1, . . v -. -- .-.sris c - -f' Pricf: $1 00 Per Year. INDEPENDENT IN ALL THINGS. Single Copies, 5 Gents $ r, t VOL. XVIII. NEW BERNE. CRAVEN COnNI Y. N. ('. JAM Ain lb ls'li;. 11 Vi Ttf THE 'Mi lAtTIIUV, A AI Ad llll.M'. : ON OMTEIt NM(. 'i v i; i; l v i. I . .1 A It IS COl.VTV 'OM. I'KOI I LDIM.S II KIM'ISI M M TTKK a iT-ri.r oi l i m. ' , , - - . '- .J-...Sm 'I ) f.i-. . .aA l IMfcifflltf-r .-s.n- I r 1 1 1 I X a. .Aiuih.Ki .,-.-,, , . - - - I iiiii',iiii;iiiiirrii-f?iiTr urir-- - . -. .-.- . ..-.'-- .-k - - ! m mm mi -- 5 ii 1 1 1 fl 'it JL k .V .V V .- DIG :-SLEDSEHAMMER PRICES ... For January ! ... IDept. vrr n.ir .! i, , ou our i omi'cr tins wt-en tit ab oliur wlndcsiilo pi it t' THEY CO frcm 23c. to $6.00 A PAIR. OlottLing- 33ep s'f " f"TIes- prict- vfv "i , - . hatthcjar worth. Bo.t mixfd .at- .S"c - worth : 'JJen'i VVwil n t nr " .s.- w JIeS ;UH Iiic k tiuits M V yAaotbrrit of tWe dlit-O -vV-,? r-13" 1 ont fi! to -Six 3!at- IVneiU lor 1 enn Lead pciicils ,; tor 1 penny. " 'Z "' 21 bet4 bst wrillinjr aer 3e. Kmelope.s Jc. per package , ; " One tnt t le of t arters Ink lor 3c. i - - 'iii m i: ONLY OXE PLACE IN NEW' BEKN'K TU GET THESE PKK ES -V . ... ' The Big ry Goods Bargain House '-U G. i B4RF00 T, Mii A Car Load of iiiQ-r im Ann m STOP AT ii i - Cv ..tm''"'. 1 '"'"'' -.!? "I i ' l mmmm mmm mmmi iiimi" - " . ' ' ' A fine lot of drivers and farm w'jtWa market, and bought .so they can - - -.Doat forget that I always keep a f CTerj descriptioo. while ray Harness Department is over tilled l "with an attractive display of Harness ot all grades. , V:C5TA Job lot of 250 dozen WHIPS, bouzht so fhev rati b at )eM thf n factory prices, and while iu there you'll at once lie capti ;TTJfJ hj the elegant 1 ne ot LAP BOBES TU T BEDECKS THE TABLE. tyWUtle rumors of war are prevalent throughout the Country, iiim prepariQ;; to meet the crisis by laying in a supply of - . . BICYCLES . . . . AU to be sold at Rock Bottom prices. K very tiling CuarauteeI a i''.;' . liepreaented. STEWART 'r . 6-? to 7(5 Br.al Street. New Berne, N'. C. . . Wholesale & Retail Dealers in . -Floor. Pork, Coffe, '0irr, Lard, Batter. Che-se. Syrup. Molasses. "- - Vinegar. Sun tf Tobacco, Cijrars, Canned .1 Joo.ls of all kinds. Teas, S-'icS Ul- every, bin f else ti.- i-i II v fund ui a '.' FIKsr.CLASH KOCEKY SUIKK. ".',ryVe have bonzht in larir QOAntities for cash and ar. 7 . r. 'pared to Mil I w an a null '. Country nerehiurs and the general pn die will d well to get oar prtes before buyiu-; eUewu.-ie. No tioub e to " ahir gools -Gtables Free. 47 Broad St., New Berne, C. i E. W SVrsALL'vrOO ' - C ' Under G-ton Ho y.uti. hini. vt.i i, 'i' he i tie, '.. tr" IJ I - I . llMt: ( 1 - Stores, Carpenters Tools, Cutlery, .. ' Table WareBarbed Wire, .7 - ' ' CALVANIZED PIPE, PUMPS, v i Lime, Piaster and Cement -l DEVOES PURE READY MIXED PAINTS. ' fjpersonai attention to the prompt and correct tilling ol all orders. mydni ,tlow AT BAXTER'S ' BfLK JJCFFI-EHS, AJJ Sujc Oaxdkkechiefs. ...-., T i- i '.- 'J 1 - l.L-s, HEW STYLE .CuLLAhf AICt'FF9 k A n5K X.ISE Silk Cmbbeu-asj LiSD 8lXK,Sr8PENDEKS. .wHOE-l AND . - Clothing. t"l. BE SOLD VERY CHEAP. l .. J. J. BAXTER Trucker Wanted - A mn of family who thoroughly cnIniUnIi trucking and market 'gtirtlenin. REFJSREXCE.RLcUinED. :Adlre, LOCK BOX 48, JlUwlia Eockj Mount. N. C. omen,aini i. iimiiiui smi in' in- 94- -j . coin km i ion ;iml arc just one lial t ?l :). .rth 7 50 V'iih). Cutaway Suits at 4-9 40 jrt a nit before th?v are all gano 2ad Dour frra Fost Offics HEADQUARTERS Extra Fine Mules morp r.niuiNn horses as was ever brorjoht to be sold low for rash or nefroti- full line ot n-iiSS (-- i , ., s0ltl (;....! w,"-.ls a. .: r 'I Lad t r.'kef.' v:nK .'si' r. t . Now when sou in' a a Cloth ing sliop u.'f 1 li ti v a rcalv made suit. wu.cn the saicsiliun s-.is on by much talk, ami its turns o!t; iiadlv. a . . , and you feel you have been -'taken j n"' von h a re had bo: h ' V"! w ortl s"' and a "ba.1 strake. the wav we treat von, Plirtt'rf not I L " -. " tit i. Our iiiea ia to rivo voti vour o - - 1 ni Anoir J UTAet h .'-.1-1- t 1 m , lirtr tuwu. a n w b u i.i 1. 1 inc. m iitu I - - 1 vo ti need your Kail Suit don't fur- ?et u Cive ns a trial at voti. New ;-"ls constantly arrivii;; M. 's Pharmacv. t Ke-oponed on for nor ul" Midilie i; Pollock St., wishf.s all a happy and prosperous New Year. PHONE 78 ,i,lt ihit ifnuoil-Thf KMlsM-ltoil-nis or (ho Cnnnpry unil of larlorl.-s in Hen- rr"'- M.. .1. W. M.. T....I linn ..f M.mhv 15 :i-. li.e u.-l! k !.... I! I'.t.more car,- ii-r-. 1m. i:.- I, n i-i ti.r.ity a f-.v :n '. -.-k at' o- t i':r ni'i o' In re. iff-rin n - l ! u !i, ! her I lu t'V-'f. l-u'tt.rv a i' ii' N i w 15.-ri c i i - -1' in ' r r (ic iei - da -ni' - n l- tin "'i 1 U-'it . i i .... i. ! Mrv-1 it - it . i " . t ) i . i ' hv, u:i it i. , i : .w ;.a - . I I l I l i-t ) u i- .r u e !ni'it l I on- t. ' a; I mi . vi ry I'! i - : . ' - : a! I : s 1 1 -.1 HI'- . . u: nianaiax o! 1 :j!:ty ilol. i "i;:;t''. . a -. t ' t y w. u'd : i.r Ii u- . i t. i.er . :n . i ' .11 .ft fill nirdii I . u l.n I i o ' 't r -u i i- n..'k. It wou'd I -e ! r:t:l a mi !. o' ii. i.-ioi-.l . i.oiijf iii.ai- t t ; ll.i' to.-, i ii, r. ,ul wonltl ll.ll-,. Mi'l.!, liti II. I ,. I mi. M I 1 1 I I will i 11, ihev u ni i ni inn. m- 'Ii. iin'ioiito pa- ll:f : ill, V ft - ' l i e 1 it lorv w aii'l n!-o nivc enip'ov i l,M-nt l" i'n.irrd- ..f han.is.wh. otherwise ' " Ul ''at- 1 " p reLiilar employ merit S"l III' V I I- U U! ll i - H tie :-' I 7Mlli I- -- liiea m u! I i i, : . i ii t ,, - ,t -, ..ii al , mil" i a I r'f. rca tli, -i- iai-1 a'HMlt ll -e I la- h- en in oper aw ,l ; he ie--ur-. Hut t. u - '.! .1 a ... lie 'rue, to ,. : em ti:. i f aiiv el a: ': : . ' , n !,- , Ha r ill t" it ry : i li-n :al If v ii laC - : rue '"iM t nr. !a : "iy 1 1 .at i s .. u a i- :. !. a- tl - on '"veil Lv ti I i p, :-i !'