Tn ii mill" iilin ii ft A '.r V W "- 'J, Ag ' . -S? i. -3' . 4 i vi . 7 . " S $1.00 Per Year INDEPENDENT IN ALL THINGS, Single Copies, 5 Gents. VOL. XVIII. NEW BERNE, CRAVEN COUNTY, N. C, JULY 11, 189:. NO. 19 ao . fc-" J ri -i me, . h- a s Si m m 3 . Hi n At II In. t ' - - - i . ) r' a ? '.-: 'c '" V'-H. I S - M ... S ' VV.' t . I I i a ; for Infants and Children. THIKl I ptrt' cbMirTatlon of Castoria m. HIi t'..e patronai;. of mllliojRl af prtoni, panott nm to apeak of it without gantinr. It ia Miiq-a tianably tha bet remedy for Infants a:. I Children ' tka world aaa eTer faun It is hi-mle. Children liVn it. It givw them komlt. It will m-re their live. In it Mother, have athliiu, which 1 bolntily .mTe and practically perfect aa chJM' modlctma. CtoH datroy Worm. Ca.toria tJImy. FeTerishnai. Catorlm prvejit, Tomtting Sour Card. " ' Cjtori mfw PtarrhoM and Wind Colic. Cajtorta TeUrr Toothing Tronhles. Caotoxim rw Con.tipation and Flatnlency. Catoria nentraliw the offeota of carbonio acid Ra, or poiionont air. Caatoria do not contain morphine, opinm. or other narcotic property. Caator la a "ate tho food, rognlato, tho stomach and bo-o-oK, yfrlag haalthy and natural aloop. Cma toria ia put p in n-dn hottJe. only. It i, not sold in bnlk. Peat allow any one to H yon anything do on the plea or promi.o that tt la " jnmt aa good and "will arnwer overy pv.rposf." See that yon ret C-A-S-T-O-R-I-A. The fae-rimllo aignatnTe of Children Cry for GUILFORD COLLEGE. Tk Advantages of this prosperous College, open to Young Men and Young Women. Foir Lartjp, Commodious Ruildinrjs. Xotil fm its ( 'liri-li.m ami lionie-likc oealthful influence. CHaKsical. S-ipntific. Ijitin-SriiMit i(i- C mrst's. Nuinial, Hnsi nvtn. Art anti Music Departmont. College mul Sn-icty Lihrai i s. Scientific . Laiwratory and Cabinet. Faculty of alilo instructors, ( hai-vrcs moderate. Fob CATAijOtincs Addiikss, " The PRESIDENT, GUIUOED COLLEGE, N. a L. H. Cutler & Blact aiii Clay Peas. A Limited Quantity BLACK AND CLAY PEAS. GERMAN MILLKTT. At CiiAs. B., m8lm New Hern, N. V. NOTICE of SEIZURE Xkwbebs, N. C, .In dp l'2ib, 1895. Notice is licrv by sjiv'ii f the seizuie of tho followim; pn jierly lor inlati- ii of tin internal rrvenue Ihws, Sections :;:;ii:, 3305 ami S3lSa. Jodc lOtb. eleven na kaj;i s of corn whiskey seizetl at the ii-:i:h rv ni D.ivid W. Patterar, No. 29Co ut N'.oic boro, V. C. June 12th. three pickai of i-. in nhtskey fe' at i lie bar of J.ilm I). D'mkin.o, New Beruc, X I'., Iro n the iis lillery of fnid David W. Fatter- n, nl-o two packages of com whiskey lriutlic dijdillerf of J. A. Patierson. Any person (-laimins; any ol'sitid lienor isbereby notif:el to appear at this ottice la t he citj of New Berne, wiihin 30 davs frotn ibe date hereof and make such claims m tbe manner ami f. .rm pre;cr:heil . bylaw or the sahf property will lw for- Ktel to the l. nitetl stltes. T. M. Simmons, Collector. By W. T. Caiio, Deputy Colhe.or. joolS dl m4 - UOTICi' of SEIZURE Kkwirx, N. ('., June 2.hli, TiTnliCA m hirt hv ivtfn nfllu pi'.nrp nt' tb follow ire: proirty f..r vio'ati.m of ! Xvlvull. " lb Interoa! lr-emie lawn, Sx-lions 32")8 ' ix.ii.i.e.i ..o-..,i -:c-Ud S25, to wit: j; -i.-uTat'te.-. ti'.'i I'- Jooe 18th Kevin ack i-os of Cm ',.V. '. ,:-'.'."!'! -.';.' .'. "Whiskey seiz.d at the di-td i-ry of A. P.. 1 (tropin, No 291S at . Pandco v-1 c - ' - ' A' CCniaty, N. V , al two C,.per Siiiis, onu ; ,N,iiim'Vo.eV'-' -. ' balding 100 pillions, 1 he other 00 ga hms (,ia -a:-e a.i 1 . water measnreiiM ir, t L'i tin r "it" the I J1;1,''"'.1'...1 V" '."",V ' caps, worms and liitine b-lon-ir- to I ,,,,',. V,,-: -o . Bald Mill. : I'O'U'- :"! - ;-:; '- . Aoy peron chiiniing any of said !i.inr ' il'j'.'.7 ' " ; or other pmiM-rty is hereby noli li d to ap- ; ana - - i,. at f k;u An:.... a, 1 k.. .... ,.1' v..u-i m 1 ri-i-u in-r.'. 1 . . . - la - MXU IUI3 'Illt. II' .1' VO, '-I ' in, withio 30 t:iys fi 0111 tlie date her. of an I make such rl .ini- in the manner and loian lirescrit-ed by law, or the sail piojieiiy trill be forteit'-il to the I ni e i si .0 V. XI. Simhoss ( oiliH t. r. By v.T.fAHo,ivputyc..ji.e.,-. j ii 21dlt W !t ; WRITE ra Eiverside IB1SELS, POULTRY, PET STOCK YARDS, for their irameusc cat-! logqe to be issued this month. It costs only a stamp. EGOS FOR HATCHING A. SPECIALTY s-Sj5ci Prices oa Fowls. F. E. HEGE CO-, NEW BERNE, N. C. in on every wrappor. Pitcher's Castoria. W & -w W aa w MADE FROM PURE PIG IRON. Not one ponnd of Scrap Iroa Is ever ust'd iu these gixxls. DURABLE, CONVENIENT and ECONOMICAL AH Modern Improvements to Lighten nouackerplnu ( ares. Twenty different Fizes and kind?. Every Stove Warranted Against Defects. Prtrs rtni ro:. i I V! r n: 'V:-Ti - i tli&n on i uiiiiauutr kind ul .-Lo)i..