'-- u 's. ' " INDEPENDENT IN ALL THINGS. Price; $100 Per Year. Single Copies, 5 Cents, Ni:V BEUXK. CRAVEN COUNTY, N. C, OCTOBER 17, 1805. -VOL. XVIII. NO. 33. for Infants H1KTT y jV mm ttMttm .; mTHtom f pwww, pflt . . " . It I mQftioB'My tho Vert r lody for I-mfmt and Children ' fJka, wwM to kmotrn. It Im kmlM . ChUdrom ltko It. It - rfroo th fc Hk. It will t Muif Uv I it Mothor. horo --vV " ortMg -whig i toolmtoly ta mmi pjmottooJlr f foot mm :, (Mi'i madia. '.-"- CMtwU 4ootry Worm. - '.,--. - -" -- ' Co-rtoria Hy Ftwlitnn, CterU yrorot yomttfarg gooj Crd ; X .'.3 V1 rc torU wpm TWjutIhbo, ojtd Wfaid CoHo. LV-.. .-V-- Coori rUTM T tMm Troti'oloo. ' - "'. Cutorto wtm CoM-Hyatlom and Tltlojiey. CutoU eirtTIw -that of octo of OTOomlo Mold m or poionon rn.lv. Cortrta dooo o toomtaim rjTitoosOTfa.or othor nnrcotto property . -C torlo. tmflnt . tho food, loftmlotoo tlio tonuMsh BJd bowol., gtrlax Vomltjy nnd tmrml ihtp. ? trtn fa pwt t wdn Wttloo oly. It fa mot oold in fcnlfc. -IVmt Jfaw QJty to II yo jrthtng oloo o tho ploo. or proml.o "A "J1 " "will mwr OTory parpooo." Boo that ym r OA - S - T - O - TVo fke-ofamfl -iJctro of Chlldrerv Cry for McDANIEL & GASKILL . -".:Yt V-r-Wholesale & Retail Grocers. Jobbers i of Lqriljaid Snuff and Tobacco. CDeadqoartera ; for Gfoand Allam Salt', which we are gelling at ilie extreiat) low. price of 59 eeata per aaot. CEIaor: wftJbeyndirect Trom the mills by fhe Car load. It will 17 joa to aiee n before- joa buy. GTODR STABLES ABB "FREE TO ALL-t -"..ifo. ,1 Broad Street; opposite Stewart's Livery Stables. r-VS'BBW. -BERNE, N. C. " .- . - " .-"'" "3 Under Gaston fioaae, South Jrroui St: t, New Bertue, N, C. QeiieraliHardware. Gtoves, Carpenters Tools, Cutlery, . , ' Table Ware, Barbed Wire, ; v GALVANIZED PIPE, PUMPS, C" . ',- : 'XLihi, Piaster and Cement. D2VOES PURE READY MIXED PAINTS. nPersonaf attention to the" prompt and correct fiHing oi all orilcrs. v si,3(n w,dow ............. i L; H; Cutler & !.::i,t!ie'Gfli It'OW MIXG ISSTITDUED. ifest, ftleapeit : aid Brst Life lasiraactr.Hoa. Cha. T. O'Ftr : rail, Core rudr f ihe State . f -'v yirgiaii, U the I -f 5Hea4 af U. ASSESSMENTS fUMTTED TOII A MONTH - No EXTRA DUES TO BE PAiD. - If yon wish to provide for your family in Case of Deatk ar Desire Aid in Time of Siekuesa or Accident 'join the Guild. - Pot Further Particulars Soe J;" 5ol Cohen, NEW r ALL OOODSl am m , NOW ARRIVING I New Shoes, ? V Ncw Clothing, -VvNew Hats, Neckwear, 2 Collars, cufta VUU.lii Be sure to call on us for any thing in Clothing ami Men' F anmhing Goods. Suits to order from $16-00 up. T" V- "- . Full Une of Samples. . . I .V'.,-. .J. M, HOWARD. and Children. Ct-i with the ptrc of n to pk of it witkot eng.iing. R - I - A. la oa orery wroppor. Pitcher's Castorla. SHEPPAmrs UADB. FROM PURE PJG IRON. - jof ojyt poond of Seraalroa A rw ae4 ly thojo coods. -DS8ABLE, COMVEWmfTf EffQNOMlCAL AB Moderm IinimwuMW?t (9 JLJcfrtea BovoekooptBK Cares. . : Tweaty different sises and Unda. Every StavaWarraated Agalast Defects. Prleea aot mach aibr at this lime thaa on gowmnnfir Uada of Stoves. CaHmaoradOr Co., New Bene, N t Zeigler's Shoes. We Have .Inst Eeiifd a Line of IV tl FOR LADIES. They consist of the very lteet j styles and shapes. IE QUOTE A FEW PB2CE3 : The Kid Shoes, in needle and me-1 di- in toe, standard price, the 3.U(j kind at $2 Kid Shoe, with patent leather j tip, standard price, tho fci.Ou kind ; at li.d.S. i All others in proportionate low I prices. lis hi Bos .irgoia fiouss. O. Jk. - B4HFOOT, IWI i.'. Baker & Holland, -WHOLESALE- ifictursn I Importers Agents. Oranges, Lemons and Iiatiauas, . our speciaiiies. ; F.xauiini' our Stock ami Piiccs IxM'ore I'lac ng tuir uitlors. No. .".,5 Middle St ret-f, East Snip. 1 sep 1 li dm New Groceries ! New Stock II Zeigl " " 'w-t. M,u-v old -(and. J. . FentreSS, Prop. JT- -l ity iind C ountrv p it ropage so !ii ;ted Fr.'e ci-y dr livery. Best of Goods and Lowt si 1 i ices. Give us a ell. au,l lOI.OKKI) FA IK IMtt.MH MS wirlert by Ihe J mini's :t Ihl'MxIh Auuuttl Kxhibitlon ol Iho Oriental ImtilslriHl. Mock, t'rntl mill Asrl riillnrnl l-'Rlr .-tuei:tiin. t I.ASS H Kl VKD W "II. N. 7 h i:r Tun P. Si SlMlK .il i '11. ncavi .-: : .. .j 1 l.iWtl '.I'll; I.arM-t , i r, V: .Ilk lri-li iviv.it,,. .ii'iiiiiiiii ot .'5 -! nl li.'l.l pc i ; in N IV-; U v.i.:. $! . m ; i n-i . I I i- y.-iir. . i . . C.. X.-:ih Powell; Ut l.u U (J M.isU-v. si "0; i f-l v.u" n 1 I l I - Ll-i to In- l" !i: ! '!' '. ,!ii!..!t' '. 1V-I. i" 1 ii'-'i-la. i:et puui.kiti I'. (Ja-UH1. Mh; !.' (i. tut.ii n i Ka haul- ; 1 1" .i t ' 1' hmis. Ml :il iei V of r. IHJS. lJl KT I Ui. liar.lx i. $1.00; li.-l an l I ut wat-r i mrloiis. spi I'ia I piciiiium by J l' intty j kV C.i. tu I. W II mi. 1 lior p 1 " .' I 1'-' "t an. I ui st aii- .l ili-phy .I tann pi.i.iiu-is 1 by ..nt exliibil"!'. sp.i-i..l pr. iinuni by I. j H Cutlet', 1 boy l'-i 'lw t" Noah I I'.Avt-li; !arit .lip'ay ol any fr. 'tf-'l I this year, spe ial piem iiai by M Ilaliu Ac J ., one rul.ng bn.He lo l. u .m. iey. CLASS C JAMES TH7DLEY, DIRECTOTt. Poultry -fhi.-ke:i.-t C:.