'V. THE . JOURNAL. NEW BERNE, N.C., OCf. S. 1895 News OCAL' "' BRIEFLY NOTED. ilr. J. P. Taylor is putting rtp nn ice il house lot cold slJroge of all his butter, eheeee, etc befwen tats store and the wxt boikling. ' The cool change Yesterday gnve pierco Bilia of.tbe apittuaeti f wiuter. It s . b root; lit oat nvere',,U, caused tk s to he started iJ wwl n oal cutis could he seeu liusily kaolin-' through tlie i ay. The railroad uivearuie of only "tie cerit a mile to trie St-tte Fair on Toesd iy, Wediiehtj arl Tuorsdav of Kair week. The Fair, holds Oct otxr 23, 23, 4 an. I - jML--v Mr. T. II. Cur mi ne ei.ngbm i hie sla-l ' la one of his nets at i lie mom h ot Neuse ,-. rivers Monday. This ue stt-oml caught in ar watets in the Usi lew das. They hare Biadu tiiir appearance un ,! usually early. " ;--?Tba cotton gmnerj and grist mill of '. Messrs. E. J. Start in & i"or, uer Mount Olire wa burned yesteftoy morning ' about ten o'clock. The plant was quiie a , good tZb, an 4 we understand tlmi the la ' could not have bet n lesi than $3,500 dol : lars on that looe. ' .'"The'acboonefs Eda R. IIit1,Cpt. J. J. .--.'', - Doy, aad Meio, Capt. J. T. Sabisto, 'and the barge Ed wan I are all t the Ellis '. coal yard wnitif uiih cod One is mi- ir loading anu t lie- omers are waning men ,, turn. ... Dr. J. S. Bet's, ol MjUo, s.o ot Ucv. . A. IX Betts, haa born tatted t Nastmlre, Tene.. to the chair of assistant tWmoo- S atratoc ia the Dental depart ment f Vun- - iqrlxlt UniTersJty. , ; Bridges or no brt.lge the qaesiiorj h raxina warm. Wesnvetnis morning a - communication against the proposed move, ami ttroa's tesolutioos ir nnuthtr colame lor both brilc. with the sug- geetion f making them toll brkigea. Locomotive No. 3, of the VT. N. fc N. v- K. B. bcoogut the egult ' ructl and p.is ,'. eenger trin up TueKiay from Wiimiog ' too. It wil n r be on rtTiolar.lt has been off t".r t bout month nn-ergniiig a thorooab ovar haolin and now roint-s back in good abapet both in loolu and ap"acity ftr aeivK-e. Licoinotive No. 1, vrilt next be treated likewU. : Mer8u"W. B Swia-tell 4 Co.. have ddal Mr. 11. L. Wooteo, formerly ot "5Tt Barnwtll to their tone. Mr. W not- n U highly !pokea ofau4t beintr eil- koowa tlin-oU Um ciniry win juuues iaduenre conatdeable trxie. ' A colored excursion m adveni;! to tin from New ifc rne to Gohteboro next Sunday. tl m tr the pnrpoae of giving ma opportoiuty T -atlen1ing the Hear Creek Bnptist Aoriatioo, cot., which hall there from the 9lU U the 13 b. The baptistery of the Middle Street Baptist cburrh will be finished in about a vreek more aiul f a good addition o the ednotc Mr. U." W. Simpsoo was the ar chitect. Vr. U. A. AikiDSOQ, the be.l "carpenter and Mr. i. B. 9paio, the mason ' in iu cottstroctiiH. 5i The new freight and passenger steamer " Strie IL Lane, the prp-rty T klessra. W.E Brown and Jav if. ' I pock, of Titocetjoro, ' having brea ienpectfd bj Mess. Gannon and Groom wilt go apoo tier, regoktr mo. between New Berne, Vneeboro aad Griftoo oa Monday. The religious statistical finrrs pnb ' lifibed this morning indicate that the pco pie of tlie United States are not as greatly livided up aa might tie Sep posed when the autement la ntade that there am H3 4iiiKninatiaas. Ik is a Utile emarkabto that out ol this targe another, eight de "TXKBtaalioaa bare nearly all the member 5 " ajtip and church property. V AaMtt WM Brtek-a. V A colored girl abuut fourteen years old, ; filmed Marin Ja Bryva was examined ; ' before Mayor" Fm. Ellis acting aa T. 'l, o the charge of A. and B ,- with deadly " reapon .and bound ew to the October term of court in the - sens efx flOO, tail ing to;give.whkb, le was 'placed in - jail. :ti-.; - Her'ofleace' was striking a small ehibj " f Mr. W. II, llaocock, aiwut fie r ld with a brick-hat iD&icting a scalp wound aboai aainchaod a half long. . , .Tbongh the ' woaod is pinftj', we are gd to karat, trom Dr. Kh-ra who is at- l tending the chiW, that he Joes nob con- ' aider it dangeron. i,'.' : ... ' . : aroravlas V p mm AilMi Part. Mr. Cbarlea L. Hopkins of Charlotte, the, traT'efling paacebser. agent ot the ootza HUilway, while in the city, sc- 1 Frd the services OIr. N. C. Huzhee to 'work np a party -ibr the JLilanU Esposi . tioo-X a niany as thirty are s-icurvd to .. at one thae a - special ear will Ijo pro Wled for thetn aod.a slreper 1 pat on at ' Creensboro or Salisbury. ' Early ia November m the time thought ' cf tor tner trip. The tickets will entitle ., the holders to return at. any time within - lea days, and if the party hoids t gather ' and cornea bak ha a b.iy the Mtme as - gang, the special car will be provided on taeir retnm; if iittf separate and come . back acatteringly of eiurse this latter cour .. , teey will have' to be omitted. - . It ia iatroded also to have agents of the . Tail road to look oat at Atlanta and st cure . boatdiog places hi rcadieess for the mem ' bers of the party, so that they will liaveas ' little care er responsibility upon tbent- eel Tea ia tnis line as possible. " The"schei1iilef ib A- & N. C. B R . Bused freigut sod paseenger train gotog vest has been slishtlr chanee.1. The ebaage afTecU only thtit portion of the run lrtn betweea New Btrnte and Monebead Tbe tiase has brew made lutrc tfasn lur- - lufca by aboat. two hour. - The Uain Will hereafter leave More- - .'head city depot at 8 a. ai ; Xi .rdieacl, up -towa, at 9JSO. Newport, 9 06; Havdock. - .40; Oroatan 10.00, and arTlve a'. New Beraeat 10L47. . -, - Above New Berne the schedule remains Ihe aaoM as heretofore ami also the same vbea eastward boaMl. - . Th Vbol schedule is t'ivt in its , pteper place. tliaals Etcaiatt. 1 Triw sageetioa as to a ecial train ver the WC H. A N. It. It. tt. tbe Atlanta xpositioe. A very good si hedule could he arranged hy which 1 lhse leadng lure ooe ntorniag; coald be in Ailanta tb next moming, SO that no lime would be lost. - Soch a tram .woo id be a great conven ience to many people, eoabliuij them to spend a short time at. the great exposition Vim utner wise wooia oof tueei ai an. rl( Bk Free. A book on the art of pUvptiog. growing, caring and handling 6oe tobacco, giving full particulars tiom plauting the seed, culture and marketing, will be furnished t, every farmer by the Kmston Tobacco VTaschoose Company. - Tae miormauoo irorn tins utile book is coatrdete. Qaite a notnber ol farmers in Lenoir county have ma,de a complete snr- ' ceBC just from instructions from it, making oe thousand pounds to the acre an I realising Irom 1'3 to 15 cents per pound. - retMlea la Bofealfa-r rsbn. The Dr. Miles Metlical Co., of EUhart, .Irit, is inleresting iueif in behall" of j Cuban tnopendeoce to tbe extent oft sending eat over a hundred thousand petitions fur signatures. The petitions are to eoogrrss L make speedy recogni- , tion of be Cubans as belligjMuls, wuicii recognition would be an aid lo then) U) their straggle for indepeo pence. One of the petnious is at Bradbam's -' ohermacy and is being clgned by some of $or citizens. . THE FlKEKEft IESTIVAL. Wll Atatdew III-kly Enjayrtt- The Maaleal lanr. A ,;ool c owd gathered in Stanly Hall last iii;ht to cDj y the fistivnl an.l musi cal evenU conueited thetewitii. The 'ollowiiig very selttt ju-.igia'nnic was rt-mlertd with hililv pleaiiiy tfl'ct. Miss R.1S11 Dail, instrumei.t.il snl.. Allenr. silurzin.'ro by H-tlx-rbton. Miss Aibiii-Culler, viH-a! s. W). 