3 Z2 Ut l$1.00 Per Year INDEPENDENT IN ALL THINGS. Single Copies, 5 Cents. NO. 16 vol. xvm. NEW BERNE, CRAVEN COUNTY, N. C JUNE :), 1895. lip ' ' "'" r v s" vTT f - " r -:-". ; t ' J -r - 1 : " " ' t'r (i J.-.. v V.' "V ' ' -: . "S-. . - r1 '" " '" ,5 - for Infants MH1JITT . 1 . "' U m . permit o aqw tlonMy tha bot 'tW wrM Vaa arar kmowm. It - Kr tfc fcoaJtfc. It wUl mt . " ' : - V wkioh to WIntIy attfatg Cwrlm. rmlUma TiiMac TrwitW CtDirt CratiytU jd ntnlancr. C trU atrtirmltoMi tl lfot of ertoMiamoia g or potMnoni afr. CoH 4io4Xi ot eontmla Morphhxfc, opim. or otharjiiarcotia proporty. Cotoit fwTUtoo h food, rotralate the tomch and liowl, yfrfaag 4mlthy jd matnrml loop. CSootoHa to put y fat M i)ie oottl T o II W ojythimg olo on the plt or On it to "Jnt u good " and "wffl m - S tknt y pot OA - S - T - O - oiytnro of : 1 : Children Cry for s i-'wi? tin'- Jz-1 1.-: ; ft L-- H. Cutler & ,-W. ' GUILFORD ' .- - Tlia Advaaiaoes of tfiii DrossrousColleae. ' Four 1iw. ComBKidioiu Buildinirs. - :v j '.' bemitbfuJ influence. Classical, Scientific, . - ' A i r T-W . ' ,. . uuau. An sou nobic u?Hfcrvntein. i .iMorUory ana uunneu r acuity oi . i-T'ttm Cataiouiteb Adorbss, :. Large Size Fine Rattan Rocker For only $1.25. TSZ SVAT.L SXZZ mS &ATTAK S0;EE3 - res raiT ti.oo. Wo hre tut mselTeil a new stork of tlio MsiMMain BAJiy otrrimres limi we nve tfw beooTftt to riMteio North Cnrrilmn. utt.l ' wo will obU Utem 1U Itnck Itottnn di.-or.'!) ! u I or oa uiue or will trrnlu tbcui lor ol.l Wo hare also ju-it received unoth.-r ti.m.l -m4 mtnek oi rntnitnro c(kii-thc i niniy poitsbod Bi Hmm suiu, Want Knln-H. Kl f-miwoa Taiiiea, liisti Buck liiam iiimin CU&lra all in oa and mft'te up in tlie lnt.-st styles; also bhm Top M.wimt Cui.ii.u-s " We hara aiso Just receWtl unoAher lot ot Haw Hasdware anil nilwry Cook stuvcs, - 6aoliiMCook Stoves, Crockoiy. Tin Ware, etasoware anil hsmlitoine J'arlor I. nines, BanaHna- Larans. Stand Lumps, Toilet Sets, 3uu i His in Fr eaters, and Iota ( other u'."sh too Bunwroas to mention. Wu bonla this larftw aal entire stock tor spot cauli nnd it i-u aoiea as to sell it at Ilock liol ui lieiirvs lor Cash. Soto be convinced of llie sani- cull assl examine our slock beior tmreliauin elsewhere. Yours Besiwetlully, Trcsr rznitire & Sardwirs Co. HQ's 7 i3 Mld.Uo St. New Biirnc, N. C. Our Zeigler's Shoes Also a new line f Beautiful Dress Good. 20 pieces that Sea Island Percale OJt l-O CtS- W.B.S1 0 PRICK! Brick! BRICK! 200.000..... BEADY FOIi DELI VEliY. No. 1 nr.1 Hrick C- ifi.!0 P. r M. So. 1 Salmon. 3J0 Ho. 2 Salmon, suitable for inale filling of buililing", 4. Ott tST'Fo' special rrieeson lots oi 10,000 and on r sec a?. E, H. & J. A. MEADOWS CO. - - . -. ' jnc7 lm and Children. H VJXO pBiTDnms o to .peak ef it -without rTi.tnK. rMady jorlnfaBtg andChijdran U Uilw. ChUdrjO:c it. It their lira. In it HaUm mlt d prmotleaJIy porfac t m a 8ar CarA. mjti Wind Colia. only, It to not sold in bulk. pnmliv wor oto iry pnrpone R - I - A toonory npor. Pitcher's Castoria. SHEPPARD'S toOIC STOVEs MADE FROM PURE PIG IRON. Not one pound of Scrap Iron is ever used in these goods. DURABLE, CONVENIENT tad ECONOMICAL. An Modern Improvements to Lighten XIouoekeeolUK Cores. Twenty different sixes and kinds. Every Stove Warranted Against Defects. Prices not mnch .higher mt this time than on commoner kinds oi Stoves. Call on or addrc Co., New Berne, N. C. COLLEGE. ooen to Youna Men arid Young Women. Noted for its Christian and home-lik Latin - Soierititic Courses. Normal, Busi- 11 . 1 e.' . ...I - T ll,mnoa d ..1 . .. . t 1 H . . - uiii);i: nw cimicj, , , . aote msrnicuirs. e-usntiw iiio4.iei.n.. The PRESIDENT, GUILFORD COLLEGE, V. 6. Black and Clay Peas. A Limited Quantity BLACK AND CLAY PEAS. GEUMANT M ILLETT. At CuAs. B. Hill's, New Bern, N. C. mSlni WRITE Riverside KENNELS, POTJLTEY, A PUtT STOCK YARDS, for their immense cat alogue to be issued this month. It costs only a stamp. EGGS FOIi HATCHING fV SPECIALTY .psciol Prices on Fowls, F E. HEGE & CO-, NEW BERNE, - N. C. my K.wSui WM. H. HAYXES, No. 38 ..V. AO. I.KACK Avim k, West Washington Market. Ni wYoiiK Established 1861. Rki'BKskstf.h in Nkw 1i:i:ni: llv W. E. SXELL1NG. apt: I m NOTICE of SEIZURE Nbwbkrx. N. C . June I . h. Notice is hereby gi'.an of ihe tlie fallowing pn'iei'iy lor i..hit'e internal revenue law-. Secth'ii- i!:!' and 331Sa. th. June 10th. eleven luukagis of rorn whiskev se zed at the di-nlh rv David W. PattcrsjP, No. -2'M,') at iia t b' ro, N. C. June P2t'n. three packages .,;' coin whiskey seizerl at ihe bar oi'-lohii I). Dinkins, N. w Penie. N ('.. Irom the dis tillery of said David W. Pal te rsoll, i.iso tw'o package- of corn wliske. from the distilli ry of J. A. P.itier-.,n. Anv pers.m cl ilming any of s;:iil iiipior is hereby notiliot to appear at this office in the city of New Iknii . within HO d is from ihe date hereof and make such cUims in the manner and f. ,rm picM-rdx-d bylaw or iho siiid property will U.- for feited to the United States. F. M. Simmons. (' ileci r. P,y W. T. Caiio. Dqiuly Coihcter. jn n 1 3 ill w 4 Bradbury Pianos. J Unexcelled tor u-r in ttli'MJ- :itm! t nlfi'c-) , Sonl tor il iisti-utcl PHtalotno. Hficr, i per mission, t M r. . V" . ) I i m . '" V t . hm'. J Wjiin'-rton, H.i ., wlui Iph u-i iloin' ol oui Pi:mot tor l'i ye;ir. In orUrlng incl-wo thi-. a-lv. rt Hriui'iii. Address, r. G. SMITH. 