xZKV y sfe ill I 7-' :i- ,-' $1.00 Per Year INDEPENDENT IN ALL THINGS. SiDgle Copies, 5 Cents. VOL. XVIII. NEW BERNE, CRAVEN COUNTY, N. C, MAY Hi, 189:. NO. :i II M 1-TON UOAItSl -nNKKKKM T. THK . (. WOMAN SOLDIKK HKISI I AN 1MITISM. I ii r. m i Muiti i. si itvn t:s. It I V I KM III: l'i I Villi li I AKI rin: m:v a. a y. -. i.iii ohiiti em. . l:. ,1, l ' It! i. fi';s--:' - i- r". !, - i: ( if; i - ; What is r. CMtoria la Dr. Samuel Pitcher's prescription for Infants and Children. It contain neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. It Is a harmless substitute for Paregoric, Drops, Soothing Syrups, and Castor Oil. It Is Pleasant. Its guarantee is thirty years' use by Millions of Mothers. Castoria destroys Worms and allays feverishncss. C.ujtoria prevents vomiting- Sour Cnnl, cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic Castoria relieves teething troubles, cures constipation and flatulency. Castoria assimilates the food, regulates the stomach and bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. Cas toria la the Children's Panacea the Mother's Friend. , Castoria. i U an czcellBt medicine for chil- II otlwrm tiaie repeatedly to!4 me ol iu food affect upon Mtdr children." Da. G. C. Oaooou, Lowell, " Caatori hi tlM hmU raraedy for children of vkich I an acqnaiatad. I hope the daj is sot lar diataa vaao wlhan will consider the real kaSsraat of their children, aaf visa Castoria in staad of tla various qoack nostnnns which are JaSwtrriBa; their kwd oaea, by forcing opium, llhil. aoothim syrap and other hurtful Hint! do wa their throats, thereby wtirling sawm to prematura graim. " Da. J. T. Xxncmjom, Conway, aj-k. Again I be vernal flowers Ant (hck ttic lulls and vale In brot-nas forms ami With life. These bring; ami wa ter o rr inch ijravi 'Netth which lies du-t hero ave Tax ihnee he a nly !.ieit to ive IVm strife. Ijet matrotts come ami m aid. ns fair. Perfume witb dowers the am 'neat air That laves the mound ai d Ii, l in ks h. re We weep. Let the weet inrense eirrlin r'se In ballowe.) chimllelK to the kies. ' Whither Ihe sohlier's spirit flies From sleep. And yoo, ye livio remnant, st ami Aroond jour romra-iesi, saired bin.': Once awe, in weeping for the 1-aml la wot. Unfurl tboee banters torn nnd ari re.1 (TIs all the ruthless baixl hatji spared.) "Wave here the fold l hat never hnre.1 The loe. Fr these, onr lierne, in the roilit And panoply whicli come from ri-ht, Bared tberr boeoms in the ti ,-ht Sublime ! For us th-y fpive tleir hearts' bloal free, Asked not lor recompense, but we mbalm their deeds in memory . Awl rhyme. Go, tell the story far and wi'e How oar loved unes fought and die. I. Tel I it to Men, with swelling" pride And love. And you. -wild winds, the story Umt, And w-hisp'riog leave, bth ereea and sear, All tbifl )a plaintive tones d. via re Above. M. J. DKJtosjFT. M. I. WilmiDgtim, N. C, May, 177. Blact. ail Clay Peas. A Limited Quantity BLACK AND CLAY PKA.S. GERMAN MILLETT. At ChAs. B. IItlis. mSlm New Bern, N. C. WM. II. H A YNES No. 38 fe 40, Grace Avf.nuk, West Washingtou. llnrket. New York, Established 1861. Rbpresextip ik New Bekxk I'.v W. E. SNELLING. apt Im IFBTS CUtuED (Vsas U. g. Jtmrmal of jfadfatas.) PnstW.B.Pcekc,Sfbo makes s (pacxattT ot Epilcpxj, asa wtthoat doabt tressed ami cmA more cases than aaTllTiBY Ptirsiriasi ; als tut cess is astonish 10 f. We save heard of cases oT! yean'rtjndinj; en red bj hinu Ba poMaaaea a raiaabi work on this disease w hico ho asassi with a hufe bottle of bis absolute cure, free to any saflererwbo mar send their P.O. and Express ad dress. We ad snyone wishing a core 10 sddress, Prot W. H. PEXJt, Y. D. , 4 e'edar S., Mew Y Jrt JAKE G. TINSLEY ani CO., IMPORTERS A KASir.U-rt'UEUS OF Fertilizers, Office & Factory at Richmond. Ya. C. E. FOY, Manager, B2AJCT QTTIZZ AUB WASSSOUSE A" rOS EAST22U K02TH CASOLIUA CSLT7Z2ISS. jpWe nffer on time for co' 1 vuritv iSfANDAltl) CtUToN ii I AN . al.le N'oveniU-r l.-t. lsii."., one t,,n (iiuino for 4t)l . Mer.-lisnt.ihle ili hllm.' I.i'.t CottoD. The cotton to h-' d- livered iu New Bertiei.il or U fore Nov. 1-t. lti'. A lane supply of Kninit on h tod ami will be auhl at resonahle prins. I J Im Do You Need..,. A Refrigerator, Ice Cream Freezer, Wire Screen Doors, and other Seasonable Goods ' Tav. Cutou lrT. T oox, x,ew x oT xy. ( - ) . ;. , , nun t- tne . a erm suatien ntn. eiu-M ,ac;in iin1( ,.. cx.h; ve' v. ,. ; , ' ' ,i, f , ,',7,, 1 'i , the mult lU'd M " "V"r BHBBMHHBHMMHB: Uo.M--.'. he -in..,-. -a um-t' o; t. ol. . 1"",or ns.-u:iie,l name. II, r nime m , - hi.', - , U-' tl ev w- t w t L'i 1 J ,,e li'' b' ' ms aiibikt ,- I HoW;,y-, ,.,.. Alternio wits Joe hut w hut else I never y . o ,,.,., i u A man i ..'.. '.' : . ; i ... .n . a. . .ol' I as they always are. A w yeaih oi hrilit ''W i i ;n np i i ie a k in ntli o i , ne iia. i.i. it, ii . , , ,- , ,a no nnei. h i nun i oes noi ei iu-an o, , ... ;. ... , . ;,.. . i " - , - - - in i no i nv i-.uiix ami t icinn). 1 : ,, . ' i ii,,.-. i ' anil wi ie l"0kei U ion a a i-ouple oil, J i :, - - ,; l" - t , p!e.-.:,i i ,i eju .,ti ii.)1m...-..iii.-l. C'oliieih rate -oU Let' -unnoniiUii ' In i Km.ni uiereme. ali.l Mi Ilo-.ve.i a-kul . ;,, ,VJo ,,,,,ii 1 .,,,1 f,l 1 e duiSit UV Walkimr. .UlVllij.. Ullim . i.,, . , , , .,1 .J,.r.hn ill' n I' fe lie -otl.WHJW -OUl.ci , ,;anM.r i an linny T waas-aaABasaa i m.-wiiii .. u w ... , . . ,. , , ,. , I 1 1 loll I ta 0 n U e 1 1 li ( U.lh.te illll 0 U , i , , , , , , . 1 ' 'I'l nil, in ' 1 !i- mollllllllllt'tWl) l 1'.,-Sill -lllll'is one ! W HIHCiUM. HI.XORUI. IR.NI.S. M ". Men m n 1 1 I..? ea f h.l ,n:y I: -pi- 1 hoi'sehaek, On the curs or how. An oi u ,,,,,.1 have annersei! i-wir J,,hn , 1 51 1 -.'U"s 1 ne 1 , , ' , 1 . 1 in'. - ot eaeli 1 tlnr. , 1 . ,, , , ., . 11111 1 h,UL ""'" -vi.wtr. -.joim: . ., f . .Mr. U. '.. '.eil.o! .ak e ( "inlort , h 1- t aat the eont. 1 e; .e w on I ' i,rn em il.ttei- 1 I ol t he modes woul, I emue 1111 ler the name n, : ,,! . i 1 , , , ,. l,,,a ,...1 1 1,, - n .1-, , ,h n.t 1 ' u ' " ' , , ,. , ,, , , , IF SO, CALL OX L. H-.CUtUK & CO. Castoria. ' Castnrta is so well adapted to cMMrn that I recommend it as superior to any prescription known to me." II. A. AttCHIR, Jt. D., Ill So. Oifrrd St , Brooklyn, N. T. Oar physicians in tho children'f depart ment hare spoken highly of their experi ence hi their outside practice with Castoria, and although we only hare among our . medical supplies what is known u regular ' products, yet we are free to confess that the merits of Castoria has won us to look with favor upon it.' Ujhtxd Hospital asii Dispskmut, Boston, Mass. XLua C Surra. iVe., llriivj tlontrs bright flowir- To LT:irnis!i the toinh Where hi To-.s Iei'i hululv. t 'niiiiiviful ot u loinn! 1i:it- ft. overs -hr:,;ht rl iuir-' Tli:it lv-iirv inav :ive Fair tulamls of irl,,ry. As suliv we yrie e. Blight flowers spring; tlower-! All frULTunt to w.ive I t'er t he dew iptuiulcd oil, h ( ) the umlyin l'i' ive. l"ulx-e the sho s l u, het The bloo.l sprinkled sol I holy as that Hy the holiest inv I. Were Ihev nrht re thev wr.nj V lioin e moil ni , ,: llm: tn Auav Irueklius drivelUr! W h it inni d r. Whn kiiu- ' Sir ill the hh-Hxl ol the In ro Ne'er h.illow the Oi 1 When the virtor. aUne llii Cold Holies, Ills tro.l. Shsll the stigma of treisou Dishonor the leiir We shed f.r the b,.ive. To our memories- de-irV-I?e, Stonewill and Stuart. And mvriiuls mi re, Who went up from our ranks 7 o t lie "everereen nbun; Tho' they '-hiid iloWo their arms." And "siiiTen.li red I licit" po-ts," Tlxir u iiiie ure eazeitfd In fmtc'j dentliles Ixxts, Trsin.sferre.1 from earth'.