l .... i - ".. sew Price: $100 Per Year. INDEPENDENT IN ALL THINGS. Single Copies, 5 Gents. VOL. XVIfl. NEW BKRNE, CRAVEN COUNTY," N. C., SEPTEMBER lr,, is;,,-,. NO30 s 5l 6.- -7. 4 V. v. V ; " for Infants and Children. pnOTHERS, Do You Know nc 141 Bateman's Drops, Godfrey's Cordial, many so-called Soothing Syrups, auJ moss remedies for children are composed of opium or ruuri'liine r Po Tll Kbow that opium aad morphine are stupefying narcotic . as. ns f TToM Kaaw that to most countries druscrists arc not peruiittcxl to sell narcotics I lsheKng thsm poisons f Do T Kitw that you ahoakl not I yoa sr your physiciaa know of what it ' V Do KainT that Castoria is a purely regetable preparation, and that a list of its tairredieirts is published with every bottle f - P Yr Kssy that esstoria is th prescrtption of the famotn Pr. Samuel Pitcher. That it has keen in use for nearly thirty years, and that more Castoria Is now sold than - sf sJI other tasnedia for childrau eombined r - ' ' P "Yam Krur that ths Patent Office Department of the United States, and of athsr wmntiiw, hare Jsamed ezclusirs right to Dr. Pitcher and his assigns to use the word CtoTij' and its formula, and that to Imitate them is state, prison offense ? ' ! Tps Kagw that one of the reasons for granting this government protection was 9SSM. Caslut la had been proven to bs ahsolstely aarailMtT : Da Taa Rw that 35 aTwr&Xa doses of Castoria are Ps Yn KlHnr that when possessed of this perfect preparation, your children may h kept well, and that you may hare unbroken rest t - : yeJ3, theee thlwy. are worth knowing. They are facts. Children Cry for E. W. Snfl ALL WOOD. Under Gaaton Hoase, Boulb iob'i Stn t t, New Berne, N. C. .Q-csxtexal Hardware. . Gtoves, Carpenters Tools, Cutlery, Table Ware. Barbed Wire, - GALVANIZED PIPE, PUMPS, - v '., h; Lime, Piaster and Cement. , DEVOES PURE READY MIXED PAINTS. rTPer8onaJ attention to the 'orders.' f'Sr - ' Jta f- fWaJ 4 tt' A, - m X s i - -'! 1 I 1 GRAHAM ACADEMY, ; MARSHALLBERG, CtRTEhlET COUNTY, X. C. -kEV. W. Q. A. GRAHAM, D. D., PRES. FALL TERM OPENS SEPT., 2, 1895. : Paren'-s or Guardians will find this the cheapest anil most desir able school in H astern North Carolina. - -Location: On tne. shore of Core Sound, 10 milca fast of Beaufort, in a commnnity tree from such victs as Bar-rooms, Ball rooms, Bil liard rooms or Brothels. Plenty of churches and 3 uud ay schools, r" ' BRAD ! H43AD !! IJEAD !!! A,de4 by the SletUotiist chtjrch offer the following iuducements: ' ' ' EXPBWSKS PER MONTH. triraarj Grade, I5o;ird, Washing, Tuition, ' $ G SO Intermediate Or-ide, 7 (Ml Latin, Scientific, oo Masic (extra) 1 5) nAkff Prim Isrlsdr IUtMrd. Wiuhliif, Ar. lyFor fnrtber information write the President. dw eod tf L. H. Cutler & Nunn & Co Tveeman to VTU KcSCSLIT, CONFECTIONARIES. ' TJ WILL PAY COUNTHY MEH- PHANTS to visit '-- f m ioWER than our any store one as we else in ! the city. Cor. Pollock & Kiddle Streets. VCC- Do You Need.... : ' A Refrigefator, Jpp Cf earn Freezer, - Wife Screen Doors, and other Seasonable Goods ? IP SO, CALL ON l. h. cut ua & c. 2 permit any medicine to be piven your child U composed furnished for 3J is on siwarT spper. Pitcher's Castoria prompt antl correct filling ot ali iu3tu w,dow SHEPRARD'S 00KST0v9P MADE FROM PURE PIG IRON. Not one pound of Scrap Iron is ever used in these goods. DURABLE, CONVENIENT md ECONOMICAL All Modern Improvements to Lighten BoSMketplne C'srrm. Twenty different sizes and kiidj. Every (ove Warranted Against f)e(jeef s. Pr1"e not mnrh .higher at this time than on commoner kinds of Stoves. Call on or addrext Co., Nev Berne, N C WE LIST t3a.e LAHOE SHIPMENTS OF GOODS A ii K I V I N U DAILY AT TH E NEW BEKNE BAIJCAIN 1I0ISE OL"li STIK'H UF Dry Goons, C'LoTHINii, SlIoKS, IJats, Notions, C i K N T rf Fl KNISHINCS. C A B 1' ETS, r'-.T' part-' Will be complete in every ment. h We, have niaije it a rule to see how low we can sell a ciistouusr, and not how much protit we oan make, therefo.e we will not he undersold, but will lead all others in low priees vi.sit first I he Far seeing people use. O. -A BAEiTOOT, Mgr. Sep lutf and Door From X" o. m m m KMt ADRIFT. In the Cttj- of 11 in- and trinity, linlhrrnl I ami lSii ll Told. Mr?. 11. II. IViry w ill -o,,n 1 1 io m i 1 1 1 ii i-r ' lui-ino". Thursdav N-gan the ai "' ing In 1 1 io .lev. i-h i a I. uoar. cub r llv-lil';i!v n i uni iii; in, some th.-in mnlo 1 one-, iiiit linn' lire 01 lint i It-ill 1 1 u 1 vei. Cbiimarp iillon Hie in ,rk. ', Lilt :n 1 1 1 1 1 - 1 1 1 i:t it il'C-. (I-im- w.'i liiki- tlioir jiUn'c iMH nvl . ur Milium tnwiisuian Mr. M.! n U. Il'iwuril, I -as Iwtl :i)oinli:.l nil'' i I the m.iixhalK ;it (lie S(:it(- l ur. lie was nl a m:irh:il lust y i K v wei ailvici s s.-n Mint ilio pirlv ol ' sn i iru- I lilii'iisioTs ani'siiil !' tin 1 i l - lor Vnn iia Tut-ilav i iv i-:ii i .iil k-ioiv 1 1'. S. Coiiiinis-ioiiei' l(o ami rt-it-a-t'il. iiuiliiii; lioiiiLT jitm i n ;ti;:ii nt tlicni. Tiio la-t i-opv I't ilu' VolnniciT Fiie- man contains ci llcr.t .rlr:i'.l of our i o nsiiiiii. T. A. iliiin. 'If.-i-urcr ol' tin- . i m i V,,, in- n'- A - 1 1- n. .in ! i 'i lnT. AmicI'soii. t'l Wll-oil, 1 1 .- ';ilil i- ! i ian. j Mr. Rlwaril Hallard, about 4V ears ! of nne Him lins Ivcn down ill witli om I u iipli"ii fi.r ijuiic a wliilo, ilip.l Fri il.v. II' Ip.-ivcm three ilamriitcrs. Tim i r. iiimns hi iv t ikrn lo lii-i.l'l home at , Ct'Ti.- Soun l t r inliTim nt. i S 'ine ol the ov.t-l" oa the m irki t I"ii i ilav . ii!el owini; lo tin- inirn-e lu at ai il ll nl lo be hall!el i tf anil llil..M) invay. 