f'1 , $1.00 Per Year INDEPENDENT IN ALL THINGS. Single Copies, & Cents.' , -;r VOL; XVIII. NEW BERNE, CRAVEN COUNTY, N. C, JUNE (5, 1895. NO. v! 5 ... ! v. v. 0 I - I-' X - (- 0: What is .----.. . GMtoria la Dr. Samuel Pitcher! prescription for Infants . Md Children. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Xarcotto saostanee. It is a harmless substitute , for Parejjorie, Drops, Soothing 8yrups, and Castor Oil. 'It Is Pleasant. Its guarantee is thirty years' use by Millions of Mothers. Castorla destroys Worms and allays '. feTerishness. Castorla prevents vomiting Sour Curd, ' cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. Castoria relieves tee t bluff troubles, cures constipation and llatulcncy. ir Castorla assimilates the food,"' reflates the stomach and bowels, civinu healthy and natural sleep. Cas torla is tho Children's Panacea the Mother's Friend. Castoria. etna for chfl- Mmh n b-ara- repcaUdly told turn of its food ssTaot a post IMr children.' 1 - Da. a. C Oeoooo, Lowell, Haas. - "CMtorfe al the bast rantady for children of rtich I nrm'" I hope tho day is not mint anas wflloomklwUMrwl t o (hair ehUtlran, and aaa Castoria in- of h vmrtow quack aostru-na which are - JiaMi J fa,thfar tavad tea, by forcing opcam, aaorphiaa, aoothJns; syrup and other hurtful Hula Sows their throat, thereby ac ruling Da. J. T. Koscsnnvo, Conway, Ark. TV Cmtamr Caaaiaa-sy, TI M . H, Cutler tSr - ' " - l'" A sr-' . -wSw1 ' -'A ' . r - v XT'" i J'. - . 3. - -! if- L (t;--lrs prGonii :to Mt your .V 1 1 Dvelliiis Jiis SpriiiiL? . "If so a few thing should inter est yon: ... : IsL Tfca C7XL1T7 ef Paint to be used. ial Ba Ctrvcriaf Capacity. Srl-lti UttrabDity. - ttS-lTS CCST. , l?pIIaTe you beanl o! LONG MAN MARTINEZ " Pure Taints, the actual e.M of which i less than 41.-35 per f If not call or sen. I tr a 0py of thrir Guarantee. Af cr naing tbeae paints Once 50a ill oe no other. J. C UHttVi & CO. -. Afsta tor UKWAH 1CA5TCII2 ; ; Pure Paints. 1000 POUNDS 2 Carolina At Eelail 10c. a Found. For Sale By ij. itolMMb Sneer, - - - ICiile St J iv THESE WARM DAYS. C BT DBISIUSO OOK t SICE, COOL DttADGHT BEER, ',: Sew aad ntiennre Hydraulic Pump with " ajl altaebmenls Jut put in. cui inno-ii '.ucooil BaUbKaala aervol iu any New York - We also carry at (all line ol fan wad aTaalailtrtet Llrs.n... vf- 8a)MM or aleUcal ;u?. SSADQOAaTSRS. FOB iFtttersoa's Pore Vanceboro Corn Whiskey. GIT US A CALi. ReepeoUnlly, The Globe Saloon, Jfsjk 97 ... JliilillrSI. MARK CT DOCK. ar.lw(tiii WRITE zxm ISiversiclo FOflLTBY, . PET -STOCK -YARDS, for their immeusc cat alogue to be issued this niontli. It costs only a stamp. EGOS FOP. HATCHING A. Sl'ECIAII V -.p.cial Pries. caFosls.- F1. E. HEGE & CO., NEW BERNE, - N. C. i2 1 Castoria. Castoria Is so well adapted to children that I recommend it as superior to any preacriptioa known to me." II. A. Aitcnu. M. D., HI So. Oxford St , Brooklyn, K. Y. 'Oar physicians iu tho children's depart ment bin spoken highly of their experi ence in their outside practice with Cnstoria, and although we only have o.-nong our medicai supplies what is known as regular products, yet we are free to confess that the merits of Castoria has won us to look with favor upon It." U sited Hospital axd Dispensary, Boston, Has. Alls C Smith, Pret , j Strata t. New York City. MADE FROM PURE PIG IRON. Not one pound of Scrap Iron Is ever used in these goods. DURABLE, CONVENIENT a. ECONOMICAL An Modern Improvements to Lighten IIowiaekeslas; Cares. Twenty different sizes arid kinds. Every Stove Warraated Against Defects. Prieee not much hlfrher at this time than on commoner kinds of Stores. Con on or address Co., J. C STOLEN" from Ilearn it I, .key. near Ihe mouili of npjxr Broad cn-ek. Craven Co. od t!ie night of M iy 27th. 1S05, n sorrel hoise, with heavy mane, very l;ug feet, a white spot in his face and small warts al) m his nostrils, close htidl. weigh- j ing n t u t 00.1 lb-. Smij, 1 to have x-en st '! n by a necri1. A mi tihle re wani will be paid (or iccovery of same mSSMawlt Hearn & I.okky. Black ani Clay Peas. A Limited Qnantily BLACK AND CLAY PEAS. GERMAN MILLETT. At CnAs. 1?. Hill's, niStru New Born, N. C. JAMRS G. TINSLEY and CO., IMPORTERS A. MASt'F A CATCHERS OF Fertilizers, Office & Factory at Richmond. Va.; C. E. FOY, Manager, orn:s atd wasxsouse at KIWBZaiTE FOS EASTSSN NOSTS CA&OUNA DZLITESIES. We offer on lime Tor jnn I foenritv a S I'A N D A It I ) CO 1 T X Ol'ANil. pH able XoveuiU-r lrt, 1S95 one ion (liuiiio for4X)ttii. ilerchantahle Middling Lid Cotton. The cotton t. h - (h-livrred in Nt-w lie rue on or before Nov. 1-t. ISO.-;. A large supply of Kainit on hand and will be Sold at rc.sou.iMe prices. 2 hit Just Received! A large lot of new I NOIiTlI CAROLINA I1AM3. ! I mil li a-jeiit for "licst on K.irlh" Mid tiold .Meilal l-'loi.r. Try a bairel. S itiWaclion CJ uar.n.i eo, I or uinit-y refuud e.l. Lorillard and Gail and A Snnll'a spec I ially. SkC'ounlrv Merchants do well to see lue lf"re buying il-e heie, as 1 guar- , ante-! to 1 1 you goods i In-apt r for I he CASH lhan .iny h"i.-e n :ho c iv. My -tibh s are fin.- t" tin- tr ,d. . All Coo. Is (!uar ui'e '! or liioi ey re fnudeil. Vouis Kespitl fa' ! v Parker Jr. NO. 77 l!i;OAD ST. These Drinks : f' Ice Cream Sl-, I Vl'iiit- A pplc Silierliet, Cherry I'hosphiiti', IV Cherry Pepsin, C- Coo:. ' 1:1. l.e' Wine Coca, .-& Leinonaiic, Z-gy Fruit Nectar Soihv Water. AT NUNN & McSORLEY'S. " I.ony eipt-i ienee made turn w 1-,-." - i . . v . Tliiit istlie only way tonic of its loam wisdom by rx'pPi'ienct1. Now our oxperieni litis tattglit its tluit the best is always the cheapest. When von in-e'l a pair of slims trv our i lino of lliem. tliev do not cost much i more than inferior shoos :tnl will do twice the service, l'ip e-j three to mi five dollar-). Now lot Haiulkeivhief.s Just in. J. M. HOWARD. . . - - - - IDMEDI.KATK MFMOKIAI. POEM. Wii'.ien bv a Uranioil l-.ilv :ml rc;nl by I'.i'V. I. 'I'. Alu mollis ;.l Uu- Meinoiinl M: Viri' Uu 1'" M;i V 1 1 1 1 1 1 . I.OIl Vlnfs !i;iVl! i:- Ci 'Ml' til. f.iil' Southern laiul S;iif e t In- 'la; k .i.irlu. .Iuvj-dI' .'o.i'llv Winn tit'- yiim wnr. with naked -A Old, M:.i.