.'- : i . ou t a. ii,- - . i . nr i, i.l--. 'I'll t f lU-inu" 'I'll arebaildni" h m- - a d In- l u-t in -, b e ii-'- "iir p are liu-liti" oceti- Mill it;o i :- hteadi 1 v :ii.m i-.i" u , i'u' : o niHue.'it pr - -e. .ty I v lll. ll a 1 w an Hl-lil 1 1 e h oliest pi t- ! r.,a i i, ii.r I.e invi-n me ii iv tin. I naviin' etiifl-a a ir - d ilu- i ou :nu to abide hli I In- , in i if i : j i u ii.a:; i f the eity. We :.r- -id - in ielv t ". much on our natnrti ies ll e ,i,.i ( irmtu.'. ti uekiuf, tishiu' : ii I lunib r n ui'eft ,-t-. Tin se - nr - all e od Add trt them diversified i; od Ada n them diveiifitd ni tiniaeturn ami Hie re-ultiuir prosper - :'.'. .. I Iv e t i.i.t o ,K in the titv hut in uie C'Untt v ai "i,ti '. Pet ou i c'pi'ali-ts and b'Jsine.-s men ;i-'i'j:e tlifts .ru -th n- until fp-uli-s I. . . 1 . . .. l"a.' , THE ItMCIirt OF HARMON V. Installation or (llllrf ru-Sound Pro. pcrlly a nil UihiiI Work of Thin Ex reiient Home OrKnniirilon - Aivtn - lnte ol Reins i Member. Tl :, h :,-, i !- il hfi.p r..,ni7 itioa on it iion.e oit'ani.ition on I., i. . i :. . ' i VYi ne- I :ni ii oi in stiin-aa.iu.li. ill- st ii.it Oi t.-lC' is. M-. .In... S M inx, Sup-line l're-'i.lent. tvi'.ii iii sin-. i'e yet nnpie-sive ceremony usual u. n sueli ocea-ioLS c .used to I e ! indue -.tl to Hit. ir nsp. etive " tlices. the to!- . iu. : S U Ball, Jno T. Lincoln. H. C. Wiatelui: N. W. J.ims, H. L H .d, Pre-ident "ice-Pr.-si.len. Couns-elor Chaphiio Treasurer il cording Sec'y 1 -Is H Smith, y p, u,,v,i, j A. McKay. J. u Wo sl. r manciHl Sec'y Marshal Iuner Gimrd Jn" M. Kid-. Sendnel The frp-iis ( .' ti e variojs officers w i ie.i.1. -tiiil li-cio-ed .1 very excebent co'idiliou ot aff dis. There a'e 330 meni- . ti, r- i -i 1 s ii dm-, an -I there is a su r- fun is ot' nearly twilvp hun i Plus in l re i d Il.i.s. Tin- ti'iiinr ib - ffl. r. wh.ie ostensibly j H l-u-.i! ;ui'i i'i-i:rro' soe.ttv. o.n-s not -iric;!. h.i.it it-eftiihee fei.tun .-, b f ' iv hen ot a a.-ion art-, s it ti,ii:i-ic; to the . mi k an 1 Lec.iv am n :'- mem1 ars aud 1 li;i- ila:it' a Uiii t ' filievt- t!i-:icj The K'.'- t- ot llai'ii.ony occupies a ti- :.'. p- u! :.r:y "wt- it is . l :st mc! 1 v :.'..., in ii a; n d.us not .lep.ud up-u any .utsi'-e or to din snuices. iroin which to Uiaw it- iuuiI- ioi' tne tt tt.emeni oi its .-b.isiior.s, whah ate always pi. ni.pl, V ii. e . a n neni e u I no nour ot ii...-:, irtuc ; - a i is prompt ium t:n t .1. In : i-tice t" his ftuilv. eie-y man in il"' ...inn cnr ah.' .lepen.is upon his Lit .a or H e r -upp. r'. -h-u; i Ik- a mem- ot Iht- .-- n z .ti-fi w La h is i.reuare.l I . lend r -uen -..e '-'d ai I t- tin- lu-ipass ''- "'''' '''' '" dcpriv.d of the b: e ni w .n 'a r. FAIR I'KI 1 I.E; E-S AWARDEO. ' " -r.mJW A M I A I ,t j.li nf 1AK-nyl I"ncrl;liilr l ! (.,,rtl,VrfTd1.oll.L.llir,Onr!lor,1"M':.t"v fa. tela --e.t -and John Dunn One All in (.oo.l bet" e II th- Ml' '11 1 h ' f Dc lllb-r H ind. Vested .1- f-.r for privileges were ope, to an i. tin awn-,- nia-.e. Tne I. ...ns Aid Society of the Tuber- l'n f ll'i'l.-: l illl .' i -ic .iel t.M'. the d.n e- i" in and ;:.e .-'ltd",, h pr: i ; e-;i-s. T i e p op. -r p. r.'ti ilu- pn mI. - s in t he re- 11 r i : i r , and to a .ke it a pi ice i.h-re a. V o p t:-' o a ll. I ire: ostt-rs s. r 1 e-: ui .hi - . Mil.', a he- iV . 1-t c . nt 1 f.i I he ;- i tc .1 11 -. -in -aiiio nd ' r a i r ' 1' I .11:101,1 . "::.'' t one s . ti el just whal I i-i r a 1. rv sma I i I.e a' nil!. This " 1 "' .-.' a i ml llll". -. e Hid 1 nan C 1 li... s- ol W . t ' 1 l' ; !:. y maK.a -h ; ' col fj iet:'. y . . - i" a v. r . I -" 1' -" M . K. I. Hal? - i...i'.e-.-- tor i . .litei "iii-. 11 .- .1 X ;i'I'l an naln- w lio Lave "--i t .1 tut" U I h :e . il in i ll -.- w ; 1 S eft t' . 'i 1 1 ' e . li lie 1 - le I 11 1 n .t t ll a t lit' W I I -lie 1 ' en a L""' i ilia! i 0 to - I'a 1 1 I V their f-. Mr. J. -li i 1 : n w 1 a- in have th-!- . "t; i at- nd i.f .if. ... This t- th. ii nth ve.r that Mr. Punu has Ii n I the-e n:. ije- nun ne uas ne er ni.ie.i io tl to fratifi i. e th-usaiids o! patrons he has at i-.ii.. e.M,, -iif.i.. . nr prmie.s oi ,ne rtnra e e-..y oeiaDd )a(. ,uad(. t .lt ,. c-. i eve.' , in - chI Inn ds. :Mnce. Two ,L,u.'iit, r- . ur ive lnm , iaevisnuis who t-n mea's ana ic Ir sh i cuts on di ef"i:i,,is can reiv Married upon rece v in- l : jid tita' n.e-1 lncvcry At t'.e r -i.b nc. of M r. .1 P W iii-. ..' .lep.ot.i.. i t. : Bairds creek, the h.'in - -i th - I fid-. Mr lVxt r S ott to V i.-s Trip .. v . a-e . . !L v FIRE AT wKE FOREST. IRnry Wiiilie'd . !' New B in - . fn i, :a,- lot OfHrennd Se, era I Hn hi it en. II oiim e Harned The Flrt Se,ere Fir' Hie VII liter Ever Had. Wo are in receipt ol a posl.il card fr. m , Wake F.nest, teiliuf ol a fie which oc- curred there ou the ri-lit . f Weduesdav . Thest office, three stores and a ware- hcu-e were desiroved. The fire orinitiatcd -table cause nnl-Mill-n Knf 1 , 1-p-o -il. d f . . Iu i-a u ii .r li 1 , r ' , IPC t ' V ei hT hi' ..iuu. on.. tmnLdtiif in He pi -c. f-r Ir.-m n p:sint: r.niroal en- 1 LI . .1 L .'leii-e oi tne nie 8m, , out to about , ,, was ab.ul 8:40 p. M The t. til !'. 15,00 with o-dy $6.0U insura. ce. 1 (ns in i tie tn-t severe tire ake Fori st has ever ha I. Ihe o'ini.iisii! If-, as sent to the New- and i'!i-rv.r .n a ; e i.il :s a- follows : I he lews estin-.at' d as L'Lows: W. T 1' wi i, i i'i. -ah'.-. 1 . 1. 1 ; W. W. Hold u 'A.irehi. U-. . "a o. i j i i'-suinnce: V. Pjl.lv. s' r : I i d J- . i 1 .1 .'.'. : . ..'