1 lift 1) ial mi n wen: uaine.l l.y I In- ity nulhorMicsn.il In l.rii'i; any more In i until i ool we.itin-r i-onus aain. Messrs. M. Ilalin it Co., have r. xa ivt-il aiioibi-r lot ol horses l.y ste-imer, i-iii.'r.n -idi; loii Ii tin. drivers mi. I jjoo I ilral'l lioi-is (Jur livery stal .leiin n aio wiil. aw ike businis peopl" an. I tln-y have lirouuht New Beru-j ill firuai.l as a horse niark' t. The newly titled up long rocim. mid way of Hotel Chattawka, formerly the archway, has been leas I by .he Wi stern ! Union Telegraph Co . for its New Bine! ofhYe The move will be ma.ie about the first of Oct-ioer. ! CnpFs N. W. Jones and J. .1. Las-iu r ; are building a large t lie steamer w harf. ' It will be IS l-2x;l'i with a thirty fool hold. It will lake ihe place f the old one they j have been using to lighter the steamer; times of low water. Mr. F. D. Cudlipp, electrician, arrived from Ji:hmond anil spent Friday in the city looking tj the movement of Ihe te'e - graj)!! office trom us present location to the new one at Hotel thittawka: O. L John-on acconipanieil Mr Cu Mr. bpp- He inteixN to eouip the m w i ihee well, The work will be in progress next week. . , , i ic,,. ,,, .V lllioim ldl'lCI ''11 "Il li. nil of Mi ssrs. Ccngdon it Co.. up Neuse river was run over and both Icjis cut oil' Friilsiy alternoon. Medical atUnlioti was suninionid Irom New Dei tie but the in ju ries were snclt that there were fears that j the man would be ih ad even before the physicians coipd it ach him. Mr. D. G. Siniiv;s neice, if iss W'ilkins. Ql Porlmonth, who is visiting him; had H narrow esaie from ilrow niiiLr. She was slflrtint; out in. a boat with small com panions and accidentally fell overboard in eidit or nine feet ol venter at M adows" halt. Fortunately she c one up alono si.le of i he bo it and those in it seized upon her and succeeded in saving In r. The wife ol Mr. Alfred Uiwls, a prom inent funner near Arupaho. Pamlico eonnty, died suddenly on Wednesday in. uning. Mrs Kawls was a vi ry usi ful and ( onsistent metiiU r of the t'hrisii.in church at Arapaho. She le.ives several children in aditilion to her husband, and many liiends who will mourn her de.nh S'ie wms nl.it lltty years of ae. Mr. V. Sidbury of Holly Spring, one of ( ns!ow county's prominent and success ful lanneis mnl m ichnnts on Slump Sound left, for his home alter having sold several lots of peanms to New ISouie de ders at top ol the maik.t prices Mr. Sidbiwy raie atout two thousand bush els of them every year Mini buys largely ulso. He has several ih.uisand bushel- of last yeiirscro sdli ,,u hand as late as it is in ihe season. Mr. Win. T. IIi.ugh.;who ame lo New J5i me jioni L ivj.oru a lew weiks ago is now- localel iu tiie H-j.xter bmiding along side the Mkldle sir. et IWplisl cbureh, using the store part lor his husinc-s and living in the n St. While It Was U'lng tilled up lie was temporarily tear l he market wharl. Mr. H.Kigh brought up a stock of jeueral merchandise w hich he hid been baDilling but he is closing thai out to de vole the siore's spate to niillimry and notions, in vvhiih laisiniss his wile will cllgr.ge. Telephone lo Begin Oi l. It. : The telcpliDi.e poles are now all' u'p with j ihe ( Xeeptioll ol ft low in odd Jilac s and ; Ihe cross liars on ihun. The jiuti inir nj j ol tue wires is to begin to-day. The intention and expectation is to be- 1 gin giving the pat rots -erv'ue oa the lirst day of Ociotiei". The progrtssive home men who are pu.ting the sy-'e.n. will , see that good, service is rein ler. d. We: hope lo see the line well patronized. 1 It I'ay to Rend Ad vert foienieiilH ("are ' Til 1 1. y. The Li spsio. I n ) Tribune, has tl e fol lowing reference to the leading ofadvei tisenietils, Ihe Until nn I goo I sense of : which will ln.pic-s i's. :f upon cm r ihouglillul readei : "The avernge reuder of i lie home news- I pnpsT can save many times' its pi ice in the course ol a year by carefully reading the ! a . vertisemciils of live business men. By this we main that ;he reader can save money by watching fonpioted l-aigains :n the very goods he nif.st have. Try it and see if the staten.ent is curie Ii it i-, i "h.lrd times' is HO excuse for not tak Ilg 1 a home paper, loj- it is Raving yon nn-ucy when you need it li'.'Sl.'' A. A N (". K. It.. Riiililinir'i Oliiiccle.l Wilh Wnlrr-Workn. All Ihe A. N. C U. H., bui'i hugs in ; h s i il v, t he otiie'i s, (he d- pol, I lie shops and llie wal'ih.'Ue aie bi nig c. nm cte I w ilh the wilier w oiks. A drinkiiig i'oiintain of improved pat tern has also 1 an i-ievted in the yard in i he place ol the one formerly I In re, and an ornamental fountain llnows ah'lt ;ls beni 1 1 fill spiny from the center oftiielish rex rvii r. . We aie glad to see such whoh -ah' u-e made of t he water works onvi nienc. s. They should le apptviialed by every one. Quantities ol Tohaeco. The Colilshoro A'-gus siv- that t'o anio-.int oi tobrccC on- the nia."ket oil the opening of the warehouse in that place was 3.")U.(K)0 iM'tiiids, and Unit " no sin h bicak was ever before known in the State tor any one day.'' Wp arp pi'.vateiy informed ti-jt the break vv- o laro ii1(t the immense W.U'ehou-e h'""". one of the largest m the State, was tided and vol there were about a hundred carts in waiting. The sales had to lie coniinii'-d next day. Mr V T I 'alio is Lark" ti-otn It on. fort ani Martin countus, informs us that he lotllld the fajtlieis Hush wilh in.