THE JOURNAL. iy'EVr BEUSE, N. C, "GT. 17. 1895 lIocAt- News BRIEFLY NOTED. , FtaVlrffrti reports l0!inrs ircreasing, nxl imurovrfOHDt in almost sll lint. Ileudirely iuOrl gam b ben made at tbe .Sunt a. : ; , ; There areabout 1.50; boaM of H-d. enmity root aowatthr, W. N. & N. depot "to be taken down, to Wihuirglou. 1 Smtv one tnggesied yesterday tlsat the tleel To am give hiitio run in their I'intc and White Bu'iforru s they ppored hi the track' in Atlanta, and ah-o have their pbot4 taken. " Tbe steamer -Neose carried out a sood assorted cargo -f expoits Tuetliy. Man Hay tl steamer: New lJcroo took on a Cargo of 400 pucka-, (bariela and saeks) uf clams, 10O 1 am-Is o fih, 100 brre of spirit turpentiue and a good lot cotton. . Me. St I' Dill in'om.s ns. thai the Atlanta Expowlia travel, ovr tle A. & X. C Railroad,; f wlrch b, snperin ik-ot, U oa tha im rpase, not cuity ot New Borne bat also alunir lbe ei.lru line of the road. ..... .j.... , There will a nieethvr of the stock holders nf the Roanoke CoIod MrmoiLd A.xiatitio Tuormlay, Oft. 24, 1895. :ho YarUwongta Hotel in. ttak-igh. at 4 30 p. m.'- Officer - will l e fleeter and l-u-i-nesa fgre-t imioiUn will b trans acted. AM tsbonid attend who can. Those who cannot .should be r presented ly proxy.- ',. - - . An imprtrtant qaUfn that will come befors the Synod of North Carotin a. mm n to meet, ia the J -removal of IImpU?n S-idw r Union .Senrv .. to - Virginia. Tliia is the les'cylcriaa Thlogie--il tSeroi- cary of Nortlr Caroling awl Vrgtnis. A r-tier ba ; been-; in-le,'f a fine she and J I00,0t0 fr the removal. The Wilmington Messenger Sya: -Pr.v-f Me liolie?,' tle Geologist, reached Lore lat aiht from Atlanta wi aaya the t a p sition is oil io - fin thapes utt ndoee f-iirly Sfr and tlwt . U' r pro rouucxI a iw-tf s i every pariicoiar.7 i tf mcnlC the aperil trips provided from Xea Berne U it next IVaday. ... -I A sneeiul ; tue New and Obrrer rs that an ; eff 'tt wilt he madti to set a , itionnl approtriat'ua tr the Goilford 1 ttle Grouud -Our two" United States i. ua'ors and Congressman Settle hare j romi-irtl J oI-e t hewlc" t work f it Thu bill wilt - l prrparni . br " J'tdf . l.enck arj't be' ictrotucl-iato bmh Louses as soon as Cu-re me-ta in D- .' v. a. ..";.'.' j.'i L'oUcd S ate ' Uaralial O.J, Carroll ma le a brief tUU to Uie city and kfl Taeft. Yiy momin Tor Raleigh. Bin bnaineaa was t advaixe preparations ibr tbe hold L of U. S. O'Urt which to ta nuet bere alter nexu , v ' '- ?' Mr. Carriiofma n tLe Mocket will f a Ur-" i'io. 'J he eafea are aansnal, n.uiu!y vrolutionW of tbn .iotenml nrreaiM :'i3--iuiiut dtsUllMTg and retailing. . NTra ma ( I ho rltwtlnrjr The seven nrn cotMricta, nve men and i: woiaoii who Wern f ried Ut ,'wevk in : cvimiiia) .court." con?icted. and tea - n.vd, were taken ap Jo the peuiieoitary , i,oi:iy, ly sheriff, W.4 B.- L.oe, and uty sheriff. J. 1. LaRnqiM. Every . e was for larceny and the ecntence in r !i cae waa twelve moalhs." . .y . 1 lie mine of the convicts a ret - Jesae V 1, tiiKxd, W. H. Rowrtsonv ; Wo. f -u , Jnmes Djvw, Zick Sinimuua, Fliza , and Galena Bloaat. . ? - . , J. A. Fraari Bara m Sta.kta ; tb Diuht of Wetloesdsy 9th irf t, Vr. J.ta. A. Ernnl of No. 9 tawnahirj, this - .uoty, .hd tlie misf.rftune to we bis : irn sod adjoiDing ootlrooses by a fire v i lv h seems clnuiy b have been of inopB . .iry origin. The trn, stables and boggy xi-e were all Lnrne"! . vt-' : ir. Ernul'a t-rop ff fod.ter aa-t pa np-t ' la tbe burr went dsstroyt also. : a Lorso w-ns enrd. We am informed it whoever did the mfcicLicf turned him - .'Jr. Eroul Uad no ittsnraoce; '. Mr. Ernnl hmiaelf; tras la ilorday . l he informs ns that beaidea what we t t:uruerted, lie lost also bf the Are all bra .' -'cultural imjh"inente and Mechanical i'aiU, and a suiall amount of field pro . cis other than the fodder which Waa in u.a building at the iinjf. '. n . . " , He tells u nn.rrrover .that there was min on 1 be eighth laUinir nptoaboot8 ""cUkW, ami that n. Xt uiornin the tracks Tone pt-r-on coo Id ba. plainly eiitead si to and away truitLe fiKlder lionae . wIimU the fir-r i.rit:nated. ; ItttTje as en'.ertainftl of tracing lbe perpetrator of tii t:ianiiy !.. . r. trnul places nia Icis at 25Q.- It I take more tl'ft'r thatt replace - what wus destroyed bpi : aa he had laiea having ;,e d ol tuiplfox nts ad tool a he 4iot oiant tbeni at Cull value. Jath4it Tr1nmlmm Meetlac A protracted meeting aecording; to an pounoemeot made a week ago has baen tun in Centenary M. K. Church, by the pastor. Rev. L. L.'. Naebj D.: D. Services are held twkse each day, at 4 o'clock in the afternoon at S o'ekak at night. Tlie meetings are placed S Uile-i to - give tU.sss who are in stores and other orcupa t wn w hien rr quire the "early evening hours an opportunity to be present Dr. Nash is pracikiii'r eood, aoand, stirring serraona, end iotrret being f-trown by the grail tying numbers in nt ten dance. -. 7 '." i'";.- rereaievwai Hence a tUw Eaclaea. Une of the awtable Rat area in the par ade of - the" fire ladiei yesterday were ha foer magraiflornt peruheroo horses (two to etch engine) furnUhed by Messrs JX. ILU10 & On. tot live- Occa-4-n. They are bred especially tor heavy work, fuch as fire department, etc., and would do credit to any department in the state. TUe aeoior menitier of tbe Hi rn. Mr. M naltn has just returned from the West and Northern markets where he sele- ied one of tbe best iota of any description ever broeght to this market. .'