- ' - . i.'H... ' ' ' - r';" . . ' r -? ' '" v - - - 11 if w k , ' ! . '. Frfce: $100 Per Year. INDEPENDENT IN ALL THINGS. Single Oopies, 5 Cents. VOL. XVIII. NEW BERNK, (J KAY EN COUNTY, N. C. OCTOIiElf :'l, I Mb NO. ;S4. t:ws i it it i r.r. I" "HIS IONI V1I I I 1C . i ii i: i i. . s i n i l ie II I I II. :S' H- 6c :-.'- r : for Infants TmJtTT T V aaa mttM af Ca.toria with taa patwyi of aaflHoa af par mi, pormit u. to peak or it without gneimg. t Mqn tionAMy tka t rdr for IafWata and Child ram wli Im ww kmowm. It i karml . ChUdren like It. It gfrr ttw tJtm. It will mi thi Ut. la It Mothan bar wklcfc.la al.oltly Cnhfli WoT. taataria allay FarajH- t CaatrU nlfatM Taatkfaaa; TfAlea. C tfia ewjaa Cotfa.tla aad Flatnlaaoy. tl la mti attoaa taa aaTacta trf narkaaio acid ga ar poUoneni air. OiiwU d a t tain vryhlna, oplaja, or athar marootio property. CaatlHa- aaafflataa tha food, rayalataa tha atamaoh and powala, KHMg fcaaltay and natmrai alaap. 9 In ama-alaa VottUa amir. It i. not aold in bnlk. aOlaw any ana ta aall yaw an - tat tt U jnt aa good" and "wffl an .war ayary pnrpoaa.w g taat yaw rat O-A-g-T-O-R-I-A. v Taa flaa-atamlW alcnatnra af Children Cry for McDANIEL & GASKILL Wholesale & Retail Grocers. Jobbers of Loriilard Snuff and Tobacco. fTHeadqaartrs for Ground Allnm Salt, which we are selling at th extreme low price of 59 cents per sa k. . lyEloar we bay direct from the mills by the Carload. It will jiay yoo to nee as before yoa buy. " FFOUR STABLES ARK FREE TO ALL No. 71 Broad Street, opposite Stewart's Livery Stables. 1SEW BERNE, N. ( I H. W. SMALL WOOD, , . Under Gaston House, Soutu roiii Stu ct, New berue, N. C. FULL lliK OF Stoves, Carpenters Tools, Cutlery, Table Ware, Barbed Wire, GALVANIZED PIPE. PUMPS, Lime, Piaster and Cement. DEVOE8 PURE READY MIXED PAINTS. tyPersonal attention to the prompt and correct filling of all Orders ingm ,dow .Tt . "sJ L. H. Cutler & W. & A. R. R. AND Nashville, Chattanooga and St. Louis Railway. 3 Daily Trains TO CaiTTAllOOQA, CllrCiiniATr Nashyille, Chicago, ST- Louis, McKenzie Emigrnat Rates. Tba AUaota Kzpoaltlon win be the rreat ' aat BxhiMttoa rr hM tn tha United States mvemvUng tae World's Fair, and the Hoand Vrlp aalas aavc baas made rery low. Lo aat tatt (a no aad take the children. It wUl aa a truat cdneatKm tor them. far Mmpa, Foidersi and any desired MomaOoa wrrta to J. R. La TIMER, J W. HICKS Tra. Pass Ajtt, Tray Pass An t, Atlanta. 6a; Atlanta, i. a. J08. M. BKOWV. T. M . C E. HAHMAN". t L. A . Atlanta. Ga. Cotton -9- Cents. Bay yoar Cotton Bag ging aad Ties, Sacks and Twine, Sewer Pipe ami Fitting?, 1 ortUud ;i'i.l BoAendale Cenient, lieVck ti4 Stlell Lime, Fire Brick ud BaildiDg Brick From J. E. LATHAH, Tb Cotton Buyer, Na 3 Cravsn St, 0r Storage for 500 bales ofj Cot toil. Taffy! Taffv! TAFFY! Freiich Cucoanut. Cream Cocoanut, Chocolate Cream Cocoanut. Vanilla and Chocolate Taffv Made Fresh Every Day. N. Nunn & Co. $J?SJSSSStiJ(ll"I 3 and Children. fa tad prac tlcally pffeot a Sr Cmrd. aa4 Wfaad CU. ytinT alaa on tka plaa or proaml la on arary wrappar. Pitcher's Castorla. SHEPPARD'S cbOKSTOVEi1 MADE FROM PURE PIG IRON. Sot one pound of Scrap Iron ia ever used In these goods. DURABLE, CONVENIENT a. EC0N0MICAU AH Modern Improvements to Usntea Banaekoralas; ( area. Twenty dlCerent size and kinds. Every Stove Warranted Against Defects. Price not much higher at this time than on commoner kinds or Stoves. CaB on oradSretM Co., Kit Bene, N I CLOTHING! CLOTHING! Anotlit-r lot of Fine Suits ju-t in and at Bargain Prices. Men's Clav worsted, Prince Albert Suiu at "$13. 40. worth $20.00. Mens English Cutaway iSuits at $1'2.00, worth $18.00. " lens Cutaway suito in worsted and ('assiniere at $7. op. , i(-ii's Sack S'iiits itt hlack ami Hlu- Cbeviut at $". Bovs Suits, all kinds and at all Prices. Men's working pants at 4.'-c.. i3o.. Soc. $l.li and $l.:io. Bovs panb. Hie Baruains, lv.. 23c, 40c. , 4Sc, ami up. Big . Bargain-- . i . Mii.unkky I KI' a urn 1ST. VIEW HERNE DAR(i A I MOUSE LEW DeRE DR(i ain IIorsE O. -A. BAHFOOT.Mgi' Don't Wait for -tlit-Colcl Wave To come but come and get your Heating Stoves At Once. L. H. CUTLER & CO. N. B. See our OIL STOVES. YOUB MONEY REFUNDED, if Brallaffl's Connii Balsam fails to relieve tkat Eactini CodiIi or IMITATED THROAT. i .NEWS A OKI FT. the City of Elma and Vlelitlly, 6thrrrl In and Briefly Told. Auotlier c ir In ,e! from Illinois ha- n : t iv N. depot d.r the pubii C iilllt-slOilC 1' ,d at I he W. N. : buiidiny. rk The steamer Neu-e took out of perrshable tie,-ht Kri-lav. largely "f claim about TOO tit'ty Id us r. insisting boxes and barrels of I hem. Tin lorl- dteUiliUg II. I' At!;tutii Exposition 1 i -: ;t p-ilt nf week, increase-.! '2 i r c it nvtr ir 1 ie-pondiD dait-s r.t'au . previ'iU" week. The i ;iiien I mice is y rowing stea lily. Tin- Cumin r'a...: ',).. tv I-'-iir will be !lie.l.l..t Kayittivi'i. N. '.. Ve!ne--l-.y. I Tinir.la ami Fiicl-y, 0e.ubcr 6lh, Tilt I mil Mil. I he auiiUiii mid re's will b- U: I livii-e-i nt tne Faii '. rourxta, on Tluirsdav, j i In- Tth, by iSe'iatnr Mannii liulk r. ! Kvanuelist W. F Fit- will W-sm a piu , tr.iited meetiD in