-41 I II I 1 1 Price: $i 00 Per Tear. INDEPENDENT IN ALL THINGS. Single Copies, 5 Cents. VOL. XVIII. NEW BERNE, CRAVEN COUNTY, N. C, NOVEMBER 21. 1MM NO. 37 ft What is . L , . . . . v - -- -i-i- "-,fcfcitviiiV'-vivVui " ;- .;. . 'V . - . . ' CaatorU Is Dr. Samuel Pitcher's prescription for Infants " And Children. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Xareotta rabctsnee. It Is . harmless substitute for Paregoric, Drop, Soothing Syrups, and Castor Oil. . . It, ia Pleasant. , Its guarantee is thirty years use by ; ' millons of Mothers. Castoria destroys Worms and allays - fererishness. Castoria prerents romlting Sour Curd, cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. Castoria rcllerea teething .tronbles, cures constipation and flatulency. Castoria assimilates the food, regulates the stomach and bowels,' giring healthy and natural sleep. Cas - teria is the Children's Panacea the Mother's Friend. Castoria. im mm wl dlclm far cU- I fcan Npaatadly fcaU torn ot Urn Da. O. C. Omimi, Lonli, lUa. CHMl k . baatramdy for efcildna of MAI Tfpiat.fi I I hop. thadsjr tana r tit real ftlfcrir rtllitren. d CalorO Ut- wkicaar i by CofcissoixiuH. ooeas ynp aad other hurtful v TV Caartekr Cjaay. IT X McDANIEL & GASKILL Wholesale & Retail Dealers in "Floor, Poriv Coffee, Bagsr, Lard, Butter, Cheese, Syrnp, MoIasse8, ' -ii Vinegar, Snuff Tobacco, Cigars, Canned Goods of all kind, i -'; ; . Teas, Spices, aod everjlhiog elae nsusllj found in a : FIRiT-CLASS QBOCEBY 8TOBB. . : tyWe have boaght in large quantities for cash and are prepared to sell a$ low at anyone. Country Merchants and the general public iiriU do well to get our prices before buying elsewhere. No trouble to show good. .Stables Free. 71 Broad St., 0V " New Berne, N. C. SPALL WOOD, r Under Gaaton Hoase, South rrou: Stirt l, New Heme, N. C. Stoves, Carpenters Tools, Cutlery, ' Table Ware, Barbed Wire, GALVANIZED PIPE, PUMPS. Lime, Piaster and Cement. , DEVOES . PURE READY MIXED PAINTS. Impersonal attention to the prompt and correct filling ot all Orders mg3tn w,dow , . ; 2 J?- ;L.H. Cutler & " ' "A good supply of flee horses Fleet Drivers and Strong work rs and Farm Males on band, and a big Jot more now on the way." t&" If yen wast sound, serviceable animals for aar perpose whatever, sec ml e ra goi I hem aad will sell them low tor caab or oti.l)e papr. Good IraoM al.ay on haml for aire. ". v J. A. JONES. No. 70 Sooth Front St. JUST RECEIVED A NICE LOT OF Fresh Coraed Portsmouth Mullets. I auto handle a complete line of Family Groceries. L0RILL1RD AND GAIL AX ssurr 1 SPECIALTY. T-mT Country Fritods I woqKI tay arable ie FREE. Give n e ial aaJ be eoTioced ikat I will you goods dieap tor l be rasb a ) toy house in tnaCTiiy. .ThanaJog ay maar Frwnda for their fast fitofv aad TrastiDg to 8 hare a por tioa ef jour faUre ptrBagp, I am . '. Yoon Truly, 'ar- J. I. JOtlES, Parker Jr. p , HO 77 BSO AD ST. Castoria. " CaaiorU ia Bo well tdaptrd to chn.iren thm I ri ni.iiii.il l wiprior tojjr ptwrtpMoai kaon to m." H. A. Ann, K. D., Ill Bo. Oxford St., Brooklyn, N. T. ' Onr payatdaiM la th children 'i drpvt watmt b.t. spoke, highly of their experi- tacfl at their oatside practice with Cutorte, tad although w. only ban tmg our Trtkml auppHea what ia knovo M regular prodocta, jwt wo sr. freo to confess that tha atariu of Caatorla bu won ua to look with favor upon tt." Uarrw Hum ii n Airn DiamaABT, Boston, MM. lun C Sam, JVm., my Stgaa. Xw Taa-k Gtty. SHEPPARD'S cbOK STOVES1 UADE FROM PURE PIG IRON. Kot eoe potmd of Scrap Iron hi crar aaed la tbaw sooda. DURABLE, C0KVCNIEIIT1 ECOIHObIICAL AJl Modem hnprorexoents to Ucktea Baaaaklas Carea. . Twcaty different stata and kioda. Every Stsvs Wirrasted AgaJist Defects. Pricaa Pot mach bigber at this lima tkaa on eonuaooar klada of Store.. CaS m or addrtm Co., HnBem, N l THIS WEEK We are Turning things up-side-down. fOur buyer is just back from the northern markets for the second time this fall and we are again tilling op our Mammoth Store to overflowing witu'such goods and at prices that you never saw be fore. Come and you will say we are an np-to-date Dry Goods concern. No old time regular prices, but big driver in every Department. N6 Berne's Bi Dry Goods Bargain House, O- -A.. B A HTOOT, Mr. Doxx't Wait if ox Iint Cold. Wave To come but come and get your Heating Stoves At Once. L. rf. CUTLER & CO. N. a Sea our OIL ST0VE5- VtRS AURH'T. Ill the t'ilj of Klin ' Vlrlnily. ;nthrrel In rnl Briefly Told. Matter Giei ii h . -n cr.-.-. cm witli A:nc- W ai::.' - V:'. ;n " I'i r Woild Awiu:M He r ' .til" I i f i iv Mon day, Nov. lii- '. There v i" I hf I..M nl tin- Mb. 4 i do water mi l'n. pt. c mimI", ii niaikrt 1 bv .la:iv H -i.no t t b 1. y U WHS :: ii . at .1. K r. 8iore. Mr. J. K I'. '(.r lia- lit tit up ill! - . la. i ..pe we'le n renin I li s s ! fir b . i ami o;-e I'r m l 11 ' it"! I . it- lhau l.e luvs i; lli.il oiain.li l eli! le t Th i: in em e n ' . 1 pror- s.ie e.ielne .u 1 : I ke s for pri7.' s are iu-i -a . ! i n fll 1 1 l; ia j iuib'i"L'. -sn-i m ! n ho IiokI Hie i-.'