:i trz v ksr iMiw AvaN AiiWV nixw. at h Lf n r . Si . 1U.U ! K !ic :Bk $1.00 Per Year INDEPENDENT IN ALL THINGS. Single Uopiry, b UcntB.- VOL. XVIII. NEW BERNE, CRAVEN COUNTY, N. C MAY 189,5. NO. VI oy, , N J ' 0- - r 6 r: - a '-.ic for Infants HIRTT yanjV apaaiTatton aafPiana af pwona, yamUt It i mmtiwMT tna V rwM Ui trw It wn. It in V Itk. It will wr nmwtklng wnien fa nWolntaly Cajtrln d tror Vmthi. Ctorln nllny Twmrimhmmmm. i Pinn-noMt Caytrin rallw T thing i Constipation Cai In wtmllic tha agaeta of ear aonia acid ga. or polMnumt air. ' Caata-ta de nat aantain nMwphlna, apinm, or ethar narcotic property. Cnatnrta aamtnd3ata tha food, ragnlata. the .tomach and bowal., tit Inf. haalthy and natnral aleap. Caataria fa pt np in ana-aiaa hottlw only. It i. not Jd in bnlk. Pant aJlaw any ana ta aaH ya-g anything alaa on the pi am or proml.e tat tt fa "jnat aa faad and will an .war T.ry pnrpoaa." Sea that yaw rat OA - S - T - O - aignatnra af .Children Cry for Ho, Ye SnIeriDg Millions ! Ooan.o and. find. B'llel t PICOITS DI-LU-LU-TE - It is tb lflt reratdy on top of Ood green tarth Cr . Saadadhe, Dypeiwl a, .Oostlvenoss, I will guarantee it if taken as directed. It wHIpatyoor iorpkl liver in aclin. It re move the an:ploa bile, it akls digestion tbea the atomacb ia clean seal and the bo vela regulated . It tae that all, heavy , land ,nt ot I be atofaaca. It core sick or nervous headache at one. Try It and you will caU ate a BXJtKTACTOB. F2X22 60c ?S COTS-HALT PUTT BOTTLE . will be la Kaw Bcroe only one week, while aera yoa may bay a bottle tor SSe. but alter I ia (one tiie druggist will charge you otae ta the corner of Pollock and Middle . , atmnf.at Pr. Bradham. Iruy Store and get a.botiia.aadyoa all nerer regr t it L;W. HHIlMUi., Prip'r. - pRrad a lew of the many New Berne and Norfolk Testimonial?: New Berne, X. C May 12ih, 1890. This i ta ctrtify that I have aseri with beneficial r Sects, Dr L. W. Pigott'a pre , paratioo kaown aa Di-i.d-i.c-tb, as a - remedy Jd Dyspepsia and (Joostipntion, ' mud their attecd&st erils, it bus on super ior among toe many medicines offered to ,'taM public fr these complaints. It nut - oejj kive one relict at ooce, but its effects are permanent. I know cf many persons - ia this Ctty who bare oaerl th;s medicirie, aad all join ia its praise. L. J. Mooar.. New Bern. N. C, May 13th, 1895. I hare used Pisott' Di-tu lu-ts, lor a stubborn attack of indigeMioa, and I . Utakl have ben lnefiltcd. I can eat v whatever I wub sir.ee taking the medicine, ' aad aothmg bona me DOry as formerly. ' I belie - ili'ts m dicine rxxss teal meritv and will help any one who suffers with indigestion.. Marvin W. Xash. I bare used Di-lc-lc-tk, and can . truly say it is a ralnai.le remeilial agency . in alt Liver disturtKinces, and may ! taken with safety and profit. Dr. Pigott (the proprietor) ia well known in Nonollc aa aa noooraLio gtntleman. Kav. W. K Evass, D. D. Pastor Graaby St. VI. E. Church, Norfolk. I bare oil Pignlfs Di-lu-lu-te for headache. It gives reli. f at once. Mrs, Rev. W. V. Titdor, D. D. Noifolk, Va. Raleigh, N. Jnne 9, 1890. Mr. i W. Piqott, Norfolk. Va: Dear 8ir:-I used your reroe'ly (Di-lu-I.O Ta) lor an attack of m rvoos heajlache, and it gave me ready rvliei. I n-commeml ..V it ai a car lor beailacbe. Very Uu'y yoors. D. Vf. Baix. Treaarer of North Carwlina. rxeeolire Mansr n, N. C, June 9, 190. The above endoraement i f our disuu gaisbed Slate Trmpurer nccon'.s with my wa experience io the use cf the Ui-ltj-to Ta. Daski, G. Fowlr, Governor of North Cajolina. 2 - ntlolwd Had aiii Clay Peas. A Limited Quantify BLACK AND CLAY PEAS GEEMAN MILLETT. At ChAs. Ii. II ill's, mSlm New Bern, N. C. BAXTER The Jeweler QlUDci. DRESS BUTTON SKTS, ' Link ami I-ver Cutf l'uiion? Rings, etc. New and new styhs. Kvrry dollar ppent with me is a saving to jou f ronKSO a. to $1.00. WAfCH REPAIRING A SPECIALTY and at about one half of what you are ac euetomed to paying. Iu time for high prices to down and 1 am the one to down them. taTSdtistction (iiuraiile'd in every traasaction or tbe price you pay will be cheerfully refiiniei. BAXTER, The Jew f.lf.r. m241wlf 95 Middle Street. J. F. TAYLOR'S Too can buy Matches at Manufacturers' prices. FUly cases, three pound pic peaches will bj sold at J. F. Taylor s at loc. per can. A fine stcck of the best on the market for sale at canned gools lUk Bottom prices st J. F. Taylor s. Too can boy the host pair of Shoe you erer got in the'eitv for the money at J. yTaylor'a. If yoa don't see J. t . Taylor you lose naooey. A large slot k Pr'jne Whiskey for mtdl dnalpurposti at mm and Children. ef Caatorla with tha patronage of m to tpwh af it withant xutiiiz. t raaaady for Infant, and CaUdx-an fa kwmUu. Children Una it. It tkmir li-nm. In It Mother. hT mfa and pmctienUy perfoct n. a : Sonr Cnrd. and Wind Colie. TronVla.. and Flntnlane y. R - I - A. i. on aT-ery Pitcher's Castoria. Ol R LITIXU AM Ol R DEtll. EICIEKK nALL, I.OUISrit"H(i, !". C. Written for the monumental issue of the News and Observer. Think ye a Southern inue can come. With measured line and winsome note: As Wiiblinss from a silver tongue, Ou balmy bretzes sweetly float; No. no, this is no gala day, Wlieu brilliant songs are blithely sung; A sad muse turns her fiice av At sound ot horn, and rife and drum. Know ye thr.t waters still and. deep. In shadowu.l uook holds in its heart, lis own- near borders. bru;!it or bleuk, T:s nature, of itself a pari. 