1P&) ftf 1 'xjZ ' $1.00 Per Year INDEPENDENT IN ALL THINGS. Single Copies, 5 Cents. VOL. XVIII. NEW BERNE, CRAVEN COUNTY, N. C, JULY 18, 1895. NO. 20 t x 1 -. V; if t I' r. , ' '-' : . sV-'-r-.- 0 t ; c,: i. $ 1 s-V If. i r- What is t A - : If A. I A C-utori Is Dr. Samuel Pitcher's prescription for Infant a And Children. It contains neither Opium, Morphino nor Jr..' other Narcotic substance. It is a harmless substitute .for Paregoric, Drops, Soothing Syrups, and Castor Oil. . It is Pleasant. Its gTiaranteo is thirty years' use by ' : v ." milions of Mothers. Castoria destroys Worms and allays V feTerishness. Castoria prevents vomiting Sour Curd, " cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. Castoria relieves teething troubles, enrcs constipation ami ilat iilvnry. c v- Castoria assimilates the food, regulates tho stomach V'l ' and ' bowels, cirinsr healthy and natural sleep. Cas toria is tho Children's Panacea the Mother's Friend. Castoria. -fMnh liTrrllratirillrtiin f r tin HaUntabu repeatedly told roe ot iu (M4rfpolMrduldm.'' . - v - Ds. O. C Obooou, : - LnraU,HM. "CMMri. to tfc ramdy for children ot liXA I T1ii.'1 I kope th tUy to no I wfll atxnider the rel B OutarU liv t of ttotMrioaaejaack Boatruma which are , by forcfaf ophiTn, ; lyrtxp and other knrtful Aon themr throats, thereby erartim Pbu J- r. KnovsLOs, Onmr. Ark. i - : TVe (Muf C wfiil. TT If L. H. Cutler & ft Wrt wtoinbn in n -A - J ;y. GUILFORD r - 2 ; ; Jke Asimrtaf s tJ (kit araspcroii Coflef PVjor LArfrei. ConilllodkKis Ihiildmir. v . -heeUUtfoi influence. ClAaeical, Scientific, 1 .A vr....: Tv rfo t.Vir. f-.yr, wi f 11. .M JUIUWj ICINUIUICUIA, XAIUCKD II J. rNH-lci v Aa l,t 1 U.S. . -e I ' 1 1 l.l I 1 i. Fox OATAijoemcs Address, Hact anl Claj Peas. A Limited. Quantit y BLACK AND ,CLAY PEAS. '-!--. GERMAN MILLETT. I ft- At ChAs. B. Hill's, m81m New Bern, N. C. NOTICE of SEIZURE . - 3Titbtok, X. C , Jane 12th, 1895. "Notice is hereby given of the seizure of tbeX'rftowmg properly for violation of the - internal Kveaoe lairs, Sections 3:J03, 3305 aad 3318&. ' "'rjoii 10th, eleven packages of corn wbbkey seized mt ihe rtistiHery of Duvid ' Palters. w, No. 2065 at 'ancboo, ... X , -. .-Judo 12tb, three packages of coin -whiakeT seized at the bar of John I). ' Diukinft, New Herne, N. C, from the iiis-- tilleryof mid Duvkl W. r.ntterson, also two packages or com whiskey from the BsfaUerf ot J. A. Patterson. Any persoa elaimin; any of said liquor ' is hereby eotified to appear at this office : ia the ehj of New Berne, within 80 davs ' from the (late hereof and make such eUiroain the maoner and form prescribed bylaw or the 9aid property will lie for- - joueu to toe u nneu r-utu-ss. F. M. Simmons, Collector. By W. T. Caho, Deputy Collector. jdn!3 dl 4 NOTICE of SEIZURE New BERN, N. C, Jnnc 20th, 189". Notice is hereby sivea of tltc seizure of yitbe foUowing" property fur violation of Ute lmerna: tievenue laws. Sec i ions aad 8305. to wil: T - Jane 18th E'eyi n packages of Corn Whiekey seizrd at the distillery of A. B .. Oampia. No. 2918 at Allunee, l'amlico eouflty, N. C, alao ttr Copper SiilK one holding 100 gnllons, the oilier GO nations i .. water' raeasurenwnr, togftiu-r with the ' r'capa, worms and fit lures belonging to . aid stills. - " - Any persoa claiming any of said liquor otner prooerly is hert by notm il to -. pear at Ihts office in t b-city otewtni within 30 days fiom the date hereof and makench elnims in llie maiiDer anl lorm prescriheil by law, or the sai.l pioperty will be lorfeitd to the 1'niie.l Studs. F. M. Simmons. Collector. By W. T. Caho, Deputy Collector ' .- jm 21d1l w4t WRITE Biverside ' POULTRY, . PET STOCK YARDS, for their immense cat alogue to be issued this ..C3 -.month. It costs only a stamp. 'EGGS FOR HATCHING A. SPECIALTY -2psia! Prices ca Fo!s.- F. E. HEGE & CO-, NEW BERNE, - N. C. mm. 1 Z, JaJ Castoria. ' Cantoria is so well adapted to chi'arvn that I rrcomruend it superior to any prescript ion known to me' n. A. ARCHtn. M. D., 111 So. Oxford St., Brook lyu, N. Y. 'Oof rihysiciaiis In tho children a depart ment h&Te spoken bijrhiy of their experi ence In tbeir outside practice with Cnstoria, and ejtfaouti we only hare anion? our f medical sappiies what is knovrn as regular , products, yet we are free to confess that the merits of Castoria has won us to look with favor upon it." Uvrru Hospital and Dispensary, Boston, Mass. An. C Sum, Pres., amy Street, IVo-v Tork City. SHEPPARD'S MADE FROM PURE PIG IRON Not one pound of Scrap Iron is ever used In these goods. DURABLE, CONVENIENT and ECONOMICAL j All Modern Improvements to Lighten , Honwkwpti( Caret, Twenty different sizes and kinds. ! Every Stove Warranted Against Defects. Prices not mnch hipher at this time ; than on commoner i"" of Stoves. Coll on or oddrtaa Co., " New Bene, N. I. COLLEGE. , open to Young Men and Young Women. Noted for ita Christian and home-like Latin-Scientific Courses. Normal, Busi i a t : l. .... u..: . : e . Kii rnr m.u.t,. The PRESIDENT, GUILFOED COI LEGE, N C Summer : Comforts ! HAMMOCK IJOOKS. 114J1 jlUl, l.o, KECLl.'IN(r CIIAIKS. RHINE & CLARET WINE for ottol nnil (li'lii-iniis siiminer Drinks, AT. J. F. TAYLOR'S. Tin's Space is re served for J. C Standi who has recently pur chased the "Globe Sa loon from Mr. D. W. Patterson- Our Zeigler's Shoes Also a new line of lieaiiliful Dress Gooils. "Jn picn-s l!iat Set Island Ptrcitlc at -IO CtS- W. B. SWINDELL 4 I'O. Taz: Sale! I have 1 his . iv 1. x :p 1 : I ing iiesciiop'i ik in r.siai. :i, fiixes now due and imp a: 1 ;..r '.ear .. the N.-'.x a p of ; . :; J 1m:4, and will sell at pi.ol.c p ourt llou-- door 1:1 the lternp. (ountv of Craven a : 1 North C irolina at J'i .. io( k. m-.o. .Monday Augu-t the -at't. lv'.'" A 1.1 of the sal. I lex X ha- lrii tiled in 'In . lice of the Clei k of the Sup rid court f I sml County: ! Axum Skinner. No. - To.x-l .p J 1 lots, l'avie Town, for th. xe ,:- J HOi, 'ir:. ;::. a-..l -ab - u : 1 Henry Taxlor, '..r xx.e. No 'a I Township lus a, n - I..111. v- .