.vm", k --7 IfW . U ij lajlJWI m; il Price: $1 00 Per Year. INDEPENDENT IN ALL THINGS. VOL. XVIII. NEW 15KRNL:, CKAVEN COUNTY, JS. C. AUdlST l), s; (H i; MAIN Kill I ATIUN L NEED M:f il,.:-.' 4 ... What is Castorla is Dr. Samuel Pitcher's prescription for Infants and Children. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. It Is a harmless substitute for Paregoric, Drops, Soothing Syrups, and Castor Oil. It Is Pleasant. Its guarantee is thirty years' use by Millions of Mothers. Castoria destroys Worms and allays feverish n ess. Castoria prevents vomiting Sour Curd, cures Diarrhoea and Wiutl Colic. Castoria relieves teething troubles, cures constipation and flatulency. Castoria assimilates the food, regulates the stomach and bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. Cas toria is tho Children's Panacea the Mother's Friend. Castoria. ' MOMtnHa Is an excellent median for chil - drm. Mather hare repeatedly told me of its good effect upon their children." Da. Q. C. Osooou, Lowell, Mass. - CMtnria ll the beat remedy for children of vhica I am acquainted. I hope the day Is not far distant when mothers will consider the real Interest of their children, and use Castoria in tead of the rarioas quack nostrums which are I Imjliia their lored ones, by forcing opium, morphine, soothing syrup and other hurtful down thetar throats, thereby Bending i to premature graTes." D. J. F. KmrBKU), Conway, Ark. Tk. Caatavmr Coaapsiay, T7 Murray Streot, New York City, E. W. S&V3ALLWOOD, Under Gaston Ilonse, Sonth Front Street, New Berne, N. C. General Hardware. Stoves, Carpenters Tools, Cutlery, Table Ware, Barbed Wire, GALVANIZED PIPE, PUMPS, Lime, Planter and Cement. DEVOES PURE READY MIXED PAINTS. EyPersonal attention to the orders. m iw L. H. Cutler & Co., New Be, H I THB AGKIITLTU IL MKIIIANK'AL COL LEG K FOR THE COLORED UCE, AT (iUEENSBOKO. N. C. Th Fall Term will U'u'in We. In. '-.lay. ()t.i!r in.l. Ik'.. V :i n i n ill i on mr ;u!in:.-iiin vUl be m.t We.liie'Uiy .lm.I Tliurs.inv. " clol.. r Jn.l :ut.l Ir.l. I Mirinnul t..ii oi r..iini hiu !nLA will be iiih.I.- hi f m-ll coil ill y i v tho ...iiiily i':iniiin r i.ii III.- ii rt ;it n i ,l-i- in .-.t.in ber next. Instruction eivm in Arii-nlturo, llorl i.-u 1 1 .: r. I'iirv MiiMuri'ini'iii. Iln' Mi-liiinic Arts, he KnHsri I. iiiemiu'.'. hii.I hii hhh Ih'i.ih Ii. - ot Mm li.-'mni n-m . I'li i. :i 1, N :ii u nil iin.l 'Economic Scirnco, ii ii -x'.'i:il roiori'ii. .' I.. Ilio ir Hpplicul ...n in 1 ho in.iu-l i oi 1 1 1.-. A ltmlte.1 numlMT ..t z:r- will lw ii.liniilo for whom, in n.l.ln ion loth,- i .i.-iiiiir . onrso oX study, Intlniclinn will ! sriv.-n in Miixio. Sewinir, ooktni; iin.l l.iuin.lrv wi.rk. Tnia School i rn.l..'.i hy ih.' I'niie.l st.-it.. ni tho suuo oi .-.ni ih i uroiinn. It is not sectarian, an. I is not control!.-. I or in rln.-nr'-.l by niiv p:inien!:w- .UMioniimitioii. T E R M . COUNTY STT'PF.XT-5, Tuition, ftw. FO 1 ALL S'ITIKXTS: Boanl. per wptk 1 2". I.o.li?iilir. use ot r.vim, lo.l.ling-. S.c . per session ln.i. 1 iihI r.ict ion on pinno, two lcsp.;ns ; wo.-k, per mo. 2 in Kor ni ot piano p.-r cs.ioii - . . 1 .ki ror additional i.t'ih . cafa oinio, hid! cm l.o lia.l hv .l.!r.'iiiL.', "The I'rosi.lnt ol the AirrtculturuJ ami Mechanical College for the Colore! IUit," (jii cnsl.oio, N . I . GUILFORD COLLEGE. Hie Advantages oi this prosperous College, open to Young Men and Young Women. Four Larjyc Commodious Buildings. Noted for its Christian and home-lik healthful influence. Classical, Scientific, Latin-Scientific Courses. Normal, Busi ness, Art and Music Departments. College and Society Libraries, Scientific Laboratory and Cabinet. Faculty of able instructors. Charges moderate. Fob Cat aloocks Address, " The PRESIDENT, GtrrUOKD COLLEGE, K. 0. GRAHAM ACADEMY, MARSHALLHKRG, lAKTERET (OI NTV. N. ( . REY. W. Q. A. GRAHAM, D. D., I 'RES. FALL TERM OPEN'S SE1-T.. 2. IS'.t.".. Parents or GaanliAns will find this tho chi'aiost and most desir able school iu Eustorn North Carolina. Location: On t lie shore of Cere Sound, 10 miles east of 15eat.fort, in a community free from such vires as Bar-rooms, Ball-rooms, Bil liard rooms or Brothels. 1'Ieiity of churches ami Sunday schools. UK ao : ukao :: head ::: ; Aided by the Methodist church we otlVr the following inducements: KXrKNSKS PEK MuNTII. Primary Grade, "Hoard, Washing, Tuition, 0 so Jntormediate (iiade, 7 no Latin, Seieni i lie, S no Music (extra) 1 ."0 tyFor further information write the President. dw cod tf -l. 3G Column Paper STor 03HL13T rd OO Per Tear. Castoria. " Caatoria is so well adapted to children that I recommend it as superior to any prescription known vo me." II. A. Archer, M. D., Ill So. Oxford St., Brooklyn, N. Y. "'Out physicians in the children's depart ment have spoken highly of their experi ence in tbeir outside practice with Castoria, and although we only hare among our j medical supplies what is known as regular products, yet we are free to confess that tha merits of Castoria has won us to look with favor upon it." Ui-rrxD Hospital and Dtsfrtcraet, Boston, Allxm C. Surra, Pret , prompt and correct fillinp ol all ni.'5ui w,dow SHEPPARD'S cOOKSTOVEi1 MADE FROM PURE PIG IRON. Hot one pound of Scrap Iron la ever used in these goods. DURABLE, CONVENIENT and ECONOMICAL All Modern Improvements to Lighten Houakeeplnc Cares. Twenty different sizes and VInds. Every Stove Warranted Against Defects. Prlcw not mneh higher at this time than on commoner kinds of to vet. Call im or addrata OTHKK S I TIIRNKs. Tin! ion, per seision flu. no. 1.. fe'. AY .r.WS ADKII I. In tho Ctl.r l Klin- nnii ieii.il. lior ( in nml l!ri'll v Tol.l. A primitive I ' .pi-' !. .!. - ' con : -- t" . i, '. i ' i - Mr. I .. Vc 1' -p- -'-' of '-' 1 - around 'roaU:i a- . mik:'.! w ... o't - . . I , corn c : I1-. Tec wf.