-. .sciii e Urave benrt-", who we loe. They reported at once To lieudip.i.uters lUive it re ks not how vainly. How blin dy they foiiht, How !,il:er the . a 1 Ii Whieh their disiinv bioiinht TlS the niolivi.s i ut ill), s. Not the lCjJtiviv p::z-.! Tlie -pirit that live-: The 1'iine yuerdon that die"! Tis tlie infinite Thought Not the perioiiin; Fai t' The Heart that corceue-. Not the otitL:ro ini,' Ael! 'Ti w'ny, and Dot what. Lillt'-nS h:t T s e'o.'lli' DevotioD, not victory. Hallows the tomb! 'Tnas uot D imon s poor hie Wa. .-utlicient 10 -:ivc Two urn cited names From tlie moure! of the crav, ! ' Tw-is the love i.y wiios- pron:pt!nu- The ( '1 ucitied 1 -.uiie. Whit Ii j;ave him on eaith. A iiljove, tin- t:;t nunie. Not in vain .!i 1 the-, tiili' f The b! I 1 I the b.-;ne. The l .ii-l . f the tm-. Never vainly e.n l.ivi ! Yet awhile il may lie. )'i-pcious seed in tlie irrouii 1. I'.it in fullness 11'' time I ls I :li r f: ii . I - - . . '. l - Ami Ihe future God's fdloiv . TUouuh I arri 11 it s,- m. With the h.irvist llu-y j 1 ' .1 1 1 ' I. , Vet bravely . -hail u-iin. It 111:1 v lie the fai h- rs II 1.) huilde I in ::. 1'. lit I he hiooil 1 f ti e -.'lis I hn. ceuu n'e i --j iii. Th n h, up op ih,- -ai 1 o ils "er pat 1 lots . m Sua 1 s-. 1 - -, 1 1 1 , 1 lie ;i :. To ih. l'i ne , n ! nv, l Keiie-'iil -: their v.. 'or. K.-. p h'!v the- -. .1 For honor 1 , - hei r-I- hen.-i- !o ii., , The 1 1 -o e is tak -a 1 1 . , n F.er,i,- J. un. , I i !' I '..miner, . " , 17:1-! K,l. .!,u k.n ' i . -New llUir Killir l. nllllii Teeth. Be sure an 1 11 se- that I .Old we.! reine.lv. Mis. Wind ,w S.otln- s for ci'il, !r. n te. th n ' 1 1 -no tip - t h. . softens tee mis. ai'iiv- ail p:i:n. wind colic .v d is .he , -t reued diarrhoea. T w cut v-!h .ci l- a li.,i; lire. fu ll 'il V r Bucklen's Arnica Sul.o. Tho U-t salvo in tie w.eld ;..r C:'-. r.ru.ses, S ,res, I'!i i r-. Salt I'm nn. Fox. r s.n. Tetter, Chappo.! hand.. Ci , i . hi , . i .-. Corn.. nnl all skin l-.'nip:,"ii-. -hi I po-.- tively cine- Files, or i .1 p i y n-,pipel. It is o na ran u e I to-;ie p'.rlccr m'.i-.u l.n'i 'r money refund, d. I'ra c '2- cent s per bx. For sale bv F. S. Ihllfv. Ib -.t-ut-t. Rhf ainn.Nni 4'iiisril In n liny. . V. , o, l i i .- . . Neuriiift'rt.!;c cures in 1 1.. u.,y. 1 Its action u.n Ihe system is re-rat ka am! mysterious. ltrem.,v.s at .un e th: U1U3C nin. i-e i , i , , , i , , i.v i, . n.-.i o 111 ra at,.' tl rst . Ii ,si i Ten I V h. -n-1 1 1 - . "i cent. Sold by Henry's Pharmacy. New IK rue N. C, old custom house buildin;. . . . ji or , a! ; .n . ,e i nu wa- . .'-... e M.,r V Iui n I nit ne won iloes im .i .. . i- . :.. - o... i ",e . . . ..-v.. i ie n. a i .- i ne -in ne ituue m a.o r 1 ( The f,il',-iv;ii,. fii!niimh:e no, m writ- ; ent; v ii om the - : 11 ill ': Mi . oil l.i.ij.it . ,. , ' , . , ot travel mir in 1 1 ke 111a nr.er t tie ovj: 11 , 1 ,,. 1, 1..., .. Tt,in,,i im.,.,.a,r one nt - u.. nu.ie m . -1 ,i - , i 1 hip I'li.invii ,1 ,1 ne p w.i i-' y. - ' oti waive months vohmteois lad mm- ,. , ... -...: - 111 -'""'a" "Hiiont lin.ntisin one 01 ,.- A. , -i,,;.. I);.",,. ,m,i d, her ami w i'l ooeii it ab.nt .liim-aih. I blow. ten l.y a (.ml , nt hn v. w ,.w ,0l- s.i". ph A tlmir trnn ot aen-ieii and fotne I .; ,1 T , . ., , ' ,;"'"'- 1 :l l;" cif l.e ... the r.ver , . u,.(Ut j ' ... ,, .;il. . , ., , l 1 f V il r.' VOt 1 i 1 . r r. ,m Ji'L :i A u.- a. , ' ll. t 10 I 1 l l I I 1 L 1 1 1 ' 1 ' I 1 1 I 1 I ' 1 ' ll'-r-i 1 1 1 1 - , , , , IU f IIAIl, W M L, U' III, 1 ilifl . I" Mi 1 . 1 , t I 1 . . . . . 1 1 . 1 on Im- ' 1 . w . 1 1 f 1 n . 1 i-i 1 . 1 1 t ill I " .. I . . 1 1 . 1 1 I'll I . i I I I I 1 M 1 t I I 1 I ,1 ' 1 ' l" " - . - ' . . . : . i ... . 1 "iui'vj 111 i1' 1 1 u 1 1 j tiiui okj aij " M1" ' 1 'V 1 1 1 k t .. , i ,1 . . 1. : . . i ... - ' . : Alii'' nil lie ! ii rn ll i, l ' I n i i r l ; . . ). . a- ... . .i...a i nil htiN rti v-. ni. -v ( o i : in r :U I '. t'.f i "it j . i un i- . ..,...'.. . , ... .i " . U i'im; umii- ,'iie 4iMi.ii mi' I . .1,, ,n , i.u', ,-,v hn.liPi ' - . . . ... ' 1 iiv, i im.mi,' in i m niun' n m lilieioiK-liision.it li is memorial aildri-- on I w a! way- m ia . r oi -e l.nm the "an1 " , ni. amm,' of the word, ains- ipn ntly the -,p-,.r v ' -loidaa an I with the water I . , i i 1 .7" , A - 'V N. ' . I! It. He wa 11 remain t s. im t i ,Tii n vvniiill ' ; .ilih.-l .'h i'iiiu", .um ; , T Jt tn,i mii uut uui hihiiih' mmiu ,, ' . ,i ... ' I'l'i' I Pll S "II ' ( . 1 i Sillllf 11' Hi lIlS Lilt' i , . , ! rnwriiU'M mi 'l'n i .'.Hurt tn Knd The W .r Karlier. I lir Sinlriiii ill Ilia. Lincoln H - W il Miik Io Kii.l llii- War on Iho Simple ol I ll'.lll llll.l I'll.V 1.1.1. .MIO.OOO lor Tlio Mnvi-x. lull the jKon I li ' r ii , 1 iHiinilssloiirr. Were I nl r . c . e.l lo F ii I or I il i n ii o ! r o poHl I i o n K v ce . I II e l.r MI ii i 1 ol llii on 'l rriu-i . Tin - i : i- a. ' ' i .-',.- ; t fr nr, Ali. ;:.:,: Kv n I'. II. -At. . .t" ;' . A'i .111:1 '.. --1.'. ;:; :.. : . - . .:i '.-.: . h 'pi. r ; lit I" l ...... I , I :.l I ill- il lil.p'o -dd: j .-I. I, V. It -.v i I '.V ,v.i r-o-i i i; !n! w i I'll L . 1 II -II A.. ;l:l -I. 1 n; o: :!i- ( nii-il- , -i'l!.,-.l.lHlal lint Mr 1; ' -t i : .'; : li.it at t!i..l , I 11 p 1 r a lit- ii an.! i, ii n: a s r t- ..ai v u ' i'i-e mi ho i.tlier." a --a-,, iva'i t -a '..i i. :- tak, a - iia arani: :! a; M:' I - II- w I. ..I nl w i: !,:i4 la i . v la. ..hi :..r t !n- -'a i s. i .-t S-.--..'-i;. - ' -: ;.- ":. ! iia I'lai: p.c i la .a -. el.-n-:a : e ! " ' i -In- v ill it Mr. I. a . "la i:.a,.e i " -a. 'i -.". -a! ' .! i.c a.i'!.- :. "ai Me-;-. p a n-. I. ..aa. U:i:i- : .n ! t i l " '. t- -i'.-l.l a Th. l'lin ale v r. i i n p 1 1 ii na '.r n . a, i. i . 11-a a . I on - ii; I M. pr.po-e,i to pay t , a, I in I -.live-. 1) j prop.-.!, ta -mi' ' na,! r-at- a at lln . en ' o; la ; n .: n v pi a Tan I. tort i M. ( aim. i , , h -ii": et. ,-i , a, jn inn- I.Ik ,. 1 i . , ., , . , . Iniyooojiuo 1 1 1. .ke ihe -i I h i .- th , l.ol i , , 1 ''Oi ,- i ,. Inlet-1 -;t. 1 rllll'i..i-e t'.,' 'el : t 1 1 ay. t " . I!'.u-I. - I- Iti il - ot I i -la e -iiv-l-ata ii i.e li ai nr.li Ai.xiiiilei ' . . . - 11 St. ni a- n a- -n- ni". ti". o.- .ii-.-,: 1 ; : .. 1 . . 1 1 . . 1 .. . ... f , . .. l.l'.ll il .11 u I 10 r, .1 1 11 I Ji in. ' .... - . . i run ill iiii'hiii,; ! :'. Iheie .is erv hit-I j er opposition to on Iiie jiart o! Iriends ot' I'.i-.uli nt I) i i- 111 the t' -l-fss. Dllt , 1 k 1 1 . , ... . 1. . , 1 . ,, 1 ,-i. 1 n 0 - I .11 1 i s -,11,-rc s.e!e. t. d to attend the 1 ulif-.Ti nee. Much to tny leu'u t. tiuij i-oiuinis.ioj. rs were iti ven speiili.- 1 11-trucl ion, wliicli pi ee ,ti 'I tin in 1 euo'ii .tiUL' li r 1'fiU.i- mi .01 v el ( er b.isi - ; h.iii whn ii in, h m, l!!te d I u.'i.o.nv ..; the i 1 , the in lepen, lein e :.ll I 1 1 ., i 1 . ' vt r .i...',. '-,, on to t, :i ,f i,;si l.onUtvnce with .Mr. Kavistu u 1,1, n ne . I wired that the c .111111..011 be not ham- , jpirid with iiMrunions. hut he a.,t "" I .m-oiir.iieiiient: 011 tne .'th.r hand, tne j .lav the 1 "intnisso.n is it thev were 111- ... , . . . , , ' 1 . 1 s.dered th it did n- t iiconve the u: Ic ie:'. ler.ee ot t'ne ('"lite leiate ( ,ovi rnni. lit. Mr. Stephens toll et 1 he in. -etui- with 1 Mr. 1. ilk.'.. III. and hi- :!,- n :ates and L-oidiabtv of Mr. J .inco' n's -i-u'in' ol ....,;.; . ..s . 1 1 1 ,f. 1... m- .... ' "Afer' 'we ha.l'r. la:iKd to tV,e s doon : f, In- s-eumr, - eimtieii..! Mr. Stepho. s, ' Mr. Lincoln was v..v talkat 1 c aio I 1 p easan! lie seen w. h .1 if the commissi. .neis iil to Ii n a sph ndid Inn .1 sph ndid humor i ;l'-,il 1 xcel but spin;., Alter 11 while l 1 ;. 1 1. .... 1 ,. ... 1 , 1 . 1 , t t' , . ,. 1 1 ., .,,!, and c.'un at ' a' .a.all taU'ej wii.re lb-re w:is -;,..,., ,,i.!e.- al. Tills , ,-, . ,,,,,,, : , , ' eoinnii need. lie ' ! ... . ! 