THEv, JOURNAL. NEW. BEUSE, N, COCT. 4 1895. liCAL L"-! : BRIEF1.Y? NOTEDw s - VQMOB H(l.cwj,. id new Berne cotton chaog troii, 8 io 8 50. The condition of tlatj Job (X. T?ls drr of Raleigh, wtvi it Buffering from kid ney ftd heart tr4itjle bus la.pruTo.1. ' Work E esjohutyi reaid agaiu Uotiday u IW poilc buUdinjr. We hope it will run muothlr now until com jdetion wttuout any further imeriupiiou. . - There lias bora a big dmp in Cotton in ' the New York nurkets, tailing ff cf boot fiftj points to the last thrve dy. Tbe loan - wb-i aokt - wbea it was at iu fcighef U oa the mJo aide, tbougta it anaj raUvasaia.v News Marian. , JtulrU Bnm, special flonr - (egtbta, are receiving tuppl'ie both by ca aaaiand. One car l al lot hits just come U by the A. N. C. ft. R., auf anoUier by v earner, c Mr. E. W. WardswtHth of Perfcction, wa-la -WwToeaiiy with IopmI the , prvdest Kaiftcr p we kave seen ibis easoa. "Borne f them weigbwl over a j poahd each. " Messrs Hack burn A Wil- - MUX booght the entire tot. - v ir. jooa w. votnaae ana miss r,. Geneva, Mat Uiew of Norfolk will 1 mar 's" r.d Tueadar, Oct. 29th. Th roam is a . -. . , i i - roooev airo "r jtwis men mini w uo uai - ' - . i i. j x" U 1 1 . . - imiwii rwm i f w viiitu ;irv i. 1 1 i. - mends here extend centiuiauoDS in . A spetlaltd the WihniBxton Messenger -r - frota Raleigh Mkes ponnt nenial or toe t' - ataiBent publiahel at length on another page (boat aa exchange tltatllte Soother ' Kattway enatrmplatiag toe purchase f The latereat in the nvetings at Oeoten. : fT llelbodiMehnrch seems to be on the iocieiL..A strung sohhoalitr b r 'ttervailias ttto rottcregatioaa whkti ate iafsw sad attnti. Them are. requests - fir prayers and snene caerNoa have - tesnitwu . in eeciings are ueiB new V at tU Mas boors as last week 4 and 8 - p. BB. - Cants sre oat for the marrase of Mr . John R. B. Carrawar. the effioient and rcpuUr.Ullor ot' the .Katioaal Bank ot L Ixe- Iferoe io alias Loaisw Elgie of Eal- e oa Wi?dnrsday eveetnf, otemler co, at na-i past o u ciolk in . Cbnrrh. Jtaleiah. Mr. aoa ilrx cvra . Bar oa, fnday aveawg Kueeaaber 15th. - W publish m another eoroma a 6Vcis toM tn Lla Mas f a mnl ataiiut which ' . chants mm a preferred smstlar to lb coaa aaodors will bo dou4 be read with kater- " - aat.' It MHnna to esUbtiah that the Uaitt-d - States has no tuzbt to Kten a reaM-t iroot ' " earryinx am to Cuba but has the rutht ' to prevent oaa trooi beiatr fltted out here : petitionary torce. ? " ILrl Davy 'Tarnor. of GatesrilTe. az5 K9 . A'umi u 4tw miib'ito nf tiia atn- - la-Uw. ur: iiorenao utrr or buooik. v a. on Saturday tho IKhlnrt. TbasVeeased v amrer a ' wift 'ad - six children, two of - whom are ear fcuwnauHa Uerars. X. J. ana - J. W. Tnvwer. 'They left Uooday to at- emd Ote faaeraiat QaterriUe, kU hotae. -: The eaaraaa by R. I. William sod J. E 0Hara. - eot . hi behalf of the mad tav aa lk fmUinr nf ltu riaar firttftorM ' eootinoes.-' They spoke kfoaday eight at - Cocky Ran and they will speak next Balantav ax is o'viooK at. vanceooro ana November 2d. they, will speak at Traill' school boose. . : TTa are ttla4 to note that the firm of J. ' Usxttf iaaeaaiaig ' their territory and - dotag a very fnt Uarinera. Tbey are " hrge bayers and J-bers ncluaivaly. Tbey purchase direct front ' tuarniaetaren and luiportara and thia enabla them to sell as . Itim aa Narlhiik markets. - Aaotboc change of acnetoie wM so Into effect on the W. N. & B. R be- paains? wtta next uotviay. The mail ' train will then be changed back approii- saately to what it ws before the present one went iato aflfaa tfcat ia the train will ,., leave here ia the BOrains and return ia tbfraftmtewev 1 be ieght will continue ' as U now, ia. - The Boast) Jt Beady Hook t Ladder I ire Co cot. moved into ttmr new aarten, opposite the City HaUTaeartay and held the Brat aksetiag that aigni. The company numbers -93 able bodied men. .- The trout porttoa'-f tee tmiM n nsed for the track an-1 also f the o-Mng, - The males and Ucrpiag aparteieota xf the 'r driver aa at, Um; tvar. "We expect, now - thecotnpaBy is an Aselr equipped, that ' anoota orcasiuo ortuaaa iney wtu give a gooU accoant of themselTes JU the Episcopal ebonb . steepas is of- t -nsed ia show; how high water is thrown tjf engine or by the water works, the e,aesuoo as fcrbow nigh the steeple L; . is oUen asked, .Mr- H. A. Brown, Jr to ia . a aa - - - aatiia'y all, has Ukefk the aneaarrrements of the ste-oie. . ITjov are as follows: loe beicht opiaooeal duuch ateepte sp to r , the top of ufetJiiag red ia 150 i in .rhes; tothn top of UefTOwn is 13 fret, 1 lack j' lo the tup- of the eroas en tbe f npper eriodowa 131 ft. . : - Tat CeSteai orkae. - Ist Wednesday, ike lSth,-inat.t on the Jfrw Tork cotton exchange Jannary op tiocs sold at lS7 and the tooe of the mar iet was flrsa. On llondsy, the gat, tbey eotd at 8 JO, a drop of 107 points on the - JanrMry optloav' On aorae of the later " tULtai I of the tirop wa still more. .- ' Tae sales were 1 0,700 baiea, the -largest foe aoa day i the- history l the . world -v , r -lXr.Boaj Taylor, of Bugne, Carteret ' county had a lJ ate idea t at Moreheed aXooday hutraing. Ue drove ia there en mdia tAnjooiSul lAalkwut Mart AnH hi none- becaae JHgfcteaed. ran awiy sod ' thrwv hies - exav -Hi arm aaa broken - beloer the sboekier, bis fiace aramd- np and hie body brefasnl : lie was Uken to Dr. E. L. Stamey, wbere he rerelvryt proper attention and waa- thaw take -try the - atsaaaer Kaaaie ' Chpt. Datw Wade, to his home. Mb'Tavlor Is one of Carteret's old and snccea-fof f rtuera, a man highly in ' epeetad sad haa nuttry frirorte - wlib will . -Jean wita, regret of hia nrtideat. - -Tbn fUs and Waleter Company ren ,derd "A Breesy Time" at tbe New Bern opera kotte to a yery good aodience for Mrday ntsbt. It is a kUy, rollick io- jijedkrywHh Vardfy plot eooogh to bold thajotua, aongs, ttaaie and- dances to gether in epapjBCtfon, but it "took" alt the Aav aaexpected p seeing feat pre was the .ifUrodpctioa of fine ecotortioaist work by two vwry erpeit Mtomiers. Tb,is had bot been sidtertise.1 at aft. i beany uogtter una appiaase or ine wasarxtaution enougti m uwt , pirooghooC lag fJSMr swtWiatra Ap( monjew 4digiH rre - The following are Presiding Elder F. Dl Swindell's appointments for quart eriy iMrtingalrn Uie reouiniler o( this eon tvmcejearr" 'K' ABeentrt"ll A. M. Oct 2tb; More iasfkt City, Oct. Mfa at night; Jones cir . tvk, Taasday Nov. 2nd ana 3rd; G. -if ton, rj&lwarps. Not. 8th; LaGracge, Trinity, thandl0tb; Kioston, 101b; Mt. blive, ISth and 17th; Hancock Street, New ' Bsrar, tin- Yaaeeboro circuit, 83(1; Pam lieo. Broad Creek, ii and 4tb; Centenary