" .... c - f r tijtali--- iiV4V v.. . . fit itf ttMttli I II i 111 III . Bli II ' C1 n I lH 13 SI -If! . I III Ml MB ill $100 Per Year. INDEPENDENT IN ALL THINGS. Single Copies, 5 Cents. "v - - , . ; ; ; ; : -- - - - - ' j ' 1 - -- "" " VOL XVIII. NEW BERNE, CRAVEN COUNTY, N. C, OCTOBER s):. NO. JT r - ! ' ' ; i A 14.11 I' TWO IMCKPOI UKi'S. N EWJ I M BRIEF. Ill: AIT.WTA FXI'IISITIOV. IIKIIKKOF(HOftt EH I !. . ft IY -v." t .ft i'.: . iti "V VP-,.' ,.. - ,J "; " 5 . J. '. , ; ' """"""""" -"' " ' "" iiiiiMuwiww for Infants TT y i-.' tl U tr tk W Hk. It will wklok to o.lmtoly i C llftl of foooU lot Children Cry for it CojW1 oJlay rriTiliiiii. OiioilHwh iotllmg Som r CmroL. CMtiww.l)tort-irtWlftJk i-i-4.rV : : 1 Cmww roJWoo Twttltt T tin, -Cboox t fa wm T fat ! 1 Ctloo ly. It to t oold im fcIk. Xt Q-TIo OJy ooo to) 00II ymm Ttim oloo mm tfco ylom or yromlao tWI H to m mm "will 0 ww oTory paryo." I tot ymm rt Q-A--T-0--I-A. wropor. ; t' JMcDANIEL & GASKILL ' Wholesale & Retail Grocers. Jobbers of Lorillard SnufTand Tobacco. - IBeadqaartera for Oroand Allam Salt, which we are selling at xr the extreme low price of 59 cents per tack. -T-.GPBoa we bay direct from the mills bv the Carload. It will r PJ JM to aee as before yoa bay. fr BTOUE 8TABLE9 ABE FREE TO ALL"t ,. - Jfo. 71 Broad Street, opposite Stewart's Livery Stables. - . NEW BERNE, N. C. E.. W. StU3ALLlAfOOD, A Uder GaatOD Honse, South rout St:n t. New Berue, N. C. 1", FULL llfVE OF Otoves, Carpenters Tools, Cutlery, ',...... .. Table WarcOarbed Wire, GALVANIZED PIPE, PUMPS, Lime, Piaster and Cement. OSVOE8 PURE READY MIXED PAINTS. tersonal attention to the orders. - ' 1 m LcfH. Cutler & lira't wait OIT.atIlQ.-t I To come fctit come and tft your Ucntiiin Stoves .At Ooce. a - N.R- L. H. CUTLER & CO. -See eur OIL STOVES. I WENTY-FIVE DOLLARS Reward I "We will pay 25JX) to the person who will briag as a store tbat will compare ia quality, finish and point of exeeUenee with the CfciUtd BUCKS ST0YES we BOW h.re on onr floor. "We wiQ bare as Judges three dis interested persons. We want yoa to see these stoves ud Banges whether you wish to pay or apt. TW7 Moves iloNorto Coroitao, UkJ oca lo WAJMLANTpo oylBUCkS 5TOVE SANOfi CO ood py tb SW)VER HARDWARE CO. To giva perfect aaiiafartioo or we will i "Tetand your money. 9"Callsad let uj show you anything Jb our lias yoa ma? need. We gutran $m ODB PRICES oo on j thing we sell. Yoor ReBpect fully, Slorer Hardware Co. JIBS INSURANCE. for fdl, that is good, io Life Insurance PP'j to the rem ifimjAi. flUUrlCB COM ANY - . . . n CAKKAWAV I A: and Children. f CrtrU w-Rk th ptrone of t yk of it witkoat gvitig. f tar Imf mU mA CKUdrca CbUdrM Ilk it. It to tkLr lir . In It Matkor. ! ofo mmd yraoticoJly porfoct mm a 1 Wo,tml ej. OQJ - oio U gmm or frimwi mir. imm, or othor mojoatlo pjupoi t j. h o-od bo-wol. Pitcher's Castorla. prompt and correct fill i up- ol aD (,dow SHiePARD'S UADE FROM PURE PIG IRON. Not one poosd of Scrap Iron Is erer ued la thess goods. DURABLE, CONVENIENT aao ECONOMICAL All Modem ImprvremsnU to Llfhten Baoekeeplac Careo. Tweoty dlllorast slaea and kinds. Every St ova warruted Aaaioat Defects. rrteos not nwh hlsber ot this time kinds ot tuvea. Call am ar Oilif 1 1 Co., In Me, N c Felt Hats ! Felt Hats ! is Southing 7ou Cu't Eeut, BOUGHT AT A SACRIFICE. They are on our counters and you can have them at unheard of prices. EST" We bought fiom a northern c--n- cern that were closing Dut. 11 the latest stvle-. s' ap n. an v and colors No oid stock ! T.-o to gire prices ! All b.iri$ain- kinds i COME ! LOOK 1 BOY ! NEW pERNE HARGAIN HOUSE ew Derne Dakgaiv Fl'irsE O A BAHJOOT.Mgr. Taffy! Taffy! TAFFY! French Cocoa.nut Cream Cocoanut, Chocolate Cream Cucoanut, Vanilla and Chocolate Taffy Made Fresh Every Day. N. Nunn & Co. cfliJsur.iPTiofj To thx Enrrom Please inform yotir read era that I hare s positive remedy for the above named disease. By its timely use tpouaoncis or oopeifss cases nave been per- lZllj Ced- JLi to,8end tiro bottles of my remedy free to any of your rMdors wlu We eotuJLptitm if they will Mad m their expreas and tJostofBce address, BpectfnBT, T A. Slocnm M C , im rwi BtMt, Nnr y'ojir, . S ADRIFT. In ttaf t'lly of F.lni anl Vlelnliy. Unlkrrrd In ami Brl-lly Toll. Coltn'i on I in- X'-a V- rk e. haiiei Friday tor Novemirr -VI v. opened :.i .H.23 jir.il rlo-c.l at .-.4 4 during Hit- (1'iv were :li 1 . , i.nre Ml. -"i. i 10 bales. .i -. . i ten stocks of ! I i XiHU'tS to n iivr the iiini- r.V' :ib'v tin- tir-t I Mr T. J Baxter r. Italian In e- vest, rdav. i tind atli ant 'g' i" t! r 11, oil I ce I I" v ;i i 'r. ii-lit ( th r ' y. Mr. Noah Uanintjloii ii nt iuivim; killr-t 'i or two no. Tin- i ' r .tllew hii'I a Uilioi:. I i rat I'IHl: when In- si - Mr. H. I!. Dlldl ll.f i 7.-.I ami r in-fu '; o' li-rtri'-li -tori- it; ih Uillll - LI- i k. 1 r i 111 I ,l ir- j;o (!-;. lic i. s. i'o i Mr .his Ttioaia i ..... ill be im rt-.il us i i c. 1 O'vmiiii. teii- rattl nak.- ;i i in v 1 "I11V IWfl I. a : n :l hi--il.-MI le il -' -k ill l.i-5 . w . :il f i-i tla i ire-. i r il 1 i -1 1 l; ohI iHls, n i. The t" k . i y . Tin i nuti'rs of tin- N . K ii ii'it of I f Tinr p i' . '. f am r . ;i 1 1 .. ii , b our t ' I '. .Iii.:.ui in il,..t ' i ' Ti i U u jii i-iup i- i' .. hi. (U-ath wa "t Sep'. 5th. B,-:nr f.O'lTi ' .1 'Mill I , I ' 'I , I", tl .- -J -J I. . 1,'oi. .1 I UN I. Ill We ai knou lo.liR I'm )limi-iit iy i icki t to niut.tv I'nr n l-k-'i .' (K-. 2Sth to N'-v. lt rit'i-ipt ol n com ;le Kockii'irhatn h I I at UcmI-viI'i 11 e! n-i ye. Th'u i- ne Fair at hii li 1 lie no Pak-bin Mid .loliu U. fii i .il l.or-e.-. .1. Lrr will niC". On m other 'H' - ra-- l"' uniiv 1 an inti r-, t he "Teh sropic W. II- 1 It wll! no iloubt be ! 0 1 a -eietititic turn 1 est i nt; ncconnt i f .'ers ol the Moon read Lv tli"-e j of niit.,1 ith appnciat. -n , I To show that Soiiu- f. el the 'es' ra! .;1 i t y j j an. I 1 ee.l of a ho-pnal a-i we have lien: I uremic, one j;etitii man iuiorni nx ti.at he j I Ins a siiudirii.' 1 fti r i'f tifi y dollars a- n , siai 1 ini 1 amti ibut on towards the estab 1 lishinsi of odc. 1 - 1 ., . .i . i . , r . i. w vr 1 and N K iilrond the 11n.il and p.19 n.er j trin will lenve New li r.