1 -.1 the -'.ibjei I ol .the ciict'i reti.e .: I ep:e-sel peei;ll ; 1 ii'.eaMi'e at the I n", t'uat I w 1- , ai-- 1 d I he I C 'liiuiis-i'in, is. He -i:l 10 me with irti-at eiitncstiii s-: -1 U'i.- ve oitandl 1 an -etile tins ui.itter. I knoiv yo'i and ' -.on know inc. I n n e 1 oini. ie u e in your lute-ntv ai.,1 l'.:ee v.:i li:tf 111 mine !o not Iboiiv -.'-1 w-i, ui-1 ,k n.e to .!. ' an in-: j tin p r. p. i pr re y . mr . - r i an, to 1 ,,,,-. I i, a ii t 1 1 : i ir w Ii a li I I h '.eeit utinis-,. I ' , L 'n ' m. a oiie e ,,t' .'. . '...'" ' ... . I'.ii'i r an 1 pu-h w.i, w-i'c .ti at :iie i 'P e! tins -hei t ol p ip, r. all 1 ' .n I w ! h n-.l w . . . i 1 i :)!.-. vim ,,, ,v write ..el t'-e t of setlN-ia- lit and that . .. ( '. . w . li n-e :i.l my i nl - s, ; ; ;c ;i -, ( a jree tie- lo I .1.,.. htm ub.ir on: i.istrm tint s iv irom Fi-es:.i.ill Davis and when 1 a c u I . , hop, el t' 1 1 1 1 1 ru it's he , i ac.si' he r.i-s nv i 1, s l . , e. I : 1-t a:-. 1 Ilisdiin v -etu-.il in t -ll V a w l'i I. A ! I or a n; ..fV;. -,a! and -1 d lo i,e w itli han i - -, ,'-!,-, i : 'Tne : I mill": re-;,, i;'tb!e !..r any further hie ..i..l. I I. i 1 hoped tin' w ,r w .! d i-n 1 uitli tlii , n'e', lice, h it it 's imp, '--.lee to make .inv -e'.lii me it Wi ll the :n-t: u. li ills bv w hi. h ion . ' e ' ll .,1 I I It 1-t , 11 w i !i . .!!. -er i , nl; ie .; a: wn.it I ias occti 1 re. I .elvv.eii.s. It v.e ,, ,,1 . ,,u en .,,'we:-. I i , :.. -.'t. ,te i -ct ..in--nt w.i iii."' pit s r- viti-'ii.-tt e I'm ii as i lass, the S i-.th wood It in b ui i..:.i Im- Its s; iv, s :,n,l ne w.mM !i - "t a-v ii-i ar.i ti-.i-'ii- ti'de - ii-i .t t "' - 1;' -tin, Cons. ,!.v t'.e ni "u: '.Win; ll- ; d I.-,: ', n-. i r, c ii o ,1 , ! ''- ' , ' tl V ;. ' J" ," !' ",'1 "'' "; 0 ... V, I . . ! h:s ,1, h ruiiiiati Up. HI '1f:-'!!.' -Tl. so a , h w. r.-nn-u.U-r w ni.-:, M r. ,i, v ie-. ;.-.-. .' -.re i t ex"p' : :-, : . s a- i ,. .. a- I cm s. pin -ii - .p., e a- I I 'V. e. I. ' VV Itli I' I - - n pr. - ct 111 .11 e l, ,t I: M i .1 .1.11 ,1,1' M: I Mr. s. , j.,i ',s t ., uh ;-ii Ih (.:.'. d I .s p:.l : ,!.:, I tt. .s : - t -l i a r 1 1 i -.,ii tiiei in' ! ., I U t ' e . ll- ' W i h ll Pell. P ,m el's , I ; i p I ilVi it 1 1 : 1 ) s I 1)1 I '11 loivn. e .,- .1 lie 1 I- I !.:.-. - I In 1 1 1 a 1 t e r -. .,--:., .. I : i ; hat .i i , oti; i 1 1 tin- 1 l ip pi I'. tanl n. , . " Look Out ad w'.-u ;.-.-na .c-:.i ,r. Thev w U',-,h.'t a,.- nr and , air .: 'I o. Tip o. '-pn rui, -i; ll take I h . -, ,'ii-rv. . All ).... '''a a i - -I U:- c.l i. ,. : -t f- r t'.i a . p, l! s, ,t pu : , . , i mo. -a 1 M, , I I- I 1 1 v .ti.l I- 1 the Kr- 1-. -. .-. : .ii-:-- . Pu .on'-. i. - v.. . ,, a,,.; ,, i i..s 1 i i IP'.', .,ll h . e Aid t 1: 1 1 ma kv s it I lie .rt i.-r -,, ,1. l.io, ,l-t ,p :s. u on r in mey I a i iieapc-: !, "r Sera: -r T. i imti n liw- ;n on.ii.rt, anl ,e,, .o me M ,:'. - 111 s! , . . , ,, i I , : 1 , ., , 1 I 1 1 ., .--ale is S.uih Car.. liii... I I.s brother. :t man . f -:eat le:.r.,inr. it is -aul. never wears culls ,,- a collar. i r . -,- . ...... i imm-'i. in tne Us,".u;cot Joe ami the tiu- i .... ., ... .. .. ..- aiiym-... ..o ,o u. ,,,a. .. .i.a ... , , .nn,U ,i , n ih.. l.,.v.,,,. i ,,i . t'U L,1U ll'ilT'i l-t f 4' "'''Hti w .ui. ! Wiih Her lliisliaml in the ('onuna m! ui Cul. '.. I!. Vance, i linl lit. in n it lie Incident ol llie 'ni l.'.lortilp Serx lee More l-'iilly Tolil ! One ol Vow Krrin'' Vflrrftns. t w T i i:k. May 1 1 'I h. ''.i"i. I read li. Le'u'I : : Ci.pl. 'I'll!!!.- mi the l'i N.C. K' U'.iii n: :;i the .!( nu. iti.l w i i o drought I" l:j;i,t -i 1iii;j -liunli ! .ii.- j i . . co ' ' 1 i ' 1 1 1 1 . i i - in i In- inalu i- . I lilt" WOIII ID Sr.lilk'iV i lir W.'HIH!! 1 .l.lu r " :i . lii ju-t ul'ii-;t lliiilVi lliuv u-:it a'i. .it Kui-l.-:, .ifi.-r tin- c-:i- j .- v. 'p.. , I,.- i I iiiini.i.i.. . - , , , , i ; , i . .... . 1 : i I I 1 . I . i.l.l II I I llii .' ' . ( A L tJ I .lavs i ni: igi moat. I ai lor. i o 1 "1 it at t la- time hy an ttii ' ! :''ii- li -iiii. i l an 1 haw n - - : -' --: ' ' ' - 't-:- - ;" !':-;': Ul'.-iv. The i. a iaa: iv. -I.. not - wfiv pal l i.X ic w i ii m roniatita . , - n ate l ro me ti e-', ainl -.- I rena in-!iM--.ii-.-m .uw, th'-y i-io tliu-: " o i n ii -tcria . rile tiiroiiiioi ; In- S'ah-- ami : Iv iiaaint iia- u i : pay not 1 ' 1 I a a i i a i i . 1 1 eia 1 1 t n in-e vi in .i in .mil a:-; i oa- near , -... i i - i ... i . " ." ',' ' ", .'" , 1 In- lai-ha-nl ent t" i own one ilavnmli I'lnnl evcr ii nlv w I- ,'oine; otl'to war. '-""r- " I i ii K i ' e na i;a s inai in i ei i.-ie i ai . i . one-'. 'a tro ll,' 1 1 'iiio to prepare tor h , . - . ,. i . .. o. ....... a .-...i.i . 1 an . . ,. I , nt i. i hi ii. me iriiiiii inn,, .i 1 1 in- ii 1 1 v i . - pn waiti a wit" of hi- ; . , r .! 1.., :.,. 1 1. ,. i i si . i ne 1 1 Me inii'iiiiiii n's, ... . .... . Ie- iiew ;netl,ia. -What to i- -liie ot' ill -ill,! t he u on. an , , , , , :av tiero ami ilo 1 lie ii-sr"tt em, t.i-i , . - . . r -, ' , i i I.l iiran 1' lilt I wont stav here bv ... , -, ,. ,- , ,- nivsill while on are eoiie. -lie renin il. ivsilf while ;nu are L'um- l f vol; u'o the war. 1 am "oine; too. Tin ii 'in' pV' '-iw to. e'e ivteen them, ., , , V, , i l'i ''' i , . in ii iit siiiiLiai i ill ii. i ii.io - 1 1 . i n . nil "ii :, ,. . i ... ... .... hub in.l had to 1 1 1 ) 1 1 r 1 a mi il lea I evumi . - . , . 1 -ll null. 111 :lie. nils , nn, tn lie llliv.lrl l Ml ' . , 1 - , - u-illt lor u.-.lit irv service and was ill!- I ,)- 'i. , .. . . . ... , . - ., , 1 1 '.-ie a :i 01 .eiiin ; .1 ne 111 ne iu ii.y iinu tne Iims! mud out. What would he do at Inene bv hunseif :iud bis wile i If lo the :ii' V Soiiiptbiiit; must be done, and tlliire ! appeared to be but onu thing to do. am) 1 . -. . . . . ......... .1 . 1.. . - ' 1 1 . iina'. w as 10 1 111 it-s inp in i-pi imi uui 1 ii". '.' " , 7 ' a"" "" "J" l,7l,ftrf w,1,u ! nh "':,r I'llo.v. AccordiiiLil V the next niorimii' nioriiin le rn an -ie went to the Coloi.ei'.s ijuarteis an, 1 - j , , . , , . : 1 j t i"js 1 1 1 1 -1 ri ' ' . ' ; ' ' ' vt.i .io, ..1. 1 u.t 11. 1 Ui, w ' ' I mtinv "I 11 wilillil like til ii lioim : u ; hi -I 11 1 in e ale no ih 1 1 nine. v here lint t'ol . 1 ain't a man, o, Joe, ' . ' .' ' '11. ' ."'"""': no lion1!. .No, .r, 1 won t. .loe tin iiiicil. 1 am a ir.itimn. The d 1 y.'ii siv, ii.l Col. Y.mee. sur- V1 nl1'' lm.,l at,tl' ""P'cle .1, lt ". h; l'l"'-'"- Heie doctor he call- ' " 1 " " '"-' is a i-a- t.,r mi. Joe had on'y to unbutton his jacket establish the t'ici tlult to !,ni1 '"i'O'. ai.il.'ilion inylit kim in Unit .V.et U was none ..I her than the b soil! ot il woir.iii), liiid Joe was honor- ah'v disehiu'e 1 Joe liul il reputation for soldierly londiict an I was thought lo lje a little hit the best conk in the refjiuH nt. IV eke of biscuits was so tine that l.e wn oiieii cnlh (1 upon lo c mk whea it w:i not 'eei imiiti ly his tin 11; but 110 suspicion ever arose as to ,,. ack of manhood. i Tl.r. I,.-,, r.,1 1 ... .. I . ' ..... ., ',. " " "', ll m,' oii in,. iie?lic.clloi) Oi ll"i on i v HO'iilb V h ivinir v Oman Uieii cn!i.-teil the in OMlV the aruiv. I .it als i likclv the efi chtiro """'! ll,:lt ever voiutileere 1 lor militarv , ,- , e . 1 .,..,.. the .-v. ,1 '.l.-r events o the fol- "ri"' 1 ' ........ - Inn ill-,' months, was I he Irtisoll tills 1 1 1 1 le i mil .. uou ..,. ..v .... ""' s- - ' . I . . . . w . v r ! , I -Jill .r'-nl I lilt i,.iiiie'. ... ,. . ..... ( a p'. 1 ll! t le u 1 hided to P ; but ' '-'"s i.ecou:, i oi .ue aii.nr ,.u.u l"." neve., ti ive i.cei) i'ivcn auo i .u ,i ,.s u been vrivi-n, and I mvc it as it -:.. ivui to me by Capt. 1 um I1''11''", f W. . I 11 l . .ii.v.-,.- d Wilkes ciuiiPV. D. T. Caukvway a iki i. jihi. iski. Komarunu... , o...