lllTTfcito ill iMl ttniadM . e . -Vi-i't. Price: $100 JPer Year. INDEPENDENT IN ALL THINGS. Single Copies, 5 dents. YOIiXVIII. NEW BERNE, CRAVEN COUNTY, N. C, NOVEMBER 7, lsji:,. NO. 36 JSf ft flSI L 1 . 11 hi iii nir vM - V. a-. , Ar-" v v.-' ; .... , , ' ' m i .,.. --..oj for' Infants-and - s . . i It u tr tWi WiU. It wOI uw - C t 4a dtrey W . Cart la allay Twwmrimmtmm. Caitaila yumte l May 8aar Cmra. TTctrEaaoiu. c ;- r Caataria alrr T tHag Ti M . III II C UaU taa afceta ml OayUraa aaiahi faa, kmk ft tm Ja.t a. gaad 1 Children Cry for - atihn aaaHky aad aataral ml y. CaataHa fa yrt wm la -! Vattlaa aaly. It U mat Jd la talk. 1 t allaw aay a ta aall ymm aaytalag aUa aa tka alaa ar pwalw ; , . -v. - -r-j Saa taat ywm rat OA--T-Q-B-I-A. McDANIEL & GASKILL -v. , ., . Wholesale & Retail Grocers. Jobbers of Lorillard Snuff and Tobacco. ' .iyrie3quartra for Ground Allam Salt, which we are selling at the extreme low price of 59 cents per sack. fEIoor we bay direct from the mills by the Carload. It will pay job to aee as before 70a bay. v I , ; tyOUR STABLES ABE FREE TO ALL-t ;? .-.Ifo, 71 Broad .Street, opposite Stewart's Livery Stables. ' , NEW BEBNE, N. C VJ. -SPALL WOOD, .--:'"I'.Per GMton Hoase, South 1ioiiI Strict, New Berne, N. C. 'f'rx. - FULL JtrVK OP Ctoves, Carpenters Tools, Table Ware; i . GALVANIZED PIPE, PUMPS, .C ":t Lime, Plaster and Cement. DEVOES PURE READY MIXED PAINTS. r Personal attention to the prompt and correct filling o( all orders. mg3in w,dow li-vH; Cutler & . OUR LADIES' R Reed's Fine .Shoes .1 1 1 IIstb Jwt Arri veil JUo laeW of rrJUGLASS and COg laea'a SIMMS, al a lull line of v s r-all taer grade. rif' XuS goods were all purcljaaerl Woe the KKat avtrnnce in Wm sod bt aoid at old price. j Wm kT k lew picres oi mil wool,. 44 ' Henrietta and Serge ivSacka and Btars, wiU" be closed oat , - v ai M e?Bif per yard. . T1t buyer who trie lobeat you down Ja s prioflghter.w Anok. Some bnjers will try to do that very tblngv bnt aa near aa possible ye try to haTe one price and that the lowest. We do not think any buyer won Id bare the conscience .after aeeing one of our 110 en its, to ' flak M to take less. We think they Veold be perfectly satisfied. We Jure a nice Bine Suit, guaranteed all wool and fast color for $10. That down's anything in the city. Re member na for Shoes, for Hats, for Ties, for Scarfs, for Socks, for Um bretTas in fact anjthiag in our line. J. M. HOWARD. xatrxB rAKe s SSsEfexm yskxi-oar Lemon.9 300 OOOAITDTS, Xaiuqr. 'kC1-a-e3. XTtxta, AVB TBK CBXAFBST fUiCX IN TOWN 70 BUT PIPES. Na Nunn 5c Co. w r donBTi , OBA'Paa, Children. m. t f U without y fog IhU ad Cfclldr CliUdru Ilk It. It tlub 11-r. I it Mothf. kT. amd rUtmUaoy. earVoala acid t fMrnamama air. ayiam,ar athar marootle pr.pgi ty . fmmi, yaylat th. .taiaack aad bawal wiH mwtr mwmry pai i...r Pitcher's Castorla. Cutlery, Barbed Wire, SHEPPARD'S MADE FROM PURE PIG IRON. Not one pound of Scrap Iron to ever oaed la these goods. DURABLE, CONVENIENT a ECONOMICAL. All Modern Improvements to UjkUi Baaaekeealas Care. Twenty different Uaes and kinds. Every Stove warraatea AgaJast Defects. Price, not morn kipher at this time than on conunoner kinds of Stores. CaU on or addrtm Co., New Bene, H. L So I Wear Pasts ' Or CLOTHING of ANTKIMD. WE HAVE HOME RICES RICES In CI.OTHINU, OYKRCOAT3. RUBBER COATS. and MACKINTOSHES. NEW STYLE CHESTKRK1 F.I.D OVEH COATS. We have some stunning values In Men's Boys and Clill. lien Hals tin J Caps. OUR . HILLINERY I Still the .talk ot the Town. 0rLlllan Kusael) anil Trilby Felt Pail- or are In the price ss cents sells else where at 1 i5 Bargains In BIX' K and BLACK Serge. Dress N ew he rne barg ain house ew Deknk Dargain Uouse BAnFOOT, JVI K ' ' Thing's IS Blue. nri.. a i.tnlvi uMiiin for Blue Dress Goods We have them, a collection of "Things in Blue." dfPrices begin, for all t"y wool, as low as 25c. per yard. WRITE FOR SAMPLES and MU llttlC book oa Kid OIovm, W. E. & 1 S. Tito & Co. KB, xr.o. FnP,FHlMFR " ulluuli mmiji. Xt:Wi ADRIFT. Iii the City Kim. mI Vicinity,' I Umkrrrd In Brli-lly Told. j Another cargo of 01 s'pr arriv. .1 ' by Hie l,ottie. '(-apt. Frui'; Hal1. tr.Mii I Beaut'Tt lor shelling Uc trie'. : The firran''eme)ls tor the bicycle races: at I lie ()ks hilii) srp lommtj nil nicely. I ' Tl.e proraiiian will U- Hihliliril in n , I few dxys. I i Mi .! Hat--helor. rnnv-ssini; lor the i 1 O, ,hn-" Frien-l. is i i tlic city Htoiiu; :it i lie ChaituwkH. expects to work in New liMH- ilioiit. ri wiek. ! Mr. (Jeorv-r- I,. Vmbwi.nl) li:i ln i hosen bv tin- Ciiii is H ink to Ik- iu i ch .ri ,t the Sl:ir Cl-atiiu t-tab!isli-! raent. j Tlie Kin -tou Fr.e l'ri'S m " Vtoln r 3 1. civw tliU iteiii: Kev. D. II. I'etree, the 'rve pa-tir of Ibe Christiau cliuiih. will I l-sj'U h.. year's uoik hereby jir.ui Imni I next Sund iv inoriiint; nnd ni:;lit. We ropy from the N. w York Fife- j t rnl apartment- lie inl .h s pi. i r, the ineo's Hrrald llus uior lit; its lUtcunt fl diparl nic-tit i-ontainiu I he e:m les tor tlie At'ant i FueTi. ic's races. It will bcjlni-i. ami liariK roon s lor liaice . iiolict.l ilmt the New n b v 1 eiel j ui n-e and for iJe-s thv offices. Wiui;; full ii-edll lor Itit- s; jdi'l tt'.H l''.cy 1 apartments for m-lp'.' XC. oiade. ! To p irtii ti'ariz - more tully. this buil.l- We notice sonn excep ion ill v lar.e sized Beriiiuda cni n ol t e wlote vauciy at Mr. .Ja K. T-cy orb. t he e ar.