'Twas in the sliadow of despair. Whenbravc men on the battle field Sto.Kl cits irmed in sibnce there. Knew their country's doom was seukd. The spirit thnt so biavely laid, All on the Patriot's slowing pyre. As nobly litccd the mighty raid. That chungtd it to a u.:i:ii lire. Ohl ye s-ldier9 who Rre living, On wreck of' Ute gnat warstorai. Faithful testimony giving. Of slroDg hearts true and warm. The perils of your comrades slntred. The lcarles march, and battle Idast, Yet each taiihlul witm& spareil, Mutt ui silence, sleep at last. Only three score years and ten Is the time assigned to lit'. ; So the tru st hearts of men As Mouuments will not suffice. The grent pyramids for ngt s Have debid the power ol lime. Baffling study of the sages Ilerxulean strength todeliac. So the record of Our Soldiers For p-'H-rle-s heroi-m stands. A worxier among the marvel. Achieved bv human hands. Cut it deep in marble and I ros. V ith immortal lame enroll: Tradition and tiirtory pas. n'e this nn Eterntl "s scroll. Tis the Si'intilhttinn of a star. O'er which dark clouds have bung; Ti it spirk through smoke of ar, Fionva tiery furnace flung. TLs a hrilliant gem blood lxui;ht 15 v i lie noblest nten in the world. It rl ashed in every but'e fuught! Blazed through latured flags when fur led. OYr our soldiers lieneath the sod. Grandly tomlied or graven unknown. Angels of Justice are keeiiug gu ml, In niuibus not wholly tbeir own. Ix-t (ilory's wicred aureole Hound sublime -alor sun ad. And Truth's graa I d apasun r. u I In meiuory of our d a 1. If the Baby I. Cntliiitr Teeth. Be sure and u- that old and well-tried remedy, Mrs. Winsluw's S)otln:lg Syrup for cj'thlri-n texthiog. Itsootlies the ehild. softens the gums allays all pain, cures wind colic and is the K st reiiv-dy for diarrhoea. Twenty-tive cents a buttle. n 1 V 1" SOTlf'E OF MPF.t I AI. TERMS or .. Of the Snperior mart County. Notice is lierebv given, pursuant lo the provisions of the Code t'Norih Carolina. Section Nine Hundred and Filtei n, that ' the Governor of North Carol in i, II;s Kxcellercv Kdas Cnrr, has onh red that a Special Term of i he Superior Court ot Craven County f r the trial of Civil Actions shall behohlin in said County, lo Ix-gin its session on the 27th day of May, ltWo, and io continue for two . u: And that a Special Term of said court for the trial , f Criminal Actions shall be bolilen in s.id County to be-jin its s -si m on Monday the lOih day of June, lstla. and lo continue tor one week, or until the businisp of said Couit sliall le disposed of. All peisons having busine-s in -c.d Courts wifl take due notiie tfeieol and alb'Uil necor.ling to law. Dned ibis May Silt. 189-1. Enwi). W. Sm a r.i.wooo. Chairman of the Board of Commissioner cf J raven count v. pro lei n . Bucklen's Arnica SflDe, The 1est si.il ve in the world for Cuts, Bruises. Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum. Fever Sor.. Tetter, Cliappe. I hand-. Chilblains. Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, an I posi tively ernes Piles, or no pay required. It is guar.tnlce. I togie perfect s .t is: :ion or 'money refunded. Price 2A cents per box. For -ale bv F. S. Duffy, Druggist. LOG SCALER WANTED. One of Experience pi. len .1. Apply i" Person to CONG DON Ai CO. New Berne, May 22, 1395. d3uvlt GOLD M0NEY1TESINC0DNGIL no North Carolina Ni t K-presented PrnNo of Cbvihiud and Carlisle The Lifter Sp.-ak !fe-iolitious Tar ried Mi v; i n;-. TYni:.. .M;i .': Under ., banner with 1 1 1 -Sound ( 'iinency and iug Facilitu s," ! t wi-eii representative men of : States assembled at I n. this afternoon I" expre j e..-: t i i ii to the doctrine and unlimited coinage ; to: liank- ,111 a;nl .S, M 1 if Southern a .1 1 i tor i u jii thfir op- of the free ol silver and of thf rm-'in- to iieclare in favor :ninf( o d i lions. the p ;nt inonetavv eoii- Til r All nt ial :.vn. v i". I!v a irathe: ins o: in er- .'llallt l'.innv.-1's and ni..:iula ur . storekeepers and members of pro- r ... . 1 . fcs-aions. allied with indiistrial in terests. It was especially commented upon that the politicians were con spicuous bv their absf!i.-c. When ( 'iiai rnian ( 'rawf.. of the , i f fifteen, assumeil ! the cravfl at ".' o'e'ock. there were o".'o dt-lejjMtis on the Moor and l.oun j spectators of both ees in the paileries. The few words of wel 1 e ome in half of the oby were irettily ' and iiiickly sioken and per- manetit ortraniation was then in order. j tii i: i i: a ; hm a n 'r i; i: i a i:ks j Tiie Alabama C'oni'ressman, Jlr. I 'iarkc was rccoLTiiiztal for the pur- ! posx' of presenting t name of the Little d'iatit from Mississippi as j pei'inaiien t cliairman. but he availed 1 and in order to give a wider field for j himself of a call to the platform to: the use of silver we favor the fund lead oii the oratoiical lire works ' ing of all money other than gold with a speech that aroused all the t and silver certificates below the de i energetic enthusiasm of his and i- j nomination of ten dollars into high- enee. "Wo are not a forlorn band making a desperate and hopeless tight."" said Mr. Clarke, '-but we are here to give form and orgauiza- tion and voice to a deep-rooted i , t . i i.i:. ,.:,:,, anil wlueiv spreao puuaie ojuuhmi that is growing in volume and which is destined to 'mould the financial policy of this conn try. We have nothing to fear in tiie fight that has been forced upon us. The conservatism of the American people will not allow its monetary system to be dragged down to the debased level of Mexico and China. The roar of the eilverities is as the roar of a fire fed upon chaff that soon burns itself out and leaves but ashes and smoke. Ic is but the echo of the fiat monoyiuu. Standing here as a Southern man, I say that I have firm confidence in the sound sense and integrity of that section of the country,"' in" the cotton men and the industry that has made Memplii- one- of tim most important' cotton markets in the world. e I are not the blind followers or tools of anv man or set of them, but we are led by a man who has. like no j sound money of New York, and also other man since Jackson, the con-j urging the formation of sound mon tidenee of the American people j ey leagues and chilis throughout the prolonged applause. Why? He- South, and after a farewell address cause the American peoplo know ; from Congressman Patterson, the that their President is honest j Convention, at 9:45. adjourned Mt (cheers); that he possesses mental 1 ,,. and moral courage ( more cheering) : 1 - .