- Tr ---w ft---. . -1 it j ' - : ' '"'.' V r - I INDEPENDENT IN ALL THING1 Price! $100 Per Year. Single Copies, 5 Gents. NEW BERNE. CRAVEN COUNTY. N. ('.. o, T OUER !. I.v.i.,. VOL;. XVI 1 1 . NO. 32 it.v ttil (25 ' w s What is Castoria is Dr. Samuel Pitcher's prescription for Infants and Children. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. It is a harmless substitnte ... - T" for Paregoric, Drops, Sooth in? Syrups, and Castor Oil. : - It is Pleasant. Its graaranteo is thirty years' use hy '. a a. Jklilliona of Mothers. Castoria destroys Worms and allays - - !. " Sdverishncfts. Castoria prevents vomiting Sour Curd, cores Diarrhoea ami Wind Colic. Castori; relieves '-'- teething troubles, cures constipation and llatulmcy. ' ' - Castoria ''nssluiilates the food, regulates the stomach and Vowels, tlvins healthy and natural sleep. Cas tori!v Is tho Children's Panacea the Mother's Friend. Castoria. . "Oorfc Is an tiwtlfnt rfWji-ino tor ch;I . -bn. MoUanrabare rpeate.!ly told ui ulm - ' ffo(ltXact Mpos their children." . - - . - - . Da. a. P. Onoooo, - Lowell, Mass. . ' . m Caflteria is tba besc reme.iy for rhildrra of - - - vUea I aia acqnaiateU. I hope tbe da. j is noc - tmr diatap mhtm mothers will consider the rv.il Moaataf their duMmv, anJ use Castoria iii . Mead of thawrioos quack ootxumehjch are JeaUoj he tfaesr tored ones, by fortiiig opium, asorvklaa, aoothing Bjrtap and other hurtful ag-sata dowa their throats, thereby sending Hassatoiaasislin-e grs-rga." , , . Da. J. F. Kixchiloc V ; " Cboway. Ark. E. W. SHALL WOOD, Under Gaston House, Soulb riuh; t:t t t. New Berne. N. ('. ; ' ' full link o 8exx3ar.fil UarclwaT-e. OtovesT Carpenters Tools, Cutlery, - , Tabic Ware, Barbed Wire, GALVANIZED PIPE, PUMPS, : . . LiQie, Tiaster and Cement. DEVOES PURE READY MIXED PAINTS. EpPersonal attention to the-prompt aud correct filling of all orders. ' mt.'?tu w.dow N. '. 'V' t GRAHAM ACADEMY, 'V l';-MARSHALLUEliG t-'ARTEKET COUNTY, X. C. ' " REY.; W. Q. A. GRAHAM, D. D., PRES. : FALL TERM OPENS SEPT., 2, 181).,. - Preat8 or Guardians will tin il this the cheapest ami most desir - - able school in It astern North Carolina. . Location: On toe shore of Core Sound, 10 miles east of lVaufort , ;-- fn a COmiBnuity fife from such vices as Bar-rooms, Hal I -rooms, Hil--liartl rooms or Hrothels. Plenty of churches anil Sunday schools. "-" . HKAD ! HK AD !! KKAD !!! - . . Aided by the Methodist chnrch we offer the following inducement1-:: V KXPKNSKi? PKE M f Til . - -. ' Primarr Grade, Hoard. Washing, Tuition. St v ; Intermediate (lrle, T on "V -sLatia, Scieutifie, i tJ- - Music (extra) l Tie Ab,r. Prlrt, Include Biuiril, -!iiiix. --. . " .. 15Fot further inforinat ion write the President. dw cod tf L. H. Cutler & J' N. NuNN & Co i - r. . SsceSMrt to TB7S3 3t XcSCSlST. - a- EETAIL CONFECTIONARIES. " -TT WILL PAY COl'STKY IF.i:-t CHANTS Ui vi-it rur stoic as we sell LOWER than any one el-e iu tbe ciiy. Cor. Palloek Jt Middle Street-. Summer : Comforts! o-oo HAMMOCK HOOKS. HAMMOCKS, KECLININO CHAIKS. RHISR & (T.AKF.T WINK for cool n.l delicious summer .Drinks, AT..... J. F. TAYLOR'S. .-.- --' .... c K. - - Mj ;.v. v.ffar-"" ." - a. .i "na,'':-"c,..' ' :" . a,'.-"'''- , .- - Castoria. " Ca.-tnria is so rell adaptetl to chil-lrn thatH I re.oiuiui' nd it as superior waoy prescriutioa koowu U) me." IT. A. Aw-HFt. 31. D., 11! So. Oxfonl St , Ur.i.yn, X. Y. ''Our physicians in th- rhil, Iran's depart ment have spokea highly of th"ir experi ence in their outside practiru Aith Castoria, and although wo only have among our medical supplies what is koowu revutar products, yet we are free to conf.-ss that tha merits of Castoria has won us to look with favor upon it." t UxrrSD FIOSFTTAL AST) DlSPltWSAST, Boston, llasa. ilia C. Skttb, Vrt., l SHEPPARQ'S br AAlf CTnlr?iS ' UUVIiI VVb MADE FROM PURE PIG IRON. Not one pound nf Scrap Iroa is ever n-ed iu these tfiIs. niiDAm r rouufMIFiyT .nrf FrnwnMIP.Al iwnnukk. wtm .b.ixr.. All Modern Improvements to Llhlro Hoasekeeplnc l ares. Twenty different sizes and kinds. Every Stove Warranted Against Defects, Prices not much hixlier at tLi time than on .-uiuxnouer kiud 01 st.w . Call un or uiUiri Co., New Berne, N. L Carpets and Rugs t "That Im Caip.-is and Hugs w, li:l c lic.-n 1 . ' 1 g 11 - r it 1 1 1 1 1 - 1 11 ifp nl " alxnir ba 'Tu i i t Thev are Lovely ! Ve can ii o:i :i I .u po! I'r. i in t he i luapo-t ll.'inp to ! ho i-ry finest I'.oiiv r.iti-.-.-l- In lings. r' have a very lino as-tii i in c nl . fhey rang.- in price fnun lis cents I r a t iy bug.- em- up. and ait Iro :n the civ lie-; M :i 1 1 i i f.io MI 1 1 ,uid can In- iidn-il :ip,,n ;i- r.i ijipi! iry." Dress Goods ! That bd of Ida k ami Cd 1 S.-igos that we have been .