Wiistun on Nov. 3d. ; li was to have li;U" Oct. 30tb. but Mr. ' Fde U'tt the me I of rest from his last m eiin.' an ! na'e i oe iitrht po-tpone-, iu nr. j Tlie KirMoo Free Press giveri ilns iietn: "Moasr-'. F. C. haiilii k liro , ..f Newnorl, t'unerei coiiuiy, sold k In nit 1 ,tH)0 ponmls o' tob u c st the KiDstou Wan house last Friday at :ilut F? cents u pmind nve'Ue Mr. K. ''- t'liiitli. who was lien-, went mvMV hiuhlv n'eas-.l and said Kniston wom J gel the balance of Ins tobacco.'" Cotto i is still upwaiii. ome from M.j. Dennison s in sold Thursday at S.yii 2 points higher ih.m any other has sold fur tli s fill. A little more and Ihe nine cut point will have ln rem hc-'l. I! ilil; J our c -liou to NVw iterne and l-i t a share of ihe yuod pi ice-. Our markets are now well suppliei ; with tho.e delicious Mt. Airy apples, am i also witli-Mt. A i ry cabbages in t ur quan- titles. The W. N. & N. li. U. and C. t & Y. V. li. K, with a comnn ndable de sire to promote traffic between the two extremes of our State, hive put u a spec ial low tate for such products and thin in Sfiving an impetus to the trade. They are now brought at only 25 cents cr hun dred ounds. It shows a serious condition for a city to be m wheu 1,000 cases of typhoid lever are reported an prevailing. It- is really a pestilence that rages io Washing ou City, alio :ol iroin uriualDg jKiisoneu naiei from a river. New Berra people Iiave i ..nnrinlt iliprnm-lfM iliAt i hp parLts in charge of the construction ol our water works were wise enoagh to take their supply from a souice hich pollutions do not reach from the rock far below thesuifaCd of the ground. The Kinston Knitting Mills are flourish ing as will I seen by the lollowing statement from Ihe Kiustoo Free Press; "Ihe new hosiery machinery at the Orion Knittirg Mills U about in good working order. VVi'li thi additional machinery about 20 more hands urt employed. The mill now gives employment lo aUait 130 operatives. This mill has proved a bKss ing to Kinstou. Our people ooglit to co operate in ihe tstablisliuient ot other manufacturing industries." relepbaar )iun Nearly Ready. The telephone's are nearly nil in and the wires nearly ail up In a short time more the system will be in operation. Miss Mollie Iavis will bo in clua'-e of the Central otfice duno; the day and M. Wm. Salter ut night. loce srarted the system will be run eoDtiououtly without any inl-rmission wbaXever. Still the work nib not intir teie with Mr. Salter's employ merit at Mr. John liunn's stare, because there are so f.-w calls diiring (he mguttime that he can sleep io the office in'l b awaked by an alarm should acy mie don re io use Ihe telephone. V Oll l' a-v-t - . . berry Pln Unvtr Cam pan y. Mc6srs. Jno. R. Henry, Milton Feddi corde and S. .Sc-ckenbcrgi r of the Cherry Point Lumlxr Co., who moved down the tirst of this month Irom Homer City, Peuusyl vania came up to the c ty Wed nesday on business. They expect to get i heir mill s artl in .bout a week more. There are some slight r. pairs to the boiler to be made and then they will l-e iu readi ness. Mr. Ad. U. Mikes-ll of Homer City, ho accompanied tbem dow n, came up wiih iliem. He ;s en mire to his lionu but he expects to be lack again in about two weeks with his family. liood Price ou rot ton. The sales ot cotton in New York yes- terday were 560,000 bales. Tins is the lar-; est number that anv inembir of the New i Berne cotton exchange remembers Imv- i ing. ever having been sold there I e fore in any day. i The price of cotton is good considering! what it has km until the season opened, and the best of it is, it is advancing. It I U.,.r,n.rl- ..o.-K,..l ion,. O...OQ n ,-. iv .n ' it' New "Berne ' market. Tm sxlav it u.inm .n.ivNiw.i.vntusii ' New Ber'ne is a tine market 'lor cotton j e,r-r. e-,n ytflnd tl..r eotton lortlwr nrd tjie worse than they will by selling ri l,, 1 here. Our buvers keep right up with i the ouotations of the srtt markets and ' make cotton bring tthe best figure pos- lerle pacea far Tbsnjitf ltp(. Tl. Vttir ltp.rwi Pirela club liu iIa- ,c Uliuc, LO laB I net a ou iufss'liiiS Ohv i ney win re on nacKourn snu ; .i.'n... i- .1.. :- n a. I H, . . , men s ructt iiaes. hi lueir mns : ' at their Oaks larm. I Mess. J. L. Cooper. T. C. Daniels and j W. T. Hill, have been appointed a cm- , ,.,it. aeon r-m-nn Tii-i- will , 1... ! cide upon prizes, upon whether the meet will le confined to New Berne bicy clists, or outsiders invited &c. It is ix pected in either esse to make the occasion an interesting one. Baptist Aaaoelation Adjonruetl. The Adlautic Baptist Association which bus been in session at Kinston adjourned Thursday at half past twelve o'cloik and the New Bene Baptist mini- ter- and lav It-leg i te- w ho bad t-een die ding r turned tome, and o, b. r ceiecai es p--J ihruuli en route lo iheiis. During the morning Home Missions, etnbrai iog Ihe Southern States, were dis cussed, iolloweJ by Dr. Durham of la'eigh. A discussion followed on T'Tiper-nee by Kevs. C. S. "Burse's of New- Berne, S. II Porter . fr'ollok'Vi lie, S. J. Porter of New Berne and J. T. Jenkins of More head City. The meeting throughout