-nev i irom sales oi tooacco ami ttiat they weie : losing interest in free silvir."' The most they ware thinking ab ut now was big prices for toUicco, THK Cl'TTKR WIMtVA AT HIIKK.'llXK OF THE FA I K ATTKACTIO.VS Se l7.c h clioonir VA'II Ii :t5 Men Alioaril ii i IohcI to lc 'iilknn Fi 1 1 IiiihI er- f n. A. hii'-- lr. -ni Key Wist Fla., under d.i'e ol' Sept. 1 Till, tivis the l'.llowil) neus of the Kcvcinie Cutter Winona, which was built f.r tin. I is ordinarily sta lionetl in New Heme waets but is now oil" the Florida roa-t iu udii :ii'.iin-t the . HI! innf Cu'.an Ii lit 'Ut i i ers Mil. I The the a.l- eotnlli f anV e.'ir: y'uill disc;!-. V II 1 in- a- !..!!ims: II III to.. i ev en ue i ir lei' u tin- sclu 1 1 : 1 1 r Winona I. r.ui: ,'bt l.-irk puked up -live Cubans on oil Fine Ke with I hi 1 1 -board. When picked up only two n.en w ei e en . l re vi aied ollieis eonc- ilmi " The --! 1 w ,s -eizc I Li c iiisc ('apt. Juan K.-ve- by the cutter k. but a -care I i U'lo . mil bronchi in could not L!ive satisfictory explanation :e- t. doinLT v. itli s.i many men on what he was board and without any p p is and lovall-e it was thought shewa- a Ii libii.-l. r. The men were i x.i mi mil by the I niti d S'ale-; com-ini--ionei' .lid r. I. :.-".! on I. on. I uulil the lu-a I -1 1 ; . tee e , - n. ''I i u I ay . !i.!c I! I- !. lifViil Itio 1 1 . ell 11 e til i-lui.-.li-r it will Ik' dillieull to prove ibis, as they had unarms or ammunition on board." IIKAXOVS . t. lllltKnilRV. A .New Fill I ion lo be Isnel Neil Vear ..... .- ... . .. tiiithfrinff lite Material from lliej 4'ify aitl I'oiinfy N'ee4leI lor it. Rev. Levi Ilran-on of Iva!eii:b . came up Irom .1 n kson v 1 1 le on the lSlh, and is toppiiiL; at Mr. N. S. Kiebanloti".-. Mr. Fiaus'in i- here in I he inier.-st ol his North Can. luii Jlireclory. which he has been publishing since ls(ji II is now 111, i ,o '' iici.le in IS'.m). Anew edit. on. I he eij.hl h, :. .in. . i c I , i : . : Will ni'lL'i 1 1 t 1 1 "II Tl i ' t 1 IP I 1 11 V I 1 : I ft i it' , ii"" "" - ' -Yi UK a lip i i -at. ii in!; e n . ;nni urn oc ci'iimu er.ibly larger than any ol Us pie 'ccesHors. It will have soiie tiling over eight hundred pages and lontain over a hun drul Ihous-uid n inn s. Mr. Branson L'- ts his directory up in good shape and thev are convenient and valuable books of reference lor every busi ness man and for many other people. The li-ts are given by eountu s, and the tollow iug liuts are brought out: Name of county a' d population white and col ored, brief historic al sketc h of the county and Couutv scat, geographical location and I it ' " T i I products, tow ns and postotbees and popu- 1 lation, county otlijc rs. courts and tin. e of j holding, townships uud magistrates in j each with post otlice addresses, churches rops and general j w ith denominations and pa-tors, schools and teachers: all business, manu'actorv I and proiessional houses and local corpoia- i lions properly cUs-die.l, and lasilv a good j list of ibc- lx!-t and nn st prominent lariners. Tlie lists of I'.irmess will embrace iboiit lift v thousand nearlv as much space is devoted to them or to all other culling combined. It will bj the best list of the agricultural cla.s-es of ihe State in existence. .Mr. Heiisi.n in eelting his new additions does not copy Iruin the old one and de pend on making change. He goes down lo llje root of ihe mailer, travels over the S'.ate ca:eliilly and makes new lists. He haj just written up Onslow and wi.l now spend several days In re compiling from rehab'.' sources wh at he neeifs lorm this city and county for his directory. liooil Mullcl Fishing. Mr. J. A. ritlnian, Mavor ot hwans Ixiro, who ha been up lo New Heme lew da vs, sji.aks ol the mullet catc lies around Swan-boro. Many are caught and they are of the liaist quality. About a hundred tarrels Wi ie taken one day at Hrown's lulet near that place. Mr. Y. Sidbury one of the well known laniic's at Stump Sound came up on the IStli, lo s nd a short time in the city on business Mr. Sidbury does a linle fishing luring the mullet season, and he also has had splendid success, (in Saturday, the seventh insf. he went out and caught eighty barrels. The Saturday lief, re that his "lishermnn'.s hi was even tetter. lie caught 150 biii rels at one haul. They sold for over live hundfid dollar'. Mr. Sidbury sold $A20 worth of them himself: and the hiir. Is about a hundred dollars worth more. This wnsa linediys wink. The Seme which Mr. Sidbury used wa two hundred yards in length SAM JI1M.S IX WISTO. II mnl roils ii on versions - Th ily Hllrreil u .ever Reforo. A special to the News and Observer from Win-ton s.'us : Sam .tones Im.s stiiretl Winston as she has never been siiii'.d before. Tue peo ple are talking about lilt e e.se. The tobacco house men signed u' certificate today agreeing lo clfsa on Sunday. 'Hie I.UtrheTs, also agreed 10 do UO more work on the Sabbath. AH hut one druggist agrees to close on Sunday. There have Uvn several hundred con versions, and it looks now like no more licensed bai rooms will be seen hereaflm" neM Mav. Y on r uncle S mi is jumping on the Twin-City boih feet as well as places gi nci.ill v. Pleasure (.'lub with sin in high itnil low Hard Times, and no.Mistnke. A story is told oi' liovy a iiicaciief-tested ,, ...oil. .i the cii. e t o the l ard t inos upon i;s cm- 1 g egaiion. -i ui.