. -lief it-, t u .1 r. in d - . s.i 9o"; vv. P. W.i -a-1.0 '.r -tir.i-C' ; N. A. 1 1 i). i.l p.- 'ows' e: W. .1. Win- 'i'i'!', i''Minnrr u: ii;u-. -rl.50.1, sba k. il.onu. no ;isu:a-i'.; Eh A;b n. i'-ob. no in- sur -uc.; W i ': Luiiti'.ir.i, $1,000, no in- suran. . T-tal i"-s uneoveied by iu - , sui-jnce $9,850. A s,yrl,a boy A r n I 1 1 shonls Hd In,,aI1 y Kill, Hi.us. lr. U. C. U'.. eiiUi-n u',:,:i f Mr Win. Win'.- tit Sii.vr..,. (' riout l.. . n , Ul.ciJl nti,;y .i,.lt a, (i j ,i : at bi h..roe ;i Mor.,1 iv. nWl., , , ry -..1 ;'tl,r. T!,- f.-l.. r had Irftliiiic abfii! fW ;i ' y M ortl i y in-Tir u' ! : a i: - Ion. N. ('.. :.- I w i .,. w . ! i i . . M. . . h .i.l c.yv - waitiiiij lor tin- tra.u Tilt -day ii 'i' ii::. whrn in-eii' i aii.- at ; luai :.K-t.t - eli'ii n o't It i k M.-ndav i - ill" ' luai 1 lliilt 111- S"ti wa- Kd'.fl a "'it I nr o Ii ( k t i if .11 I 'II I t L 1 , i I I i . Tlii Unlc Inv u a.- ftiii a n:i out of l lie ho u-o. if -n m-. I i' an ol' i' r Itroiher. u ,en id Ii itnua r s'ru. k mhi.o- iliitii;. iliat tin' I ilu 1:1111. :.n-i llf : c:i It nn' Ii - l.t-.d j.i-t v.- th.- . .c. kill- i i i ill ! ii -I a n ' i . Tl.e t'lther inlonu- I u tli-.t the !;:t!'- IV'.Ioa w i- a i; I 1 n v. a !" ihp Sal)1 iai Ii St boo-. ai,,l t lie I'ft of tl.e 1 fin. i I ir ;)nW caivm'.: Morelicid Ci'v Kvaii 'el l St . - l'nithi EvRdimcihriljNtfr I.nn. i A letter reeivi in the ci:y brms: in- onll;ltin of t lie arr, -t of :l i,,,n n nt i'.-r i r i -t I a t ( '. i ii i t k In .. I -c I . a' t i.-e - rt In i us t i le " - I r it s . i e tir-. "I li- -nine t'Oat had t a ke i t.. lo.nl- tM'-imh previously, but mi.-ji i ion h iMi-v' iH'i I) 1 iai.-eil.on an on in ol her .7...oi 1 1 e f ii-u v ofihe e,ptaii,-- -t it ne i.l-. i..- v..,-if- qu-fed ! so p .n I mea-ll". t. ein-l 1 .-. Tu.- iTS.ilt -howeti that mm- Ii el tv;. e i- many a me up km repoir: u I I'pou trial t-et ir a i-tr .ie. tl.e de- fend ints Upon f lief at onii v in N oil'ilk, -ir mi 1 1 te-1 nn1 .tiiuirnieiit -u i penoed upo.i t:ie pa i net i r, ioi n:i!v "i ' tl,e 'u " 'itaount ot lax .-ue on t!mt eariro it n(.ti3i?, Lint up. in the t-ll.er two thai ' had liievioiislv son l hf. UJ.li. 'i tiaiiif ' taken for ffanie-l Hiatus he onlv 'ave m ha't on the load that "a- li-a-.i. ih.it he ! Swindled similarly ou tl.e oilier-. I : Fire Proof House I'aint. i Mr. A. D. limmaii of Neiv Voik. in I ventor m.d proprietor of the Cunsi lli I ventor m.d proprietor ol the Cunsi Ui 1 Fire Proof I'amt. is re-i-ttiad at tlte I Chaltawka. Mr. J. F. T.iVeir iia S' - cured the llrht for the i-xelUslM.- batiil.in.' ' of tin se l aints in this eiiintv. Tin v are made m iileasintr colors the .-.I'nc.s r.--- i ,,l.,r I n.'.a r ; nut ini'i-c i ul,, , Mr. lliiiira.i -iivMlat ,1 i:l, h,- I,,,- po-sl ble for a f. .(t' p 1 1 n teti w : ' 1 1 I L ;s oa ; n' to catch lii'- bom any rtvun; -par-;- . r j coais anil ih it w ootl p out d wi b r ba. been su'j clr'1 in a heat oi s," ie ."re -s h i t two hours without ctehine lie m j tcts , it ,,y an, ,., -mall st ' i j ,s tit 1 white pine which h m- I e II p litre i l-V 1 W ll 1 1 1 1 11) '' OI e in I of ll' s! st I ' ; i 1 0 W I) a , li tt !e so that id jiain t is ii t .III iiii- end; Up to the : - , 1 . . ' ne i-uiies .inn au-i i o.n i . ! I'a,nl au" UKle stol' BEl AIORT INFANTICIDE. - M" Drowns II In Infanl- Nniipef led ol Murdering IIIn Firsil Wile Jam Married Airaln. Special to The Journal. Beavkokt, X. C . Jan. 9. J im Wil liams, the man who a few moiith ni;o was aecused ot niufileiin-f his mi k wite tor a little nisti rant e on lier Hie. e f now in jad charged with ti row nin-; In girl baby, an iut'unt only a lew hours obi. Ihe c til Ids hands were presr.-.l to lis head, showing, that it was al'-ve. when ikrnwn into ihp nvpr Williams wae married Ih-; Snnoav and I the murder was con-mit'e I NP nd iy ni-h'. . The child was f.uni.l t'ii ii."r.ii.:- in.ir I the (fi'Hop cantiin-; tV-tor.-. . i Mr. '. F. Biatvl aa.l niile. n-e Mi-s I Minni- (iabrielle ..: B. an fort. j-assed l thr..n.'h New B.-rn.- Th. ir-tl iv. Tl ! weie in-.rri.il the i.ri-;oiis n-jhtat ib- i heme ot Mrs. S.nne M. (iibrii lie. nn t nr j , ,f , be bride. 1 o v. I!. P ll-i:i pe- otli- j ciattm:. , Mi-s Ella B!:t- .1. si-t.-rnf tie urooni, w ho went ilmin to the man i.i-e. a s- passed tl.roujh with idea 'etit'tiiii: i home. . I i,e p-irtv wo . ,t nrs-. -.i",. a siimt i time -it li il'lun Ilu- i, il im ii - of" ti e j-rooi.i, wit-i hi- tela'ixes and then Mr. 1 and Mrs. Bland will on to their , future home -.t Wh ;n. n. Beanf. ft c an- ' ii- ,,!,,,. M,- liln-.i i ,i r.n.l :i". t-.t for tjv. Atlantic Ci.sr Pine. December Weall.er. ISO I. 01. 1 oaLoA .k ii,.- a., ilor . ; , 1 1 . ' Office nt Mr. W. U. 15.1. llf rK- iVI iii .'-'Ly I 1 s;i4 i and 1 fi5. Ti e av ra-.- t-.-mpera'- 'ti De '-"'Nr lo . .-4;.ii. r, lvl. P.tl T-n- when t he record stood d Ta a. The lowest t mp. rutin- . s.i D- ceinb.-r j 94 was 14 a. Th.it w on t..- I . the ' L. west iu 1 was t!i .t '.'a- i.a :- ; 6th. : - . Xew Berne Fire learliueiil O Hirer. The lio ir , ,,(::;,-,.,, ,.f t.. !' r. I i,-, ,it- ment in-' at p.r- He - it ; "air : i t- an1 lee te 1 a- t-tii ei s f a- t :i - ee-u.n' ear W. P. Barrm-toe. rind. P .1 T e i . A--'t Chi I. W. P. H.'.e. s . r. tar v. At-er tl.e iiv e . ;t,e o!'l i in w l-oar-1 were inv.te ' -v :'i - N."-v (';. 1 t his home. wl,e:e a d i:h',:i.l at.. was -. lied, in s x coil's.-. :'.'.-. i 1 .A.'l' by th.- t h p: a. d In- tie : led I y Mi-se C. alt..- C Williams. I) I E It In Wa.Lif.-ttf ,P C. S. lsd'i. Pe It v l ' P. I. ir 1 1 e v a- f. .ran': . v n. l i.e-.- e i ,. . m . Jf -.. in hi- - N' w B f e. native o' the p! ice. nd brother )' oi.I' . , , i.. i r r. Bisivn n..,v from New Be:- e : Washington wh. I) Scv. lite, n v.