-filing -ii iii 1 1 -i t i t a: is ci nts jc.r .n.l art on: l.:'.' will have iiiiki' in a lew d.ta s a; t in- -ami price. Shoe Department! -V llicc ;l I' l.mlli-s a Ii; a Special P.argam. j D.i.'nl.i l'.m- - 1 a-1 pa : r ;i s IIV Hl O. BABFOOT, Mgr. m-'.ws AiiKirr. ! Hie ity l llm- anl Vicinity. I.nllifrf.l In mut llrii'Hy Told. A i vert ;-! i .en ', - t. I-.i-Iii "bat si, ni i- I.) n nr1 .n : . teg: n I ni-Mno low IT -M.U Dl . Mr il u rv . - !i : Mi' ' ('. :lll. ; :,,nr- I inr i.a t;ik. a -i.--ae-iii n :.t M -1. -I- Buxt. r's. ll.lt .1 .1 ;,il i .- :inn uli-ih lie K'VCif l.nr: ' " ' oi tVoin :i b.. a u erk , .,i.I:i.ii - :d -g.M Ii:ui c nsideiabV i :ia , , i la- iluti'h i ft ; i" ar , .1 .N , ii- iia i i ,ii . nl half i .,,,,,,1 ll-:i 1 in , l- IliM' tf, I lo lli - ni. aitiii , II V, un- I'ui-il.v. l'l-e '.ii'ii' vi.u.l u.th i-,,n-,,U:i:il'lc lu - I .,--! wh,-i, hroiulit iii in tha f.tv- . , , ,. ,i, r:l'l,,",V si"'.'. K r. nT ,, ,,! a ,,,, to l ie M,le .1' u I ue'(' - T i 2". Fa r hoi I- ' mil i ''4 Mini n tuiii.-tl Of. -ud l'i. n k Hull. Ir i ) ,-'ow .-nun- v "In-: In- hi. I If " I ii a .: li 1 i-. Ni. !..:-...!. I h, V in. .1 .-I .. ar -I a k iiv 1 1 if i, ' i-a,.- no In.' Mr. John H WatWs tiae Wx i I -..il. . . .. I v- I. r.r- liHpr la- ' i en iiiii-i iia .ill i i, , l,,,' , .... ... .... , T-i .. I..- l.-.. ; i imrtv ol twi ntv. .it oiitiiiii's. tin y -ra !' in in,1 . -. ,. - , ' " , !... i i- nil,,, , ,i ,., h 1 1)1 I .1 1 1- i-l . I,,- ii i Ik n:e al l.l.n'e - nn'l r riil.i.v. "W miU Friday, .ni.' ..m i , -1 in- i Wi I I'.ir-, n - ami . Ha i- a i-apii'ili- J -rekinj in vi--t- ' tli it t,liaa,, i- .!. mi ! tub, m , . oi C J. 'i.e- I , i a i ' 1 lie li i a n anil ii 1 ly. , nient-. moaey it. ,j i , ,f -i ,-1,-in N l'l h t'n..l uiM-i-r tli- ii- ' l r 'null tie-' .- h'-at i Then- i- p'. -lit i .I rimin -uinl n- f.r Kdnard 'I' Mo-lev .1 l.n.ai I'liai. ii,, to tin- ihinif- li: t-i'Oiii- We re ' .l ,,,-li a,ul ( il ,.--n-. as !hr-r. anil a w n in ; I, "ir a, re of a. -n,,l-. ia'ii la- ' la li in o , . -n -: !! , I 'i- tullieriO. m I, , ni.e a al lo tl. in. To r. a! :.iil ,013 lift. 'lei laoni ' I I Ill lilt1 ',1 W Willl'I III li 1 illl'' I A in .' Id 1 lit I I'r. nt i , i In.- -niio'ii i r.i-il,.. - , mOi- i- alni'.-l ex'nb te I. S .un- . f the i mill- hue l-e-t'ii f. nil oel la, I to close ih.un, iiiil ti e oilier- ale niniii on hall lime. i !" !-m" PTV l .i'h .bl'Toui i , 1 '" ' ',e ', ' '"'' I c .1) a ni i-i v. ilk :n-:ii- Hie n , 1. ., i Mr. W. II. ll.rv.'V. Uwiueily m-alill . , , .- i -, .. i ,' , ... ,, ... i clerk .-I ili.t hiiiianka, i- m.u li.nl Hum, Kileieli am I al In- I-l place .Mr. J H.oMir, 1 l',, ier. iv ho li.- In en me lit clerk revi nt v, li e Ix-en pr ned id he nl el. rk. ' Mr-. Kii.ilvlli W. d.I of Biliimore i-vi-ili io le' iiiie-i in the ci'V. She is a I -t-ii r of Mr. I'.eijimin H. Jlnnsoii ami VI: , r'"""ThUn; Nl- Heme 11 1- nl I Mr. .1 , 1 1 1 1 l :' if, .1 i the fn-l t'liie in twtiitv-. lie yen-- .Mrs ! u.,.1.1 I... i, .... I nek- 'to her ' ,.i. I I, i i I -he l.-it here ,n 1-.4. i:, . .1. T. ,1,-nkins in p i?:-mt: tnioii'h , . ., . I.:...- ... l,,.l I . . ,,,:.,rme,i ii "-'"it. at a,.., ,.,,, un sriiM,n. ir- iii'ii Minie iiii-ii, i,nii I out. a I, iv niLrh:- a" ' and I bri e of tle ni j i ailylit till) 1 il'e trout. He d'd not Count I tin- a? a'-. v -ptvia! in-k. Nundieis t lover- ol l:,e v.-xt -urpn-s 1 . The Kvarf ebst now pu'di-hed at Mnn- ;, of nhicb It. v. .1. I. .lenkin- ol .More head is editor will he doubled in size - ! changed fioin lour pre- to eiud.t (xtges. ! A "i'D-1 job i ilbe be eounecle.1 with lit" j The new freight schedule on the A. & N. .'. H. U. irom Moreheml City to New I lkri gives great snli-facti..n to Morehead nod l!iufori ti-h ai d clam shippers as I they have nearly two h.,urs longer in which to gt-t their hipments reruly. J Mx-rs. .f. .1 lisosway iV Co.. -"on after .nii.d at their -I TliU'-dnv morning I ,j (ii : a r--o;u ah nr it w is on the. I he fire ivns cau-c i o mr iw mg i-ig.u ; -tump- in i wo ..Ie i -pi'to.,0. I ( di-cov- erv hid HeMi .relayed a lit'le long--r ihe bJilding wmi'd have been destroyed. ! F.l.ler Ix!wis came up from Jacksonville .11. 1 uint down to Croilaii to preach. J la ihe meetings around Tienton which lie j and F.ah r Fnsst con. im led there were in .-an 7,"i ncc --iotis fo t' eliureh A lew joineil also at Jack-miville and Jiieldands. Mr 1-wis w ill liiptizf live candHlattM th; mora ng at (.'icata.ii. Mr. Fro-t stops in New Kerne. The Jacksonville Tiinen has completed one ynir of its ei-tenee. Mr. A. II. 11'..;. I.. ..111 ,,..1 i.p.mrlnln;- Id mnlrint. i. iiie ii, iu,i,'i r.. ,c..., i ..t ti , ..nl.. ..l..rl I a eoi'll 1ill It I Ol 11. lie iff in-., i'liil '..' . 1 .. y-t e a i,.r i,. r nil lm w.ii ts ni us r olls v t..r .i i.-rial il.