- .-t;u?e rixei, W. li. LANK New Berue, X. C. July 5ih. , l lilXIKW. lltOIKHTY Ili.-JMosl il Thnl I sell !.. llie Now Ili-rli.- MH ision. .itu tines in V.l7.:' III-1 IK il t . ..j; v ,,. : Naval i - ilfiiv- -in f..mmi.iMler li, Fri.lay ui n ! th.- l.i r- v .iiii , .. . ': MH'tit itorrty. hour. ntil tln uiini" 'a:i- i'im ! at .'5 l" :n- . vx ,- : 1m ' '. .:. X'"a i' :ik- -'.in 1 ct '2 '. '. -u. Tu Ni'iv lii-niv- tcili: :"' lii'.1 !. '! utt'l . i r r ' :'. - 'lie tin- vis.it ioix l-,;m n'iv .it tlu ''it. Tii',: l.-ia- '!.- L.UH-. tht i n 11 : n " a- 1 1 - r t . ( ' v .lil'iii1. "it n: .i : m n -. '! pitiliei'. ln i- vi i ' kn-"!! in l In- l-'. ..!.r..- . '.- .'. i" : ' k -tirinir tin ni nv.-. 'h'o.- ! i r j.-.. i a i' i:- ! tf.i ! ntniiUl lomi lucl- 'in tli u: n 1 -tan '. .. . - .; , ,. a!i al -ai ii'- )url"s in tin ii 1 1 r - ini'in:;- liun- ir ',;! ,.ir. i mcml nut 1 1 n nu i 'if .1' mi'-, ulio t"U i: 1 i;, ,. - a i !- l"l .'n.' "1 tiif nil in coo nature aial prniii i-C 1 tin- .vv : ': : .-.' :. i .i K):r..il tli "in-nvv hilH-i'' tliov vvoulil not li:iv n-li in Ii ' aoic s1it ii .i "ptiMiii-"' anv iiiorr. ui.il tla-y ilain't . ! ; . t- . ' :i:c i aiiii-iii rwii- cither. !i-!:r. ' :.- ... i: an I li i'-a n H mix i lieainoi'. in their lliir-l mm: ' l;o'. .5 ,! ii . runs, nut '-n hit-, hii: l-y errors. - - NevN Hern :n tiieir - on. I inning nvnlr in. hi. i i -'!. soli., i iitoit. ,,,. r M I ii 1 1 :- .iiii ai'. Hi.-!. (Ji .... . . i -, . N. Ha N. '.. .. it ii, .In) M..i.e li. Mil..'. I.i tin i a... I Ka-iii'-'-r Kir D.'i ivtuiriit: ! fifth innii'u'. New ilerno seo:i-d anoih. r 1 ;ia, Kapn-u! 'o Mr. II. K. I tees, ; nuii Itcmilo' t in the seventh ite ;il e;('i.: ui .lie A Pin i Tile 1 nsiiinnee I iimiiiii. wlueh n ;ule the m-imp -t.ni'l 1- t" ....ol II ii' .a.i '' -ii'isiailv ten ilollars ; .j , ,.rn,-:. f.ivnr at the ml ot tie ill. i i 1 1 1 1 ;:i. Kuenu-ns" Tournu- . fev, nth iinnnj;. At t!i- iiiniiiu ttie 'niK' .m. W" i i -,m II. Ol.ivia;. i was ralle.l. .Inno. the piteli. r f.r the . , ,, ,i , , .... n-torv. ; visitors, h .1 t' ea'eli lli 'iiain atal eou'd . : ; nt. i. ; in iinh -tiii by not remain ml lini-li I he iranie under run '! In ,,' :.r..;ni. int. ie-t. in . ciieu.is:aife. r.s a te'ei on diniu.ded ,. a v. !'.':- aoi.iis . ee 1 ai . itvais. his arrival liome .11 I hat tla'n. The n s! of the t -ii in were willing to slay mrr. it. ni Uncos i-r..ii .1. tinisli the fillip and Imve lovlinr to.la. A a i : : ee : j'-. p.-ed : lake p '.aee ! 1 nit Jon. s w ,.s i U i r ei. 1 y ii U 1 1. r : n I . o i !; . i, . j.--!. , o i n an. at i- in ! sequentl- tl ey had lo iel.l to him. i i i a "a he ' o a li. . t .l,o ' " ' ''- av-t o 't .Ml express taeir t .id ex p:e-s '. aeir -s to eti e: . xp.et Mieh .i ui'e 1 1' at "ahl l.e m:. i .iea-:au veal to n a. V .1 lae V:.-- a - .Ui- v ;. ihj h r.' tacn. .th a iitl'e . ilort t-waid- ra .-iiilt - I e . oa;este 1 t' a ia. .'. i -i r oh :i . .'s ii .niii ! i-i.ti in p h, .pi ite an i.i. f. -li: :l r :in'' ""e' j To ! 4 hansel li h Miirkpl. j 'I Me--:--. Wat- n .V I hiaii Is are oinptx in:; . i " ; the I -t"i V x oo h n slnetllie Deal' llli' loo: ot M aid'"' -tiapt uliii h ihev h ivt in tai n- a- ..n w -h n -house, preieu-a-1 tory t . elian.au- '.t int.. a n.eat uml .'eye- talhe niaikei. I'n.h i the mode ui-: the p! ue will h: -e t ao pa--:i:'i - i-nd ta-ee loxv- ol s.all-. 1'hu s::i;:- xx ..: I.p ahou; twenty in I The ii u b i . - 1 1 1 -s xv ' t! e In ii k ! u hlir.u' !l he ( on :i pu ,1 ill' nii'o. t'loin hieh Iwa made. the -d. - l a ve hei i i I.iil Merlins 'avat Iteerve. The mem 1..P1--. f the late Nexv liern l);.-:oa Naval Ka-i r.a .-a; t! eir la.-t meet . , . , . ; ., : pp, " i I I ll l I .1 i. 1 I U I 1 I . I I I o 1 1 ll ',1 I. -I J i I leta 1 th : f-iL'ts wl '.ed lo the di-hand- j men'. . 1 the Ii; vi-ion. Tin v a so aiiiio.iiled a committee to j f.h prop, rtv of the Divi-ioa. ! the p.. iniie.s voted'io pics tit to I.I. I t'. ' '. dark a.ad to I,:, i.i. T. C. I Hniels, tie ir .word, a- a in n k of appre- etaf.o'.: lor their iaitl I'.:! ill 1 i llieient -er- ,x;"-. - . - Unci, lo I ho Itililf ollojre. ;, v. 15. I! M. ':,!. . : Pollock. vide. x . . . , : ano xv . i in U d ca'.e- a :: . : vi.:t hon.e i in I per Disciple I . .. , , , ' cumcn mie iietc a-ii reiuiiiing io me I., v. i I. oil, . he xxill take a p. -t gradu.te course. M'. Melton xx I . ; . pursuing his sludie-j ha- !x'. u - i nig . 'lit' c i.u rche- near lex : u gt -:i -,:i i xxii! n'iia.e to -irve lli.i n .iiiotbrr veil', xvhi'p li" :- tak:t die course ill si '.!..'- e. "i axl. HO XV Pllti 1'-. .ox Mu.ii" Hon.e. Mr. in.! Mr-. -I. ''. Sta'.'ing- relurne.l frmn Norfolk to m.iAp -New i.'e'lie their liome. Mr. -staetug- -vv ii ; "pen a branrh lllll.sie -tol e h. r" f"l' Anus ,V Burke of o--. ilk. o.::. -kiv it -a. :' .rm.-r -tan I of: ;i. A. (. otn. l'i .i n ,v i 'rg-.n Co. "e aie "'; i.i e Mr. Stilling- back i'i i ex ni" '. - to do xx t 11 busi - I : p... Up i von liii i Id i n Mr. 1. 15. Nivii who -.-..aiiiv moved im i .artei'-. the ta:r I floor ol il.e buiMing corner Broad and Middle -;,e. ts ll i-' II ol aif'C-t t-lii'i pleasant ..Hi- n.-niti.p , '", h c aiimaiids a good view on Una- -al- ami got- the b nelit of die bre. z ::..m xx hatever direction il m i V ,,,,, " The sec Td i.i.T .- o, eupieii bv Mr. A. V. Kk repri-eei ,-ixe ol llie l.de 1 u-ur- mv l... ol i rgm a. aral the ins: ".if a liel'e' (VOI'e. b Mr. A. .1. F: instir nice aenl. S iio.lioi-o S. S. t '.in veil 1 1 on. A Sa.-s'.oro correspondent write? lue ap r,a. h -und i v si'h.n ttvention al that placi ; 'ilm't f. nat our Sdin.lay School Con xer.t .on i.e'.'P. Co:i e and p.arlcipate with u-. xve i a pi ct -extra; ioaiii!er.t speakers, among th in Frank Thompson. E-q.. and K M. Rio-ice ol' lai ksonx ilie. r Sin . l.