- - - t z thit he is not only a man. but whole m..u; that lie has a wisdom that no obloouv can darken." Shouts and stamping followed the speaker's retirement from the piattorm. 1 Here was more oi i lie same kind when the motion was lint and (len. Cati hings declared selected as k.Tir:inciit bairman. chair he 1 On being escorted to tn ! gracefuJiy acknowledged the honor j and continued. "No convention has ever assem j bled iu this region for a higher or nobler purpose. On; views are 1 sani'titied bv the approval of all the i intelligent and intelligence of the ! country outside o if nol it io-i! 1 i Co 1 .et 1 1 ,ors and tight as a 1 us stand hv our. ; man fights who knows he has right i ,-'--i .io .1... ou ins snte. i ne great neari oi me American people always responds to the truth at the proper time, and it is impossible to believe that f 7' ,, -mid of people, composing the great- j est Go e-'innent on earth, would de liberately cut themselves loose from t he ci vi li.at ion cf t lie world and all v ' i 1 u . , ' . ,,, . , - I themselves with Mexico, ( hum. da-: 1 pan and people of that sort. ! ' "Speaking for mvself before this; i great a c Hence. 1 say 1 stanu lor itirover Cleveland and Join i. 'ar- lisle. Prolonged applause.) Whyj should these men desire to engraft upon the people a policy which is: , , . . . i . . . . :..i.... .1. Ijunleiisouie to mem. w neu inesc people have given to them with a free hand every honor that has been conferred upon them." Tiie .-elect l' n of a committee on resolutions was next in order as fol- lows: ! 'jd.ere was no rcspoii-e when the i States of West Virginia and North Carolina were cali.-.l. . a ui i : -1 : -I'Kaks Jtis as the fommittee had been mtdeted the tail form of Secretary r lisle emci g. tl fr.'tn the stage. In c ( an nstant delegates and saeetators, women and men. were on their feet and a mighty shout went up. It was sue 'ceded by a veil vet dear to Southern Lean and then again leers, with waiving with a v lev of of hats and canes and other accom paniments. Tin ovation continued for sevora! moment.- and was renew ed when the Secretary of the Treas ury was formally present,-.!. ileiif0 having been wiih difiifiiltv restored speech . eupicd lion rs. energy ; his note . M ( arii.-i. began his the delivery f which nc and a half precisely on lie spoke with unwonted ind made few references to s. 1 was lis;,-if-d to with irofound at L.n t ion . the being apparently anxious and follow the trend "f men t and the mass of iiL audience to grasp its a rg li tres with w 1 1 i i it was supported and there were few in: errn p; ions of approval until towards the close. Then vvhen, with quivering forefinger, he declared that the hard earned sav ings of the j r ought not to be sacriticad to the avari.e of the wealthy mine owners or the ambition of aspiring politicians, his hearers fairly went wild, and when in his j peroration he urged that there i-onld i bo no prosperity for one section at I t ho expense of the other, but that all must stand or fall together, itl looke.l for a moment as though the ; enthusiastic audience would storm the platfoim. When the speaker concluded hei was given a f.nal ovation and a re- eess until t o'ol -k was at once ! taxen. The Committee went into session i I old . with .1 ude Ruck, as chairn a :. ( 'oiivcM ion rc-as em on llesolutions at the ( iavoso If sp of Little mil wnen tiie . , was )i'isi-nted with the and resolutions: K K So 1. 1 "I los. , , platlorra d stand- 1. Relieving a uniform an cultural, commercial and industrial development and prosperity of our common country, we favor the main tenance of all our money, whether LTold or paper, on a parity, to the end that e ai h dollar, whatever may he its fonmosit ion, shall have eoual ! purchasing n"d debt-payin ... : . i l. -.1 . 1 1 power with everv other dollar. :. At this time there is no conn-j try in the world whidi maintains the bimetallic standard, and neither i is there any country where the f ree coinage of silver obtains which is not on a silver basis. Each countrv. i on acajount of its inability to inde pendently adopt any bimetallic standard" must elect for itself which it prefers the jjoM or the silver standard. We therefore favor, in the absence of international co-operation, fhe retention and maintenance of the existing gold standard. 5. We favor tiie retention as part of our money the silver now coined : or denominations, so as to make our I entire circulation below the denomi- ' nation of ten dollars, either silver or silver certificates, and to this end the Secretary of the Treasury should i i ii....: i t... i p.. i ue aiiinoi lzeet u j:iw io uuiu iium time to time, ns tiie people may require them, silver uotiars, until the demand of commerce for money below the denomination of ten dollars is at all times satisfied. ii. Wo realize that our national banking system was adopted during a time of war, and that it is not adapted to existing conditions. AVe therefore favor such legislation as will secure to the people a system of banking surrounded by such safe guard as will at all times furnish them a safe, elastic, sufficient cur rency for the transaction of their business. When the vote was taken the res lutions were adopted without dis cussion and with a shout. Xot a voice was heard in the negative. Then resolutions were passed giving hearty endorsement to the work of the reform committee on FIRST l Till: FOREMOST LIKE. 11 V J. H. liKAPr'OKIi. I -tood lo-d:.y ujion the ridgi Wheu once the blue hr u'es were massed, And gazed upon the pi dn lielow : 'pr which the charging pass, d; column- Ale sauntering iwnward somewhat stained, ga'ned. Among the stones no Ion: pr came upon a lit tie mound That only the front rank had A little mound left all alone: I'nmaik'd by lion er or cypress wreath. To show that some regretful heart K mi -inhered him who slept b.neath. But ha'f way hidden by the gnus, 1 found a broken br.nel stave: The head board, which sou e fot mau"s baud Had kindly placed upon his grave. And on it trao d these touching word, In letter- I could scarce divine A rebel, name unknown who fell Firal in tir r':remit liiie." . , , , . No more, and vet what nienioiu: We,.