1225 Pa. ave.. N. W. Hj mrlltf Washington, L. C. CHEAP HONEY AT THE NORTH SiipcrahuniLtnt an i ii ly U'llt. Po'"- Finmuial Dearth hlsewhere Some-, thliiif Kad.ie.il v Wron z in a System! Which Produces This Free CoMiace ami Mute Banks t he Remedies For More Equable Division. One of 1 lie sciu'i'i'i'i'i si I it Ilicll is ' '.hea i" there arc some section; : i it. whieh they h.a t now. at least it would s .1 tlir anti- IllalRV. i'llt , .,f t hi- .am h- lioaji nioiu-y sreni mi fi'iiin tin: fui lowing paragraph. . 1 : i from tin- I'iiil-idcdnhia t 1 1 4 J l ,C Ihoro is abundani'e ot nioiit'y avaiu::u l n vost men t on moileratv i : "a'l .f xi : i ii a i nan i as fr , i m ii i hk i w;ljS otTorfl to tin- :it y in ' regions.! to thf oail. AHoltIiOIiv I oh-iil-1 bids for ijn'.nn.iiii. i loan for i w:iti:- works ami K .immi.ohii u-;ls tlio oxti-r.t of t!u- I'fTor- nia.K'. Hon tHO Hi'lil" i:,-!i--a:i;u .(no available ;ia.l'lia n.0! ii. . hovini iujw groat tlu- o.ve.-s of inoiii-v is liovoml tiio -irtDa'nl. " ' i r r . a -filiation !ika- ;lu 1 1 1 . l'opnli-t I ! : i : i i " f for I'loo t-oinai: i mi'i'ilinate ni.'rraso by of -ilver a ill an eura- iron irv lssilt- of liat lio'll s SOIIH'- f non- tiling colossal in tho wav ii'i.se. " The puin: in this is that t!u:ro is niouev enoiiirli in this country, and tliereforo '.lie cry for mmv is non sense There is no don tit that there is monev enough in the money (.en ters, too nni' ii. anil that is one of j the things of which Uio country is .i a.. 1 .. r .1,.. .t....-- ,;i. ; 111 1. i I the ilniiiifon Mrssi'imtl shvs that iv lions looked up in the vaults of the , i)vit;UioQ ice Pmsnlent A. . An motley kisps where it is ling use- , drews o)-, 1C Southern railway, went be lessand doing no one any good while . f,,re t,e i;,nr,i f Ayrieultnre that day in other sections the j)eoplc are : and disensse.1 theinatnr of '.rnnspoita snlienna; for want of it and can't get ; ting the exhibits from the Staic museum if Thr l.-ii;,l nf innni.v ii in;r oavt'tn the Atlanta ex position. Tlie other thing to no monev at all. A locked up .iollar is not a dollar. It is only a piece of metal or a piece of paper. Tlie dollar which performs the ottiee of a dollar and is money ia the full sense of the word is the dollar that moves and keeps its proper place in the channels, of trade. It is thU gorge on one side and famine on the other which gives emphasis to the agitation of the silver question, for the people want go see this money lnououoly broken, and an end to this concentration of the money of the country in any particular section. 'I hey want to see a more equable distri tuition ot i the volume of the cunencv. and they beliofe that the free coinage of silver would be a means to this end. There is BOllK'lhing radically defo, -tive in a monetary system which wiil enable the people of one pert ion to command all the money they want, and leave millions idle in the vaults awaiting bidders, when the people of other sections are suffering for want of it and cannot command as much as thev need upon anv terms. Hence we lit id the financial question j excitedly agitated in the West and I South, where there is a great scar- j citv of money, and agitated none in J the East where it is abundant and i cheap. There is no necessity for demanding more money when it can j be borrowed in million dollar blocks! at d 1-2 per cent, and where scores of millions are lying waiting for the borrower to come along with the right kind of security and take it ; almost at his own price. Hut this' doesn't do the man of the South or I the West who needs money any i food, bee.au.so ho can't offer the ! kind of scenritv these monev lenders i . i i 1 .. . i . .. "i : , porations might be able to get some ; I ot it. but tlie people none, i With State banks this inequality: would be corrected, and there would j be such a distribution of the oiume ' of t ho currency as would make it j useful to all sections and make it ! perform the utlice for which it was j I intended, an oilice which it docs not j fttllv perform when it is drawn from ' i one section and uselessly centered in ' anot her. W il. Star. INTERNATIONAL t'OXEEUENCE. On Ihe Cnrieiicy (nost ion Hiiroiiean (ihiTernmi'Qis Exprtss Daiihts of its Expeitienry. Puki. i . .Itinc .'!. -The National eitttng says that a majority of the Feilcrai ( be ei si ments hav.esei.t their replies to the iu.i;iry of the Impe rial Civertiinent in regard i" tli.' , I " 1 bo..- " r -i i li 1 1 n di i !i all i ! ' ' el' national conference on the currency 1 1 nest ion Some of el t he i till Ilttf OpH.)se the fu illy, and others, .iii'o.-tly oppose it. to its feasibility. Federal Covcl'tl project tlliqinili while thev do nut exjircss doubt a? None of them express a desire clice called, all pii'-s indicate a to tve the cuiifer- gencrally t i i . re uivictiiiti that su h a luovement would not be product ive of positive results. Reliable, Available, Invaluable. That i9 what thousands of people have found Allcock's Porous Plaster to be, for the relief and cure of all sorts of lameness, stiff ness, and congestion result ing from taking cold. Imitations seMm riial th- r.:;.,., Jn the oc ALlvcii's they certain!;. Jo mot. Atlcock" Corn Shields. Allcock's Bunion Shields, Hil so or,ual relief and cure f. r corns and bunions. Brandreth's Pills are a safe and effective remedy for Irregularity of the bowels. MOKK MIKMIOXS l llAXVKK. Clnuiir-Kiiiv. Snilu. mid I.liehou Tlirenteiied by Iho Cltlne4e-Nverl 1 or tlie M issiiiiniriei Missing. nt no l.iv' itro Known to Have Been I.o.-I. J Loml'ii! ailwcosiy tlmt a Oi-iiu li (rem : Shaiwhai t tiic Time-.siys tliat tho En'- ,-or" daei y.-:ir.-, w I -u: ., mi,,.; sn-li-h, Fni, ill, ('ai)iulian, and Aincricau au.in, n j :i f in !y niiun! thirton ;iai- l wi-t-i-ktil at rliPim-tu. Kia l'i i u Sli in . an. 1 Milking, in. i. na: !. s ari ini-iiiL'. i IV k ''. 