-rc at 9:20 in the j ni it 11 m 1 1-w !i mi i: in I iit . -i . i . morning and arrive at 5:20 in the after noon. This will make cl.ee cotintciioD with the A. & N. ('. Rmlroad mail und pussener train t at h way. A good wr.ed btur that dressed about a bundled poutKl.s, was brought up to the, city Friday ami gold. It w.9 killed by Mr. Tippett, who lires few mdw fi on' Rivertlale. Yirrril Brrsn, col., purehasexl the I ear. lie looked fal us if he had been faring well. A ( (ll AdUitlOH- Mr. J. F. Taylor's uevi- addition to liis marktl whaif iropcrty is a good, Lirue, airy, seCouU-story room.now well nigh fin ished. It extends fiom the wholt sale de partment ot his store, over the wharf to the nlre of the w iter. and will be sup ported only by its c inneVtion with the building on one aide and by posts at the outer Jiait Thi leapes all uoilrrrieatn entirely t lcarj tortile paft-er. Comp .und giders nerci used in its construction fi i fleet tins and yet leave the building perfectly -lrong. The pluce is neatly eeile-l and tins larsM winilow, on three sidi s Beinix hy the river thi will make it a very pleasant place, especially :u the surunicr whtn cooling Inet-zes l"r. ni .1:1 ixpai.se ol natt r are apprecistcd. TtiP Rrnnforl Inmi rnnri- Trial. Th-r trial "(citizens of IVauiott ou eh ir t;'' of frauds in life insurance has be gun. Affidavits I y plaint tf 1 In- trials to anoihercou at the beginuing ol coir on the part of iipft nda: the tr ais proceed at t l in session. Tboti. prrpare-l the applic -rr-t nm'le, and tl" a .. fo'Ju I u true bill in the vs. T. B. No-, ins;.. .. IJ. Deiaaiar, of New . -n C'. on the rhaige of ,Nr Hetty A. i) li 'S, col , ' fur Insurance, tue trial li on Wedoesd iv, the 'J3ru r r leiioval of ty wer-- prep- red , as. affidavits -ft iDtj to have .11 th court now .- h id been : removal was juiy having -e ni 1 he Stale C- . Dr. T. ..-11 W a. Fispt-r. ; 1 he name of nn nnphc.-itiou s entered upon Tl e evidence uns L.11- n and the a'uvi- j iin nt made the SHiiie .- with the eicep j tion tI one speech in lnuriay. Tb RlTcr Brldgfu. Although the surv. ys have been ma le at certain plnces lor ih r bridg s across our two rivers, the matter is not iu such shape that t'.iey are l.u ul to build (in case it is ..coded to butld them) where the surveys were made. The suiveys gave rounds upon winch to !,ase calculations and iu ike bids, a"d the bii is fully estab lish the fact that both bridges tiia be bn:lt at a cost n .t to exce.d thirty th.u-and dollars. As tor tbe h-cati n ihe commis-iont r re not tied any particular place and where ever the lullc-a in i r-tig-.t i ni slnni s is the best p'at'e the O' e llmt will give the greatest good to the greatest uuniber , is the place thty would desne lo build it. The present is a ch ap t i me for build ing. Lu nlier is low, and it is not like y that an opportunity wi'l be afjordid ol gtttiug tl.eiii built any chtaper than they can be bmll for rihl now. Voang Alllirotor. Capt. H. H. Dowdy'? sOUi Rudolph has a young pet alligHtor a'-out tight inchi s long, which Mr. Trisley brought up to him from Adams Crtek. Mr. Tris-1 ley says be has found fifteen there about , the size of this one. This is the same place where a ten f ot alligaior was recent-' iy entnngl. d in a tlsh net, pulled ahore by j coloiol won en, made last wiih the i.ssitnauce of some men antl sent up to: the New Berne alive. j Alligators, we ldieve have been fairly abundant in the lakes ot this coiuiy tor a i numocr oi irais, inouirn uuui ir.euiiv one was Seldom heard of in ihe rivn?. Now it is gei'ing to be a reasonably com- mon occurrence lo tapture or kill one. A Nncffufal Lortnrr. Rev. B. W. Spillniau hi.l a very good audience at the Bnpti-t Taliernacle to , h.-ar Ins le luie T.ai gh ami (iron- Fat." lie lee' u re ii as h i i un pie r -, T.n r. wa- nit and I U'liiei mi : c i u-t i i- n sen tence but not nuns, use (. .1. ,-ound in struction, wholesome antl tlevatu g, per vad. d all it through. Iu the course of i he lecture Mr. Spill mau demonstrated that he is not only an : excellent speaker but a tine minister as ' well. Tbe I.ale Fall aud Rise ln l otion. The New Voik lribuue ol ti.e 2Jod 1 contains this item: "Wheu prices renc'ieti what npp'nrel to be the bottom, a lepm't mi- sent out over the tickpr that Jo1 n II. Iniiwn beved the drop had gou fir enough, ami a re-action w as in J i . Mr Imnan him self a- on the ffo" ot t ne Kxcliauge a gi-cat ileal ie-ier.'ay. ud ,e was credited w ith Iniviug ba k. at a cent a pound cheap. a- than he s-.itl r, the 25.000 bahs lie Itt an um-u.-p c' ng woiid have on Wedoesdai al 9:3? Mr. hit ar, it is said, ha' denied over $3 O.oCO i y the rop in cotton, antl is row in a frame ol mind to he a bull. Mr. Iiin.au is a versatile man.'' For travelers and tourists a vial , f Jap- ,. . ,, , c , 1 anc9e L,Ver , clleti 7 11 found ,.very j couvenient; they quickly relieve tndiges- t:on' coustipauon und sick headache. Fif- ty doses, 23 cts. at F. S. Duffy's. THE IIONPIT41. MOVF.WKJiT. The Ar knowkdffi-il -il An Kll'urf Ihftl AlinoC iil'-eil-il Try Atcniit l rn m ii laul Ion h Kivor:ill- ti I'.hlnb liMhlti llnf, F.filTOli .Idl'iiV'i : Your .nil-'" in the .iM'IINAI. ul Tlli S l;IV. (). lo':.-r ijl.l, ' on the i;re it tiee.l ..f a II j I 1 i.i Hern, i- nun.'', int-'ie-l: n..l tiin-t i i-lie-uiiH in,lor--.(l hv -. '. ! u t . iy il - I I 1 il.z-.ni-. -mil li. nevt-'.i-n a : .i;nr. ill 111" 1 1 1 ' 1 1 - T . It N l ui:it I'Tir 'e.t. .itlil 1101 -i only " be j: op- r's in miim I. to j be taken up an-l larr.pii to , -u ,-.-..-fnl e ml. You 111 iy rcmi'tn' if-. '': t 11 r- rt' r t ;i iinule ilurii.j; 1 1 1 1 y. ar. !. 1., uie.u b- r .1 ( " 1 1 ri -1 1 'luin.li Relii I' iH:ety. t- i-o.,im uliit ua-i known a- 1 e Meino:.il ( 'li ipei ' on ( ieorirye -ti cet 11 1" a Ho-pi 1 :p . S ",i 11 t i. il iile in Me . all thi- pliy-.ci 1 ti nt' Ni iv Hi in wi iv i-iviti-il to imei itli 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 e o, iiuli:- fi inn tii.it oi :ely t jinlp oi'tin m . r i t - f 'In- biiililinr.' fur t hat purp '9' . Tlicir uo.iiiuru- opinion wj I a ' o Ml)! r-. ?sioti- . ! in in. - men Nil: .i-il e- . 1 : ra ."ii nt wen- -p.-pi e.-fi! .lo W 'I'll -Ml - a 'i 'I-' I f , -pi rtlv ci I'Mimill tien of I III' 111.' llMlll' plan 0viii2 to o' ii-eti' us r.ii-d In citi-' 7.ens I'vms m ti t- in .iziiborhoo.i. 1 wn Joutj. I impractiira'df and w. dotied. The w 1 i er of 1 hi- ha- lje n : t! at t In- "Kowort h I, ajne ' fa O! it- obi '. t-. tli e-l ab. -: : 111 n t I ital. ami thai i- - 1-" 1 h p1 - plan a' l 1 1 1 - riucil r "ti" tin " Kill:.' - 1 hi II ; lit. 1-."' In 11 1 011.111111111 v ol . I e .- of Neu Bern, t -e only im ho 1 won ! betheeo pei at: ve one e ch i h . 1 1 1 . hie n-i ( :i: i. -ti o 1... 1.. in., i 1 1 f. . ...- r . i 1 -1 1 o 1 1 . -f o. . 