(. we.lU(.u,.(1 pv lhat scanty .Vjain I leard the .a. lying shout. Again I saw the ranks abl;7.- phrase! Onep m re the air with smoke was thick. Once more the gtouud with blood vsas wet ; Where, like two serpents liihe and tierce. The w restling squadrons met. The th 1,1 wa' tile iinoil liare do grinning skulls hastlv in the cl. ar moon tide- For in a hill nol far a ay The tlead wele gathered sid by side. Yet none had touched the little mound; Mayhap !.y chance. r by dtslgn. They left him wheie tleith struck him down, First in the foremost line.'' And they did well than- let him rest I What h; tter tomb than Nature gives; Th- shroud she spreads o'er his remains The g:ecn turf kissed by summer suns, And washed bv summer uiins. Perchance some comrade. scarred and gri m. When years . u years have pass', I Telling his children grouped aroun. The story of i lint mv lul day, May not forget to speak of one may, glory's Whose nameless grave is shriiii The gallant heart that throblted its last, ",' in the foremost line." Perchance for linn a mother's soul Sought God upon that fearful night. When lirst the diielul breezes bote i Disastrous tidings ot the tight. Aral in the autumn twilight gray, lielike sad eyes, with tea mil stiain. Gazed northward very wistfully For b that ne'er would come again. i lor him s une hash young hie' IV reliance Dio-'ped wearily from week to week Struggling again-t the gnawing grief That uie the roses in her cheek. Till pitying IVith. with gentle touch, S-t sleep e'ernal in her I'aee. And son-owing for the rescs gone, Planted his lilies in their place. God's peine te wiih tine in thy nst. Lone dweller in the alrang. rs land. At .1 may the mold above thv breast Lie lighter than a sister's hand. hi other brows let careless Fame, H.r fadele.-s wreath ol laurel twine, Enough lor thee; thy epitaph: "Firtt in the f jremust tine.'' S. Itl 1U. 1SS. Tai,eraric np,is i.,,r,i.. " """" workii. iniors r'," ,lero 1-cv. ('. S. Buig,--. past, naele lJijitit (,'huixh. ;. now niglitly u ..(1 i -uie-.ti. r ol Tab r linaelnriL.' n; in the lie m Y .- k m-u.,r i- talxniac'f on IJenie tric'. are beiui: lie'.. I Uiioiui U.e. we i tfi v t a ser.es ol' inci-lin 'S 1(1 h. 1 there i-onimeiif iiil; iu .t wipk bv Hcv i: r V' i....i ..c v;i.,.;,.t . I , , , " inaKiii,' :i lo .1 i:iipr i siuii upon oui eui.i-. lie -I'.n.ui a: i Wake Fnrest. is ;,n in eivMin-peaker a a! eotBiuaods the attention nf Ins li.-areis. 1 He is a oiini; innii. oriiniiih Hani nip e I ""d' U I'lHinty, He In ju-nt t'veat in Pamiii o e uu'. v, both teiehuig land lalxirmg in the miniMry. Heua? principal ot the an lemeie Aea demy and also ecrvt d four chuiel.es, those a' It iy boro, "andeniere. Hay rin k an I Oregon. Having ae 'eiited the c ill to the' new i church of this city. Mr. lturge- m n!e n j dp'ay in en'ering upon lhe uiirk. The ui'oniDl ness is no ilnuM indie uive of h' ciiaratter, and we hope to see ilie Tab-r-; i n iele ehiireh tlourih and grow under b: : labors. Tb 'Se whom he has been serving pe:iK in liign terms ot t Heir appn eaii i .n of his worth. One of them wiito u-: "lie is a t a lent el and cult in e m hi ig m in of line ability, and a chanicng oi :,toi : our warnust hopes are s It ; i hhn ' The Tabelll icle which lci been eieet.d lor teieporiiy u-e is i'?4'l tiet. It i cheaply built but it has been made eomfoi t able in every way. The-inemliei s of I hp new chureh hie inoT: d with commendable zeal and dis patch in erecting at.d tilling up their tem porary house of wor.-hip and they an-. now casting about io set tire a suitable lot in the western half of tiie eily on which to bui'd their elaceh. When it i secure 1 we bespeak for Hum the 1 early co-operation ol all our citizens i:i their i tl'ai Is towar l- building and aro -ati-li d it will lx- lbrth-eoming. : COLLEGE O Jl M E X ' E.M E X TS. U RKE.NSIiOKO FKMAI.F. COIJ.KOK. Greensboro Female College will b ,!d its commencement ixci'iises .Tune 5;li and Cth. The annual s niimi will be preached by President John Kilgo, . f Trinity Col lege, Durham, N. ('., in the morning an 1 the address to A'Uiima: in the eveicug by Mrs. John W. Hays, of Oxford. l ue graduating e.vreises win tie on Thursday with a lit.fary address in eon- neeiion with them by President j;. it. : Craighead of Cleinson College, S. C. The annual cjneeit will Ije held Thurs-! day night. In the graduating class of this school is Miss Adelaide Caller of Ne v B.-n.e. DAVIDSON. The fifiy-eighth coinmercement of Da vidson college t Ibosbyterian.) will lie from June 9ih to 13ih inclusive. On Sundav the 9th the b iccalnun ate serm n will be preached by J. ii. Sheaivr. I D. D., LL , D. . at 1 1 a. 'in., and the s r- j mon belore the i. M. C. A., that night bv J. F. Boyd, I). D. Monday, '.he 10th is class day. The celebration of the Literary So cieties will beheld on the 1 lth at 8:30 p. m. The annuil oration will be on the 12 b and the j inior oratorical conte-t th it night; one of the representatives of the Phi society is fiom that far away country . Shun the remainder are ot North an I South Caro'ina. The Ac'acou banquet' will also be held ou the 12th. i The graduating exercises will be held j on Thuisday the lath at II a in.; the) Alumni banquet at (5 p. m.. and the re ception in the college buildings from 9 to 12 p. ni. WAKK KOKKKT. The iVake Forest ( Baptisl ) comm. nce ment will be held .bine lOih to 13th. in elusive. Monday is classday. with exeicises ai :15 p in. Tuesday th. re w i: I !e a gymn i-r'c . x hibition, and the alumni address will he delived by Prof W. L. Pot. a'. Wednesday, that supcib orator. Hon. T. Ma-son. will deliver the a. I Ires to the I.itterary Societies in '.he morirng. and l!ev. II. M. Wharton will pr.iuli the Bac