- - Utatrwl (rwaa Bmm. C C. Clark lk 'tf'- "'" , Ha?ing beard many tery con.p'imen (ary esprcssioes on tbe admirable fpeech made by the Hon. C. C. Chirk b. Toie the Board of Commissiooers on the subject of roDSlrneting bridges acrrss the Noose and Trent rivra" adjacent to New Berne, we think - that we refler t the views of the toiling maaaea in reqnestinf; Mr. Chirk to aWrea-tlie ritiz ns of New Berne and Craven c4laty on this subj et at the court house - or city hall at such time a- ill rerrehis convenience. :Z If he consents to nkc the addieas li p Will have a large audience of h i interested fellow cilizena whin lie ever f ills to in tenat. Many Citizen'. "This week the Atlantic Bsptist A-o-fciadlua meets in Kinstoo. It begno Tucs ,fetyid is expected to hold about four tfeys. y '- 't"be followiog parties went up from Jifew Bcme U atten-J the a.xiation: Jtev'R. S. J. Porter lud f. S. Burie-s, Mr. - awl Mra: J. C. WUiity, thrir lit r le daugh ter Mina Lorena. iccoa-panying tbcm, and Mrs. II. E. Whitehurst. '-1 he following delfates passcil throuiih b- route to the conyentior: Kev. J. T. Jenkins and Missis i. H. Eaton, George E Sryron, . L. L. Leary, M. S. Webb. Neeoham Vlllia. E. VVa-leand J. B. Davis ' of ; Morebead City, and Mr, U. C. Jlolron of Vaaaemere. THE ATLANTA REEL RACES' New Berne Third Each Day. ! bjr 4hIj 1 I a Nronla-Ofal KrU tk Blt-Slew Btrat I.oxt It In foaplf m(- my Ja. r(au'i Jelu Hart-Bad Trark-Kr Berwe'a Uan ta Qulrkeat Made. Sh ial to JonrtSAi.. Atlanta, Da., O. t. 12 By liierv- qnest of Chit f Joyrer l the Atl:in(a Fire Depaitinent the three fist team r:m iu tli. K position cri-iii'.ds t.d:iy forti-nt ?;v dollar-! in j.'' !d. It was a two huadie-l ar.l e v. itii lo.iild reel. It wa v u by the I-'w crack teniu. The tJhio team uhich wms the winu-r l taa b 11 ye-teri'ay was fe 0!d anl New Bsnie third in today s ra;e. ?ew 1U rue will brin I a k a mnlil on Uie rib, ree1 ruees. Tiio wiuu'r;: itam iie:eal. il ntodiy by "t: o ami oue hall et oud-, the i'me- ur- I - ami 24. 'I jn li,' . s pr'.imun'-i-'l Xo'.v l-njc the champions of the Southern ian, -i d Ohio, the c'lsii-pioiis of tin- Not'li and Wtt. The Allan! 1 Contilot':Oii 1; v Keinc tin- quicke-l run 10 ue nui.-u in im- race Friday. 1 1 e boys truly tan well Vkc h st, ri tbe Constitn'.lon said, in breakini; coupling. Condon .uettin hurt canst d it. The track was Wo will lt-sve on special car t-'-moirow at 7:50 a. m., imd lay over in Greensboro Sunday night. We are just out ol the Ferris licei. -Iowa and Nevv Berne are taking the Expoaitiou right. Tiierc is a grand display of fire works' lo ni"ht. G. D. Uobekts. Caiulua aad Gaiaar. Mr. W. T. Dixou of Morehcad City, came np Wednesday ninrning. She is vuitrng atCapt. S. G. Roberta'. ' .Miss Ada Hndson, who has ! n visit ing at Mr. S. J. Hudaoo's. letumed to her tome in Polloksvdh. Afisa Edza Uancock. of Mnrehead City, made the room I trip to K fusion Tuesilay t einsult Dr. H. O. Hyelt ubout her eyes. Mr. E. B. Kidyitte of Am pu hoe autl Capt. E. Duniels o' Od ir Islam I. came up to the ciy TncsdHy on busini ss. Mr." Joseph W.' Wabrm who has been off on a business trip re tu Tied home last night. f ir. J, T. Cper of Bajboro, Pamlico county, came up- Tuesday on busine, Mra. Cooper accompanying him. They are. vis: ting at Mr. i. L. Peoinss'. Mr. F. E. Hege. left f-r Burlington to f ode the poaltry to be exhibited at tli fair. Mis E. E. Woodard of LaGrange w ho h'aa been viaitiny at ftlaj. &. U. Pope's left forkiattm 10 a,tisji the Atlantic Bap tist Association lo which hi is a dte gaten ir"-. -."'.'.. -- Mies'ITatbTero Brynn ret o rued ft-om Fayetieville where she has been visiting her si8te,r airs. J. B. Broadf.-ot, Her lit tle twice M'isb Bonnie Broadfoot ret u raid borne with ber. ' - The iamily of Capt. E. W. Hill, who came in on the schooner S. Warreai Hall Friday, left no tbe steamer Neua yester day retorting to their home in Baltimore Lt. James B. Hughes is in the yty visit ing bis father Or, J, B. Hughes. ' 1 MrvMatt Manly andIre. Anita Maoly left Icr a tr.p to tbe Atlanta Exposi tion. ' : Mrs. Mareret Hanff of Morebead CAme np to visit re'atiyes in the city. . lira. C, T. Watson, Miss Eva Sand rs bdMrs. W.T Bill, returned from New port - ' airs. Orris Delamar passed through en rente from Pamlico conoty to Newport to visit ber father, Dr. Ed Prrkius, Mr. Bndolph Duffy of Caiharine Lake came ' cp t. lbe cit) and h rcgisteted at the Caattawka. ' The steamer Jfew Berne brought in the following pasergBnt Mr and M.-a W. R. Blades ' from a visit oorthj Me. W. F. Crockett retnni'ng home from n visit to her sister. Mis. J. Vr. Ironnrmg- g of Nor folk. and Mrs J. F. Cowed rn iouic Irc-m Koi ftdk to her home in Bayboro. "'Mrs. .'Jane sHughee, Miss Jennie Ungues and Mrs. Mary McK. Nash re turned Irofn Hillaboro where they have been spending the tummer. Mr. ami Mr. M. M.r Marks returned from a visit to relatives 'i Kiutton. Mrs. Strab 8timsn U at borne from an extended visit in Maiu and Masv chosetts. . Mias Levie D:fl. who has ben visiting ber sister Mrs. V S. IJeibert of Kins ou and later visiting for a alien lime at Mr. S. L. Dilr'j in this city. kf. for lur home Friday. '...-.: Rer. D. A. Bnridle, rttU'ned from Griftoo wh6re he has U-tn condnctiog a Discinte nrotrncted. imetn with line re sults. There w- re aixteen a litior.a ;o the church, tourtcen of whom w ere bsp tbsed. Mrs. J. W. Medc n turned from Nor folk where she has been visiting her hus band.. Mr. J. B. Nal, who has bet n sendins; some tjme ut lloiel Albert with his wu, who was the lowi-st Wilder 011 the river bridges left for bis txHne in Scot'and Neck Friday. Rev. F. D. Swindell, P. E. paa-ed through en route to llarlows to hold quarterly conference. Ei-Slierirl Maver Halm, who has been spending about a tnotvtn and a half io New York, Cincinnati and other places north. returned home on the steamer New Berne; Mr. Iias. Keizei.stein, who accoinp.uuoi by hU Utile sou Chester, lias been 111 New York for a short time on huMne-s and pleasure, also letnroett home on the air.e steamer. Mr. T. A. Gieen and fomily, who have been spending a lew weeks iu Bi.lli l.ore. ret u rue-1 home on the same rteamer. Rev. F. D. Swind. II, P. E., passed through en route Irom Hurl. -we win re lie has been holding quatterly meeting, to bis home io Gohbbom. Mr. and Mrs E. E Harper left vtster- day for tbe At'ania Exposiiion. Air. JJrie Aternetliy ot the Beaufort lie al ami hi3 motln-r Mrs. J. T. Ab-roettiy nd Mis E. L. Stainey p issed ihrntigli. They were en route to Ailsnta also. Mr. W. E. Dulin . f Washington, D C , is in the city visium his brolliei-in !.. a . Mr. E S. sir-el. Ui-s All u-la Crapon I. ft to i-.l ie ;i lives iu WllmlU'J'oii Mr. anl Mrs. Frank Tliocnp 0.1 ... Jacksonville, wh have beu xini uL; al Mr. S. II. Lane's, left retunnuu; home. Mrs. Hill Humphrey tinxl child left to visit relatives iu Jacksonville. Dr. E. fl. Goldlierg back Cioai hi. um1o'.v trip. Mr. C. li Thomas a ho lias W-cn at tending Supreme court, lelun.eJ '..rt niht. Mr. C. II. Foy was up to the city terday. He e xpects to open his b'.i- . atMatsville next week. Mr. P. M. Pnarsall went down 1 B-. an foil on pruh'SMonal bnsme-?. Messrs. I). L Ward. W. V. ("ark and O.' H. Gu-oo. returned ;': en li iie --h j w here tbey have Ueu alien I. au Sapreme 1 court. 