.rll ai.d t1.. -e die .l ee liable to tho ).i nal Tolniston s.nei. b'twt-fii i ! Mid-le. i Ix-Mi : p i1 i i I'm 1 city I. Tee. I'pper I'rav. n :. I l.n-Hiilv l-s lieiiy ?hclhil, i : .a in :. Hi ll.o . tin-.. . p. i anil . i .v I i e in.s ii e u'.J i how r.i-.-i-s.'ine time llUIUll- d, t 'l' It. IS W. II K' I IK II trrift.lne Uie mini is ili'io f r afier every r.iiu ofio1) "ti eijUeiu e. The nmnrkaMy low rat" . f i7 n- f-r tlieroun-l tiip .-r ti.. V. X. iV X Ii. I R. to lb- Atlanta po-;t.iLi i- i ll -nit Ii. it won -I -eein . M on om.-. uu Oi'portimtty on ht to e -J, a-; il b every oue w ho c .11 L'O- A box of l'ieh rahnou river w is a novaltv on the 11 til o Ve-h w i.irki t day. '1 In v wue at II . k' n u and letl's 1 h. y Mi'.i out .pnek:,v at l-" ptr pound. Int. ie-b ne; in. -el ,n' iu ie iv !.. li t-; I i nt Alddle Street preaching twice a T ree, oi Durhaii r.anll-1 w-.th .bv bv R. : .'n,i 7:1 ". V. are the hours at vhiill lhe Ik-oiii. 1 In iv have in . n ,i iiiiii'li-i ol r-ipi-- l- or na er. The little rotm-l hoiw I '' 1 ii .bee lei- 1 lhoe pt pa. nt phone ffcrviee hi ihe ju ieti and Queen s-ltitis i- li -i-hed ins; and ni.ik-11 i ounec'uo i lent. The one nit ir the . h built later. The ii-e '1' t ii: the police seric "ill be ex i I. I he ts u i lelep iri at s le ! a venieuee. From the way p p'e are tdkin. iniagia that a jrel'y uccd niiniber lake mlv miaire of the a-t-mis'iimzly u u 1 win ; low I rate that will pu-va-1 oxer the W . i N. lUilwny ni.il Se.ilioard Air Lire Sit- urday of J7.uo for th- round tiip. It is a spbndid opportuuiix to v. .-it ill; cxposi- tj0n ' The grand jury of li e 1'uitcil State- ( court ut Wiimim;t.u f- ai d n tme btil ! Htfaiost Pr. .1. W. SinJers f Uoeue for j false returns as post mast, r lne cae is lo come up ut lh- next term of ihe c. utl inNflw Btinc. The leason thec .se oid not come 'efore the eracd jurv here was that uielel n-coids from Washington city failed m arrive in tune. Mr. W. H. Pearc inf- i lis us that ihe lots which be has Uud off into Pembroke c iiv, are noihg off "like hoi caki s." and it is likely that some of lh purchasers vdd begin buildin--;. Uoth xvhite and c.'loied re numbered aim ' the buyets F.ir of the lots lvine; i.ertlu r h;i e tiecn so M tn a Fennsylv-.miau. Mr. W. S. C'o.i ind y. who lately move I li-ti. Tt regoNr ratif-r wheels have b in r. cived by Mr. W. T. in'i I"i the bt iyc:e larei that are to r - I el I I'hanks Uivini; dnv. After the bicy 1- races there will lie some gynik.-ina rao s. li-. -.t oaiaiions ure bein-' mole to Hi ke re the rue enj able to a high . Ii ' if Mr M. L. li'-ckw. P . t ('air-m. 1'... and Mr. Gto. N. New'urry. of fiox, I'.i . Hie spending a lew duxs in ti e i ;ly. I Iny came in by -leniner Fr day iiiornmy ai.U one of the fli-b-l thliiefS M . Kockwe.l, who has f.iryears been a ii'- r ln-r to TlH-: .loi RHAi.. oid. was t.- i .oi at ihe Ilici ud1 renew his subscript. o t. THE . 1. . . Tbe IndlrmlUa Tare !1annff luri-il In Ibis City Preparation lor ;en r m I I n trod tl rt lo n . Clark Bros. & Co. wir-- o..t with their new delivery wag in Fr'h .y. It w J neat and pretty one puirhased from J. A. Jones, drawn by a hoise fiom t.ie hxvrx stables f M. H din ei C... 11. w ...m was lettered wiih am sue taste by Mr K. T. B-rry, Merrill's Maiweh-ns le ieiu -. Sure Iniiigcstion Cun. S I ('.' The rirst de'iverv f...ni the wa;.n w , ma. le lo Bradhani s Fharin a v xilm !i has -. ready sol. I Mv.nl luiioiu l b-itUs .-l the medicines be-i-ii s those Sold by lie! ol her druggisl s of the coy. The firm ij nmip in-iI ot Mesi ('. C. Clark Jr.. Edward Chuk and I . M Robert. The f. rniei w::l Ir.v. I with tlr.' wagon througln.ur the State intro lin ing it sod gett ng it placed at the .line sto.e-. Tiiey now have a rapacity I" manu facture a thousand hollies pi r day, an I it is hoped thai the patronage ui.i c .u-t-need for an enlargement. TnTlInt Mnrhlur Pnlf nlcil The patent io Dr. O. K. Bagbx'.- tult ing inach'.i e lias airived. This u, aclinic .lifts tiu i ntire mallr- ss at one streike. Ir is inorexer the only iuUI'-i; u c .ii e in .o. co iSfquentLy ihe Doctor h, s a c ear fa hi before bmi. We houe lo se him make a l.-riune out of ii. Think ol the Orphan's. Now thai XJiunksgiving is net tin i lose at hand it is time for tiie benevolently in clined to begin pripar.aiors f..r -ptvial 1 donation to the several' Orphan's II. nicV i of the State Not-only sfi. uld people re member t hose connected bo' h loeir on a de- nominat loos, but that eutneiv national one at Oxio-U. T.h-i two hundred children there Ir. of all denomin itions. The support of i ties help'. lo a very larere extent d p.nd-tiioughli'u!ue--s of the wai u. h, ph- ol t ne slate and the kind i e.-s of lh.- Ind d y sea- i. . rebe l upon f " t arrx iu-j, ., lh . Keir.emi er the otphau-. 11. enomi-:.r.- II .XV 11 lan.rie- .ttle ones upon ihe : ; 1 .1 pen uiei. br .n e 1 tue.x ,v -rk. The Dwiiin ol Klnnlon ii-leil . Dr. 0. K. Baoby look the round trip to Kinston on business om the 13. h. He informs us that iu ilu- Lo r county Superior court on that - ay, .Iud'e ilia Laiu, pie.suiiiiL'. Mr lax Diw.