- i;- .v v .lnii'. in) n our fount rvV life, I n .mm have jiasM-.l; The li -I " -nl an. I sli.w. S har.l t' b av, n bitter ! relu u-e, S:iieotliie deal' t' ': ;ii-. i i.w uu ul-l. ring itit'n .Uirt. rillcl e; rli thvir Ilii'lir ill f'.nl.- ureal llniVr' -e. Il'flvc Hi' n H'i le tl.ev. 't ni'ttiV t lie III tl.e'i.lN 'it'i j iv u! ptii!.. "I i.'!"i'."tM i :orv rini'.', F. 'f I i aiit "s hati.l rn urc.itli ol 1 atn'e 1 ' v 1 1 e Nor ' !' tl:eir doe ! have 1-anN and miii--tri - !itv', . . i ! nub. - I '" ' -i I'llu:'!1 nqo, A;;hoiiuli liny 'oiiLtlit tor IkcIoii li tin diutli Sot tin i -s the coriilvmi' I'ene o:i his t.'iy'.- ng". A ie r nl line ; innvn!;'- by llioe Who. v.'iii'L.' mi I i 'Uu'. moi t with -,"!iy. " i.ea bi'' tin r !bai;lil wtli brother, soil with -ire. And a'l the land w r. .1 ith bloody l i ay. ,V le'ilal time; l"it liuning ii the, he. iris Oi' tli. i-o win) -Hove, a kind, ioruivinsr ,1 ae. ' IV vi I : 'J o i'liriM'oko w v: h.rgive iir.M. I Time hods nil woii'ids uiih ins uiilail-j li u; grace. I And sn Lhuc'.lh these izrand inaj.-stie j oik-. Whose slurdy limbs doty the winds ;md .-torn.s That m il' .mil rave anum I their ancient j h :i'i, I Held hili above tl oir ma.-sno moss- yrown fornis. j Our her. ms .-leeji '.ill linn- shall tOase to i be While ron ad tie iso rosos bloom, and h: i 1 1 1 hi 'd- sing And ltant hrenkers make s .ft mel ody. And here, with tender touch, ami reverent hand We br nt: our ci.oh-e-t llowers Memo rial Day. And lay them on the lowly, moss grown graves f tho.-c wc loved ,- the gallant boys in gray. llistorie i in. is tan claim no braver names Than these, who cabnlv met a soldiers fate. And viohled up their live5, a willing "gift. 1'pon the nbar of their native State. Th ink God! To-day fur peace with loving hands Iloldi our grc it country in a strong em brace And hi. is us all with lamest, tru-iing iailli Turn toward the future with a brighter Le-. The morninj brea'. aline our Koutlum i .u 1. The loin:, dark niolit, has seen an end at last And Hope our guiding star, shines clear and bright, (iiving us courage to forget the past. TIIF. I tl.l.l X IIIKFTAIN. BV KVNDOI.r A. SHOTWKU.. The fnllovvini w is written by the la nientecl Shot well in l8Mi. to ho snug l"l" the U uelit o, the .Stoii iw.ill Cometery." at N'ew I'erno X. C . and ha- never K lor.i lie. n pul'b.-hed. It is given us for puMi iation by Mr-1. .lenule Shotwell. his brodier's wn low. j -Kutliei ford IVnno cral. We shall naet Vuit t' -hi'l miss him. There will lie one alu-enl I. in : One that .nt to "lory h-d u-. Throuch iisihadly battle storm; 'Tis but a lew short years wo iiuml'i r. Since our hears wtsre I" ating high. But. alas! in '-ea-eless sttmilier All our hoes with.Tackson lie i 1 Choih'' Wt-shall moi t but we shall, ini-s him, . There w ill b- one diearv void; For i In- hoj.es vie 'on.llv c!o-nshel Are loievertnoto deti'ovcd. At our lirei'les sad and l.-nolv, (llteo will the I os i in swell. As n o lVlen to '. he siorv How our nob!,. ( hoflaiu lo'I IIow he bravely Ikire our b inner .7 Through the fn ice I of the li-jht, Ti) uphold out Southern honor, Iu I he cause ol Truth and liight. CitORfs We -hill meet but we shall miss hini. We shall lor oor loveil ope vveep. A- We m ii-l in sili hl oirov ( for the giavo wh' re Stonewall .-loops. True they tell us w real lis of glory Kv t run ii e will dts k his I n ow ; i!nl this s, otlu s tr.e .-ingui-h on!v, Sioejiii)g over our heart-sirings uo-.v. And though Fume in future age-. May eiishiine hun wl ere he lid!. Nor -iin a-e our hearts assaigos For 1.1- !a:l 1 o. aine oe.r kn. II. Chokl's We shall meet hnt we shall u.iss him. l-iv. r mi-- our fillen brave While we giiive in moiiiiifnl si h n c r i he cum- he ei. d to save. r ii i JO X.I 11. HAUL A i.b'e maid -.it in a jompiil In-'-, aging alone, iii a low h.ve-n.ne; And tin- Win! su.pt by with ;i h'sh ir.. an : 1". .r I o ionge 1 ', o si.i v Wilh Ihe Maid all if, ; l'al he k: ov', A - he I . w . l! ".v..- true ' 'I hat Ihe d w '. ul. I l ev. r. lievt-r dry ll' Ihe Wind shmp.l ,1 (-'. So he hii-.'n d away whe:e tie- ro-ebiuis L I'eW. An I while to the L m l ol Ihe Rose went in-. Singing alone, in a low love-tone, Tho I.ittie Maid sat in a juiuptil tree, . Tin- W j-..I swept back to tho jonquil ire. 1 At the cl...- of d .y. In the 1 w iiijht g: a s : Rut the -ivi-r Little Maid li ,,l stolen a w :u ; And whither -in "- tl w n ill iievor l-e know n i" 'fill the Ro-o tr i Asitb'ow- ,' fV', -hall di-e'ose , ' Ail it know - f tin Mae! so for r Wilh the .tin-,', hair. And the id Wind conies and --gli-, rind g"( s. A n 1 .ire am-of 'h day t.o i p Wevr tree. When, singing rdoiie, in a low hive l one, i A Little Muid ?at in a jonqivl tiee. v I .. . Arthuji- Maev. ; SI IT A . I Al'I'KAI, TAKES. In the Libel so of I hai. I., (riskill vr. Slierlfr I. alio 4-1 Ti c liiel ease of Mr. Ch-s L. Ga-kill, ot' lb.: lo.iiu r New Ih itie Cont'iel'. brought again.-t Sh.iirt' W. B. I.atv. County SLinei'.titi ndi nl of Health. Dr. beinsti r Duffy, and K. K. Harper publislu r of tli.- tloi'U NAt.. caiv.e U) before .luouu Hryan Friday. d:uiia,'i s oh .rai tor The Miit was f..r ").fn0.0(l Mr. ikill i lainiiii',' tli al hi h id l ien daiiM-ed to that ext. nt. The ease was called early m Ine mmn uii;. but in-ai ly h.i'I'ol' the day was ron 'Uaud in c'l'pancliu-z a jury. l!e.-iilos i x hanstiiiu the l'-ular .jury and per-ons .-ir itie't to jury duly in I ho court m mi, Coroner Street. ae'lilL' -lieillV. "a- com pelled to nuke a .-pet i d -u union- i'r.nii oiit-ido. Aft. r jury was einnnnelod. attorneys Tor p'aintiir moved for judginent for that the dcftndan.'s ha I fliilrd to jiroperly verify their answa r. Motion refused by .lu Ige Dry an. DeUndants allowed to amend verification of answer, whei'iiipoa aitor ie . f.i pad t'.il'a-.noii-ci d that in del' r , ii. a to IPs lfon'or's iiitimalioii the plaintiff would n.ter non-snit and prayed an appeal t o the Siipri me ootn i. The atloni'-vs f..r tiie pi dnlitl' were Mos-rs. W. W. 'Clark and I,. .1. Moore; for llie d. fendanls Messrs. 0. II. Cuion. M !,.V. S-.ivt.nson, 1'. li. I'ollelioi' and Hon. F. M. Simmon.- o." I!ihiu;h. Till'. HOT WKATIIKR. Tlie Tlioriuoiiicler Slill Hiiibiiis- KeAeliok . .1 YeKlerflay. 