- $1.00 Per Year INDEPENDENT IN ALL THINGS. SiEgle Copies, 5 Cents. VOL. XVIII. NEW BERNE, CRAVEN COUNTY, N. C, JUNE :7, 1895. NO. 17 IIKY Kll AS III HM D. :'K IIKItS ASS KM III. V. in p. P 1- t r. i-! . i ! ' ii t . r 'I'liKi'Ksi' iii!iiim; in iiittMS. ' -I V "-"V 4 ' 'i ' v ' 0 1 V. r - - i - " . - 7 tes What is . ' Castoria is Dr. Samuel Pitcher's prescription for Infants and Children. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. It is a harmless substituto for Parejjoric, Drops, Soothing Syrups, ami Castor Oil. It is Pleasant. Its guarantee is thirty years' use by Millions of Mothers.' Castoria destroys Worms and allays fererishncss. Castoria prevents vomiting Sour Curd, cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. Castoria relievos teething troubles, cures constipation ami Hat iiW-ney. Castoria assimilates the food, regulates the stomach md bowcl, giving healthy and natural sleep. Cas toria is tho Children's Panacea the Mother's Friend. Castoria. Cmtfl la an ezeellcn nvdkshw for rhit tnm Motben hara repeatedly told mu ol its good affect apoa their children." Db. O. C. Osoood, Lowiill, Mass. - Cfcotoria. the bent remedy for children of vtues, I am rfFia'l' I hope the day is not far ditanti when mother will consider the real lutacmt of their children, and nsa Castoria In ateail of tharartooaquack nostruma w hich are Jcatroyins their lod ones, by forcing opium, mill Ian, aoothinc; ayrup and other hurtful dam their throats, thereby rrruling i la preiuatare gtaiea." Da. J. F. KnccHstAK, Coavay, Axk. Thai Ccmtamr CsmpuiT, TI Murray Street, New York City. L. H. Cutler & GUILFORD . Tka advaatages oi ti prosperous College, Four LArce, Commxiious Buiklinprs. healthful inirluenre. t'l.issicaL St-intihc, A m. J li i. . ... - ncsB. Airtj aim juut.it; l n.-wtri nirin--i- v - v.ii - M '.. ... . w., ... , I . , inrminn t uu v.. i.i, - v ui, , . Fob Cataxooues Addrkss, This Large Size Fine Rattan Rocker For only $1.25. Ill HULL SIZI TEH EATTAH E0:EES r03 CSLY $1-00. We have nit rryc-4ve.l a new st,-w-k of the handOQi, st Babv Curri:ire Hint we have ever hronxht to Kiistetn North Carolina, ami - wm wlil aril th-in at Rock B.n to.n ll;'iir.-. t..r ash or on Ume or will trade Iheiu lei old aarriafea. We have also JiK roceived another han.l Sai look ol Kill n it lire eni.iislini; olhi-lilv polli.be.1 (W.l X.x.in suits. Ward Iti.hm, Kx V-asiun Tables, llifjh Bark tniiine; to.oiu Chair all in oak and iiia.te up in tlx- l-.ili st styles; aiao nice Top Moiiit I anopi. - have al sr. iu-t r n -1 ; , :.. - int ti. v lot o ' Sew Hantwara and . uilci v tiwk st.oe-. 0aaolinu Vcok SUijea, Cro;,-ei y , 'i'.n a,r. (jiaasS-are JMid ihauilsOiAD l'arlrr l.iit i-, JIauglBS t,amiie. stand l amps. Toilet S. as, eilfeaiu r ejers. and lots ot other Roods too nUnjerpus li mention- We hon,'l,i 110 (ariu and entire atoc tor inot cash ami it en ahi us to t l it at liott Boimui fluoii esior Cash. u U) be convinu' d o il,e aaii.e call Sdd examine r.iir trH;ls boiowe pnrehaamtf aiewQtr. Yo'im KespecUully , Tunur ftratrs I Baiwrs Co. No's 79 4 7J Middle St. Sew It.Tiu', N- C ro p ff4 Paint pur 'Mini iMs Sumr ? If so a few .tl)i3rls s'hmi1i1 inter est yon: '' 1st! Tho C7ALITT of Paint to be usei. tei- Its Carerlag Capaci'.j. 8r4-R Durability. th-IT3 CSSf. ' 3rrave vou ever beard ol I.iJN'd 111K MA11TIN F.7. Bnre Paints, the actual c-sl of which is less Mian si. Co per gallon If not call or scii tor a Copy f their Guarantee. Ar c nsbig paiuU on, e you will iue .io ' a In .. yc wHifty &co. ignt5 ftr UAST'25 Pure Paints. Jf7ircT.s: Agents. $7- ..-et k'i.''-i I ui.h-s far ft faan.i in . u- ::nn . tB r-L Brih'. u'";"( ni ebTf-il ire dtfs&W.-vrtDtta Ctrelrrr '. r. BAWsi Cterk tt, Cl Castoria. " Oafcv-:a i-' weii a Uiitsl to eh:! Iron that I r-eo.ramenil ic superior toany j.rrsscnpLioa know a to me.' IT. A. AnniKR. M. D., 111 So. Oxf'.rd st , ilriMkiyn, N. Y. ' Onr physirians in tho chn.lrnn-s depart ment hr.Te spoken hiltly of their experi ence in their outside pnictiei' with Castoria, and although wo oniy hAve a:uor. ni:r : medical supplies what ia knou-n as ntrular products, yet we are free to confess that the merita of Castoria has won us to look with faror upon it." Unitkd Hospital axd Disrcs'SART, Doston, Mas. it it c. Surra, Vet., SHEP PAROUS COOK STOVES MADE FROM PURE PIG IRON. Not one ponnd of Scrnp Iroa fc. ever nsed in these goods. DURABLE, CONVENIENT and ECONOMICAL. All Modern Improvements to Lighten Boast-keeping Cares. Twenty different sizes and kinds. Every Stove Warranted Against Defects. Prk-es not mnrh higher at this time than on commoner kinds of Stoves. Call on or address Co., New Bene. N L COLLEGE. open to Young Men and Young Wemen. Nottnl for its Christian and .home-like r - it i"h-S i.-iuiiii-( '. nn st-s. ..iiiul. I.n-i- ll... - . - 1..1. it,- f .ilir-n -ii S-i , . n t i f t , - k ii .....cj .... - ...... . ... .i r il . . innrnii'mps I n 4 1 1 ' . -s iii. mu-i in . " The PRESIDENT, GUILFOKD COLLEGE, N. C, Black: ani Claj Peas. A Limited Quantity BLACK AND C LAY PE AS. GERMAN' MILLETT. At CilAs. B. IIili. s, m.Slnt Now Bom. N. ('. NOTICE of SEIZURE i Nf.wrfrn. N. C . Ju-e 12 b. l-pa. , Notice is here bv -'i ven of l be -eia -e of : the f liiowtn--; projieriy 10 internal revenue laws. So ih. I:- 11 of tb- lis and 3'-!bS'l. June loi'i, 1 ea ,ai ka-i wbi-key -e .il a! tb ill- ilh r. , W. ratters i. No -j'.r," it '., l , id eb.rn. N. ('. Juno 1 "J i 1 . tiiiae tiabi.i - of c tn whiskey 's ii", l at (,. ,a.,:u I) DinlMns, N, w Hern . N ('.. iron: lh..- :--tillery 1 f sai I l,vid Y 1' ,1,1- 11. t wo packages o' eo n wli-kes - m Me distdhr,- oi J A Pifer- n. Any person ! iliii'ti- nay oi '-MM M.. -mi-is hereby ll' til'e-1 lo ajij ear a! Mo- otic, in the city ol Ni w ISernc, wiMnu t'.Oili; from tile Mate hereof an.l make -eeb cli ms in the ma i iicr H al ! nn p, 1 -cr, 1 1 . 1 ay 111 or i be -ci pr. p.a ty feiti.l to tin I M i', .1 stat. -. F. M. SlMMOXs I IlT W. T C Ml-., Dep-tv ( ', 'j.lnle ill e. I . ; . ' e , n ! - et : or. NOTICE Of SEIZURE N k w Hi'.it '-. N. 1 '.. .1 iii N - a ice I. li r. :io-i , I-'.. ,, --zare ,,.' ibe 1"..'!..w iu I , a 'i " : fa a. at : 1 ol the Intena Uevc. ::e 1 iw -. s.f " - ".J"c? and :)i't. to w t: J'.uie ISM: fl ci 11 1 p. Wh -k, i ,1 a; M: ,i -t Camj.;.'