-MV THE JOURNAL. - - Pwprltor. UcaI Importer. THEY INVOKE THE DOCTBIK Lam, a, d, econd-dm matter. " Djmmita U used for killing fish iii m&cj Ktreami of California. i.Deiaaeai oi im i&assiaa em f rc38 Aatu contain 2,53ft large dia- ' raoadj ana rabj rained at 1600, Eo. v IngeraolTft nw lecture "Foundation of Faith," ia doubtless fonsded npoa the only thing Bob has any faith it cash. '.- The Emperor, of Germany took raean advantage of his guest at hasting pvlJ vhen he read them a poem -written by hinmelf. ThUit a aeaaon to remember that it is bc5 only ore blejaed to pre tLaa'to receiTe bat that is also more satisfactory, to the giver. ' xiau. bag? can new- be. taken on ui delivered from trains running at 60 mites aa hoot. : The- only ; irrotectant can rcn in tothlem of r Jndea is a Latheran rtnrsit.ia "which ih paster f"rt ia ih Arabic Jangoage. .Yes. . thtnza are nnennal. For inlncthe average annual salary ef a minister of the gospel is less tiaa $300," while Bob Ingersoll pocket , more tnan touu every tiae he spends' two honrs abasing Christianity. " . . "V ""aBaeaiewaMMSsaMfMsaimMawwe Old Dao, the only -cavalry horse surviving the Milk Birer expedition and the' Uee&er massacre, died at Fort Huston, -after twenty-five year'a service in ihei Fifth Cavalry II was buriod with military honors By shrewd diplomacy the Saltan b i been allowed three months to mike good hit -promisee of reform. What a politician that fellow is. If the proposed shipment of Pa. anthracite eoal to .Germany proove financial asecvar1 it will be nr priding, hat none the less gratify 'ing. '- -: V'?'':- "- There is a new style of peripatetic advertisement on upper' Broadway, New York, which has made a hit It ( a sandwich man, wearing rath er load,' bat perfectly creased trous- crt, and the ; signs on the .hoards read: .''Xoar tronsers creased like minefor twenty-five cents at So and- so's.r.'v.'.'-'-- v- An 'illustrated article' setting f ortt the resnlts of the laical Btndies aal " dtscoveriea r- respecting "The Stm's Light," by -Sir Robert Ball, . who rivals the late Professor. Proc tor ia his gift forpopnlar exposition of astronomical subjects, will appear in AfrinaTe'i i lfswiiBe fat Tsunary , The pahlishera promise a series of article by Sir JRobert on popular astrsnomical topics daring tbe .coming year.". ' ' ;. : Probably few reader are aware of the fact has 'modern industry has . Already got a foothold in the arctic regions, and that mines are worked on a lsfge scala and railroad regu- . " larly operated, in snch high lati , tad e. This is the case in Sweden, -where the Lolea-Gellivare Kail road, . bautlor tne purpose ox carrying iron ore from the Oellivare mines to tho seaport at iLolea, extend 50 ',' miles above the Arctic Circle and - enjoys the distinction of being the gJL?xt roalroad to open np the Frigid .one. XITU SOT BOIZ11A. It Is a CMatry af Walea litrto bbmM -" ,- let geeosse Citlsew. : Th Girl Who ia Employed" is aTectkccly nddresscd and wisely counseled by. Bath Ashmore in . December: iidjee' Home Joarnal. 4The writer tells the girls of their d aty to their employers and to them selves, discuss matters of dress and Tarni them against "tbe dangerous whseh she designates "Bo-- "hes:!, which seems to you so at tractivev. In reality it is a country f rhich JOB should not become a cUien.;. . - No matter, whether yoar friends rcz1 yon prode or not, do not per . tut the social side of your life to ' degenerate into a free and easy con , ' dition where no respect is shown to -;.' yon, s woman. in Bcaemia tnere may be some " , lasj&tc-r; bat bo sore there are many i. - : tears. in-; mat lano yoa would :vproLtYI 'spend all-your wages in -csssy of festivity, and be abeggar or wo : i stUl, a borrower for th ret', c! the- week. ia liAt ana a woman buys one -3 frock, too fins for Jhor position iu nd daring the working ;Jt o are she looks ttaudv and always - ea -"restive, by bet shabby finery, of gay girl rather than a, well-bred woman, whiehjis what the busy girl should aim to be. In Bohemia it is . claimed there is a jolly good f ellow- h:n. and nothing else, between men ' as i women. Too don't want to be ajoDy good fellow. Yoa wan to has) woman who' is "respected,' not - - csly because of her sex, out because - of erself,snd the free and easy iLTain wbich a man offers a woman a rizarsttAZand she voIanUerj. to - - - et for him something that be counts more cheerful than a cup "of tee. is . one which my busy girl does not ' want to live, : If for no other reason jtbia would be one. . Ia Bohemia all women must be " v Tonnsr and beautiful, and you are ' not corog to be that forever. So spake for yonrself a social world that , ant, bat when yoa will bo liked when youth and beauty have gone, - becaas of the good that is in you mtntally and spirit gaily." ; . '. y?:: , eM as a" Blenibs Killer. Tha hvrienie value of soap ia ' hardly realixad bj the general pnb 1 lie Eecent expenments have shown : that A solution of soap will kill typ- toid or cholera microbes. A one ( per cent, -nolntion will do so in tsrelTS hoars, while a seven or ten pr cent, solation will do it ma ;w mlnates. ::-..