1 ' li w ..ai ,, on:- it: 1 t - . I er lo i-- ai e .tnp!iis':i nn nt In u lit . : -t 1 ' ii t i 1. In lli in,-. ,11 time, tie ri--t pracli'-ai step tirsihl lie taken ' y h pi. -u i o.s o! tnc town, by ealiiiLT a in.eMiij of tin uiembers ot their pr. le on. un l att' i con-uliat i. n. sehctins ami ret'i I'll 11 1 c 1 .d- inc to t he l nil 'he of a . n -i 1 n- .le and ei -ei- Die -lie t 'l h bui line; ' . N E In I 1. IlKSTi J3:d. !.).-,. New Bern 1 ).t. THE NT. .41 Ul NTI.M.'N ( KF.H SAVFII All Rewcuefl by Ihp Steamer 4'lly ol Mtiteoii riiI Taken lo BomIoii. A' I viiri . fiom lioyttiu of Oet. ui that '.'apt. .h'lin H. (hi-kill. ifi'e and si v- , elite" 11 men t a nn pri-i ul; the t in iv i I ihe -ti'aiiu r I 'ity 1 f SI Augu-line. ivlnch Mas mrne I at -e 1 oil' IIattef:., N. ' . via r. lamlcd there that moi i.ii.lt I'..' the -:i anu-i (.'ill ul Mu'i'ii, (.'ant Ie ii-, from Sainu Uli. The ciptaiu sa-: "Tlie IVv i.l'.'ii. Au gustine .-. ile 1 on her rt-iruiar trip from : New York for F'uri.lu at midnight l.i-t j Saturtliy nigiit. No tl. 11. ix ui.usu .1 tr u.-.- i pired until 11 2d ' 1 ck MonJ.y ni:;lit,j whtn the aen at work 111 the riiv-t own 1 tl scoverrd a 1 Vn-e -ni--ko comrng ll'.iiu j thee, a! buuktrs. rire-i -in u ii . I t-n szi : e- . roi-in. 1'pon inve-tigation it w .- f inio that the c irjO ill tin- 111:1.:. lioi I ua-i t-n 1 tire. "An ai tempt w is main to extinirms 1 ; ihe fiu, aud lor 1 h 1 ee-qua . 0 r- .fan eourj the limits we'e lie .1 a' Lav. but i-u I denly the st .011 in tin- bo:.' r? yave nil . nud the tire be;:;i to ill ke laoid iieri - j way. i SeeiuiT that il was i 11 1 1 11 1--: ti'it' to I save the s earner, s'ep- were t ki u t. ! abintl'ii le r. The p it nn -niibii. life'-oil- 111 IN' Ljot leairi. nd tin cleiv.i after as-ist ut; tilt- cftpt ilii"- if- 10 a p ata- : in thrr st. ru of one oi ih b o -. le t the ! ! ill mir. ir .lvp an 1 dropp J as er. . where' tin y caiiglit the ..g 1 .1 e rt-i 11 a 1 in 1 J :n a position fathoms I ri '111 tin- bui: ii: re 111 a in tng :u '"Ul ihrec ipi i 1U tile boats tin.- ( 'ity of - .1 by the buiuiug ves-il, u n. we I In n cut lc.oje U" 11 t rjH'p.1 to her and were u'k 1 b ails ' 1 ' I Mil 1 . . 1 . Ail. 1 .la In -u r 1. i r 11 ! d re, 0 by and a r hue - nd b Niroc' THE F AST CAROLINA FAIR. Chief 31ariti)tl Appointed Plan For Admirable AdterlUinK Tour Time tiif is be Hnk.nr ap Exhibit. Mr. M. R. Ho.vard, one of the Mar shals of the SI ite Fair le't to area I it.; Mr. Howard has also re . i . i ;iid at -1 cep'eil the apoi tm- nt as C lief M .r-'i .1 of the E.st Ca.oiina F. r w.inh w ! lei heid at New lit rne next February 'glih to 2'.' h. n c'li-ne. The annual advertising tourfr the Fair will b' gip the Monday alter Chri-tmas. and will he by Bav. Ed.v tr-i B in, wh i j has successively made ihi mn-.i-s and, gradually enlarged the le.ritori einb.'iicctl in the canvass until a good portion both of Virginia and South Carolina is e!l as our own State is enibr.icedji a the trip. i The advertising matter that will be sent oat i his j i-ar h is already i.een secured. The posters are the largest in size, j greatest in number and haudsoti;csi m-J most elegant in the tinisii of any tint has ; ever been used btforefofa Similar pur pose iu I he State The Fair is only about f ur nmri'lis otl I and it u tune- to brum looking for-1 wairl to, aud prcpar.ng for i' m t ar-ne-t. : I..'t every borly do what he or she Can ;n t he way of geti :ug exuii.iis. To tl" justice to ih.- ; mi t ,,nd lie'd er .ps tiiey must always be savtd and .ut away ' in advance becntisf if ihi- is not done, the b-st will have been used by the time the Fair comes. Tliink of these thing- and and make ready tu um a go ul -hare oi the liberal premiums ihe Fair a1.! ays of j fers. , THE XEW VI . . . Sl Il. Dl t.t:. The Run of fhe Hail anil Paciicr Train Reversed Change in the Freight Train Time Two Hours at Jaekon ville Eaeh "ITaj ou Ihe l.af ler. Monday morning as previously an nounced tbe new schedule of the W. N". & N. Railroad goes into effect. The mail and p issa ng' r I rain will then Ipave New Berne at 9-20 A. M .. a i ri v e a' -vi. e 1(Hi;i, 1. l'J M. and 1'.' : id Polloksville at 9 N)5. .1arkS"iivble 10-4g. M- '. al Surry street. v;!n, Mub 'fry -tre.-t lg -pi Ketu 1 11 Iig il Hid Ic 'J P. M.. Se'Oit's M: 1 ii:.r.8, Maisville 4:3b. p. anive at Nen R rneat Mav f- II ngt 1. X mi' Oil 'J PI .l ick- HI, ' ksii. e .1:4-1 a ." go The freight tram w i 1 be tri w,.kiv a now. Ii e..mes in from WPmi.'gton on Monday-, Wednesday ,nd Fridais, ami runs Irom New Berne in Wilmington on Tuesdays, Thursdays an i Saturtl lis. Tlie freight train will e;iv.- Wi mingtou fcr New I'erue on ti e .'ay- -pe. itied at C30 A. M. and Scott's H i. 7 l'J. Il nil stop two hours at .lack-oin ,':e. arriving thereat 9:2u and l avug at 1 1 : g 0 . It will arrive at Maysviile t 12:16, P.ulok ville 10:-i and New JJ- . c ar 1 : 10. lieturniDg it will iea-c New Bern on th--altt rr ate days at 7 4 ;. i'o'I k-i ille sctO. Maysviile S:")S. and at .In is- .evi.le 10:M.-. A. M. .la. k-O'ivilie wi,, be let- d 1J.1") P M.. making a stay of iw.. h mii-s a-tl ten iniiiut' s tin re or t. t tlowniv it". i nip Scott's Hill will be rr li ned at at '2.3b nd left at 2 4" antl Wilmington "id be reached ai 3:J.3. Editor R ligiotis Opinion, Baltimore, Md., writes: We take pleasure in saying that your Japaucse Pile Cure has been used in our family with good results, urd we will do all in our power to promote your intrreats by highly recommending vour medicine to our friends and readers at F. S. Duflv's. A Skllltul Ei-iit l 11 l.iKly w lit ruinn al Italeiuh. Aii i-i - . Mil 111 -I n I'ne - v. , 1 1 ieu H 1 n. ul one of '";'; ttl,'.' - ... ..v, i -m lit of 1111 i-i.L'ht ii-itmi- 1 lv t Ii a 10111 pl.--:e I rli.- ifiiiuli -art 1e.1t :,t -i- 1. .. . i- . 1. I 1 U.l: :'i t o-i Ti : ill- l:i v of II. il) k. t :i'i- In- ' ..li e 'e'ate. u ha I in t .1 Ket a: ,1 -. li .- I Im-i ol 11. 1 1 oil ul i.Hi- a In iM. - I ., 11. j,t nt Ii .11 i. I ll- . u!y ! I 1 1 In r p l'm-I ill . . 1 : oil e I h 111 ol '.!k , .. ., , ... . 1:111 1 mi 1 in- i in-ii ai ; .: the n.umi.'iit -In- :n e t n it .-l e .-e-ine-l t. i-j'i a rr : i p-i- I ... ). el upon wim ii 111110 en' 1 . . 1. 1 a j pel- ni 1 1 i i put li.- t -or. win n un ti li- - I..! 'I-i't your f-.ot l:(l I, lll ii i.L't.' 'Al'ii'll hed'd Wt'il - hi e leitu luia-. . wlipreitji- 11 -tie at om e re C 'Vire 1 her property, ami tllfued tin- I1V11 1 uloiit- o. r In all oftiria! . W vriirniv to -ay thai this fat of fi-U 11 z I til ' lifeder.it-' s i- rit'ei .pia, .1, a - one or hot ti Ui-lli.il.' aw 1 V. Sl'41 AttlieMale i-air-il. Julian !.. nrr MhJ. II. E. Alvorri. I'rol. Sloveim nud Ir. J. J. Hull. .V- o-.r readers know a State Ifiirv- 11 en'- A.