. No 1 1 MA. rounly. N . C . e - ' i ' 1 huidit'g 1O0 u alien- 1 be o water me i-ip . m, IP . t 1 1. a : : . a : ' aps, u, )! ins and ii!a e- i. . :i.' a to said st iii-. Any per-' u I . mi 1 a ; s 1 , i M, , -., -t nr tuii.-i L"i ity '- .. v a-a :t : ; . , j -pear at th'. C : t 'h- . v "!' N w 1 ru i ii h'ti 'to . - f. - a. Ia . t : i : , .;' . , 1 1 1 111 ike siieb cl Mm- in ;; a. : lief a 1 lo;-,, ptcsi-ri' e-l b. aw. of the I po P"t will Ik- fovfe I- .1 M tae I Mil e I - a-, -. 1M M. is -. ('-. 1. V,v M T. ( IV; a' , ( . : .. MRS WRITE r -- Riverside SENNKLS, POULTRY, PET STOCK YARDS, for their immense cat alogue to bo issued this month. It costs only a stamp. EGGS FOB HATCHING srKciAirv Isbl Friiss es ris, -t tt' tt-17'' t." c, i . . . . . J ' . j s. v - - e j NEW BERNE, niy 1-J Willi N. C. KKSK1IVKS. Infill!, . . Oap'Ci lor I'll it lAislrllrr-l'rtixisitm lor Sn l" r I ;kiiI In . ii r:i-t'tiu-ll I lit I Ilii-iriK-i s:m' ilailiis; Or;;iiii:i I l,iiv li m hers. A- N .v !: :; 1. i- M, tlica-t Nav.M ! , . ' j ." ; i ui ; :i u i ' .i 'i 'ir : ii- Nev-d !: rve i rg-t - ..'.. i.o.-ri-s. :!i X ,vi IV; .-i::;i. V.-, . -p,-i la': i' li 'e-; w ' -'t-'v. r ' !l nlg-li: 7. It " !-. v - ' ' -p-1' iiwif; : : r . ', : m . '. ! li .' ' ' j'v.-'i i.y l.l.-i; S.-li, ..:-. -. : i-1 . t i'ii' B . 1 in r- p .-!' ' '.5 t:i it I'M. W ' the VNi i.i - M Ml JKi i I ii i a a ; . 0 u . -. ai n t i'i'- - -vc: nmeli'i I lia. I.:ealt'ii ia: M'a a li- .; 1 ,t... 1 ni- a a win h the li.i'. ' --a " Ir-.w in tir.it- "! tn !U-;. . F- a I.in : ri- i : ;. i. n ib.e o. at "i'ai; t..:t four year.- ai;o the n:a.'. no t. i Mii,ii has.-.;- a- ' a'.; t.: M an I tin xa i 1' fee " lVi ; '" a- : '. -w. ! N oi k ti i a. ! r . a . f i ,.' ,.. a r . ii:n7,i'."i- of :i . a f t a :i Kb .ie l-ia-i I. I '.iai .ti s N- v. .1 r- y. 1 :r -; ', ; .alia. M.iV. ar. N- a Mi t ' ir..'.,ii-i. S ai Mi ( 'a i iitia. I '.. ma i ' ai t M ,el i ' i It, 1 a l b!. inn to li. -f II V. I-- ."' 11- ' t-. No A Y k .,:-.! t'aM-.e: : . an.: V. ia: n! m ania'i as ; e : ; , ,-i.r-e n! Til K .M'l'Klll-KI 1 1 1 ' N s 1 iie-,' or,':!:' . il i ai- i 'ca a re ,lii n 'n Me : v sMe.iar tb t -b ea : n -, i-.a' : .r l !-.-.. lit l'r-: . i S: t: s a: my. fh t;0f,'l!IU! tit HI ,k. -11 .fa 11 M :i.ii:i- irt a., n of 2a i' Hi for ti e -i-ppo:' . st2"i i' HI for ti e -i-pi'o:' ,. :i. na va i.-t-rvi . tae tt.na y li.-ln appof t a av i! :u.oiii the v.irioii- rauiy iii.m i aa-ii .! Ui. a- 'a lb the '' '" n wit ch the !:t: .a :ht ' f otncei s :i I net m ea. li ."-'an-oi'-TUl . a a 11 b;;li- to tie to'a' nil lib; ! in ib t a s. 1 he I j.Vt ot tai appro print ii us is tn a rtn a M i u ' t p tb i. c. ai in.'.itia. No pnt t ion ,tf it is , aiiab'e f ,r uniforms. In a.iiia.ion to the -.;;' i .. ;i Hot s. an ai l : o pi .mi-.t tin- . Ilien ncy . f the ll iv il miiilia was pa-- d at t - "-'-i 11 O' ( Olll---S. hi' Wh-:-. :i till N DcpataiT lit i- author ze I to h ad -act, Vl--,:-. b u an ! .-hip emii pinettt - n- av ".nt i'eij are I l..r tin i:euei"d su v ice t . the t;..vi inn;'- : the S.-.tj- ,,.;vm.; a i tira.i . M ii i; ;il in lit. a. iKW sKKVK'K I--OR ol.n sllll's L" t) ie f I'm- ope tai. ih (MMh ;s 'a .v the obi Ime.iC-hiilti,' -b:p New il iinpsluri- was oan-il P. Ne.v York, the St. I, oil.- lo I'uiU-.vUatiia. the D i e lo Mar; '...ml and j tin- m-iirtiii' NMiitu.-Ml to N- i"b C uo- Mi a. Caiifotr.i.t m.l u'et the w .t..r . Sew Jersiy the I 'o: isainii i b and ('Time-' t.etil wiil 'jet the old monitor S';:ui lotte. ; whi. h it was ori'.iu lily i'.iti nd-ii to h-tul Maryliid. I ait Mary ia-d lo-k ihe I'be in jireler. m e. 'lbs iia- ca,it-;ed lb.-; niiadei'-f vc-- is tii" M.i aitan ir. tn .y : i lend to tin- !-! !es. Ti e -eis are n-e I ' ,0 , I,'.- 1-latal.' 1 1 i- -o -il uat. d as not hy the or ':tiii,,tirir,s h '., I ; iil,' them a- ar i ,,, cjn:. to any tow r.ship in the c.-imly, lino::, s. Tbe St.it. s aie reipr.r, d to ki i . tbor fu'r its inhabit oi's inilun be c i them in r. par; tbiP. is to kep theiiim j .t if mi tlx dioii. It i's w..fth mare ' as e. ,,i 1 i i.n ' a, ion as t bey w . t c w ben tln-y - ,,ou. ( W;,Q .,nv , c f. ,-M,ol owners , .( j; m. :': I .. I. t! ! m n I ! 'V the ; "I'leiUIl'l I.. l.. .-in ai i .c - li i'i - ,: o.i. t'u-ua.i' ic wear, ni mtit c'.pis - tab i iTU'isr.s K it: I'tiAiTtrr.. . In 'i.h!::in:i to ihe h-luba" oflbe is '.s io the : r'-.la.allnr. i- ihe .:, of ! i - , 1, oi'i i e ,t 1,1 ear ; he .,1 uiiiitia practice c n. -e-ilur n-.r the -'.tiiiiiur on them a v.-m Is . ,f t lm na. y. La-tyeat ' til-.' I1.1VV lliill'.ia of M IsSilellil-c'itS il-. id iheir aiiiui.il ibil s ami target praeiicc on '.oai.l tin- M; nit,, :1.1a o!i ii el Atl ,n:a. The Kb i.ie Is'an 1 illi'i-iotis were vr'vea .1 ' four c'ay -' roil ; se ui in-ti net ion on if." Mhintonomoh. The (.''maectic'it miiitia bed similar cii'so !' Ir.l lilin on the. Ai ant 1 i'i Lu;' I-isa 1 sound. The div- 1-iOIls ri the .New link iili.lia mil a - eek of insi 1 uci ion on :i:c New ot'k :.n I (San i- fiiiii u. lb-.- rcniis; Manat or- . ':ili;.Uion- Irotn I'li.beb lpM i ;ia 1 1'lMs- bar:; were t-ivcti . p".a t..-,'. eon-.- ! dii'.'.s aid ex re at ; -'iit:c New Yolk. ''file h-it ililOtl l.if N.-'.Ml ( iloiin , tn "i .port ani: f -r ins: 1 m ; n a;.M I pr.11 t :.'e 1 11 t he Moat j,on.ei in c nm w.Mi r.ra.'beal iel'i-i-. s an b -ar ! the Noanckel. Ihe iM.il: .a , .l.;:-i"ii aa 11. strut live lour -a na: o . n.e - 1 am. 1 M:ci i.ati oil tbe 1 .ke-. VUV KMI-.NT IN ITS Ivt- '-c. Tae iiioveaion: for the f rm ilai'i ol n iV a mil i t ' i or:i!i:"t. :-s ',- ! 'j:l'del ..- ii In;: -t I.I in Ms i . I iip V , in. I r 1 1 1 1 ina : c-aMs a : e e pi te ! 00111 .t . I . I lil.'' iiii: i tie x w v 1 1 per: :m ni II n ' to I 11- coiir.ii;.' it nih h M. ne l Mi el tie IIP II eii 1st 1 ' I n ami i- r be ween 'i.a'Mi Tbi is an ex ei.eiil re-el'VC I a v: 1 na doubt b i 1; -.perci-. ha; s 1 !,nM ,k , h in a -l.o ; tan . ml o.il.HI. ", ,ed P !. I 11 a 'I'lie -lau- I i :do:' tin- lle-u in tiie-" ol cilli itloe- i- h '". and the ti'.''..'.ii tli y will r.-. five it. tliei i oratl,;' at : p- w ' I make, tie in o! eNcep: i nnai ,!pe- .0 the is iw in ' ol iu-piI Just whit tie ir ia ; v Ion wi.l li' t" rc.Mars,;,. i, ,-..: their a '" . ..'nd out by 11:0 o.jv. i'.iPi.-i 1 b"W Mia tan inre.s -ii.i'i : n -.: aa 1 in..-: c!h- '' "-'': - 'P' lMle in any ,!i-'; , : p .a tin tae 1 a ' a p 1 1 - 1 an -e b .