-. CaQ im or athlrcM Co., Nsw Eerne, N. t. This Large Fine Fine Ruttan Rocker For only $1-25. THE SiiALl Z'.Zl Wr have al -T l'1 ,M v -t I ' i ' ' a i t ia ln naa.r i l a-:. we will -ill 'In in .1 I a i ra-li -t en 1 1 "!' . . . eartaaai - KaMVI IKiulWUlK m I N--T".v i- t - x . f. : , x 1 . j . n . T-, , ! AF6 VCU IrOimT 10 rdilil Ul'iF I f so a f. w est you: lst.-T.c ;a 2".i It; ubl in'i-r- Sri 4 1 " " j . I 1 N 1 MAN MA!d! J', r . ,v ! 1 ! I .A X I I j. c wmfty & cc. Arcnts Pure Paints. W. P- UAIUaiON CO.. li... .olimh, . M Vt N VI) It II I In llir ( il ol t Mini Vi.inilf lollhcreil in Miil Hi-iefli l.ilil. a : 'i ' : Mo:,;;.', a ' ' M- mt Aliy i : " i i-x ' -. I'll IV ,11 ii 1 - i;. !; r A : i-- r I. r- ,l-c- --.! !; .r ;;: :: ' ; t 1 iic'i't1 .11 v .. i i !) : '. M. -i-. N.ari .V M - .;. -..v,,i a if c -!ra M :. Mi t- i,r , t. . ia !. N vi :u .' '.'-: a : -... M N. N-i.ii iv'vN.----: W. .:,.;: Ill I V. J, a - t : :. vi -i i a. la . )'..". i I ( '. ' a Na :'. i- -1 i r. : : ; Ha .Ml a 'inrt : t ' i i i : a- - : . . i : : i i a ; c ' tv I'll I I'.a- in t- ;!i nae !' 'a. '. a a:.;,. . t ; hi-. I! :i a; a. lit ii at!'' a - :i : : . - .v M: A nr.:' 1,' .1 .. : . . I : r t l . IV . I ! ! ' "' - ! ie-.. M a W : a ea i i a ,a:, , . a li.-t v-a to 'v i v. Ii i a- tn "I at' ' in- -' ana i a r y. I , e- , ,: a: vv-t i -tcruay an 1 - a : .- imi'i u .tn :iic M M . a- -i,.i .v ,1 a- i l'.;c koiii ra''t ct" --:;a;' . ! i a i ' '. e--; ri.'av . ; ho:' r.'- : : Ii ii" 111- in I'l'tC 1 :- ' i ' '' I lit S . aacr t I .a ai f a - '' t ' ; l a 1-1 ' la - i a e l 1 i w i . v a I , . - I, f ! teiv i.s'i ;e i . :' .. t.c .a e. a ai ,i".;ii l.ei.. ' The I'aia I. it a: an a: !. a til ' t t:.- :'. a ; '- 'I'.'. : a a eia piiri . I' lit' ol 1 1 -' ! at hit !; i a tia: New l-'it innai It! Il1 e -t ae 1 I e p:i.(v IMn'- a: lie ..:t'.:r rac a: h .r-l ;a l and !i ' liCaisal- i n ' i , a t.- tae H'.nv- a. i. W it. -.'en- e ;fal a-, u i . ;.; a. -o niir ra i a t-. ) TI.e .'-He :': :' ::!.':! ' t h - aa 'li'.'a l: i: ell rs.i ii u lo 11. If ry. Tiie c.aia.ii:: to he uai na r tie? W . ' N. N. and C. Iv a tai V. V K aliiMil livir. Xav r, iae : M'. Ai' v ; ! 1 ic ivc I ie"c -la v I , : 1 vt . I' u a il 'iia n -t : ;!(- ', - a aaaia' I tht- t- i lie I to 1'i.iit ' a a h : 1 1 : i t ip- , l!at tan t:ili : a 1 .. a ; he . a-! ii.a ' ami tea-th i' -: - .. I. ao i-;..- a exp?:i-i ve 'a - ' a. . -0 torn tl..- v. canty. The i-i'.ea:.) l av , m.l.V- ,, . ''. of tin .rost n.oi'u-i' a- m li- t-a ei-c tha i i; i : i i e h a-tii i ! 'tin Sat- aa.l', w itseviav . iiier.-:i i i -:: ai i i ii:;!i:a: aiaiii. in I v ., a i - t a L-ai ai or. of t!.e tno-t ileiililtu. Mia v at i in i i a tr ai l! e vxirhl. : We c.ii i'i ;'- .:; .'iv v a i :a a 1 i la - : t'; a lia in,' I tvi u;' th p.i't,. 'a ho to k it a v ". r ;i'o. a'l o, 'Ala : a v. .e '.i.irs.1 m tli-a iiai-i - atal many ol' . v. : i . a" vara . ' I' r-iiiu; alteatai ; ).! '' ai'- . :: a. tic 'i oin on i ! exca !'.-; :: .-: s j.y tl.t n, c i. - i 11 fit. nil I til!-, ll.lipln U '.'',; X; hi. fall; ,. S .no for ; r-aa I t'. aa -la aai a am .. a par. v en w 15. r; ..: 1 . .11- .t to take a I aa'a' i a I ia - mi .-;':!. Sfaiid l I lie rjreiueii. .V . . a let . r 1 1 a. ; t 1 a 1 i-e : : i ic to the I- a t -na-i.'.- To.irrain- a; Fan i -'. .aa-i '..- V inc. .- ' ' i o tia nan : l', kao '' w il t to i!iii ii I 1 1 1 aa I V ' a ia ;- 1 -a t -la a lie a 1 - the atiionti -ah-ci : ! '.- 1 v: ' jmt t 1 - 1 a-c. It Will t k- ha v ' - . m lit: -Ian !' ot 11a th- n i - oil'.-ii-ii .0 - 1 . 1" sai - .liaer l.aiaToa- e j aT.-e-. I:' there :- 11 :' 11a a ' ai r.ii.ii-r tic -an ti: .i :'e :i- : he - ai 1: by avi pa- ! o:' i'i ot' tie jh ; c. it a '. ai to r l'o-e 1 1 aa: aa a'. 1 ' - .0 .hi b -iM.i.iiv ill a- e !': - t- -', a v c ,1. I ! fid)' ily dou ''.''a: '.via v , ; o .., 1 , ,r a.aa : : u I . : I .e thaiaaahy c.-p-.M. Deal h ol Mr. It e ill ti i I 1 .1 1 .1 - Only Soil Mr. aa! Ma. Id. i Wiiaa v 1 , aaa in o i t'ao tr . a : r-;n d'.i -',ai-t m !, r 'h. ir .- o r C a a ! e- i a '. . ; v' .... , !' : pho..i f-.e' ::t tia- ro-i- if! -e of li - fan -i ni.-: her. Mr-. Kr- II-T S . loh ' . - a :!,. '' I. a- ' ici-.l . . ; - : . : : ' . ; , .-. .. !!c-n t.ii r.!. .ymp'.rh n pout-, m t:a tr 'o--. Mt. a - M- . W '.':..: 1 . m.- a ..e: : : - ' i ' : 1 1 ; v i - . a ' : i . ; ' , . 'J ' . " . : e .-1 p -p i a I .-. ' ,e ;v- -' : -. " .l leieliei-' --.nil.l. I'l aa t , e Ne . . ! i ' , - ; . id r I' k .;riL : i ho -.--; A--eaai' ' lii-iili' J i II II u "i-..' Ni a IJ f . 'a. I. -: i : : .- -. : v , . . : ; , ' I , -r 'a m i . .-. 1 1 - ! d m. .-. .; i - a ' aO .' m w ! . a a - 1' i e e . V. 'I I , we i - - i - ' - i . a : . a. ,.'.e l.ililll House K ee iei-i. S :, t l ,-i,.(,. M : . 1. Iiv td a - . .