'H ip py Days go by." S'UlU tzki. Acooiiip.niie.1 by viulm ol - ltgito by Miss Kiine 1 v Miss Bessie Tucker, yinz on llie Uniut." Miss Nellie Cobigan, hi len. MN-i nianchf Manh' ri-lt:illi .u, r.r 14 by LiU-. Tii l" .Mis Muri'liisiwi . t-r li n a l a New H. r e :.inJ:tin-e. I ws a tine our nn.t Mi Ml'l' cu'ion Milcml il. Tlv- hc.u 'V ! I. u'. 1111- recivfd was a ti;t"ng t. sir.. 1: a! o" --.o highly tavoiabie ltnprwsi.'ii the Ki.le Mi- IVar! Howell. 1 1 1 - ' - 't ol 1. At'aDtic i'ire Compuiv. a.! !" .1 v !i Un. Stale t.'iianipi.iiis'.ip olil In' t w- n at tlie laie louniaiiient, Eckeris Syimu S.nf. Mis I.ulie Ives; Ballade in 1) ti.i; II n er N. Bartktt, vocil tt lo. Wiien tin Girl you love Loves You." After the 1 n eitaiu'ne' t those j) res nt turnetl llieir Htieiitioii to the reJ'n slmientn. The tabNs were b.auiil'u'ly .!ecr oe.l ami the riln-slrn. uls wire .buinlai.t un I most delicious. It was bettvii-n elcviti and twelve o'clock when the crowd ilipersed. Alnut filtty dollars was realiz !. rtmimud Unln(. Mr. C. II Fowler and sister. 1' I'iimli co county, who have I en vtiiin ri-L.tivee i'i Henutbi t, came up Wednesday tnoni- I inn en lovt.- to iiiejr u. .nn . itr. H. i Hal..r 1. tt lor (i.u.l.-boiu to Ucouiv head clerk ! i'oicl Kennou. Tiie tol'owiBg voung ladies w nt up to GrensbT to enter the Normal & Indus trial t'olli-g.-: Mi8Srs (irtie Willis au.l 13eB-ie Tin k r t Ni w li ine, Mi.-s I.ul e Ward of Oliver. Jones c.'U'.lv: Mis-e Coia nnd Annie Spriull of Stom wall, au.l Mis Kiltiu Oe- s of Grauisboro. Mrs. Waitt llin8, of Dover eainc .lown for a rtjort visit to Miss M uive Dow. dee. Mrs. Laura B'ackell eame down to spend some time at Mrs. Wahab's. Miss NellieFean-e who lias been viilin Misb Lura ainl Louise 8uler left f.r her borne in Follocksville. Mrs. A. II. Porter of Pollocksville came np for a short v hit to her brothej-iu-law Rev. S. J. P. rler. Mrs L. h. Ervin; who has been visit sng a week or two at Kinston returned home. Mr. C. II. fowler, accompanied by his sister, Mrs. H. X KeuneJy. or Paiulico vent down to Beau I ort ou business and to visit relatives. Rev. C G. VnrdeJI and fioulj- retuiupd Iroin BUc-k Mountain wbefo Mr. yardell has beeu spending the suruunr and Mr. Var.lell his vacation. Mr. T. S. Baxter has returned from Paul licit county ami Washington where be has been visiting lor a short time. Mrs. E. E Wolld. of LuGrange is visiting the family ot Maj S. D. Pope Mr. M. F. Berry ao'l daughter. Miss Mamie, wetit up to Tufcaiora to viit ft iends. Capt W. W. Carraway of Lenoir coun ty, who has been spending a few days iu the city in the interest of the Richmoi d Dtspaich, kft for Edentoo to canvass there during court week. Mi?S Sarah Davis, ol Beaufort an. I her sster Mrs. C. E. Sirmr.nd, h hare be. n speeding a few weeks in Asheville p aseed tboueh Saturday ntgrjt eturninj tiou.e Miss LsU Ewell went dowu L Pk' try Point, to again teach the public school. It will last fonr months. Messrs. H. E. Boyall and Noiw.xxl Biphardson left to run a confi-ctioriery (usioesa at Cie Exposition. Tl-.ry i'l first spend a few dsyn visiliiis; t G.'ld boro and then o ou. to -Vil.iuja Mrs P. E, IIge who has biou tui'ii'gi relatives in Saleoi re nrmd liomc. Miss Mamie Thomas of 8 ileni cuie down a so to visit her. Mrs. W. M. Robintoa returnel from Kinston wbeie she has been spndin some time wit a lie iisoana wtio is ut work upon building there. The steamer New Bei ui- look out the following passengerv: ltabbi A. Jaeoby, who has been conducting the Jewish Dew year stryice returning to his home in Washinnton Mr. W. 11. Col. en, on a Northern business tfip and Miss D.dsy Williams of New ork, -ho has Ih.hi epetwling a couple -f weeks with Mj--ses Loa a ami Loaise outer, leaving to enter the Norfolk Female College; Mis. K Pearce returning to her home at Belleport from a visit to lelatives lte:v, and Mr E. C. Duoeaa of B-auf.rt ou a bimnes tiij) to NotCllc. Jewish Altneneit Mervice. The Jewish Day of Atonement was observed according to announcement in Saturday's Joornai. by our failliful Hebrew cit:zens. Their services Ijegiin nt half past nini in tbe morning ami finished at a1 out ball pest six in the evi nmg. The oflh-Litinsr ujii.ister B-ibbi A Jacoby prracled b ut one oV'l"f k, uk-i-g his text from the 19th chapter ol Leviticus,- 17th vrse. All tin woisi ipiers wi rcr iu siin- ere tlo-Votic-O the hole diy without uvu nn intermission ut umm, except f. r the nu m bers ot the choir In the lecture jt was explain, d that Atonement cauuot bj oiitajnetl wuhoui restoration in other wonls when we haj'e done wrouy toinr fellow being, expiation hir our sins or ntiicinent ran only ! ex pected by making reylress f-r the wioug we have dooe. TJ;is is the Jew ish idea, as expounded by Mr. JjcoLj- of obtaiuiug forgiveuess and ttilvation. Briefc MklD(. Mr. T. S. Bunus who came up Satur day f'Oin Ins brick yard at Kirerdalc re turned MptWy- Mr. Burrus burned a hundred thous.inj brifk last week and exprcts t" burn another biu bed tjjoijsaiul this 48,000 ol ihe number ;oe now eady,. B.U' what be eibng otherwise. VI r. Burrus is supplying the brick for the government building. He has pla.ed 113,000 ban! ones iu the ynid now. First Trip.. The "Dew stiauit r Mjgie H Lane 'eft Monday on her li st trip to Vai cehoro. Stoe w 'P make two tpps ptr wtek t.. Vanceboro :iiil oni a we. k to Mapde Cvpiess. Mr. M. II. Stilun w ill be Hie N w Bern a agent for H.e ii.-w si.aner and bir ln-udquartf!rs wjM tx- the s.iiie unelw-t-u-e t i r ih.