-v South American Countries Will ing to Fight European Powers L1IK1MM.VS IX El'ltOl'E. Li tilt- THE DEAD REC07IRED. XiBlstrnf EUpnblics Inrolvid a Dis- pates Cable Instructions to Kelj UpOa Position Now Assumed by the United StaUs. Among Secretary Olney'ts callers yesterday were Ministers And rail e of Venezuela, Mendoncn of Brazil, and Romero of Mexico, representing three of the first republics of South and Central America. Though thid is diplomatic reception day at the State Department, their call at this particular time, when the Monroe doctrine, as applicable to their countries, has received so forcible a construction by the United States, occassioned much comment. Although none of the Cent nil and Sonth American diplomats will con sent to be quoted regarding their call, it is known that they as a rule have cabled their governments that tho present seems an opportune time for mvoking the Monroe doctrine as a means of support against Euro pean pressure, several of them being involved n disputes with European nations at this time. The statement is made by one of them that several important results will follow from the vigorous construction of the Monroe doctrine. Mrst it is said, will, be the official adherence of the southern republics, makiug the de claration practically unanimous from the countries of the western hemisphere. It is pointed out that rxrd Salisbury insisted that the Monroe doctrine was not recognized as international law, but this, it is said, will be answered by a showing that all the republics of Xorth and South America accept it as the law governing them. The project of another conference of American republics, in lino with the Pan-American conference, put with a view to political alliance rather than commercial reciprocity, is being discussed also. There have been a number of these conferences, largely devoted to academic discus sion, bnt the strong assertion of the Monroe doctrine would give a prac tical aspect to such a meeting. How far these hopes and purposes of the southern countries were com municated to Mr. Oluey yesterday ia not known but he was doubtless made aware of strong prevailing feeling and the intention to give it official expression as soon as word could bo received from the several governments represented. Among tbe bouth and Central American diplomats themselves the feeling is almost nnanimous that there should be a sneedy cementing of all the re publics of the western world. Admiral linnce, commanding the North Atlantic squadron, came up to Washington from his flagship New York in Hampton Roads yes terday and had a consultation with Acting Secretary McAdoo respect ing the movements of his squadron He was to have sailed Saturday for the West Indies, but he will defer hia departure for the time, and talk over the matter with Secretary Her bert when he returns to Washing ton next Snnday. The feeling is growing in naval circles that the cjrntse-wjiJJL beabandoned. for it is njw regarded as highly imprudent to send away from the country the only substantial defense of the Atlan tic seaboard. There is also a sug gestion that would be prudent to re call the Mediterranean squadron, comprising three of our finest crui sers, which would be left hopelessly bottled up" in the event that mat ters took a bad turn. Piople Across ?hp Ocpau Who H.ive San' a C uu ! England is oy tin means the only! European country to enter into the i celebr.itiO i of the Christmas festival with a zest. In Germany, in Sweden I and Norway, in Kuh. in France, ' and in fact, all ovei ivnope, wher-! ever the Christian religion obtained a foothold, the anniversary of the Nativity is observed with rejoicing! and feasting. The ceremonies are not greatly unlike those of the En glish-speaking people, though, of ' course, modified by the traditions! and usages of each country. St. Nicho'iis under a dozen aliases have j become known to the little ones from the Mediterranean to the North ' sea. In Holland he is Santa Claus, 1 and in ! Forty-Three Lifeless Bodies Taken out of Cumnock Mines. FOUR OTHEKS ARE .MlS51ti LION'S (JLWY3 ON ALiSK . WHAT VENEZUELA IS, in Switzerland, Samt Klas, Austria, Niklo. or Niglo. Every-iC., lee. : where he is the same pleasant myth, 'after the the friend of the children, the old blackened n! Tw.i f 'he Injured Men Will Vary Probably Die Complete List of ihe Drad The Corouer Will Hold no Inquest Over The Bodies This is '1 lie Third Accident of The Same Kind in These Mines, a Tot! of 'J Men Having Been Killed by himiUr Explosions Heartrending Scenes. Special to the News and Observer. Cr.MN-ocK, Chatham County, N. .'i. This morning, just dawn, twenty-five stark, bodies were drawn up gentleman of snow-white beard, be-(from the depths of the deep, dark nevolent disposition and invisible movements. In some of these coun 1 tries a dread personage is supposed by the children to follow in his wake, a person, either male or female, who ia prepared to lecture bad chil dren on their evil ways or seize them in his visible arms and 6pirit them away. The myth regarding this dread being is probably a survival of the old pagan idea of the good spirits and t tie bad spirits, or per haps, of the legend, about the an imal conflict between Thor, the god of the thunder-storm, and Freija. the goddess of spring. N. V. Mail and Express. Unexpected Munttleenc . 