- aa i ' ' .!, . I . .it: ' : il br v.: 1-' i; h b ad -.,'. M" 1 1 a I '. I in c w Kiwr, Mt'. f d - - - ' t, .! :o of , 1 I . ., tl e s: 1 It'..' ' v 111' - mt : m Tic- i- th- --. ' "-- II i.-l ! h- -e a t !"-. a- d a- ' m- a :;i- ar. d .-e '. . a -.11.- 1. ai l :.i g. we w . 1 e. ; : e p- -e l to -, e ,.;a. r a -a" 'of! ' : -.!n;.t tie- f -rin oi'i."ti-tni tion. I 1 ' ' a- u 1 v . 1 ! e 'Jiuies. l MIIXI III Ml 4 111 (hiimI lint-1 Kei- ier anil lcli;:lit- l Hi.- Sen-. .11. A- 7- a.-;, m-.ry a In a P . .-' ici - A - in! . .'.:::! -. ii. in wh..vrii .; a m to I . . ; ;. .! 'v ! th t v, n: i ,v - iiv I .. ;nn I, I i, fiit'tlna tiili il by k -i hi- - fiir i ok wt-1! m l V : i ll H' .111 : ar I h- A: nd II. 11 i : M:. T d i ;-i-. ii,.- ' .1.: ihr a:. '!'!..-H- - ':. .,f. M - In !.! . a it II- .1 - I !".: !,( '.- " l'r"17";' " win) I'll n l'i, a i-'.'-.p net,,,, y.v. .1. II. Ma: n. -l ri vf- :n kr i r i i -1 : i il; 1 1 c i - a ' 1 1 It mi.- l; i a -s I -: t a ' an 1 t ! i: u-i.;;;.;;,' i - !' t!;r. . :: ! : - e 1 1 1 ii a- in if :- a -l-l-n .-,1 lilii i' to i -! i Ha I ia -. it b-- a -uaina l'- ".x,":'!"';l;. !fr;,"!,,';;,.T.',iv ;m ' v ',- a'l ';-;,;, ',- a', ni.'i- !.':,,. .-,. ,; ;,. ; .a"r-iv- v. V IIOll i'lVSMY.t'.l. tut 110 Harm KenllN i:x-fiil I lo' li- oillloi I ol I 1 tollll- Men li,,,,,,.,!. ! .kv'.-.v..' i.,;i - uiaaitii.- :ll in -mn alma-. A..-., . ;' N.a-- an! Tr 1!: a :. .' 1 a at ai : with 'h- a i hick ni i i c. - l'r. ia bank to I - k. at -a. Ii ".: "i il : a e 1 ; 1 ' i :a N -11 " 1 A a 1' 1 1 a i-ile a - 1 a i ', 1 )C 1 1 e ii lei 1 1 1 1 1 r t h .- 1 1 :l . ' . S- w I'.- .-.a- it- iitiieiiiea h.a 1 luck en i k and to pivpaiv lor ', i ,e a- ol' th - I Jo ah'. -e.e:.i i.aiaa'-t a: a- .-n: in tin ''a n - an I -- eilic a : n- : , :' 1 a, -.ii.- - -tii.. a i . lion of I i iila - at :. i i '. to ! .:';! . a . i Ta. i'li a i a . ' 'a i ! ai' ' a : T-iai'd- n-ai'ia l.ioaia'. the -li !'. atiil th a tiic in i-t -tia.'k the l.o'ton: a ! -to; ,aJ, fatlaa' (Ol.llltCII I'.VSi: BAM, TIC1MV T!:i' Veil- lln'ii iv!el l'i ,1 li) itiik to' ' i e 1 1 a :' i i 1 1 r 1 i i oi ' i' " a - i : n i o 1 he OniMo In lie Held In Dfciilo lltp I liiim - ai. c ! n; t tec -1 1. I i i la t A o or 'Iii iC ionslii ol Three Male. h.i.ti - in I' e.i a in iiiimii.- 1'iniili'f in. -a n., . , , , , , , , 1 J iic colored i. oi.e i-x ia I .'ka'.ea ;. ai, li.--.n- a-h. ttn-ii -n aail reM lie. i 11 ' . t; ,,, pn tt y bii: time ov. r bn.-e Im.. iot na .iter i'i 'ii.' ilav a -.!.! . I aim tin ir eoinoi- Fair. Tae" K. ci-i"l' of '' i ,;v veiatnel X, u- Pierre ii.hv li-.'d : In- ch-ivl it ' '' V. - i-. (....rac Moa ton pjun-hip ol tl e Sar,.. Oil;, r st ,te eiah- a ai . M. ea . :i '. I t' uia-tiil U1 Loaic.-t !'.,r it. and tiieil liatev. r tie il aii i ''.". i! jlit he. lo th,- . ay. A- ,.'!, the uinacr is lo alia t th- Nvt'olk. tii- b a' - -a - v.ei- -ale ,1 it v. a - evid.nt V i. ohio, aa I tie Dai'Mii 'ton. S. C. cluli. data did i i,-i-l w hi e in u-e aa.l 1. 1 , , ihamnio::- of tli--c Saa-. to nmi-1 111.' 1 a I- iivrii. a theie i- tear 1 I e i a ' ll 1 1 i'i .- W i :v 1 1 : 1 1 A a- i . Will indicate I i luxel v ei. T''" lev-It' 1- of til- di-hill lad N'i'U iliine iMi-iai. NimiI li'.-ct've lield a :n-i fn.r 'hi -ii- niaat l'r th- puip.-e I" ;:-.. ;-.! ta. prop rtv of the D:vi-- The I h i-;oa te-'s that it lia b:a 11 , i -aad llnin-tiv by the milil.liv : .! a. ni I ie-. li,ii -lal.C'li: 111-till- ;'.;!. -ta -., i, a. -ho.v tin- pat, ii,- wherein ''i-i'ta - .a-'und-a-i e: n. ba i :l"t a i-a- ha a oi ho- ,,1 a ,au- in, ni- " '1 "t Mll,IKl "hi"1 -ion-. '' 1 1 ' ''"''' I t' i " 1 1 a i a t h d all " ' ' w'''! l'1 d ih-c y. ar- on ,i-oun itillm-i i-iu would not have li-hl- dor wilimia lall-e allll l ll 1 1 1 .hd i in- la'-t -: laonlhs .a tho e,lv, ''' i d - a- -i;.- a. I- the I:m-i , a: '.lilO'u ! it -Ii liai ' -a..l. A TIIF. i:V KIVKIC l. It. lliiiiiiiiliHS 14111J ll I'ltrfinl leserip. I Inn. TI.e Xe.v I! er Inn. now ahno-t -exp.ded toba ready bn uin -t- in a , . . zen !' Ihe illaye. we. a aial a hi 1 or two m k- more. ' r, . . , ,,. . i ,. , ., i ; , i , , i W e n-ci at 1 v noted, the coai'i civ-iacut lno Ian. we ui id. 1 -ta il l , I- In In- nm i. li.,- -ea-..u bv Piof. K. M. K. .riee an I ' "' oik on a ie-w depot at .!;,. -k -o a vil io, b--r-. b e Miiii ih ai I lleiny K' nnedy I which iu deMtfiied lo be tho ln-t b twe-aii It uid have accoa.mod Uion- tor about : ,,,e ;ind WihniiU'ton. Tin- Tina- ha Ca' 1 the following to iy nf ih Anegh: i.-ot wade p ..i entirely en- -I ,.,-,!er b. mee"t the leqair, m, m of ,-achs ti,- Inia-.da p'ank wa ! k s ,t ; , L.n..lin. tr.-i-ht .-hi at - and the is.d. an I '." IS hi' long lea-is ,lvvn lo th- ;,., t ;,, Cl ', u. j(.,K.t, , ,f (,. ,, -.twain-; ad-.- .-i-e. Th- niati red I- i" ih:.