- eoiiciu-iou oi one oi his sermons he said: - "iA-t everybody in the house who iny their di his stand no. " Irstatitly every man. woman and child, with one excepi ion, arose lo their teet. lie seated the c row d and then sai I : "Let every mar. who is not paving his debts stand up The exception noted was cr.renorn, hungry imiiviiiu d vvho picsenied an altogether s-eeily ai d foiiurn apiHiarance, He slowly assumed a perpendicular II"- sition and leaned upon the back of Ihe suit in front o! 1 1 1 m ' "How is it, my friend r" minister, " that v u are lb this large congi eati' ni vv In inpiiicel the only in ui in is unable nip. 1 his i. Illegal ioi s "I pu blish a i ewspapi r." ho liuekly i ,i ;c, repbed, and nio-t of my brelbnii j i -,c, 'i lio pave '1st st.x'.i tin. a if my ilibscrili-' .Vs. and 'Let us piay '": exclaimeil the minister Christian Work in I ndiau Territory, A correspondent from Indian Territory writes in the Christian lender: "Ll Meta Christian College is located in Minco on a ten-acre lot, fortunately loca ted. On June 1, 1H5, the luihlingand college prodeity was valued at $5.'.-.J'!.G5. The disciples in and around Minco have pa"'d s-l.OII-J.M") of this amount. I'h's ivnfi was begi.n years ago when sister i-'nnti i 'hcstnt.tt. of NorlU Caro lina, iiicaled and beg-in to teach at t (hi silver City, .fu-r the l(ock (shiuel Rail road was built .'silver Ciiy and the school ipqved lo M.ine'o, mid ovevctpnc illl olSt;i ch up p this w Siting," Jul Mela has the pluck and .vill-power and knows how to overcome all obstacles aim win in i:ie i ace set neiore ner. n ou..i be glad to give oiir reade-s a monthly loiter trom Ll Metas pen. V atch 1 ovve-r. Physicians all over the world recom mend Japanese Pile Cure. It his cured thousands, will cure you. S' k! rrui' positive uuaratitc . Sumj le iee, tje'ld l j "si. 1. L-jtty. " " "'. InculiHlorn nt Work With .Men in liiirttc lo Kxplnln anil iivc All torinnllnii Wanletl. There have, on several occasions, lieen incubators oi exhibition at the East Caro lina Fair in this city, sometimes in opera tion, but there has never bten special attention to .such an exhibition so that it would attract the notice of every passer and so that everyone could tret a thor ough inspeclion and undertandin.; of it. Net year however, there will be such an ; exhibition made under skilled manage- ! nielli, o that every visitor who desires , will be shown the operations and have ! them explained fully. The Homer Ciiy Incubators will be the I ones used. They will be in char;c: of J Cheney iV Ellis, New lierne, Slab: .Vjcnt-, and (In y are likely lo have an expert as :csisl;iut to :iid them in inakin the exhibi- ; Hon. There will be tvfn ft" the incubitors shown. They will be so timed that one I will Ix' hatchini; on Wednesday ol Fair j week and the other on Thui'rday, the two ' bL'tr' st days. These incubators are so a. ranged that a ejood view can be obtained of evei ytliiii". ' To those not familiar wilh such, the) hatehiiiL; operations are quite interesiin anil l, llir.ua uhi ni',. i-liii Liil r.MlPI lilt ! i-vliibilioii will iiosj-css a sneeial interest i lomrkiiwl r.i I i n.r luiur Qllicf .l 1 1 1 1 c ll.nl services ol the old selline; hen can lie dis- ; mci we. I iti, 1 1 1 il... in(.ii nl'tli,. .....r! supply. 'I'l.a ..;.i ,,).ia. i.f ,i Knlr is lo .riip I and receive bent-lit; this should never be 1 lo.-t sit'lit of. Fleasure ritililly coines in i 1 i al-o but only incidently. The otlieers ot our bast Carolina Fair have alwajs man M'.'ed lo never let Ihe Fair lack for either. Under llieii zealous and skillful manage ment the Fairs" have always been a deliedit and pr olit to every visitor. They ' st,irth oul IleftBtl ioleresling things everv ; ,. , . , , 7o i;.. . oii .nil noiL-A .K 1 it'.u in mmw lint : ' ' ... . Now is the lime lo think ami prepare f..r the r air. especially on the farms; let eich larmer k.-ep the Fair in mind as he Lathers his crop and select exhibits now, iheu the Fair will lie sure to have the best, and having prepared an exhibit let each one come wilh his exhibit, brine his family also, that the exhibits of others may be seen also and mutual benetit be derived. Come to the Fair both to be entertained and instructed. There w ill be abundant opixirtuniiy lor y.m to receive both. Bear the date iu mind. The Fair will ! hold the entire week which beams Mon ! 'V- February 24th, and ends Saturday. p -j oq.i I -' !1 - j j A Cioon dfHOOl. Plt'NH'. At Vorlh Ent The 4 losing Exereises or Mr. O. J. Bender's Summer School. The summer school of Mr. O. J. Ben der, in Shirfgle Hill school house at North E;l.st, closed on S pt. 14th, wilh exercises, customary on such tceasions, followed by a school picnic in which nearly all ihe parents of the pupils par ticipatc l. Both the exercises and the pic nic vyere attended by the community at huge and numbers came also from a dis tance. This school has been run by Mr. Ben der lor the last l wo or three years, and this pic nic is the second one that has leeu held. The exercises began nt 1 1 o'c lock. Mr. IJender made briet appropriate remarks, then the exercises, opcued with a fcoug by j the school; Keruie Kellllin, one ol the . ii... i , r.u i n-;ii. o i, Mll.lllisii u.)s, iiiiiiinipi nnu n t.ii- moroiH rei iltltion anil then Ctuno both declamations and dialogues by tho others; the hist seoch was "Advice to Girls,' which was written by the teacher and be. coniingjy delivered by one of the larger pupils, li. W. Kelluin. Mr Jtit'ph I Sender, a visitor from Ward's null was called up tn to address the crowd. The call was elll il'ely unex pec t ml to him but he respouded readily and his remarks touched upon Ihe natural grandeur of our glorious- stHte Irom the roaring billows of the mighty Atlantic and the mcanderiug beauties ol the French Bro id rivet" lo the lofty peaks of the Blue Ridge niouutiius. He dwelt somewhat also upon historical m alters am) closed by complimenting the sons and thuyhiers of our old North State. TlKsended the exercises and dinner soon folio wed, w hieh was served up n tables specially prep in d for it, which were copiously laden with the good things ot the land. It is pleisaiK lo S. e such iutcresl taken in schools. May llie intere-t il epen, ihe Echool coutiaue to w ork up ward and ineiva-e iu usefulness and each recurring gathering of this kind be a source of wholesome em.oy.ucnt one was. 1 tN'a TOBACCO. The Coming Crop of Onslow Comity, Under the above heading the Jackson ville Times has this to sij: "The farmers ol Onslow couuty can, if they wish, be oneol the most m.h p.