'Jaue,' said Mr. skinnphliut, a a softened liu'ht shiniug in his eyee. "1 think 1 i-t.' never given you anything for a i.'uristmas present, have W "No, William." answered Mrs. Skinnphlint. "You never have." "This Christmas, Jaue'" said Mr. Skinnphlint, in a voice trembling from unwonted feeling, "shall be a different one from any we have ever had. What would yon eay to a present of some useful article for the house? ' "I would like it very much, Wil liam." "Somethintr. for instance, that .... P - woulu be both useful and ornamen tal? Something that von could select yourself? How would that do?" "It would please me above all things." "Then, Jane," said Mr Skinn phlint, witli au effort to retain his composure, "we need a new boot iick. I ere is twenty-five cents to buy it with. If it costs less, Jane, added, in a broken voice, "vou can keep the change."' Chicago Tri bune. mine that was their tomb. Blacken ed with a deep coating of sooty coal uust, sometimes defaced with cruel mutilation, even fares and limbs burned and charred by the coal-gas that brought death in its Hame, Side by side in the engine-room they were laid, covered with 6trips of white cloth, native and foreigner, black and white, in a democracy of death. For the coal had blowu its ebon dust so deep that in many cases the difference between the whites and blacks could not be told. It was a ghastly show. And whi n the people sought for their loved ones in the still array how pitiful it was! JIow the sa-cved ones whom l!riiih Encroachments as Disclosed liy a New Official Map. The Venezuelan controversy has reawakened interest in the Alaskan boundary dispute, which is not of recent origin, but which, until a comparatively recent date, had been permitted to drag its slow length along with characteristic diplomatic leisure. As was the case with Ven ezuela, it was a rich gold find that aroused the cupidity of tho Briton, and had him to reach out for more territory than he could rightfully claim. Both the governments of British Colombia and the I'nited States have from time to time issued maps of the country around Alaska, and a study of those maps indicates the growth of England's claim for ter ritory supposedly American. Yes terday morning the Geological Sur vey received a copy of the latest official map showing the boundary between Southeastern Alaska arid British authorities. The contention is over the con struction of the treaty made by the Czar of Kussia with the ministry of Great Britain, in which the bound ary was determined. This treaty was the result f a conference of the two nations concerned held in! St. lYtershnrg in February, lsO.'i.j in which conference the oommis- j sioiiers accepted as authentic the only map then at all correct Van couver's mau of the Pacific wast be tweeu l'nget Sound and Mt. St. Klias. In accordance with that map the commission fixed the line to Something About Our Ni i South for Whom We Figlr. Venezuela is a fee and includes square mil deg. and " lib ir tu May Hnv. is a lederal re an area of b. embraced betwee !')m. witt the ' to Ki ll. Vol', ope met L. m- "THE CLEVELAND POM V. 4 m tude am! 1 d ..'firn. nortli latitude west it claims tiM-ritorv v. claimed by Columbia and on the e !sl is 1 1 1 - ia claimed l.-otii Great Britain, a part of Brii i The total i)i i:'c and T Il the I - :;-.-u; n .";) i o 1 1 r i -deg. S.-lit ii- is air ; ':i ! " ; iicn i -' brokerage house succumbed -Taylor it Co. The failure es a number of speculators w ho '"Disappearance of British F atr ar"i! through the firm. Ao state Is of assets and liabilities can be obtained, but the figures are large both wavs. It is not believed the lirm will reuome. The loss iliiring the week on stoek exclusively i sted bv the l'iiila 1',! -si.s 1 ILvOX ;iv K-c ! V 11 liauge i !1 ions is cstun.itei of dollar:. at ia J. t . Canada and (inian.i Dl lil.lN, December James (J'Beilly, member ment for North ic -com m f F KKSCUINIJ THE MINE US. Si. (I i o Guinc iatioi, Known to In hot: Ytt Found. Itlicsl i;;t don editor of of Dublin, a: ed i tors of tie lias eo!it n 'mi t I nib- oelidell ! . Ic-'de;,r ( I, er.eznclai remarkable sooner or I: ;,in and t'.e i , ii rini l i w an a h Ind. a mI I Ih th 1 ! Mi t all; i t: :i o public is populat io: about 1 pi religion D number o; or tne ici The !,', Yeiie::u.-;, pounds s are coli'ee, sugar, hi foreign ct pri ncipai I ( i erman v. The chief Puerto Calx 1! 'li ar l'ner man lllau.o, ':ll':li:is the D, the est 1 !!!.: I nr. of 1 1 man Cc M : - . l t. I s vbi ' I.'.il ii-h, Urmbuio V i I r.i i a. ! o i. . s and Observe (., Dec :!. Work : e in earnest yester- eh s for the tele- . v. hi : it i.s expected riii-.K bv datiunry ' up- ;i t lu com- , lie c t'.e coin- : : . i w 1 1 as "Tho . e n i Telephone ; nv."' .ii(i cx- ! 'I'ois'lOt, ! v i c i at e .' to ! l;ellt .. . ' ' : ' V Will .'.4. r i im rce with th l 'r liicc b -a por ; .. 1 I lilt. and Tie ' . w 1 rti ::ris o were Al-van. i: lea : i 1 o t ma .aii' M b:.'lh 1 f. th VI M !', i I r . V W ! a 1 ork i n.' and II. bo. en 1 1 un lull. d i m. ire.it i 1 ! , v :n MliVS DEATH K !. ipu. strike the western coast soi ibed looked into lit - he features of each their MAYSVILLE CORRESPONDENCE CDrlstmas tad Christmas Doinrs in the Countrj. Christmas the gladdest merriest day in all the year will soon be here. Tbe day when all should throw aside the toils and cares of life and remember a man or child on that day, years ago was bora on earth whose coming has marked an epoch in all the ages, since whose lnflu- ence.has dispelled the dark less which enshrouded the womb of nature. Since then his advent has caused sweet charity to have beneficient reign. It is the wish of this writer that love and good will take possess ion of the hearts of all and we all may emulate the example of the manger boy born eighteen hundred and ninety-five years ago. Bnt I did riot start out to rite an essay, but to let the readers of The Jovk.nal know of the doings and happenings in tho good little Tillage of Mavsville on the Saturday before Xmas. Many indeed are the naicroua scenes enacted in a coun try village and Maysyille Is no ex ception to the general rule. Saturday there was a shooting match and a cart loud of nice and toothsome turkeys were the prize. The stnrdv veomanrv of the sur rounding