- was : j,tt)lic the W. N. ,V N. ra'ir'i.iil are pre I b the l'amiahe-he. a. stoii,- : JMI , G.,.,.t ., ,..lll0.ii, a l- ( combination station and war. h -u--mi F.I'Slt A . I T K KT"llW Ml" I S K I lIJ ICS i l"1' ilC 0l' ,,"il,,"'r.' f "' li' ' : pnrpo-e. Another A rt; 11'll t anil lleji .Not In l.i-l the 1'i-e-eiil Interest Snlisiile I ii 1 1 1 I hey a re Seen roil. The war, houe will h XdXs Jivt. and Atiiona' the vario'i- iinpriiveiiu nts an I -tx huge .lo.-rs will lai-ih.a'e ihe cxp ei-v.-.miiai- -uaai-.-d tor ,ir city and 1 ",n of frei-h: . TI.e lite.- will aa! v. inc. u -.M-al.t he n.ote -eiu inay ac eited otv e o . i . i . '.- i: - or, ail , h'e I ie. ii e, win. .-( C - : a hi' "id- - ao.v.e. a .X. W 1, rac ami the Milk- of X. use and Treat n 1 . 1-. fin- -nbjei t ha- t 11 -T lit" dol-aiant hi fa- inimls of our citizens hit: it is at a-t n. m- roiixii aim a 10, anu lonna laieo 1 n u nt h at l lie ltd. aao a i;ui -tion, and Id ii.-hope, tin- lime 1 "Tlie plans cdl Im-a a t'v ta ,t sM ae "i ith' lit uh incite heiietit. imp and one th it will boa c. dit to the V. . . an till an 1 niiuut- fileiiiatiou ba.- t . x 1. and a sou i . .- of pia. ie to our ' d ll.oa-tl-a, d tiie ei. , that tor t he -urn o ' ei ' i i is. d.f thou-ai I -f 4a.(ioih I wo sill.- . -t .it ai hi ;,!aa- c til 1 lie coii-lii:cled. and, .N'F.WSIX lilt I FF. a - ai'tii- i ih lenliiy -co how benetii ia- t'.i-'in mam would no ur eit izens and fhic mo i lo hi.i:,!, -,-,allaii that imi-caant-wh. ,-xpe.i. h-d i r L,b,r and i wili i,j.,i.,o piopte. A li.-an eol.-- , ,-euin of laree dimen-ioif e ded i .'0 linn A reien; rutoi die A-se-nbly i,et-, iia- .an po-A . l ad and aid li.. i. d tin P.oai'd ; , , , oi Comav do,ao-i.,:,n'.- to 1 -ao hid .lames h ( .art.eM ua- "U.matod hy d -iv pei- ce :,. ,., ran for dmtv-Uve war- 1 t'" "'" u1; "!' LlW , S melt this expense: 1 it" i- clearlv ilt,! Io1" :1 ( '"j1'1 - ,:l ... , ,, , ,, ; ,., ,; late li'0-ldi III dal'held, a: d ranvo hi ll aian -t tint tin- ol taxation on . .. . , ' , , , ii, , ,i lu'-t ix) Mica lionor- on the loa-tei aah a. ihovalae ol prop, rtv, would , , , ,. , ' e ih a,,! t . p.-,y 111, i' .-!,-, p,.. ai.,1 I """'V'' . ' """''-V "" 1Vl",'h ': ; ' '' ' , i. at- ., s: kin- Fund for the re,dn,p:in ' 1,is u,,,or- ,-f a, ,. p., ,,u I: i- lhou-ht th it China wall try to l ei : ne : ki . liaiiwiid- Id- la en lui.-e ai.-ut j 1 o of -i A or in tiii .11 tv pi-pv ;v. w ... r ih- ).r.'.i--ial a-,. ; oiialry to h mil cm r lo .1 ,p ,n. ( hir u'olil .f i!n- wiiii'",! occur, w i aid h- male- un n -Imiiiiln t, laiil- ll.e Ct.i'.i -e :: '., ii' r ;ii'. i. -1 : i '. t Ii- iiei.-.-e wauld belUve th d our silver i.-nT lull, h 1 if tier -.I'.e'y aaioant to bd tin- -nni which than junk." o they w ill hi. 1 h ov on il. tie 1'ir. ml- ioa expend in l-'.-niaao. In ,lu!y, on the lslh. there will meet la t a- he . i livm i. the: iu tin-e. u my u ho in ( ; i i a: in. a Silver ( 'ou .-n! ion The a a- i l.iin." I liie-e a r at :e id a .oa- lo tho : comil ios are llolih na n.cel ilia- to appoint i 'll'.' i : i . -1 1 1 nd pi"-j.e:';t, of om'poopl''. del. -gale-, and il is thought tha' mi.-t aad w- ma'.' be -ar- t i ,t Ihe Hoard of; of tlie bid odd collude- will lie repro i " i i m- an: a - wil a-t m aeeor, lama sriilid. bp to date a imijoi-iiv have a a;i"; in' i -ae of I ho inajoi ily of . u r eiti- iieal coin en 1 i ill- and selti te-1 the im n - u- 1 ' i:o- i: it . a l i ri-r x . to repiisent llu-in. Th- Ailuita ( 'on. - - -Idiit mi thinks i-M'iy ciiiiutv wai io .iii-I1i Oii-olinu Itiioy l liaiii;cv, ihfe Cm:.'.!, a . 1- N. :-h I .and n II'.v. An oxchai.-e ay - that ha-me-. at ,- the !'.:- la-,-..!. All tin' ml liiinv- i otton mil Is ..f Nm th C-.i. dai i ha-a" :.t 1 I,. . ii . a I i.e dn 1 1 i h i w ecu beacon la:ht- improved "V.-r that of l ot M ar. S N--. '-dao l mi- ii.iM-ii. of tiie nulls are riinuing ndht and .lav. 'I'h all . :- I eart- 4' li mi 1 pi 7. and some ha ve tin lie i .ml. r- aw iv. i , I I'aa.:'. - u i i. Sa ai lai "- r Pav. being aide to till tin. in. on- f -ti-.d to I'm..'-, Th- P. Sj The Now Yolk World p inl- a -taie- 1 . a ",i at ea' : a-ee 1 , Swan (Jnarli r bay menl showii)!! that the wage- of diil.iMU i- cl.-.iiei.. t.. a P. S. nun buoy, and th- workmen have In on m. iv.,-.-d within "thir -hown in lie- bay are thirty days. Where i- the K -pnldran dov-1 to .-p ,r buoy- i oliir, .1 a- wcie tin- organ tha't declared that tin- Democratic '"a- on- a d 1, a' . and d. tai-'tf was going to impov.-i-i-h the work- i la- ;' i'i i ' ( -at t 1 b'h ingnian? ,, !':" '1' . "i':"1' " I'-""!'.-., lhvrr.- Kiglov ,,f Ihe ii'o d .'.i.- in Minn,-,.!:, ':. "A ," '" ' N.N'i"h-rs:mVl. i,r(n i,.,..,,,,.,,,.,,,..! (,. a Ve..r. . ' , :.'V. 1 '" ' ' V I ' V . 