-ndeut people in a this Southland. Bright to- i bacco can be grown on every faun in 1 land that is well drained, Onslow; Nght loam or sandy land will make biiht. ix-aulilul tobarO' ' Fa"." ncrs in I ,feer,e and Lenoiv are get- I l'"i5 la5 ," PV acre lor laud. i (. raven and t-aru-r-ct are vti'sing toi aceo r , , - , .- . ., .. , suceessfu y and OllS ow Is dec dedly the i,,. county in the Statefof bright tobacco, i Tho day is not far distant wheu Onslow : farmers will be astonished that thev have not put forth their hai ds and reaiied this golden harvest that awaits them. "Ktnston has opened a tobacco market, they are building large warehoused and prize houses and Onslow will havv one'oi the l"-t maiket-; i the Staftj almost at her At M llDhil'a Wlable. Two splendid iron gray niatehcs, which were in the horses that arrived for Messrs. Co., weie out with the "bu: s, beautiful last lot of M. Halm yesterday. : They are line animals wtv.hinj; l-i-'C,; pounds each. j , Mr. l-'jefd. UaLn was also out c pay tiny 1 with one of the choice: medium, irciu crav ayivers m the ajternoou. An elegant little vehicle, a Hue little T cart, adjustable for two or four jieople -came ut the same time. It is one of the -prettiest little carts around here. ; 1. 1 us I on Naval Reserves. J The Naval leserv"es received a lot i t : ammunition Monday anel are now in con ditioti to give powerful aid in preserving iho peace should occasion nrise Tho I ae J of the existence cf such 'ftn flrytini'ttioy . acts 'rs fv prevepiitiVe of' yiotiT or diseiy eleiy. ' i t.ieur. Wnslov came Monday and gaye the hoys their tjrst skirmish drill. He says tliey did alpntlidly fur the Inst time. Licil. VV'iyisi ovy complimented our divi--ion highly. The per-onuel ol tin; division j is as good as anywhere, consisting of some ol the best citizens of the place. j The Re-serves deserve and should have ; t,,u eu,oUratfement and j community. Free Press, " support of t In; There's only one right way to advertise, and that is to hammer your name, your location and vour businesr. r.c cons'.antl ?; so insisltintly and thcrqtitil, inV thu iti.iinL.'d Laila '-lliQl, it llloV wull ill iKoil' sleep, they will insiinctly turn their steps I Sold by Henry's Pharmacy, JNew Pi-rne ship is l ing erected and they will he or toward your store Brains. j N, C, old custom house budding. j ganiaed into a e huieh at an early day . WKS Spanish . niiips MirrcinltT Si';) port , an Important 4ilarn Practically Iti-ii cu4mI N nr Ii -eaMlern 1'ortioii ol tiiha in the II hikIh ol I lie I lis ii rue n l. lio II a ve tlie H.vnipalli.v ol the I'i'oi! anil the I'lnnteri-ibnrii Well Fort i licit . Inl in DniBuror. The P.ritisli -leatin r T .1'. ja-i in .1 Po--ton from 'lib i Sciileii.li. r In. brings news of a seiioii- -late ..f all'-its nt ji.ilift-. the mi .-I mi p. u lant port on llie northern nasi 1 lie l ,tl report that liaill S has I K'l II CVal Hate. I I'V the Spall iards altera teebh- ic-l-laliee. t hat the i ll t i re I lot 1 1 e i u - ei t i o 1 1 i ' J the i-'iand ; i-. the liaie Is of the m-ur-jenls, -mil I d bum :i self, w hich i one of the -Ironi;e-t and best loi tilled l ib. - on i c eoi-t, i- in , perilous pus'. Ii. m, al lb. .u-h llie Spaniard l.iivc bei wecii T.liuti and .noii -,,,;. at this point and !'" ineu-T-w ar in Ihe h ir lxi r. IXM'iaasi- 1 1 a i: 1 s. i , I I: i: . As soon a- the lebcl- lound 1 heni-e: ve in p.i-N'--ioll (if Hall Hi'aph and telephone .ey i III all tele res a le I at once in to haras- ( 1 1 -ar i, an. i the i oiniua n - ex po. bill! an open at- I der of the tort w: talkatallV nn imen I 1 1 ollici is idinlr cmntiy I" the T.. ti -ay that t lie inn- and thai -. Only boy- : ,L1 - '" ""v.-. Were lelt ill the poll ot lianes t load an I unload the ves-i F. 'I h. rest ot Ihe in dp pulation had joined the iebel lank-. It, is also stated l hat many ol tt.e lull planters ate in sympathy w ilh the rebels. The rebels si em to ha e plenty ol ea-h and Ihe ollieers ol Ihe Tall' say that every vessel that sails to Cuba is a-ke-l by n-p rescntaiives of I he insuroenls to bin ritles and ear! ridgi s in the I'niied Mites and' smuggle them to Cube They will pay ii, . advance for t hese. and it is well known that nearly every vessel that sails to C'ubi smuggles ai ins to the in-urgent- There vva-a ruin ir at Bane- and I ; .bara when ihe Tatt' leit those plte es that the i Brazilian rebel. Admiral Melio. was ex pected any dav wi ll a war vi s-e' and ."iOO men to aid the insurgents, and one ot the ottieeis ol the Tall', who saw Mello bom bard Ho, s;iysth.it iheie is evidently some good ground f.r the iu nor. and he further says ihd M-llo can wh i tin Spanish gunb iats wilh even an oidmary uian-ol-vv.ir. BIMKTAI. LISTS l" POI IIKS. A Convention to "Vominnte n Presi dential Ticket Proposed. Chicago, Sept. IS. The free silver forces of the I'nitcd States will and headi-iiai't : l's will be est; Chicago, lien. A .1 Warner of ihe Nation d Bimetallic Lcil President ol the consolidated Secretary K iuard B. Light, ol rieati Bimetal ic I'nioti. will be united iblished in presi. lent Ue. will be body, and the Aine- occupy a similar position in ihe new both". The new c aisolidati'ei of bimetalic leagues X"ifiCted its organiatii.n tin lay. mid a connnittee of nine was appointed lo take charge of a (fairs and to keep the headcmarlers in Chicago open. The com mittee promptly launched a boom in the shape of the following resolution: 'That it is the sense of Ihe committee that an early conference of bimetal lists from all the St iKs who are willing lo place the cause above ihe pat I y ! called lo meet and f.iinulaio a pi .ii toward holding a National Convention to nomi nalu candidates fur President and Vice President of Iho I nitid Slates upon :i pldform wilh the sole plank liviiiiny independent biinelallism for the I'niied States.' 