5 , . A.-. t ... '' Price: SI 00 Per Year. INDEPENDENT IN ALL THINGS. Single Copies, 5 Cents, NO. 2 VOL. XVIII. NEW BERNE, C RAN EN COUNTY. N. C., AUGUST i:, ix)5. -vj$i$ . tin' i. T 0 CI' - . A, J X.'V - s - 1 f f VI . I S " 1 , a t 1 t i v i s i - m . u i i i f . t o j-.-.,.,. . . . ,0XXXW......XVA for Infants PnOTHERS, Do You lvHO that Paregoric, 1 .4 ai ". '""" Iop.- Godfraj ' Oordtal, many w-csiied Hootiiins Syrups, and 1 - , - ntoriiaa lor caildren are eocnpooeii of opium or morphine t . , P Tww. Ksrasr that piusa aad morpbiae are stupefying narcotic loisons f . Yam Know that In nna natmLKjs. ,irH -. r..,i pTnirt.i t., ,-.,.i. without labaa&r. tassa poison f TO or your pkyuciam koow of whAt - P T Kw tha Owtaria U a poi tvgutulM) pivparativa, tuul that a list of ka kitTwbai pohoW irfth wnxy bottle r f -. . ., PTgm tWCetOriafatT.wva-rintinl th f.mo. T R.i.11 THtW Tbtithaa be la e for eity thirty year, and that more Cautoria is now sold than , at all Wliw rapMntina fnr tilVlr.n Krw f ! ' . Know that tha Patoat Offlos Department of the United States, anJ of ' , ' Mhtr eomtrtea, haf luud Kxcixmtn right to Dr. Fttcher ana hia assigns to we the word . " Cartori? aadlta tormnla. and that to imitate thn to a tata prlaon olfmw t .... t - - - . . ' ' P T Kmrr that oca of the m anm for rranting thu rovenuut-nt protuctiuu ma Cactoriahad beea ptorca to be aWalKtal; Karmleai? P Tern Kimr that 35 ayerac oaaeentatee. ,' P Kw that .am n nmn I of thia nerteet preparation, tout children may to asatfcyM Bay have nnhrokaa rest r Ten tha tlifeig are worth brewing. Tney are facta. -Tag fao-aajalU - ajgaatwyw'erf Children Cry for llWXiiitle& THE AGHICDLTURIL :& : MECHANICAL COLLEGE FOR THE -BACI,' AT- GREENSBORO, N. C. - Tte Flail Tma wtll besrin Wednesday, wm be mad Wetloeatlar aswt Tnamiav.uei I be mad Wetlneatiar ami TMrailav.tiBaolmr -rw1 u.l Xni. teats wtu be made ut each eoaaty by toateoonty examiner ou tbo Unit 8atm d y in i .- Inatrortloa Is glren ttt Arrk-uUnre, Horticnltarr, Dairy ajnuacmeBt, the Mechanic Arts, the Kngltab Uuuraaa, and rarlons braaebrs of M atliematfcal. thvsirl. Natural iunl Keottotnie sk-itnc. with special retorenee te thohr applicattonrt in tbe indnHta-les of life. a imiKn BonDer wi(u'ts wm oeanmiue ot atwly, tnstraettoa wtu be rlvw in Music, i" ticnoni is esitawsd by tbe ITnited Htatuu, aud the KtMto ot nortb Carol! miaiiu. .vna m -tot -MHktrouoct or laflaeneeU COCTTTT PTUDOT3. - Tnitioa, rrea. ' ' , TOU ALL 8TUDESTS: ' Bnar). por week -, - 1-23 ." ' - ' - Lntlirinfr, nee ot room, bedding; Ac per session 10M Instruction on piano, two lessons a week, per mo. S.no V ' Iw use ol piano per session .... i.no arror aulitbnal Imwawrti mme, which can be hsd by a.Mresslaif, "Tlie TresKle nt Um Aancaitaral aad Mechanical College for the Colored Race," UreensOoro, N. c. : ' r GRAHAM ACADEMY, . MARSHALLBERG, CARTERET COUNTY, N. C. :rey. W; Q." A." GRAHAM, D. D., PRES., )V-:f yfALL TERM OPENS SEPT., 2, 189J. 7. : Parent or GnardiAns. will find this tbe cheapest and most desir- able school, ia . K astern. North Carol 1 n a. N location: On tne shore of Core Sound, 10 miles esist of Beaufort, in ar commonity free from such rices as Bar-rooms, Ball-rooms, Bil- e liard. rooms ot Brothels. Ptenty of churches and Sunday schools. lif-VIg'H " ."BRAD ! BEAD!! READ!!! IjrAitled by the Methodist church we offer the following; inducements: . Pninary Grade, Board, Washing, Tuition, 9 r v Intermediate Grade, v :t; latin, Scientific, - Music (extra) tSFot farther information write ElsW-SMALLWOOD, :i - Under Oaston House, South Front Street, New Berne, 2f. C. iy: . FULL IUVE OF . Stoves; Carpenters Tools, Cutlery, 5 Table Ware, Barbed Wire, :f GALVANIZED PIPE, PUMPSr - Lime, Plaster and Cement. ;X:f'DEVOES'' PURE 'READY MIXED PAINTS. ; "i sPeraonal attention to the prompt and correct tilling of all orders. - " . mg3tu w,dow ; 1 - r GUILFORD COLLEGE. ;. . c ,T Advantages f this sropi-u Cortege , open to Young Men and Young Wemen. '; rFoor Lary. Cominorlious Buihiings. Nototi for its ChriMtian mid houie-Iikc lkOathfuiintlnence. Classical, Scientific, Latin-Scientific Courses. Normal, Busi neasv Art and Mutic Departments. Colletru aini Society Libraries, Scientific 1 Laboratory and Cabinet. Faruity ot able instructors. Charges rrrcxlcrate. ' Soot Cataxooces Addekss, The PRESIDENT, GuTLfOSO G0iLX6E, IT. C ... X. "Tool-y To-wiriiaL 3G Col"U.m.22L Paper A, asaaasa ' ' ,-afc, t aa fMt " I - - j T f wCJmLT'" KXaWW ssta w32 aJU 03T 2 and Children. aot pamiit any aaediaoo to be given your child it H romy i ' doses of Castoria are furnished for 35 fa on ewery wrappar. Pitcher's Castoria. SHEPPARffS tbOKSTOVEi1 MADE FROM PURE PIG IRON. Not om poond of Scrap Iron Je ever used In these goods. DURABLE, CONVENIENT aaa ECONOMICAL. AH Modern Improvements to Lighten naekeelttc Carem. y Tweaty diflexent sixes and kinds. Ewry Stove Wamurtod Ad&lnat Defect. T Prions not much ilgber at tJii. time ' than on commoner kinds of Stoves. CW est or address Co., He? Berne, H. C. October 2nd. ISOS. Kxamtnatton for tuimlnxion Examination, ot county atn- tho Amf Atttmilfv in s.ntnni. i tor wnoni. in suimiM to tno recrujar course Hewing - , Oookintf ant LanjMtry work. i IftLTTsl I lilt It is not by vny peirUcuHu: denoMili.aUou. TERMS: OTHFEK STUDB N F,H . Tnitioo, per session - - 10.00 G SO 7 00 8 00 1 50 dw eod tf the "President. XKWS ADRIFT. In Ihr City ol Kims mill Yleliiliy. GHlhrrril In niifl Hriell, Tolil. Never b, lie in I:- 1 1 L -r . r. h i- X". w Berne Itetn t'-.;!v decor tie !. It u. r once decide to 'I" a tiling and :l i gir.z to Ik.' ,1 ne xxi;h tin halfway about it. In tit .gr, imd picnic Imsc lull game at the Fa'j i Kri. 1 v Nt w R me Lad a . nnd delealed lio-iiHit wi:n -i score 1 ( to .. A two mast sthooner i-.ui ml" :i -ma,, i sad boat xesterdav. The oa up. ml buno . ):iniel, gnvl il t he bow it ll i- schonmr iuhI linn wived hcin?elt I'roir. ' ii .,-t b n nt- riicil dunmT of ilrowuiiii;. Mr. S. tT. Seott who f..r o:m.