X,Qorch, New Berne, at night, Mtb, Snow Biil cirruit,' Nor. Slat aad Dec 1st; St. ' ' John's Dec. a; Cravea circuit, Lane's, ' Vm nth.. - - ;. ;r - ., CAaTTUBT aitaatmiB Ce(7Bf. la Sesaioai Tats Week-Tbe Ketel Ia taiaee C ea to Caae mp The . -el na ssm aVeewo. Jmlge A. W. Grabam of Oxford, pussed through Suturdiiy niglit en route I j Beaufort to hold Superior court which begins to morrow. The following attorneys went dowa- to attend it, llou. F. M. Simiuonj, ot'Ka'ei i and tbe following. New Berae attorney: Messrs. P. M. Ptarsnll, W. E. Clsrkc. C. R. Tuotnas, L. J. Moore, O. H. Guion and W. W. Claik. The oilier latter represent the deleudems in the notable insnraoce trials that are attracting so much attention and which come up this wr?k. Mis Rachel Brown stenographer, went to tkc down the evidence tor the defence or o much of it ms was desired. Messrs. Hinfdale of Raleigh, suJ Allen d Kenston. ho n.res ui the insurance companies went down I'Vh'ay uild. Tlie fijihl will no douM be a hrd one and the testimony volumiuous. The tril will, in all probability, ran over into next, week no mutter how ejrly in this week it is reached. ('nlit Oalo(. Mrs. C. It. KeHer nd nic e, who have beeu spending a week or two HtHoit l Alber.kft Tued.iy lor their homes ucur Portsmouth. Elders L. H. Ilariiy of Newpor:, J. R. Rowe of ifcau'ort, and C. W. Willis of lluniiD!; Quarter, imsvd ihrouyh Tinsdav en route from the Primitive Bjptist Union meeting in UdsIow couui v to thtir honied. Mis. I). S. Ainan, Mis Vio!h Pmvov sn.l MiMj Arnxn, of Plo Attn, ami Mr. T. C. L'vin, who i on a visit to th-m. rauic up yesterday. Th-J are a I Mr. N. S Kiihtw in s I hey return t'ly. Mr.anl Mr. D. M n..ll..ell nnd ilanyliter, Min Molli-. 1-ft Fir KmreN i visit relatives. Mrs. Thoi Sutt-n left for LaGrmijre t" vUit iter abter, Miss Ulennie Mxidy, who is ill there, but whom, we are g'ad to no e, is impros ia'. Ju ltre A. S. Seyiiour. D. strict Attor ney iyc-ock and V. S. Mirlall O. J. Cnrroll were passeuuers on the steuiuer Xeuse en ruale to Elizabeth City to hold Federal court. Miss Myrtle E- P.ip! who his been making a proirn;ted vmt in Greene coun ty, lelurtud home Monday night. Mr. P. H. Peltitier went don to Beunloit io aittnd Superior court. Mr. Win Sanf rd who went down recently to Jacksonville to work at the Parnieless Ecclestou Lumier mill paesed tbrongh Monday with bis t.-imily, moving beck to their old home in Eluvtbetu City . Miss Mary Ogleaby left on tltv steamer Neuse (or Baltimore lor treatmopt io her eyes. Mr. F. E. Rece went up to Raleigh to attend the State Fair. Messrs. C. B. Ful ton aud Tnos Duncan of Beaufort passed tbioob for the tame purpose. Miss Sadie Gaskill who has been visi ting relatives ia Carteret county returned borne Friday morning. Mr. T. F. Willis, formerly a telegraph operator in this city, passed through Fri day en route Ctom Kinstee; 8. C, to bis old home in Moreuead City. Messrs. Gannon and Groom, steamboat inspectors, who have txei in the city ou official busmees, left fur Wuinington. Leut. Chator and wile and Mr. E B. Roberta, jr , were among tbe passenaers on the itMox-r Nense yeUrdav. Tbe two former are en roote to New Tork to spend a month and Mr. Robe Its is re tnrnine to Newport News where he holds a position jn tbe elevator ,spartment of tbe tJltesapeake and Onto KatirOHd, Mr. Win. Bay's wife snd daughter, of Chicago who fornwrly lived near Mew xterne came to oa toe steamer jMeuse. Mr. Matt Gordon, who has leo visiting ias mother, Mrs. Mary B. Gordon, leit on the steamer Neoe returning to Baltimore. Mr. J. F. Prettyman who I tad been up to tbe city on a basintss trip returned o Swsnslioro Friday. Mrs. W. P. Buirus left at the same time for a visit to Mrs. Preltyman. Mra, M. E. Whiteliurs who aitt-uded the Baptist Association meeting at Kins- loo returned borne last night. iss Effye Alphia of Dover, who lots been visiting st Mr. Hill Humphry's, left for her borne yeatrr-iar. Mr. J. E. Songer and fsu'ily, came in on the stealer Nense r no ay tr- m I'hHa ttelpbL-i, tbeir old home and left in the sltrrnoon fc.r Jaeksooville, where Mr. Soneer holds a pition with the Par- natm-avecteaon Lumber Co. M r. S. ot;pr's latnily have been spending the sotnaier Jiopn and he a week or two. Mr. John Thompson, who has been visiting bis lather. Mr. James Thompson, left lot his borne in Untton, where be and bis two brothers are engaged in merchan dising. Miss Louue Dennisoo, who hs been spending tbe summer in Farmville, Va , re turned home on tbu steamer Nense. Postmaster Matt Manly and Mrs BjmI Manly snd children retutn&i from the Atlanta Krpoaiiioo by special car over ibe W. N. AN. B R. Mr. Manly dee U res toe Ea posit hhi to bo a eraud one second only to the World's Fair and tar beyonri the Centennial Exposition. Mr. R, C. Holtooof Olympia, pasted through Saturday ei ioue to M- re head City to sUeQd ibe llK'ii S at that place. Mr. M. DeW. SteTen?on, lin went up to Oxford a wiek vo -r-i n of the illness of bis son, Mr. M. D.-W. Steven son, Jr., returned. brirjiiig his wmi home. We are glad to note be is on the nai to rt co very. Mr. James C. Davi?, of Beaulort, cor respondent of the Board Of New York spent Saturday in tbe city on official business. Mrs. Wm, Wynae, of Olympia and her little grandson Master Willie P. Mnta-u came In bnturday to visit Ur. K I Mofabigue. Mr. Jos. Mrton and his sister, Miss Kate Morton of Hsrlowe, spend Wedues- tay ui t be city. amrlr rovty art Atlanta. The following parties left Tuesday to attend the At tan la Exposition: On tbe regular train ot the A. & N. t H. R. there were Mesaia,. C. U. Fowler, J. O. ana Ik B Baxter of Stonewall, ami Mr. and Mrs. N. N. Aan d child of New York. The three latirr hv been sp-nding a Utile over a month at FJotcl Albert and leave nrst for Kaieign, trom there tbey intend to go on to tbe Exposi tion. On the A A N. C. special there were tbe following: Messrs. Feruie Gaskill and B. W. SunpMM, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Paris. Mr. and Mrs. Rud.duh Ulncli. Mrs. Huxbes Hdllan.t, Mrs. J C Wat-J kins, 'Mioses Addie Cutler so t Parl Powell. The ratlr- a I i-mciaia mfonn us (hatjthere were 3 st rai-?