(biis u..t lo I bail 3. Cotut'liii-. I.ovelt, l.UU;lost Ieylioiu, Waller Fultb. r, tf 1.00; be l ami l:irst-t i-ollcL-lion by one p. rmu, Joepli H-inirovi-, f 1 50; bei par Puil.lle .'u. Ws, , Mis I.urv Jonrs, 50. ; Ut i-xaibit of .lm k I Henry F J..hmiii, 1 (h). b. M felp, llenrv Bme, 00c; U-t pii ( 'I. in., nai i e or cio.-.- e. e t'l'alik ail, SO.-. CL9S D WM. JONCS, KlItF.t TOI!. Panlrv Siiiuilic 1' -t .irie l HopU by riuiural iiprts. Mi s PtU Jii. hauls n, ui-uh Kicl.- 50- : brbt aoolo un ,r. Mr- mi-iK. 11, 61.0(1: lv.ij.r pio tfieu Mis tuiolui.' ?eive.l t ai:bc Fields. 2c ; bt-l jar pic Mrs llanuan lin ks, -J."ic; lsi ja.r preernd jieii. Kichar.lfcMi. 'J k' le-t .jar Mis lieoriana uc-ervcJ lotjia- hits, Mrs uk.iu llir. is n, '2ae; l e-t pre served pluujs, Mrs Nodi P.oeil, '-'5i ; i-eM jar rt served cittou. .Mr (ieariuna Kiel -!trcs..n. special ir-uiiuiii by M T Koherl-, 1 calf ; Inst aud largest display ol prc rves not le-.s Ulan 8 varieties, special prrni.um by J II Hmkburu to .Mrs Nonh Powell, 1 ooz. t uns of loinatoes. B' si N C Uams 3 to be sbo'.u, Peter RichardKou, $1.00; best jar p. a h. -i. Mis Wijtiu; Pooe. Zn-; 1-1 j'1 vc-ir", Mrs -sercua Orisiiiu, -J5i;best sw.et pickleal pcaclies, ilrs Caroling Fields ; lust pound cake, special premium by C (iill A, Co. to Mrs Dr LAssiiter, 25 ibsofrjoui: best biacy cak-, gpccial preuuutu by J Kii er to Mm Bettie Moore, one cake; best louf bread. Mrs Canliue Fiehi, .roc; best plate biA'uil, no yeast powder. Mi? Emetine Sirumous. 50c; btst d z-n rolls, Mra E B Dudley, 50c. Wlues: Best peuch wine, Mrs Cora J Simmon, 00e; beat ecupiiernoijg me, Mrs Cora SjuiifiODi, 5D''; best ,lum wiu.-, Mi Everline Banks 50vj best blackbert wiue Xo. J, Mru Everline WdlLuiis, 50c; best pear wine, Wiw Eineliue Banks, O0c; I ti strawberry wine, Mrs Jame Duo ley, 5dc; best b'iukberry wiue Ht 2, Miis Everliue Bauks, 30c; best cramberry wipe, M.ias Everliue B.oki, 50c, bet huckel berry wice, Mr onrime Wilii-mm, fiOc; best tomato wine, extra giod, Mis Kver- lioe Banks, 50c; beet malaga grajie wiue, best Cataw ba grape wine, ix-st Cnlitonua yrape wifW W?1 be-t crab apple brandy, Miss ttrerliue iiauks.Oc ou eacli; btst nl .ckberry ccrdial," Mis V"'.di J'jinll 50c; bec paai'b brandy, Mis Cma , Snib moDS, 50c U it crape brandy, Mrs. Sophia Feriner, 50c l4Ft anl lnst ilis p!ay of inea io tin ciuss, ilis line Banks, $1.00. CLASS B M. T. BK Y ANT, DIRKCTOR. Best oruan.ental .void shin, Wm Jones 50c; bot Kraininr. J A M is n, 5U ; i e-t display wooden wan-, iteums Vadsw.n lb, 5(X; best displny veusirs, Sylvewer Dibble, f 1.00; lest display coffins, etc.. j U Sgttop Jfc boD, II 00; best wood car vio', tpecial pfeiniyra by R. Uerry, dnio; gis, to M HTbiilfiy, pouud of Princes ; mufek mellon seelj lest imn urk Uy blacksmith, g)ccial pren-imn by Tmne'r Fumiture & Haidware Co., to J A Har grave, one tioe stanil larcpi host specimen of woo.l work by boy unu-r IS years, special premium b? il B Duffy, ono Corub to Ficld; 2nd best iroa work by blacksmith, Edward Short. 50c. class v. Best silk patch oik quilt by hand. Misfieo F Miller, $1 00; bts1' eiuzy paich I w.nk ijuill ii,' hand, Mrs (iio ii While, j $1.00; last plain iiiufi ii,v A bv . hand, Miw P Kll H a.-mnn. 75c; 1 ls'. I piaiu quilt of any kind Ly h ind. Mi-s Annie Best, 50c; bestcrochei couuterpane, Mrs JoIid H Fislu r, 75c; be-t kmt eoim- u rpane. Mis Annie ('iwilun, 75c , home ' iilu'le hearth ru.'. Airs Jan es Tin liev. Cik-; Uesf liotue made socks. Mrs May J ; ie u, I i5i ; besl htjJ in adc stockings, Mrs Mary j J U i ecu, 50c; b-tt xnt m ptjliv sham'. ' Irs Jlary Wallace, 2"), ; best -nil of 1-i'bt s . under anueuis, Mrs ii, o F ;ilii r. $1 00; i 2ud het iu Hint's ilress, Mrs cJi-o 1 While, j 25c; best spei inien of home m ide 'nc,'. 1 Mrs Sophia Fenn. r. 5Ci; lt handker ' i hiel. Miss Mable Willi-, 25- ; best iiano ever and best ellibroidere I tilde c..v. r Mis iieo il While, 00c on .aih, Uv-i raised w oik in i;.." l, Mis Jic llakt-r, 5K; best cunitse r.,L . iu, Uj H White, 50c, b. it ,n. me! iflinbreijtiiii, ! Mrs J no H F.slur, 50c; bc?t eiiibrodi-ied 1 panel. Miss Mary SThurber. ,-f Wiln.ine ioii, N C, 25c; be-t m nil- apion. Mis; Mattiu Ho, y, 2".. ; Jd bet , , l. ) .'re s an I best sp. citnen ..f t u i n h. . c in , h, M at c'o.i iiiyrou. '-a. oa ,a !; !:r 1 ill jpU v of De. d e ( oi V O 1-i.roidel'V. Mis W H John-on, 50, ; be-t r-h Cut and knit ork, Jlt-i.i.i F Moh r. .So. ; b, st , m. hi, n, I, i,-, I lap i..b. . ilr.- i,.id:.n. sprci d pr.lll-l.lil bv H ,'ilir;, A; ; . '1. J bid of (Hie!isk"fl ur; fr hai ,1-om. -t s.r.ip I "ikct. Mi-s flattie II. .1 , -p. . ;:c pijijjiuni by Miss IT arc et L u , one ui hit; I esi iufu..: . dips-. Mr- Dr l.a--:;.i . .si.C'al pre nium by .I F T.,lor. J p:).r ii. 00 .-hoes; best calico ,!re.- , -.n.i n j li- by exhibitor. s; eid pr, m.ii'ii b. S H Scot i, one w bow ' smd t.ln'. t--Mirs HhIII,- Hod-y; best luaei I .!,', . '. -ti.. Mi's (Jui II While, special pr.-a .inn !.-. I' Via e oiic bottle . ftine in i b in- r . b At bureau ' Ki-he-. .-p.-.. one III. e Ul 111 I M - N c s IV 1 1 ui, jf- t Si a:'i ,1 pit-n'i nil. i ; b st spec. Ill t p!,,r. sp , ;a' M:-s IV ,. .'