1 ", . ' , 1 d -'. i cm . .ao iae p. . luxe on .i'i. a i- io- pa... I a r..! -;. No. ii 1 he "''''r ' ""' ':" k 1 d. f, tee ' : "'-''' l" '..'-;"lco-.y auillhe 1 ",c l',u "vio'i - hanged lo SI, 'Tiii- atli-v - ( "knit Ull. K hi' 11 111a I ism l ured in n la.v. Mv-ii- (tire"- :..r IPioum a i-m an. N.m idta r idle ihv cure- in I t It ad. 01 eii m the-y-ti i!) i- remarkal.'e 1 . 1 ... . . , cau-eaad the dm, a-e imme, iiaiol v disan- , . ..:-. The fa-t .1. -0 gi-.allv beiutits, 7a '.( , . " " Sd'a bv Iletry 's Phannacv.lXew Berne hi : in . -ie ,. ni-. 11 icniov.s ai once ine N. C, oid eustoin house buildiug. II F. I I.N I I.I.I. It il I S. Mayor Will. Fills -l.:llle Slcn-" Will Ihe Main Trolliii- Hacc. TIl IJie.-nviih- Foiirl .! ay : , . - -a : d1"1-' - 1 ' II .'.nil lull-. - t!,;:! w . iv Win. Ki:i . N. w ): n lw. if. tlii J.hf M '' I ill' I 01' H'l' - 1IO' i'l r-ivi- !' '!' wl.U-li In- Wil li. I' .l'' -i'i-i.' alii'n 1". I.:!-. '. l A .'. .- ( Mi IV A ." r..i r (' I i-'. n: r. .liii:U I W'-': . I in :iv -iv. t I.i ! : pii-.,!. M : . , K. FJ!i- W'M :ri S. :ur sic i ii n:ii:r i;i' ''. aii:' r-.i i-iIi i-i - im II. II ! 1:i'i- i.ji.-i Ii, -;:,, , he ta,,,- t !: v ;im, (',it (IIIM'V (llipilSSKIMIfS l'lll). (Kkihm:s. I'lio l;ill'i ! Iti-Ilu i iiu' i-us' nm! 'I'r'iil HI liuiuMK l .sk((1(- Minpo. tu..- n im-t .t i. .. , ;, ; ' ' ''"' 1 " a :'" i!i' an. ilaii'n. all I lo k :i to '!,. nia'v at tan .A-, ,-k. The 11.1 I I'll UK'! lit l'J V'.-H,,.,,! (', a-i , : . Ilia aii. clnn'ii, '.. ' . . i iv'.y ,;'.v - A. v A McaooA-'. (ll .lele i. That til 1 ll 1 nil .11 if the I'oaiil b.-. aial lu t'L-h, :.- aatlior . 1 :aul , , ' 1 111 a. it. 1 1 t o chip 1 iv 11 1 1 an la . . a r 1 . x " 1 ci icni 1 il 1 1 i ! ea-ii'iHT to n.ake a -iii-m-v '.ir ia-ehainiii-ii.-liiii of the tlir-e M-.t ' 1 1 a'inia N "i ih aad South C .ro'.iaa. 1 wo cin'i- rite i j .i i' i'i i Iron i Kaiciala and one caeii from l-iiienli n. V ihiiin ton. ! mioil, aial 1 );illil;ema. Illakin- at t-,1 uf -.veil eonte-liiiL; d a I . coiai ' itia' lb . Ne Heine ore. si.n:n ri.Y i.ii ki ii. " ".V I'onder K illusion The On Ij I ele- ; Uralinii Aeeiilenl. ; Mist.-r Dm (I S.naw i- the on'v . n- : W(, ,p:l.(, , ,r h( ,, ul,,,ai. t u aiia : F , (-t , , , , llU. ..,.- i t)) v-aitel ; limil 5, , (,,,(-,,.,, a IIT,,. , , ;. e i 1 1 1 1 1 1 v set I i re I o -1 1 a 1 1 1 j i . i v i i o !' iaa cm ui,h w-lit., ,ie . v ,,tl,. r vr.iii,--l, i- ,lhi u( hls siz , Wl.n. t.,a,.!,iatin-'.' ll burnt j his r i h t liam I coll - i. Icl'.lh' '.' a i a i -ai ed 1 1 i - 1 h .IUI, ev, ,n,w. p.,, , v , . , , a wn- n. .1 in ia r !. A'atl.-'-.e a... put hi ni a' I 1 i - hi aa an we a ; i - 1 o -111 every w ay. j.ti iisown.i.K's m.w ii:iMr. Km I)iiiiciiii) . 'r-til In Ihe liail. 1 he new depot will Iv l:w.,i tee: anil will be on veu a ntl v ai'ra n -e I f a- t he .b-chi'.'e nf uis-eng' r and fnia'ht tiillie. a i -w? i. el un. I v ni if w. a ina n i.y a bay window f. cing tee main tr.e-k and have cav accc.-s to the adj 'inai- w .iti-! "i : . . i . ... , ' I 1 . .. I . .'. . . ...I- o ; l'".'!!.-..!;! ,lili., .li."ll 1 1X1- H. I ' The ,..,,t e,,,l ,,1'liie I 11' a h a a. in 1 u ia.1. t!,,- olik e -,.i,l - ,0 n- 1 .... ietl lu, Wilted u ill lie ! Wo -tola-.- Iiidi. lia- j ise, in pine and with a pi iv.a h n iect They an n. a ily ad owned by lain 1 ami run on th 1 is ' -'I- mated that thev will itMibieo aujuui.tiao ,,., nfbnturthi-s wall. (lOO.nilo. Tie- iiiggngate li.oia,.. ,,p .,,n., well. We hope t if day I - 1, a far 1 di-tant wlnn .1 ah an id- -am la i to the above can he said ah aa North C:av 1 na. liock Ion's Arnica Salve. The bo-t salve in Uf world f,,, Cut-, ' Piiui-e.s. Smes Pkir-, Salt Kin inn. l-'evei na, Tot tor, '('liaplif'l hand-. Chahlains. ",'!, Sk'" Kl'"!,'i"nS' " 1 1" ' f,Vel-V Wt lU !'r "" l''-V 'l1".'0'1' . U , is guaranUc I to give peit.-cl s.di- actioa ,r mo"l'y re,''ul '' J' ' ..1er box. For sale by F. S. Duffy, Druggist. A fAI'KR OF (TPID. II V V,'. .). M'.U'IIIV. V. 'A: v. ;:a1 ; a;- ix.-n. .it I s.'.'h; ",m M.iry Hrrnt. ( ;': !'., I ; Hi'- r.rtliil aid.' lit- s'i.i;i ! l:u-k at me. Ti-y I IV iv ar 1 ! i. . l!;.ii! yu arc, in the m.'-' a. t : .. manner. I'd .-a.!-.-- y .ii at' -, atai in a.hli- i ia-i-' I'.ii.-a i.avino i.ur '"." ' "At. 'ia! "!' t !:.'.!'.' !; i . v. a ;. - t b riaht uav." haa.l on lay ar,.a -:-o.w i- ir. v ioxy, ia other ;i,y fa-- w iih -i 'v : - ' "I -,v : ; - a t - a i a a- a-vtaiaa: about Ot". ! - 1-ay, " -aii! I. ra' la r miiT-'l. "S'i I arcavil. It wn- -imply til ', "a x v. "' e.i thia'; I tvatit you to oo my wav.d'V a'' "l: -a.'.iy. I !.:.y m vor ::ta-tl th" s'jbi --t aav ia'i'til tiii.oimt of tt.. '. :'n " "Up - e ia!'---';. -n is L' I for tin' s ea.'.. 1 '.'.. ti i.a- t hat ynii confess to -a ai a .::-.' :.', of lav v.'i-h--. con- -i.'i-r; a a' '.' aal wo arc 1 1 ) i-.i h ; d la-r. " "but I cant oo. 1 I,.,,.