-r pissengeis io the Exposition wboev nanus we did ut ob tain. Mr. Cbaa. Adanis, an official cf the B.4D. K.R. accoaipaaied this excur sionists by tiiia rowe us ciiaperooe. Tbe following left by the W. N. fc N. R. R. Mr. Joo. S. Manix, agent at New Berne of the W. N. N. R. B., Mr. Geo. Henderson, agent E.' C. D, and O. 0. S. & Co., Mr. Mat: Suwth, engineer of the New Berne Wafer Works; Mr. C. E. Nelson, Mr. Ttvw. Bowdeo cd son George Mr. and Ikjrs. Geo. N. Ives anc) Mioses Lqlip Ivis. Orph Koch, Leah Jooea, Nellie Colligan aad Mias Mary Oliver, cbaperoneklr. and Mrs. Jos. W. Watso and four children, were also of the party from Atlanta they will go to New Orleans where Mrs. Watson and children will spend a mouth or two visiting her rather and Mr. Watson in the meantime travelling for a nortliern hou e. Tbete make up tbe fairly large, num ber of thirty, nine, which we consider a good showing for one day, even if it is a special occasion. DIES At her home in Beufort, Mrs. Cornelia Haskett, familiarly known as Mrs. Neely Hssket The deceased was a native of Carteret county and one of its oldest citizens. She t tbe great malarial medicine, cures kidney gau. ual Don-tipation Electric Bitters cures by WM tbe motbbr of Mrs. Ktrlaon Whitfoid complaints and torpid liver, purifies the ! Mr. Rani's mother died a few weeks giving ihe needed tone to the bowels, and and Mrs. Dors Mason of New Beroe, ' blood and positively cures constipation ago, hi i iuiant chili died also only three ' lew cases long resist the use of this medi of.Mr. Sommsrfie'd Haskett of River- and sick headache. Lsriie' ru.kaa?e9. 25 weeks oeo, aud now his wife dies. Truly cine. Try it once. Large bottles only dsle, and threo otutt cuildten. " r. SAM SLOCCH BIABD FBOX. AaanOld Member or tbe W. Y. VoIhu tr Fire nepnrtmeu t lie Ulvea ilretlaiara ! the Allnullca or ew Berne. Will the Atlatitiu R"i'l T am accept th congratulations of un old incnibcr of the New York Voluuietr Fire Departmeut foi l's notable record ut Atlanta last wek, in the competition for the quick limelalt? T. ...1 V,. .,..;.... .1 tl,.., ! ho , ,11 I I 1 UU alwavs alovr. Perhaps it was. 0nr-a? But I DotH-e, aud have noticed all alon? sinco the nar was on. that when it has to get a move on its-.lf, it 'ii3-'' No mafer whether it is cotton mills, railroads, h irs: races, biki8, or liose reels, th.y yet thar uow: whenever they iust take the trouiile to hump themselves. But they don't want to keep lhemselves huai)cd all the time ! That's just the difT"-mnci: 'iwixitln- Noitii and the South. The North wants per petual motion; y. u uns take lime to cat and enjoy yourselves. The hasty plate of soup breaks a sound man up. When you all come to cash iu your clucks at the last call on this earth, the Northern man will fay, "we've made a pi.e.'' you uns will ay, "ivt 've i moved ojrselvts. " And linn's l.a'.s the matter nh our Jeeiiis ! While paid fife) departments are in vonue in all the hie; cities nowadays, vol unteer companies arc not ol'Solelc by any menus. Pay or no pay, it is the volunteer work that tells alter ail. The bi'er I he salary, the I'higer th- tire " 1 ilon't ay it is m for a fad, but it works that ay when there is no oluer stimulus hut W3i!l S. T ne llfl rence between naid tiremeii ami vjluiiittis is. 111 il Hie paid men don't ilo auything else. Tiny net organized and put in time ou drill, which makes ll.e.n cfik-ieiit. When a fiie bleaks out they know just w hat to do, and each man has In- station and Irs post. I hey don t uo:ie of thein get r i It d fu . I pi i a st i e am at the smoke. Out they locale the blaz -.. On tbo whole, us t havo said, the vol unteers were not a bad Jot. J lie maiu tioub'e was that they would let a lire -;et away from them and burn up a block vyht'e rival companies were r-eiapping to get first water on Bcfiiies they was loo much iu politics. So they finally dis bandtd. 1 ustd to run vv i i U Engine 14 in the early titties. That was more thao forty years jgo, and 1 reckon that's what s kept uie so Iriskv up to dale ! She used to lav down iu VeSc-y street hack of St Paul's eburi b. My lather s pressman was lin- assistant foreman, and I u.-cd to douhl up in one of the engine house bunks ot nights, w.ienever I felt like 1 wanted lark, or to earn my exemption from jury duty. It didn't take long f"i the bovs to shake out when the Hall (bod) raug Uorses wern't in It then. But we got the ropes in a jiffy, nud by the time we struck the corner of Broadway we were pretty sure, if the fire was down town, io get mixed up with "Engine 40' coming outo Auuidreet! Then it was trumpets and wrenches and smashed helmets for a time until one cot the best of it; both com panics hauling at the ropes with one hand ail the while, and fighting hard ith the other, until we finally got t lie machines clear of the muss and the best butt outo tbe nearest fire plug. But "dem times g ne by boss!" The boys weren't so gentlemanly at competition as you all were at Atlanta arxl they didn't have any 'Mascots' in those days, a lib rough Alose bad Ins Eliza and on parade days sh used to turn out with the machine iu riue D2. New Berne ain't a-gwine to t-urn up while the Atlantic are in it, and insur ance stock is rising all the Urn'. You did well at the exposition, and the country knows it. Sam Shcuai knows it too Sam wos n fireman ! Remember Sam, please, ''when you lLjbt up on dem ho;." Sam Slcktvi. 77 Charlotte Sr., Asbevflle, N. C. OUR NEED FOR A HOSPITAL. Caaaa frqiaeait ly Uftarrlnf Which Miaow tfcatOaeMhauld fee Eatabllataed la Mew Berae. The need for a public hospital with a colon d department as well as white i: too apparent to those cognizant of ex isting facts to admit of argument. Many a time a poor but worthy person has sick ness which place them to a greater or less Atent upon public benevolence to which such au establishment would be. a giAJ- send, particularly when tbe case is that of one so fixed as not to have the advantages of a home and family from whom to re ceive proper attention. A 'am, emergencies arise w hich cause such an institution to be almost a neces sity. The Case of the colored maD Alfred Kho les last week tiom the couutry is such a one. He was terribly shot and lived only about fourteen hours after wards. The Drs. Duffy gave him their b. st uttention and service at tbeir office from about nightfall until about eleven o'clock, aud then having finished dressing the Wounds there was no place for him to go to and It was nearly miduight and constq,ueutly there was poor opportunity to secure a place at all. Although he ha i uac.anil n balever entitlinr him to b re ceived into the sailors' hospital a place was provided lor Inm there for humani ty's sake sud there he stayed until he ex pired. Our physicians could cite case ntt.