was a good and beneficial one. Died From the Wound. The colored man, Alfred Rhodes who nc idetitdly shot buns, if Thursday alter noon died Friday moiniugat seven o'clock Irom his injuries. II- wis so torn to pie i es inten-.ailv by the shot that it would be little short .f atnirac'e had he survived, nevertheless Drs. Charles and Frank Duffy worked assiduously and patieut for several hours, dressed the wound as care fully as ic could be done, but they were too severe lor their work to save him. Mr. Wm. Foy on whose plantation he lived had the remains taken back home for in'erment. Ine neive tne poor Illow exnibitea practical mill men, one of them ;s also an that he be put under a peace bond. (Jor wis astonishsDg. Not a moan or cry at expert machinist. They will look well after ( bet refused to give bond and his attorn at his sufficiency escaped him, though it the work at the mill and Mr. Eaton eys, Greave9 and Martin, will apply for a must hate been great, 1 will maiuly atteod to the business part. 1 writ of habeas corpus , TIIK ATLANTA I.M'OSI rtllV. In ;l Miape ftiil It ! IWsl Time l x-e It. Fi'inii the V;l,iiin!;tu!i M-ss-i.'i-i h i hi llii iii.lunin.! l oui tlien t ' j.i :iir!f North C.iiuln.iaii, I. A. lluhue- M .1. ttenlo-i-t on ihe At until I'.iu-i-tiou. "I have just r. tut'nel tiom n we I, -stay at Ihe Cotton State- mil Int. na tional Kxpo-it ion, while I .-aw tie:ilv -very thing exce pt the people. I'tie epo- silion li in ?Oi; l shape. it IS the ; ' at est exposition of southern plnik aad ei.ergy and material resource ever .seen lii the continent; und it is second miiv tii the I 'Ircao World.- Fa.r in inaunitudi- anioug the gretll e osliiodS ol this r,i;:n try. "N'otw ithstandinu the fact that X.nlli Carolina u.adc uo aitcqua'r provision for biking pirt in t lie exposition, I wMi Ihut eery -uo ot' her citiz us could go there and see what u griat country tins Southland is. It sta ins to me that now is the lime to go. Now is Ihe time When the Atlanta pioplc will te -iad'iest to see visitor.-, a i hey aie scan e The exhibits are ivh.ii slid lr-sh. the night illutnination aad ti reworks are beautilul; the wtatlnr i cbanniUL1: the ra'es rea-onab'e; ati i the ab-eiice of t he crowd inc. in- that those who do go now t ae! and live in in -re CO 1 1 1 ft n t. "Atlanta has done her p .rt i-.b'y. She iia- puptire-l the feast. la.t aii w i.o Can sjo il 'wu and e".i i it." The above .-hows that if any one h t-det-nniued to attend the Fx po.-ltion. tin I l ls no u-e in de xyniL; All i- :ea.ly to be seen that will b-, and wea:h-r is pieas anti r than it u.ll u- fii-r. N-t week l- an e.c. ption.d iy opp-rtute i cc i-ioii, it bi ing lb- liiiie when 1'iesiaent ( l-vel o d and his c il'inet will attend. Botn railroads le.nt'.ng from New B-rne hav made special at i aiig-incnts to take parties l wo tlien in w ho can doing so sec the Expo ition should mis.- and it any mon oid i r. is not at lav'oi-able all likely ihal Will; iportuui i Death atllon. I.. . I. album. Ex-Couressman L. t'. Latham, of Greenville. N. C . died at the -Maryland L uiversity Hospital in Baltimore Wednes day niu'ut,16tll He had -utl'eied somo tillW from stomach trouble and came lo Ua : 1 1 more f-r treatment. An op-ration uas Pl""ulrol uul"" """. "' " condition ol Mr. Ldha.n. he could not stand the shock . Mr. Latham was o5 years ol age lie; repretteut-d the Fir-si North Carolina dis- , trict iu Coiigress SeVfnai tiuuis. He fought ' on the Cotitedi r ite side, aud reached ttc tank of major. i hx (yovernor .larvis. ol North ( arollna, ! taken I mm n- u.any wi 1 . m :lmi;i;;ton, arrived ia Baltimore Wednesday right to and from different parts ot the town, aiid he with him in his suffering, but Mr. La-l s-nt them to Piote-sor Ladeuix. of the thaui wasdeail when he arrived. He left I L "uiver-n y of Nori h Carolina, lor analv for homa allljos) immediately, taking w ilh ; -is. Evei y one -out line I pui-ons and him llie reniaiiis .if his I'm ml. ' d -adly poi.-oiis. The only reason all who dr.itik were not killed was that they fortu MATKHIAL FOR PlBLlC Ii(il.ifr i Lately Jid not lake Ii ill I aiv- ijtlau ll I i-s. - - I Dr. WoraJ :i' ol the opuaion that U'l a Uood Qaantltlea Contlnir In lor the w ell or spi ing jn tin w ii ; fiee Irom Special Foundation and Ot her poisons. parl, 1 " W hat ought to In-done? Hi I her peo- , , , , r .. 1 p'e should b- provided W ith cisterns or There ate three car loads of bine -tone i uelL, 3lolll,i l)0 b,,a1 bv taXlition J:l I... lt l. ..l.ll'X- .. .... . iu goon si ."i i neganai una Ks uc i'ie . N. rlepot !rom .loliet, 111 . tor ihe public ouildiup. Tin se will be used in foamla- t ion woi ; . The t. ps of the piling V liv h lui'c been j driven will h .- sawed oij , veu. I'heu ih-i w hole sur ace around the.ii w il I be n ih d j with concrete six inches deep th- top of: this, six inch, s, will be j'.i-t even with the j top ot the piling a'ter it is .