- sie-.oiier I o n , Tkt Crap of Tobaee of I !.. A great crop of tobacco has been ristd iu Eastern Xorth Carolirii this year, and in the sections wheie it h .8 been raised, the farmers have paitl up their debts, un loading sn.l paying ff old m"rteges, and everything has a prosperous outlook. Every 1 irrjirr in Craveu ami J.e es county has bow the golden opportunity to help themselves by each farmer pl..nU. y a n W acrfs in tobacco in l."i9rj The territory for rai-ing flue bright tobarco U mainly conliuetl to KAstern North Carolina. N'ot only the F'nited States bnt all Europe u- our bright to butco. There is no chance to overstock tbe market w ith good tobacco. Ke4alsf Ihe SehMl rnnipiii. Our susyestion as to remov ing all the grass from tlie si hool eampus and re-seed- io j it se-ms to m et w ith approval. Now is one ginxl time for such work. Some tell us thnt fall sowing is ltUr than spring. A lawn of well selected seed would be quite an improvement over that of which ii now consiL. We had a geutleuiao of some xpericiice with grasses to tell us tiiat lall sow ing is better than spring sowing. A good town irom properly selected seed would be. quite an improvemennt over the grau w nk-h now cover the sampus. RELIABLE CHURCH STATISTIC! Afcunitelv Cnninilt'tl from Census j lfepurts. : A NurpriHitiK M10 ins -There lire IIS llenoilllnnllons In tlie 1 iiiteil Hlle. ( the I'.tlflil l.eaillni nei llan Ten TlnlM Ihf Toml .Wenller.lil ut ibr Knllrc K-nliiliia: l:t" oiii- binel ! j There aiv in !! . b '..led :..t. I t:i dis tim'L relii'i-u- i. iioiiiiiiatioiH, "I whii'li 1 1! are -issoctateil ;n lamiiies. r roup.-. peud. n -; :,U.l -J4 al manv of ;t. ti.l. tin ill ; re (I ' I n, 11.. - .1 '' ' ; vv 1 1 1 1 ' I,- ol . ' o - eve I a I , I lie V 111- . .iiiuinn- i 1 iiiiii.-:i'i 1 " u.i : 1. HI of , 1 i" inches or 'k. oil prise an aggregate i.-ants or ineii.'o. T-. and bold pi,. p. 1 .ili7,b.''ll,13!. We ni'. i.t oii v b it.a 1 1 1 w iu a -nrnat..' em!" 1 -ii .ii ot .rah ill' 1111!. ton e 1 1 HOI. Ii . The Ca'.inla--. ha e x I ranehe-. w itli a total membership leouimui.ie ants) ol ti,'.' 17.87 I . ot'whieh tin Kiinan (,'ithol'u nuiuber (1,231.417. T.. re are more than 1;,(KH Kussiun Oitl o ! x. and mole tluiu 10,000 Greek Catholics, no oilier branch lias over 1,0(K). M ET HODTST. Tie Methodists have seventeen branches with 1 total nienii eiship ot 4..1SU.2S4 'I he Methodist Episcopal branch com prises 2, '240. 354, nnd I he Methodi-t Epis cial (South) 1.209,976. the African A. M. R.. 412,725, the Atri.in A. M. E. Z.. 349,7oH; no other brunch over 140.000. BAI'TIs T. The Baptists hue thirttx 11 branches, with an .".'onuale "I .'1.712.1'!: K. -.il .r I.) I,:;4s.ms;i 'iemf ar C-oUta) l.-J.HI), 0(i(i. Regular (Norm, 110,000, Free Will 8 MJi 1,02.1. l'rimitie r,i98, 110 other over 20,000. PKF.SB YTKRI AN. The I'n shy lertaiis have twelve brunches n it'.i total nn uibers'n p ol 1.27s.'3:12. North, in 7sS 221. Soiitluu'ii 170.721; Cu l.b riand Hil.!)40: no olln r oer .100,000. I L I llltliAN. The Lutherans bav - sixteen bianclns. with a total of 1.201. 072; in Bodies 84.0011; in Inth ptnt nods, 305.023; in Independent C tious, 41.95:1. DISVCIPI.KK. The DisciDles of Christ hav iciical cut Sy-oiigrega- a totiii membership ofUtl.O.ll. The body is lar gest in Missouri, 97.77:,- n xt in Iiuliana 78&42. Noilh Caroliiia h:is 12,4:37; none in New Hampshire, Nt-vada. nor Alaska. Kl'ISCOPAL. Tlie Protestant Episcopal bram Uej, called Protestant with membership of .132.011 formed, wdh H,451, making has two Kpisi ojial, ; and H -a total of 540,509. CO N O ItKU A T I ON A I. . The Contrroiraiional Chiu-eh has a mem bership "f .112,771; jr"est iu Ma -saohii setts. I0I.8SO, ne$.t in Conneci icut, S!).-15-t, none in Delawaie or A'arka. Th-se ei-;ht tl nominalions number 18 7o'i,31S members, have !2,:"C minis ters and hold property to the amount of $000, 814,092. By comparison o: tfe-e figures with the aggregates "j-i vt-n nt the head of this nrti le, jt will be ;een that tbe remaining 131 denominations have a following or nieiiiberihiji ot ouly 1,40, 44 e, with 72,241 minister?, and f7H.T35, 747 of Church property and w hich is an average of only 21 to a eougrrgit'Oii, while the average of the eight' i'1 over 200. Compiled from 11th. Census. B. STORE A .ID 1KITKI. or tp9 tiHlp xnppiy AtMlt Opew 4 II. Foy atlBH Partner ia Wovlnc Co.. -Mow the Finn There for the Pnrpoie. Mr. C. U. Foy and family, wh i eiu .-pending she summer at Mi Cjjy c.iuie U() u.oving to Maysvilh- a have .rein a.l , They stopped to upend a daj a Mr. C. F, Foy s and Iheu prtxeeil to their new home. At M iys ille Mr. For will enter into tmsiness as a paitner in the Maysville Supply Co. They wll handle general merchaudise and ma a hotel; all will i- managed by Mr. Foy. ft will be located iu tiie larire aad ndunr.d-lc new hui'iling jud erected for the purpose It lias a commodious, properly ntted up hotel. Mr. Foy 's resilience and siore is in con nection with it. The Imilding is fitted up with bath room and other conveniences, and a good cist epi of 12,000 gallon capacity is to le built at once. loiter a bored well will be put down and a win I ii)i!l erected to raise the water wherever It is wauled. No doubt both the store nnd hotel will he n great convenience to t lie people of Jones county. AM EDITOR-LA WYF.K. C. L. Abernetny Mis IJeijrj'ort Her Herald Proenren Legral Lleeiike. Mr. Chas L. Abernetby, td'.tor of ihe Ueau'ort Herald is now a full fledged attorney -tit-1 a V- He linishcd his legal studies ut the I'nivcrsil v, silci i-f'ully st. id his cxaminuti n belt. re the Sup mine Court at U tie gh procured his li cense and par-kd throu'ii N'.-w 15. rue Tuesday night returning hoitin. Mr. AiK-rnethy will C' lrinue p'dilih ing the Herald and le ready also for any one who desires his legal services. There were twenty-one. appli. ants tor liceuse at the same ti inland till p-s id Twenty-six out of the fitly -one wne I ni veryitj sttitleuts. The New Foal Vara. Our young townsmen Me-srs. Holli-tei and Cox, propit lors of tlie new co d yard ivceivetl another cargo of t o-.il Tuesday from irhil.ulclphia. by the schooner A I.. Punder. (hpt Ibivnls p 'Phis rn.ikts you ton.-, in four (iistinct s-zes. that have al ready arrived antl they have iniother ves sel, t lie st hooner Biownin, ('apt. Simp son which is now expet t. d any day. Wr not ice also tied they hi - di-p smo jj a good deal of tin co d an-utid the city . Th cold aave-larted the trade up piiie i.ri-kly. The apjilical 1011 and eMei pi i a- ot the-t ibsPiyin ley ale se bll-ill. s voting men in tneir nu.-ices ot -ucc. -s, and the pu'ro.i oa curiiii; in the ne,v luanch of the as veil as the old sues p i om i-e lesult-. I -ue 1 Nlure I in pro v erne it (i. Mr. T. S. Baxi. r ha.; start v. I woik ifpou the store recently vacated b. the Si bull, Co. lienej d iepatr.- will mad. at.tl al-t; f h in. i s hirtj!' oet c mui.i. lie. pi I be upper tl '. , ci up;, ,1 bv M I -,,ih,,.i ti'io. k . a photo "raph :' d- 't 1 v The sloie will idso le moved tlupc bet further away from lira.diam's Pharmacy tlian it n.'w ;-. t a mak, r. om lor a stair way le.dinoup to another sto'-y nlit.ii is to b.