. it s Si..s, r 11.11, tw ,1 Viii', l"st or 11. h .uthworii ';" g il spe. ml premium, fii'i pry by S t st Ethlege Cie tlee; 1 Mi.-s Xiinev W ck c r. 1 ' 1 . i.i e ii i.. M. End Di. ix-t doll . !'. pt' i.ll pic W II C h, n. At. thcorated ch nr. Mrs i d piem'uin b- Alrf1 sva'P,' best th t or.itive B J,,iit s, spi i ,al pretr. II W! .i .'. 1-1 k. Mi s V 1 M lr'. .. call.- lal'l- p, :i el; Ly lady. M: initial to il. - -I I a l 1 ' i I 11 S '. . . 1" hat: -i I. Fow l:n. il on II ,1'gi tt. 1 oi h.-t -h M.-s Hollev. 1 dig le -John S l',-hei. :'.. t i.i. I A-s o. - I !' Mil : - i ii l'a.t'i li: w etc. - Hest o: ;i. i trad. Mis. I'oia I'i imr piilltiilg I' .lli id ardso:'.': : lo.! rto.s.r-. Mr-. I craSOU tliaWli'g, i.tst ppnci! .Iiaii' Mi r. M -1: M Mr iel-, !: he-' pioulmg . lain, Isaac smii h. 1 ; I rative p ,i' t tig by oia Wo. .ten. $ 1 . lie-t l.e, larged. Mrs. Geo. 11 W I pi h.te. ,griph en beat -pe, il i i in ii ..f in-. liaalc.t! .'.'I i.K.rioi.erv i !',( "na. (io-llcy. 1 o"; ij-- i p ill'.i B rnau K'n 1 1 1 pt'liiuan - Il ' 1 1 ii'iiin .!. bii. v. etc.. .1. .1 ): . lu-y, if I: i pi int- In t cc:ti.fti )la:n a-"' la1..; y o ii.jr, V !I Mooiv. Wt'.H.ii.uioii. N .. 1; l l -l .til.- I'.om lili- in in .l b1, i : pai-ti i. Joi n P. U'i ii.,i :. -. i't oniainoula: mn ixt'. ult'.i hi N. (' . V. II. ..t, be-t pa.n;.: ' .11 .-IIK. it.n or jiiu-ii. Mi- Kat" V. 'I'. 1 a r ol Vi!iiio;..:i, N. t'.. :jl; b , : wu. . . II. M v. ! . I'lui't rii nr.'. K!..ci . ' in :; t c .'In t ion ol ilistrlit ai'u-:.c ol ui.ci liour phihK mil Us-llian ti.n varitlii-. Mis A.le'aule W hi tl. y. I ; b, st .oPcciiou of cut ll is not l.-s than 10 al irli.-. Mis. Dm Mi Fennel. jOc; 1h?s coll. r:: ni f ;;riaiiiiiiii-. Mis. b iii.l. .mesi disp Mis. A.le'nide W "I h'li:. menial n l U-lle 11 o soplca Fen I a r. Toe: 'ay ..' b!..ou.iuLr piant-. litley. 1 i r ii'to irents for pi nils it stand. u h LU'owiiiL! plants, Mrs. Siphi-i Fei.mr. ".tic: last 1 1 : 1 1 1 i 1 1 ir basket with jjrowin plants, Mrs. Sdlia Felin. r, aU ; l-t basket if ch nc est ami mosi taMt fully arninyed tl jwtrs. Mih. S iphia Fennel' . all;'; best and 1 irrest l Mio t ol 1'hoiei- llowe:s most ta-a. :ulv arl'i.ue.l M l-s ( oia Siinino: s. ."in.' Special I'reiinunis I'.c.-t (trmiui;. ii. P. Kennedy, sp ciiii picniiiiin by Chapman, o e oi ti niu rt.il ba.-Uet: best diaw in,' by boy or uirl ueder la umi".-', M is:er S iinnel J''omeble, ipfiai pl'i mv um by P C Urtki r. one enlariifd pholo- i ii 1 , 1 ; lest pin and i n li .-k. ti h. Wni. (jiiii'-. i-pecial pieiiiiiuu b. Dr. I.e nti r l)uif, one set of stall lalM n vi 1; In s! tll'.ni iliu' In' l.o ir t-n', son i ll preaillini ! by I F Jarv .' Wal-oll. o lie p j i.V b "V ol' iin-l. 1 1;.. m -iior.., x. I. M. ill a. M.-s li C . -in I ' U'i- 'h ii I u .ii , -jxi'iai j ill 1 1 nil' e Kll IIAKD- b j i A ifiif an . on. j CI.ASS 1 1 . PhTKl ON , Mi K 1 ... TOII and (J ats.' h, i' side Mi. ,-t do. Win b)",ei, K '. Audi-, a Dd i iry pui'iio-.s. Ilol-ses. Mal'i-s. t o l- lb iir bion.l marc, i olt In Pet 1 Kit haltl-o'i. '.'. -J I b Muilell. 'J.' b -t l.u I .in Mo-u'ey. :; 2 ! Iie.-i .1... hunt. !; b st cow for ,h Ni.ah Powell, 'J; b, SI VolMl. Mos.-lev, l; b st ,,ke of lilt bar, ison. .t; 21 best .!... $'-!,' b'St ihOl-ollJhhl'e.l boil' : beia r. K (i ni.-n, .John Ales W any bit I'h. .mas V.nl. 2; bt -t t hoioiwi.b I uny breed, Fiaok Vait, t'i: 1 e-i b ;ir n..l thoroii -.hi.re i, Hdph I.e.-, if I; i esi -oa not thor.'Uhi.re.l, K 1 M. !., I : t s-1 ihoiousihlirel bin k. Win. I.--W:'. i I ; b ,-t I horoiiohlne I ee. J 'hu .1 ni, s. i. CLASS I - .IESSF. It ROOK? DIKECTOK. Inp Bill (Tames -Fn'-t be-t club. l-c:i '2 ill 3. only (in... ;,.'tni.7 pin,! 1 ico'llj.r "i.- i w, ,i ,ou Wibiiiniou Mu'lial $',0 UI', 1. cli-Oui- k Sti lis jc'.il.oO total A10.50: ird W i t iiii'-i ;-1 n Muluals. Kxc. l-i- r t lub f iO.00. Ittist .lijvcnde c in u del' Ui years didde.l beti'ii .'I winners j.g t dloivs: Home ltunners 3 Km; ol' D'a'niouiU 3.3oi; Blue Kelis .i.3dj. total 10 00. Those who re entitled to )i emiums a.i-requested t call ai tin S' cu taiVs otfiie on corner ot (Jcorg.- and Nea-e -is. Iptweep the l.pur- oi 9. a. m. ; li I -1 p. m. ou FridiU'sand tsa'tur. '.'-. i.o.uu.en- cing Oct. 1 1th, :h ". Ail ti(8 city C 'U obtain tlleilj V. W- J.I1CI ,e, S in se ouisiil by wrriiia t i l", !l A i! , SEW I'm BHIK1. Collectoia pav 150 for d- DI Cleveland nuionrapli. , (iranvil'e lli-j!:is-m. Jr. , of i .le.-n.-bur. Ky , is t weniy one y, ais oi l and on. llpi'ty ejght jnchp-i lii'jh The funeral ol tl.e lalp ip e. lie.ue to 'k pi.-ce in Ppt-:biirjr. nesilav, au.l was a: tfiided i.y Wni. V.i , . . Wnl . 1". Hill ni-i oll.ei Camp tViijl.'dcr.iii' Yiiiians :n old soldieii. A club of whet linen li.nl ,let 'nl d t . tend a Biooklyn church in a body. clet'L' V'Jian was highly dci-Lihtiii Tin antl tiecoi-utod hi Iiu'oit w .in t o bicvc'e- honor ol their visit. Aihiccg t'o.tii Spout, tic. Coiea, report tint (pneims s'.ored theie. The panic.-is b caphal ot has heel! ip. mg giia-dnl 1 w liose life by Japiiiiise, and tin- Quct whs uu-pai:cd l'j entirely sec. A d-3rce o lii.oi-i e, nil t!;o ti'.'iiud of in'onipntibilily, has be. n -i-.i"le l Mis. Ant'1' ' Hives Chandler, opposiliop lo dje ilea ree. pleadings Icllccltd I'll p.iriic. A Irump wa aiiitl S. 1) , a lew 1 1:1 X s i'g . for There was no I S".h ug in the; t iller of tht 1 I a' bi synagogue arul sieding a f t books, which he subsequently peddle on the .