law I'm il I -. '- :-'-' ! 4- . i -"" " '-. 1 .' - " . - Price: $100 Per tear. INDEPENDENT IN ALL THINGS. Single Oopies, 5 Cents. NO. 36 vol: xyiii. NEW BERNE, CRAVEN COUNTY, N. C, NOVEMBER 14, W.). A5sr r - ' V.- for Infants , "'uTT y V trrtl WItk. It Q ttkfaf UA fa W ltly VM fc tw k w. It t fcmrmU . ChUdr it. It v . vfafa nr yrfc. f. : C fajfa w8m T tktag TV VI . 'i :-.-;t;CMwto CimIjU ui ntl ey. C rfa, tfjta tW mJktm rfwrtwfa cia cj ot pdiwwu fa. tt f U wtihtw tm O trfa fa fwwp fai ! WttI ty. It U t ol U Vmlk. . ftHh'Mi a "will w B ffat y r O-A-g-T-O-K-I-A . f Children Cry for McDANIEL & GASKILL ::- -Whoiesale & Retail Grocers. Jobbers of Lorillaid Snuff and Tobacco. , KIIeiKlqaarters "for. Grooad AUam Salt, which we are selling at the. extreme loir priee of 59 oenta per sack. EEIoarwe boy direct frona the mills by the Car loal. It will pay yoa to vee a before yoo bay. . IOUB STABLES ARE FEEE TO ALL- ' r.V; Na;'71 Broad -Street, "-opposite Stewart's Lirery Stables. ; " MKW BERNE, N. C. .Uader Oaaton House, Sooth fTont StriftNew Berue, N. C -.. V";' : - PULL OK toy es, Carpenters Tools, Cutlery, r . Yabl'b Ware, Barbed Wire, ; GALVANIZED PIPE, PUMPS, . Lime, Plaster and Cement. CZVqCS PURE READY MIXED PAINTS. EPersooal attention to the prompt and correct filling ot alJ orders. . " ' mg3ra w,4ow 31 ' i IH Ciitler 8f i00:CA5ES 5L. CANNED 'GOODS of iifereit Ttrieties Califoraia Cf ai4 ;tUf.Bte flat-tfce most -':::: . ieliefoi. - yj TDoanT forget our CHEESE, the flaestoaaartVftt Ins than. Kew Tork TTiooda well bought an half soM. ? uaiap these siai get oar prices. J- f -T . ' "J", J.F. !xsrnra fxabs, TFsaWBT8 PH.nTi Is" A T. A OA. .. '.ps ooaairmB, .':--v?rr'iasa. Wtss : 'i A THK CHXAPBST ris.CK W TOTIT y J TO BUT PIPES. N. Nunn & Cof J. A; Paris & Co. ; ... v. WHOLESALE Grocers & Supply yjr. Company. 3ff ABLTFAOTUBEBS j AGENTS. , 100 - Fll Cream Cbeece. . 500 Boxes Cakes and Crackers. " Hazard Powder, shot, . . Gail & Ax Snnff, Loxillard Snuff. All at v- llaanfactarera Prices. . C5rWo break no packages, be ing the only exclusive wholesale Grocers is the city. We solicit yoar .orders, which shall hare k prompt aiieauon. LnlU ;-.Vv;ciS and Children. f CmUi 4m with tk patrot tWr Utm la H If otKm kmi mmtm J prticUy perfct mm Pitcher's Castorla. ..SMALL WOOD, SHEP PARffS UADE FROM PURE PIG IRON. Xotoopoudof Scnplroa k error osed In thee. good. DURABLE, CONVENIENT ECONOMICAL. r AB Modern lmprorements to LIkte BaekerlBC Cares. Twanty different siaea and Unds. Every Stm Warruted Agmlsst Defects. Priesi mot much higher at this time tbaa on commoner kind of Stoves. Call on or addrtm Co., Hbt Benie, H. C. DEESS GOODS DKPAKTMENT. We quote you a few .prices on goods in department that are worth doable the prices we ask: tySpeeiala until this advertise meat changes. Dalf wool, Dress Cashmeres, all shades at Sc. 36 in. Cashmers figured effect, at 14c. 3d in. wool Flannels, Black and colors, at ISc. 3d in all wool Serges in black and bloee at lac. ESPThe last two qualities arc sold anywhere in the city at 44 in. Henriettas, the leading col ors, at 3dc. formerly sold at i5e. 64 in. Ladies Cloth, blue and black at 4Qc worth Soc. ONLY PLATE YolTTAN i KT TnjCSK PBICES. NEW l)ERN K DAUUMN HOUSE EW DeHNE D.MiUAIN0USE C-- .A.. BABKXJT, Mtf r-- OURILADIES' E. P. Reed's Fine Shoes Have Juit Arrived Also fioe line ol" D')UJLAS8 and COfei SETS Meti s Shoe?, ur.l a full line of all other grades. EBTheae goods were all purchased helorij ihe Krf-lt a-lTinci3 in bhoes und will he sold at old prires. We have a t'uw pieces oi all wool, 44 inch Henrietta and Serge In Blacks and Blues, will be closed out at 60 ecnu per yard. .T "i -- NEWS ADKIFT. la th illy r F.lni iit Vlrlnily. ;itlhrrrl In Mil Brlrfly Told. Over n dozn t.-Me :uv n u-c-riiti il aiunng the guests of ilif Ch iiluwka. Mr. T. A. Green puttini; uy an iron fem-f at Ins rruidt-nce ot n cry pietty desiun. It will lnno irou i;alew and lx i i up in j;innitL' ietin4 on ;i urick fonnilalion. Mr. Adx'rt Willi and Mi L u W;nle or Mon haul Cii y, weie mai ricd in iln Metln lit church or that phico Thursday nmlit, tin- pntoi, Ktv. Edwin ('. (ilfnii. itiiiiatin''. Mi-scs Addic C'ml-r and PuuM. Iiav been rppointid cunvasstis t.'i" u riilioiiM of soorial nrcniiums to .well sub tle E:i-t Carolina Fair. "We expect to of these vnure hidiiS meeting wiili hear line Mr M. ). McKtel of Clnrk' brick jani, h:it the misfortune to gi t hi.; iirm ln-okr the wiist while sit work at lie 1 1 :i i r i.v 1 1 1 e overturninir of n i-;irry-lo. When il tunml ovi r i lie wheel li'iuk hi una and did Ute iufurr. We sf in the Beau'oit Heiald th;it In spector Moore of ihe Life Saving Station, lias accepted (he Dew ulation at Hunting (Quarters v hich he has jnt inspictei. Tlie s'ation was built by contractor thul". SutH- ient previous uotiee having In eu i,'iven, and setilenuni not having len made by all delinquents on our su tv 'cription list, we will discontinue those in arrears if not settled within a few .days. A smnll house is In-ing erected id the corner ot Ciaven and Pollock s-ttvet to si-rv" ivs an oftice for those in chaise ol the public buildiug while the work is going ou. The three Virginia barges at Hull rock. are U' t taking oysters themselves, hue are buying Iroin the oysterinen, which they liave a right to do provide I there is an in spector looking after Ihe oysters they get and seeing that thu laws are complied with. Mr. Samuel Bacon of Wintlimp. lormc r ly Adanis"crcek. was in the city Fiiday Belore leaving the city Mr. Bacon calleil urourjd ami renewed his subscription by paying up to 1897. Other subscribers are notified that they ure privileged to do likewise. The granite loundation for the A. & N". I C. R. li. Trent river drawer was fiuished i Friday at rive o'clock, leaving every thing in n adiuess for puttiug in ol the drawer. It is expected to arrive to-day. The work of putting it on w ill toke sum weeks. Capt. W. It. Ilinnant. road master of the A. & N. C. IL 11., met with a pain ful nccident yesterday, w here the new draw is U-ing put in the Trent river bridge. A piece of tindcr tell on hi hand. Que of the fingers was so cut th it the wound had to be sewid together. Fortunately, however, there was no bone broken. The concreting lor the foundation of the public building is almost finished and the placing of the slone Inun dations is dow in progress. 