country were the contes tants, Messrs. Sanders, Koonce, and others were the successful winners and it was a merry time altogether, to hear the happy and pleasant re partees given and taken. Mr. t,nas. rsariter ot stela was m town Friday. Mr. J. F. White of Polloksville made a business call Friday. Mr. Lancaster, The Joirxal's agent made ns a busines call Friday. Mr. W. X. Mattocks of Silver Dail was in town with a load of cot ton. Oysters are plentiful here. Oyster knives seem to be very mm h'in de mand. Messis. Iane A Banks are impres ing npon our people the impor tance of life Insurance. Mr. D. 8. A man and family left Friday for Wilmington, where they will spend the Holidays with rela tives. Ve hope them a very pleasant trip. Mr. Cauier of Asheville is stop- iing at the Alaysvule hotel, lie is ooking after the timber interest of this section. The entertainment at the Hotel last Thursday night was quite an enjoyable occasion, all seemed very well pleased. Am very sorry our last weeks correspondent seemed so partial to the "Onslow girls."' Hope the girls elsewhere took no offense as Ins interest seems to be at stake in Onslow. Polloksville was well re presented. TheSa'aries and Incomes of Ru'ers Iliere is certainly one very nice feature about being a potentate, and that is the income that comes to the occupant of a lofty place. Besides having all his wants attended to, and a large number of palaces al wavs at his disposal, the Emperor of Russia is said to receive $25,000 a day: the Sultan of Turkey receives 18,000 a day: the Lmperor of Aus tna rejoices in 110.000 a day; .hm peror William has to get along on $8,000 from breakfast until bedtime; Qneen Victoria has $35,000 to spend every week, and the President of thfi TTnited States receives a trifle under 1'000 a week, but a great that gathered at the mine seemed to deal of free advertising goes with c ai most paraiyzea oy iear, do i:h had r face and soi own! And when all that was left of him was found, thev laid him on a pathetic little white-cloth stretcher and bore him home for burial. The horror of it all had awed the crowd that came with sympathy and help. The tragedy fell like a pall over Cumnock and country round about, for few they were who had not kin or friend in the mine. Death's harvest has been a large one and not a family in the little village but what has a pitiful tale of woe. Some lose a father, others a hus band, and others a son. Twenty five dead men, side by side, in the engine room, eight others below at the bottom of the shaft ready to be brought to the top, and ten others missing was the situation at Cumnock mines at sunrise. Up to 1 o'clock this afternoon it was claimed that the explosion was caused bv dynamite which was stored in the slope, but the dynamite has Keen louna whicli leaves no doubt of the accident arising from Ore damp. THE HAIR-BREADTH ESCAPES. The men who crawled out of the black horror and were lifted to the light, tell thrilling tales of narrow escape. In Slope No. 1 where the largest number of men were at work, not one lives to' tell how the death came. In Slooe Xo. 2, two miners were killed. In Slope Xo. 3, farthest removed from the spot where the explosion is supposed to have originated, nearly all the men were rescued. THE WORK OF RESCCE. The work of rescue did not begin al the first umiurln tii t v. Tho ciotrrt of an isl in th nin Th. tio:i r t ' :.) the office. Harper's Young People. Happ j. Keep Tour Husbinil By feeding him well. By serving meals on time By not borins him with domestic history. By taking au intelligent interest in his affairs. By judicious flattery and equally judicious blame. Bv beins an ornament to his By not locking up the ways or a sweetheart in tbe chest with your brtdal veil. Xew lork World. Face Massage. ihe popular craze of the day is for face massage, and when scientifi cally performed it is of great benefit: but false ideas and silly counsels upon the subject, floating through the newspapers, arc doing harm Before performing massage one shouid understand the physiology of the muscular system Miscellaneous stroking of the face has a bad, rather than a good, effect. One is safe in making it a practice to wash the face every night in very hot water, using good soap, and rin sing it off thoroughly. Afterward, rub tho skin gently, but firmly, Superintendent Cant pleaded, and Mine Foreman Nutall told them they were cowards. At last a little band had the cour age to go down into the mine, res cue the living and dig out the bodies of the dead. Mr. S. F. Nutall led the party the first man to go into the mine. Thev had fresh air pumped into the mine, and then began their search. Twenty-five men were rescued from Slopes Xo. 2 and Xj. 3. 111 il .a. 1 Tl -V 4 w nen mey entereu rsiope rso. l, the bodies of the dead were found lying on every baud. Of their, all, not a man was alive. The bodies were carried to the foot of the shaft as they were discover ed. Xone were brought to the surface until this morning. Besides the twenty-five bodies ly ing in the engine, roo n when I was there this morning, eight bodies lay at the bottom of the shaft. And I was told that two others had just been discovered, half buried in the coal. That left several bodies, five or six yet to be found. Kepoits differ slighly as to the number of men in the mine at the just then called the ! sala of tiit Prince WaVs. line t'l 'ii took a northerly !ir parallel to the coast, conform: the summits of a range of moi; very clearly indicated on Vancou ver's map. The language of th. treaty is ipiite explicit, and reads as