-ars of a .W r. 15 ' nn ; a Ra - to M lai.ii. Beimel', -u.thte! ft' Mr J. 1'.. B nn t . bv C. P. Bin s ti. .1. P. AL of A rap ..... . 'Mr Thomas lira s m to M :-- I.zi, Halt, n. dan-liter .,f Mr. W. II. Iloiion. bv J . B. Pninl. J. P. Al " Paifd- criek. . rimel. lloniitinli The ladies o. the li. necolenr S ciety . desire to r. turn dunks to Mr. Coiurdoa. for the liberal don-inon of w-u f lor .lis. ' t i'i 1 ,11 linn nn,iin.' I bp I mor Tt i pn I 1 e 111 :1 1 If , hr urn I r UM h Vcrv I P V " . t : , during the laie cold sv. t sp-x-ia'. I v , 1 1 usenu. X. O. SKYMOU... S.c'v. Impure blood cuses pimples, hive'. boils and erupti ms ot ti.e skin. J. hn- son's Sar.-apariia an I C-lerv punii-s the bio-. 1 and era-'i.-at. s all .';..,) ! po .-ou. Large Uittks. 5U o. ;.t F S.Duflx'-. ' On the m-irtruz ot J in'y. ilth. the thei minuet-f r -i-ter. ,1 ten' . , -:ees ie!oiv z.-ro -.n New Yors. au-l tourte. n I'egiees beiow m Wat-rliut'v. . ' na. ' . - S. p. Yin-. I le wart. Pa,, w i it, - : Mr. HariDif ot tins pint e I ai- im tl v ur ia n.nlv f..r Ihe Pi'es and i it verv hij;hly. He gave m- y. ur a.'dre-s 1 w. uld like 10 know on what terms and pi tee 1 011 sell to dea!ers. Let me In ar from you I aud oblige. For sale by F. S. Duffy. " t;nitl to Sloj Kttals 4 ;ii-r.-, iliu Ojsli-rs l'i-oiii ll; Sliitr Anil I!llli!iliu (!if a llor.ic I iithirv .yi!i3 iif Pint ! a a l.t'titt l i .'ll ri II I :t . i in -i j r f ' i- pi i n a a i. o': ll 11: . i lo I - 1 1 I.L1-:, ;. Al.:. . 1 I 11!; till I ' l.-f -I Hill' - i lilllli;-;', tlf in ;i: . a- :-i ft t.ii i i ...f tli.? oy -: -'i:-ii -. iVc. : i..l ihii-iv-tt r- a :n: ir i- to !i i'. o a f o -j. t I ,1 ii iii'i t f i ini uauiiiici i- i an -in tt-ii,i. . t iniiii-c tue b'a'e lose t:ia: ievi n u . ir tli .1 U' it ;t 1 Unit is t" I) thoitiit o!. - The IM;"? oi our ..-.jue ' rvly i eal .vc it, i ut ij, '.'P'y laf,:e port ioa 1" -ii '.ie for it, - tor anni I'lf- I'Oiiu ham tin- -euii "f S "i ; h tilt, !n. i. If i h i-e o - -tet - v i f Ii- i'i'i I l a fi t"fV I'-. ; ii r opt-iaie I in on r -;.ite t i.e .: -i t oil. I 1 1. en Le! 111- on-- n - -IK i i.-l-lit, a!,. I I .if Ill 1 Il i.H'l I ' t illl-. lax. 1 t'n.y are -:.-a n oat nr ary p tan u' i lie tax i ai.i.'f I ;;i i; fi' u tl.e.i. oil.t i fi. t"i'i . t '. fi- t i-y In- .le I i i a .-.-:I'.C' - a:e i-t-t- tin l.-.i. ii' "I i i-e iv. -; n vlietu. r : L.-v a- . !. ,'-. .- in. ' -' .n Tin- :t i . a ii'ii i ; A h- m-iI). uonl I p!..... ihe ! .w a -niiiif No th ( ai'o.. - . I.it-o-rv .it a to: - .le:a !' a iv. intake. , - w a 1 1 1 . 1 1 1 i -1 . 1 a 1 tai- ui-tt-r i i. tl.e pi.i.'r !' r.-uuiati : t i. :ao- - pla e I ni ;li Land- m the she I h.-a ,, j' he ha- been letti i ilU 1- iil--!oai 1. 1-t Hits St- : t w-rie with limit-- ciUAina L- m:i, i :e, tioeial-'I ;u t tl.e!' Mate-, act o ,n, -() th -if own -t aleiin nt- .id In ti i . 1 1 1 1 1 h e. utide- i i- i a mi; :o n.-etl it lee. a, is lii- out y to i haue t: e p' ..n-1 1-t no ves.-el pa-- bay. -a 1 the -i;,t, lii"W.n'V v.iliio'it aetUil me i.-uf-- inetu 'f hi- nay be tn.ublf t" tho-e on- ployed in taUiu pioyed in :-iUnm the oy-ter.- on t . I m t t I wi.l uu'y I e .-Imp-jn-l.ee to t ae state iaml to our own ii)teie--ls. : Hit nc-te pos-a . dc we wf'.iL :e - I , set t ewl; L-t'f t .kin ; ol O'tr .ti.-is t. -i u ne- in o' In r --tale- "iipei I, o ti at f I 1 1 ...... I I . V, 1 fx ... . I ,M . il-1 I I . i -1 i.i.iii 'W "- "' . r i, .d- an ; our ou i le e the 1 ei !: ts t , f ft .-a 1 1 in-; t mpioi iiii nr. -111! if !: i.-nv r i I'nni.- lli - re-iil; a'oif. ul it a- least i e se- i th it u-i di-fnii' at; m ;- aiLoie-l bv aiiv u -a- - t- ti,d ilis-uhaata-e . f . ;,',i -.'i: e- ' Peoraa 'A . M a , i i d Apr'.', are ihe -iCii ca m-Iil:- i i- lime if "i .,r U.iiliC. . Mills A l III II. I.i Ihe ily ul Elms anil Vieinilj. Ini liere.l in mid Hi-lefty Xotc.l. 1 in ft' is now n a a tui room m i.nn- llco countv. Tie-fly ta, re .s. c o-pil no at 1 he l net mi . n - ol the iar . I, t ,- , 1 e ale l"l i 111'' itooiif" a s.i i in ii i u" t .-e 1 enou-h 10 take r en.-e i - lilt . i i.i w li- Mr. I!. N. Dickin-on who recently sold an his lvstanrant bnsiuess at the u arket , i doi k in i hi- cit v t i M' s-rs. E. 1). Arm- i -'rut'- & L"., "cut il..u to. le atl'ort I neni-es.iay ni'.'ii. I'licr ne win iuu a : huck-ter bu.-ims-. m , . . n: .-. i ... .1. Tut- he.it. r o1 die I)i-ci)le e' inch is t ii- n . 'V.-rhau'i' I an 1 a new r!u? lnLii-r i-ui e p .:.r't r i Lan t 1 I if e li ill la- pr. i e i I-, it.ive I .-. . tl l'n : dr.,;!. mal. I f prop-: 1 lurch a l C. Pv -tsiys th a a', ttie til's-1 lit li-'it :- t ' ,: en! 1 e t ' : i - f e u i n n a i ot' J tm ry aim -' st -pp nit n troiii can bin-; t i but that so -c. -ir-e c telle- hilt- Ikci 111 ni.- the itl-l oav or two. ,v j A. M- inlaws h -t th- l.-.-sr mu'.i h-.l '..-l -I tw.-ntv-tive '.v lock i.e. ; Tniir.d.v i 'h'. Th- pn 'ion- ni-ht '.M r. Jan;, s M Ilo .vai 1 io-t c ,.s . ,. Howard h i Oil In-f-e bv ..-uiaticf la. , K '. - il.d not. i if P ne anil i ii v t -x col L t a . P-i .cs. bet a .-pt " e. d;u' ; .i h.r-a ne. .in -. k t" i epf up"U I : x payci - wi . ' lVi' -"l ie: I""1 tJ11' ll" v uillsi Co -o ;C. -nee fr tak - lit all th i on -etjue .i'S. Am f-t,li:i"' to thf annu il report of t i.e.lp'soi ril'. at the Bipti-t Oiph.im I" .. ' 1 ' . 4 1 ' I ...... I, . . t . . , . . , 1 1 1 i l ; t v i . r i.i. v nun u .a .ti'lC. Citi. - if 'iff "bj - t. i lli m flntl ( hl'.l 'll in tile Stil'e s - The M. '.' C.tv P ia-el.st 1 his i-a line sh--w :n' f .r a s.n .in ui'f n. A l'-.wv : ij'.n- 1-". Ti.o ! - Brii.s- 11. J. P. ol Ampa oi- w apfU.-d m by" 1 - ! ot 1 d c- a pie who w.iii: ed 11 1 m to 1 o ne in I e 1 1 ad an 1 many 1 l eai wa h"ti 1 all ait':.