-awed off j Then on lop of each pi'ing a cap itone i will bo put 16xlt34 ioches, ami the con-i crete will be continued upward for anoth er two feet, m iking a two mi. I a ball foot thickness of concrete. Then the blocks of -tone now at the depot will come over 'he piling on top ot ftij and the n all of the budding is to be prccte-i on them. This will make a foundation a solid a any one need wish. A car load of irou girders lor the build ing is now at the A. it -N. C. R li. A large quantity ot hard, crushed raikfor tl 0 i ouciete, and of brick both plain, for general purposes, and ol special shapis lor ceilaiu p rtioUS ol the buiibn" have iieeu received. -Iu Iging from appe trances Messrs Graje & Hyde will be iu good shape lor bui'ding rapidly when liny te sume active opt rations. A Heaulllul ew Tomato. U. R .Hill has shown u- some Mr to- matocs that are plainly ol a distinct va i jety. pr .ducid by him this suuinur iu his garden. Thev are a cross bit ween the . golden Trophy a bright yellow vr;c:., and acme a bright red one. I he color I the new toll! ito is a blending i I both color-. , it is nunuly a beautilul golden yellow, but lroni around fie blossom part, rosy -treaks branch out in every direction and j graduallv blend, with th;ye;luw making! w "... : c. 1 1 . e, V Ott 11 III U 1 SUIWlUg. I The tomatoes a, e of sin oth. and m :aIe Hze-averugmg about halt p i di-r und i pronounced by some who j lnaken ot them the best IU ft'lVOr oiev uuve evei nn-. .11 1 . iini luieuus i - go-! p'anting of the ,-eed next n"u !' I"'1 " "-' l he v i- rK l-v Just lls 11 lias deveioi.! A Breezy Tiiije" To-MkIiI There w.'.l lie '"A Bre zv Time' at the t )-night, aud n a i ti' i . o it. It . , ... i is said to be one ot t ie turmiest iarce aui . , ,. v.-.v.. o l".h ....I n... v int.j is said to be one ot the funniest farce , , - - , . comenips that is nam,', onft nut toiTetbpr, - e rv " i for tiie purpose of making as iiiiiny M possible and leaving out ot the q . i ill . 1 1 s I 11 onestion a uozei ner i ii e r i se a n . i i .. 1 1 , the Amen- can drama. The clash of interest is brought hout , by the tact that the creditors of a young college student have pursued him out ot town, and the girl he loves has d-me like wis-. It is ea-y to see ln.w comic sana tion can grow nut of this si ate of affairs. A nuouncemelit is m uie that charming singing, catchy music, c, ,,ic -nrpi-.-es aud scenery aud cost, nn - to etch -.nil ple.ise the eve w ill all enter in' ,. :t- ... nd. : ion. MH NAH Mil. C. formed nt Horehend Com oseil of J. T. fiAton ot Morehfnd, hiiU Two IferllorU Mijl Men. llr. J. T. Eaton of Morehead City, wan up to the city Friday buying material to re-start the saw mill, lormerly known as the Fliiott mill. It will resume work at oive. It has been shut dow n ever since ihe death of Mr. R. Albert El! ott. the proprietor, about two wars ago. The mill has just bull p ur, has, ,1 bv a company composnioi Mr. Eatmi and two gent'eman from He tf r,I, P,-ri(Uimans conntv. Tiny are Missrs. E. li. Ieiry and (ie. F. OrifRu. 1 iie transfer of title was completed Thursday. Mr. Gritliu bus now gone back to Per- quimans move his family, and the lamily ot Mr. Leary down. I bis tnterpn-e w ill give M'.reliaid ciiy at once sixteen new citizens. We are a!.-o inhume. I that auother citizen of Perquimans county will accom panv Mr. Gnffiu on his le'tirn with the intention of buving a plantation aud lo- eating Dear Morehead city. The two gentlemen from Hertford are i-i Ki.K ii n i.i ii Aii4l jH I.urliinv: Kntiiy. PohoiHsl UrinkinK- H'tiler Prornrd Kroiu Im pruprl- Monri-cs. At t iie ti lie- t he epii leiii.i i' Vc I ill J' ll. I .'! oil t i i w w e i al .e. 1 - pi f a I 1 1 1 lit on ! w 1 1'lnliL! l-r on it I'll rtii-hei I niii.gtoii M ' i ti-.n-i" ut-tM I . ft o! lpho:d i ulioiim nl. it. and th-Th- V,I r; it -a e a -! rung i 1 1 1 1 ori a I on 1 1 le u iii;te a rinndi i- i 1 otliOr i jet-1 and i ited i.-t ani'i - w In iv w n- tin ini-iak - i 1 ncss .1 airlii ch 1 1 ii let abiv (in- Io I) ,d let'. And in: ;e.a kinu' o! kid u dn it -1 1 1 ni 1 . 1 be borne in mind that to I e b u I, 1 1 i e- J not necessai i ;y 1 a - t bad. Tb-di-e i.--.' gums cm Imk :n - ein ingiy good wab r .m l aecompb-h fat d i sn ts hi fore tla- rem -urce of tr.uhl- i even SU-i( cted, iii ma';y cast s. The i i im i ly is pi nil. The wab r l..:i.l come IVoin sin U a depth and be prob-cinl in such a v iy t hat surla-e imptli'iti-s i ih-n-it aft-.tii." S"he;i the building ot the water works was .ii agitation t here u-ie some people who favored spring or rivir watir. but we were glad to fee th it t he builders held that tile best, pare-t and sales t, water was from deep ih w'n m I In earth, and the in-buic .hat an C"ii-liint-ly be ioumi u h-re. not only ditL' w-lls bnl. water that conies fro.:: sprmvr. reservoirs, etc.. proves iinsuiled b.r use, show- trie w i.-ijoin ol tli-ir course. Wiul'e such water cannot h- o' lain-d from iiiiur works people should act lor tbeni-i 1 1 es and ciiiy onnsie Uia' be and lii fiinih are -uppiied wiih inch whole some and healtl.-givmo w.ilnr. '1 he Mesfengei aitn l- on the damri r of itiipiue water is no -rood ihat we i opy it lien-w: "We ate persnadi'.-l thai mole people ale made sick au-l die tiom bad water than tiom any oilier source. No one nee 1 to b surpri .1 it he und his family aie sick witii lever it' they drink water fr. m the ordinary weil- in the malarial si ebon of l lie State. Impure wider will bie-d sickm .