- not P.a a n.a'.'ki a mi n- .-t. Ye: there -.re ii'.u.v, due. tl-.n-n:i w e; ,, Me v . .,- M l.e ,a the an s r- a c." II the IS.ii.v is ( liiiini: li'.-ili. . r.-iili: I v. Mi. W i a slow '- S, 1 a ii " j Miup i'i ': Ir, 1; te.-iiiin.. it -i.niie tin .-hild. -'ti.ii t. 0. mmi-. a: a s ;M: pat", ill-.-. ..1:1 ni, .1 a d . : be in st rem. .ly f f bai 1 .i ie i. Tai '.I', e e. at- ti b-.lt .c. ua', 1 1 A: I'.-v -ir.'.: p d. n ir A i'.iurn. - I- i ox and M -s i '..rm l:a i Ii t - ir-. tb - b M" ot i er !. ai'. i i v -m irk ab"' i ie ai! :- !', E lien .a;i I ism i.re-.l ill a lla.v. .;-' t aa " ! .: U aiiai ,M-m 1; . ai '..Ol ui i in . -ie at oil e Me I ... ' v ia-.ip. ! :., ..'..-. Ij .'New lb t m i,v ll.rai c. i boii-e b-aMiiiiiL'. A rii- -a v - the v. hue o t e . ::y .".! .biM-bor-, :.- - : - I - r tip- v r ' - 'Hie I...I. .- 1 1 a' i -t vl'h :-. ." vv,. -i -:, .' -i -a VL--n -:. If TP ;a I. iLSUaria. ' .... P r r Children Cry for Pitcher s Castoria. OIIIIUIUI1 Jl y 1U1 I ILLIICI a oaolUIld f-, Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria, r-L'U r r D'xL I 1 1 tnlldren Ury tor ritCner S L-aStOria. Tiie ru Ones ol the svliiiison I.iiiiiImt Colililll.Y The I.ohn Lis; IK. At lis i n'i lock Fri.liiy. 1 1 u- brick cl r kiln- "I I1:! Mim-ou Lumber Comiiiny in .: ,.; :!,! wiui.lt'ii ones wa n- dlsov, ie 1 l.. in' iill ..i'i. A- i- 11 ill 1 V ;l! W A's the ( IV 111 a tira- lit ;i i i tv kiln II Wn- tlil'ii u!t to reach aii J : i to 'k in ur' tin limns IllU'il lih'iug fMaiiii-li it. hut it Wi- at last I i lie 1 1 1 If' I. t i ; ii ii i ! t i,i- k ;in built loiri lh- ;i '. :. mill'. :". i ir a I u..tl. !, ni,;. T!ie n Is il. 1', rw is i e : i . 1 1 r below . i . : : i ' vv a a- ma i' w . :c !'-!: 1 1 a ; tai ii:,. ut'ltini; litwatai thi. i -a! ui niuile il - liHU-uit an i the t l" li-l't. Ail i- n;.i :ii" li n ua: u. a - ..m. t li'Oe biii.ln.; '.. U:- w..i io-..r f.. entile M mi ilTi'. 'J"ai. In mi. n. -.'j. titi. I s."i In 'UUitier. Tihti- mi li') :i .urji.iv Ikcuhc the kiln tvin of an apjirove.! ji.it tc n was .. . . i i.i, .ii.- t.,i it. t'.,-i 'l.o ' v i - . . tire il a.. I nraen ilP Irom :mv i'i' ivt 111 , j , , ' . , i r ,iiti K : iii. It hi ill-lien tlitis : A rone I K men n -e I in ... , A llllMillU' til'-' : -a . . ; -at,, a- M , in , .. .a . I . , . . r i .... a . , ,.a. I the in M 1- tu t III- Ua .ieM to n-e an iin-l the kilns'at all. The : a;eil Oial, almost a. intlaililil.ib'o as low . . ,-. i.i, ., to- ,, ol ,,i il,,- kMa'a',,,1 iateV It was n; eie-1 a.ul w;i- h ir, j. ia i iei 1 i tit f I he w ay I ait it -rot a;-. -n:n i ti b ti.at ba-1 b ea ,lia. n i ut . ! Mi. 1 m- I y ihe i.ial, -i ! '. but on lire a- ii ' on. Mi t i; -;,:e n!. I'be lire , t ll-ll -li; u' Cill:ll). Il! ot tl c I I'M aisn tho-e of I he ( ' md. 'Il iii!: a M-e",iii' ;er,' quickly biniibl i i it-. reij iii- l.na. Jv.cli. ia vei -hull utile a i a i a o-l si: i mi at w . rk an-1 tl,-- -Irenes lin b l the uorkilla' "I Ml" lile M, 'a a.: inei.t oou foil owe I. not; INI. AMI." of so Called from A l inula !'(. ll Porkers but lor h Fiii'iiier Owner. e-poinlent mvc- u- the In lo .villi: tel, nl llo- 1-1 ,M ill Xitta: liver, ix I unit's iitniio .e,v i.ernc. ah 'loariine I'.U'Js be brings out ;i.l b - lleA to ihe n,a i. ira y of . ai r ivadet -: Tiie pi u e Usually known as "Hoc; l- 1, tub" Was not my .-iippinc. naiiiei from it- a1 iindaiiee of li-i". at some lbnn- ir linn . bill was so named from a man ti .nn . I II'rtL'. win. at s Tile tune owned j the I -I n .1 or lived here. ; Tn.- Island is form, ,11, V a thoroughfare; f Nei.se MM.- tn I iarlkn 01 V- cre.i k. ; il'V -' oil a I Iter New Bern.' w as settbd, 1 .-,.,1,1 i ... i , . ..'.,. i i.i irini ... ..1 i"iin..,l ' l.ibn Swill, n-i-v bkilvaber wlnm S; ifl I ink v.. is n in ed, took uji this Island j' "" ' 1 1 1 0111 1 I C L.OVOI Hi. lent. U 0 llio v.i'-iUL. net lot' - ane caa-e. filled to tiav the irn-tru-i ment's lee and it was turnul oa r to John r,,ivu k. who is the original pali-nlce. This was in ihe y ar 1719 win n our c.ain oecUlMel riiifil) illv bv the ludian- -Tiie nronls ot C'liiven eoutlly show that II,- l-l:ind li s cli:itieit owners many linn s ( ).,e of lhrsv owm rs, .loeph ,,( eh, men-lnin'. si ins to have neeai tiio m.wt pi..initu-nt. S .nietinie in its history it h .s I, em i al e I alur tins owner. .1. ea ; i n-' nt pti -1 11: a iarire -aw nub uie 1 1 , 1 apt. -I. li. t.'i 11 k, al-o se;e: al -u , ,j,,. ,iwt'l!in's in connection with the mi:i. lor the :u eoiuniodiition of the mill op.-iatiw s. PisiMn 'iill-C. Mis. Nel-or's risi I tluui'-th iml carriul en e-1 ' rami! le..M Vi I v, is 1 U". 1 1 1 a 1 -1 1- oil Hie I a ml not sii- I 'j"'t to m-Ml"w. Here tin- raiscil the melons iu our sect imi." - . -r . : : '. MlSIt 11 atii ( IIAHnS. If music lie the foo.1 of love, play op; (iive me eia fi-s of it, that sir feMiut.', The appetite may si, ken, and die. Tb it slfain aoain; it hail a llyillLC fall. O, it laa.e o'er my ear like the sweet Smith, That btcathes upon a bmk of violets, Stea1 in-; and Lp M"L' O' iol', Sbakesp. are. M A N SKI t: ST A F.S. A pu tt v ehiM within :l- 1 l'.nlle lay, And 1,1 di-lies- it tossed about and Wcp v u h 1 u m 1 bey tin u-rhl its - ulVerine; tn j Ml-,.- Ibii in a nine: stupor it had slept. A p'clty 1 1 1 1 1. HIP lit a 1 iy, with 1 1 ar oh 1 '(lowing 1 be euiii'i of an unii P P. 1 1 , Tbev Mek to stiii lh bilh- (hciiib's ar e-, !'y :;ivin-.; him a -up of papa' ruin. A lid with dinmr jiail. runs doM 11 the -iiivt, To e,et for pap 1, ; is"' a lb 1 's h vr. And if it pa p 1 give- Ins boy il "tie.it, " And laiiolis In see his dailiip; a t so ipiCM', A , iiilb is si iiplin-. t tbe I. if, and d inks. While I'oU'id bin ale the rJT I X 0 -1 1' the u'tic, !"e is a I'leni . s.a p,, voun-'c-t llpn And lli t : life" , earlv tuoi una.: li a a a v. nto a .trim ken in m ts Y it'i' Mn I nk i 1 1 1 1 : 1 1 1 1 1 it, aihiiC iloen not ' , ,, Mlnililluul Uaiili illl-All's t) tile HO call. And, ru 'fly, j :, - tlii-n I ;,.!., ll.e W, thin a hov.