'J'ii" govi-l nineat wather leeoul s'mws that Friday wasthiee digree- holler than l he previous d iy. The highest piint died the lowo-l TiO.."); range The h mperaltue got to Ihe highest point in Chiciioo, bilVre it did in Niw JJonic. We cannot say wheth er the . res, nt niaik h .s ever leeii passed in May tefore or nl. Th ie was one d iy last M av that tame close to it but (lid not i;ui!e reach it. On the 17th of hc-t May it was 94 5. laekuisr just two digrees, ot b ing as hot as ihe last day of this May, which is hotter than any day of laat ear. Stiange to say the 17tu of May, ls'4. which we have just spoken of was tiie hottest of that year. The next liotles, was in Aug'isi; it then reached !3 . There were four days in Ju'y when it stood at Hi. The hottest day of April last year was 84; ami of this ytar it was 8a. And yet whe.i talking of all t'ds lllt, it may perhaps be a li'lle refreshing to re member that only 14 days tx-fore this hottest ''ay there was t ro sr. There was a slight, trust on the 13th of May. and one on the 17lh heavy enough to do .-omt damage. lit ICK A. X. K. It. SCIIF.ni'I.E. An Hour Saved in Knell Oireolion Fine Tor Mnroheftii ViHiton and the Trnvellliifr Public enernl!y. A new schedule went into i (TeCt Monday on the A. iV: N. C. li. 1!.. wh ch (cli)ses any which the mad has yet had. I'nder its workings the regular mailnud passenger train will maki the run from Moiehead City to OobUb ro an hour ipiii-ker than it now does and make a r.u.ihtilv rptn k tun on i lie return trip. Cider ihe new schedule the tiiiiti leavif Moiehead city an hour hiler iu the morn iug and yet reaches Gohhboro tive min utes so ii- r than noiv. and coming back it letives Ooldsljoro at the same time as now but gels to Mi ivhead City inaily an hour soon. r. The morning tiain, on an 1 after Mon day, haves Moreliead Cily at M:07 a. m.. ariivein New llerne al 9:17 and have at 9:.'5' and arrives in (ioldsboro at ll:'2- a. in. Returning, it loae Gold-'.oio al 15:20 p. 111.; airivos in New Ih rile at rVFi; leaves at .":.'. and arrivisat Moivhea l City ;il H:.'i7. This is a tine schedule and Morehead visitors this suninicr will appreciate it. INFORMATION ASKED FOR. i By a Clinplafn Who WniCnitnrpil iu Berne in 1h-. Ih-v .1. W. U.iby vviit'slrom Hailing- r, I". .i-. and sas he was in the lu spit d In re when New Derne fell, and ;isks about Misses I'ae a' d Miriio. Miss Rice had charge ot hospital under Dr. Tull. Miss Mai tin was a dai' v v isitor. He studs love to the piople of New l!eine an 1 says. '-These noble souls cave mo ail th.- i tienlion a mother, sister, or hrothei wauhl have given. I am slill hoping some sue- t day id meet the-e ihar on. s over then-." A D. Bktts. rlh Carolina ami ihe Civil War. Klsi where in to-daV paper, in our Washington ooi respon. lei ce. iijip. a'.s an eMr.ict limn the New York Tin.es, which is the most appreciative an i le in n aaril to North Carolina's po-iliou in the bite war that has ever appeared in any Norih eru ia)er. It is Lasid upon statistics that will go into l hp official history of the war. an I i-. therefore, a tin.-d pR"f that will b- accpteilby all the world, and l u' all time of ihe claim that well- inkinned North Carolinians, have always ' mad.-. The article shows the loss by Stales of six Sou'.hern Stales. The follow ing tid'h-, which we have prepared from the Cen u r. ports of lsf,0. show ing the white popu lation in each State, wlun c iur.i-te(l wilh the number mortally wounded and killed, giv. s a clear uh a of what the New York Tiiiie- i alls "ihe h. ."ie valor of ihe North Caiolira troops:" Killed and Moria Iv Wounded. I4...g-2 o,:!-2S !l. 1 ST ii.o,V! ,").Ml7 !'.714 s also gives While Popu lation. ii"20.!)t"2 1 047.2!l9 412.320 ."!M..i')0 :!.i:l.899 'j,")7,4-iO V ( aro'ina V i ' g i n i a . "s. C.-indin i I Ipolgia, M ississi ppi, Lolllsiall i. 'file fillies also gives tl fact that North Carolina also heads the li-t in the number that dii d ol w ounds, and 20.002 o! her sons died of di-ea-e. North Car- obna's military popul dion in 1 SO 1 . was I Harnett county shot and kil'f I a de-p.r-I 1.1 ::r,9. but slie furnished 121 000 io the! ate negro named Claudius Thomas, Abas ( 'i ''federate onus j. The laiv.e of North Carolina is now se me in history. News v Observer. irthe Baby is Cutting Teeth. ' Be sure and u-e that old and w ell tried remedy. Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup for children teething. It soothes the child, sortens the gums, allays all pain, cures a, an"undertaker and embalmer." In the w ind colic and is the best remedy for ! pu.urc he will be known as the "mo-li-! diarrhoea. Twenty-live cents a bottle. ! Han." This was decide I on at the second utilyr day's meeling of the Funeral Diri ctois' i - - I -.social ion ol Kentucky, which was held I The S uiiord Kxpr.-ss -ays that Judg-e' Eueliil Hall. Louisville Couimer. ial. 'Clark has appointed Rev. W. II II. Law- . ,-on. of Sampson county who was a cap- 1 , tain in the Confedt rate army, lo write the h.-toi'V ( f the Fort v-eighth regiment. Biiekleu's Arnica Salve. The best salve in the world for Cuts,! Bruises. Sores. I'lcers, Salt Rheum. Fever Snies, Telhr, Chapjie.l hands. Chilblains, Corns, and all Skiu Eruptions, and posi tively cuies Files, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction or money refunded. Price 21 cents per li x. Fo"r sale by F. S. Duffy. Druggist. All truth is nonsense to the man who has let a lie make its home in hia heart. 200 m no: x shim: cases, lloloro JiHltse A. S. Soymoiir JiHltse A. Kaloi ill. As Mr. Fab II. P.tt.iv. u-no-:: tu:r oilier lauyots Mit ye-'.orilay ni..niii wilh in the lxtr of the l-'edera! Court rooa he femarke l as tho crowd Kent ath'-iintf to the astonishm. nt "l ad l'ie-i-iit. tli ,t the: 0 ; it.,.n llo -ueli aileinlanec :i..n tho 1 " u i I . .l S a1 s C li t .- i.ee ; le i a i ; . I '. i 4. m the Kul,bix 'ia-.s i I ).' i . t Allot ik-v I .ri-.i-. II. -o u k an ', "1' .1 u, j',i o. .k - and 1'.' aa i. Then too. to this, the had l-enn add. d the to Faster. i I)'-' i'i, I . nloailig liei co'in- tlis: Pels .n. Oraujf'-, I ti' liani, ( 'Icith nil :iad Moore, some ol which an so pe -pad as not to improve the p -i-.i:. 1 ot those sent up l'or judgment. Tims the o,,ll t thai li o 1 I iei n (an lulled by ( i ..erui- lit officers to draw their w ej. s ,,i v.Mit into the -ci r, s and hua.ito Is ami in re. for the mo-t pari, eharg. d wilh ii IV: i lion of the levenue laws. Tiny io k. d a hunted sit, being a mixture olwhi-kc!'