'ollar Bone Broken Probably Fatal I njn ries. Misforlunesj have fallen rapidly upon Mr. Alfred Rnwls of Arr.ipah.M-. Ilis wife, Mrs. Alolha R awls, died Widnesdav the lMlh alter a brief illness, v hieh i-ccur-rence we noted in toe Daily Joi i:ni.. Alter Ihe fnneial Mr. Kaw ls sent his son on u errand and on the way the ho(se which the young man was riding stum bled and fed, throwing hiui otf and the horse Ipll on top i f him. Tho fall was so severe that young Mr. Rawls' collar bone was broken, a poiliou of it protruding. Then-aie strong li ars that the accident w ill prove fatal. THOI SAM1S OF I IKII.l Kt 1)1, ATMS I j Jami an The Plsease Knviijfin ;ains -a rirm Hold in -b;tt. Advices via Sun lYaiulseo say lh;d notwilhst.indtng t'e i ihuls ( the Cii'me-e and ,lapalles Citticials to stippt'esA the news in regard to the cholera, the tiuth ! ii is at last, come to light concern leg ihe plague. Jap m and moth Chin i ale l'aif iy alive w ith ohole a gi rms. Sibeiiau ollieials have declared Japanese pol ls in fected, and from ollieinl source it is le-ariied that over 17.IHU) piOWi: h ive ilied in Japan from t he plague sit.ee its s'art in the Pescadores. In China the dise:ise has gained a ll.rir, foot hold. Advices by the .-t. -.nicr i;io Janeiro report that in Tokio, tho heat is terriliie, and tho .U-case ucrms have been nursed by U;o clinut'e into viruleut life. tie vn'-' r,niTio. i llie r'n.velleville Observer-A llli;li ly Creditable Work-Its Features and Ohjeet A Native of .Von Berne Ihe Editor in Chiel. The Fayelteville )bs. rvi rs Woman's Edition is a line one ll consists ol twelve large pages. Much of the lipaco ii, of Course, devoted to Fayttievllle- -historically mid di;c:ip,i.vi,ly, and considerable I; ab le"voW to the State along llie same lines the articles being cawiullv prepared by ladies ieieetod fur the puvpi Tboio are several illustrations. Among them is a lllim of Fa vet tevi I lc. a oictnre ot ... . r, i - - ! eralu-monument ai lialeigh. nm 1 pun r.iits ; of Hons, .reffeison Davis and Z. u. I "ance. j One of Ihe colmi.n articles is on "Xor'h i e o il :lihi new -n - hi si', i ie v on ei - i 1 Carolina Women their ( '.-.nt ,ihutioUs lo Litenu mv." y'r .tiai v ie c i.o M- nn-' -Uis L. Diuty, New llein. po. h -scs, iweive very clever nn iiii-m in it. The jmper iv -.Id at ten cents each and ! is woll worth it. llie obi. a t ot it is to iaise fun. Is for the Conleih -rate moiuimont ' j which is to be erected on Ihe court house i square of Fayettevillo. by lb- ladies of . Cumberland county. The work is direct - ly iu charge ol llie Ladies' Confederate : Memorial Association of that eitv. The president ol the Association is Mrs. Jno. B. Broadfoot, nee M ss F umie Brvan, daughter of J udge I'. H. Bryan of N'ew He rn e. Tl. c e'dit'.m ' is a great credit to her ativi to ft,c other ladies coiim-ctetl with the work. H Ue HMUy i Cun.if Teeth. Bi" Slice and Use that old and well-tried remedy, M is. insl.ov "s So..f hmg Syrup for cjildren teething. Il soothes the child, softens the gums, allays all pu.n. ciins wind colic and U ihe best reun-dy for diarrhoea. Twenty-live cents a bottle. ntilyr Rliennial ism Cnri-d in n liny. "Mystic C'ure" for Uhmimatism and Neuralgia radicallv mes in to days. Its action ii'-on tho vftem ro.iiiai kuble M".li! ll'-v,',?-,C,ls. it Vemoveii at mice the txthse und thp disi ie imicediale! iniiceiHalelV ell-ii pears. The first dose oyeatiy bendits, : ianld ( I B AN KKHELS iit'(TIl KM IV COMM. I'KOI FI DIM.S. In HK'-ial M'eiin: t'oiinty lroy A -A. V . f. It. K.. oi nteil I.iiior i l.ic.ivc tai'antcil. The I5nar I of ( 'oiiinT nor- of Craven count y nu t i n special or culled put-Hint 1" law. on the -Olh dav 1 -'.to. at 1(1 o'clock, a. in., at lion-.- in New Pet i.e. when the me-linc; I' Set. , ie court lowui" w : had and d .lr-. Fn -eiC, ( 'oriitiii i"iier. F W. Small nun. I. U . C. ir, vver and .1. A. Meadow: Oiden .1. Thai .1 niie- A. ih van, i lim'n the I'.oild of ( '. .Ill 111 ls-iollel s. I.e. and heieby is appointed plow for the I'Hy ol (Yaw n to repres- nt said eoun - -lock in the Atlantic ,V North Can a i a i 1 1 in. I al Ihe 1 1 1 1 '. t i n o of t he -ln-k -eit- of sii'l count lobe held on mi-lav. Sept. -ti:li, ls!i.-,, :,t Mon hiad In I . N. ( '.. and at all meetings of thi ol. lei- of si'nl eoinpinv lo be held !! r. until i evi c ition old is order, p.owr mnl. r him to a ppoi n t one re -nbstilu e-. pre l. 'lh.l upon p .ynienl of the t a to t ne -hel ' Il . hi . Use be u 1" llllei I with Ur.; rope .Co ret I a'.l C. C. l;,,a, Ii. tra. Oily as 1 1 .V l ' . I ' . rela 1 i I apl'il - lor 1 he - ix Ih- . mill g I ee. -I. l s'.lo. at their id p aei' of busiiics--, No, I'asleur "(reel, New I '.('ill', N. ( '. (Irdeiv.l, That upon iayuicnt of the prop, r lax lo Ihe sin rill', license lie giaut cl lo Hotel Ch:ill;iw'k i to rat;iil liquors h.r -ix mouths, . n. ling ),,-. ,. 