-rel..iimnit nf tin- iiiiiinlv ' : , ;i.i a in i rege iii a i i.iein, in c. ei w .. j i" wi inc. Ih-etlorts slioHltt rei'eivc hearty encour- ;;" menl. M,- .John H 1'ii.e. who lives bv tlie nui'lic iiii nn km.w,, a- Ihe l.ane tuii.iu. .eii-linvi had .ece.itlvlomeanectMl I.,- .rP uoi,.r Imi -i l.ni-,-,1 Hell" i , , , , ; ami leprtseiit several cOiiipanie- in each, k ,,,,, i ui-doin i put down in hi- v iid leaching into t lie : 1 1 one-i "l-uniu. ' ... , . i- ii,.., iMi.lfi-li, - ihe lown Thi-.dvi-i " " 1 lb- Dm ham Sun in -i.e .k'n-g of to-. , n ik III it unocilii- lie lown. imsgiMs, The tireenville Rees. ,, ,, , -. ' , i,., -,i ,.n, niiv,. c -i 1 .m -i ti I ,,r, at,-- inn - i . . .... . '.vti sa vs ttiat ii - . cllv ha - t a r I . i on, ,i,-iii .ai.n.epi.u an-1 --'- ' Morris Sultau, Henuv Halm, Willie . ,.v... vilt. , ... ...; .... i eai.-i ee u. obounii.g it-. ', . , , ' , . -, ... , -u ' 'i'gi'--i mile-- -n. i an.., i j ! N illet, liielmrd Patrick A ill aims, FJlisjau I uniie-l l-er -Length. W.- ali icn -a -A good in.-oting i- in inogre-- at LJnt- I ....... .. , ,; ;.. i I, .,.1, ! ! .,- i Co , ,1,1 -t,,rv ,,!' Ie e.v 1 1 ,e ., eo, i 1 n -I a-, 1 ten in the church ..I Co list there, lie Ii A. lliin, lie is a-s-liee in it. Th, ., ,i ; ,.u ,.,,,,i a ,, ; , I. ;,.,,.,, ;i, I. n-t. Mr. Ibiii. He will not gM b..ck ,n ;. met.. I with his cmig.egatiou here Isun.lav. liulcon.uiu senaea will be he! 1 al the u-llal I r. he in Orrmokr I liaimi'l erl ... . . . ' 1 ifceii . Tweiilv-ciie tli.-u-Mal ught 1, im, lie 1 , . a...., . 1. . 1 coud. nir vcd fi Din 1 be cut being drtilged y I e 1 lovt-i nmeiii ai l. r..c,.ke aero- K-.y:d, --hod .lining Si p'i mb, r. 7l,'ol euinci ai l h at' it-ii r. iiiint l altogth, r -o far. 1 , I ,, ne1 I Ml I,,-- -a,, a- , ,,ov m-irlv - ihr ,u-.li 1 he - 1...1 . v 1 if ead ,-t i n- lie, nth it 1- 1 eeted to h ,ve a n-et wi- Ie 1 11 1 1 i t-1 v 1 hroii" h. nel 15(1 i (-rh, Ka'nninK nr,. -j j, It .....j , con-ider.-d ,,i.-of , , '., 1 , the dn.-l kii.-wu in a long tun.-. , farmer- iioin 1 am.ii.o in form us that creek w he:e it crosses the public id 1- iierieit'v drv a rare o.-ciirrei.ce. 1 1 -,, th ,1 Ilu. at" cr.ek the dui.lin" ' I I!'' in. 111 j u . , C r , veil a te 1 1 a 111 i a o. ,,,i,i,-c 11 1- -o !.,w tla.t :t hi- .1 iitiiicn.. :. .1 U 11 - bus certainly n- t ng t, nu 1 I ear . ,! e 1 v. ah u : Iv mem. .rv I '.. 1 1 nn t:i-liitnire 4t1irer. I ne ha on ,ug ai'e Ihe -' , . i - a a I i . a un. . : lee . i tl c ' 'I 11 Fi lei". . l'i--;: c: . S. W. Su.ail a i i';, - .'i, a-. I. I'.. Latham; J ane- lo d i. :; ,. Lea-.cet i I rce ;. For IT , t-,r- C. F. l'i... M. Man', 1 1. A. niiui, ph 1 1 1 . . s. ip s, I'm- Hoard ot Apue ;'-: M. Manb, Thos ilai-. V. p. Harm-, A. I!. I)atn,,-oi, J. A Minnows. -up, i.a'end.-n:. IP T. I'-irrow-n. la, ..ii, lonin.p.. .1. L. Laili nn. lui i . i ' a , a a I M . Man. i . 1;;1 nu .: -, i" i -';.- - . -. F. II. Mt ad- .'a-. .1. .1 .!.;, Ie-,. aad K. li. ,1 -. ( Pi t'- !, . ". m. Iiaun. I. 11 Hackburn jii I 1 1 . i i . K i - ew .r.x-er. nnl rout; A lliitler. Mr. 1. 'gar Aaii-i!'..:.', who fa ti v e ,, , , ; , ;, .,s;,; . ;,,r M, ( H F " ,, , .1 e,, i., V,. ' . . go n : o I ,ii-i i-e-s ;, a- . . F. r l'i h.m-e'f. He w . our low i -ni .n M I'm linn u.i I, :n p .rti.ei.-tep wall f. S. Baxter. r j, in,, v Pivte- Thev w ill 1 e .ii ' he -: wharf adj'.aiaig Mr. a I,e W 1,1 I)-- g: Di tat'-. Mr. Baxter, who i it ihe inark't r. s. 11. Sett. The l carpenter and bicah - line, t, or i.rai,,,.,, n. let l ie ni- - 1 . . . .. mm.s , n or . r.' i-, 1 a I, -it tlsl.le Me m j follow that US heretofore. NEW CITIZENS. Mow Down From Homer (ih Perms) h ania. four ol llii iniilnr (onipcw the Ihfrrv Point .umber 4'o-Tlte Mill . . , ... , I i,t NMMi.elnv..lNi.iil 1- l lite; i'riy. 1 We r,i,i,i:v iii.l.,, d il,,- nun -1i.-i.i- bv Mr. .John I!, lli-iirv. "I ilo iii-r l it v P. nn- .' i 'Vii'Ui. ol I no suv mil allli,-ll "it-- I Neusu tivi-r. tiii.- i-Diunv. ! Tin- mill will In- ovmh -1 an. I o)i-r l'i- I j dv a compntiy ot f. or i 1 vha h Mr. Ih - u - 1 rv is uf. It will lie ku..n as the Clierry i I-O.nl -T t'o. , Tin sc . omposiuo the eon, paiiy an : S. .Milton l'e.,li 1 MKiM'cmri , I iriurn' , di-iIi- Sw-i-pliirv C. W. 'I n, k. Fnn in in I ami J. If. Henry, (ii-m-ml Manutrer. I The above -.'entli-meii ami otlit-r moved ilown 1 ist iiiidit. The lainilii-s ol Mes-r- i (.,), ami I'.-ifiei or.le lame with tin in. : 1 u r. inaiii.nu' men lie; - . ! i la- i,.ri y a re- i Ail. All ki. -el I, Lai-ayitte IXick. W illi-nn ' . 1. , -v- . i , . ..i t i ar:i: iw-ine, a.... ... n. I r If", "'ii- nil1 I Hi "l" . 1 1 li 11 1 lit. I III iM- il All are diiei I I'l nni II j it r t'ltv ( xei-pt I .. L'l ..... . l, .. . I .. .... I ..... , .. - j t v. in ar I lie ml y. Ail come vviih l lio iiiieni!"ii c 1 li'-foin. jn.r i.inn.infiit citii'tia eet-i( Mr. Mike- r I K I I r. ,f ". t-1 I 1 The lrr About Three I on il lis up 1 I t . 1 ' . v lki.,.l I.... The lii'st three telephone of the Neiv i Heine .-y-t i m weie put up 'I bicsilav. " . , , , .." 