-l -it- a -hi venn" w if". llet lil-.lad cliililr-ii civ :i,ni,l fur 1,,., Wi.l.c at tb- .L.or is b iird a din and - ci tinkeil I'M' itrircis :u Dow ii iu ii -! ixpni beVoIld all 111 an A in a, . : A i v e. The -, in Hn la M. The drink. ,1 eiealur, -ink- be, eath the liottu's liehl" obscure is an paapc tn uuwipl Now ic v, ah hearl- lini bbc-l fur everv a, e, 1 Mr. Henry was rtceivul with prolong. M Tr.ue. i: you will, that jiaujici's dreadful applause as lie dune forward a. man o! lot, tine pre-enee and sjMeti.Ud physique and And you will se-. that li" w is forced to far two h;ai,-s fo'i! the rapt attention e f o f 1 is intelligent and appreciative audience. 'Teat e: V toad. ;-.s eh'.MI i.i I. .,i,ih anil Be lias a lull clear y.'ice, i ',';:! '.net euuii - t. ' ciavi'iti. faultles-: dktiiiu, apeak s with i grga; foipe and animation, js hmiiorijus Ai.d it ui ...1 his ,-oursr y. it plainly t o ,uu! sometime. witty, and jjl'idc from A go lle-s vuai hi id vii.rking nil lps jjntvc to gay, from gentlo to kV re. i-Ji'ry-vvoc, I jj-a ,js audience along with him. m ivint: J-i-t ii-.k your consv'.:ence, if you c'or can and swaying them :it his p!c:.-ure. lif, '" a-'dic.-s wa? sje.i.dlv directed to the To ii.juor -elbn-r other than a life-lom: uachcrs, who-e vocath.n he ia-a Maia-d I 'an 1 1. liceii Uiicslcu-s Arnica halve. Tb-. bc-t salve in ihe world for Cues, ilr-p-s-s. .re-. IMeir-. Salt Bbcum. Fever Sor. s. Tetter, Chapiied bands. Chilblains, Cor- . and all Skin Kruptions, nud posi- I vely cures Files, of 1,0 pay lCollitod. It i- gnat'-iiilced 10 give pel feet Satisfaction r money refunded. Price 2a cents, per .-."."..'., ..i,.,,-..,.. ...v. vcu. j.ti , box. For sale by F. S. Dufl'y, Druggist. i..'.. .v.. . Annul I lie l ow ii. Mokuik m LMt-i . .Inn-. 1 . 1 Ti-il.. y. tin' Jii'i an. Ha : it,-- a:.,! Mi, A-m inliiy i wi l-y i i" iinn.i --"tkr 1 tsii-lit'l'.- : i Hi I til' a tiiil,'!- '.v; i ;,ac- liiiiiif li ,r M i H i In .ill ( i!,v.' " liM- tin -ir,' mi the Way. v lliu-l I'pi.I - 1 : 1 1 ' t 1 1 : 1 ! lj- In in-ton-t iluiM' wlm ma ''i' i ' : v Ii -t i ,,: ill-n-ail t!u'-M- lini li'W N I Ml'Ki'i l.ill.i'l s. In a lilt If -tmii ai" at .M. he ,. '. ( i v hi- iiIim r a ii ,.ni v t a a i wk.iiiv "I in- i.- ' ti,.n i,pw buil.liiui in i-ur u ,ru,lan ;lU! oilier ivct i inu aiM.M n- auM ju- l l-oVelnt'Ilts i iiviim i -i" '1 ili'i'iv ol ,t,1i rnriM' an.l 1 In i;'t. 1 ,,- . a - h:i- n :,, ,- n.Kaine in tin- ; it Mea'.e. ,i.i nearly or quite .Imib il it- j , . j . u i a '. i . 1 1 , sinre the et'tlsll- Ol' bVin, ox Tin-: w m i:u. i h e ol tho .rettiest -I. is ih, il , ; ,.,.. t ; ti,.. I, ,i.,.i' ... !...,.. ' " '. - . . ' - '" ' -'' I'll.li - . inn ni . i , .i .i i . , ,, , , Ill M I I, - I ',, Ui I i Fl S .,,1, 1 alilltha. I I -' 1 1 ! y bet a ii-n 1 b i - town i a M I!, au : i tin nif H from i- :! t " 1 " n! a- Itu-t, I ",;l-v ,,L' rC"l" "--l 1 ' l''1''1' u;e' . "w of tin- H'.T - II ,1 In N",.. r boat- are lilted It! !: 1 f I'l'-n.l i. I M v le w i. t 1 111 i i a. -. , -. lent w o; kinaiishi n, ta-tefn Mv iiinaed. :aui with sail- white aid -pi-li'-.. n, e.y pennons, move in tie inc. . lik- 1 1 1 i 1 1 -of ' if.-, i a ride it .ni, bor ;i the ba. v. it i: the L'r ice 1' a -w a . It i- II .. .i aim u I tills . 'A b rd. they s:iy, Im- i:,!tv:i- ;iim-, Iblt e.iimi a tl a A hv, Though !i' f a niei IV siimiii"; Mi' - i, S i,- sit- Upon t he -pi , . " r. tKi.i.i.N ci: of ASxt-lliii v ii. ii.. Another l 'ok at As-enbiy IlaM an ,ie e-it- with tin.- thou. lit Mint t: i mit of Ihe liae-t halls iii the Stale. Its :u -oil stir pi1' i port p- ate i f ill.' besi , s i that all otduiiirv lores arc tl. aMv In ar I ia I ev, ry part . t ibe room. On the p'aifoi t arc two i-li-ati! insti nine-its. a li-.e i-iyu - ' - . , i' V , " i-ftii inn i in, ins the .i.-einlav- li, h e ... i i . . .. kj ..... . t i .. i . i which has b -in unniteriuptediy in the s rviei', sine:- its or'aiiiz ition. ' Il was, i.resent.d bv Script o v 1 birr. II at tin ini-' tial mi-etill in Wayne-vile tn l-'r4. 1J"U ml in imp!0 map -like the iiuen -"'","' . o.e ., ,,. ye. us ,,i i. -ii-i nn ii-.-, n u. i-'olbed In moroiao and "iii ttkethe "armenls ol iMorv and liilitv." ..r.l 1 . """" ' " - ' ;lL ' ' r1"1' 1 1 , ' '' ' A - -c:i .b! V as ,'" ' ,M ,' " ?- , , w.i i:ie l-iest.ieiii s mute lies a,r n.'iiii- 1 ' 1 ".' '!lv.el- . I"'1 ,, , : - , 1 ... i,t 1 , men hy be A-semh:y ,l,i:,-tbe Snutheri, liib.ralional As,ca-' , : 1 , ; ,. , . 1. .... , ... , 1 1 . ' -. y- " ? , ' "". " .. ... o ...i. ... a jiieca of heart of oak, "r iwu on faiok-1 out inouniim. inwnicn a oil: lei 10, i-eo (iui-m- the -liitlb- ah.vc the c on s. Mrinhcrs On llM' Wn.v ! Whether of ' Yankee ' -r "H.-l'sP lead. 1-1 ,1 11.11 1 ' Ult'i- l'TIO. not kiinun, o)-i.sired lobe kiiiiAu. 1 1 , the war is over, ami w c are a 1 I' ni.ui 1 -v nteptioii by the ofll.-ers and cam now. That nt'glit t-asilv he asi-crluiiieM j '""lo s ot tb Assembly took place imme bowevir, lor m the lidit the Fulcra! obnlelv ;M1- r, 111 ilm bill nom of the ' foices used conical bails, and the 1. '.-0 : i- : ! dales round ones, ''he eavel i. L-r,ativi cherished hv the A-s ml ! v. an. 1 tbotmli ' l l!0"1 "! l -xpie-s-ioii. - 1 ye a fn e wit:. bilttle M'inrcil. it- mi-sun" w ill n re ,f, , r ! M"11'- -Mr-. 1 1 1 : 1 -.'tis 1 Irirniiiiv, rel'resh- be in lite ml, rest ni' uoo 1 onl. r, an I 'jiiod ' n",;U u. and a a I 1 inie nil! " 11 eni rally ' w.s had. Helilinu lion ii 1 01 lie Regular H.ii-I. 1 11 1 fra.ierH'l Willi Ki--re.'O io 11 . MoKKltpAP I'jtv . June I'J. 1'.i-'i. K1KST Ii . A fniily good nunibi r of teach. i c uuc ia last ninbt, a.i.1 the A-s.-.i ih!; dov. 11 , , ,, '. . ., ; . -, , " ' to business t li i- mnrniii-'. 1'1'IMAHV MbTiloris, Theth'st tiling in order was nu illu-tin-tion of the methods luustiel withthei yomisiest iuijui.s in ihe I ; r.uicd School at I j H ile'h, conducted try Miss .Minnie lb d- I'lit.l vein, hn- i.n- u-l 1- n,- tn--i l-ti..,i iti ' i chi-.,. nlthe I'rinini-v'deoni-lomni -ih,. is 1 ''born teaclii r,'' Willi rare crntTS of tier- sou mid manner, tjentle and paitient with her puj.'ils, appreciative of their t-lf -rt to h at 11, ami witlioieat .eal for h r work. A class ol about a do--u Iroin seven to ten year old h.ys nud yiils was e.xtempo- I to be placed 1 11 exhibition at it. A spec ri, (l for the occasion, and iu ore of 1 he : i;M reason for increased cHtt in r. fefcuee cla-s rooms of ibe A-semb'y hiiildini'. be-j to tbi-exbibitiou lies in the hya lh;tt the fore a small company f --jiattoas ' and chief State c.inuuisaiouer for Ibo piocuriu" teachers cnnaued iifniu' simiiar lines f wotk, she held tin-in ;MI dei ply iuter, stud lor an li'.ur In tie n petUeil cuh m.