- -piri. n en- aiiioii'j ihciii wlreii weitih tier :i pound hii I a I'Sll at.d m.asnie ver a to. t in cii en inference. Messrs. John V. Wanent n nnd Pres ton Hasel have foriiifd a parire'hip b I carry on a t'rrh n raf bus;ues-. They I have opeued in the 1 'on' Lentt.il siall oi l the Watson iV. Dani. is nirket. They I nron s to keen evei'vlhiD i'.i thiir line! in season. A uooil numler of our citizens took ad vantage of the cheap rules over the A. & .S. C. U K. and weut up to Sells' cir cus. They pronounce il un. x -ellid by any they ever saw. Fine performances were voin on in three lings at oiie. nd 1 he menagerie w cwvl. The erowil in attendance was estimated al li.im eight to ten thousand. Rev. U. S. CrowdV-r, of Avon, and fam ily, alter spending a couple of days visi ting the dimly of Mr. V. II liishop, lelatives of Mrs. Crowh r, left on ihe steamer Neuse to obtain tnatiiiiut for their infant sun who was pania'.lv pnra lvs.l during a spell of sickness. Mr. Crowder erpics to leturo in alx'Ut ten doys, Mrs, Crowder s stay will le leostli end. Telrpha.r In Oaeratlou. The telephone fer'iie started up yester day with Miss Mollie Davis in charge of the ceotral office during the day and Mr. Willi Salter at night The service, in the mam, was nil right; there were a few little irregularities found in some of the phones as may be expected in the first starting if abniit any new affair. These are receiving attention nnl everything will quickly be adjusted ami the whole system be running smoothly. Where auy oue Oods sr.ytiiiDjr w hatever ainli the company desires to know it so that it can be remedied. Word can le left cither at the ctntial otjire or at Mr. Jouu Donn's store. The New Ofrar.k Ckaaul, The steamer Gen'l Thorn, Capt. Dave Rolierts, came up Friday Irom her usual n.onthly trip to Ocncoke. Mr. W. II. Chadborne and Mr. Owen Fulford, one of the inspectors, came up also. There have been two dredges at work on iherhnnnel. One oi" them, the Bish op, on which Mr. Fiofor.l was inspector was laken on" Friday to to Norfolk to h ive a new biler put in. The work on the icw channel is gctlioe on finely. Inaie.vdiys ur re on'--ha!f tlie width of the cut will be completed ah the way throuah. T' 1 chrn el .s in such condition now that i un begin to be used The Gen. Xh. in i .ssed through it this I rip. Petition lo Cnnug-e the Sebednls Bach. We have seen One nil Mgned I'st of petitioners containing : out i huudre l names, mostly of i u. bn iie-s men, re questing the autliojiiis f ihe W. N. & N. liaiiroa t' i hinge it ?c-hedule back lo tew .y it was prior to the reoen. c. ang''. We knew irom the start ilia' f'e f . Iim..' in Ne w B'-rn-? was strong'- ir favor of the old schedule and since t ie . . ang ent into effect the prelercnee ha. r.-uiiiiesied itsill ereu moie ?trougly ha before. For ihe Odd Fellow. Orpban.ce. At the session ol the Grand Lodjjp I. 0. 0. F. of North Carolina, it wa- detidtd to raise 10,000 by taking each Odd Fellow in the State one dollar for no a.'.diiion to Ihe Odd Fellow 's Orphan's Home at Golds boro There aie 480 Odd Fellos in this cil v. nd we learn that they have plciged $800 Ai their part of the amount ueeiltd. This is very generous on the part ol the ' Brothers here, and we learn that they will give eveu more, if ntcessary. Wil. Mtsseager. Valuable Lumber. In a speech at Raleigh fair last week Col. Wm. Green, in speaking of the value of North Carolina timber, said that in Watauga county a walnut iree, some four leet in diameter, w as sold u it stood for 150. Sawed up into veneering it was sold lor 1,400. We have given some articles recently shotving the great profit that would be made in the course of a materially long term ol years from land plmited in Wal nut trees. We have no idea that many trees could be grown to sell as high as this, but they are always in idledemannd at and there are large tracks 01 good Isuda in this State which could probably be put to no better Use than to plant ibem in walDUt trees Ic the course of a lew yeais several well tim'ereil acres would be worth a small iortune. The Cherry Point Lumber Company. I Mr. Milton I'eddicorde of ihe Cherry j Point Lumber Company wos up to the i city Friday. He inlorms us lint 1 In y j rave re-sit the mill, puttn g it in a some what Ixttir location, though 1 lose to where it slool before nnd 11 has started up cutting lumber lor the honse to go ovir it and for a tiamway that is to bo built. Wnh fnir weather it is a question of only a few days before the mill w ill be iegulur ly cutting for market. As our readers know, those comprising I the company are new comers iu our midst I and we are glad to find that they are well : pleased with their new home. Acting Solicitor Ward. On account of it conflict 111 the time of 1 holdiug Superior c.tirt Solicitor W. K. Darnel will be unable to attend the term of Craven county Sop. rn.r court which beginc Nov. 2"lh, s(, he has appointed our townsman, Mr. D L. W aiu, to act his stead. iu Magistrates and ot hers who want information can accordingly obtain it from Mr. Warel, instead of having to write to the solicitor. Beauchamp & Beach, Luftiula, Ala., writes: We have b; ndled your Japanese Pile Cure for two ye .'s now aid can cou scientously say it has given eutire satis taction and is a go d seller. We regard it as being the best thing for Hemorrhoids or Piles that we have ever sold, at F. S. Do fly's. STEWARTS LIVE K V STAHLES HcmiMlt'llt'd iiiut Enlarged. A t omplelc Culnklliiliiuent or IIh Kind A Itxlel l I iiuirull'iil Arranff mriil, nl Kvfrj lltlnifjlerlinlnc to I he Bimiaroa Kepi In Full Vnrlety. The lniil.litnj-ot'.l. V. Stew art's liv. i y. side an. I !. I sia'.lesol this itv which h ive ju-t Uvn e'llare.l an. I improve !, have Li. ii in nil- int.. as i. .vena-lit a p'ai e f -r -ii. b jmrposes ;i - i iui. n..bibly tie foiui.' anywli' i'.