1 he p'aeing of t he stone for that aDd lor the founda tion of Ihe new draw of the A. & N. C. K. R., began the same (lav, Tuesday, Nov. 5ih. Mr. Jaires B. Dully showed us a foot ofaeairier pigeon which he killed two ii'iles below New Ilenie while huuting. Tlierj is a ring metal jut below '.lie pigeons knee which lus tlie letters H. P. li. mi it and the number 1"3 in one direction and lh" number 94 in the other. Edgar J ad win, of Pennsylvauia, First assistant engineer, who came up from Wilmington Monday the 4ih, left nidi Maj. Chadbourn on the steaonr Gen'l Thoin for Ocrac ke to look aMer the new channel work there. Col. D. 1'. Heap who succetds Maj. Stanton lu charge of this district is already there. They will go on arouud to Mori head inspecting the drvdgiug in Bogue sound aDd ivtuin to the city by rail. Figures as to the cost of the War Be tween The Stan s, given in another column are truly startliug. They show that the Siutli expended over the value of the slaves and the Nortb more than double as much. According to the figures itcot the latter enough to l ave purchased the enlire Confederacy. The South could have freed every slave at the beginning cheaper than it coul I have conducted the war and the North fared evea worse in money a penditure, to say nothing ofihegieit destruction of lilu and suffering caused on boiii sides, Tk Bud I, ft w Qnestlon in Pitmllro. Mr. T. J. Sawyer, of Merritr, Pamlico county, was in the city yesterday. The road law, upon which Craven couuty has just voted, applied to Pamlico county also, but Mr. Sawyer telh us that registrars were appointed and registration books furnished them too late lor the election to be legal, wiih the exception of Gcxee creek Island precim t. That piicc held an election but Mr. Sawyer was not ir. formed as to what was the result. There was no electiou whatever held where he lived, but there was in some others, though he thinks they will not stand. PhotocraphH ol City OOlrinlM. Mr. F. M. Wiustcai) is now displaying in front ol hi-s gallery eight cal'inet size photographs in one large Irame. Tiny ure photographs ol the Mayor Win. Kllis and the police force. Mayor !Kllis is at Ihe center; surrounding him are City Marshal James T. Ijwis, and officers Land, Dixon, Montsgue, Biin-on, Gaskill and Elliott. The execution of (he woik is excellent. both in likeness and finish, and the group 1 of pictuies attracts 'he notice of uuiubers i of the passcis-by. j ! . - - """" . 1 1.AH. ' The ehct:ou ill Pamlico ciinty for: ! adoption or r jeciion of the R.ail Law! I d off qu.ellv, but the law was. ! (Ideated. " i The vole was not l arge; a g.-o dy uuiu ber of voters in Slonewall precinct wriei i "disgiug 'tateis' Our pneinct lection' w as held in our Stonewall post office and the postmaster was the rcgisi rr, with two populists and one colored Republican. The Road tix is defeated juat the same. Hurrah for Pamlico! i. I Rcylvl at Hlnvtop. 1 Rev. Fxlwin C Glenn, of Mori-head I City Ins l n assisting Rev. I. (. Guth 1 ne of Kinslon in a piotracted meciiuy. Mr. Glenn was called away bid returned j Friday. Ue informs us that theie isdiep I spintuul ipteret and the prospect as good for one o: the best meetings that has , i ecu in a long time. The numi'er of pt n ' itcots at the altar one night wa.- about twputy-five. Another Lartf Rear. Messrs. James Htid Arch Corbett, I tenants on Mr, J, II. Davis' farm, brought 1 to town Thursday a large bear they Lad j killed. It weight d about 300 pounds un dressed and ihose who saw it say it is about the largest ever killed around here. It has not leeii very long since a large !ar was killeel by these same gentlemen. They might be styled '-Corbett Bros., the bear killers.'' Tuey say there were live in their corn-field a lew go. Beaufort Herald. nr.ATii of Rt. '. a. iuttm:. F.tpiros Peacefully HrrSnn. Rev. II. W nl Ilie Home of IlHltlo, in I'ctcrw- burK. V. We lea-n with regret of dft'lt ll at 1 . td- burg, Va . Wednesday the t'.th inst. that ( stimable christian lady, fis. V Battle nliisp home was in Nt-w Berne ol . A. tor Several veal-, and whose luallh s.tdly I'll i I el lx fore she und her i (1 -1 :i t) 1 (Jen'l Battle lift here and' the r home with their son. Ri v. II. W. Battle, of 1 tns burg. a former pa-tor of Middle stieit liuitist church, this citv. h, this citv. T he entire family have citv who wi inanv warm irieiids in thi ll mutoW with ihe bc'eavp.1 ones. The PetiMburg Iodex-Apped ol Tluirsda makes this mention of Mrs. Bun le's ih alb : Mrs C. A. B .tile, wile of General Cullen A. Baltic, ol North Carolina, w in has la-en seriously ill for a number of months at the horn of her so"i. Rev. lr H. W. Battle, pas-ed peacefully to a bet ter wor.d last evening at six o'clock " Though it had Iteen atinoiiui e l that Mjs. Bat tle was cri'.ii-aily ill. In r sick ness had been so protracted that this nn nounctmeui will come us a painful sur prise to many. The sympathies of ihe