-.u and his three Sons ware rr:e-l br ll.eir : s-aul: on Mr. X J. It- use las' x. .r The tulher was s .rtet.. e l t . pay ali costs in the ca-e and hi- ..Ides ia fined ri t"i y dollars, nnd the o-.ertx'.o. (ieorere and Iio'urt, wer- s l.tccd to tbe county i nl for t.ine n.oii b- e c 1. Illnl At hi r home near 1 h.- . t. tery, Wetlne.s.tay, Nov. l:lt a, at 8 o'elix'k. Sin. Sarah J . w.fe IS. K.irkt-r, aged 4: at. I The lum-ral will le he d l-'i the Epi-copai church at :bie 11. . I 1 a-t I Mr. 11. Marrlefl At the residence 01 N!r K. S. Barker, at 2 p. ni., Wednesday afternoon, Mr. B. C Harrison to Miss Minnie Wade, Hev. T. il. N. George, ofliciaiing. THE WOMAN'S I lllllOV. For llir Koiielil of llio HIuk'n lantfl 14th lo lp lion en Ouf ill Dcrrnibfr Its tent ur".. Tho Ki u's l),n!'iiteis nl this city are i;. ttaiu' nl. .!.' with tl.e Wonaus Iv i i i . i ii 1 1 ' p y a 1 1 ' . i'1 ' i ri n l" i-sur. It will I1 ii Ut'Ki.' . ". i:utialel paper ili'Vi.l-.l mainl t" llic u.'ik ut'the K i n 's 1 i U 1 it 1- lh: ou ;h. ut tlie Nov i rl I but Berne an.l :n t. t: ..: N.-r Ua' S:a-e ..: V rii t :.io:.: a. Ain-M'i; the il U-! r ;l. ei - we i be the t' 'U r vieu s nl the New lUeii'. p'll.lie building. 'I le e m. ii will oi- p . u eil upon the to., r k t at ti li i . i.; - . a h a' 1 it is b.ipe.l I. it or I.!-el: -lull to M. .-. . vel v iarye .-ubefiji'io.i l;-t w Im r-. eived b iw.ea o.v . i n I tli-- 1 i v of pii'-hratioii, u Ineh u ! Ix'.-.r'v ii Deceit. U-r. Mis laah .1 ne-. v:i" u a ; in Joldsboro iftanginu' fir is pu'iluati. n. i. ok a number ot ord-rs ti.i re. "'i'' ot' wloeh fur lliirtv, eop:e?, was r in 1 1 e J : :e le 1 S.-iiool of tn . t pl-iee. -: i e oi ii i s ha i- be. - n sent in l r.'tii oi lu-r t--u n - :i re.i . me b. lei: fi o.n as far ell' .- I S in- inut-.u. i ... J'be l .un n- ar wi'l b- eanvas: 1 L ll.e W)Uior ladies but all wli.i wish can s, ii. I in their orders ;.t ai:v lime to Miss ' ' ' ', " ate sent m navinenl. t- e r. oiiesl is made 1 1 , ; 1 1 le. v b- .-iiil in . elimination not lamer than two's. I'bo-e bine; in the . oiuiiry who ui.li -i io.y ot ihe aper r ui-.i.. i il to M-iei .ii iiicii otu. is, a lne p. op.e tl -h. .1 o-h Thel-e W. Iributors IV Stale a.-. I i nl ol Ihe Iowijs lai.ii- l be bi a until .it eut p'-ruons will I) ; w el o -e.' it 111 ul ro:i of i lie worth t with pap hop. vie-. W , . rv . Vet 1 II K TAX OISTF.RS. Anil Wlnil I Ik- I.hh Riiliiri'S il llioxe ho I'lircliHne Tliciii lor Male.Mhip- liinj;. en-. i W. e'e I'.i: lie. b. it. I',! ol our in terotfil ri:..lel lie- 'o'llow'ii" lioin Seclioii 7, I ' aipler In-'. Laws - I 1(1.5: j "All pel-ons pur. il i.-ine; oyst.-- f..r p ii kii -biukiiiu. b'ppin.', or fur rale. s 1 1 ill. 011 the I i r-1 . 1 i v ot e.ch month, hie with lh. clerk ol the court wherein liny ii-i'le. a -taienieiit. duly sworn to before soiiie olrieer of the law authorized to iid-iiiiui.-t- r o ..lh-. of the number of buehels pu i char-ed. i'e I l i wl.Oiu purch-ised. .mil h 1 1 1 pay tiieea i k of i lw court two j i en' s p. r I .u-hel on e.e li huln 1 pui c 'mseil; j ai d Ihe i et k ot lne i olirt sha'l ret ain one i half tj) ol'.-n - per cc.it. "t the lun; Ihux : dim . d as his t'.eiu ad lilioii a nady , li. r. iubi fore p i ovi- led ffir: Froxi.il .I, th it li p provisions ol was act thall not apply to any persons who lake, catch, or purcha-e oy.-t. is for their oxxrj iinmed'.ite ( oniiiuptioii, or use in the r liimihe-: Amend, by adding: when it shall appeir, inthesnoni t.itemcnt re quired by i his section lo be liled with the cl rk of the co. nt. that the oystirs so pur chased wcie caught with hand tons only, in the inonliis of JAbruaiy, March or Apul, i Ik ii the Said purchaser shall be exempt t'loin the tax impo-ed by IhiS sec lion, and the clerk of ihe court shall not ex ul nor collect the same.'" j lrMertive Inimiirratloii. j Mr. Si'ii'l TliotnpsOii and dnue;hter, : M;-s Audteta, who came in Sunday by Ute nm r and who aie slopping at Mr. J. j J. Wnjfi mien'- i xp-ct to -leinl the xxiu ti r lure. As lar as S r. Tuoinpsoii's per. : -onal i l, i v.i' ion "t i ur couulry lias lu'.ir.c h" is weli pha-'ed and there is a I pi isp. ct. uhicli we xvili l-eitladt-) see teihzed ot his investing and making 'his b:s home. Tin-it- ar a -o others who baxt? iheT iIioulIi's tun e I to Mir nuhl snutiil.tii'l who may lie inl ' ' a o l re port ft.. in him to cai-t in t he r ! Is among u. Mr. .1. t n . n. ol' the fu in i f Tomb. -Inhu-on V i'.i. wao rec. nlly pu:ehieil li e h-.ive and eil situ ite- K iiisom p'an iiiio :a sic it d taii. e it'.- . the city's li cit write- that he ep-i 's p. I -riu tif tecii or t w ti" fiinhie- d m u -on '. Then is pi. ii : y ot y od laud around Xew I'erae at x.ry low pitcesniid a wel come mx.iiis ali i: od setih is 1(1. It it I Mi IRISH POTATOES. And Ket 1 1 tiff on t tbe KprnnU-Ftpert neuters ire Siillslleil Ihe IMun In a liunil One l or Fall I ropn. A- i ' tried i we,! k'i..':i au.otig all who have ditli. u'tv is found here in ttetting .t.o.d ot In-h .i-l:l,m for a fall e u -e .