-and hair and legs and home spun j :-t oi.t of the dim places ol the. w o ds. Tin re wore h ft ow t some nn'rV I oa-' s 1 1 on) last li I'm, and there w- io let l . I handid lo tli.' gru'ii! ,'pity .ovi r l .w h..n dreil wiuraiils licit had lieon issued m the oa-es ot new er i ll'oiiders. - Nt-,s s u .l O'.-i rw-r. nisi iri.F. s i-MMi . Ilinner nl Seoll'H Landing: 'Mien n Trip lo Polliiksvlllc-1 hen llouie Hnrll Bound -A Merrv Tlini-. The Disciple's Sunday s, h ail made anothi r tine s-core i n their ar.n.i d p cnic yesterday -the maddest, merriest day ol the season. The day was perfect, oouhl nt have been finer il'nUi.lo to order; bri-tht i mild, wilh ihe last soft breath of spring. , We went tip the Tirnt. and on the I "Trent whafs a picni.i without the "Trent?" Wewo'ip.l up the winding-.' admired the biautifuls (ii'-ry,and noiic.-'l the toitoises along the Im t uoiis way. At S-ott's handing we halted lb'' duiner. and enjoyed an hour or two ot unlit romping swinging and social coiiveisatiou whil it was prepai ing. Several thing- w ei e noticeable ab. nit tli diniu r firrt we saw a bun dance on th t-able. then the scene ehanged to a Iin representation of '"dissolving views," a .1 soon the countenanC' s ol' all s emed r idi ant with a glory which only shines wlun the iii'iei-nian has been suitably refreshed. Then we went to l'olh ck-vd!e. threaded ihe uihzjs of that ancient and honorable town, and refrcbhed oa:- erowal viihi's celebrated waters, l etter even than the wau r of the Trent. Then, turn Hip was ilel'ghttul. Who will over forget lie- emo. tions which swell in his bosom as ho goes rolled about the "roundabout.'"' 'The westering sun now touched the rim of day. And shadowy night crept up the eastern sky.'' j Wecame in by moonlight pleased with I ouiselves, each other, and our tuning j thanked God and sought our hon es in peace. 15. A 92 Tear Old Criminal. A speo't'd from Ka'eigh to the Wilming ton Mes-enger giws the following men tion of a rase in the Federal court which is now being held there by our townsman, Judge Seymour. 'in the 1'nile l States C rcuit court here to dav Marshal C:i' rol asked that I the case ngaint .h.hn Moms m. i0 Mo. re i C unty. lor Selling win-Key wiuiout li cense, be called at once; that Monison was in jail and about to die, and w as lei yiarsold. The Case was dismi-sed, Mor rison was re'ea-ed and the ofti.-ials io ad--up a pmse to meet his opens. s here Ib is the o'dest in in ever b.;iore the Federal con t.'' Ir. Hyall'N Skill. We have several times noticed vt rv skillful ami successful operations per- I formed by Dr. Hyatt of KinstO.i, and we t see in the l'ree l'nss mention ol -oine he has J li st peiformed. The Fiee Pr ss .-ays:' "Dr. H. O. Hyatt removed a large tu mor from a colored woman hist Fii.lay. On Tuesday of 1 ist week he operated on the ( ye of "Mr. Jesse W . Carson, oi Retlul. removing a grow ih from it. As :i sur-jeou j Ur. Hyai t pel h ips h as no superior iu t.n-j State, and hardlv a week p a--es that he; does not peilorm seveial lions. ' ie d opera- .aid is taken wilh rod and li el from boats Oealh or John Tull ol I.cuoir I'onnly. nn(p,i , v ,.p it on--, ei who know iis Li noir coiin'y ii ridle I upon to mourn tWihng grown! and it- liabiis. The hi it the loss of one of its lies' cibz u-. Mr. i is mullet, and is u-ua!lv taken by I he tar John Tub is de:id ponuearii'O hoit' in. U'li. u Iiooked he He died in his GJrd y; ar at his resi- o j w s boatmai a live y ohase over a donee. Tower Hill, three miles tnm K.in- large aiea of sdl Watei'. lU'.uing wild uti st"U on Friday, ihe 24lli inst, of paralysis , xha listed, w he'n he is low ed along side He leiivts a wile and nine childien 0 lament h s departure. They were all pn-s enl at his lUathbed, some having boon summoned from long distances. lis remains were intined in the family bit in Kins! on ceniet rv on Sunday morning, a large concourse ot sympathizing Irie.idsl being present. A noble-hearted, patriotic citizen, a kind parent, a generous friend, an open - handed neighbor, a Christian gentleman has gone lo his le.vard. I.i I us imitate hi- virlms, and lot our hearts go out in sym-' p.-tthv with the ilistie-sid family. -- Kinslon Free Pi"i M WS IM BBIF.F. E -Speaker Cri-p, of lemgia. is out in I a card in which he deelaivw lie is in favor i ol l he free and unlimited coinage cl' sil-l ver at the ratio of 16 to 1. Good ptogress is lieing made in tin ; addition lo the Raleigh Hosiery Mills, j The addition is to be three stot'us high i and will contain 7. Odd spindhs. A Western man. who was n ct nl 1 v in- : vited to a seat on the lloor ol the tl, u-e , at Washington, indignantly refuse I, say- ' ing that he v as accustomed to sit on chairs at home. Fx. On January 1, ISO the railr eids of the I'nitcd States were u-iog ;U,2Ml loco-; motives, 24,881 passenger cms. 7.100 mail, and baggage cars, an I 1,HW,S10 frtight Cars. i David L. Matthews, of Rradit-y's store, Han ington, on Mav 27ili. Miithew's was the man whose house had been fob bed and he pursued and overtook the . !.;,.(" ,.-1,., ,-,..-,l ..rr. it -in. I 1-.1I..1 , , 'V ' - "r,j. . ' ".. - , .'.ri t'c.oiit. ..e ,t-L.o....." ...c eo.o.e. -,i'j was justinable iiomiciue. i An undertaker will no loiifer be known When Bahy was pi.-k, w,? pave her r'astorla. Wheii she was a ( 'hil.l, she ei i.-.l for t 'ioci-ia. When she became Miss, she clung to 'a-,.' a'io. When she had i "i.ikl.-eii, sl.e gm ,-tlieiu l'a-.toi ia. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria. Children Cry for Pitchers Castoria. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria. FACTOItl KS Hard al IVork ami 'I'll i-n i uu' Out 1 I it it -.a ml o I Ha i-i-i-l. lor I li 'l'ruK. v i-s i ii ii i iii; lii M l.ii-l.. We at'. entei iiM upon tho potato dig- g no -ea-I aisv a ( w moot the u'liniie; :, We -'i ft.loiy ii ; ia I I In- ! ane. hu t' .far- are ork l'.'Mt'i.u in. lie- barrel- to e-iian no o o I 1" i letib i an Mi' 1 1 1 :l'0 ,r tile Fast ( i nil ma of whtoh .11 1 b utl-I M . l:. 15. 1.. -.ding . They liic-'tion. tli rivers N' ill i- i a n . i -i'li no i a : e "I- i! II --IUI.il - ..if l,-.y 0 .n t ta- t a ! ho I i ' o :v.