-r case which ought to h ve been treated in a hospital we have known a patient t slay f -r several days at a phvsitians office. Thute things ought not s i to be. A place should be piovided unt'er some arrsngcnii ul wncie proper care can be received bv Jany uof irtunate at any time and it should l)e K locate-1 hs to be easily reached ana turnisliid so that ihe service rendered suuil be good. The need exists. Who will move towards tilling it? TABERNACLE BAPTIST CUFRCH. rawing t'oacrearatloaa aad Sabbatb SchMl-Xr. Npiiltaaa'a Leetore. The Baptist Talrnacle church, organ -zed a few months back, is progressing finely. The church now numbers 41 members and the school 159, twelve of whom are officers and teachers. The attendance upon bot,h church ser vice, and Baooatu tchool is splemlid. Last rttbhath there were 147 in the Sun day school; three of this numlier were visitors and tbe oiber 114 members ol the school. T'ne building put up for temporury use has once been eularged, but even now the in ed it felt for a larger one, and we hope soon to see the young but earnest working oiigreguUon in tbe substantial and ample house of worship they are plauning to build. Rev. B. W. Soillman of Kinston, as we have already announced will give a Uc lure to-morrow hiith. in the Tabernacle for the Im n'efit ol ihe church, an t we hope in see it well patronized, b :h I'eciiisc i' w ill be aiding forward good work, and becauae from whai we kuo.v tif Mr. Spill man as a minister and have heard of inm as a lecturer, we believe all who go will get a large amount tf enj lymcnt and benefit from hearing the leciure. It is one which Mr. Spillman has delivered quite extensively under a wes ern licture bureau, ana upon, which he has received very strong compliments. Key. J. A. Bruadus, I), p. LL. D. President qf the Southerly Se ninary says of it: "Rev. B.. W. Spiiman is a uian of abun dant acd quite taking burner, and at the same time shows much good s?n-e and right feeling. I h.ul him in uu address (Laugh aud 'Jrow Fat) to the tu. tents at their request, ami I thought it dec dedly iuterestiug and fg d"' Key. J. A. Broadu, D. L)., LL. D , President ot So. Theol. Seuiiiirry." Another heart r, W. E. C rocker says: "I have never iu my iifj seen a lecturer take better. Never have seen an audience indulge io more healthy, hearty laughter. He certainly has a great gift in his power of humor" ; Johnson's Kidney and Liver Regulator : and SOcts. at F. S..Doffy's. "5 DEATH OF RK.JA1IN IIAItS. Ntrtcken Down in tbe Slrciinlli of YouiiaT Jlmihood Drhinj; Aromiil in Apparent (Jood Hrnlih One Morn inc. Ihe ext Wornlnjf h t'orpie Tttken to SfW York lur 1 nleriiiiil lj (he Slil.- of Hit lolln r. Our Community was siaitlcd and shecked e-terday nun,inr ly the totally unexpected death of ou" youui; towu- . Mr. Benj .mm Hal.n. a son ol ei- j Sheriff M:.yer Halm and a im-iiilier "1 the I long e-tablislvid tirm of M. Il.din ct '.. j of which hi f ther is the si-nior mcinl. r. i iir. Ilahfi died from a pi il'urating ulcer ot the stomach, re-tu: nig in pcrnomti ttle hitter, orisrinatiu;' frcm the form tx'ino the iin mei i:ite i"iu?e ot death. Until Tliuisd.iy there had been no symptoms except an occasional lihi pun which h had ti lt lor some little time an I which was attributed y to Might in digestion. The 1111. in symptoms which in dicate the form1 ug of sui h an ulcer as ended his life were entirely absent. At nine o'clock Friday lie was out driving with a iritDd apparently in l'oo.I health. At eh Veil o'clock he was taken with a severe paroxysm of jiaiu. f r the ivlaf of which he applied to Dr.C.M. I teu ton and laid down in the rear room of the doctors office expecting to be there until the pain ulsided somewhat, but it ncvi r got better there was no more ea-e for him until death came, i-xrept as lie was under the influence of opiates. He contin ued so ill that it was not deemed advisa ble to n. ove him to his home. Notwithstanding all that :ould be done i t'V Dl. IVuilou, and by Drs. fnas Dully did K S 1'riinrose, wlioni Ur. ISnt called iu, Mr. llaliu died at the ortiee about seven o'ehu-k Saturday inoniing. A post mortem examination was held and th-cause ot deal h fully e-t iblided The ulcer Ii ol i aten eniiie v thioiiLih tin stomach I'ffoiv uiauite .tuiL' iisell violently in auy way. At the stae it bad lenlied, no skill, either by medicine or opeiauon CoiiUl Inveavaihd anything. Hi-, rem litis, accompanied fy Mo-s.s. Mayer and Joseph L. llahnandt) Marks were taken to New York lor n.ti nnent b . the sid- ol his mother. lr. Ilahn was '29 y'i ar- ofauP. and was a young man of steady bu ine-s h i its, aud coul tt ous deiin aiior 10 ail. Id- w:i well known not only iu tin- city hut through all thfl sui-rouiiding cniinlri and had in my warm liicii.Js, who will nioinn his death. 11IRTIIDAY PARTY To Mlfia Berlle Wmiu Ht tbe ew He nu ll oaoe. Morebead City. One, of the evenls of the season wris a Birthday P irty at the New Berne, give i by Mr. nnd Mrs. Mann to their adopted daughter. Miss Bertie. Cjuite a large number of invited gues's assembled in the spacious parlors of this old hotel and made things lively for a time by brilliant conversation and good music. At ten o'clock sharp, Mr. IT. II. Wilsi n of Kinston, N. f ., by request, invited all into the large dining I0' in, where were loiind tabh s heavily laden with all tin delicacies of the season. This su u pious report was highly eni ved bv ee:v one to tht'J'ivZk.if' extent Alicrwanls all iigon re-asseinbie l in t he parlors and were highly cuteitained by good music, both vocal and ".stru mental. The duet bv Misses Lena Hart- sell aud Lily Fulforl wis heattily applauded; and the solo by Dr. Jno. U. Wheeler received the high st cnoniums Games ol amusemei t were indulged in by all imi t" the delight ot every one. All too soon came Ihe hour for depin ure. At this point Mr. R bt. W. vVal- lace. by a lew well chosen remarks, aril in his owu inimitable manner thanked tbe host and hostess anrl Miss Bertie for such a pleasant evening; and in behali of all wished Miss Bertie many, many such happy birthdays, adding, aorro roct, Jthat that he wished she coul I h ive auothe next wrek. W. Moreheid City, N. C, V't. 10. Profitable Pear. Mr. J. E. Franck ..flichlands, Ons'o.v cnunty, is m the city with cotton and Keifl'er pears. Mr. Frtinck informs ns thai t m o ve irs ago lie s d I close on to titty dollars woitbot pears frou four ti-ees tile Keifb r and one Je canto. With such profits in fmii culture before their eyes it is remarkable tnat our tanners do rot make a study of the funis that are best adapted to this region and engage lurgelv iu the business ol raising them. We feel saiisfied that mme clear profit can be obtained friirn an established orchard and with les work even in years when price8rule low than there is in rot- ton oven in xeaw when the price goes as high as it can be reasonably exp eted to do again. Look Out tor a Hurricane. The following telegiam was received it