1M'.)5. I, K. Bryan presented hisollicial bond as r iiimi weigher f'.r the city ol New Berne, whicli, alter cxaminatiuii, being found siiltieii-ut in the stK-urity thereof, was nn motion iqiproved, accepted and ordeie I lo be reeoided and liied. Order, d. 'licit .1. W Sloan, township N s. ' lav sfio! ity. bo fell a Nil lr payment ol lor 1 se.l (. he h iving pro on of ibis board that l- old. VI le to the is ovi r Ill IV va .F.WS I. IIKI ".-. Several Northern negro proarhirs are spiring (o e chaplain of the next House il Hepresent at i ve-. The pi si nt membership of the G. A. U. is :!(j7.0'i0. It gnine I last year 43,040 nieiiilii-is air I lost by suspension, death and other causes "iO.'.ijO. The deaths num bered 7.3iis. The we. k beginning Oct. 7, will le tire nn u's w.-ek at the Cotton Slates ExpoM 1 lion in Atlanta, !a. The Duke of Marlborough will visit the Atlanta Exposition iu company wilh Mrs. W. K. Yaudeibilt and Miss Con ; suelo Yanderbilt, the last of ihe week France and Russia have i nst ructed their ; ambassadors at Home not lo decorate their ' homes i n the occasion ol the celebration jot ihe entiy ol' the I talinu troops into ! Koine in 170. . A shirt factory is one of the new enter ; prises to lie est Oilishcd in Winston-Salem j at an iaily date. Mr. Cicero Tise has , leased his large furniture factory nanh of Winston, loNoilhern people, who will 1 b. gin operations, in a lew weeks. Arrangemenis for a combine of all the i window glass manufacturers iu the west ern district weie peflecte I at Chicago Tuesday at:d the pr ce of window glass was inereescd H 1 3 or 0 per cc.it. A special hi tho t'liarlotle Observer I from Mevico ( ity says: Minister Ransom has been appoinlid abitrator in the Mexi-e.in-( in tlcniala content imi. President ln: announ ed. the appointineiit Tues- l'illy thousand people saw the pafade of the Sons of V eemns at Knoxville I'liisday. The speclalors came Irom all pails of the I'niied Slates, but principally i nun East Tennessee and the adjoining Slates. The Wilmington Messenger states that a will known Democrat who has bceft over a large portion of North Carolina in the past lew days, says he does yot hear i f many Democrats w o. going to at leu.l the free sdyer cjinveniiou at Raleigh on ihe "iTtli iuslant. Ulanv would have 1 alien. Icei such a convention held entirely i within Democratic circles, but they dis I approve ol a Dcmocratic-Popnlist-Repnb-I liean jumble. The niiiiiir I hat one of Ihe sleninerg of the North German Lloyd Steamship Company has foundered is emphatically denied by the ollieials of that company, w ho declare that no accident ot any kind has happened to any oj the ships of the Company. The pri,fi o, lund in Wilson County is s od io have advanced 2l per cent owing . to l he demand that has been created for I it by the big a I'd profitable crop ot tobacco raised there. The Cu I ei t-Fip.simnions tight mav I come off in Te. .s. The criminal law is I inoperativ e. A decision has been t'ender ! ed th.-tt the lieense law takes precedence j of it, so nothing now stands in the waj? at' I the prosp dive battle. I Three years ago, W. J3, Ss-iall -n, tlie i owner ol the liidepenil&nce mine in Crip- pie ('leek. Col., fooled iL for , ihirly milci. aloug a railroad lecause lie CiH.ldn t buy a licki t. He can afford to :' ride i.ovv with his inc une of l,0(H),0tKI a year. Fx. North Carolina farmers ou.ht to go into ihe beet crop on a large scale. There is money iu it. Jn California it is a big thing. Near Chino farmer Sehaefer on sev- I en acres ol beets Iiaivested twenty-six tons ! per acre. Tin y contain 15 per com. This j brings him $-1.25 jer ton or UO per acre. . Some of the beds vyeagbed 1 1 1-4 pounds ; and were sweet, t-d our tanning friends take ; l-.ancL North Caralina can make it ! py.--Kx. The 1 Vnnsylvania Railroad, in testing a ; new engine from the company's, shops, in hIg a remarkable quick run between .ler-ay Cilv and Philadelphia, The dis- i : ,o ' ' ,uu wus oli A dispatch to a news agency from Con stantinople, saying that eleven .Mussel men have been .liresUd in connection with the 'recent attack mi the Missionary College ! at 'Lirstts. It is-, C an'n,ikc!en. receiving teller ol . '.he "Merchants' Loan and Trust Companv, j Chicago, is missing with about $50,000 of ' i ne inonev oeiougmg io ine lnsiimiion. Mr. v aiibokelen is supposeal to be in ! Mexico. Tin: Beaufort Herald says: "As cold weather sets in lish begin to bitj. Already Ihe trout are inakimr Inin.rs lieelv out in : Fort Channel and every morning about d iv light you can hi at the ni-rry vybistle of i the li-hermen as be starts out to. tlie ijsh- ing grotiinls to hooka few 'Ktilherford Colleg; offers iVee tuition to ouv -.Jils uii.tble lo pay for it. This is one way of re.-.ching the mind thirsty feir knowk-.'gc, but it is a question in our tn'uids as to whether it is (he right way. Coin pol it ive examinations, one half free liiitiou, personal non-interest bearing ni'ile-.. labor assi.siance and other plans are much pieferable iiu 1 .).. not shackle or mu.le. or lessen the self lespect of the reelp.ii lit. F.dlli ill ional ills' it tl t luQS, how cv cr nun h endowed, -hoiihl not he made charity bo-pit als m which the bright mind and lav bo l y , an get l real n icnt. N. C, Bipti-t. Iiseile etiu- Lev. .himc W'uneid went down to N. i th ,ivor V'i'ly to conduct a meeting oii'bont a wiok's duration. A Wick previous he closed a niecung ;tt a mission stat ion al Ihelsboro which he started last year. There were ten ad ditions, swelling the total Lumber of I)is iplcss there now to -19; a house of wor ATLANTA KM'OSI I IO.. The Opening: Ode A Keantilnl Poem y ro ill rile Pen ol Frank Nlnnloii. Colonel Albert Howell, rrad the expo sition ode written by Mr. Frank L. Stan ton, which was us follows: Behold todity the mee ting of the lands ' In pride and splendor; from far lon-jgn strands Cleat state with state clasps hands' , Here, on this southern soil, supreme and ' tree. ' Meet now no hostile band-: j But all flags wfivo where one of Bib- ! erty Shakes slar down like (be sands' i And from sky-cleaving towers j 'I' me strikes the thrilling hours i Ol golden promise for the years lo U! . Heboid today these lower-, t hese temple.