- added to the hit. er building. el ORE BHMII(,. Itr. nark IMsosway Putting np Hall a fn li; Pfl ellinj;. Mr. MaiK 1 )....-way will ii'H have tl.o proiieriy, conn r ot liaucock stuvt and the alley by t he Ha acock s. iei t M. K , Iniri-I, u , 1 e. ! 1 . , I r, l , - lie has put up one t. netii' nt house in i ne ui iey ami w 1 1 1 pu i u p r w o oi nt'rs. i i small house directly on the foitirr wi be moved back in tln-abev anil improved. i The loug house which tioc.- ell Hancock! Perpetual Flowing; Well. jstrectwill be turae. end to tiie street! A ,.luue ,-0nvspondellt writes us hnioved t" the site "t the i.rtsiiit small . , . ,- -, lone, remodelhtl, and malu, !do anal. .ood11''1 Ml' 1 llo"':i' J)w0" mlXi:i 'residence. An.ul.er wiil bp M Up a : ,ul h "l t hat da.-.', is the lorlunate pos ! little lati r alongside of it. ' sessor of tin artesian well. I -- - - I He had very poor water on his plaee j "For seveial months, I was trouble! with a per-tsieiit hu nor oti mv head which gave me con-i. erable annoyance, j until it occurred to me to try Ayer's Hair Yigor. Before using one bottle, the liumo; was healed.' T. T. Adams, i General Merchant, Turbeville, Va. I'Kll tlON I OM I1IK liltllHJF. ! Aoro A e 11 so Kivorl Xn. 'i Tollllll-'I'll' . I Ik i'i I iron 0 T Kfiisous tor 1m HeiuK Kllill. Editok Joi un vi,- Sir. li-li our pttiuou lor a In ,Jt riv. 1. ase 1 "l- . For tlie b. l:. 1- 11. j t . I I J -, We a bridge ;u-i o- Nm : 1 1 1 im e-l ' 1. 'ii. In riualioii "I o ir ad llu- iieiitioiu ,s lor I use ri er, have 11. ide II 1 lie plans we used I lable ; w e seli-el e. I ' lu ll S. nt 1 let k to Ni w l-ei:iL' Ml' a.-uied ulcllt all 1 be e. 011. un V ;iv II ii :.we-t 11. t ti" Bi nil'. Un 1 1 -1 . ok 1 vial itr ai' I ' a 1. 111111 ill. e apiioii, le I I by cuniini- ! Hers 1 he c. unliiil tee 1 ol ihi.e: lr. S..i,lli. l-an eil 1 1 1 1 and Aiitei (la-kin.-. Two i-i.i.Ms;. Wa Is a ol the I u 1 i ; ei . the . li on, Ij.i unliiiUe Tin. anc-, a n- f e ; 1 pr. -cut and also the lolll . It lis 111' a Hied r I .lej tn . t i r an. I o -1 oi M . not t-. ei pi- t nine hun.lied a 1 lis. a era"!- w.ler niitiiioie 1 h.ni 1 le. 1, -a in lv holtom and abut iu. nt on ea i. id.- Ingii bid. S .nie plot. tiiw oeiitluiVjcn from ance b.uo l.mn-iiip are acquaiined with the local ion known as l' nuey's Landing on t be 1101 1 h side and 15 'X Lamliug mouth or Bachelor cie-k on the -ontli. 'triking the ma. I 01 H-tikbui'ii V Willett at out ; ol' a nire In. 111 .1 .n ksmith's creek 011 the south, and the well known Core point road on the truth -ide. There are also luciiitivs fa- getting lrs.1 ro timber lor less money thai: any where e!-e ia the ciinty n ood material have lelereucc t-. Nevertheless onr-isler township a. cinses the coliiinissioneis of'-eif interest and be ing w iliing to plange Craven county into aumdless debt aDtl nsel'.ss bridge. To tl.ese gentlemen we will sav, it niiirlit be of goxl use to you in lu-li water iiud storm tide wheu ya.u are compellel to le at your emporium point, and we don't' nbjot't lor tin- coinuiis-ior.prs to levy a tax 1 siiiiicie'it io l-uill a bridge actoss the moult) , I you wouh ut .-ret k jt I pock s mill, so l.nii us in iisiuy; the bridga. iv.' nU- L- ,..i . Ai, ii u uivr 1 C UIJ I tv- T j nil ii' M " "J 'i -i tt C TV f i n t r, noxF. by vor. We did not ki, k agaiust the coiiiiiiissioneis I uying S, reel's Icrij: we did not say you l.ad'all tho facilities v.u needed. And, liow a set of men, when the . ountv h;is "icu tlicin all they ask for. can come "lit 'in ope i a! u- and liif-h language agiinst those who hiivc rcinieretl lo t lit ir necessities, we uint ad- ni.t, we donT understand, because we ask the people to h. lp pay lor a bridge that will not cost more than twelve thouKiud dollars at the oll'si le, w heu We have paitl from 2U et tits to Id cents all of our lives to git to our emporium every time we cross I be Nt use i iver, outside of helping to. keep up bridges nnd ferries u-td by the public. Aflef living under such disadvantages as this, wilic a cannot be denied, we Jj pray the houoroblc Botn J of Commissioners il Cravan County to consider our petitions and gie ns a bridge, o much utetletl, to the prosu i ity uutl upbuilding ol onr coun ty yeneially. We do in t wish to us' such h il'sti bm guage :is did our neighbor township; w e think: "whtu 1 am rnl ii" mi my ueigli lor s expen-e I sboiild not ride over htm when 1 meet him ou the public high way.' We do solicit the c unity of Craven to bujl.l a bridge .it th pet itemed point to benefit O f,. Yotkk ( i l l ZKNS. THE KKHI (.IITUV nriKTIVhS. .Vow In Progrenn-Th o Nervli-ea I'er Day Ferawunl Menlluii ot Nr. Brought on. Mr. N". B. Btouehton of Kaleiwh, one of ih" proprietors of lb.; excellent and widely known j"b pi'in in-; estal; ishment of Edward-, Biough'on A Co., arrived Monday night I o t ontl u 't a sei it s of mea t -ings in the Tain rnacle Baptist Chllich. He is to l-e here a week Of h U days. He is at Mr. .1 ('. Whittv's. Mr. Brougliton isn t a minister, simply a lay meinlier of ihe church but he is a flui ut talker, strong temperance man and a cn.-ecraipii Christian worker. Ie has liet-n very siicee--uil in mettings he hsj pievioitsly Coiiilucted and his services are legiuning to lie much Sought after. Mr. Brouhp u, is also superintendent I the Baptist 1 a n rnacle Sabbath school, liahigb. That Sunday School is the lar g .-t in the S'.uih ii I as over e'eveti hun dred scholars e)rorp,!, and lec.ently the Biblical lltvoitie:- aimouncud the n4mber actually pre-cnl the preceding Sabbath at lona. Not only is the school well conducted. large, but it Do .Vol Want to Help Pay for the Bridge. Ti o fuli.'jwiii"; is se,it i4g fu-; publica- tion: Ye-: "Turn ab uit is fair play.'' If the bridges are a iteccssily and must be built, let us suggest that we chargp the cost to New B. rne. Leave it to tho voters of Craven county to say whether or not they shall fje built. Allow the county to vote but let it be exempt from tqiaticn. Some may object to this and call if claxs legisla tion and unconstitutional because it is representation without taxation. We'l this may Iv true, but theie is nothing si range about it. It is no new thing, aud none in iy test it. If they do, you can just explain for ;;s in this way: The counUy h ive the roads to work and mnke bridges ovtrlhe smaller erei ks, ditches and etiiials em the r ,tls, also have to make fences, tliteb's, etc., on the laims and inueh more that your people have not to do. then who would not be satisfied. To la- more di-riniie. Let New Berne tas her--elf to I wild thtse I ridgi'a tin.l hf'lhe rminlry tax its se;f to makP guotl ro .tls to llui-c bridges ;ind tojhe city of New Ben.c. Not t n'y to New Bet'U-' but to every village, stui'il and landing in Craven county. Da th'n and we will be -aii-titd. ami never be''.'iv We will doit. What will New Bet ne do ('nip now, "Turn about is for play.'" lit -pent tally', J 'oR j' liAIi V W E b. FROHT I TV THE NO RT II W EST. Blightiug bosts swpept over Mmne.