. -alio 1 ii'.e.ii lhe poto! New j y. f()V I)?toi direct We -1 lie.-d-i v. Her imu'ier i cargo ;s composed .1 ,.ies.-i -roju ,be Slims.... Lu.i.b,!' C. .nill-. j , , ( i , . ( ... . .. fan lor l.osf.n uiivc. luuil .In- poll, as .1 p. 11 direct fi, .n : ' ' ' ".'. , ; T- .. , , ,! I- I U' pic eaig ' lo g" .Pin i. The Hall was relieved fiom the h' a- h I pear Ilattera- Inlet about live w , ,-ks agn j and lias bieu in this poll hr l.pa.rs at f the Mi adow s' marine I a i I wav .- i a 1" -.nee. i the Miadows' marine rail wav.- ia r -.nee. 1 The I Iail is aa able ,1.-om-v ,,P r b a'. iim; .. ii, i, ,. l..,i' I Lhe Had is an au.e iIoom-v ,,P i b -a. , ii:,a is i,i:,, ca ,.'.. a t ... -it ..- :,.,;.',vi:il': , .M.tb an ! ,,.,1 k ore. ,.. .,.. v ..ii,, I'.ni! II ' f.mdv w )' :l,e, .n,n inv hnn the trip. ' . The Appeal From Xi liriivka. Mn Vol' Flhs h .- receive' I l:o.n Ni ka an appeal tor a.il to the citi.oa- ol tne . l,r-,,, . . , L a .l,-l,-,.t vw. , , t e-e-: ! wlie.e Accompanying the app.a! wa- the I I a' lo wing letter winch we copy in I "'! KwiMi, Neb.. April 2'ldi. Sin: I enclose y. u "C'iti- .is : in bolt ill' . I . iir "Drouth i 1 ka k ...I ' . s 'ed approiiriatton. 1 In- P irluna ,e on. i'efiviug either four b.i-ln Is of corn . I'..,.Il. iii.tol li irvg A r I , . 1 -, M'1I1' T(i("ii- .1 - , none. A. number w.-uhl b'l low to buy . ..-...... , , l.nr n.olli.f eatlllol I ... hail (111 :111V -el IllitV i ... . , ., ": .. ! ... nl.i i..i. i i 1 :i..i..... : V .J1 ' ' ; , : "'V ' ! '..,,o 1 li in',.1 -utf, rin-- ' ' ft is u mloir . to. 1 1 v true. I h , t .-elfi-'.i in- ' lii. , ,,, n i,., ile ime He., -elf,-', in. dividuals h..ve. a id ar, ia. pair ug aid ' sj.,t direct to iheai. wii' are n-.l oil, hie or rispoiis'dile. lint the -igiiaiti e- of th 1..,mnitv 1 n your ll"norai)l-r position, can y eu no. de v iso so ai o ii ,ct 1 1 oil . w here' 'V void' c i l v can be canya l for contribuiions to th poor ami destitute p. o.io ol Nebraska for lliev are son- v in nee I ot a k u.l and ; helping lian.l. Fat'nestiy hop 'tig m hear lion, yotl soon, 1 am 1 ours 1 ru y, ('. (.". l'.i.ND. Sei'i-i 'ary, I '-.I iven- l!e! 1, l'l oiii nolle i. '. C...... Citizens Belief Coin in'iUe . i nely-r on r Moonshine Stills P - I tnrert. r mm ine jviieygu cm 1 1 st., mneui e . a t!ie Wilmington Messenger we clip the lollowmg ib m: "The revenue olUcers inade. t uo raids Wedue-dav. In KicUuiond 'y. . Deputy Gibson got aa eighlv-galh a blnat . still, but I-rank Brown ami 1 i.un.is T.i-vi-ter. its owners, psi-ai (f 1. In KfCk- iugrham county, IVput e. Davi- and Smith . captured two stills, e ich of eighty-five gallons capacity. Since J muary 1-t no less than ninety-four illicit distilleries have been seize', in this district. Tuts? avirag.d aliout f'JOO in value, it is a record breaking an ay of .seizures withiu I so short a period.'' Tinif ( liaimt'tl U illmiil Nulilicilinii , Il Slioulil llfiitii tiy liili. mill Ir4nr illious llo Kei-n MhiIc lur Muy J 7 I II 1 1 4'amiof lio llelil fil the -trfl -4:o. Will lc A4Ketl to 4-nll Hpeelnl I i-rni May ii7tli. S 'iii i'or Pai "h 1 ha- nut ilieil Siin t'ioi' i nil i 'i-i'k. W.i! ii that thr Spring torm "f sitpjvi'T c.ait '..r ( 'ruveii ,.ii a lu- In t-n , h ii j.-il li.nn .'i -JTlli. '.f !., t'.lli. whiiii i- thn-f wi-i k- 'I'hoi o w ,:i lr i n c I h"M at thf lillio , 1', , a V I foi !,' I In.