- a Marv n.'-tit va . aiv swoi'tlieart, eaouoeincnt tli..t t.r.i -1 .. to all iatcat-iau pai-p.i-i-.-, and I laul and I liave tiuly !iiii-.'i; 1:0:0.: -it beca i,-r :-voi.iai tiiaiit'-r, Hut to. Voukaow bow it lo.i-U ' aa MiV s.,iv.', i'"f in n. ll.- aad months, to make '1 v.'oaah Wait i.- :; V v.a ;- eaaioeii, or ;il lead I in- must,' um.t tht- i- ;.' ..f .: ; : .-i-1,. d v.- were to her. thotiarh I But 1 fan tru.-t a - a-w. ,c. . -. -am lace to a .tnit tliat -he laid will bo a'.i the nearer to m- t - r.-v.-r ai t-':-tl.'.r c )i iic'a'a-i! with me s;u.-riiifi'. " 0:1 t' 'p.iat. tnii-ed, -incc I think "You shouldn't bo t,., --..i , a. of it in a;-c cooler moments, there is womanly, ho hatf iii!- :. 111 a-o than "ac point on v!ii.-h we do "JJut tru-t i- th- b.a.d t' ..' .a... not 00'a. aide it is rat her lute us, little one, " I said, v.a'.i a..' ..: now h r a'ct- to t h- i-.nitt cr. tenderness. At lea-!, d v.:,- a "And nr.iy." sa-- :t :-a : ri -d, "what nearly infinite a- I coaid teak- ,:. are wo to each iltat'.' Thus tulkino v.- par'- d, at t'.. "Much ia a-c than wo arc to any door, -he to m, to th- '. a 41.. i i t other p. r-m.s that I know of." i keep my cn-a-einet. t . "I. -Mm--'. ' -he s.dd. bohlin up ! Truly," 1 t In a,;.-' . t . ;,- 1 a. -. . !n-r jw.-ttv lln-.-rs nml conn lino; i anion o the uiithiokiii-' 'ia... "t'a -a-- - 1'raai; and Will ami Cliar- I the bus ' street, "v.. .man d il ,y a.-a aa-i l'r. ai at; ! Al-.a-mai tital I)ick en's best jjift to i.o.n, iv - a a aa.i t'a- captain ami Jack and" hasn't ijuitc wot: In r. 'That s i-uati-i;," I orowied, "un-j As I went lain- to dim:-'.:.. ;,... ' I tvenino and th - v iaa' -t. . 'L'a'.- -- I continue the list to in- j throwing its m.ia-n ! .. - .. tiait - wu'a oaootiier name, said name 1 under the ;.a--at i im-. I . bei a' i v it-oa, " she itUerrupted. wit h ; Bront and Jaak i. t r U wicked little shrtio of her shoul- i slowly tibii" so ;.' Ar-i i.. dcrs. i other that '.;- y '. ... t 1.1. Mv name wars tjeoro, anu she videiittv was not foi-oet ful of the i fact that on more than one occasion , I lani eoaxed her to cull me by it, 1 concluded that p..s-ib., it v...- v.. -I iiut witli onlv partial success. las well t. conliuo the i..a..liiui "What's in a nam-, anvwav," 1 I sentiment of tru.-.t to ;.:.: to d ..... .. saai. as -u.a-n as a winppou scnouj- 1 t,y. j "Nothino. of course, and for that j reason T can't uinler-tand why you i want me to 1 I'nn nunc and VaKe yours. "I presume it is because that is li.e i i.-tiitii. " 1 smiled, for I thought that was not -ui-li a bad point to1 make. j "I'm or urn," slm ourolcd, "eus toMaiy? Tl.a.t's a onod one, isn't i l '! ' "Fur Heaven's sake don't pun at .-li a t iima" I groaned. 1 confess I wu not feel ;.g remark- o 1 .1 v Idhii'ii-iiis ami 1 f a i ie v i t sh.'i wed i- . ; , ,. c , , m my, il not- m my face. .... ,. more kiinhv, we arc ouarrolmo ' . 1 " autl there is no occasion to beeotie '( i. in 1,., ;,i io.V, now. (jtiit e so serious as that. If you want me to forgive you, I'll bo only too oaal to. if you evince the proper eon t rition She held out her hiinds and I took them both in mine quickly enough. "Pin sure," I said, smiling ra diantly, "I wouldn't like you half so wcil if vnu weren't just the little nnux V' ai arc. 1 was going to Ki-'-s tier, un my Shemwell is sni.l to have b en m s. v life I was. and I stoon.-d down In : end shooting sciapi bef 't-e tliis ,.ne lie the pre-cia : ic. 1 tasliton lot U'lmillls- teriii-r that jaiute. but she dodged. '"Thanks she said, archly, from It.O oia.-r vaie in urn loom, pot' r -Ale of the room; '"put that ,.u paper. I don't like verbal ! ;.. . a ,t lillss. Ig OS io sa' ii ii.ij" 'i inn i tei's " 1 ,,,.l,, ., foot Kali eii-h for her but she , nuded mo easily. I was con sidered ratta r handsome, though I w as ju.-t stout enough not to be glib on my feet. "Marv, Marv, quite contrary," I I quoted with a puff, a- I gave up the j "Never pronounce 'contrary' with the accent on tho .second syllable," she said with the air of a school marm. "Iiut that would ruin the rhyme," I protested. "Fudge ua tint rliyme-. Are you a poet'.' ' "No; but I admire a lovely j)..em." '"Ye.-?'' and -he l..okod tlm doubt in her mind of my taste in that ro gard. "Yes. " "Aa.l. prav. what is your favorite poet): ?'' " 'Marv Brent.' " Tii at. was a master stroke. 1 knew it warn, fur slm blushed. Then anil g. .t out a i'i 'Sol aid "Pet me put this in your button- i In sb .1. comino' toward me.. : "In such iiio said, wii;, iit'-i-. a verbal im--sagri tant matters, I a-mality, "1 prefer -".d-'i it t nv " Ilmv .taiiav ih.a If r i-lisi.-e should b A r. '--n I" t :...' her t, i t.. me." Said 1 with a slight Silas-Yveg rceat. hia liurpn-o." she hutghed, "but you .