- iu I not only coii venieiit, but tlipv lire tiiii.iln .l in a -t le Unit make it a -how V ami alll icuvc l.iok in:.' business place 'u iurv mi Mr. St. wart' laii;u bni n - iVvjii' i . s eon sulcr i Lie -p.ee, me. buil dings cover 118U leet. I'l.ev i X l. n. 1 tioin N . CS l-i to No. 7i Broad, s; n el. flie main tMi;klin.' ij one with a t.el linr.l r.ml double t' ibles. It contains ov- I contains all the bu-imss except the . ' buji.'y and wasj.ni h iifes. the p nntinq aul r. pirniLJ deoai tun n' an t the black- sinii b shoi i. I he heathpuarti r- of the '.u-ineS" arc in the centre of the Iron, puilioii ol tins iiKttii l.uildiut;. au enclosure ol five 1'oouis beiu jiariitiou-.-d otf l..r it. The two drive-way i ntr: nee- to the building are on either side of this cenird business part. Ii contains three distinct oHic. s the middle one is the general office, where the hook-ki epir, Mr. V . N. l'cj-h, who looks after the u-ii.1 run of busine ss i touuel; to ihe right ol the general cilice is another, desii-nali d as the waiting room, aud to the hit is the private office, where Mr. Stewart receive, and attenils m special busine s tranwactnu9. Each of liiese offices has both a street entrance and one Irom the oemral offic e. All are neatly tiuished, aud supplied witti all all necessary tipjipmeiits; ill office especially has in en mad pr.vate ; into comfortable, cozy, pl .ee. There is a sleeping room lor white help back of the private office, and the blanket room for the blaiikes in use ii ju-t opp-1 site back of the waiting room. I he I harness in use- is kept in an apartment to j the rear of the i fnce which h .separated I from them by a drive way. The eastern drive way leads to the stables propir. Tie tine i hi vers ud draft horses are the first encountered, and they are a splendid lot. Back ol them in commodious quarters are strong and well conditioned mules, and the crdinary work horses something to suil every body. The western driveway jjives entrance to the department wheiethe large nuijjber of vehicles for hiring out are kept. They range irom ihe elegant $00.00 larrmge aud $75.00 harness eluwu to the modest, but pietty aud pleasant lilile road-carts and sinijlar vehicle-1. As we -aid, ilns and tlm liore department are connected by a drive way iuiuu'diulely bick of the business portion Th.; harness departinitit is iu the e treme western room at ihe front. It is admirably fitted up with a view to making a good display of its contents and of con veniently handling them, being well sup plied with tables, shelves and hooks. All kind ol ha rues are kept in variety, both in entire su mid separate pi eves, al-o roljes, whips, &c in ptotusiou. An idea of the ful Int ss of the slock, m .y b.- ob tained Irom the fact that in one single ltn.-. whips. $400.i)0 worth is carried. The beat vaiiety of goods in each line is an elggaut as any one need want The carriage depirtnn ni is in a separ ate, large, two-story building which haa just beeu doubled insiZ '. Twenty m-ik.s ot buggies and carriages are kept, and tli re : uiMkes of farm w igo.is Tuc ve hicles fill the first floor. Tm- second floor is used as a repair aud paint io n, and the bl:ick9miiu .shop, separate from all the rest, completes the . stahlishmeut. The feed is kept in the lofis over the stables proper, the location of wbch we have air. ady described Th- cu'tmg o! the fuage and thegrindiDg of other food is done at the stables', sipani p-er b. ing us.-d lor one and horse p -hvit for the oi heis. It can thus be .seen tha in this stable. we have1 an establis rnen' lin t l'cfl -els j credit not only upon e-' l-ercie but upon ; this whole seelion. V r. Stewart started with small means in a limind way at C r.- ' creek not far lr..ni hisna' -se home, moved his business to New B. r e in i,n i ! has bad a remarkably ucci-sfui career' ever since so successiu: that he could 10-day, thou.'h st'.ll classed as a young , man, retire with a competency ii he chose I to do so. ' Mr. Stewart has done much towards bringing New lieine up to the fav Die position, she now bol ls as a hoi-e mar ket aud he deserves credit tortiie enur prise and Sound business judgment he has 1 xhibili d. A REMARKABLE EKl'Al'E. Khipwreeked Seaman of Onslow County Reaciied In Open Ocean From the Cabin of a WreeUed Boat. The following telegram was received by j the Norfolk Landmark Irom New York:: 'Benjamin F. Weeks, of New River, j Speed's Ferry, Onslow county, N. C. j sole survivor of the crew of the schooner : Harry Lord, landed here to-iay. He re-; quesli tidings sent to von."' Inquiry j uround the wharves failed to eli.it any' 1 ut .rmatioti 01 any eotisi quen. e. The schooner has not ln-m to Nor folk recently nor is the captain or the crew known. Au Associated Press dispatch fom Siaten Island to the Landmark last night brought the follow ing information in ie - gard to the shipwrecked seaman: The American schooner Star of the S a from Cliesbolm Island. S. C. having on boar.t Benjamin Weeks, of Wilmington, N. C a seaman of the schoont r Hurry S Lord Jr., arrived lier t..