though there could be little doubt of the exis' ce of the range referred to. In order to provide for any pos sible contingencies, the treaty fur ther specifies that should no such range exist, or should it be found to be in any place more than ten mar ine leagues (about thirty-five miles) from the coast, the boundary line should be a line parallel to the coast, and at no place more than ten mar ine leagues from it. As recent surveys have been made the line has become more and more uncertain, for while mountains abound all through that part of Xorth America, they do not form a range that affords any basis in de termining the boundary. From the line first determined, and to which it seemed at the time both the United States and Great Britain agreed, British Columbia has extended her tei ritory nearer and nearer to the coast until now in stead of a line generally parallel to the coast line, this last map en croaches upon our territory to such an extent that even some of the Alaskan waters and harbors are within the British domain. This map is entitled "Map of the Pro vince of British Columbia, compiled by the direction of the Honorable G. B Martin. Chief Commissioner of Lands, Victoria. B. C, 1895." The difference in the extent of the territory between the boundary of the panhandle of Alaska as deter mined by the United states and as determined in his recent English map, .qmntipts to about 1,500 8Q1LU re miles, and includes all that part'of Alaska immediately adjacent to Juneau, in which town is situated the greatest gold mine in the world, the famous Tread well mine, which has a monthly yield of from 40,000 tons to 00, 00) tons of ore. The dis puted region is also covered with timber, consisting of tir, Douglas spruce, and Alaska cedar, which is alone sufficient to make the ground worth a diplomatic struggle. Washington Post . .i u v. i ; i lvv;. total le icpiih; but si land ti " )'.) in J lie total leiit ii o! 1 - of tiie lepub'ic in mib se v -ral ! i '. i ! i 1 1 -' 1 1 o ' 1 oads have iiei-;i lei: connect I he pr; !!! pa I he nearest inland -of Kiinei.il ;) . liic: , v v-ral thousands : - . pl vi res con a pal fit ies of t lie r--. The republic of ' C.li of eight ritorie.--, the f colonies. The States are Cara man Blanco, Lara. I Xamora, Falcon. Bolivar mudez. The names of torie3 are Alto Orinoco. Yururari, Coura. Doojir, Armisticio and Delta, nies are Guzman Blanco var. Armisticio. Alto Orinot J- Wh.W ill-' lirs Sh t i-'irei! ia Air.'": V, . w 1 1 - S Mt'iia-I'ae I Hileil St.it' i'av-s Mjthinir tu Iear, Admiral .Mi .'.! ;..,!. lllllllie.'i I nun I'tai j :!. 'or bim-e f -i. out 1 e ! 1 s-on 1 1 ; i a! es. alera .:. V, uMonutuii t-v a Lug He en ; ii c si as! ic :.: wci'-h erected .M.'t .croft Hall 1 i "lied to his tall; ..ii S.;i.'' otherwise called a ' ' ioti.sm. 1 lie Ailmir; and a stereopticon to .. or than Meade auuien Admira ' idaV night ail' ,ii "The Carib l bo! MIX 'S Amie.. and Bar die, terri Amazonas. a. Colon. The colo- and Delti include rari and disputed territory. The revenue of the rep.i rived chiefly from customs, amounted in 1885-1 to 1 pounds and the expenditure: government were 1 ,"-2o'.,-lU0 The public debt at the end was ",bS0,S50 pounds, bears iutc-rest at 4 per cent The constitution of the is modelled closely after the United States. The i; Yu of ) 1 I f d! : Hetties. ,(::;. ;-4f 5 of the pounds. of ltiMJ The debt re public that of president ieu i; with a preparation made my mixing time the explosion occurred, and no together one part of rose-water and one part of chemically pure glycer ine, with a few drops of the tincture of benzoin. Glycerine does not agree with all skins: but where it does not, other oils would best be left alone, as most of them - are apt to induce a growth of hair. An excellent preservative of the complexion is cold cream made from the best quality of olive oil. The face and neck should be thoroughly massaged with it before retiring at night, rubbing the cheeks upward and toward the ears, and a quarter of au hour for the process is not too long. This nourishes the skin and induces a uniform plumpness. It is uot necessary to use the cream pro fusely, and that which is not absor bed by the skin can be removed with a soft linen napkin. Especially is this beneficial in cold weather. In a week s tin.e a decided improve ment will be noticeable in tne tex ture and freshness of the skin Demorest's Magazine. Bogue Sound Correipondencp, "ilooraw: lor A mas. oay we and the good people of Bogue Sound and merry A mas to the ".New Bkrxe JorKVAL ,'' say all- Married ' at the residence of Mr. NV. P. weeks on liadnots creek on Wednesday the 18th inst., Mr. Geo. man knows just how many are yet to be found. "Is there supposed to be a single man alive in the mine. 1 askeil Foreman Nutall. No,'" he said with a sad shake of his head, "nothing alive, neither man nor beast has been found in that mine 6ince earlv last night." A thorough and critical examin ation must be made before the cause can be positively determined." said Supt. Cant, ' the fire-boss and the mine foreman both made usual rounds that morning before the miners went to word, and they re ported everything perfectly safe and in good working order. Jt was at 7:45 that the mineforennm and fire- boss reported everything satisfactory and secure. Twenty minutes later the explos ion occured. Keep Farm Accounts. Farmers, as a rule, are too care less in regard to keeping accounts of their business: consequently, thev often raise crops that are not profita ble, aud to raise and feed stock at a loss. And in view of the