alaunate sermon at ninht. ; And on Thursday, the l:ith. the last day, there will be ora'ions by the class. and a conceit and social Lathering i - Improvement!! at Hotel Xeusee. Manager Fred Perry ol Hotel Neusee has put the place in the 1 e-t shape now that it has ver been in. Mme space has been given I" the dining loom, and ir. a-j well as other pans of the hotel, has ln.ui newly furnished. j The hotel otfice is a cool and airy one, 4.r)xla leet, and the .hummer's sample j room in Uie well ventilated and lighted l utsenieul is exactly the same size. ; The pa lor is handsomely Iu: nished and is suppped v, Ith a tine piano ot superior; make and the remainder of the hotel is' furiii-hed correspondingly. Being a neat, well arranged and nicely-kept house, centrally siiu ited, it ought to command i a fair share of patronage, see it do well. W. lOpe PEOPLE TALKED A ROl'T. The Shah af Persia, w ill a table on which a salmon not remain or lobster placed. I G. neral Lord Wolseley says there never was so little drunkt une-s in the British army as at present. ! The fastest speaker in the world is Sig I nor Giiuiahh, the Itdian depuiy. who ui ! ters 200 words in a minute w i tl i ease. 1 Etlde Thompson of Chirksville, Ind , is ! oiPy 4 years old, but he w eighs 124 pounds, is it fee; li inches in height, has a 40-inch waisP-and and we.fS a OA hat. j James Whitcomb Riley i- one of the I slowest and most laborious of writers. lie digs his pencil into the paper so hard as to make impressions on several sheets be i low. ; James Whitcomb Riley will not le, lure next season, but will apply himsell to the w riting of a novel of IIoo,ier lite. Marie Harder, a D..uish lady, has just published a volume cf poems en tit I. d V u le j St ir. She is 70 years old, and this i- her i tn.yt literary venture. I E la Wheeler Wilcox has a Persian cat ! for which she paid 400. ! Gen. Lew Wallace is about to begin a ! new story. "Ben Ilur" will soon be translated iuto Armenian. Margaret Mai lotf is a Brooklyn young j woman who Ins inventul an ingenious t rolley fend, r. John Wauamaker U about to purrhase I the o!d Peabo.lv Hotel propeitv in Puila Idilphiain order to turn it let an diebri ate reformatory, , ,. ,, ... . i ne ai i i vai oi uie i.iu of Westmeaih iu Washington is causing something of a tluiter among the fair sex there. He is boyi-b-looking and lias auburn hair. (iilen Victoria considers the young women of Ireland the most b autiful iu the world. The late Lord Sell) rne was considered by the English the greatest lawyer of his age and country. Ib- had a singularly acute intellect and his memory was pi o digious. Prof. C. V. Kilcv thinks that telepathy exists among insects, and that it is by bins sixih sense that they are enaoltd to com municate with each other at a distance, a? many of them exi-lenlly do. REV. l' liVl'TINI' IMSTOKK. Ki. KiiIiis lord 1, Next Heck- It. v. Mr. IN.rl.r ill 'mm Al.oill lllf Mrd.llf.o .imif. Sim-'iiv ! I fv. IIu'u- l-',,r,r l "-' Nf -A fill li.; t'lliUVli ft' a.iU r. e 1 1 : v ie-ine 1, aau- 'fiint-il:iy by Ml wli-'tV i e- i i. it. He i:i , v' 1 in. a -;i n i ;! '.' Ta-la Hi. 1 1-1 t'. cil i t! em (-fin- bn t .ev uili t-ive im u'li lij.v. a i l i 1 a ,;ia ; -p li 1 'in i nie . Hi- !' : the :''M"tv .le Hot iii-iltlffil ft piiil Mi. I o; i '..ei pii-p r L o i e Hindi ait II AM. 'o : a:-. ,.., !, - de.-ii g t'ec. li i.e, 'argr ( l.l lavorit." Atlncie Hot-1. -V ' di-.i id i.'i-e':' !.. "Ui'piop'e. They ai! ei'jveil thnn-el vi s m nn-in lie - a i !e' ha; our -i oiker .n 1 '"ehat' and w aik aouuid the town am I 11 ' f : i.e a ,: e-ai - i : a'i 'i pa t r i ver , dimi--! .vhieh wa s rxa d in the pciou in the ,;:v. It will he wnh eii'e'iu d re- iliaiung had ot' the Allude. Tw.. t 1 1 io -gi'et thai oar ; ,. ,P: , ', will e l: n mid hi I were m1 and at iaeh tab'e i v rv ".ie- a 11, la - e a 1 1 1 ' 1 r ! Mon head t. -the pn'pit le wiii ..n!er id :! of .lune : at head I lav sav Kev. .n.!iei .!. J'.,! ( '.W, i a- a, , pie I ., , , wl.L k Mr. !',, -,a. at,-. 11 1 0:1 1 : 1 : . 1 k ! 1 n! the Mr. I'one: ii - been p ,-t oi ly a little over -i moni 1 ii ie .0 1 a- 1 , 0 . , 1 lie or, ier. "v . an vo e 111 Mil the church va o uiiy e i. " Itl 'I I1M II To Tlir. i:itv I, AST. - - J.111111 ol Kiilcisli'x Viiinrs ii!yol 10 the Limit of Their Ticket -'iiiliniotitH n ilie Order Main failieil. A-. Two Meai-iunl e vi-Uor- to the ( on'ed ra'e iiioni.m, nt uiivoiling are an, 1.0111a d as rem. 1 'Mmg nil' i! the l;-t day ,i ... a. .an. . .. 1 , 1 .1.1 1 u.u 1... 11 e.-eo. uie ,j'i. ( ' u'e h ri 11- : i.e - 1 uie i ioa'i . wa- in I : 1 1 i i i 1 on the day of the uiiveilii)'. i uu o; 1 u 1 11111 w 1 n 11 a t i l1 o w ..s ie- , , ... . iii:i!'!,;i',!,'. 1 ) tirmg the w hole ot the .lav we ,,, rcr saw the slightest appro .eh to any k:-..i ol u, .',,!,. wor or hra,,l ot any th ii o: at lerw a r- Is. and we tec it i aie, i that lllC'e w i- not .-;e-'ie all'.st Ileele that day. Sir-li conduct speaks extreme ly wed for -Uch a multitude, the target as one p 1 1 er ui- it, that ever wa in-Hah-i'jli. ekce, t wh.n Slierma.rs arm pas.-, d through. ! Tlirongh.-ir t'.e cay. w hile th, re w i s a i j 'v ot reunion an 1 a ioy in ilie necoie- phsliic nt of the p itriotic cveut and an ndeiise m eres; m everything peitainm to it, thcie was a eabnne-s an-i an cai n, .-t i quite me-, iy int. d up in in- nu-aiex -i.ki , 8.r package barrel b,,es. Tins r-ess that well beiitied the natme of the j we have seen sp. cimcn" of very good j makes a total of ::,0"G l-oxm iu three con iinportar.t oc. a-ioii. J wrk that he is doing for some of our fit- I " culive das an aveiage ol one thousand 11 Mi,' atie'lllon I I'll WP " ;V, to 1 he speeches and , ther main is of the .1 iv we did n 't allude to the el .bo-ate and beau tiful devoiatio ,s which iidorne 1 the nub. lie buildings, the schools, tin; bu-tness h iiises an 1 many re-id .-nee-. Tiiey were probably the most numerous and the b.