1 Miss Brad. lie Hyuan returned from 1 liolilsboro. I Mr. T. S. Burma retttrncl t" Kiveniaie ! looking alter his brickvard tuis'iiess. Mrs. .las. W. Kiddie and Mis. A. E. ; Wad.-worlh kit to visit their broiher m ' Southern Georgia, from ihere thoy wiIIl' to the Allantii Exposition. Mr. H'-ury li'S'iton wait up the' AifcNCBliona business trip. Mr. J. W. Moody after spending a short time iu the city returned to Core creek. ATLANTA. Fireine a Welftiiiiei! at Tin' Depot And Esctirtt'tl Through The ( Alilren ol A iprrciil ton by W. W. I Isrk-Hxnqlirl Hi Tlir Imltnwkii--inniloiia ri'hp Sonl li Tliey l ier)lblni Knniilnt. Krnl the l -larHRllbr Nuxtlc- '1'he.v MlMtel tli Hell Olll) l I Ik- An lilflil Hi lll f'atiialliiK:. Th At!:f..;. H V- T.mi. i.o-i-lwi.pi"i. "1 I'"3 s ' !' 'I'iO' i'- 'i !' 1 nielli li":.-. tin Ali.ii. 'A :.po-dioii li ii ti ' . Ill :l -pil l.l i" ' ' :i" I oiii1, VlltllO Si'iu lii rn : 11 I A. v'c N . ( ' U. 1 ! .-. Ti.ev wen- in''i t'1" licpi'i I'V 1 1 s ..Ih. r inPiiilieK "t lh.' A 1 1 ; n: i- FiicConi- p: 11 V, hv the Ni- Hi-nit' . r . r.. l.oni- v.iriv. by both liie t"o r wi!!i 111 up and whisilie" a live V -aluU'. anil bv lunn- Ik-is of our cifZ"ts, .ii:c- men. sulaie matrons, 011114 in. anil modem anil I eiiiliireu. A hue Was t'orau o' 1 e vvi 1 h C'llii f 1 Jilt Chief W It. e chief - ( Liiriaee. :e 111 and ti I ,. .1. Tavlor ami As P.arrin'.,ti.n lea.ii"'.. iu ami -a illi the At'it'Uii uv.e i the two ena; toliowimf. They manli'ii town Queen s'reetto llrois, doAii GriVeS lo Middie, down in.i.iia ii. L.nMi :in.l (low 11 South ,, , t-hft,tauUn wiieu- Mr. U W. Clark from the made a very aimF ecoud storv balconv idre-s to l in- reluming firemen, who while they did not -evtire I lie l't tichievid enough to rrtlee.l ureal credit alike upon themselves anil the cilv and stale lr..m which they came. Mr. U'ark adiliesncal thun as "Cham pions ol the South," am I told them fat only a lew mouths ago they were known 10 our rdizaus simply as the Atlantic Hose Reel Team. No. 1. of New Berne, ilien in hiMt Augusl in friendly riva'ry with their brother firemen tln-ir skill made them known to tbe Siate ns the Atlantic Hose Bed Team No. l, of New New Berne, champions ot North Caro lina, and at Atlanta in competition with the world they had bc. nie known as the Atlantic Hose lieel Team No. 1, of New, N. C. champious f the Smth. He congratulated them upon their proud aclii'.vemenls ami urged then lornard upon behalf of both themselves and our people who feci isucli intenst in their suc cess to still higher achievements - lo rert siti.-fied with nothing sdioit of ilie loie most place. At the close of Mr. Clark's nddiess Ibrre c I leers were given by the citizens for the team, and tlin e cheers by tire team for Mr. Clarle, and another tlnee. lor Mioses Pearl Powell and Lena Dail, mascots of our volunteer Gre companies. At 8 o'clock a banquet tend rid by the citizens was partaken of at Hotel Chattaw ka and highly erjoyed. The time made by the Atlantic bam at the contest for the champinnsiiip I a.-It was 51 seconds. The time of the Intlepen deucellose Co., .'f Marliu'd reny, Ohio, the winuer, was 45 seconds. The accident to Mr. Cong Ion, the coupler ot the Atlantic team was that, as the hose unwound from the reel the coup ting slraek him i n thd arm and shouider on nbiug it so for a few Seconds that he conld not work. But 'or tins untoward nt aul the tune lost by it, the boys would undouhedly liuve brought borne the thousind dollar belt, the $2o0 in gold and been prilaimexl chatnpious tifihe world. Ifthey had made the same time at the coupling that they did al practices in New Berne iliey would have come oat two seconds ahead ot the vie to m. Their inu aas made iu 38 seconds ami was the quickest of any. Their nozzlemao, Mr. John B, was also quicker than the victors. Tin re was only one on the grounds quicker than lnmsell and that was Uie nozzleman of the Ions team. Again we suy, that, while the boys did uot win the lied, they made a record ot which every one has a ri;ht to be proud. I'feerry Laoibtr Company. Means. .Iji. R, ' IT pry, Milion Pe.'di coideandS. Seckenbergi r of the l-hciry Point Lumber Co., who moed dou the first of this month irotn Homer City, Pennsylvania cauie up to the cty Wed nesday on business. They expeit to yet 1 heir mill started iu about a week mote. There are some slight r pairs to the boiler to bo roads aud then they wiil te in readi ness. Mr, Ad. H. M.kecll of Homer City, w ho accompanied f.biu down, came up with them. Ha is en TW0 IQ his home but he expects to be liack agiou in uhoua two weeks. Caavaaalaa; for Bridge aad (he e Road Law. R. P. Williams an I J. E. O'hara, col., we uuclei8:aud, are canvassing Ihrongh the county in favor of b iilding the brid ges across Neuss and Trent r;ve?, and in fiVor of workipi; roads by taxation. I'hey were at Peasant Hill n I Jumpina Kou lust week and this wi ek their appoint ments i' re as follows: Pel haul's church, Tuesday; Oak Grove, Adam's creek, Wednesday night, 6th, inst; Tlinrsf'ay nicrht l?th, in-t. Ilatiowe at Godets school house. Tbe Allaatlcj Joamf to the Exposi tion. Atlanta, C-x., Oct. 10th. Staft" Correspondent. The Atlantic Hofe Reel Team arrived in Atlanta in car today, pulling into Union depot at 11:30 by North Caro lina time and ldaiO by Atlanta Hu e. Th'j ride via South' r.i Hallway was a very pleasant die, considering the li llth, about 500 mile?. The lioys have kept things liv. lv all the way. The principle towns passi d throu.'h euroute weie iii sion. Gohl-boi' '. KalenTb. Durham, Grei u-born, Salisbury, (. !rn lot'e, tireenvil'e S. t , tb . A bride uu, I i.'ioom got into our ear through mistake uhiie the hoys were 0111, JUt be ore leaving GoM.