-.u.-,..-- ... li.ir.-li Scrvlicii of Tliat lny . be 3 rl Siiii.Ix.v After Kaster. mid tl,ie if 1-' break of the l.a.o Hr. . , , , , . , al u r 'ily . ' 1 " Fit Sumter. S. C. nrren.l. real to the Ciuiedimtte tor. e iulherirst action of ,, , i .,., ,. c,.,w i 1 1,,. ,-,i,' .. .:i ,i,.,r., ,.,,.. t., i:rtv .l.-,i.n l .i i . . iir- t .ore e ....... ... ..v.. W Flits at Kalci-di the call from the .-e ( hiverniiH tit lor troops to lie I'urni.sheil hv North C ifolinii. loa'ul in the subiu" lii-ui ii'idhos - Southern States that '-id le -n Mth,liawn limn tne nion, . fb" VoiM-iimi s spu-itid rdusil is well ' known. On the ITtli he mtide preclama- ta.a conveiiine tne Mate isris;,.ure in ,, - t-,,r pi,,. , ulispneut tun or;:iuizal ion ,l troop. 1'.. r defense, aa.l the war in this sure was un, o. -M.lH.uy. ..e -1st , Apn', in lhal vear was, accordiiiL; to l!u Church K all-nil ir, t he t'.rd Sundiiy niter li i-ter, ami llm first ios-oii lor that Sun .lav, in the M-rnin-Service of the Fpi--ci'pal t'liurch lie-iu- at the !l;h v.-rse ot the it -d Ch ipter "ot the I'rephct Joel, and r.-aos as t,,p,iws: -l'i-,,, li ,., y, th.. am, m- the (.entile-;: I 'rep. i e '-Cir. w id- up tlie ini-hly inon. id ail llie in, n d v.ar draw niiir; let them '",l'1' "I1 Heat y.ur til .wshaies into swords. ml v 1 11 r ,ks into sUr-: iet tin- weak sav 1 am strung. . l.XVS I HKIKF. William 11. Moodv. s.i f the lanmus oalt-;ob.s. is . h eh 'pi ip; talent Us a pub- ii a ker. tspei.i,ie,i,'Pi . .. s iiin, o. ine itaiii.il t.iidi n- in aslnn-ton, has In Id I s p..-,lioii ..r to years. M: Maiv F. Kichmond. widow I'c.-n locunioi.u, me iiiitious i-aiiioau ii. an. hi; an c-l.Ue ol f 1 a., i. ul.tH.o p, be l, ,li .1 anion,' l,er cliiKlicn. li -a ul'oi I Castle in Invcrnesshire, w Inch has just b-tn renled ho Mr. V.-.mlerbilt U o n. mi a v.-ar. is the s.at of I.ord Lnval. -el the Pw m nuiiie lliirhland duel- tains 'eft. J ll'l. -k -.v. 1 ! a rh li and coccntric Indian, wlm owi.s'tbe elites of lilackwell and D.vid Cnv. in the 1'ioian T.rritorv, i .,..;.,.:.. I ,,,"i, ., i,,,,,i ; ti,.i,i ( d v to cost s3iitMHii. . .. T... 1,-U. .1.. ... I. A..-t... ... ..en i-ew a . i.u e m.s ,a, ,e t , ... - .o ' ; . 1 l nu. .m:i .Miuier is ui.piaintcu wnn is nerent linirua-es, ami reails ami writes ! wlt nuemy. lie hxx a smattering i of a nuinlier of others WIim Knlitnl an.. Served , . . . , .... .1 ll -tiiii Ll i,ii..iiii-.i'.ii,.... ..ill. , . . .. i i -- , 1 ... , 1 -i.e 1. 111 "i .ill!.!. 1 s 1 - . a 1 1 1 1 a 1 o. - r 1 . . ... . .... ........ v. v . . .............. . ; ............. . . , , .,.-..,.-..,... .. 1 1 a 1 1 1 e 1 11 11-0 . e 1 1 , ae. i,.r . - , ;i r The Hoilp. alllre. Olijei I anil lrorr SnlijeelH HymiiiHiH ol a Siritlim l Key. I.. I.. Hh. I. !.. in eule. miry 4 linreli Siimln.-v . : k. v. i.. r.. N-.-ii. 1. n.. p i-t.n- i-i- t. narv M. I". I'lni-i1!, li'i m-'liii 'n .ii:- i imuiii-fiiii nl. rc:irln-i Siv -lay i-n -ii .)-li-ili. Mu.ic. N ;it' lie, 'i. ''.- ii .i M; - jOlls.'' I r. X:iii took ;i- hir- ti t. K.-k :: 2'f. " 1 !e u will I sprin'-iU- i ! an v i:er U.m v 'ii ami ' 1 If-i 'i:ii I r 1 1 1 a' our lilthiiK is. uii.l tV. 'in 'II v.'iir i l will I eleaii.v vim." I It1 t u-.ite. 1 tlii- i 1 1 . i j ler na in i i1 in y n'l I lie bV'iij. i-i Chriei s kiniioin. ami tiii l. xt a- Mer:.;! IllltiilLsl ill lla- "III r..liLi- it' (llli-'iill ! Hipti-in. all I u.tiii in ( "aiKi.ti' ii i' ic i c i ei nun i a I nn un a! h Hi - j i a f : I a 1 .a ti -la I n i lit 1 'v a pi a- it mi- i a n a -1 i to I,. t -i .1 .i. , t t t':c -i'.'-jei-t Ii- lih NN.IU I in i i t:s i - i l ' I M M I. K.-I OS I - 1 - i r. X .-h 1 1 1 . 1 1 1 iii -prinklaii: a- : , mi ..ie ' ; ij.fpl.slll tallLfiil .a tin- i),l 'e. Iii" .- .. 1 Mi tliOilists liu inn utici, i-in.ii.!. ar.p'a -tance to the u.o.k as tn n uke :t 1--1 tr al to ( luireli in inh.-iH'i'p. h ; tl a; tin:e were s.'iiu' who i "iiteml ih.it a: olh, r iiioili'. illlinei sii in, i- ai'-o'ireiv i eiuiai !. . i 'i. i ;.in i. . . ,,, i a . i 1 1 .. ., . 1 liaptu-.n "itli.-iu it. 1), N id, t..:-. ... I I ... .1... ,:. .. llll. I lO ll.l I l" l'l I 1 . I i lllll'lll ; . , i . lie i'on-i.U reil l1 et ma .r..i;i;ht foi'wari ! il . that m I'i.e .in- ailillie)s belli,' l.iasei!: I-i, o l the inv a, . .,. , , if the i Oiat Ikipt '1ml the bio. ' ti-m ol (.'liris-' ili-l, on the batili-m "I if., ; .. , ,,. , , . , , 1 l-.unueh; 4th, ,.n two ilo.-i rinal r. t-r. in a - . ,, , - . , , , b r iui, ati-l .i.h, on the i-l.uni ih,i ihe , , , ilnees where ami ( ir,ain places where ami ( i r,ai m-i a n( e- Uliilei i i ,i , i r wuieil Hie onniiaiiee oi .ei n.siii a.- a .... ,..,,:, ,,,.,,. i V ' ; . I .lone IjV linilibisioli. T, - . I , , I Th" ahove a'"H!r,ent wire .ken un , , , , ., , , 1 ami ilist ti-ed In t ho on , i' nium ,. thk in;n iiAi'iia. l)n the ni.-.inini' of the i - , - , nr. .na-u iiiamhnuu that. He called iit'enlion to tic- tin t licit re' e re nee to the .stunlji'l K lylisli ilictioii- anei- show that spiiiiKlnw lias lint piel. r- ence in the di Inir.ioii ot the word lapbe ; hiMe s , -Joim was luptiz'ui" in Heih.i Wcbsteos dictionary i- "Bapti-m is the ,lri i,..Vl,n 1 ,,.,i..n ,,. wa h-tpf.m' ill nj.plinit,,.), oj ir.itft I., 1, .,., as a Kief,,-: ,), u I,,,,,.,. , ,,.,.s ,ue 4. -..Molil-.n not ii menl. or reliirious cei-enn -n v. Iiv whieh he 1.... 1.... is iuitiatoillnto thn visible 'church !" ! , ,, ... . -e, .. . ,1. ... 11... : i.iiMt.iuiswpii 11101. nut m ., ,: , liny or imnie-sion." I(e went on to show , . , ,, , ,, . ,, . , , (iiKl th it Uiue wifie I'ltpli-'ins n licle til l'i) 1 COII.il if im lllllin Isimi. lie lc,..l 'I no 111 11 1 Mt ,1 oiintliiaus I ntli elnipt. r. I-t n'ni . 2nd v r s. wlt-fc ihe l-iaelilt-s 111 iKi-mivr I ',rou.s?'' R-1 mo -.i.l to Inn e ; I -biplizeil untoJ.Mose.s. 111 the cloud and in i - ,!. t,,- Thev u ere not im nu rs, d. 'I'm v . 1 , . , . . 1st ami " " 1 ' 1 " ..-:' . 11 roiilend licit water Irom the 1 '' itciict . thill) ll sit Was sliltty. -j,, inl.l, l.iem. He also .pioteii from the I 'iluiut. 1 lavai rif rence to this niiracnbuis e eat in which ue nay in isaiiu n.u inu iiou.i- p.URHl out wat, r." Thus the mode ot their oapiisin is eMaousiie.1 ami inns , s. e. .1 ver d ways it was shown tliat th - Miruineiit ir.,111 tliu ujeJtiiipg 01 tne wor.t nipiio ian.s THK BAl'TISM or- Clllll-T 1 .ie immersion arirtimciits iiascd 011 the. baptism ot Christ were uevt not ice I. The T!.e inimersion arirtimcnts based on the spcMKei sun claims weie ma.ie in ai 1 nr,t entet'id the church bv immersion, and dal ., 1 .1 : . 1 1 :K mi pv nun t int wo must b.vo tie .... ..... memlK-1-.s of the cliui'ih bv in, tin r-ion also. Tn ,ll,ni- tint tie- lio.llion lle.t ( hiist enteie I the chnivh by hiptisiu was , r. reneou-, Mr Nu.-h explained that ( hrist j w as initiate I into tho church at i ,,, ,n : l ,,, by circumcision, had never been i x-! eluded and was cons oueiitlv a member 1 - . . ' i ot it when he Was b ipti.e.l. Hw bintisiii I i . , , ras not his introduction into tin-i hure'i. but his ordination to his life wink. Tin- Hill un ,,i,iiii.iiii,ii i" ,,is i.ic ,.,'.s.. 1 III ' Jewish priests were i'alu.re.l into ih-iv'an.l Sil ,-w, re thru-t int.. the inner prix.n. . . . . h L . I t . .-, ,s.i ,.f 1 . , , , ..I I . , I otllce from the a.'es ol thinv to lit'iv Christ, who ;s designated iu the lltble I our n-reat Iliu'b Pnest. ciiter.-d upon bis I . " . .7 ... . .' . , i mi nistrv al l ie ii-i- ot t nr : . l 'se ii: ,'r,. ,r,, . ; . ,, ,,, ' ,.:.,. f , nl ,ttcr 11,, w is lui'tizi.-.! to full il "all . . I ,;.r,tcousnes-s. the rti'litcousnes-: oi the ' cercmon i;ll law as 'aid down in the eld Tet.llIK.IK. Conseouentlv Cl.risfs 15ao- , ; . f .( ( x IO u.; . (1 t for an i x.riiple to u-: u .1 i evul1 ;.