1 hi- lir-l cue as nl i lie waler hoiks, t ie nexi ai ii. iiicKoiiiu - Moic ine u, n o it tl. i. rMinpsoii -. i . - u.uymatii - doing t lii- pat't of the i .n-JiiieliDli Hoik. He expects (,, put ii) lib "a I lj a iUj ""V, 11 :,ri' bi. Al.oiit ihr.v t.uiitlis i t the u.k ol put- t'.ng up the win-i- dene. The --t. in ;s fMt-"l ID b..- leady lor op, nl.on ab,,t , U)l)) j, ; A in-eio Imv. ab nit grown, named i.i. ; HeiKT loil.in-on . -!ole a small skill li mn J j,. j. u , ...,oU Thuivdav and sold it at pnee to Capt. John .Moore, ol a ; lumlier bar-e lo uline at Siimsotr- mill. ! 'J'he lo lepre-enteil that the ?k i;)' n a - - one Ins lather l. i nun. -O'-n alter I .., a i it. I ,uil uiK i i,.iv, r,,i l,i n,.!,,n i,i TWENTY t.. v..i- l .i... I.... ri ii!noal elilion of their anno d b tied hut was ran down and kept secure mi "Cotton Moveiiien'" ;;.! F,uc;i,.:- am - ' Ihe barae until i-lti.'Ci' Lmd arrived, lie-1 It is a valuable imhli, ai i, n a r- e, u i i . 1 ' ' ' ing nnlitied that he was wauled, and took I Haudard bonlv of re'er. net' niuoiig i otluii i bin: in charge. I men. m The trial was held l:are V. ("!. Rrin-I It reviews the cotton bade of ihe urn l,l; v son, E-qr, and the boy was b utvl over to contains an interesting articie on ihe ft- ' Superior court in Hie Mini of 100. He i ten trade of India, w hieh Mas wrd'ene could not give ihe bond and is im w in ! ptcially for Ibis i do imi I , y I he di.-linmn.-h- m jiil. ColleKlHle Institute Party. The Cullegiate Institute had its first ..c . . .i;. .... !.-: 1.. .. M'iu gmuermg oi u.i- wiim.ii r uu.iv I nielil It via- tor the Im.if.r iimJle ,i night. It via- tor the linger pupili. tew young lini e- alio M.img gentiemi ll. forin'i r puj il- ol t he' school, w , re also .1-.-eut. For nbolll three hours ihe young peo- pie joined meiily in liveiy tames. Mime of tiie.n lieing simple, old time favorites. At a seasonable hour the playing censed and iifu-r partaking ot refreshment the pupils ili-persed to llnir I. nines luglily ph-asctl anil all ihe better titled by the en loyiiiL-nt l .r lutiire hours ot studv - i i. .,. aim a Ii...1 1. Xlr. 'UUlll uiil, .,ll, aui,u n, vi. i-v -'w. J r, ,, , u i i -1 i N I llii r u s who lias liwn n tiartner-i stiin willi'tr V. k' Kisli.m Iiiih Imiu'lit .... vi- i..i.' . -in .1... Ja.i tint itii. ihmiui. i iii liiuuiia m ui; i,i In ms wbo leiuain iu the litisiness nave formed a partnership under the name ol llovviinl .V Hughes. , 1 Ir' W1 ,.,,!llnu.a V 1,1 1110 OI.IMiin.lt. lusliop .V 1 lilglies 1 n.-j a re - '"" "'c' "'--"''"'oii i,..-,i,.i, c from the races atG reem die. .! except r!l ex'cept Kills illiam- .Inn.- ihrough thti ' .'""utry. He drove up bid came back 1 "- -Mi'Vo ni. n- ana o. Cl- remain ano-her lay to a -p.cal y i ii- .-.I- . i... ! r:U? - race. v.-r II M-lhiii-,, .V WMIeM'.! ll ittiiii. I - ' .. . . ion won in I ne - .0 l'l:l- : tiiue. - 1.11- ,1 w , . . i.i.,..,.,.. xi ... ... r.':i... v ... i e. nil. ,' line - -lie' 1 u.i i.. 'il, .i.-i-i. , B -rue was stcomi. There was good l'.uiu and a lug 4od Hook him! Elite Fiwhlnir. The Keaufolt Herald gives llii- li-lliug .. l-; 1 1 1,1 1... r " lu-"11 " 'l'l"".'"" " the whole-.ile. Since the col.l weather ' set in any ainouilt of mudets have leeu , miiiht ..nil the iron I ri-hino is as line as ,i is .-v.-r seen here in October. The wrilt r accompanied by part of The Her- aid- lone, went out "liook n.l l.uii.-"' - 1 in eday afternoon and we were loruinate in bringing home about hall a hundred as; mce tn-ut as i yeuer.t!ly caught." - - - A Letter I'rom 'ha. llalloek. 1 ., 0. x r - ra.,,0 ir..n..r.i- 1 " ' ' 11 c -JL' v "i1--- n-'in'i " ' ' ' e-eii- ,,! In- 1 ilea - i if dv written and in- Anh t,w h Iters. ll is from Blincomln c. .U'll v We an- clad to note the increase of at ennon 11, ai :.- o- uig g.M-u id 11 e ii. i-.ng of butter. ,hese. eic. ot which he -peak-. He rp.r-ir, - -ii, i in, u-liie- as mice t er- i.e w : y elect, if t- . . , , , l-il.i mid ill, re pr, tr.aa e. ;l:.l al-o pinl a i" New Heine 1 , y b, t ' er in o i a ! i for a i in inn n ll. t y lli.lu lo a, CD. 1 t w .11 lie noticed ti ia t I it- -p, a k - Y.,.,.. ot tobacco us a crop very e b.iii-n i e lo ie:arv. land. Tne-e i- another i lung In i-e con -I'. A. M' It red also, that i-. thai i ight m line w ith ihe developing ot -tin k r .i-:ng l..r any purp -e whalener the t.alnra'. I.-iideiu-y l- for the land to bei otne richer and richer-- the l itter i- the legitimate outcome of the lemur. InOue Meek, There arc .-nine people that accompli-h gteat result- in one wci-k: with ot Inr-. Ihe week- drift by oaf much like another. A giaat ni;,n woii.d 1:1c- in be up and doing if thev knew where t , tin, I tlie work he.-t siiite.1 to them. S. I.IledC'om- pane. No. CP I S ("', i ! u aibi a Avenue, I'lnli- delphia, can start Mm m a pha-ant bii-i 1 n, ss thai will pay Votl a handsome Slim oi money each we, k. They have aline line ol .luveniie Books now r a Iv. See their adveni-ement on another page. Wiile now. , . . , tin lienl. . no t pur it ot)'. He lir-i in w It. If the Baby in I'nttliiic Teeth. I3e sure ano use ui.u oi.i aim w ci i-irif n remedy, Mrs. Winsluw-Siothmg Syrup for cltililrcn te-thiiig. It soothes the child ,.r, ,i. ., . i.. ... ..n .... ; -diicu- mc gnu.