--'-. He a'l''i''l to i'.e HllfLiIL P , : t of ta,- 1 - que-' but '" ii' i'il'.-r. II pel '"fin d I e n-'i' .an- v i a a - or .nth w::i e s P. wa- a 1:1:: .h.iv Mr S. J. I. .n . . ui.-f nut) of io- n t -ne-la: sllu a : ' .. He w ,- t e it na a I 11 ,M. lo. lb, k' oa - h In- i it let e i n e n e a ''en : '.:l:', 111' I: li the U'l'it ' m t '. a- L - i ' . b d lie in.. . ; d 'tl ... ...ni.e. !b in-tlt'!-. d -ear. n !i"t a :i a ' i . - iii i.i a .. i in tli '' : ' i n' 'a " r I,. fa he- he.: to :: . . A In i i:i .- pi L i i w . - i a c:ni-e . -I I . Mr. iV t. r L.iniaa of M'fe : a ! I'.'.V. w i La- ben - en i i a- a t o : p e : ii ,,,.. ', -: i. ,'"! ;,e- d ii - -I - i "in i. P. A p l't. l..n - 1- -ti . p (I i'::-!-- l-'r.dtiv ifini in-: b tne. Tw ' uie - s. Mr. W . N'iili le- w atel , lv-bi o.e. a ". .r Sun n . f 1'.- h.i biit -t. cm- . i-". :i w 1 h mm to sp a t -..i.e- ti i u i'i l.u b" ati.i.'ih r p a-'.ires ar uu-l Moelian. l'.io ..til. r spons :.. n, Mes-is. J. ll ;. Bn - il P-n- Bran, h, lau.e .loan en e 1 1 1 ,1 ,i L-o ixule lor a -tatil.f pur- po., T.,e 1 t ii , i ex p - e ' to .nak" i iic.r he-i'iiiu .rn rs ia Nei Peine. Tuev are at M;s. s. M. Stnitii's. " "" AT THE I.11A1II.I1 SCHOOL. - I-. v a in 1 na I lo ll on I ll i aiisxorleal 3. ''!- lire. Dr. I.otii; II ;.s Ueen ;i"i:itf Ttie I'lipils Acqiiil I lieimel - 's w ith Credit. I.- , , i . ,. . i i l. . i c "tilt im si ui .u me v-.au. u siu-ioi at Pr. John S. P-u-'s lectar,- ln.ur. A- we recent'v state I hi is '.;, ;, r tun le. t- nn- a week .! a1. out : weiitv m'nntes t-.ica the pupil , i .i ,m,i i...i,iiiiiiirinii. Ir.mi tlnm ulii. 'I' I a o fl..r. icnv L ,ti-h , If,. i-,rr. i, i,i,,n I h m siron-iiv ou the utlvauce tiipv aie niakiiiLr - ami tne in- n r 11 ih-ks tin y are f'-cnin-; nd er.c uraued them to rive to rcaih loo befoie cn.se -f th-season. Dr. P-nj, accorciti- to i u-t -m. havtntr pr vi. u-.y .le iveied three lectures, ix - ..m id thf jupils oa tiiein in-bad ol ,i- :,v. :i"u aio-th.-r hclurc. lb- propom.de I sueh .p-Mious us In- cho-e. iMtnoii: the cluiihea b ing ac- . uai a t . ri iu ;n i v.i nee wiiat i hey would lie. Tne r. iin.e--;n 1 c -i r. .a in.'-s w;;h wh cii th.-v re; I v. .is a iml.t both t. theai an I t . 1 .c:or a f-r it .-hous th-.t ha "ivit - tin m c iiCw-'ofy llie ttuta- o: American h s. o'.V in siic'i -tile a- to .:.ake Pn in 1 'V- a. nd thev ure -rn-pii it it a- he pr. c eais. This is a valuable stli.iy but it 1 as to be pr.srnted in an attrac Ive form of a child will get but little lioni it. We are ylad to sej the iuteit-st : shown. M im :.r, I- orrmo.! atlfl "'lost So;illar lr, . t:(iiN ?1 l'r-ll a ll I. to 1 i-s !.,( t it OH- i ' I'. : . . . I i f H ii i iifv . III. ; ; Vi-i.v i in - v I .,.-;. ,lrv : if l- in, in- ,! i v, . Mi , . 1 . Tin. .1-,: i: . ' i a i- ii-. J'r, mi 1 Ij.t r VV t ike .. ' , t ci'.-i:in, : ;..!! I. : 'up. I v. I! n.v N'.i;t!i 1 1. r iff ii'.n-. fa! Iioa.c Tlilt'll 1 . fi flillU i- tl.e -. ul, .. : t-vei'i- I In if i t" .i ii "f ho I' A.'l -a in tlueli- -. -. II, f maul y. - i - a l' 1 iv a ol v j a i ii -L e U : ' at in t-rv 1 1 "lie ' rnan ents. Mr. V. ,h .') f loom H . ML - ; l a' ... i er A" I', ni-'. -nop fUil the -::'i,:i'e Pi -byi. nan ! ' " ' ' " '"'' About k " 1 ,- "e ld:--' -iip.il r. -tid i'.al I'tiv - iie.i. ''u',"u' " 'be-ai luai - " -";,!- ' "'lt " 1 i i.e pn - n' : v i e , n - LL i i v r. in I i v v . The lie-.v ; 'i '.v ':-:-: i- e o'i L t ', i. : . W - -ll.t-.n. I in .s - t 'll i A ; . . . 1 IU :-. Mr- .1 -. V. !' K .a- . M:-s ,:-,h Su i -n : n , M.,:- ru' : Mr. Ii .id. Au .-Li. 1- :' on t he T Ii i' i:i, ore aial -- M - A tier! Mr i; P. .s. ,-. S. L. I .Mr-. V. S. ' it i.yi i I'M i i c r i o a tt l es . The Fle t-..l.ri.lSel rc Xtm Uis lor T.-i. New Weekly Sleribers-IIi- I'irsl Winner 0- 0ll. 'l.tt' d.'fitxxi.'s pieaiinm oi. il-aiarie-. Weh-t.-rs I'ifibn ,1. Iiif - lUTaeMiml th. h i une i-' h a v. ie P w.-nt to Mr , i , : , ....,, ... A . IS. S, ith o: I'ol -lif lit t ll' n t -een red ;h tt n -u --. ii' -e s ti ,,- i to tile- U'EHKI.V .I'.t'i'NAI. luce : - ii t i ' "in ,c' i' n r v. , ii In Ii ! - t hey a r ived. The tt'ei mi- mad- sinuiiii Iv whli . I 1 ... I . I, : - r . . 1 I ...... , I" f - T I - . . . ; , n , i t r i... i; ... ..... 11. i. i. .... : idi with b .sin. - Ik.- ia-h an.' 1 p omptae--. .-id h:s v . k wad- they weie on th- w .y. w. b.ti r' d' - n ir k ' uooil work. , al M--t a !, i . i-it-lt. 'I'm- i a i ; i n we .-tl'.r . .. "di .-- ! or it.al w ith which the c untr.v w.i- lvce.lv rl ode bu' Is ot a tla 1 1- '-"-I'lii- a!.':'. : d line it is IlOttlle LiA-' .' Ot 11 'I We ' sle I " - (1 if ti.'i)-, i.s :u rv. I :- a u woi k. and it inn ..ii 1 w ! ah tal What Mr sniii'i 1: tl , e i.thpiscan do, iii ahno-t . ny . .inii.uuiiy. Who will i-.i tie iu- one with--m nu c-,st except ;i little lic oi y Mi' S : itli ritt s us ap , lti, ,,f . , f() , ' p(,L,(K v : ,.L1;. X . t ' . Jan 'Hli. , J-.niTo:: aot kn.il: I'.i-as "l"l" i.ecept ,. , i ,,.,. - i" i 1 1 .1 , . ni. . ; it ... .i:,.t;,i ,ni in 1 1 ' v t faun.-; i.i lit .j ' , i'ii.ui ii 1 1 it. iiii ' i.i i . ., . which you si nt in.- a- i ompi usatioa for sen d .ir von ten n-arlv -nb-t ilbers to ih- 1 kkkly J.-vknai.. , lam hi-hiv r'ea-el with ti.e work j ar.tl Aw its'.r t :et an ther copy ior one oi my i lea ,- i-i uie n-ar luttiie. - aiu.ui; ... a...i ui .im .auiu.ic, : I 's-u wi 'l-tin. v. v- .-Mllll. MEMOStlAI. OF T. H. II Y M A ' - IS.v Wayne Lodge o. lit;. A. F. V A. nasiiiii. (.ol.Ulioro. X. t)ir Irot'f:, Ti.eo.i"re P. Ilyniau, ; -a-- , fr in -.hor t" ie re-haien'.'' on j Oc'.-L er '-st I,--. As his i. ri tai'. n ol this j ami it at I i.otiorab! order, wede.