-da iiv. I lie Lord was w recked by a squall anil Weeks look re -nge on the top ol lie cabin, w in nee he was 1 1 sh. ne I by the Star of the Sea 111 the open oce.n. The Harry S. Lord wa rt recked 1 u the morning of tlctoier 2Jr. I aud We ks was lescued on the morning of ihe 2"th. Weeks was in the w ater up to Ins waist addlwaving his coat as a sig- ual when Captain Hopkins, ol Ihe Star of I the Sea. disc overed him. Norfolk Laud- ! mark. Oct. 30th. Japanese Liver Pellets draw the blood from the head to tlie stomach, thereby 1 deuce, 7!i; Dr It S Primrose Residence, curiug sick headache ami cleansing thelo2;H W Simpson Residence, 4; L II 1 I complt xion Fifty doses, 2 acts, at 1 Dutle s. Apple Tree in Full Bloom. Miss Hatcliie Harrison has an apple Ire' at her resi lence which has twice been in full bloom this year in the spring and again about a wee k ago. The blooms are I now falling off leaving young ap court i uies. There were 1 lew blossoms prior to this full blooming and from them 1 lie tree now has apples 1 u it an inch and a half long. If your system is clogged and your circulation sluggish, it will cause disease. Do not delsy but take Johnsoo's Sarea parilla and Celery. It will cleanse the blood and pure blood is a sufecuard against disease. Large bottles, 50 cts. at F. S. Duffy's. MATTRKSN MA( HIM). A 'eiv HoriM1 Iiieiifion of ti real VhIih'-TIip Mrtehlnes lo be lttle Here Tlie Wninirnrlurliit IIokuii. The(iikill M ittrcss machiue is now IjeiriL' built in this city, a company Iiuvimi; cecii formeil fir lie purpose. I bey aie made m the Il.uilT Hall adjoin ing the former New Heine Sieain Fire i Kniune l.'o"- hoii-e. (i ASK , , , , ., , I the plav al tin; Lyceum in Hal 1 1 more dcnl.cd tlieni 1 bey po,scs advactages i, yA Akiri'oc in which Mix whic h weaie i,.f..nn.d no oilier .,,, h,e VV,tlll:1I1-ri .ime i,,,,,,.. h,Uxr, llie ever made 1.., the pu, p. has. lll.s l .iu.r . , 1(1 The S some fa. I- d niachinc; it,- niaterial use.1 for lilhn - ,.!lli;tJ.eM hl . . , ,h;(l ,,nli:lnt plac e., u. a lame knoun as the tide,' uli.cl, , w .(n ,U(1 ,,,..., , lh(. has a. solid top lunched on to U. ! writer and his umn- biide. I., lug on Ihen material b in- ii aceel in ihe liber it is run j Ul.M s Vr,;, ,L( Ml into the uiatticsM tick by a crank aLout ,v, i.,. , ," p..., :,i.., mi iwav i i.e machine which oi-r.ite en I less eh ii ii. By h ivver-e motion of t lie ciank, i be tiller is hrouuht back out ot the tick liav.n..' the material behind in proper position. I In ali other mac bines the tick is plaice! ri ii. 1' r an oli'. .11:; mouth and the material j is presse I in s.. iiii-wh.it after the ;'yl: ol a Kins fj. -' uff-r. 1 Il Can re di. b xou as bt tWce'i the two plate . t l.c a.HauUi-'C of t lie ti.ckllli uiacmne. j. ne material can oe piaceu in n en uiv ; i siiiuuir i pciiecriy. an., as u is ee. and as it is placed 1 so il wnl I e in tin Aud, W Ol U ( all Hie entire op. rati nnisiie.i maiue.ss. ho done .,1.1,-kly; U Ol tilling . an be in riot in. i l. then tun- nun- uies. I Tne machines ale made of good strong maurial, Ij.nshcd iu go. .1 si le and an- j well pui together. We led siitisfi.il that j every factory using t In It) will po-se.-s a gnat ad:in;:iL:e m t!io- width do u .t have the in. Mr. ia-k:il has hecn at w .i k pei t'.-ctiiig t he machine and he has ! w oi kt u out a g ioc i one. HI Kill It AY I'ARTV. Ot 31 f . Siarli Lonlne Dauffhlrr of Mr. jlll 'r. A. MemloWM. On Wednesday cyeiiing tht ii"lOh, inst. ihe hospitable home of Mr. ami Mrs. J, A. Meadows was ihe scene of festivities rarely eo, Haled in thii city. The occasion was in honor ol Miss isiimh Louise, tlieir daughter, whose tenth birthday was nbseived, and w ho entertaiiuid her nume r ous little friends with charming ease and grace. Willi soft, clinging white diapcrlis and closuring curls, she was a fair picture to gaze upon, and many c;)c:oninms were pitscel upon her innocent loveliuis. The larlors and halls w.re lavishly dic.or.ned with ferns and alms, while the abun dance of cut rtiwers testified the kind consideration of appreciative friendj But in the diuing room was taste and in genuity exhausted to devi.-e a beautiful and exquisite effect. The walls were covered with our graceful abnilioo, whorp verdant lux-unou-iiess Hailed to meet the stately palms, aud raie plants, whi. b were massed ariuintl the r.-oni. The windows were draped artistically W;th pink and gree-n, twelve candles over each. loS.-i-lSOa in gildid letters occu nied a proiniiu nt dace b.-tue.n two windxJrts. The table, in L sliape, to accoir,moclate sixty children, was replete with every thing that could appeal to the most fastidious, artistic late and w as decorated with ma den bail leal), rose.s and chry-au-lueinuui?, while numerous cuide'abra, wh. so sparkiing prisiuis r tl cted the light, gae addiiiotial balliancy. Mi;. Mea-diM'-'s well-ktinwii lvpiuaiion for g. od things Wils fully sustained, aud the table dill the piovet'bial groaning. Muc h credit i or the suci:S of the even ing is tlue Miss 'lannah Osgood, whose taste and culinary skill, is only .quailed by her kindness of heart, and who so readily and cheerfully Conns to the assis tance of her friends iu au emergency. iCOTT'N LIVE BY STAB(.E$. Oue More to be Added to (be M limber Mow Katabllanert (Man In Prog ress. In a'-out a month more New Berne will novo a . ther livery stable in aodition to tii. lour good ones already i s.aUished. Mr. H. Scott who has been preparing to .ml. ik iu the I .usiness intei Js to open a'-, c.t t- e iat'ir part ot the month or the tiist of Deccinb. r. i ne o'd'New I. rne fire engme house, a commodious brick building on Middle s re. 1,- tid building now in course of erection bac k of it will be Ids place of business The old part will be for offices a-d for the kiepiug of the buggies, harness, etc An addition is being made to the build- in' the same width it is. thirty feet. The ..new v.ltX exli.nds f. a depth "of 'J0 feit I :,nal ll sfalls on each ;ide, "20 i-iien and tip b-.x stalls, a two strong building is to oe en tiled back of this for a mule pen be low aud teed storage above Mr. Scott has a good location hd.1 good quarters tor bis business and we hope to see him make a tine success ot it. He wi'l continue his grocery business at the j lua,ket dock as beret, fore. 1 ! . SEW HERXE TELEPHONE. I I.iNt of Subscribers With Their Num bers Other Matters Pertaining; to the Service. L II Cutler Co, 1; Moody's Mill, '2; W K Guion Reside nee, 3; C K Foy Residence. 