-s in anv section. Lo k at the n port in Tuesday s Messenger as to the epi lemic of typhoid lever prevailing in ashmgion among all soi tn auo conili ti - ii -s ol A.-oMe, and all because ol bad , water. They have been drinking the poisoned wat-r in the Potomac river. i "Some years ag'O in New Jersey there was an epiileini.- oi lypli.-id fever in a ll lage on a river, and ciusd by tiie piison e l w iti r el ih.- sir. am. Some pioplein ajiothcr place. Hi the s.mie Sate. we. Ihink, inoi'ed to a l.ou-e and urauK ol water in a weli long iiti'i-ci.' Nearly all the lamily died ot typhoid lever a a IB-1 suit. N'e iii t long sgo were told ot' three . ladies who drank waurtakin from a web ; at an old coiintiy bolls-. There were four : in company, but one did nut dual,, and , -he alun- iscap'-d fe-r. "The laic llr. Thomas F. Wood, sev- eral yeafs a;' a, -ent fir I o! 1 le- of w ater i -.jin various ikli't- ol tlierily. Willi '""- 1 lutely pur- ilr.nk'ii." water, n .-.id liuii-i and in home in-peci i-ii , ea. i p I - on be- ing conip-hed nv law to keep cl-an pivin ses, aud with a coui.lele system ol S. We I age Idllllving eveiy part ol lln town, ipu-hi, ir pvery house did the oualic I ,. ,,, , ' . uealth wouid be l!,! better, and . I,u dler.th 1 ( l,.1,'!"lt0 e,V "'VCS 1!t"" r.,e v-rv ucl. lower, fin any one ac l '", u'? 1,b"Ul U'im,' -' n curate bdorma . i-. as to the numb, r m r,f J"ftl,;U C 'H ver behir, s iw . lie people now H,-k in Wilmington ( Wc hear ' hke "f X , 1 li0 lldtf ,s 11oWlu- &,,,"- It stated, but wu do not know how marir,ttrJ- - 1 )e '"!."L 1",u'u ou the mark it is. 10 mi'u ""f,"' ll'e h,,.inhe,,V Tl.ev !e,ve ,.o ,- ,, i i ,1 the cars at the stopping point o the in Sm-e writing the above we have met i . , yl ' ,, , . . with more evidence as to the dangeis ol 'j,:ml2 U''"'? at 1 lj ' Atr poisoned or bad drinking water In Bos- LllK .'l""-'t,0D- r,ntl M atU :ib 'ut ,,,wn' ton several cast s f tvphoi.l fever wife -Vt a i rial .,1 at mor pla'e and pr. j. ci ik-s directlv traced In puwimed water. The at Indian II, ad a few days ago, one of the , Board "of IL :il th ivp.ut that -searching in- ; big uuns shooting at a distance of LIHiU quiries among ihe patients hmvevet , i yards, w-ut an 1,100 projeciile thi'ougli a 1 brought out the fad tlu.t several had ju-t l,late fit'lCH "uclu S thick ami twelve f. et ; returneil from country summer ros, u ts ' ' 11 to Hie i iu tli bpliind il. They make a J where thevwere taken down with the j P1 ,le that can stand any gun, and then : disease. This clue was promptly follow- i ""'-' (eil,-'u' inveid-a gun that no plate eii up, and the soune of one "irroup ,,f ; can stain I. and t hat's the way it goo. ! i l'8"L 'yi'" "u va-es was iuuiio in a weucii i owniung water near toncoro, .u. i lie well was lot atetl ou'y a lew le-t from a sink-drum, and iu wstei upon audly-is wag proven io le polluted with sewage. Oth. r -imiiar Ca?es of typhoid fever con tractod in the c-dintiv from iinprrlct drainage have been l. un.l in the practice of city phy-ici-ins." When a man i- drink iug bad wall r he may be di inking death wati r." cam. t iniKvnr.v For ft Meeting at the Male Fnirol' the nl rj men's Amoentl ion Organized nt the K.asl t itrolina Fair. There vvas oiganiz-.-tl in Nuvv Berne at the last Fast Carolina Fair a North Caro lina I ).l 1 1 Vll.t'U .- Association. 1 be A.-so- cialn.ii is to hold it li.st meeting since i that time U Xt week iu Ka!eii.h at the State Fair. I Prof. Kuiery is-m s the following call to ihe dairvmeu of ;hc State: j j In February. 18i)-5, thi Station gave j jits assistance lo the organization of i he North Carolina State Daiiymt n's Asso- ciation by i-suing a circular to its cousti ' tueiils calling attention to the meeting aud j j urging the necissiiy of an organ iai ion of; ;ihi'kind. . . . j I "This Associaimn was organized and anopieu rnans i-.r nieeiing in oiiieiem : .. ... . . i. . . ... .i . : liaiis ui me siaie. l inoi itiiiaiei v me . i i . c. . -.. .-.i" . i 1,1 con i i u ! cu ami laiai iiiu.ss oiineinsi , coiitinucu ami laiai niu.ss oi ine nisi i . . , or sid. nt ai.uui id the i, aus for the eanv sid. nt ai.uuilid th j i ' I w , ... .iiiii v I :. now 011,01. r in- vlhcllun, ,.i- Sla'e Fair to reflect iiffi.'i-rs flnil hold ihe lir-f la-:il I ) i i rv 111111 's vi .:,,,, .;.... ,:. ,..n.,.", ' .11 1.1 . li -i.i,. 1 11 c .-i.iii.t.iii'.i iu a e-i niirv. 'A good piogramme is piomied for Wedne-day evening, Uc oaer 23, lsy.a, at Coniiiious Hail in theCapdol at Ktleigh. .leiiiOei- wn .iiave paid ire niemii, l-hip lee .-noiiiu -a'ii-1 ai or -..on diei ,. n, i- lei' t a e e l.u-ine - 1. U. adv, it F.w rv in, . t tl, i tlii eis an i the - pea I, . n; Iu t, I 11 1 I d t 1 III. 1 1 er . ; ih i- . .u i ,' A ih p i e.-.-i II ' . and e v el' v can p..--,b!v do so t,. n 'huuid I il, r ould liii'iii. make it u n unt to h li w hat is -aid at e one ,f more than farm in imeres'.s tin- me-, ting, as it is to I oi ,1 inary interest to the of the Suit1." Mrs. TlioiiiHs Wilson Dead. Mr.