-i'j , t' ( ' oa, ret i'i.hmIv II K k'in.' nt ear, nt ii,. y.,,ai.,, ,.i- i;i,.i, '.,,,, i ..n,l other-. "Ti.M l 'm.. : - dav ih,. -jOih inst.. a .r i ..i..,ei io .,. ',, l- ,. m an.; i i'..-ing about 1 1 p. in. We ex pete. I to see rot c and pro rainme from S- crc- t.rv Ipfotc ih'.-. Sei.d it on Mr. M if in " The V. x 11 r.ion In HI. Airy. I i a Idifot: i" x.pxving while in transit to M; A::v. -,'pp tinest , onion nl North ( ' a'o'.tia. alter i".' l'i'ig there y ni ca'i go to Mt. j!:', hp . :r l.l a :e e-p peak one x- .11 lo, k it:. ,i :!':: -s-ai,-: Norih Carolo p. Te; Virginia and W. -t Vitgi-t.a. Not "-'.v '1,:- out fram that point 11 ;:' one ,j. l.tfohv view the 'I', ak- 1 f ifi. ' near I.x t'.'i.l'irg. and th "1'iPe ., '.- of I' ti' .1: l'attak count v. - , "1 - 1 1 ght i onia ption ex .1 lo dei'p htlul li lia'lli t en ' .: I le i ..'.I t 11 -sl 1 , n,t 11. r t up xv 1- UJi lo - in u rr j . e tl I :'- ,paa !1! Hill. . ,; , ea. ., ;tiee- llllslll' , - , x r to "' in-: a- niee . ' .bo,!-, xx ,.; plp.ised. .... :v a.re no'x about .,.',.,,,,,.' , , ;: atiifu! iti every- , i ..,,. . ,1,,. ,i" -ni: iu- aUvavs ilavi'd a f i ,, , 1 ,- '," "''u'nU -VOiU's '""-s "ow- A nt.,:. 111 1 : 1 : : 1 g 0 1 .-' . ii"'. '.er giUH', aif'.i that! li" Ill K KOVti l rilllllll s. Hoaiitoi-I neleiitctl in IIk1 'I n 1 1- Ii I 11 m e ol Hall Tim ril n . Srorr. 12 In I. Th :it:ei)'l iuce at tlo l'a':: .mi.!, ds Thursday afenioon Hi witiu .- the mii. uanii' l I'.ill i'tlwceli tin' IV . a ri and Ni'" ll'I'liu U-arn- rl- -oincw li.it lurlit iiW.D.i In :i .lluW'i'l' i f lam tlmt onim. n.T.l t- .lr-i.. ,i.it !(.. :v tho ! time fur tli - 'ini" to lie r.i' ImI. Tin' i.ia nrpv;i!il loralxnu tiii.i' , ; n. 1 1 toi !' an I lie Hi auin t !.o s i)!aed l.'1'"! oa:i. ineir on iv li on oie w: l caieh on'to .lor.laa thai thrv eonl l not --z-s-' Tleir His., thr .uin.' nid iiik an. I li. Mit..- u.i- erv well ilonia How lam! va- tru'v a ,.:.,.,. 1 1 .. i.., ,! i,., i , i,,. i u ,.; i. 'n.,. ' ..j,,,,, c.m (J .,;,( 0f Kiaj; li, in i tllp ;l , ,i ,, ,1,,, ,1,1;., rike ti, v. p., , ,. i, ,. s i,,.!,,! i,P ,w ' pecialiy -o in the :ir.-t in.iiii''. ToxvanU the hi-l". Joins did Ik tier and held liiein i down a 1 1 1 lit-. KUAN 1 1 STAN" I ri AVI Tom Daniels made a line e.itih in ri u 1 1 1 tie'al, eati hini: a llv hall n a dp al run. i and he was loudly applauded from the rand stand. .T,ek N. a1, the old reiail'le sli-nt -lop. n.jved a liner that played a tune a- il j twirled thr.iuuli the air, I ut all of that ;,,,! n "t lm rt . '-.Jin k " fon.jUe-i fil it. ; 13ert KoIk i ts and C. orue Claik in ide :1 . ITp- ns haUis. They liaadkd the tick wed. in.a;,. n,,i.,K'Q i'. ., . , , a' tl,,a I I was the eatih . f lite ",k v-ei a per" made' ; ,v Cu-o. Iiat-el of the visitors and hi-Ion- ' throw io tir-t 1 a.-e, n.akinu a douhle play. ; ! The last 4 inniri:.-of ti e uau.e were ipiile interesting, hoih te .ins pl.ix ny ood . ii ...;n i... ;.. r ii..,..;.,, IJIll.il! II III lit SlU HI H'l 'Ml in. .S. II , l scoiti: 11 Y INNINC1S 1 2 M 4 5 (i . i Beaufort H n 0 0 0 1-4! XewBeine. . .1(1 o 1 u 1 n ' 1 I'littene-: For Ileauf .r; lone- and 1 low la ml. For New Borne .Ionian and l!r;p'. j Fir.-t Ixi e en lad- if .lord .n oil', ! Jones 3. Sniii k out by .lor 'au ii; h j Jones One l.a-e hit Ni I'.erae 1.! ! Xeal; lieui'dn 1 . Tw b - hit - : ex lterne 3. I ) oi .e . Ito1 n r'- an i t l.ris. j "'; l 111 pi IP t . (.,. ( I a Ik -I I . . gl IIP I til I 1 -aiisiacuou in i.niu le.iins in iu- n . iseui-. Tlir.iit nil Kit rs ico ii ii i n While tho Huso Hull liniiii- W. in l'ro(rrp An Arret Umlf. An occurrence, n-Ucli lo lie r, gixtte l.' , took place at the Fair (rounds Thursday ' while ill'-- L'tinie of ball wa- in ptognss. i with the pa vers m uml uni. ihe ili-es-p-i; room where their citizen -nits w re lefi xxas enlci'id anl some ol ihe picket? rilled. j As far as xv e have learnt d there were i : f-''r vie! tin-, three of llie citv and one' I Irom JS.auIort. A pocki t kn ie a id cash j ! was what was stolen, 'flic losi - of the; Ntxv Bern ia ns x ere small, bill the Beau- 1 lort visitor, xx e undei'iland. xvas robbed to j llie exlent of thirty dollars. i I Mr. t.. . . .Ionian, captain ol tne .New i vmo u.iUn. intensted himself alouslv : : in working up the case and -ut ce .hd in I I ,loin sn' Ifl' P '"' ;l White .V Uth : ot the city, with Ins 1i,.ekpl knile. I I'lentmed it. lecovend ll and had tin-; j onVn ll ;u ''st.-.l. I he o n-h r c nl, -sinI. : I -urn ndcr. d, ?f2.2a xxhich i.e -lid: ' was all he io -k an I implicated a . omp.ui. i !"' '1"- ho-.vever, dcine- it. XKW nKRM. I-F.ADS. I ow Krme Yoimi; Men Alionil in the F-KAminntioii lor ltrnuruti.t. mill i AIho l'ir IMi.v.iclnti. Our young townsman. Mr. C. D. Brad-j ham. proprielor of one of llie leading drug stores of the pity stood li s t Miniina- ' tion a- pharmacist liefore the State l'h u- ; maceutical Associ u ion at Motehen'. I We are glad In be able to -ay th.t he: led the whole nuinlicr xxho were exam , tuctl. n is ax erage was -a out a ins-, or. liundrc It will be ri metnbereil (hat it was a ; New licriie lioy also, in; j,. e Coiip i. wh h ; at.1,; ' 1 '-' ,hu '!:l"i "' ' physiciaiH. ! New B rue seldom tails nf a good ,-p, ol'd 'u whatever her citiz.'ii- em.i'. II. A '. rn i-. . - Helil WelnelR.v Ihe loili A Fine Time for nil M hiiW. nl The pii ll'e of ilia f'a'tll. Ib.pe mi.l Charily Lodge came -tf mi 1 (uh at D.m- nenb(,r..-s :anil, ;,u ,r a iag 10 aiim unc . ";e"1- The -team, r Trent with the merry par- '' aboard hit In r x harl at 7: t"i a.nd had a p'ea-ant inn I. the f mil. Tin iv u:i- a ip ih bank-ol cool oriPZ'' on ihe wax and tli tun 11 1 11 1 -e - it a- il midsummer il was - o 1 limn I, so say the 0 on t!..