-' leels i f ih - toe, n d' piayer tiie l lo Am i x'l-hange savs tl at if t he ( 'otlllli: sinner of -Vi-'l i.'U Itt.l'e p, T, his esl iinati! tint t he col top wid uol t Knetl l.'OO.L) -(i I niakn he c op Ics- '.hau s- and the price m . v l- to i , I 'on iu t 1 1 , ui is i 'Cin.' in 'e of II in.'o. k an i Queen -' i . w ah r w ol'ka for ill ' si ill bp d ti i-.r ,,.lll.. Mlup! V the A. A N. I ' I he'lpafiel tt'ldi '.l jl' I I . that I lie Ult r i an b the eiilil llf r 'o; '- ill L.l li (.'eu. Jam. s l.u, ! ),- 'ii i n :;' laeuteiiaiil li- nei; . r i. ; ' a- gi e ;i an i u " , ;i: h.ngioll tit- bv t he i; I ll-. II j- 1 1 die ( '0 hs "i ate IP I bv tl.e V-t. A --oe l; .,: Iltllei la, ;e pi;in:;e 1 epa r n e re I' f. elm 1 1 .. -u. 1 lhe-P l.i '-H u iote. lb' A II t. 1 ' 1- J 11 1 1 th" liiitin I'.'ti- 1 he ih. w n 1 i.e.r i a T:. : , lie 11! -bo a i I IX -. . g . ! , .' ati ei'-e tS isii to d- .011-:'.' -.1 : li w le . 1 . ail. i b--eti 1 ft:: gieg 7 1-. l'-rai, e Lire,' , .1, -, : , .pi'ie , tip otv -- N - sv . I'll-' As, v pill, er. er. A Ub . ItlMINAI. ((U Rl WF.riNKSiiAY'rf ntoCFF.nixi. T lie !i)ilowit)4 c:is( s onaipieil the time j of court: ; iaktia Iilounf. col., larceny; oiiiliy. , 1! months in peniti iii iary. . .1. I Hiaih chaiue l Willi malicious ' inj i rv to ii opei ly, in which ise l lie jury j .li-lur.-e. I. ni tn it ' ct 1 ami judgment was' -upe'i(leil I1 payment of Cost-'. ; V. II. liobinsni. col , larceny. 12' iiimiii1.( in pi ij i 1 cut i arc. ! Tin-jir iirment of t In; court in the case of Win. If. Sliepfir.l, col, convicted the! picx ions (I iy ot aoainioniiieat, w is mat lie lie reuniie.l lo nav cost and to provide il 1- lr ., ,rl f u-iTn Th. s j;.0M, , VarrvinK co'nceale.l u.apon-; . lel'endant submitted Jud- i ment suspended upon payment ol cost. Win Jones, col.. Unci 11 ; gu lty. S- n Uned not ironouncee,l. Ida Smith. Mauldi Robinson and L,ove ua Harper, all colore-1. Resisting offi- er. Ida Smith sentenced to Unity days in j iil. i J.i.loment su-pen!td on payment of cost in the cese of the two others Seymour Pelhani, ( ol., crue'ty lo ani ; mals; not o n i It v Till KSIU Y'S l'llOCF-ElUNOS. The case of Charles While, col., near . Jauui, City, cliui'eal with rape upon, Fanny II am, col., nfthe same place, was called Thursday. The selection of a jury and the lakinc; of tl)e i vi.lenue copstinied tiie eni in- uioi ning. The argumeiit began upon ihe as-eml ling of court in the ulier- llOOl. The jur.v in ihe c e was coniit)sed of i the ..ii)W.-ug 11. ( '. 1'oler. James JaekS'-U, Josiiih I'i.e-.le. J. I.'. Parker, Jr., 1.. K. Dudley, W. li. Temp'i!, John S. (iair.tt, Tho-'. Clark, P. I.. Th. mas, W. I). Wallace, ('. F. lluiL'il' and jvioch Wi iNu Ol'th. The St ite was n-pie-eiili 4 by Solicitor W. I-! I) miel an I i.v R W. Williamson, . ol. 1.. J. Moor,-, P. M. P. iioall an-1 J. K. li lliiin. cor) leppi sfitiie I iIih Jc-teiii d.,nt. . (Neillier the accused n ir his allege 1 vic t tin are ui in i crown. '1 bti di fence of the liCi'll-ud was Consent ofl'l" L'ill. The wad ct w o;. Not (Suilly, Iiiit Jiice, lide, adulh-ry with Nat She iii-iii, e.,1 Xal Shormuii railed and liiihd. Ni -ci, si la anilciipiis. The jury :n t he u um. in' i a-e i, u-h rod a verdict of , ,b.: . FRIDAY S PliOCEEDINOS. The l .llouing ca.-es came up: Jeise Whjti 1;. ,ul, cd. Liiiccliy. (iuil'ty. ti-n ed to pt uitpntiary lg mooths. Rejiein Wiirgins, col,, A. & B. Uuilty. iS lu nt'tl i .js" Jacob Uiiin,. col., A. i B. Not Guilry. Evu Fendi r-on, t ol , carrying coi-cenleil weapons Nol guiliy. E'ii Hrice. l td , and Srah J. Bryan, el. Lii'einy. C.nilty as to the former. Seu erced to 12 months in the petiiten t.ary. Kpt t'i'itly as t thp lttiV. Jos. P.llyson. Escap d from custody. Plead guillv. Scnteni-O'l twenty days ip j'b1. .ludginenl Was suspended until nput let'in of coin t ill the cioie oflna Kice Cou viiTcd on piidiiy ol fornicdion sni) adultery, ami her personal recoiriiiajance was taken for appearance at that time. MeiiJorn lii y an, to1. A. & B. Guilty. Two niont hs in jai I. Court it. ij. u nnl for the term Ne.;t j-ek .fr.dge ipiiea il holfl ; coiu t in V ihiunij-ioii. , .ludsre Mfuri's .Judge '). P. Ma-ares, w jij las jvjst vt the n st term of the newly established , ci iiiiinal copi t of ihis c.'tinty left lor his 1 Inline in W dmipgioii w hpi hp yi(I hold j court i his w e.i 1-,. ; The judge not only pi't-sidei wiih dig--j niiy ( .n't lie ihous a i'Ba'ly familiarity with the law. and an ability in his charges I io hiuke it clear and explicit, and a tlrui I ness in the dispensation of justice that i is well v ,rlhy of praise, lie rra lc a vcP'good impnssioir nere. "Most Kpu.nriiiji.il' rnild ol Ihe Cen Inry.' We have receptly told of t,e wondcifu" ijnexijlaiuable iipnd p.iWCr iq rcfer- .. . . . e. . .. . , i... . 