-iii : -.rcci tvlog'u!!. yfli-rl .v a. . V i r l'r d . . p:tv-.-. ! -!.. r- armor Ki al i all. n I.. The M nuf n tun r-' If i 1 - Mr. 1". M. . ::V w:.l cm. near I'.ik- Bail!. M p mlU' plant I'm' in .i.u: iii.l I. all thread. M;-. .1. I,. F( r.tr if mi P. nn 1 a'O i i 1 1 1 ll i v,v 1 ..1.1 -tan.l. h . M.m i nLT In U - t tcl- "f Wr lc .I'll f 1 '1)111 I lie K i i; i ii 0 n i r i.e'.v in i- at Mr hi ! Mr. ;1, ik -. im r .1. W. vVm. Kr.--in t. r ,-t. .!'. l ree tlni' Mr. '. II ltan.l. in alio a hi l xnoti t t' iih e .1: i e. e . Cr.inl ill" , : a.t )fk. '1 his U a pivti v aij (list 111! 0 t . .p lire tia.lr 1V.J111. v i I .I.).-, i . .-k - . in.- '.:..- ::. '. .. in 111' MrDiill'nl vV (J'lkill. i aim' up fnini . Bcaiif.irt I'ri'in iiif h.'Oin r. IP u iii nr.k. ' ..in- nixie trip .n l.er to llic novtli ai.i! i etire to Xiw I. l'DO In iI;i'1l' luin seH't.) thoir ii.cn anl ilo hn-'aio-. Mr. E. S. Wiiti-rs of Paiilo-o l a.l tin lurk liut we. k tn iret m teen ral- a! one . h i e in his litis nnii in a il. :ii'n.u trap, without any bait. It -eem a- i! "i e ral iiui-t have nniu n in. an 1 !h" re-t lol h.we.1 This va- :i pietiV l'o. .1 h .u'. The i'.iiii' Sports o! N' v !!' ne phiViil l lie Ihir-l nine of Kilit"ii at ti e ' latter ilaee mi the -1 t. K.;n intefiiiple ! i l.o L.ame .-i. that nnly - nnniL- :u h j were plae.l, when stoppo I th m i-iv I ) tn 5. Mr. S. .1. Parker S.eftarv oi the N. ( '. 1 Trai hors Ast'inlily -pent Tlmr-.lav in the city ami went down to Maiehea l 1 i t ' ninht. The ol.joct n! his Morpheai! trip ! to make the Unt-o ol the Assoinhlv iiiiii.i i in" loi' the Miire.ii-.ul city Hijili Sth-v.;. Mr. Tho-. ITiIl, of CnKl-hofo. son o Dr. Hill, has accepted a -itua'n.n a- i ierk it l.rndhiuii's l'lmrmiicv. tl-i- i-nv. H ! lills tlie iilac-c recintly :il':i1i I i.y Mr (Jeorse Gaskill. Wc are o nl to linvr Mr. Hill aildotl to the tuniib- i' of our citi ' aens, ami liopu l.e limy lon rem mn. Hi re is the way the K.nston Kree 1 '. ' ives the Hccnunt of the uMine ot tiase hill lictwexu the "Youuz S,,ott"' of New Ik-rnc ami a ehil) of tbat lowii: "The ''etwees" of New Berne came yesterilay to play with the Kinston "PeeKaboos.'" Tnev il.'iVed two inninLrs when lTiin stop H1 the tame. The score stood to A m la vor of Kinston.'' The Middle Creek and Kairfi-'ul 1 iw ball teams played on the 1 Ot 1 1 at FairtieM. Tne score wii.i ten to uine in favor ol ihe Fairfield le.ni. FairtieM iva?, also, vie toiiousina lormtr game p'ayed. They were to play a seri. s of Ka"". nn(' "s tlie same teum won ihe first two sanies, of cotu'se the victory is tlueirs. Tee tc..m will, however, play again. Mr. C. T. Caler, of Norfolk arrived by Ihe steamer Neuse to spciul a il iv i.i our city. Mr. Caler is the contractor who is making the i.ew chaDtiel at Oci-.ieokc the Governratnt. He informs us tho additional dredge is there iirxl will probably beuin ojierationg Saturday. He ixrvcts to jn ilown lo tiie work Friday tiy the tusj Loat nsul in the work v!i:i !i is now heie tor r .-pairs lo machinery. Colored exclusion b ith to ntid 1 n m the city In. ve I etn aaite tiiHi in lately hut tlie la.t one was of more note than the average, lieinr the Grnrd Army of tee Ftepuhlier The visitors aid the New Berne oronniz it ion paradi d ihestnets m uniform with martial music and seeired to be having in every wuy a time I h till :n-' tlie occasion. A irianil dinner was also erved the visitors m FowelTs Hall. Mr. .1. R. Henry, of Homer t ity. Fa., the inciiUuer expert wh-i lias machines in operation at the F.iv- rside ami The Oiks Poultry Farms, is here uiaiii'v lookinir alter mill interest?. He ha purchased I In saw mill properly :it Cherry l'oint. about IS mil. s from New Berne, forimrlv oiMud by Mr. A. C. Weavr-r. Mr. Henry was I ere unci Inline last Fel rttary. at winch time he m id.- the exami nation ef the property whuh leil to :i ptirehaso. A I'holo of "Maoil." The photo of Tom Piico alias "M iiid'' of Winsion, wa reccivo.1 in the city yes terday I.y a friend ol tlie weil-likcd "lou'iianu nt eomeili-in.'" "Maud" is one of ihe jovial boys ol the Winston Hook and Ladder Co., who i well remembered for his wit ourine tournament wiek. He is t he l'i i at r ol "I am sorry it occurred. ' and the picture is i a ken with that jiecu'iar i xpr. s-an.. i.e has ou 1 lace w hen he say s. "I am a w l u I sony it n ctirted. " These word.- -.le i:-" pi intetl upon the photo. Morrlienl ity Ilijfli Srliool. ' Kev. J. T. Jenkins, of Moreh. ::d t ;iy. ! on his trip to t he interior oi the Mat I inti rest of the Morehead City H :;li ' j lUet With the L'i'Oil loll:ne .1 -.ill' e in r:ir' iu i - lie- services ot Piol. Klu inhart a- Pr: pal of ihe school. Prof. Klieinhart h as Ixen pr'.r.eij.a! thu Thoma-vilie Fi ma'e i'o'o H. an ehh riy oentleiuan .ofb-'th kn nvn an I e erieni e. and is a man ot fun ) Two more leaclieis reina.n u be cured. 1 i due ily. si1- ! KporltllfiT IleiiiH From CroaUn. 1 We have lolil of Mi-M'-. U. 1". Wii- ic.ms and C. W. Hanli-soii U i . i ; : i twelve ; raccoons one morning in thru- times 'oini' I around a Croatan com tieh'. Ve now j have the following: aiUhtiniial itin.slrom ! there: ; Me-srs. C. Y. Parker and C. 1". Y - li'.mslia e U-en mil four nn n iiiMLr- aller il a v all.l br. Uiiht out -ile Il line eo. w lilie Mr Hiirnett ilarifsun drove in with a tine .leer. Messi.-. (J. AV. Parker and Charlie H ir- . lis m w ere out the nl her n'.-jht lb lundeni and caught ab 'Ut three huinkv I. Iroio-I i n- t I.ornlc. Mr. .1. K. Al en. of Hom.-r City. Pi.. w hoe frit ml Mr. John li. Henry, ha-b.eu 1 .-pemlii-o a iev we. ks in the city, arrived 1 last niht. Mr. Henry, a- we have im- nounccit. has invented in a saw mid down ' Neuse river and will shortly move f: famiiv down. He returns home in l w- . k ', for that purpose. Mr. AlUn 1- -As eri- ..nIv con-iderinrj: mm'ipu to our city. Hi c.m.e down with some idea th- :vot ;i':d i- vei v well please.1 indeed, lie:- !'