4: A&NCR R Depot, -5 j Ceo N Ies . Son-Fish House, G: Cdi zens Hank. .1 H Ilae kbnrn - Store, 12; wpi consist ol members of the Stat,- F.xe .1 S Manix Residence, 1"; Dr R S Pnm- , cut ive Committee, all speakers named in rose Office, 11; . H Meadows Resi- lne program 0i the cnvi-iitio 1, an-1 five d.nce, Fi; Burrus & firuv, 1C; Clark j delegates fn.m ench county. Lumber Co. 17; W B Blades Residence. 1 (J eatly reduced round-trip rales of fare 1-; cu nan, o. .u' ueuie ice cu, ao; 1 Water Works, 20; 0 II G111011 Office. 21); j John Dunn Residence, 30; Water Works ' Office, 33: Ilollister Cox. 34; Fi rnie I Jaskill A- Co. Fish House Zo: Wm. Dunn--Farm, ;:ti: I'll l'.lleiier Office 44; O I! liiiion Kc si.leUee. 4, Coal Yard, 47; Chattawka h B Ellis Hotel, 41,1; P II Peileti. r-R. sidente. 40; J R B Car- raw a Residence, .111; J A Meadows Residence, 51: Fee M Hank, 73. National Hiiuk.liCi; F l lrich Stoie. (il; J J I) s..s wav V Co Stoie. 02; .1 A Jones R. si diiice, 03; W N .V IN R R Depot. 04; M Marks Residence, 05,' K 11 it J A Meadows Otfioe, (50; J R Parker Store, C'.; Hotel Albert, 70; Halm's Stables, 71; Hackbum ii Willett Store, 7'2; John D.inn- Store. 74; Stewart's Stables, O Murks -Resideuce, 70: C D Bradham Pbaruiae-y, 78; Or t Hughes Kesi Culle r- Residence, 85; J W Stewart Resioei cc, yd; O .Marks !c Son Store, 87; T A Gi'ein Ri side-nee, !"0; John 13 Ives Residence, 92; F Uirich Reside nee, 63; JA J lies Stables, 04: Goo N Ives Residenc e, 95; J E Latham-Office, f6; BSlluion Residence. y9; James Reo mond Office, 100; Blades' Mill; fhe central office will be closed Sunday from 10 a. in., to 9 p. in. With that ex ception the service w ill be Continuous both day una night. Bucklen's Arnica Salve. The '.est salve in the world for Cubs, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rueum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped hands. Chilblains, Corns, and all Skiu Eruptions, and posi tively cures Piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction or money refunded. Price 2o cnets per box. For sale by F. S. Duffy, Druggist. I lll.ilt A. 1MF."S BKTItOTHEl). Remi n iHeenees ill' Mm iiiftu liy Kk. .folin H. or .ew Bf'rne. -N . 4'., Helen A hlr- kllu'. 1. 1.. It., li i iiHiiiiin by Jf nrriHice. The folic iw ( ciinir uiiieai i iU I. lo iisinan, Dr. .John S. l..n;'. c)liin it:-eif. Ii appeared 111 the lia Itunoie Sun, from which paper weepy jt : Me-srs. IMitois:--'riie production ol p. late- an:., . WUitneii.-s o,.,..la!lii.r Wa.- i the diiect :inei:.-!or of I la' Warm-r -i-;ei'.-. I the authors of "'jhteechv" and -The Ide, W ale nil.!, ol the late l.o ern..r Fowl.-, of North 'm i nl i n i . aid ol tin writer's own children. Kv. u llien her coim. etion with Foe Was known l" all the finch" in Noith t" croiin i. and ec v , lold in it u. r-hipii! tier f..r i er yeeio" n'licn I tir-t met tier : he a- hetwe.n ' r( y and lib v e ii - ot agp, but w as one oi t ho in. "-t j lnitiliil wiuiien 1 ev i s ,w . fst r. i l-1 1 1 a- yoiiti; poplar, with Loac lui l"l'm, with , -l,:,,,ed lik. ting u.. Vl s .,, 1:M ,,,. . . j,, .,.,-,. T,ev , uld not , -p.' , , - ... i the de, lie d -s -r, doiions d A III OO -I .1 ..... .... si m- si t full of unspeakable thoughts I ln-y told the s'oty 111 it swept l'..e llolll his solitude and si ring hi- lyre ; f. i sh F.w n now. af.er the 'ajise of mi-re tlcili forty years, the writer asks him-elf what was the sec fit of liiose: wond-ititl r.o. lief voice was low. so It and swiel 1 1 or wordh were utlf't'ed wit In ut ai'tti-i.i g.u uishing, but th. y glowed and gi. auied ; like clcetiic lights. ! She was Kdi-ar A. I'oe's biavi-s lender, though she knew most of hisjereat floods wha weaknesses. A prominent author had : ma s ami the . just publi-heil the statement that her en- proportion of 1 lie gagemetit t" l'oe was broken off because j dig immense d, he went to her house intoxicated and the lu te ;i"d there an police had to lie called in to remove him. . JL caught ami its This publication alttietcd In r very mudi. The very thought of it flushe 1 her i la eks - and shook lur form. The very idea i f. .ailing In a p-dicem-m to iay hands upon j the trail, lor ilooiiii-.l boiiy 01 i'ue. w tin its st. icki-n spirit so lull I' grandeur and suffering, was to her a desecration. An 1 slie so expressed herself. Oa the coti- trary, she seized every opportuudy to shelter him, to hide his fitt.ts from the public and lo inspire him with the hope Ol a nobli V future. Qf coi)."sO she knew that no woman in her sober tenses woul I think of mairying Foe. That meant d- s- olalion, utter ruin. And after the evident impossibility 01 bis retortn m itun lieiuu Whitman let that dream go with the last funi ral of the flowers. After the writer b came fully acquaint ed with her she 1 n ught to him oue day a large bundle of dainty manuscript, lied with fuling ribbon. They wire Foe's love h tteis to lur, and by their light she was ke ping watcii over his tomb. And what letters they were! Faeh was u piece ofsiaiuaiy catved fresh from the heart. Such radiant thoughts, Mich unearthly Hinges, sii. li burning wmds 110 une but Foe couhl write. Au-I the letters bfitUhed such a fragiauce til good taste, such an iiiomti of respectful and mndest admiration. They wcru he r last, b. st treasiiie, and she valued ll-pm ab-.ve jeWi Is. Just as the shadows o,' our civil war weic ga'hering deep and dark she pub lished a little- book called "A Debus..