-at'aot ftagh t ea tne away with a -.-.!-. of p-nd ry. I like it, and don't l-a-w." here she looked me -iftiv!,: in ;1. cyi'5, "I rather like 'i ea. " "I sboi;',.l h.e.o So." I responded. - 1 - 1 feeling ex : r-am ly y.-'.l jih-ascd with tlm turn affair- had taken, but still I wa.- a. : en t a 1; -ia-t ie. for the margin of uncertainty was wide. "Ideally, (k'ni'f " she begati. "(dh, Mary,'' 1 interrupted, ''w hatever you may be going to say, say George again. I never tin. ught there was music Lu mv name until this y-ry minute." "Now. don't interrupt," she said, The total laudd! of id m-inh w . holding u a warning linger that I ". s-S inches The l.-ai..-t v.,- iwom- lit.,, l.iti.o in nr.- ,'Vllilnraili of iov at her. "What I was truing to sav was lhat if vou ouiy half tried yon v.iji ; v ..ii! ;.. i r vi t.;; t- i; f-j-,- i , . an- i;,:!,'ir i.aa V!,a: v ia 1 a ii. I . ;. . -r t ii a w.-inaii t !...-. t''.'' "M v !o Ve. in '. '.a t v arc your-.' I - c a her- S. il'tetu-li to a at u a i ai t uru! to !: a-. Of cour.-c I tia ., what man ua a.'a i a t i ..a. such cin;um.-taic . -'.' "Not n.av." -'.,- - awtiy. u'. s'.ar'.:'- : ' o.,;., u. U te.i. V ..'.'. t pUt oU my v.-aap- at.d v bhc ilidu't wait 1'-a a ua-o-ouoou t la- in-1 a:. "1 in uwf -a'..y .-.aa'v. sho cauic back, rem; . :' . . , - i ' 1 v 1 I, whel her it was t ; ;, , .a .1 1 u 1 i'h. -a I to a . ;. uay last wccl the motto on our t c.1.1- a..-. . i . ' nun uioue . That was f.air la-at-- shall lie cr m i 1 i . ;.. Mary Iircat a-via. l - ti. i less H.WTKIi SHE.MWEUN T I! I A I, ',ille. 'ur Tilt' M I'llt'!' id Now in Prnsress in Li'vintlnn-IHe 1 :reni inti-re-i ami iiiit-tic Failing i in tlie i'oiiimiiiiil.v. The trial of Hayter - h.-m aei! t. .r t he : .... ,. , ., T ,, i killing' nl Dr. K. I.. I a. in , sr.. i- iu , irogre-s in LcviuMon. I be . i ,n.e w a- eon) in 1 1 I'd. r e n v 'J 1! i. ilia V u 1 1 ill w.i- i u e . 1 1 a.--1 anil i cm i known phsieian in the .. ai '. . II. I..-.1 i, - , '.- , - , , o j high m his prole lou and w a- I. n. o n a !! i ,,r ,i v The two men were intii. -h-.l in .laid-, Where a Scotchman lay peacefully ent drug store-, and Dr. Payne v..- a''- driamiug examiner Cir an it. -malice i oinpaiiy t -i' H !.- lock in the ray of the Summer mooD w hich Shell)! 1 1.- hi ot iier. i n-la w w i- :genl ledit I and Shemwell prodnc. d lie -.hit...;: ot ; ),ile a bulbgine was dismally scream i another examiner lor the coiiipan v a;,d ing. out o! this ihe Irn tion grow. The accounts of the killing vuv. It "-sed by the coal chute, the old sec sav the Paynes weic iirmed n- wdl a- tion house, Slm-n.we'l while othtr s ,y that thevuu.- I (s -P ain gauge an inch above "dan UParmed when Shemwell loilowi d th an rr, and in.ulj the fabd attack. Y'. t onward it went, its driver a-drowse, is ;i man iinnii iinil-ii.c yeai- o; .e e One hundred and .-i.M.v wim--.-h.iM- 1)0 n siiiiinioiieo. and lac ti ,ai I- i x p del I to la-t ten days .-r ncae. -,,, ,... i ,.v;, ,,,,,, : c ,,a, i tion ver ,i,c .ulUir .-, , , ',, a,-,-e .- ', he i ,i i .... -. i ... ;ieiiii'l4 aitli uitir .u -;i"i ioo.- na' 1 who will not speak to in o ai other ee ! now, and the estrangements are ep-c ted to grow more bitter as tho t ri d pi. riijs. A strong effort w-- tmd i da p of the prosecution t n g. t he e i-. i .- .. to another countv. ! ul it failed. Asocial venire .. wa d.,.w.i Thev weie ordered to lodax td tea : FAST IO lll'S Ml 1III1K ... . ite. .,r.i i ihe r.-iiiei nm, .- ami Itaiiilall. TK.MPFUA'ld i;i:. f; VVX'IMt'M MINIM I'M. I:XVI. 1 ad.". 7 i - ": o -. i It I II , J O o ?, " T :.u '..'. e 4 - - 'as o , 1 aa. . 5 ' !!;.! 71 11 -7 :. r,. m; .."1 Too i , 7 Sill Id, 11 I .,. o s - - si ii ,,; II j O i- ! 77 o "at ". aio lu I 7'.d"i 1', f o I 1 . 11 - 7 in eon do P.' Sl a liO.O I It ", FT- S'.1 r. its ", ! 1 o 14. si; u 7,10 j,; ,1 I", S'l.a lid. . jo. o ll', S.-.ll lili .", M o i; i"i a "..' ". It" is si..-, .-, 1 -, , 1 1 19 - So., : o ai Jo - 01 ll 1. 1 7 a., . 21 fl-J 11 lis "1 -. ; o thJ-J Ul.o (do gi 7 d.". sj.ti 7 1 a . 1 r o ii mi. a 7o .7 1 ', 7 2 "i , "Ida 1 7'.', u I - . o -ti - ho ." ", .'7 1 - o -7 ss.o 7.1,'i lb". 2- so 0 70 .-, 1 -. :, !l ,ss o 7-11 J , . o :;o - s7.5 ." I . ! ; o Ad-,.- s; -a i.;.;4 I Th- inaxtnunn h-mp.-i a;,, w.i- -i''. This was ri ached t w .c 11 ', i.. - acl on iho third. The luinim.iaa tempi r ami w . - "i It fell to this on the hi a. fa Ihe d I, 1 1 went down to .7 1 a. .ha! on .S- -n. higher. The average maximum 1. mp mimeo! the lllolllll wa- S'.-i;. t he a'.elee 1- IliUlll 117.74. I'm., la. ..iaa i d 14 b"i average w as OleS oil I lie ."-J-l. I tele W lain altogether on eight da-. Four of the mins were accoiiipauicl bv thunder and lightniug. . " i Will illl I I RT41.N SOfTLI I4I.IS. ' 1 a.i ill, a., nutter win D ' o -. 