.iry stable proprietor. PropONfll Hotel nt SunimlMiro. A company is lieing organized in Swan lniro f,-r the ))urKsc of buililing a ",ooo hotel. A tintable location has l.t on . uie 1 and some stock taken. The stock will tie divided into one huinln d share- .: ."o per shaie. Mr. D. J. Moore:- a lead er ii, opeinating ihe company. ' We hope the enterprise wi'! be a -uc-. ts as a hut. lis Uully nofd.-d at thai place, and n is m.e of the iliii-iin te-i and heabniest lac. s on our coa-t. and om :,. which when anybooy wis., h , N.n ..p. . Ilu-y are gi id of an. ojip.-r. "i iv ;.. g- again. The Fieni li tran-por: Provide':, '' ar 1 rived at Algiers Irom Mad igascar. I.iing ing a large number of :ck an I wound, d French soldiers. Twenty i da-d during i the voyage. of VII Olh. r I ill.- ( (lie Mill.' llnvi' I Iii-iii anil We SIiimiIiI lr ie Homo 1l'nns lor Our Wtiatf it r M 4p l)4'. Pf M " l; o tin I 1 a ' p iiin;r - t:r 'i: - ' ' 1 1 1 i ' : l : n I ui .i i-!' Ihf ' ; . . i ''.'-' , ' i , - i t N w ',. 1 1 : i . 1 1 1 are : iu' - '. tii i . :ti..- whii h i )li;lil to he , ,-r e,e;.; v:i: i late ol 1 1 le Hi' .- i. n v '.r '.'..an at. i e In i -. 1 ichuii-n on! v 1 ' ' ii :. a ' ' - her '. It .up : tali''.- ! i. 'In' wel ii in i1 1 ,'.- ih in an V iiu !!:. 1, :iii niLi-ic air atten- Vi cmiiot hope, i:o p-;l it on ii -c'lih 'r..uic' ' o aiti.it tin- l -est class ,, citi.. ns iior lo retell tlein. when we do not offer them :'iin I -ehool f 1 1 1 1 i r e- tn e. ( lur ;-li r edies ot' N. ('.. all boa-t of ' , . . i ; :- .. vd i . i ' - u l ei " 1 1 1' - poor a . . , a- 'lie i.cli. ... I! have l:'M ci.i.s ail- - vtinm c. Wilmington. Chaiiotte. Uiieoh. Winston. Iliiiham. ('o'dsbnro, all otl'er advantages, whii li "the Athens of Ninth Car.din i" t i 1 1 1 to U f..n-ni"t in providing bill wlm-li !ie ully Ink-. ' 1 it true, when ih opport unity as Lt:en of impo.-inr a i i I t mai i.t ninini; oiaded si-ho..!.- liotli lor colored and white, til it the oi.-Wl Vt" w a- cast IlL.' dl.-t mi n '. v i n a .;!H'.s a m ..: '.la- aib-ivt to tia-r i i i , I : : . . i.cith whi'e aii-l c"lorel uouM ie -up. r:or to puliii.-.d ictl. i:y if lie-c i.-'c was pi uper' y put b-. fote them. It ;- 1 ii.1 to -c- ln'iv the H;L.di S. lno 1 11' is from a p-iVii'e -elite. I except that i; . a spi . i.diy fav. -ltrid private school, "'et the special tivniirs whiih it riceives lather han.p- v than help the Pi incip il. He i- n t in a poH'iou to act as freely and in li p.-ndi nl'.y a- ii his w-h..ol wo.- a strictly priva'e ' n erpris,.. In what way, lo lie fund-' ill tie hands i!' tic t uiste-- bi-netit the children of tlie coinir.iimtv : 1 o tin v .-eciiie fiec tuition or a iowi r rate of tuition than is diarized in the- private schools 'fne mere posses-! sioti ot a lianii-oine I uildiim amounts to little. Th" luu is ivmi'i do more oood m- ve.-'ed in brains ihan in l.tii ks. i T lit re is no lack of public spirit among 1 the citiz i s ,.f New ll. rue wh. n an object worthy -it their m iicl support is present-! cd to them. Wiiness the entluisia.-ni and ii'iitcl support accoide 1 the Ka.t Caro lina Fair, and it- con-equeut "rand i SllCCes.s. j Will not some ol' our able and public spirited citizens awake t i tiie crying needs of the hour, mid devise and cirry threiili some jdaii by which New Heme shall at least I..- put abreast of other cities in the i State in point of educational facilities ( j They ow" it to themselves to maintain ! by taxation or. if ntcessary, I.y private subscription afiraded School of a lriirli l order When that iL'i stion is settled in the n ffirm itive. ihe p'ivate school ipicstion will settle itself. Pki.k KimtatiuN, bkst rim: i.v tiieik i.i v em I tfte Wnj I ho lireeusljoro t'lromen ( barnrlrriir llielr Krrenl Vstl to Bcmr. (iBREysi30RO. N. C. Au2. 19, ISO"). Capt. L. I. Taylor, Chief Fire Depart-nv-rf. Ne v 15 me. N. C. Dear Sir: At a joint meet iuj ol the I irei nf'ior.i Fire D. p it tment, held Thurs-i day tiiLtht. Ait'. 13: 1 1 , ls'.l.j, the under-1 s i 1 1 c-1 1 were a'ointed a committee to ( draft resolidi. us CNpie-s-iii"; ihe thanks ot j the 1 1 ' e'ensb i o Pin- Di p il tmi lit to the : i'enen and i itiens of New l!erne for the; vi-rv ho-pitab'e id :i l n ii r in w Inch our dtf j piitment w,is reeivnl and entertained' while- in your city, during the I'e-ccct Fire-' men's Ton rnamen t. i At the abue mentioned meetinii, a rutid'cr . f la k- '.veie tn ide by those prei-1 en', and the member wore cnlhusiastLt in i their prai-o o! i heir vi.-it, and i uIolti.c 1 v. mr 1 )i i at -tment and '"ibz -ns in the hieli- est ti 1'iiiS. 1 In re was not a single inci-1 dent to mar our pleasure, and it seemed that there was nothing too '.nnl fur us. To sav that . ur entire membership en- j joyed themselves "hueuly"' is but putting i ,t ini'.-liv. We hid a -'lare' lime the 1 ii- t in . in lives for all ..I which we de sire t i thank v ii. and throiiLdi you the j firemen and citiz'-n-of New Hi-nie. and 1 :i-sutc vi u that w hea we i t the totirna-, metit in divon-boro aain that the city will be your-, and 'lie laleh striti"; will be l .mill on ihe oilier -'ace nnd a hearty wel-j con.e will "let you on ymir i nti ance. 1 'OS J. S'l'ONK, j W. J. I'.LAIIt. 1 p. p.. p,i:m.i t .no. W. Pkitciiett. .1. .. TllACkKR, i.'ommH'ee. 'I'w ol o IliweooiiM In Our limit. liicc.ions ii-iii to be quite p'enlitul ' this y e 1 1". We ncenily had an .U-tn tell ine of how fievticii'.lv tiny wire b.iiio ouiiit li'iir Siiiim!i', and cow we leam of a e0ol him' which Missis. C. V. llardison and C. F. Williams h d at Cfoalan. In walking three lines aroui il ' 1 corn lieid lb- V ki il-l Uv ivc. ( h.od enoiioh. 