-nel to p!a - upo-' ,. , ,, i i .i i . i I . an -intelui anil ap- pr i :a'le i'- n e i-ofiin e o: In u. lie ha- ui': 1 1 . i"'!-i3 her- P.-hivv. huiiibA- im-. he litisdones, Km toen-er t-al r -in 'iiii ni'. v lie i c i e"i i vett bv the Siii.r. me .,n.i (irand Masiei of us all -er :i the I. id God Oaiiiinotent into j b i . i ta' ' lis w In re tnefe l'Tc 1 in. i, - I;, no e i'-, no si! n-r; :i-r no ,- ;. Ir,,i. .. I ... lo ,., w .i.i a 1 .t- r as an tr. -u-i . .. it- .": a at -h-ows. its y; ,.',--". I ,"',-.' ri- i,Vfa,-P,! i,ii.vi;i i"i- hint. We c-'ii t peie'r-it- the veil w hi1 ,i hi e - i ' i a train "tu , ,lu,rif,. ns we m i v. 1! in-. i . ii, 1,,..' ,.a a' ' he:' f ce tr ms' ... 1 1 K, .1 ban . .. ,,.1 , .ni",. 1 11 d down- 1 I. hi! nil 1 - w 1 P Willi ! t pe c and :,s-. ... ,, 1" ,i..,...c,.,i , ' .'..,.,: ,. ,J,' ... 1 .1 w 11 t a- I tf '-.- with' ill " ar tne b ud n 0 ' ip ief 1 , ... 1 1 1 . .,-111 t : 0 tei i 11 ll... . ,, 7 , , ,'.,,, 1 . :i - f ,- pa- e b ev- r with : a'.otind-.' I in the path e, ! a le i e: li into liti- . i t - r 'ii'.- "! a.:- n eii)' -rial L i:v': .-'s' Pr .lid. to The it-- f . . ill a c-'pv be in. !,-:.- r ' ' - k t" th- Lo I-c. s : K A" a. i. i M tj v r; I :' . '. .:. 1 i.. l P .t.KitlN.i. i. j .'. . . nllll'i'.c-'. j-'.vs I lilillil'. A t 1 I e fie."! I'i.orn i' - 1 eb ,- LL Kurop.-. d lunied L n i he -i i n- 'Phe Boer- I' I ' 'if .... Brliisli ii-'ats P 11 & Co . :m I the Belle' - Conip.i v of Louis- . -de .I- e-ls r a-s;- ,- Art' t T P -'.".I. V. .lo. in t X. - ii D.-t.. vide. Ky iii'e meat to t Th. tw o li o... whioi did .in c: onnou whi-k. 11 1 ' f ill V biisin. si. ' , ' '"b-'ii cm- John P. Botes & Co.. . nu-.-t'-n ii.r-nh.n s. A'.:uta. '-.a., were closed Tiiu'. -d v b . t e -to r ff Mi J .. - ', . ..- ;.. , t a: ! no .-l.t-rilent - "lit i a' !-, t-.t it 1- I'll i. 1-s'O 1 I ti.at G;i.. were ! ,,,, .ll,.,,. i '-th . I : ; e. , if i ji .--' a ' t pO lioilclll- d ill; l.i Ul'. I it . u i ,i- ' fol'.'-eV Mac i Pni'ed S tt'is tail nd. o. Ae'.v 1 -i' a . n as I! lei ; a bill 01. ' iinni:! ill in lie- I " : i : ed Sides I L re n i t s -! - - - C'onrt In the n on ihe L alt. d States aaint the th:rtv-two railroad comapni. s con-tit u: tn-r tne joint tr:. lli a-.-ociati-n nd has - iv n notce lhat he will, on Jan. lilll, ll-ai-.' a mini 'll in. an miiuciiini ie. icsiriiu ilu-iu fro 11 o,)Liu'iii un-lir their -'-'C- in, President CV'-vciiiri'l h. written a letter - , .,1 ,-, o .u-.u.i .moi m ..i .. .u .'" U. iamors.,1 a bond de.,1 and says he has Imd no conference with b-inkeis and ttiat a ,.. iuaf l-ati was the only plan . 'enn - l lereo. lie miv n- aun.z u ai me inioh :anc t n .t Ie i'L even e.xjited I'a' b- an-hi) to adopt n-a ba-.s ol attack the uatnur, d-td :ac a-d 01 ot a maucoiis y man lnc.ou- a-.d .-e i-a: loiia! newspaper. Tne L"i i -n (iobe. for ex niiple. says thi-aLe: o "Tneie A al's .iuttdy no d i:..n i . e if i ' 1 1 i : 1 1 anan)- Bn'Otis in the-r kfeii i - n i i.t . i tl.e wholly tin- ji-.-v- i.p I : if . : i.t up-n this land iv Iviip-rior W'i li .in alld I. is l'o.ilhardy .-.'.iir.-eb- r. I si.-i.l of u oi kiu- Eu-'aul harm w , ; ii the A ms: icaas the Ea.peiur's i siliii! int udei eiice lias rcvivid the t'e.-iinu . f ki s . i p and is makiug easier a irienlly au'aneaient up m the Vene- zuulau question, 1 - - Olio ol t i II-rin- .1 ii r i Dniivn (or Siii'rior anil i riniiii.-il 4 on r I Ot h r lln.i ii-s. 'I'll Ilo ii'l : ('.-nr,;-.: ., - - i i llll I V 1 1 1 1 t ; ' Mi. 1 ; 11 ll:i Ii,.- Mo., I , v i 1 It I) ill-J i in- lilll .l.i w I if a tilt: till In ! ilir ii a - 1 1 ii i a I 'i ' -ent. ' ' i i. n i ;--n ii ta -. Brv -n. i-li.'i,'.i . W . '. i: f. ( ' ,'rr ai tl .1. A . ,. .. -. ( lot "', .!, th il I ,.- I.. - ,. -tlo I I -ad to I. . -mill. : rt ma 1 1 in '. in- , i -7 ", i ... cr. :ii-. litl'-ii .t. that th" I l - :i -tint listcl t-' I. la- II i -. al 7 ' M' .1 lo I .'.-, on a . ,.l . 'III-' fit Ii 1 1 I v. I .ft- i -.i l ' illt and Ii-!. I iiv Ii' i I rt a it I if !..-. i dirllu'r : ha; l i'oi. : l I I l M tl -a au! W. 1!. ;-i I V. I 'f If I 111 i . ! ;n Vine n s I .. a a ' - sl. tun) on at count of t i r r. (Jr iiivd. tliat 'o,i . h al jetl t i I". L Krniil, on tax li-t I sv."i u , cr iLe !,. el ,. money on hand, be -ti it Leu ii'-ni - a I .. a on act ount of i-rmr. T hp eiiai rina n i in -pit r i 1 1 l.i th.- 1 1 .-ii.! Cfavt u county Londs ol the denom i. ,;l ni ol ;j-i00, nunii efed 71. 75 and 11 i. ar- elnse.l i.y him fi'fcre.littsiakii.,-! i i. On motion. C'oinmi n'mi r- Ii.ui a a , a lows were npp.inloda n iiim ::f t ,1'stroysaid bond-, uliali I, y b; i.urnin the same in tin- pnne - I ih- P.oartl. Register ol Deed.-, Cou-.iy AM"-- lie and Ji. P. I)nalii y. Iv-.. A petition Ma- pre- ntetl t" 'h 11" i i -ifilitl by J W. Laae .-o d otl.-ri; ien- of towiisliiji No. a-kiiiL' for the c-t I, !i-hni( nt ot a I'li'ijie ioa . L a l n Loo i tl.e Map'e Cypi'ss .-rossiu mi N-u e riv.-r to Port Parnwel! and i!. A. I!---e1 L- on Ni u-e ro el. P. i- Onleied. tiiat t'n; t La'fnian 'I t -15. nil'. 1 be ,un! In- i- herein r. . i - 1 :, a I an t hor .-' I lotr-nser. L In- tiene'. - '" U- H.'1:,L litx. "" lK" ,;' " 1 '', 'l,a' T'i" TV t'.eiem tie-, ill,'-, li-te-1 an. I -old as ti e prop I ly oi Rob It ' i" Her. Ii-'ljert Ililssee, Timni a- II. I ; ' I: :-tl- f I 'lU"nmi,y "'f r.o-rU.i a, I'.x i.?l",,';,t''- r lio,"i l" '," u-' " "' !'' ''' "' , a- ami a io r. spi. i.w i. iip-i p.c-- ' ment ol -aid V. L. Ban-I to lb - tr a.-a: if Craven enmity, o: al! taxe, l(n expiessed on the fife ,f -a: i tett , . and al other back taxe- and c'.-i- ,J.i. slid re:i' estate. The Board proceeded t" df.wa l'l . . . i t"'' I' cbruary term Nipei.or .o-.rt. I-.... when the lollowiii'' une .if iwi. KUtsT wkkk. lit towDSlnt): n A .M' L i wli-rn. K B Stewart. KliisIP Amitr-on. .1 .li.i I. i Pulcher. J B II.uv y. U' I) Wl.ul r : P A Lanea-ti r, B P Ful-iitr. I.