en tire community go out to the bereaved family." Shuttle Blork Fnelory. Messrs. Taylor it Lee -f Adams crock will begin soon at lhat place the manu facture ol shu'tle blocks. Mr. Taylor is a native of Canada, moving to this coun try onlv a short while ago, though he has visihd this s c'.ion of the Bouth once before. The blocks ate for the Kuropcan market, having alieadv bet.ii contr.icled lor. We nre glad to see 1 1 1 i s move, ami it w ill le a s iccess. Ju-t such and lar nianufacluring concerns we always emle ivore I to get (stab ain:ng us for utilizing the variu trust si mi have ished and almost iiiehaustable woods tlmt this section. ;tow 111 I N TIIKKK STRAIT II EATS. John R. Oentry Fasily Re tt Pntrhen nt RriilHTllle. A Sccial to ihe News and Observer trom it-insvine. .. u., on aov. -hii, in i reference to the great races at lteidsvillc I says a good crowd was present and the racing excellent. Owing to the rec(nt heavy rains the track was slow, the hack stretch in par ticular being heavy. Mr. Ouiry, I'.i'ehcn's driver, rated the course as being at least five seconds slow. Following is a suminarv of the nice bv heats: Fiist race, 2:20 class, purse $30 Paiistone 1, 2, 2, 1, 2; Billv Ai kerson 4, 6, C, C; Maggie Camjib. ll ':!, :!, 3. o, :l; Miss Thompson 2. 4. .". 4; Billy Wilkes 6. 5, 4, 5; Clipper 5. 1. 1,2. Time, first he it '2r2:S; second heat il '21 1-4; third heat 2:21 1-4; fourth heat 2:2:! 3-4; fifth heat, 2:25 1-2. Second race, Patchen andGentrv, purse $2,000; Gentrv drew the pole. Gentry 1. 1, 1; Patchen 2. 2. 2. Time lirst heat 2:10; second brat 2:V0: third heat 2:00. The ihree minute race was postponed until to-morrow. Deftiider, a Ixautiful young coll, owner, .lames Williamson, of AI nuance, paced a quarter ol a mile in :'.(! Miimls. Ifeiionctle. from the Alamance farm, set tin1 track nconl, trotting one mile in 2:10 1-4. Very Low Rules to AtlantH. The Seaboai d Air Line hus n ade spec- lal low rates certain dates. to Atlanta Exposition ou The charge is to be only five dollars liom Wi mington to Atlanta on November 9th. lOih, ltUb. and 17th, The tickets will be good giving odIv on the day ot sale, but are good to return on any train w ithin ten days. Announcement is made that there will lie nolav-ovtr, and no time lost on the rosd. and that Pullman and othi r s'eepers will le furnislud on the 17lh, and on other d ites if I'eti'ed. The regular trains wdi be used; it is simply special rates and the otl'e- is made of securing the hotel accommodations for patrons if desired. W. N. & N R. It. trains run right to make good connections with these trains but we are not infoimed as to whether ihey give special inducements lor tho oc casion or not. Resolntionn of Respect. At a meeting of the Pre-bvti rian con gregation held at 2nd Presbyterian church in Goldsboro, the following resolutions respi cling the death of Bio. T. B. Ilyman wi re adopted: Whereas, an all wise God in his wise providence has seen til to remove fioin ihe church militant to ihe church triumphant oar worthy brother, Mr. T. B. Hyman, therefore be it lesolvnl 1st: That in the d.aih of Bro. Ilyman the church has lost one of its most zealous members and one whose Hie has been devoted to ihe christian work 2nd, Ever since the election of our church at Georg-town live yi ars ago and even beiore, our brother has given of his time and means lilxjrally for die advance ment of the community and the welfare of the church. The phasant smile, the warm giasp of the hand, and the kind words, all liom one so true, caused all to love hiir. at oin:e 3d, That we remember with gratitude his many words of instruction and his prayers, always pointing us to 1 1 i ill iibow. whose presence i ur brother now cbjoys. 4th, That we lender the bereaved family of our brother our heartfelt sympathy in thi- their g,c-it loss. 5th. That a copy of these resolutions lie sent to the family of our deceased brotlur, and to tin- New Berne .lot UN A I, and Gol lsl'i-o D-.nly Argus for publication. I!e-peei lull y Subnittt i d, John E. Stani.y, John I. Mozisiio, Commi;tee. ST A IK IIAIY ASSOCIATION. Yanderbilt anl hl Su perl it lenilen I llavr l iillnl With it There Slionll lit a ;of .Heiiilrerhip Here. Among the score ot gentlemen who be came memlvers of the Slate- Dairy Asso ciation nt its stated meeting in Rileigh during Fair week in October, were Mr. (George Yanderbilt and Charles McNamee, manager of the Biltmore estate near Asheville: also .1. M. Weston, Superinten dent ol the Biltmore dairy firm and creamery. The latter was elected a direc tor. Mr. Yanderbilt already his 10J rr itcli cows of h;gh grade, and expecti- eve ntuaPv to operate the best equipped cieani. ry in the Slate. The i o-opi rat .on of such c-oniest work ers of ample on ans must "prove of no mii ill ad vanl age to the young d dry movement so la-entlv inaugurated and we hope to seethe membership ineletiuinitely extended. Wa are pleased to find the name oi our townsman Charles E. Nels-m enroll, d fimoug the members. The adjoining I only a dollar, applications should te sent to Sicietary, 1C B C Hamblev at Salisbury N. C. I That tired, all gone feeliug, lossofappe- lite, caused by improper dieting can be easily eradicated by using Johnson's Emulsion of Cod Liver Od. Pleasant to the taste. Pint bottle, 11.00. at F. S. Duf-Ify's. ' A KR A W A V - K I. ft I E M FT I A I.N. Mnrrins:e nf n Prominent New Bernlnn to one ot Itnlei K'h'N Lovely Inurli ters. imnouiici d, the marriage of Mr. J R. B. Carraway ot this city ami Miss Loui-e Elgie of Raleigh, took place in the Episcopal church of the latter city WciIiicmI iy evening. Mr. Carraway and his bride left lor