- tinu has i Inid ibiee good -1 r.ai' ft rs l-inirn on the ' tn ets, lias added miotlier. a ver pretty ird st rong one. It was built iro-!y tbi him at the New Heine (.' nriaye i work ol AIc-r (I. II. AV:iUt V Son. i In additiou to the tour he owe Mr. I Seott is also rae.niug a liire l trnusfcr du ! ring touriianu-nt week. lnaK'.ni: live in all. Tbc pre i U . . e. mid engi:-,i Umi; d ! in u)Hfcin!i the loundntion for the trovcrn- i mc-nt building is dtcoratI to keep up, with t ho rest ot the CUV. Mr. lardellar linuivht it would uot do to have the rest of the eitv cav wilh deenrat ions and not have any alwut the public building, even if there is r.othina: there yet but the be :iuuieir of i ho f.iund.ition. Mavor Kiiis. of New Hene . did uot i : eh. lose to serve as time-keeper t.. uhnh 1 position he as ehosei:. and Mr. M. II. i j Sultar. was substituted for him. Mr. Ellis J i was in no way onuecte l with the inak j inj; of any decision except that of the i ' liest uniformed Co . in parade, which committee was composed ot himself and the visiting Mayois. W. Durham, one of the pisengciin the caboose of the frtitil.t tminatllaw River, which was telescoped by the lire- men' special train Tuesday, died on the 7tb. llis leas were broken xnd his spine iiiurul. Ilis brother, J. . Durham, has a bad fracture of the icur of the skull but will recover. Both are residents ol" Chapel Hill. "The Sweet Watermelon"' is the name of a poem we publish today which was inspired Irom reading the celebrated song, The Old Bucket,' and upon which has also been written numerous parodies re cently and published in Thk JontNAi,. Some ot these parodies, and especially the one entitled "Dot Lon Handled Dipper dot Hangs by dcr Siuk," were gems Of poety. snd have been widely copied both in and out of ih.i State. There were twe false alarms of fire tnrne l in a little before day yesterday morniiifr. The Atlantic hose carriage while running neck and neck with the New Iieme carriage on Craven ' street by the Public Building works where the street is narrow, run into an electric light pole and was overturned, breaking the iiole oil even with t lie ground, .lotin Taylor, tbe driver, was thrown heavy to the .sidewalk and Ixull y bruised., though uble to be out yesterday. The hor.-e freed himself Irom ihe carriage and was caught up Broad street. Mr. J. W. Moore Jr., who was on the cairiage was jarred but did not receive injuries of con sequence. The Atlantic Won tbc Deportment Priao. The Atlantic Steam Fire Engine Com. pan', No. 1, covered itself with giory od Ihe parade yesterday. They were awarded the handsome nick le platel officers lantern, oilereit by the Fabric Fire Hose Company, of New York. for being the best uniformed company m j the parade, and beet in deportment, num bers and general bearing considered. We must sav that the boys never looked I better. They were highly complimented by the visitors. Mr. Geo. G. Cumming, Secretary of the Virginia State Firemen's Association, who has been present nt the Tournament, stated that the boys were all I that could have been asked for perfect in step, heads erect, and beautinilly ilrcssiai. 1 ue juages were: aibui oui, i .i- etteviUe: "Mayor NelsoD, Greensboro; Mayor Ellis, Newiierne. KaccevHfnl Extinguisher Tent. The test of the Steniwell Fire ex tin - ouisher wai very satisfactorv. The tern- norarv house of thoroughly kiln-dried lumtx-r was saturatcfl wmi two ganons o , n.Ujonal ftnd CultoQ Stjaes Exposition, kerosene, tired, aud the names permitted j nis ll(,(ress .is 21H E F;li. stretl to Income fleice. j Uie lrt,ch string nhvavshangs on the out- Then at a distance of about forty leet, - the representative in clinige turned a i " ' " stream of the gas fiom the exiir.guisher upon it and iu about half a toinutc had it , "rowtl. rnr rire.e..-s Aaaoriation. under control. I T1'e reports ot President. Secre'ary The dispatch wilh which the lire was , Griffith, and statistician road at the extinguished surprised tbe spectators and j stllte Firemen's Convention make a tine yet the contents of the evtn-guisher was , lg of advancement in the State or- not exhausteu. j nu Z;l,)n Xt Convention at (nliSbur. The first meeting was held in Greens ti.. r ts ,i. i boro in the membership there wa. i lie v.ieK5tnii nitt;iiui: .'I . lie st i cutu i AdiiuhI Convention of the Noith Carolina j Firemen's Association was held last night, i The meeting was a brief one and but j little busimss was transacted of public inierest beyond selecting the next place of meeting. Salisbury was chosen without j opposition. The business meetings of the convention have been well attended and much genuine interest manifested. They have throughout ioen pleasant, harmonious and we believe profitable to all who at tended. f j Ueeeiver'H A ppolnted . In Ihe su;t of Stockholders against the t -aroliua Inter State Building and Loan Association ot Wilmington X. C. Judgo Graham on yesterdiy at Kenan ville, coulinued Mr, Iredell Meares, ol "Wilmington as Receiver, appointing also j as Receiver .Air. J. B. Manning of the same cit'. A number of New Berne's ieitiz-ns hold stock in this Association, 1 Air. Chas R. Thomas was one of the attor 1 ney's for the Stockholders asking Keeciv- j The lMIe Drivinc llnUhod. I Tlie last ol tie piling for the foundation of the New Berne public budding was . driven yesteiciay and the ciushcd rock for the concrete covering which will follow is now leiiig hauled to the site Irom the ves- I eel brirg it. ! The rock comes from New York. The : concrete will be of lock and the !est j Portland cement and be applied two feet deep. Tlte t'liAiiiplon 'ffniii The memlKfs -.imposing the champion- . ship team are as toMow: I V. T. McCarthy, Captain: Geo. J). . Roberts, A?'t captain: C. H. Foy . T. I ). : Carrnway. Ellis Williams. Fred Kichard j son, Jos. Nelson, J. W. Timberlake. .las. j Holton. .1. E. Dclamnr. ,Ih.-. W. (.askili Cieo. C. .bihes, II. E. Royal!. Bui liaise!. There is . i i.q.ort current th 't the New j York World j rojioses to publish the j picture of the winning 'nam. 1 Tno Terrible .Murine Dlmmrrs. . u duly 1 1 another terrible marine dis . afU-r OAcurnd. the collision of the British vessel Pritice ds-af and another un , kriow in mid-sea. They sunk in ten mln I u lee time . Everybody aboard the un ' kuowu was lost and six of Prince I Oscar's crew. Another British vessel. the steamer Catterthm struck on rocks on the 7th and was lost, ten lives were lost aud liixty drowned ia this case. FIRE! FIRE!1 FIRE"1 FIRE' N 1 1 1 ihe llt'ii Liijiiid l'iauif Hut Kir t'M K nf llic Cduil N hi III State, KAIH m:w lit: km: Her Slrll II r 11 1 1 1 11 1 I 4iiy Itiiiilinu ami t'l.yin I.urii4. mill Kn I li iiHlitHt i- A r i'u in S(.iuiii'rst As.HClllllll4' 4 ' -ii I in n 'I bo entbu-: i.ni u !-i. 1. .-- in.iii -fostfil nt ibf i-uiiiiiiLT "I i i -. tin' tiremi-n of tbc Stati . by tin.- ) ircu;' it i. n inuik: in .'idvaaru I'm- tin; vent b.i- !n-ii ivc'l niaintnineil (Iiiimij llicir sty. Ii Wiis e iili t ceil by tbe roya; rei'l iim wb.i b was ''ien tbeni tbev t i i ; I nil' tin. ears at the depot by our own lin-nu n. tin New ne Silver Comet Ham! nnd i tl.it- t.viiej'y ':ul.'i- i i'i''"nri ;: ::i : -. y.uin utni rid ei both sc.co. lntereleil thrones viewed with d liyljl , the lon prix-eioii oi' bands., mc aii I valiant voiucieer protecnus "i uie p: 1 r- ty and live.-, of others, they . i ortecl thr. U'jh the striets. i;i weie h c. rab d in their honor. The welcome wh.t them upon their ariiva hide to the interest tha both the convention an was a e, ird itiL.' was a httii'u' pre 1 ; 1 1 - . otKinne I in tou: n unuit . -'n- tes's. As the programme called l"i' the parade to begin vt i) o'clock, the I'orming ot the procession was begun at an early hour, b was of unusual length and line app arani e. Ix'ing about half a dozen squares m Kng'di. The men in their nea. and in coining uniforms of lift, rent styles, the bright and showy engines and .other apparatus, the gav floats and the lovely young ladies with which they numerous carriage-' , tors and honored Were tilled and the of distinguished visi cllicials all did their ' part in making up what is ir.sidered to be the srrandest ore company parade ever seen in the State ol North Carolina. The business hollies ai.d otlnr places along the line of match presented a scene in keepiug with the splendid parade. They were resplendent in the protus;on of flags and bunting which iu some ensis almost covered them. The followin places were decorated, some of them grandly. The City Hall aud our lire companies hall, the Joi'rsal Orliie, Stanly Hall, (the Firemen' s Headquarters), the. Tost office, the Odd Fellows Lodge, the National Bank, the Farmers au 1 Mer chants Hank, the Citizens Bank, Hotels, Chattaw ka, Albert and Neusee. ihe busi ness places of E. II. and J. A. Meadows, E. li. Ellis, Hackbum ii Wiliet, John Dunn. II. H. Duffy, :D. F. Jar vis. Brad hani's Pharmacy, O'Marks, Abe Schultz, Cant S. B. Watcis, T.J. Baxter, K. Berry, J. W. Moore, Slover Hardware Co. L. II Cutler. W.B. Swindell & Co. J 1). Dinkins, Globe Saloon, J. Suter, E V. Smallwood, Dowoeo's Boarding House. New Berne Candy Factory, Numa Xunn, Warner's Bakery and Cale, dem Saloon, M. Halm & Co, S. It liadchti, E. W. Bryan, W. II. Oliver, Sol Colli n. A M. Edwards. T. A. Henry "Our Barber Shop" John Stewart. Thus Bowdeii, E. ! Fihher. col., C. E. Nelsen J. W. Small j wood. J. K. Parker, Jr., Royal Bros. ) Gem Photograph Gallery, Chief L. J. ' Taylor's store and residence. Mayor Ellis' I residence anel the residences of Messrs'. I.. H.Cutler, Thou. Daniels, 1. V. Stewait. i B.'t;. Credlc. Edward Lewis. Mrs. Had- clitfe. (i. H. Hobeitsatnl that of the As- ! sociation Treasurer, T. , . . A. Green. Appreciation of Sow Berne. The representative of the American Ball No-zle Company and the Revere Rubber Company, both of New York city, i Mr. Joseph A. Lainlrr, afier two or I three day's stay in the city, expresses! I himsell as highly pleased all round, with I the town, the people, the "bnvs," and not ! last cor scarcest, the girls. 1I says the ! contests were very spintexl. the races cx : ceeuingiy iiiieiuaiiiig. me aiuie, i usl splendid, and the floats, with their galaxy I oi beauty, wincn nrougut up tne nar oi tile ")nx;cssiou," can"t be beat m sever. states. ! Mr. Limlerfs home is in Atlanta, Ga., ! wlleri-- ? wl" l'we.i to e.xiei... co,n- tcsv to the people of New Berne who ilurin. the Inter- boro in the membership 23. now it is 57il; the equipments have grown during the same time from a tew j thovsaud to tens of thuusauds of do!