-b .fo. a:;. I re- niair.ed Tor some btlle tun.'. lien the tioys boardeil their ear to leave, the 1 '.tuple sex'iiieil -nrpriseii as did th. laiys. Yell- of "thN is a private en ' wnc s.-nt iu by nearly every o:ce bu1. di I not seniitotakeauyttl.i t upon the (i il l ii --. Soon how thu lively b -ys f 111 id .-lit 1 1 a' the iutiuder-i were ju-t loekni 111 lbe li-!;, boa I mal ntiionv I of cilire a s. r anade 'as apHopli de. Juiarrieu l.ues a familur to the ma-se-iiol musicallv rendert Malt lieus. The laces Bli'-ino" b -iug it W as -ilegl e. I , led by .Joliijni, I tic couple foi iii- ed a "I'nited States Kl.ig' to move 111 01 her qiur. 1" . 1 1 j' iy ed mil' 1 111 tin "" V line Wi wdl I r iv 1 1 i'i : h.. Ali.T t.ikinj In. - I"..' 1 10. i'U . I : In- ' y s. ai.1 I . .. ..l,j In, g '-LI , 111 ,d a is-m. 11 t, at I',, -o la-1 , b.i' si e b.l ' 1 1 an. i iroi e de, 1 -lati ag 1. 1 1 lii Mill walk bi ll r. ' t 1 lie. 1 - a 1 1 1--v 1 1 1 u 1. t 1 w as cony 11 c d ' to r ,w h- Ill l Sll- 1, '.li ng w 1 ha t ..Il'.V Tne th 1 i.e. Hi s bl . aki -. impos-iiee, turm il a t urv rough Ii' ,i . -f. and til it '.ii. o p I tit Ml. g -'J in ni -1 ui' n lung, A le v to t', Ilea ' 1 pree t 1 t A I was tbe 1 icii'-n. The Allatiia At lit 1 I I. Mi ead .lit .g to 1 M ' -;. 1' . Il- I o . B Mi. 'le 1 1, M mi ;. ii. 1 11 1 1 1 1 - in lor savi 1. ti'e .' 1 1 lt-ti ut 11 1 have b, , 11 g vi'.g her m" ,, c some iiiouihs pa-i. b nt night. Tne r. -.i t lae t; a mens, iiv . . sola :, n o d . it. Tliel e w a- im op. :. ni 1. 1 r, quiir I but Dr. Hyatt ih-cl: that they would not b" p though consi, lei'ab'c iuipruvt and would be made. I , I a 1 b : ,;' -. 1 :' ' a : ,11 the c , red p'ainl ; 1 ii-. 1 ag 11 llOllt Colli BACK FROM STOCK AT THE KT1TE FAIR. ' The l.lvc Stork Exhibit to he the J aeal in lftm, and to Come From o I Very Extensive Territory. I The live stock h p u linent ot a I iir .; uli.-n well tilled with lino ieviii)t ns of tlic be-t ;iinl mi -I r. ti t a 1 1 1 IiilisIs i- i tie ; oi lh .' mo t insiiiK'ihe imd Iwnelio'i il t" l il'iiit'is. lor lln (',11 lin y ran tin 1 1 oe . ' fNaniiin1 lh' ni -'i!i- b ill , and j'Mr by conipiid'iin. ol tlii- mi ni- ..1 i a.-li, :iinl in many in-l inn 'In- liriiv'i''- llivn,-. Ive. a ii' jitv-i nt .o il H a V -i.n ill e bit- . x periiii,'! cm he ex. h .11 e m a 1 lltn- whi. ii i.iuhl 11. 1 . e do., 1 0i - 1 tnal. I 'II ; W . . t I. li-M ;iHV c . II Iheruay. k I I I Hi XI . 1 -t iAH'1- II . Il I w- I 1 ie ell... 11- o! I. ; -t lie l. l! I lnl iuil.i 1 'ii. to ; iie .it in i, .!:., I. f 1,1' l'ar op, and a on Tile 1 oiii inu.' ..lav loll:- the 22-id .1 .-. The I! t'OIIV ol 1 Xlllbbs i nine 11 m-t. 1 10I1 vi-it. 'Ill' ot tin e . I the ti mil n 1 i ha e 1 111 I tl.e 1..II-. wit - t'.r tin t i In 11 e- U;t , lock Mill i'-t I I low: 'So ia tin y N ieliols let:ers i f entries for hibit in this line ill is tin- (la; ly stock. IV V 1 lig nx- be bv lar the lust 1 he lair e , 1 had "Mr. W. M. B-nninger, of Walnut I'oit, I'a, who wsiv lure last fair, writes that be will tx'nbit a lin- French Coach Stallion, 17 head ol IIol.stein-l':.e.-;iau cattle, hogs, poultry imd other exhib its. II. A. Vhiting. manager, writes-: "We -1 ia 1 1 exhibit at the coming State Pair sevt 11 jmrt it ulnrly fine horst s from I onr Glenoe Stock Farm; aud I should j b; plea-ed if you wouht re erve lor us! suitable stalls for these nuiuia's. i'hey will be: licgi.-tcrel stal ion: Wisnnan aud Sotitlilaiu'i; r- gist creel jack. Monan-b; cli-ible liilies io be registered, Va'pa ami Faye; eligible stallion to Ije r.'gisierpd, ilaroi' ; snpeiior mare, Sulie." t;ol. Can' on yesterday, r, ceived a It tier from an ardent ir einl ol the State Fan, from which is taken thu h ilouiug extract: "I have got quite a large nuinin r of promisis for the Fair. I think tve shall see four or tiv. large herds. I am antici pating the hirgist exhibition ol tiuecittle ever Show 11 in the Slate. I shall send a lot of nice Xtiung. teis, and shall a eighteen I ead from New York.' iEWS l. Bid EE. The King if Corea has I e 11 and Japanese sympalhiz -i s aie in -hip l.po.ed P' iw el', so say it' I vices ot luc l .lb. It. is ts'iniatcd thai one-l'ounli of. the tobacco crop of Caldwell was kided by the recent frost. Tbe Ni rlli Carolina Baptist is waging war against t ho use ofleruicntcd wine 111 the communion s-rice. Suud -y is like a stile bet wet 11 the lield- f toil win re wc can kntv.l and pray, or sit ami meditate. Lougfedow. Mrs. U. S. Grant has pun-lia-i d the residence of Senator Edmunds in iugtou, aud will Income a re.-ideut of thai ciiy, Willi her daughter, Mrs. Sartotis. Edwards Kepler, ngc-nt for the N'at ona' Tobacco Company at Louisvi'Ie, Ky.. roiuniitb'd sniride by shooting himse f tlnough the brain. lb- w as w. i t 1 2(H) -000. The deetl was cliu In a protrat ti d sickness. For .he pi'oLction of American mission, aiies in Turkey, Ai ling Secretary 1 f the Navy MeAdoo has ori'ertd ihe L. S. cruiser Marblclriid to proceed lo Ihe Hull of Iskt ndel'.ion, Ihe fi ill 1 of Alvxiindretta. "Kit'' Iellwic'li, a 1 eg ro, was h ai gi-.l at Bristol, Teim , Fii.'iij, f u a criminal as sault on Aunie Fogailv, aged lit. Tbe assault was t oilliii'lle l on S pi. 7th, and a lyuchiug was narrowly averted at that liuie. During his life time.lsv Gould raised a row bceaifcie the tax .'is-ising made him pay t ax on jU0,IIO() woMu o property. U is io.f ascenaiii i1 that he 1 ughl 10 have paid on $So,0U0,0llu. Th. re ought lo be some way lb mien ihe tix now. Gov. t.'iarke of Arkansas has am,, mice, I his debnniiiaiioii 10 us the troops, if necessary to prevent the b'g pr z-.i tigh I1 ween Co 1 belt and Fitzsimm. nl irom taking place iu that city At a meeting of the New York Yncl.t Club, called lo take action on the chal lenge of Charles Day Rose for the Ainen ju's cup, the challenge was : ceepttd and the cup louiinittee ol 1895 i -appointed to take charge ol tbe arrangements. The ten days' recess ol the South Caro iina Const it uiioiial Conveatiou came to an end Monday night, and at noon Tues day the body re-assembled to re-ume the U'ork oflraming the new constitu tion. Tho correspondent ,f the Cologne Gazette at Constantinople telegraph" that