11 ti) llaVC Ik-i 11 V UK Mlllll riat is in. 1 I.n.-h.a an-j. erti ir.- thivfiiencil. A in vita I ili- nt Clin nu' n'lt ',ia- l:-'.ii Tik- K 'ni:. All ih U 1 1 I 4 .lav. A linn nolii'V i- n than c-vi-r 11CI.-1 -- TV. Accor-liiiLT to a sprf-i al H-ia! Sh-niLihai, tin' li-ss of iiropertv a i fi-i'in i result ! tin- lM-i-iii nolin at I'lii-nlii. Kialanu. m.l Ya Clanrr ainaniit- to m- a ial million .lol'ars. t-.i- a, - ii; . .1 .- -.;.t. In a, V I :i tin- via iay oi tin: .roviiaa- ol Schnen. oenh" eiK'ourJL'fl tin- nmlis to a'l -aTts of i n l i:i'n, and the petitions ol farviylR-is f.T 1 1 1 1 o ta t i i ii were n.fii.seil. OIR STATU KXIIIHIT At tin- Allnntn iiisill,in- M ill lie Well Kfi-4.oiileii. I; va- Miiiitly iinnoiiiii-i'il lliat Mi'. t.'harlis I. I't tliIi-w. wlin is tin- North Carolina iMinmifSioner tor the Atlanta ex- ji'witinn. mis arr.m-Mi tor a 4. rami H--piav from 1 1 1 i r- slate an. I mailers were unit under way. Tlie pi. ni announced was fur a consoli dated di-pl-iy by the tl antic Coast Line. Southern and Sea'-o.ird Air Lint railways, of exhibit- iliiistritinj the teiritmy throjgh which their lines pass in this slate, and also that tlx y shall tiaiisloi t the .tati' iiiiHcuni collection as 11 nucleus. and that all specially ile-i tin sc shall le placed in 11 nid. spacious nud hand- A spec d ofihebith from Ualeiub to mil ways tlie (.oust jane and tne Sea board also made propositions. One road wishes to bike die forestry exhibit, another the mineral exhibit and yit anoth er such exhibits as illn-ttate its line, and eaeli road wi-dies to display there in its own building, provided the State will tiansport it theie. There are excellent "rounds lor statin"; that North Carolina will bo well represented at At'auta. It is cousidered lb it it will be quite easy for ibis Slide to hike the laid of all that make displays. THE CAl.r-l'ATH. ()m? (,.lv ,,,, , pnni.-vul wood v C..UI " w.,iko(1 umr, ;,s s-, calve? should But nude a trail all A crooked trail, as ; b nt askew, .1! calves do. Since then two bundled years have Hod. I And. I in'er, the Calf i- dead. But still he h ti behind his trail. And hereby lianas my imutal l.de The trail was taken up next day By i lone Jog that Wtiit that way; And then a wise bell wether sheep l'uistied the Hail o'er vale and .sleep, And drew ibe ll u k Ixlcnd him, too, As good ! ell-wethers always do. And from Hint day. o'er hill aud ir'adc. Throii";h tho.-e old woods a path was made, And m anv men wound in anil out. And dodoid and turned and bent about, Aud uttered words ol'ti"bteoiis wralh, Because 'twas such a crooked path; I Jilt still they followed do not 1; The ti i st mi.'iMtions of that cul', ille'll- And through till winding woml-way stalked Hi cause he wabbled when he w dke.l. This forest path ln-eame a lane, then bent and tinned and liuned This crooked lane became Where iininv a poor lioi-e i r..ad, with l.is load T.ch And il on I rave 'iieath ihe burning ed some thtve miles un, in one. And thus Thev In si The years I'he road a century am the fooist. lis a half o that i df. pie i-ed on in one a ill . wftne-s fleet ge .street. And I hi-, b A citv s i r, fore mi n were aware, wded thorough!' ire. And on ti e C'litrd street was this )l a renewed metropolis And nun two centuries aud half Tiod in tin- lootstips of that c df. Pub dav a hiiii(lie.l thousand rout Followed the zigzag calf about; And o". r his eiooked journey went Tlie Indlic ol a continent. A bund Uv one d thousand men were ill near three centuries lea They followed still his crooked wav. Am! io-t one hundred ears a d i . For thus such reveie ice is lent To wa il-cst.iblished precedent. A moral lesson this might teach; . Were I ordained and called to pie.u h. For men are prone to go it blind i Along the call-paths of the mind. And To iK vork away from sun to sun what other men have done. They in the bealea truck. And" out and in, and lbrih and hack. And slid their devious course piusue To kci p the paih lh.it others do. Hut how the w ise old wood gods laugh, Who saw- the tirst primeval calf! Abl things thisMale might le-.eli Put I am not ordained to preach. Sam Foss. When B.-thy w as sick, we pave her Castoria. When she w.-is rt C'tiil-l, she cried fur Ciistoria. When she U-e;une M iss, ulte oiling to Castiiria. Wheu site ha.. I i hiljrcii, she -ave llieni Cuatoria, Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria.' Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria.' Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria. St. Petersburg has now the wonderful clock lioqueathed by Duke Charles of Brunswick to the Swiss Republic. The clock has 95 f ices, and shows the time of I day at 30 different places. II K 1 R M A I K Y MJ.DKII. An l:xmll4 Ktirtlikle(l ( ral 4-n Coiiiif.v Superior onrf. The iH-t-cl tor a iflornial'iiv ;m y ai;li- . l'ui orimuiai, wa ajjiiin eMMiipnlhil in , tlie :Si:)erior vi-ia'l'-!' Ci'-iven C'H.i ty . ' 'riKsuay.'tli 1 ! ih, in-1 . l Laol Ski). ! i'iiI w ! i . . . I n 1 1 ! . i t ! t , : r , I :l i illi', 1 ul i 1 1 1 1 l; -i- li- !.o an :i 1 l".;J! a l a- lee liul '1' i:,li . Il Mi'tn- aim: natural I r nun has been u.1 v iny to .-:,al a- ta i-.it. an the anlimi :! i. - iMa nU annuyiiuce for .lUiut hall lu hi'-, aini .: looe he Willi. .1 II . ill. lib' b -'ealil.; auain within .1 WLik. When he would be liinubt it wa- aai'1. to ted what to da wi h nun !ieva..-( lie was considered too fitwii to ud i '!. penitentiary mid llieie w;..