-, uiuis .m j.-on, i u, c- wiiia loim iniu is uic oc-i leiueuy iui .l,.-),.., T,,inln.licA , Ala aKof.lo uu. . i.vj... x '. t j -. . . .. . wo u .... nGlyr itours I N TOIIAI I tl .Alltl Wllflt Ona.li.w County i-l.lkfly In Do c5l Yciii- nl K;i ii iik 1 1. Tne illteirioii of funi.uis ni! nrmr. .i 'i- U'ihi; Inn:, l Id f n! :i--ii a- a m ,: i r. j a- it I. i- novi-r li- c:i i I- :r 'l'i M- ulr.t lpi:lll)D-ill-r tlD'HMI- Il l( li .1 i- anil set' 1ID iva-,)ll vl,y l.u'V -lio:,;,) i,o' ;, I l lllKll I V 1 1 C i s,'Ul. 1 lio-t' i !n I a i cl.Ollgll HI Ilr il te-t till- llll Will illl ,K.ir.. 1Vage an ,,imtli f, t,.,.r on w j ; i iiv,R, u beginning in it- riiltiv;it.oii. , An: .- in I In' .J.u-k,in 'Hi- I mi - .ii.,, citelliai On-low i-oiiuty w i , i nnlur; ,n i t lie i 1 1 1 1 inv ot ilia wei il I" :i 'i -l:v'j , cxt-r-Lit. II. if ma anncil'lae -laU-i,,:.!- ; Wl. rv i-,,m tin Tin,t-: "f liavi- I fi'il in'onDfi 1 lliar .lc.-i-. i Frank Miils la-ui- 1! limn au.i . 1 1 . Mills of M.-iy-vi U. will pSui.t toUie. .. I next year. No 1.,-tL-r I in he Mat. j lor tobacco than th.-ix- U aronn.l May- - , Vllle. , - e li ive t he yerv 1 n -t re:i-',u i.,r i , . Ii.-viiiir iliat n-t xttn lliff will U' a iau : acreatje in On!oiv :,tul .1 lies e,-u t.,-,! vot.-.l to lie- n.tnie i-l l -.. . . t,i ! latiuer- liaM- Ikk-11 si..v in lukin-j a a. n la :;,' , !' t i.e o j , 1 1, u t in:: I . j!' - , iaa: : . . IKnusmne leiunis ui.u i.mi i i-oiu ..,..n:...i , : .., , , i , a a. i , , ut ,..u ,u m , , . -'"' I in," ,..,ii. ,.i,. . I Ornii-jhl to their uttiation ai .i ;ia ; lislnnallt uf a mai ki t a- ill, -a :i. , ,. ., , ,1 I , . - ,-r. . i we !e mi I n i nuinlier 'r what i- u i ' e)ieriini nr. ; "l-.v. rv , ia va r, i n, vv i-v.ii i" i-i'i'i.'l i i , i "(ii -ale to ('iiin.it-' ih-.t "i lo ir a, ., . M . Jlu-!i-y iil I'e.ili.o -ii o; i : i,ni I tlollais i.le.ir. 'I'hi. i.- In- li,-t , ri,-p nl' i . I ,. ii i ii tu-l I lit' price olitaili'-d li.r il -pe 1 1-: ' J.Su-sol t.iu-aeo.liini,- ' crop an lie; KhisIdii market at an an- a i , ... , , M cent- u poinil oi ?J in an acre. II- ' land is old pine li--Id. iiuht gr a v ... .-..n.i v , A , 1 . ,. , - ,. soil. ti-i,DV has I limn .ie I - ..la. n .-1 , h IS 1:in, u h v ,,, k(1 ;, .,, , ,lU , ., , -Toli.n-c.ii- a I cmp I'r ihe -m i ;,nIip,-s ,vth.- allollc- , h; 1, 1 r. ll air ! ll) lm,, h i i r: I I h! p. lie 'an 1 n.l,- vale ai i h..ii-e loiir or men, m- a.u i,,..Im . lll(irlLn t.Il.jl, ,-., the ,.i,fUv. 1 .,,i, ,,. ,- .. ; ,,; , a ,,, ,.,, -c,,.,,,; . I , ,, . . ' .. . : 1 -l p , N u c op- , tin - i el .,. . ; . Va l.r a ui.l. c o ito' bo.m. . Cotton Hove me ni ami li ii c 1 1, 1. 1 1 ...i- 1 Thf Anniuil I'nlilli-iillon olla.iln.i. Alexainli-r A- . : Me-siv. I.i-ham. Al. x .nder .V i ow ,; - ,ttentv-M.-. I I ,,n ik on j eil st itistlci in. .Mr. I lionia- lah-onol Liverpool. There is :il-o an inti r. siing j communication, ''('ii'Ihii Ma mil';!. I n : i a.: 1 Inter. -ti of the Smith," by Mr. Uahari I II Ja I ill iltlik c , I i I , , r , ,f I I IP l . I ! 1 1 1 .-Ii -1 1 1 I'll' - - ' . , ,..,,,; , , ' '. .. . . ' ' I .keiidi o, l!;f) llo'i. .1. s-feriilig -Monaai. ; -a, ---etarv of A"i'ieuitiiii. ; ' Vt 1h0iual table ! - ,, !.-, ,in,o. c,,.mni,t acn a 'ie ,..., v;si a...,,,, .,).. .,,,,1 tl,K tu il i, ai-s 111 r- ,mK.i1 ,n,ei-e-tj,,g oritrii.al m uter ih ,i cannot he faund e .-ewlicre in -ucli a cmi- jse ornli . c 'Thu ,..-,..,;,;. their annual re- ' vi L.- o( Uu. i:w,u u-.hl- ior ihepa..-! sea-ion. The mechanical get-up of tin-book i- io line with the contents. It i--trong and elegant. It is in every way a credit in the firm which issues it. . . . BrnrlUoi rhorunxh HnstiifMn tJrKunl- zallou xnnwna. . . T) , i - , Active Boards o I l-at.e and sunilai or KOliizattons are by uo mean- u-i lessin wi. l. i... : ;un v a i . n in ii t.ii ii luiMiii ni.ui i (.(ip.nt to "on it lone" and take what ; (.,m.g to ium ,la-iecan never be the s un results as when the business men uniie. -uult together as to plans f-r ;.,lv;in ,in, the general inte-c-t- ,,l the con . ,llnnv ami acl accor-liiig to iheucon,- 1 ai ine sing n- ai ring n a cor. i . -n.i 1 1 a i a g n a.-nnili r in an in -lain a in i iiei.ving in- pi" - -1'1' i-m '"e .,.- w cmo I tii i 1 1 1 t f r 1 1 ( 1 1 ; 1 1 i i i ii i l i iiiiifi i ( M.n i : irr.-isijl.le -uel c-ui-.-d I ' ' S ' ; ' 'l 1 . ; ' ' i ' that i lli-,1 '-In nnilv lb, ie i- -liee. -ll, - Pel , .., ,,- .. i...,,, - .a ,,, i t1,, r., t 1 1, ,t ;,, ,, , . . i . ' , . 1 nt action tin iv i powi-r, and a- .1 nil 1 1 1 wan k to'tethi r tor the town and eouul . 1 1 1 1 1 1 . ' 1 1 ! M'AMSH lIS S I I K-.. ' Two Fine War bonl l.el . Anionic Oflli-iaU al Haviuill. . Ti. -. . ..: 1 ..,1.;.. 