- in W 1 , iv Inl' all pl'n- o--ha- h -, n i lr ic' in naiiif Mav -JTili, a-.l iht'iv U h.h'.hi.- i i-Mie ..n.l rvt- n.-w pious-. A- 1 1 o , ,-ii st nicthn 1 out the ililli- '( ult y I hat lia.s thus arisen, the (iovenmr will bo aske.l hy Hip ronnty eonnni-sion- 1- I"' II a i, I'D' a - n ''! I, 1. 1 111 '! I, HI I I I . i. ... .:!, t ,, .1.1 .vl, vv,,u',i 1, ,v, lM.if.111 ue.l.-r the ohl law. ami lor whirli lime ail the anan;eiiieiiis have i-pn in n!e. iiitimalion ( the rlianire in the tiaie i.,.i i,,,,, ,.n,,.a I. .,il ii... u h'-.h- thmt; took the bar Mi.l people bv -illpr -e. The .1. i.iv lu rittt itii: the iieede-l ma.- : h r Kept i im-f ho siioui.i nave omaiim lee, iv."l 1.- V.t. -- a .... .--".-. - , In the ily ol Flm an.l Vicinity, 4allierjrl in anl llrietly 'I'ol.l. Mr. S. Ishaveiiilar of I'anlet.'ii who ha- tie 11 in t he eil v a lew il I v s added hi- 1 ii line to -tit" !i-t "l -ub-ia il.ers lie Core' le,vin'. J The annua! r..nti. il ol the I rotestant hppeopa! iliiireh .line. -so ol I: si laro-. ,, ;i ,,,, ln 1- av, tt. v ill.-. Mav 'illh, lS'.lo. A. . . . i:. li aniioiinees low nil, s (l (j,,-e ail.uulin-.' it. The schooner ( 'h.'.i Ies T. Strand, ('apt.' Marshall, ariiviil I'roai Clavbuin, lm land The ('apt iin was out in Ihe f r, : t rains that have been prevailinif lint . p- rieti a .1 no daman , ms weather as winds - , i III Hot -ll-eoni Hail V tlielll The lumlx1!' i- I eii.f f alln r, d nnd the 1 1 am in-' work ha- eonmie n anl on the mw , . hlsro,il ciiapei. It is on Ihe south ( hie nl l oUock su-e-t between Hern and . . Sp, i,e... Mr. Jessie Hair. ,,,,),. ,' U oa the We-t. s it-iilencf Notices to the tax-payers t the oily ol Ni v Heine to list their taxes are now posle.1. The tax lis), is air I a-sessois ate: ; Mes-rs. S. K. S r.-i-l. V. K. Koimiri-e and 1 Kdwaid (ierock. The li.-tin- is h. lie i ilone at Mr Slree."-. ntliee li'oiii June 1-t "() , ii,ne,.Mfnf ion toot In "ft 1111 a m- b M. t(:ll, ,,etap..u t lawver- iin, ,iH'tors of the city lor the henelit of the Firemen's tournament. Tlo KHh of May seems to be the lat nu:U favorably .1 l'.,r It 'l'l,,. ...-infers will elial. Uev. S. J. Porter of Morehead Cdy, who has been a-sistin-r Kev. .Mr. rrv III a mentiii.r at ( livroii near the e( i-'e ol fea u- ...v..,, -- --- l'...-t ......iilv i c.-s, , 1 . r, ,m- l 1 ill rs. i V f - FIRST SHIPMENTS 111 .'. us and H ea.le.l alibaice. May 1st by Steamer Xene. Mr. F. C. Ilod-os of (iray wood farm got "tt tlie lir.-t sliipment ot cauunge v eu cs day to northern markets. 1 hey were . i ,, , .li If.. llt n;o(,u size ana wen iieaueu. an. it ...i u .u, , ,,tr i lm first m as vpster- F- I . . - . , . ,,, i, .... i.f. v .-w l?ei-ne l us volu HJ 1a(1 stvonty boxes of the cubbnges and tliii- v of the peas. A c olored man mime I I i -i? u ,.i- r, i.n ni nit'i v. in 13 .j.ii e. .'. if .. . ,.,.7v 0w . , j ,olu. tjoxe3 q nja-. i pllle turnip- and elegant aspnr.-igns i w,.. a ,,or,i0., of the ' Neu-e's c iro. ; T( , . .roiiv off in lair ou.