- of Edgar A. Foe." Unambitious as a lit erary work, it was yet elfigant, scholarly, candid and earnest. It was ihe last stioke o; her bright blade against the enemies of her dead friend, lur hut womanly tribute to his memory. Tho writer had the honor of corre sponding with her almost to the very day of her death. H.ying loving relatives and friends both North and South Ihe ap proach of ttie war was a living horror to her, She pan Id not take any pleasure on either side. And so she went to England, where she spent mo;t of the time She lived to a ripe old age, true and happy, lull of spleu. U d memories of urund men and gifted women. Horace Oiei-lcy and the Tribune were hr first teachers and patrons 111 literature. Niarly opp site tier home in Piovid nca- lived he poet Pcabooy, who was lur Idiom I rend. Pnaneis Osgood, who ''pas-itl 'hioiinh the tti rual gates e'er June's -c o; reus Diew, was anoliier. aim a 1 ; mi u:ii- liant company 01 poe's and wi,'et gave lustre to her dav, h.vi-d did c 1 " h" noTcd Sa' ah her. I know ot no large pic tor ot Sa Helen Whitman, but Mr,. n F. Y list. 41(1 Mosher s'reet, her kinswo-. an, lia- I very good small picture 01 her j ' Iiev. John S. Long. LL. 1). j Newborn, N. C. i St .IAY SCHOOL CONVENTION' I ' 1 Ol the Stale ol North arolinn to be Held at (ioldsboro Comnieiiciiit; ! Monday, Nov. 25lh Representation j From All Schools Oesired. The Fourteenth Annual Convention ol ihe Sunday School Workers of North Carolina, will be held in Ooldsboro. com mencing Monday, November 2V.li. 1 ISM, at 7:30 o'clock p. m., and continuing Tuesday aud Wednesday. .Nov. 20th and 27th. The convention will be ttended bv Prof. II. M. llamiil. Superintendent f i Normal Work 01 tin; Ibiiois Sunday School Assoc'ation airl prob ihly by F;iti gelists Wm. P. File and Weston It liak-s and other piominent workers. Th... rutimlu'iitatimi in ten e-rine-pril inn q ,n ue obtained irom all la 1 1 n -a s. An outline program and information concerning railroad facilities will be pub lished as soon us pncticable. AM couuti. s which have not held Con ventions this ear, are earnestly n quested ;oi urged lo take miiti ate actiou, hold le egtites to the . conventions ami elect State convention. A full lvpie-seutatiou from every conni v in the State is greatly desired. We app. al to ihe ministers, superintendents and every lover of ihe Sunday school cause throughout the So.tc 10 see 1 hit county conventions aie held in counties w here none have been held dur ing the year. 'fhe County Associations are utged to prepare full statistical reports for tiie 011- ! I lention bianks tor which cm be obtained ; trom Mr. J. W. Cuus-v. Statistics! Sec re - j tary, Greensboro. Let every Sunday 1 school in the State determine, if possible, I ', to te reniesc-nted at Goldsboro by its best 1 I workers, and it should he the piayer and 1 i expectation ot the christian peoule 01 I North Carolina, that the npproai hmg ! convention may le the most u. c ssfiil and memorable one of ail tire seines, m it s j lervor, us nigu itaDe, its pow ei uu ami per-!,,,( manent spiritual ett'ects, and in its te uits: ' -p ol good fruit in the vineyard whu-h we j onjv tin; euue-toui my in c eiiuwue-. Resiiectfully, N. Ii. Brocghton, Pres. i H. N. Snow, Chm'u. Ex, Com. "Gorman will win his fight,'' said a Democratic politician, commeniing upcu the registration in the city of Baltimo'e, to a fueud. "All the counties may go Republican, but the Democratic vote in Haltimore city will save the State ticket, as it did in 1875. Everything has been fixed. We have the votes and we taoDOt lost," HUIHOTII TI.KTII I M AKTHKI) In Ouston Cotinl.v V. v I iurl A ii i ma I - Ri' I oni'il II4IW KlK'll I U llll I'inils A re A croii n I etl en- !' I.eil4 isl Mr. Nac c lire, k ha t 'Oil I w 1 1 i c 1 1 . I'e c ' Mr. ( 'ad K ica's 1 ( h'lmv i' iiinlv. at : I he t( el h are ;cl jiul i eithei to a ii iisiedoii awn us Iccn huge out of a canal on le ar I In lila ml-. eiHii of -,- t;.et. I t have UlCe lie-lolled tin r. i; iii. CII both c 1 w bicli annuals : -eienti-t- t i have e i-led 1 he former ill Ii1l;1i an Is le aceoiiiit. .1 by ig(.- In for. man. the latter in In w lauds 'I'liu inasiodoli e:i- .SoiiK W hat the la i .'er of the two but t he ni"ga thei'illui had I In- 'j ; eali'sl length he wa- ah ait thirty I. . t long, and b i:i:siu;; hitn .It up ami IT si ii g 1 1 is fi'oiil tee I on lice- limbs or oliiel' . support lie c 111. 1 gia.e upon I lie lops ol ! moderate i r e- I' i- to this hitler animal that Prof (..'has. Hail k. who has. se. 11 skeletiuis of c ii lo have belonged. li e ll locitil h e- t '. ..p in i ne- .lilt-, l.oi . 'lie I 'I- .eh r w iv. Ihe t.-.i' Ii -iiinc-w !i 1 1 1 1', e l o -,v - ol s i w i. ll... 1'.. . . T-.ev 1 1 .1- I s . 1 1 . -, th ' crown to I In- en. measure -j m. !. ; a I.e I loll I I le I . : l is in ai'. v eiil.r. cm I i o- a - ha dug 1 lie i 1 1 -iinp'y ttie Upper h I the l. etl i In.l ntul OS on si i e ntra) the ton ol a ei - I i Th. i i i.i ii ,i - . t 1 W o I. illl til w . I ...id 1 ol II . ro ¬ il In -- boili Pi .1 . Hid the', - la i .It 1 1 lei ' le n h- r. I "ne toot., -ii) . 1! i. i i l ..! I he n k- I) .-ll the ther !s 1 i it is dl: the i... .(Hiinl-. inin.:lv reiii i utile w. edi- tin Sou e holies. s of the . !, were i e-! a id air inal to wh cii the tee: Ii Ix-h ug. I.ciuii ais... bat i ne, w . iv . d. . , i -r 1 1 1 1 ) ' i y to ain.an t ;ri nun n. Mi. lialh ck inloi in-, u- that c out lit' y van. ti -s of ail': in:i! r. iii i iw M,nie ..i -tii-ct spe-ies an t . , .ptM ., ,,1 eX'ti' t can In 11 tin- great South ( ai-.iin 1 ph.. pi. ,te b ds. The iuniK u,: ace ii inn 'a t ' on - ar.