-!' iheti bavin--: t.. be plan- .1 o 'o.l stand o i Clop. b. e II -e . I ltd .1 I. It - e; 1 hi lemedy 1 1 I l i -ole iu eotin i he-t i slimmer 1I"W to re ol lie in on problems to lion u it i t i -ec ond plant- it we published It w i n loin I" ! I i.i Ma i: I I M.- I n end ei i 1 1 1 loi a 1 u ho ;.-h. d lo tr lh ii-i-his the lavora le i xp- rn n, e of . A. Kus-. do) i h-.s i ounlv Who exneriiiieiit. .1 pot at o. s an I i be s ore p'tm swet l po'titoe u U:i sMio a 1- w ler . b Idi'tg the Irish g mi1 the sprouts on mivei-ally usd for are iu'nrme-1 ilnit f fat nr. i s inexl it a ooo.l uu n tl.; y: ar, tii-ceplt-ei . 1 -y i not what wet i:".) i enough ..I tl.e p .n 1 ibouiZh owing to ihe ex iv s a-on the results wire e.au'icipa'ed tin y xxeie yet totcomit.ee ut the nieiits n at r cje s is. .ii-. Li t the plan be k I boron : ii i i pt in nil' o be Li ix en all-. a Ul.'ie it a-.iO; Inr Sea son. We h ix e si e i n -li -. - - f its l.a . triol i I-ohIici- :c-a ll a ,-uo.i r In en u ts as I ..I the' iol-iaiij; toiib recomu.en :.i' ion? ' - p' "i iro;n the experi i. enters to i hi i .;hi r 111 m. rs. . 1 iv tiik fi k.i. ns. hetr Very KnllKfm-lnry K-nii1In ns a Whulf From Ilie Falll'roH. Il Was le.it'e l when the dry spi 11 of w.aiher came in Scptem1 er and October, that la'l r..ps would l-e seriously affected by ihe 11. out -ueh did net ie.-ult. turnips nevi r xver a. ros- I in I an e .; I t. ps ar-- a tin. 1. Ice luxuriant tops lap . ro.x-s making the Ik-hls .ui ex- ui.l and iiv.iiL' giwn. and the, i.irncl index of tne huge, even an i s,,;i,i pi is bene.. ah them I be 1 .11 he-t plan'e 0 ic the la'l crops of Ir -.1 poi a. e- tume : 1 m t -iicii'iid . fhe , al. 1 o 11 . 1 a i n.-t ij li ii e 1 ijUal the first. in an axeraoe there xx 1 r not as many p l .l-'-cs lo tl.e h.U as is gem rally born", blit tl.e Ul.lsn-t tl U iX -ersill ly ejO- ,. slZClllalle the tol .1 r sn'.l- very sat isfictoiy. We saxv some 'fluiisday rti'sed by the colored tlll.kil'. Ed xv a rd 11. Dud'u-v that would 11 axe .iu-ilv been countpd line ..nes for any -e.i-. ui, and for etlln r a spiine; or lull cr- p. The stack- of cm el a nt cr bi;ras and other i;ix. xx h-.eh Pol th- tiehi-auo when x' a- 1 1 .- '1 In lai'e ijuau uns afti r truck crop- vi 1 nut 1 xe'i 1 ..- hi -'.- or expense . t s .xxinL'. slinxv- well . r the i;rowini; d -po-,t on 1 f c a. ii u: 1 r ni ihe sod to look out lor home supplies, 11. si- ad ot iiept-nd-i- a en l ux: ig luem Willi luuds u-alizid lio n the 111." ey crops. A xvi-er pi m thin t.i ;i'ii.i i ve' thing tha' Is Used on the l .iin that ciin l-e grown .icon it launol be found, lor let prices mi., as mux xxill, sup- I it tl-i ti is 1 crtain, an 1 xx uu'ex a-r uu oine s iea,z -1 nom ine inotcv eiopsisieil o , er lot.,- ex p-iln- th'tu-s th .ill. ill-.'. mini ot I U 111 Is a w se 1 1 a n lor capiible of pro- Johnson's Kidney and Liver Hegulator invigorates ihe ever. r. gubiti the bawcls, , 1 nre- dx.-pepsia, biliousness, indigestion, sour stom.ich and inaKes your head as ! clenr as a bell. 25 an, 1 50 eta. at F. S. I Duflv's. A FIGHT WITH A TAKAN IT LA. A New Berne 'onfeetloner. Narrow Eaenpe. On yesteidny tnoin:Dg the firm i f N. X u n n & Co., ol' this city reteivcd a con signment of bananas from New York an. I in openinir llio c ises containing the. I'm it lartre taji. nt ula pran f.itli from a bunch of tli- bananan There e'e sweial cnstoniers iu the store and as soon as the erv of"taiantu la" rose there was great cODSteri.aii'.n ainonL; the gentlemen present. !?onie lan for the door, and those who weie cut off from th'S in. ans of exit by ihe intervening spider, spr ine u.oti counters, barrels ami box. s n i heir great and sud !erj fright, at si .lanijeri us and unexpected, a foe. In the mean time, the taran'ula, whic ! seemed not to be in iu'1 possession of his .Uiinp'nt; iiciiuies on nccount oi uie mr- eign cmna'e io which nt miu Deen irans ported, was hopping around on the floor, and up against the barrels uud b'-X'-s anil all other o' s aclis which confronted him in his lasje, ;,s if nnxh'US to inflict the deadly bite for which ti ey are k i famed. Mr. Nunn, re dizine; the aanger to which his i ustomers had n so suddenly sub-j.-cte.i. and csercisinii his accu-ton ed coo1- ness ami nrefencc ol mind, ran to the icir ' ... . ... . . .. , oft lie store ami brouaht forth a lare;e sack which atusd'e distiuce lie threw ovei ihe enraged spider, nnd I bus secured, he approached and killed hull. DR. I.. I.. NASI! IN VIRGINIA. lie Frenches it Ureal Sermon at Nt Jfailies 4,htireJi, Nhm the Klehmond Miute. Dr. I,. L. Xash, the excellent pastor of Centenary M. E. Church, is warmly Coin-plimi-nled in Richmond fur a sermon he pre.-iclwd ihere Sunday mornim;, Nov. Illh We lip ihe f-'llowuie; ujion it from the Stale: Jl is seldom '.hut a finer sermon is heard iu this city thau that preachen Sunday morning at .St.. Jauies' Mtttliodist Church y U..v. Dr. L. L. iiaih, ot New Iteri.e. N. C. Announcing his .