1'lie ntloiiHl 4'4'iiiel.r . ! We visited ibis burial ".round Wednes day as we e-ti em it i ll r . ' 1 1 1 v and privili l'C to .1 li'oin lime lo time and were excel diiiLTly "ratiiie'l in observing', the eM-clleiit condition in which every-' thins is kept under the watchlul can- of! Supi rinteoii. nt Hyde j The tie. s ate c avu'iy and suitably t rim irn 1 1. and arc in line f il; ie. I he sin ub bery severely ; 1 1 1 symmetrically primed. ' is tasteful and e'eant, and the iir.ls, ! thick set. and close shaven, is !. autifully ' oreeu and . lvety. 1 The drives are well kept, hard and ' crow ninr. and newly dre-sod with marl.; an 1 the iron p!a.i- or "lttmls" hearini; , the ordnances and niattm s have K-en re I touch. -.1 with paint, while fr un the lop of. the tall sbitV. riccnlly painted and gilded, llo its .1 new and beautiful ""lory.'' It is will worlu i'He-' whiie to visit -1 his quiet and solemn sylvan ret r. at, thi i City of the Dead.'' made b.-aut i lul by the .p-rilion ol nature, an. I the hand i if- ultiire. U'ri' t ear'y s' x i hoiisand c.ti-; ii soldiers s'eep ihe l.uiij -Ucp which knows n a waking. B. II Ilio Jl.-iliy is mimic Teelli. i Be sure an 1 use tint o! 1 and well-tried ri un -ly . M i s. Winslow Vs Soothing Syrup1 for i.'".:i; Ircn teethim:. It soothes the child, -ofn ii- the "nuns, allay all jiain, cures wind coi'.c and is the bc.st remedy for diarrhoea. Twenty-live cents a bottle. n61yr Pater ritu' ti-do not change the result i of the election lor Constitutional delegates' in Soutii Carolina. F fluids by Tilbnanite manag. is in Dai'lington, Greenville and FairtieM vountii - are charged. Ihicklen's Arnica Salve. Tin- best salve iu the world for Cuts, Bruises. Sues, rin i's. Salt Klieuni, Fever ""lis. Tell. ''. Chapl'-! hand-. Chilblains, l',,r- -. and all mii Kniptimis. and posi tive' v ci:;,-- I'd, or no pay required. It i- g a ,; an.:, e-1 lo give perl. et s itis'action or money refund, d. Price 2"i cnets per b ex. Fo'r sale by F. S. Dully, Druggist. The town of Coin, in the province of Malaga. Spain. v ,s diukc-n by an earth quake Fri lav which lasle I twenty-live sei omls The damage done lo buddings is1 , vc-rv sciiouf. 1- tnr ii I'riT (iradfil Selinul Hi;li onlcr. ' SK I ISS WITH 1 Ml 11.'I'OKS. Ill flic Trliil nl ttio Oak anl llie Rlvprl(lr I'onllr.v Knrms Mr. Fllis IMirrhiwoN Mai'hiiifs tin- In' nl the OhUm and Take- a Slate Aftctic.v. As the poiilirv busincs- bi u'au to a slime u'aiul proportion- In the- h.c.o.t at tention wa- tinned to !h, .nil u.l;i:i- nl art i lie nil incubator-, and !r..'dir -vr e old way of -eitiiii; hen-, and tiial- w . i . -made but not with such attendant -.; n as there wa- a i",i;ht to expf. t. I'.v- : v. 1 1 1 1 1 1 U a- a : ule, si emed to cc-l alon uiiti! hatchinc; time and then fiiiu! 1 are .legree. sometiuies lolal. won sift. In one instance n brce.f r f n 172 f.-rlile eiius out of I'-'U miiu -! n 1" the time iln v liejuu lo hatch and uel'. 'i '. i-t them i very i 'lie. The instructions sent out w:tn : 1 , .- n- , Uitors pave some diieoiion- li.t -.cd p:--ci-e rules could not be laid n anp ' a blc to all places, because of i 1. m 1 1 1 . and atmospheric ihtlereuee. As we have saiel before. Me -I Henry, an incudator exnert o P. In; K. n? - '- vaiiia. has had two of the Ha -r C;iv in ciibators ni work on p-uiliry ,c 1 pi ice. one at Tie Oaks and t'.e ot .cr ' ; The Riverside Farm, Mi ssi-s. F. ;. H, ,. i Cie Mr. Henry informs u- ih n a: lie ir' v all places :i 1 1: lii i;i 1 in li-tui " ha- ;.. be' Mlppliud; 1 le-1 c at New Ii rue tli's n; -inceSsarv, even disadvantage il-. Ih u-e -I none w hatevi r. Thursday lackid one day of hi iiil; the expiiiition of the thiee week's lime a'i o te I as the hatching period, but by niLiht ab. ut three-lifths of the chickens were outJul-lK and lively and other- weic hatch. n;. It wa- the li s: hatch" that li i- ever be-n si-i me I aroimd New I'erne and Mr Kills, proprietor ol the 1 1 iks p Farm, was so wa 11 .--iiisiied that he ptly purcli.i-ed li .ili ineuiiito:-. tha here, one a hundred and the other John hi d ry c Olli- w e i e IWo- hum i red eiiy uiacliine.aial the accompan v ;ce brooeier, and a:sO toi'U tie- Sta'. Ae:i cy lor the same whii h he intends t . p.'e-., hv'inic feiiittied of the urcnt excellence o! the machines. They are the tirst of that m ike cut , bioulit here. The uccc of their work in"; seems to depend hit'in-ly oil the perfect amnii arianoemenls anil automatic leju laiion ol heat. An ingenious and vi ry sensitive eontriumce lives the sliehtist surplus heat.and prevents iis csi ap should tin re not be any more than is needed. Numbers of our pe, p'e. especially th s -directly interested m chickens, have visit ed t he firms and watched ihe operation with interest. Mr. Henry is delighted with the advan tages we have for poultry laisiu. lie is satisfied that there is tine remuneration iu rai-iu1; broilers eveu lor home market. , tliouoh they were to sell at the compara tively low price of this season of the year. But the beauty of working the artificial incubators and brooders, is that the clii. k ens can be bad jut w hen desired, in-tead of having to wait on the motions of the old hens. The hatching cm be so timed that irreat numbers of the hruilets can be placed ou the market in February nnd March tIrti there is an active demand for them at good, almo-t fancy prices. Mr, Henry informs us that tliounh wc are South and he is from iheNorih. it' with ourd amirable water shippim: fac.ii-i ties we can place our chickens in the gieat northern markets as easily and cheaply i us the breeders of his neighborhood, who . have i.othing but rail transp rtatin can. i so the two localities are ou an equality in j that particular, but with us the chickens . can