-! Lars. The membership inchidis 5 : S privates j 16 chiefs aud nine Assistant chill's; totai . 57i. i Four new companies were enrolled this I year. The Eclipse Hose an 1 Reel Co. j Goldsboro. Eagle Hose, Co. No. 2. Salem; Rescue Hook and I-adiler Co. A-hevillc. and Steam Fire Co. No. 1 ilmir. e. In round numljers theie ate in the State ; a thousand wliite liremen an I f. hun- j dred and fortv colored ones. .lolly CrnKerw. The Washington Ga.elleo give- this item: i "Our town was honored yesterday by , the Sharpie, No Name, which brought i over a jolly clew, consisting of Prof. F. E. Morton, Skipper, Win. Sehenck. of; I Brooklyn, First .Mate. T. G. Hyman, Pur I ser, Frank Hyman, Cabin Hoy. All are ' from New Berne, except Mr. Sehenck. i 'They have been cruising around in the ' I sounds of North Carolina, and spent a j week at Ociaccke. Slupper Iorton says they never had a better lime than at . Oeraeokc. They left there after midnight ' i Monday, and reached In !', Tuesday. ' which was a eph iidid sail !' r the little cralt. Washington ten. is a heaity wel come to the No Name and hit j -Jy crew." I1.IO.I ltnll lizzie Test. Mr. -T. A. Unnbert of Atlanta gave an exhibition at the corner ot Pollock and Middle stieets Friday morning which was sufficient to convince of the great mer its of the ball nozzle. It can easily bj seen that :t i- a hue ihi.ig f. r lighting tires in any room and aiso wherever it would le a lvaiila-eoiis to c'OAcr a large space atone.; with the water. Tlie ball iioz'. wiil In all likeli hood --i u be widel v Used. Hack In Uie A .John C. Davis, the Wi swindler, j Kissed tlirou' 1 tun . miiiglon h New cl.ur. h Berne Thuts,lay, lieing taken back to the Insane A-sliiin for the third time escaiio! from it the second time '. Baleigh , having he week before. He was capture at Morehcad. He is said to be shrewd and cum ig. but that he also claarly show s the traits of a lunatic. Mr. Davis walked from Raleigh to - Morehond, taking six days for the trip. His object is said to have been to view his j mother s grave, his mind seeming to run I in that direction for some time past. W KD.NKSDA V L,i 1 : !!f'liii'i and in rt'llslXtl'll 1st 411 4tlli'l Sll'MUlllI Vt i I in i n u ! ii Wl on !kiCmi.p. till 4n 4(uit-K S l -n in i iiir-.-l rr.iisli;i'4k y'tii ICi 1 IC.-ifc. Ii i n. Sicoiul i h. r .1.. n - para i- :,t T I If il " l'i-"ni! a il- lor the .:- -w ing 1 ni .!i; ill- : ie i n .It- t Of I ne. i-i i : 'l- air.tiiL ml in i. it be. n A ; 1 1 ( Hi. :i. ii. i: Th is to the ..: ft, ti ll! ioi .IM tin f i -in ana - atid ! i.o- w-. an.: ti r ii.ini, i : a h -h-i; l..r e.o . ma !i W Ala ,- -1! I, eiltxii . ( :a inili 1. . . i :ion- !b I nr. ,-,uii iali." ii'l.ine ( ' oil make, :h-ct. ilnu!.-ton ei-g.ue W . A. A.l lo el'.oi l.niu:;: 1. em .:. W. ' 'olio. -am Fi Mlai.tte irkbimi. X .. -. (':; W. F Win-ton- F.rc Enu -.il: . tie X, 1 . I .11 Fill lie,- n; ike a t. enoir.eer. ,i Kv.i.s. iJricnsbr.jv ii am F.iv Engine Co. , 1. FiiL'iiif on. Creel e,'" L i France m ik -, f lass . Erginei r The jiiiiges in the eng Wm. Th-mi'V-. ne v otitests were (. hit f L. '. Tavlor, Xiw Berne, Mr. B.-n T. Ame.ison, Wilson. Chi-f .I n D. Mc Xeii, F.netteviiie. F. E. Hetre. New Bertie, Ieopoi(i Coliiii. New Beine, The time ; keepers were. Col. Harlan P. Christie, i X'ew Voik. -I. A. Lambeit. Atliata. Ga.. j and A-sistar.t Chief Y . I). Barrington. i Xew- Heine. I 'Ihe result i.f.be.jtilck sl.-auiing con tist was that (Jreensh.iro won the lirst p.riz ; lime '.i minules. i, seconds, and the i Wilmington Sham Fire Engine Co., No. I 1, won the second priz Time. 4 min- ulfs ',' i-.) seconos j lie lust : $lMi; the second $i. pne whs ' Tne di.-taiice ilifowing contests foilow-, id eiy soon afterwards. The same live; Ulgines were entered for this but only 'three eonus'.eil. The result wjs as fol-1 I lows: i ' The Ellipse Steam Fire Eugine;Co.,of ; i Goldsii.iro, threw I'.'ti feet, t .J inches; the I Howard Rebel Steam Fire Engine Co.. of . Wilmiviglon. -i.lt leet, and the Wilming I Ion Steam Fire Engine Co.. 1 Vilniing ! ton, 22 feet and 7 iuche-. The latter eonipany, it wii! be seen, won by 2-1 fjet, 7 inches. The llr.-t pr .i vha 50; seeot.il : j This ended Ihe ti amer contest for the; I tournament and also ended the contests ! ' for the morning. j HAND I1EF.I HACK. i Iii the afternoon ihe hand reel race took I l place on the macadamized road near the j Fair grounds. Taere were four .. nlrits in i j this race. The feat to be uceoii-iplished vtas to per- ', form Ihe ipuickc.-t the following: Run FiO ' yards, lay 150 feet of ho e and ahow I water. I The entries an 1 time in id: wis as fol-' lows: The outh. :de Ho. , l;,-e! Co.. No. I. ; '. ireer.sb ro, time 'Mi. Atlantic Hose R ci Co., X'ew B.-rne, ' ' time j , Eagle Hom- Beet Co . No. 7. Greco. : boro, time 3H. ' , ("Iiicota Hose Co.. F.iveltcvillc. time 1151 . I It wtll thus be seen that the Southsi-.le ' Hose R. el Co. of Grien-boro won lirst ' I jiri.i and the Atlantic Hose Reel Co. of ' . ' New Berne scceiid jiri.e. The fust priz?! ; was $75. the second 25. ; X'ew Berne had ihe honor of making i tne quickest run to the livdrant ot any ; company, but there tltey lost time on ne - ! count o! having a pluuman who ' , n;ut n,, practiced lor the race a i tiint-. inste id of the one who had p Tac i p;ce, w,(, them for the race. There were large crowds out both ! morning and afteniooa, and both were: well enjoyed. 