Wilmington from the Chiel of the Weather Bureau at Washiugtou, D. C. Washington, D. C, Oct 21, Hoist Ilurikaoc Signa's at 4 o clock j. m. storm central soum ol Key west and moving northward. Will caiwe dangerous gales and h'gh tides on tm- South Atlantic const. F. L., Observer, W earner Bureau. KILLED BY A N. A. L. TRAI V. A Brother of Our Townmilii r. 1.. Pur- nell The En teem In Which He Wiu. Held. Halifax Co, N. C Oct. 21. '9'.. Editor Journal: Below I give an account of tl e killing ol a young man at Wcldoo, N. C: Robert Bryant Pnrnell, age 2 yafs aud unmarried was run ever and killed tbeie on Fudav night, 18th, inst. Mr. Purnell weDt under the rail-oad shed at that place to see a friei.d off ou the A. C. L. passenger tram due iheie at 9:l2u p. in. and while looking at that traiu move out he was tun over aud killed bv a A. L. freight which was lackicg through the she . lie had been a success ful merchant in that town for several years. He leaves two sisters and six brothers, one of whom is your clever townsman, IhomasL. Purnell. His remains were interred iu the eeire- tery at that place Sunday morning in i he presence o I the largest crowd ol people that ever attended a funeral in that place. Ho was exceedingly popular, no man w as ever more considerate of the feelings ol others- than he. The community and town in which he lived has sustained an irreparable loss. The burial setvices were conducted b Rev. P. N. Stainbalk and li. P. Troy, pastors of the M. E Chinch al thai place. The bereaved ones have the svmpa:hv of the entire community. X. A Plejtftfint Yiwit to Rwanubnro. Mr. W. K P. rry of Soiiih Mills, w ho has been spending a Week .d Swiin.-'iOfo on pleasure came in Tu.s lavan l lei t in the afternoon on the steamer New Berne for his home. He speaks of Sivunsbom as the pretiiest located place he lias ever seen and the hook nnd line fishing the fioest'he evtr engaged in. He and some young men of I he place caught quin itios of large trout atal blue fish -elegaut sport lie also found g iod hunting. Last Saturd iy he and a tew other youug people spent ihe day on the banks most pleasantly; successful fihing was one of the sports of the day. The jvirty con sisted of himself, Mr. Walter Duffy, M ss Elsie Fiaz-ile, Misses Sua and Kate Put man nnd Miss Susi-; Dully. If :twausboro were made ni.ire easily accefuible by the building of a railroad to it, it would soon conn- into grca 1" ivor as a pleasure report and the place w uld slso tlevelop rapidly in ui-t ri uly The people are very auxious tn- a railroad and we hope they wiil ere loug see ilieir w ishes re diz d. Three Deaths in One Family. (,. ivi..wi i?.n, a, I ., ' . , ' , , ' ,' , 1 laKtu sick rsaiurciay, ucioner l uui, auu ditd iu ten minutes alter the attack be- j affection is falling heavily upon him. t r iBttT i V'HHifiTXAS SCIF.STTS, i I'lii ir Hrluin. Slr :pt!, aii'l ll .e tit lids tbey are '.:'. Iilujf- ' Chiiftian Scientist are tho?s who tx1- lieve tiuit ail ills of bod v a-d all evils of ! w hate ,-r 11 ,Une !ir- su' j' Ct Io I he healing i power of mi mi and -pull. Mrs. Mai v H iker l Kddv, of Boston. Mas-., ciiums to have oiscovered iu T.K60 and introduced in ls67 the 'fiit purely until j i Ii v-iMll i system if healing since the apostolic days." She b g in in that year o impart informnlion as to the principles of the -v-teiu. Out ofihiJ lieeiniling was developed I he M cssacliii-eti s Mitaphysi ' i' il Cullege, w hich was ch iflered ill 11. I Mrs Kddy. with six of students, cou 'stduted the first Christian Scientist Asso Iciation 1,1 1870 Thre ytars later a i Christian Scientist chinch was organized ! iu Boston with twenty six nunibeii. Mis IM ly Was . alio. I Io lie its p-istor flic s-mip ve if, and accept! d the pos lion. In 1881 sic w is ordaiin d. (ther i hu re hes and associatio' s spning up in ditt'eie-it pntsot the country, and in ltta Naiioual Christian Scientist As cociattou wa lormtd, the lirst mteting being held in New Voj'k city. Theieare ivgul if orgaiii.ui-iii : in thirty States, the Disliiel ol t'ollimbia, Oklahoma, and I'tah, and Sunday ericas arc held in numerous places where chinches have not bci n organized. There ate also thirty or more Chiistian Science dis)ensanes The organ of the denomination, I lv- Christian Scieiuo Journal (mnntlilv) publishes many lOluuii.s ol'i aids of pint tiuoncis of the s.cience of'lirud healing, I he piiuciple-i of Christian iV-ieiMe lntve In en set toi l Ii authoritatively by Mrs, Kddv. According toiler statements all coiiscioiiMicss is mind, and mind is Cod. There is but one mind and i hut is : lit? divine tniud. This is infiuite good, which stiuplifw all mind by lellectiou instead of subdivision. Doii n llected, not divided. 1 M 1 It, iiul s,,ii;t is Cod. There is J'he Mesh llb.slaiw-e but one soul and that is is e il, not the soul. Soul is " in iniih," matter is "siihstatH'e ip .rt'or. ' Sold, spirit, or mind is not evil; nor is it mortal. Life is i ternal. Il implies Co 1 Whatever etro js luoft-d and is a di j;n lure turn (imi Evil istiniply the absenc r of good. Eil isuiinal; good only 1 leal, The divine mind is one aud iuoifisiblc. and Ihercfoie never out of harni..iiy Man is immortal b- ing CO rtteinal with Ood. I'hc divine power is able to bring all into harmony with ilse'f. Heme Christiau Si ieuce siys to all maimer of disease; "Know that God is all power and all pn sci'.tr, and llcie is nothing beside Him; and the si. k are healed." "Sickness is a belj. f, a laind fear, 1,1.1 Ic manifest iu the b ids in diti'erptij l'onn:; of fear, or disease. This fear is formed uiioiisciously in the silent thought." It is to be dissio itecj (d actual coiiscioiisnois of the "tiufli of scj t nee ' thai man's harmony is no more to be invaded thap theiljylbm oftheuui verse. Suffering exists only in the 'mortal muid'' ''matter has no sensation and cannot Miller."' "If you rule out every sense of disoise and sn&enng from in -nnl mind, it cannot l)e found in the body." All dings arc to be avoided. The only means ol cure proposed by Christian Science is spiritual. Sin, like sicknissand death, is unreal. In order to cure it the sinner's belief iu its rtulity must be over tliiown. i lie Christian Scientists have in th I niie i States 2,1 nig.miz itions, with 2'i ministers and 8.721 membeis. i h' y have 7 eliiiri 11 edifies, and 213 halls, etc , their valuation of chinch property Uiug about $H,0uii. 1 1th Ccnsus.j B. POILTRV Kl'F.ltlHEXT .HTATIOX. A DivlHlon for thin Work Kstnbllsbed nt Kalrigh-Our Townamnu F. E HfSO to be Xnaarer-Will Enter I in itM Dittiea December lt. The Experimept Station, recogDizm the importiiDca of the