- 1,0 othir Inai-e ul coii'icttou to rtciiic hiin. lut -'-ine tiling at la-l leal to lie dene, an t la ll,e penitent iary he l;o. s. He Will stand a- i;o.)il . hone '.hei'i ol refornutii.' a- lie would iiu.ii::io at laie pur-u.li' in- pre-, lit C'lir''. an. I p. il: j -I) -tier, lor he w Til It ir tm !' rtttaitx carry out his evil ptvpc n-i y and in. y arhaps be inclined to il" dirVeienth w hen he ayain bi ' at he-the an ol lived 0111. ludoe !i 111 111 sL'u'.oiiein iiini -p ke oed word- ot a Iviee to him a', '.-'j. ; In line iiill it would bc Ultii it 'In I. v 1 : 1 a p'.ai e w heie ( il aaler.- 1 1 k . 1 1 i 1 s 1 1 1 1 1 I be placed apil't Irom tin- old, I. ,ali': en criminals, and du ict ellui t towat ,1-tin ir reclamation lx; mini'. A bill for 1 ii is purpo-e was ,nlio in. el in the last legislature but it Jaihd. W'c liope lo sti-it pa-s the i.e.M one. TI. e JoUitNAI, iiinl nearly ail utlu r p ipi 1 r ii the State have w orked t'or ill e.-lali ,.-ii u.ent of such an inst, union and jieople an waking up on the mi1 ject. it is . u a question ol' time befue we v ill I. ive ore mi 1 we hope the time will lie -dioit. MOWS I ItKlKF. A Suriiiiilieid. III., le'ccram -in Ill decision of the lower court Ics lie.-n su tuined by ihe Supreme Court, which holil the Wdiiskey Trust to lie illegal. The l'ui ted States cursor ltalui"h. Cap tain Merritt Slilhr. coiiimanibii .'. It -It New York on the llith. f ir Key We-t. Kia . t take up patrol duly on tiie Florala u.ti l Oulf coasb- in die endeavor to prevent Cuban lihbusterinT i xpediiiniis. The I'nited Stati s coast ilei'i net- vcss.-l Amphilrite nr rived at Hampton Koad-Vredne-day from l'.'t't Koval. The train ing slcp Alliance lell Havre lor Cii,ra! lar. Secretary Carlisle announces that he will speak on the linaiicial question in Louisville on Fral.-.y evening m t. lb will leave WashiiiLrlou for I.nuisvill.' Thni'sday allernoon. The P.iilisli, French and Puissian Am bassadors to Turkey b ive formally de manded that the Porte disarm tin Bedouins at Je Idah, anil pay an iedoni ulty for the attack on the fire-on consulates at that place. The I'orte in reply usd the extreme difticulty that would be encountered in disarming the Bedouins. The Milwaukee News gets otf some lbing good on Cleveland. It says: "The reason that President Cleveland did no: acknowledge Ihe receipt of the letter an notincin"; the birth of molds, i anud loi his wife ulld da'lgbti Is, is that he coliid not approve cl' any such dep.iiluie liotii j the sipT'e siandard. ! The Naval Ac iden.y practice cmisei .Monongahelu sailed Irom Annapolis yes terday w'nh the naval cadets foi a run ol seyeial months at sea. Her ihsiination is Funehal. Mitdria. S. Harry Kishpuigh died in Ilarri. burg, Pa., on the Hhh inst. under distress ing circumstances. I'p to ia.-t r-dl he was a student tit the Davis Millitan school, in Win-ton, N. C. In the fall of 1803, while captaining the foot bill team, he was thrown heavily and injurid in the abdomen. An abscess formed and he submitted to an operation, but he gradu ally failed and died from the injury. Two due bills have b.en found against Holland, t lie difaiilting cashier of the Merchants and Farmer' National bank for emliezzleinent. One is for ifaO.oOiD. spjcil'ying the kind of money embezzled, the other is lor the embezzlement of niones to the amount of '."0. boo bur whether it gold, silver or pajier is not known to Ihe jury An exchangi ;e savs: "( 'idm b is a! way- j for lewihiiions ami vdml ; been a hot bi d lions and at Ibe present lime tin in-iu gents on that little island are so cb-trep-eroiis as to requir. an eioi,ditui-e mi the part ol the Spani-h government ef slid.. 00O per day in an attempt to cheek the'r ambition to discard the yoke of the moib i r country. Tin- Ohio Popub-ts have ,1 their State C invention to meet August l-l and 2nd. The only candidate for the nomina tion for (invernor is Jacob S. Coxev. who led the Coxev army to Washington in the Spring of 18',H. and he will probably be placed at the head of the ti ket. Telephonic connection has been i st.di bsbed lietwe.n Chattanooga aud Kno ville, a distance of 1 12 miles. All '"lie principal tow ns ol past Tennessee can now be reached Irom Chattanooga by tin long distance teh phone, gyving the best system in the South. " Morgautield, one of the A'lilia creel; train robber-, who wa- brought to th. Richmond. Va., penitentiary a short while ;i"., is able to w alk about on crutches lie will be' a cripple lor bfc though, as he I j will never lie able to bear the weight of his j j body on his injured limb. ! Tlie News-Observer wall say-: "All1 , -ilver men are not lo il- and all gold men ! are not thieves. Paste this in your bat i I and bear it in mind during the next ear. i You will have abundant ociasion to ine 1 I this assurance' if you believe one half you ' hear." The Charlotte News savs: "Are gold mines about Chailotte doing any - thing the,,' day-? The luiestion laid it.- answer at the mint building to-day. m the 1 exhibition of a gold brick worth $ 15, odd in gold. It came fiom the Il-dle gold j mine, of which Capt A. Thiiss is super intendent, and weighed over (id pounds. The gold mines about lure really do pro duce gold.'' The Kinston Fret.- Pie-s U lis thai two sons of Isaac Taylor, col. ne t. of near Coahoma. Leuoir county, nearly killed their father recently. They had run away from home and were working iu Jones county. He went after them, but they evaded him. He heard thi-y wen sleeping in an outhouse nnd want there Wore day and broke in the door on them, when one of them hit hiin on tlie head with an ax. He was badly injured and may die. A Tallahassee, Fia.. di-yaleh t.'lls of a remarkable escape of two negroes who fell into a creak which disappears and runs under ground for half a mile, where it emerges irom a mound. They tell ia. were sucked in with the stream ati I were carried through Siimewhat the wois.