their northern wedding tour and tin- party ol relai ives and Irieiids who attended, returned home last night. Mr. Carraway, teller of the National !jank of this city, is not only excep tionally good at the banking business, but he is an exceeding pfeasaat uinl ac commodating young man and one of Ihe best-liked in ihe citv. His charming, lovely and BCCOiupl ihed bride is no -i ranger in our midst. In her short stay of one scholastic year during which time she was in charge of the mu- lcal dep irrmcnt of the New Berne Colle giate Instit ute, she made hosts of Irieiids and will find a warm welcome back. Tn i: Jor kn a i, extends- hearty congratula tions and sinceiest wishes for a long life of ' happiness to both bride and erorm e copy the ollowiug iiccoutil .a Hie ceremony liom the columns of the News and Observer of Thursday: At nine o'clock hist evening in Christ Church were solemnized the nuptials ol Mr. John R. B. Carraway and Miss Louise Elgie. The chancel was prettily decorated with palms an 1 cut llowers and tunny wax la pere she 1 their soft glow over the altar. The church was tilled with Irieiids of the couple long before Ihe bridal party ar rived. As the bridal party moved down ihe ai.-le the not. j of Mendelsohn's grand we tiling march came from the organ. First came the nsheis, Mr. J. S. Wahab and Mr. J. D. Gaskius, of New Berne; Mr. K. P. Haywood, Jr., and Mr. Thomas Pescud, of Raleigh; then ihe maid of honor, .Miss Rose Brooke, of Troy, N. Y.; and the bride, hailing; on the arm ot her brother, Capt. William J. E gie. The bride's dress was white satin, en train, trimmed with lace and orange olossoms. with ornaments ol diamonds; she wore a handsome dianioud brooch; Ihe gift of the groom. At the altar the bride was met by the groom and his best man, Mr. T. D. Car- raw a v. In Ihe beautiful ceremony of the Epis- c pal church they were married, by Rev Pr. Marshall, the rector, assisted by Rev. T. AI. N. George, rector of Christ church, New- Berne. During the service Prof. Darnell played soltly, "O, Piotnhe Me.'' A the brioal party left the alt ir the matchless wedding march from "Lohen grin" was tendered. After the e ercmonv the bridal parly and a few liie-nds ware tend-led a reception at the hon e of Mrs. Elgie. The groom is telh r of the National Bank ol New Be-rne, an I a popular and rising young bu-iness man ol this city. The bride is the daughter of Mrs. Julia Elgie o' this city, whet she has lived for some year.-, apd where she is held in warm esteem for her many tlue character istics. Many elegant wedding presents weie recened, the gilts coming from several Northern State:, us well hs from the South The grooii presented the ushers with pe irl scarf-pins. Mr. and Mrs. Can-away left this morn ing lor a trip te New York and the Noith- i rn i ilie.-. ABANNK AT KKA. A VeNNCl Reported off II altera With no one on Hoard- Ol her Jtsrluc nix aster News. TheNoilolk 'iiginian says that a tel eg'iiui received at the Weuthtr Bureau office, in that city, on the 5th, iust. slated that "the three-masted schooner Martin C. Ebel, bound trom Jacksonville to Philadelphia, drifted ashore one hall mile South of Big Kinnukeet Life Having Station, N C, at 9 o'clock that morning. The vi sel is water-logged and abandoned. No cargo had vet washed ashore. It is supposed the cargo was jettisoned by the crew beloie 1 1 icy abandoned the vessel Nothiug is known of w here the crew is, but it is thought that tljey must have taken to the small bouts, and been pi( ked up by some passing vessel. The lite-saving eiew will board the strande-l vessel us i-oon as Ihe sea moeleiates, she being iu the breakers. Tlie Ebel sailed Irom Jacksonville i ry recently, iu command of Captain Mo Ritchie. She was built at Boolhb.iy, Me., in lS'JO, and ha a net lounige oi about 400 tons. She is owned by Mr. J. McMillan of New York. Captain Patterson, of the Biitidi steam er Wave, which arrivid at Lamliert's Point on the 5th, for bunker coal, on her way trom Coo-aw, S. C, lo Hull, Eng., reports pa-sing on ihe 14th ult. the schooner Martin C. Ehel. ot New York, watsr-loggi el and a derelict. Cape Hatteras bearing S. W. 1-2 S. 27 miles. The schooner looked to be iu good condi tion. The Wa-hington, (X. C.) Evening Me-senger, of the oth, inst. chronicles the ariival theie of Mis. George G I Ioward and two childien and Misses Ellen Culworth and Lizzie Howard from the stranded schooner Lizzie S. James commanded by Capt. G G Howard that Mas bound from Philadelphia to New Berne loaded with lTo tuns of ( oal consigned to Charles I) Norton. The vessel went ashore at Ocean Yiew n Saturday lli 2nd (but is expected 10 Ik-saved) and the lueh&s and children were taken ashore in a small boat. Captain Howard an I hunily are of Washington. -Miss How.-ir I is oi' Ocrucoke, and Miss Culwoith e.t Wilmington. Oapl. Howard had taken ihe paity en a trip lo Boston and other places Capt. Howard says that in an cxpe-r- i i nee ot fortv years, this is the lirst ve-sel he ever had stranded, though he OUce lost one at sea. '1 here were two other schooners stranded at Ihe same time the Lizzie .lames was. The hifgi .