-. Mutiida S. Wilson, wife of Mr. Thomas Wilson, d'nd Thursday night and was buried the next afternoon at 4 o'clock, the luneral Mi'vice IjeuiLl held I' Olll street. Mi-, week. good .. the residence H..ucock W Item bad been sick only about a Sac was 54 years of ge and was a em -er of the Baptis, church. Pimples, blackheads, freckles, tau and snnburn removed. That oily and rough skin cured and the face and hands beau tified by John's Oriental Soap. Medici nal and toi et, two large cakes, 2-. ts. al i . S. Dufl'v At 2:iib o'clock Thursday altt-rnoon champion James J. Corbelt was arrested bt Hot Springs, Ark., on a warrant sworn out before Justice W. A. Kirk bv Prose- cuting Attorney C. Y. Teague and asking ' . s--a?-' . i.ei h: d that t!,.- , I er l f l ii'in n.i I, :l I . illi i X : a'e tl- ' I '. ,ie ,tl.-I- i-.-w t now .v. lain b. -n 41. ;i"i t p I. ml a a i in -I li J W'h 0 b- ; 1 - io 1 In- t Urn W - I in I i - -I known ,i .' ii ion iitiMi'al!iM i I,.-. I 1 1- '-fi Leaf t, W.i ii.J- I : I n III 111 ten, I., r polile 1 - e : e at 1 i he tor. v i icalloe 1 lehi in d.l 'I In a.t.! I in fad .1 1 Veal pi I t II I- t h la r lie; i -I i ; p i -d 1 -,f I li l, I o tale I Sh. I an iii us tig on i llg'eu lo- In some Id le illi-iii under w In le ago be w condltioi -. I - a bitnel now for gold oiilv w ilh no conditioii- Tb- St.de I)ep irtmetit b from Aiiiba-s;nii.i r.deuo'.ie I he ui il a! ii n ot tb- 1 'i,-i.i h ('rain i nb' i ' t.k.- part In the Fret ch expo-dimi ..I l'Miii which is to ii-ln r m the I a ' nliftli " ntlfV. Tin; i 1 1 1 1 d i on i - ill I- -Hi h and is ipiib- long, giving l'llil itif. d 111 diotl ot the -c-'pe iii nl org n:i ition ,,f ihe' ' projec.. The Loui-iana ntg'ioe- are becotinng indignant ljeeau-e ihe siigd p :: 1 1 : is who hav- jodi-d Lho H' public in pany niu-c ; to train with lli-m, an I tid'ea en il.at it ' the aforesaid plaiders c n.: inn to p.r mi sin h s. olloph, tiiev. tin- tngroe-, wiii. i walk over and j -in i I mm r it ;: party. Tin: T i ill ii 1 1 I i in if r it!- eiiib oi ('o!un,bii-. Ohio, ot wi.'ali Abeu W. ; TliUfll an is a nicniljer. adop t' d a i es .1 u tioii i li the 111 Ii. seveie'y i ondeinn'-ng t he j movement oi fne silver in the Deuiocr die 'party uow beiig led by Tliiirmati. 'Ihu:- man wa- not present. T he v. te w.i 1 unalliiiious. ( 1'reeidiiit Win-b n. ol tin- St .te iiuivi r . sitv, reports th it i,', -ti; h ut- an; on tile ' rofu He say-eighty oi tlue ire lemil--. He declares that it will led long .,,H iv niien ar-regularly ad niile I to tee im: versiiy. and lie war nly favors tin-op-, nmg of its d .ois to tlieui. The Pamlico IletaKl ,ays that. .Mr. ; Alex Lee has a curio-ity in the way of a , , Ijil! of momy. t is a Too bib and was. inade by all act ot the -ueiai a-.-emhly i when il ni-l in Ni w Botn-. Thejcli bore ; the dat- Mav lllih, lTo. atid'was pun ted by .la files la i-. The W'i'miniitou lieview i I l:-t S.dur-i U iV speaking 01 HIP gooil I .itui.e ol one o1 t t lie Stale's le.e bug citizens, 1 1 : 'oloncl ; .Julian S Can' ia ."it! Years o d t..day and lie as .aid to bJ woiil, $ lU.I.'IIU Id ev-ry ; year of hie bio, or if '.i T . b - J lor -wry day : of tho-e 0 year-." i A Kaleigh corre poudent of the Wil-1 m.ugloii Mi s.-i-nger -ay - "I'leparat nn s I f -r the State fair, next week are erv j complete, aud I here i-no doiibi ol a good j e.xbib't and a liiire attend' ace. I'hc di--; litjctly a'i icnltui-al oi-pl i v wili l-e one ot i tht; I'e-l dVor Ulade. 'I ill- choW c ; hor e.- Cattle, eli'.. Will be of marked CXi el- j lence.' It now looks as if the Coi bet t-F!U -i m- I loons on-,, n .hi will eon... oil' at Hoi , s ,,,-iuL,? .,. ap Thl, au.ho.it,-- i. . ,, : .. oi .e; 1 i i e a - -lira in e.-- that d wi.l j, -implv a limited g ov. fontt-r under r-evi-eal arlicles of agreement and t ic rtn- il h-..ow ,1im not -nil I .a soeciai iu uie " urn lugion Jie-s. ugei ; i irom quanta s ays mat fresideni L hark I L Steven. the State Press association. I who returnet Th urs la v from Atlanta. ie- potts that the a--ociatioii while ihere received :'itien ne.v numbers and now has over 10l n etnbt r-. the urgest nun ber iu its hi-toiy. A correspondent of the Wilmington St ir says that the public scllon .- of K d eigh w ill have holid y next wei k in ord- r to gi ve t. ach.ers and i)tiils an op,oitu nily of V isittng the Exposition at Ailant ,, and a'so lie Fair there. A sp-cud tian h. is been arranged for, via UieS. u birn Hallway 's route 10 I' live lliei'e Monday it 7 a. m The fire lor ih- round trip wil be ST li(l end f..r children In tvvceii the agi s ot o aud 12. $3..". . Thi- rate is ex- i tende I to parents as well as s-uilent- and i teachers. The tiain was Steuied by a special i fl'ort of Supt. Howeli. 'I'he fast pact-rs aie clo-iug tiie season wnn s .me w hirlwind tinishe-. ut the three U. let's Joe Patch, n. John 1.'. den- , trv aud H lrt J it i--t: 1 undecided : w'hicli is the best l.ors-. The b.it:.- i..r Su premacy among i he t rot t. is ha-n'i b-.n ' imich ot a" tight, and ihe time neon I has Uot been seriously threatened by th- j raceis of either -ate. Tnc two aiinnie mile still b-longs lo the u'u e. So.