-ot their subterranean exp riinec, but recov ered fi oui the scare and I he sou -in::, the tirst instance of the kind, as other men and cattle have Iteeti sucked ill and always came out dead. Rheum nt Iniii Cured In i nny. "Mystic", Cure" for Kheuniat ism and Neuralgia radically cures in 1 to :'. days. Its action upon the system is reniai kiiMe and mvsteriou-". 1 1 removes at once the cause and the disiase immediately disap pears. The first dose greatly benefits, 75 ceuU. Sold by Henry's Pharmacy, New Berne 1 2(. C, old custom bouse building. M.XT VKAIfS I'l.ANV Fur (lie 4 41 Iffi in I e 1 nt i I il 1 4' - 4firl l 4 V4' I II (4ll4l '4l IV. .1. I'.. 1'. M. a !mli;i::. I'l'.ia pa', .1 lair ;-tute. Kti 1 it a ll.OI'lh Thnisa , ot the v: I I ' i i il. k-:M .Villi; -il a! w in. .e-itli IT. I int.- ti. hi .i.il "I 1 a! re ml an '.a lliea il.-e.---i eha, orkrd in I ne - -ei' id a-IV Men- ,a-l m 'I the Mie ille.' iat- "1 lio-'Uli lo- II al ine -r ! a 10 i a 1 e - ii ! I 1 II. !. ir.ii the I e-1! ' 1! 1 di e.i With ts oblaiiud. -r lite 11 l 1 '1 i- mly 1 rn.'i'i s- I.. , , I 'in i"i-h 1 matt' r ho - 1 1 1 1 ' i ,t i 1 1 . i ', lo ' am'- wa k I 'i.e r.d fa t-, oae '.' wire w id not have tla w - oa a 'net tel' tic pa-'. 1 ;s that the k of , 1- I ' 1 1 1 1 i'r:ii, d ii'i: any be know - r 'iipil iw the xe I I lie new 1 m -. n I v am eiin nt '1 the o one? an l moreover In 1 - 1I11111 a;i . w : 1 1 i 1 : i 1 1 1 . a. i- t" a Hi. M ien!. dl. l ihi y. :- ii-.! sato 1 -i-liooi iiere. simply !"i' . in I w; na ni: I he lv- I!' - 1 1 Lib S honl in Ni w S iw puieis ti.'in al! the I I'.i rn- s e a. a' iv a r ei"'1 vi-i I 1! 'I mall ''- Ol . I I b. :ain ha- b -I 11 - 1 in p:il f. M' mi i.h ill inlend. I b- w ill labor to this j lor :t lei 1 -1 ' Ml ti.l'' ailill 1 nick in Line t I ' tore t be re . NeW Ii' 111' I In? neat 10:1 ill-1 w ill be ' put in -nine Ot-'e ' i Ve werli 'in;i' oi t In- -choo'. s a tine linait tor a board- inu -etiO'il and w that boardini' w 1- anaaTen en's weic si ia o' a- a. but a be il'-iia''lv placed loaucit d With the t I- not. tin- pupils ciin .r.iuud in tin. honii - "I fit i X 'li- a! lliode'ate lone bea.'e. And Pl 'vjwn-p I. Mel, ;s ha- b en lenbal! as iiiiZ pupiis an a . I 1 ' 1 him in -1 en rin w otil i in.' '''.iid to receivi boar. now iiiformaiion Irom -ii-.h i arran it z i s w ho can la! a. - int.; tin ir hiia.es. i. if udenhail wsi; -i m ;i m. -ids an I cataiouu : mel.ts ear. !ie w - rk ol tl AI'TOMA IIC l.HTRI'l TOlt. An Ih veil) ion by Ir lt:arly ol New I It4krii.. lo he (iliii.ii tit Illi' Xonelior'v I A...-4'iiilily. Bcrni3. w li ' i Dr. i i. K. 1) igbv ol N'ew j has n, a, e si vera i useful invent ions, will J have hi- i itc.-l one on inhibition at the 1 Tea'bci-'- Asm inbly. it lieing on ihe cdu j e Cleiial line. It :s a I eaf and 1 )Uulb and Bi "eliin r".- Au'oin itic Blackboard In- struclor. j I' is a shadow box-iihukboarii with j openings one having the limires. another the a!iiha',t. anoiher iiietuivs of common I objects an I another tlie letters spelling f.ie ' name ol ear h object. ! The blaekbou' l is arranged so that I only one h tier or ligttre, or pieiur.' and I icconip inj ing word conns into view at once. 1 ue gam ;n tins is that Ine tliod s attention iJ conlined to the one thing being considered: there ate no othir objects lor it to winder to as in coinmo.i school charts. Sever.d iduc-Cois h .ve s.-eii and en-ilnr-e I the lilaekb .aid. Ail who attend Ihe A-M' i'bly w id be given an opportu nity i f examining i; tliorougli'y and see ing its in ! its for t heu;selves. II A!. I' III M V. II VI A 1. 1'. Ketii-.ii-knble Kriniwick County Monsi ro4.il v . The Wilmington Me-scnghr tell- of a i very reinu'!.: ab.e Uiuii-ni'-k i ou-ily inn- sirosity whieh it leirns ot through iiev. S. L Swain ol tha county who wa- visiting I a Wilmington clergy) tin. The inon-trosi v is in the shipe of a hall calf half human of w hich a cow m Shallot te township b -caine die mother on Friday May ;J1 si. The cow belonged to Mr. William Frink and the monstrosiiy was born on the plantation of Mr. Friuk's fuher in law, Mr. Cornelius Thomas. It b id no tail and h-hfof its face, and body wen.' human, including a perf. ctlv shaped shoii'der. arm. hand, leg and foot. The ! oilier bait was that of a calf, and the thing 1 walked erect. ' hi Saturday June -oh. Mr. Pi ink went i to his fatln r-iii-la . and when th.-v went S to a grave to see the curiodtv, they found I that -omi-'-ody h i. I killed it. They don'i know w ho killed it. but I hey say it wa getting along' well the h niive. i!. Me.-.-c-u jer. ul tune It Was seen Smiiishorn tiini; lor it IC.-ii I road . A Swan b iro coriespoiMl.-iice writes us: All are will !e..-e. this i.-.a healthy place, ri ttv place iii-l eic.iii place to live in. iiinv ul ;,'gii! -.ipi and low '.nil. water I product- of all kind-. Why w n, t some here and mill or men. ( mug down bui w a 1 ill; !',.! S Ka 1 1 l'i id, -omen ear lo S. :j usl . -; er, . even if it If . Mr. Whi other Uiil- lo come to w Ihe gieal ib -, M r. Mi I ui re. or -on 1 men . ouid b ill Inc.-. iii-baro. and see and kn bell lils to I-.- deliV.jd i 1 here w as a Uai! 1 o n I here w e iu-t b.