- ai count, .1 b.r by scien- ' - ' tilic men i i th s u:i : iy 1 bete were li .how .,.-d 1 11! the uni iii r. ins s.vept ti.e gr, at ui to the plac es w In iv posits are loiind, while all 111 il or two wotil I i') -1. iii' lelt elsewhere. hs ia U)l. , ai(; ,,j tin itarv animal now found in Onslow c unlv. ,)r. H illock g-yes "i; U: t ihe or gin of such deposit follow ing aa and the i x- tinctioa ot c-rtam species; -Uistoiu ai geology imght iiil'ur.n us ! that ouee upon a time, during the early p;l, t f 1 he C'eti-. :e Age. iuthepni iel , ,,ruioc te-rtiiry, a miuhtv flood fr.nn ! wnieh theie was no 1 s. ;n: submdP'ed ! nearly the whulc ic.iiiiuent, as it n?.w isonuiime- does jiurtious of the Mississippi Valley, and involve I these innumerable creatuivij iu one cointnon destruction, I Then did the overwhelming down-pour of rain beat tin: lielpl.-.-s It drowned out the and reptiles, t he alio tapits, the mailali es. in wis to the earth imphibiotis animals gitors, tne turtles, the , the sauriatls an,d the 1111 gat in mi u hich cee('.pi. d the lowlying swate.p . and l igooiiH. And l ie uioghty current wliieh surged toward the s. a bore upon its tut bulent, lido the dead b -dies ol the animals w hic h had bn u drowned iu the uplands and carried them con tward until a sii lili-n subsidence ol the waters left them tloating among the 1 areasses, which already polluted the lagoons und basins along t In- shoro 'Ie-,nu hile sliarks and other rapacious fishes, w hich had been alil'ai lod to the carnival o! decaying ff -sh. were impounded in the ba-ins by ihe re ytdiiig tl 01J, aud so also miserably perishc 1. 'lb iv, iu the still and stagnating wa tcis. ttie processes ol decomposition and sedimentary deposit went steadily on. The drift of oihur partial floods which succeided gradually covered tlietn. Silt, till. Vegetable, mold, and all k in. Is of or ganic matter accumulated, itn-ltl ling 'he decayed portions of the carcas-es; and finally, -the la.oons filled up, tne water t-vaiorated or ran off, the land emerged, or lather was raised by alluvial deposits canted irom higher legions, plants and tiees germinated, grew and mtituied, and so by natural and intelligible processes the phonp.ian b.-ds were formed. Portions of tlieoonesand pachyderm did not decay but became pres rved or petrified. In the aggregate no better material for a com p .st heap count b- gotten together. ''I'ncs phosphate hcis, tin relore, are the records " tne se.-on I gteat submer ge!) e of the comm. nt, the first haM'ig t . 11 piaoo dtirii the tirit glacial period ho toei'o w-c. 10 a mi .1 1 fo. The par 1 i i - 11b nt re u-. s or I ; r flo .ds which O Ctl .' d sll isi (pi- lit i aci led to tne depth j 0t th el ml t, ae a.-s-- itn.ent ot I aunn I 1 111 ou-, ihii- accounting for re- i-ia:i. of exlinci and . .tant en utu.es iK:t four.. I '.nether. But r Was during tne -i'e .t sub 10. :g ueet'ia' tuanv of the 1 1IO.V .-XllUct illli: II cis : line .red." S. C. ELECTION PLAN, Woman Suirrng;e Iieicated Substitute I (llti rllt-Iliflllml ol Ielesate Sent to the Convention by Negroes Cited to tlieni us Proof That Their Race IsN'ot Fit to Have the Itnllot. Woman's suff:-:;gi: has be-on defeated iu the South Car Iina f oii-i it utiona! i-i.uvi-n-ti.m by a large ni'ijoiity, 101 to 26. Oco. 1). Tiilman made a great spiech in advo cacy of it. claiming that by enfranchising WD in u. with a property qualification white pe. pie cc-uid cany the elections by t i',r and honest met h 01 Is and sa i-1 that in ; no Iv r way e..r,i.l ihev do this. A' the tiigth sis.-ion i l the convention. De'egale Pat Ion introduced a substitute 'siitl't'..'.. iilao biino ihe tr.-mchise lmon I military -e; vice, guong Confederate and Cut..:, so'iiiers and iheir descendants th right to vote re.aidless of e. mcati-.uai or pro.i. rt y qu-diiic itious. w h tie these quali-li.-a i o- w ii.i.l ipply to oihe- vob rs. I 1 speak nj 1 ! tt-e plan, lie iep:iel to tin s eec-nes f lie c i -.r.-.l del-gates, and said the fi f that tiny were elected to tin-c'onveiiti.-n w i ab'indnui proof th it the hi'gl'oes We. IV not tit lo exercise the stiff 1 age. One of them t-Smali-) halt been coiivi. 1. d of bnne taking a,m a no 1 her : (Wliippet) h id boon 1 le cted a j.i le 1 boon 1 le cteii uis-i -li by Co and tctu-.da coiiitni-si ni by tiovernm Caam . i" i laiu bccaiis in. y,,s ttie deepest ot a . j of the hoiele ed' coi 1 up'.ioniits in dishou jr MOTHERS' RELIEF (Woman's Comlort) L'sed during Prtgnaniy and Confine ment, is guaranteed to produce a painlest and ijiiiek tabor. Price $1.00 per bottle at F. S. Duffy's. ! Return to thy bosom the rest there for WOMAN'n ORdANlC RKSTORER. ever I Restore f,ll cases , Suppressed Men - struatioii. Iriegul-ir, Paintul or Kxcessive I Meiislru .lion. 1.1)0 per bottle at F. S. 1 Alas! many turn to some scenes or nil" c Duil'y's. J tion That seems to woo backward with well- BROOKS EARLY RIRD WORM SYRUP. I'le-auni as Honey. labs l o et o th w rm Neve: tr in I'll I en, b I., e .fly ..ud late. 25 i t per botlie d 1- -s. Dully s above ihr e i in dns manufactured COl'TON STATES MEIjICIN'F. CO., Ath.ne.. Ga. For Sale by F. Duflv . New Berne, N. C. aug31 defcwly If the Baby Is Cuttlnic Teetb. B. sure aud use that ol t and well-tried reme iv. Mis Winslow's Soothing Syrup for v.tildren teething. It -oothes the child, softens ttie gums, allays all pain, cures wind colic and is the best remedy tor diarrhoea. Twenty-live cents a bottle. n6lyr V() PIT SfO FLOWERS PAPA'S tlRAVK. OX MIT With sal ilc-draped banners. nnd slow measured tread, The flower laden ranks pass the gates of the dead, And seeking each mound where a com fade's form rests. f' ive