-'i-i-.- f.x I . . : ul :ou will et'dld tin' km to prnctne iuo Mmiiio the week, and ptthap :ho ariirios woitny to repri -, nt there the (id em ire session. , vaia c-neiil il'id ill n-t 1 iu I skill of the i;:ce VNOKHT K KltS I X sKssIo.V. ' i'1 Nul l il ( ilioliila, I 'I'I,,. nr. ii'miiii b-i ho- I. e... i..i-:...l .,.,.1 . While tl,.s ',,, o.iino .a, e h-ard a .rrcat noise uf aDiiltiudino will ami ttinn,ing tn a room n, ;,r by. ami leirr.od it was in raponse to .-in ad in ss of welcome ocuig (ieupip.i ov a lolu.ci . i.u.yo, o. n.e ui; , v.euuen, ,,, ;,-,, ;,,,', I imorai Kiiccioi s .1-sin lauon Pile -1 'ndeilakers,'' nud soon in beninitt Cialis. W e drli'l see Imw I'heV e.-ulil U' jso jo.iy nu. uieii iiisnisn giaM: a. matti r with them as it is with those who I are the subjects of Iheir a--:dotis at teti- ' lions. We may have more to -av ol ll,. m : 1 , . ! riiMpl,iMF.NT.n s 1 1, it t 1 1 1 n i ; . I he bo-itti pu tpivc a ia impainciitH' y sail to 1 1,. a X --ciobl 1 11 1 1 ,.',!.., 1. 11 I .... a . 1 o-.o i crowd av iilul" tnem-elv. - cf l!,e 01, nor- ' 1 1 1 1 1 i I V to go over lo the smf Tin- sun :' shone warm -ted brit-lit, I he bru .- w is i fresh and deli'abtful, Ihe wav. s of 1 he . j 'at' tic rolltil in m.n.'iiitieent ly. 111 -in " : ilonued their btithin-' suiK ai.,l liMk to the wa'er,' and an l.J'.ahie time w;t - iL I of I, ,1,1.0 HY M lis 11 i I I.. At the night s(--io',a ifood auibeiic i o'ltbcteib the Hall beii,o tail !v w 1 11 lib, M !.,.. Hiil ,,l P,,.r ! ni-.,- .,, r .,. .1 ... ,,,., . solo, accompanied by tin- Musical Diia-c- tor Vi-s Maitin. i t Avoiii. and 1-eiiiL: tor it I- .Mai tin. .1 .Winn, an.l beim- ; strongly encore. I sanu' aifain. pi iy;n.: uer ' "wn necomp miu.etit. The p,o.'.e o, ! N('w 1!l'n"; 'h'. nioie' titan el-.y h?i ,- vv.il ie.nt this novae, kim t e -w e. Inc-s f:. ,U ';'''Ci'i "1 hef Voii-.-, and the j.lt-.i I .re she all'oiif . ll"X. W. It IIKNUV S ADliItK.-S. I'l'ii-i'leut Den-on oeeiipiid ill:- chair ami miioi.uecii me sptakei, non. . u. I loiil'l' i,l c I ul i i iid'.i hii ..u . Iil.n.i ri- . . ii. I 'om ationd le, tu-er. wul and wide!'' kuovvn aid tann! ::: .p-ia;:. c ai which be had oiiej i ..'; ,g, w ,t h a cum- miiiy o. :itb,etics. and. sin pn,! t hem aii ; u' " a v " "innu urn m very unusual vyetjaht making the ponit that 111- strength vas not ,11 hisa: in ah.ll. ; hut in his brain us well. -js the tiiOat important raid l.o'i.v.rauh , itc- ciaiing' Oiaf) eii'hVul tt'ai'hv-v to' be l.griinder than any lHMO .vimevei wm. the 11 any hero .vboe.ei won the vtv-S of the Bcgion ol Honor." a vn-.w in oeskrai.. A large number of teach, rs camp In ,111 1 the train, makin" the :i,.gi 1 h- iow !ar- g, r tbai. b.-avenr. 'The piogramnieis ' unusually I'll i I and good and piOinis.es a I rich iutellectu.il fast to all who will avail I themselves of it. and the auoointmi-n's at . . . tueuisei es 01 u. iiu 1 1 in; a up. uu 11111 11 s ui I ihe "Atlantic ' for pleasure seekers are ii.t.i-i-ii. 1 l-'ini' A l l ri'ssfi .1 iisii-al K'iits rcpiioii aiiil lI'as ii i'i' I'akinu. Mu ui iii. v.j ( n , .1 line J 1 1. 1 " v 1 1 v. . i -. My l -. Skli. .mark- out ir iv-r. ni'f will . 'i'ii. nut: i-:s-. i'i'- -av:.! ll u-.iii in i , i the a-.niia' a! i.i s... i -i !:::. i i.a, h nnem I In- niana s- r.ia, lb .t tn .,r I w th i ii-t',,ii, : I tie , ,ii l,e li t-! coin- ti,;tii"i I' 1 t.a.!,-!,!- to ..i..i :-. II- tra.eil -'" -. "lil.'it.oa in the iv.-rlii " '-':i "ftli,- . eiiliiij, ttivin ! :' ia! v iliuMi il,-li, -. 'ki' is to '. nut. il.i b-- a;o.'lei!. the n.liie --Miles to il" a m-n-v rr. i,- i-a-:iai,:i', ai- was s.-mi I by an ill. ia III -i a k i i' 'ail" !o. nivi 1 1 1 'inieresl .i'. 'a i - an-1 f t , Mi ..- re he ; la . i siii ,; , ' .' urn. an time . I 1)K. MiiW'KV 1. 1 M S- i It Isi T Ir Tin- lMes.-ieir. in . - ry la- it and hap ;... -.: .! 1 W. A. M-iwrs M .- . I'i' -abut o M iiMn'- V n ;ar-: -a na-e r s-im-i! b :el irtr- i "iie ie ti e urn I mast liv ,.,.,., . i ,:.;,-. i... i.. ,.i,,. a. n i ... i';- bei n a: l" o:i aa uae to iist! n, upon I, a'ai ,; "Tn Mij.r ni,. Moiiient in Mie ili-t r ! Ninth Am na and Some ! it- li,-., We c.n -mvp i.n sket, li I : : : u i . i i r i are i m tae minute-. Me nope t!n ii--je nt iv.iti ,,-anv aMI ha;ethe : .1. Kvo:v teicher ! "-me tiie a-jtii a-t h-1 w:i ; b- ut, na in-t npp, i: la ,.i: ; . ! u;ii! .Miss Virjin'a ( u.b; 1 : son, of o.i.o. uaw .1 --i 1 oci.ai anil tin- '' 1V 1 '"' ' in e i n. ma io j aIi i i tap oteiie-i t i tin.n tin- Mo ol, r-! nipb 1 t.irj.lsitj'.ini atai for a hall hour; iti ei una, i lac m i 'e a in t nni c naisl ar- ,- ie.lev. Screiiry Hairill pr, senb d M.-s C. libel Is,, n in a e:v 1 1 1 f ami plea a-.t w ,v. :r Ml sh, cam- !' .r .vaitl tp.ll, "-iiin a- a spray e! -pi ni", " l"n e! u ', pu tty, iml m e ie tin reiiib : i. p i,i 1' 'e-n ' 1-' 'es '' b i i-a ii i o:nii...-i;i. n r ar:au..-i.eiit. w'.iich ueic i-x.-n .lin-jly ' H dm e. biu r.ot overdone, -iml were re- ; eivul wi.li '..1111.1.- of aj.pl m-c. ! n a it pv. ok tik si.ws .v ohs-K ll v ijn. n iv.u-t not lof-ei to nieation I lar- y. i i , i i lit - i W s all i U la ef the ,ila ia .... ... . i .. i. . : ...ia . ' . . .. .. r :. . an iiiti-1 Val -T.f-.s. ... , . . . u....u, ' ave a -eh . t and imi,,,!, sei,mu ol his r 1 l"t , w b i -1 ! ; a li thtou.hMe liners of i-ne :H.n.l in imPulaia oi Mm ..-iu l a lnr.1. b i n -se' I on the niann . , 1 u ,. evoeei.d losi.elhe. Mua(:li -r.(,01. Iuril .'.,. ,,,, 1 . , . , , - ;. - , au.i i uhumiih 011. 1 ! 111 1 1 1 1 1 - u. 1 1 1 11 e ii in- il iw 111 -eareti iia mat'-. 1 i.e .rmis appiiitt-e w iiic 1 1 I'llioweil cmiai tint tail In Jt,' ;i,)U-, ,.1 lt. , pv lux, Har. b, v ( st heart. t w.,s a ,,!,. ,-Ld audieiu e t:iat retired ; ;rn,u li . j r , 1 about 1 I o'clock. 'tuei, v 11.. -11 wn- .pule a luiinant atla'r. A1'"' M- "-e. I'rmcipal Hiltimoic ri.i: i-ftii-i. 'The i.lr.'.-e;e i-rkei- bid a line lime - . i 1 i 1 1 a .0 1 1 t ' b 1 1 - -. a a 1 1 a 1 u-.n-u itlv 1 o-'e 1 iiuaM er loi eM 111 ihe -url as (he url l'o! i-tl j Ucrtle was ijuite a stu-c- s-. I-M"l,t jnis j in. The ili-t'lple- 1 f Tli p-ichoie tripped . s..noer coaches were comf. ul abl v tilled bv ' ll'e hint:.