-lievi: he . ,r thev V .somebody if or near here, w on id make it come. We have no money and can't build one oneself, or long li. f"i'e ibis tin re would have been one here -tire. S.. come Mr. I Jail load in. ti and see for yourselves, i a une i iil'ck too. K4'4iu-ce And Ailviiulniri's ol' tlie I'aiillieo Seetion. This is ihe title ol the very l;-t Ireatisi ,ii liie c.-u labilities of the pa-tern ci-uiiiii- whi'-li v. , have s y, i . com 1 1 iciii 1 ,1 I ' i i' ie cons eilieu-. By a citcular whi.-h llallock. lias sent liirou and we deration heuitib of our i's author, Mr. h the mail he b-.-s peaks t he c nipi rat ion of all in ss ne ii in an i (fort ri di-si our busi ninate its infoiinalioli bioadi ast for t No ch, ,et us al' ie Use ol Set- i th is and uov-lor could be desired. iper iiKlhod respond Forleilinjr S50 er Day. special to the Wilmington Me se i lger s that th.. new- noi, lie oiint. vs l-,ive not t 1 . , . . , i. (l sent ill ineaiiNs in ine -line onteiais and xct'ihelaw ri.U ii.- that the a. Is of the Pegi.-hu ure sine 1 be published by the i O O; C. I f IL III r it Ull I o i ..e; I e 1 . ; , : lit! t l'i onitl iilliilil 11 liul, ii,i5 .nil i I ue I .egislalure adjourns. The penally is lidy esuh day oer time. ,. i . ,. dollars f'itied Ten MontliM. Mr. John Hall, who was up to Kinston a f w day-ago, informs n that while there ne saw a horned frog in alcohol at the store of Mr. Ileinv Dunn. Mr. Dunn intonii-.d Mr. Hall that the Irog neither ate nor drank from the time he receivi d hir.i until he died. lie lived or. air fur ten months. IL.w long a time previously he was fispng i- not known. I his bints Dr. Tanner. Ifucklen's Arnica Salve. The be-l salve in 'die world for Cuts, , Ilruises. Sores, I "leers, Sat Ulu-um. Fever : Soi, s. Telle!', ChapiK'd iianip, Chilblains, ; Con s, and all Skin Krupuons, and posi . lively cure- Piles, or no pay required. It i is guaranti ed to give perfect satislaetioii or money refund td. Price go cents per b 'X. Pot' sale bv F. S. Dutty, Druggist, yndicate has ac- :re-ot the most l-,l Pads, to -ell . Tke X'alldcrbilt-Aslor ; tpiind live thousand a oesiiab'e land at, Niag and leas.- lor laelory purposes. This syn dicate owns the Niagara Falls Power Co. l.lttlll II S II 1141 I. I IISIM,. Ke I. M. l.inrei'' il l rc -M'lwil-fl t-s Al-4 11 i t I'll! lilsi'l cs 11 -1 ii! bikini-1. A I ri.i.4' 11 1 a 1 1 o 11 4l lri-xi.. lll-t.ti.le A'e .ne.-'l ol t: .- to I !i- 1. !. lb v -. I.. T. M. N. t. It I). : 11 1 1 ilUeeil tee rise's a- a 1 l i - il l,. lie shovel , - e?sa tr ki.owh.l tied mind H" , t u-1 . ' 11! a ed .111 r 1 '.'! pi Ot 1 hail. si i . a . s In ; i,,. 1 1 y I th ut. w i eh arc 1 aii a I'd n v. illi be- b' st ' lb- -how.Ml ,1-a, 'I e public - h' ' lax: ei'--, eltien u-illi' ll; 'Ild p!"iuoe tie- use! il .'1 '.-li ; 1 1 1 1 to -ell' i t' fhe I'M- e -e- ! !. A ill ut -Ixt lli t- III 1 lli. ted t 1 I.., n.. IK" d "I -Up.'i-I ' . it II n am I ti e -a-i d o - lb il l - !o maim a'll ; dii' - w net In 1 tin", j .No".!, 'sia'c. amaiioii-. i-j 1 . o W l I -the! Ii y neitai; tnovr me 1 11-. it- and d.-iils K vei v 1 ue 1 : 1 i pai taipants a- i lit. 'ml a, , . a Ke- themsi-h i . w 1' h c tarn, it stem- to i Ih-nrv Nunti a -. : due M..-I. ! ott I " n.er Tucker 1 utani- I Tucker. Mai vi 'Hi ps- n. I.'i. y The two : i. M -s .-i.h nee o e! i and I, 11a I! .w di I were 1 vci-p'.iouail i yives nnn.i-'al-.aliU I arv, lah iit in a'niarkeili iliir-i!, a li iiini . n j i I tar wh'i ii her -hler -i-ter has mad' 1 l'i pnialioti lie'e it home, I I'he (loop I (nil w a.- :h" . 'osin nil i , ber. This i ecute 1 bv a rs :! I ; i oi.,.., I in w'uie a: i l istily nil amcnted wib 1 UVtt j oilier i with hoop- il ual'dieo itions. hvoiv p.utici p uil ear re ot theirieil out her part tie iii'hiillv and an m flit : i e unison. j make lull : The pu -eiitati'in ot iiiz .- f-iilowni. Dr. aen 'inict-; bong ba-towiug lliem. Tlie billow ice ; e coaling i were the winners: Missis Kate Fuleher. i 1 I.urv ,bl,nt. Alice Sj.enoer, Alhe Crow i di r. i! a- Abbott. Su-u; CobiiiJ. K;eanor I Mar.-'ail'. li. s.-i( Thorp; . luha Mi-Sorley. Mvrtle J)i-osway. Pearl lb bell', S.na'h ! Coplo.i, Kthe! Thou. a-and Fr..i,k Harris, i The two l.iU- r Wde tor atteiidan- e: ail I the others wi ie tor scholars!,-.! .. The prize prescidation being on--, ' lli i I.ina niford recite 1 a 'are well addr. -- in very good -t :e. and tile uidie ic ibs- r ierse.1. We Vegret tl u; eX' teiS' s were not hc'ld in a larger !i ill. Thev were well worthy of a hit ge an. li. nee. it w i- ihe be-t free school entertainment we have ever seen. i FIR i: M K N 'S T'Ol' K A MKAT X K A H Let lill lli-l In lrenriiiu- l-'or Ille liil portHlit llvelll. August mil i.- u-.t far away mid that i.s ihe day the Firemen's Tournament begins. It w ill he a big oe.c i-ion and the conn si-to 'ie held w I! in all likelihood draw good crowds c! visito'i con -I Iry. Considerable rt n.alns to hip-are for the coming visitors citizen sbouel exien I all aid the lirem. u in i In ir ell'or; s in oe-ca-ioii -ui h a one a.- is I. good old boMiof New Berne. Irani the h ue lo p re ii in I i ei p .ssibh: p. make I hi lining Ibe At Iho Atliliilie Hotel .Mr. Kdv.