-ota. Wisconsin, Northeni l.iinois, ami portions of We-teiu Michigan Saturday night, pilj't glowers .and e!e;'v pickers in these regions wei'6 wanned t v euty loin li.iin in aihaixe, but il is impiobab'e that they wile itble fully to protect theniselyts 1 he ma imuiii t"inp. r.d in e in Chicago Suday W i- .11 and the niiniiniim 42 de-glee-. It was ixp cted that the drop Moaelay nioruing woual be lo 40 or 39 J.gitfc-, Mitli.if-.ni lo pro.lijie a kilhug Iro-1 in that ae." l ai, ATLANTK' IIAl'TIMT ASSOFI ATIO. To Trleel In ltluslun (lil. in l id.-I.iih Rnlet. The Atlantic me. t at Iv in-ton. The. A. A V r tte tie! i 1- lo il I let. I i ll to be . .. to re' a i Baptist A-sofiation will w i. lid, to 10th. ('. It. B. will sell lVlW T hey will be on - de Ii, ill' be ae They w" II "inn until I h. 2 j - r. I t c p foe ;': o o M'io'na.1 I'll, 1 wdl be if'. 1 i; I'rodan, $2.3-1; New lieinc -1 Cole Cr.ek SO cents; La Grange (i'.iients, untl Ooldcboro, fri.l'j. (ft! People. ('Id itople who require medicine to r. gu'ate the 'uiwi Is and kidneys will find tin- true remedy in Electric Bittets. This inc It. : i it- does not -imiulate and contains no whiskey nor t as a tonic and attt ' on ti.il ..tomach r intoxicant, but acts' ive Jt acts mildly ami l.'iie j .lit,ll't1 . bowels, aiding to the organs, and g-vm I Liieii o aiuing -v.iiii,,- in i ne pei i oi in :u e of the I'uticlioiis. blcetiac Lifers is all excellent appetizer and aids digestion, I ' ''.I pcOp! I I)fv, ja, e ; : i n 1 it just exactly what Ihey ice ti tt v cent Per bottle tit F. S. DutiVs I bug store. 5. ttUtl be concluded to bore through the and after boring .17 fe-el he went marl throu an I struck a water vein which (lows up very strong. It has not been tested to .-ee how high it would flow, but be now has a perpetual stream of most ex cellent water. A s.VHKim APPROPRIATION l!v Late Fusion Legislature For Tlie olorert Fnir ol "ew Berne Fneli Tluie It Hold nu Aiiiinnl Fx lilMUoii -Tlie Firsl Five II 11 nl i-eil HollarN Jusl I'hI.I. The Kaleieli News and (b.-ervpr nr Sunday has an item which reads thus: 'The Stale Auditor paid out last week -10(i upiiropriatid at the 1 .i-t se.-Mou "I the Legislature 10 t he Oriental Industrial. Stock, Fiuit mid Agricultural Ass iciation. which w.is a Fair held by the negnns in -Newbern, Aui;. 20 to 0O1I1 ,' The list Legislature incorporaied the colored Fr.ir Association ol this city, to. bold annual bin s, or ofletur if desired The iut was laldi-d the 2nd day of March, lo'l.l Sections ID. 11 and 12 of the act ! in corporation, upon the pr. visi ins of which the payment ot the five hundred dollar is I .ased, is as follow s: "Thai an annual appropriation of live hundred dollars ($100 00) is herph,, mailt; to be paid by the Slate treasurer upon the warrant of the auditor to tin.- set r. tar y oftbe Oriental Industrial. Stock, Fruit and Agricultural Fair Association on the .1 , .1... 1 1'..;- r. . I 0 nisi oa 01 1 ne annual 110, u- iicicnii.i P"!1' . . . ec. 11. I hat said sum ol five hundred dollars shall be expended solely and tx- elusively in ihe payment of premiums by said industrial association upon farm products ami work:; ol use and urts. j the production, of inhabitants ol' this I Siate. Sec 12 That this coi'noralion idvill !,.v;st ami this net be iu full fore and ' t(ieA t from autl Iter its ratification. . . Weekly Wealher Crop Bulletin, The reports of correspondents of the , Wceklv vCiltilu. Crop Bulletin, issued bv ' - ,.,.,,.,.,,,,,,,.: i11-- j'itii vviiiujiua ottitty itniiia -rsfi- vice, for the week ending Saturday, Sept. '2th, luii i, continue to b-t unthvoriible. j The extreme heat and dryness continued until coo lei" weather set in ou Friday and j Saturday. The menu temperature for the ; litst five days averaged 13 degrees per day j a'love the normal. Drouulit cout'iincs unbroken and i greatly damaging all fall ' croft. Streams aiul wclU aie Very low. I'eanu. digging litis com men08 and corn i is bung gathered in. Very fine and large crops of fodder and hay have been gayed. Fall plowing still at a standstill for lack of rain. Eastern District. Extremely hot, dry Weather continued until the very end of the week, when cooler weather set in. The drought is unbroken, no rain liavitig laileii anywhere except near the extreme etisien 'coast, Aji'l-jfe cjxips are npft-triiig from drought, especially peas, potatoes, turnips and young rice. Cotton ripened prematurely nnd many leaves and young bolls fell off. CcMtoH is btlpg rapidly p:cko l out now. Corn is dry euough to gather aud is being housed. Morc'fodder ami hay hare lepn saved than for year. No fall plowing done. NEWS I.N BRIEF. Diphtheria is prevalent in St. Louis. There are b ur hundred cases there, 'p'he juter-Stae jrcj'i Vyorks; ime of t lip largest lniiimfaettinng plants at Meridian. Miss,, has been deniroytd by fire. The piMoftlce at Huclianuii, Bote tourt courjty, Vh., wan broken int, the safe dynamited and about $4(X) iu stamps and money siohn. There is no clue hi the robbers. The sailing committee of the Boyal yiitor yacht CTijh piu'd cesplulioui Ci.ptii'mipg Ifie challenge for ll)e Amer ican s cup made through the Boyal Vic toria vjlun by Mr. Charles Day Jiosp. A Berlin dispatch says that a squadron ol German w ar vessels have been ordered to Swatow, anil that the Catholic missions in the district of Shantiug have been placed uudttr German protectioa. lov. kortpn, G( Npw Vork, in res ponse to a telegram of inquiry from Guy. Culberson, of Texas, wired him that prize fighting in that State is a misde meanor, punishable by fine and imprison ment, or both. The town of Bigstone Gap, Yu., sixty live miles from Bristol, was almost total 1 y destroyed by tire Friday flight The Joss will be about 130,000, while the insurance is only $0,000. The Stute Editorial association of Min neseitH, ou their annual pilgrimage have lelt Chicago for Atlanta. The pnrtv, con sisting of editors and their wives, number C00 persons. The general tntiippnt Qf the mpmers of tlie Teu8 Legislature who have arrived in Austiu pursuant to the call for an ex tra session is iu favor of the immediate passage of a law making piize fighting a felony. Gov. Culbertson will lay oXher matters before the Legislature also. among them the recommendation of a law making gambling a felony also. The session is likely lo U'st about thirty diyi, Mis. J. H. Aiken, Christian Scientist of Memphis Tennessee has been charged with murder for treating a lady patient who died according to the methods ot that faith. She has given the $5,000 bond that wnS renin red and insists that the indictment is Hub remit ot the war oi regular physicians against her She had Just returned from a course of study in New York. The Atlanta Exposition authorities have decided by an ovi rwhelmingly vo'e to honor the Sabbath by closing tlje ground intiiely Qt'i Sundays. The vote was so decided that it ia not considered that any further attempts at opening the arounja on the Habhuth will he made. 