information has been two B itish waiships have bombarded ami destroyed the town ofZabara, Arabia, on the peninsula of Katara, in the lr s:ari gulf. The cause of the b .mbard mint is not knowu. The Aslitville Citizen le Is this: "II. S. Ilarkins, who has ji(-t couie in f; oin lh, Hominy section, briugs b al n-ws abou' the cl.estnut crop. He -ays the .'ai incis told him the chi stunts were caught bv the co'tl snap and are drying up in the burr-. The icMilt will be ibal the che-t-lllll e I op i 1 11 1 aun lolt lo inlk ll. Similar reports arc heard : 1 mn , tn . r pa t . f ihe toiiniy.'' uUal 1I1SI1 deli hit ; Ji. 1 11 sen I Inn from Maori I lo a London news that the Fnile 1 Slabs A I n.ini-ii a 1 "i- i urging Sp .i 1 through 'he Spam-h minis b r 111 .'i-hirgtou to spec ly inpon j.i crushing the 'ubiin i- .eUi.'ii o I ihi' I'll I is lootiillg to t'o'au!e-s 'f ( -,,au- uii nt is s'lid to have cieiiietl a so. - lion n political circles. William 1 1 1 lidei'-, 11. a 11:1',. a .le 1 about 3i) years, w as ly nch, ,1 n ai .l.n k- SOI), .Mo.. I' I 11; :i. ed Minna- It nigh t. 1 1 . in lei sou -t. 1 I I. I I s, 1 1 1 1 L I i t , p:-m: ol ic-,ei t 1 1" v. 11 :l r I he i 1 1 ee a ; 1 ! iia-iy us- .ii'i ii,.- eh The da n a ge I .y I lot laeco il'.,i v , - v a I he sll 'I t C op t' ele Viiii!''t ., it mav I pi n e f i hi - p. , , : i la co. -si. le: ,b y .1. tli ; I be iqe.vai'. I tut 11 h 1 kl.O'V Ml;; iilifS t ( pa i ll. Tin. , lb" ha erop , I Ifijii, -eve. 1 b. mg looki. ! lor. , . 111111 .! in- du. t b. Iv V. b a n 1 I., r- ep i',1 tli ! I II, b,l li it If. lt, 'lis. !':i bairel I, .--Ipinleii, v :is the MlK-ia win iv f: , 111 the 11 , 1- a, ,i ii ! I, W. : b 1. M oik M i ll, I t v..;. .11 t . L'. tli it I an p lh" de U llon'l. loi.-. i' n vvli 1:1 . 1 VV il, bet" Ail w F.v ery ! b satt-lael ; i .:..::Ved ;, !. i, an. .!,-, in .1 k u i-a ,gn lit.hi i: I'.WTl I Idle St. TJnloanfled Harder. A sensational rumor, the origin Of which cuiihl not be traced, was out TllOB 1 iy to the cfl'-ct that Brant Island liht Imu-c w:i" touud empty, kieper supposed b h:iv b' cu ai'ciilcntally drowned, etc. I In si.. i v is imt i icoiled nt all. (-apt. I.. ;. ITjiiiai' t, the head keeper was in t In- ci:y only a few days 111:0; his assis tant, Mr. Knirbsh -out an order for oods up 10 Knlions Bros, la-t week ami be tween that time and tin: time the rumor started 110 otHcr boat Iroiu that, locality h .1 i en no to the eily. M .ieo'. , r, Mr. C. P.. Mi.lyi tle, of Slone- ; XV;tll. vho livia 1 r the hone ot Capt. llnoi ni. iias-ed iheie Tuesday and tw Ins .!' at a litlle. liistanec; though he .il.l ii. I 1 onvel-e vi:h hi r, lie is satisfied tln re :is iiolhiiu; amiss and liiHl lie I would Ii aVe fiilinil It 0111, if there had lieen. i THE ll ESTIOX. Kl I. A WHEHI.KK WII.COX. ! llo.vever the battle is ended. j Though proudly the victor coinei .With Hutu ring Hays and pranciiif. nags And echoing roll of drums, Still truth proclaims ibis motto In leth is of living light No question is ever settled. I'util ii 1; s. tiled rioht. Though the htHlof the strong oppres sor M.;y grind the weak iu the dust. And the voices of fame with one Re claim May call him gnat and just. Let who applaud take warning. And keep this uiollo in signt Fo qui slum is ever settled I'util it is setilid right. Let those who have failed take cour age; Tho' the enemy seem to have won, Tho' bis ranks are strong, il he b; in the wrong The battle is not yt t done. For. sure as the morning follows The ikrkest hour of tbe niyht, No question is ever settled Until it is settled right. O man bowed down with iabcr! O women young, yet obi! O heart oppressed m the toiler's breast And crushed by the power gold! Keep on with your weary 1-atlle Against triumphant mighty No qin si n n is 1 ver sell led I'util it is settled right. of lllll'K FOR IKI1LBMI. BY ACTINO VOLUNTEER. D,ar land, though thu Cold and thu timid c ndi 1110, Wc sha'l si rnggle for thee in defiance ol them; Till we hail tiiee as Iiee as the eagle whose evi ls oxullitigly turned to his home in the i-ky! And like the w ihl eagle, when guarding his nest, Wn'll shield thee in danger or die on thy hie isl , Until thy la-t Oilman hath fled from thy shole. Ami thy days of dissension and thrul do 111 me o'er. And then, like that eagle, when scanning af.r The eyrie he knows that no mortal can mar Thy sons shall look down Irom thy land's highest r;ik On the plains where a tyrant in vain they shall .seek. For insomnia, ale -ph-ssness, uci vqua ness, hysteria and allloinn of nervous t .xliaustion and debility, there is but one remedy; Johnson's Sirsaparilla and Cel ery works directly upon the nerve centers mid never f ids 10 cure. Large bottlee, 50 ".s. at F. S. Duffy's. II IS JIIHH.r. SAHAH K BOLTON. He built a house; time laid it in the dust. He w rote a b"0k; its title's now fur got. He ruled a city, but his name is not On aDy tablet graven, or where ru?t Can gatlnr from disuse, or marble bust. He took a child from out a wretched cot, Who on th- State dishonor may have brought. And learnt him in the Christian's hope mid titlsJ. The bc.v, ( manhopd groyn, became light -- T 1 many suiK preached for human nt ed The wondrous love of the Omnipo tent. The work has multiplied, like stars at night When darkness deepens. Every noble died Lasts longer thaa a granite monu ment. The Independent. Coughs, cdils and whet-zing of the lung-, so common with chihlr.m, are eas ily overcome by using Johnson's Emul--ion o!'( od Livt r Oil. Full pint bottle, f at F. S. Duffy's. OCTOBER KOI SU. TI A: ia 's a Hu-h on and peach, i the li 1st -lint cheek ol the pippin ; -1,1 on the boughs -f o i), eeb; bio 1 a oi I he Mem of l b" bio . 1- ' And lh- a buck wheat b p in the burr of ihi nut. I'm g And t li ,- a gleam like the breast ol love. haw is a- ret! as the lips of my V 1 ; V; 1 1 le ti l.tie of ht ; eyps tin bl'uV gt'U- I. ;: tbo go her i . loth w u ,r. .hi., no d glows like tin-gloss of 1. l.e b A- I - Al..