1. . a 1, .... l: . a : .. I euec to uaipis null u i'i iiceu oi-cuvtieti in I litllu Fivditiy Jones, son of Mr, and Mrs, Dan Joum o: thiii city. Fred and his pin nts h ive rcciuily been visiilng at llaiiowe, and the Beaufoit Heruhl coins pomie' t ol ili.il place makes this mention of him: "We hay;- I1.1J wili ;s the jsi)st few "lidw tin: ln'.J ;:eii irkap'e cjpbf of the I'.lli: cipiirv in liltltj Fri el , lopes, sijf years ,1,1, of New Ht-riV. He can leil tiie day ol the Hr'k Of anV Hrlle glVHll 111 ill ill tile ;.. ,is no u iss.i t,, iS9u. or il day is given tie . ,i'i tiil the day of the inoiit h iipd w ee : 1 '. o ' a 1 a b iidi-1 Willi the names ot the id li'oni il is L'iven him lor tin I -'.'3, 'i'l and "'J." he -:ui ive the l!:llf l,,.l'i"' lb SI'l l I A. A C. B. K. SfVirii iiir iii Atlanta riMiiion 011 the ,-:iiil. Ilnl.y IT Hours Between ew Item' d- Atlnnta. i .V , ..- :il"i t" leave ',".v BerPc f. r n th in.; day i -a w I'd bp as follow .-- The -ave New Be'ne at 9:30 e. -1011 w 1 a Atlanta t:i- a. m.. : " enty H 1, II is io nd arrive e-r :!;e put:, ur's 1 uu. leave Nt w ut Atlanta ,e rup iu i M. ,'lfl ally i ,1,'ii ion lit chaii'j itt.-n up ni I car- ' .iS pic ih" hum 1 1 Is, it. scd. tb-t see ;i ha': I n you w id have t svo din ier ;it Go'd-boio. on iju have jape to i! N'c-.v Hui up belolii ai 'i f or 6 li ly -upper ial- lied I -I', ilkl i-t Itl 'i"."g. Every ell'oi'i l": KC I his One of I he es.r le.ivng NcW Horse ih- i,,d a-U' il d'llg iiiil . til- Use only, -. tan 1-cs. -w i :, i and iiiinbago. iit F. S. Dul- M l I I ll W. . V . K H. Sbl( ICE. 1 ur I lie Inula K .isi I ion Trip 4.1, -lul.V Kichte.-n Hoiir..ii Un tile ggml Atl.iilii. u i i via. W. N. d. thai is a , i. a lie- si :,i i.ie :uu W il il.iligtoll, leaving lot i a. in. and an iv- d an hour Jl.ai will L'p: dinner, or take m .v i; iiimodabons wi'l y tiling that fon Ibe nio-t putu-t an 1 , to M T' ,p Wl fa-t s I be made eti the A. 1. si i'uule train. time Iroill :v Is hours. New . I 1- ii'- lb :e'it al S, ,-ip i.- the most ;e : i! s ap in exi-teuce. leaves the a'-ei .'ll'etv. Aiisoltilely pufe -h'y niedlta't'd. Two l'Tge a pa kag. , gj U-. at F. S. Ihlf- (APT II AS. K. HrAKTIIllt. Former 4'nptniii ot the Vlriiiiu Wliicli Kllirel so I'oiiKpienoimly in the Former Cuban InMiirreclion. Capt. ('has. K. McAnhur ol New York, was iu the city y.steid iv. He c ni.e from Norfolk where lie Ins been lbra-hoit time in llie marine hospital on account of ! an injury i reived in a riccr t ur.-ck. ; ('apt. McArthur was once in command ; of the steamer Virninius. That bo it is 'will remembered on nrcoiint of having i been capuind by ihi; Spani-!i uunboat TornHdo in the lbimer (.'no m insiiriee ! tii-u wlrch lasted ten years, from lxrti to 1878. Cat t. Fry, who was then in com- ! 'T1'1 ,,,e V";-lni,,,s' '?';tl,V. ?",e, who were on board, both lirili-h and American c tizeiis, wire xe uted and war with Spaiu, as a result, wa-s narrowly averted. Capt. McAnhur w is off from the command then bec.iiise he was t akei sick only a d w weeks l efo:e and Capt. Frv took his place. Cipt. McArthur's sympaihies are fully with tiie Cubans and be bylieves their chances for success lire fairly goal that they can aLienst prolong the war until Spain, tirnl of the continued stinin upon her power and treasury, will oiv,. np tK. contest, lie says diseise works gn-.-ilh agiinsi me spanisn solilUTS. Aul iieinojto acclinjatid they .-Uc( nmb npidly under j lev-prs irom winch the n.:tive are tically eii ll)pt. To Whom Tills May uiieorii. j There are tinns iu the history of Ihej lives of all men when their lion-Is undere if. radical changer. Some clniigts arc: lo;- ll(e better, SOIpe lo.' the worse. 1 ' trust, yea I know this chulie "I mind ou j my part is for the bett-r. for no man can 1 o.l ilstl'i1' ire i ous nun nun as u s inner anil t lie promises of i lie Word as Ip- , , i , , J ha., agitated and Woikel lip a d ill uv which t iviiii to stm i :t paru-aii poini- nil newspaper in tlje city oi Ai'H' Up'i nil, l but the Blessed M istei' has touk char.-e of me and cbaugtal my plans ullage tin r. mid instead of Hiarimg a new-p.ip.r I shall, by the giace of tj.nl, i nler his -cr, -ice tiil.l if) iku ihe light upon Ihu devil und for the lapse of Ciuisl. This 1 shouhl have always duue, but neglect o' duty has c-au-ied me, since my Conversion, lo go uslray, iandei'ing hti from what t knew to be right. But thank God He has picked n.e up ;igaiii ana lest ior Me e t oi ouiy i sii.-ui.n ..-.,.1.1....!., iu, ,i.iK...,i 01..1 ik.,i ,.,.ii..., r .i,r V T .... Ol I.'