-wS J-. i Laullill-llOUSe. IleaiV J ('a.-i'iAi'i III David Tripp, Sr. 'id town-hiii: J . i h ti I-i I .if- , ti Chas R. Price ai .1 A P Wan 3 I tOwn-hin h J White. .. 1 j Haw kin-. L P Taylor, J II 0..ii;.;h. rty. 1 i-nonius liuottes, cot ath township lames P Tay! 8th township Ralph ir.iv lieor-e S Wilcox J R Rowc, llll I Humphrey. ie L W'i.te s. BP. Davenport. E B ( . .x . -l , ' .. , .1 .. : I. eiaii'iiut: oian i , coi.. ami u' tt'.-haii i i , , - Richardson, col. 9th township John P Shut-. 1 , A r ylnis, William Diwson. j'-rte-. T Weiherin-ton and B P Dixon. SMCOND WEEK. 1st township Joshua Parsons, Dnttv Willis, J A Ahlridge ami Sani'i K:.e. 2d township James A Th-.m ... V A Thomas, F P Ga-kins. 1. (i Tin) i .sand V A Barrin-ton 3d tnwDStiin J dm E A v. rv. Cell township (i P Williams and 1 1 nub Whitehcii.l. Ttll towDship Wil-hin-tou Splvey. Mill township T H Willis. J A Joiie-. John Ii Lane, R uben 11 Berry and Thomas: B oviieu FOR CRIMINAL COt KT. ... . i. ; .. - . . i i. i It jsi luiNiisiiio oiimnei i iei, iif'ii: . p, .i, ,.- !.-,,,..,, . u-, -p : Ham IIufT, Geo. F Va ne. i) im I Widi-, ;V '"'-'l '!,!,- K- 11 ' , , T , . . , . r, , . ... , ' i V T l Ta" Ti Q : i 1 ri I I f ' . ' i I t i; k' UN t f 1 1 u l:ller' ' ua'J',; , ' f- , -su townsnip j ii lariiii i. u m ..ni k. i 1 1 o . I . I.' i .... I . .. inii-iio n . iiicrif-ti'iii. n i i in ' i ' iei i . . i ntll lowns:iij .v l Cli'-ina '. r. B.-il'inrer. Mlh township p E II irner. P S C-x. Matthews, W A Mciut-.-li. J P ' , , ; ,,. , , , . tdaik, KK Jones. E I Bishop Ipock. G T Ricliari i-nu, E (i Ruff, W P ; Rountree, Jonas Dame co 11. 1. in,na.; w rr W'ek-. J T. -' i-ivuoij.u i 1 1 Uielin-ton, r. z, it IJavi- j pi eiii-'n. i " '",!i0!1 br l"ok il r ' ' : next d iv at ten o clock. ti, Tl1-s;i i :i V 11 nPliin.r .1 , 1 " v 7 I 1 ne imam met at iu o cio to adjournment. 1 Present, Cm nis-io-.ers J Bri an, 1 hm'n., J. A Mea :ow M Carr and W. C. Bi'ewa". Ordered, that, the lot on East. Pneit striet liste I to ileafv f; iskin- at s7ju ' f .a luced in valtlf lo ahO a- ii.K 1- tl bv t Bo o'd of Assessors ol 8ili tnwu-hip. Gftleie.l, tlut' ih- I..; on (Jrith'th stt'.ft lis cd to : 11 Sc-.tt be fed i' e i m in u-fr-.in sjl 1.500 to ijl.'i-iO as advise I In :e-'-sof- iSpi low n-h p. Ordered, that the lot iha'-el to N. . ' haai C i-c in ci'v of New B 1'-", "li'ax le-t 1 -'115. be iucf' use 1 in nt iK fi'iiii s;',''i t ' if 5i io. Ord. re I. that W II Mos. l, v. N . '. t.iwii.imp, be relieved Ir an paym ut i po i lax, he '.. i h- p. . . . ti .. in al tiun ol the boar I ti.ai h ;- r '- '- The b a;d th. n proce-d. d t . ih- . - -d ra' on ot -c e -o m-n t-i - a- r. o . r-.l V -ti. tl'fl 2 a !.") til til" si no L , i 11 I : '- p"ft i Il.d die inane) - ai tin - a! i'lf Inn d- ol the tieisnn r o the ".iv . -i 1 ,, I m .1 :.!ii"ii- t iie re-ii : i ' i - r e - ah,'.- and f.f f 1 "f I he c mn-y Or. lei e-1, th .t ti e r '. c.-l : J. P Lalloipie n No. 1 t- . n-n . p. 1 " r it ' m value Horn eibiJ to Vi .. o.t e r r. ( I a '.'fed, th it the pi'-'i e y 1 -I' d t . m -. .. i - . . i.-, ... .... .ii - ,-i ii.i iiniiet nu .- ni i '"iii .it'. city ol .Ne-v Heme, now ,i-t"i Le tax i- tio'n at mi la- ruin a .1 ill '. I lie t-. ..-,-., ' . ' . . O.'Ui red. t uat up II p Vine I.l.. pi- !.e. .-.x i . .... -i-.-i . . ,r,,-,- cd M. Bryan and (1. 1) 1. wt ,, : Itiiuois lor six tif n h- a' i ; a .. : , . , , . ... l.u-uii s., Cos sliiii'. a i : i N i . Ordered, That the lot m p,,, n-'n lU.p.1 in lt.in.lv Wrn.1,1 nr i-'-.o I ,ut.,.( to $'200, lie limn ; a i . . . i r c ... ....... i S .1-1 aft o no I-I- ih sum loi to iieiii rtiinaii'i ..,. flf .-.0 Hills ..P. iwp.1 I'.l ni l ,i IF. it any little wor 1 ct ntiin-. j ""v itr e hong o mlne :iv mn kp ii li pn it tic 1 1 1 t 1 for t.n , .- , , ,,.,i. ,i m, L,-i At, , tPJ " . 4U 'ti,k.t "'b , " 1 ' ' ' ' ";;,""' " if ani little love of mine Mav make a lite the sweep r, n ,, j little care ol mine May make a Iriend's the tleeter, In anv lift ot mine may ei.se Teh burden of another, G.nl five mo love m.H ,; an. I :-.-. b To help my tolling br-tiieil I f ihe Baby is rntlluir Teeth. Be sure and u-e that old and wcll-tri. d remedy, Mrs. Winslow's S.olhiei; Syaup for children teething. It soothes the child, softens the gums, allays all pain, cures ' wind colic and is the bist r.uieily liar diarrhoea. Twenty five conts a bottle. I 1SiiIh I'oid mill l'l rtt) fl rilir. ( 1 v 1 ( a rnllllil l iiil e ol V. r ry V.iilii!,!. Milhoil ol MnkliiK 1 1 mi i itiiin ..I tli.- i nlr Known-A n-iii ( rtiiiil Ukiiri'il-MimnUr- laiiis siionlii i.riiKii ihe Oppor- t x '"" T" Pro- II I-1 s I 1 annual spec- 1 ,: "1 : 'll-- Kl hi Y.IofKNAI ' . . her' , ,, , . ?-' . , . , ,. . i A ii.l tunneled her i iirN an they blew; !' I" '--I- an, mI.m on ..I l.vethous-!AfJ(loncc wlrli wjll u.0,euJt nnm ' n . Li r - j ie. : il edition o en, -, j. - ' I the Kmslon, They kiiued the bright wonder,. ; , ".'' pt iLt.i i. little; , RPrt . And made u ftwr l wing of hr tretVM.y." I N- n den,.- I-: I-I...U..I the Silver Cr.' T,'y OM"ed thin wild curl to " taj . . t- . - i i. . n ma.!- ii-,. ..I to call the at- hTt. ')'.;--' a , ,. L,e puh.i, to the Pair This i . n . . r, . ..... , !t.A .V'''. ':'-' f ne .rlv two thousand con- - i t 1 1 li e bund i e l copies if 'Miii n li-t- in beautiful i til. nre now (icing mailed. -. ai l p i-ler--. the. finest of - veniv-livc cents each, de n'ttior liatifinf nt promi ire now b iu-r inured bv 1 ' 1 1 1 ' lit.-.. i i '1 ii- t e P. i i h-- ' 7P I. w 1 I In :l, ai all the important i n ni v n! l le- minor one.