1 The afternoon race seemed to excite ! even more interest and enjoyment than I the morning. There was an immense crowd : out.it ;s estimated to have been viewed; I v between two and three thousand poj- j pie. The iu. Ides iii Ihe race were: Col. H. ' P ChriMie. Xiw York. F. II. Yogeler. ' Salem. Ben. T. Amerson. Wilson, XT. C. ; Vmi Clelui. Wilniingion. The starters ; wire Secieiaries .1. W. Griffith, of Greons Doro. and Ceo. (f. Cumming, of Ports-, mouth. Y.i. Time Kecpc-is: Mavor Wm. Kill, Winston. miugton. New B. au 1 E rue; G. P. il. L Parmcle Pro !. W:l Keel mill llok null I.mliler. lloriei and Ilnnil Sinti- Iteeorils Itcnleii I I lioiisi-iiils oi Se lalors. ! I-'ive race" took pi ace Thiitday three! in the morning and two in Ihe ulioi'iinon: I th. y ec-n-isted of both hoi.-c and hand I reel races, atid horse m l hand hook and j iaddi r races. ; The lirst event was the grab reel race. I i in which esvh company was to run fifty i f :iiais to their icel, giab it, then run 100 yards to hydrant, attach, unr.elnot less; ; than f,,rty t ight leet el'hose and throw ' ' water. There were four entries in the race as '. i follows: Atlantic Hose Co., New Berne; 1 Chicora Hose Co. Fayetteville; Eagle! Hose Co., No. 7 Greensboro, and South- side Hose Co., No. 4, Greensboro. The Atl.mtics. of Xew Bluih-, won 1st1 prize. $5.00 time 27J second.; the: Chi'-oras of.Eayetteville, 2.1 priz-. S2.j.oo: time 27 4-" seconds. The judges were Col. II P Chfistie. N Y; F H Yogeler. Salem; Ben T Amerson. . Wilson, and W C Von Glahn. Wilming ton: Stniter. . I W Giillith; Time-keepeis, Mil Sultan and W I) Barrirgton, New Ben e. IP n;i. IKK I K'K. 'The hor?e reel r.ce e.mie :iet. This, had live entries. Thev Were: Howard Ke iiet Steam Fire Engine Co., No. 1, Wil , mingtoii; time -14-1-5 sei-ends; At'anlic S . F E Co.. New Berne: time 4 1-1; Sicam ! Fire Engine Co. No. 1. ( ireensb -ro.- time 4: 1-5; Steam Fire Engine Co. No. 1, Winston; time 4 I . Tbe New Berne Sieani Fire Engine Co, ! was ruled out on ai count of a trace bl'eak 1 ing. The accident happened at the very , start, and as, according to rules no com ' p.tnv is. under any consideration, allowed a second trial, they had no chance at w in ning the pric, but our boys decided to show theotiurs what they could do any how and they gave au exhibition run. ( Thev made it in Id 4-5 seconds, the q:ivkit ricord in the State. It was -p'endid evhibilion of skid and it elicited rou-ang cheers from all classes. Messrs. . Chas. Swert. the driver: Whit Gaskins, ilugnian; Wii! Parsons, buttman: .foe Cougdon, caupllng breaker, and II P Willis, nozli'iniu1. acquitted themselves , handsomely, an! the same can be said of , the whole team. : The feat performed was to run two . hundred yards to the hydrant, unreel not ie.-s than two hundred and eighty-eight feet of hose, break coupling, attach pipe and show water. To accomplish this in . less than 41 seconds is marvellou&ly quick I work. I There was a protest entered agaiust the in omp-iny The an. I til ae li'a i'ollow i anl la-t h.l; lit n n ac hed find I i'i.e indue.- in the horse i' el race tiie nselvis uiiab'i- to s.itislaetorily decide tins case on the mle- g-iven for our j;uid aree We recomii.-' tl.e lin t that one "t 'die Midges r.n.i'-.estionabl v iohiced his dn; ips and p-.-.viieoo. as :i hnliin, and m 'bal 1 1 . -1 1 r I vv.j adhere -'n.-tlv to the that pel ba p- one ol o-',;- '-r.-t iillll- palnes may be unjust ly lieat.d th. iiiiiii- teeoiiimeu. I to the loi ai inilt.e to ,li vidi. the two prize.- int. coni- t hree ,. the .., ol i . 1 1 hi ' ones am ! L'i Vi. one ! i I t each ti Ho a -i i il 1'e-i lef l'i re Engine Co nd nirtoii: Sieani F:re Euirine .o .. No. niiine I in en-buio. Mill S'eam Fil . X... 1. f Win,, ,,n. .1. ii. Me X i :n r.. P. T. Ajii-:i:.-..v. K. 'o . 1.1 Ell. I udges of Horse Ret 1 i taeo. s i. in v '. f aim Tie re ' OK th A Nil ban- i.ai.iu.i; ItAl fi. hook and ladder two entries lor this. n onlv k and Ladder '. d the No. 1 d No. 1 o ol Will- n- time ol' L-iii'li The lir-t pi!.-. w a.- . 1-2 an. . secoiu: th 1 lie an. ier .1 Ala vor , udm.- . re. Hen T. Anif-i'oii, Wii J. K. Willis, New Berne. Star W. (iiiaiiih, Gieen-boro, 1 f .1 . Nelson . MCCllS- IIAM PIO.NSllli" I IISI ee w iiich wound up KS ! . the toiirna for the State Th. uient was the hand reel race Championship. The entries were: The Atlantic Hose Reel Team of New Berne, and the Chieot'a Ilise Company of Fay etteville. X'ew Berne won. The time of the two teams respectively was Ciil i and ti 1 seconds. What was in complished in this race was to inn 200 yards to the hydrant, lay ilOO feci of hos uncouple, put on pipe and show water. It can readily be seen lioin the time made by i ach company that there was rapid moving. One curious feature of the reel contest was that Winston never use I a hand truck bifore and Greensboro never used a horse truck before. Winston used Greens boro's hand truck and Greensboro used Winston's horse truck. Creat agility was displayed in the lad der contest?; the climbers went up like .