-lt. h:l,i iiavc ben i-iimersed it need I i nt nave ioimwea timt we wei.e to ne. ne I lielil. llioihTll, tliat Clil.st was nil in.- ' i.ie'sed. I 1),- VnJ, -I..OVP.I i,--,-,v,,- that- the b.lntii,n 0r John w as not Chritiu. h,p I ,:m- it -n o.ni i-.l I . .1 , nv.i-. ae .l.,hn ,o,l not Ul)t iz- in the name of the Father, 1 sSQU atld Holy .ilmst, as Christ n.pnr.-. and John s bapt z-3 I disciple were i 1 lv.iiliz.,,1 will. Clirisliin hai.lisai. An in v ,n j st:lnct. 0f this, where tn'.-lve men were hap- j ti.cd a-ain is narrated iu Ads lip 1-T. L. , . L. -.,-,.-. I .... - ... , . . , . lc ..... ,,., pvnr.i .a- -la le, neither is there anv mee: either is there any luees.ary mreuc.- to how that Chi. si was mimi-r-e I. A superlicial in.pprer mi-tit receive tins in.- ....:..;......,.., il. I il i. .... , .,,.', ,,e-,ii ii,,,,, n ,n.', i. ,,e.,,. -- sti-aithtwuv out of the water;'' but tin- , loi t.;,ai, huh that he w.nt uudi r the, w.lt, A man rides his hore into the ,.n.i ri,,.- h',,,. -i r.iiebt wa v un out: T the river, hut neither on- I. beui im- i mcrseii. , A,u, fuithor. the ori-inal l.reek .-lmus , lnal ...,,,,,;. t. Wlr,l Wl,u., , sins nls. -age is ir.mslaud -out ot ; tian-lai.il ' I'r.ini" ul'lenef tb in il is "out of." ainl liseiiuenlly no .sound .ii-unient f.r tm- meision can iu tiuilt on the iiu-anmir I h il word. TIIK F.1N1 I ll's H A P I P M. lhil the Fiinuch - w ent do wn in:,.' :,. ,. i a c.mu- " ii p out oi" i be u i lei . The word here transiai e, I '-iiil" is another Uivek word of -cu r.,1 u-cini-.-s hundred and liliv-tw,, ,,i.,c, - u, ,lp n,-,.w Testament scriiuuie- it is tiaii- latcd -'at" '-to" " with" or "by. ' Cons.' ipieutly the uri-rin .l ti reck w ords c.iiin.'t he made to prove th it the water w entered. Thai they w ent dnwn 'l., ' the waier aim came up ipuu i,e wai. would be iilst as correct a renderin-; d' th. orim'md text, 'fhe . ircuin.-taiu e if their eoinir to the water may be account.' I for hv the,e ,. un, tr.ivellets and h : A, ,,r ,,, .,,;,. ,i, -.,.,,. niv- The word "inio" "moves notion ' lor iinmersionists. or it proves too much. 1 he statement is tliat lu th went down into t be water and bath came up. so il i eamr int,, the water means under the water both w ent und-r it - what is sa d of one 's said of both. AiT'iin, mi the occasion when Christ delict lo I his memorable sermon in the .Mount "lie went up into" a mountain;" the same woul is used that is us.il wh n it j. s.ii-l Unit the Faicich wa nt "into" the wal. r. ' 'f '"into"' proves that lie wa- ,1 ,- tie water it w.ml.l prove that Chri-t was under the -round when he deltvere I sermon. SceiiiLT that these words will n it sumin their posilioli, iU.mor..i..n1sts fly to the meaning ol the wool "liaphzo, but ;t wiW conclusively shown in the com- meneemeut of tlie discourse that the 'bit- j Djt,ons of that word will not avail their.it is said that Irish potatoes will be at purpose either. So three of their ir-u- ikii:' .; a. !; -t. Ni V I ' I KC'l 'I' v. - , a ,ir- i a 1 1 "a I ; a n'- .:. i 1 . -'Imi u '- iaa li.al ai i:i' i 1 a- ut'iv I 1 1 ' ' . I 1 1 ' i .1 1' - a - ( ii ii - a ell I a pt .' ii ill 1 1. 1- lli 1 !h-i am- u a- a;c 1 lira il ai'ii 1 1 a. i a, I -iji! n i at" . a-aili : tint ; i k' a- I -.la- r i-a 1 up iVnai lln- 'ii-a I I v -,1a- lt'-'IV'.; a.. Fa'iii-:, 'M-n- 'V... :,' . -ii. -.al in 1, ii: i.i-v. :.(-- ': 'l'lio a'- a lant I':." X ;1:.;; ill. -, a :ii.- Hilar -Ii 'i-l- ( I: -i i . i -1 v . 1 1 ; 1 1 nail - s- ' 1 l ; t . t,-. in CI. !'.-!" i a! ii,. i ii- tt-i lion. 'I'" -lai-A -ii ., , mi ic:-:an !ni.' ..t . : ,:. , .1 ; ii 1 1 :. ii I jl i! t 1 a ! .-. 1 1 1 1 . lU .- r IV i r i il tii.it is tie- '. a. '.It s :t' il.il'l 1 h ir.- t'"ili Itiw ' a-.i' Il anil v ni ii- iiv ! lie ill- is-ilhe ii-i i iii : - i..-..- Ill I- : lli'lle t. I II. -A -P 1 1 la. ; .... a - a; i .t the iv k it', an,! .,: .1 ',- .'.ni ,i '.-: iiiu-a". Il r i.i'.-enl- iia jil.ii il a- ih.. "Pilii ni that t in- -I k iloiili ami ar; i. a . i -c 'a i- mean thai, is a xis.,1" m .pi -in tinit i- lu- '.V I ! nt ale (1 lap'.I-lli ol the llO.-V u' 'i'-veis a ''' -t !m 1: , ,ii'i l,a:n -.11 I h'llm--. a ileath ami I , , i . , 1 1 .1 i n o - a: na a r.sii" t.i i new anil I !.-' It,. . Th'.- i. ihe ileal ii, l.tu-iai ami : r. -u i i ; am i;,i 'n I hv the Iniiti.-ui te. !..:. ai (111. Ienee the.-e ii xl- nri., imiliim' al.i ui water 1 anii-ni i i - 1 la y -a y mil li in-; a! o il t it. ' ' . n.-ci r-tAN. iy lorTlsMi, i-i. , i-: Ti," .r. (jiit If . miners n a.,; ee.l pi -i.es in"i -ion ,, , : , ; , . I. . 1 . -imp -,t;, n th .t the 1 i -" l'i -1 1 ' 1 1 -' a 1 1 ' i . iinlieateil nii- .Iiihi, . , . . la.iia iii Ml n " " ! lnr.eli waiur f -I r.'aii wl.i.-h wotiM coirespond ev-: :V:'u ;;h, "w" wo."'- w 1,on f'L' '-vs' ! li.ul-.-i d I.11, t .e von w ith AUter. I nr. .msi e.xjn.ii'ien i:u " 'l i m,..llit I,,,,,.,, ,.; . ;is.ai,,." ;i when the ' t'.'.'i ,..., i, -1,,-ist .-,v,...t .. I ''" ,V" " ' . U.e..,M .(,,h,n into the nlaee whern ! ....... 1 11 l, .. ,.,.. I I. I- .. , ,.l"hn at lir-t b-ntii-.l and tliete all. (le. : ! h.inithe word ol ,1, ,, ,,e nla.-e li --e .lohn bun- i ,, ,.,,i .,,,,1 .,lu,.. ,,,t does am I r ), I v think . ' 1 (, ,..,,,1 :;i,, the liv.-i and aho.le '- S, 1 1.. .1.1 ... 1 1 ;,. ..oi .1 . .) , , , dalnot hap' .v. in : he river at a'! lUu,.J ;l ,,. j,, a 1 ,s,-. n wa v ,,,,, .,r,,;,. -ji,,. , ,,:, ,. San'. :.ei wards Ihe , .... r...( , :,. , 1 ...i. ,., ,i.o-i 1 1 ,11 , in nun 111 1111 .'in 1 11.1; in . , I, . -,, : - e . .; 1 me 1. .1 1 1 :;i oil n a . .11 i- ,.,1 .,, ,1,,. i-,,;i,,,. ;,, 1... Tli-.t San! v,a i. , 1 ,1 iy.e. I ,' ., ,;t,i. . lh, v ;, v ,x j uuu, ' i o "n,.., i. li,i.ti-.l on the street , ,, ,, Ssr.n- ,t I 3.1 Tn ,t T!t- w: bapl,..l 'H h..; ; ; , ., ,, .,,,,, ,1 .,,,h,s. 1 4,,,. (!,.,, ,,. w. :7., , ; all ,;,,,! ; MKiij.,n -iM. a;ose.' 1'hc woi'tl ii. e- prisne ill im: oiiniii anil means ne sto, d up. - ,. n.-nv.ive.l ir.eal ami wa, ..trcnirlh-j tlu , 1 alter b , ptsin , w hii h shi iws again he , . ,.. ),,, I i . ...... n l-i 1 sm .11- 'l lll- .1 1 ok ami 1 M LV. . . . , , ., . Ili'cis 1.01 a -Irene deal ens,- 01 cap- Tic re i Iti - lll OV . 1 1 1 1 1 ll'l" -1 . ' II , i.C'il l' ,-. e.,l..,l ll ! th'- whole I able. ! In the c:.s,. ot th- baptism et the jailor dhisl umlY lir Na.sh up 'iied lhal the 1 1IVI;'' a!'1' wei-c . iitiaiv a auist lm- j I '"' 1 "" -ei. The . iilifi! occunvtuv took p'ace in the i 'lie In I 1 1 n w hah ei ved at i 'tn e ;i- t he pr s n an I t ie li" ne Fan! 1 lui l i.f in -nt tni re w as ii-i eiu tiiiiuaKc anil a u ira, uii'Us ,.pe ..in-' d the pri-on i"o.-. i ue 1.1..0. a k.-1 o . n,-. om-. .... 0....1 .m... .s .1 tl... . . "" --s - j ....... l.r ... ... pri-Oel- bad , .... i ' , i i swoni m t i.i.im .... me. .on - '' li. I . . .i.ii.ot tl,,. .1. . ..olA , livrv, 1 - l"',m"ra .."cucc. and i a I. i ..in i.i niui iij m-Mti .oi u.ey aire all tin IV. ine oriiiLMii-; oui oi ' -'"' wii-ihc hriuirin-' f ibem linn an. I M as w ;i- in.- i .r.uiri nu' ' i me u out of the "inner pi'.-otr into the jailors ''...l,!...!.... . -t " ,1 ,, J P ,,! " .l : ' r. sale. It th, y had mme out hunting lor ' a I'OiCl "1 Ce I'K to lelptlZe in. it WoUI'l ', i, .... i ...isiient in T ml and Silas ' " 11 'u " ' ' L.i.is.sieni in i .mi anu ona to re U-e t the pr,s,,. iiMhi'V did; the next nioi niim, until those who had thrust them in. c.uiie themseUes to fetch .hem oth. So thev d d ml leave the ... - .... . . ; prison tne lupiis.n. eeiu- iiiisto.Hdp.aee where llie souN ol those pi'is. . u 1 oi' the I i.l j' t ) sin. SeelU!,' tins lo ' 0,-'- "s1"' i"i'''''onisls have trie I to I ''" ,lit,L' was a t-.uk in ihe prison, but ' ll ;U 1:l:,k '"'V1' 1'l"t W;ltL''''' 1 1C num. -is,. mists nave trie I lo diiat tank "vyiii not I...M wiitcr," the I committ, ,1 in -f s.illi.