- , ,j,;. e d-.Tv," 1 w ra - r III. 1 1 .Is ' i it -( ill! loi' tli . eees i : 1,1 l.w ' ' 1 e.i ' li IK si. te w . It lie n I I leV p. u; !.ll d:e I i-ai I - VO-! I Ti li V. Their in-iko el' I e.lte of the If. Ill' air. ady cut lor e II- til .i : hoy ale ' bt-i or ti, ti'.-,i-i 1, Ti o .be . - i . ai i . W'ol k. 'I'll: V beg art'. 1 bam itiiat: -I e. i- mi .-xael .lupli I with Ihe si a v ( -'ii. Tin y inform ; it .- li n.er ..I'd 1 ta. to:., 1- til- . hard al ii wan k the lii .-t of Al i v. Tin y iu- wot king ei-h'eon to tw in v h iiel- al.' 1 1 1 : : li i ii : oil a ta'-ll-ar-d barrels a -I iv. Tin have biirels .st.ieked up iu large 'paint it : s. Tiny infnin us thai 111 ', have twelve o" lilo'-ai thollsind lloW ' 'II I'll. I. Mr. . I . 1 .i t- is lorem ,n o ihe fa i oi y : Meadow's w ' 'ol : vel i d It', customer-. Me--i- .b w hi li i - e : i id:y from b ;s stiongly , u iri'ow ii 1 wire hoops out. two ll it an iiisi'lo w i f.i.-tocii g ho. With I wo ther - i- no . M. J!. II. and .1. A. h i ve : bo handling of them I a IT Is coster, le v to t hei r le s t1: Co.. inal-td-ite I at i prv -t ., . i. ., i .... . .'. .. i a barrel nr. pracli withal, II oii-i i noted. l tie s aves are ate lu id together by thi'i e at t he cat re vvo en in and wo ad hoops at ihe bo'.tom,: i.i. I hoop ,ti t he centre and a p tor l he l e al. -ueli goo 1 f.eloi ii'-s i tinning anger b.t t w h it the I rucki l ' w til b a''un.i liitiy -uppl:e 1 t ' the haikv ii-i-.er- of th - but oeing - pro hict a d tic y tak" up. olv iheiiiSolvis i ihe large amount ' f ro-nn '.he more t ti", 1 1 ueUei's sit i -"im wl al in ai nice of Ihe tin o w I th I a Pel - an :t lb the fact Wanted, the e ;-iel it c.a rie-. i-no i o a i i:vs of TiiF. riu cii. Reinu' Taken For The A. C. I., tor Ad vertising; l'nrpose-llow 'I'liey Will he I'weil. Mr. 1..I. Iluiaiet oi' Wilmington has li. eu eng iite I in taking photographs of truck and stock (arms i 1' mis n gion for tin- Allaiiiic (.'oast Line to use for adver-li-ing purposes. The ph'uoeraphs are huge liiiniisoine i ni s. They are llxl 4. Last -vear Mr. Unmet t took some similar views hut tin y were smaller. He has, miring the last mouth or so taken pllO' Ogl'.i phs if faru.s all along ,'rotn Wilmington to Ne-v Rome and then came on to New R.rne. The railroad :s aiming at i lie higher deve'op-uent of the country The more it is developed the more height it will have lo hail Mr. i'urmtt has taken views at Me-srs. I 1 T ...1-1, A- Wilt. as o,l Wm llnnn 1 fo in-, and also ol the Riversi'le Kennels. I'oultry and Dot Stock Faim. One view was takin fiomtlie top of Mr. liege's hoii-e. j Some i f the views will le phiet tl in the ; -tale mils uai i.u i o heis , nl be shown at theAilaida Exposition. A circular containing copies if the views on a smaller scale wuiai-o iu pn-iiareil lor ili-tributioa at Atlanta and elsewhere. Tiie view- thai have la eu l iken this year eadiiaco the .strawberry, pets and cabbage. Mr. Run ett i-xpci Is to relii'n slim tl v lbr view - of i he beau and polnto ti. Id-." I AKI-ON I IMIIMi -iaiil Onoi I nnililon Dnr Const Wilh Itl.tlS. .f the South Atlantic is a li-h for w inh r anglers. The I irpon popular gamp Scores of them are caught at Tampa, Aran-a- Pass, Fort Mprs and other .V v. rite !o -abties in Floii.l.i and Texas by we itliv -p i t-men ev iy season. It is a giganti lirgerl Sj.pcies ol hel'l'illg, with. scales inn a silver dollar and of the same hue which do r.ot tarnish with time. i The lls'i Is is acl've as ho is ponderous, ml gathd. The most -m oi s-fiil angler of the past a a n w - s .ir. in-ti) N. Patti rson, of' Philadelphia, who-e tackle iruuk has been j in the w itelioii-e ol the A. tV IN. at Now li: mo lbr several di s. C. R. R awaiting the ait iv al ot is owner wh ped t , trv tl e o edit v of the lishing groundsill ; fni,: y.eii.ny. liui Mr. Paiiei.sou h is jusi i unh red Ag. nt Willis lo forward it to Philadelphia, and tin- i onteinp'ate 1 visit I i o New R. fro w as d' f rrod nut ii 1 ill. A loiipr icccived the same day by Mr. ( his 1 HaUoek an I da'ed Mav "2."-, -avs: our letter was forwarded lo me at Foil .ieis, l-'la.. where I caught uveal y tarpon, ihe l;trg- st t his -e..son. four m one dav. woi-dimg re-peciveiy. s2, 1.14, 142. and j 1 0 pound; nearly OoO pounds ag gregite. In at ing then cord for largest Ij-h ami niinjber of pound-. The length ol the heaviest was seven feet thiee inches." Mr. HiiHtircr'1 Reeord hero. Mi- 1." V U.hvI.ito ll,.i tve.it-, i- oi. in : two r.vitici: . ',. , I tv at Kershaw niueli to he regie: tod. The .sewmg machines and plausible talker who J , ... ... , , , 1 statement is, that during an altercation west -n to h uiston with a horse he had i .. .. , , ,- , , . , , ,. 1 b lwip.a .Mrs. I d Sauls ami a hind col huetl from Ihe livery -table. 4 Messrs. M. ; n.(,, i,nv sfi thiew Paris green in, Ilahn .V Co.. just lor one day and for a I ami l,o knocked her down u ith a club in short distance, has led some of ihe good Ha ling painful injuries, people of Kinston to bcieve that he w:is Tin- b v was I ned lj..f re I.ovick Ilar-un.iu-tly U'eaied iu his arrest. Minor j ,-js, Ksq ai.rt in delaliil . f bail, lodged in Win. lolis wants it Known what kind i 1 a man he wa- while here that othes mav ant be imposed upon by hi- -tei'iis. j lie now ha- 2 sii-peiul d judgments f r wife-beating hanging ey. r his head in this ' city. The la-i time ho coated such an uproar a.- to dist urh the neighborhood. A-for tin- nrte-l mi ihe natter of the! hoi so, the tact- -elfoithi'i the Warrant an--V urn to by ihe owner, a good and relialoe citiz n ard will be sustained! sh.-uld oooa-ioii ail.-e ioi- I 1 urn- is ll' sh.uld occii-iou ails - lor t ihri-i'is in likchho-.I of there be.::g any need ..r i 1 " o however. Mr. 1 Mr. Mowhrey has gone ami no one will try to bring him back and he is hardly likely lo leiurn again ulierdoing a- ne lias (lore. ll is h 'pe-1 he will amend his ways get along i etier el-ewhere. :ul'' Federal Memorial la.v. The crowd which grli -red at the nic nvri d sgrvices at the National coinetery visbl'dav vas estim do 1 at 3,ll!ii. 11 was composed almost oeln-.ivelv f colored. people. Tin- xereisos, as (h.