- m. 11-.- girls, that there wa- a v. iv del g!i l'u! eoutsing am-xv 1'i'st (Kov. W. II., ab a d. . , ., , , r , ,;.ri 1 The landing xx as ma, le a I out ten and ; aig ip.'iiniain dinner was spiead in due si a-oti with abundume and pleniilul variety to 11 fresl. the inner man. Its abundance can be iudgid from the lact ihal two dinners '. ; oi.e. in charge weie si eved, one ashorp and ih.- oilier on x e 11 a ,.ag; up nt, xxho the bntit an 1 vi t iheie wa- a large mpjily w..ir... and comforts ol food brmU'tlit back. Alter dinner ashore was ovi r, the pic . ahe- ' :' W.:n!in"toti nicer- re-embarkeil this xvas tit halt'pu-t . .1 la lies xxiihonl two xxent 0:1 doxvn the river lo Wilkia x !k lb trip, son's point in. I then came l.a k. airiving b;:v -J:;,' I. an. 1 l',e lionn ai il Mo we'd plea.-cil xxilL tae dax -, ; if i 0:1 ;,. the recreation. 1 Arrivals 1 11 tine I :l y . As an excursion i- t l.e run to ra- coke in xl Ti u -il iy on the-teanp r Ticnt, the folloxving item as to the xisitois xxh" n ' ' COXX oelllg alll ll'lpi 1 UlPIe. XX I I 1 J.IOXP int. 1V-I ing t" tho-e (On ! e I ll p lill i 11 g the trip. The item is from the Washington (ia. He: '" l"1' r i okc Hot ,1 and I ha Tiithi 1 1 House are I 1 1 1 m ik ing a line it-put alio n this ye-.ir. an 1 the (jieopl.- an ll -cking to ' Iciaoke. List Sat nr. i iv night the Date carneil so iiassengers and the Aurora XX. . ' , , ... , , , A mini let went down " edne-dav and , another big crowd is expo, ttd for Satur- i day night." Oil I I I IONS (ItNSini 111 I). All 11 il I - ! I AlKCllilciil A.I :i IM-I'.I A-iiin-I I lie Ilnililiiiu l 111"' Itl( i Hi il- s. . . i . . aa i a a - in i pal. idi this iU'iittst tae NeiiH' and I ll ll 11'. 'he i the h : iter on die le-ta.Il li mil 11-, ill J op, e I - le -ide !ie. lio ii !ii in ' .1 : V "1 In.' pe. -11 ,1 , up pal. hdi hi- i ..in -I .'. . Tie- i ! a . i : r in. .tier i- . 'l.e alifl dis'l'VP- to l.e I a I'e-i--:a 'Ilate! V ieV. i 1 !'.'. nil all e. 'ii-aU'l'alii ai xv 1 1: l..e en an i ii, p. .r ' a a! ;a!iy .i'- -.a. and da. n : e.ai . v. .e, d : I ... I ii- nl; aa .11-1 '. he '.V I he ',1-t . i i ;i i ' ' 1 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 1.1. 'to i!. 'I in.ip. it liplOlp pl'n a l . i- ad ,111. . d Hie pre-eiil linaa 1- not I'lVOlll e ,,f th,; milt pp. 111- plau-di.e. 1; r un.pia tioaal'iy, the p.dp'e at iiiLieaie IP t a- xxeli ol! 1'i-ht cow a- t ,i y u-i 1.,-eau-e 'Iv a!vi 1 . v ai'.- a' Hi:- -P i- n "I tile year, 1 aii''. er p . oa in;,' to (he unil-ilii!-l-e upa'lui' xhieh U'evaiied all ox ei d;e i i a i i : i ' d ii 1 1 no the eai ly .priiu. wire ai'aind e-n -'a l.ral il v , Some .1 the earlv e liihaj;. s i;:iu the fortunate planter- a char plolit of ovir one l.un,ll'ei am I tinv dollar- pel' acre, ha! that xvas a'.i "lit lln only crop that did ixivc laney 1,111111- !hl.--ea-on. Potatoes, tl'.e oreat -taud-l.y, i ut short in ield, were I'athi r lale in iialni'iiio and in eon-i ipieuee low in pi"., e al-o. So on the who e tin re ap peals to lie some loiinddion lor the plea .f i his not b in j a laxaeahle t in. e for the ii ovc i. . ir. on ae. mi 'fihe limine, s. Hat. 1, t t be reii.eiid ere 1 that the ii oi.ev is not to pome out of the people ihi- x.ai' Th mo: pv for it will Ikj miv.al h I...: d- and the hui di' ot the brid-jes xx iil put the liioney pa'nl out for its eun--ti iii-i i. n int.. i : ii '. 1 1 1 1 1 o i atal make time? ihal n il h l iter. Tae payment of the '. r.l- aad ol ih" irtere-t ujiotl them will be u'saiiuul the deht created ill, tinder in, lie, u- inali'.o; nieiit. he I'.'dtleel an nually just a- the old deht ha- lieen. Neiti er the estimate- eavcu nor the crit icism a'. out then amount, to miieli as Xet. I.ecaii-e lieith r the exact location lor I'm !ii'n!'!c nor i he pi. in- f a' it have lieen m tiled 1 1 1 .ii. Jj fore matters prnee d too fir. c..iii.'t( nt nu'cliaiiics will niake the proja'r surveys and estimates-, with plan- and speeilieal'ons. so that it will lie dei isixely known what kind cf a bridge is to l e built and what the co-t is co ba. At liiist one builder n cp. ri. nee think-thai good hrhlues can la- constructe.l at the co.-t i on by llie coi l'e-poialeut or le.-s. The survey- wi 1 le tt- I'm inc. We think xeiy f xv pe .pie will agree xx i h ' V.iiieehoi'o"" in hi- idea that the benefit ol -ui-h bridfji-.s will be insietidi cant. The man xxho now lias to halt his veh'eles i.ppo.-ite the city and pay ierriaye for himseil and oa what he is bnneing to market and then pay ferriaue en his pur chases culd then dnve right into ttecity, m ike li s st'es dti e-' t Iroai his wagons xx ithoiit t he l'ep :ui d 1 an llir.gs load up i itli his pU'diuscs an 1 drive straight home witho.it thi- lax up ni h:s uiovemen's. If there are many nu n xxho would receive his heiielit that xvonld count it "insignifi cant" we are mistaken. The lietter fa- imies lor 'z- ttin-r to market would ai o a e i idianc- th ' de-irah'eue-s tor in-ide va'up ol : Th - in :m ,11- "can. I die eon-cipient money 1 real e-lale tlm- opened up .-it to our mind won d u..t be ai'lieuu'" ieatme hv anv mpau-. Tl p h ,re.sl p:;. I',.' l.e one 1. 1 lap ue flits deserve- p of paving the taxes in t- an. I int. i e-'t on i hem is ' i in prps-ivu points made, pon.-idei-a' ion. But let it not be toig iiteii. that, in all pr ibabitily xx e xx on'.l have -oine I elp Irom Patnlico eoitnty. al-o that the l ost of maint tilling lie- free ferric- wh'u h the county now own- and oi. r d 's could and would lie done away wit h. and eai li e)ense ended xvoiild niikp it that 1 11 in-it easier to meet the expense thai would be incurred ill building lae bridges. The idea that the bridge would increase ihe wra'tli . f the people of N'exv Berue at the expanse of tl'.e farming population hardly needs a word of answer. 