. .'1 .. - ' I ' ifititu, i put on pir; v- uo; iiunotil MUU op Ivt work lm: rry Ma-Jer iq II'S hvanch of the Free Wjli liaptist church, trust int; that lie wi'l till tup with wii'lom, mid ki.ow'cdge figai p,q high, and give nie grui,e aud 1'aitli to '-run the good race and tight the go d tight" until He shall umke me ivatly to be ''offered up.'' T th 'ft f-.r whom ihis is intended, t w ill say that the fuud which imve been handed me for the support ot the paner ri fei'i'i d to above aie in, the litipila f'niy father .It B.t'6aii slreet and he will re" jiind tlieni as f ist as ca,l'e 1 for, To. the accomplishment of the ends, set forth I ask the arngst, Jervcct players ol all dod's -icop'a. Yours lor Jcfu, Cjjas C Glfifls. TWO FIRES I.V JAlIiOWII.I.E. Two Dwellings Belonging to Miss Henrietta Jarmnn and. n Bnr- sfeivt nrf!fi-. HtMV 2,00Q. Wedpesday a,itevnoou, flih inat., two houses in Jacksonville, belonging to M'ss Heprji tt( Jruiapi wpre diii'noyod hy fire. The building ip wnich Ih'- tire originated was occupied by Ml', A. Oaks. From ih'titwntto the Qne occupied by Mr. Geo. Bobltisop. The loss was about 1,500. Our intornntpt wag not pcjtted as to the insurance but thought there was some on the buildings. The adjoining building to Ihe ones burned wus saved with difficulty, and it is beiieved that if it had been burned the greater part of 1 lie town, 1 six-chilly thg ibnsiress part, woU'l i&vii g),'ae also as liiie'ii strong wind was bl(4wipg, Mr. iiobipson, who occupied the hist house burned, was hgad superintendent qf he Tiarrneiee-Eccleson Lumber Co's mill, lie has held the place ever since it? erection., hut ju-t made Ja ksQnvilh.' icgu lai jy li liQpv-S H'S family ui.ivtd .here IVi'P7 Elizabeth Ciiy about a week ago. The blacksmith chop of ihe Parmelee Ecchiioii Lumb rCo's mill was burned on Thursday morning The loss in this in stance was not more than $250. I 1 he mill s lire apparatus .iij . Qd .a 1 vi,:e a( 1,0th Ib'iS. hhikilig it so thai Ihe wliqle feliuni.',e did not have- I" be p;aced upon buokctti. An cxperj'-r.pi like ihi. ought to wake opr Jacksupville frit nds up 10 the 11, cd of procuring a lire engine ami milking other good provisions fir fighting liies as w? have seeu advocated in our co-ieinporarv the J..r ksouville Times, niore ijj.m ouif. I rrpyivpnit' ftgainat fires may si em some-j w hat cipeucive to a small place but it is ! I better to itand ii ihae to take ihe chances j of a (hsastio"- coptliigt'atioa w hieh o-j j liui'ie ;u any time. KAPIII HrXSTRS) lllllll IOWA. Heel ' cam oi i in men A t liletes Will be One ol Ihe ipiionents ul Ilir Xi w Berne Boys in Ihe i haiipioiisliii RneeA at Atlnnta. i Altbongh there are ndy tl.-ven cait.s in the world's championship ro ., ;d Ai Uilta, iiieie an some iu the nuinl.ui who alii make it so I'.iut ti'O.-e I' n "eg i.ga.ns the ill will b ive no easy woik. Top 1 w.i I, am steu s to be the on- that i- looked upon as the in. st lot midah'.e oppoiunt n tin- svhu'e number that, have eu'e red. To. Atlanta J, uriial ha- lb:- lo say : in. in "With a crowd "..in 1 , .-.iii - ilie team oi voliltiteer tiieuien lh,t .--aid ! Ih- tiie bp-i itl the lout UV an i t tie in. it lias Larrieil otf in aiv pr., - in the con e-l-that thev hast.- t in t re-1 . 'file otn i :. v coniposeJ oi well known a, busii e-s men ,-f Crn-ii, Ii 1 ihe work wi h -rea'e-t s'iisia :,n I in s , rv eouo .-: tl till. lent, .ll ,o t I ter illto I an, I I 111 i II 1 1,1 y in ike . III 11 :.!( .I. puii !!' I he lii'st trophy. Tic in t i-ii '.:" I h t ',"s a:;, I li.. ve U ' up C viug ' ileiil t he -lit .; loss 1. Thi-v h oi- !,,et! iu li.-bi in.: time and are coming to A -Jan , luermiua'jon ot cariying ill i goal I pit and the $2t in goe tiut city with them. 1 In, ic,( i, , ' 1 1 ' 1 1 l:-i.ip , , : lor -.mi, a With a an .- ni.e back to u s lid lo bp tes the Uu: ke-t that Pver enteieti ;i coii- A race tlo s not always most conli -cut of w iniiii ; tc and th- otn , ur tai- t 1 ran e I bat th-v .-' wh-n heel b. iS J. allluiub tilcV ale 11' ath eh-, may show the Iosvaii a so i an "g t a nioveou theiii-els ot t ii-ion c:ii U r i:. , or;) Wlib i Mmucit poniitl Sepai-ale i.raiu. Mr. ( r. M. Hoyal In- 1 :t little li iiabu! ol a very . It t oil' kin 1 o otil, e , ill. lis peeul arity consi-ts in Icivin g a mill. .1- s ill'o'llld lure shin k of s.vu'il thickne-.- each grain in-tead of on sehui'k ui-onii-i the w hole ear. I he V on the regular t ar alt- r i i n s ss Inch gn s tlat as itl i 1 1 vaiictieS. in addition I tin se some grains ,,i", .; each one similarly uiclo-ed in a small -buck, giesv on thejtassel. The jiiaiii ui thri hissel aie rouiui- Tiie corn did uol grosv here. It wa. sent to Mr. Hoyal by a friend in Cahfor i uia as a curiosity. , l.rn ii I lilt- 1:1 .s. A. y. !.. all I a w Itarn iiikI Slnbles Itiiriicil dit ' Wednesd iy, Olh insl., i. r ii No. '-' tovvnslnp, this misf ii tune lo lo-e liis l;C j i.i!!-. outhouses li v a fire w I'ii'il st i lii- h t 1 have bi i n of inoerj- .ary oriu'in. fhe I am. -1 .b!cs ami buy hou-e wei e all 1 lll'ec !. Mr. ICrimlV ci op of fod ter and jva--iored in ihe D.i-.i u en. dcsiioved also The hor-,. u s v. .'. Yc an- inlornic that out. Mi whi ever did tin- ini-ehit f turned inn !tisui' ,ut e. The A. A .. It. il. I vciirsion Mr. S. L. Dill. Supc i intendi nt of A cc N. C. K. U. mhirnis us that he is already got tine; lot ! is from dill'n'ciit points in re.'ei'eiic : lo ihe (Xeiiision parly which is bi ing mad" up to oo to Atlanta over liu.t, .nid the S iiituern r dln-ad on Tues day O t -'2. Tho-.: who g.i.nil lannninin ten days or rt (urn any tinn; ithiii t..n days. as t le v s e lr. Th t eeiir-io i extends ai p ,inu on (he line. TIiom- , h., .. i( Wi nriivc in Atlantii ahou- the - .ni - lim the Pies ide it an-1 his pan v do. The r.iilioad oilicials hop... to have a cry gio.l crowd lot- this ucc.i-sion and make a delightful trio for lln io. A l.ia-efl l.liboriti Cipi. D Con-don Honored. informed us hist iilutit ol th" de dh ol fill-: of h.s colored ilit'ly cuip'.oyed at ;a n. r) U .IS n aW. ng i. i S'i'.'i..s . Mr. f him in highest kiu; for tiie mill, a shoit iulprval, - and was always iltious. nuiictuil i : i if. lb b is b. eu ic uilh ih" e.X'.'cpti.iu ,,f lghlcel) ol' ii : It livn Vi 11!" j j; , u n, , ,,i , te n pi ; 1 1 1 I ii ly io wuii; ,i v i j;,,,. ..,,.1 .a W...1. he w j ,., ,r , , ., ( ;M w no, dt .1 i n. Such mi the eh he u:,-" lc Id thai tin- n.ill .i,,,- l'.'