-t ol the three was the Emily K. Noil bun, Capt. Kly P. Johnson, which w i nt ashore at (.'ape Henry. Her cri-w of si v n wcit; easily saved in the breeches buoy by the Cape 11 my life saving eiew. The other schooner was the R. B. I.e. d of Philadelphia, which also w i-nl ai.oi c near e i esin Yn w. So nigh up did mis ve-sel go that the crew only hail to walk a-hore iu order to save iheinselve s. Tl e vessels were all reported in good condiiiuu and w'eie e-xpeelid to be saved. T f 1 V. flSI! (ill LEAKS With a Splendid Assortment of New Rerne and forehead .'1ty Live FiNh for the Atlanta Exposition. The I nited States Fish Commission car iu charge of Capt. F. I. HagaU which has been gathering; specimens here for dis play at the Atlanta tsposrion leitr riaay inoi ning xx itli one ever takeu t here, about a thou-and if the fine-t car load: The tanks contained lish in large variety, portion of them were By far the larger d : t res ti water tisli taken trom the streams is 1 around 'ev Berne, but a lew sharks, stingers, etc., came from the Salt watcas around Morehead. The last fish were put in after the tiain came up from Moreheid. They were a splendid lo! furnished by that enterpris ing, wide awake linn Geo. N. lyes & Son. Prof, horses. Going's Worm Pow:lers lor Sold at Brad ham's Pharmacy. INSURANCE. The South Atlantic Life and En dowment Co,, of Kalei'sli, N. C. 4'hnrtereil ly I.nt I.eKiMlnl il re ot I Hforpiirnton IiieliiUpH . - w Rer iilan PIubim tor Orjcnn iznl ion ami Work Safe null ('onwervati ve Meth od Policies the Filial ol Any Tlie Only North Carolina Company ol it Kinl-SureeMN to t he Movement. Although nearly every State in thi I in. ui has one or ni.uv hie insurant i ,n j. have! paiin s and some ot ihe couipani maito forlunis for their stockholders, North Carolina does not contain a single dollars nro nn. nually paiel out in this State for lile in surance. A movement is now assuming shape however to establish such a company in this State with headquarters at Raleigh. The Raleigh Visitor has (ompihd a line list of industries, enterprises and improve ments that have Ien inaugurated in lhat city during tho last ten years. Among the number is the South Atlantic Life and Endowment Insurance Co., of which two New Berne men, C. E. Fov and t harks T. Tir-w urn mpniln m of ihe liinri of in corporators. George Allen, formerly of New lterne, is the chairman of the incur - i.ri-t,.i-' nnmmitiiB i'"' - : ' w . .. The incorporators are twent,' two in uumber and are from fifteen North Caro lina towns, embracing all portions of the State. The incorporators and their addresses are: George Allen, B. S. Jarman, W. E. Ashley. Wir. S Piimroseand J. N. Hold ing, Raleigh; J. S. Carr, Gi-orge . Watts and L D. Heartt. Durham; W. L. London, Pittsboro; W. II. S. Burgwyn, Henderson; A. G. Urenizer, Chailotti; John Tull, Morganton; F. Stikelealher and Chas. T. Ilaw.s, Asheville; II. M. Worth, Worthville; G. S. Bradshaw. Ashelx)ro C. M. Brown, Washington; M. S. Willard, Wilmington; Dr. W. . Capeheart, Avocn; W. E. Borden, Golds boro; Charles L Ives and C. E. Foy, New Berne, their associates and assigns. The capital sti ck is lo be 6100.000, devided into shares of $100 each and the charter which was granted by the last legislature permits the organization of the company when one half of the capitil stock has lei-n subscribed. The chatter ulso authorises the stock to be incri a-d to $300,600. The company is to begotlm up by sul) senptions, anel Ihe subscribers upon or ganizing will elect directors and the tlirectois elect a president and other officers for the management of the corpora lion. Subscriptions to stock are I o be paid iu'monthly installments. A paymei.l ol $6. 50 per mom h for a hundred monlhs amounting to $050 pays for SI, IK it) worth of slock. Other amoun's of stock arc, of course, in the same proportion. The statement is made that insurance has now leconie the largest business in the world, and bolli stocldiolelers and managers, as a rule derive liberal profits from it, and it is also said lhat the business is attended with less risk lo the stock holders than is usual in other enterprises. These thi igs beii g so, it looks as if there ought to be a good opening for a North Carolina company and l lie movement has our best wishes. To retain and iuvesit in North Carolina a good proportion ol the two mil ion dollars that annually haves it in paymeht for life insurance will be a decided benet, and no doubt conduce largely lo the more rapid development both industrially mill commercially. The projectors of the company an nounce their inientiou ot furnishing poli cies lhat will be the ((pial of any in the land for safety and equity and that eve ry effort will l made to incorporate every known advantage, while exercising at the same time vigilant care to adopt only sate and conservative methods, N FECIAL FAIR PREMIUMS. The Ladies Now Making: The Annual Canvass to Complete Ihe List Con sider What Yon Wish to Donate and For What Exhibit so as to be Ready For Tbent. The special premiums doiiUed by bus iness men and other citizens for the E ist Caredini Fair at each exhibition add much to t lie interest ot the 'iiendly rivalry among exhibitors. Our pexple have been verv liberal in their donations for this purpose and we doubt notj a Que list of such premiums will again be made up for the next Fair which is to be held throughout the entire week beginning Monthly Feb. 24 to Saturday Feb. 20 Tlie; time has arrived lor the list to lie be made up hr the approaching fair, and the ladies, ever ready in their ellorts have begun the canvass. Mrs. R. P. Williams and Mrs. J. A Meadow s are canvassing a portion of thi ol v and Miss mum Henderson and JUrs. J. T. Hollister have been appointed to woik through the remaining port ion. Tie; ladies inform us that they meeting with good encouragenu nt; people are readily responsive, and showing the genuine interest, they by considering what br niches of the lubits l hey most wish to encourage what special premiums will best a'e l bl are feel cx and con duce to the desired result. Now that they are aware of the coming of the ladies these points relative to their mission cau be considered previous to their call and each accordingly be ready to satid'actorily add to Ihe list according to his own indi vidual liking w hen they call. RACI FROM ATLANTA. And Like Former Visitors, Warm in Its I'raises. 