1 1 t he farmers do not appreciate easy means ol reaching their home market and coiinl -lu ll conveniences of getting to and Irom ;ta big benefit, we never were more mi-t ikeii in our lives. Some of ihe most active workeisl'or the bridge are farmers and xxp know well that one of ihe most intelligent lai mars of the county stead fast y maintains that, when the old in dpi.ii dness o t'raxen couniy was bonded, it an tin uml suTn-ieiiUy large to build the Neils.- river bridge had been added to it and the t rid,c built, that it would have bC'-n p.asii r, owing to the development ami more iapi.1 prngie-s and sound m cr. a-e in the value of properly to have paid the whole amo'. nt than the old debt by ilsplf. and xve are inilimd lo be lieve the firmer wa- right. - Bo h city and c uintiy would be bene fitted greatly benefitted by such bridges and by tie w an I improved highways. Coo 1 lacili'.ie- for local travel are .just as inipoilant factors in the ih velopment ol a c -unify as coniiictioil with the outside world by railroads and -teacers and the countiy that does not realiz.: will Iind its.-li 'tu'king iu one of th-i I'ssenlial ele ment s of p; ogri s (load bridg. s and good roads should b" t'oiin 1 xx her. x ,-r thc are ne'-iled and ihe quicker iu tva-on tlu x can be -Ssiurxdj the b. tier. MA It It Mi I'KUETKRT-l.tlT FENCE. A Now Style anil Very Irotty Con slriK'l.-.l by J. 1. . tVillis. Mr. ,T. K. Willi, proprietor of the Last Carolina Marble Works, hasju-t linished inl 'edar (irovo c. inelcry, a very pretty , ta i i-u e around the lot of mir late to-vns-inan. Mr. Jonathan Havens, ia which he alld bin iei '1 In xx ite. ihe only occupants are lencc is entirely of beautifully vim ii --souiiierianii rails 111:11 oie. ihe ciiib ng is in picci s eight and ten led in h ngth. .me f ait six inches is its perpen liiciihir mi t six inches ,vide. The posts are 1' oir feet in total length, about 20 in ches Icing above ground. The' are -ii iv Hx'.l The curbii g U oval top and ile- lop of lie corner po--s are oval in two dir. 1 tons and tae partial po-ts oval in o i!y on ? d tecl.o-i to corie-pond 111 inch pa-, xx n h the curbing. In the mi, 1, ile of the fi'i -nt curbing is the name I la veils iu large letter to designate the lot. It is a sound, substantial and durable I' 11, e and at the same time a 11 eat a ii.l piel'v one. We expiet that others mo.lp'led in the same stv'e will follow. I'vllii.-iu I nsl il I ill j on . Althe tag ni ir nueling of Athenia Lodge No. s'. Knight.-ol l'xtliiaa, on Tu s day tin- hi Ii in-i . . "tistric! IVputy (Jrand Cliane llor. -I. II. Benton, iissisti d by J. A'. Wa I pi's a i'l i i g as I i raid Prelate, and Ce. age ( ; ,,-k i d as (inind Mastel'-:i'-arm ill-la'led the foi ;, . a i 1 Ig ol i i - -1 .- lor theen siiirg ti mi: Past '.'iian- . ''or. E. ierock. ( Iiancellor ( 'oimu naici . Sol. Cohen. " ice Chancel I. .r. -I. -I . Baxter. Ptehitp, 'f. J. Bender. Ma.-lpr ..1 Work. S. II. Phillips. M i-ter-nt-Aru.-. -f. C. Scabs. Iii-i.le Cuar.l, W. J. Walls, i ini-idp i ;-iard. J. (1. Briiison. The pia -i ii t K.-eper of lh-i-ords ami Scab, W. I'j. Boyd; Master of Finance C. Disosway and Ma.-tpr, cf Exchange, Wm. Coiligan, hold over, having been elected iu December for one sear. CAPE HATTER AS LM.ilT HOL'SE' The K jM'rirnt'nls Perfnctly Satis 1'attory. Tin- riiiiorar,r Frtime I'lanl 11m. Sloo.l I lie Tom Wi ll I'liin. lor llie r.'rinaiiriil Si riK-l ii re Ifeiii-f l"re litircil Khi1II)' as I'o.sllile. A fexv day- ago -ta'enients xyi re -ot atloat indicating that re-idt i in the test pre ar. dory to liiiilding the great Outer Saoal Diamond Light IIou-c on our. c a-l xveiasudi as lo discourage fur her pi oeei il:";-. but e are -latl lo see the re .o t-sipi iiely eoutradicleal by ( llicial ad vieps -cut ui, from V'ashinglon by the f.ight house Hoaid, (hi the 'Jlh hist, the 1! litnl made the following nrticial an nouncement: "Tnu published statement that the c pcrieme with the temporary boring frame plant con-tructe! a year ago on the outer Diamond shoal oil' Cape llatteris, X C, ha.- lieen in any xvay discouraging to thees tal i-lmieiit of a permanent liirht there, was uuau ihoi i, al by the Light-house Hood, iind is eontraiy to the fact. The result ot' this experiment has been in every way favorable. The frame was p:aeed theie principally to make borings and determine the nature of the founda lion. As wa- anticipated, it was found that the shoal is composed of sand to an indefinite depth. "After the borings were completed, the frame and the temporary pla'toim were left standing, since there was no reason lor removing them, and it wits tin ught that obsirvation of the etlect of heavy seas on a structure of that character would he valuable. The Light-hou-e Board is kept fully informed ol the cou diiion of the btacuis by regular reports from llie keeper at Cape Hatleras, who is provide 1 with a strong telescope for the purpose of observing it, and by reports a 'so leceivcd Iruiii pissing steamships. "It is a fact that the beacons have been damaged by the s-.a, but it is leg.irded us most t ucoui-aging to the plan of estab lishing h permanent light that a temporary s.rueUire of this character has stood over a year and weathered some violent hur ricanes and be still far from entirely de stroyed. However, the iact that it has been damaged, is a fortunate cireiiui st.ince. since the nature and extent of this damage will afl'ml valuable data as to the force and direction of the heaviest seas and the form which the permanent struc ture may take to resist them. "Another valuable piece ol information derived from thi- beacon is that theie ap pears to have been no scour uround it or sbifiing ol the I ottom, siuce with all the damage it has sustained it has cot settled perceptibly. 