poultry interests of the State, ami oi the large possible exlen sinn of this in lustrv, has added to the S aiimi a new division, to be known as the Poultry Division. The special work in view lor this division is to determine what breeds of chickens are to be recom mended for the different sections of iht State, r.s well as the most profitable man- a-cmint to s cure the best financial re turns. Educational bulletins will shoitly Im- issued describing tbe best plans lor the can- and laismg ot poultry, and the best treatment lor certain ui-ases and insects wld h are the dread of poultry raisers. The test ni' thods for the preparation of p 'U'try for market, and the shipment ot eggs and poultry wdl also receive atten tion, and bef lully discussed in ihe Station bulletins. The pou'try manager of this division will be Mr. P. E. liege, now ot the River side Poultry i arms, of New Berne, who will enter ou Ins new dutjes ou Decerula-r 1. Mr. Ilcge brings with iiiin to this im portant work the enthusiasm and full knowledge due to long and successful ex perience in poultry raising. The poultry w ork of the Station will be conducted on the Experiment Farm adjoining the State Fair grouu is and is easy ol access to visi tors. It w ill undoubtedly prove of great value to the p ople ol the State generally, and especially to those farmers who, wiih i small outlay of capital, can be enabled to secure most profitable returns trom the investment. News & Ob-erver. The above clipping tells a piece of news which the people of New Berne will re ceive, with mingled feelings of pieasureand i eg ret pleusine at the Statcsshow ing such piogiessiver.ess as to tst iblisu a poultry ivision, and pleasure at the appri cu'ili m :' our townsman's valuable knowledge in this branch ot business by his being placed at the head, but regret Comes in that it t ikes him awav from New Bertie. We are uot in formed yet us to what win be none wn n the Durness vir. llcge and Mr. Dunn, his partmr. have estab lished, but we d.-ubt not that Some plan w ill be worked out tor lis continuance. aud we hope to see Mr. Hege retain an interest in it, even though his home is elsewhere. Who knows but what it would prove a source of benefit to him in the car rying out of the work of his office I Air. Ui go is a natural lover ol p iultry and all kinds of pets. He is exceedingly well veised in everything pertaining to raising and car-ng for them, and we feel -:ui-heu that no belter man, in or out oi the State, ould have been secured for the positi n he lias accepted. We look tor it to lie made one of great value, not a'o .e to pi udry specialists but to the farmers in gei eial of the whole Staie. N-Tth Carolina is the third State in the I'niou to provide a pou try division of its experimental s'ation. The Slate is com ing to the front rapidly in the raising of the ti iest poultry, and stod and both brunccs deserve all the encourage ment that can be given for their develop ment. Secretary Coutler' Nuccssor. rea leis w ho knew Mr. L A. Cout ler regretted that a sh rt tune ago he ivsi. in-d tiie secretaryship of the Y M. ('. A., tor Norih Carolina, awl ri moved beyond the limits nt ihe State. The lol lowing item from the Chirlotte Observe' as to his successor will interest all friends of the work : "Mr. L. P. Turner, of Nashville, T.nn. ha been e'ejted State s cn t ary lor this Siiite in place of L. A. Coiitler. resigned .Mr. Tinner is a graduate of Vauderbilt, class 1 a9 1 , and has h id considerable ex perience in assocuiiiou work and as a bus iness manager ol a prominent religious paper of Nasuville. He has accepted the positfon and will enter upon his work about November 1st. The memliets of the St ite ass ications will accord liici a most hearty welcome. No plans have yet Iv-en form-d respecting the year's work, and n,l not be until Mr. Turner has lookeo ihe field over." Cnre for Headaches remedy for all forms of As a remedy for all forms of Head ache Eitctric Bitters has proved to be the ' 3 ur' 11 euei is a ijci , naueui cuie auu ine most tneaueu uaonuai sick neanaciies yield to its influence. We urge all who an. ylH,CIed to procure a bottle, and give this remedy a fair trial. In cases of habit- Fitly cen.s at F. a. Dutty's Drug Store. ak"Wa(B.- DKA T OF I)R. tl. I.. lr.RHIS V UrKosiMii-A (oiiM'i'iHU'd hriliitn j Hurkir-I AbllllicM ami JLovrly Character. We learn with much n-giel i ' 'he ih-iih o' old I)r. E. L. Piikins of Neupoft. He died Saturday at his home after two weeks illness and was huriul :l,ere iii; day afternoon. It. v. .1 T. Abcincthy of Beaufort conducting the tervice. Thedeoeisod w.aild have be n 7 7 yens old the 2tiih oi'iieAt m nuli. II - leaves a w ife and seve i chialr.-n. two of whom. Mrs. T. I!, (ouner of SaMsbiuy and Mi-. Orrie Delem ir of Pauili.;.. pa-s. d through Tuesday en route to their Icies. Dr Piikins was b .ru .it Creek, Craven county, and was raised in New Berne. He was a i'er.iut Christian . geiitliniau. In the eulier yiais ol hi.- ! muuliood ho was an itiiietant Methodi-t ! minuter, but his voige becoihing nti'-itul i by a spell of sickue-a he -.yas compelhd! to give up the regular work of the. mini-! try. He th. n st udji d niedicine and be i came a good practitioner. He rattled in-.d spent the greater portion ol the rem -under ' ol his life in this vicinity, following In profession, ami woikiug in the ministry j a!, uccording to his opju.i tuiiit v. He did c-i,si,!4.lljlp in the way ol ivlig- j ious writing, and (ccasiogulfy tc wroli, j ao oi) h eal historical m itiets The S. C. (.'hfisliu.n Advocate ftd tine ai-ticha-froni him, and he ore asamally fiiiijUlud j the Joi'iiN vr. w ii h u-W. ceiu'nunicatioiis. : or historicel skttc'ics ! Dr. Perkins was of a Iriei.dly, sOei il Jij)i)s-ition, he possessed a remarkably retentive n;,siiio,y , :rh,l was eceplio: -ally gifted in his read ,- i otnni md of lan guage. Exactly the light word at exactly the right plain w-emttd ulumn to be ten. ii without an effort. IBs style w hether in piivitp coiiver-a- tion. in pu bl ic ad lies in l.ter dure anil a in. de. -end.d. Mis was at of. -hat in li-. ificily c: sioij In il y. A a nil inory w i knew lliu). 