'The Southern Business College ol .VsheviUe, N. C, 'The (jueen Mountain City of the South,' offers one-half tuition fiee to two worthy students of this coun ty w ho are to be recommended by the Chairman of the County Commissioners and must enter by Nov. st The exploratiou of some eaves iu Tur kestan by Russians has led to the dis covery of a big underground city Built thousands of years ago. Judge Sneer said in his Atlanta aeejrcsi that since Isul, tlie importation of meats into Central Georgia had decreased a 5 per c nt., w hich speaks well for the sense of the Central Georgia farmer. A New York professor of physical cul ture tells a Sun reporter that an excellent and never failing cure for nervou- head ache is to walk: backward. Ho doisn't underUke to account for it, hut says lie has never met with a person who has trial it that elidu't acknowledge its efficacy, A Pans dispatch says that prof Louis Pa-leur, the distinguishe.. chemist and discoverer of the Pasteur treatment lor the cure ef rabies, is dead. The vil'a ;e of Oberunsback, near Kis siiigeo, Bavaria, has been destroyed by tire and its inhabitants. 1.9,00 in ninbt r, are camping ir (.he fjeldt,. () u. Miies has been n,uv.tfd to su.i'.e.l Gen. Schotichl as cotumauder of the army and beeu so notified by the J'lvsi dent. Up wil enter upon the dupes at once aud lien, linger will doubtless suc ceed him at Governors Island. Monster mass meetings are to be held tonight in Chieaco in behalf of the Cuban insurgents. The object is to secure rec ognition by the United States either of Cuba as an independent State or of the iusurgtnts as belligerents. Petitions to the United Statej government wdU he pre pared anc) submittpii. Iseyenteen Govern-: ors are said to favor freedom for Cuba. - Ex-Senator Wm. Mahone, of Virginia had a severe stroke of paralysis Monday morning at the Clupiiberlajn Hotel Wash ington. His right sidd is useless and his tongue paralysed, so that speech is im possible. Bis condition is extremely criti cal and Mrs. Mahone who was at her home in Virginia has been telegraphed ' '' At the meeting of the executive commit tee of the Chicago and Southern States association held at the Union League club on the 80th, it was announced that $10, 000 had been pledged by the businessmen of Chicago to send the first Illinois regi ment numbering 800 men to Atlanta iu time to participate in the celebration rf Chicago day, November 8th. Iiepresenta tives of the city and several train loads of- ousiness men will accompany the U'Qopa. It iu proposed to make a regular invas- 1 The "Chium"D ii the Soinh." The (Jrent Show Opened S( p . 1 III Government Kxhlhit to Kxcel That at Chicago Buililinir and Kxliih t of Hie Southern Railway. Tho mosf j in pi , 1 t. ; 1 T 1 1 rn rri-ii I vim r to tbl- siei-ial ly to 1 in- Soul I in. we cs iccial I v t. I lio ci ta and .'lie Mate of n-oi (.'0U011 States and Intel : position which u.i- 11 m r . ami St 1 I 1 hi n - d' A 1 'pencil at At ia II t I. day of Sim it cm li.T. I , 1st. a y ol I 'oocm I Iff. til That a S.uiMic i J In, linn Mi.nl.ai im '. i'tilci'irisc and piii. sav the I "iiici i 1 v , v Olid h -I'irit. in.! Ii ! : a I-, . .I i.n -. .' lllcl'!- an e 1 1 1 . 1 i So 111. Hull cijiiiriiig -us to ii. ! al most si 11 o le :;. n It'. I. SO will.' i n its tS. . 1 1 . in it.- j.rojii.t't ions and ' a vast mi 1 1 iy ol' lui'in-v entitle it to the dc-in 1 1 i 1! io!i of ''In c of ;i 11 n i er j tonititioinil." in the f;n . . . cont tHCI'cia epi't'ssinii tin. I linan rial iianic and that Atlanta li;i.. , than ' 1 which was left but little inoia a heap of ruins, witl ashes anil stnon its population of Men ng li 1 CM M I -riiian's fa moils 10 that i scattered and homeless army, when it took y Sin its ''.March to the Sea louM 1 Clt', It )S not surprising tlmt the first siiirgestion.-j of bio-Ii an ontir- pnso were received with general misgiving-aiul that even the South ern States and citi. e'. 1 1 n se-1 i I agai list it, and were shev to cotuo !.. tlie assistance of a sister city in an undertaking which at such a time w;is regarded a3 hazardous in tin ei'treiiie and too niaiomoth to ..fon: ise oven a inousuralilo legrec r ' eonipiish ment. ! A visit to Piedmont I'.uk, liow-; ever, about two mile norih uf the center of Atlanta, will dispel every doubt of the- realization of u ilefrco of success stii'paSf-in the most btan-1 guine expectations of tin- projector.- j or the cotton st-ates ana ititcniu tion.il Kxjiosiition. From the roof garden of the new and modern "Aragon Hotel' which occupies the highest liill in this hill city, a magnificent j,;;nor;uni;; view j of tlie pity iditl its surroundings is I afforded. All around yon, spreml j over lulls and valleys, jn.st .siillh.ii nt -y pronoiincee to auui'd jiloasing variety to tin; topographv, is the compact, well-built, hustling ('hi origo of the South. iat" City of the Soutli, Atlanta, wit 1 1 its wealth of well-paved Ktreets and avenues, laid out apparently regardless of rule or plan, which join the maoadami.cd roads that lead through the ! , :.- Sbtic Gi'tLiin,-, i-o t trcl f:u mint. lapds hoyulid. Tliore is an appcaraiici graiplour and hoauty in huiiilinga, her hundred her seminaries, follegt's-. of., her didii V, public ('till I Cllt's, ii u inerous public school houses, her Henry Grady Hospital, her stores aii-l pri vate luithses, smrrgieitiyo o altiiudant Uuililing iiiaterial np;ir liy, aud look ing away to the eas-t, fuurteeu mile aeroiis thp footh.iis, tio- i'ttnuuis Stone Nlountain looms up, a solid moun tain of granite, where immeii.