-' ; I'll- at - , I and ei- tin lit 'Ill's reg 1 els for honor thcre- iv an ' in 111 v 1 ill. Ihe M . v ; i In - - .i"i ng and 1 he 1, VV 1 11 me, the autuinu ami ulo:; une - Soil m, I iu October Ladles' oui n il, fl. White, Minneapolis, Mmu. 1 . e 11 - ni two boxe- of yoil r I'i'e inii-t -a v it bis i), ,ue vvoiulcis I n d o! know 1 I sloop S ontile Ir- ever o w . hid The t tllt III I I. f ihe Vll! , an.! the hiifesi in r, and ber name is tep Inay l.'r hea 1 d hop or the dr.p- l,::i. 1- l-'.i rv ih: ,1:, Be if th tjue n of tiie d 1' a- rev 1 1 im 1 er Ill v . 11:1:1 :bt. 1 1 1 111 t- st. - : 1 1 1 low.- an, -un'.'g'it a: d: , .uu-; 1 -tie uowj bird ne. oily aiound me now beaming on au Ite. The t Iom mid o! tit U gi title voice, thi la nee ol that eye, tnd me iilb raiiture that no other heart c. u!d sigh. THE W1ST6R RAIN. BY SAMUEL MiVTl HX l'EC'K. I love to sit at evening's close Aud listen to the wind thai blows The rain amid the trees; Aud hrnr the chieifnl chimney ing A song to Winter's parting wtug, In drowsy harmonies. 'Tis sweet to list the plashing ruin. The soft sound putters in my bra i a Till, like the frost-hound earth. My frozen laney gams new power:'. Ami burgeons lorih fresh leaves and flow ers. Bright dreams of coming mirth. Foisooth how many plea-ant things The tilt h -s hand of Nature bi iu; s, I iitau-gible. vet svy. ei! Unlike tin- fields that catch the win, 1 hear the sound and 1 nil the gain Sale from the While listening lo the storm without, I wonder what tin y dream about, The riovveio hi neat h tlv mold; Perchance, like maidens fair and .yay. Their dreams are all of rich tinny To witch the wood and wold. The tain is never sail to me; In I ru 1 1, it hath a note of glee. Each drop that downvvaid got" May give sweet life blood to a pink, Or .el a daisy's eye a-vvink; Il may b- so. who knows; So let it r.iin, I love the chime. Each crystal laiudrop ticks the time Till days of bloom and soug, To fragrant flowers and birds in tune, Fiiir guests that never come loo goon And naverstay too long. THE OYSTER LAW. The Chid Inspector of Shell Fish Calls Attention to Some of its Provisi ns and U clarrjs thoy Will bi Strictly Enforced. Office of C. I. S. F., Hertford, N. C. Oct. 9, '95. To All Whom it May Concern: It would seem from what infor mation I am able to gather, tltat there is somewhat a disposition, on the part of purcliaser of oysters within the State, to avoid, that -part of the law passed by the General Assembly of IS95 which requires, in Sec. 7 thereof, all persons purchas ing oysters for packing, shucking, shipping, or for sale, shall, on the first day of each mouth, file with the Clerk of the Court whore they ro. side, a statemont duly sworn to be fore some offloor of the law author ized to administer oaths, of the number of bushels purchased, and the name of tho purchased, and the name of tho person from whom pur chased, and shall pay the Clerk of the Court, two (2) cents per bushel on each bushel"; and I would fur ther inform those who are interes ted in the purchasing of oysters, that Sec. 18 of said law says, that "any person or persons violating any of the provisions of this act, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction, shall bo fined not more than five hundred dollars, nor less than one hundred dollars; or shall be imprisoned for not more than sixty days, nqr than twenty days, or both, at the discretion of the ootirt," While I am disposed to be as lenient as possible with all persons with whom the oyster law brings me in contact, still I wish it to bo distinctly understood, that I pro prose to enforce the law to the very letter; first, because it is my sworn duty to do so; second, because it. brings in more revenue to the State; and third, because I cannot make make the report which the law re quires of me, unless purchasers make the report and, pay the tax as tjie a,w vpctnres,, I would further call the attention of those concerned, that all oysters caught shall be culled as the law directs upon tho natural bed or bar when taken, and all shells shall be returned to the bed or bar from which they were taken, and all oys ters whose shell shall measure less than 2 1-2 inches in length, from hinge to mouth, shall be included in said pulling, and roplaood upon said bed or bar. And further that Sec. 2 of law requires "that any resident of this State desiring to take oysters, shall first obtain from the Clerk of the Superior Court of Dare, Hyde, Carteret or Pamlico a license therefor that is to say, if the oysters are takpn with rtiljcs, scoops, or dredges. Hoping that each and every one will concur with me iu making the law a success, I am Your Obt. Servant, Tin-oi-jrii.t s Whitk, Chief Insp. Shell Fish for the State of X. C. - OBI 1 1 'AMY, In Memorial!! of Annie liurriis, II y tic County N. C. On last 'Tuesday 1st itist,.. anxious friends stood by the bedside of a lovely girl watching the sure, but fearful approach of death. While they stood on the threshold helpies. aud powerless to relieve, having done all in their power, tlU'..',' i.iir.i only eQmn)end the beautiful and lovely spirit to God who gave it. The parting breath grew fuiniei and fainter. And loving hearts wciv agonuo to know that the cud was s. near. Tlie warm tears, fell like ruin tiii human sight grew" dim. And w h. n again love lnokd from swimming i Vc- a fair one had lied from earth lot'-i-ver. In its peace, there lay upon the bed, her angelic l'oi'iii two pure to stay on earth and now she walks the celestial .streets in Heaven iil..c "Thy will he done" dear I, ml help us to say. Th- I .i-rd g.ivo and the Lord hath taken away " nl-.s,cil In- t he name nf t he I . n , i . She was kindly dip'-scd .. a!; and loved bv all who km w ' i!,. bright awl cheerful f:ev ;lgi.: , her homo and made 1 1 i- iiie p;v nii delight of friends an 1 cn iipai.ioii every where. Rut Ilenvoii had a claim upon her, and the has gone. And we recognizing and aokim-.v-ledging the wisdom and lb.- iiii- t'- ring providence of our III Father in a 1 1 his ilea 1 1 : ' we deem it lit and proper : , , our humble stibiiiis-tioij liisponsat ion, the ueath !' Htirrus. May it be 1 g. ioil and d ra 'im r ! tea i s : ', lieaven wa r.l . ii,.. -piiit ..:'!-. - .- a- ' .'t-.i : I ; i to till lag ., 1 ', li p "V ... Tiie :e 1 1 s i f uu ii i re o'. i tb.v s.u '1 be voif e ol aagC' s or I th e c. tth ti An 1 'hough i art h in ; v boti-t e li in the r I e .May not i 'e,i 'n An, 1 my ri als on : i 'fo -bare tliv b'. iven I In r cb i v io, -t.