--01 latioii n'.is .io:in:.'il in Ne.v lie.nnr at he I a-1 K h 1 iiiti 1' the Fast C'ilt ouna 1- .1! 1 . W. -lon-iilef this an tin iii,i'l:.iit inovein. nt. ...el hope to see it tuk a -non,' !,...! in nery tarter of the , . is! a . . An ithei s. s-avi ol' ' ;i'; As-ociatioti has j.r-t !) a h ill :i: t.ic State K.i r in llil - ri-h. 1-coin us inote -lni;s tiom the ... .N t 11 .- ami WD-ei iN-r. -M j Mean K. Alvor 1 "i U'a-hin:;ti)n ( lei I of : lie I .i.rv Division. Uareau of ...im .1 l-.iln-rrv" I' S 1 1 n mint , f A-iicuiline. .1:1- the liist ' speaker at 1 in- iii.-etin-- . f ;he S'ate Unit vniriis 1 ..,,i..,itinii in iN.iiiiiiiiw 11. II l.i.i .-v-eii- .1,-... ... . .-ii.......... ...... .... . .. lllg. ! "Hi' stionitlv iiilviif.iic.l the extension : of i airi mg 111 lies State, 1:01 only as u j piuiiaiy iutans oi pioiii. hut al-otore-i ii.uiii oy :uiim.il tertihxer the worn out; liliids ot the St.te. Ill' shoivnl t hat i North Carolina i as i.a'ui'all y a 0O1I catt e I'oimtiy. 1 he t letiin.-ry system mi the t o onrr.atiie pi in, he Still, is the b st w i ' in nu re i-c b itter making, but ihe er. a nu y should a'u iy- In- under 1,0111c rami- ,i. lie -lioivid the close re anon b t-icn thee iru pl.nt ...d p.otit - hie d. nning. ai d c uled atietltion to the ... .. w -i 1 tin. -.ih. .it 1,1 iniv -evi'ii 1 1- in r i-, 1 ' . " , , . : .i.V ..,,- ,?,- ",u- l,"r "l V , s'atin Ihe lil lie . t toiiida'ksa- load , ,r , c..lti!t,; I lii ihe next six iiiuntiis." he said. there i. ih lie enou.'li crn f.iihlcr wasted in .M.iNh t.'aiohni to inriii-h fo .1 t . su,.-j ply the wh.ie State with bit;, r im' half a i iear.- II, showed bvstat siirs ti.at this; Si ,r- hi-oli !,aif:,"s many co.is. con-id- j em.g popu aiion. a, the'un-r.ge State, i :,,:.! that die number ot cows I, a- actually dr. iea-td :u in ci ni ve.i, Uul the qu.ili.'v I ... meed, en ai product has g'eatiy p:ovel. Anl the, ..eat n r, ., e ... th.- iwiiri-li:, . I co vs and t:.e .x'e.i-ioii ol tia rv tiir. ring :.. proii Mtii. : fl m -t gtati- fl 1 I'g . ,,f U r .Steven I .rmr.i-lv ol - ' -- i , ...I,,,,. ,i M... .1,1... ;.ai. no n proles -iiioi.ii..iii.iv .... St ile Normal Srin.nl duetis. o:o, ii as m-il -irii-iiitvj. He saiu the .o slum ii ,cro.,s...,.'eda-.i machiue for convert - ,, ' c ais.- f, d into marke'a .le pro-.uc s. and at tue same tin.- lo aid ,n retaining t.n- v.r i. t mini dine M...I la Electing a ' o'i c re .-ii ul.l b-; ob-erv. il .nd she has glum heailh, i igor.ius c 'ii-Ui uiiou. oi Still as.- nndatiie organs. I , L- . ,i . I -T- - 1 1 1 , r,.,. il I till'.. t I tichineut to the bodi : she must b-r "entle v I. ,v i mm. te.i.iier.itnent. and s ioi.,ioie nr,.k nu months in the year, He -poke at 1, ugtll on ik- uiiomical Chan-1 a foot in'.o iniik, and of the values of different f."ds. A COW, he said, should pr duct- 35o p .11 1. ds of nutter each year. North Carolina is a tine tit-lit b.r dairying, becau-e t he winters are so much milder than 1 hi v.aiv in the North. I)r I I M ,'r ol Stntisvirp who' Lr. . J .'i nt. 01 .siaiii-iii e. i i u - w.-l ni.ip-l ,111 rows ho i- on, ir ,r ' 1 riit- a p ..!.(-. a.iu in .i'iuiiio.1 10 tunning a .on,, l'., 1, ,iili,..l lanv nisi . , luni I .s X o. . j. .... ........... ... -.j.v,.,.... I i ll. II I- ilHINHlllt.'t-i 1 Ul C M. .Illlli'l Carr. "11..' Ic- been in the .hi'iy -.u-iness (d ti rying. 1 ii-.- is) fo- tigin or len years, nn ! -pok.- in the most nit-Tcsting wav .1 his yai ittl rx pci ience? in 1 he raising of cows anil fin- iiiiKiiignf butter. "Tlie b'-st loc.iiion ur Uaii'i i.-ct. he said, was on clav land that had a good sub soil Hp thinks tlnr in the South th." .. ... , 1.. 1 - g,-, atest ti.ilhtu : He said ,'e began Ins 1 1 at : v b v iuiing"a herd of the be-t cattle lie c'J'd lim1; he tliink- the Jersey the ix;i herd. lie railed at: t nt 1 ou to l lie important fact that dairv farming, unlike some otner mdu-tries. brings outside money into the- State, an 1 adds so much to the State's wcaltl.'. Takmg his own dairv as au example he showed h'.w fo ft v rows pro,iu,-etl '4,mU0 iiuith ofbuiter t-'.ch year, and in a. I.. ition I,, this tnc land was couslaiily grow tug richer antl rising 111 value. Dr. Mott sooke easily, without notes, antl made an eminently seusii-le and prae- licii atl'lie-s. When t..e speech-ma k ing was en. ltd. Vice-Prt-idt i.t 'a.r raditl ihe assot iatitin to ".'l'r. Il, a inouneed the death if the lat- 1 re-.d-ict. I.r. 11 Eugene 1) Alhnges. Ti e ni'i ut. - o: tiie ioiiinr meeting wi-re .ea l aiila.h.pt.d. ( hii. rrs w-eie then el.C'til. as tohevs: ( Un. rrs w-eie ihen ehc'til. as tol.cvs: Coi. .1. s. Carr. ot Durh.am, 1 resident: H. A. Wmtnig, ot lbi.iugton. 'tee Piesi- ii.-nt; K. B. C. Hambl.y, Kockwcll, Sec re - ,:u y ami I re.. -nr. r. llo.'d of Direct... .-.: If. A. Williams, Chapei iliii; Dr. .J. .1. M-.tt. StatesV.il. ; II. E. Finely, R.ieigh; O V. Westar. Biltmoie. Ch.rl.s Ha'it.ck New hern; T. i: i.,,k-, r ilntUh,),.,) 1 ' ' ' " - - ti lately i 't gau i o j ,ut i u i is ie-1 u r ' i ti ; n Cuban SnfffMM, . rebuttal. which was da.n.ging to sa mi i. i CiMiii.rov.Ui- Cuh.u Prcsidcrt 1 Iurian. h --,.i: D- .1 "".iiiin CslMto. will ie- iov M f-uyre "I f'..lo'-alo. was in e i , , on m ci on iv . I h the .leaarttt- sUlie(l the other .l.ybv a ne. , ' ho.-e . x . ; .. ni ' o l, . , .im' : y to I, nit wih Pn s't ( ' a-w: ci. He 1 la- ii . 1 1 i i a rri ved an i :t is i. ni. I.i he is h .y.ng (rouble to get t..r ti-iii tin- im. -. The Lillians u.'l a-k th.- li:l e i st des lot IPC .gait. on when Cot.gr. me. ts. ' lie Cuban insurgents are reported to: h im ii ta in ; i had a lav impirtii'it Vic- ton. Wi.li'-J.oiiO ii,f intrv :i' d 500 caval- iv Mar. o a et :i' d detent, d '2 Wat Spaniards n'n.l r l ii Krlmiiini.. A l'r.-- loin honi-s of t, rr lie lighiing tiie .Span-a:i8 were niivi i: iiom ti.e li al leaving 00 kl! ie I and .i nude 1 nun and all then artillery : Recently the Baltimore -Sc " io .b.s l.ehiini them. " i charged some t ainme-i u.t tor riuiKei- Suice th s victory the oiuiionists i ress, for th.-y were s ber inc. ; but n. cause have. : tp'ei. d Pu.'rto 1'ri-e.pe and are . 't uu-lertood that they p. -k a gh-ss now in in 1 1 ntroi ol ii r. e-f.-ui ih- of the isa.al Th v .UN-nail arm-d anl have oi rooi. An. .. :,.i:.. iH.ei- m tl.e arm v. Tm-is :!,.. :iL-'.v-t. 'd :.t M nue.po'i.s by'a in- mix- of the Cub .u i'j. l.:. " An nniortun i.e you g man and woman were driviu Irom a N. iv York theaier ihe oti ei ilav bv the attention giien t hem by: the audience. When tl.vy left the build-1 n sidenee of .he bride's parents. Miss Lor- 'led by Un- parties i.i-twe.