rua at large the year throimh, while- : the breeders of his neighborhood hve to . keej) theirs housed half the year ih.o ' whole winter through. This ives us an immense advantage, and yet wiih all the odds ailinst the-m his neighbor' find ; good prolit in devntinir their enerjies to the taisiii"; ot bronders as a regu'ar busi ness. II such success attends th." wmk there, greater success will attend it here. r f r n P SI) X -,S 1 1 A W ' 1 1 IT KS I ' t or I'on jrrPNHilian o( 1 1 I h nislriel An Airoiiiit 1 II from Wasliinulon. As our readers well know. Dr. Cyius Thompson is contesting, thmigli upon a very jioor showing, the election of lb n. John tf Shaw to Congress from our dis trict. The Washington correspondent ol the Charlotte Observer gives a w rite up , the ca-e which we copy l.elow: ' The Thompson-Shaw contested elec tion case makes ;-2s pages besides : he index. Dr. Cy. 'Ihumpsin, Popuh-t contestant, says in his notice "!'i'uli! that he contesis your preieniled ehc tion, " elc. Thos. II Sutlon, of Fayeite ville, is his attorney. In his speeilicai i-ms he charges that the election in Cross Creek township was "illegal, fraudulent and void'" in thirty panieulars, the first .r which alleges that the election w as held m a bui'ding not the court house of Cumber land on ehction day, whin the election should have been held in the several wards ol the town of Fayelteviile. Further he charges that there were duplicate -ib ef poll boxes for white and col. red vote-is when there should have been only one box tor each class of candidates; 1 1 nit the said election was held by dt puiies or clerks nnd not, as l'i quired by law, by the jitdgn . of election. He also alleges thai there were stutfed balbus lor .John C. Sh . w which were not cast, and ballots thrown ..ut or changed from Thompson or -qnai's lor Shaw, ill her frauds, irregu'ari t u -and informalities are charged. The speci fications cover, besides Cross Ci'i ek, liluck River and (Jjucwhi 111" townships, in Cum berland, Fort Harnwell and Ja-p. r pre cincts, Brown Creik. Joins; and Suniiin r sill. Hocfc Pun. Anion's Si ore. I '.'.( n P.ai e. Swansboro. Cross Ito.ids, Angola and Jacksonville county. "The contest ee. and alleges that he aliet den ICS that the w as so elected as all precincts, (.IllsloW J. dm Shaw, nv'-rs was honestly elect, ,1 aid Cyrus Tin mipson egul. He a.crs thai the Cross Creek e't-ction was held iu the usual building for elections, the legally established place for such elections. He deni'S that theie are three thousand per sons lesideut in the city of Fayetteville or anv ward thereof or that llie election idiouftl have been held in each ward of said city. This city is only a part ol Cross Creek township; a large part of the vote-is live rutside the limits of the city nnd w ilu iu :he township. He fuither den-."- thai there wire separate boxes for whiles ' and ''colored" antl states that two set- ol boves for the purpose of giving every elector a chaDce to vote had bet u there more than thirty years, and it was in ac cordance with law. lie denies the aver ment about unsworn men holding the elections. lie admits that the returns from Cross Creek were not signed by twojudg. s of election, one of whom thcliiiel. with out giving any reason therefor, the other leaving tor sickness before the returns were signed by a majority of the election judges. In a great many instances Mr. Shaw pats in a general denial. He show? that if the Fort Barnwell vote, thrown out by the Craven board of canvassers, was counted, it would be more than ollVot by the vote of Jasper and Pleasant hill, in the same county, thrown out lor like reason, namely, failure to open polls until after the prescribed hour. He denies thai the Riverdale (Craven i vole was ii kcied. but if there was. us alleged by contestant, intimidating of voters, etc. llie election was void and contest. -e's majority wa- in creiis.il fourteen. Contesttv alieg- ihii the Ketninsville election was void luciuise conducted by unsworn men. Heie Thomp son claimed a majority of 59. 'Mr, Shaw's attorneys are Hons, Ralph P. lHixton and Geo. M. Pose, of Fayette ville, and C. li. Thomas, of .New Berne. lMl'li''i KMKT l'.'Mi1'K 111 iltiMvl K cr I'n l l n' Tin I i! . ll II II ll. S.-lnml. I uill-l M.IIISI-. I . S. I'lililii- IS ii 1 1.1 i . I : ii i ii t-sH ll;iee, anil It. sl.l. in i s nil io I.e I ..un. I in I lie ii m lie I- e:i I I HI IKI.IIIIII W.irlll ..I 11 ..ri. in li-ti; r.-H-i.. ii 'i Th. 1 n II. . ti" V a- li pie a :a - Wlu-n a b .pt.-n pil'pit -I'l' I 1 lie 1 .i- ollicalinL.' ii. .nl-.- Ut of tb" w : I.v I '.on,-:: TI-'. ii llie.l ! in d I.y tin . I d b.,i k Iciiciy leivlng tin- id.'"- '" bipti-u ! w: e:n be inin- an i l.cl-i p'ain n. T'.- p ..i ; y wha'n . ;i.ii t-oii- r- and I. I: e ih'-r ,i ., , 1r ,j . vle.v o! '.la :ng io . Ir an th oi . . i- ; w e n I a I. al. I t I.- Ui - a w U: ii i a- d ' "" a' 'e w -c ' g a 'leal d por- ..- sis .11 w . 1 1 U'.ice. l 1 1 1 1 -1 l..ill I'hol'c li'l V. Tb-- ion:: - all 1 :aia sen. cut- whah h-ive bc'i ll going or, u I" ni th i n:1 M' .-. In. . proper! v gel! ing v lyn a-iy lin'sh.-d. The- o d A- ,af my hv,.' dug has I it-n rov eied wl'il till .11 nice i. ! t i i -I i i ng'e-. Ici- col ihe wnnicw-s cliangiil ; irnik wi'h . ot'd and w-ign'-. i, I- , wb il. ei in-, i-. .or I'.-pail's u : iie'iel lie li ; ! li - i ntei ; .r wood v-rk will all he I cp inded niid also I th.- porch. Tile Co'iegl ah- In-Miiie blli'ding i- ie- ' ' ' i ' "i i . " tin uppei i-.nn ci.aiig.., in, o one for a chapel m :K.,g v, ry nedly ,iu- '" ' -1 . ' ' "" '" " I "" and llie w ain-.a ,1 1 ng Is -i light shade' oi' i i lac. The lafi col,," will !.