1 ......! I J ".- .-(..un-.i ...n-.np .11-,, . ha- liex'n wrei.KCl oil Hie i noan coi-t I She was diiveii a-lnne in a lieic gah a , 1 is a lotnl he.-. Th 1 cr.-w. ciiunlin,' 1 ill jeers and men, number.. I two hiudr,.!. '. They w lead si,-d Immigrants claim that the los.- : dm- 1, 1 . 1 a torn, do lln-y had sunk, but tin- i- di- credited in view of lite official ann.-.l :v , ment from the Colon, I On th lPth the Spauisli cruiser Baiva- ' tequi was sunk bv a col i i-ioa ,- t Iia t HMli- .u- 1 1 e 1 . 1 eo in i lie ' n ' 1 w 11 1 1 n; oi ait- com aa a a a in chief nl He Spain-h Naval In, e- in Uid'au wan r-ami lony-vx men. The lw o d;-a-' i-r- ha-c -.-t a !, e' . 11 , intense g'0,,111 , r ti e Spanish i-iHe Havana. 1 heir lo-- al this en.-:- ,1:.. n kt.el),v -,-,. v . . ,- ii.'tii' in in 1 1 A XVO.MIEKFI'I. I. AMI. '.Mil -lllg land'. Where ti. is' , a -ong ,.: ; w 'heinwom "ia loe-n ; a- cli.'. :ran if i in. ami Where the g:i that V,",l ye and bland Ae the gill that v. ki-ed. Where the hlooiner- don't 1 skirt- don i i i i :de. A :;,i lie- maid, n d, n.T I " , ,; m , ., b, ts: t ill. the girls o'"ihe S-.i, '.ii w, a--i,: u w ith prine Don't Ink -iaug and -iiiok,- e.-ii-etli Ton nil, i T. i gi a in W llUl ,'Hll it Woiiiuii lt.1? Why should not a ,ad : in, lep.-n. !, n . Kvei'yb uly will re-pec! Ik: . ill the ite-r . whether she b ra h or poor, an I the., o vt r-ity may come. Why -h. ma I n-.' i'ne wile help I'tiild the hoau : She wbi :.p prei iate it all the more for doing Hut I he onestion is: What can ;i ivmiiai 1 1 i . i;,.-ii t nnipiny. ruini-liei-. No. 1 2018 Columbia Avenue, Pluladciph: ., ' ofi'ers pleasant and protilable einphiviiietil , . . . , .i i i i io lames as n en as geiiiie men. iiwiiiue to vour interest to write mem ai nun -V' !,.l..; 1. -. ..,; n.nw ia usi cau lllllf . ore men ,i, i ii , i-. I ni.ut ou another page. wit. i n i: M !;n!;d. Cfiii ol I ?i- .ii.ii I ! -huh E , - i S ! l iM i .ill 111 , ( , i .M. i . -. , : ;i -,,i -; i a..,-, r i oinpi, li-iy lt--I . ..'! Mill anil I i ; I I : : t I ; I . i . l'l ai ,-. I ' u ap, ,c a - .flit mid - a a. 1 1 - I , , -n-' ' ii -I l oied. s.olivui . ' ' I ll'f , il , ul l. .,, .,,'j h ii-ui-.e: I .1 w;c- 'I 1. i,. wa-. till ll-.l'!' Ta r- f.i in M " t--i 1' :,-'... I. It i. I ,-! : ii crop :!.t Tie- lav . .,. ,, a oi-ee iraai- . .' ,, , lt, " ,, ,j ,,',.. I tin' .Mii : '' a ' "ii'i a ; ,i- 1 1 .. i - .M . Feb. n. i.e. :c n-"i ; ee- I ha: I lor i iving a , e , i;:',-t and .New b-w-i the Fieach ' ii i, en ' : . n ai lo -nlim;- r ! 1; - b e u''iiiarii:e .b 1 1 ork ami an a I n , i a - ' -M' iii an I : laii '.a . I h i - d r i. I c'.' . I' , . i nav., I l . I'ec. iia, i nut. I i ni d. i I , - I he J". ja n; ', .l'l til- oliielai.-. ,1 p- ;ed of hi- a I - , i 1 b pn il ia ;ie. I all i ii i- i I Im II. form ,-: i '.'. ni I ,:. r ai ihe 1 -in,.:, . i , ' .! . : h r , I he tin -il.iiil : T!..' Y , .tii.- - f i-!e d f.. Se r 1 ,t aill ! I llii', I ih. .-.ill w , I nn -': 1 -1 'A ill' P P I,, 11 ., '.e 1 M .li' -New- ml lug S.-i-ie- ,- u'cienai- a n ,, a i a 1 :c ' t;,ig. ,, -'.mi- P,a! t.aa- in i -, i -,-i. er : , :he li ,i 1! :il-1 nil. M . Ie- olii- M Wh- ; '.-.ill I d re I ,:, I. ne; I'- - Kab ev and -t of ail lamiiy ai F. s. Dul- u, I :.o l's. A .MI l ltll- 'o A l I.A.VI'A. I hi Oik- A in. ill, . A V . . IC. . anil llK' Mo n I In-ill Itailuuy. i. I -i I'- w -lav- a jo to tiie -x- ! . .' i' , -.v ! i i -! i li ,,1 lic-i-n an nii;t-,l :.' i. - I :- ,'i vi-il.ir- dm r the A ,V N i '. ! i: I,,.- Soiiilioni Ku:!- ' : a ' :. .1 -. ; -a i -ii A -. N . i a- ., w la-nic i iy the a. "'-on at 0:3o Ui '. Kil'i'jli, I'liil. i.lil, li. 1 , a. ( . i---. ii-1 ,,,!.,. ( liai l"tte. the 1:. K. u ill an ,ve at " ' ' . a", k. -I ni ia ri ti mm- the .Iii-r IK- . a jlal 1 n If . r, iu:ii. I,- uiii l,:ue at o'clock . iia-a: il rci l-aik io New i i . i afo-iiioon al r, 15. ':' Hie ,'ii'ia in It.iilwav inn- M .nl,, th, : r.i'.ir- Kxpo.-i in,, umiiuiU ami 'b-'t ooi-this. -.1 if.-n.-is ,,,i :ti-j i-.-.-u,- oi ., i..rAr... 'I I"' : .Im i: m : - 1 ine l tie.-,,llov- 1 "i n is not (lainageil anil Will all lie ; ' -.1. ; niu- .' I.,. I that i- mit- saved. Irish jiotatoes ditto, l-'ar-i- I'...- t a- p in ... mi t.v.i- Fliers everywhere are hustling to save what thev can- meanwhile fr..-i ; "A : ' ' -m . v, i 1 il,-ep , continue.' 1, a oie ,ii 1 i-D't .n .-, ,,1. l'l. ,n- l)f ,atc ln dairy work, and the move-. i t. ii i.l!i. - in a row, ,,::e stalk o'ent has progressed so far as to' result, last month, in the organ iza- ; ir' ..in :i- barml oil. nave it a tion of a creamery association at j ': -' 'Ai;i :"lu- 1 ii'iinore. one Leicester, a point situated some six- mi- in ...in eaiion- Well ll Oil V ni' ;r re il mailt- one not ! - i h,,i a, ,i, v it ,- ' 1 1 lie i v ii. ;. r., ,.i coin ;; it b" ii bo im- -IH-ll Dili nil mi i itiin .. .; MK' V K I I II HO V . il' I ., i, . 