'file party which went to Atlanta on an A. .fc N. C. K. B. car specially fitted up lor the trip, ten days ago, are buck. Mr. F C. Uobcits, and Dr. Chas. Dully anil laniily came, direetly back lo New lierne urrivinir here last .light. Misses Nannie and L Va Robjits, who hfi from here, and Miss Mary Rolwrls ami Miss Harriett Cole who joined them n mule, stoppi d at Chapel Hill. The members of the party who have at rivi d spiak very highly ol the pleasure of the trip and ot Ihe grandeur of the Exposition. They think no one should miss seeing it. The car was ma le tin-home of the party while aw ay, being tilted with till conveniences and comforts necessary lor the purpose. The w ay to reach catarrh is through the blood. That ringing sound in the ears j anel loss of smell is caused by catarrh. Johnson's Sarsaparilla and Celery treats ihis disease successfully. Try it aud on w ill not be disappointed. Price, large bottles, SOcts. at V. S. Duffy's. She in a DueneHM. Miss Censuelo Yanderbilt, that was, is now a duchess. She and the Duke ot Marlborough were married at 13:-i0 on Thursday the 7lh iu St. Thomas church, Nexv York. It was a spectacle almost unexampled lor its lavish magnificence. The bride was given uxvay by her father. Her arrival was greeted with cheers by the crowd on the sireet. There were oxer two liuudred policemen on duty. Physicians all over the world recom mend Japanese Pile Cure. It has cured thousands, will cure you. Sold under positive guarantee- Sample free, at F. S. Duty's. HOME LIFE 1 NOT AtJAl.XST FA II O Till It. I - - j The Vole on the Komi Tux Law SIhihi That Hie People Of New llerne are j Not lisMMeil lo Take an I nihil' Ail vantage of tlie 4'onntry. Alllionuli the Fusion l.u isliil re Voliinlarlly (invi- Them the I'on er lo lo ho. KniTOR Joi rxai.: 'I he vote oi the city of New Berne on the Road Law a j lew days ago is a stinoing rebuke, and ! should forever silence the voii.-e of those j who have endeavored to ptijudice the i country people again! the town ie ple i t .iti-. nun Hint; ill lull I I milliner p- issilile 1 1 1 U to antagome the i inli re-t of the two. ' " i .nni 1 1. 1 1 mi in.: ui'ici i deny- has lieen the lenlunf c.impaion ti.'u ...... r..,,:i;..r ;n. o... i igumein ami i niiueiiuo, s oi ,,i,r g "IIC niisoiiide.l irieinu, lh- ropulists I "UT CuUllly 1 lie l'mk ami lile of lhat party arc anion the country pi ople and leat del'ght ot their dem ! it has been ihe agogical h ailers to iiillame their minds again.d their brothers living in the city. 1 happened during the late lamp.dgn to hear one of tlusir orators deliver him self, and among the choice bits of oratory let fill by this would be n-loruier of the universe were such expressions as these-, "What elo the people in the town care about youf Nothing except what Ihey can get out ot von." As if the people in me coumry cared anymiiig ior the people j 111 tho llV except what ihey can get out ' ot them, ot coure in a busiue-s wav. i n v t li 1 11 vn our friends, the lnpulists. lined w ith the Republicans anel go got control of Ihe lyeiislature and among the bills pas ed was the road law voted fir, or rather against, a few days ago, which law passed by the lusion party gae to the towns the right to vote to hav : the roads kept up by taxation and excusing, very magnanimously, the town from sharing in the taxation therefor; in oilier words, giving the town people the sptcial priv ilege of "repre-seulatiou without taxa tion." In this matter they had very truly given the touu people "a stick wilh which to break their backs.'' But how have the people of New Berne acted in the matte; y 'Ihey certainly knew that the roads vvou Id be kept in betie-r condition by taxatii tl than by the present method of working them anel they furthermore knew that the l etter the roads leading into New Berne the belter the trade of the towr. And here there was a chance to have good roads all oyer the eoduty aud the city of New Berne would not h ive to pay oue cent ot the tax! What an oppor tunity! Was ever such presented to our peo ple'.' Surely the democratic logis aluie was never so kind. If New Berne bad consulted her own interest, l ad she been fellish in the mat ter, she could have given a treim ndotis maj ii it y for the Law, but whit are the facts? Feeling that it was unjust to the country p( ople lo impose upon them luxa tion which she would not lie called upon to share, New Berne has, with all her number of voters cast a majority ol ouly 1 28 in favor ol ihe law. 'ihe 4th, and Sill, Winds composed largely of negroes gave VI of tli nt sum, while the 1st, 2nd, ank ord w ards composed almost entirely of whiles give only 41 m ij .rity tor the road, fc-hades of L. L. Polk, what a showing! Here the town folks have had a chance given by thu populists themselves to do exactly what i lie populists have always accused llic in of doing (exhibiting s.