-i' p pr -I cteiiotv. W. N. 1!. Aver'.- Hair tgor, which h;:-. outlived and superseiled huuditsls of similar pi'i p ar.itious, is undoubtedly the nios' lasli ionable as well as economical h lir-drcs--ing iu the market. ly its use, the poore-t head of hair sooa becomes luxuriant and lieautiful. Wl I 311XGT0.V FIREJIEN. Kcsolul inns in Bet, rciiec to 1 heir Hi -ei ir Visil to X v Bcrni- On the Oc casion of lh i' F.reito in foul nameiil. Chi.-!' !.. .1. Tavlor of th" NVw Berne Fire Department handed us yesterday thu following appreciative resolution.. H.W.L OF Wll.MlNUTiiN, S. 1'. I-. W I I..M I Ml I'i IN , -N At a meeting of the t Compitnv held Augo- I ho ( 'nil! mill I 'I - who v. c (',.. X'.i. i. (. ., Aug. Fl. ) i'love named l.'lth, lS'.bi. re appointed to limit sll i table aelioii relative to the t '.on pan v's isii to Now Berne .aibmitled t he following: Wo have i ci limed Imm New J'erui! with oui' enthusiasm as tire men rekindled and ehoekfull o gra titude to our blot lin ii of the depart ment of that Cilv and the goodly inhabilors thereof. New Ib-nii- and hospitality are sy non v ninii.:. Jieline and culture have icl't, I heir impress upon all that appertains to that de lectable spot. The linteU nf t he houses seemed to Leg marked with ''welcome," and the stranger within t heir gates is received into the full fellowship and enjoyment of a sharer of their good cheer. This Company has aforetime been placed under obligation to the good people of New Ui-rno anil now we ran repay them on I v by a renewed increase of our gratitude. They never let you get even with them on the score of hospitality they are not buiit that way; it is passed down and running ovjr in their measure. Our recent reception and generous treatment bestowed upon all, inivid ually, or collectively, emphasizes the fact that we wore where we wan ted to be, for this Company thinks it knows a good thing when it sees it. Our visit on the occasion of the Fireman's Tournament, just held was rendered doubly pleascnt by the cordial greeting extended to us by all with with whom we came in con tact, '-their hand, the agent of their heart'' was extended with a good will assuring one of the gladness with which they received their visi tors. in an especial manner we desire to recognize the unusual courtesy shown to this Company by tho gen erous loan of an engine its a substi tute for ours while in their City, thug enabling our Company to par ticipate in their festivities. Nor won hi we forget their beautiful and majestic 'Neitse'' that seemed to have caught the spirit so rife on that occasion aud from her "gurg ling depths" did pour forth streams that, gladdened the hearts of the boys of our "Atlantic." And now boys of New Berne "tote fair" you owe us a visit, come and pay in, and wherever we are thrown togethe.i lot your shibboleth be 'Now 1 criie"-answer- Wilming ton. " H, C. YuK. CJlaiik, F. H. Ilflilvltl'.IMHH, W. McU. Smith. Committee. LAGIUXKi: lOltKKSPONIIEXCE. 1 be Disoiph-s Convention at Farm vi He begins Tuesday 29th, inst., the delegates from LaC range are Messrs. Joseph Kinsev and K. 11. Sutton lo'v. J. J. Hai-prr filled his regu lar appointment at the Disciples church Sunday morning and even ing. He has been pastor of the church here ever since tbe organi zation of the congregation eight and a half years ago. They still want him to continue, but he hasn't yet decided to do so. The K. F. S. is well attended this year. We learn that there are more boarders in school than ever before. Miss Virgil Rountree, Ed. Eiu stein, Cecil Jordan and Horace Hodges of Kinston attended ser vices here Sunday, also Paul Hodges of near Kinston. Mrs. Hines, of Farmville is vis iting her daughter Miss Alice, who' is one of the teachers of K. F. S. Miss Mattie Tucker, a member of the senior class iu the K. F. S. has been compelled to give up study- ing" on account of net- eyes, homo in She hos relumed to her Pitt was vis count v. Mrs. Sue Honing, of (ireen, in town Saturday and Sunday iting her daughter Miss Pearl at the Seminary. mi:i. At It'erlshorn. N. ('..on Oct. Tth, liS'.'o, M iss Hannah Id inson in the M ! ti vear of her age. She connected herself with the M. F. Church South aL an early age ami has oyer hern a devoted Chris tian. !; is nut ni al for us to weep for the departed: 't i ; hard to bid adi"ii to t'io.-o witoiii wo lovo so well and to know and rvalizc that their familiar foci steps ;,nd clu erftil pres ence will bo hoard and enjoyed bv us in this world im more forevei. But, oh. what a ei.n.-ulaliou to know that -ho has gone to rest :u,d while we mourn a' the ctid'ng of her earthly 'are. ! her spiiil has mingled its wav to lite bright io, dins of eternal folic i ' y . Tin ly it ran ! e sa id of her If " :g a al lib. .1 her -on j vv t di p; act; I p "t a i i v i tig fed; 1. I :.. lh lo- I- up. . t -aro.v . Sl l' die- '.' .ill l I, Is i l l .id. V' - t li'b lii h'.'-b. h i 1 VVliO't' -he -is, A I. 'lig . I dollied III Wh,;, ; I lar , s- :- 1 , : i l.'i'ii::! eal:-. 1- ie I'.a'. ,n , ! Il, s iig',1. .1. I'I. I M l A M A It. ii(i(ii:sT, 1 K MJIIT K.sT !i-:st, NVw "Bri'iie". i Drv Goods Store. I Vi yi'V I'l't'nii- has, b ii com-lli-;i-sro. l, ui t . i i bing pel tain- i n g 1 1 1 I)i- ( i i a id s ;i ud IS in ics 111' en nlleiriii lot 1 1 1 inspection audi io y i i i - shcb lit flo pi ices been j pli iCi s: :t ::, i a i . 1. I ol 1 a! i i- mercha 11 - ! i! : - i i,: - i i ( 1 1 'oils )cjiart-' in . m : - , , , , ; i .j, i ,i ,, h black ill; ' 1 I I 'iel's A 1 Y o i .-'a ' g ;n , w id, i, at . J j ;'l I s i hi . ' , 1 1 ' ' 1 11 si anee ' ', i , . ii,.!,: ,'.' to ;..'() and :ni v ei pi ice veil pay, wc at iiii:! v,;lui' on mir nioircy. ( ';i; pet s li mil 1 7c to . l.Uu per vaid, ai.d. ;i iuigt". iim' id p.ur ins tosclctt ll-.'lii I hit ii l.tisi-yt'i' been lllli'l I li iio'nl i t ni't's and ( h-iikis from J on to Ji'.