'The plans for the permanent structure are being prepared as rapidly as possiple in the Lijihuhousc. Board. EX KOI. I.K.I) A FKit I'Dl'I.KXT LAW. North Carolina I.(i.lnt lire Ofttrera IntlictOfl for Violating: IuliCH. On Thursday the grand jury of Wake c-unty superior court returned a true bilk againt J. X. Brown, enrolling clerk of the Legislature of 1h9o, and S. P. Sattertield, principal chrk of tae House of lfepre.seutatives. for uulaivfully and wilfully violating the duties i f their respective offices by permitting a certain aci, known as the assignment act, to be enrolled as a public law, when in truth and fact said act h id never passed the three readings required b' the constitution of the 3ta'e. but the signatures of the pie siding olljeers of the Legislature were secured lo it bv li'auduleijt means. The Legisla'uie, as is well known, was coul roiled by Populists and Republicans. II At KHI KN 4 WII.I-ETT'S OAJ) Anil the liooil Example They Ke( to the Host of Ihe Coqnty by Bqillinr It. 'Good roads are n very important fac tor in the development and presierity of a country; they a d maleiially in the pro motion of commercial intercourse, oco nomieal transportation and the develop ment of internal resources. No better illustration of the henetiis of a good roadway has come 10 our notice ol late than an inspection o! the splendid road constructed by Ves-re Ilackburn l Willed t of N'exv Beine brought to our notice. 1 hese enterprising gentlemen at tin ir own expe'irse, (in order to facilitate ihe transput tai ion of truck fro in their mammoth farm) have changed a toad that xvas conspicuous for its lack of bottom and superabundance of mud holes into a magnilicent drive, over which one hoie is able to do the same draying that in form er limes required the services of three animals. Good loads pay; poor ones mean extravagance and waste.'' The above notice of a work performed by Messrs. Ilackburn & Willett a little over a year ago is taken from the Jack sonville Times. The enterprise exhibited by these gentlemen deserves the commen dation it receives. We hope very soon to see the similar work which our citizens commenced by subscription on Xeuseroad near the c'uy completed. Cannot the in iter lie buried ? And if it can be started again noiv cannot the prisoners now in Jul Ixi ii-ed to do a good share of the labor y THROWING MISSILES IN TOWN. The Orilinniire Attaint this I'ernl lion. I'ractioe Should be lliroctly Knforcpil-Sample ol lt Evils. Editor Joirsal: Your item in Sunday's Journal, relative to the loss of an eye sustained by a boy as the result ot 'chunking" by another small Loy, affords another oppoitun.ty of calling the special attention ot parents lo tins very perni cious and dangerous practice indulged in by the small boy, and not a few of larger grow i h. Children should be taught that no amusement or sport, so called, is lawful when it works injury to liersou or pro perty. A few days ago the writter saw one of these sweet li'tle Cherubs, chunk an oys ter shell and it gli'led on the wings of the wind through a store door, and just tni- sed the head of a man who was sitting in a chair, had its course been a little lower; there probably would have been another eye put out. This same little cherub, a few minutes after the above oc curred, tried his hand again and struck another boy with an oyster shell, but he did not escape the clutches of his victim, who gave him a gentle hug and a thump, whereat the sweet little cherub staned for home yelling for all he was worth, to tell hi mother of the bad boy who had been "messing ' with him. This is a bad habit, and the crime for crime it is, should be broken up by the city ordinance against it. and the offender punished by line. If there xvas a strict enforcement of a regulation of this kind it would suppress a practice, the indulgence ol which is dan gerous to person and destructive to pro perly as the many broken panes of glass in various localities atte-t. Smith. Bucklen's Arnica Salve. The best salve in the world for Cuts, Bruises. Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever 1 Sores. Tetter, Chapped hands, Chilblains, Corns, antl all Skin Eruptions, antl posi- ' lively cures Piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction ; or money lefunded. l'rice 25 cents per I box. For sale by F, 8. Puffy, Druggist STEPHEN C. fl It A A V . .4 lev Yonr Ajii a New n.-riw AMor no, 1. 'oxv Moiiim From Hi. Wes tern IIoiim-. I. i. U lo Ills -liiliM- Linn Wuhliiii-; ton. Mr. Stephen ( Washington X. w.is h cated here legal piofejs-ion. Ill, '.COX. . xx bo tot ill the pia. alll who ri i li ly ot y. lu ll tl e I ja 1 prior lo cniering u.on l i- p tile New Iiel'lle 1 oli. la' . pleasantly remcmberid by and by host- of fiiends, a- is a niing wife, nee -Ml-- .Man I native ol I his citv. I'ol --loll I.I In-lilut". i our i iliy.'Mis l-o hi- char Am y el te, a The inducements of a tine oneiiinir led Mr. Ilnigiw lor axxhi'e to make hi- home out West but we are glad to -ee Ihal the attiac'.ions of hi- old X"ltli ('ooiina home are s i strong thai he lm-decide I to come back. He niakss hU (iilure home in hi- native town Washington. From the Washington Mes-eng. r wo lake this notice of bis coming and of In npxxard career since he has been away. "The Mes-enger take- pie .sure in wel coming liii' k io this city our former townsman, Mr. Stephen '. l!r igaxv. who will pr icticfi his prole ion, the law. in this secli- n .Mr. I.raga- several years ago went 10 that thriving; Western city, St. Louis, connecting Inms 11 with the Gilbert, Elliott Collecting Co . an I e'ected piesident of that company, w hi- h position he will now icsign. He was also a niembi r of the large law firm of Tous sig, Bragaw, Knglaud xfc llinton, who e reputation for legal acumen is wi.le'y kn-.wii iu the West. "Since his decision to remove from St. Louis Mr. Brngaxv lias received an oiler of copartnership with one of the largest and best knoivn law tirms in Xew '.uk City, but his desire to reiurn lo and ie Oiaiu in his native State induced him to decline this oli r. "On account of his health and o'her reasons he will dispo e of his inn resis in St Louis ami give his exc, u-ive lime and attention to the practice here. He read law at our Slate I nixersily and has lm. n s'owly but surely climbing the ladder ol fame since tl at I in.e. 