-quirrels while the ladders were lining raKeil and reaching the top glided down almost as rapidly as if falling. Every race throughout was good, was warmly contested and was watched with iuterest and delight. i,tsr i iitcnivs day. Complimentary Stennisliip Trip lie pnrturc ot" Many Visitors Tlielr ViNit Heartily Enjoyed. The complimentary trip down Ncuse river on the commodious and h.indsome steamer Nmse, our liuest lx.at, was well appreciated by the visiting firemen. The trip was extended almost to the mouth of the river. The return was made between four and live o'clock iu the afternoon, lie -frcshments were served throughout the day and all gave themselves up to merri ment the whole time .through. Itwasas jolly a nip as was ever taken on our waters. A few of the liremen had to have on Friday morning's train, (uite a number more went oil' on the special train at six o'clock that night w hile others tarry utilil to-day. There is genenil expression of the hear tiest appreciation of the visit to New Berne on the partjof all. A better time, the firemen declare, they neverjhad. KuIcm (io veriiinjt the Content. GRAB HACK CONTEST. Company to inn lifty yards, grab reel and run fill" yards to plug, unreel not less than torly-eight feet of hose, attach same to plug and throw water drag rope to be up or down (optional with company) Couplings to bo made with two full threads. Plug must be closed when com pany st .rls on run, same as in Keel contest. The company running lirst in Reel con test will run in the grab contest im mediately after second company in the Keel contest makes their run, and all companies running An Reel contest must run in Grab contest. This iule must be followed until all companies contesting have maele runs. riANT) TRUCK irOOK AND LADDER RACE. Companies allowed one man to every sjveni v-ti ve pounds, exclusive of ladder man ami captain. Must run one hundred vards, unstrap and Jake oil' three ladders, raise the third ladder, (which must not lv less Ihau thirty feet long) man to ascend and touch top piece or ruind of ladder and descend; rfpl.ee all ladders and strap down. Ladders must ba raised by hand. No hooks or poles allowed. Lidderman must start from boitom round. Not less lhan two entries allowed. No Hose company allowed to form or assist a Tiuek compauy. IIOHSB TRfCt HOOK AND LADDER CON TESTTWO TO ENTEK. Companies alloweel one or two Horse truck. Trucks to be weighed. Weight tor one-horse not less than 1,200 pounds, exclusive of driver and man; for two hoi si s, not less than 2,000 pounds. Run three hundred yards; unstrap and take off (hree ladders, raise the third ladder, which must not be less than thirty feet long,) raau to ascend and touch (op piece or round of ladder and descend: replace all ladders and strap down. Ladder must be laiscd by hand. No hooks or polos allowed. Ladderman must start from boitom round. N ot less than two entries allowed. No Hose company allowed to lorm or assist a Truck company. Only sixteen men allowed, exclusive of driver aud ladderman. HORSK KEEL RACE TO TWO ENTER. Companies allowed the use of any four wheel hose carriage or wagon, either one or two horse; to carry not less than 350 feet standard two and one-half inch hose; jarrh'ge or wagon to be weighed weight for one horse not less than 1.200 pounds, exclusive of driver and men; for two horses not less than 2,600 pouue's, ex clusive ot driver and men; the ihiver. I.ultiiiaii and coupling breaker shall ride on carriage or wagon. Run two hundred yaials to hydrant, unreel not less than two hundred and eighty-eight feet of hose, bieak coupling and attach pipe and show water; water must show within lifty feet of two hundred auel eighty-eight loot line; hose to Ixj reeled on carriage or placed m wagon, connected with three full threads. The plug must be closed at the time of the company starting, and cannot be opened until hose is lirst started to be unreeled. Companies allowed live men in addition to those who ride, and can be piaeeel in such position as desired. Time taken Irom first signal until water shows If butt or pipe blows bo i tiled out. oil company shad I KTATI-". CHAMPIONSHIP KEEL CON TR Section 1. Any cart capable of carry ing 500 feet of regulation hose may be Use-1. number not to exceed sixteen men anel a lorcman. Carts must start with IPO feet ol hose, all couplings made. See. 2. Hose tace, wet or dry. dis tance to hydrant 2'0 yards, lay 3e)0 feet of hose, uncouple, put on pine, lime to be called when pipe is dropped to ground in! dry run, and when water leaves the pipe in wet run; curls not to carry less thau 350 feet o! hose, reeled hi to one continu ous line. Companies not to exceed six teen meu and a foreman. Sec. 3. Center of reel of hose cart or carriage to be on the starting line. Sec, 4. Pipe to be carried, on cart or ireenl are'nl! by pipe-man from tin- start. Pipe -ball be of such style or pattern as team- u-, select, provided a ! way-, they are suitable for active sen lee. No coupling, other than standard sen w couplings si. ail be allowed. Sec. 5. Sixteen men and a fore, nan allowed in all llo-e laces ii" man to start ahead of loaders or to lall ;n ,-,n I as sist in dragging the apparatus alt. I ; he ' start. Sec. r. X'o profc.-io.-o.! i-'ie.ni r will b ai lowed to compete in any eoirest. Tie term, "professional runner."' is applied to one who has or is foil'. wing racing as a profession or means of livelihood, and common reputation shall be deemid c.ni-cbi-ive evidence of such profession, which shall lie determined by the i xecittive i o u ; niittee. Sec. 7. A'i couplings used must be i standard screw couplings, eight threads , to the inch and adapted to two and one half inch lire hose: the h sc on each coupling not to be short, r than liliv ioet. See. x. All work mu-t be done by hands or spanner. See. II. Snap, spring and u n pro pori ion- d J coupling, or any attachn cut to couplings to assist in breaking or making baried. Sec. 10. Wheu time is called coin pet i tens must step back for Judges to I examine. Judgis must chalk pipe and i couplings before moving, then turn pipe I on" to see that it takes the ri quired t h ree ' turns to disconnect. See. 11. That ihe Association. it iN meeting previous to the time such cham pionship race rhali come oil', shall elect ; thiee Judges, one Time-Keeper and one whose duty it shall lie to take charge of the race under the above rules and report the result to the Secretary as soon as such ; race is over. LIST OP PHIZES. 