- u-ed for lb,- interior l ainong , t l ie A, a, ic-mv bin h ling. it i- , , .. , ,. i - ,i , Mr. S. M. I. nar.otie ;s do, ng this portion uf .he w-,,: k ,c: bu'h bul! hi g-. The build- O. . ,. -1 I 1 . . . . I .. I. : ,'.. I ..... I .1 ,'"- , 'd ." '-." ;y bv th- li-..: ieii i. .1)0 or other jrO".t wall coloring. rP, , -..it . -o , i ne eh .p. ; -a tl. ln-;tM.e w.u I -.at- "'V .-" ' - V , Pf'1 L'h;'("" will be d""ide 1 upon. r. wnl .-ervc lor llie"it!ie'ings of ih- wimle sd,o ,1 at Ihe morning on, ni.ig , x. r. i-es, a.,1 on other occ lsioi.s dm ing the session, and will a answar for pu'-ii" i-x, a i-i)- which may be givi n al any t in -. i rail He: citrb'i'g is lieing put down aroun I the i;iil'll-. 'fin- is good, but we d.o in -t leg u i it -i-rli. -. nt. We hope soinetinie to see ill.- granite .serve me coping for a pieity ir.-u I ii. . To lx thus ei. close i woiiai a, ni gieit v lo ihe appearance- i -f tiie pi "p r:y and while the :ir-t Ct at iii'-l w.:;l s If c-nisi , lerab e. it w, nib I be -o ,-n lil ieg. hat once ir.cti"! it wo, .ll :. i le re an e cr w.liiout laillu r tr, n' 1". as iar a- 'ii.- gem r ition i- con-.rii-!. We ,ic gi n! : -e also be pu: in g o I - d.at the valks w ail) . cl-.i-.-ied IOII-V ed un we.;, and cov- to 1 wnIi shed l'i e K marl. Pip.- draii - .tl-o !..- laai uud--r-g roil 'ni fr-ill) the I lisli Hie b ;i !. ling 1-. the -t rei t-, to c ii ry off ad water '.n il falls from i 'ne i-u 1. iing iinng r.ilii. Tiu-tii' 1". -V. linen i- ikU'tliig . n s i i ! c ta li e portion of hi- time cvi-iy . I iy to io, i k'i'g :.i e-r ihe W'Uk .lid i- -O'lngil pll. ihr, ligii iu ge l shape T1IK ('I'I'I'.T llof-i . ( i;r h iii'l-' in- court house has always had. .. p,-l'"!i al ihe e.sieiu en! r , nee bell'- t ing 1 1 , o n .o i ; ; i -i, ,' ..;' ill.- nmainder of the build. ng. " 'opt that wood n step- were ii-d. bui i e odor fm ititraiices. tin son! hein and the ir-nhi-in, lad onl slops. 1-ni" porch' s Willi i i ii inn n t ietorii.s going up. 1 a tones wc niiistl l.oOKing on Ihe patli you e lio t o i m 'ed granite cols: io, , are ii"W be i ng ha .- to r, ach t In- h ig In si pi ..s peril v and I Will your record then I' purer put to the lalti l mi in ! -n ,1 iiitrancis and the sooner our people realiV t hat, nnd i Than Ihe sinner's U-fore ( i... If all three' of the p ivies arc being sitppbe I : move determined! y in Ihe matt, r uhether 1 Is your soul so pure and spotless u illi giauiic steps on ca.'h '!' their Mine ' oul-sidc In lp, exp Hence and eo Is .,ur heart so lice Iroin guilt.' sides. Tin- iv.iu; wii. greiit.iv I'l.hniK'e ..peiati.iii is nee, led or u, M, I In- b. i lei it Are y n sure ot never sinning? I he app-l'a'ii' ce "f ur a'.f. it l be ail 1 1 I'll ! : wi 1 1 be I Is your house so strongly bllill ' tempi- of .lllsi.ii e. y When we're castirg stones at others, linVniNMI-.M I'llilii- 111 IIIHM,. N K.WS I V I! It I I.V. ' , . ,,- , . (-.. I Le; us Hunk hi Ten- we aim, 'J he Pnn'ic Uuil.h. g wludi the ...mi. ral . ; K'er the stone may reach another govemmeet putting "l' h-r a p.-t.-l!i e. Since tin- out1. re ik of . holera in J.tp in We may find ourselves in shame. F, deial c.iu.-l ui I t ii-tom H.,-,-,- ;s a , , h,.,-,. ha- be, n 'J ",' 'O ) all I 1 li. noi i : w hi le we long for heaven I v mansion well de-'gic-d p;u e. it w;,: he a lu.e si mo urn Ihatweiun po'-iic to Willi pn'e and KV- ' ' w ATin: woKfcs. T'wo mire htiuilr. d-:'o,,l weiS have U'eu ad'ic ! I - the wa'. r w .... k, ami a u w arailgenii-al ..f ti.- cm n-ctio-s l.etweeu ile in and i he ii ie hm- rv i b ing n.vl- w hi. h will in1, e si; ; :,. He; s,;: i, e to I e given, ihoiigh ii lc- 1,-ei, ex-afVl.t Ice- lohie. slolil - Mi KlisUiKNti.S Dr. F. W. Hugh, , ,,.gant i v en w e i li "i-lic I In n k -; me- a .. ' ". , ,i I the ii-,a:ket wh .re ami,..-: -.,, p'. : .-1, - oun - U is and -b .ve- arc I., i g p i; : i l-'ti. n 1111,1 I'i-'oci i.e u---i, oe-inuiy ,,g all ;r a r-pi-t :ai.-. i tie ornamental ironts .,: i!i -tops ar,- vary iianil-iime. ami n - l ev i i .,- 1 ' e , - res -i - a gt". a. cr, 1 1 it to the business pail ot our city. The able archie i t and I. nil an'. Mr. John P. J .alio, wis l,ic otic miner whose dun gi llie w ol'k -il ,-ri ,!! i 1 ilc, Wa- ;,ci om pi l siicd. Dr. Hugos has ai-o b--, n partially re painting his i legant n-nlciic. oi.o ! ihe- line-1 in the city. M V UK it. M, Wat-on and D-niol- have iu-t C'imp-'e'ed the work of -mode' ing th, ir old 1, e w an !,., ;-, . by making two , -age- ;hroi,h vv'gi. -'a; ,.n c di side f r v.-gc-ial.a tin I- and cential one- toi meais. It pr. sol its a go - I, mat appearance- and we look Ih. in .-ion to have the -tall- w.ll un iple-l already occu pants am moving in. ll. M A K K s (.,. Th" -I. ue on. Pollock sir, el wliicil the 1. Mal'lv- I", ice -. nt'.v s i ei. ganliy ro ll, . .dell. .1 : r their till. b;i-iiie-s- and ;'..r whiih Mr. F. W. llosL.,rha! one if the .- V I, ....... I. ... - .1 ., .... I. - ll" .f"" receiving -..me -. ght a.ldit.onal work on the .ntei. I' .1 I u-t ll to it- purp n-1 a go ii.aviiv c ash sv- tein ol a new and .mpiovi.l palt-rn which woi-sw .ih great e is.- and alniosi no i-eli ss lapi.hty l . n put in, The gooil-a;,- liciiiii.ng io arrive and very soon tie.- in ". -: : wi i !v :e.uly !,,r biisi- ins-. -. ma Hi,-, The old l'.i-c -',..:e at;,i rr-ii ien, e- , o,iib';u,-.i "ti Mi-i'l. -i'c : ha- be 11 limr- ou --l.lv ova-ih in,,- !, :. -pa red ami icmin ml Ii lii-i-viiv 11 nice of" -i i.i.,., n vv budding'. "Sim . ir go... I work was ,1 ,;;r i.v Mr. Milk-, a short tmi" luek ,m lb" lormer -'Ann l'i, all II. him' whii ll ll" liiirclvi-cil and remo ', 'n d ulo --'ores -m I 1' 'II "'' ,', , ' no ui. .mi a dwelling. He is al-o putiing up s.uno t.,n, in, nl nouses ,, (hcaiii v dial mils bv one -ide of tl.e middle: ."beet Ijapti-t church. j ill th. ! h-iiv- 1IU-I1I' lit ; -I', te as- , i Mi I i in. I t :j, v on l'; Pa:-.