-' I Vet, More 1 1 m ii the starriest dome or minaret Near skies ol azure met That which shall live while ages roil along Too glorious to fore-el -States o.ice at war. in union high and strong. Whose sun shall never si t! And to this picture wrought I'pon the age's thought : How of man's sorrow God makes Heav en's own song! Here, though a gales. city opens wide her This is no day of cities, but of states Supreme and crowned wilh progress1 Here all Time Gathers its glories in ihe Georgian clime. And sea to sea replies. And from the furthest skies The answering bells in one glad chorus chime; "No North, no South but a vast world sublime!"' Here where the cannon thundered lo! th while And royil rose of peace, in living light. Bee! how above the b'ack breath of the guns Flashes the splendor of serene r suns! Behold the fields oace desolate renewed With loftier life! The lordly land im buid With fctatelier spirit! Cities where the clods Were trampled red by the avenging gods With skyward-pointing steeples! Everv haf Is tinctured now with glory not with grief! And the New South, brave-risen from the past, Wears on her brow with diadem at last! She speaks lor Peace ami Progress: She would ssy To all the world: "Behold the morning's ray The black night rolled away! Behold where Freedom; with her sccptor stands Behold her and obey!"' And wilh her richest jewels in her hands She welcomes worlds today! Aud not one breathing clod But sends a prayer to Gent To bin 1 the nations close w ith kindred bauds! She calls from fields where glad the toil ers reap From hills thick veined with treasure o'er the deep Where all the brave ships keep Their foamy way in commerce wilh the world Where wild the aea-winds sweep: "Let not the sajls fur Irom thy shores be furled Let not tlie captains sleep Till o'er the billows white Shall flash the welcome light Of my glad shores in splendid peace im pearled." Unto the North she cries: "Thy sinter I!" Unto the East: "Above us bends one sky?" Unto the West: '"In union live or die?" And lac that closer union still she p leads Ready with heart and hand and nobiest deeds, m Iu peace in strife For death for hie. Loyal to follow where Love"s banner leads! Sing it, ve seas, whose billows kiss the sky! Sing it, ye mountains, from vour summit high: Sing it, ye dells and far, melodious vales' Bring it, ye dells that echo on the gales! Sing a loftier and larger life! Sing of a world united alter strife! Sins; of the light that dawns upon the blind! And be this day, this hour. Pregnant with that high Power Which closer brings ithe union of man kind! THE 1VF.W WOMAN. The shades of night are falling fast, As thro' the crowdifl streaks there passed A creature not to be described. Who wore aloft a shield inscribed The New Woman. Her trousars were a libtle wide, And jpst a trifle short liesiiles,. As forward on her wheel she dashe-1, While on the startled vision dashed, The New Woman. Her brow with evening dew was dren ched Xt tight the handle bar she clenched, Aud neer dropped the banner bold Which showed alike to young and old, The New Woman. 'Oh, slay!" the 3"oung man said, "and rest Your weary lieael upon my breast; l on surely cannot further go!" voice replied, "ion do not know ihe New Woman. "Avoid this path,'' the old man tailed, "Us dangers have sttxmg nen appall ed.' Asa,in a prouii cry floated back, "om can't keep in the lieatetiitraek The New Woman." "Beware the political's fa'e. And turn back ere it is too late," But ever high above the din, "Come w hat come may, this vote shall win The New Woman.'' Tbe timid crowd bewildered sat, All night be rode through darkness vast. And ever anxious glances cast. Hut speed of his could not avail. To catch upon, hw diaav trail, Tke New Woman. " A,ml when at last the morning broke, in bitteriu-ss these words he spoke " Tis plain I'm distanced, and ine race Is here by right ol rapid puce. The New W oniaii " The Lexington Dii io.Mtt.t. . ... i. ii...:.. . the DiSt week there have been shinoe.l Irom Lexington It!) coons of chicken" 4 . ---l-l iu sli averaging 3ii chickens to Ihe coop. This makes a total of 9,570 cnickens. There wre at least, 1,500 sold here io t lie locul trade, besides those shipped, making a grand totaA of ft WE STAND Rfthiml ovory Statement " wo mako. Wo Ray nothing that cold fac'H will not Substantiate. I We Back Up EYllKY STATEMENT That is What We Do ! t3F Wo mako tho Statement here while we have the GOODS ' and PRICES in the Stores to' bark up every claim aud quota tion, ; yVo stand behind, with our GUARANTEE. You can rely upon it. Therefore when we Bay that we will give you Ooocls UTox- IT, our THAN m Ml IN NEW SEHNL tiyDon't fail to call and exam ine for yourself. No Troohle to Show Goods That is what clerks for. we pay our j; y r iiic ui-1 ei n i mru nut ter be undersold. YV ness, and vim will mean busi ni iss a great opportunity if you fail our Stores. to visit ..ollocls: St- -t :