-st ev. r (bsplayid iu the c.ty. They were truly grand. AX IXfOIlHEt'T AI)A;ll. Xi Man Has Been Found to Fill Cap!, nctiinnis' llae in Plaoina: Iluo.v orreetly in Our Waters. We have often h al'd it said that as soon as one man drop out of a place he is holding, another is ready to li l it. Talk ing with a ste mi r captain of experience he informs us that the old adage has lie n proven f'd-e. Tnere ha- never been a ma", found to put the Nense r:er bu ,s in r.ght since Capt. McGm: is died a tew years ago m Not folk. 'I he buoy intea.'e 1 U r Wilkinson's point is so Inr out ot place that ii'a mariner .'id not know which point it was intended far. he could nut tell wdnlhi-r it was meant Ji.-r Wilkinson's point or Cheny point, oth, rs are out of place aho. Nt u-e river is not the only place w here .-uch a s ate ol all'a rs pi vai's. The baoys in the N. C sounds a weil as in the river were di-plaeed by iheico of last winter Maiivoffheiu have never been put back at ab. aril .h asp that have Un put back, have b- eu put lin k wiong. It is said that tie- buoy a'M.ve Croutat' light v as dropped nv, rboar.l withruit the bod even stopping while l'le-i-'ent Cleveland was on his ducking hull!, -in, I that it Wa- dropped a quarter or ha'f mile out of coirect position. If th se gnidis io i avigalioii are not going lo i e iooke i a,te: pr- perly, w hat is the use . f pretending to do tt .' There is li i b Iling uh.-n -tieli cai e't -sness ai d ni g 1. ct ncgu t ca use -ei'ious trouble. We ar - irf line 1 that the Philadelphia lb-cord !a-t Week called addition lo the negl ct i I buoys- in Nor ", ii Carolina. We have don,-s, i icj.e .te.liy: w le re does the lauit lie. Cannot Ihp matter he reiuedii d A TALE OF Fllllt BEARS. One liilleil Alter he Kills a llnj-A Raccoon Humor t'oines Fnexiect cil.v I'poiiTlireeAnil 'oitlln't Het Away Fast Enough to Suit II I t.i sell. A Vandemeiv eorrcsiioudeut Ilt's lis the following account of two bear a lveu- tiires in t hat neigh I -v'ttn : I One week .-.go, a darng tea:- yi.-ited Mr. James Bid. i's hog pen. from which he was ,,-,vcn be'i're he cu d ..cconiobsh ;U)V , ,,. The in xt night he came to a .other man'- en, and secured Ins prey a large ind . an V .ng her a shoit disr:.ne into the w i'.h rues- and taiiiig pait of her, he left. Next morning the heg was found, and oae-h irth of her was miss- in.'. I 2 nai a, ternoon, thev li lc I a. gu n , but dela v i ng the act of cock i ng the gun 1 11 evening, it was unavailing, for the smart monsler came after thev lef'r, and before they cocked the gun. and stole the dead ho-awav. However, they found it again next day, and that ev mug tiled and cocked the gun and killeil the bear that night. The n xt ni'Mit while Mr. Call Sawyer, ' while out hunting, his dogs to ed, aad ' going to them think tig it was a raccoon, j At Portsmonih, Va.. Mr. Kebbe'l Ham he beheld, to his terror, three be ns -one ilion. c L-br.d, d his s."i h l.iithday '(!. old. uu, I two voting onis. 'Tis said that lr. Sawyer w as he .rd a quarter of a mile n o,,, -, ap ,,,c ,...o,.-. -o, ,.o, ... .... , I,., .... 1 .. .,!, . ti,l in.. Idlest his escape and ins wonder, I'M VERSIT V EX1 1 XX I Vi c"''- In Connection Willi its fommcne mciit Exorcises Special Railroad Rates Will he Oiveii. One hundred years ago the University of Ninth Carolina leg an its active life, i , riii ii e The long, u-elul and honorab'e career of the Institution makes it a loyal duty and ,i ,,y,, 1"",,,- o'.u.i ,L,t,u,,,L the Centennial Anniversary of her biit'i. I-or tins cele'iratiou the i rustees and raeiiity have set apart Wednesday ol Commenc. ment week. .Iitup ."i. lsDa. Th,- r-.it-,,,--;.,- s is li-lin.r non h, r Centeimid Bulled, v. i- at lier 'highest point of, Hi lencv in" equipment, teaching. ..... .. ., - ,. ' , ...'a.,....." sou! w ii o ui she i ms MpadZ.iUmh, i rr--n,,t 1,,J"-el, un" !l lul1 ""v ' -'"-v - ""-' pr iii everv pr,.f.sSi., and ,n every com.min-' exWtt'd' previous . her trnd that . onvn led her. , ilv wilf-adnr around their Ahna Mater! T1"' German g-n a riim.-nt has contracted I'll- sentence was 1,, wars , he p,-niten-at" Pus great fstival to honor her for the 1 U ltl' tlle North German ',. 'ovd and t he kiiy. . . ! wt.ik st e ha-done and to strengthen her , Hambiirg-Amene m steamship lines l,,r I he , iil dock, I wa- neatly cieaied this f-.r lie work -he has vet to do. the consti iictton of u n ocean liners which teilu and Judge I.oykin gave geiietal i Piesideiit Winsloa sivs that arrange r.ienis will be nade lo liunish aecoinuio- dations f.r all wh i may conn; and special rates will h' granted on a 1 rail loads. The. Oovprnment's if I a, 000,000 suit against the estate of the lale belaud Stan lord will be tried m the United Stales Court at San Fraueiseo early in Juue. (KMDVAItV ! 1. S II 1 I SI' 1IM. A ii:y liin.- :il iIor-li-:l tity Kin- n.r I ll I li . A I Im n I i . H l . I . ''Ailrlii:!it ul tbi.t' w.i'i- 1 w i T ' : ! ;i! t .ai the f-t.u when t'.. r. ar M. K. Sill! 1: 1; " a'Mf.! i., i'. in M ir licad ( 1 v T!.'.!;- ay i-vt-n'ii.'. The t rain n;b-i :,: t a r. i n r l r!ia- me pn.leil oat at ; 1 1 1- I ; t lee 'e. Kvirv c.ir w.. ! il- liiubt inn :t v, with uieii v. j)!(m no i-lvii. h aiian. an 1 tbt-ir iep i-:;ve j-n lit- The ')i'nie a iv.ui at 'ia'.li ;i I at 10:1"), aail tiie nHl'tilu'e of p ''P'O 'ii.it i iei!i)i)eil it -li-p' iv il !ran ilie tr.in in dirlcen; diixv'ii!,- ino-t of il: V'lire.' hid a ih.ir. 'l'id eeuvmii nee wa- du to the i h a r i r ri -a g. -i 1 1 n t of the' Aliaide'. Afa r a'' h i 1 h ol dime r ,,g v . w, leal, the-. 'I ',, P,, aa:. e : nd'oi'.it Maeoi, wa re t ne proie, p, ; ;,; , , t- ,1 le bv the pi rue-. .:ne 1 w vent nr. -d "tit : -11 s.-a an 1 were gentiv to-.-i 1 n. in ny 1 in; . , Wavi ol Ilie w Alia. tie. Il.ew.a'hei . wa line, an I a -t'eelv -Hong b: ' pn- v.-iilcd. No he le. wnit her ..r -ai.ni' eon1 Vive 11 ell 1 she r. I Splendid ordi r w;,s 111 1 nl-eiiol un .h 1 . 1 the sl.illlul iiiana". im lil o. L hi, f Ma i.