-n themselves ing they were folio. ved into the street by i inda C. Steph enson, daughter of Mr. K. before C"iirt and one man who was ihe crowd, which le 1 1 the show on the and Mrs. Sallie Stevenson to Mr. Geo. D. mdiited clod before court. There s'age to seethe young couple at short i Gerdner oi New Berne. Rev. J. A T. w-re all the cases, so nothing was lelt, and range, ir ghteniug the youug lady so she I Jones, of Johnson county officia- Judge Se mour came back liome ou ' the nearly swooned. All this because the ting. next steamer and District Attorney Ay young pe iple were mistakt n for the Duke Mr. and Mrs, Gordner left for their cock passed through returning to his of Mariborougli and Miss Vanderbilt. home in New Berne Friday. hc-me in Goldsboro. ... ) , i , 1 I en tlio;i-:i:nl prople nre -a ; 1 1 to have In en nt t In- Stale F ii r Tim 1-' I 1 v. Mr I N,i 1 -MM.O .0 f.JII.MOO 111 111- i-.lll.'.ili..l ii Ili-I tll'inil :il :Mou - t,u I :....! il. .-l.l.lili -n u, I piMMilea wee iiunuy. 'i'ie lJi-.-.iau oiv, maie'.t li;i notilied .lap. m tint it wi'l n.-- Mbni-lon '. . . . 1 1 11 1 will in.. tiit 1 1 1 - t iniii,ti i r. mi :ii: en- ,1,,, luia 1 1-. la aM 11 i .11 to w 1 ir in , I ..... 1 1 ,Iim i.hernioi toi.l an ai 1. 1 :ei.ii- 1 m 1 f 11 IN Ii V - Hut I-.-vi 1'. .Mint. 11 i- to,, old 10 lie l'ri 5-i.li-nt. Kit a man of his ,-uts .I..I111 i- -liowin' a eiv livi.lv i:iie. l'lr-ident S-. . 1 1 1 1 1 1 -tail..-! in iyin x 1 11 ti-ialiit- lo iiii'irmiii. the -i:Ni- ( ia.- ill ua o y 1 I lie : 111' d wil'l t li. flct he 1 h--i-. o lie. I. ami 1 1- rune an ..1 h nt 1 linn pi- n . i -ilv. r . o; 111 'a-. Tl-e man. in" r- I ih nt 1 V. -1' . tmll lave de'ei mine 1 lo niv.-al i,h,n I mlep ml-nr.- 1 a 1 . and it i - ii'd.i-' that i;..veni..r Math -a - i.i I nd-ana. will be ini!.ii loihliwa ih, a d 1 1 f 1 ol 1 he I iy. (in 11 w a", r I'm- I. 11 tin -usu.ii l d!it-. Nelly lily, Ir. w.-nt around lie- wori I on a bicycle. It took ln-r I'.urtit'n and a halt mont'i- In all tliu L'Ol.ntrie- she v -ited, , ,a. onv .l(rr,,tlt S,P lei-elved was from In r ) Secretary Carlisle will leave Wa-liiii"-! ton Sunday lor Kemiirkv, where he will 1 pointer ! nil riainii n'"i:ii i i lime lo vote ' - . jj iri 1 111. the 1 . mot rata- i-anuiiiaie tor : ( ; ovi rnor. The Sp!ini-h Cal.intt dec'uli tl to send ie torpeilo beat- Aiie:e, Ha ion and ; ' 1 I" ." " ' . ";-ddel y 1 .aOO M,n er . ,tl s to- the , "i tlli' .-i:ar?il llll.'li- in t inn. ' ' . I The New Englan 1 Cotton Manuf .ettir- jer - Association, etl route to tie Allan, n 1 r-)..sii un. u as n nuisoii-.i iy en'enaiiien 1... ,1... m ... 'i..i, . e 1 a,.., i,.ti.. ' oi me -n.iiiuiiii 1 un 1- v-iit - a ".''"-. 1 -N. C. The s'op was :'.r a It.. 1 ' day. mid I tin- Xi-u Knglatid inaniiacturer- te-utn.-il ' their i. .unit- v i 11 1 In- aftern 0"t'. The R, o.ib'i, an National Commit!, e is I i-nlleil to nu et at the Arlington Hole", I i'. . 1. ;....i. 1, 1 ' ... . .. .1....L. ,. ... I, ,.Mll.tll II. I ,11 . IMIlUrt p. 1 -1 . , Dee. lOtiitotlesir.nn.ea lime al.d phuc ur the mtetinu of the National Cotivi n- lion in 1 800. A telegram from C"'e Citv, G.l . says lu.u Maauif Henderson", who ..,,.,, ,1 1 1., JS. iH, uv v... s...il'i -. negrc? tiusl" i-omii-t, who was , ,. ,v i,miUHi ,ie,i n ,!a. oo,) I rr,,, ,,,,,,, 1 a...:, .. a.,, 1 The Niearag.ia c n.al co niniit. e est mate that ihe canal can l)e bui't tor 100 ' ",'-("'' ,., ,,' , ,,,o i k! 00.1 ... , t .-. 1. 1 . . 1 1 . . . : , 1 ; , ,. .,. Al;alCl'',lcalL;,',ll.Jl-','l'',, I'hat 11 ill be . a heller investment than bur - rowing gold to ke p up an uuneci-sarv okl reserve VVil St-ir ' aMI'si:mlm i k 111 kfs. -Oiu 11 st 1 1 e. nn. . ill. . . At -cording to Dun's Review 1 In- pries, Iutlr.s ii:ie tli.'iris .srarcelv an end. I t woieen g'iods are 35 percent lower janvilU' t'u.-ii. w wi I e:,um. nil.-: Scenic; than iln-v w-iv under the Mt Kmley ltai.way, K'-. trie l..i,nih.s. I, ..nil.. his, tariff'. S.. much for J'rec w. i,I. , K. vo. i ,ag 1'ir en: V le e'. C.nnan ,1 . AVe note irt.m Hie Kins'on I'ne Press!''-''-, t.yp-s Chinese il age, i il.at the resideuce of Dr. H D. Harp r . SItX1' 111 11 'age. lap m-se ill.ge. was burhirize 1 and not- s to ih- amount c 1,1 I",llf1' . Siret. of 7n.l. 40 in ca-l. and his oold watch I 1 "ll,l't'1';1 1 lant ition, l.-inch; slo en. He tin-. I at the thief four times ! ?r,u- ''JJr)'' J'ieftr'r S,"1IL' but tailed to slop bun. i Theater. and, vnle J heit.-r :.ud LiungJ Cham edor f.e , the, man has hem ,u er- ,t;'."' ," , J'p'i aU1-" n,r ' ruled by . he Supreme con, t of Aik-.n-s-.. Ft1 oe M v tie M 17 ' l'(i f, fl'rln ,...a i , .., l-di ti .Mi - e .M -ti. s.I ..z . Rod and Con- inn.- i.nroeu n nei.s c. pus case x ne I court .'eciaiis ih- law ot 1891 ag-iinn pr z.1' ti'-'1,l,.n" v'' "' ;n '1 'i-'"tMe umi I II Ul l II "I lie IN". a I IN S 1' I . lilt- law . . .... . coiUiIl ll'll He l'e.a I IN Slo-1. lilt: law . . .... . iiiinuh.-i nrlv t!!oi.i.ri,v..l!ni. ti-..inl . ii (lii,) , to tun " ' ,, -,, S , 'y years ago remarks the t. leve - j 1:l,1(i,L',le'-' ,,U,'iP1be". wasi a -entMn-in " f s,U!n')- U hi,t ls ' At i 1 1 , i s d ista ce I ip a i : i ie-i r- lo ha tin- sh mp , ,, " 1 ' : . , entlcm .n with a lew more .a. t- a. d tiguies and a iitlie ui'.i'c vigor in his tx- ; cxn t i.-e prr c ir i"U. Sharpbrs and trick-pre-sion. ' si. -s ..te on eiety ha.i-t, it you ajlow The Sixth Annual F lir of the Bonier Exposition of die Crolinians nil! h-. held I at guaxton, .n . i ., uenne-nay, i nii.soay j and Friday, Oct. 30th and 3lst antl Nov. ! The Reidsville Fair will doubtless have' ",,l. l""u " ",ml " "' " " a big crowd on the 81st. Ante ' etvv. en j ',a;" . , , the two Kings of he Turf, John R. G. i,- O-e unhappy move has been inaugura try and J..e Pate en is no small affair and ' " d- lh ' of ail the street cars tloiiblmg inrinv wi, wv.nt t spe it Mr. Piatt, lefeiring to Mr. Sherman' 1 1.1' 1' 1 1 1 char ',- that he iva- ronrein.i 1.1 .he i hi i.i , 1 ,, . 'U,iSb ",;t "VI T '" ,n,V" D:,tion, said: "Pi-h.ip so it-day I shall n . . . . . .. . ,. , ... i i . . uai 1111 e i1 1 write a o--ok 111 ' see. 1 nope ..... , x..oin.i uaie ..u . 0,0.1 to tell t,ei-r two il.ings t,,.,t I kn.. about .-In r nan. If T 1,7 .... , .-vn.vi ' i.iv' 1 lilies mill v-in yj- The Winston S.riiiiiel says tha' the. sina l'r . m-i.r ore huadred ami fitly lai-.e-t policy i ssu etl iu N...th Car..hmi j me.u: e -. t "k i,u .rtcrs at the Alhambra. J during the past twelve in., rib- wils wnt-jd com ii.