-ient .n..r.,,itv t..' M.; A vw !uls c-ecled an ,n-pu-ons .ml in l have tanks. 1 cause them lo lx- rmph mned to hell are 1 '. -ei., . .i ,iw - i., .ais,,, ,. . v.. ...i i .:. . .. ii I i nenslve. lar-e rd i i "i r.ator of the verv j. 1 1 1..- ine ,,, u,i,. ..,-. bv priuki'.u havim; hee l examine t and - tmiiiimnv -iv.n. . -.u-.sijeri d cnoimh. to .: i .i,.,v ,h..t tin- l.'sitiiei in lav-r ot it was .. ,. . . mate, PI r. Nasi l wait on lo .'0!i- vi Ill P. N l-t'lli: Ol' II U'TISM. Irs. the spiak.r ti.alntaincd. was psii '. And e shall he e'eau Irom u li 111 Q, ':,,,'; UV,l; '. w.ek'at all can atone or elealLc ifoai -in. Tl ai!i-m f the . ji,.v ;),, . ,.'P ,.-,,,- in its nature, "nd w ater bapl ism is a tvpe of t his ch ansinn. Much harm ha been .Im-e by lakaur l he w a 1 1 1' b i H is-ll. h f I he t ll i l.e it si J Ili- ti -. I'.e -piritiia: hapti-in. 'The I apt i sm thai di an-, s tin- -oui ti-.en all Us pollu lion I- lie- baptism i, ' the Ho'v Cho t. ,- Ho'y till et i- s;od lo I" ,n I t , "1 i 1 upon ' men. manner i t tne -i'l-' I'UP'lslil o! ti.e 1 P h v . . hi .s is Pot ivpn-s. moil Iiv a iinale ,U 1 11 I he the . liv t U' ,t in- room. A ltd nate . I. a -aloof wiih-r b.i it i.i ii in wlcchibe action cor- hop.- I sr i ;inl pl.n mlop'od i,n-,l T. (niawav respond- wall i h act ion atiributed to the and the w rk s,,n m-i formed. Ii w,li , , .1. Ih-o-wav. -p'.rit.pou rinr nr 'e' t in-; the w ah-r d--scenil come none ton o.i. i he prw it 'per.. up,,ii II lei'ipti-i. v neti ine naiure and ii.tei.i ..; I aptsm is sludii il. it ihloAs ur,-at :i-hl upon the mode. rui SI 11.1 h CI ' 1" r.Al'TISM. Ti,.- pr.-p. i -ul jects ot baptism were , i, -j, ler, ,1 i, i be ill lit 1. 1 and LclkVcls, e .Inaiil'-a covenant wi:li Abraham. - a 1 "1 1 1 ve Inch .-. ,v. na -,. I... I.- in t hi die :. and th, eov. ea .1 has ,,. v.-r In en uio,., J .-x fi' l'1-...ii I5a bur... r. in nn i. " '..-"h i. ord.-i i f pal-,- l-i T. Ifoykin, I'uiii- 'i nil I, w iii not convene lllli il 'I'u-mI iv. .May tr I si. 1 Ins i- Pec me Hyde county s i uni t d u-ket is s,, 1 ,r.e that th- jtnl-e ilr.d s, , idtor a n pot poss-hly -el here bitiiie the .aid T.ied.y. he i not. acie. 1 hiih-i hi-- hold al Sone- wail hv Rev. J. ('. J.-lies and Hov. hl ird Kui v is verv interest 'fhe Vatidenieiv hi-ll mol clo.-id Thin-day, May Mji. He v. I S. l!ur''e pitnctpai. tin a. count ol the recent heavv ram: verv nmdi cotton is neinir r. planted, an 1 least ten days later. . . . - 111 llolioi' ol llie i o ii I el e ra I e Ileail I II I I'rl'M i Ills CviTi-iscs. a line Oru. Iill lieu ll ! i I ii 1 Ili'i'iiritliiins anil Larue A 1 1 e ml a n ee. At I'.iir ..!. k vi-i'-aai i :; : n ! , "I a' 1 1 1 ati-i !:!! e. i - .n l. i-a: . a . ,. i In' ( 'i ill fi'i ie.' i ; ' i a I I-1 ! 1 II ;i i :!l 1 Ih' i-niirt hoi'-e. tin- ' ' i' !-- i"- 114 . !! i la.'nl. i! Hi" . I'llli 'm v Ilit I r . lal- ir.-j: .!! ft-.v T .. .rui all- .- .v 'i -j. Tin- .-. u: : l,..i:. Ii -la- :(. n.i- i.-i.i. Naval It--i rvi aii'iiU, l'i n men a , 1 I.ik p if. A ,ai-v rl.n.i' in -. I inn-,.-, H- v. A. I). Ilel'.- in i.a- a ti...-i liiu. ' n-j praxi-r ami II. m. V. II I'ai-!' . . ; Rii- viu li in a. ! a a ;i' '.. il w !i a h a ' " .a a. ! . a -' ia I a r."!:-in .aia in i a -.. , n, t i-i .-n ' W... cwa!;- cspe. i n'.y flif '.-rvz ;..-ir. 'Mi- ..Mie-., wl..i. ;t w is o : i -p-i i il ; p..i t i ihc ( .a:ti . I. r.iie in..-. i.i a ;;' o 1 iii..ilit in - nail -pa e ait-i ti,o iii . ti'..l mil ii ii. ij e e 1 ( i i a ; n a. , ,.- ,.f ' h -. .-"lih :n p ' pa -.Can p.- w r ii ... I pi' -iV--- 1 1 -" 1 ii" . - - an 'I ' ' - l'i -omnia. Hi its III' tilt' iii.. ( nUilm.i.- iiv .1 ; Hil d.iii --e- w liii'h the V"U!)' li' opi'- "i't'as 'la on; i ,.h nai- : , aii'l '-vai' h 'l ' i .s. tin lie. i - iiv .., -m Ii lorn. ;ii the .l.iiii.'r l!-.-r -. vi-n tt'i n am I i ' . a ' f i . - .. i : i- no-.- "u'i . tin-;;-;' '.vhi.-h uuli- til' ila 4 a I ii a oMieai- li ' e Mr. r.uslic. ;- in: - lm ! ry iimia-k- we a huh ei'.'!!V np"';ihe I . . -I i a.::- , . ... l' ,, .-i o. ' milllt- "I .s ' '- 1 -el la . '. i.olli fai II1U '-"I- ti-'J-- The .;.ki r v;t m-otti-il v. ilh h, an v ;,ppl oi. a.- -ooa a- he ii , .,ii,l flue.'i epe.iii n y t a;' .;!i, .at aiM The eei i-e- at the cor.rt h-m-e h- "Vrr. the jv, -,-.ici; ;..,.;,.-.! ami tl." 1!;uiil l0lieeeK-t..v tiken. Aiiivin- at tin e. nnierv, "Tl- (iinnl Vutuid tlm Ton,'-- u;,; ian,hr,,l He . n , . , Wlllll . i t . i , . . . , . 1 i v ' v t , ',-,.:- ...a., - ., !,..- o'i- iil.ioi-5 inni niiia. - iiii.i..- ii i ' 1 ": , Cunf.-iliaale momi'iient anil aftei ar 1- 1 ' . , T. ... . ... .'.'.., .... . and the tin'' slntFo! "'ad oius. ' 1 The tla- rested on a b-d ol whit,- 10-e. I which a hlci to ilsb.aiitv. This eleuiit j II ii,' was the wm k of .Mis. F. ( '. U .hel ls j and ihnmh'tn-s. i , I llher lieaiititii! ileeoiMtiiins .-im .im-l-il j ! the nio'iiiineiit. and the vrivi s . .t' 1 In- ( '..n - 1 led.-rutes Imii.l on l.rmm- lots were also ' , . w 1 1 1 1 Ihe H..111! .rill. a ... x....v ,. . . ,.s , HOfM. Ml Ml. I MB II X MV ... .. vin mr mm itm-n i iw it o .4 t ' 11 in PIiiiin l,. 1? If l. I-,-,- I 1,0,1,1,1 .,,,1 II. a, 1 i Neiisce. that I-, bouehtnil He i'J'insliine-; . and tl e le ise. Ije uio,,,. 111 at onee. 1110.," tlfsl -tl l l 1:1 V W ;IJ ! tie ll .v. 'fhe ar that had he-11 connec-e 1 with the hotel. I moved un IV r t b den . it i Mr. Berry will continue in the insurance ! ! husiness. w'lii. h will keen him away I1..111 ! t he el t v. us CsUa I . a v. IV ll i L'i- 1 1.1 1 1 Ot Ins time hut the hold w iiM.e his lean,, the reselenie ot his t unilv ami li. Berry wit! , I e char'je. Mr. Fr.-d Ferry, who has I b.'i 11 maraircr ol the Nctisce remains con-j ; nccie'i wuu n. . ; The Neusee is an admirable little build int: b-r its purposes and i is propo-ed 10 i , run it in good s'yle. It was in -oini J .iai U-lore, bin it is proposed t" make ! I chaii". s for the lietier New and hand-i 1 ' " ocuei. -s 1 1 , c, i 1 c... . 1... . 1 ?,,,ui.- iniiiiiiim 11,1 mi. inning iu .,1, ....-j i Ix-in" atl.lc.1 vestefdav. We doubl noli ,1..,. a -in ;l, f ,.', I pa ti mia-e. I ' .ii. .i i,... . , Itrnu II i.i. -.ell liv FuoliHli JoKliii:. Am-rboy named K-liTar Willam.sl A m-i- boy nuine.l f.'lL'iir U lU ams , wtis a. cateniaiiv mow tied near ine 1 emu-i s m in-opcrtv at the f.-ot ol' Hancock; i . li.i .. . .. Avvvi Tliiirs.hiv ihionir'n his own lault. ! Five of the boys had Lieiioul in a -in ill boat sivin.iii'.nir and . .n the return -HI ,11 uu.u mi HI lll.MU tlll'l ' 'I . I, II. 111, ,11. ; tlU , llV 1 1 , i ei. tene i L t, , ..v. i:urn the boat . 1 - . . - - ,. , ,, .. ,.,:,,i,i r , l,,s,. ,.ii,.i, t ; , , " , ,7, ,, .,,-.1, I . 0 do ill hov ,'ii the b eit efiuld u-,t ... ,m 1 , , t ... . rn : n.r e put , his threat P'to t xociitum. the other bovs, ; , . , - , i io,,kc. I out tor i In. small one and avei I : !,;,. hut the boy who plave-l what le- ; ,.,i,..i .i,,..,,!, 1( i ; i. i,..:,.., i : ony , , a , or si,nn.er. n,Pci a pi or swimnier. ihi'viiti" kited ! his own powars and was drown, ,1 ... .1 ',"e ,? '-'.uni rt'f:ne,r' an,,1i,n "i'1'"'-1 , lielil. I lie mrv remi ii.li a erinci. in ac - , (,r,lanL.L. willi "the above fa 1-. : N..r. ...... .... i...--i.i..r . : ... v. ... . , , ',, , , ! -; ' - ' '- " ' lhc Cntholte ehurcli lbur-.lay ou"I nr- -a-orv" ddininu' il as an interme lialc ! n,ncc where the souls ol : u h,, m-e not pure enai-h , u ;,re Uot pure enai-h .f to e,rt. Heaven ami v.twlm Inn- m.t ! c un m i 1 1 . d si ns of s Hicieri t elloru.itv t..' ; K). , , - u um- nun niiiic- in ,, I 1 lil ,11 1 i ..... ,,v pejn ,,,.;, jw bv lire, ! d le .Td i t wn s a ' hoi -.