-ubject as "The Love of God Manitested l ii t tie Incarnation, of Christ," the speaker laid down the pro position that there is no better wny for a Christian to manifest his discipleship o) Chiist than by lovinsr bis fellow-men, roiniorting and sympathizino- with Ihose in liist res.s and ministering to the needy and tulferiug. Love tor G"tl, love for our felion-meu, conti mieil ihe preachei, is the f. undaiion of all true greatness and the impellipg force to nil dee is ol true hetoism. in this connection the speakir lehrrcd in tloquent language to Generals Helieit E Ijee and Siouewall Jackson, characterizing theiu as the incomparable heroes of this or any other time. But, said he, neither Lee nor Jackson would have reached such heights of grandeur had he not lieen actuated, as all Christians should be actuated, by love lor God, love for his lellow-meo, love lor Iiis State. In these two lives were exemplified the high est lype of the true Christian poldier. 'Tu illustrating what love can do for a man, he recited an instance of an ouicast one who had suok to the lowest depths of depravity forsaken by all save a daughter, leing reclaimed and raised lo a J i i'e of oscfu ness and respectability ihrougli the devotion of that child. That the sermon made a deep impression was evidenced, at its conclusion, by i(early every me. in tbe ctiurt'u ajfpEi.ichm; the altar, taking Dr. Nash by the hand, and thanking lijm for his spbndid dis- ColllS.-.'' "The Doctor is a man of fine physique, u'lacel'ul iu gesture, possessed ol an un usually r i ! i voice, and at limes, especially in Ins pcrM-ation, rises to a hiuh order of eloquence. He is in the city f r the pur pose of visiting his wife, who is at St. Luke's for ir. atuient. Dr. Nash ranks among .'he foremost ministers in the North Carolina Confe-tnce. THE RECEPTION. By Sir. "nil Mrs. J. R. B. Carrnwny A Flue Sni-few In Etrr Pnrtlcu lar. Mr. and Mrs. J. R. B. Carr iway's re ception last evening was a socid event that xvill not soon bo fnrgotiea. The popularity of the bride and groom was plainly evidenced by the unusually large nlliulkr in attendance. The floral and evergreen decorations were exquisite. They abounded in rich prolusion and charming taste tvery where. The presents were el gant, in larjie vil li i ty and embraced a wide scope in the : U rritory from xvhich ihey were received The admirab'e u.tnu whs the xvork of ' the St. Cecilia Society of the Episcopal ! church. Mrs. W. D. Sprague, sister of the groom, assisted in the leceptmu. LOW RATES MAKE GOOD CROWDS. The Seaboard Satisfied Willi its Ex. perimep t W 111 Continue Cat Khicii Leos Than 1-2 Cent a Mile. The Seaboard's 5 rate to Atlanta is oue of the lowest ever offered, beintr abiml one-half cent per mile. The Atlanta C.-n-titulion says; The Seaboard Air Line ha come to the front on. e more wiih a passengir rate war. The Seaboard makes the otli r openly ihat it xvill sell tickets to the Atlan'a Ex- I piMiion, 1. 011 11 ol Abbeville, at $0 Irom siai.on. no mailer now lar up 1 lie line fro. 11 Atlanta that statiou may b -. These tickets will be good on special dates, which will be propeily advertised bv tl e Seaboard. The first trains came into Atlanta Thursday on the schedule of rates aud the t fleet was all that the offi uals of the road could have asked. The trains brought about a thousand people to Atln!a. Each of the Atlant specials brought nine car loads of people. They had pas seugers from vaiious stations iu the Caro liuas and Virginia. Capt. J. A. Newland said in talking to ' lt i 1 ier : i e are more man sarisuea with the lesult ofthetiist excursion und wili run them just as we fiml Ihe demand torihem. 'lhete tire pji utv ol people xxh would come o ihe Exposition if they could ouly get Ioxm r raib oad rates, and xv bile I he r.ii.rouds have ah made low uites the Sea board intends to make them even lower for those who live far axvay." The Ne'.xs and Observer adds to the above: "It is known that the Seaboard is not 11 member of the Southern States Passenger Association and they have foiled the r.itis that were fixed bv the other lines.'' Deatn of A. J. Finch. fr. Alonza J. Finch, lite insurance a -int of this citv. died Friday from a con- restive . bill resulting from iniemperune 1 and exposuie. He xvns found about six ! 11Y: ek sitting on the hack steps of Mr. L. j J. Mm-ie's otiiee. He was able to couverse nud was a-sisted 10 a bed room in an ad joining bui.dicg. No aiarin wa i felt at first, but alter wards as he became woise Dr. J. W. Duguid as summoned who ad ministered to him. l ut his lite could not he saved. Mr. Finch wasa quiet man of t'Ood Jjg. position but with the weakness a.luded to above, and which has at last made him auoth.r victim to drink. He was about 43 years ol nge. He was the son of Kev. Josiah J. Finch, who was pastor of the New Berne B.ipust church for several years before the war and was a minister of prominence. Mr. Fioch lias lelatives in Raleigh among them two sisters. "II I IS OV K. It. 'IKK K. Come Kpnr 'an-4iitf : Serious Aeri dent lne i.elH Fil in n Tr--lle .net the Triiln Almost Itnn I pun II 1 in Belore Stoppinic The ll.-tiiucr. Animals on the track came near eau-'mir a serious accident on the W. X. iV X. Rail ioad Fmhiy afternoon at the i:.