-Uiotl-. -.n I mo-t d. tighlliii' v lo-u-ii recently by C'apt. Andrew I). Cm :e : ( .,'eii 1. 'i, 1 on Hi it f.r-fai.ud 1 harming for Col. Julian S Curr, ol Durham It : un et. a.a ti 1 1. w is in '.he Equitable Life Insurance Con - T..- manngeni' ft . f the- Cotton Slates p-iy il New iork dhe amount was! Co'-C ,rr ea.ries something over - :l 1 m'lion ii c insuiance ; ome ci the "bJll yeit riiniz un.ler-t:iij(I u. ni- why c ittoti is cal'e-d tl.e fliecv siapie.'' Tiit-y thiuk they w-cr fleeced ; out 01 their earnings by the Ui 1 specula tors of Wall street. " I -Mi 1 An effort ls being made to mi induce ! Peru lit. coin among th" lata,,, rs f the I L'ni.td States, and the caiaoeo of su.-cess is ! report-d 10 be t-xrel!en I'iu- new gr.iiu i mn-e mi rit;o..s than any species in tail- I 1 1 vut i on in our coun.ry. F.per; think that it can be av iim oe-l wi.hoin 111 1 -li . . I i rlieti-1 y . and 1 -x,ier tin nts are now b mg ! conducted torn ike sure ol ths. Norio.K ' Landmark. 1 fhe s!e inishi p C ty 1 f Topeka, uhie'i ' arrlvei a, s..aU.e n o,.t 01 Am;- Ua, brings news that the people at Jiiacil : H.,, the mining tamps are greatly t-y-r- ! tise.j vr tit- bou.i.liirr qu-t:.-n i -av ; they w.U tight l..f..r.- Ojreat B-ih.n slui' , ti. tr hi ripai. i-..in 1 i p,,i TIipv ,.v. ,ake the s Id fie'dt- ir-.u inem Thev ex- i i,r(ss much tlissai isl'ir: n n at t , i n o i. es.e( Uav in whig a the Fn al stale.- 1 . 1 t0 MCt iu'protet-tmg that c-unt-v. ' Miss Frances K. W.l nrd" i.as. ban eajcted Pr. sident oltheW.C. T. t'..r ! tl,e seventeenth consecutive tiin?. ' The ile'i-nce fl'.-w-.l in tin- Durmut cas- . n t,e 22d. without iulrotlucieg anv uir- .i : -.. Lliei le'Stnir.itil, it'ill in' Olt's till! 1 I 11 1 lie- ... , - . le im blocked i lie vay. ai, i u .i :e 'li .i i:i 'ul ami i.bit-iu- laieoi ,ge u le a . qu.-t-d to uiovc N . notice was ta - en - 'f h - ill conduct right at the time ..nt th t nig-t a moi t:c red and Ji-a"". iVl hi a, .t f I made him leave the country. The Railroads of the coiint'V 'ir,- be- rom.ng tin- mosl ifftctive t n iinoions ol 'he temp -rci.ce, cau-e. say- the Railway Agent. O.i most ol the ro is. d the nresi-lit time. kliowU-dge that a i eillliloVe toucln s sirong drink, .n ary ;. rtn a-.d at ' lime is sure io cosi Him n s i'o-.ti"n. , 110w and th- u I I I.eiC n i-an hlibustets. ie in W il- mingtou. Del., but pi. .1 upo and , e- t-ki-n w,..-u i hey 1 1 ache o - of th- B .ham i Islands, uutler Bri- sh juris-' i- - tion Will b - tri. d at Nassau - y h - Bi 'ds and is thought dealt with sumiin rely. married. Thurelay, Oct. 23d, in Rak'gh at the Kr-iiiil il 11 M; 1-011 nil a 111M; ni iifl ltsi)l)i r Our Comilrj'-. U iiiI.-i-I 11 1 K,-- -- tile J..I-I ' i n :! I ii (ll,-r ,;,. A 1 i, A -,,:,';, .t.k, , ' 'I il., t he Ne'.V 1 If. lie I - ' ;- tin I niton -tat - :i 1 1 1 I : I I. II" Wll ! he A : ll'-'ll i Ii i ll-itjiin in::i li:i.-il!,,a. In . I.i- -1 1. -i- ol tile v.i. I I I: Ill ;- - a 1 1 1 il ic. I W" ' I - I ' i ' I -1 e.n lo n 1 1 1 1 j 11 i-i- hill f -.ni an mil i 1 -I inil...iiil. , ; !,l'! nil :rr Mini I. ir ii. Tin- ' ."'-e- want -Ii.-u 11.111.. - -u, i tln.x: ri-iil 1 tin pi mt Ihn ii-,-. w r : ip! 1 '.! t.. this "teat ' p itii II. I I Lii 1 . - e p- - i .a I 1 I li in 1 . 1 1 r pin . .e it . o I lli- .1,: h. Tin ' ' 1 lie I t t "... i 1 i .11 1 1 11 ' 1 1 -1 1 sa 1 i n- I ton - -1 1.1 e 1 i , - ; a': h : I e,n inn a nil I I n ui pi ... 1 - . hi 1 ! ; , I i I it n a i.i- 1 1. 1 i r . p:o ' a - i '. ' 1 ' ' 11.: 1 . I ij, M.nili m pvrop,, ., i. ,. y I., (.. ti,, Nl.'i w li il !'. '.-- 1 il . Ii ii- 111 hp an. I mt til y li.ue ..:: . ii. 11 I 1 o ,- p at ti' 'oil to ihe vi-' . 1 :. ; i! ! .1 , I m. i-tiN i-. -oi.-i-i- ol 1 li -- mIi With ie-e 1 1 1 - i n :c w . i n I 1 1 a- 1 c : 1 i n-i cat pose v, v. I 1)1 a.' 1 i.c the 1 1 'til r 1 1 11 1 1 S tl 1 1 Ann. i i 1:1 c, ii'U ;p-. which pr am-c iminen.-e lii r c auaieivial e il. i pi is . into clo.-f lia'e reiutimi will, I'nite.l te-. 1-1 H'ci.a i i y liir IV' 1 1 - ul hern 1101 Is. in- J.x p. .-: 1 1 ' 11 w p"l N 111 tl. Ill" Ilill- 1 u 1 mi- ni on Un 1 ion liHie 1 , e 1 r !' 11 in i- v 1 1 i 1 li. w !i 1.1 , ix -en-: in- as , :',e W...I te' In , i'i 1 r at ( hicirrii or n. 1 ipi 1 1 t h 111 in 1 1 a- 1 1 ttr.t.-'veii--. Tl 1...I- r h c.Ucii ; o! 111- 1 lv v In-Ii ied at in - Nil. f ' olll W i, It'll Ir nib-!.. P, j.-t., Sin rn.an 1 ! in w tie 1 Aiii.n II Til III'.ll. I 111 Mil i ll'Cri-t Ul'' ; - o S ti'; t T-1 :.; - a:c reprcsente 1. a- ih" 1 to :,;, :- of :hc l'. u airy. . i- h rd'y a d u a. in -t the Fi,o-i- 1 il ' . , u -p( t. 1(,U ,Vi t in- i'litu-t: 1 Ic vec .p n lit .1 ).,. . 1 , mou-ii .- ,,,,,,. '' ,x '' Ihe I mt tl Siaie-h is an exhibit ol the 1 1 ,!T-' l'l'l"''i 1 - !," I'ei..'r ll.pait- " "l ".l1' " ' ' 1 o.niii. -ai'i, . ie-,i. ie'l sil.ites fish -M ti 'iais, N ivv p. . , cpa I a ,,,,1. 1 :,. 1 i ar I lep.il. mcl. i-oukion Exutnirs. A rcw cii'iii!r,e- ta at have faieiipi t - ! 'hT'it- a-c i.i'ea' H'iiain. France? tier- nwiy, lti'y. IWinin, Hus.,ia. M-xico, i Vein 7. ! 1 1. Hie A I 1 III 1 ne Republic. I Saivado', Chili. I b .ndura-. Nicaragua and 1 , i a II c,,. ( )i ,a .111-. a 1 irge number ol tin' Sl.1'1 .- Ii :e . ."bit- a l.ica iir.' ri'cl'l- able in. I. ei 1, fhe building- ,.re pneiou- and of I .... 1 1 1 -1 - . r . 1 . . 1 1 1 .1 in i - o 1 1 a: a i , 11 . i. i 1 1 i . . i a -it'lll i I ' I- i rated ab"tlt the en , und-, ,hey present ai ! I'""" "l':'u, 1 t. " .1 raui.i'ii;. 1 I ,.,., ( ,,ie;, h.,,1,11 t-,1 ,..,. I), .-,i s;, ! i ;,.; i, r, ,.,- .t,i ,u. Vle v. o1 . , . ,.' . . . . . -1, . . -. -ii ui mtr i.iiii-ai'i nan leoay anv i , ,. a, . V I -1 1 one hi,,, can tl ni tue lime, i ut ,, , ,.p- ... , ' - I i'! V"" ' ?i,,:l"B-v' 1 'u 1 1 ol.i an . d m !e-s i hau a wn 1: or ten .lay'sj ; study. Uo -1"W and a-k p emy ; .pies-j t...n.s. In.,,, the pr -pe. p .sons of course. i , nd -fm u- o )!,..., o w , ... o ,. The '.ip t.ce . not o s: mueh if ou oniv I . v ' """s"'"-1' , yomsei i 'o l, lian-.l.d by tln-m j While some ol Ihe hoiels have gone up i " p ci--. ..-we lu-aiaiaincu ', moder.-.te oharge. It is much the wiser j ) I"'1" , " U1L , "LL ""iiiiouatiou in auiauce; . "-- '"-'"ri u-c is n. tiuu fro :. tlie gt'ou'r Fhe pi ice has ben atnunct.. H'On Ilia to ten c nts cacti way. ' ....... , . ' 1 ne -rill inc 11,1- ill-', Hunt 'UI large nil 111- "' ha- ks. P.msier, and other vehicles .. . ,;.,,. ,-, ' Ml l l-.H-t "lill liU't.lnS i v 1 " 11 1 1 " " Onr r Ml,- "w i- t .,iiflm.'n ; b ,iu.i)1; : ihu. lm ,ui(1 . tlmt 1 js Vi1;, ( Af . vj..,.. , i. xr.....i. c. and l-iten.attou.il Exoo-inon have much ( rau-e t-, led gralilied at their success, and i.Hsv.tih muchjiWn- that we note an t uuchtuncL. cacti U;iy. onr. TO ATLANTA. .'