tear-bedewed garlands to bloom on his breast Fueled at last is the labor of love; t )nce more through the gateway the sad- j dmed lines move A wailing of auguish, a sobbing of grief, j Falls low on the ear of the Utltle-st-nrred i chief; I Cl crouched by the portal haired child mmi - ught him in accents with grief ren dered wild: .)h -ir, he was goo and they dear say he papa's died brave Why! why! did you pass my grave: : I know he was poor, but as kind and as t rue , As ever marched into the batlle with you His grave is so humble, no stone marks Ihe rpot. You may not have seen it. Oh, say yoti did not! For my poor heart w ill break if you knew lie was there. And thought him too lowly your offer ings to share. He didn'tdie lowly he poured his heart s blood. In rich crimson streams from the top- crowniug soil Of the breiutworks which stood in front 1.1 the tight And died shouting, 'Onward! for Go ! and ihe right!' O'er all bis dead conirad"S your bright my papa's garlands wave, But you have'ut put one on grave, If mamma were here but she lies by his side, Ilor wearied heart broke when our dear papa died.'' "Uitlalion! file left! countermarch'' cried the chief, "This young orphan'cl maid hath full cause for her grief." Then up in his arms from ths hot, dusty street. He lifted themaideu, whll ein throngh the gate 1 The long line repasses, and many an eye Fays fresh tribute of tesrs to the lone or phan's sigh. 'This way, it is here, sir right under this tree; They lie close together, with just room for me," 'Ilalt! Cover with roses each lowly green mound A love pure as this makes these graves hallowed ground." "Oh! thank you, kind sir! I ne'er can re pay The kindnees you've shown little Daisy to-day; But Fll pray for you here, each day while I line, Tis all that a poor soldier's orphan can give. I shall se papa soon, nnd dear mamma. too I dreamed so last night, aud I know 'twill come true; And thfy will both bless you, I know, when I say How you folded your arms round their dear one to-day How you cheered her sad heart, and soothed it to rest, And hushed its wild throbs on your strong, noble breast; And when the kind angels shall call you to come, We'll welcome you there to our beautiful home. Where death never comes, high blac'i banners to wave. And the beautiful flowers ue'r weep o'er a grave." C. E. L. Holmes. O LET NOT THE PEACE OF THAT VALLEY BE BROKEN.' O let not the peace of the valley be bro ken: Tlie vale so delightfully tranquil and sweet O "et not the sound of the harsh pislon stroke in The dells of that w ild w ood its echoes repeat. 1'he'B the nested bird peeps from the leafy limb swaying Above the hushed waves that so dreat 1 ily run. And low bleating sheep and white OX'11 staying Across the lair hill-slopes asleep in the sun. Where the stream is most placid the wil lows' green tresses Touch others that hang Irom the dc. p under skies, And the rosy-lipped maidens at morn gather cresses That grow among blossom as brig.it as blue eyes. Dark moss tinted boats in the shade of thick vines lie Where float tallen petals of many bright hues. And by the green shore w here the silver shines lie. The indolent fisherman's canoes. rain-worm j Dear valley of beauty, away from the I world where I The noise and the restlessness make tile j heart sore I have thought ot thee olten ot the peaceful smoke curled where The red aud white roses entangle the OI the days when 1 wanelereu Ihy tieius, 1 or with paddle 1 Hough-cut rowed aud dreamed awny I manv a mood. ! Or on bright dewy mornings leaped into the saddle Ami sang as 1 daslieil tlirougu the i green solitude. I have thought that some day I would suddenly sever My life faoni the lives Hint are stiungcrs to me. 1 ,m.e..c. comiug arms, Aad go but to find, with most bitter elc jeclion, A il broken the beauty and facie i tin charms. Written on reading ot the proposad improvement of the Yadkin Valley and River by the introduction of the railway aud steamboat. The Newton Enterprise say s: A forcc of hands have been enlarging the under ground reservoir of the Newton Cotton Mills by tunneling out from tho main shaft. The other day they struck a chest nut log in a pretty good state of preser vation, it was tortv leet oelow tne sur- face Qf the earth. How did the log get ; there is what everybody is asking, but no piasible theory has yet been advanced. FRESH ARRIVALS ! -ooo:-:ooo- 1 wish to call Ihe attention of my patrons lo Hip arrival of some 1 seasonable goods, and invite them o call and examine mv very com plete slock. For Bieakfast, We Have, Old Fashion Buckwheat Prepared Package Buckweat, Pure Vermont Maple Syrup, New Orleans Molasses, Oat Meal, Wheat Flakes, Hecker's Flap Jack Flour, Ferris Boneless Strips. Breakfast Coca All Makes, Perfect Brands of Tea and Coffee, always fresh. For Dinner We Have Franco American Soups very fine. Delicious Ferris Hams, a little high in price, But Imported Macaroni and Cream Cheese. Cold Packed Jersey Tomatoes. French Peas, Early June Peas. Sunbeam Sugar Corn. Boston Baked Beans. White Potatoes. Queen Olives, Hoinz's Pickles. Blue Point Catsup. Richardson's and Rob-bin's Plum Pudding. FRUITS, Oranges, Bananas, Apples and FOR TEA, WE HAVE Perfect Blend Mocha and 'Java Coffee. vlixed lea and Huyler's Coca. Canned Salmon and Lobster. Lunch Tongue. Whole Ox Tongue. Deviled and Potted Meats. Jockyey Club Sardines and Chip Beef. Delicious Cream Cheese. j Plain, Salted and Graham Waffers. Fresh Assortment of Cakes. To make all these meals a sue- j cess y0U must have OUT j Elgin Creamery Butter on the table. -IT IS THE FINEST. -r, .71 t . ' c. . ,7--. ! - " ' "y' . ' 4 - '. . 1 .V. 3 - i j1..: I J