-iiili- . i- 11..I.. ill, Sim collie u . i le 11 ill t ,, ,i. , . u h, -er than il nsuallv is. . . . but if prices keen nil well it w ill be all . I .... i I 1 I ...111, 1 it L I lit . ll I -I" 1I t llil Ill -..11W1 -uch pi'oiiucts mat mere is in ine counnt a lar "e we s.e uo reason i liv thevshoubi no'. The Valine Keeoveretl. Mi. C. M. liilpin has rocovend liis va- li"e which ho lost in I.itt'e Switt l r.iek. , Iltt'e colored boy on Mr. F. S. Kmul's ,,own ,,v the 'dm anil c.ll il now ii oy , c.irrler. .U 1 . . II u II say s lie net ei , . , e .. ; wjt, more pleasure iu his life than he did lhlilue to ,);iV ti,e R.waril for its recovery, . looking to Ihe Morehea.l Seanon. . ir i.. ;.. .. Mr. . Mellveaii and iainily. w ire ar , ,',. ,,. ,.p vuit,., New- lierne came in yesterday on the steamer Nous i tVo.i, Norfolk. TI.ev propose to sim-ih! : troin .NorlOIK. lliev propose io speiiu a ; ' few wettks 'll New lieltie and then .-p. lid i he -. a.-on at Mori head. From w hat they know of the ellieieuey nil tact of Mi. W. Taylor, who is to run ho hotel this tear, they U'hevj that Mo re load will have a big season. F.imi.l llea.l in It.-.l. Mis. Delia Spike-, wile of Mr. Win. Hikes, ot ( Mvmpia was found d. ad in ed Thur-day inorning. er husband started to awaken her neak and receiving ,." reply, e-.igation (Hi' I PV 1- w a- pl'ol i.alll V Ileal l . usease. The First Sh ' pni.-ii t of St ra wherries ,Vr. W. F. Crockett got off ten crates of -travv berr ies Fiilay morning to t.m north - els. They were ol the Holt. nan ern liiarke and Muriav varieties ue mger go, , ,ff n me s. d'he-e are the- tir-t shipments, though ' he -a V commenced in the city a week a. " l he ben ies were remarkably tine The (Granite lor the l ourl Home. A t, a.a "t Mr. J. W. Stewat'1's hau e down one iii.ee of grnu'e wciglnm down one pi.ee t . i.t.no .ou n. is, ., tons, t o I lie c "in. noiise ,vesi .-1'. I a y . Ii will be u-ed iu the tl .or ui the , a-era p.u eh. L..r cai l...l- of the -,a.,Pc aggn- ,at in ' about eightv-tive ton-, have arrive' I , o mole c.ir-ioad loniain- t' ome. Ml Heath ol an iel ilien. . Mi -. Sus ,n 1 'rival t , ag. ,! 77 y. ar-. died Fi id., v in ! a i i i p, ;,1 t- i,,, , I..v :.i-.l l lhe iesiile.ii.-i. , of lir d .u-'htei-. Mis. Addle t.i skill on Uer- e street, afi" r an ibn, of live Veals, d,P i ,re w t h christian art tilde. The if .- as. .1 w as a member of Ceateiiarv yt k. chur. h. 'l',,. funeral will be lrom the house tomorrow. 'Ihe hour wnl be aniioumod the inorning. Pie. I In Washing! on City April Itoih, Mis. Sarah II. I le iri.e. wife .1 the late Win. A. He. rue. an I daughter of ihe late Saiu- u 1 K. am! Mary J. Stret. - seventy negroes, all stalwart men, lelt 1 Fredericksburg, Va., to work in the brick ' yards at Ilavcrstraw New York. amp VILiM-'I'T ' N'T HE On ZE3Zo.2n.d- I The Largest Stock IN THE CITY. " Our Methods and Prices ATTi;CT ATTENTION ! . . And Are . . , Bound to Please! And make Grow BSCS the ever Flourishing .1 Ti. LTCC llUll UCiiLS 11 Ulb j WOiCi yy ft lW a V B i please every one and ;f bring suceess to the i . pj J1Q -;110WS 1,QW ; RLPLi i Afi'y i '"'"to Advertise. Hackburn & Willett. COTTOaN" 1 have a Finite.! -upplv .T follon (ill nil., that I will sell A TON FOR A lOUli 1IUN DlilH) l'OI NI) HALE OF COT ION. The cotton I " be d,-1 i v, r. ,1 on or lietorc Nov end., r 1 -:. I yi,",. Also a full lite , f 'I'm. U I'ertihzei'M Kai.ilt, Acid, rh'isph .te. ,Vr., on hand and tor -ah- on re i .-n .1 ' 1- i in-. JaJTS... me iK-f.ne v mi buy. Y nil I s Trill V , J. C. Whitty. V-S'.l. '', .'.'.: .'' v v v.i - x.t s.; ' ':'... . i. St,- '' v.-.'--'i '""'. ' ; y j' 'V.'' ' . , - -' . .. ''-;" :j'. 4: tl -:.' t - T MW '