-. - -I it' anil in It lie border- i I -i i two t housand small ' a pa-it il up by Mr. Bull, . i 1 ev are I ike! v lo eatt h j ' bundled calendar-. ' M - I en.f plain d in s - :' 'III. work lor the j rt - , : I ' , ii: lend pencils. A i ; Tat 1 1 1 " i a - i' le: tei - ai t htue sides, ure ti"i lie r " ii nr w n tint the 1- all' us s in a 1 1 . t L - i a. '', e n'ti a a- sa v , "New Berne I'a.t, 1-', l.'y. J). -ii, ''7. v.'-, and '."'', I i oi u - . you will 1 ie p 1 1 a - t 1 1 . S.i. lak- it a It t -ret Iir it will lie seen . hit the Pair by il- Minou- niethoils oil a . I . ei t . -i iw will u-e over twenty -five I Iiour- I iiiiilpi-ces.il P. or literatuie. This is ad-I if - ' a; : n a liLeral scale. The maussers h n .'. a iy- ac ed Math jseal in maKinj; the riii nt- o: ihe Pier known by every I n t : - I ihle and this year theT are lo i -i 1 1 1 1 ! more in IliP line than ever , y TL re will lieyond tpiestion lje fi great j . . an mi : se ot 'people In the Pair, oiltl we ! woalil r.iil t i.o attention ol ruainuNclurers, i-,-i ' d y l he inauufaeturero of hite-t im m ' - ' d m n hiuery, to the splendid opp ir-u:-'. iv tli- l air affords to brin their p '""ii t.- t i the attention of the men t'n'V wen il i.ie t i leach. It i a .i:-i liitn'.-i Ihe.n to make an exhibit at he P ot. SHE ALWAYS MIE HOME HAPFT P. a i ii' i , li'ir.-hy.ird stood a stone, W .'.thi i -mai ketl ami stained; 'l'n 1 ami ' f tune Inul ( rumbled it, So only part remained. I "p -ii one silp I t on Id just trace, " In in. morv ot our mothei;' "Sh-- always in n le home happj V 1 1 1 i s U'ti- -h;- led en the other. I - 7. 1 on monuments of fame, 1 1 .-h I'm 'nil-; to the sk ies; 1 s i v Ih- sculptured marble stone 'L'. her.- a -rent, hero lies; But L tlii- epitaph I paused, A i I le ul it '. r and o'er, Pi.r I b.nl 1,. v. f seen inscribed Su.ai words as (hese before. - Sh- always made home happy!'' W ' at -i n. dile record left ! A i a-'it y if metn'ries sweet 'l'n those w lioni death ben fi. What a t, sii nonv to her worth B. tho-e who knew her bent, Er.-ravon on this t ruinblin-; stone That marked their mother's rest. 1 1 w i - a narrow rrstinfr-plare, Am nj i he a unil. le poor. Bin they had .- . n their mother toil. And pata ntly endure. I 1 1 , i . , .. ! i . - v w l III r rt ci n -i ti r-a ....,.... 'v Mie '',n'' ner rru- ! ke nunieiis up the lull, ,,i . , iina:: net o-n was o er. S-. wln-n (io.l -ti'lod her wciry heart. I-oidul her h.n.ls so white, A ' d ' .arr.e.l irom the home .,,.,' ..! i,v,,.i,i Her i h: idt'.-a n ared ii monument Th t r.i ne- could not buy. I'"- 'a i'ne-s "1 t noble life. o 1'iis' rec a' I l- on ln-.li. 11 .'1' In m 1 but w i iltpn d I 1 1 ' k o' falll. ; h ii-t of 11 1 1 1 . 1 I ones v 1 t 1 iv h r r: a mo. P. 1 ti 1 In r household knew I'e 1 ; 1" 1 11 s -he hai 1 won; Ami 1 one h ,t they 0 mid testify 11 w w 11 Lei work was done. Susan Teall Perrv. A I TI M X. 1 Mill NAX'T.. T.i- M e- at'f afi'ned in their crimson and itoid. i'he piiiplf tn i -1 veil o'er the hilis is nn- in die 1. A f w ilai- o! - .I i ml. ir -nf gorgeous dis-j pi.v i';n ti t li li"'tht bu"- i ! slimmer will nil l'.l-- an f . n av s:t - . i ti.e spring's verdant ! i i .u v. ai .1 (lowers, - - -1 m in. a - sweet roses an 1 shudowy i l.if.iels, liflu .alit h ue- of autumn, her pur-I ph -ieil tl mils, : he hear. '- s e L le-t thoughts while' . i.eh on ill- the -aze. : w Wl V I- it win ii always most happy, I win, do w- w.-ep when our hearts are in-.-l -lad ) i ue -iii-ve lo be happy'' Does sorrow i!eli-!n'- W i at I-1 mils sin h -ad ihoii-hts when the .1 i - al e so l r 1 1 1 ! ; f I, : .- all.;.- ii Int. r to everything- i . t . I P.- a-iin- nlwavs brliifi pain, joys are J lipv. r co.nplele i i i e a r. - a -i i vs heart loii-inifs. and hopes I if 1 n i'n 0 I, An 1 tlr.-aiii- "1 the future for tbid has so i ui.L.h I --li a.,,1 w e itiinniur l-et ause a mist hides all tie uai, !. . .u-f ii se a- i w here our footsteps -I, .11 -tuir hali iie no' Le a ', e ivi-r that God knows p-e ii.sil- T.ik- t i e - " i I as 1 1 c lines an 1 trust Hun lo; the re-t. Wh.-ii the purple 1 1 j i-t veil from the hills is up i "I ii .1 We -hi i -ee a 1 th. ir splendors of ( riin- .,,11 and -old. A I - ., nil a ! "I i !iii i-i'. to make our 11 : V k linn 11. I a L- -' t v la- ,1 -how .-ill our path to His . real Iy H -iielit led by H. I.t. Nov. 28, 1H!5. Ti.i- i- i c nifv that I purcliased onit : boil e -IS I C, rroin Mr. C. C. Clark. ' Jr.. ai 1, iif price upon guarnntee of nn -oo i no pay. i i.erenv pay tsruuiinm s I'hara.acy the ba'anie 'Jo cents. The medicine In m lited me greatly. CoulJ ea no UKiit at all until I took 8. I. C B. B. Lkary, Florence, Pamlico Co., N. ('. It dll Iroin I he fold of a t(rr - Tlmt cainc in n Majt'.mp of old From one I aIwII n-vrr f'orirr-t her A curl with u trlmnonr of gold; And 1 thought of the hritfht luow lhat 'i. 1 1 was only (he brow ol n mil. Hut how fmifuMv tmcc il t'fiU o'er il This 'w iielnn .nvl wonderful curl' .V- i Her evrs. like the hvi.1wvcbr ' ' ;" ,' Beamed brfjl 1 1 us an April aol blue; . , , All the wiikIk of the May aeeinetl to lor t' "' . . ' . . " ' ?, ., r'"" . ' ' it n.iiinn iiuuuiju mo niiw una om KlMm; ""' '.- ' . NeRlecieil and lonely, ret cfcerlslwd It tmika like lit v In lilnoal - ' ,;' '- And though Ihe dear forclicnd lliat wom it Lies low lieneni h the innplc thai inoan," Still, still iu the .I nk I adoro it. Anil ki- it. and love it atone' f ' - P. I.. BUnton. FACTORS For the American Sugar Refining Go. And are in Position to sell At Hackburn & Willett, 47 & 4q Pollock St. NEW BERNE, N. C 'f. Is 4 " ' A ' i. ; i.U ;l,'v :i '; ' i '." f . ' !, ' 'T v.i ' ,j '...' : ',. - s - - - , i ' s- . " mm- f

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