-ard Fagg. -t w o i-tant manager of the Atlr t I i'l. Moicluad, was in the city y inle'est "t th- holei. A ei.iay in tl e iiud him a th man aid pleasant did b is n s like " II worthily repiilanin fed that In- his, thi- 1 1 in j web I sustaining the known reso'l Mr. Fagg's tin her for many years charge of the White Sulphur Spring-, and bis connecii.ui with that noted n gave him valuable experience whicl stood him in good spad ever since. Va. sol !, s expei ienee doi s nor stop w ith th.it. how ever, for he has been connected w ith some of the h re most hotel-, among them tie St. Charles if Nov Orleans and the Pone." tie Peon, I'l l. It-eently Ml. Fngg bud occasion to lake a trip to the gulf states as fa! a- T' Mi ami lies iel the opportunity ot putting i in Mood work for the Atlantic in many ot the le .ding nt n-s ol i iios,. statis. lie m f'oiins iw ihrit the indications lor ihe sea son, ns judged by the applications, are very goo.l. Improvements have been made, an ev- cept i 11 good ol'che-lra secured an. Ihe in in Is to in ike the gue-ts have one oi the ni"St cujoya'ilc siinini. rs thev evei e perienertl in their lives. Till: IIAI'TINT I'M'XH'. liil Xol el Aii.a Itaiiianil lacry lliinx Ika4444efl oil' Finely. Wlien it lK!gan raining in New Peine rhuisd.yil w as su ppo-eil I hat the luck which has, befallen the Baptist Sunday School so oft. in on its annual picnics had again occurred, hut not so, it did not rain al Morebead except the sbghie-t -piiukle about two o'clock. Permission having lie. n obtainc I Iro n the Ailujulant (ieneial lo u--e the Siale ei'i aiiipnciit ground- near .Moi'i in ; tier was parti1 ken of tl i re. Tiny . dm- f .'. 1 nd everything to the r tables and s(at-, an hands I a slu in t he way ul Iter over t hem just as it was lell from the eiieampmer.t j last year, and gioand- partially cleaie-l.l h was an i.ibniiab e place f.r the pic ! I iiie ami a good. co.., :e!risbiug bieee : from Ihe oce.-m and sound made the stav ! delightful ; After dimu-r the pieniceis kept on to Moreheau City and Irom tin re iiiinv went to the banks, sailin outside, fishing and to IJeilllfort. I hey in rived hack in New Hei ne alj ait eight o'clock last night. the occasion was pronounced ore of ihe b- .-1 of d- kind those atli tiding ha l cm r p ilia ipaied in. Cuite a uumb. r besides the school vv.nt down. There were about Dili) in ail. Foil r KinMt4n Ru r 1 it rii'. bloke in Fi Ids l!io-. Someone -lore 1 i- i ... . ; . ..i ... i i i- i ei uie-s i.i infill in last .ck anil I lot of meat. The lesidenee ot Mrs. ii.to Anne ('u.i nungs was in'oKcn . , . ... , i i liiougu 1 1 io w indow oi ine .i iung r.-um i . . , ... , I ,v iiiuit "its i.iruru ii nil int.- j'.i-s.ie,.- inn, ! the garden and some jewehy and linen stolen irom it. The ioss was not very much. 'I'he entrance w as efficted with out aie'ti-ing inosc ui me iioti-e. i tie liaweiy was oroK'-n mm .vi 'iiaayi night. Pnlrance was elbi'ieit by break . nig a glass m uie door and autasteiueg il j The small change, about fg.'.o. in Pie ' drawer, a frsr.t . :k". s tine meat, sniiil. 1 potted ham, etc , were tnkt u. ; j On Tuesday night some one broke in the store ol Lew is Borden, c .lore i. IOii- ' trance was hist atiemp'c I Iio.n Ihcnar, j bid fitiled, and then the hoM window w:..- , ; broken in. The burgl ir nm-t h-tvc tut 1 , llimseif With the glass, as tin -re is blood ' ' spattered on nnd around the window. ' Henry Sanders, colored, was air. sU-,1 I on the charge ot banking in the n-idenee I of Mrs. Obmmii'gs. The preliminary tii.d i was held yesterday lielore .Mayor Ti tuple. w ho b m ml him over li) ceun in a ju-l li.-d . bond ot '5ilt(. in I limit of which 1c i- in i iai!. Free Pie-s Phh hi-l. I If'tlie Ititliy is it 1 1 1 1. a lit. Be sure a;i 1 use that old a.,,1 well tried ,.,,..', v. Mrs. Winslow ", Soothing Sv.up . f()I. c-,ii,IVI1 trt Ufnig. It soothes tin child, I ,nHelis thn onms allnis all l.aiie cures wind colic and is the best reiiiedy lor dLurrhoea, Twenty-live cents a bottle. nOlyr rws Aintii r ftli' City ol I I mi mill l4-lliMv. (ill liereil ill mill llri. ll v I'olll. In .1! A' N,-w (Vdii I be 1 ii,- 1 0101 . il ma! h L-anie ol I bad .!iiiili"loii In twei Ih r:,e and lb .laMon tin- V,i I he i'l e i I-11 ic I.'acksii cklnT. 1 j I o 1 1 1 e on w i -, 1 ne was hi to .!. dc 1 1th ins:.. M' K ... hipped 4no barreb a 'd , ! ten a re-. Thev a la v a- leoelet here this si ..soli. w 1-a- li 11 l -.v -ei . iiirt - am I I ho-e ' , .11 eijn .1 t , i i i' i 1 primo ol ;. -.,,t. . ' . I. l.inii' tl. I .Iinin'o I .efore l.a- i-i 1 . d our , i I I In 1 .a-t lam- t 1 k in-' lew - 11 .1 Atl in':i h ,- be-en in ikoiT a l; I .. ,n un, I p ilato ii-w s, , 1 1 ii 11 v I le l ie- ii -t I.i'm 11 e, - nt A asii ii'.'ioa a ie I Kmc'", n 1. I ' ti P New li' w hi. I, Will 1 v .1 II. lleiiion, iieutist. is now lilcas- . r 1 1 ) y loe. ted in his new ipiarlcr-, 11. ( H0..1 1" in oa 1 t'n- Fanner iiu-l Mo- , .an : - I a - o, . I hi ., n ' j , 1 . rv n p., rl 11. call- linelv adapted lor tl-e a- dent e pit lor-, and Dr. Itenlon lias lilted them up '.veil, the operatiu ' room- U'iii": eitliji-p- d w ith lb'- I,, st appliance lor its piu-iost I'hi reci ptiou loom I- lurui-he I in eleyanl Tic .1 niter , ik-oiivipe Time- ay tb-it no 1. I,ee of I ho pnpillatal V of I III r 1 1111 1 on!, I lie desired than w Kiv 1'ib.r 1 11 V 1 1 1 lie l a 1 1111 le-Cecl sloa 1 l aim in r i .o. . m gem r.-iisiy donating wie liiiiib' r to eon-ti net the w barf and walk to tin- hotel. 'J'he walk i ill U' ;i;i I. el in lec'lli l.y six !!' in w 1,11 li. and will lx' noi only a convenience lo the "U---I-. but wdl he a welcotiv addilioii lo the already a'iiil-.' pia.'. is of the hotel lor proim-nad- lIiiBier Wimil. Mai l ii d, at Ihe Chinch ot Chi i.-t. New IS rue. W. -due-day, .Inn.- the 1'jth, by Itev. D. A. Ihiinlle at h df ia-l our o'cloi k in the alieino .n, lOdgir lv II.UK'l' In ivut Vienna Wood, daughter I' .Mr.-. K .). Wood, all of lhi eily. M r. -b.s. D. Caskins was lie-l man ami M,-- I!