fact, too, that there are so many otherwise profitable crops that cannot be sold off the farm profitably, it clearly shows the folly of this neglect. It were better such crops should be consumed on the farm by useful and needed stock, and the residum re turned to the fields for their sus- Bell of Ocean to Miss Isora Weeks daughter of John B. Week of Had- tenance But how few of the Bt-aucbamp & Beacli, Eufkula, Ala., We have handled your Jai aues Pile Cure for two years now and can conscien tiously say it bus Riven eu tire ;atUlactiun iod ieu eood seller. We regard it as being the best thing for Hemorrhoids or Pi'e that we have ever sold, at F. S. Dnf- J - - , ... nots. Dr. J . . Sanders, J. 1. offi ciating. We wish the happy couple much prosperity through life. Kev. Dan Reid our last years preacher is returned to us again and we are all very glad, he preach ed for us at Bethlehem last Sunday to a glad congregation, he hasn't lost an appointment there. He will live at Stella again this year, and says he expects to build a parsonage there if he can. A basket supper and festival at Rocky Run school bouse on Xmas eve. An Xmas tree will be exhibited at Swausboro during the holidays by Capt. R. Foster and wife for their Sunday school pnpils. It will be a good affair. many, many farmers look thus closely into die details of their business; too prone to follow old methods and customs of farming, with scarcely a thought whether thev are making a profit or sustaining a loss. And unless the farmer keeps an account ot the ex penses of growing a crop, he is not likely to know much about the cost of making it. and if he sells it, does so blindly. N. C. Bulletin. Italy as Aibitrator. Paris, Dec. 5J1. It is rumored here that Italy will extend to the United States and Great Britain an offer to arbitrate the Venezuela difficulty. OUK STHKNUTH ON THE SEAS, Charles H, Cramp Hot s Not Think N w Ve8fls Will b) Ordered. Nkw York, Dec. v'0. A local paper print an interview in Wash ington with Charles H. Cramp, the head of the Philadelphia ship build ing nrm, on tne subject ot a possi Die war ntti Oreat isritam growing out of the attitude of President Cleveland on the Venezuelan ques tion, Mr. Cramp does not think there will be an immediate order for new vessels,for he says these ordered now would lmrdlv be available if needed soon, as it takes at least two years to build a battleship. He said : "Ihe President s message is just so strong us it represents the nation ai strengtu or tne sea. ltnout a single battleship it would be weak and beneath notice; with one such vessel it would demand some atten tion, and so on as the number in creeases, until backed up bv twenty it would be unanswerable. Now. what is the United States strength as to battleships!'1 Tticre are availa ble, or will be in a few month, four of the first-class the Indiana, Massachusetts, Iowa and Oregon. Then there are die Teiai an the Maine of the second class, the Mon terey, which has demonstrated her ability to go on sea cruises: the Miantonomah, which is smaller than the Monterey; the Amphitrite, of the monitor class. There are the Terorr, Puritan, and others. With this showing it can be seen what strength the President's message has." When asked how long it would take to transform the four ocean grey hounds of the American Line to war vessels, as stipulated in the mail contract, Mr. Cramp said thev could be made ready in a couple of weeks, lie didnot think they weuhi be of service as commerce destroyers. The Cramps have now in their yards the Massachusetts, first class battleship, which was reported to the Navy yard on December 1 as 9o per cent, near completion, so it will not take long to finish her, the Iowa, a first-class battle-ship, re ported as 50 per cent, near comple tion, and the Brooklyn, an armored cruiser, 04 per cent, near comple tion. Wash. Post. is assisted by eiglit ministers and a federal council. The law making authority is vested in a congress of two houses a senate with twenty four members and a chamber of deputies of fifty-two members. The deputies are elected every four years directly by the electors of the tates and districts and the senators a re elected by the legislative bodies of the dilTereiit states. Congress elects tho federal council and the federal council cho president. The term ot the council aud the president years. The Venezuelan republic olarod its iiwlopeodoj.oo ot' Spuin JcU land was at warfare with mother country for nearly -ten y thereafter. Bolivar, a nation Caracas, was the leading spirit the revolt. The independence the republic was not recorrnized Spain till 1.34 In 1S4C there be gan a series of civil revolutions which lasted til! 1 During these struggles, in 1S.11, all the slaves held in the republic were lib erated. In December. liCO, Guni zan Bianco was declared provision al dictator and acted as dictator tiil 1ST.!, when he was elevated consti tutional president for four years. Since the election of Blanco several presidents have administered the affairs of the republic. The sitting president is Ferdinand Civsp.. At lanta Journal. the eral t wo dc- fcXCH AXiiE WILL )! tb False Itamore Started on .ee unit of the Panic in w Yo'k Nkh York. Dec. :. A rumor was put in circulation by an even ing paper to the effect that there was a probability of (dosing the Stock Exchange if the depression in prices continued. An Associated Press representa tive who interviewed Secretary Ely, of the Stock Exchange on the sub ject, was informed that no sugges tion of such a course had reached that officer, that no meeting of the members