'Washington feels proud of her young n on and the Messenger wishes hun abun dant success. Mr. Bragaw will oc.-upv the oftice next to the C,.a ite on Market si reet." I1KAIII OF UBS. JAMES E. MANN. Widjowofthe i.nle Ir. Maim. Former Pastor or Centenary M. E. Church. ' From an earthly Sabbith to the eter nal bubballi. was ua icu on -ngels wings VeSterdaV. at one o'clo k. i lii- siiinl nl'i that g od and Ingldx is'eem.d t hnst.aii latly, Mrs. Maitha Mill, r Mann, ie id of the late Hjv. James E. Mann " Thm the Twin City D.iily Sentinel nf Winston Salem iu its issue of Monday the 8th, aunounces the dtalh of that estimable latly, the widow of a former pastor of Centenary M. E. chinch, New Berne. Her husband, Dr. J. E. Mann, it will be rumemlieri d, iied in attendance upon the general conference while pastor of the Xexv B. rne church. Mis. Mann was in her oTlh y nr. Fixe children survive her. Atlanlir Fire I'ompany ltesolntion. Whereas, the great ami siipieme ruler of the universe has in his intitule wisdom, removed Irom among us one of our es teennd fellow member. L. 1. Chun-hill, ami whereas the long and intimate rclal'on held with hun in the di-chai'ge of his duties in this Company as a fireman makes it eminently befitting that xve re cord our appreciation ol him, tlurefbre: II-solved, that the ability which he has exercised in the aid ..four Company by service will be held in grca'.lul remem brance. Kesolved 2nd, that the sudden removal of our brother bom our midst leaves a vacancy and a shadow that will he deeply realized by all the nn inbcs and friends of this Company. Kesolved. That with deep sympathy with the bereaved relatives of the deceased we express our hope that even so great a loss to us all may lie overruled for good by him whodoeth all things well. Kesolved, ttv.it a copy of the-e resolu tions bespread upon the record of this Compi.ny, a copy be primed in the Jorit N a Lt. ami a copy lorixai'deil to the liereaved family. J. L. Hartsfiki.ii, (i. C. .Links, 11. W. Simpson, Cnuiiiiitlee. NEWS IN BRIEF. The Kaleigh Visitor says: The Slate Board of Ethical ion has contiriiipil ihe sale ami given a deed to C. M. Carrii r, of Pennsylvania, for 4,000 act', s of swamp lands in Pender and Duplin counties, the piice paitl being 5.000. A Populist school committ e in John ston county employed .all aucli'ineci to let out the public school to il.e lowest bidder. It was knocked off at about ?l'i a nmnth. says a correspondent of the Smithlield Herald, The State military of West Virginia, who have Inen under arms since Fii.lay uight for ihe purpose of suppressing any outbreak of the striking miners ill the Elkcni region, were dismissed to their homes Tuesday. The electrical industry may be said to e about 17 years ol age. To-day it is safe to say that over 1 1,000,000.(1.10 of capital is invested in it. The greater por tion of ill's imnii use investment has been made since the electric railway motor xvas discovered to lie a success in 1HS8 Moneth Melz, one of the wialthitst residents of Sinilhshurg, Mil., has been arrested on the charge ol assaulting the ten-year-old daughter of John Weller. The alleged crime xvas committed a xv.ek ago. Dr. E. L Bishop reports the child in a critical condition. In one of the smaller cities of New Englaud there was an Episcopal church which had two mission chapels, com moDly known as the Ea-t End Mission and the North End Mission, from the paits of the city wheie they wen; local ed. Oue day the lector gave out the n. .tic s. iu his most distinguished high-church tone, as follows: "There will 1 a service at the North End Mi-sion at three o'clock, and at tlu East End at live. Children will be baptized at both ends."' The town of Chicopee, Mas-, recently passed an ordinance which imposes a line ot from $2 to $20 on any person who may be caught throwing into any street, lane or alley, ashes, glass, crockery, scrap iron, tacks, nails, or any other artichs which might injure the tires cf bicycles. Thi country buvs as manv goods Irom ! Europe as it sells in other words xve swap goods even up. If matters ended ; at that point all would bexxell,' but un- fortunately we have to pay Europe rjii Ml, 000,000 ill go'tl every year as interest upon the money we have borrowed from I them; as the entire annual production of j gold in the woiltl is only ijM'i.OHiMKlO anv j lool can see that the end of ihe rope can't be very lar away. Jacksonville 1 lines. Rhoiimiit ism Cured in n liny. 1 "Mystic Cure" for Rheumatism am j Neuralgia radically cures in 1 to :! days. Its action upon the system is renmikable ami mysterious. It removes at nin e the cause and the disease immediately disap pears. The first dose greatly bent-fits, 75 cents. Sold by Henry '8 Pharmacy, New Berne J(, C, old custom house building. OPPOSES THE RIVER BKIIM.ES Mainly (in Account of Cost. lint Hay Craven County CillznM Have Anil- Fai'illtieM lor Reaching (heir Trade Emporium and If Km Berne Hills the Hrlili-ii I.et Her Ilulld I ho in Aloue. Kmtou JoriiNAl.: We noliee in oiir Weekly of the 1th iu.t , under a heading of "Import-nit Improvements" that "fax Payer" desiies to hear from other parU of the county in reference I o bridging ilieNeuse and Trent rivers al N'e If me at a st of $ (0,(100. ( Ir.hn uily. xxe approve ol all sc'.ieiin s I ml. i n d improvements wherein lln-re ii a faint promise of hem lit to out county eonimen-iiratc xxith the incurred exponse. Iloxxever, after mature n fh-t lion ami some invest igaiioii, xxe have com luded t iat ihi- biiilge building scheme, il pin ned out xx ill prove more of n disaster than b, nelit to the peoph- of 'raven county, and upoii I hese grounds we enter our pro test against, ih'' pr.ijict and will give our i e .