-l:c lal the day wasdmie. It : Wa? a , , ' u' Mc lb' '' '-v ' c -is-ead ty, . an I wn! rt.liii r to mot row. 1. I 111: OI.OItKIl I'Allt. l'lans lor Hie lh 1! x Ii i i.i I ion lo lie Ilel.l A 11 -list Jillli lotilllli. The sixth annual xhtbilion ol the ' ( )li"11'1' I 'id list rial , Stock. Fruit and s A.arii'iiltiintI rmr Association, cob, w Ml 1 be held on Auuu-t '-'b 27. 2s. 2!i ;. 11 1 M,0, ! Mmi lnv to Frniav iucbisive. All the ; eo ored )ie ple are invited and lifted bv - ;ho-e in rharire to prcn ire somctliiii" t o! artivics ot in- lit to exhibit iu the eol ; nn d junp't-'s . I. p.irtinent ot the Atlanta j , ,,1.,,. Tl. e j. rem : 11 111-imw amount to I - he , xlib fon will einbraee all n.aiirer ot in. 1 ip-t 1 a- he lat m. 1 'airv, hotiseboi 1 :..,,, 1 ,,,, ,a,., a ,,,a n ... , . . , I 1 1 1 a e in j way of hol-e l-iciiiv: 'lid olhi I' laces ami i o.uiii s ol ditli rem Linos. l-'ire iv,,iks n-.. -,. b ei-t i n,t T(,. . .Ht!!llj no exeil fsii ms willd "e'ttng iip even t'sii ai- wi Well lo make da'.'S i iiibracini; Fair waek . as iii it oHer- a .-jiceial indueeini-nt lor Mdl to come. And those; inu iining to . take 1 x. aiision I rips iii .io well to kcei the F-iir in luim', a- 1 xcur-ions will be ; run 1 neii air 1 t tu-y citimive t in- , ti ut 1 ap I 1 1 lea -1 1 r, - nl the h . a 1 irieed tin, to New lien e and at:, tiding It-e Fair at the a'me tane. - - .. l,mni.Hi. t.iu-kinji -still. ' ' aiimg Hie sliort k. tcln-s t Hie ' lives ..f X.uth Carolina Chat 1 Sc. ins which . ,u, Ari. imblishin- it will I.,, noli, ed tliat ,,,,,,',, ,,f ..,i.,,-i, ,.; ,,i-,.K- i iiiinio. i in i ij 1 1 1 1 c i , i s i;e i, i:n o aiiK i . , i i , - ; i-ns jiropei tv unii il 'c re'ei'.si d to him. iio-, ivm Iin- iiaanc ol tiie ch, plain l.-ing ! a lp ,j 'Id i'hen tho Sac',- wore made U.ven. 'fh:- is liecaii-ci has turn-1 known to (he iV pal'bm nt, Ihe vialalimi of "' rnia'i.-i.. a 1 1 In aaMi il Iia-' the 1 , v w o-.il.l ;iji)ear bj in-b,it tecb.iical Uea advi-rtiseM tor. It ti.ttst be thai.,,,:.,, ,,,, ..illfnl intent lo d. fr m.l the niciiibi is (,f c. ,-i- renin " v-"- w ho c nil. I idvcthe c ml. I gt ve the tntot i-sv,i -O.t and il so they shoi'.J.I never V.. he. 1 1 i-b .rv of the Noi I h ' .i t C '1 1 f.-V Tl'oops. ,,i' w hn h this is to form t a pari, le- pubj -si, r 1 w ttt,,,ut iho notice rf tbe go. ily men who 1 nvd the armies , in all tin? privations and hardships.,.! the wa r. I Mere :- still lane lor it to he cm- bodied ill tiie vv oik if lb'- iiilbrni.'ition is scut Mr. lietls. If m u have it. don I. 'civ mi s uncboMv else mtoHiil' It Uif tenU U jn Veu: -ell and Mi li.a iu-eviion' ! 'n,..;',..1.,.i,,! Wt,id, ll.-n U no in- ;,,,,;,iion w iiatcvcr :,!, a,t the c,;ip!ai- the F.iithth, Ninth. T.-nlh, Sixteciith, XineiwMh', Twenlv-lilt!.. Thirtv-lirst. - x i ir t v -1 i 1 1 1 1 , Fort let It. f ilty-stxth, Fifty. Hiventh, Fiftv-.-iohth (of this oris ik,e bare a 1-.,,,;,,, 1 r .,,. , l-,,-. ..n;,i, MMU'ltl. M.iy-I tilth ('. J). Vuilgh: '.. tiling ' ei-e known'- Six ty-lilh. Si.xtv- si:, h. Si.xtv-eighih. St-vanUi'th, S tvi-u: v- ,. , '.. -. . ,v ,, , , Ir.'-!, Sceutv-sicn-iii, fccveiitv-Uili'd and S.-vchty lotian. " Jcl He.l,v for tl.eT,,.,.,, anient. ine uiiiiiiiis loiiin.imcnt is n .vv only about a month and a half oil'. Aug.. u-t fitii is the date it begins. ,-:.;..,,. . ,..,11 . .,, i,,.i 1 C ili.eiis e- c, ,-, ..In- (in lmn slioiial feel gta .j ia.iact in the t vent and pre pare io ci'ioy it tbciiisel v.o and to make the ;.lors dp, likewise to the utmost. ?l,iU 11 '. 'ilicijiale 1 run lie sicn " 0111 a lenaice. 1.1 excln, ngi-s The J:";k- , 'a- . " V ' ,1' """ml- U,r' CY'U As that tllliVIP.g e.t , always dots such things o.it i.'.l mown, uie jH-ojue llirough- 1 v 1 111. ii c aiinroaebiPg Titirnameat wit! !,.. sev- L'ni' more attractive than ti held e!-ew In re, 1 J1;lPP3' d;iys wo nitty experience, : I.... .w.. 1 1 : f ; 1 . -- i o" fc 110t :l happy life. I'u 1111 lll Willi lirlrl's ll:.elie(t lot fill' I ll i'ik- lli-t v i-itl i ii i In... iiiik-Ii l:.ll'l- IS I -ril. Willi n li u I III... i ll a a I' li 1.1 i 4 S ii 1. 1. 1 I i n I h e Unrks I in-all Iu i-osi-s. ; i i ell v n ai i a in, e i ' a a . Ii w k' nki::r !, 'h' . at - t --ij-p y i In- pi-oj... t'.i'- Va in i ty '.'. In re .he; if a. i I w , t a : '. i 1 1,, Wat. rib". ;v ait, 1 1 "i' . ! (ui '- 'i i -e W" e ' o I j . ii . ii ; i. r e' - .a i Me- re - - ' M ol "a ' 1 ii en, Ki p - iii.riiose '. -'r.k tu ll el : e -a ; e; , j, - e I.. I t! i- 1 - lis. , I s , ' I ,:i t ' I 1 ; : . , the w.it-r ;, rk- i otim.uiv 'I. 1 li., U' Me lljo , . o' Ml 111 li'. the . , ,'(,,, kiV.wU-l-e uha 'i in a.ake a ,"', Yin ,i, o . in.ni, ii! of v. at-i eo isii nc 1 f . a il pi .e s , a pu'ei, "j.j.tv. Tin- inSet w;i- u.ati'.l ,lli a x'f-u of --, ki ,., ,. ., , , ,i,t , ,,-1 l'.,r;MI lie -imnlv. t. niie r,sn tli- wi.ter w. rk Tivn h. d' iin! have lie.n put in. each i,. a p:i up. wnieb i , h .ve the I. in, I lo .-, i,., ,1 i I t,,r ll,,- .,. I ii.ol . 1 1 1 so Meat -.ii wi-1 us, from tl,.' Iivdraai. O ie ot til- hv Ir.Hit- i- on lb",- e nner ol I'ol'oek ami M"M He -ii"et-, the ,,M, i. mi- iii-i ,,f We-t a .M l-::m. !, ;. in!--: .,.,! u . !i l i' water :- n-Jini, Ma- l, in , . . . ., , . I : in a 1 1 v evi i a ni lakes the water t'ia! a o,-,at .l.-.l w,.i lie '-s I ...-in Hi' a liit'ca. i- it i- in ih ' upper -..:t Mi r. a ' i 4'eat many wi-li-a-one n live am! Ma- ! 'il! etc -on rce ni -i I j i p i s tic uum re- liiiiice for w.-.ter. 1 Ir s t wo e t re ne- w: ; : serve to isn- , mate ail average. Ui"lt win b to c Ma ulna?. ' We hope tint the te-t will rc-tl't ill the; uaikin ol alj.noaill wliieli A iil he n-utii- J al ; v a h, an :,e .its. Aillioiieh New In rue j is Vel V lie., .1 h i , i : V w e d .11 lit not t ha ! I ,i. i...hi. w..iif.i i...'.t 0ini-r ..ip.i'v 1 iipr..v. .1 hy tin-;Wt'.pti.m 'In m-e ol 1 tl,,-, waller a bliai i, known tub.- u"od nil v. ho'c-ome. The hvMr.itil-aic sell elo-'am-ami anti- 'r, , lvt Tile; tmc's" , i , , n .,r In lift,- 1 tlii'iit ai a-! 1 I'I Kl.lt' 111 ILIUM. l A TKKI A I. Now Ai-rl lnx SpiM'ial liiinlsol' ISrii'k lot I III' WiirK. 'The -rb ...uer M. A. lie-wiek an i vp. 1 I Iroin New York Tlnn -Ma v wb h 1 1 " I U( m i I hollow brick lor 1lj tjoveri.in nt hn.M-,' ; mo. these brick arc a new Ilia' In le. i Mai b nil has two s-'ilire hobs fiom .me ! end to the 1. tin r. They w,!: le u-nl in ! Pu" L . u.' 1 ' ' ' ' " , . ,,, .... , iu a tl ill Utl'i I! f I II i III- 1 ;ll( as other brink Tbev :,lfud v,-n i- lali, ,M ., ad'vant ims at limcsol ' ,...,,..,..., I 1 -:. 