-ltish-ness, &c. ) and see how the old tow n has answered it. She has given tlie lie to her calumniators iu more powerful tones than could have been expected. We thank the Populist for Ihe opportu nity thoy have given us to show our liicul ty anel sympathy lor our cuutry friends. Our interests are one. We should s-taDd united and let thare alwys be a commu ziion of feeling between the couuty and city as there is a natural independence. Aud whenever one of these pusiliauiuions, ins guifi'wnt ranters goes around among the country people, abusing the tow ns aud excitiug animosity and discoid, let the people of the country give him the lie, as IhiSjVOtc plainly proves, aud if lhat wont do treat him to a shower of eggs, so loud in their order, that he will think "dc heo that laid deru eggs must be badly dis eased." X. Fl I.I. lUl lliAL VOTE Of Craven County for anil Against Count rnetiiiff Krldg:e and For and Again.! tlie Adoption of tlie Road Law. The lolloxxing is the oflicial vote by precincts agaiust th of the entire county for c adojition of the road law. and Koah i,xv: i'llli AUXINS' Yanccboro. 1" oTo .Maple Cypress II ih Fort Barnxvell 5 1 1 1 Dover 12 ss Coiv Creek 00 I,, e's Farm 1 i;U Jasper 09 i::i; I'leasant Hill o'J 1 ti Camp Palmer oo 1 Temple's 4'1 li"! Stanton's . si Uiverlale lo G.j James City 104 03 Tru ill's 7 lsi Citv of New Berne, 1st Ward -l 1'2 2nd Ward :!4 20 :ird Ward ."ai 00 4Ui Waul :!S lo 5th Ward, Mcl'aiiliv's 05 ..( " ' St. Philip's 89 2T 710 1.7SH Majority against U-iad Law 1,001 The lMlowing is the nfiicml vote o entire county by iieeincts on bridge: l (Ui Mi A INS' "an el inr.i, 14 :mS Maple CMe-s. 1 li "2 Truitt " 1 :H Fori Bnruwell, o 140 t'oxe il P'd Dover o l on Temple's :'0 1 P Stanton's 2 S2 Lee's Farm, 4 1 2s James Citv 1C' .!" Biverdale" f.-i 12 Ji.-p.r ;: 22s Pleasant Hill 25 2t Camp Palmer 17 ti Citv of New Bctne 1st Ward. P'.O r, 2d " No C) :d 22ij 12 4lh - as 10 ."ith " McCarthy sr 41 rth " St. Ph. " IIS eiO lotals. 1242 tCOM f the M-jority agaiust bridges, SCO. AMOXG THE LEAVES. The near sky. thetiudtr skv, The low sky that 1 love! I lie where fallen leaves lie. With a leafy sky above; And draw the colored leaves nigh, And push the withered leaves by, And feel the woodland heart upon me brooding like a dove. The bright sky, Ihe shifting sky, The sky that autumn weaves, I see where scarlet leaves fly, 'Ihe sky the wind bereaves: I see the lingering leaves die, 1 hear the dying leaves sigh, And breathe the woodlauel breath matle sweet by all her withered leaves. Youth's Companion. SPECIAL TERM OK ('((CUT In Jones ( fort ry C;i.- II' b CI! Ins t ailed t'oa Ten liavs or More Ret; ins December 9ili Carteret loniilv Gives Notice tlinl Slio Ones Not In tend to Iay tlie l.irnv il She I mi Help it-.The Cii il Suits Aiiinsl Hie Companies Come lirsi in Rerne. A speeelv Inni ng i to he gieenthe I'e iiitoi t in- u ran- e i a e-. a pi i .a! ! mi oi' .lone- oun i v Suppi mi- i on h , . n ! i h called tor the pm po o. t,,. car- ha, attrai leil a gr. at dedof :: 1 1-lit ion am i w ill no doubt continue to do until i he guilt or innocense of the accused i- c--ta!- . lished, and also the liability of ihp in -it r-' ance companies to pay ihe publics, the' payment of which they are n--ist in j and ' tin- holders trying to cu'!e-i. It will be rcuieinbe !-. : -tilling ol these cases was that the insurance coin-j p.mUs refused to pay snun- policies whin ; the insured died, und the holders of ihp policies brought suit to compel them to ! do so. and then the iii-iiran. e companies instituted the prosecution o! the bohhr of the polices and other- c 'ne:;:-. d ( ing them w ith Iran I. The suit ulmli the B . n! -rt poili holders Inivp brought aga panics to make tin in pav I h. ow n and which Ik came deaths of the in-iue t part'u -iu Craven county Supi -r-m meets in New Berne, Dei-.-mi u: tin- com po'icii -:h lyaba- by the wid be tli-I I oil i t a r 2 ,t the 111- v Inch Tin- i criminal cases brought by i-1 1 ra lice -nine to j companies, and which ai have been brought as an sai. I h itlsl-t tO Ik ttt itl against themselves, come up, a -a Join s county just two woik- late; special term. The Beautbrt Herald lh' to -ay of the Joni-j oounty .-jiecial tenn: (1Gov. Cutr has cal'ed a -jiei i the Superior court to set in Jon. 1 tenn a!' - county. b ginning Decern Ijer Ot h tin.: -Insurance' Case-.'' days or more ami Judg Y the trial of is to last ti n Graham is to preside. "The rest of the Insurance case.-an tiied and the people ..f Jone- coin to try thorn. A special t. nn o! to be are j la mil 1 incanb a big exiense to -om. . onntv, a I the judge iu a special term gets . jinn per j week liesidcs the other expens of ihe j court j -From what we can understand lh ! county commissioners of Jones are under ihe impression that Carteret county pays the exiense and our cninmi-.-inni-r in this county think Jone-county will probable) have to pay it. Anyway our board at commissioners wisely acted when ihev j ordered the clerk of their Irndv imi to i-sne i any more orders in the lii-mnin- ' i-es" until lurther uotiee. It is, e -ry ex idem , sine one. ought to pay the witne-Carti-ie-t ehlie'S from Jones of 11 ton iu that she does not agu e lo ' freight'' if .-he can help it." but dl 1 111 iv tie- KF.Wili. RRIKF. Bulialo Bill has close. 1 his Wild West ; show for the icason and will go into win I ter epiarters at Lancaster, Pa. It i- said j that he has made nearly -v2i n l '01 1 this season. Mayor Kugene F.. lira v. of Win-ton. in comfonnity with a petition from a huge j number ot pastors aud chinch people, has issued a proclamation earnestly r. ipict- i mg the business men ot that ity ot i wry description to clos a up olli -es. stole. s and all other places of bu.-ine.