-bal i (' Hul'iris and his :.;M .llt. aid 1 Suoerin'endaiil .1 M. How. oil all iuii'" llhediy. It i- 111 sua'! mi lei t . king f , j demand perdvt aider, on i-ch an oeea- 1 vs,.-i i.uiy v.ii-ii 1 11, . e . - mi. h a 1 1 1 go . i'owd as carries. C.l.t I '. : i t a ,rv or . ( . , 1,. , 1 it ill- .1 ..ii e 1 r:.... iim, : - 1 , r, , , 1 , m .111 . 1 iaoe',.1' - i- I . o. . rs. ptilhd the bell lone 'or the train b 1 . .. , le ive at :-' o , , ,, He l-.tl.ll.. Il inw tr-nn vlti ! I o , r i 1 1 1 , ,1 1 I . f i if ; j;, w ,;' , ui)lult ,. ,, , a. . i ... . aiiiwni; ueie at r ji. ni. Di li XI. VV I'lltlllK.ltll'lll li. ! Mr. Wiiistr.'iil lining II.mmI Work :mil Alo I'rfimri ns; til Open a Itm-Uct Store. Mr. F. M. Win-lead, the photograph, r who latently moved here from Vi!-on i- 17., ns. M r. Winste id Is about to op; n a ! racket store. It will be below the photo- tograph gallery and be run largely by mcmbeis ol Mi. W insli-ml - I onlly. The goods for ilie slo'e are now ar riving, about a -tliousillld dollars worth have arrived ... d more .i.e on I he way They wall be unpacked and p -need spee bly and the sloie opened i.ext ek. , Ihe lit, nor of the sto.e ha-b,ei. parti.dly , repaltred and made na.ly f -r li s occu-j l)linrJ ' ! A XEW I1ERXE EXTEXAItIAX. Boru ou Ro$iic RanUs. ITllg. i'anl,1 to w Rome in lsl:i. at 21 Tears 01,1 .Vow 10't and Slill Active. Tin re lives at No. 47. Jones sue t. in this city, an ng d colmed woman. Rachel Sini. uons, wh according to her -.'abluents, is 1():J years old. She has no dire, t written evidence ol th .1 do of In r h;ri h. but the date 1792 an I her age co; re-ponding tlieieto aie set forth in two wa.s which agree and hi in sh reasonable i vi deuce that ihe figures are correct. She says that at the time her oaiig. st daughter was born she w ,s 40 ye rs old. That (lauh'cr is now ."57 her icje is le corded in the fami'v bible. This makes the mother 10:5. Again, there is historical evidence that the mother was in New Peine in l8l:i. that she came here in that vear. She says uei age was uaieii -ne came io mis , 1 .. ... . .tl ...1. i. . .i : i . town and thai tallies exactly with the! other story, and lairly i -ta! 'lishps hi r agi . j I hough past a hundred, the woman at tains her memory pretty well, converses intelligently, and can s'ill walk around. She says she wa- b -ru on Bogne banks. C.uleiet county, and lived there until she came to New Bei ne in 18-13 at 21 years ol age. A telegram to the. Richmond Dispatch from Walkert.in, Va.. tells of the death ol a col. eed woman of I h at place, w ho wa 110 last l hdober. She w.i- form, rly owned by Co'. Win. Pern II- ton of that county. This is ahead of the one in Nt W Heine, but as our centenarian is -till alive, she may Vet It arh 1 hat age. XORTHEIIX AXMLEKS Sicntilically i'estiny: the Waters ol' This Region In Hook mid Line Fishing. Mr. C las. Malloi y. lilauager of the I )'.! -' ,i'i''i.. ,. te.iii..-ii.p J.o.e, iu.ii.io; laini New Y.-rk to G.dvcstotl and Kev Wett, I Mid his friend Mr. fiohhs. of the saine, ofliee are at the Chattawka Hotel. Thev '. i ""ice are at tee e iiaitawke. no.ei. i ney j came lo New LeriK expres-iV lotiy Ihe, I "ck flhii.g in Tlent liver scieu. ilieally. ; ! bringing an assoitmcnt of rods, reels and i i "t" r ,;lckle ia quanuty and vari. ty j wlueli !i""i"'"'t not only Ihe nalives but I 'lem. lie hi, Might also live sand worms. packed in kelp, and other appioved bans irom "New ion. w ;tu ,i view to determine lot- himself ami a Inst of angling i xpeits who are awaiting with anxiety, whither rock h-h can betaken in these waters as they l.ave ue-n i.,r a g- neialn-n past m ine waieis aiouii.i -sew i o 1 1 . ami ine .xew I iv'-ghonl coas . It is to be hoped l.e will succee 1 ''r h" ! prom.s, s m , i hat event l hat all the hslmig I clubs Will lollovv in a body. i " " "" M.VVS IX ICR I EF. I neslav and alter neeiving m mv coi-grat- I ulations, ,h&l siiddt uly of apop'l. xv. U !S Iteq.y.-d that lill-Sll Will no! Coll . sent to Japan's military occupation of Corea, and tint she will -non i.qie-t Japan ta recall her g u risou- m th d c'nai- Srv. ! Adispdeh from Shanghai savs it is ; rumored that China will r, pudiaie her 'a, i,, ,, .,,. I , ;, !, I to Japan ill consideration of the 1 , 1 ' ei " abandonment of the I.iao Tung 1 1 n,,, i 3.111- Ml lil. The Wa-hiidon Post oil itts a pl'oini- . v. v ... ,,. 1 . ; , , choa'te got a retainer of bHl.tiim to'argu." - muiim. 1;,xt wuu an ,,ni I, r-: a no uig i th.it he was to get another slon.nOo il lie Micceided in bavin-. no law- dedaied tin- constitutional. The RiX'kv Mount Argonaut . - ' ;- I nCi:"ll,U U' ' ,C o 'Vd !' lar; el,,'M "'f ,c ;'IM'h-'''M; '"t short about one hall. Peach and oilier i may he convert' d into auxilia v ciuiscrs in the event war. . Trinity C'olJeg- has had a prosperous .year. It ha- List students and len pr less .rs. It ha- a pr. i uatory 10,d .,t Trinilv. in Ihlndoloh roniite nndatli'i- at'mg "schools id lonesboro." liuilington. Bellwood, Pilot Mountain,' Morvea and Uaitlaud. t:s ADiiit r '"' -" l ''). ;:Klwr.l in niMl llri.ll, TKI. I'.I.H klicrrics have made lln b' : ):) I - , : nee IN lllal lie I. Tie Y 1'' lai 1 at I ! 0 !' n ia ill pel ipiar!. A ictter lioin tla- Mate Trea.-mer to -a i! ti-li inspeetor, -I. I!. I'-irsinis, tate- ta;tt "i.!v .'Ts 7-'! have been turn, d into ioin -ae e '.he M rs. V . I.. Kenix ily anil I)eniK-f.'y W (,.l. !' Fulliiiit Cn ik ii- d iIhihil'Ii e.ii'.ii'e to Mnieheail tat y '11 a ibhini; V"'ie. Tliev are the pioneers ol the Mote- iea I ea-on About live bundled tienple. Iroin along ilie line oi ilie , . ,v . . . i . jj. k. altemleil lie ciniding eeriii.onie-. There were out two tlioii-.ind thai Weill liom Dur ham. iue New I ii ver I nil i e pi eted I o be re i dy for gue-w by the miiidle of June, o '.'- 'he .laek-ouville Times. W. II. U'M'- '- t!i- fontra. tor. v,'e ,r1,., in I he I hi lieu 1 1 Sun of :(ie, fot ahgator havmg b en cap. ,.,..,,,1 .,( , .,,.,..,.. 