1 . .. . ...... t,, .... 1 1 ite 01 ii k ai e 01 l:o " 1 1 1 1 i u . 1 ue . . , ' ,.. ' . , - I . . . .. ' ,'' . ," . ' " "' ; "i a ,:u, iu 'anil- e 1 niii i.i -n'i, iinini, t', A ; 1 1 l-j ! 1 1 l': l a '. ', i I .1" MV. 'I'la liuswick also bioubt ill Iwootlur mid styles of brick, one is -1 la-- iron col umn c i ei inn"' t he ,1 bcr t he "si -tew back brick. AH three si vie are now beuia' ! 1 bau'i-d to the Int. We hope so n In ,-oe the plm driii n and Ii in the ia tu lining const 1 u t imi I'apid ly iiushett I o a finish, lO'ititir r k. i:1! 1 Riii. Itrlklllit n 4.,imI .miilor III lliiiiii toii Visftors-lt.'.i:tiii''(l Till s . 111. Tlioy Si-eninl lo Kiijoy Tlienisel vesjUoll. The excursion of ihe Kni-Mit- of the ! ' 'l-b-ii li ,u!e trout Willi, inotoa t New those soekiny :i day ot recreation i.i oip j city, The t-wtir-ioni-ts arrival here mar 11 mu. 'I be Il.tuovi -r Cornet I; m.l w as aio.-ea. It wits nut bv Mr. A. W. Cook, leader of lhe New Berne Cornet Band, and tscnrteil to the hand room, which was throw u ojn-n to the visitors tlirou-.'h tiie diy and l'rlreshments serv-d. The isiuip. Ijiiinl is composidnf six teen yi'iino men, but only twolvo came ; over. The band has. b-aai ovmuiiis -d. un'v ab uit,:i yiar, we aye informed, hut they 1 reraler trooid iun.-ji-. They ihied at the i deuot upon arrival, at Hotel Albert. whore tbev all re'istired, and upon the Academy C.ioeii to the delight of all w ho lttni'd them. All the visitors enjnyu! tbetiisel es as each saw tit. lartielv in vi-iliiio Ihe truck j 'arnis and poultry yards around ihe cil i ati! otlier places of interest. I'l'iispeel for Tim 11 I'lork. A letter to Major Mllis iu answer to one Iroin Mr. '. 11 Thomas to 1 1 oil. John (I. Shaw. Congre-smnn lumi ties district, hiihos the inibrina'.i'in ilial he i- I spiking to have tin; pb-m of our public : liuilihng so moilibeil us to admit ot plin-- a li.iAp cUvK coiisptcuoti-ly upon it. I lie has assura net.- that il alt. r the hist coutinct is iiwsiidcil. iheic is en. 'lull maney ldl for the purpose the clniiiLre will t e made. Mr. Shaw, w'e arc glad to say, I eels fairly well satisfied that he will succeed in ceding the wishes of the New Heme people unit 1 lie. I in this pa n iciibir. j An miller I. t.uHi-. Se ur-e 'I'i'i-llll il-al i.ilalioii. ! Mllll.V '-!. r W T. 'a Tu.sday, the Hlh. a. lili der ill- stinctioas from thu deiarlni-nt. seizul the lw tl!u :,n.l llxtnr. s and c'en-ti bairels 0f whiskey blonMii't to Mr. A. It. i Cam lie 11, ot A 1 1 ianee I'ainlico colintv. '-. Mr. ('alio, on U'ing int. n -jewed said lhat he llimight it likely that. M,r. Camjw l yovpi nnient, as Mr. Canipen stands amoiej ihe reliab e men of I'.nnico countv. ; tlirit'i v 'ind wall lo do thrnii-r I in, r- , chant 'and hav iiiwav- bci n :t n-p ,led ",m.'. i;iv ahidin- citizeiK Mr. Caho seems lo have the List .r exe- - out;,li: , ,t. ja w will .out aiiv -.-r. at .11, l.tv or fl.,u,.jO, i ',-impi ta. f u H l,T!S " A K v ' l-ili'el ion of Ollieers Flon risli i nu' 'Ui - ,lili..-Tl.ero.i..lt:AH.-l. At a regular n.oeting of' ( raven I. .il-'e No 1 Kip ''..ts of Harm. inv held .lulu- 'iilsM? the following "otlic , a were ' el.H'tcl. 1 s li P., II I ', r-,i, h 1, 1 1 11. Tooker. ICC 1,'VCilueiil; -X . vv . .loncs, t napiiim; J. II. Saiitb, S.- "v ; W. It. l'.oyd, Finan- fhil Secretarv; II. L. Hall. Tr-asmer,-J. : , m ,- v. 1 1 . i' 11 - . , A McKav. Marshal; ('. la. I'cnnintM 011, 'Junior (i'uird; Thos. Clark, Sentinel. ' This hod"" is in a llotii'ishiug condi- lion mill li.-iriii-' : . a ions -it everv on At j,,;,. Tlcy lKVve al... Ul t s 1 .-ioOt'O "in ban K an,! lo.n't owe a cent; tin y have had only live dicath sinvc their orgauiz-ition, about I b"V yejtrs ag", and have promjily paid ' tbe Meat h benclit. There wilt be a Uainpn t . . ., . , , , . i- , 1 given oy u.e ii'iiiiti.1 on ute nigiii -iiiiv 4th. . . : Ho- .0 Xewpor. es. air. a. vv . .vie-ic nits ucci.icit 10 mine . to Newport News. Va., and has gone on be -tP oner 1 o or, , ,1 ia- t'...- ihe li-iiioval v.. v, ...v- He will conduct a gioc.-iy bus hps- there as op inis iioiip 'n .Xew 1 ii -1 1 ut. i e s now ..1T1 ; 1 1 nnse l'ul , care sorry to s e Mr. Meslc leave. lie nasiM-en asieiei., 11111 1 -si i 10' is ius-m- man and a good citi n. We hope success 1 ., i- .1 1 win 101 tow mm in ius new noiiic. MiW S A lilt I 11 III llic 4'ify o I i:ims mill Vicinity, l.iil lirriMl in and llrii-lly l olil. The I 'diversity of North ('iirolitm now ia Mi- anion;; tin; I'oreiilitst Colleges ill An -a c -i in s( linaishi, eijiiiiiin nt and e. In 111! el li in V. 1. 'I be eirtbte. Ii tie .tr b- oi.l 1 . i . 1 of Mr. s. K Mini Mrs. Carrie 'Inl'ij.s .bid i'i i Ma; i ii i.tui n r. The remains will be t ,ki n up tn lln-ir oi l home near Hale of ; r n, ti i iicnt . The K. C D. an.l ( ). IV S. S. Line will eh ,n'e I nc si lei In1 e o! silling days of I heir hoes ,n I'm lay 'Jl-t, tin-t. After that a e : her.; will In; Ill) I nit sailing IV mi NM ; Herin- on Nit nrMa ; or Thnrs- II. e .1 in k-i ,n , i ie Tunis sii- llic i-diii-p! a ll ol tm- New Kiver Inn has I. ecu i n'l.iy c-1 o vine to tin- bieak down oflbe ti iinn r rnr.lv. aIih Ii ineented pnmint deli cry of lumber, but I be I nn is ei. cl cd to be ( ompletcd by .Inlv alb. .,. ',"'i,""-V In,er,"aI Itevp,,u,: ( u" U ' l " " lo N-"'- I'"" !""' Mls 'D.le.l Hie distillery of .las. I;- ,r; I ' i-ei s shuts ibnn la a - lu' v- ' ' " ;"'l''.v ""1 1; '"'' Mn-Min.- lili I Mr ( :i i.i eo. s In ,,i -i , ,. in. vl to sjnit.ii iy siispjiul the distillery of Mr. J M r. I.. J. Taylor. Chief of the New Kerne J-'ire I ep nrtuieiit. In,s receive I another ( lieek tor Jfa.oUl r. mi ouiside tin t ite lor tb,- Firenii ii- Ton t nanienl fund. It i limn llic ioIkhcd house n Mr. b V. Davi-. Norlol k. Mr. Davis leal noil frmn one ot Iii- travelling stilesilien thill Ihe Stale conveniion would he held in New Her. .p. and prompted bv a i U wire lo do s ill. 1 hit!"- to 1 .1. mi. lie H.n ii cress mid ......... ,7r n.,. . ..... ... p eiisiite ot Hie oi ca-inu voluntarily or- warded lh (buck. li'l Aan Hichardson, the little rhi hi of Mr. H. A. liichai'dson, was struck bv a i.i.i-,.!.. -i.ii.i -I.,.,.);., . :., 1 1 ,i 1 1 : . i . 1 1 .. . 