- mil who!, sum, ; ,l(l,v . p,.av t-..r u,,,.,. m hir-ato, v. bat :, :u!) K. (oily to j.i'ay for a-.v ne in i - tl.avetl. ami :il-n li-c.i s:- to IU i l-l a ! one in hell lor tho-e who cnt'-reil lie'! were there dernallv. - - f.ol.alile Itiilii.r. ,.l il llie O.or,i At the meetini' Wedip-sdiv ni;ht. ot St. John's l.o.i F ,V A. M.. the committee appointed lor the putpos,.. sul- 1 1 1 1 r:. I a I . iai i it , I i ie ' ii i a i - ;' 1 1 1. ii i . ' i i - , , , ( nor a House hut he ma.er was ip j let ie I to th.-ni ti ubm t s,n an.ithei dan. h is proposed to pul an addition on '"""'i-d . the Norlhein part I. ,r i he sia-o. ir d al. Ddojate- ':,or',- II. lpdi-rts. Wil ., so ihe an iliMiti.'ii on the i.pposite i.ait Id t ie ;;.,, u iiiivu, Fdwurd K. i,sho)i, ; e-.tliluce aid ihil- ie ,ve th- infiv -pace ,,use d-e- ii"t mii'l the reipiueineiits the city m-w. -!'ei 11,'rnr tin- Place lo Inx.'st." Messrs. N. S. Uicliai.is.ui .x. Son i.... ,. . ..... ,,,,, i he i ,an, i,!i 1, ! nr.-nar. d bv Mr. J. K. l.alhani hv authoiitv thl l'"i-i"o-s M.-uM' uiniiilto. . . ntitle.i. "New lierne, N. ('., is ihe 1 'ia.-c to invest P. . it. on the lle-t Kesiills. The itinphlet is ttell out in verv eo d stle as is,e cry thin- from this hmi. est ahl is 1 1 oil jo1 1 iript in-; li I'm. and the con- t, nt-are ailmii able. It will t- widob aiul iudicii.llsh circulated. It.inr.l or .'ii.v . on ii -i I . Al its last nn din-; tin- I'.oard id Coun cil op.inted a franchise to I'. II. I'eiletiei. .las. liedmond -ind olheis to i;.il.1i.h a te'. phone sVstem in the dtv. Mr. Jus. "F. Clark was do led Trus-ee of the lailro .d fund iiertaini-i-to the city's stock in the W. N. Ar N. H. H. " The I'mu-r .l.a!', app'ie.l lor a renewal l 1,1 neense. .vu w.ie tt.ii.ie.. e.x.tp, ... i . I K-lmiiti s. llis apiliuaUuii was reiuici 1 w a coniinuiee. It a in ll i u oles on U lull Minin;' ml ami I ii i ii - lo be Seen n I I li is I n I e -l.ii I -lal.li-liiiieiil. Anions tlni'.".til sliii!iii.it-! "I M.-K-r-K. K. IIi"'o . C.... pi"pi ,.-t"i-- ..I 1 1n Il . . " I, mji r a-i.l I I Si... k raian-'Ai-i :!ia Iialian Canic lien uilli wliiili M;. HiLi-l""k lir-t j i vi- at tin- M.nlii'ii s.,';.iii- iaal. a I'. u':r Slmu. New '"il 1 1 - M laa l'"i- t w. i.i -Hvi- .l.il'ai-- Tin I il i ka-i-i- i a i. -i.'.-n' ol Amiiy. M". Ai. r ei -1 1 i i 1 i i in In- va- ui'iliii-.' .ai - i I -. ( ' " a s . I -lx v .1 :eli. - t" S:il;l'u-.l. -,a. Tin- an ii i it,.i - ;,)-,. : an i,i ii- ainl tiie yoiiti : tin .-'N a i a" i-e i-,n:i a ii.'. .it' aii i ii lla a ; I. 1 , i all 1 he , re l.re I. 'S - nnt. , ! tie i-p. ;,nl ,r.t n-e,- . i Uveal mi Ins fr.un Hi.- la. of one . i, ;h ,,:hei-. Tin fi a: i- i.'iiini.i-i - , ,1 ntli. i , m nj pet- ar. uml, a!- a Tin-eu-s of one v.iri. ty of the (Iiiim-ii : jr.j-. die A 1 1 , --'n, ian.'w i 1 1 .!i..pi.nt il Iliev 1 1 h- '.I n p I-. li,e 'ail. Tli.- . n p'an , I ,. .i, , . - . - l !.'.'';' i - ' - -1 -. il -j l i 1 1 ' 1 .il. Tone w.i.l -e liae lie n a, I, li 1 1" ilic p- nit i y ! .emu I .re. I. Tin v are ki'ii , Inn s, at tie- Iniil-lro- poinl. .Ml. Iloje , 1 1 -. a i vi -red a -inv I'lmii-'li uaM "oose uilli the n ,i 'inv m two .-mo ami -Don tame, I inn, i i n ; tely w itli -t loii'l of well aiiimil ,1 ll wil l "ee-e are li"W l-'Nill. alii: IlifV ti - to itr.Ve ..II any o,.i who (nine- ir.ui.i.l l. I hi m. striking woh t, a' will-'- an I ult'-iln-' i i i. i.f warning. -i-i i-i i - ii 1 I he i.oni w -o .n ie m "i,i snine t v ill he iln- ile.per. a waTl s;mvellt;.l . a k otis-ructeil nionn.l it. an id.imi ! " It in tne e. liter wain i- lirnlues to l'i aeh it. Thi.il it will b- stoi ke 1 w itli a 1 , - , ., -i -',jo,l Variety ot bill -I rot's- ami t he -a a i ni I ,h par: m, m of . he I'.rn. will ti.ti. he foriy i !,,-,: rale, 1 . new male St. Urnanl ,).... h ..ni nP,, ,;,r ,,,;.,.,,' ,.,.. !,.,.;,., K..,, , , . A 1 , . ' I' (' 1 l" U'C h' I IT. nil' it lll.ivi -,v , ..,.m K.......I n u I - 'I ; ".' on eii niei n I m inn-' na I a mi is n, n ini i j v ,u- n et but In- v ei"h- 1 7 iinninls now'. k." k ol the I hroie'li ' " 1 ' '"' 1 "" k' "- '"' . 'He- Supreme court has divided without 'M-eiit Ibat Hamilton 1. Kw.-t.t. Kepuh- . "'"'. u i" 'luly appumtc'l t 1 mini- I "iii! olirt .lude ol tho Second Distil l. 1 -I'l... ,, , v iew Ih.iel of ll....iif..rl ! ,,i, ,v ( !, 'f .,s ei.iiimi-siom r. ! t... ..i.j, ... . hoicht be Mr N V T-i- 'I' I h it tow n. Tin- 11. w whistle ol th, Slim-on I.i.m- l-r ( '.uiipaiiv is a h.iid one. It c-in be I...,,,,,,'.,-.,,.,,,.,.,. ... ,w Sl,l lilt1.. , 1 i tli, -n lie in fii,,l',,,.T ,,t th'nl .... ,, ..... .... , ... lien- was ;( new wb stle ar.iiiinl when it Liave (',, 1 1 h j' , notes. Mr. Chits-. Hajd.y. of the l iihed States Ai.lill(,i v Ko.,ro.s Mon ,.,., who is ill on a InrloiiLth came dow n from K 'ns ton ivhere In- has I.i en for a tew da s 01 1 "H1 v i1 1 K- lialiy. lie i.heiily pres. nts ij.nic a sol- (lRl y appearance ih.rn.r Milii-.iv s-l I. )s h id. N. ('.. j ..III 1. .1 ii l.i. I v.f .nrll. ni.i.ini cm- ueement Frida V ". vim, iter. Mav :', 1st. at s;:;o ,,'cliKk. Mr. Jos- oh. is Daniels will , Oliver ho annual addnss. 1 1 is mi h)i ct 1 wjl be "Taking an M.al." Our towns- man. .M. 1 e -v . ie enson, .1 r. a siuoeiu jn tl. school, is one of the marshals on the oecusi ision Uv lU (nil.... Vmn n.l tn o Rniwuijr H"" ?Mlle. rti-. . - , ,. , 1 Mr. W. K. Tin we. one ol our -'ood pay-1 inir sill K-riber-, is .'ettinff on 1 he 1 lit ! li,,,. .,. I ll. ,.,-,,..ei- i.i,l,. of luilllicr ill 1 ........ , uL 1 ,e,s .,1. . t ileo mihs from ! Mr Uoue hves ab uit live miles from tne city. He aoand. ,ne.l the raisintr of cotton live . years and tinned his attention to raising Iiomo, siippili s ami nnproviiis; ins firm. lie has ahimt 500 aces, ae.n.d; . i-i 1. I'"1 : :"" ,"' , ul"V,' ,s,.v,'r-v ,'l'!',l , t in u.r 1 -i n, i n I :i I o irn fi ill ill V .'1 in h:l I the liest lands in I'auilico cill'itv. and that - '.v-ntr a L'leit deal. Mr Howe has I i about. Si I acres which he says will yield ' troni s. veu tn twelve b.urels of corn per 1 acre, and that he is L'ra' I mi i 1 v clctii in ' each ve.if more of this valuable soil. Tlie Irosb.Torln I'lonle. The Pre-bvterians curried out their pic . nic proiri-amme fully Thursday, by gnine; no Trent t iv r on the pleasant steamer Trent, landin- ami taking .linn.r nt Foy's nun, continuing tne tup 10 1 opocksviiu where thev staved ab. ui a half an hour and t hen i dinned home w it lion t any lur-!i , . 'lie stop I was w, i aiieiiuei, .,- . . , many .tnv.t.-d, "i.ests alon-.' a. I rslot, - I j nans. The day was an ideal one and j I ,.e. vtl.il. r .....e. .,l in the i, i a-antest : -,, - ! .' , - 1 - - - r- - ... ..... i.i -IllllUest C- 'Ustrile loll al lis llsli linn ellio 1 1 house which do, s it s w ork more ! ; , ',i iveiv tl,.,., s I , h- costl v ami ,. c.miilicat,-d .-lies. Il is merely a Li,. ..v ....I-. - ... .... , t;-ht room pa it it ion, -d i II in then -place , i ,,f businn w itli ah ani.' i I n on coin- put mints on the sidos reaclnne troni tin - top to the bottom. T'liou-h simple and ' a P " aa- 'l- n .pun nu ills comp.e.ely. 1 Iel sHes to tlie I .seoal 4 oiin. il Mf '.""" ' i lie lolloivinir li fix e leeii eleded to . ... . , , , , .. i , i , t el 1 ."-4-.lt ' Ills ( hure 1',, V i s-l i in tills '"I"' -"' city at lln- amiual (dun. il t,. meet in std John - Church iVi tte , ., .1... -Mil. 1 msinuP I ; ,- , ham I ) ivi s. 1 1, nry K. Bry an, ( ) a ell II. ' ll i ui. t.iailil oilueil K.ivhI ren .. ii ... III i-.-r lil.'l-t. M.-SI-. . II. I'.ovd. . F. K In-e. W. I .. lb :n on all I S. K. Kati ill. w ho ha e b'on np t I . I, i 11-1.,,: .. at lend in -the C i and 1 "mi 'cii I lo ai : . : i n 1 1 1 1 1 , I ' - lunie-1 bo no 1 i-t i i ; . Tne t'ol ,,a in -,1 l-i the oiisiiin- in' the oll'n lis el' vear : Th"-. .1. ..ill. I'a-t li 1 Weu'ont. W'n no- ; 1 a' : U. '' I),,, ken I . rand II, nt. Ion kiuuhain; Ii. 1 (.Pmer. ( . inn I d e-l ! , -en ! , U :ii,i-i i 1 1 arris. ( . rand (iat"r, Hal.