11 I l NEWN l!V tl It I ti K. l.'oiiiptrollei- Bowief has tendered an opinion holding that lion. Matt W. Huu mi is entitled to diaw his salary as L. S. Minister to Mexico under Ins last app .int ment by Ihe Presid. nt. froveinor Coffin and stafl' and tic lii-sl ciiip my of the Governor's Foot (nmrd. ot Hartford "onn., Maj. Henry hy h-. Jr.. commanding, wiih Cull's military band ol twenty. seven pieces in all hI'OJ.1 loO persons -left Harlfold at noon Satur day on a spicial train of a baggage car and five Pullnim cifi for the Atlanta exposition. Thoy will lie absent a week The party was due at Atl auta at 5 o'clock Sunday evening. The f dime of Judge Norwood, one of the new fusionist Judges, lo hold Robe-on Superior court, ou account of his having been too drunk to atteud to the business is said to have cost the county over gi.OuO, but s.ill no punishment h is been uu-ted out to the judge, a though a juror r witness tor a similar i time wouU uouui nave been iincu or sent to i ni, am 1 yet the tiouble he wouid hi e i-imn-i would huve beeu but a tiltl compared with the trouble lausal by the Judg . "Th-' time has come when The coal man wears a smile sublime, A s one of care lerefi, Iu hope to c.-ipture some stray dime, The ice man may have left.'' No le-s than 553 bran Is of commercial fertilizers are ou sale in this State. Years ago tbeie wai a license, tax of $ ahO on each brand. Now there is oidy a tax of 't cents a ton. llence the increase o1 brands. In the football game at Chapel Hill N.J3., Oct. 19th, between Richmond col lege and the University, the Tar Heel; had a walk-over, thp score being 32 to 0 iii favor of the Uuiveuity, Io July a man name ! Jennys fired at his wile's paramour and killed his wife insttad. The case has just lieeu tried at Murphy. The jury reiume I a verdict oi -mh guilty, ruuiic sympathy was with Jennys. a in- iorneu iiaoeas corpus proceedings before Judge Leathernian at Hot Spiin resuiieo in ine release 01 ioioetl. it was that there was no law aga nst prize light leg or f-love contests, that tiie bill ot loyi went throng1! the House by viva voce vote instead of by roll call us con stiltttionally provided an 1 consequently was not legally passed. Lrov. fjlarke is however determined to prevent the fight ne says ne was never more so tn.n now and is sure beyond pcradveoture that he will do so. The Attorney General states that lie wilt take an appeal to Supiein.. court in a writ of certenori. The Raleigh Observer says: "Governor Carr has a silver medal the size of a dol'ar. It is one ot those presented by the State of South Carolina to the sur vivors of the ' Palmetto lleginient" who returned from Mexico. It was found on the lttle field of Bcntonville and w.-i probably lost there by some ( loniederati soldier. It hi.s the name "J..'iu W Gran'.' Governor Carr desin-s to rind its owner." The tree Will Bapti-t church tit Jack- on, Mich., has inaugurated a ue (level ipiucnt of our modern Christianity. They have got tired of paying a pica-her lor doing what they can iiojilst .swell, in better, tbem-elves s a doz u of the fore most man in the congregation, have agued to take the pulpit a Week about in lota ion and dispense with the p isou. We see it stated that the heir of . James Bradley, ot Caliiorma, who beuu-athel $25,000 to Davidson College, wdl bring suit to recover the money. We, do not know what information ihe leporter ol the above had on the subject, aud simp y tve it as we see u going. N. C. rresoy- teriau. It is said that at the present moment no less than 10 cotton mills are in Cour.-c ol erection in this Slate. The Ilo i: family must be the largest mill-owners, as it con trols 10 mills, 13 oi which are in Ala mance county. The Wortn family, of Randolph, probably tanks next. Eliza beth city is among the placis ihat are building. IN MEMORIAM. BENJAMIN IIAHN, Born, in Middlesex County, New J..rscy, January 17, 18Ct3. Died in New Berne, X. C, October, 19, 189-3. Aga, 29 Tears, U Mouths and ,.' Days. BaaaaaOaaXSEaaHKB "Come near ! Weep uvir him ! Bear Inm to Ins rest !" liVitccnv, The angel ol D,atli has stricken lioni the roll of Sr. John's Lodge No. 3, A. F. & A. M , one. of i ur uiost beloved and usclul members, and sum moned him to appear before the Su preme Architect of the I ui verse, Therefore. Resvlced, That in the sudden death of Bro Benjamin Halm our hearts are tilled with great sorrow and we fully realize the loss this Lodge and Masonry in gmer al has sustained, for all who knew Inm, whether iu private life or as a luotlier in in fraternal tics, can testify to Ins sterling qualities. Genial, whole smiled, enthusias tic iu every thing he mgaged in; he was indeed a due friend and brother. Hisolred, That we exteud our most profound sympaihy to the dev. ten fa' 1. el and brother they being also ..ur breth ren and to his sisters, bowed bv a sor row past the consolation of human lips. aud urge them to view with giaiiiudc the : many virtues of our deceased brother aud j accept God's works without murmering. I Rcsolvtd, That these resoluii ms be published in the New Brrnp. Joi-kxal, be spread upon the minutes of the jLodge and a copy le transmitted to the family of our deciased brother. i James Redmond, E. B. Hackbubn, Dr. R. S. Primrose, Cominittee BKAI IIIRr IM IttM K CASKS. 1 illeciij lillls lor I lie .hiiii Jury lit Act I pun -Plnitii iiils M aul Cmnv Mon it- Ief, iVnni It Tried in l- it fort. ' P" 'a! Io I.ili-:; ... 1ji: i i.uiit W. OlMha'll i here liiis .vei I Ic' .1 i L' I'e lodge A ing i rm I i imei si a 1 -e ) i re- feci, and . ,1 .h ls I It in ti e ill-man i't fa lulls lor !' - Will be e ! e i i .a i fg-ry : to ! ' hie I i be tn. punii 1 i ic 'e: a h -io. t v. !-,- th. and iljsiin: t ne il t t . Ii. ii kkods i t ii i: i im: Alii) . J.uMH)N i in. a n ;n w a i "I war. 1 ' not alotc nil iietl IIIC'I I ' I "i'l- led al.nie o.i Th it We true la ( )u' en the s. a. . io -Men Oafn Uadvj lint num.' iiioic W' I li-.'C 'Ic 1 1 1 , 1 1 1 o i libel! Id wn iii i Im- mil o. "g nam -, li iy th oi the '.i. U't ill tie with Hi tl I He--.. Tin v ire but lih-nbl. I e; , I ' poll 1 he -ec, 1 o- fin.. W'ln-ie stands (hu hi ne-l e .. .i . i i i cl I Ihe ,, . ne ii nil i lien in in . i i i i i .ii,,, Wle ii ti' fee (lev -oiiring Il,iues . '.Oil Upak ones s. lean, hir : 'i'l i III il be- pii.i, I. -. i , . By Ihe la i- i i ' -! i ibe ,. I, . I he, h .s no 1 ,, . 1 ,v., I II s, I .lis ,, ,v, ,),. I lul he a 1 1 ii i - e , i i , . I . ,i I'o l.n. , I ,i, , .. And when the j :,le high. , ,i The ilieu K tio-.y I if noli .1 ir ir in iocoi" due, be- lanr. 1 wentli e h tun I'ulll . A. I iiin th i roan No So mil A- he w F i o '. 1 1 W I. Hi I pin. . an .Ill:' men's ' i and ll.tnc th b We 1,11 state that win l': 1 1 rm w iiea w e n pf .n.ptly, al t ,1. the li i st s mp- Ul'l'l st flirt'ie: pi and .-pi-'Mily I and b -. el.-, t t acti.-n. .id in I I'eve.r-, li -ot dors. n!i. b ver, d i.gular Indianapolis, i. mm m not RATH. R- l a say, Lcn, ii tins.- By Gum, It Vi 11 II no tilings in suc'i a fix It) your own t m n. what puil have you To show in "iif.r Great C.h sir, Ben, if my home town Sh u 1. 