1 a i mul- we play, ia la- tin h t I fe - sweet morning I ' l the t vl 1 i o I, t ,,f ,t- duy Aad -nine ihv will .lid I he drnmn. In tin- ( -ii u try or tie: town . A d th- hand of life will gently, u iv 1 : 111 the curtain down. 1 . ;i 1 air eii-jer lingers I a: a - i new. Unsullied pace I-- a i.-: --. v.- iim.v stand upon nf iinihai' -t :.ot-. 0 . oin- part- nm eiiinly I: ...1. a -mile or frown; t n 'If 1 ml Time sorely rings I ''.-'- a ic I iii lain down. e .ii 11 ii-'. m nke up ajuin, d- ai t In- nla ; 1 '1 In- : a Ii li rose ln-s uu the heart lie 1 oIl we must In- gay. Th- tailed l.ise lien mi the heart, l h- -111-t.r yets the crown, 1 -I in the miosd of stauzaa soft 'l 'he 11 it. iih -tealetb down. lie. 5 at p. ay from flower to flower I'n -iics the golden bee, id. 1 ii . d of chasing, fall nsleep lie1 cadi Ui hoary tree, i'li 11. . hi!. Hike, we, the drama oor, l -i lovei, kin", ami clown, Awiit in peace the hand that rings I.,le'.- -allien curtain down. 1 1..- s that we have brightened from The Stage with speech or rhyme, W id drop n tu' (or us when comes Th. last act ul cur time; Ami hands wlio.-e grusp we ne'er havo felt, A far in distant town, Ma v wreathe a wreath for as when time ihali rung lile's cvivtain dowu. ( a.miy tin- actor true awaits The l ast words of his plwy, II,- I mi.- s.-cute, his duty done, lb- Ioiil's the restful day. No i -ahmsies iuvude his soul, I ni 'ova- hath formed his crown, And I n-hter gleams his stars as drops l it. '- pictured curtain down: New York Clipper. a 1 ori of WiiRSfiJie. JCLY 1. A , a 1 ,. cannon, polished bright, ) and- lather, buys to-night. .1 L' LY 2 III.- .1. 1I1 uy jumps with joy '1'. b. hold this lovely toy. .lb bY 4. the in h'hbor's boy to pufcjle I! a. led Had gunlet to the muzale. JULY 5. e. a I, maiiiaa' saddened and dejected Hi lohufjy s friends be is collected. JOV AND PAI. It i her.- were never any storm or rain, Foi Juas would cease to be so rare and : w.-et. It I- when tainting on the dusty street U't Hind u- ot the woods. Ah, then we dm W ould ref.t among the shadows once asrain1 We long for winter. When the wild dorms beat I p-ai our heads we pine for summer's heat I t" o- no joy wit'nout some loss or pam: To take 1 i fie as we find it is tbe art , ivlng wel. Ah, let US Dot forget, '!'hout!li life be dark today, there maybe et, W !ieQ burner comes, much joy for eMb s id heart', )V,-le,n9 find ends ns trouble i tt. rJ''mee if it will orove us at oor best' -Hecry Cbyle. IMF DISGRUNTLED ;l .piici it was iu Victoria one r.ieht, J hiiiking Lard ot the dog in the man- iter. II thought of that Scotchman asleep on the hill, (hi Ins low trundle b'd hy tlie fourj- t on, A ' alvn-v wi,b a can,ie V" will. lake the engineer's wife on the moun tain. He opened the mouth of that grimy coal chute, And the coals tuaibled dowo in the ten ch i- Wi'h a racket that, woke with a ntart quite acute . s-otchman; his dream do; remem- t.e,-. 11 a k ' Was it i lie night wind that rustled the sheet, Wa-T the moonlight so wondrously ttiisliing : A collision, Kgadl "Ha, Hilhardl be lied." I t ia- the 'phone, .it the doctor's ear lasb- 1 1.Lr. Muck's -beds they are praDcirg and pawning the givuml, P. ..d.'- lints and his b.vnduges thiis- t'Dg I ... a oliauco to drink blood, if the Wood lie aiouod, hile for gore Buck himself is a buie- lins'. Aft. 1 two hours' search for a wreck that wa- ii ot, Pn. k Hiiimd returned somewhat wear- sHiii-; And he vows that a fee he will haye from Ihe Scot, f. ti .111 somebody else, or he'll sue- oll.e. The UnauowD Mase. A SONtJ TO XT LOVE. Plv, ia lie to my love, 1 I. . r tlie rolling Rei; l . tl bow bright are tbe stars above, T. il In i' to weep not fur me. la - off the falling tears ispi kas if the days gone by; Tod her how fleet is the loot of the years, Win -per my love cannot die. P'.y away iDtn her heart, b.aue on the solt sumnker's breath; -a a 1.. h.-r, 'Love and lovers must paat. 'tha- i-'ve stronger than death.' 1 'avi the siar-bt sea; md I.. r i" -ha i ia the land far away; lian ' her 111 dreams to me. Killaloo. I he Allitntlr Hotel. MuekeU CtlJ. Th. u.anigeiiieul of this I a mo us seaaid r.aoit lane decided to mate the rates of ami tor the balance d tKe seaso 3.50 p.-r day and .8.(0 per week nnd upwards, giving eorybo(ly a chance to enjoy tbe p e-eujes ot tins uenglitlul place. For mrther particulars address, Wink Taylor, Man'gr,, It Morehead City, N. Ck Fresh Goods Constantly Arnrini W r - .: 1 FROM THE FACTORIES FOR EL fe W. 8f lr (!) ij o 0) ft o 0 rt 0 ! u 0 e 0 0 Sis M GoiBC Away From U Firm OF hum 1 mi d ijLimth',' . . :r, : - C,-d:'-'; WM -. KnnnnnVnnlnnV ' I ' ''sv'1 ";rC" V. 'V ;

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