..rigliic' 0!' Ih" SoU,i, ;.,,' , . " ' 1 ,,r" ; ' ' j'V 'f ' . '.'j ,,' 1 ; 1 !".'11,,i"''1 1 "!" , "' ,l ." "l".'" u" u,u ln- "'""'l'" 55 Atlaiit . thoti In-t in ide complete The i .-i'evtiy Smitheii heart: 'l'h"ii -' ! ui I a -how i in ndrou- show, Tinteerv man w iio se. - 11 ay know Tha the Soch m-eat wraith dothprow Atid thti a queen indeed thou art. ,1, .,, .. ..-.i .. I- , , .1.1 a,-,. ,ei'i creil, an I K wiiO'i. all ear ,,., -u K : ,r t.ur.,;nin, , , w ,,,u ,' ,t -1" .-tVceerv are ' A.id gin t '. ,.,c'h uut a lull st.ar . 1..:. . 1 lh of l-o .u-W-e 1, t... si. are s aud m 1 rlh 11 At ' !'":'' tit m er -'. ep. Ba' with t!i.e A;gu- . yis iin-u'lt guard The w.i!.- -A :n ere.-:-o- -l.v gii.M.s i h u t y icn. - in-' p-.wer :et- T" l " ti eui rood, H-e I nn behests, Ki'-.M 'livirjoy tiny if t he aiarrtd. , ,, Atlanta, a- tie- -It i.igor- c. tne -i - i 1- i o mi liort h mi -..ii 1 h and ,ast and w e.-t To ew ii,,- work ot Miy Iliii h .mis, Eunic e 'hem with IV ,, ra .i baials A - ' en. " i -'i ' hat wall ni', -ite. Ian. ir Ami s Ma' tv t .I'-u .ii 1' . ia. .-in m irae " v a'es Kx,ppt ' e . . at'i'l :n ' h 1 1 fin- v;-,;:i -' fr.c ..-lu;' ,ud lespect F,.. u. N., .'elect Mu-t-ho'i u thv co"U. t reflect ; ,. in ,, wl,o linlers r d. parts. At.o.'a.lh- Septemh. i day ll-.n: - .fM-l -. t- . jn tny It. ; Tie .uo'-ila tu "u a-: tiuluri. d Al. if. o -t.at tl o l ., w-inlil Tha p dh , nou'st bur. e l iu. - n .i-ni ac I s ri Ic. At';., a tl on w:I' ever b.- ''h-.ii a I ' y sish is a ore a imirul. For hue th y si. in i, i e s a e .vn : v 1 1 ii i , iii-hc for so.eethiig great ', " " ." . bi on. ., w h ,c t l. ac. w , -t t.-ev ...-.red. i'. ..amio.x. , , r;l t oni-t at Elizabeth City. No L 'u h d suite- Conn w:.s h, id at Kl zab, h 'lii i hi. t me One admiralty case which w u'd h i n-come u p was set- Iniiirlniit ('bailee of Plan i:iiallzn lii.n Sthpinf Worked Out by Wliletl I lie l'il to Paeli Member In JiikI On Half ol lh Amount of Policy Wlirlti- r He l.lveM I.onu or lie liiirl.v Ollirr Features. The older ol Chosen Friends at the w ei ni -t ssion of ii- Supreme Lotlge matle biingc- in its laws juite important to the iii.'ii.bership. Probably the most iuipor tanl one of ihpse is the inaugnmtion of a inea-ui e w hieh it designates a.-the emal 1 illoll plan. It is peifccty well known licit in anli nary lite insurance the heirs of the man ho dies directly after he insuns get the Hid amount ol his policy nt almost no )-i. ii 1 1 1 It- on the other hand the man who 1 1 -1 1 1 , -. while voung antl lives to a eri a.kanred age, keeps paying all Ihe time, anl dih'. ugh he has paid in a large sum ot iiran y Im heirs gel no mine than the 1 1 1 . . K dung one in tiie case lir-t cited I he change in the order is indended to I'ciu dy this ineipiality. It makes it so t nai in lira nee for a policy of the same face value will cost the member who die. ipiickly find the one who lives the longest tli-j same, auil this cost has been hxctl nt just half tl.a value ol the policy--ttiat is, if a man's policy is $1,000 it ii to cost him -f alio whether he dies sooq or late. Tin- way this is to be accomplished ;s us lolloiv.-: If a member lives until he has paid in five hundred dollars on a thousand dollar policy, theie will l no more assess ments against him; he will liegiven a paid up policy w ith no further cost whatever. hi the other hand, if a member insured i lor a thousand dollars dies soon after join- ; .' g. hi, heir will receive only live him-! !rn t dollars aul an amount equal to the : -um he has paid in, additional. That is, i : lie amount held back by the order from the livce value of the policy will be sufli- ! i it in to run the cost of the insurant e up to live hundred dollars. On policies of otner uaiounts the proportion is the j same. i Members now in are given the privilege ol c litinuint' under the nlxn unnii nln,-l, ( I f" I h y entereel or adopting the new. Tbe t iiang.s made go into effect January 1st, 1 s.; Another change makes it so that any one who has been in for seven yeari or longer and stops for any cause, will not lo-e what he has paid in. He can get a paid up policy for an amount graded ac-1 t old ng to the sum lie bus paid. i A rule hint also been established that j not more than twelve assessments shall be collected in any one year. ' There are two councils of Chosen Fnends in New Berne Neuse Council and 11. W itcover. '5iOT OULTf Is Hie Ycrillct otlhe Jnr) In the Firm! Beaufort Insnranee 'ie Another i ae on Mrlal. , Special to Journal.) ' Bf.aukokt, Oct. 2"), 8:53 a. ni, The i I ill term of our Superior court is being! largely attended on account of the inter- ' est nianil'ested in the iusiirance fraud ; cases. The grand jury up to this writing has, found five true bills of forgery anil con-j spiral y ol a large number of present- meats. As they are continuing their work . daily it w ill be impossible to try but a I very ."mall per cent of them, this j being only a weekly term. ; The first case tried was ended yester day. It was a forgery case. Dr. T. B. Delamar, J. C. Delamar, Levi T. Nop. while, and Wm. Fisher, col., were the defendants. They were charged with forging the uame of Pattie A. Davis, col.. toapilicyof three thousand dollars in j the -National lile Insurance Company oi Hartford, Conn. The case was ably and boldly contested by both sides. The jury returned a verdict of not guilty. The second case, one ol similar charac ter, is now being tried. Dr. T. H. Dela mar anil Levi T. Noe are charged with forging the name of Martha Jfamilton for twenty -live hundred dollais in the same company. Latkr. Beaufort, N. C, 7 45 p. m. The lnsurauce cases are now on trial. Dr. Delamar, Levi T. Noe and Biil Fisli.