1 do as yours has i lone. d ,r ' ; u I saw my legs off -n -it fbn- I .1 try ( i un. Morton IV'f Be l lill' I 'ui, pained to Your (own in su h a plight. If tins I- al; tiia; you can do, I 'il b at you out ol sight. I play.- I I In- Second Middle i nice, D .11 t y u remember, Ben.-' Well, oa. e. was quite enough dear li .y. I'll not do so again. McKinlev 4.000 Democratic! (Josh, Wha t si range things happen vh. tl There's ny i liance for Bent' Take in y advice aad slay at Il line,- And Bei.jie, buckle down To loyal politics un il You've straightened out our town. Aili-on D, ir mi in. U t" min. What n vvs is this, I In ai Have y. u p-minted Do no. cats To c itch y.'ti in the rear? And tight at home! Well, I dit-hin I But, sine When wb the job is done, you write a letter lo Announce l in,'.- that you won t NOT FOR Harrison ! ! PUBLICATION. it',1 lam! tell. Wholesale Mttrliel ..unity Beer, lane. Beeswax, l2oa C on,. 3-c. I'roilnce l. -Ke 15 i-l'lc. 'Y.l.-ks, n 4)a5dc pr ; young, '!.. Muscovy oilatiOc. .oaf . BV s Im r'.-el) -i P r i . O.S a;r. l.Ml Iry sail : Otter j CaS. jl i iter in'des loa'JOc I. ;ibs St (iiij ?1.50. O is, ;oc O i "is. l oiia-ii. :-j F -ik, 6aOJ -. P- anurs To a To -. S leep, 0.'a$2 0. Sweet Potatoes IT-: er bbl. mails, 'Jjc; Yams. 40c. Cotton, 7 :'.-4.rsc. Flesh Pork, tia7c. The Discovery Saved tlis Life, Mr. G. Giboii' tte. Druggi-t. Biavers- ville. I ... savs; -To Dr. King's New Discovery I own my life. Was taken with LaGripp.. and trii d all the physi cians lor links ab , ut, but ol no avail aod was giv. ii up an t lold I could not live. TT. T . . . f- , s- .. Having in. iving s .M-vy iiiscovi-iy in my use get was st. 't'e f seat tor a bottle and b-glin Ms and l'i oin tiie first dose began to n t:e:-. and d'er ii-ing ih-ee botileC up and llbellt vei nt in gol-.. hou-e without again. It is worth its won't keep store or it." Get a free trial at F. More. S Dufh s Drug THE COOL WAVE HAS ARRIVE i) fmmm.f ZEEGLER SHOES IN TRANSIT. - v Very Kespectfnlly, W. B. Swindell & Co. i 67 Middle Street. DUKE Cigarettes IGAREtTEsih W.Duko&ons tCu THEAMERICIKTOIIACC cot Fi-- DURHAM. N.C. U S A MADE FROM High Grade Tobacco Aim ABSOLUTELY PURE Fish Biting; Like Natl Mr. E A. Ilawes, of Atkinson, up on j B-a k rivor, tells the Wilmington Star I dial whde the water is so low line ii-h are 1 bi;i ig hke they are crazy. Rain U wanted I lor fear the people will catch all the tisli .ill ot ,e streams. I At I be Democratic City Cnnven i n in Detroit Samuel Goldwabr, a labor igitntnr, received the nomination lor l i or over Don M. Postmaster Gcnenl. bv i 1, and the nominal ion unanimous, I )ickiiisi)n a vote of was then ex- ;i to made A FEAST FOR Economical Purchasing People Every Single Deparl ineiit in our Store Represents V.tluoa that, you Caunot Obtain Elsewhere. TUi; POWER OF HEADY CASH and the ENORMOUS QUANTITIES we nSe is reflected in the price of every article. All Wool Serge, leading shades. L'oe Shoes from 7.c to ft.3.50. Carpets from 17c to $1 per yd lieautil'ul Smyrna Rugs, ."0c to jl3.5(l Seamless Straw Matting, 15c per yard. Oil Shades, 20c to 50c each. Cloaks from $2.25 to 10. Capes from $ 2 to 20. O. MARKS CO. October 23, 189s. These Prices That fill our large store with custo mers every day. Dry Goods. Yard wide White Homespun at 4ic. Dress Calico and Gingham's 4o & 5c. Dress Satteen and Crapous at 7Ao. Dress Worsted, assorted shades, at Oc, 18c, 23c. 38c, to $1.00. Cloaks and Capes at Bargain prices. CLOTHING. Men's Suits from $3.15 to $ltf.65. Bey's koee pauts suits at 8Sc big bargain. Men's pan (s 48c, C3c, 90c, $1.25 up to 4.150. Boys panls, 18c, 23c, 4Sc, Toe. Big Bargains in Over coats. SHOES. Big line sample shoes at wholesale prices. Men's shoes at 85c pair, ladies tine button shoes at 98c pair. Zeigler fine shoes, standard price $3.00 pair, we sell them at $2.6-Y MILLINERY DEPARTMENT. In these goods we can surprise vu veri much lu prices. We especially desire to show cm goods to the people that live in the coun try. EV HERNE H ilEw Derne D ARGAIX HOUSE Hi ar('ain House Sep l'.'tr - ii 1 1 Door .r-'i'ej.ii .1 o READY 1 Fall Trade. FOR THE I have just received my line of TVtlEJST'S, BOY3 &c CHILDElS JST '!3 cxxyrHiisro. -A. nioe Line of 333. 3?. BBEO'S 3Laa.c3.ie3 Shoes. Td.6 oost ;goods etrer sold In tla-e City every I.i eccT -ic ii tax -el . I also carry a full line of Dress goods, and everything that can be found in a first-class Dry (roods store. Call and see me before buying; will give you prices to suit i he times. Respectfully, 3m 3. BAlfEl. We have just received a large lot el LADIES' CLOAKS AND CAFES. and you would he surprised to know how Beautiful and Cheap they are. LADIES :m' invite 1 to call and examine them. BO?" We also have a lot of very nice dress goods in Serges. II - nriittus. Silks and Wool Xoveltns, (,'rt-p .nst Pel Ca lis, and A FULL LINE OF NOTIONS. F..r MIC.N and BOVS we h ive the best selected slot k of Clothing we ever can ieel, and we are selling them for a vr-rv low pth-o. If ou will' ' - i come to see us vc w, do oii good and .-.,ye you leG o' nioiii y. Look out I -. i mil ad. i i i iviel;, ! iaaaEal rfava FRESH ARRIVALS ! -uuo:-:ooo , I wish Io rail the a Mention of , my jiatrons to Hie arrival of some seasonable goods, and invite them call and examine m very roin j plete stock. For Breakfast, We Have, Old Fashion Jiickwlient Prepared Package J'uekwcat, Pure Vermont Maple Syrup. New Orleans Molasses, Oat Meal, Wheat Flakes, Hecker'.s Flap .lack Flour, Ferris Roneless Strips. Breakfast Coca All Makes, Perfect Brands of Tea and Coffee, always fresh. For Dinner We Have Franco American Soups very fine. Delicious Ferris Hams, a little high in price, But Imported Macaroni and Cream Cheese. Cold Packed Jersey Tomatoes. French Peas, Early June Peas, Sunbeam Sugar Oorn. ' Boston Baked Beans, White Potatoes. Queen Olives, Heinz's Pickles. Blue Point Catsup. Richardson's and Bobbin's Plum Pudding. FRUITS, Oranges, Bananas, Apples. and FOR TEA. WE HAVE Perfect Blend Mocha and Java Coffee. Mixed lea aud Iluyler's Coca. Canned Salmon and Lobster. Lunch Tongue. Whole Ox Tongue. Deviled and Potted Meats. Jockyey Club Sardines and Chip Beef. I )elicious Cream Cheese.. Plain, Salted and Qfrtham WaflVrs. Fresh Assortment of ('tikes. Tn make all lliese meals a suc cess you must have our Elgin Creamery Butter on the table. it is 'nil-: rixv.s;i 55 i 57 POLLOCK STREET, The Line of Flannel Underware WE oiler this season for Ladies, Misses and children is of a ity ua it and will ap all prEciated ny who RxammE it, Now is the Time TO ETTTtT And tliE s Li u i i 1 1 are G-Diug. D. F. Jarvis, Superior E m 03 l'ollock BUeet.