-r.tarv lb rbert has signed tin- ,-on-, u.db'.b- irerrAsiu.rt. t'..,- n,. i ,,d,i,,, - : t two tew torpedo l.o.ds reieut v a -v.d- I hem after public bidd.i.g s un , , ., ...,,. ; ... .1 ;,, ,, .. .. ,, .. 1 . , , li.,a .'.is 'i cast" 'in u in in - ii, i o . lie I - . .. . ... ,i- aosence 01 i in- .--ejrtiai v iron, vv n-niug- ton, und a reluct , nee i h the pail .r .ui at the d-pulmeut to ev cute tue pai is m his abseiic'e. Tue tiepar'inunt i- not cor i I'i'iie.l nvi-r icporis that th- He: re.-1 1 tf BfOi hers m iy de i-e t no into -epar de branches oi ship building, a- di - c -utract w ill b-i with tne linn nd 1 1 . e g . v . rn 1 11 1 n t I. .. in e 1. i ,..r I , i , 1 , ii- i r I . r o 1 1 . i, a,',!!. . .1 te The Sv nod 1-1 vein- iu the Pre-1 f it. Vllle, I let. g'J there will be :'t HI ick op. tidlg' Noith ( ' no'.,,-,,, -,v II ,Vte, tan i 1, : l ' b u ,' l.-jiia i ,-i .i t; I-. e -er i. oil h I lev i hv .- tin i V'.u i .on Fay- n, -ht Wm. uii.luv akers School t onv eiil mi I r iniiiv.. t f.oin all over the Stud- wail di-cu-- ihe various probl-ms of Sunday h woik. TlleSvuod will be opened b. a sermon Hum ll'e retiring Moderator, P.ev. W. 3, Ai'i'i.wu .d of Lauriiiburg, al'er winch the S no, iical Communim: will be i.ele Inated On Widnesday the officers o the Synod will be elected and tue business of the churches within its bounds ,vill be transacted. The Synod n pr. s :its :;i.h(nj nieniDei's, idi. n-'uisttrs and a chutches. ut Call for the Horse Brand, Magnetic- (.'.I, it li ,s no equal ternal purposes tor man or I sprains, bruisi-, sweliin-s. and ueura'gki. Large bjttles, els. al F. S. Duth 's. -loh'ison -for ail exit- ist. Cures liieumati-ni 23 aud 00 I.ost or Stolen. A due bill in my favor, signeel by A. J. Collins, dated Feby. 17, '''. Yaiue for ty dollars. I hereby forbid any one to receive same v ol2 el w3w. Chas. Fha.nks. I Japanese Liver Pellets are an infallible j specific for constipation, bilousncss aud sick headache. Small pill. Fifty doses, 25cts. at F. S. Dufly's. I . . - . di-ti.., It i- b. .lap, -la -Si i 1 1 . i I'M it rt. Unit s nil On A il in is si on I It i- in I an Si--r:il !u-. I' ii I II ii il to l be ; 1 elf rt. Kith. did nor i ii si i: in mis is. I'heii- i it lere n po inline ii Is Si I e Ac.. i: v. w. (i. .v. t .i-iliim A'ad-uiv. A limine. l iille-i i it A . i tins. -n. ':. ..on. M mi pi-s through Fn f reii-e of th I I ll - ll'.llie, Mr. ( . . turning It hern M ! N. a hi ! s in jn at i , -1 . - - iv. Kid t'.:l- tb. li th- el.-:: -. til !. at Moiei Id . ( Ke II,. ( n- w 1 1 1 r i-i-; has r-d More! d ll ll 1 1 ' I IV ! 1 1 s : -Mi. lira d-nt 1 tin iliaige -i -h . I berg IteV. W p lit -i' ti. .11.1 I: v. W Avon. It. v. J. et cou ity. 1 1 io Si.it- of II avel.a .1 I '. ia. -oke -11 1 II ttei a-. li mi w nl cni nine t : A i adea y and a . li ' ll ehelll i loot be I fe ll -o I. , ,, at Ma: .- v- irk-i'.- I-: Mi St. w II, . S. ( row i-r . T. II ; ! -i v, a na:, Who W i- ill til- Wi lli" 1 1 I -1 : : I .' W o I o il r ..ut o k !j!:-a:"ll ) -V. .1 L o, -,e.; ... btea as-igneal to t u- i ( 'olu nil .us vv i i i.i i ..f tl e eol ege. Mr. ( ie eiaud, ( lino, . if r '.Cl'e- af laud to: tit I. II tram llUleh a en tor K. 1 - tlo.o Hi i. AIL , I l fc '' l.tlll I II H IMIMIH 1 All fiii. t a i. .n" tiie V doti.a. t Except heie and tin r. a ! i a I - ' ll- t :.- lit' W , I k S ol) ll 1 s i , ; llO '111. L!y a i iii. an m lod ii ; b Ti no: bin ' . a pi a.ilc . r the i th'. tW' w, -t . ( ll Id di the ; e ll tl, iii. ,! il. men itin.no M ill. if alb rat- All ,il'e' a'o u-re tie ing. Ttieir i;-'.v:' : 1 1. inn An-1 the li ' 1 lie old:. of tin UloOll ill ol' he caiup-lii'. : ic.i m A tremulous si-h, as th- -e-i'.le night wind Tliro' the forest leaves .-lowly i c reep- ing, WITde fie stars up ah ive, with gliitti'!, eyes. K' ep -ud'd o'er the army while .-lee; ing There's only the sound of the lone sci ti y 's tread As he t ramps fioui th" rock to t ! i o I " i i t tain. Aril he thinks of the two on tie low trui d!e heel, F..r away in ihe c ,', on the mom tain." IPs musket falls sla, k his lace dar!. an g 1 1 in, Or vis i n ' ! e w i ' h men, or!, i, nd." . Aud lie inn' brs a pr .yer lie Ihe ch asleep. An 1 t heir mother. --May Heave f, i: i her ' Ir. n Then draw in eve rough !v over h: eye-. lie dash-s oil' tear- t t an- wa Ami A- ri- 1 gathers hi- gut breast. r up 11 .1 T t " - I t k ing. pa--es tin. m II Ulit lill. II C leaded p tre-. An . h - loot-b p iagg: it i . i , iv a .'. I he got s th i .. f light Tow 1 1'. I tnc -hade .!" tl g all I iv i the bt'o fo ill'. II .rk, as it the 111 lit wiln t ha: i ii -f 'f- 1 the Lave- The mo niight so in.:'' It looked like a nth ' hie1 ' A n 1 his lifi -l,!oo, I i iug The moon st eras to -hi ihe. i, Thai night, w hen tin woiidi Mii-ly II ! Mary l.bing did ,e a- btV'l. love vet tli-!i- g l P: ,-h- ken. I. a Jied ,: p to hi- bps an. 1 vow- iou iii.inui.ien Whe e p!edge, Ail pii. t along t i N , sound -ive Whi e .-on fa e- : the dea ! . 