'i' .' I ... ..inn; .l.iil' lili" in im; ni.ii'ii. 01 , ,, , , . , ,- . . ... , Mlie s'reet, and knocked over but lortu- i nately without injury. 1 he rider, who w i stranger in the eitv, did not r i in; ihe lip'l to Love the alarni. hence the :it' iilellt. thnll'b the child was tint lilameless, as the in id 1 1 le oflbe st reet is a poor place I'm' the ilittie mil's lo 1 ,t i v- i.i P-,r, 1,1- K.iiil.l cull m t heir cliildren ah-ml ihismatlii and riders of i-vciy kind ol a 1m les sin. aid i . i i i-. . i - c ' Hindi liar 1 1 mill lesion. Centenai v M. K. liurch wa- the seem ' t aimt h,-r social even., of -real interest Wednesday afternoon, .lune 19tti, tbe occ ision beintf the niarriite ol Mr. J. Willie Shillings and Miss Matjie May llud Heston. Mr. II. I), ll'iyiil was the u room's be-l man and .Miss Nora H m b I lesion, sister ol Ibe bride, m-iid of honor. 'The llowi r "iris were Misses Sadie Mea dows, Janie Stewart, Clara (ireen and Louise Ijtne. The nsliers were Messrs. Thos. Daniels, I James Caskins, Jacob Ilaitsliekl ami ('. I L. (iaskill. The lloral decorations of the occasion were elaborate, nud leiiutitiil in the ex t feme. The nltcmlence was very large, the church hi inu; tilled in everv portion. Tin ceremony parsed ,,fl' very leauti fuilv. I imiH diately utter ihe ceremony Mr. 'en I Mrs. Slalbnos took the st ainet Neuse tor Norfolk. They cxiet to be buck in aboic a C01141I0 of wieks to make New Heine their home Mr. Supines was formerly of Wilson. Ho lias lieen a residents of New Bri ne Stir -evi r.il yoiirs, a large part of the time with ihe music house ol A. C'ohn & Co. He is at present with the -music house of Ames ii Burke. Norfolk, haying accepted a situation with them shortly afier the Inst New Berne Fai-. He is 11 good mu sician, a jiiilte of instruments and a good salesman. We look to see him lise ill the calling to which he is inclined by natural adaption as will as training. Wc hope ai no ilistanee da v to see bun in business beie. 'I'be bride is one of New Berue's pretty young ladies. Not only was the church tilled with the spectator of their marriage-, but great numbers ol friends accomianied ihe happy ' twain made one' to the steamer upon A hich they departed. I'arUer Itoblnwon. Mr. Win. M. Robinson, and Miss (Jer trude Barker daughter, of Mr. J. F. Parker and sis'er of the rising young Broad street Lpoc-.T, Mr. J. lb laiker Jr.. were quietly n.., I iu-, ,,,,,1,1 . ii,,. ,...:,,.,,,... ,,r ll.e bi-idcs tiithfi'i Kev. A. 1). lt.tts. oilicia- tin-:. Both the p 11 tics are of New Berne. The .hil RNAt, ext. nils its congratulations and good wishes. Seliool renelim UkecCeit. 'The school committee of th hth dis trict met Friday and elected tlie following teachers, for the wlljte Schools: (traded Schools. Mis-es li. ( '. Brook tiebl, Annie IK Chadwick, Fniily F.-rc-bi May HcndiVQ and Mrs. M. N. Wil li liam--. Miss Willie Ferehee was elected j assistant teacher. lb-Hair school. -Min Mattie B. Wil liams. Bachelor (.'reek school. Miss Cornelia. Wilcox. Dr. John S. Fon-' was elected siii.i-iin- , ten. lent of the city (Jraded scIumiI. 4'oloreil KfUttnl 'I enoliers. The following are the teachers just elected for tbe colored schools of this, the Kighth distiicl: Ne.v Bi rne ir:i.l,-d Meho,,l, (. ol. i. i , v. t i n t o i.i h I'.dmcr, huiiice Dudiev, Lillian 1 hv- sic. Sn-an Havens, Marv Jones. , I'iea-ant Hill School -11. W. Tbomji- : son and Nancy Hichardsou. ! ll..ckv linn School I. T. York. Willis' c'hai'ei School- SuMin Ijvvi 1 H0'liMT the New I.J,-ise Tm. r Slun itf Lane has received his instruc- ! tions to proeeul with the collection of tho li.-enso i.-.x.m imposed l.y Ibe last legisla- tine. The tax on lawyers, doctors and dentists is s 1 0 etu li per aim urn; the t .1 .v on hi 1.1 i'i ling houses and hotels is .all 11 nls on each bed riviiti kept for the business, the tax includes all places w heie Uierc is a hoitidi-r regulnr or transiant. 1 The taxes are aheadv na-t due and tbev u;! ,1(Ve ,u ,. ,,1 j,,',,,. Mr. M. IK'W. Steveii-oa was the first "nc in this colintv w bom the t i.x atftvets to 1 Kl-v' He I'';"! l Mimday aud cot his i ..nsuim. ve-.r " I - " SnlilnliH HrnrHU or Ihe Teacher. Asseiiil.iv. ! T, v , , . .. .. ,. Tli News iml Observer 111 a notice ol .' , . . 1-hi'hcrs Assembly bungs out d-s 1 tinctly one thought 'hat is well worth t renn nibi-ri nr'. lbat is that il brines holli 1 the Tcallefs and their jiations together! upon a common ground to oigani.e pmctical plans for educational progress, , and wlv-n ihey work together in liurmony 1 ibe lies! results arc accompli-hcd. i ... , 1 , : n is sou inai in,ve nvn 1 mssi-s neicr got t- gelhev in North Carolina until tbe org iniation of the- Teacher-' Asseniblv. . ami since that time, the revival in enu- , .Mn ,Mltsll.ipped the awak.-u'.UgK of oVciit v v. ars and all dkcvuiils .s. n, ral ,-,; i,,,.,,,,,,, ,,,' elti.u.ncv ,f Ukl. ' , ,. ... r, . , vi ' 1 1 1 11 1 ' i r itv - -.sj 1 1 1 1, v ii vi, 1 tl ijo ii' "ther joo-l than to sriv Ihor- .. .1 .1 .1 1 . oiigu 1 n aiioii o, 1 w ecu 1 ne ,.- ,. i Pv 'i n ', 11 nn teyrcv tar goad thai could not be too h'i,a,fv commended. Nu one at tends tiie sessions of the As- stiubly without being tbe better lor it. FOR THE NEXT 30 Days my stock i )F Can rio-its at (jroatly roduced priros to make rinitti forHie new pack of ls!i.'. It is an opportunity to lay in a supply wlmtli n housekeeper cau afford to no'HcPl. Dried Fruits Will also ho roduroil and our stock in very complete, all nice goods. (Jail and soo them. -OOO-OOO- Imported Direct 1 liavo thrilled to noli From the Far East describes ' our stock to a T. vvk carry only the CHOICEST PRODUCTIONS OF Tilt FLOWKUY klNGDOM AND JAPAN. Good Tea is haif the meal. Nothing can supply tho want of , it. The market ia Hooded with ' -tho spurious go idn, lut there's no need of Buying; them mere- ' ' ly Because they're offered. .-. We give our customers thefr ' choice only from Iho choice&l grades. Our Teas are such that a Mandarin would drink with satisfac tion. nr Special Brand MiMTei We still sell ONE lb of this TEA and 3 lb.G Suar lor 50c. Our Coffees arp the cream of tho Ara hian and .lava plantations an J so always high grade JNO. DUNN. Pollock street, 0.1 and (000 POUNDS IVortlx Carolina At Retail 10c. a PoMi, Tor Sale Bv IF. TJ1mcIx5 Wholes! Grocer, ... 46 ItlAili CV . .If- '