-e quarries are operated now, .but where, thirty one years ago, gritn visaged war held, v0,' and thous an lis wc.ro Edam, and their hlootl trickled over tlie rugged, oratiite sides of Stone M Oil 1 1 till il . In looking over these lovely hills and valleys, clad in the gladness of Southern verdure and yielding abundantly to tlie banil c' t!,c hai py husbauulhian, it is dillieult to realize that it was ever the theater of war, and that tho soil was literally soaked with fraternal blood. In such an undertaking the ques tion of transportation is one of natural prominence, and every person in anywise interested iu this exposition, every person proposing to become an exhibitor or a visitor has doubtless propounded the in quiry, whether tlie Southern rail roads are equal to the emergency of handling the enormous travel and traffic to and from Atlanta during the perio.d qf the exposition. This question of course has loDg since been answered to their satisfaction by tho Committee on Transportation of the Atlanta Fair; but for the benefit of many who acquired their knowledge of the railroad"; c,f ihy. South during a period of ten or fifteen years succeeding the close of the war, perhaps it will he well to say that no comparison can be well drawn between the miserable apologies for railroads ;r, the Soutl during that period, wit it tho really splendid roadbeds and equipment and service of tho present, Atlanta is esaeiitiuily a railroad city and a great railroad center, having roads, and good ones, radiat ing to every section of the country. Bnt without considering any of the others, there is one s-ytem ftilly capablti df handling expeditiously, comfortably anil satisfactorily, all the travel and traffic to ami from the exposition from any and every direction, and that ia the ;reat '.,on, bination operated ly n eiaglu mana geineiit, with headquarters at Wu.-j-ingtou, D. V., under the name of the Southern Railway. One of its lines has its northern terminus at Washington, and nivi it is Operated a fast ',11,01, git .-erloe in can. iPd ion yyiili the Pennsylvania Railroad from Xew York, through Philadelphia, Ilait iinort-, Washing ton and Atlanta to all parts of the South and Southwest, including Xhw. Orleans and points in Florida, and which makes the run from New York to Atlanta in '.'1- hours. Not only so, but its coiiueclion.-- in other directions enable it to. nc ti,.- same tirst-olais service lo pa- .ongcr; from the West ami Northwest. So important i- ibis great railroad system to the ju..--ce.ss of the exposi tion and so hearty has been its interest iu the undertaking ami its co-operation with the managers of the exposition, that it has been accorded exceptional privileges and will be the only road having tracks in Piedmont Park . which will enable it to land iias-eii'vys from any I direction, without e hange -f ears, either in the Park or in the Union depot in Atlanta, ns ihevmav por ter, Tlie Southern Haiiway has always manifested The most gvnerous interest in every enterprise or effort ! to promote the welfare of the South. and will make a most interesting I exhibit in a hatuUotno building 1 which it liiin erected 111 the fair grounds, consisting of specimens of j the mineral and other products of the South and illustrative of the; marvelous improvement in railroad' PiinKtl'llftltin nnroaitino nnd -i re b i t oo I ture in this 'country. T. K. V. - Itcluiig, binning, scaly nnd , ru.tv skin and scalns ut' iufants changed ami heale. apd quiet sigep restored by John-on's Oriental Soap, mctlicinal and loilet, two large cakes, 21 cts. at F. S. Duffy's. TMl1 ATT. AWT A rVPH'TT fl j LIFE I NSIH A .E FAII.I KF.. Tlie 'alley 1 11 1 11 a I ot Virgin in Aaalins - ssels Only S I I .' " M uy 1'olieJ llolilei-. in 4ii-ili i arnliiiM. Tie- a,'ey Miilud I usur..nce c-timpany ha- been doiuo bii-in. - ni Xew Berne for a numb' r ofyKir-. How uc.ny policy holder- it h el h re wc are not iidormid. but . i.oiijli h .ui-vi -. lo can-..- the news of I oiure. now made jiub'ie. to be re ffel e I. A St .iiiiton. 'a., special to th Ili-pitch lias this 1 o -a v of it : 'Tie- V .l ev Mutual i.'f.- Association of iiiin. 1, . A CO,- ti. ed lntule M d v. ( ' oii,,,',-. Shell indo 1- lac link a-- .'' ilioi hart, re I by the circuit court of S p'l iiib.-r :!rd. H7S, by its S, pti nibei- 2 7 1 i 1 . bur, recorded h 1- :i--:mn-d ;t- a.-sets to J. D. liti-t.e. Dr. H S Rid Idle, of ih. pre-id.-iit of the a sociation, "i ol Ihe de. d, on h. half of the 1 :r 1! Me- titt-te.- is the a-soeiate .i 1 In- a sot jati ni. The property . II - l-t -: 01 ti c 0 tall' pl I IU I 1 lie: d pi- il other 1 I t -tate. and ti v o i;r - w.th I plant to s il'e rata o situaud 111 ollice Ii xi lift s, -1 iu ! 1 1 1 an. I c hoses in 1 to I..- paid out I without pre 1 ol I I 1- 1 1 1 1 I'll la I a it s I I . -cl s of ihe V.i llcy Mutual .'Id and it- liabilities $130.- 1 in I Ii-- ha pe of unpaid dentil losses. "Th" company has many policy hold - in Virginia and Xoith Carolina." I II KLI.S4 OKF A.M TEX." 1" lip 1 1 A it 1 1 Vet. is ItKNIty STnlllllHI). lave gentler grow n, i- gnicious n 1 tiian in.' n 1 tiui" ire Ih -ii, .' here I sit .and inns t alone, 'i'lir. estaire and ten. ic lit Am t ol l.v ing is the la-t, ble g'ow- -wp.-tt -t al it- elo-c; met long i i, In r than the past :e-e d IV- di-L- use, iiiotirti not now Tiiu 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 ' the silvered hair, baud the fail ins p-'W here 1 w nil in. I calmv liny dare' Tl eoiitii g hour WI d dtn tins ol' honor or of l' wiedhs t,r crowns gain. to grace my br-.w, - In re I biv . To .-. il lllc Cm rd, none - w. ii- to :-in J t f flic stri p. the hope and fear, the pain of earlier ., a v -. tin'-e. il! p i -t, I Ui -hi inking Ot k w ith clear, An I i v, a when 1 sorrow- most, Vet happy are the tears 1 shed, An I hiiglit the memories thf the lost, The precious (lead. Tin- bu rpise of the corn and wine. Ami glow ing gladness in the heart, -ntl wondrous grace and joy are mine, From men apart. Alone, but not alone I stand; Around, above, a Power divine I 'hiniiig ami a heavenly Hand Is touching uiuic M. ,i. . gloi And oui ea gild my dosing tbiv, blight star from out the ivest ( 'alls nie in tend, r toiiPM away From w tu k lo it-t. And Vol, p- w hicli amid the dill (it out w ilia I lile 1 Could lv't Iv-iV, Afe.'ently wln-p. ling within 't'bi i; y.'oids of cht or. So, welcome is i iicli flying year, And iv Icoate is t his silent bliss; Nor aught Ihe nosy woild can bear Colnp.ir - w ith ibis. ( ) 1'cet. sitting on the slope Ol life, apirt from b.isy men, Beech e with re,'-' this laiger hope, Three-core and ten. S. F. Ving.-r, Dc-wart, Pa., writes: Mr. lini n g ol this place lias used your remedy lor the Piles aud recommends it very highly. He gave me your address. I would like to know on wliaj terms and price ou sell to dealers. Let me hear n-.itu ot. ;.r,.l oblige, at V. S. Duffy's. Wholesale Market Country Produce ieel. 4a.1e. Beeswax, 20a2:!e. Corn, 3.1c. Chickens grown 40a50c pr young, 20.1 40c. Oucks, Eng. 35a40c; Muscovy 50a60c. Eggs, Gi.il i, Jeese, 80c. a 90e. per pair. Hides Dry flint, 618c ash and dry salt boSe-; greerj 4e, deer-hidt 8 1 j;i20c. : otter tla$7. Lambs ijl.00a1.50. Oats. 30a32e. Onions. $1 50a1.7.1 per bbl. Pork, GJc. Pe.anuts. 