- th ni ar F- .St u--"d ( l'.esini; a' i:it 1-r. e n,!e below Pollocksville. ' Tln-ire.-t'o i- H i' feet loiifj anil a luut of tie- ua-.- ab -nt twenty feet de--p. A h. r-e trnl tvv ol Mr. C. Fo-cik'.-j ian on tl.-' ahead ol the i r on. and w h n ii c o- to the tr. slle th it -t..pptn' i lo save tr.nil.le w .s abi o' impo--: The hor-e got a- lo-s the ire-ile one mule f. ii, broke two ol hi- t e-' rone I over. i.iiim i he botton. The other mule in step Hnd his leet wnit betuee 1 1. ties instead of on them and with ; feet thr.-uh, he was las., b. win.i of extricating him-elt'. Winn tie. stopped, the locoino' ix e in- withi; one loot ol this mu h . 1 la-1 1 1 e gone only a little iititlu r I i I -r si. it would hax e hi - II 1.1.1 osl .-u;e i, been turned ova r and lhiouu dnw embank ment. A-ildhl h pp n li no haim r. suite I except iheaie..:. the aniina's theniselvcs by ih.-ii i, crossing of the ttvst'e. MM lSl X HA HIIISOX. p.eve-.-Ilaln a . ul . 11.' .tie i .1 .:t: A Marrinire Willi Itui.iiHii.l Koiiin.ii e The Dltl SK.ry of I.t e latns III nt Hi Opposition. Thursday, Nov. 14tb. ins'. M i W. Simp si m wedded Mi-- A liar at the resid nee of Mr. .1. S. I't-I J u slice of l lie Peace of Itiver. ale .1 c o'clock iit'niidit. Mi-s IIuiJi- 'i, p ohjjCIid lo the inatriaee ai-.l w.-.l agilation h'iv in .r- gi-e.s Mr. i ihought he would help llio can--' lit nUCC glided I ll N.w I Jel'lie a nil . 'hi Jicin-e On his nturn he t u 1 1 i ihe i .siiion more strong, but .!oub in..- ics lullon he -ucceeded in haiiaj an view with his fiir in ead d and In were quickly adjust. '1. Miss llar.lis iu went to her sis ei it p-n o b 1 speud the night --. Siinpso i bar. e-- -i a fleet hoi'-e and pu.-ue l ant wa- i:.. cessful. Afier the ceieni my as opr Mr. Si -np-son reniai'ko. I his team niu-t have been a ware of the intended olnponu ut l.i horse too ran away belou- In- r. aeh i the stopjiing p'ace ol the iliti-n e.l. The ueiiihborho". 1 at laiite cxh-n.i-their congratulations ami wish ihe y.-uno couple a sucees-ful lite. IIivkko xi.i: Vesrelnbles nil Ihe Yenr Round. It is no xv within two wicks of the litst mouth of whiter, an-1 jd miid is the cliiin.te at ix'ew Bi rue ihu temier uarheu vegetables are green and flourishing JStii-io beans, radishes, etc.. ;an Hill be seen lor sale on the streets, and ton. at--e to a small extent and shipments of gr. en peas t,, Northern mat ki ts are in or .go ss. There is no reason why in all L'trtlen about here there shrill i n it be a constant succession of every kind ot vegetable from early spring until iheveiy e.ul o' the autumn. By n p atcd smiths oi c sxason can almost be in uie to lap into another. HOW COTTOJi M1I.I.S HI LTII'I.Y. In the XeljchborhoixlH that Once ilaki a BeKinnlng: in the Iniliisirv liar lolte Will Noon Have Eleven. Thai canton inanufiict uiin ; is a paying, business needs no better proof than lne wny old factories eularge ai d in xv ..n s start in communities that liave em bat l-.e-1 j iu this I ne of nvinufac; ures. We hopej that by continued ireui';diou ol -uch i We Will at h.St get New lllfUl start i (1 In the business. j Cotton can bought here cheape- than it can lie fa 1 1 her N -r Ii. b.c.t-i- netohts and comniissioiis h.r -ehing will I e aw al. . New Berne is very aihatit .oeoiisly io,- a. d ; for the business and tin. re is i:o gnml : reason why xve should uot l-;e a i. um ber of good mi lis here. The cotton factory business is a irn: thing in Cnariotte now ; it has hci n so f..r ; some years and ll is still increasing. Ti.c 1 1 xlile Excelsior, published then-gix cs , information of another new an.l laii'- noil for Charlotte. The Excelsior s-.x.stliati its inforuiatiou is exclusive and iiutucnt.c! and that the plaut will be i reel-d ' .v the ; middle of nexl yi ar. It v ii ij -liu lar gest cotton mill in Ihe tmen Cm, t.. consist of a two story 'actory io be i quip ped with 80 000 spindles which a e o be operated night and day, m akiii" it iq.ial '. to a 40,001) spindle null. Tneie w n a.-o be a weave shed, conlaininLT not ie-- t ie.u 1,000 looms, weaving up ail ihey.ru-, produced into very line .-luMi..-. a square goods. Tne company to erect this new c- u . mill in Charlotte is Packed eniiielybv Northern capitd Irom Puilad tp..ia a .! elsewhere. Iu the eour-e "!' ti c u pi.-' f , months the en t- r prise wiil 1 incnipnr .t l. -As we have alieady stakd. all the tn nu points have been setlka, iiieiu dug the si:e for the factory ai d the nun Who W C 1 superintend its consiim lion an i ipe'-t-' ti. .p. he is a well-known Southern sup eiintenilmt, whose Micia ss ; u i l:--:. uianulactuier is ailmittui. Charlotte's e'exenth textile pan; -theiefore now planned and will In eiic id early in 189ii. If Charlotte tiuds f u t..i s sin i, ij. -.m thing to have Wi'iiid.i't 'hex U: goou tor Xew Berne . -w Berne l abbiistm. Mr. D. B. Davenport r.ceivi.i a -a;p-ment of tiue cabbigcs Friday from h'e 11 tal raited by Mr. David Ma. .. "f Hi-( place. Tbey were well hea. ed anl ,..ni:. uieasuied about a foot across. A dozeu years ago almost every body1 would have said taut uot -.rai li c mi l b. done here at cabbage raising, l-ip. now they are exported in large ouatu 1: n-.