. u ye-tel. lav Mi l rill connected both while a. 1.1 l,!;i,'k, attended the itn ii. fuini' d JOM.Y VAI HV Itl ISKHS. J'rom Jersey liy. Who Took Their Tri Son l It lo Visit Iho imposition On tin t 1 mil Xitpitm Yaehl. Ran by Tlirms. I vj's II ..nie n nnl ltiiii. One of the pi-eliii st u ipilci yaohu ever ; ,,u,- w., ,r:i v, , s ;U ,). ( . D. whnl V ;i ;iioii time l'lidav afternoon. Il was the Aimii'i, iKdoeging lo Ihe Jersey City yacht eaib on which a pla-ure par i y of live h id t tk n it ti ip South to attend the Atlanta Exposition. They havesiient 1 month in tecreat 1011 and are now home ward b .uml. Tiny caine up to Utrnu lor a IVe.-h .-upjily oi na'pUvu They briefly i-it-d seve-.-ai c'-t phices ot in terct on theiv cri.i-y, There were only thr-e b.iard when she nachid New B-'iuo, the iwo others had lo get tuck hoaii t ari ier than those who repjaiot ii. 'i'liey all seem to have njoyod the trip hngt ly. The yacht is a line hale one. with white hull, oak do k niul house witu cherry tviinniingc, brass railings ami almost con tinuous wio lows. Inside everything corn-p n is w ith the cxipi ior appeayace. It is ornamentally Tini-hcd walnut, well carpeted ami eWiiancd ftnd the va- ri iu-. :p,o,-,.)ien;s 'uppiinl with everything ipeeiieti f.-r envoaience and ooniibayt' She wns pi'Qiioiaietd by thoiic who viewed her, "a regular daudy Those, aboir-l wciv C.-.pt. A. E. Web ber, Engi n-1" Ike Fowler and Mate Geo. W. lhti vpy. HS AliRIFT. Iu the City ol Kims and Tieinily, ti.-ttheretl iu iiml Briefly Told. Treasurer Worth decides that Buff -do Bill's s!i,.w i not a ( ircus; so it is on,y liable to a sn ail tax us an exhibition. While the wurV oi' ., Idiijg the addi li.a;il i'ory to the biiilding occupied by the Bnd ham Pharmacy is ui progress, they will bain the adjoining building. They 10 oved last u'ght. There was a fdght frost Thursday morning both iu the coimti y ami city. Th'- highe-t o , nl reachel by the gov t ruineiit iht.r eoineier on the I ill h was 05 l'i-e-i lent Jubaij S. Carr, will semi out over 400 lutein a. king prominent men ot ihe St.,, c to come to the for. Mr. Carr i- leaving no stui e unturned to make a j 11 annum 11 -una -s ,, iha i.tu, and the out he 1: now ;s ,,'i':ioiiiy l'.,r something 'hat will ! '-heii"m'i'.al and ihit will startle 1 ho p. 1. pie wilh ndmiinti.m of Ihe Sta'e's r. siii'i'i s. Nen - A. ( 11 w,r M 1". J. S. Man' u-.f, 1, u-.s us Hut he is lVCcjl II !' '.! di: II -.' il III ..iu'cs lhat a ple.si ex, 111 nl p t n I on : ll" V "Ml! b . li..- Ail ui i i" Y. V .v. a. I. it, oi the I en li-d llioir made ll b '. po-l I -S . till ip a e.. hi, le l.a lor th,, nil s iiich lroial On Ip of the of goill- Ipas, -the '.. e, h. Ion , Fl loll,. - t i .'IM ! -, s cr n - . Hi, hi . venly-rive nil net about runnent bv a ( oi I-, :i,i;k aiuiiiti .'U w hat I -a ie of cotton lose tiit same It can thus ihe firmer in .1 t... U I b, i haul 1 1 will hue io k' ep i s it', odier ; llallsporta lli.Tll. d ! i- i I :l V li nil I ti l l. liCIMIKI.VU V i . in Progress Jt the 'ew Berne I. us WorUs t'r.-fl itnliie Skill 11 i. placed in ils l.'xe.-ul ion. A ". : y ,:: 'i,' l pine oi repair work is :;i e:.o.,-i: ,u U e :: ..- work-. It is the in th, drip pot, a I -.si, a 1 iu the I a I i which ii ad. and ihe - tied living ss Hie u; p p. I'..'-a -ising :l ss as a iiard if SS hat 10 tlo, bad 111 sv, it "se nie ts h. ie the , ', t ! ;i :Iii- s il g ll'oai ha I., he lour s or C'-i go Would '. an I Xt tu -tve have to l e it :ii to do I e- rtu-e t he v w.'b ; o. hi. I'. ' otaiilg ss ollid iina-i ti. ui made i.d not lip fiin !':iii tug holder an., we til in: strut I M: 1 Mr. W 1 wood. 'lllined ii 1,1 'oe Miell 11 re :iiiv pair I !'. Mr. 15 md hi- - weie I'd ii'-ti a-t i-wi-d ca.ii- f lie gas ig iu tl.e giis-v at- ch thsad- luig and I i he re leads to .: ii ci.r io -ilgh ' .