of the Exchange had been had to consider such a course, and that he saw no reason to expect any meeting of the Stock Exchange to consider the proposition Conclud ing, Mr. Ely said: "The Stock Exchange will be open as usual every business dav of the wick." BURY THE HE tl. The Secret of Whipping Cream In whipping cream tho secret of success is .to have cream and dish as cold as possible. If the froth is skimmed off, as is sometimes recom mended, it is apt to fall after a time. It is better to beat steadily until the whole mass is the proper consistency. It may be sweetened by adding a little sugar at a time, and the flavoring can be dropped in when it is nearly solid. erv thin cream cannot be whipped. If it is too thick it must be .diluted with a little milk or it will turn to butter in the process. Inquest Over Viclims of tbe I'umnock Mine Ititaster Conc'uded. Saxford, N. C, Dec. 21 In citement at Cumnock has subsided and things are more quiet around the mines today. Coroner Chapin has concluded the inquest and de cided that the thirty-nine miners came to their death from the explo sion of gas. The report that dyna mite exploded in the mine is Ialse. Forces ot hands from the ( ape Fear and Yadkin adev, and eigh and Western railroad-: been busily engaged all da di craves at the Cumnock grave About twenty-five of the dead ers will be buried there: others been removed across the river Chatham county for burial. Two of the dead bodies were ped to Ramey, Pa., today panied by two of the men caped the fearful disaster, bodies will probably be north to-morrow. ison a ;.a 'ioti.sm. 1 no .Admiral na-l iii i; .- ami a stereopticon to assist mm ;u ins lecture, and lie pointed oat on the map of the sea south of the I'nitei! States the many inlands , t hat are owned by foreign nations, a'.d told how they had obtained po. session of them, and for what t hey were now used. ( lraduaH vlhis led up to the Ven ezuelan qucsl ion, nnd a reproduc tion of Tho. Post's cartoon of the British lion with a paw on the South American republic, was shown Admiral Meade spoke of tho dispute over the boundary line, and the grasping propensity of John Bull. He was glad that the I'nited States had taken such a bold stand regard ing the Monroe doctrine, and said that shonld war come from it there would be hundreds of thousands ready to take up arms. The I'nited States has nothing to fear in the trouble. Her navy is strong, and composed of many of the best bat tleships and cruisers afloat. The Admiral made many patriotic allusions aud was loudly cheered. It was irv possible for him to speak for several minutes after the statement that England had been taught a les son in 11 To and 1X12 which she would never forget, and which she would think of before going to war. The navy of (ireii.t Britain was h ihly complimented, but Admiral Meade evidently thinks the United States its equal, as be paused and leaving the desk said: "I am no prohct. nor son of a prohet, but I piedi.'t here fo-iiight that should war 1 letween the United States and C i c i ; Britain come, the first shot tired in anger will sound the death Knell of tiit- trrtfh rmphn'." - beers and loud applause greeted this prediction, and there were cries of "that's right." The audience applauded die Ad miral vigorously, and many of thein came on the stage to thank him for his lesson in patriotism. Admiral .Meade is a near relative of the late Gen. Meade, the hero of Get tysburg. Washington Post. The Cost of Iusurauce. 1'hc Charlotte Observer calls at tention to the fact that the South ern Mutual Fire Iusurauce company of Athens. Ga., had received dur ing the last year $2iJ3,043. 6'Ji in pre miums, besides some interest. Its tiro losses amounted to $.4,4ir.:9, and the amount returned to policy holders was 8190.000, representing per cent. A recent article in the North American Review gives the average rates in this country and in Europe. In France it is S cents per $100 of insurance: in Germany, 15 cents; in England, :.S cents; in Austria, -IS cents, in Russia, (if cents; and in the United States, $1 per $100 of insurance. The writer of the article in the Review undertakes to explain the difference, pointing out tha1", about 8:500, 000,000 arc paid annually in fire insurance premiums in the United States, while the fire losses paid by the companies are littfe over one-half that sum. In other words, for collecting 150,000,000 from tiie whole body of the business comniunitv and paving it to tin lire, the insurance com hanre about $lo0,000 000 more. As the companies are com plaining of insufficient dividends it is a logical inference tliat ttie vast bulk of this very liberal margin goes into the pockets of brokers, agent and officers. i ture 1 i-.-t ( i i r i . i , i u eq un 1. Chris; rcpresi no;' ! t Ween Chi ; ! Smdyi'.g d. 1 mart r a ml 'anxious lov i cruel deal h urgis her nowers that 1 1 resen t , am involuntarily promise'? 'I I h D. 1 ah-' , i n'l i. nt . 1,1. ' ow c : c ii- i ' i e- ,.' k la- 1 "C o le or .;.! Ir a ly Tho 111 o ( ' en -' . oinau A r lelldei nil i m-d t ' faith of l in t n V. i ' 1 Id it Willi a.- h s, i ' . i i; ' cas" ii j. ; i he few grams of t he ,111c -n-e v.. to recognize the worship of 1 dess Diana and n j a contest ! 