-fiom January to June, and tin re -re -m ill quantities nuirkcte I at home in the sum mer and fall. The sm ci ss that a. tea is the full groxvn oiks sh.e.xs !...: fib-.', choose to do so : !n- iarmcis c .u l . 1 b: - .g to considerable c.sh mr ta .-a.- ii- by ; payiug attention to 1 I son. Tlie Weather at Se;i. Speaking uf the rough xveath--r that has prevailed tor some time past ihe Hcautot t Herald of the 14th, saxs: "The weather has been very b il . tl the coast for the last Lot or ten daxs Mil. ors say i has beeu a 'earful tin at s :a There will no doubt be many xxr.cks mi our coast fn.iu tl.e effects of o. ()ue ot , the lare ocean liners is ln la, 1 Cape Lookout, beini: f. ice. 1 tln-r. : stnss of weather. There are sex. ra o-.k , t -V .he ll.l'l- mast schooners als Johnson's Emul-ion of Co I.ix. 1 (.h enriches the blood, but ids s. -uud ll sb. 1. -stores strength and vitality to t ,e n.-b ii ta'ed bodv. Pint bjttle. "I.t'i. ..' F S Duffx's. Why go xvfst i'.nd bhuv up.' Why stay north and snow up? Why live east, and slow up? Why not come south and grow v; Atlanta Const' 1 ulion. Impure blood C .uses pi nples. hives, boils and erupt ions of the skin John son's SarsapHiilhi and Celery purities the blood and eradicates ah blo.-d poison, Large boitiis, 50 cts. at F. S. Duffy's. ,n !:vt s i i:u i i:i Th. M A ( -t b Mi II I h - nieiila! K.e'd Cub, a al Ni w - p- -'.pone 1 r ehv :,n Decern1" r ii will Ihe n to the I Ua e I be 1 l! Am 1 1 1 - -: 1 1 -i It on i I'e- itl.ll.. iiub T e I. :.!'(: :t li 'II I' 1-. T- -pelt. i 1 1 ' I'l.r, d. v. n I e s II 11 ha- b A th i ieiu 1 r 1 lh- f-i; 1 1 ,1 f: wot 11. th 11 1 111 li- -I I ' e.l a V- V -11 : it.-..!. 1 l al all lhil M. II- t c Ihe o -li 'I' ll : ! all- 1-U' H pVi.e-a the lb . ,i- 111 i'e: uud i 10 with fr il. fill- a' henlim broil 'ht o next ler n ll - le. -Ht I I; el- ti con electa d ,u: t" 1; .! I 1 Oi.lt. publ a an J 1 h 1 -ir, , j : ie urns j v- ti a 1 re xx as i : ,1 at ihe ! .1 w re ti I III In New V, the . til l,i!lee Ot (-1 Ul If Test S, U ll an nut In 11- Day 'ii N'ovetnhef IZ-.ns, . XV 11 ' Cde- re:i:a .-1 1 -! ;n' il;ti' fia.t p.irucipaie i--i t be "a brill-. u in At h-1 I a uire'tt't it. ta. ?Jlh, ns are d Irom the luOi'-ati ihat at le,i-t 'JaKiii per.- 11s wiil at ie Ii'ti-alll. I Tin- V ,-h.jigfmi .r V' -ays that Mr- ; I Io. i-e-. i! 1 lloc- . w mil y. 1 lie. I a f. XV da V- j . ay- -. Sb-- wa in h. r hu nlu- I an. I : 1 1 1 1 1 e .r a I nl xx a- lb-- mother ol -even eh liii t ti itnl s n! v - Veil it all I Jicat gran 1 chi:- t, 11. Th.- Duke of M .tl-,, V. I V uIMt' I'Je 10 ('l.e; the li". e' who li scoxa r pr. -duces :';') 11 iii.not.l b V.i III an New. Tin- lh.! nr.i At A t'ti h.l il - il 11 h i- sta 1 " i i u ll t t n be er l.'nliin.bus, .'tibnent that ibtnks tin- s.-i- -i a ' 11 s tela :ie. i the this: atil Mr s on tvrn ex er He n in th ib hu -t h ll 1 11 fil I ps si - c i 1 . 11 a 1 1 1 1 a 1 1 w e 1 1ml lit if ii y ix i. en-. Their c K inc i-mv. and pa-sed .at ,. p ! I : V LI t XV . A Iaihieoie r.esiiay uiornino 1 ui :on. - .ia: ! wa-il- . 1 the city t-e-ma.in, 1 arly Wed l. tin- Aliauta Consti .ate n ' u i ns t om the show that the reiiu- tr I ) ne era tic i.y 61-). "i h ' t rut 1 1 in that . tillU tx ji .0 l'a o :, 1 1. k. t li 1- been 1 h f'ea'ed There may not l-e' any in rk. 1 in it t- an iuieies ica 'i r. !. Ashevi! le t -it i ;: lb rah 'bv Ihe M.-.-n I -aix.s tl, D e.i. '0cf.1t on I v last ,'iliia x Ic xx e re 1 he iU.il -411 ink V li ly for out in tin man Web n. D . r. lh pe:-u : (- Hi d,d T-. u 1 " iU'uU - 1 em- il a' man 1 ll. Th- -e I - a re l ho- e and i'.mt- l h XX 0 ! In e I 'av'or, - -nth irem till i 111 1 Ic .u:-i W n-' x o 1 1 h Mat .1 ll ia ; - with .1. bu D t , 1 til . Dr. i fi .-ell sMI 1.1r- Mi The 11 1 X or XV 1 1 111 't's- : ,1 ' . -a .- i ! o, s. Ill I !e hx t . 1 11 ti'- xx 01 k exei 1, si ve -tiui'l- i'n- nexv wo ts ll .-I. d al bill 1. ngth ill , r; piiu ami it) t Mid ix-e, man tn.- S too. ll - 1 iii ii 1 i x 1 -h c .pi . I 1- th- c i xa rt i-itio a,- d -ociai 1. ll s ,!r,ady hiis shut 1 1 1 1 -hs to : h i e aU !ll-l liKe . i :f then l-X-l that v a s A al c a a M: (r'l Ii fr. I- 1. line 1. ton. had 11- - xv tlnn Ji. an ' Mo ; nx's xx ,11 lbof- Will. 1. A. T -x th xx 1 1 : l 1 1 me- ',. :: l-'ri ...xi e.i -lis; detni A'-etn. i XX i" I " I L J 1 coil' e ; . family ' Ije a lie. vcr ' -. ke.-p l.llhll en h. 1 ,.diiai 1 -1 11 s xx as hcl. I : I A tn -en' .i ill! a it x e. - !!! r- - all ,e Ai-UU- '. thill ht! is xx . re a.lop; i's and c- li He- the c 1111. The (Hill. 1 laid b. en a boti i ti e town, I ihe Abemethv Us ...I 1 he xx one 1. Cml. r pi onoutic. T ..