1 i.r.. v..,..,,,, ,v partv ol pleasure seekers Iroin t' at 'city. They pi-op.isi- taking the aligator hoiiio with tlean. A ' 1 rnev- .John Mnal nd Se mour II meek. Inun as cngton. . . ( 1 1 '1 11 a 1 e. I b fore .liul;e Seviiioiir in a eae of A' i 111 a'alt Thursdays liUel case against I 1 In-Slein.or Aurora. The evidence Was j 1 osen and tie- argument- made, Mr. .!. M. Keel, of Keelsbor is wide : v , i,,t , , ml:lli, l)V UM) ,i. eiivular pn. e v li-t i.r i,is "Pii.i-i .nd i',.iiti, i-'-. : He brei its live fao:ite vari, Pes i f fancv poiinry and lias luitidre is ot Inn- young ' chick, ns coming on for a fut lire supply. i The. Order of Faith. Hope and Charity j i- consi, h r.n;; the id, a of having an ev ' e.ir-ion dy sieamer e. l month. Iwo ph.. have been mi l-p-Ii d. Trenton and foil ll.rnvvpll. As the taller is a place that ha not be. n mil. h u-ed by picnic pllllu-i We jl'dge 1 1 ill I the d.S'llc ol inaiiv to visit it would in it-i If be an in dil. em -lit t" some lo go if I lie op v. 1 1 unity -Imii d be alfonl, d. l.lien lliirrel.i li'r llu.i I roin tine Fajui Mis is. llaekbi.rn A diet got oil mother large cabbage shipment the gl2.nl. barrels w Inch from one fan is a-loun- We stated licit six hands cut and pack ed the 1,1-22 packages of cabbages -cut oil' by Mis-rs. llackbuui A W libit yester day. We should have said simply t'.nt six hands cut them, which is snip r.siiigl y l.lUv u ,R.n u js (.1111B-H,crc , mt ,', ,.,iUli( (hcir bb jrs , lhl, 0 iMw ( ),l(,r . (H(, t,i(j c.kj.f Xll(.,., we,.e Uvt)v,; ,lJlm,s to t,'iat ,liu.t of ,e work, I)esill,s these that have already gone, th. re w ere 200 packages ready lust night fir a staiter on today's -hipinents. First Shipment of Xew rolAlneti. Mr. A. J. Collins of Maysvil'e made a shipment of new Irish potatoes on Tins .1 .v May 21st, 189", to Ihe Northern rr.ar k. is The shipment was small, simply hi", c h.rre's, but it is the beginning. This is the tli st we have beard of Ibis season, and notwithstanding the extreme cold and wet weather we leaiu that Mr. Collins has a good crop. Frost and Snow. There was another frost near New Heine Wednesday night, the 22nd iust. but no barm resulted. Some report having seen frost in the city on roofs early in the morning. Since the week begun there has been snow in the interior ot the state -imply enough to say it snowed that is all but even that is astonishing tor almost the ot Jlay. . . Fifty Yearn a 1'riet.t A very interesting occasion will lie Ihe celebration, next Sunday at Fayettevillc, of the Jubilee of Bishop Watson of the Episcopal church, it lieing the fiftieth anniversary of his elevation to the priest li' -n I. The Cape F. ar and V. V. Railroad will run a -pedal train out from Wilmington to Faycttcville Sunday morning to enable the people of that city to attend Ihe pleas ing exeicises incident to so important an oc.a-ion, returning to Wilmington that ni-dit, and the W. N. and N. Riilroad 1 nianagemeii). m order to afford the people J of New Berne an opportunity of p.rtiei i p. ding will sell on Saturday afternoon train a round trip ticket bom New Heme i to Favetteville and return for 4..")U. These tickits are good only on the Sunday special out of Wilmington and return to New Berne on either train of I he W. N. and N. Railroad Monday. '!" l'rl Asylum and Orphans Friend. The Oxlord Orphan's Friend comes ,.; ..,.,.; ., i,..,,,.,,,,,,,. ... ,i,,. 1 . . ,. and a ne.v out hi, it announces, from top bottom. The Mist issue is an eight-page one. It , ,.oul.lilw mwU nd'ormaiion desirable to , have on matters lxirtaining to Ihe asylum. asybitn is managed and conduct- I.,, , .., . ,.- .,..., .ii,-,,,.,,,,- .,,.,i,i 1 1, i ,1, ,1 i.e limit- oii'liiris a brief , ;,;.,... ' ,-,,. ..-.r 1 'Ulle llf the diicctors is our - ,j. (d-een Nearly a tow nsnian column is . (l,.vot,.(l to his career, f i the time he a ,,,,,, i,-, r...- ,v, i. ., u : ( (() ttu S(.n( ,;, vvhen he has t achieved su'-ces--that (alls to the lot of l)uy Mr re. n has for a number of vear-. bei n a dire, tor in the a-v I tun and is one lend"! f i's sia.-.nchest ami uio-l zeabnis fr PAMLM O SFPER.OR rO. RT. ' v s,,,,,'f ','r," b" S"""' """"''" 'i nt i Pan.'.,-., court was caned to omci 1 u s.i i y morniiiL'. ))i onip. i v ai 10 o c.oci., l.y -lud.-e E. T. Moykin. The .Judge was i very plain and pointed in his charge to the'jmy and only .cii-uniol one hour m making it l!i. hard S.nitli, who was charged with ' br, ak ing c .en .vi r. .1 . t . I timer s store. tt.ts tin -i i j u.r.i.t, ii1,, .ii,-. nit,.., ,, a tliree v.ai's in the penitentiary. The i ni, n. e was lighter than was gem nil h . j ', ' , . i... .?,. i ... .', expected a- he was knoun to ha, e lie.-n a (Z y.'VXn'd, ,-h .rgl with wil- ful murder, was aNo iroii dit into court i 'l'ue.s lav evening and she had no hiw- ver and was imahi" t" pr, cure one, Ihe court appointed .lain s J-;. ( I'llara to ap- ; .,'.'11 1". IM. ue ,.,-.-ioii,- .isim-.io, sp, ei.d y. niie ,.f 2.', ...,v. w .... were sum- ,id ... app-ar W . dm -d .y mo, nn.g The cm. cue.- was in i eumsi aid nil and It 1 saii-ta. u-.n Court aojounied Wednesday evening at I'clock, le ,v i"g no one in Panihe-i jail. 1 The New 1! rue bar was well repiv- sentid by V. W. (Ink. W.E.Clarke, I . K. J nomas, 1 1 . 1 , . 1 1 , l is, l ,. .1 . jlloore , H. C. liitehur.-t, V . T. Caho. and W. , J)- Mi-rver. The latter made a flying trip " h's hicycle. ANI v v 4 i ii jTi I 1 -wv An r . 'iAiicFSTl t 'Iti THf. V CITY V. f t '. '.'' 1 fig JLcir8.CS L O LOCK ' -P ; Largest S1 IN THE CITY. I'lii ;''.'--'. (I ATTU U T ATT K N T ID ! . . . And Are . . . Bound to Please !i And iiKik(i Grow the ever Mourishing Tree that be;us Fruit which will a 1 ways ! please every one and j brillg SUCCCSS tO tO Firm who knows how 1 4 -. A I fr4 len ( IVJ VI liov. I I" Hackburn & Willett. 1000 POUNDS Voii Ii At Retail 10c. a tail. , Sab' By DP. XJlx'ioIi, Wholesale Grocer, - - -IC Kidilo St. l - r v. -t ; J . 1 'e':, . i ' - ' ,'t "','.. S 1, - - t

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