-y have b-e-n for a i in :n I ii i" ol year-', were entirely un der their niaii ag' ment. V. A. t'l'ttwloiil was the orator. He talked mainly of ihe ppgni in military pyi nts o! ihe woihl. ihe part he took in various wars and f bravery they exhibited iu the !a-l war. He mentioned in the eourse of his n marks a Confederate eolor td regiment from I.oui.-iana. and other ea-is w In re c. aloied inea rn listed in i lie ( ause of the South, among them some of Secretary Ju lah P.Btuj imin's slaves. Tiie exercises were exieu hd, and at in tervius the bands enlivened th occasion 1 with mush ti: i:iK( Ti:i) or ,1'lniliin K. M'lhi Viilli'C A l i-iiiol'ial VAi3ilit I'la.-otl ta Ills .Weimiry in Salem I'.-malo Aeail-iii i lia ol l,v I lit- Istll i; rail ual intf Class Willi I in prossi ve Vi-emon it-s l i-s. v ,'llK-i- I'i-i-oiiI- -I .iiiiii-ii-'I1ii'ii I Sl(-l ta ! I O Jop ; N , !,, Win.-, rn.',. N. C., M gu. I'.-'iiv inarke-1 ci even; th it , :'.! : no. moi able i a tic hi.-trii of Win-ton-Saio n. In ooniKitio.i with the Nit ety-lhird e. 1 1 i :in nee loot l ' I .'ef. is - a S ill 111 It tun t- ' .!, g, . ihe o'.i'-; "1 for girl- in lie j "- i.lii. the ;i-s porman. nt ' t tbitte i--'c!od in I he S:a'.i in ho-ii r i f Noith Cii'cina' ni' ,-t li. !o o. 1 sop. tho lab- Senator Zeliii l"ii I!. ';ince. was f. ru alty pifsonted to the ti'u -;' o! that i n-' it it' i n with ap p topi ;-,t.- a , ,ii ioi p .-.tie . 1 e" . It w a - a la rue .ml a 1 1 i t ie 1 1 a-a oi i , I window which was purchased and pined in ti p college , ', ape bv iin H'i gin, boil ing ela-s. Tiie win low wti- pr.seiiled by Hon. .1. (.'. Haxton of Winston, who ma 'e a -'. r. ng an. 1 tom long aldr..--. Hi- por tr i v d of the ile id Sou .t .i s i-f, w ,s gland and biiiutif.il. He -aid licit Senator Vance w he i a-ked t i give the s'i ret for hisgr iit hold u pi i tin- people of his b- leoliod: ' I have never ceived them.'' Ri-hop R nab h ,l!i r ol ihe Moi'aV'aii lbr ihe till t es church :i: i i pted i: in a -pie o liil an I ap npl'iale a. h I ri Mrs. V logeilo r of other friends :,nd 1 i ed S' n dor wittu w ilh a large niin.lier admirers of the la -ss. d the inter. -lino , ami impi'e--tve ceremonies. T' too lo-v is eommenceine t day prop- r ol' the oh! Moravian -. Imol. The I lion will b'del.verel by Mr. .laan-s ta M. .'. n ll;cl. a law puiier o; th.- well kn politician. Hilhara (s. llarnly. 1 - ol I ; i i ! . i ' U lpl.ia arrived toi'ay. Diplomas will he pre-cntu! to ,":! gr.nl u.'Ues. The largest (lass in ihe histoiy ol the s. ho d. 'I he graded irusieai eonci rl cnneoll to night. Si-erolary t rt'shain'-i Funeral. Sflec'al lo Jo riiNA I.. Wasiiinuton, D. C, May, 20. The funeral ser vitas of Wa'ler titiintnu l-resiiam, Secret u'y f the Interior was held at the White IIo.is.- to-d ay by Ri-hop 1 1 iir.st, of the Methodist L'plseoial church. The Pr. side it and cabinet Ii ive gone to Chicago with the ie i aim. . Peaee ins.i.nie I'on.me.M-emenl. -I he CO 111 mPUceil It'll t OXi l'Cls, S ol 1 tSlCC I'. stilute began on the "Jxth. The News j an I Observer says it in aikil the close ol Prof. Dinwiddle's mirth Ih year iu edu- calional Work and the brilliant close ot a n o.-t siicces-ful vc-tr. ll a-Ms: And to-d iv -he -ta ,d- iu the front r ink of ihose nislstlltioas which arc lifting ihe .laughters of t he na' ion to lie- highest in tellectual plan . It- sin e ss is grali yiiig because it is so well de-i red " We notice that Mi-s M.iiy Bel1. (laugh -tor of Mr I) lie" 1. Morcln a I (;uy was awarded the piize for xi elleice m draw ing Irom "The Flai" Mention :- nuule of a New Rome young lady as follow.-: Mi-s I.ulie Da s rendeie l Mozu t's "'Air Viirie" as :i violin solo, with aeeonipan': nient on both the piano and the violin. Miss Ives showed pert' i t techeiipie an I pi ael wilh expres-ion as well ;n tid-1-ity." The R. iilil II. Improveiiienl-i. Tin- Governmput s eami r Gen. Thorn has low brought six loads of the material belonging b the River a-nl Harbor work from Washington lo New llerne, the yards having lieen transferred bote. One of the houses f 'litieetcil with Messrs. Moore A: RradCs canning fat tory is pretty well tilled with it. On each trip ihe sieanu r tow'id a loaded rlat over in addition to her own load. On the last trip even lo Ihe lu ti-e that had served as ihe office w as brought over. It i.s a neat, wall oiled one, about twelve by tweuiy live leet, with two doors and live windows. It was moved on a rla: and brought hero entiie and was proiiipt- ly tranlernd lo land ye-terday on ihe p.-riion of the Moore -fc Brady proei i w hic.i the Government has lea-ed. A Martyr lo I njnsl Arreil. F. M. Mobiey, a si-w ing m.nlnne ageni who was drunk and disorderly lien- Sat urday ami Whioe personal it.-c .gniz nice was taken for his appearance at trial Motidav. skijijied oihv Monday widi a team hired from M. llahii -V. Co , for a snort dlslaiice and went lo Kiusoai. Mr. Ilahn l'eoovi red his horse there. .NL'- Mobrey makes out in Kin-ton thai he is a I i ly r in lieing arrested loi going oil' w'uh Ihe horse as he did and tlneahns to sue. the oily of New Berne fr it. He paid Mr. Halm's charges and was rple oed. Assault With a Inli. News ieachi.il hereThuisdav of a dillicul- jad Tin- Oeiae.l4e Cliatinel Work. The lug Warren, Capt. A. S. F..-I- r. came up last nigiit for -nppliis ln.ni Mr. J. F. Taylor. This in the Warn n'- third visit to t he city. The Wairen i- 1 1 io s' o i tin r whiih feas the mud li lts w In r..- Wah. ce'- cli u.nel. is In ing dredged, in ;ir Oeraeoke. It will , ,0 left 400 feet witle and nine lei I ihep ;o i he oh list water. the low est water. I r-it. Kosier informs us ihnt. it will , l-,. c.ight cuts to c,,mpl-,(r. the channel, l.'.,..,- -.i-.. lueic mad., n-itii ibisn.i... ,r,,i,m over, and the n Plaining l oir the next time. The work ha- now progn ssed over ' a length of about lOno lieb More Properly ImprovemciUN. Mr. L J. Moore i having another story i added to his offices in front of Hotel ( hattawka with a st tir way in the mi. Idle. 'The tipper tl mr w ill be divided, as ihe f lowir one is. i-ito two offi es. each I, avion it wo rooms thn- making ;tu eight room ! but ding of ihe place. 