- -ii. -i 'I . ''' niiir.v i ii a I loiilli- i ) -Hid - clo e! s. 1 . i . . i 1 1. n l am! a IWo'-.-v w;-d,v.s '11 ,- o; nnn.chta- ' i .-!;. a'i-1 p'ca-.nj p ii' t i:g i- In --. a- d-- 1 i o i ; . 1 1 . i u ' 1 1 m 1 1 ; n g -. - li ell . -. --a !. a- a la ar ' iimo.Ai .. i re , ! ni ml mt. " ' '' 1 1 i- ' l'!i e- - -h W - W I) ami .- c pec - a- da- ' . n-i- '.'--. The 1 ' 1 r .- p .u-f le-1 .11 pill pie ol' -i - i''- ui ni- in; o i he- M -i," . : . w : a o : K ill --ik .ill' i all' ii ; - i 111 ll "m ijr,. 1 slate. M . T .1. Pax:, bn,. h l and Mi s., ! I e . - 11. ..Ill 1 1 1 i n : . i - a - c o w.i- th. h -ignpr and . u nm: n- ii .1 P,la 'II icy ea 1 1 have gi a I) I' ' HI HI 11. a: K -l- v . Mr. M i o , b e' M : . Parke: -. wh;c! al-ng-ldc ol l-o a product, of P.axtel' taietil. i- l" i ting v. rv ue ir t om- piel'..-n. In de-ign. It i- very much like Mr. F ,: k i though i lc io i- one-h iv w in- d m e-- al ihe il .nt. and pirlioii of the h. in-.- w h n h . o ti e-po , d - ,o e on ihe side iii- iiv-! ti.i-irli ..'In r w hi. h ,chls lo Ihe , il. ct a- tuey ar i ,u . i iogi tiu-r. Taken tog.-iher liny pu- ni :i ;i!ti n - an ap- pealllli' e a- -;li 1 n"i lining hou-e- ill J :,v ' SI - M i oi-' . ,, , -.D' I ri'l- 1 1 i a i a ' 1 1 1 in 1 1 w i " k on tic : n ern u- (, . lt 1 H oinaiiici'tai wood work. .Xlc 1 le a I- . iv 1 11 have a very b. -a n ; : i u 1 . i ' . I . . li urn lent 1 1 si- b nee an I they arc in oic- ol the must li- r d.li portions !' t':e city. s,.i-o miiiiioi,,.. Mi. Nc-.n: iiill.nl his nurihasod tlie and 1 -am'i Cook ..t "I reel i ' u 1 1 1 1 1 g 111 . a g" i. ;l i . s de ,n it. Mr. ' mpscy W, wmk. s 1 Ih. S. . . . ( .1 Ik. iin'i C. I 'ook w lio-e c ii'riage shop Mi w a- di-po-e 1 ul by .Mr. W hitfoid"s pur cli i-e of the lot on which it was loc.ile-l. i- n -bui'ihtig on li len -licet. IPs main -hop is Imtv b tweic v I lire.', two slor'na , , i i, i , i n.i I , , . fe.n .,. l.. i- ,1... l.l..el. M17ltll SM and on 1 1,.-I,. r i tl ill. e .,,', r. si, I, nee ol M i Co, I.- CM'T. I N I HoiHiins Co,' Ilo.'l l).,l,r.,l 1 ..,.1.1.,,, , , ,- -, good ilw 0, ; -ng :i. t. : j i ; 1 1 g his residence on '' 1 ' , . v., v 1 S. ll I M Mr. John S. Manix. ha- added a two - ( . ,( ( :,, ,., . . s (- ( i" , i'' '.,' . 'i ,'! ' ,,!' '',Z ' "He sne and ha- .tisj.iac, d the lionl ii,,n h ,iy u u now ptet.ilv repainting the whole limin-. , 1 1 . , -li iM'l-. u. K. hhx an s . Ju.1-; , ' ru-- U- () -i.ioeii oy s,,,ne nine K. nas ,,ee. tcnuiii, rcnio.ieneii ami inmiei-iuz.il, ann the workmen arc now inilliug up a tb- ting companion lo it on the vacant snle ot his large and desirable lot which com mands a ling view of ihe river Nitise, our l;t"g- -! ri'.i.r at its pi'.-' t iest pil't. I'HAI'KI, AND H UOOL llOCSK. We r.venllv announced the c pletion of the mat Episcopal chap,-! on Pollock stru t. A good schuul house- has lx-cn e ret ted on the same lot. Poth buildings i re neatlv finished. The clupel is vei v ptvtv hmd-iimelv ciled inside, and wcii lnrn;-he I. The windows are ot cath- e.lra! glass. ;ln.l the painting is in liar - nieuiious and c-iidur.ng colors. M1NUII I.MI'HO J'.MKiV IS 'I'l,, i.i, -.,1.- ,, I no,,...- !,.,.,- ' u ents in progress, 1)r. c. M. lienton is I 1 "'" t,ie iiMc" have lorgiv. i.e. doing -o '.e work to Lis olli.ie,.lookiug to : ca"! l U ' trtl"t hvi' boil, comlort and apj.earaiic , , As,y0U U ' .' ,,,'-'v;:n . . , .1 I.el voilr iniiiosit hs.i,l ti.i-,.1- Hue on .1. lings aie gomg up arotim tiie.su'.urb-. strei t improvements are in pi-ogre-s and taken'altogether the amount ,,: work now g .lug on will fall but liltle, if any, siior; ofa hundred thousand doll al's, am 1 if improvements quite ivconlly eoni- pi,. to I w, ic added in ii would go lu-youd ihat ii m . Tin-, i- a good showing for a place ol Ni w P mi 's si-- and popiilaiiop. but 111 die list we w i-h them was a col ton fu-'orv, a furniture la.iorv ami oilier Treasurer ol .1. A. M I-. i. ev-Coiiutv DeKalb cuntv. (ia.. h ,s been !:, ted p, embezzlement. Its, shortage i- . sliina- led al sjj.i'uo. Announcement is ni ..1 by ih A,,.,-n:i"- Cnti ( '..mmitl. .- mat Sen n mb, i-7t h has bee-n he.l a tl.- .lay for . h" li r-l , ,f t he in'u mat i-mil a. hi rua s. , ,,,., ftl,e conditim, f 0,er .. i .ii i i : M-,' 1..- ll,, 1,1,1, le. -I 1..,..., is , i . llie .1 . -..1 -led, show- In, iialiihties lobe ( ..o.'l, .. . i . , with no ava:i a be as-cts. , ,. I, .,,, o,,.. Tl,, 1, o- 1 ,orv ,,. ,7W ; New V-ik. b.il mere ;(-,, ihou-and chihlien m N, w V,,rk n, c , -. - lUv t;. H,oln Hut,, i-,,,, 1 "'e - ""l-cs. ,. . L . . . ' nt. son of Co, o ral Grant, is going into : In hoiel bii-mess at S ui 1 lie - go, Cab. where he ha- ..igoi zed a nun- p iny and pron ,-.- to envl a daisy lio-tie-ii. Tin- total value of prop, rlv listed for tax-.i'ion in On-low , ..nut v "amounts to sl.aiig Oos; of this a, i. Hint the o.loied r i. e listed "iiHri J. Tics i an increa-e of J. nil! ov. r l.M. Jaiks.mville Township is the banner di-liict of the ei nnly as it show- a, gain of ., t',i',,.'','.i 1 over la-t yen'-, : bn- -a leg theiountv hum h .ving a large . idiot. - -I ii k-niivilli- Tunes. An infuriatid mob of 'liinc-e anr.ed witu every coin eiv di e weapon, made an attack upon lie- American missionaries near Foo Cliow, and wrecked the chupd and school atlachid to the mission. No on, was killed but f air native seho'ai's were wounded. Tile tcai h.-r. an Ameri can, e.scapeil. Tim inn i-l on ign feeling L- me leasing ami ii is ind s.,1,, f .r a foreigner Rhilrlrpn Hrv for Pitcher's Castoria. to show hiin-ei:. d v: -OS I'l , ,m I ,p, i, in , d ve r. roll, irt 1 1 oil . - . , .'." i.u--i m- wore n own up at 1001a, uu-iu. m .mo.i.m.. inanv i-iueei-were kille.l. 'Ihe artiii.-iv barracks wore des- uoy-t. As a r.