-., hei Blown was maid of hoimr. Th' N 11 e i -bi'l's Well! Mis-is. .1. .1. Pau l. Nairn, II. D. Wo, ,1 and (;. . Siiini',11. liieillur was wall ti'.le 1 with bcuitilu! i a c ir , lions of 1 ,w i-rs and ia re plods. I.olieiigrin's wedding innich, Wagm r, ' w as louden d by Miss pita Nunn. Alter tlu ("lemony, ihe iniiple left rn Ihe steamer iSeuse of the K C. I), line for New Yolk via the ( ). I). S. S. ( ',. The oil a.-ion w as maike I by Ihenei ileney ol m i ii v bands mi,- and v doable, gilt-, same ef w hii h c.une fio.n longdis t iiiecs. I,i-er.v .Stabler aikI Koy-IIoiiiiiIs. Mr. J. . Slew. ul's branch livery -table at Moivhead ( ity is now open. Mr. J. 1!. Holder, who will rim it lor him through theseison, has gone down with ihe tiist supply ol horses others will fol low. The stables are situated near the j Atlantic Hotel. i Mr. Slew art also intends to provide n. '-plendid p:n k oflox hounds. The fox I eh ,m;s oi the icighboi-hoo.l are said to be I li ie. lh"ie are a good numb, r of b.xes, ami the roads ;ue so immeiotis that the ; ride- . c.t) k'-i j) in them to a very con I -i er i -'ie extent in t he pur-uit in.-tud of I ' i ,vuig to plunge, as in many neighb-ir-i Inn ds, abiiost entirely llinuigh the forest i g'OWlll. .1.IM I'rnin Italf ininro. lor Tonrnn- nent. Me-rs. Pdman, P.oykin l'-. . of 15 d inic re. leirningol the Firemen's Slate Convi tition and Tournament to be he d in the cilv. in August have s.nt. Mr. L. J. Taylor, chief ,f ihe New Pcrue Pire D--pint men t. a check tor live dollars towards the fund that will be used on the occ-e-ioll. Th . check was accompanii d by a note epie ive of kindest regards and w ishing e pie isant and merry lime. I I l ( TIOA OF lll t ll I IIV K ol and I'lienter b'mil Sliolom. A', a regular meeting of Allu-nia Podge Xo. Si, Knights of Pythias, he'd in their Castle Hall on .lime 11th, the following otli- cis were elected1 tor the ensuing term: Sil Cohen. Chancellor Commander. J..I. Baxter, Vice Chancellor. W. li. Benders, Pielate. .1 C. Scabs. Master al. Arms. At tlie annual meeting ol the Congra gation Chester b'nai' Sholom held Sunday. . I une Oth. lSi).". the following olfleers w ( I e eli clcd: M. lluiui. President. N Selmltz, Vice President. P. Walln-tU, Sccret.uv. " C. J icohc. Tic isurer an. I Directors mi l Trustees: M. Hector. Sultan, II. Jos 1 (annenlieiy Cohen. S. Cnplon, Jos. llahn, KuiuEit ul Harmony I&aiif net . 'I'he following li une gentlemen have ii-en appointed a coinmitt. on the Baii- ,,,-el to be held J Jly 4. l.sO.V. M,,. l l'.ll II It T,,.d.er It .1 Dis -swiiv. J A Thomas, J W Puddle, II li Ittaan Jr. Nicholas Jones. M ill Manlv. (:,,: Sutton, W S Phil lurs, J T Lincoln, A T sir.insb.-iTV, J M Ilarris,,,,. II C wi,; , ..i.,i it-:.',,. th. 11 I. cii.iw .1,,,, I Aden Jacks..!), li K Alleg,.o,, 1,,-ph I Brown, II P II dl ami Dmlel I'll lo,,l. I The commit tee wall pleas- nice! to ' uighl at o'clock id tin- Cul I lloli-e. 1 'loin pt a.teni lance desire I. ! Writ ol UnlieiiM rorpns Xol tJriinled. I A n a' I empt wr.s made bel'.tie .lm A n a'l empt wr.s ! Bivan Thursday to get Ah x Poll who is c. n, lined in Lenoi r c, .ui ty j under a writ ol habeas c u pus. released The ap plication was refused. Koii-e has Uen in ' iai! sine- May under hurge of incendiarism Mr. I). II. Allen of Kinston, formerly ' -oli nor, icpresenled tin! State in the n -' -i.-ling of the application. .1. M. Iti-insoii. Th North Carolina Bipli-t has this meiition of a liiriiu r New Berne boy. I Mi. J. M. Briuson, a graduate of I Wak.- Forest and a unlive of New Berne, N. C.. ha- iu-t delivered the annual ad dr n-s belore the Paw S bool of ihe Color- i .j Pniversily. His home is at Colorado prmgs and he is making a reputation as 1 n safe lawyer. t.ooil I:iioiiu;Ii. Jacksonville Tunc- mention.- this aise of I he be;, ell where the New The high p 1 ti Ver Inn i-docatt" 1 : "Mr. W. S. Ciawioid ol Phila who pa -s, .1 .-i era I dai - a', tins p blphi... m e la-t k. predicts a bihlianl till u re f. ,r t he New liiil I in anil I )i,-lov Peach. lie i i. i. Ills tied ill" bach ill I n nit i I t he lull i- I hi- lines! f. a b 1 1 hi eg i h 1 1 i an be I oil ml Oo lie c .a-t. limn P'oiida to Maine."' Cliiinue ol V . M. . A. Sliile Sea-relnries. Mr. P. A. Coulter, tin- pieseut North ' diiia Y. M. C A. Slate Sc. -,ta,y, intends to le.ise in Aiigu-t or S'plemb. r f"- Virginia to tahee'eo ge of the work in that Slate. The oll'u ial visit which le ha- just made to New Berne will prolia lily be his l ist one. Mr. ( oulier is a go d woi ki r and ha- liiends all over the Stale who will h-ite lo set him leave. Mr. Coulb i will be succeeded by Mr. M. li. 'uu Vraektr, ol North Dakota. MACK I '.URN and W ILLETT Were ;c- hia n :.::LA UOU . '"! fliATtCEST-j ' i .'Tn.'-; rfi n-7 The Largest Stock IN THE CITY. - Our Methods and Prices ' ATTliACT ATTENTION I ,' '." . . . And Are . . . Bound to Please! And make Grow the ever Flourishing Tree that bears Fruit which will always please every one and bring success to the Firm who knows how to Advertise. Hackburn & Willett. T1IKSK WARM DAYS. nv Id: ink i m; i d li M( L COOL Dh'AKiH'f BEE1L - N. iv ;.n,l ii'ii-ii,' ll dnuiltc rump WltM all :,'i " nl- eel pill in. We CUM flirnluK a- ; I I-- I I II 1- - I e.l ill mly NW TOrM W, ;i I -o .all V' a full line o! ... ...I'ni-e mill I aukillllternleal I.I.Mrll. Siotilile lot- Me.lit-Il) Jirffl, , II KA 1 t'l l: 1 I'.lhs f. t I'aiiiTsim's I'urc Winccboro Corn ! Whiskey. l.IVK I S A CA l.i. - ; 1 Itespeel Itilly, I i The Globe Saloon, Mo. 37 ... Hlltfl. , tMAlUilil'DUCK. aidwac r; i . i v - ' s 1 J: ' .'''V'C. ' " ks ' ' '' '-y '-' ,. r . 'it.',.-' a j '.-... 1 V '. . - v' - I I