1 1,, a elu-n ,- . Illl 11 "1 '.Vie ll- lllill -, e' i : - I ii I - I n 'a iii I - run, I' e I ! I ill im II 11- i('l I he -till. I ai la, men I,, ,., c in iln, a, ri o 1 1 1 e ! i '..id I c el- nng, too, lie : I 11. e i - e VI i ' a un i llg w he u 'A a I a. . , U" . A i I ... I - 'l ie let- inn. I Maud ill ill lie ii place of u.,,1.1 want - b .vs to-day l Al. ;i d l! tl..,- ih. in all -he has fr I".- 1 1 n r. a, eal : b. p ,-1 ,,iii. fame, A I!- Hit la - al.-l ,! al'i.l,.--. liatilti- 1 . y -1 . i h 1 1 pi1 i in- pith- to, men, li j - 1 " a'la h' I lie pl-.iiali ami the pen, I '. D .- lo I', i I'M ld tile til Ileal! 11, For lie- a, -i d'- - . . i iM.ik is never I ' P w ' 1 in i : ,!; i- ll- f , einl. iy. Not iu-t one, but i-er boy h -.- I-i'iil and br.'.ni will ever be 'l'l-.- ... ,a I , - 1, ... l'i,., I I , . .1.,. II- " Ol . , , , .- , - OM.l , , ,,,,,1 1 Ill ,, Ib-ne-t. failhfill, earni-l, kind; ' fo fond awak--. to evil blind; Heart of giil. I with 'iit alley i anled ihe world wanls such a b"v. Inland Chi i-tian Advocate. a oii-;vrN. VVI-ION SKPN BY 1-I..VT0 THE DIVINE. ' " v,,p- Two 1 1 ndderin g snui come forward, wait ing d mm '; : , al l": o n Idiad un inthu 11 " :rgi"i i. gioum in the nether l ;:-.- i- a Mave -hunger hits made him pine, Ore is a king his arms and jewels -'''"'. , ,. , Making -:i :nge sjilendor in the dismal '":n- --Ili'iiei'" eric the jo Ige. -and strip lliem' fa t lb -m come iih ii.iughi i" show ii ih.-y be course or hue. ofgaibaiid bolvibev are swift be- left: Such i- bell's law no.hing but soul is left. The -l.ive, ia virtue glorious, is held lit Fur those blest i-les of peace where iu-t kings go. l'he king, bv vice deiornn is sent be- 'I',, herd w ith In tnl. laves iu Ihe wailing John Hay. I.VfS, II K I'Kltn XV II AT TO I' SEE. I'm--. I urn Irom whit you e.-, I n, in ighb r w orld to -can; i if w n ai ' hal l,e:c nii"'il lie, li' ia -n '.'.,:-,- : re, id m oi I'clV. I - I'll a I I , 1 1 1 c 1 W l lliii', Te i'- lor a brother's hati ; , !-,iil (he weak grow strong. Tie -i rung be truly greet. l. d ( ir a - -1 11- I hat glow , 1-, .-I ihe i-aith, In-h and low ! 1 1 1 1 1 1 , . il Colt!,. l, ; !;'.. c nii-i ar. "Vai !c ad. I''i,", ii,,i- t he 1 n ie lit .ai n' - ,-! i"-t, ', a' I'c will 1 haagi- to : ed l a hc.v he -ink- to ie-1. Y. e h 1- hi- 7o:il to L-ain, 1 i . :i in r pat i t.. 'io. I'a .i,,t I,,- 1 hrn-t. I be pain I- n.,i l'..- me or you. The , 1 1 1, or ilea rth of -old I n-it 01 li iiinan Will. ( . 1 ., 1 a-- pie roan, led w hole; i i- 111 u k - I lie good or ill. T, ; . l'i, 11. :r,-m what you see, i) e as that too close -card An; pri : he t ln.e may I ,e ';,eu man i- true to man. ,1 amts Kiley. I' 1 rents of ae:ik deiicate colorless chil c f: -a, ei'a I not delay in giving .lolm-,,'- iia. 11. -a, ti of ( oil Fiver Oil. Will lit ike lie 111 fit and rosy, l'iut bottle, - 1 .oil. al S. I HiU'v"-. inn s sum. or noi'i:. 1- morning neai'.' I ' ,i inaii. toii-e ia - ale dim: give I o ice 1 s. the ;:giil is nn lor all to see. I p'aee L'he golden .lay draws nearer, , A;i ! e';ou !-are drifting; ! I ha d iy. ih,- day is here, Aud eight i- Hl'ting. ; Br--:k forth and sing, I Hii! tbat ieip h.-uveuword for the first! sun i .cam -. ' ("io-a pa-ture-. hanging woods, and clear 1 'i'.giil -tr, am- Win r. co , s --aad knee-deep, fields of fair ;: a rea-c. - W in re tear n a v al in hope aud re.-l and P a.-.-. V, a'.ih is a little thing hen loiids ne drifting, Wh n Pawn is on the wing And night :- lilting. - -.1 alia Sturgis. ii Spanish paper in the Pyrenees' New Bern. N. C. Jily 2t, iso.3. , , , , , - . ' , .Iii-. f ;.. vv 1-.1....1. 0 ,'iriv sii.-pein s pub ication in not 1 ' a; her BiiekleiFs Arnica Salve, 'li. be-t salve iu the world for Cuts, Hrui es. 1 leers. Salt Rheum. Fever -or, .-. Tetter, Chapped hands. Chilblains, Cor-, and nil skm Fmptions, ami posi- tiM.-iv cine- Files, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction or moil, -y refunded. Price 2a cnets per box. For sale by F. S. Duffy, Druggist. NOTES FROM THE WEST. Crops in Buncombe Tlie Cold Snap Dairying: Interest. Enri i i it .lur iin' a i : The heavy fro.-is of not. l.-t ;u;,i ".'ml were a severe cut for farmers in ' tin's section. Much tobacco, late coin, nun Tuatuntig iriitt, vegctaiiies. ; and root crops were seriously in-' : in veil wlipro nnl wlinllv ilnclmvcl , 'a rtnm) ,in.,i f ,.i ...... 1 .. 1 ' j .. ' i wi yj L ,i 1 1 i tir, ,inua'ly Ilrt.1- "'.vested, and some forehanded 1ms- bandmen cut and cured their tobacco , - ...... v ... ,..v i. ...... vv i :ls early as three weeks ao. In less favored situations the tobacco was' ' not yet ready to cut, and as a large area of ?uncotnb(! county is cult.i- Vated to tobacco, which is regarded as the principal money, losses will J"' heavy. Anticipations which were . bright have been blasted. Mature! l .i . i i -i, I ,,,,, ,m(.s f Ashevillc. with I M-... f,.