-on 1 1 lerel, ,r : I -l. I hi- i- a vciy liuoppoituue lime;, the financial condition of our people is such that it wou'tl lie injudicious uun in i .me fas. s t a'ainitous. 2. id. Tho estimated cost by "Tax P.iv. i" is only about half ol what it shnii'd le, unless xve build h rope ladder bridge, such as are used by the S. A. resi dents of the Andes. A f-JO.iMMj I . i i , ) e across the Xeme at New B'-rne might alf utl a safe passage for a billy goat in a calm time, but xve would object to our goat making the eu-ort unless he xvas heavily insured. 3rd. The beueGl to be derived is utter ly insignificant computed to the cost, xxhich wm will show later on. 4 1 1 1 . It would be a inoial wrong to deceive and disappoint the people of Craven, who have manfully and honestly borne excessi xe taxation for a period of tenly yeais, encouraged by the hope ol -wing their pount y once lrp- of debt. An investigation of the Sheriffs books would t vidence the inability of a ireat many ol i.ur citizens to pay their present taxis; it would also show that we are ap proaching the danger line, where the often tpiotcd 'leather lias broken the camel's back " Yet "Tax Payer" says that we would liui illy feci the increased taxation neces sary to equip the bridges. How anout that ! let's figure a little and r.ntclhe result. We shall take $80,000 as a basis for costs and calculation, for tins amount will be nearer the ratio paid by ihe county heretofore in its bridge building operations than 4(,000, Ihe ulti mate by "Tax Payer." So lure we are, or xxill lx, if we build the bridges. COSTS. 80,000 (Ji fi per cent, Sinking Mind about Draw keejiers " Commissioners lo supervise Annual repaiis 5 per cent of first ct st Sheriffs fees to collect above ain't 4,80 2,28.5 500 100 -1.000 500 (iiand tolal 12,185 Nearly i of our present levy; it occurs to us that we would leel this additional tax considerably. Now for the increase of trade resulting from the bridge facilities. Suppose xve siy 42,000 jer week or $100,000 per an nun! extra, from outside counties, antl that i.ur merchants realized 10 per cent on the transaction or $10,000 this would bring into the county treasury about f 125. The first goes to balance the expenditure "-" about $12,000. This may give the relief to the people which "Tux Payer'' speaks of, but it occurs to us that it would re lievo the leople's pockets of money rather I hail their condition. ti conclusion we assert that the citizens of Craven county have ample facilities to reach their trade emporium and that it would 1.- unwise ami impoli'.ic to taK the people as a whole to benefit a low inert-hunts, a steam mill or two, sqd a few lalxirers, merely to accommodate or con venience the residents ol another county. This scheme if carried out would be a one sitled affair. It would increase the wealth of the already rich merchants of New Berue at ihe poverty striken farmer's ex pense. Since it would benprit New Berne ex clusively, we suggest the propriety of its bearing the expense. We therefore ask the rommissior.ers to inilctiniti ly postpone all action in regard lo bridge liuilding at the county's ex-peu-e. "Vanch-Boro." A MOTHER'S UIFT. The following lines were written by a motlu-r inside a Bible w hich she gave her liy when he left home. ltemeinher, love who gave you this, When other days shall come; When she who had the earliest kiss Sh ips in her narrow home. Kemember, 'twas a mother gave, To gift to one she'd die lo save, rind mother sought a pledge of love, Tin- holiest, for her son: And from the gifts of (toil above, She chose a godly one; She chose for her beloved boy. The guide to light, and life, anil joy. Anil hade ! im keep gift that when The parting hour should come. They might have hope to meet agaiu In In r eternal home. She sahl his faith in this woultl.be Sxveet incense to her memory. .. . And should the scoffer, in his pride, Laugh lhat found gif. to scorn, Antl bid him cast the gift aside. That he Irom youth had boini She bade him pause, and ask his hn ast If he or she had loved him liest ? A parent's blessing nn her son (ine-i with this holy thing; The love that would retaiu the one Must to the other cling, Beinemlxr, 'tis no idle ten, A mother's gift. Remember, boy! It the Haby 1 Cutlinir Teeth. Be sure ami use that oi l aod well-tried remedy, Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup for c.iildren tecthiog. It soothes the child, softens the gums, allays all pain, cures wind colic and is the best remedy for diarrhoea. Twenty-five cents a bottle. n61yr Numerous Descendants. Mrs. W. M. Rawls of Onslow County is the mother of 15 children 12 of whom are living and has 86 grantl children 72 ot xxhoin are living, 16 great grand chil dren 12 of whom are living. Her age is 7s -.can Jacksonville Thins. "When B.-il.y was sick, xx-tx jrax-H her Casfnrta. When she whs a C'hil'l, shx critsl for t'aatnrla. When she lieeaiiio Miss, sh riling to ("astoria. When blie had t 'hildren, fihe yave Lheiu C&atorta. Children Cry for Pitcher's CastoriaJ Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria. .X . N X V X N'N N X N'V Fresh Ms Constantly Arriving; mm FROM TIIK FACTOItlES FOR H. & W. x x x x:x x x x:x x x x"x- (D 0 H H 0 o W CD rt H (D (D CD o V X X X' X X X X X X X X X 0 Goods Going; Away Froi the Firm OK IrACCjllltWrAgif SCTiSrts. j&.s?zsxiSP&. .:.x a 7 :v I iV; i v i - ' irv.

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