- All 1 i.i-i hx 1 his claim lo say they did uot oi-eak Gnu ci's w.u ow. .i:iii.I4. (for Dost In a r that sound '. that weird sweet sound I That liils ' he air around t Tuat inelo ly fair, in iu!sir,g air That's everywhere and yet nowhere, Yet doth peisuasively abound. T hroiiohoul the a'r, its music sweet Doth all our ears mysterious greet And wonderingly xve siek its cause, l i e p i.zling quest doth mako us ptiuse While passing through the street. II. .xv niarvelously swett the tone A- mii-ic from Celestial tone A all aiound, abox-e beloxv This ellin music seems to flow ! A!i ! tis t!ie xviiis ol the Telephone. ! S. i DITCH I.I I-1. A BV. W" nken, Blynken and Nod one night Sailed otf iu a wooden t hoe aile.i on a river of misty lighi Into a sea of dew. V. , ,e are you going, and what do you w ish? ' The old moon asked Ihe three. "We have com" to fish for the herring lis!. Thu' live in this beautiful sen; N. !- of silv.-r and gold have we,"1 S iid Wynki n, Illynken. And Nod. I i moon lauidied and sune; a so 112, As they rocked in ihe wooden shoe; Au I the wind that sped them all night lone; 1 Iii 111 d the waves of dew, I'll I tile slars were the hiT.ing fish I cat lived in the hcniltiJul C-l. "Now castj your nets wherever xv ish. you I. II' never a'e ird are we!'' oiled the star, ol the tidiermen thne, Wynken, I!l Viikeii, And Nod. A'i 111 hi long their nets they threw for tbe tlsh in the twinkling foam, Tlnn ih.xv n from the sky came the wooden shoe, r.i'ii;-''ti)g the fishermen home; l'was all so pretty a sail it seemed A - 1 i it could not be; And souio folks thought 'twas a dream they'd dreamed ')." -ailing that beautiful sea; I J 1 1 1 I shall oane you the fishermen three; Wynken, Blynken, And Nod. Wynk n and Blynken are two little eyes. And Nod a little head, And the xvooden shoe that sailed the skies As a wee one's trundle bed; So shut your eyes while mother singi (f wonderful sight that be, And you shall see the beautiful things As you rock on the misty sea, W here the old shoe rocked the fisher men three Wynken, Blynken, And Nod. A WOMAN. I am a woman therefore I may not C dl to him, cry to him, Fly to him. Bid him delay not! Thi n xv hen he comes to me I must s quiet ; Si ill as a stone All silent and cold. If my hemt riot Cru-h uud defy it! Shou d I grow bold, Say one dear thing 10 him All my life fling to him I'bni; to him What to atone enough for my sinning, This were the cost tn me, This weie my winning That he were lost to me, Not as a lover At last if he part from me, 1'earing my heart from me. Hurt beyond cure Calm aud demure Then must I hold me, In myself fold me, la st he discover; Sho ing no sign to him I'v .00K of mine to him i Wh it ue has been to me i ii..,, ,,. i...u,.. ,., .., i,;m ! 1'ravs him to love uie. ! I'.tv no lean to me. Thou find above me! Itichard Walsou C.ilder. H1SIIMI TRIBI'TE. To Their Lately Ireaed Member Benjamin Hahn. At a reg ilav Convocation of New Heme (.'hap'cr No. 4h, It. A M., convened -Man lav, Nov. 12, A. I. 242."i, the follow ing c niiiiittec report was adopted: IK MEMORIA1N. (bill's linger touched him and be slept.'' W!e Teas. The iiistling of the wings of j t be 1 . -.'.lh An 1 has been heird in our nal.-t rd into ihe shadowy land mis l.U.,-. .1 t ,11 Rn.ii.jmin I THE NEW in: Journal. k lldin. Master ol the on I Vail, of New i' -the, ( 'banter No, 4i, ll. A. M. Tner tier lilt' lh .Ixeil, That the sudden death of our '., I'-n: i and Cotupauion is a startling re I," miiu h r ih.it ''in the midst of life we arc in j .! all;;" bis station is vacant aud his com i pan! .ns mourn. Let us hope that he has I'i. seated such work to tne iVlaster Uver--er's square that his greeting 011 the other -ho: a w is, '"Well doue rest; rest afier Ihe - fitful fever is past; resl after life's dniiiiis have vanished; rest when eternity daw ns." Ke-olved, That bis excellent deeds i-ma:n with us and that xve condole xxith the b'-relt and invoke the watch : 1 1 ,i' 1: an 1 tender mercy of the Great I A.M. lb solvid, That a copy ot these resolution-, be tendered the family of our t-s-1 , cue d Companion, that they be spread upon the Hook of Records, and be pub ished in ihe New Bf.knk .Iouknal. J. H. Hai kuukn, .los. 15. Clark, Owen II. Ui'Ion, Cotnmittec. If Ihe Bnby In I'nttlnic Teeth. Be sure and use that old and well-trieo remit i v, Mrs. Winsloxv's Soothing ISyriip fore ildreu teething. It soothes the child, softens the gums, allays all pain, cures wiu.l colic aud is the liest remedy for iiarrhoea. Twenty-live cents a bottle. n61vr XTh.-n r.iihy xvas siek, we gavo her Castorta. When slie xva.s a Child, she crieil for Castoria. "When she heeame Miss, she elung to Castoria. VAMxa slio liad Children, slie avelliom Oaatocia. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria. ONE HUNDRED : - DOLLARS mm ii $ 1 0 0 $ 0 0 $ 1 0 0 $ 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 For the arrest and con viction of the person or persons who broke one of the Plate Glass in our show window if maliciously done. Mil ' 'U- We Know This COLD, DISAGREEABLE, WEATHER, Has caused the G-reat DE"o.s3n. for those nice heavy Blankets&Quilts Ladies & Gents n, ork Sole Shoes, Ul Also those magDifi jent DRESS GOODS. very and. Bet the WINDOW was not Men ly any of onr Customers. Who will Get The Reward ? Respectfully. HACKBURN & W1LLETT, 47 &49 Pollock 8t. V 'iSV.