'The picket -" to li-:- ever un'.rok. n e Potomac to-night, t iie ru-h of t h-- i i V'd . he il ew mi ' h- I.i. e. off dlltv lorevo-i '. M T OI.lt S 1 1 1 It I. It I . Wli-it wo.ild I no. oil ' an.: a', me OII'J veil"- ag. y. an f. i e - -en your . - w on iu,;,,- ol t.ah . Aii -ur sli p- w ch :' ol i r is light Vv h t would I Ii t give for the -u.de that i ui gav e m,-. When glitt.l'iiig I he : i.irs (I, , 1;, . 1 ihe blue sky hove. And the -oft silver light oi l ', i moon s, .tight to w i ken Sweet bonis m t'-t? harp that on.o .-an- b.U of lo e. I d i i d'ter my soul for Uie sui!!e that you -av- m , Lo-.', long Veins ago when I first sivv thy face Whi n your . hivks w ere a,- :, d ,- the red rose oi -uu iin.r. Anil your steps were as ngh ih I- lie-s of CJr.ico. J. Wren Wdiiaiiis. TIIK POIXT OI VIEW. To err is human; to forgive, d.v no- We'll admit as true, of c mi'-. -. But it the sin is you is, f igiveue-.--inine. I've noiiced that it has unu-uil .,iv-, Cehl il'v. Some men expect their wive.- to buy uollur 8 worth ot stud with a hundred cents and keep the change j for pin money. I fr. . - .7 i,i -r-r ?: -IS.. 2 . - i Info I'llf-cf Ti I'll-H,la :t ml 1 1 tin Itouml I rin U ,! i, U, II.' I ii til . ll ie all. th lot' 111, lilent Th,-, -1 . - !.- i r.i n. ios.llg 1 te For o I' ov'- bll -. '; Th ,t !l- e- the power on- might Ho d- ; hand i I -ia- Mroiij; Tewl iitattit in I I'nrS. Head vvh H the llonoial'.e Mav Iia ii Fi .- ha- to .-a .ib-nt S.I.I Ni-.w liniiN'i.. N. ('.. t.id. I M. -i-. M. rritl. Clark .V ( o . I .eat 1-in-n: Tin- i- t , , . i : :fv ,r Wd- tln; ! ,:, and o- h.d mm. nd h ,v - u--d --S. I. I '.' for 1 n.bg -ti,, ! ad-:. ,1 relic1 af er , her i-m,., i t, : ' , ' i And I ui, i.e-,: a ' in. , I,, ii, ,t a- a ' iluable Men., wh. Ir..m Ig li;;.. -.(i.j:,. Wm . I.I.I -. M. ,f Nc f.r (it . U re nil'. v Borne. I ndig. s. ijn , I v I y rr - i c. i-a - 'I and 1 V-pe -la. Huckleu's le ' ie .t sal ve . i -i,-. Sores, 1 'ic 'J'eib r, I ha I A rn it-a th- w. 1'-. Suit pe I ieo, Salve. ild b.r id-1.,,,. I . ( Ild ii -. an Tl Cul- -. and ad Sk in I h up: i- m V cure- Pdes. ,, i,,, j, ,v ,-, a i ant. ed lo gi e pel I. cl oii-v refund, d. Pr., - 2 Osi- ,,i,ed. It d i- ai lion cue:.- per Por ssile by F. S. Duiiy, I'm i.-t. (all :. il lit io-!' ,'ll,,0-i. t fat In r oi- ii v No llei r tliol nun. :l lllol'f birth her. vv . . 1 1 1 :i n ball th, dioose v ran ' tlli'ir I'ront Ihe Italit llerulil. lb raid feels lull lu-tdie I in rcc- c.tnn. ending to i he pubis.' Mi. !Iaw!.e-s' New Cl'V-tallri'il I. i-i- and Patent Spring Eye-C la c-' ni,inufi turedby him ;pid I hat have -ueh an , nnrinniis sale throughout 'he I niti.l :-l.i',"'. ol.'t lm. All eye-: fitted by 1 . S. DI'FFY. A I'll guaranteed. MOTHERS' RELIEF I Y olll it li h t'oiitliii-t I ' -0 1 during I 'n gn i m v an meat, is guaranteed lo pr.. In, . and ipiick labor. Pri, . .. l.oo at F. S. Duit'v'-. Confine-j '"'''"'"'ITheir H'oVI N oi; 1 1 -t.m; ri:. c I M ,f l!-e--l l! at I". II, st, .r, s :d I c i-i - , -truatioii. Inegul d. I Mon-tni dion. jl.oo Dulfv '-. ami: 1" ' nun., MAKl.Y r.IUI, v :vi -YlllT. IMoitsitnt a lloite.Y fails b got a'.! th w Never .I'm- b'. an 20 , I-. p," h: . 1 1 i'ii. h uh e il ly and 1 ,t,i. I nge bottle at I- . S. Dully .-. 'I he above three riiii-d. maim I ictured mly by i',,T s i' I l vi i i . i i i i At: oil ,. ' .,i. 1 V P. S. Hull . N-vv P me. ii!ig::i .IA w Iv N. C. A linr-,' ping-, but s not known 1 , v ins t r: 1 1 n a! i 1 1--' : so in, ui a r- cstcomoil 1 r i i t tie. Hot w en ' If the Kaby Ih t'ullltiic Teelh. Be sure and Use that ol I and well t: ,e riill-dv. M' Wiuslow 's Slot hi"g Sv a fol eiMldn-ll lOi llllllg I I -oolhes I he , 1: -ol't-iH tl e gum-, allavs all pan,, cu,, w ii I eoiic and is tbe b-.-t rein-dy ! diarrhoea. Twontv-liv- 1 1 nl- ab.'tl e. lihH i ll is only in p., ptil...; .'uniidit.s thai iiie'ti ;iiv i-oii-titiitional l.le.-sitig:-:in l . ; 1 1 : 1 1 1 1 v . at loll d with l r fi. Wh. I! T:.:i Wl,. ll s!..' WI..-H sh-Wti-i. bh- was -1. , v ,e; ae l,,l i. I- . a H, o l.a.l . laid. , Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria. I Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria. Children Cry for Pitchers Castoria. Sale of Land ! i U I 11 to t li ii, f.,r , . oil , , In am : ' fn.. X. i of N'ov. i billow in -il'lie i, -bils I mil s,, ii. . i d B'.aek .h 1. n. S. 04 W. 1 ui i 1 la 1 1 ' ci a i iei , b I F I'.l p 1 r . ' : a ,d ill -ad ( uk. .I. IU I , ' 1 11 1 ' I'll - , ' . v: i" -I ).:k. , -1 , i, ti- s i, n th !r . p li- ,1 I lit po'e- to id- e 1 lie, I- to 11 p. lie. Wl,,. ( o , -ame N. - V.. U i th, n a ,!:r-ct lii. la.naig 100 a. it - dh I hr 1 I I , k . t- to Hi 11,111 - I e. Hi ib- I - IL -aim' conveyed to .1 t.ii llin. anil same s and wile to W. F K This Oi I .Ih-i- 1 4 1 1. B !d 1 !rv an 1 v v W. c'. 1 11 g - Y , TS'.la.' IvOKN K v Simnn Ai.bi.ht N. W'. F. Kornegav b Penrsall, Att'ys." , AV. K."r.. lis, ( i ibbs cV W4l . OUR STOCK OF FINE SHOES IS CU Ml HIS El) OF Three Leading LINES, Viz: Thos. G. Plant's, Paian Bros, ana Co:, ' Clement and Balls'i Inferiors Are Many, Their Equals Few, Their Superiors None. TRY A PAIR AND BE CONVINCED OF 'lill! SUPERIORITY OVER OTHER LINK. & WdletL 47&49 Pollock St. Hackburn I ' i ' i .1 a - Y .4',' ! " i'.'. :- i 1

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