-r, col , were tried yesterday for lor g -n in one case, and the jury returned verdict of not guilty after being out a hour or two. The doctor antl Noe are being tried now in another Kise of forgery antl the opiuiou is tliat the verdict will be the 'iiini', I'lie evidence is all in an 1 counsel nr. argui'ing .he case. Fii e bills have been found in scveiai other casts. The excitement over these trials is great Fayetteville at Atlanta. The Atlanta Journal of last Saturda j ha the following notice ol two charming Fayetteville ladies, one of whom, M s Ilroadloot, is a Dative of this city, I ho thiughier of Judge II. R. Bryan: "Sirs. John Barre-t Broadfoot, of F. i elt. vide, N. C, president of the Climb, r laml Mouument association, who was ul-o tbeb'iliant editor-in-chief of the hand si.ni Women's Eilitiou of the Faytttevhe Ub-i rver, is iu Atlanta, representing l he Col 'ti'iil Dames of her city .She is a be .ui ilul woman, cultured, tiaveled atul w. II up in the lines that are interesting t women these days. Mrs. Broadfoot -i hapei ontnir here her beautiful voung niece, Miss May Marceline Broadfoot. who comes as a Daughter fthe Revolution Mi-s Broadfoot is a newspaper woman; and, although she is yet new in the Wl'li, she has done some very clever things, ami is rapidly making a name for herself.'' Tobaeeo rV'ew. l.uriiig the m.inlh of Septemlier I he Greenville tobacco market sold one million and ninety six thousand pounds. Tlne figures will be sworn to by the weighers. The farmers iu the bright tobacco bell have been increasing their acreage 'c;.i alt r year and the housing of each succes sive crop has witnessed a decrease in their debts and an increase of their bank ac counts ami personal comfoits. A gentleman who returned from Wilson a lew days ago, informed the writr that in the tobacco sections the "laimers were out of de .t and had money to burn." fil iate. I the case, of a Wilson county farmer who was struggling under a heavy mort gage who discharged his obligations ami offered to loan his creditor $1,000. We don't ie.iJe.nher ever having heard any thing like the above about a cotton planter. We arc glad to slate that prices have advanced two to three cents a pound n good tohacco. 1 1 vou li ne any, some blight colors, now is a gootl lime to bring your tobaco to the Kinst .n Warehous a There is quite a large number oi bn vi s here, and they will pay high piic'isfe bright tobacco. All grades have advanced in prices, but the advance is more notable in the bright grades. Kiustuu Frte Pre? 8. In Burmah it is the woman does the wooing. who I TAKE A 1IIT 1'ROH 1WAKV. ; M try had a liille lamb; You d" nol look surprise b Ol course you don'i, for Man has litsen widely advciti-ed. And something you mnv learn from thif If you are not a clam: Vou can be. just as wh.ely known As Mary and her lamb. our name ran In- a Lnii-eh. ., I u Ami you In- known so u, i That folks will coiilidenl Ii bin The t lungs you h.u ,- to s. p. 1 And when you min haieg..! loiu-ilf ; Into the cheering- i n -On tlie timljght of public, I v. Von ll your of,- jj j,a i -. Plitli.;..-' '1 .11.. Ilitll'S VHHI. Oh. why. a--, like I'lyFsrsw, tp.it AtO. ! : a - ii ai e- wa -I e I s l.ur,,, I bir w h dp sails tint 'ei totliecni': ;, .f. breee. Aud think, we are dour uilh slniins. lor. evermore. Have found ut last that snioo.h course on lile's iiiinii, Wrn, The Fales unkind some hidden ban I em ploy To stir life.; -tonn and oier'iitn its jo? Vhene'er some kind A' olu- binds the tempest fist. Anil bids us (iotl-sjied to the suii-bri"ht. land, W hat restless (luoinc uncluiin.s the wintry blast, Antl drives us wanderers lo -ome cold. Me ik st rand. Where tho wild waves' billows, precient of wilder fear.-. Lash fin- tleep caverns and pale wraith." draw near. Oli, was it mount for lilc in know no calm.' No dream unbroken in waking hour r is there still wuiie charmed spot where Rest s sweti balm Heals the sickhc.nl m Hope's clvs'au I iow err There, there, inp.think3 my lute a melody would make, la which no sni ro a Jul infelir ill' s would bi ilk. Rut cheer thee, lira ri ! One Voice there is w hose magn bines, W hen hope is darkest, on"!)s the rising storm .- Whene'er the Master wakes the wild winds form Will cower back an 1 sue': its cavern home. Then when that '-Peace be stili" -ill lo-irs alliy, Our trembling lute-string will Ihrd! lo some joyous la v. Kron Opha 1 'regnry. Johnson's Oriental Soap is fir -uperio-r to all oilier so-ealletl medicinal snips for cleansing the skin and henntifvmg Um complexion. Two large take 25cls at F. S. Dutli'-. AT Al l! M I il . Harbinger ol' the w md r days The crirket lif.-s a song; In his woodland home ilmv h:tiv of It ii!, A- the wav he hops along. Soon, Ihe gray of twiii"ht rome Wrapping nature in -ombre hue, The golden rod now droopn it- hem I That by th.- wayside grew. In a lowly collage near tic wood. Evening rett has come; The tiller knows respite from toil; Tlie gootl wife spina midst the diilatr'a 1 1 i in . Sefton Keake. If the Rnhy t ultlnic Teeth. Be sure and use that old and well-tried remedy, Mrs. Winslow'sSoothi:g Syrup for cgildreu teething. It soothes the child, softens the gums, allays nil pain, curt-H wind colic and is tlio best remedy lor liarrhoea. Twenty-live cents a bottle. nOlvr Col. Harry Skinner, member ol Con gress from the First District, will le mnrrietl in Novemlier to Miss Ella Mon terio, sister of his first wife. When Rahy was sick, vetrnrp tier Castor!, When slie was a Child, sIih crieil fur 'ast.iria. Tien Khe ln-ramp Miss, Rlie rlunf; tn Castria. When Klie hail CliiMren, she imvciln-ra CfcsLoHo Children Cry for Pitcher's CastoriaJ Children Cry for Pitcher's CastoriaJ Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria. Trtim the Bpttt Herald. Tl.e Herald feels fully justified in ref ominending to Ihe public Mr. Hawkes' New Crvsia!b7rd Lenses and Patent Spring Eye-Glasses manufactured by him autl that have such nu enormous mle throughout the United Stales. ol3 lm. :-?-Alleyes fitted by F. S. DUFFY. A lit guar.iutcctl. Hncklen's Armra Salve. The best salve in the world for Cuts, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped hands. Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin Eruption, and posi tively cures Piles, or no pay required. It is guarantied to nive perfect Sat isl action or money refunded. Price 2". met per box. For sale by F. S. Dully, Druggist. (iive Home people the power to move mountains, ami how quick thev would spoil the lotintrv for everybody clt-e. MOTHERS' RELIEF i Woman' Ciini.url Used during Pregnant y and Confine ment, is guarantied to produce a p iitdess ami quick labor. Pri.. i-l.OO per bottle, at F. S. DufiV-. MoM A N ou. , i . I : I. .--Ii.KI.il. Restore.-, all ca-. s of Suppressed Men struation, Irreeular. Painliil or Evoe-snc Meiistriintion. vSl.i'O pi r bolllc at F. S. Dull'v's. HHO..K- 1 ARl.V JUKI) Worn -1 nil-. I'leawnnl a Hone.). Never (ails to ne( ;lp p,,,, w-orin children, both early and late. 2") t large bottle at F. S. DufTv's. from tier The above three rt mnbes maim laclured only by COTTON STATKS mkhicini: in . Atlanta, Ca, For Sale by F. S. Dufty, Now Berne. N. C. aug31 d&wly r',t i.' t . .fi.

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