-i- F. I. I arris, (.rand (iat"r, Hal.-'-h; W . K. 1',, , ,1. ( i I ill, I Sel r, tal , Ni. W liellli; A M.'l'owell. Cr.n.il Trea-uier, H ih i-h; W. F, Hountiw, C tan, i Ch. ip lain. New Hern, -". F. 'ooten. (.rand t.uale. Wilson; I), p. 1 lu chiu-.ii.. ( . i uui Warden, Chin ioi t, . T. I.. Ilvndusan. dan,l S.-cielaiy Ashe Cdh: T. W. brain h. F. ('. Carlt.-n and N. Jacobi. Crand Tr.i-lee: lr. .1. How-, ell Wi.y. H. 1. tiilm.r ami W. F. H uui- i tree. Oomiiiiti.n! on Law -; John H. ; Frwin, I. L. (ire nwall ami C. H. he-. ; Craiid Finance Committee. . , . ,,. , , .. j inoiiiss. s m.tv ...u. u nit p, . iv ' won I an.u Hjuueis. I.Uiil lli-li S:i I IkIikI Ion a ml Doing A l mi in l.le Sen lee. Tlir A. .V N. c. I,'. H. (illiciiil.s and Hila rs i- lime, tril w.i'i the mail nil unite in stnnii; pr.ii-i-s n! l!,e l aillll'iil now' I imtiw-- I. ..ai . .pte -lv I n tin- ma. I ii ill'- I i ' 1 1 1 1 1 o i i i I .. i, u.iii.i i ve Work-, am I i a a . 1, i ! n , . I. 1 iai' ine N". ,-J. I ! lir1 '" a i rive, win. h Mas:, r M , I, a, i . I:. Water-, l' i "iiii iii i .i I.;. M . W in. s, liHenltl ;;i r. 1'iri in. .li ' I Hie . ,. . Ihil; il. p iilini'iit i.l' the I .' 'I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i I - V in k-. I : "II ht lln 11 : i I-a 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ', -1 i i ia ile.- per h"'i i ilui in'j; tar a i : 1 1. 1 i running lime limii I . n lil-m n I p. 'I'l a Ml ' il' I lir 1, an- til l III ih - ill llr "a- III a I' . I'll i- I- I'elu.i i ka "'l time till' It l'"aiiii"t u- i:-t ; -an l!, -Ii..p- Tile rui i ' 1 t ' tlii- N " 1 . ;, a i.i i , a ' i . . il on t he Till. 1- ah -a' :h e. T'n- N" i- ii av I i.i n' run on t hp lieiai.! l.i;ml In i UiimL'- liinU'r. il up -fi H will run sni thl : t lie No. Iii wall he pat in i i - p I ai i- al -on I So in . lav Kalhthe !"i 'ai"l i . - 1 1 ! .... m !, .ii ..n iiie m;ii- 'at I' l-i a 1 ' I , li - I ' 'Hi'' i n -Im - m . I t ' ie li .( st v. n k - Mt.-.li. an I in a' I t tua.li- li..ve ivi -piemii.i i---n s. TIIK MOMMI.Xr I tll.lMJ. (li'ii iliir Wiile lle.ili.iii Thr nu liiiuiiihlii-.l li'i-.nibjf e t. I'uke Tart !"' 0.i.rl u 1 1 i for 1 1 I i A 1 1 1'llil The i einark al i A 1,.. i ,i.l inn mirs In ... the ( oiite.ttir am nn-iin m-nt i.n:ii intr " "I''" iv l.ikeplme -.1 K i li-oli on t he 'JOih ol Miv. Tin- intir-t th .t aituelnw toil,0 ,,-.,-, - i , . . 1 1 " . 1 eaii-e . vcr one , v , . , ,, wll'iein U' ine-i'iit an, I in in i k mi; tlu . . ,' . ,, i . V"'" " , ' ' "" Ihnt evei liinu' that i- a,l,le.Mo it niakw 1 '''U L'''';1 .' o . ,i ill W ,-a re ie ov , aihn.-lon, 1 1, - hi 1 1 -eln .lilo un.l ruiui'i ini) Un- 1 1 m n t lie -c crul bin- ; ,,on' ."" tine t n A I i on n anil .N. f. Ita:ir, d to the i ,1 iil.uj 11' 1I10 luonu- inent. Ily ri'lo, hit ii w .d In1 seen thit Ihi tare is only !!( fro 11 Mnrplieu, I ity, $i JO from New lierne. f.'ifv from Knistoii. T In.-. 1 iiivi lui ih 1. Iieup enough and it ou.lit to e nisi- a 1 r l.u-e atleuir. . mice frui 11 uIhhl; the wiiolo line. on n iM i:n 1 r i: 1 Ki isis 01 klnnr.1 Si-mi imry. I.af.rnnire. N. CM Inv J'.lli iiimI :lllb. "IT i 1 1 eveellen'i and well known school. lsl"'-ev eniinarv. 1 ,:n . inline. 11. 1. , win ,ls i-oinn.eiieeiin nl i-xi-n-i-m iv ertneft- .1 . , ..,.,1 -' 1,.,, -,i . . i ..nl, ....,1 tuiil, v. 1. m :.'.. ....,... . .iw. ,,-,! :,, 1 11, 1 nstnal c,,ce, will ,.liu , p. i.ddie.s at I 1 a. in., on Tliurs- ,11V- ,i,e 'th. The pn vi uii S:ihh the baccalaiin.-alo x-nnou "i'l ' preaehed I.y I lev. .1. .1. I"'1'- ' ' 1-1 1 :i1' '"- The cmeert will lift h I'' W , dio slay. 'Jti'li a I H p. 11). fhe pr. ii 1 a none lor Thur-dav the IHIth, is as follows 1 1 a. in., ad.lies,.; L'-.'iO p. 111, oradil. d'li' 1 M-iviss; S i 'j p. m., C'lilKS e. 11 is s.- '.) ,i ll p. ui., reception. Tic ail eliih,t,iu will In- licldbolh Wedne-div and T In: r-d 1 v. 'fins iio.il never leh I" linvfi a goul 1 ciiiinn iii emcnt, and la i l,',-11 o w d from all the country around and many Irom dis tances, al tend e cry 3 1 ar. S.f'-lnl Torni f 4'oilrl. Tw.. -p ia , t 1 'lis i.f ( 'in veil county Sll- jieiior court have In n 1 alle.il by (lov. ('air. pursuant to n,pn-t o! the Hoard of County ( ' -in mission. 1 . 'tl,..i;,.i C, il, t,-;.,l ..I ,.;v'.t enaeo Th ,s "l. -en. ' M , L'Tllc' and holds two weeks Tie- s , ,a d i- the criminal term: j t will Ix-irin lune loth and holds one week Judee II. II. llryaii of rity has liecD ronimi.ssioiH" I to h 'Id ihein. A avAI l'ri- l Hllvr Turn. Tlie C. S Itevinue Cutter ''Winona," t'apt. Simnioiis. stationed at New Fenie, . . , 1 1 ii N. , his a . tew composed exclusively of 11 at i v, 1 , .1 11 A meri.ans : s imetbinI that I'o-slll. V I aim -sih: v 1 an 11 ut 1 " s.. 1. 1 nt any ot ncr l . ri. iaMU vess-i ie c o u i m i ssi ',11, ner.om- . .- I11"11""' is 40." If r oflici rs aro from . Him, Ma-sa has, (ts. Mar, land and Vir- r nil. while In r crew mid mciimls arc ill n it ivos of N.u th Car, limn. C. II. Otliiril .rtin Anyhlin. l-'v.-rv dire-tor of illC Oxford Orphan sduiil cm opt one was present lit the ...,..;,,,, ,,f tin- Hoard in Durham on the Ttb in-t. 1 1 was a verv pl-iiiant meeting and -o. .il Wi'fk Was il. me. The Board ihterniined lo make Fome inipioveinenls on the main liuihlin? of the A-vluin in aci old with the red nt propo ..I,'..,, ,.r it linl... ,,,,'.',' ,,,., ;,. Oxfonl A -re it tune is evpei le.1 in ihen iheCiand l-odue meets tin re next MITH'K OI Mri;.i X I. TKKMK tne nnpenor in ren i ......... . . , o. - , ..... j... ............. .. provision, ol Iho I ode ol Norlh Calolin.., S,x . ion N ine 1 1 undre. I and 1- illecn. lhal ihe .ovornor o Norili Carolina. His k l,.,v Id ,a-( ':r has onhivd thai a . ...... .., tsiociiI p-rn. oi ine .ipen.n i una oi ('riven ('oimtv i','i the trial ol Civil Actions shall he linden in said County, to Im-imii its session on the 'J7ib day of May, . .. i r I. ... l.s-.l.l. ail' I in cuiiiiioie nil iw'i Hi:i'fc i e i- I a And tl.at a Special I i-rin o slid court r, ,,. . i ,,. , ...... .id , i Adiotis shall U ,,.,.;,.'...' i....; t, . on M, ,,,, ,,, , ,,.,v ,,, ,,,, ' M-.ir,, p. i, leu in sa ni .nun v i -in us s-ssion .,,i ,,, ,.,,.;,,,.,. i, ,,-,,,. .......L ,,, ,,,,,, I the llll-!lli ,1'sald C 1 1 sh ,1 1 I ,e i hsposed of. Allnersons havin.' busin.-ss in said ( '. ,u i is will t ,ke due notice thereof and att. ml aecr, Im;; t. . I.i w l,,ie.l lln- Ma, s.n. Is;,.-,. linw n. V. N 1 I . V 1 1. 1 1 I . ( "hiii'n'ol the I'.oard "I un me-ionei s of Cr.iTcu county , pr.,-tem. The lirsm City Tunis Id), (his ' ljit we. k a unmix li'oin In-roke.- county came ill .Ills place m n.e. i ne intuitu, . not -ivo.i, bin it numb, is n i no imn elii 1 . I l'e'i . ta t 1 1 1 I and moth, r 1 1 is -aid Hint all the windows are l.i.ai.hd up to kiep Ihe lilt !e ones ins'. 1,-.'" The Iungs are nearer the back Ihnn the chest. In cpc .( su.l ilen li nicest p ,n, jul an Allcock's Porous Plaster r i i L,r 1 1 up lietweiti the shoul der 1, lades. It will idve re lief, and ward of! worse results. It cures rheuma tism, s 't ains, lame hack, and all similar 1 1 i nil ilcs. N 1. 1, e Hie mi 1 III t ll.' ire II ,1 1 li 1 1, i.nl -, I., . i. i , ... 1 1 - ' i i ' .., . , j ri " A , . k, 's " Allcock's Coro Shields. Allcock's Bunion Shields, lave I,., e , j u I .-. a i-lef ;,.i,t nirt fm cini i.n . I I-., I, in,,. Brandreth's Pills free tho system from injurious secre tions. There is no remedy like thorn. .. at "V- - ' ' a-, 5 i- -" , - . . u' -v- :,''-'':-. '" . a '5Jd ," d ' i $ n

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