-s .luring the hours of all the Fife meetings. It Seems to be pip and tin k wit 1 1 John B. Gentry, the North Carolina Joe Patchen, his rival the txv. horse and fistest in the world. In the r at lleiiLvil le ( ' eu- try won. jnow, in a rai e at Jltchniond. on the "th, the record i being the winner, and, rex e; soil, Patchen o it has been in other races. Kentucky, too, has gone to the Repub licans. Hardin concede- his detent and the Legislation contain s only ;.". Demo crais and GO auti-Jienuu rats, ri,,, pnpu lists bold the balance of p over. I'tah is also Republican. The Golden Belt Hosiery Mills at Dur ham are being equipped, and will le tin largest in the Smth. Two hundred full automatic machines are being put in. and 750 dozen pairs of fine cotton or - Ik l.o-e will be the daily product. Julian S. Carr, of Durham, is president and priivipal owner, and II. W. Bigihov. late ot Paw -tucket, R. I., is mpjrntf n ie t. I Stlf. x atson Lawrence nn-l coxy, oil North river, happened to a go. ..I -tieik ol ; luck last week. While li-hing in 'i xv j river they caught at one haul o2 ) barrels I of roe mullet., being about 25,o00, audi weighing on an average of twenly-fnui , pounds. The haul xxiilmt tin in some-I thing near $1,500 at present price-. ' Beautbrt Her.del. I Twelve States ar.d Vtah voted Tue-day. j, Kentucky, Maryland. Ma-.-ai hu- -etts, Mis-issippi, Nexv Jersey, hio and I'tah elected Governors. The re.-ult in! all these Slates will be watched xxith in- ' l. re-t. In Kansas, Nebraska, New York, i Pennsylvania and Virginia important local ' elections were held. j Humors that Great Britain i- heiigj over-reached in the Fast lolloxv i.'u-hj other thick and fast and seemed to Ik-received with general satisfaction through-1 out Kurope. It is not miprobaMc thai in some way Russia will manage to nap the i chief fruits of the war In t u . en .1 .-. . in and i China. If she should sm ci e. 1 in gelling a j goexl port on the Pucilic c-ia-t open at a I seasons of the year she will h i e g-iim d a point of great imjiortanee to lirell, uud one that ( J rent Britain has labored to. ; many years to keep her from getting. Philadelphia Ledger. ! j The pe ple ot this country in -, r before I Inid so cheap, so pine and so abuinl ml a ; supply of xvoolhn i-lot lliug a- they now ( have on the approach of the xxmiet'if . lSiio 0. For this bles-ing ibex a:e :n lil. bled to free wool; ami theie l- not .ui 1 . i onomical liousewile who goes shopping ! i be-e days xv.'io is incapable ol appuciat- ' ; ing ihe boon. The b.-u luiou - tin eat ol 1 Ihe Republican; to ;e-toic ihe xvn i I duties is enough to ;end a .lull dow n the ' i backs of mill ions id t he- A nn-f ic an pcop C. ' i - Phil. Record. The volume o! trade in the Sootbern States is steadily una i a- ing. The li-t ol j new mdu-tries im reasi s nin! t! d'eringlv, ! I North Carolina i- keeping up wilh the j j procession we ll. ! I The Madison Ob-erver S:s that ii is j I currtully reported and n-gaided as ri-ii .-! ble lhat slock has been taken tor the building of another col ton mid at Spray.: The new mill xxill run in I p'.ndii-ami . its erection will be nuiiiiiri.un nt a xery early day. A conn- M hu- ha- l-.en sent ' for to buihl u DUiiiU-i' o! ii. v loiiainiil I houses. 1 If the ItMbj 1 i hi iiiijt -ill. Be sure and u-e that old and w remedy, Mrs. Win-hnx '-, Nedling; for children teething. Iisootlus t; softens the gums, allay.- all pan ! wind colic and is the lu-.-t ivu, Il-tried Is V I I i p child. . clll'i s dy lor l: a-. 1 1 1 i 1 y r diarrhoea, lwcnty-tive cents a h. Buckleu's Arnica Salve, The best salve in the woild for Cuts, i Bruises, Sores, I'leei's, Salt Kh inn. Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped hand-. Chilblains, Ceirns, and all Skin Eruptions, and posi tively cures rues, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction or money refunded. Price 25 cuets per box. For sale by F. S. Duffy, Druggist. FRESH ARRIVALS ! -ooo:-:ooo I wish (o call the attention of my patrons to tlie arrival of some xi asonalili1 goods, and invite them i call and examine my very com plcle stock. For Breakfast, Wc Have, Old Fashion Buckwheat Prepared Package Buckweat, Pure Vermont Maple Syrup New Orleans MoJasaes, Oat Meal, Wheat Flakes, 1 locker's Flap Jack Flour, Forrisi Boneless Strips. Breakfast Coca All Makes, Perfect Brands of Tea and OofTee, alway8 fresh. For Dinner We Have Franco American Soups very line. Delicious Ferris Hams, a little high in price, But Imported Macaroni and Cream ChppRO. Cold Packed Jersey Tomatoes. French Peas, Early June Peas. Sunbeam Sugar Corn. Boston Baked Beans. White Potatoes. Queen Olives, Heinz'a Pickles. Blue Point Catsup. Richardson's and Robbin's Plum Pudding. kkcits, Oranges, Bananas, Apples and FOR TEA. WE HAVE Perfect Blend Mocha and 'Java Coffee. Mixed lea and Huyler's Ooca. Canned Salmon and Lobster. Lunch Tongue. Whole Ox Tongue. Deviled and Potted Meats. Jockryey Club Sardines and Chip Beef. Delicious Cream Cheese. Plain, Salted and Graham WrafTers. Fresh Assortment of Cakes. To make all these meals a suc cess you must have our Eliin Creamery Butter on the table. -IT IS Til EJFl NEST. II I 11 FOLLOCK STEEET. TO J 1 STICKS OK THE PEACE. Pur uant to an orde r made at Chambers I x hi- Honor E. T. Boykin, Judge, tiding Jni I .Judicial District, Notice i 1 iu. by fg i en lo the Justices of the Peace of Craven county that all process iu Criminal cases (except .jail cases,) be is-ued und made returnable to the Circuit Ciiiiiinal Court, which convenes on the -id Monday in February next. (1896). All cases iu which tho Defendants are committed to jail for trial (aud uone otb ei ) are to be returned nnd stand for trial at the regular term of the Superior courtr begins on the 1st Mouday iu De cember, next, 189.1). VV. M. Watson, Clerk Superior Court. o231m ditw. k , . : "Yv.v "; ' .... - ;'V-'- V, ... ' - "!," " ' . -t . ,sJv?.'-.-;; I " , - ..'i..iiii'';-i , ; '0"". ' . ii,'"w ,- - i.:-V:' . At; .t c' I I ' 7 a 'i , - : 1 ' V. --. - - - -v -

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