-;n 1 m r . .. i -"i o,T . j.i . i i 1 1 1 tx 1 1 1 1 jiiu'in , ill i 1 1 ' l gen s Mills, and Shook and lirown . l-'-ioot'ter as oiiioers. 'l'he cream-j cry building will probably be located , ni iiiiugen s nulls, it the ventures is i deeicided upon at the meeting which 1 will be held .it the fnil nf ir t..!,...- ' n -i - . ... ; i romoierB oi dairy wont in tins sec-1 : tion will advance liablility to dam- ! age from unseasonable frosts as a j strong argument iirfavor of butter, i cheese, and beef, and hay crops and ! clover; these induatrios being prac-1 tll'illlir OVftmnt twj-. ... t.,t.... ' j v..v.A4i.v 41VJ1I1 111JU1 V 11UI11 t Crast, One thing has been proved, namely, mat tobacco culture cx bausts tlie soil more than any other crop; and if butter, cheese, "honey. beef and hay can be grown as sub- jstitutes, the advantage to health. I ! wealth' and pei'ha.s morals will be S '-' "v wuoomi win oe mam-, tested anwstantially within a brief, period. Mo part of tho United States is bettor adapted to pasturage and operation of creameries than j this mountain region of North Car olina, and the profits of sftrrre in Minnesota, Vermont, New York, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania and other States have proved so great, and the system of productions so exact and well understood, that the work can not be regarded as in any respect experimental. Our people have only to follow on the lines which have been established and well proven. The cold snap is driving away the summer guests by scores. With tho ) foliage plants all blackened and limp, and overcoats and fires in uni versal request they give one prelim inary spasmodic, shiver and then make a precipitous break for warm er climes. There are some, how ever, who will remain to enjoy the genial autumn days which are in store for us, and which they have learned from experience are the pleasantest of the year. The foliage of the forests is maro gaudy than the flowers of the field and gardens. When we return we will bring a wreath of woodbine and maple. The blue jays are calling in the woods. In addition to their harsh and rasping cry, I notice that they have also a mellifluous metallic ring saying "pewter-jiewterl" Two week ago noticed the first arrival of the English sparrows in Asheville, which I regret, for they are a bad lot. I found one roosting for the night on the sill of my win dow when I went to close the blinds. Charles ITai.i.ock. Asheville, Oct. 2. When Baby was sick, we gave her Ca,strla. When she was a Chilli; she cried far Castoria. When she beeanie Miss, Rhe clung to Castoria. VVheu she had Children, she gave lliem Castoria. I Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria. i Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria. Children Cry for Pitchers Castoria. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria. "My youngest is very fond of pedestrianism," said Mr. (.'aw ker to .Mr. Caimso. "I didn't know it was old enough to walk." "It isn't: but it is old enongh to know that 1 can." MOTHERS' RELIEF (Woman's I innli.rt I'seil during Pregnancy and Confine ment, is guaranteed to produce a paiol&is and quick lalior. Price $1.00 per bottle, at F. S. Duffy's. WOMAN S OKIiAN'IC RK STOKER. j Restores all cases of Suppressed Men struation. Irregular, Painlul or Hxcessivp j Menstruation. 1.00 per bottle at F. s. j Duffy's. I RROoKs' KAKLY Wltll WORM SYIU'I'. ' PleaHant att Honey. Never iails to get all the worms from j children, both early and late. '2 cts. per hu-ge bottle tit F. S. Duffy's. j The above three remedies manufactured only bv cotton states mkdicink en.. " Atlauta, ia. i pr Sale by F. S. Puflv. N'uw Berne. K. c. aug31 d&wly I Blanche "Do you think, Mr. j Walters, that hanging is a ery 1 painful death?" Walters "Well, ladies, it is generally allowed that; there is nothing so painful as suspense." Johnson's Magnetic Oil is the greatest internal remedy for cramps, colic and ail internal aches and pains lor man or beast. Large bottles, .5 and 50 els. at F. S. Duffy's. i SlronK jTest imon ial For f. I. '. .-le-sis. lutum vmn, ,.! 1.'.,. .(-.. I... areauieiilt-u. 1 in i-ii- in n nc n.is ; been a gre'it sufferer from Ixiuukstion and its accompanying ailments; tempor . 5o-v relief has bei n nlitainpil troni time to time, from the use of various medicines. , hll, TOnr rnmrdv which she has been nsino- 1 or me time hns accomplished more ooa ami givell greater satisfaction than 1 any she has ever used. .Ino. S. Manix. IWS. I. C. is a sure cure lor Iodiges- ion and Dyspepsia. sep20dwly nose i ARE ENABLED e Ask You To CAR n b A Seriously CONSIDER WI l ,( !lA'T-i T7 P ;V -! il A v 1 judicious -i i ' ;'-)VI',' mT''-i-W-'M STIR TRADE IprkIF" TT & J Cutting Prices WES Prices 'vi j AV j ynrmr Tr TnTnm WIIjIiE iT iPi V 1 'V "'"' 4 . ! ! t-' 1 1 : ; i. i i it !

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