'Ihey will all be . we 1 lii'i-lnd Mr. R. W. Pugli is in charge of the woi k. Mr. Pugh is also beginning ihe (rection of a house lor Mr. Win. Ha.lder sup. riu teudent of the Clark mill. It will bp located on Ihe lot on the wi-t -i.le ol Fa-t Front street, next to t ho p. rnpr of that street and King. It will b- a two story house containing seven rooms iu all. The i mum part wdl be 21x31 feet and it will j ave !IU extension lor the cook, room and the dining room. TIII'l FIKST T To tin Lin- tiif i i.osim; fxfrcisfs oi (lie Iter no ollea;iale InKlilule A I.ara"- A ud ieneeThe Pll pilH A(-iiiit TIk-iiimoI icn Han-lMomly. Tl o ( losing pxercis s of New Berne ( o iegiate Iu-iitiiie held last night gave ai otn r evidence of Now R -rue's n- ed for a large building for such occasion-. The opr: a house w ould not hold the ciowd whali gdheel to hear them. Ladhs, i -v. n. -loo.l up throughout the eveuing. Ti c piogramnip. selected w ith great cure, a as n ndond fully. It whs us lollows: rnoc ItA M mi . 1'ii I. Ch 'til-:- Fp Away, F. Abt. li' i iiation Wok oino. Miss Katie St teet. I ioi t uni'-nl al i-olo - I. a Fontaine, Mefl l!l--ie V 1 1 I i;nii -. I f . . I a 1 i hi - Uoaut ilul Flowers, Miss Kio.ih Pal rick. I is; l umenliil dnelt Rlooining Meadow-, Miss Alberta ITricli and Lizzie Pun us. liisliu i.onlal solo - The lh-11 Mazurka. i-s ( 'an ie lleiidion. K i "t' i Hi. I'linlii'i.l Seville, Miss M oid km- v. The Waiit r Ciil Drill, by six little I irb. Rec tation Riiioen on the Rhine, Miss IVIa Wiutield. 'nt .'. . I. itlle Rov's Speech, Master Jo-hiiA iblpin. 1 listen nn n! a 1 mlo - I.uoretia Horgii, I. Spindle,-. Mi-s l-imi,. Ctdligau. Roeilatton The Angels of Bueiia Arista, Miss Hessie Paisops 1 usi rami nial solo Waltz, Miss Koima Sultan. Drama- A Matrimonial Advertisement. Five characters. The May Pole Drill. Vocal solo - ("oaie to (he DaUce. P. IF union, M is- Lizzie Rurrus. D. cl un it ion ( oil i ration of the Inter lock lienmn Lane. '-,, .; S unds from Ringing Rocks, Miss Al b rta I'lrich. Drama Mr-. Willis' Will. 2 Acts. Five characters. Instrumental solo Swiet William Moziirka, Miss Jennie Sultan. In-trumental Duett The Jolly Biack siu tie. Jimu Pau : Misses Williams nml II -1 1 ' i". -l i , accompanied by the musical sinking of hummers on the anvils. The Scait Hi ill Scientiticnl and ii -1 1 1 I on :e.i 1 - ri'iirosonhnir I lio upvi.ii nt-io- u.v-..., in atic ( oloi.s and the (ioddess Venus and I her G i aces. Finale Chorus, Old North State. The nius'cal features ot the evening were a great credit to the pupils and to their instnietor, Mi-s I -ouisc Klgie. She is a teacher of uu usual la'ent for inspiring Ihe scholars and imparling the inuiel k no i ledge whiMi she so eminei.tly pos- The same can be said of the recitations and declamation. Prot. Mendenhal, himself trains the pupils in these branches with great diligence. The drills were very beautiful and were oxeiied wilh exquisite grace. Those who took part in the dramas were Misses Maud Ktnsey, Musa Baiter, Lizzie Hancock, Maltie Rountree; Laura Scott and Mr. Harold Whiiehurst. They all acquitte I themselves admirably. Rev. Jno. S. Long, LL. D., with few lv. rds in his elegant style, presented the prizes, lour in number, as IoIIowp: For leeitation and declamation, Miss Man I Kinsey. Scholarship prizes, Prim ery department, Mi-s Katie Street; Inter mediate, Miss Bessie Parsons; Academic, Mi si Laura Scott. hhjhf.st ow the honor roll. Ol Ihe New Berne Collegia! Institute for the Scholastic Year Jinm Ended. The list of pupils whose names appear highest on the houor roll of the New Reine Collegiate Institute and the average record through the jeir to which they at tains I is. us follows. Iii ihe primary department: Joshua Gilpin, 04 1-2; Roivena Whitty, 95; Katie Str.et, 96: Maggie Smallwood, not in un til Oct. 17.1). Intermediate Depprtmenl : Alberta Ul rich, 00 2-3; Delia Wlntiehl. 90 4-5; Bessie Pat-suns, 05; Adiia Hanfl", 93 2-3. Academic department: Miss Maud Kinsey. 95; Mi-s Lizzie Hancock, 93; Miss Laura Scott, 95 4-5. Collegiate degirtment: Benson Lane. Tiie three highest were: In the primary, Katie St eet, 98; in iha intermedial', Be-sie Parsons, 05; in the academic, Laura Sc.. it, 91 4-5. These were all awarded prije s of valuable books. Miss M m I Kinse', 97 on recitation, also received a similar prize. Miss Kovwnii Wli'ujy was also presen ted with a prize by hi r teacher Mrs. Fern-bee lor punctual attendance. She missed Cut one day through the year. Caashl in Cog-Wheels. Mr. Dwight M. Styron, a young man of the city, who, a few weeks ago, began to harn the machinists trade at the A. & N. C. R. R. shops met with the misfor tune vesteiday of gelling three, lingers of his right hand caught in the cogs ot n machine at which he was work'mg. They were mangled so that Dm. Duguid and Primrose, who dressed the hand, had lo remove the first joint of one linger. It is expected to save ihe others. Mr. St. yon has ihe sympathy of his friends and ihey are glad that Ihe results were no worse. ANOTHER FANCY POl'LTRY YARD. A.J.I inch Joins the Urand Army of Chicken Fanciers. Mr. A.J. Finch, the insurance agent. has liecome a i'uncv poultry breeder. That i pretty and great laying bri-id, the Silver sinnn.-lt-H 1 l-i nihil rtr is ili t.iip hp su-fllpd ! upon to breed. He lias a pretty fleck of one dozen grown iowis una t young i . . . .. . . . . . . i i iuckpiis; nil oi I lie young ones are ai mi . (!. E. Foy's and the remainder at Mrs. I l!ange:l's. All the little chickens are 'following common hens, the Hamburgs being non setteis. ! .In l"in" Irom the b resent outlook Mr. j I'm li will be able to show some admira- : bio spec imen.s at the next rail'. The Episcopal Peuic. The l'lniseopaliaus had a jolly picnic Friday. The steamer Ti-entj was used, j They steamed down Neuse river, pist I Wi.kinsK.'s Point, ihen back lo Dannen- I erg's farm, and then they landed and 1 partook of an elegant dinner nnd such ! jtlier enjoyments ashore as suited each one. I Then iu the alh rnoou all re-embarked j for ihe homeward trip, arriving at dusk I w it Ii all well pleases with the day's re ' i reation. Fnormon-i Fili KhlpmentM. Ve have h a 11 inlormod tint the esti mated value of the fish shipped Irom Roa noke I-latal this spiing is 150,000. To n ah..