1. (uiek Steaming, 1st prize. $100 (n which no steamer of New Berne depart ment entered.) 2. (juick Steaming, 2nd prize 25.00. 11. Distance, 1st prize 50.00. 4. 5. 0. 8. 9. 10. 11. Distance, 2d prize 25.0(1. Hand Reel R ice, 1st prize 75 00. Hand Reel Race, 2d prize 25 00. Grab Reel Race. 1st prize 50 00. Grab Heel Pace, 2 I prize 25.00. Horse Kiel Race, 1st prize 50.00. Horse Reel Race, 2d priz- 25.0(1. Hand Hook and Ladder It ice, 1st prize oO.OO. 12. Horse Hook and Ladder Race. 50.00. 14. Hose Reel for Championship Belt. In addition to the above prizes offered to the different contests, the Association for tlie second '.'11110 will offer the hand some Gold Belt known as the "Noith Carolina State Championship B It" to be contested lor by Hand Hose Chuiiipa nies onlT, under the rults governing Championship Hose Races. Also the following: A handsome Gold Radge offered by the "Eureka Fire Hose Co., of New York, to 1 lie Hand Hook and Ladder Company making the best time, to be contested for under rules gov erning UaDil Hook and Ladder contests. The l5aelge to be the propel ty of no com pany until won three times tn succession, but helel by winning company till within 10 tlays of next association meeting (same as in Championship Hose Pace.) Also a handsome Gold badge .oflereil by The Gutta Percha and Rubber Mfg.' Co., of New "York, lor the Hose Company making best time in Grab liace. Also a handsome nickle plated Officers Lantern ottered by The Fabric Fire Hose Co., of New York, (o be presented to the Foreman of the company best uniformnd (deportment, number and gentlemanly bearing consieleied) in the paraele. All Bound Over. Every one of the defendants in (he Beaufort insurance case was bound over to court two in the sum of $400, the re niaineler in sums of $200 each. Messrs. Clark and Guion of this city, attorneys for the defendants, returned home yesterday morning, as did also the attorneys for the prosecution and the re presentatives of the insurance company. VIRdIM A. Virg inia, Virginia, our sweet Mother State, Tliy bosom hath nurtured the noble, the greal! Thy valleys doth yield the rich, golden grain; Thy rivers, with commerce, flow on to the main; And o'er Iheir bright borders, in beaiily and grace. The jessamine creeper weird music hath traced! Thy rich, sturdy forests, with uplilted head; Speak proudly of sires, still honored, though dead. CIIORCS. Virginia, sweet Mother, accept this our praise, While loudly our voices in triumph we raise; We "hail thee, we love thee, we honor tli y unmet God bless thee, Virginia, Amen. foreve r. God less thee, Virginia, for pure as pennons ,r liliKi'- gold The tiuths of sweet freed, mi thv unfold; Thy warm bosom rradled cle ty s sire, And deep hath it throblied wilh love's eloquent fire; When foes marshalled 'round thee, like myriads came Thy proud, elauntless sons, their watch word, THY NAME; And ihcy stood 'round thy Hag like Spartans of old, Nor yielded one inch till ihcy fell 'neath its fold! CHORES. Thy name is a pass-porl, a sesame rare, ! Meaning all4that is grand, and sacred, and j dear! i Thy daughters ah, travel this broad earth around, I Then tell me if jewels so rare can Ire found. ; "-C And thy sons watch the lire of the p a triotblend With a soul that was born the right to ilelend; See their bold, noble bearing, their courteous grace. Which indelibly mai k Virginia's grand race! CIIOIU'S. Thou'rt lovely, Virginia, the xvounds of the past Which o'er thy dear bosom cruel tyranny cast, Shall be healed by our love; elev and zeal Shall firmly cling to (bee through row or weal; ,li hi Aud smiling, bright (lowers if labor and worth .Shall give thee, Yir lonoiis new thou nobly like magic. birth. For Irom those old laurels didst win, Fresli chaplels and many, shall spring; And proud sons of sires still with renown, Like jewels shall add to thy crown. xv n allied ClK'Ill Virginia, sweet Mother, accept this our praise, While loudly our voices in triumph we raise, ' We hail thoe, we love thee, we honor thy name, God bless thoe, Virginia, forever Amen! i&sx i (U . r i ui i iSMu i;i;i fin ff Hill. : id lli'.'.llsl M IT I jP'J. , I IEiiii ml :i The lime . o ,ll , ,ie t K.-Im: 1 e'.l-'i, il li- II and the f..'., l.ri.lue -Oilier 1 1 it i oft 'ol'lll: il 111, e , i s 111 ;l vt IS -- a lil- i ,n, I. IS 1 : n: ,1 .1. I'm-m III woo.l. M. A. Me, do ( II. W-. llhill ( ai r. v .1. 'id. r, !. That t o' f .. i n I rcn the C or. of ;,.: ., , o, -eai. o! tl.,- i,: co' H nun -si e lie. lliel.-l . polls ,,j -1 sa id e, e: i, ly ..id !,,,.. Latham. - :.. 1 ' iinn; - s , ,i county, in ord, r to a-i :ii-i I1 iM. li coi: .1 1 v is to p i v ior 1 iii prop,, Hi. 'instill -le of -said I, ridge. Oideivi I I n i ile i i b ' , 1 1 -,: ,. i i -i ne -iii i .. ii".' :i . ., 1 1 o . : , i i the cliairmaii and prop. , i laun that (he chairman be authorized I. h I- i ..ii, proper von, hers ',,- ('riven county's of said bridge. ( Irdeied, That W K SI vron In- relic Irom pavilion! of po I I o for I si I rl ha ing shown a fi i l Hi, ai.