1 1 is. I he against conscience hoary with are and 1 earthlv slorv, is dele the new and siniph pised Nazarene. "Silence seals the Affain the "rav-haired pri the conditions: Bet her ca-t the in cense: one grain and she is free' as if loth to sacrifice so sweet a life. The musicians wait with more than usual interest. Every face is solemn. Bnt as the needle seeks the pole, so the eyes of tiie maiden tinn hea en ward, and she is stead fa-;;. lUr doom is sealed ; Christianity triumphs Rome is baflled. Tire em p. -i or pro claims liberty of conscience. :;. d die battle is won, but won for that '! only, for history has many dims re peated the scene. When men cum- to suffer for principle, t righteousness will ha' from the cart h. " The p;p .ter ami ' he with other 111 the effort to that faithfulness lo . beautifully portrayed I) tration. but reader, martvr was 11 ot a runny of the ruling Church a Ma- 1 . 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 . g -. a : 1 d I ::l or 1 1 ; cati '. 1 1 ! I I V 1 w 1 1 th b, t we ' e : w: ,at. b.. 1, of e . 1; ; c. !v I. Co ' - fioill . ; 1 ipe, Ulid add Japan, civilization 1 aracte r- 1 he way to :."i nations no idea I hat Salisbury has thcr : ' I,r e.o,;, o do .ri:.eit on r hlS f: il. lie 1 . Wr d u. ,-u ; t adi 1 car : ( a u a r ; Hi-' I P -e con nt ries en Miiglaud e.dd be the s ever come the world. ,111c of ijuch IV s . a bi' scale, r.alie the Ch modern ir wjald Ih) binet. have i roil mcnts f 1 ending would bo dii -I ! .It ion. sperii.y or e rout rol of ti t :.r.i o lis; 1 . id th" 1 X; "mi ller time. She was but follower of the despise. ILoj-Ato:iil fastness was I bornnesB, and .she iTiciiiiol tyr, but as a malefactor, a of religion and social 01 .li my to the peace and 1 i ii 1 1 1 State. Thus it has always b. cu. fulness to conscience hm hn nounced as stubborness by Ih temporary historian. Decad' decade has passed before the heretic'' is viewed in tic inn of a mart vr to consciem e. I - Ac 1 .1 I. i.ar. it ' dod 1 . 1 '. an euc V of the n llc- c- hi -after utted b:;at A 1 0 :- 1 1 , .1 1 lie h'd.i . II h." a r:ii II v.- ,;.. . I l,e: mi,- I v d mil liill. d my iecli 1 A l'.r 1 .1 1 lie To: i' I III s en-re 1 f' 11 1 more. Tie :i ( M And " h "l-t I'.ni ll" 1 o ah e 1 ill I -I' d h I e 1 n-a.l. ::i o it till' 1, t-i 1 ; 10 1 1 wi!. !: 1, ll'"ll il mo. : we. l: i-lili: I, hi When Baby was si.-lc, w! :r h- r ( 'a- torla. When she was a I'liikt, Khe cri.-.l i,,r ( 'its: , ,riii. When she becamo Miss, she t-lun t Ca.-;t,ria, When she had ChiMo-ii, she .o .-them CusUjria I , Pa , i- j, 11 11:1 ! I'OOl . Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria. A 1 1. -in tit I 'I 1:1 I)' - 1 l! ill ' 1; I'll III D 111 ' j -: a- :, ,1 d r.. 1;. 1: .1 I' e '. 4 ! ! I" r, hu!. II 01)0 1 u : li.it lout: I. s l'o .1.' :c,d UlO'ld i..e Klood Halm. ! ,., I and ski'i din . 11 tui aios h -tify . 10 11,0 foulect a id s, -a mI in I q id nil 1. ! ibiu :: r nl' tii.' I'X". 1 lie ova- :n 1 vi r M-3 I.e. ale h losers by pames NO MORE PL 'NCTI'RINU. A Metal ie Tread Pi.eaumtic Hie-.cle 1 ire. A tire having a metallic tread sec'ired to the tubular inflated rim, obviating the liability to puncturing injury when the sharp objects in been patented by ot lo. ;isi; New York City. Tim tubular 11111 is secured in the usual manner to the felly, iii.d ll.n ot 1 . 1 ,i 1 1 1 , 1 i roiwl con fii it 1 11 rr UlVe k preferably of a continuous strip of b'rl have iT"i hit yard, mi li the tire or other wheel passes over tne road, has J'ratik -M. (irownev, Washington Avenue, ip- , lll'COIll who es Other shipped The Cumnock Coal Company bearing all burial expenses. THE PANIC IX PHILADELPHIA. Yestrnlay a Day Xever to4e Forgotten in the Quaker City, P 1 1 1 r. a d e l r h r a , Dec. vd Phila- I mild steel, is attached to the outer part of the rim by rivets, the outer sides of the tread being engaged by the sides of bands fastened in place by clamping strips. The bands extend around the sides of the rim, and arc connected by the usual lacing with the inner ends of the rim, the lacing also attaching t he inner ends of the rim to each other. The rim, is protected by the side bands, as well as by the contin- , nous metallic strip forming the ! tread. Scientific American. I'LL STOP AT HEADQUARTERS JUST IN, As line a lot of drivers this inaikct, and boindr iblc paper. awd riOnc coming I arm hoi s" ;n was c c r 1 and so 1 h v can l s .Id ! lo ill Don't forget that I always Carriage , while isplav MM' l of every desenpt 10 with an at tract i ve 1 a lull ' mv 1 1 : 1 r 1 1 ; I ol 1 1 Ml III" :.ir 111 ' II i is cmi tided 1 1 at les: vatcd lit M "A .lob lot nl L'.'i!) ilndi WIIIl'S. 1-di 1 th;,'ii factory prices, and while m Iheie rv the elegant I no d' t h II be sold be capt I- -LA1' KODI.S THAT DKDKCKS i 1 1 K TAIIl.i: Sugar Bounty WiDS. Two sugar bounty cases were de cided by Judge Pardee in the United States Circuit Court. They were test cases on the constitutionality of the Bounty act. Judge Pardee's opinion was for cibly against the position assumed r 1... e. . . I) l nn-n;nl- ai..., j 1 aces 1 ov ioiupi ronei ww iei , uu nguiusi Many individ- the United States. He holds the lelohia has had its full share of the disastrous financial depression of the past week. This was a never-to-be-forgotten day in banking and speculative circles. Banking houses and brokers' offices presented ncs of activity seldom witnc-a-d. i'hev were crowaeti witn and nervous iiarures. ual speculator were ruined, and J act was constitutional E'YVhile rumors of war I am preparing to meet the arc prev crisis bv ab'hl throughout lay ing 111 a supp the Country BICYCLES All to be sold al R( Bottom prices. Kepresen I e I I I : ( 1 1. ,1 1 .1 11 ; J.W. STEWART 034 to 70' Broad Street, New Berne, N. C. A Car Load of Extra Fine Mules - !! 1 . v ' ; ' X "' ' ' V v 'V -' A," f ,C r . ' ' ' v - ( .'rV :'d m " " : f 6,0 d I '; - "J) r

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