- ibis properly it must be le memheie I that the Island is not a large ope, hy any moans. If we mistake not, o-s lh hi ahiindiid families reside on it. uiheis than the residents omnge in the lis'iing during its se;,SnI) but ihe inhahi tanlsei t tin ir lull share f the beuetits. ( During a jmrtiou of the shad season from TOO to 1 .00(1 boxes passed through l-Ilizab'-ih City d lily. Some ol lliese tish J cam - from other points, hut Roanoke Is ; land sent more than any other oDe place The tidi fiirnished a larne amount of freight for the steamers Neuae aid New Berne which itin from this city, NKWN ADRIFT In Ihe t'lly ol F.lnm Hud trlmttf, Umtarred lu nnd llrlelly Ttli. ' The justly celebiaie.) Bingiiam's .-mJiiki! has just held the conimeneemeut. eKercibC of ii 102 1 year. Col. J S. ('air of Dur ham, delivered the addns-. '.''. The time for li.-ting tax. s has arrived. It begins to-day and end- .luue .''.Oih. Thev are io be given in at Mr. S. H Ktnet'; office. The Jul ksniiv ille Times; Ii lis o! aii alli gator having been t-Mti.dit in "the riv.r tliere by two men. which measure jiitie feet three iuchos m length. Tin- Tnn.-.s ltscom mends shipping him to Kins'..! Mr. Stephen Fulfil!.! has a lll'jr ii nature in his garden, a r!u hi of direct . perfect apples which have grown directly liom the trunk of the t.ee. not from uy ' branch, but from Ihe tee ilseit, Tbel't iv i ot even a lo .1 bet ween the applet- ant th tree. The Jacksonville 'I imcj fells of the marriage of Mr. VV. W. ilarve'll mid Wise Dolly A. Bland, both of that place. Their matrimonial al tempts had be. " Iiiuken Up six tiuios by the father ol M..ss b'..-jd, bat they determined to "irv, tiy upain," auri at la3t they were successful. Tiie Raleigh News and Observer .Ts that Fitly Ihonsand dollais wjs the esti ma!eof more than on.- Raleigh hlitinePtl' ' man of the ninount lelt in Htleiph hf those who tame to tin unviHing, and more extravagant istimabs placed the amount at nearer fl Ou. i too. Rev. Rllfus Ford and lam ly left, on the steamer Vanreh"i"o for Seven Spring", where the family will remain througb-tutf summer, Mr. Ford has not ytt moved fill, his furniture and will be in ihe city a br-ef lime again, ere long preparatory 'ffV moving to wherever he I or tues permit-t ently. Mefsis. Tvsoti t Co . fiom W'ilSnH Lava jut opened ia one o1 (he trioi-eu rtppnsiW-e. '-i Hotel Albert with n line ol tine hrmilT . ' f grocejies Mr. F. M. V instead, fiom Wif-.;','. ' sou also has his racket More op. n - under ,",, ' Ids phot. igrnjih gallary and is tittnicliojp. -r ciisionicrs. The flchr. S. Wairen Hall.i'itpt. K. VV."jf.;' ' Hill, which saihd Irom this port t-fl"Bo- '., ton last uiopih with a cargo of lumber. , Irom Hie SOinson Lumber to. ssilet from Boston on the 20lh, ( Wednesday) lor Wilminglon N. C. with a cargo ol'ltrt ' tilizers. , ,-y" : i; . ' Turlington Institute, BmithnVM, N. C, , - -r : holds its doting exercises Julie lliU. Hon. Josephus Daniels, editor of the New " an I Olieerver, delivers the anrttiul lit- dress. 'I here will h Iso be s uvtiob ii" old studeuis wilh nn nddrtss by Juoi lkl; aiorgan, Auoeviiie, L.a. ' i iii -....;,, The Free Will Baptist picnic wa held ..T V 29th. ult., at Pollocksville. Thev wenfub ' . ' on the steamer Tient which is fipeiy -. : ' adapted to picnic pnrposes. ' Sb4 VraeLf" -J-:. well filled wilh t lie many pleamre reukr-, The day passed otf with everythiog a , '. good as coma De aesired. uinner - was ,' , partaken of the large yard unrl Jrrowe of Mr. White, on the outskirts of the villain: ' which afforded a commotlious play .!- .-' ground afierwurd. The table vra upreBtt' ' in the gnat est vancty and of thii-iirerr ' s best. E very lxly was free and uasy , and -' all enjoytd themselves to the utrnosf. TETTER FOR 15 YEARS : . On Fee And Scalp. FhyalcUn -PN- g' .V I. ' eeitptlons nnd Kemediea FsJl. liMt ' '.". All Hope of Cure. Thought ilimaelf ,.; '.' r DISFIGURED FOR LIFE W:: Cntlcura Removeel Crusts at Onee, ,' '..'i,. Disease Entirely Gone In One Mdntb, -4 , Now No Trace. 8Uln Smooth. "' .; , u:'- t'IC" , For more than lilu-en year I was efleote4 ' ': with running Tetter on my face ml. I CJ. , -, Vari.mg prescriiioii ami uiaay illes m ;-' turn lulled, being afterwards treated by Bisumi ; - . -iihysicianu. aud all to no uTall. I had Jd sU ' .: " ' hope of ever beinp cured, ami concltuti that f ,; - was disfigured for life. A f lie-nd urrnusilsd in; ' .,-" , to give the Cutic-vua Rem boi es a triiJ, wkkiiif didin this way : Takiuir the (ltioijua Kkmoi- -vent two teaspoonfult after eocli niosl, huthrt) k . tho effected parts iu warm water with IJwtpcv - Soap, and applied tho C'tTieuitA freely jtatrl th -. : r crusts were all removed. In one month mt fin v '.'','; " and scalp were perfectly smooth. - I pv this ?.!-'' ::. , checiful testimony for tiie benoflL of all wboan . . thus afflicted. T. J. CAliA.VISS, 1. II.. : -' '- - ,: - V Coluinbiaaa, Aift . ' . TETTER ON SCALP AND HAND fined CrrricrjttA Iiemediks for Tetter on tna K scalp. They left me sound and well. -My Sunt. . had Ecwima of .the scali since girlhood. CUM-' -'', Cl BA ItEHEDIES cured llOr. ; . ( 8. J. BUKKHART, Rutbton, Tean. -' TTail Drv Tetter on mv hands. Used wersiij '. remedies without relief. Ci'Ticnti KjtMEniE ( entirely cured inc. Mv hands are smooth and i. soft. F. U. W Ai.KER, Oaklandt G. ." ' THE TORTURED, DISFIGURED And humiliated, everywhere, will find in th Cu-ncuKA Rkuedies ft stieedy and economical , i cure for every disease and humor, from pltnplas '' " to scrofula, from infancy to age. 5, 4.' :l - Bold throoRhoct the world. Price, CotlOTItA. tOc.;SoAP, 1'nc ; ItMot.vr.HT, 81. lrB iiaoa ' . . AMD CBBll. Coltp., tiole Proprirtors, Bostoa.. , f . A..w',, How to Cure Bkin Iilseames," mailed fn-.1 LOVE LIKST, Whltet, Clr-areat Skin sal Softess' liaada produced ly CuTicuilA boat. SHORT BREATH,, CheBt Pains, Soreness, Weak-aes. Anhim Flciiriav.and InflaiumatiOB tl relieved in on mlsuts by ttas Cntlcura Aatl-Fain Flaaasx. -: WE HAVE 1- Jast ReceiTed Another Bargain I N "WHITE ; India Linon W HICH WE WILL SELL AT 15 cts. Per Yard. COME QUICK And et what you want at i'-3 Pollock St. 1L4 ivUi IM-h H a li r. a-', .-ll Ii3 '. lii.- - I I liiiiih u - IU It Hi W I- it. lie, ai I -1 1 lea n. wirhnut iOuj lit" t-atnU. Vosl f -M at lbr him BD, ibf mat hi Hf -ta-f Ihr r-t Urt,-h'. if-torl sU'ewet tirl rhorrnt wire, hm wnMnl oar.iw1aito'. hillr ehM hliif j No mtrnkrn rtl-sbf-a, nu m-l. JL I : -i" .?t'r- 1