-1 . il, d M: d,, r s' i Ipaspi 1 with t'ikiiig hold of ; pie e of work s ihsphidng in Mr lie an I ma: IgllU rk will probably be :d ul r-k'- j. J . A. ' On N'r. J conn1 b.,ra A KEFORMATOKT NEEDED. Wht Jadge Mearea Unci to Say In Court I'poD This Question. The Journal lias repeatedly advoca ted the establisbmeut of a reformatory for young criminals where au effort could be made to reclaim tbem instead of placing il them, as now, in the peniteoUary and jails aioug wnn oiuer autl hardened crimluais where they are likely to come forth as much, possibly more confirmed io evil ways ih in when they entered. There was a case before Judge Meares Friday which caused him to express him self with empha? upon this subject. It wn' that of the negro girl, Mcndora Bryan, who gives her age as fourteen years, but nppearsolder. She is the one who struck a -mall child of Mr. W. II. Hancock with a bnck bat on the street recently, A plea was made fr the prisoner on the ground that her mother w9 a good woman, but Judge Mears said that while he was sorry he could not take a prison- ei s lamtiy into consideration and keep ju-t ce from being done: that in this cate a great outrage bad been in striking that baby with a rock upon no provocation whatever, that it showed a malicious wicked heart aDd a devilish disposition. The Judge however, notwithstanding the agravating circumstances attending the coininital cf the offence, made the sentence light, He simply sent the girl convict to the county iail instead of to tbe peniteutiary and made the term only two4 montlis. Judge Meares took tho occasion to re mark that there is hardly a day in which he is holding court but w hat lie sees the nerd for a reformatory. CAN 1 FORGET THEE? (Prisoner My Lords, I have nothiDg more to say, except to quote the saore l psalmist, in which you will understand that t speak for my country as be speaks of bin. "If I forget thee, O Jerusalem, &.') BY D. Ki. IK. They tell me, my country that I forget thee, Thy past is my volume to hold from thy sight No thought of tbe glory and gloom that have met thee Should darken my day or illume, my night. But the fervour of lovo lhat enlightens my spirit Is p itent to bj'iog thee a dream to my rest, KjQVolkcd in the glory that thou dost in herit From time when thou sat'st like a Queen in the west. Dispelled is the dream when daylight comes o'er me And shows in its rays all tho ruins around; Oh, can I forget, with this ruin before me, Tbe Oiueen of my soul whom her sor rows have crowned? i They soy, whom ambition to high seats lias lifted. Her sorrows must sleep, for there's sun shine at last Woe ever tbe present wilh hope is un sifted, 'Tis dark with the horror and night of the past. And here by the grave where death's ter rors have found me, I swear And their chill's on my young brow lor thee That when I lorget the dark story that bound me To Erin ol Sorrows, may God forget me? ... CCHULinACHBEE. Dear Erin, how sweetly thy green bosom rises, An emerald, set in tbe ring of the sea Each blade of thy meadows my faithful heart prizes Thou Queen of the west, the tvorld's Cushlamacbree Thy gates open wide to the jwor and the straugerj There smiles hospitality, hearty and tree: Thy friendship is seen in the moment of danger, And the wand'rer is welcome with cush lamaclircey The sons they are, liravi, but the batile over Iu hvothei'ly jieaee with their foes they Hgrec; " And the roseate chee!:s of thy daughters discover The Soul speaking blu di, that says. 'Cushlamacbree! Then flourish Erin, lor ever, uiy dear native While sadly I wander, an thee! Aud firm as thy moiiutiiiuj, fearing, May heaven defend its own exile from no injurs Cushla'iia- chree. WORTHY LOVE. BY 11. N. K. JR., Purposeless as in a dream, I wanderered through an empty youth, Shadows came and shadows w cut. ! As visions pleasant, tin n uncouth. Seizures too of void desires. Affections strange and only mine; Waking dreams, the dreams of life, Came marching by in ordered line. Thai wns life or in its place. Fpi hapj the shadows which it cast; Flitting shadows swiftly by, I scarcely knew which was the last. i live and bye a crisis came, i Ami hie was full of hopes audi fea is. There was something to attain, Atal sorrows tears were idle tears. , Worthy love as duty's slave, j Inspired and pointed to the goal; ; Fortune then began to ait!, Because she saw love in my soul. I MOTHERS' RELIEF (Woman's Comlorlj U-ed during Frpgnamy anil Confine-; ment, is guaranteeil to produce a painless and quick labor. I'rice 1.00 per bottle. ' at F. S. Duffv . WuMAX s OK' : A N 1 1 ' HKS'l'OHKIl. Hestorcs all cases of Suppressed Men struation. Inegul".r, I'ainlui or Excessive Menstruation, l.t'd per bottle at F. S. Dutfv's. B HOOKS- I.AKI.Y HIIII) WORM yiu'i' Pleanilnt an Honey. Never t:nls to get all tbe worms children, both early r.nd late. 2" t I large bottle at F. S. Duffy's. tfotn . per The above three remedies manufactured uiily by C'uTT'iN STATUS MKHICINK Co.. Atlanta, (bi. For Sale by F. S. Dtitlv. New Bernp. N. C. auglil dAw ly It is given o':t that ex-President Hani son lias m ule f 8,000 in lie in the last eighteen months, and that he'd rather be nch than be President. - STOCK OF FINE SHOES tiiV .' 1 IS COMPRISED OF Three Leading LINES, OUR Thos. G. Rani's, . " w; Man Bros, and U,ii-0:: Clement and Balis' - Their : Inferiors -"' . Are Many, Their Equals Few, Their " v '? Superiors Nonef, TRY A AND BE CONVINCED OF THEIR SUPERIORITY OVER OTHER LINES. & Willett. 47 & 49 Pollock St. Thingrs IN Blue. This is f H F.lllr 1)1 PS' biivo t lli'tll, "Things in c ;i season for Cll mils Wo a l ollcction of I'.liii-." Prices begin, for all t"s?woil, as low as 2i X-fTpor yard. WRITE FOP SAMPLES and our little book on kid Ulmcs, W. H. & R S. Mer 4 Co. FAR Hackburn in, 3sr. o. ';!'"'.--. ' ' ' '''-.""t " ";i:- . ,-,'- -

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