80 a i.Mic. Sheep, 1.00112 00. Sweet Potatoes IIamans,30a31c;Yam8. 10c. Cotton, s 7-1 Oc. ('rapes, 80c a $1.00. Fit sh Pork, (la 7c. Two Lives Saved. Mis Phoebe Thomas, of Junction Ci' v, 111, was told '- her doctors she had Cou-umptioii tuitl that (here was do hope for In r, but two baphi Dr. King's New I list ej.vcvy- cc.mpli lely cured her aud she sas it saved her life. Mr. Thos. Eggers, loll Florida St. Sin Francisco, suffered from a dreadful cold, approaching Con sumption, tried without lesult everything els,, then bought one bottle of Dr. King's Xew Discovery and in two weeks was lined. He is naturally tliankfu,!. It is such re-ults, of winch these are samples, iliat prove the wonderful efiicacy of tics medicine in C...igh;ind Colds. Fiee trial 'uo'deHat F. S. Dully'- Drug Store. Reg ular size 5()c. and $1.0(1 5. "When P.ai.y v .as sick, we gave her Castorla. W "ben she was a L'liilJ, she cried for Castoria. When .she became Miss, sho clung to Castorla When tiha had t 'liildrt-n, she puee tliettl Castoria, Children Cry for Pitcher's CastoriaJ Children Cry for Pitcher's CastoriJu Children Cry for Pitcher's Castorta! Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria. Doii'l. Don't. Don't. ve a mainspring I). n't pay 1.10 to h pui 111 your watch when you can get it .lone for lo or 7-1 cents. DonT pay $1.50 lor cleaning when jou can get it done for 71 cents. Don't pay -" cents for a hand or a glass on your watch when I only charge lOo. Don't pay sj.'ll for a pair ol spectacles wh'-n I wiil sell j'i-u a pair of the best made in the world lor 1? 1 . 50. In ,-hoi't price my rings, watch chains, w'dc es, clocks, cull buttons, studs, etc.. you buy. It will not hurt you to impure prices. All work warranted for one year. Evprvihicg in my line guaranteed to give -iitisl'tietiou or money gladly refunded. Baxtkr the Jewei.kr. ti.l Middle St., (Sign Gold Eagle.) Baker & Holland, WHOLES A UK- mmmm chocers Manufacturers i Importers h$ Ovat.ge.s, Lemons, and Bananas, 1 0111' snei'in 1 1 ion. Examine our Stock and Prices before Placlng'your orders. No. 3 Middle Street, East" Side. seplG 3m DUKE Cigarettes Tt V.l (SlGARETTEsl -K'"" ""i T .Dye ' W.Duke Sons 8,Co 'THEAMERIC1N TOBACCO COA DURHAM. N.c. USA MADE FROM High Grade Tobacco AND ABSOLUTELY PURE OUR STOCK OF Bress G-oodG Is immense ami; must he sold. It.-ir lialn seekers will find somthlng worth looking for now In this Departriient. tOur stock of BLACK DRESS OOODS Is complete in I'laln and Faut-y rrreets. We will guarantee to any person desiring a Hack Dross satisfaction in this 1,0th in the wear and price. "See our line of NAVY BLUE and BLACK Sereros and Diagonals, at all prlc-es. t3(lir stx of (sidles. Misses and (tilld ren'n HI1Q6H are ol tlie best makes. Notwith standing the advance in the price of Shoes we will offer our shoes at the old low priors. Wo handle tho genuine Foster Kid Lacing Gloves. a-Also all the Popular makes 01 Corsets and a lull line ot sizes always in s(ook. t We otter a very superior line ot Ladiev. Misses anil Children's Flannel I'Qituiwcar iu all weights. E-fT-lXir stock ot BRUSSELS and Ingrain Carpets, Art Souaras and Itngs, you will rintl to be of the highest Gradea, the newest ami (yetUeiit eleshius and the cheapest in price. Vou will flud It to you. advantage to K-e us before buying your Carpets. j3?We will make our prices the LOWEST and Guarantee you strictly lirst-clasj (;ootls In all of our grades. D. F. JARVIS, 63 Pollock St. New Bemc, N C Cotton 8 1-4 Cents Bay your Cotton Bag ging and Ties, Sacks ami Twine, Sewer Pipe ami Fittings, Portland and Rosendale' Ceraent, Iioick and Shell Liuw Fire Briefc and Building Brick From J. E. LATHAn, The Cotton Buyer, No. 3 Craven St, Storage Cotton. for 500 bales of Notice to Bridge Builders Office of the Board of Commissioners of Craven County, N. C. Construction of bridges across Neuse "aud Trent rivers, Craven County N. C. Bridge builders are invited to submit to the Board of Commissioners of Craven county N. C. at their meeting to be held on the 7th day of October, 1895, proximo, proposals for the construction of wooden bridges with iron draws across tlie rivers Neuse aDd Trent at and near New Beroe in accordance with plaus and specifica tions on file in the office of the ltegister of Deeds of said county., All bids must be addressed to James W. Biddle, Register of Deeds, New Berne N. C. The commissioners reserve the right to reject any and all bids. By order Board of Commissioners, James W. Biddle, Bcg'r of Deeds and ex-ofrlcio sep8 30d Cleric Bd Commissioners. Why Do You Usa tiiAt Poisonous old BRASH s when you can get a nice- -s PORCELAIN LINED KETTLE SO CHEAP OF Slover Hariiare Company. g"A few Jelly Glasses Left. EEif" If you have any Clothes too nice for the wash woman to tear up and scorch we have some CHARCOAL Irons that will help you out We are agents for ATKTNS Saw and warract every one we sell. If they are not perfectly satisfactory, return them and we ask no questions, bnt return your money. Is not this a liberal guar antee ? Have you a set of the famous CLAUS3 Bread, Cake and parin knives? We keep them and (luaranb-e them to please you. Sy"Patent Rice Boilers, in which it is impossible to burn the rice. -"Best line ol Scissors, Rhois and Cutlery in the city. fe&-Yi solicit your patronage and will do our lies', to please you. Yours Respect lully, Slover Hardware Co. III 1 I -JfcV-. -- w We Have the Largest & Handsomest Line of Cloaks and Capes 1,0. Harks Co. Oct., 2. ATTENTION5 If you are looking for an honest and irood smoke, call our and try -FAM0US- La Flor de Teller Cigars. Tlie besLlO Jwnts smnke jto )w obtained. AND Tellers ; ... Royal Blue ... For , 2 jileaso a NICK LE, will tbo mont. Vavtidutys ' 'VJ.-S AT JNO.DUNNS 55 and 57 - Pollock itrectj ,i 'IN MY' Wtir be found a'greaterj vafi ty ofjthe best marke. -FOB FINE CANDIES Fresh Each Week. :' - He ' riAt our SODA FOUNTAIN will be dispensed, Codl apd J freshing Drinks. Give ns a rail. JOHN -:- DUNN. 5.1 & 57, - - Pollock Street Ever Shown ie New Beroe. " Our iinc ctnbraceR all the late Novelties and are an stylish as will u seen in the most exelusivc Cloak llouso in New Vork. X-ifTOur Capon ate cut with a lull 100 inch sweep, tiiul tin- workmanship in them is perfect . IW'Wt'are showing FLtR Capes from $5 to $6; CI.OTM Capes from $2.00 to $1 1.00; ELECTRIC SEAL, hnnd- ' somely trimmed, from $7.5(1 to $20.00. In Cloth cape the principal materials used are Beaver, kersey ntid Boucle. . We have everything in Wraps that you will find in a large city except .895. High Prices. uiuarenes dim Candy Dop't . -.-!'- Y-"

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