-u't ,f the ine, ting of pi ug to- banco nianutlii luier- in St. Louis, several of t hem w ill engage i n the manufu Hire of cigarett. s, in opposition lo the Ann rican Tobacco ( ou.pany, a-s,,n as ilants can installed. M' nti-m n- inn le in an i x- hange tint the n t, d .-..;ip n;.i n uia.M ;ei , li. T. Hub .bat. is to -nut an a icit;.ng show ..11 about thcli:-t ot s-. i ,' cm be: . ainagnili- cent .-:, rep-in i n : 1 . 1 1 . ., n and mu-ical entertainment '.'.inch w'c'i vis", tl,,- towns and V lllilgis of scvi r il Southern Males, of whiih North Ca i ol i na one. The cost l-given a- s-.'. i , .r tin hois, s, wagons and liarti.-s. upwards ,,t f-,un for stercop- tienn instriuiien's and the niuuiiig expense ,i llau per week. ' 1 1 It . II. - 1 n everv side : .e'-'ii. i I in -wi.p ..: !lell ll o i . I tin' t . 1 ! ! I li.de I I -and A ! mil-, a ,-. ... r -un an-1 iueat h le 1 '-Mt sci'l ..l,il -l-.ii- a nl 1- I c baud. - K : 1 In I Tin- mi ike-iike en .a .oi . rnu'l- s',. v p 'V i . Ti Ill.dlol I t the l.ati i, c I , , 1 1 i I , li.'ypt heal: Who. round il i linklne- i h ml . of du-t are east. si irr- d up li-el. i .ri Nalur. ie-dcad beta-.lh !h. I , o i. b glare, 'i-la.- of burning 'ind il- bin .a' p . A ii-1 . -ave where dri v. i - drone -,.'oe na live .-cr, A dcadi-like -lillne.ss ,,-llh - mo ah. In! -udden Ir. mi 1 In- ..i i. 1 . 1, -e-1 .- . -Fair domes and lat. 1 in.n.e I- ar.-i . VV I . 1 ., I I !..' . I ... I . the breei'. A gleaming citadel before u- In-. ll hang's a moment w-,. '-- n d . n A -had.- o - cine- -ho. ;.- he e: ' a-t. Since, through the pre-enf di-irih, n looked upon Thi'.t retrnspi-et ofa grand buried pa-l Albeit Pays. ui Ti-nhuue. i i: nm. i.v sm k. I.i lliiu" ('liank he bellv sick. AIL- same he .'et lick: Chinee makce mud racket. Li Hung lose he sellee i nk. I. Fi I-Ullg he get lioko 1 aga i n ' hi the .-ea by monkey men: A he -"-e diilly we dher. I lung lose he laeock f-alber. .. , . i ti i .ci . Next lime la 1 lung he gel lick. r w'ddi out. belly quick; l in ie ii di- ;i pi "i i in i w - I I ) iio. V ... I I -I oil'..,.!.; ..1 i ... i ....! .VIC. V. I 1 .1 lie, IN I 1 1 ll.sl Ills j H g I .. I I . O ' New '..rk Sun. I HI' HO MPT I .(To Dr. . I. William .lone-. Wiiltcnoi. th.. ,,i,, f .. lo.a...... i.e In- I,..,... at Ha..lchui'sl, Mi.-s., on Ihe ( li rist ian ( 'h'iraoti r ..I Sioticwall .I.uks.ui. Hail! gloiy-i rown veteran ol Diu' A roy al Wolooino t ) i '. Willi hearts bowel m lounnt dt t Ion v greet the brave Chaplain of Lee. Thy namj, in the heart of each South ron, ' l-aisl,1-,nl will, nil lir li-dl ,l,v Tumi hast taken sweet .oun-s-l mil, ' . ackson. i Hast knelt and bos prayed with ur I..-.-' 1 i , , . . ; Thou hast followed their forUines in b.U- i tic. x- . .. i . e .l e .. : ' ' "w""- ...m,...,- ....... roar; And ha-1 whisiiered to hearts Unit w ere i I . lamt.ng . j The s, ory ol( hr,st. o er and o , r. , But the turmoil olhattle is over, : And the old canteens are dry , A1( lj(,0 an;l SlOnCWill! Jackson Sleep 'neath our southern sky . Thou still art marching onwnr l. With an nrmy's ceasclecs tramp. Still telling the sweet old story The st' iy ol Christ in the camp. . ! Hiul: Klory crowned vctcrun ol Dim. . j A royal welcome to the.-! ! ''"'lhin ol Did iigino, ! Alul I'liuplain of Rob. it K.;i,r-c! i Fannie- May (. ib'.,-. i ,UVE nuR.TV. , ,. j J to Ct,n',,;",!. h"" .. I For sooner you might lie r m i h n . n-i 1 W i re you in the sinner s place; Stop and think lietor? ynu scorn him, In your haughtini ss and pride. Has your life been always perfect. Have you ii'itlnng you w.mi.l lu.ir. In yuiit liitldtm thoughts were p'inle.1. On the iages ol a book. Think you they would War inspc. . Would you ask the world to look' When y,,u stand bi fun your Maker, For that world so luigld and fair. W ii bout charity for others e miiy never enter (lu re. New York Dispatch. KIiphiiiaI lm 4'iirikil in n Ony. "Mvslie Cure" f-.r Rheumatism and : N'eurulgia ra-lic-.lly cures in 1 to H day M ts acli, ui upon t he sy sl.-m is rematkkb I ""' " unloves at once ll, cause ami the disease lmmeiiiaieiy n-a Oeais. i ie UlSL Host gu .ilix H linns, ... i 1 . J cents. ; , ,.. So d by Henrv s Pharmacy. New Ih mn .. .. " . .. ,.(.;., 0,i custom I, oii-o lji)ii,ii,g. 'rhesilvorcaiiii.iign.il North ( urolini j, to I ie opened in Charlotte. Tins wa- d.-cidid on at the recent eontcicnce ill ! Washington. Kx-Seuator .larvis. Mi I .loseplms Dmiiols, and Congn ssmaii-el. . t i Lockliiirt. who represented North Cat'" j lina in Ihe eonlerenoe, had a talk tog. ih," jict iiflor I he lid journmenl, and I hey s ud I to the Kiel, 1 1 ion. 1 Dispatch conespondont that a mi ml -r of moil mg- will Ivlnldiii North Carolina during Ih.- in t few licnitlw lo Ihoroiu'hlv discuss hc .1. -pitsii.'ii. -Charlolte N.-ws. When P.aliy tv.ii ,i.-k, n-" r-ric k.-r r'.-v-torla. When she w as a I 'hil.l, she cri.-.l f. .r I iLSloian, Wln-n she l...,-.mie Miss, she riling t.. I .. l.-iaa. Wtiau she ha.l l 'I i :1. 1 ;-. -n , she ,-in .' I lien. I '.-isu.rla. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria. i . ... .. e. dulji ro,!o uiinuieii uijf lur I ucuci a vaaiui la. ri Mn r-v fnr P trhpr'5 ( astoria. The strike ol the jute workers :n 1 ,;,.- d.e i- sprca. ling rapi. 1 1 v. 'I'hi i ni-n 1 1 - an.l workers' went iuit Wednesday ,n addition to tho seven ihoiisaml or imn-, w)u, .-truck Tu. sdav. Th.- sMk,m Veiy orderly and are giving tin pi!,, i... trouble. '.'.i Loipi SoperintenJent Wantatl ' JaTWASTKIl.- A ".an ".pel. .1 to have charge of ia i or 1 h.ad ol I, .n , j t,oro,ighlv u in lei st an, I- vv , i k ng , , " , " , .. , them to advantage in l..g"iug. Mu-t b, obor, steady and a good wmk, i. Apply to i LDS15)K I.I M lll.lt C ). I ul ldeotl w 2t Dover N. C. - .. j -Ce;.. f-i'- ,' ! .i; . j. T --t - - '

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