- of hi- lia oig served lor '-even y. ill's :i e i ,i. live ficiu m. Ordered. I lei! Ihe Loud - l.'ik rail attention o! if c H . nd of Ass, ssois ,,! ,o 8 township. If. ihe Mibialion Miss Alice I inily 0:1 n..r!hwe-l West aud Foiirib -nc-i . lot X of .,,! .a cornel ol '. .. wiili request (let th. y r, ) ; ! I, -a r this H ard at its 1., o nn-1 ug. Ordered. Thai 1 1. K lb , and W. P. .Meets I ,1 ' , on, led . ..II. .11 weigh, is f .i X'ew I J, mi; for I w ' v:u-. Angus! Is!. 1 so",. d. CIs, on I" 1 .1 Ule-ap- b e , ' y -111 I, Ordered, that a -. i.s.- ud lo M -; A on I lii I Is I b.r n , nevl 1 h ee I months. t bd, n,i. II,,: : v allowed ( ha- U . ilc, ., Ihe c ipluif oi ( ,eo. W. F W. P. Mel Is and A - i ol .- ...oo I,. i--:slai.ls le .-..lor, d .Il appmr. .1 ; before Ihe Hoard an I lend led (lien ..(h ei.il bonds as c, .Hon w. igii, r- and tin- same being duly e nnuied and l-i 1 1- i i si; llic nut in 1 he .-. ii i il v t hereof, I he same were acc-pli d and ..ideai-d lo ! recorded I and liled, and the oalh- ,-! olliec u , r, ! duly administer, d. I Ordered, That Ihe Cleik of this Board,! by advertisement or itiln r proper notice. Call the attention of all druggists lo sac. 22. Revenue act s'.'5. and not d V the.n llial Ihev are liable lo a li,ensea "f J i per c, nt on their putelri- o! I quoi'-, j . I rugs ain 1 seeds, and thai the -ai.l pur- ! c'niaes iiiiist be relumed separately lionC ol her purch isH s. On motion, the Board lo ik a recess nnul nevt day at Id o'elock. The Board meet at 10 'o-k. a. in. Tuesday morning August (lib, puru mt to adjournment. Piv.senl, ( 'oimiils.sioners .1 A. Miadons, W. C. Brewer, M H. ( air and lv W. Sma'l woo, I. The Board preceded to draw a jury for cou rt to be held at the c un t lions; in New l';rne on the fuX, Mon, lay in October 1805, when the following wire drawn: 1st Township, Edward McLiw horn, E. F. Wliite, H. G. L .ftin, .1. F. B. Gwnlt ney. T. .1. F.wcll. Augustus M, R ,v. J. J. Willis .bsse W i.aiiington.W T Wdlian's, I. E Dueiiv. 2d Township, P. F Cuthrell, ,los A Ilartlcv. E C Toler, .lohn A Everingtoii , Josndi Tingle, Louis I'. Cton, :f l Township, Jerry Healh, J S If.din son, R I! Healh, W H Ke ivi s. 5th Townshq.. W G Temple, C C Smith, James Jackson Glh Township, W Y Wynne. 8th Towiish p, Sam ( -ook. .1 W Moody. John Suter, J R Paik.-r, J S Oarrell, C I, Ives. f E KounliecM i:,l,n. James Hill, I! P. Lane, Thos F McCanhy. !l: Ii Township, M W ('annul. Ordered, That Ihe lax chargul to Wi.de heirs for 1X01 in No. C tow usinp at s,000 be re. lucid to sj2,000 on account of error. Orikred, That Ihe Chok of lhis Bold notify 1 he Slii-i ill" of Oniwn couuly thai j he Will be icq, liled to s.-tllc wilh fie; Board the lav.-- for I S!) I a' ils Sept.eml.e! ; meeting. Ordered, That a lex y of cents on1 $100 valu itiou o!' real (slate Ne levied on I real cstale in --i.k-Uiui , list net, X . .', township. J Ordered, I .on application of P. M Peai-sall, allorney, Ih'.n. Ihe ia li.l of is;).", lie amended and f orre.ele, I, s,, dial lli, l,5j acres of hind lisled Ly Ilemy lb Use ifa No. ll township as Raise lalfl; Valued 111 ' $700, shall be listed in the n one of I.. II. j Whitehead, purchaser Ordcixvl furlher. I'poii (he icporl if . It. I'homas, allorney, io xv I Ihe mallei was referred at iasl in-eliug of the Hoard, that upon paxinenl ol ihe l,a,k Iiim-soii the said 05 liens, oifacl i , Icgm, t, ,1 :-lion-eland upon Ihe la li-l ) for the xeais IS'.H, 102, Is'.l::, 2.S5, aino ing $:S5.:;, the said li: from all I ni l, la , s Bills allowed and .1. ind l'.H, Hid Cost., Ill Hie agglVga'o I o laud lie reloa. c, ,st .and eha I ge;s. Hon id a "pin , lied, W. Hmioi.i-.: ('hah b lt series Ileal 4 ' i-i- . I- 1 1 m lie- Ion ill li i I ri I . Me-ssciigci F om lake Ihe f Ii il l il, "The Am a i- not in I I w "nil our boys ,,i xvhieh h is been pi about live bundle, (Jut of sixteen -If, trile's crew' . , t i I y II I he Nam if Lei . , till, K ollt. of live. la i gel XX l-.-cl, I on 1 I ird- :e iie-l lo 1,1! Hi a le;.. ,1,1 .ho d ll- bix. A hi pii i- 1 1 " U . W lllle th if, .! Tlie Sweet dear to my ii ti' nil el on. he., 1 1 are 1 le i How my eliildlioo. IIow pi.-inoi lo b-aiuv ! dwell ' OUIi). V IV. and lie i Ihe sweet the well The V The si big (o ,,i-i well I The T, The in s, 1 1 licit lip i : . 1 1 1 1 dial loi, loll In fancy CTiei- di he if li nil. 1 lH II riiigui-., j ne and inii-'eal 1 l is on ( he mill, s , ii !b.,t le,! a a We,e, i!U lb.- I i singili: w it- i ue , e, 1 XX a! And Ihe un n n would To th, sxvi et tl.e well The -i The The big '.',.,, : well I -Ion I! NoV a And i id : ol I I WI I ll d i ak. Th 'l'i , The big '. the ,lul.o r.ncklen" ,. I - ,! , Ai'iiea Salxe. Th, , il,.- v , d ,,r ( Uls, . Bnns, 'Sons, . r . .-'all I Hi. .no. !'.-,,. I hand.. ( T.ilhl.ahis, t, r, Oh; Corns, and lively cure- ill Skin 1-ln q il ioi is, and p l'iles, or no pay requited, ll is guaranteed to give perfect sal islaetioii or money refuuded. Price 25 cuets per box. For sale by F. S. Dully, Druggist, X X X x .v x..':'VXleS.5 Fresli GooJs iii,i1iiiE. iwwaas l.'HM KACTOKIES FOtt H. & Wl .X X X " X X X -n i:-vryrsi If-' 4i -,-o -i x A f0 (0 0 H M 0 0 it HI K (D G t SaSSsj fi' .. i (D 4 M (D H (D sj I Q X X X X N XXX XX.l Z2V - Ill-' illilil i CoMlaitlT' irnte 1 11, -am -.... ., " '"', 3 , ,-'"-, , ' i 9) 1