(Mi and al! tiie lictut'cn prices. .Mail maii-rs will icccivc prompt attention and Miiuplcs clieerfully sen!. . ). MARKS CO. I October 16, I895. DUKE IGARETTES J Cigarettes r-fs by z ha' ft. uu ru uns a. i.n EZCS 7 'tl.tH.Hn IUHAUUlJoU. fiZA DURHAM. N.C. U S A MADE FROM llgh Grade Tobacco AND ABSOLUTELY PURE Wholesale market Country Pro-title e Beet, 4aic. BeeswH.v, 20a2c. Corn, 3-e. Chickens, grown 40a50e pr ; voung, 20.i40c. Oucks, Eng. G5a40c; Muscovy 50aC0c. Eggs, I2illjc. Jeese, 80c. a 90c. per jair. Hides Dry flint, C i8c asli and dry sail G.He; green 4c, deer hides 15a20c: otUr f 1 -87. Lambs. $1.00a$1.50. Oats, 30a32c. Onions, $1 50a$1.75 per bbl Pork, 6a6Jo. Peanuts, 80 a 90c.. Sheep, 1.00a!2 00. Sweet Potatoes Hainans aanRfle-VtimB 45,50c. Cotton, 8.80c. Fresh Pork, 6a7c. The loveliest things urn those somebody else gets. Every Dositivo deliadit is a omiRn for possible repining. Four Big Successes. IlaviDg the needed merit to more than make good all the advertising claimed ;lbr them, the following four remedies have reached a phenomenal sale. Dr. King's New Discoverv, for consu mutton. Coughs aud Colds, each bottle guaranteed Elec tric TSitters, the great remedy lor Liver. Stomach and KidDeya. Bucklen's Arnica satve. tne nest in the world, and Dr. King's New Life Pills, which are a perfect pill. All these remedies are guar anie?d to do iust what is claimed tor them and the dealer whose nnme is attached herewith will be glad to tell vou more of them. Sold at F. S. Duffy's Drag Store. l.. With but little care and no trouble, Ihe oeard aud mustache can be kent a uni form browu or black color bv usin.2 Buckinghain't Dye for tbe Whiskers. Kisses aro tho punctuation marks in the chapter of love. Suspicion is the fire at which fools light their intelligence. Marvelous Results. From a letter wrilten by Ilev. J. Guu- dennau, of Dimindale, Mich., we are per- nuueii io make tins extract: l nive no hesitation in recomjnending Dr. King's New Discovery, as the tesults were most marvelous in the case of my wife, while I was pastor of the Baptist Church at Kiives Junction she was brought down with Pneumonia succeeding La Grippe. Terrible paroxysms of coughing would last hours with little interruption and it seemed as if he could not survive them. A friend recommended Dr. King's New Discovery; it waa quick in its work and highly satisfactory in results." Trial bottles free at F. S. Duffy's Drug Store. Regular size 50c, and $1.00. ' 1. Some knocks. hearts grow softer by hard The rebellion of the body is pun ished with disinheritance of the soul. When Baby was sick, n o gave her Castoria. When she was a Child, she cried for Castoria. When she became Miss, she clung to Castoria. When she. had Children, she gave them Castoria. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria. Children Cry for Pitcher's CastoriaJ Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria. The wilder the spices the readier to reproduce. Human life is held too cheaply rwbeu the individual who needs a ionic lor his system, seeks to cover his wants by pur chasing every new mixture that is rec.m mended to him. Rmemlier that. Aver Sarsaparilla has a well-earned reputation of fifty year's standing. There is about as much rejoicing over a good man lost as there is over bad one saved. Ntroiig TCNtiinouinl For S. I. 1. New Bern, N. C. July 29, 1805. Messrs. Merritt & Clark, Centlemen: For years my wife has bet n a great sufferer from Inijiokstion and its accompanying uilmeuts; tempor ary relief has betn obtained trom time to tune from the use of various medicines, but your rcmtily which she has been using for some time has accomplished ii i r" goo. I and given greabr satisfaction t.,an any she has ever used. .Ino. S. Man ix. -fS. I. C. is a sure cure lor Indiges on a.i I Dyspepsia. sep iiJ dwly THE COOL WAVE 1 ZIEGLER SHOES IN TRANSIT. Very Kospcctrully, , - : '. W. B. Swindell & Co. 67 Middle Street, FRESH ;i '-:''' ' -tt"'' - - . ARRIVALS ! ..:' -ooo:-:ooo - -Jf- ' ' 'l '-'. -TV ' ( I wish to Mflpe;iitcntion of-;. my patrons 'to iheinitil$$omtlr, seasonabldoods, and invite thcmS- rt : o call :Mdxmhle1n yrer'y com-' For Breakfast Wc Have; Old Fashion BuckwheaV' Prepared . Package . Buckweat, " .. t Pare Vermdnt Maple SyrTip,'. ; New Orleans Molasses, Oat Meal -y heat flakes, Hecker's Flap Jack Flour, ; , Ferri3, Boneless Strips Breakfast Coca - All Makes:$ - Perfect Brands of I ' "f 1 v 4 'Tea and .OofFee!:; always fresh. -. r ' ' ' .t - . '--J:, ' -V c''s.:',.'' For-DmneBn:; We Have .' ..-Ji '.('.'.''te'ii ''i'.,i ' -' ':''A;"i;v"':' Franco American Soaps-r . - Vi -. ' , very fine.'. . ; .. ' . Delicious Ferris Hams, . , . - '; p a little high in price,is v ' m -But ;. : Imported Macaroni!, and Oreara- ..Oheese. :V'jV ---J-- , Cold Packed Jersey . Tomatoes.' ( French Peas, 4 Bariyiliino:Pea. V-: Sunbeam'Sugarjorr.-. Boston Baked 'Beans. ) ' White Potatoes-.. Queen Olives,-" Heinz's Pickles, -j' ; Blue Point Catsup. -:. !S(--t:. Richardson's and Rqbbins'i .; v' ; : Plum Pudding"? fruits, ' t'lfi:' -' Oranges, Bananas, Apples and. . FOR TEA," " - . 'v-'-r-.v- ' . k' :v . - - - J .' ','...".. Perfect Blend Mocha and JavaV ? ; Mixed lea and Huyler's , (Doca. v-v y , Canned Salmon and Lobster. Lunch Tonguel ' 1 ' "Whole 'Ox Tongue, ' ' Deviled and Potted'Heats; -i Jockyey Club Sardines and Chip- ? -; Beef. Delicious ureamuneese;v i. t.v-:-yv.' Plain, Salted aud Graham Waffer8. ' - .J I'-'- Fresh Assortment of Cakes. , .''V If.1 ' To make all tliesc meals a suc cess you must have our- Elgin Creamery Butter on the table. IT IS THE FINEST. S5 157 FOLIQCE STREET." HAS ARRIVED We have just reeiived a lafg.lot of LADIES' CLQASS AND CAPES. iHid you wiiiild be surprised to know bow r.t-tint ifnl and (.heap t hey an-. LADIES invited to call and examine t licin. K-3"- Wc al-o have a lot of very nicer tires goids in Seiges, 1 Ien rieltos, Silks and Wool Novelties. Crep'oiis ' I'ciealcs, aud ' A FULL LINE OF NOTIONS. For M l'N end l'.i 1 , S we have the b'st s.IcImI -;t), lv ,,f Clothing wo ever canied, and we are felling tilt-in" hu a vu low pi.te. If eii will conic to see us we wdl do you idled ami sav.- you lots of money. Look out for oui ad. every week. f-'-iA. .- ''UC. ': . - ' T" , . '" '. ;'.-. .:". ,-. ... ;' .-'-j.-.-- .., s

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